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komosx · 1 year ago
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THE VAMPIRE DIARIES (2009–2017) — S01E18 | under control
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komosx · 1 year ago
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THE VAMPIRE DIARIES (2009–2017) — S01E20 | blood brothers
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komosx · 1 year ago
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Jim Kirk in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 2.03
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komosx · 1 year ago
The force of the blast left nothing standing in front of the god once more. Energy was always radiating around him, and the old god could not stop. Or perhaps even if he could, he wouldn't. Centuries had passed since he'd been killed and forced away, the demigods hiding from each of them for far too long. This hollowborn had been stubborn, but there was no more sound from the demigod within. Buried so far away, there was nothing left of Komos, and even if there had been, he would've been too weak to watch.
The possessed spartoi he searched for glowed the brightest amongst them all. Landing beside the other god, he siezed his jaw in his hand, pulling him in for a biting kiss, "It has been too long."
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komosx · 1 year ago
Komos would kill himself if he had to in this mess, the pounding of the gods against the inside of his skull just one more thing to deal with. He frowned slightly, "I'm not leaving, as much as I should have a long time ago." He picked up another bottle of whiskey, downing it probably quicker than he should, "Get them out before it's too fucking late, Cloe." He knew there was a lot left unsaid, a lot that the hollowborn had always pushed away. Perhaps there'd be a chance later, or perhaps there wouldn't be one at all – time would tell. "Stay safe. I'll see you later."
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"That is— Unfortunate. Sorry, I wish I could do something," she says quietly, hand reaching out to fall on his arm, but she stops herself before she can touch Komos and swallows back the temptation to do so. Her hand drops back to her side and she takes a breath, nodding along to his question even as she squeezes her hands into a fist. "The Dahlia are working on an evacuation plan for them, to a safehouse in the countryside, yes. I don't know the details, but I can find them out for you if you want."
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komosx · 1 year ago
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Your name is humming inside my chest. I think this is what it means to love. I this this is what it means to be living.
w/ @komosx
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komosx · 1 year ago
"Treating me? Like I'm a bit of an anomaly," that was at least the truth. Too many didn't know what Hollowborn were, and this was a fair assumption. Either way, Cloe and her animatronics that she'd brought to life seemed like a good enough defense system. The hollowborn had abilities and immortality, but halfbloods? Too mortal for their own good. "We have a few days at best with this onslaught. Is there an escape route for those who don't wish to fight?"
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Her heart soars and breaks at the same time, a grin pushing through despite the thread of disappointment as she reaffirms the truth that had begun to built on her head from the moment she woke up to an empty bed. As crushing as it is to admit to herself that she was likely nothing more than one night stand when she had hoped for more, there is a thread of vindictive glee at hearing Komos admit to any sense of solidarity with his fellow hollowborn. They had been arguing for far too long about the meaning of community and as to why she cared to make one, so even if this isn't and admission from him that he cared about all halfblooded, it is a step beyond she had expected. "I am glad you are here," she admits quietly, the smile still on her face as she looks away and swallows back the questions she doesn't want an answer for. "How is your team treating you?"
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komosx · 1 year ago
"Nothing is safe in the Otherworld, now. Nothing. Even if I had left, maybe I would've found a world that was far enough away. But time is irrelevant, Cloe, especially throughout the realms." The Hollowborn was tired, his energy spent after a long day. Even now, as he felt himself slowly recharge, he knew his body was continuously dying. It wasn't a great feeling, but it didn't need to be mentioned, either. "Hollowborns don't have a place, really, but we make our own. Too many made theirs here to abandon them."
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who? @komosx where? base camp when? night 1
"You know," Cloe begins, voice slow and measured as she gives Komos a measured look from where she is sitting in one of the crates they had moved into the Otherworld for their supplies. She is tired, the first day already taking more out of her than she expected, but there is nothing more to do than to keep fighting. Keep fighting, and perhaps finally satisfying her curiosity about the question that he had left unanswered the last time she saw Komos. She needs to know, needs the affirmation that there is a reason rather than the one that she is hoping, so that she has to stop holding onto the silly hope of hers. "You never did answer my question. Why are you here? You don't have anything to gain, I don't think."
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komosx · 1 year ago
"Do you need anything?" Komos stood leaning against the wall, the hollowborn watching as Cloe busied herself. There was a lot to be done, and he wasn't so sure he wished to help. At all. Either way, he was standing there, watching as the halfblood went back and forth. "Paperwork doesn't win a war."
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komosx · 1 year ago
"Why are you involving yourself in this war?" Komos never beat around the bush, he didn't ask how Ren was doing – most of that was irrelevant. If the hollowborn were to survive, then they wouldn't be bothered, there'd be nothing to ask – yet he knew Ren's stance, and here they were. "There are more realms. You would know that, wouldn't you? Raised in the Otherworld and all that. We can leave. There aren't many of us."
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komosx · 1 year ago
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you’re still in love with m—
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komosx · 2 years ago
who? @komosx where? near the play’s stage notes: this is me ignoring how we plotted the other thread to end <3
“Come on!” Cloe says between laughter as she slips her hand into Komos’ and pulls him towards the dance floor. There is something odd going on, she had been working on paperwork, wondering where the music came from, when she had found herself on the middle of Silenus funeral, the bright sky suddenly dark and a dress beyond her wildest fantasies around her. She had been wondering if the light was playing tricks on her, because things didn’t seem quite real, when her eyes had landed on Komos playing Osric on the stage and she had been enraptured. Cloe had sat through the entirety of the play, wondering why it felt like she was forgetting something, until she remembered that she clearly had meant to ask Komos to dance. As soon as the play had finished and he had changed back into his masquerade outfit, she had moved through the crowd until she got by her side. “You owe me a dance.”
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Something was telling the demigod to avoid Cloe, but he couldn’t. Nor did he actually want to, because most of those feelings drifted away almost immediately. The hollowborn was rarely true to his desires, preferred to avoid them at all costs, and he easily went to the dancefloor with Cloe. He hummed slightly, “Did you like my performance though? Osric is so underrated. It’s as if they forget about him.” He sighed dramatically, like it actually mattered, twirling Cloe around the dancefloor. “You look nice.”
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komosx · 2 years ago
“Eventually, sure.” Immortals were fond of lording the fact that they couldn’t die of old age like some indication that they would never die. Anything that bled could die and even Gods could bleed. In the end they were all a varied assortment of ultimately brittle genetic material. “I feel… Something.” That was probably the worst explanation that the hollowborn had ever offered. “My mind its- divided. One of the attributes of my ability. I think I’m alone,” he gestured, “in here, but I don’t know if I’d be able to tell if I was.” That just made him sound like he heard voices which also wasn’t what he was getting at. “Do you?”
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Ren was young, at least in regards to how old Komos was. He’d watched this world grow, lost his interest with it, and wandered the otherworld instead. He’d visited forgotten realms, destroyed worlds – all with their own bit of magic. But he’d done so while being hidden by Titania, this idea would be new to Ren, and he looked at the hollowborn now, “You know who they are, don’t you? Gods that have died and gone to Uthenera. The one that died recently – the druidic one – he’s not even there, I’ve heard. Whispers, rumors, these gods need us to live again. And they wear you down the longer you listen to them. Then, they’ll gain that ability you have – and never leave you.”
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komosx · 2 years ago
“I did,” Nathan admitted, “Ended up in a lot of trouble because of it too.” Good thing the senate was handing out amnesty in exchange for services. “That’s not what I meant, all of the possessions that were dolled out as prizes came from the covens here in Rome.” Nathan said instead, “They did something to them so they couldn’t be traded or gifted or stolen, if they were then they’d just go back to whatever coven had done the gifting.” Bit of security on their part to make sure that their gifts weren’t really gifts, but loaners. Not that the thief couldn’t get around that.
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This cambion was known for being able to get through all sorts of red tape. It’s why the demigod watched Nathan for a few moments, taking in the way that the son of a demon held himself. There was a casualness, one that spoke that Nathan had done a lot of this before, but also a sly way out. Like the cambion could disappear in an instant if he needed to, or if he had to. Either way, Komos tilted his head, “How long would it take you and what do you want for it?”
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komosx · 2 years ago
Clara, Keket, felt no such intrusions. She was a whisper of the hollowborn that she had been, a memory wrapped in the essence of something primal and arcane. Not alive anymore, somehow also not completely dead, but whatever the Gods were looking for would likely never be found in her again. It was only many years after her first death that she would come to learn the truth of what demigods were - whispers from those older than her who had seen what Eden was and what the Gods needed. When she learned of Artemis and her search, when she learned that her birth had been the first marriage of light and dark but she had not the first eligible vessel. It had just been whispers then, something that didn’t matter too much because the Gods slept, avariels were whisked to Elysia, and younger demigods were born much later and far too sparse for even Keket to find until much later when Ren finally came into her life.
Ren had not told her this feeling and this fear. If he had, Clara wasn’t sure she could have brought herself to turn away. But she should have thought so. She should have feared it, assumed it when she saw Apollo had come again. Artemis might not have been with him the first time they met, but with all that was happening now after The First’s death should have told Keket that this time would be different. Many more Gods were coming. “They’re waking?” She murmured. All lighthearted and casual kindness fading away. “Do other demigods know this? Have you spoken to any others?” She knew none but Ren, and  the other hollowborn that she’d fought against in the Otherworld… now this one.
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“Waking is probably not the right term.” They were always awake, but Komos crossed his arms over his chest now, looking at Clara as realization hit her. She was someone he’d only heard of, but never met. A resurrected hollowborn, not enough fey to become drow, and not enough drow to be thrown back into the cosmos of reincarnation. The Otherworld was vast, collapsed societies and worlds that were too dangerous to venture into, that was where Komos had made his home for so long when the mortal realm had lost its charm. “A few, but not many. When the faerie queen was forced from this world, she took with her whatever she was doing to protect us. Hollowborn, avariel, tieflings…the list goes on. Now we’re back to being the perfect vessels, and they know where to find us.”
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komosx · 2 years ago
“Oh, yes. I am sure I regret not kissing you when I had the chance,” Cloe admits as she sends Komos a playful grin, the hand on his wrist letting go so she could raise it to brush her fingers against his cheeks with care. There is a hundred things she wants to say, but she stops herself, not allowing the burst of emotion to escape her lips as she takes in his features. It’s stupid to deny that she is in love with the demigod, stupid to deny the feelings that have been slowly growing, and she no longer wants to deny herself the truth. She doesn’t think she will tell him, not when she doesn’t think the feelings are returned, not when he is immortal and he will likely leave long before she dies, but at least now she can admit the feelings to herself, and she wants. Oh, how she wants him. “I am regretting the fact that I am not kissing you right now too, but I just wanted to make sure you were interested. So tell me Komos, can I kiss you?”
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Komos was still frowning, a staple of how he always was and felt. Pessimistic at all times, this weird, unending urge to ruin everything that he saw and touched. Once this world had become boring, he’d left it behind. His parents had done what they could, but they’d died, been wiped away clean, a sibling that he’d never known – gone. Love had been taken from him so easily, that he was loathe to let it in once more. His ability was slowly killing him, as well, a secret that he’d kept from Cloe and would continue to until he couldn’t any longer. Fleeting passion was enough for him to lean forward, letting their lips brush for a moment, “Go ahead.”
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komosx · 2 years ago
A healer. Her heart swelled. Keket had never met another demigod that had been gifted similar traits as she once had, though she hadn’t met many to begin with, even after thousands of years. “Magical injuries are usually dealt with with magic,” she explained with a small smile. “I lost my gift but I gained magic that isn’t unlike the fey. There’s limits to it, of course, but you make due and you learn a lot over the years.”
Not an avariel, nor tiefling, and long before the spartoi. Demons were created by a place made by Gods, seraphim were from the cosmos itself. First of her kind, light and dark, not touched by divinity in the same traditional ways as the first two demigods, Keket remembered the day that her mother finally trusted her with the full truth of the fear and even disgust that so many of her people had held when they realized the truth of Nuven’s pregnancy. Carrying the child born of opposites and a natural enemy. Who knew what the baby would become? Shunned, turned away, the first hollowborn had only ever known a home with her fey mother in the mortal realm with humans and their kin. Things became different for hollowborn as more came into existence and the fey learned, but things were never as different as they were nowadays; it was something Keket was very grateful to see for her kind. 
She guffawed and shook her head, smiling wryly. “I wouldn’t try anyway. Very few are capable of seeing past what their insane, precious Queen tells them.” She smiled lightly. “So, at the risk of sounding like the old lady I am, you have no idea what a gift it is to meet more hollowborn these days. Especially one like you. Is there a reason you’re in Rome… in the Faerie forest of all places?”
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Her response didn’t spark joy, but nothing really did these days. Komos was a hard man to please, perhaps more drow than fey, but he’d never admit that, either. His search of a mirror had been put on the backburner; if only he could find out what had happened the moment his parents had birthed his sibling – then maybe he’d know where to start looking. Either way, Komos was damaged on a molecular level, and her response was perhaps expected – he had stopped holding on to any hope a long time ago. 
“There’s a lot going on here. And now...” he tapped his temple, “now the gods are ready to rumble. I hear them. They push at your sub-conscience...until you give in.” There was a way to avoid this – he was a broken vessel, one that harmed itself every time he absorbed energy and released it. “You probably can’t hear them. You’re technically dead, something different.”
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