#ebonys puppers
exoticalmonde · 4 months
My Arknights Experience The Last Couple Weeks
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He is SO cute and for what? In the series where everybody is in their Sunday best, dressed to the nines in something gorgeous, fancy-shmancy, dressed, you name it... He shows up with a hoody and jeans. CONTRARY TO THAT, HIS PUPPERS ARE ALL WITH HATS AND YOU CAN SEE IT IN THE ICON AS WELL I'M CRYING.
I'm busy with exams, so there hasn't been anything more interesting to show, but here's a quick compilation of all that's been happening since we visited Mafia Italy.
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French catboy max-levelled after being lvl 60 for 3 years. He's M7 as well.
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Tuba boy being the sweetest creature, I love him with all my heart, it's okay. The ebony Empress might not want you anymore but I am here and I am going to give you 10 000 headpats. Yes, I WILL help you change anything in your tuba.
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Got jumpscared on the banner and I did not get Hellagur, but I did get Aak and he was definitely one of the babies. Now I have ALL from Lee's agency on the ship.
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600 red credits for one character is a hoax, a lie, a fraud and a slip up and I will not forgive you for keeping this gorgeous man behind something as useless as the red credits. However... I did pay to see him in my ship.
So perhaps I am the loser after all.
Obligatory E1 for my handsome phantom thief.
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Also obligatory E2 for my hands---
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Well, surely I can just go and farm it now that there's a secure play though what was it? 13-15? That I did all on my own. I can just grind it.
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I'm going to KRILL MYNESELF!!!!!!!
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kittyofinsanity · 1 year
I’ve been Going Through It* recently,
and the current ongoing “It” is my (obviously poorly genetic’d**) parrotlet that my old boss gave me to take care of (she was a surrender at the parrot rescue I worked for) is trying to lay an egg. She had a weird thing where she seemed to form egg(s?), then partially absorb it, then form one again...? I’ve never seen a parrot look gravid for this long, and she seems to finally be ready to pass it in the next day or so... I’m just really worried she’ll get eggbound... (I lost my first parakeet to her getting eggbound after her mate died...) I’ve put coconut oil on her bum, bathed her in warm Epsom salt water (unscented), gave her extra calcium from human calcium pills, and fed her hard-boiled egg. Just... ugh... I feel like the most informed inadequate person alive. This is a thing in a long line of events that have happened over the last 2-3 weeks, and I NEED her to live. *A close family friend had a couple strokes, my little sister seems to be having random neurological events that kinda look like strokes but aren’t, my doves got eaten by raccoons, I failed to save a fledgling someone brought to me in trust, I had a bad lower back sunburn, I dropped my phone’s face on rocks and fractured the shit outta the bottom half of the screen, and, the worst fking thing of all, my last childhood pet Ebony (The Best Pupper) was put to sleep on Friday.
**She’s a turquoise mutation pacific parrotlet with oddly shaped eyes that make me suspect she might be a little too inbred... I always stick with green p’lets, usually male, because I want to deal with as few health issues in small birds as possible, since vet intervention is usually a coin toss for anything smaller than a cockatiel...
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ebsmind · 3 years
here’s some pinky and bullie content since @barbienoturbby asked 🙄🤚🏼 (i love u bae and ur wish is my command <3)
anyways here are my bbys <3
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(not bullie getting in trouble while i make this🙄)
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angelhunni · 6 years
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It’s my dogs first birthday today
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inz-lokisdottir · 3 years
Baby Inz Character Profile:
Baby Inz uses green to speak, and you can differentiate her speech from Inz' because she doesn't speak as well, and her speech will be written in green and bold.
Disclaimer that this character is not canon to Inz and is just a trope/for a bit of fun. In the case Baby Inz is used, its either because someone's requested or Inz has shapeshifted, whether it be for fun and because she wants to or because she needs to for specific reasons.
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Name: Inz Lokisdottir
Age: 4
There will be times where she is younger [1-3] or older [5-8] but younger might be Baby Inz testing something out, or all age ranges from 1-15 and over would be normal Inz
Height: 3'5 (105cm)
Eye colour: Dark brown (unless she uses magic, in which case they glow green)
Skin: Mixed-light
Pronouns: She/Her (she hasn’t learnt shapeshifting at this stage so she can't shift into a male, creatures, anything else etc. but she can change into her jotun form)
Father: AU Loki Laufeyson
Mother: AU Valkyrie/Brunhilde
(Speech and) Accent: Her speech is mostly fluent and/or understandable, though if she can’t remember or doesn’t know a word she’ll just make one up. Or if she knows it in Asgardian (Norwegian) and not English then she’ll say it in Asgardian.
Powers: Teleportation, Ice Manipulation, levitation. Keep in mind she’s a toddler, she isn't able to harness as much power as she would if she was older.
Personality: She’s quite a sweet and kind child. She’s pretty extroverted but she’s also quiet and if she’s in a room of people, she’d tend to stay closer to those she knows rather than socialise. She does have a good memory, she remembers faces of people she talks to and such. But overall, her personality is quite bubbly yet chill at times.
BACKSTORY: (will be updated as time goes on)
Since Inz has both the ability of making illusions into actual things and has the ability to blow life into them if they need it, like with Ebony being an animal, needing to be alive to act like a real jaguar, she was thinking about something and began to theorise about it.
She thought if she could create another of herself, she would be able to make a variant of her own. And how would she know if it worked?
Well, Inz doesn't dream. She never has dreamt, in the sense that she did not see into other variant's of her's minds and what they were doing whilst she slept, because she had no variants. The only thing she did have were quite bad memories or trauma issues whilst she slept.
However, if the variant experiment worked, Inz would be able to see into the younger 'variants' POV whilst she slept.
So she did it. She created a very much younger illuminated variant of herself, just before any trauma in her own life began, so 4. The age of 4, yes, that young.
A little time skip later, spoiler alert, the theory was proved wrong and her experiment failed. The teen had created a four year old copy of herself, but the youngling was merely just a copy, not a variant of any type.
But Inz thought it too cruel to just....you know, get rid of a child, especially a child version of herself which could still have the chance to be happy despite possibly not growing up at all. So she didn't, Baby Inz who...truly isn't really a baby, she's 4, but Baby Inz sounds sweeter, is still here today. Props to Inz for having a heart and not pretty much unaliving a child.
Extra: Pupper features (if people want it included in said rps with her) - she kinda lost control of her magic for a mo and sprouted those outta nowhere. She could ask for someone to help her rid herself of them but…does she really want that to happen?
:D thankies, byeee!!
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
A Thingy About HWHBH!Beeduo’s Horses!
 Goodest of evenings/mornings/afternoons/nights/whenevers, my dear sweet readers. Today I has for you yet another behind the scenes type thing. This one is all about Obsidian and Chestnut, HWHBH!Beeduo’s horses whom were mentioned/introduced in chapter 67. Spoilers for that chapter if you aren’t caught up!
Now, let’s get to the horsies, yes?
First off, we have Mister Boo’s fine steed, Obsidian the Ebony Shire.
“Now Sunlit,” I hear you ask. “Just what the fuck is a shire? Ain’t that where the hobbits live?” And to that I say, “Yeah, But Not In This Case!”
A shire is a specific breed of horse! They are very big, very tall, very strong and very very pretty babies. Not to saw that other horses are not pretty! They are just extra pretty and insight in me some past-life’s leftover horse girl instincts. Here are a few photos of them in all their horsie glory.
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As you can see, these lovely babies come in so many colors! All are good. They are all very pretty.
 Now, in regards to our sweetie pie Obsidian, it is important to note that he, much like his rider, is a certified Big Boi. Shires are the tallest horse breed In The Whole World, with most adult males averaging around 173 centimeters, which is around 5 feet in America Measurements. They big. VERY big. Some can even get to be around 7 foot! That’s almost a whole c!Ranboo!
 With this is mind, I am sure it is obvious why a shire was chosen to be HWHBH!Ranboo’s horsie pal! Healboo is a tall and lanky little critter(who isn’t so little at all), and so it only makes sense he’d need a proper hulk of a horse to ride on with any amount of ease. 
 For anyone curious, this pic right here is pretty close to how I see Obsidian in my head. He is so handsome. Just a darling little clipclop.
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Did I mention that shires are fluffy? Or that they roll in the dirt like big puppies sometimes? Yeah. There’s something to pop into ye yonder search engine!
Moving right along to our boy Tubbo, his horse Chestnut is a Percheron breed! Here’s a few pics to get an idea of what they be!
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Please do not ask me if that last pic is safe or not. I am not sure. The animals all look quite chill, so I am going to assume it was taken by professionals and that the puppers and horsie are simply friends whomst are Having A Time.
 Chestnut is a female Percheron. Most males tend to be about 64 to 68 inches, which according to this google measurement converting I’ve got pulled up is about the same as our shire buddies. They are both draft horse breeds bred for their size and strength, so this makes much sense, me should hopefully thunk.
 As you all may recall from chapter 67 itself, both Chestnut and Obsidian are the horses Beeduo use to assist with all the crops/farm efforts in Snowchester’s main town. They will often ride them out early-ish in the mornings to get to work with either towing the plows, tilling the dirt, sowing some seeds, or just general transportation of harvested goods that are hard to carry unless you’ve got a 1,900-2,100 pound animal helping you to do shit. They are both very popular with the townsfolk for this reason, and it is not an unusual to see a hoard of tiny little baby child run up so they can pet the horsies. This happens often. I imagine that Obsidian and Chestnut like to mess with folks by biting their sleeves or using their teeth to take their hats off of their heads, then sneakily swapping them out with somebody else’s hat, ensuring that both parties are deeply confused and that discourse is sown amongst the fall harvest. They are goobers, just like their owners.
 One little thing you all may have noticed from those pics is that our percheron friends here tend to have very long hair! Hair so long that oftentimes owners will just shave it off completely so it doesn’t get in their eyes and bother them anymore. This little quirk reminded me immediately of the very poggers c!Tubbo designs wherein he has his eyes covered to look at c!Ranboo, and while HWHBH!Tubbo doesn’t have to do this, the thought of his horse bearing resembence to that design made me very happy, so I figured giving him a breed that tends to have mane troubles would be very very fitting.
 Here’s a reference pic for Chestnut, for any purposes it may serve to you :)
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please enthrall yourselves on the mental image of a 5′9 feet goat-dragon MLM toxic inniter boyo riding on such a lovely creature. I sure know that I do!
And with that, dear readers/followers who just wanted to look at horses and listen to me ramble about horses, I bid you goodnight. Please enjoy the horsies.
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10 & 11 for the ask thing. Would love to hear your thoughts!
Questions for Muns of Canon Muses !
10. For book muses, what is your muse’s favourite scene? Why? Can you provide a short excerpt?
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— La Barre-y-va, “Revenge”
Here we see the gentleman burglar in his natural habitat, performing his unique mating ritual in order to attract nearby potential mates.
11. For book muses, what is a scene with your muse that you hate? Why? Can you provide a short excerpt?
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— The Teeth of the Tiger, “The Man With the Ebony Walking-Stick”
The dead pupper made me sad. If I had a nickel for every time a dog gets fatally poisoned by a main character in detective fiction I’ve read, I'd have 3 nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened 3 times.
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sleepyselkiesiren · 4 years
Can you draw Ebony and Muri hanging out during Christmas? Like hugging beside a tree or sitting in front of the fire or baking cookies and treats together? I think it would look really cool!
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The only Christmas tradition my family ever had was gingerbread house decorating, so I figured I’d go with that! And throwing in a bonus Inanna because she’s lovely and deserves head skritches but also needs to learn that icing in not for puppers Muriel is an excellent craftsman, so to me it makes sense that he’d find a way to make little window flower boxes and treat his house with care. 
Ebony on the other hand, despite year of culinary training, is in no way an artiste and is far more interested in pilfering the candy (and if the roof and door happen to break down on them, well that’s just more treats for them isn’t it)
This kind of ended up being a game of ‘how can I make this look Christmasy without using red?’ :’‘‘) And hey, if you’re interested in seeing more of my art please support me over at https://ko-fi.com/sleepyselkie! They’re pretty cheap and I’d be happy to se it to spread some more Christmas cheer
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So Ryder, I heard there were gonna be a few Critical Role costumes at your party? Is that true?
“So, what do you think?” Wynona asked her twin. She presented her adorable puggle pup, Apollo to him, drawing a high-pitched squeal from him. Wynona had dressed her very floofy pupper up in mock armor, having dressed him up like Trinket, the bear companion of Vex’hallia DeRollo. Half-Elven Ranger of Critical Role’s Vox Machina campaign. Wynona herself having dressed perfectly like the Half-Elf herself.
“Oh my god, he’s absolutely adorable!~” Ryder squealed, and knelt down to scratch the adorable puggle’s neck. Ryder’s costume (at least for Salem’s party), was Vax’ildan also of Vox Machina. “Who’s a strong boy?~ Who’s a good strong boy?~ You’re gonna protect my sister aren’t you?~” 
Apollo’s tail wagged, and he gave Ryder an adorable affirmative bark, while he tried to act all tough for his uncle. Though that only succeeded in making him look more adorable. 
“Hey, what’s going-awwwwww!~” Ebony squealed, having seen Apollo dressed as Trinket. The giantess cat Faunus, currently dressed as Vox Machina’s Grog Strongjaw, immediately rushed over to lavish affection on the adorable puggle. 
//I’ll have more Critical Role costumes in store.//
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mamaterasu · 5 years
Holds her pupper face in her hands. . . squashes her cheeks and scratches behind her ear. ' Who's a good girl? Who's the bestest girl? You are! '
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       HER HEARTBEAT LIES DORMANT.    she finds that it is a quiet sound,  one barely heard beside the constant sound of wind tickling the leaves and dabbling between underbrush and oak.  she is sure that it is there,  because this hand that caresses her furs is real.  she is real.  she is corporeal and tangible even though the beast she touches can be anything but.  life does not skip here,  but it permeates softly,  like the tickling of frostall upon an open tundra  :  cold but beautiful.   
        ❛  ruff !  ruff !   ❜   an all too eager sound escapes the white - wolf’s shaggy maw.  she is positively beaming up at the stranger and in that instant,  they are both winter creatures,   they are snow against snow.  the soft thumping of her tail against the ground paints her as a thing of eternal life,  while ebony is an untouched,  quiet beauty that is akin to a winter haunting. 
                                                  she will love her regardless. 
🥀   @aevyternal  . 
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longlivethereaper · 6 years
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Stream drawings!
(i’ve never drawn a dog so well in like 5 seconds)
Ebony (oc) for a friend
a puppers
Puck from RE:Zero
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dougwalker14th · 2 years
To Chaotic neutrality, the demo pupper on coldwind, what the hell?!?! D": D"< I was the bunny feng you just let bleed out, all because you wanted your 4k so bad! Yet you brought an ebony mori and clearly only cared about using it on only 1 person, because you downed me and went for my last teammate, who you only let go because they got a kobe and gave a gift. It SEEMED like after I narrowly escaped bleeding out, hooking me, and giving you a gift myself you let them unhook me and was gonna let us do a gen because that's what you told us to do, but no you knocked me down again to bleed out!! Like I would have been okay with even getting mori'd but no I just bled out. :"/ Like I was already having a really bad night on the game, had 1 good match before hand but beside that it's been garbage, could even say these past few days especially have been garbage. If anyone reads my post you probably wonder if it's so bad why do you keep playing? Because I'm so hyperfixated and hyperfocused on this game, so even though I have a bunch of games I wanna play, my brain says they won't be fun and that all I wanna play is dead by daylight. I've gotten this way with a bunch of games, and at some point will drop this game and be released from it's clutches but it's not now. But my God my mental state isn't the best already and this game sure doesn't help do me any favors. :( I kinda use my tumblr honestly to try and help vent, and relieve just an ounce of my anger and sadness that's pent up.
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subvertta · 6 years
weary summer.
Dedicated to all my bitches suffering anything above like 20 degrees. 
Noctis Convinced he is dying whenever he is exposed to the sun for over as second. Still, he refuses to wear anything that's not black, and his only compromise is a dark shade of grey, lovingly dubbed "pastel black" to humour himself or his partner. No matter how hard he laughs, he is already deep inside missing winter (despite complaining how cold it was a few months ago). His ideal day is spent by a fan with a tub of ice cream and a handful of cubes to chew on. As much as he would love to cuddle, the price is too high resorting to a leg draped over his partner's. He would opt for holding their hand, but he hates the feeling of his own sweaty palms. Ignis The heat has little effect of him, save for the stuffy air making it harder to breathe. He is one to walk about with an umbrella for full protection from the sun, Astrals forbid he fell victim to another heatstroke. It is the only season he will be seen without an Ebony always at hand, instead opting for a bottle of cold water refilled every hour. The one thing he hates most is how heated the kitchen can get. The oven, combined with the day already being so hot can often leave him sweating, and lightheaded should he overwork himself. Ended up purchasing a mini fan for his desk when the temperature becomes unbearable. This little drawback of his is used as an occasion to work on various cold dishes. Gladiolus He seems unaffected by the heat, following his usual workouts trips over Insomnia or the wilderness. He is however protected by a thick layer of sunscreen. His childhood mistake of ignoring Clarus' nagging to put some on, only to return redder than a beetroot and sore all over haunts him to this day. He will take the time to make sure his partner is slathered in it leaving no exposed skin uncreamed. He loves to indulge on a hefty helping of ice cream when the weather gets too overbearing. Unfortunately, despite insisting he doesn't feel too hot, he is prone to sweating profusely. Prompto Somehow feeling okay most the time, despite his skin being akin to a furnace to the touch. Poor boy forgets to drink his water from time to time and complains over feeling constantly thirsty. If he does get his hands on a drink, it will be fizzy drinks. Of course those will help, don't they always? Only when it gets unbearably hot will he sprawl out on the floor, preferably the cool bathroom tiles much like a cat. He wants to take his partner out on the beach, maybe even sunbathe a little, but no matter what he tries he always fails to get a tan and instead comes back sunburnt. Ravus "I am fine." He would always say, wearing two layers of clothes this including a thick leather coat. It's easy to spot that he is anything but fine, and were it not for his constant consumption of teas that are already mostly water, he would have collapsed hours ago. Sadly appearance is everything, and neither friend nor lover will convince him to shed that one extra layer of clothing, not till he is in the confines of his own room. Only then will he bother to strip down, slumped in a chair with nothing but pants on. He asks his partner why is his pulse so high, or why does his headache persist, only to be informed that he is in fact suffering a heat stroke. Offended when his partner suggests taking the next day off, even if he only has himself to blame. He ends up enjoying that day off in their presence, so as long as said presence isn't directly on his already overheated body. From a distant however within sight is more than welcome (but the "I told you so" is not". Lunafreya She isn't getting up. Only if duty calls will she budge a muscle, if not one can catch her, much like Prompto, lying on any cold surface still as marble. More than once can she be walked on, arms and legs outstretched like a starfish with Umbra and Pryna at each side, just as worn down from the heat. Asks her partner to join her scheduled cooling session with the puppers, even if it wasn't a choice to begin with. If she is needed outside, she will always have a cute umbrella to protect her from the sun, designed with a similar lace pattern as her favourite dress. Ardyn Astrals know how many layers of clothing he has on, he seems unaffected by the heat. Not even a sweat beading on his temple, nor a single sip of water and he is still waltzing around like a normal day. He fully abuses his "a hundred percent natural" immunity by endlessly teasing his partner, or anyone within earshot over it. "Come now, it is only a couple degrees hot. Nothing to die over." earns him quite a few glares from everyone around. Would however strip to further tease his partner, and won't hesitate to pull out the "Is it hot in here or is it just me?" line and by the Six does it work every time.
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ofimmortalfangs · 4 years
Mathias Corgiqvist, proud ebony corgo dad to smol blonde and white corgi pupper son Alucorg who yips and scampers on his wee legs to propel his baby potato body forward to keep up with dada. bork bork bork
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“I turn into a dark colored wolf, despite my natural hair color being white.” 
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ryttu3k · 7 years
You know what it’s time to do? The Hoenn League!
After some Blissey base grinding, and also an undocumented visit to Sea Mauville:
Snowdrop the Mightyena | level 64 | female | Intimidate | Lonely, loves to eat | Ice Fang, Crunch, Odor Sleuth, Rock Smash | found route 101
Chickweed the Blaziken | level 60 | male | Blaze | Serious, takes plenty of siestas | Flame Charge, Blaze Kick, Brick Break, Cut | starter
Sage the Claydol | level 59 | no thank you | Levitate | Bold, sturdy body | Earth Power, Extrasensory, Ancient Power, Dazzling Gleam | found route 111
Edelweiss the Skarmory | level 59 | male | Sturdy | Gentle, very finicky | X-Scissor, Steel Wing, Fly, Swift | found route 113
Oleracea the Manectric | level 58 | female | Static | Brave, capable of taking hits | Discharge, Volt Switch, Flamethrower, Strength | found route 118
Sequoia the Gyarados | level 57 | female | Intimidate | Bashful, nods off a lot | Surf, Ice Fang, Crunch, Waterfall | found route 106
Alrighty. Let’s do this!
God, the exteriors of the buildings are incredibly gorgeous.
First up, Sidney. Alrighty, Chickie, time to shine!
Elite Four Sidney
Mightyena, level 50. Mega-boosted Brick Break OHKO!
Shiftry, level 50. Flame Charge, Chickie tanks an Extrasensory, Full Restore, another Flame Charge down to reds, ANOTHER Full Restore, another Flame Charge, crit, and it’s down!
Absol, level 52. Brick Break OHKO!
Sharpedo, level 50. Switch to Oli, Discharge OHKO!
Cacturne, level 50. Back to Chickie, Brick Break OHKO!
One down, four to go. Onwards to Phoebe, Snowdrop to the front!
Elite Four Phoebe
Dusclops, level 51. Crunch OHKO!
Sableye, level 51. Takes some damage from Fake Out, Ice Fang down to half, Snowdrop tanks a Power Gem, another Ice Fang takes it down!
Dusknoir, level 53. Crunch OHKO!
Banette, level 51. Crunch OHKO!
Another Banette, level 51. Crunch OHKO!
Good pupper.
Lots of snow. Chickie back to the front!
Elite Four Glacia
Glalie, level 52. Mega-boosted Blaze Kick OHKO!
Walrein, level 54. They are weak to Fighting, but Chickie is also weak to Water, so let’s get Oli in to be safe. Discharge OHKO!
Froslass, level 52. UGH Confuse Ray. You know what, fine. Snowdrop to the front! Ominous Wind doesn’t do much, Crunch OHKO!
Another Froslass, level 52. Crunch OHKO!
Another Glalie, level 52. Back to Chickie to finish it off. It uses Protect, Blaze Kick OHKO!
Time for the trickiest of the E4 for this run! Don't have any actual Ice, Dragon, or Fairy-types. Gonna go between Snowball's Ice Fang and Sage's Dazzling Gleam, although they're not STAB. Sage to the front!
Elite Four Drake
Altaria, level 53. Dazzling Gleam down to half, it uses Cotton Guard. Another  and it’s - oh no, a sliver left. Sage tanks Dragon Pulse like a goddamn champ, Drake uses a Full Restore. Dazzling Gleam down to half, then another, which crits and takes it down!
Kingdra, level 53. This is the most risky - Ice isn’t SE, but Sage is weak to Water. Dazzling Gleam down to yellows, it uses Yawn you DICK, but it’s down with another Dazzling Gleam!
Salamence, level 55. Sage is fucking asleep, so in comes Snowdrop! Ice Fang OHKO!
Flygon, level 53. Ice Fang OHKO!
Flygon again, level 53 again. Ice Fang OHKOs again!
*cracks knuckles*
Whatever happens, they did good.
Champion Steven
Skarmory, level 57. Oli gets it down to 1HP with Discharge. It sends out Spikes. Steven uses a Full Restore. Another Discharge back down to 1HP, and it’s paralysed! A third Discharge, and it’s down!
Aggron, level 57. Sage gets it down to 1HP with Earth Power. Didn’t see what they got hit with, but either way it didn’t do much damage. Another Earth Power, and it’s down!
Armaldo, level 57. Edel gets it down to yellows with Steel Wing. Rock Blast does a small amount of damage, another Steel Wing finishes it!
Cradily, level 57. Edel stays in, gets it down to yellows with Steel Wing. Ancient Power gets Edel down to yellows, another Steel Wing finishes it!
Claydol, level 57. Sequoia OHKOs it with Waterfall!
Finally, Metagross, level 59. Chickie is weak to Zen Headbutt, so... Snowdrop, go! My strongest Pokemon, my first caught Pokemon, my oldest companion other than Chickie. Crunch down to yellows, GIGA IMPACT JEEZ - just down to yellows, she’s okay. Another Crunch and it’s DOWN!
Made it <3
Brendan PLS.
Lovely credits <3
Current Team (pre-League levels)
Chickweed the Blaziken | level 60 | male | Blaze | Serious, takes plenty of siestas | Flame Charge, Blaze Kick, Brick Break, Cut | starter
Snowdrop the Mightyena | level 64 | female | Intimidate | Lonely, loves to eat | Ice Fang, Crunch, Odor Sleuth, Rock Smash | found route 101
Sage the Claydol | level 59 | no thank you | Levitate | Bold, sturdy body | Earth Power, Extrasensory, Ancient Power, Dazzling Gleam | found route 111
Oleracea the Manectric | level 58 | female | Static | Brave, capable of taking hits | Discharge, Volt Switch, Flamethrower, Strength | found route 118
Sequoia the Gyarados | level 57 | female | Intimidate | Bashful, nods off a lot | Surf, Ice Fang, Crunch, Waterfall | found route 106
Edelweiss the Skarmory | level 59 | male | Sturdy | Gentle, very finicky | X-Scissor, Steel Wing, Fly, Swift | found route 113
Wattle the Taillow | level 9 | female | Guts | Quirky, alert to sounds | Peck, Growl, Focus Energy, Quick Attack | found Petalburg Woods
Bristlecone the Zigzagoon | level 14 | female | Gluttony | Lonely, good endurance | Tackle, Headbutt, Baby-Doll Eyes, Odor Sleuth | found route 103
Onion the Whismur | level 16 | female | Soundproof | Adamant, likes to relax | Pound, Echoed Voice, Astonish, Howl | found Rusturf Tunnel
Poison Ivy the Tentacool | level 5 | male | Liquid Ooze | Sassy, capable of taking hits | Poison Sting, Supersonic | found Dewford Town
Euphorbia the Makuhita | level 12 | male | Thick Fat | Hardy, capable of taking hits | Focus Energy, Sand Attack, Arm Thrust, Fake Out | found Granite Cave
Lithops the Numel | level 14 | female | Simple | Quiet, likes to run | Tackle, Ember, Focus Energy, Magnitude | found route 112
Rauvolfia the Seviper | level 19 | male | Shed Skin | Careful, impetuous and silly | Poison Tail, Screech, Venoshock, Glare | found route 114
Moraea the Spoink | level 23 | female | Own Tempo |  Quirky, quick tempered | Psybeam, Psych Up, Confuse Ray, Magic Coat | found Jagged Pass
Agapanthus the Pelipper | level 33 | male | Keen Eye | Modest, a little quick-tempered | Water Pulse, Wing Attack, Steel Wing, Quick Attack | found route 104
Rosemary the Latias | level 30 | female | Levitate | Sassy, somewhat vain | Heal Pulse, Dragon Breath, Mist Ball, Psycho Shift | found Southern Island
Milkweed the Beautifly | level 26 | female | Swarm | Lax, somewhat stubborn | Air Cutter, Mega Drain, Silver Wind, Morning Sun | found route 102
Hydrangea the Kecleon | level 25 | male | Color Change | Lonely, often lost in thought | Feint Attack, Psybeam, Ancient Power, Slash | found route 119
Sunflower the Castform | level 30 | female | Forecast | Lax, mischievous Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Hail, Weather Ball | found Weather Institute
Banana the Tropius | level 27 | male | Solar Power | Brave, a little quick tempered | Stomp, Magical Leaf, Whirlwind, Leaf Tornado | found route 120
Uniflora the Shuppet | level 28 | female | Insomnia | Mild, alert to sounds | Will-O-Wisp, Feint Attack, Hex, Curse | found route 121
Monotropa the Duskull | level 28 | female | Levitate | Naughty, loves to eat | Foresight, Shadow Sneak, Pursuit, Will-O-Wisp | found Mt Pyre
Tacca the Golbat | level 33 | female | Inner Focus | Hardy, strong-willed | Air Cutter, Switft, Poison Fang, Mean Look | found Seafloor Cavern
Ebony the Sableye | level 35 | male | Keen Eye | Calm, highly curious | Knock Off, Shadow Claw, Confuse Ray, Zen Headbutt | found Cave of Origin
Wakame the Kyogre | level 45 | no thank you | Drizzle | Sassy, mischievous | Body Slam, Aqua Ring, Ice Beam, Origin Pulse | found Cave of Origin
Vallisneria the Tynamo | level 37 | female | Levitate | Mild, highly curious | Tackle, Thunder Wave, Spark, Charge Beam | found Mirage Cave
Buddleja the Alolomola | level 30 | male | Healer | Quirky, mischievous | Heal Pulse, Protect, Water Pulse, Wake-Up Slap | found route 127
Leek the Loudred  | level 37 | female | Soundproof | Sassy, hates to lose | Stomp, Uproar, Roar, Rest | found Victory Road
Plumeria the Spiritomb | level 50 | female | Pressure | Hasty, likes to fight | Sucker Punch, Nasty Plot, Memento, Dark Pulse | found Sea Mauville
Catnip the Skitty, found route 116, killed by Lass Janice’s Marill in route 116
Daisy the Pikachu, found Slateport City, killed by Archie’s Sharpedo at Mount Chimney
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memelovingbot · 8 years
pupper just makes Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way molecules smaller
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