vxmpirehunterd · 10 months
Hi b/c why not :>> 💕
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Send 💕 and my muse will use The Love Calculator to see how compatible they are.
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"Anything less and I would have started a riot."
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monstriiss · 2 years
she reaches up to her, a gentle beckoning for her to bend down CLOSER to the porcelain doll. Her smile is as soft as blossoming spring buds, her touch cool against Drathenia's skin. It wasn't quite stated just WHY she wanted her to bend down, but there's little time to consider when hands deftly brush over cheekbones & wintery lips ghost over the deep ruby ones of hers 💖
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— It is as though she is powerless to resist any request from the beauty, obediently Drathenia bows until she is level with Ebony, hollow gaze raking over her; curious as it was HUNGRY. Always hungry for her. As rosebud lips brush against hers, she has the taste for her, and she has to fight every fiber of her being not to devour her then. Her bitter touch for once warm against another, as Ebony was just as wintery as she, a rarity for the monster that she cherished and savoured. 
Crimson lips part and the monster’s cool breath flutters against cherubic pout, clawed hands rise to clasp her face in a nigh desperate hold, her kiss ardent and forceful, as though she has been starving. VICIOUS teeth threaten to pierce through skin- but never do, she is always careful. She could never hurt her. A purr, easily mistaken for a beastly growl, rumbled within her chest and she finally withdrew only by fractions to speak.
“  Will that be all. . . my love?  ” she murmurs, black tongue flickered against Ebony’s lower lip, the smile that flashes can only be described as WOLFISH. 
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moeyoken · 3 years
❝ i was beginning to worry. you didn’t regain consciousness for so long. ❞
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                   the adrenaline upon his wake is subdued, and so frozen breath finally parts itself from his opened mouth. toshizō felt warm —— so warm that it humored him. he thought he’d rise again cold as a wolf’s corpse; chilled to the bone with wintry rain droplets clinging to his hair and skin and lashes. half-buried in mud and dirt from that ditch he crawled into. however he was proven wrong.    “    haha — !    ”    baritone laughter tolled as bells do. vibrant and deep, but lethargic like he was high off of good night’s rest for the first time in eternity.     “    had i not awoken...   ”   he drawls, lips lazily stretch almost ear to ear,   “   would you have gotten me a prince charming to wake me?    ”    toshizō jests out of gratitude for ebony. a good sign for a typically brooding man. his head rolls back now staring at the ceiling, fingers dig into the sheets and knees quiver in the delight of velvety warmth. there was a red twinkle in his left eye. he suddenly remembers how he got into the dire state that he was. did i kill it, he wonders, did i get it?  a formidable foe. a welcomed challenge but one that outdone him in wits. he fails to click his tongue as he huffs softly.
eyes flutter shut, long lashes like strokes of the blackest ink against his thin dark bags.   “   you needn’t worry if it happens again. i am a bastard who doesn’t know when to call it quits, even if he was at the brink of death again.   ”
                  @aevyternal     /   the last wish.   not accepting
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avrorean · 3 years
@aevyternal​ 💙
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    𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐒𝐄𝐀 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, they seemed always to find each other. Ebony had always seemed a strange presence, Nanna herself never knowing when exactly she had become so intertwined with the Warden’s life, only that the maternal warmth of her presence was as natural as breathing, a flutter of birds one might call joy beating its wings against her ribcage whenever she neared. So when the graceful flow of ivory once again drifts into view, Nanna’s smile is illuminating. 
    “I have rather missed you.”
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simulvcra · 3 years
@aevyternal​: Lips had been pulled terse for a second, two, as her brows knitted together for a brief moment until smoothing out again. A quiet chuckle upon the exhale of breath as clawed hand extends towards his cheek. A phantom touch, softer scales smoothing over the rise of his cheekbone before the auri leans ever closer for lips to feather over his temple. Her touch lingers, a voice of warm honey soon murmuring against his ear.        ❝  You haven't slept.  ❞  An observation, rather than any kind of reprimand. Thin strands of silver slip over her shoulder as she turns her crown, now pressing a kiss against his cheek, more present than the last.    ❝  Are you not tired?  ❞
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      Sometime’s he thinks she’s not real.
For as the desert loves to craft mirages wreathed in vivid reds , sunburst oranges and that one luminescent shade of yellow only found upon the shoulders of the holy — so the cold turned it’s piercing gaze to those northern ice floes and snow flurries and bid them to replicate.
And she is the result. Liable to dissipate in an aborted exhale , her cold touch melting at first dawn. Yet , she touches him and remains. She does not become a figment of an ever rapidly exhausting mind , a statue crumbling beneath elements far beyond it’s control and bid to weather them all the same. Atlas’ raw shoulders , the umbrage of a bruised and broken fist.
      “ Not yet , no. “ Scarred fingers search for their clawed counter parts , sharpened porcelain & intricate marble , beckoning them forth to return the press of lips she had pressed against his skin. Lighter than the discarded feathers of doves in flight. He replaces them a moment later with the press of his brow , eyes squeezed shut. Shoulders rise , and they fall. The book perched against propped legs forgotten , words fade in the undertow of weighted thought.
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      Is he not tired ?
There is no luxury to be found of simply smiling off such a question , nor is there a sleight of clever word play to had , safe in the knowledge the asking party is oblivious to the weight. Ebony knows , down to bone marrow and soul dust.
      “ ‘Tis a particuarly gripping read — “ He jests , scarred fingers tapping against well loved text, a heartbeat expires between them , and another , and another , “ and I’d not give my devils more of my prayers. “ Quieter than a ghost , than all the foot prints long lost to the sand and sea.
Yet more grains in the hourglass fall , Dante’s unoccupied hand moves to gesture at the vacant nook beside him. An invitation to not wander the night alone with thoughts their only guide. “ Let me read for us . “
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shadowtongued · 3 years
u called me a coward and now i’m comin for you @aevyternal​ ♥
            𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀 𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐂𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐈𝐓 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐓 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐎 𝐒𝐎. It felt safe and distant here with Ebony. His skull throbbed and Sliske closes one eye in hopes it would stop the unsteady motion even though he’s not in motion, planted on his back on a bed. Without the dampening aid of morphine, there released a singular ‘ugh’. Whether the noise was in reference to his PATHETIC state or just an onomatopoeia of how he nauseatingly felt was unknown.
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          Sliske had done his best to relay to her the causes of this dreadful MALAISE that affected him a scant few times a year. Hypersensitivity to light, a clammy, feverish to the touch despite the factor he did not perspire, a pallor that dropped him a few shades lighter than his slate, nosebleeds, and strain; to name a few side effects of ‘shadow sickness’. Placing both hands on the edge of the bed and sitting up, Sliske waits for the CAROUSEL to stop, waiting for her to come to check on him now that he’s awakened again.
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vxmpirehunterd · 10 months
❝ i had begun to fear for you. did you meet with trouble? ❞
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asoiaf: clash of kings starters
"Well fear no longer, I'm here now." In a rare show of affection, D's face not only softened into a smile but he also removed his hat. Clutching the hat close to his chest, D bowed before his old friend.
"You shouldn't worry too much about me, no amount of trouble will ever stop me from returning to you."
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monstriiss · 3 years
Gives her a 'smooch' 💋 :)
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send ‘💋’ if your muse thinks mine is kissable. || accepting!
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If that was not the most apt way to affirm her words then Drathenia didn't know what would. Ebony's soft lips upon her own, bitter cold to any other but a warmth only for Drathenia to feel. Flesh ripping claws found their way into sterling tresses, starlight to her night sky, like silk between her fingers. With some reluctance did the monster withdraw, a soft chuckle escaped her.
“ Hmm. I feel the same way, my darling. ”
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moeyoken · 3 years
Reaches up to pat his cheeks with a smile :>
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             there is a tenderness in horror. a delicate yoke underneath the cracked shell of terror, soft to the touch and warm, brighter in hue than sunflowers on wintry days  ——  it is paradoxical but it is truth to him. ebony’s finger tips softer than doves’ feathers, a snowy smile that melts the cold that had sunken into his bones brought onto him by the concrete jungles of new york city. he closes his heavy lashed eyes, a small but quaint smile curls at the corners of his lips and he huffs a mirthful breath.
“   i thought i would’ve been intruding showing up unexpectedly like this. . . foolish of me.   ”   she welcomes him all the same. that’s the beauty of lonely scarred with blood.
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simulvcra · 3 years
@aevyternal​ : “  the unfortunate truth is,  i think i’d forgive any flaw in a person if they loved me enough.  ” // just more misc memes.
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      For several long , drawn seconds ( grains suspended in an otherworldly phantasmal hour glass , diamond dust in bitterly cold coerthan dawn )  — silence is the only answer that dares to greet such a weighted revelation. It goes into the night , sang and surely heard , one half of a song made for vaulted cathedral halls or the whispered cadence of bedside confessionals, annointed by salt water cheeks.
In those moments , where his pale gaze falls to watch his companion , guilt twists like fingers through dark satin sheets. A pugilists fist against a poorly healed side.
      For what could anyone readily say to revelations borne of the starved heart ? Which has learned to flinch instead of beat ?
Who could decry such a harsh truth ? Weren’t they all victims of that statement , in ways that were distinctly profound and profane. How many could truthfully, boldly denounce crooked hands ( claws of venom , burning brands in waiting ) if they only ever reached for your own in a lovers most passionate embrace , soothing away the aches they so gladly inflicted upon the sacrificial lambs upon their global altar. Bare knuckles against the softest , vulnerable parts , makeshift armour against the crueller demons still afoot.
      He catches himself , inelegant as a bumbling babe at foot opposed to the masters . But to the amateur observer , he is ever the artful master of his own design. His steps never miss their mark , he is merely a silent party. A statue until bidden to live.
Hands , for once divested of their protection , search for her smaller hand ( they remind him of porcelain , marble , bone. Brittle and beautiful. ) and bring it into the clutch of his scarred ones. Offers a smile that for all intents and purposes is the same smile he gives any other day , but to him , it flies as well as a swan with a broken wing.
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      “ Ebony  — “ He starts , stops.
“ You need to be kinder to yourself. “ He decides to say, eventually. Pink eyes both bright and forlorn. “ That kind of love would make a ghost out of you , and we both have enough of those to fill a graveyard between us. “ 
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ulfhrafnx · 4 years
@aevyternal said:  holds her hands and gives her a soft kiss on the cheek 💗
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  muscles twitch out of habit, calloused digits far more accustomed to the harshness of steel than the entwining of fingers. yet there’s something strangely grounding about ebony’s touch, chilled and tender, a stark contrast to her own.  she is brutal and often unforgiving, far more cynical than body language denotes, and although she knows ebony is no wilting flower she exudes a gracefulness lira does not posses. an ethereal goddess both death incarnate and beauty.
  ease washes over her as lips make contact with a scarred cheek, enticing lira closer so she might return the gesture with a kiss, equally as affectionate, to the woman’s forehead. 
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shadowtongued · 3 years
“ stay with me tonight.  ”
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𝟑, 𝟒, 𝟓   ♡   𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 / closed.
                𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐒 𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐓, 𝐓𝐎𝐎 𝐃𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐋𝐘. 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐎, 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐒 𝐍𝐎. 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓. The ancient looks over his glossy nails, once, twice, as if the talons are a tiny fortune teller with an 8-ball answer for him. It’s the MILLENIAS of isolation and culture of deceit dragging down the worn, silver-tipped ridge-spikes of his back.
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           “ . . .” It’s not Ebony’s fault, not at all. Sliske sits like a loose pile of old silk on her floor, clawed hands splayed out on the tiles as if trying to hold, to ANCHOR himself to that spot and not skitter away into the dark out of old, atavistic fears. “I think  — I’d like that. I’ll stay.” He ignores the PANG in his chest of helplessness when he raises her hand up to her softly, asking for help standing up.
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vxmpirehunterd · 3 years
“ i’ll get blood on your shirt… “
"Don't worry about something so trivial." The hunter had cradled the small body of his friend, like a fragile porcelain her skin resembled. A fragile--cracked--porcelain much like the scars that decorated the right side of her face, neck and shoulder.
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Ebony, had been attacked by a rogue vampire, the nobles claws had dug into her arm in attempts to subdue and keep her in place while he drank. But fortunately D was able to kill the vampire before he could make a meal out of the snow white woman.
Her arm had been bleeding terribly and the hunter went to fetch a first aid kit from his Horse's saddle. "I'm a dhampir after all, when have I ever been afraid of a little blood?"
With the white kit in hand, D observed how deep the claw wounds were and got to work disinfecting them and dressing her arm with bandages.
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monstriiss · 3 years
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@aevyternal​ said:  ❛ So what do you think I am? ❜ :>
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The monster leaned back in the chair she reclined in, holding Ebony under her thoughtful stare as she contemplated her answer. It was something she had pondered before in the past, out of mere curiosity, but she could never answer it. She had seen many strange and wonderous things in her vast existence, but her love was a rare oddity.
“ I could not tell you, dearest, ” Drathenia answered softly, claws extended to run silver strands delicately between her fingers, head canted to the side. She would have to settle with not knowing, but that was no worry of hers. It simply made Ebony all the more intriguing.
“ Perhaps you will always be an ENIGMA. But what I can say in confidence is that you are no monster. ”
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rosespun · 4 years
gibs her soft kees on the cheek, holding Umi's hand in hers with a soft squeeze. ' How about you and I do a little shopping together? ' :>
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the streets of limsa are barely tempered,  perhaps that is why she chose to stray away from such bustle when possible,  if possible.  cloudy,  but not damp.  loud,  but not entirely boisterous.  the light drizzle from earlier subsides in a cool waft belonging to an updrift breeze,  given and belonging to the sea.  she always waited until the steps died down,  until there was enough space to pass by without a fair trace,  nor a fraying filament left behind.  there was comfort in being unseen,  then seen.  to know when to pass through without warning,  and to never pass over that threshold in the beginning.  it comforted her,  and sometimes terrified her. 
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umiko registers the touch and the kiss faintly,  slowly.  touch is still,  and perhaps always will be,  strange and unrivalled to her.  so many words can simply be replaced by body language alone. always so profound,  so loud.  she feels small in attempting to navigate through it all.  lashes fall to brush her cheeks,  curtains skimming a strage and obscuring a performance from view.  she has nowhere else to turn.  ❝  well … i can hardly say no. ❞  quiet conciliation, marked by an amusement which paints her face with a fine brush. unconsciously she counts how many times her tail sways before carrying on,  fingers responding in kind with a light squeeze of her own. 
❝  lead the way,  i’ll be here.  ❞
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bubblcgumbaby · 4 years
   @aevyternal   texted !!
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   “ Hi, uhm, Miss, I’d really like to ask you a question if that’s okay. “ Approaching is a dolled-up young lady, a pink satin dress and jewelry glittering on a dainty form...and mascara-stained tears running down pink cheeks messily, sniffling in-between pauses of speech. 
   “ You...You don’t happen to have like, a tissue or something I could use, do you? It’s totally okay if you don’t! “
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