#ecclesiastes 12:14
For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.
(Ecclesiastes 12:14, ESV)
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scripture-pictures · 1 year
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resentful-reads · 1 year
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Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle
“For God will bring every work into judgment, Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil.” Ecclesiastes 12:14 (NKJV)
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wiirocku · 3 months
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Ecclesiastes 7:12-14 (NASB1995) - For wisdom is protection just as money is protection, But the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the lives of its possessors. Consider the work of God, For who is able to straighten what He has bent? In the day of prosperity be happy, But in the day of adversity consider— God has made the one as well as the other So that man will not discover anything that will be after him.
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Deuteronomy 4:2, “Now listen, Israel, listen carefully to the rules and regulations that I am teaching you to follow so that you may live and enter and take possession of the land that God, the God-of-Your-Fathers, is giving to you. DON’T ADD A WORD TO WHAT I COMMAND YOU, AND DON’T REMOVE A WORD FROM IT. Keep the commands of God, your God, that I am commanding you.” (MSG) Ecclesiastes 3:14-15,…
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bojackson54 · 7 months
A Bonfire of Vanity: Advice From the Wisest Man Who Ever Lived
Tom Wolfe (who wrote, “The Bonfire of the Vanities”) said, “The surest cure for vanity is loneliness.” Another person who understood vanity was (an older and somewhat jaded) King Solomon. After living a life of wealth and achievement, and after marrying hundreds of wives and keeping dozens of concubines, he wrote this: “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and…
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maperezstuff · 1 year
On Bended Knees and Hearts
Sept 23, 1968: It is a day of celebration. We are with our beloved maternal grandma. The little girl (me) happily stands near her beautiful baby sister who carries an infectious smile. We are celebrating my sister’s two-year-old birthday. Oct. 22, 1968: One month later, it is a day of mourning. We are devastated, and heartbroken about the precious life taken much too soon by a hit-and-run…
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girlbloggercher · 7 months
how to read the Bible
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this is in order!
1. John
2. Mark
3. Matthew
4. Luke
5. Genesis
6. Exodus
7. Leviticus
8. Numbers
9. Dueteronomy
10. Romans
11. Galatians
12. Colossians
13. Proverbs
14. Ecclesiastes
15. Job
16. 1 Peter
17. 1 Corinthians
18. 2 Corinthians
19. Ephesians
20. Philippians
21. 1 Thessalonians
22. 2 Thessalonians
23. 1 Timothy
24. 2 Timothy
25. James
26. 2 Peter
27. 1 John
28. 2 John
29. 3 John
30. Jude
31. Psalms
32. Joshua
33. Judges
34. 1 Samuel
35. 2 Samuel
36. 1 Kings
37. 2 Kings
38. 1 Chronicles
39. 2 Chronicles
40. Ezra
41. Nehemiah
42. Jeremiah
43. Lamentations
44. Ezekiel
45. Joel
46. Amos
47. Obadiah
48. Nahum
49. Habakkuk
50. Zephaniah
51. Haggai
52. Zechariah
53. Malachi
54. Micah
55. Hosea
56. Luke
57. Esther
58. Jonah
59. Song of Solomon
60. Acts
61. Titus
62. Philemon
63. Hebrew
64. Isaiah
65. Daniel
66. Revelation
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simmyfrobby · 7 months
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— [Again and again, even though we know love’s landscape], Rainer Maria Rilke (trans. Edward Snow)
Ecclesiastes 1:9 by WolfSpider
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Hockey Poetry Post ?/?
img. links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
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The Lord Has Told You
He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God? — Micah 6:8 | New King James Version (NKJV) The Holy Bible; New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 5:22; Deuteronomy 10:12; Deuteronomy 30:15; Proverbs 21:3; Ecclesiastes 12:13; Isaiah 56:1; Isaiah 57:15; Isaiah 66:2; Jeremiah 22:3; Ezekiel 33:14; Hosea 6:6; Hosea 12:6; Amos 5:24; Micah 6:9; Zechariah 7:9; Luke 12:14
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For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.
(Ecclesiastes 12:14, ESV)
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scripture-pictures · 22 days
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ltwilliammowett · 1 year
Midshipman Juba Fortune
Here's a nice little thing I don't want to keep from you.
From 1613 onwards, so-called "clandestine fleet marriages" increasingly took place in the somewhat unusual surroundings of Fleet Prison in London. English marriage law was only precisely fixed by an Act of 1753 ("Lord Hardwicke's Marriage Act"). In the previous legal uncertainty regarding the formation of valid marriages ("common-law marriages" had been legal until then), a brisk marriage business developed in Fleet Prison and the surrounding area in the 17th and early 18th centuries. This was because prisons could claim to be outside ecclesiastical jurisdiction and so made it possible to marry in secret. But what exactly was meant by a secret marriage? A secret marriage could come about because the groom was not yet 21 years old (i.e. of age), the bride was pregnant or her parents did not consent, or the groom was not in a position to pay the marriage tax. The advantage of such marriages was that they could be entered into without the consent of the parents, without witnesses or even a certificate of residence. However, children were also allowed to marry, as the minimum age was 14 for the groom and 12 for the bride. Due to these circumstances, these marriages were very favourable and were considered legal, even if clandestine.
During the 1740s, some 6,000 of the 47,000 annual English marriages were performed in the Fleet area alone.
But let us now turn to such a secret marriage. On board HMS Invincible in 1757 (one year after she sank) was a young man named Juba Fortune, Mishipman, born in the East Indies in 1713.
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HMS Invincible’s muster roll, by Brent Piniuta (x)
Also on this muster roll is Edward Fortune, Captains Servant born 3 September 1738 in Marylebone, London. Interestingly, Juba married Elizabeth Howell of London in a secret wedding ceremony in Fleet Prison on 27 July 1738, and Edward appears to be their son and revealed the reason for their quickly secret marriage.
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What happened to them after the sinking of HMS Invincible is not known, so they are not listed. It is possible that they were no longer at sea after that.
If this is indeed a case of father and son, then this would also be an interesting matter for other pattern roles and could by all means point to other secret marriages and family connections. Which in turn should be kept in mind for further research in the field of muster rolls.
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hiswordsarekisses · 6 months
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“Hailed as the wisest King in history, we might question that, just based on his 1000 wives story!
But it’s a tender story, this King Solomon.
His father, the adored King David, had made one of his greatest mistakes.
He had committed adultery and had the woman’s husband killed.
Not a bright shining moment for anyone, let alone a king. A child was born from that adultery and little Daniel died. Solomon was born next.
Scripture says something about Solomon, it doesn’t say about any other baby.
…..”She bore a son, and called his name Solomon; and the Lord loved him.” (2 Samuel 12:24b)
Solomon is a derivative of the Hebrew word “Shalom” which means Peace.
God had said Solomon would be a man of peace, so he could build the Temple.
A place of God’s Presence.
While we may see our spiritual life as warfare here, let is always be mindful that the Presence of God is Peace.
Solomon was so special to God, that God sent a word to his parents that His nickname for Solomon was “Jedidiah” which means: “Beloved of the Lord”. Isn’t that beautiful?
Solomon was incredibly wise, unbelievably wealthy, and did remarkable things for his country. He was admired and respected
far beyond his kingdom. He wrote like his father, so we have many songs and proverbs from him, a book about life, and even a book on spiritual romance.
He did complete a fine palace for him and those wives, and of course, he built that glorious Temple. He reigned 40 years and actually died quite young at 55 years old.
But Solomon’s greatest battle as a man of peace, was the very thing God specifically warned him about early on.
Unbelieving ungodly wives.
God still tells us not to be unequally yoked. A Believer must marry a Believer.
That is still Scriptural today:
“Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship does righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:13)
But like many people, Solomon did not obey God in that area of his life.
You can tell from his proverbs he learned a lot from those experiences.
While I believe Solomon left God for a season, I believe he’s also in heaven today, because of the last verse in his book, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14:
“This is the end of the matter; all hath been heard: Fear God, and keep His commandments; for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every work into judgment, with every hidden thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”
He concluded his book with full recognition of understanding the fear of God, that he would answer to God.
Solomon teaches all of us that no matter how wise, wealthy, or powerful
we may be, we can still make major mistakes in our personal devotion to Christ. We can still choose things and people who will take us away from God. We can still want the excess of sin. Maybe it’s not in every area of our lives, but maybe in one. Maybe it’s secret. Maybe it went viral.
Because God loved Solomon so much, I believe God loves us so much. No matter where we fail Him, and we all have our places, He still waits for us to recognize thd truth.
No matter where our greatest place of learning may be, God still desires the beauty of holiness, purity and purpose.
The sin I battle most, might not be an issue for you at all. What tempts you, may not be a glimpse for me. But we have to look at each other with grace and love, knowing God’s purpose for us all, is bigger than our sin.
Even though Solomon was very wise, he still made stupid mistakes. Remember that, when you want to hate yourself or somebody else for that really dumb sin.
It’s not wisdom or wealth or position that keep us from falling into sin. It’s our walk with God. Our remaining in Christ.
We all may struggle remaining at times. We can’t hate another person, just because their sin is different than ours. God perfects that which concerns us,
is what He says. We don’t have to do the perfecting of each other.
To know Christ and make Him known gives us a purpose like no other. May we live with grace and purpose, firmly remaining in Christ.”
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awideplace · 4 months
How do I go about confessing my sins? It just always confuses me that Jesus sacrificed himself for our sins so that we are forgiven or can be forgiven? If we are already forgiven then why do we need to keep repenting when we unwillingly commit sins such as cursing when emotionally frustrating or doing things out of temper ... or if jesus is the reason why we can be forgiven then we wouldn't be forgiven no matter what if it werent for jesus? What about the people that existed prior to Jesus being born?
Your questions are many and I will try to break them each down simply and supportive with Scripture. Bear with me.
i. You pray to God and confess your sins, tell Him what you have done and ask for His forgiveness. When we sin, we sin against a Holy God and we don't feel right, there is a lack of peace and fellowship with God it can feel like (Ephesians 4:30, grieving the Spirit it's referred to for believers); it is a good thing if we cannot rest in our sin and have peace living in sin, because the Holy Spirit indwells the believer (Ephesians 4:30, 1 Corinthians 6:19). If we feel no guilt when sinning, we keep on and see no wrong and justify it, it would seem we are not saved because how can we love/rejoice in what God hates (John 14, 1 John 2, 1 Corinthians 11:32, Hebrews 12:8). There should be a "war", if you will, within a believer of sin and not having peace living in sin. We live in victory and not defeat, because Christ paid the cost, but we don't go on willfully sinning (Romans 6). We all sin and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), but we don't stay there. We still sin (1 John 1), but a believer will not want to be enslaved to sin. It will bother a believer; that is the Holy Spirit conviction. This is a good thing! Sanctification is a process and it is a good thing to be convicted of sin and freeing to confess it to our Holy God who loves us.
ii. Yes, Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He paid the cost that we may no longer be guilty.
"When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we receive salvation and forgiveness. But that’s not all. The Bible says we also receive justification, redemption, reconciliation, atonement, propitiation, and regeneration. Each of these theological terms expresses wonderful truths about the blessing we receive when Jesus becomes our Savior. Salvation and forgiveness, while related, are not exactly the same. The term salvation comes from the Greek word sozo, which means 'to be delivered, rescued.' Salvation is deliverance from the penalty of sin, that is, eternal separation from God (Romans 6:23; Matthew 25:46). Salvation is God’s rescuing us from our deserved fate. Salvation also includes a more immediate deliverance from the power of sin in this life. Sin has lost its dominion over the saved ones (Romans 6:14). Faith in Jesus Christ rescues us from the empty and meaningless life described in Ecclesiastes and provides us with a life that is abundant and fruitful (John 10:10; Galatians 5:22–23). The term forgiveness comes from the Greek word aphiemi, which means 'to let go, to give up, to keep no longer.' When Jesus forgives us, our sins, trespasses, iniquities, and transgressions are erased, wiped off the record. Forgiveness of sin is analogous to financial debt being erased. When God forgives us of our sins, we are free. Our sins are wiped out. God will never hold them against us (Psalm 103:12). Salvation and forgiveness are closely related. There is no salvation without forgiveness. Salvation is God’s delivering us from the consequences of sin. Forgiveness is God’s erasing our sin debt. To use a financial illustration, forgiveness is God’s shredding the documents that list our debt, and salvation is God’s letting us out of debtors’ prison. Praise God for the wonderful salvation and forgiveness He has provided. May our lives reflect gratitude for all He has done for us (Romans 12:1)." Source
iii. I'm unsure I understand your full question, but apart from receiving Jesus as our Savior (the propitiation of our sins) there is no forgiveness. There is no other Way (John 14:6). We can never be good enough, keep the law perfectly, achieve nirvana, pay the debt, whatever you want to call it. Salvation, forgiveness, peace only comes through Jesus Christ. And this new life (being born again in Scripture; see John 3:6-7) will bring forth a new life in you; you will be set apart (sanctification; see 2 Timothy 2). "Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord." Hebrews 12:14. We are saved by grace alone through faith alone–"For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast" Ephesians 2:8-9. Our faith, however, will show forth a new life/being born again/sanctification- there will be fruit, where there is no fruit there is no new life. "Faith by itself, if it does not result in action, is dead." James 2:18; "He cuts off every branch of Mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and He prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more." John 15:2.
iv. See https://www.gotquestions.org/Old-Testament-salvation.html
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astroartmuse · 2 years
were you born under a lucky star? an index of fixed stars and their meanings
the fixed stars of the constellation of aries
Kerb: 1°03 Aries - Danger of being jilted by a lover. Neutral effect; Mars/ Mercury influence
Difda (Deneb Kaitos): 2°35 Aries - Laziness, self destruction, nervousness, illness, inhibitions, loss. Unfortunate effect; Saturn influence
Algenib: 9°09 Aries -  Ambition, vanity, intuition, enthusiasm, bad judgment. Unfortunate; Mars/ Mercury
Alderamin: 12°47 Aries - Gravity, sternness, judgement, severe trials, poetry, drama. Fortunate; Saturn/ Jupiter
Alpheratz: 14°18 Aries - Grace, popularity, independence, honours. Fortunate effect; Venus influence
Baten Kaitos: 21°48 Aries -  Isolation, depression, accidents, emigration, shipwrecks. Unfortunate effect; Saturn influence
Acamar: 23°16 Aries - Success in public office, ecclesiastical success. Fortunate; Jupiter
Alrisha: 29°23 Aries -  Unifying influence with groups. Fortunate effect; Mars/ Mercury influece
the fixed stars of the constellation of taurus
Mirach: 0°24 Taurus - Good fortune through marriage, beauty, love talent. Fortunate effect; Venus influence
Sharatan: 3°49 Taurus - Violence, defeat, accidents, injury, danger, honours. Neutral effect; Mars/ Saturn influence
Hamal: 7°40 Taurus - Violence, cruelty, brutality, also the “Healer”. Unfortunate effect; Mars/Saturn influence
Schedir: 7°48 Taurus - Astrology, mysticism, writing. Fortunate effect; Saturn/Venus influence
Almach: 14°15 Taurus - Success in Venusian occupations, artistic ability, popularity. Fortunate effect; Venus influence
Menkar: 14°19 Taurus - Disease, throat trouble, disgrace, ruin, injury from beasts, unjustified enmities; sudden emergence of deep unconscious issues. Unfortunate; Saturn/Venus
Rana: 20°52 Taurus - Love of knowledge, science, much travel, many changes, position of authority, accidents at sea, drowning. Fortunate effect; Saturn influence (part of “The River”, a constellation traversing several signs)
Zaurak: 23°52 Taurus - Melancholy, fear of death and suicidal tendencies. Unfortunate effect; Saturn influence
Capulus: 24°12 Taurus - Primitive male sexual energy; penetrating; ruthless; adventurous; dishonesty; mass effects, esp. meteorological. Unfortunate; Mars/ Mercury
Algol (The Gorgon’s Head): 26°10 Taurus - Primitive female sexuality; strangulation, beheading, danger to throat and neck, murder, violence, mass catastrophe, the “Evil One”, the Demon Star; passionate; intense; hysterical. Very Unfortunate effect; Saturn/Jupiter influence
Pleiades (The Seven Sisters): 29°58 Taurus - Accidents, blindness, violence, homosexuality, feminine power. Unfortunate effect; Constellation of 7 stars (refer Alcyone)
the fixed stars of the constellation of gemini
Alcyone (Central star of the Pleiades): 0°00 Gemini - Ambition, honour and glory. Trouble with opposite sex. Neutral effect; Moon/Jupiter influence
Mirfak (Alpha Perseus): 02°05 Gemini - Indicative of events effecting large numbers of people, especially those caused by major meteorological phenomena. Bold, adventurous, somewhat dishonest. Fortunate effect; Jupiter/ Saturn influence
Hyades: 5°45 Gemini - Scandal, violence, disgrace, imprisonment. Unfortunate effect; Saturn/Mercury influence
Aldebaran (Bull’s North Eye): 9°47 Gemini - A Royal Star. The archangel Michael, the Watcher of the East. Eloquence, high honours, integrity, popularity, courage, war mongering, agitation. Unfortunate effect; Mars influence
Cursa: 15°17 Gemini - Currents of Fate, fluctuating emotions, irreversible changes to rhythm of life, sense of oblivion. Fortunate effect; Saturn influence
Rigel (Orion’s Foot): 16°50 Gemini - Technical and artistic ability, inventiveness, humour, honours, riches, happiness. Fortunate effect; Jupiter/ Mars influence
Bellatrix (Orion’s Left Shoulder): 21°28 Gemini - Loquaciousness, accidents, sudden dishonour. Unfortunate effect; Mars/Mercury influence
Capella: 21°51 Gemini - Inquisitiveness, open mindedness, powerful friends. Fortunate effect; Mars/Mercury influence
Phact: 22°16 Gemini - Talent in art or science. Fortunate effect; Venus/Mercury/Uranus influence
El Nath: 22°26 Gemini - Luck, fortune, success, quarrels, headstrong. Fortunate effect; Mars influence
Alnilam: 23°49 Gemini - Brief fame, quick temper, scandal. Fortunate effect; Jupiter/Saturn influence
Al Hecka: 24°42 Gemini - Honours, wealth, power, greed, aggression. Fortunate effect; Mars influence
Polaris (The Pole Star): 28°34 Gemini - Sickness, trouble, loss, affliction, spiritual powers. Unfortunate effect; Saturn/Venus influence
Betelgeuse (Orion’s Right Shoulder): 28°45 Gemini - Calamities, danger, violence. Unfortunate effect; Mars/Mercury influence
the fixed stars of the constellation of cancer
Propus: 3°26 Cancer - Overconfidence, pride, shamelessness, violence. Unfortunate effect; Saturn influence
Mirzam: 7°11 Cancer - Good qualities, charitable, faithful; dangerous passions; “The Roarer”, announcing the rising of Sirius; “The Announcer”, with Gomeisa. Fortunate effect; Venus influence
Alhena (Almeisan, the shining one): 9°06 Cancer - Acute sensitivity, creative imagination, artistic skills, writing, injuries to feet. Fortunate effect; Mercury/Venus/Jupiter influence
Alzirr: 11°13 Cancer - Hunting, besieging towns, the revenge of princes, trouble, disgrace, sickness, loss of fortune, affliction, danger to knees. Unfortunate effect; Mercury/Venus/Jupiter influence
Dziban (The Two Jackals): 13°48 Cancer - Artistic, emotional but sombre; penetrating, analytical mind, much travel, many friends; danger of robbery and accidental poisoning. Craft, ingenuity, valour. A binary star in Draco, the Dragon. Unfortunate effect; Saturn/Mars influence
Sirius (the Dog Star; the Sun of the Sun; the prime Sun of our Galaxy): 14°05 Cancer - Ambition, pride, emotionality, fame, leadership, wealth, fires, drought, danger through impetuosity. Fortunate effect; Jupiter/Mars influence
Canopus (Ship of the Desert): 14°51 Cancer - Voyages, journeys, creativity; scandal, violence; great glory, fame, wealth; changes evil to good; the Rishi (Hindu sage) Agasthya; star of St Catharine; helmsman of the Argo. Fortunate effect; Saturn/Jupiter
Wasat: 18°31 Cancer - Chemicals, poisons, gas; violence, malevolence, destructiveness as a first principal; pessimism; clear, authoritative speech; prominence in public affairs. Unfortunate effect; Saturn/Mars influence
Castor: 20°14 Cancer - Sudden fame or loss, distinction, keen mind, violence, mischief; “The Mortal Twin”. Unfortunate effect; Saturn/Mars/Venus influence
Gomeisa: 22°12 Cancer - “The Weeping One”; frivolity; love of dogs; dogbite; death by drowning. Unfortunate effect; Mercury/Mars influence
Pollux (Caput Hercules): 23°13 Cancer - Contemplative speculation, audacity, astrology, ruin, disgrace, death, calamity; the “Immortal Twin”; the “Heartless Judge”. Unfortunate effect; Mars/Moon/Uranus influence
Procyon: 25°47 Cancer - Violence, sudden success then disaster, occult, politics, dissipation. Unfortunate effect; Mars/Mercury influence
the fixed stars of the constellation of leo
Talitha: 2°48 Leo - Quiet, prudent, suspicious, mistrustful, self-controlled, great anger when roused. Neutral; Saturn/ Mars
Nebulous Cluster in 1st decan of Leo - The Aselli (The ***** ): Death by fever, fire, hanging, beheading, or violent catastrophe, ruin, disgrace, wounds, hurts to face, eye trouble, blindness, imprisonment, great changes in society. Unfortunate effect; Mars/Moon influence
Praesaepe: 7°12 Leo - Inner drive, reclusive, blindness, murder, tragedy, fires. Unfortunate effect; Mars/Moon influence
North Asellus (Asellus Borealis): 7°24 Leo - Patience, beneficence and courage, heroic and defiant leader. Fortunate effect; Sun/Mars influence
South Asellus (Asellus Australis): 8°35 Leo - Military preferment, blindness, eye trouble, shipwreck, mass murder, horrors, self-willed, uncooperative. Unfortunate effect; Sun/Mars influence
Giansar: 10°20 Leo - Penetrating and analytical mind, travel and many friends, craft, ingenuity, and valour, but danger of robbery and accidental poisoning. Neutral effect; Saturn/Mars influence
Acubens: 13°35 Leo - Astrology, writing, perseverance, domestic problems, poison, liars. Fortunate effect; Saturn/Mercury influence
Dubhe (The Bear): 15°00 Leo - Astrology, arrogance, psychic power, destruction; aka Krathu, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) in Ursa Major; Bast Isis, the Egyptian goddess; “The Eye”; “Heaven’s Pivot”. Fortunate effect; Venus/Mercury/Mars influence
Merak: 19°06 Leo - Prudent, restrained, mistrustful, self-controlled (but angry when roused), love of command, power to achieve, good with animals; Pulaha, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) of Ursa Major. Fortunate effect; Saturn/Mercury/Mars influence
Ras Elased Aust (Algenubi): 20°42 Leo - Cruel, heartless, bold, bombastic, brutish, destructive, artistic appreciation. power of expression, spiritual gifts, leadership. Neutral effect; Saturn/Mars influence
“Own Worst Enemy”: 22°00 Leo - An unfortunate degree. No freedom to act on one’s own behalf. Unfortunate effect
Subra: 24°15 Leo - Strength; plunder; swagger; yet simple and without guile. Unfortunate effect; Saturn/Mars influence
Alphard: 27°08 Leo - Gives wisdom, musical and artistic appreciation, knowledge of human nature, strong passions, lack of self control, immorality. Sudden death by poison or drowning. Problems with law, love affairs, drugs. Fortunate effect; Saturn/Venus influence
Adhafera: 27°34 Leo - Crime, lying and stealing, suicide. Unfortunate effect; Saturn/Mercury influence
Al Jabhah: 27°41 Leo - Wealth, sound judgement, cleverness, prone to violence, self-seeking, danger, loss, mutiny. Neutral effect; Saturn/Mercury influence
Regulus (Lion’s Heart): 29°53 Leo - The most Royal Star. Raphael, the Healing Archangel, the Watcher of the North. Nobility, ambition, alertness, great power, status, leadership, sudden downfall, accidents, violence. Fortunate effect; Mars/Jupiter/Uranus influence
the fixed stars of the constellation of virgo
Phecda: 0°29 Virgo - Civilizing influence, tamer of beasts, transmission of divine knowledge; Pulasthya, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) of the Great Bear, Ursa Major; bloodbaths, assassinations, riots, sexual perversion. Fortunate effect; Jupiter/Venus influence
Præcipua: 0°53 Virgo - Generous, noble, peaceful, fearless nature, with the ability to undertake prominent and responsible positions. Fortunate effect; Jupiter/Mars influence
Megrez: 1°04 Virgo - Spiritual sight; creativity; violence; Atri, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages), the ruling star of the Great Bear, Ursa Major. Fortunate effect; Mars influence
Thuban: 7°27 Virgo - Prospectors of gold and silver or those who are ministers of money; burning to death in own house. Fortunate effect; Saturn/Mars influence
Alioth (The Black Horse): 8°56 Virgo - Suicide among women; danger in pregnancy; Angirasa, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) in Ursa Major. Unfortunate effect; Saturn/Venus influence
Zosma: 11°16 Virgo - Keen intellect, depression, fearful, unhappy, feels restricted, loss in childhood; egotism; prophetic ability (with Coxa: “Kua, the Oracle”). Fortunate effect; Saturn/Venus influence
Coxa: 13°25 Virgo - Good for voyages, gain by merchandise, redemption of captives; prophetic ability (with Zosma: “Kua, the Oracle”). Strength. Wisdom. Fortunate effect; Saturn/Venus influence
Mizar: 15°42 Virgo - Connected with fires of a catastrophic extent and mass calamities; Vasishta, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) of Ursa Major. Unfortunate effect; Saturn/Venus influence
Denebola: 21°38 Virgo - Criticism, perseverance, control, lack of imagination, honours, undesirable associates, mental illness, happiness turns to despair, disease, natural disasters, catastrophes. Neutral effect; Saturn/Venus influence
Coma Berenices: 23°48 Virgo - Eye problems; suave manner, with great personal charm; idle and dissipated, dramatic; a constellation rather than a star, with the main star being Diadem. Fortunate effect; Moon/Venus influence
Labrum: 26°38 Virgo - Honours, riches, ambition, psychic, chronic illness, dishonest income. Fortunate effect; Mercury/Venus influence
Alkaid (Benetnash): 26°56 Virgo - Associated with death and mourning, war, natural catastrophes; Marichi, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) of Ursa Major. Unfortunate effect; Moon/Mercury/Saturn influence
Markeb: 28°54 Virgo - Voyages, educational work, broad knowledge, piety. Fortunate effect; Saturn/Jupiter influence
the fixed stars of the constellation of libra
Zaniah: 4°31 Libra - Order, congeniality, lovable nature, refinement, honour. Very Fortunate effect; Mercury/Venus influence
Diadem: 8°57 Libra - Suave, well-bred; personal charm; dissipation. Dramatic ability. The “Wreath of Jewels” in Berenice’s hair (the constellation Coma Berenices). Fortunate effect; Saturn/Mercury influence
Vindemiatrix: 9°56 Libra - Falsity, folly, disgrace, stealing, widowhood, depression, witch-hunts, mysticism & the occult. Unfortunate effect; Saturn/Mercury influence
Algorab: 13°27 Libra - Scavenging, destructiveness, repulsiveness, malevolence, fiendishness and lying, suicide, greed, injuries. Unfortunate effect; Mars/Saturn influence
Merga: 15°27 Libra - Guardians, ministers of state, custodians, treasurers, force behind the scenes, hidden masters, economists, architects, designers, “The Sickle”. Fortunate effect; Mercury/Saturn influence
Seginus: 17°39 Libra - Business, astrology, law, loss through friends, deceitful, shameless. Fortunate effect; Mercury/Saturn/Venus influence
Mufrid: 19°20 Libra - Prosperity from work, planning, strong desires, a tendency to excess, a fondness for rural pursuits, occultism. Fortunate effect; Mercury/Saturn influence
Foramen: 22°09 Libra - Prosperity, leadership; divine teacher, creative power; ear and eye trouble, indecision, shipwreck. Fortunate effect; Saturn/Jupiter influence
Spica: 23°50 Libra - Wealth, fame, honour, glamour, the “Fortunate One”. Very Fortunate effect; Venus/Mars influence
Arcturus: 24°14 Libra - Inspiration, riches, fame, honour, popularity, benefits through travel, success through work. Very Fortunate effect; Jupiter/Mars influence
the fixed stars of the constellation of scorpio
Princeps: 3°09 Scorpio - Ability to research keen, studious and profound mind, business, government, law, science, arts, lies. Fortunate effect; Mercury/Saturn influence
Khambalia: 6°57 Scorpio - Deep research of any kind, police investigation, espionage and esoteric subjects. Fortunate effect; Mercury/Mars influence
Acrux: 11°52 Scorpio - Interest in astrology and spirituality, metaphysics, sacrifice. Occult effect; Jupiter influence
Alphecca: 12°16 Scorpio - Honour, dignity, literate, brilliant, poetic, scandals, betrayal in love, sorrow through children. Fortunate effect; Venus/ Mercury influence
Menken: 12°18 Scorpio - Wisdom, astronomy, divination, medicine, botany and music. Fortunate effect; Venus/Mercury influence
South Scale (Zuben Algenubi): 15°04 Scorpio - Loss, theft, betrayal, abuse, venereal disease, poisoning, drowning, anguish, revenge, criminality. Unfortunate effect; Saturn/Mars influence
Serpentis (the “Accursed Degree”): 19°00 Scorpio - A malefic degree, tragedy, misfortune, the “Accursed Degree”. This degree does not precess; Unfortunate effect; Mars/ Saturn influence
North Scale (Zuben Alschemali): 19°23 Scorpio - Honours, wealth, distinction, brilliant mind, success in sports, politics, war, religion, writing, tragedy, violence, melancholy. Fortunate effect; Jupiter/Mercury/Mars influence
Alpha Serpentis (Unukalhai): 22°04 Scorpio - Success followed by fall, suicide, insanity, accidents, success in war, politics, writing, problems in love, forgery, shipwreck, loss, earthquake. Unfortunate effect; Saturn/Mars influence
Agena: 23°48 Scorpio - Good health, high morals, disillusion through love, success with the masses. Fortunate effect; Venus/Jupiter influence
Toliman (Bungula): 29°36 Scorpio - Occult and philosophical learning, self analysis, honours, stubborn, cruel. Fortunate effect; Venus/Jupiter influence
the fixed stars of the constellations of sagittarius
Kornephoros: 1°05 Sagittarius - Fixity of purpose, strength of character, ardent nature and dangerous passions. Neutral; Mercury influence
Yed Prior: 2°18 Sagittarius - Success in astrology & 9th house matters, shrewd. Fortunate effect; Saturn/Venus influence
Marfik: 5°36 Sagittarius - Passionate, blindly good-hearted, easily seduced, healer with herbs. Neutral effect; Saturn/Venus influence
Antares (Heart of the Scorpion): 9°46 Sagittarius - A Royal Star. The Archangel Oriel, the Watcher of the West. Spirit of adventure, obstinacy, injuries to eyes, honours, sudden loss, stubborn, suspicious, violent, several marriages. Fortunate effect; Mars/Jupiter/Mercury influence
Rastaban: 11°58 Sagittarius - Impulsive, honourable, good for astrology, government, writing, sports, finance, the arts, accidents, wounds, blindness, criminality. Unfortunate effect; Saturn/Mars/Jupiter influence
Sabik: 17°58 Sagittarius - Wastefulness and lost energy, perverted moral, success in evil deeds. Unfortunate effect; Saturn/Venus influence
Atria: 20°54 Sagittarius - Just, truthful, righteous and benevolent, interest in architecture and freemasonry. Very Fortunate effect; Mercury/Jupiter influence
Ras Alhague: 22°27 Sagittarius - Trouble with women, drugs, poisoning, hallucination, medicines, infections, mystical healing. Fortunate effect; Saturn/Venus influence
Lesath (Scorpion’s Sting - with Shaula): 24°01 Sagittarius - Danger, desperation, immorality and malevolence, connected with acid poisons, accidents, catastrophes, operations. Unfortunate effect; Mercury/Mars influence
Shaula (Mulam: the Root): 24°35 Sagittarius - Danger, desperation, immorality and malevolence, connected with acid poisons, aids victory in sieges, destruction of seafarers and captives, exorcism, mesmerism, spiritual pressure towards enlightenment. Unfortunate effect; Mercury/Mars influence
Galactic Centre: 26°52 Sagittarius - A vast Black Hole at the center of our galaxy, discovered 1932; source of energy, motivation, aspiration; alien consciousness; crisis of faith; travel; education; philosophy; spiritual urges; single-minded dedication. Fortunate effect; Jupiter influence
Etamin: 27°58 Sagittarius - Liking solitude, good concentration, dishonour, downfall and loss of prestige, esoteric and philosophical studies. Neutral effect; Mars/Moon influence
the fixed stars of the constellation of capricorn
Spiculum: 1°04 Capricorn - Eye trouble, blindness, depression, hopelessly doomed, morbid religious outlook, no concern for human life. Unfortunate effect; Mars/Moon influence
Alnasl: 1°16 Capricorn - Eye trouble, blindness (or bad eyesight). Unfortunate effect; Mars/Moon influence
Polis: 3°13 Capricorn - Martial desires, high ambitions, domination, keen perception, success. Very Fortunate effect; Jupiter/Mars influence
Kaus Borealis: 6°19 Capricorn - Promoters of idealistic and humane ideas, promoters of mental stimuli, enterprise and a sense of justice. Fortunate; Mercury/Mars influence
Facies: 8°16 Capricorn - Blindness, violent death, sickness, accidents; leadership, war, coldness, detachment, perfectionism; earthquakes; pure combative energies; risk-taking, glamour; seeks fulfilment through charitable works. Very Unfortunate effect; Sun/Mars influence
Vega: 15°19 Capricorn - Luck in politics, artistic talent, fleeting fame, double dealing, generosity, practicality. Fortunate effect; Venus/Mercury influence
Sheliak: 18°53 Capricorn - Artistic talent, sexual adventures, disgrace, gaudiness, independent thought, trouble with authority, death by violence. Fortunate effect; Venus/Mercury influence
Dheneb: 19°48 Capricorn - Martial Arts, ability to command, liberality, beneficence. Very Fortunate effect; Mars/Jupiter influence
Peacock: 23°49 Capricorn - Vanity and love of display, together with a long life and sometimes fame. Fortunate effect; Venus/Mercury/Saturn influence
Terebellum: 25°51 Capricorn - Strength and power, rise in life, riches, cunning, disgrace. Fortunate effect; Venus/Saturn influence
the fixed stars of the constellation of aquarius
Tarazed (The Plundering Falcon): 0°56 Aquarius - Spoil and plunder, imagination, strong passions, will, clairvoyance, fame, powerful mind. Fortunate effect; Mars/Jupiter influence
Sham: 1°04 Aquarius - Combative, opinionated, jealousy, danger of death in battle. Unfortunate effect; Mars/Venus influence
Albireo: 1°15 Aquarius - Contemplative, cultured, artistic, congenial appearance and disposition. Fortunate effect; Venus/Mercury influence
Altair (The Eagle): 1°47 Aquarius - Sudden but ephemeral fortune, impulsiveness, courage, accidents, astrology, writing. Neutral effect; Mars/Jupiter influence
Algedi (Giedi Prima): 3°46 Aquarius - Beneficence, peculiar events, love affairs, great good fortune. Neutral effect; Venus/Mars influence
Bos: 5°34 Aquarius - Keen intellect, good for business, military, analysis. Fortunate effect; Saturn/Venus influence
Albali: 11°43 Aquarius - Danger, persecution and even death, but also said to give good fortune. Neutral effect; Mars/ Mercury influence
Dorsum: 13°51 Aquarius - The Wheel of Fortune; bites from venomous creatures (with Sun or Mars). Unfortunate effect; Saturn/Jupiter influence
Alnair: 15°54 Aquarius - Retiring, active, proud, watchful, kind, idealistic, devoted, liking for astronomy, “the Bright One”. Fortunate effect; Mercury/Jupiter influence
Castra: 20°12 Aquarius - Destructiveness, uncontrollable temper, malevolence. Unfortunate effect; Saturn/Jupiter influence
Nashira: 21°47 Aquarius - Writing, government, religion, overcomes evil. Fortunate effect; Saturn/Jupiter influence
Kitalpha: 23°07 Aquarius - Gives friendship and sagacity but frivolity and love of pleasure. Neutral effect; Mercury/Venus influence
Sadalsuud: 23°46 Aquarius - Fortuna Fortunarum, great fortune; astrology, occult, government, business, psychic, visionary, originality; personal charm; temperance; aviation. Fortunate effect; Saturn/Mercury influence
Deneb Algedi: 23°50 Aquarius - A wise leader; finding the joy inherent in sorrow – and vice versa; glory and fame if death is avoided; betrayal, loss of position if associated with Sun or Moon. Fortunate effect; Saturn/Jupiter influence
Sador: 24°50 Aquarius - Glittering wings, figured by stars. Part of the Christian Cross. Words of command, gathering of wealth; a hidden god; love of water, swimming, the arts; communication with birds; aviation. Fortunate effect; Jupiter/Saturn influence
Gienah: 27°45 Aquarius - Soar to great heights, potential of sudden downfall. Neutral effect; Venus/Mercury influence
the fixed stars of the constellation of pisces
Fomalhaut: 3°52 Pisces - A Royal Star. Archangel Gabriel, the Watcher of the South. Congenital birth defects, magic, fame, occult, faith, “Star of Alchemy”, addiction, undesirable associates. Fortunate effect; Venus/Mercury/Neptune influence
Deneb Adige (Alpha Cygnus): 5°16 Pisces - Intelligent, creative, original, naive, astrology, writing, the public, dog bites. Fortunate effect; Venus/Mercury influence
Sadalachbia: 6°43 Pisces - Success in ventures, personal charm, movement to rich pastures, aviation, discovery of lost items, “the Star of Hidden Things”. Fortunate effect; Venus/Mercury influence
Skat: 8°52 Pisces - Good fortune, personal charm, lasting happiness, psychic interests, sensitivity, occult interests, many friends. Fortunate effect; Saturn/Jupiter influence
Achernar: 15°19 Pisces - Sudden success in public office, religious benefits, access to another realm. Fortunate effect; Jupiter influence (“the mouth of the River” a constellation extending over several Signs. NOTE: stars in this constellation (Eridanus) are ruled by Saturn, with the exception of Achernar, the brightest)
Markab: 23°29 Pisces - Violence, honours and riches, “Star of Sorrow”, literary, legal problems, accidents. Unfortunate effect; Mars/Mercury/Venus influence
Scheat: 29°22 Pisces - Imprisonment, murder, suicide, drowning, extreme misfortune. Unfortunate effect; Mars/Mercury influence
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