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Верительная грамота императора Империи Великой Цин (Китая) Пу И императору Николаю II, представленная на выставке "Всеобщий язык" в ГМИИ им. А. С. Пушкина в Москве. В январе 1909 года во все страны, с которыми Китай поддерживал дипломатические отношения, были разосланы письма о вступлении на престол нового императора - Айсиньгиоро (это название династии) Пу И. Одно из них было направлено в Санкт-Петербург. Письмо составлено на двух официальных языках империи - китайском и маньчжурском. Документ в форме гармоники в твердой обложке хранится в папке, обтянутой желтым шелком с цветной вышивкой, изображающей драконов 🐉🐲 с пятью когтями (символика императора). На папке вышита надпись: «Верительное письмо императора Великой Цин». Письмо датировано 29 декабря 1908 г. Китайский и маньчжурский языки Документ - бумага, черная тушь, ксилография, рукопись; папка - вышивка, ткань, шелковая и металлизированная нить, кость Хранится в Институте восточных рукописей РАН, Санкт-Петербург #Китайскоеискусство #историядипломатии #историякниги #искусствокниги #традиционноекитайскоеискусство #китайскийдракон #искусствоВостока #империяияцин #гмии #всеобщийязык #chineseart #diplomatichistory #bookhistory #traditionalchineseart #chinesedragon #easternart #qingempire #commonlanguage #Pushkinmuseum #daand_art #daand_photo (at Москва • Moscow) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpnXJTVN_sa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ashmoleanmuseum · 4 years ago
Easter Sunday
Happy Easter! 🐣⁠
⁠In the Christian faith, chicks or baby chickens are a symbol of new life and rebirth. The eggs from which they emerge are also said to represent the rock tomb out of which Christ emerged when he rose again on what is now celebrated as Easter.⁠
⁠These lively little chicks were painted by Chinese artist Qi Baishi in 1933. Qi was one of the most well-known and well-loved contemporary artists in China, and his works are often described as whimsical or playful in style.
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daughterofrageandlovee · 3 years ago
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A drawing I made of a sun yantra. #art #artwork #artistsoninstagram #artofinstagram #artsy #markerdrawing #drawing #drawingsketch #markerart #markersketch #markers #musicnotes #colorful #easternart #easternartwork #sunyantra https://www.instagram.com/p/CezY4X9u9nm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sukmajiva · 5 years ago
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@bokuakaweek2020 Day 9 : Royal AU The King & The Fallen Warrior. Akaashi was the crown prince when he met the brave warrior Bokuto. They fall in love as fast as the kingdom crumbled. When the days came, the war began and Bokuto was gone. 
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insp1redsoul · 4 years ago
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jeramiesart · 4 years ago
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Spent the weekend safely exploring Cleveland with some great friends. I've been to some art museums, but the Cleveland Museum of Art was absolutely mind blowing! I can't wait to go back! - #art #artist #artwork #artmuseum #easternart #clevelandmuseumofart #clevelandbotanicalgarden #clevelandrocks #arthistory (at The Cleveland Museum of Art) https://www.instagram.com/p/COHAJddhW3C/?igshid=1123epxoyr4qi
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chrisvanredman · 5 years ago
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#painting #8FoldPath #acrylic #airbrush #24inx48in #chrisvanredman #chrisredman #canvas #gallery #rome #japan #china #northkorea #southkorea #asian #easternart #buddhism #buddha #8nobletruths #modernart #contemporaryart #abstractart #abstractpainting #abstractexpressionism #orange #goldenacrylics #highfructosemag #highfructosemagazine #luxuryart #designart (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B74i6W4nAA5/?igshid=m0t51chqrtxj
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samuelhumphreys · 6 years ago
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The Oriental Surrealism art book and my handmade Japanese-style sketchbook are being wrapped up and sent out today. — Both printed on 100% recycled, archival paper and are independent #ZeroDeforestation self-publications. — You can save yourself from having to watch another one of my EXHILARATING packaging videos by actually purchasing one of these yourself and experiencing it in reverse. — www.samuelhumphreys.bigcartel.com — Or click through to my online shop on the main page. — #OrientalSurrealism #artbook #books #theorient #easternart #surrealism #sketchbook #ukiyoe #recycledpaper #penandink https://www.instagram.com/p/B00X3Val3ZF/?igshid=avnndlujykkj
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imtsal · 6 years ago
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|| Haweli ||
Culture makes people understand each other better. And if they understand each other better in their soul, it is easier to overcome the economic and political barriers. But first they have to understand that their neighbour is, in the end, just like them, with the same problems, the same questions.
- Paulo Coelho
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ellebellelle · 2 years ago
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This weekend has met me with a lovely workshop on mandalas and connecting to the center of yourself to find answers for a multitude of issues. The atmosphere has been so engaging that it has inspired me with some new ideas for future activities. Meeting with people in a pressure free environment and seeing so many different experiences has alleviated some of my own insecurities. This practice is not meant to replace working with certified mental health guidance. #mandala #workshop #healing #energyhealing #selfinquiry #jungianpsychology #easternart #acrylics #canvas #therapy #artistofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/Co5SODnqIpf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Верительная грамота императора Цин Пу И императору Николаю II, представленная на выставке "Всеобщий язык" в ГМИИ им. А. С. Пушкина в Москве. Китай. 29 декабря 1908 Китайский и маньчжурский языки Документ - бумага, черная тушь, ксилография, рукопись; папка - вышивка, ткань, шелковая и металлизированная нить, кость Институт восточных рукописей РАН, Санкт-Петербург В январе 1909 года во все страны, с которыми Китай поддерживал дипломатические отношения, были разосланы письма о вступлении на престол нового императора - Айсиньгиоро Пу И. Одно из них было ��аправлено в Санкт-Петербург. Письмо составлено на двух официальных языках империи - китайском и маньчжурском. Документ в форме гармоники в твердой обложке хранится в папке, обтянутой желтым шелком с цветной вышивкой, изображающей драконов 🐉🐲 с пятью когтями (символика императора). На папке вышита надпись: «Верительное письмо императора Великой Цин». #Китайскоеискусство #историядипломатии #историякниги #искусствокниги #традиционноекитайскоеискусство #китайскийдракон #искусствоВостока #династияцин #гмии #всеобщийязык #chineseart #diplomatichistory #bookhistory #traditionalchineseart #chinesedragon #easternart #qingdynasty #commonlanguage #Pushkinmuseum #daand_art #daand_photo (at Государственный музей изобразительных искусств имени А.С. Пушкина) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpg8-9Foe1g/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ashmoleanmuseum · 4 years ago
World Oceans Day
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Today is World Oceans day, honouring the salt waters of our world. It would take over 883 quadrillion copies of this party scene from our collection to cover the same area as the global ocean. Plenty of fish in that sea, and all of them in the party mood 🎉
This print is one of the many prints created by Utagawa Kuniyoshi in the 19th century which are now held in our collections.
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sashico · 6 years ago
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Super cold outside, so I ruminate my thoughts and will. Here is another approach to Sashiko as the art (or not). I roughly understand the Art as "I (individualism)" vs Sashiko as "We (collectivism)". This categorization also matches the comparison of Japanese & Western culture. ☆ No Sashiko artisans in Japanese history are well-known in opposite to the western art. Eiko Yoshida is the person who I respect sincerely, but she is also the one who tried to revive the custom of Sashiko, not the one who did Sashiko in 17 century or so. Sashiko was for the group of people rather than impressing someone’s opinion. Here, I feel similar in introducing Sashiko. We don’t need to prove that we are right. Being strong with the valid opinion is necessary to “win” but we don’t have to win to anything… I feel. Rather than being “right” by opinions, I would like to be kind, caring, and share the feeling. Therefore, I keep saying it isn’t right or wrong in what I am trying to do. ☆ Again. It is not about being right or wrong. I am happy to call Sashik as the art. I just would like to introduce the primitive image of Sashiko (as much as I can without as less filter of me as possible. ☆ 最近、ホントに「刺し子って何?」を考える。瞑想時、刺し子時に御真言を唱えることを追加したからか、言葉が降りてくる感じがするのです。 ☆ 西洋の芸術は、「私(の価値観)」を表現するもので、民藝(というか日本のアートと言われるものは)は、「私達(に生活)」を表現したものなのかもしれません。フェルメールが絵画で世界的な芸術家になった時期に、きっと日本にも刺し子は存在していたのだけれど、刺し子の著名な人の名前は残っていません。私達が敬愛する刺し子作家さんで、吉田英子さんという方がいらっしゃいますが、彼女も「刺し子の素晴らしさを後世に残そうとされた人」の一人です。 ☆ この西洋と日本の違い……が、刺し子を刺し子たるものにしているのかもしれないな……なんて思っています。個を主張しなくても幸せになれるのが日本だったのかも。様々な解釈があるこの社会で、「正しい意見」がチカラを持つこの世の中で、刺し子と向き合う私は、できるだけ原石に近い形で刺し子を紹介したいなと思うのです。(最近の投稿、ブログみたいに読む量が多くてすみませんw)。 ☆ #Sashiko #SashikoStitching #SashikoArt #JapaneseArt #TextileArt #WesternArt #EasternArt #刺し子 #刺し子芸術 https://www.instagram.com/p/BsoIJAJFK7p/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1npfsprkblzo
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fawazarts · 2 years ago
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Why Fawaz Arts? Why not, if you are looking for more than just art then you are looking at one. Fawaz takes the time to develop his paintings to a level that makes them very unique. It would have been so easy to paint the jewelry on his work but he rather put the real jewelry on them. This is not only art but different art. Sir Fawaz #fawazarts #fawazartsgallery #jahrastafari #rastafari #rasta #easternart #selassie #rastaartwork #expensiveartwork https://www.instagram.com/p/ClACf32ONuy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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artist-hushourong · 4 years ago
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It’s an old time work. had been collected already But I really like the colors elements and the vibe #inkwork #inkpaintings #chinesebrushart #chinesebrushwork #coolart #chineseartwork #chineseartists #inkexpressions #expressionistart #amazingartwork #eastart #eastink #easternart #easternartme #easterninkpainting #inkburshpainting #instart #instartistic #instartpics #instartgrammer https://www.instagram.com/p/CM0zbJ6BeM_/?igshid=1ecu5kk1pos80
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ninedragonsphotography · 4 years ago
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Sold! My photographs from China are some of my favorites because they are what inspired the shift from hobby to small business. Stop into my shop (link above) and check out my Asian Art section for more! . . . . . . #forbiddencity #china #chinesephotography #asianart #easternart #redinterior #designinspo #boldbohemians #colorinspiration #colorfulart #interiordesign #interiordecorating #homedecor #homedecoration #artlife #colorfulliving #artforsale #supportsmallbusiness #fineartphotography #fineartprints #photography #ninedragons https://www.instagram.com/p/CHa9wfent8G/?igshid=351pw4cklfui
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