#eastern and western astrology are both bad
selamat-linting · 2 years
my toxic trait is that im vehemently against astrology to the point that believing it would be a net positive on humanity if astrology culture is banned by the state... until i figured out what my crushes' birth date is of course. im sorry for being hypocritical but someone saying we'll have a 100% compatibility is so fun even if i know theyre lying 🤣🤣🤣
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naisaspalace · 3 months
Vedic Astrology 101 p2
Basic explanation of the houses, rulership and signification and how to read the chart (or interpret it on a basic level).
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after explaining a little of the signs and the planets now i will attempt to introduce the houses, the rulerships and their respective significators.
i will bring the nakshatras in the next part.
click here for part one, if you wish to read it :).
The chart:
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The Vedic / sideral chart has a different form of layout and from now on we will have two "designs", one is the northern form (the left side) and the southern form (the right side)
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The Northern format uses triangles, the kendras (1,4,7,10) are in the middle. the difference is that the houses are fixed but not the sign
and on the southern side, the chart houses are not fixed but the signs are fixed. (picture below).
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there is no "right" chart format to choose from, you can use which one is easier for you to understand, I myself use the northern chart and I will be using them for further explanations if I find them necessary but on a solid basic level, those are the charts formats.
and you can see the chart, as a circle if you wish, by using other websites like astro or astroseek which showcase the charts using a circle format independent of the system you choose to use.
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The houses
The Kendras (or Quadrants): Houses I, 4, 7 and I 0. These are highly significant houses. The Panapharas (or Successant Houses): Houses 2, 5, 8 and II. The Apoklimas (or Cadent Houses): Houses 3, 6, 9 and 12. The Trikonas (or Trines): Houses I, 5 and 9. These are highly auspicious and, along with the Kendras, determine the health, wealth, status, dignity, rise and virtue of a native. The lagna, being both a kendra and a trikona, is the most significant of all houses. The Upachayas: Houses 3, 6, 10 and II. These houses indicate struggle, competition and material achievement. The Trika Houses: Houses 6, 8 and 12. These are considered bad houses (Duhsthanas). They indicate debt, disease, loss and misery. The Ayu-sthanas (or houses of longevity) : Houses 8 and 3 (8th from the 8th). They indicate the length of life and, therefore, also the death. The Maraka-sthanas (or killer houses): Houses 2 and 7. The two halves of a horoscope: (a) Houses I to 7 indicate the invisible half and houses 7 to I indicate the visible half of the horoscope. (b) Houses 10 to 4 indicate the eastern half and houses 4 to 10 indicate the western half of the horoscope.
first house or the lagna (ascendant).
represents your body's health and appearance, character, and strength (psychical).
ruled by mars ,house of, aries, sun is the significator of the first house as it also signifies the self and the house where the sun exalts.
the second: money earned and material goods as well as the face appearance and the voice and throat.
ruled by venus, house of taurus, jupiter is the significator because is related to accumulated wealth, financial assets and speech.
the third: nervous system, siblings, short trips, communication style
ruled by mercury, house of gemini, mars is the significator because the third house is related to courage and mental ability.
the fourth: mother, emotions, family, home, origins, heredity, and ancestry.
ruled by the moon, house of cancer, moon is the significator
the fifth: love matters, pleasure, leisure, children, ego, artistic skills and intelligence.
ruled by the sun, house of leo, Jupiter again because the fifth house is related to children, education, intelligence, entertainment, cinema and drama.
the sixth: everyday life, daily work and colleagues, co-workers,health, and house of open enemies.
ruled by mercury, house of virgo, significator of the 6th House are Mars and Saturn because the sixth house is related to diseases, enemies & litigations.
the seventh: unions, marriage, other people, associations, and contracts.
ruled by venus, house of libra, venus is the significator.
the eighth: debts and crises, transformations, death, financial investments, and sexuality.
ruled by mars, house of scorpio, is Saturn because the eight house is related to longevity, joint assets of husband and wife, inlaws and their family, death and rebirth, fall and rise, occult sciences, dark knowledge, hidden things and secret affairs.
the ninth: travels, abstract and higher concepts, spirituality, and foreign matters.
ruled by jupiter, house of Sagittarius, the significators are Sun and Jupiter because the ninth house is related to long distance travels, higher education, gurus and luck in life.
the tenth: social success, professional destiny, karma, and reputation.
ruled by saturn, house of capricorn, the significator is Jupiter because the eleventh house is related to gains, profits from all sources, professional networks, friends and family wealth.
the eleventh: friends, social networks, ongs, earned gains.
ruled by saturn, house of aquarius, the significators are and the twelfth: enemies, difficulties, solitude, hidden ordeals, secrets, dissolution, subconscious, spirit guides and imagination.
ruled by jupiter, house of pisces, the significators are Saturn and Jupiter because the 12th house is related to jails, hospitals, asylums, spirituality, spiritual donations, foreign lands, imagination and the subconscious mind.
obs1: the lord of the lagna is called the lagnesh
obs2: rahu and ketu rule no house, but that depends on the author/teacher because rahu co-rules aquarius so he to some people also rules the 11th, and the same for ketu who co-rules scorpio (8th).
The end (please read)
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just like the first part this was short as well, because this website has a character limiter but, i hoped i explained well enough and helped someone to understand the basics of the houses better.
for the next parts i will tell about the nakshatras and will bring charts to teach how to read on a basic level. thank you for reading <3
readings are open. click here for contact info. and please leave feedback and suggestions of posts if you desire too.
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acharyaganesh123 · 1 year
Understanding Pending Karma Through Astrology
Karma, a concept deeply ingrained in various Eastern philosophies, is the idea that our actions, both good and bad, have consequences that shape our present and future lives. In astrology, the concept of pending karma is a fascinating and intricate one. It suggests that the positions of celestial bodies at the time of our birth can reveal our past actions and the karmic debts we carry forward into this life.
The Basics of Karma in Astrology:
1.Planetary Influences:
Astrology posits that the positions of celestial bodies at the time of your birth can influence your personality, life path, and the challenges you'll face. This cosmic blueprint is often seen as a reflection of your past actions.
2. The Law of Cause and Effect: 
Karma operates on the principle of cause and effect. Your past actions (causes) lead to the situations and circumstances you encounter in this life (effects). Astrologers believe that planetary positions can provide insights into the nature of these karmic effects.
3.Karmic Debts:
Some astrologers argue that unresolved issues from past lives manifest as karmic debts in your current life. These debts may relate to relationships, health, or personal growth. For instance, if you were dishonest in a past life, you might face situations in this life that challenge your honesty.
Indicators of Pending Karma in Your Birth Chart:
1.South Node (Ketu):
In Vedic astrology, the South Node (Ketu) is often associated with past-life karma. Its position in your birth chart can indicate the karmic lessons or challenges you're meant to address in this life.
Saturn is considered the taskmaster of the zodiac, representing responsibility and life lessons. The house and sign placement of Saturn in your chart can reveal where you may have karmic work to do.
In Western astrology, Chiron represents the "wounded healer." Its placement in your chart can indicate past wounds or traumas that require healing, suggesting karmic lessons related to these areas.
4.Karmic Aspects:
The aspects (angular relationships) between planets in your birth chart can also shed light on karmic dynamics. Challenging aspects like squares and oppositions may indicate unresolved karma, while harmonious aspects can suggest positive karmic connections.
Working with Your Pending Karma:
Understanding your birth chart and recognizing potential karmic indicators is the first step. Self-reflection and introspection are crucial for identifying recurring patterns and behaviors.
Accept that your past actions, whether from this life or previous ones, have brought you to your current circumstances. Embrace the opportunity for growth and transformation.
3.Healing and Growth:
Work on healing past wounds and addressing karmic challenges. This might involve therapy, spiritual practices, or personal development efforts.
4.Service and Generosity:
Many spiritual traditions advocate for service and acts of kindness to balance karmic debts. Volunteering and helping others can be a way to create positive karma.
5.Astrological Guidance:
Consult with a knowledgeable astrologer who can provide insights into your birth chart and offer guidance on navigating your karmic journey.
Incorporating the concept of pending karma into your astrological exploration can deepen your understanding of your life's purpose and the challenges you face. It's a reminder that we have the power to shape our destinies through self-awareness and conscious actions.
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jinxstrology · 2 years
Primal Astrology Signs (Taurus)
Primal astrology is a branch of astrology which combines the Western and Eastern (Chinese) traditions, creating 144 new signs that provide a deeper look into your personality. Although the system does include the use of the term "spirit animal", we can disregard that and simply view these signs as "primal animals", which I believe is just as accurate.
TAURUS (APRIL 20TH - MAY 20TH) + RAT (1972, 1984, 1996)
Combining the ambition and cunning of the Rat with the stubborn persistence of the Bull, those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Squirrel are capable of creating great success in their lifetimes. Both highly capable and strong-willed, members of this sign are willing to take the risks necessary to lead them to their goals.
These traits represent both the best and worst sides of the Squirrel. Their strong work ethic and enthusiasm for achievement help them immensely when it comes to getting what they want out of life. At the same time, Squirrels are often too willing to sacrifice anything and everything in order to accomplish what they have their minds set on. Some may even reach the very edge of ethical and moral boundaries if need be, though luckily, they are usually smart enough to know not to cross the legal ones.
Once Squirrels become focused on a goal, there is simply no stopping them, unless they choose to stop themselves. Though not patient in the classic sense of the word, they are willing to take each step one at a time in order to build the foundation for their success. This is often the difference between this sign and others who seek success. Even though they want the glory and riches as soon as possible, Squirrels inherently know that it will take time to get where they want to go, and are willing to wait if it gives them a better shot at having it all.
Squirrels have great instincts. They understand people very well, and will often partner up with others to reach higher levels of success. Witty, imaginative, and charming, they are surprisingly skilled at convincing others to join them on their road to greatness. Usually, they will stay loyal to their comrades, though they will not hesitate to do what is necessary to keep their dreams alive. The “big picture” is the only picture for a Squirrel.
Interestingly, in the animal kingdom, the typically vegetarian squirrel has been found to prey on other small animals if need be. Though this is rare, it clearly represents the singular focus and survival instincts of the animal which represents those born under its sign.
TAURUS + OX (1973, 1985, 1997)
Stubborn determination is the hallmark of the Yak. Those born under this sign simply do not accept “no” for an answer. Hard work and dedication to a cause will earn you the highest respect in a Yak’s eyes. Members of this sign tend to see things as black or white, meaning that there is rarely a middle ground to any situation. People’s actions are either right or wrong, things are either good or bad, people are either hard workers or lazy. The word “compromise” does not exist in the vocabulary of a Yak. They know how they feel, and have no reason to question it.
Yaks hate change. They prefer a steady, dependable routine where they can focus their efforts on moving forward one day at a time. Working is where they feel the most comfortable, whether in their career, on their homes, or on their hobbies. Yaks tend to live for their future goals, rather than for the moment, and it can take a lot of convincing to get them to take a break. It’s too bad, too, because a well-rested and serene Yak can be one of the best companions to have around. Finding a balance between work and life, or rather, living for the future versus living for the present, should be an important goal for everyone born under this sign.
Many Yaks share the trait of having a steadfast and uncompromising world view that they truly believe is best for all others to follow. The otherwise quiet and thoughtful Yak can become quite emphatic in sharing their passionate political viewpoints. One of this sign’s major life purposes is to learn to see past their own point of view to accept the ideas of others, even if they personally disagree with them.
TAURUS + TIGER (1974, 1986, 1998)
Like their animal namesake, those born under the sign of the Wolf are passionate, determined, and never back down from a fight. Though generally mild mannered and even easygoing (when things are going their way), members of this sign are very protective of themselves and the ones they love, and will not let anyone intimidate or coerce them. They are generous, warmhearted, and perhaps a bit stubborn. Though they hold their friends and family very dear, Wolves also have an independent nature that compels them to seek their own path in life.
Wolves simultaneously seek security and adventure - two things that don’t tend to coexist very well. That said, their determination to live their lives exactly how they desire makes having both a possibility. They simply don’t accept limitations when it comes to something they are passionate about, and would rather fight than run from a challenge.
As strong as they seem, those born under this sign are easily hurt emotionally. They secretly care deeply about how others perceive them, and can be sensitive to even the smallest insult. Should they have a falling out with someone, they will most likely need time alone to let the wound heal. Wolves like to believe that everyone respects them as much as they want to be respected, and can’t stand to be derided or treated poorly by anyone.
TAURUS + RABBIT (1975, 1987, 1999)
Those born under the sign of the Hedgehog are friendly, reserved, stylish, and sensitive. Like their animal namesake, they can be shy and defensive, especially in unfamiliar situations, but once they open up to you, they are great friends to have around.
It usually takes a while to get to know a Hedgehog. It’s not because they are unfriendly or impolite - in fact, they value manners and politeness very highly - it’s just that they don’t talk about themselves very much, and tend to be very uncomfortable in unfamiliar places or with unfamiliar people. Those with the patience to get to know them on their terms will find them to be very warm, friendly, and well-mannered. They don’t like to say bad things about anyone, and equally don’t like bad things said about them. If you become very close friends with a Hedgehog, you will find that they are welcoming hosts, engaging conversationalists, and imaginative thinkers with a lot more to say than one would expect.
Hedgehogs like to do things their own way, and on their own terms. They are surprisingly stubborn and determined for having such an easygoing nature. They don’t need to brag about how good they are at something - they just go out and succeed. Hedgehogs have creative minds, and are more ambitious than they appear. While others are out socializing, Hedgehogs often spend a lot of time on their own, mastering their craft or learning a new skill.
TAURUS + DRAGON (1976, 1988, 2000)
Strong, focused, and proud, those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Rattlesnake have an insatiable drive and tireless work ethic. Few people can keep up with their energy, and even less can match their persistence. They know it, too, and most Rattlesnakes expect to be respected due to their inherent power and their earned success.
Members of this sign like nice things, and want to live the good life. A big, beautiful home tops the Rattlesnake’s priority list, followed by lots of nice things to show off. In truth, they are a bit overly impressed by shows of wealth and status. Deep down, what they really want is respect and adoration, but they inherently know that accumulating money is the easiest way to impress others, and they happen to be quite skilled at doing just that.
Careers are often the focal point of a Rattlesnake’s life. Strong and capable workers, they are also effective group leaders, and do best when they are in charge. Too often, though, they try to take on big projects by themselves. It's not that they don't trust anyone else to get things done, they just know that they are capable of doing it all. This usually means that they overload themselves, and eventually get bogged down and burned out. Rattlesnakes need to learn how to use their inherent leadership skills to delegate responsibility. They can get much more accomplished in the long run by using their charm and influence to convince others to join in their cause.
Members of this sign are incredibly stubborn, and have a well-earned reputation for being inflexible. They are not tyrants, but they have high expectations of others, though they never expect more from others than they expect from themselves. Like their animal namesake, those born under the sign of the Rattlesnake are not very tolerant of those who cross them. They will almost always give you a warning before they strike out, though, and that warning should be heeded. When pushed too far, they can lash out quickly and ferociously. An angry Rattlesnake can be extremely dangerous.
Rattlesnakes need to have something greater than themselves to live for. Without a higher purpose in life, members of this forward-focused sign will chase after wealth, accomplishments, status, or power. Should they follow this path, they will end up feeling empty when they finally stop to rest and enjoy their achievements. Finding a bigger purpose in life to put their talents and energy into will be a big life purpose for this sign.
TAURUS + SNAKE (1977, 1989, 2001)
In the animal kingdom, jackals are often mistakenly thought of as lazy scavengers who don’t like to take risks or venture outside of their own territory. In the Primal Zodiac, those born under the sign of the Jackal are often misrepresented in the same way. To be fair, members of this sign don’t like to take risks, feel most comfortable on their own turf, and favor long-term survival over momentary satisfaction. But, to consider these traits as negatives is to misunderstand the Jackal completely.
Jackals are notoriously hard to read. On the outside, they often look bored, disinterested, and lazy. On the inside, however, they are constantly re-evaluating situations and making plans for the future. Jackals have a deep-seeded need for long-term security that heavily influences most of their behavior. To a member of this sign, being secure means being able to live day to day on autopilot - having a comfortable routine that they can change at their whim, but will always be there for them to fall back on. They don’t mind living in squalor and eating scraps, if it leads to an eventual reality of comfortable, if not extravagant living. In truth, Jackals desire the finest homes, possessions, food, and drink. Though they can be self-indulgent, they will never sacrifice their future security for momentary bliss. Everything Jackals do is in an attempt to realize the fantasy of being set comfortably for life.
Those born under this sign have a hard time living in the moment, and are prone to depression and sulking because their goal seems so far away. Jackals need to learn to take pleasure in each day, and not just use it as a platform to get closer to their future. If they don’t, they risk missing out on their own lives as they are living them.
TAURUS + HORSE (1978, 1990, 2002)
Those born under the sign of the Kangaroo can be difficult to figure out. On one hand, they appear to be relatively friendly, hardworking individuals who work too much and are always focused on something else. Get in the way of their goals, though, and watch out. Few signs have the explosive temper of the Kangaroo. They don’t mean to offend, but the hot-headed and heavy-hearted Kangaroo lives in an inner world of extremes, and has a hard time realizing that others don’t see everything that is going on behind their focused exterior. To this sign, life is a battle that must be won at all costs, and anyone not with them must be against them.
Members of this sign are obsessed with the future. More accurately, they are obsessed with their future success. Few signs are as determined as the Kangaroo. Once they have decided to achieve a goal, they will pour themselves into the challenge, often working late into the night to follow through on an idea before it slips away.
Kangaroos are much more creative than they seem from the outside. The combination of innovative thinking and a stubborn, yet passionate drive often overwhelms a Kangaroo’s senses. They have a hard time staying balanced between working and living, which they too often view as the same thing.
In truth, Kangaroos just want to be admired and appreciated. They know that few others are capable of matching their ambition and motivation, and since they appreciate these qualities more than any others, they can’t understand why those around them don’t seem to acknowledge their efforts. These traits are indeed admirable, and even impressive to some, but what Kangaroos fail to realize is that those close to them prefer the rare opportunity of having them present in the moment, over getting to share in their future success.
TAURUS + GOAT (1979, 1991, 2003)
Hard working, patient, and intelligent, those born under the sign of the Buffalo have no problem taking a backseat to more dominant personalities. Dependable, trustworthy, and kind, this is a sign of quiet, well-mannered individuals whose reputation is as important to them as their appearance. Buffalo have their own standards to live up to, and can be nearly impossible to convince to stray from their moral and ethical beliefs. They are mostly calm and peaceful, but can become extremely aggressive if pushed too far.
Buffalo are mildly social, but otherwise not very adventurous. Unlike some other signs, they don’t mind having a routine to follow, as long as it serves some kind of purpose for them. This preference usually comes through in their career choice, but not always. Buffalo have great stores of passion and resilience just waiting to take on a worthy project, but they don’t bring that passion to what they are doing if they flat-out don’t like it.
Members of this sign can come across as lazy and nervous when they are not well-balanced, though the real uncertainty is much greater inside than out. Buffalo dislike change as much as they dislike making important decisions. This partly explains why they don’t like working as the leader on projects. They would rather go on autopilot and follow their routine, than have to face the pressures of being in charge.
When balanced, Buffalo are elegant and patient individuals with great taste in food, clothes, and decor. They are gracious hosts who enjoy displays of wealth and generosity. They like luxuries of all kinds, including and especially good food and entertainment. Most Buffalo have nice homes, and enjoy the beauty of the natural world.
TAURUS + MONKEY (1980, 1992, 2004)
A mix of headstrong self-assurance and passionate determination, those born under the sign of the Ostrich have the ability to influence the society and culture around them just by doing what they do best. Ostriches are smart, confident, and driven. They have huge imaginations, and love to learn new things. They are puzzle-solvers by nature, and though they are not typically all that focused in their everyday lives, members of this sign can become fixated on getting the results that they want.
Ostriches don’t just have hobbies, they have obsessions. They are rarely intentionally ambitious, rather, their success comes from following their passions with such endless devotion that they can’t help but become masters of their craft. This is when the best aspects of an Ostrich come forth. If they were to stop and try to intentionally calculate their next steps to success, they would become overwhelmed and fall apart. There are two different kinds of Ostriches - those that unconsciously move forward on their own special path, and those who are constantly searching for the next high.
This is the big danger for those born under this sign. Their purpose in life is to follow their hearts and their instincts. Every time they try to control the direction that they are naturally flowing in, they go off course. If they let this happen too often, they become completely lost in life, and wonder how everything can seem so wrong when they have been trying so hard to do everything right. Their ego is their biggest enemy, and giving in and trusting fate is the only way for them to move forward. Ostriches have one of the greatest opportunities, but also face one of the greatest challenges of all signs. The quality of an Ostrich’s life is directly correlated to their ability to let go and trust fate (and their instincts) to take them where they were always meant to go.
TAURUS + ROOSTER (1981, 1993, 2005)
Persistent, eccentric, and romantic, those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Beaver are hard workers who prefer to create their own universe, rather than wait for life to happen to them. Beavers usually maintain a cool exterior, and can be straightforward to the point of being blunt. They don’t sugarcoat what they want to say; they consider that a waste of everyone's time. At the same time, Beavers don’t like to hear the hard truth about themselves. They want so badly to succeed and to avoid making mistakes that they often get TOO focused on the details, and miss the big picture. Beavers HATE to look foolish or incompetent, so they must always be one step ahead of everyone else, which can be exhausting, and is often unnecessary.
In the animal kingdom, few creatures transform their surrounding environment as much as beavers do. By building their dams, they are altering the flow of the environment all around them. In human societies, this kind of activity is much more likely to cause disruption to the neighbors, coworkers, and family surrounding them. Humans born under the sign of the Beaver often don’t have the liberty to change their environment as readily as their animal namesakes do. Humans are aware of how their actions would affect those around them, thus, they have to be more careful and diplomatic in building their empire, unless they want to face a large amount of opposition along the way.
And build an empire they will. Most Beavers are extremely dedicated to the idea of success, and most will want to succeed by doing things their own way. Career is of great importance, as this is their primary method of proving that they have been successful in life. Members of this sign like having nice surroundings. They will likely indulge in their home or office setup, splurging on the best of the best as another way of proving their success to themselves and others. Truly, the biggest danger for Beavers is becoming too self-focused. In their quest for success, and a place in history, those born under this sign face the danger of losing track of what is really important in life, and often will sacrifice relationships to chase their goals.
Being a blend of two self-focused and determined signs, Taurus and the Rooster, this sign has good intentions, but can easily find themselves spiraling into depression and anxiety, which leads them to a place of burnout and disappointment. Taurus needs security, and the Rooster needs to be constantly achieving. Taurus hates change, but needs change to succeed, while the Rooster has big dreams that usually end up being less fulfilling than originally imagined. As with every Primal Zodiac sign, the two sides of a person’s birth sign must be balanced in order for that person to become balanced. Beavers must learn to take time out from working, and use that time to build rewarding relationships that have no end goal in mind.
TAURUS + DOG (1982, 1994, 2006)
Funny, loyal, and magnetic, those born under the sign of the Seagull like to keep things light and easy. They are idealists who also want the world to be more idealistic with them. They like discussing their philosophies about life with anyone who shares their opinions, though they are not confrontational enough to want to argue with someone about whose opinion is right or wrong.
Seagulls usually grow up with a specific role in their family, and never really shed this role as they grow up. They will likely still do what their parents tell them to do, whether they agree with it or not. Seagulls take the attitude of “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it”. If they are comfortably secure in their current lifestyle, it’s going to be difficult to get them to change it.
All Seagulls really want to do is have a good time, which can make it difficult for them to focus when it comes time to work. More than anything, though, Seagulls are loyal, so they show up and do their duty, in return for enough money to provide the basic security that they need to feel stable. Members of this sign like nice things, but don’t need to have them. They prefer love and friendship over money or success, and will only really work if they have to, or if they find a field that they are genuinely interested in.
Seagulls find the daily grind of reality depressing, and there are few things more difficult to be around than a Seagull in a bad mood. This is an unfortunate truth that members of this sign will need to come to terms with. They attract people to them with their fun and easygoing nature, but when they are down and out, Seagulls notoriously become moody, depressed complainers who can’t seem to find a glass that isn’t half-empty.
Seagulls are artistic by nature, and enjoy coming up with unusual solutions to common problems. They are also socially aware, and consider themselves “free thinkers” who believe strongly in social justice and equal rights for all people. They don’t like to argue these beliefs with anyone, and others usually learn this quickly after a rare angry outburst or two.
TAURUS + PIG (1983, 1995, 2007)
Those born under the sign of the Wombat are strong, determined, sensitive, and stubborn. While they may not show their sensitive side to others, it is there - hidden beneath a layer of friendly manners that they always keep on the surface. Wombats tend to be rather quiet and unsociable until you get to know them, or rather, until they get to know you. Members of this sign prefer to quietly observe until they feel comfortable with the group. Once you get them going, though, this is actually quite a social sign that gets along well with many different types of people.
Wombats are smarter, stronger, and more agile than others expect. This sign can be painfully overindulgent and procrastinating, to the point that others wonder how it is they get by day to day. Once a Wombat has made up its mind, however, there is nothing that can stop them from getting what they want. This is where their slow determination and stubborn refusal to let anything stop them gives them their great strength.
Wombats prefer familiar people and places. They are fond of luxuries, and usually have well-kept homes where they enjoy throwing parties. A Wombat will always have great food and drink on hand. Hosting parties and entertaining guests is where they shine the most. They prefer this very strongly over going out to clubs, bars, or anywhere else loud or crowded.
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saturniandevil · 3 years
May 2021 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on the Astrology Podcast’s May forecast video. Posting this one a little later than usual as I had a busy week. Dates based off US Mountain Time and may be a day earlier in the Eastern Hemisphere.
We’re entering this month on the back of a Scorpio Full Moon--themes of privacy may be especially pertinent, such as the Apple data tracking app released right on this lunation. We have a bit of a vacation in the first few weeks of the month, though new transits will chip away at that feeling as we move towards June.
May 3rd - Mercury enters Gemini His ingress precedes a shift towards mutable signs for the rest of the month--get ready to change things up. Communications will open up more as Mercury becomes even brighter on the Western horizon (he’s finally leaving that conjunction with the Sun). He’ll retrace his steps through Gemini later this month while squaring Neptune, though (when Venus made this trip in Gemini last year it corresponded to the second wave/lockdown in the US).
May 8th - Venus enters Gemini She’ll be leaving her domicile, but finally coming out from under the Sun’s beams--she and Mercury will both be visible just after sunset on the Western horizon. She’s literally brighter in the sky, making her benefic influence much stronger now that the Sun has stopped burning her. Key themes are the exploration of new ideas, taking pleasure in quick dialog, and an increase in movement.
May 11th - New Moon in Taurus The ruler of this New Moon, Venus, will be in Gemini with no (major) aspect to the lunation, however there aren’t any tense aspects to malefic planets either. (Only aspects are a sextile to Neptune and square with Jupiter.) Slow, steady and relaxing for a few weeks before the big changes this month. It’s also occurring the day before an exact trine between Mercury (13♊) and Saturn (13♒), making it a good time to finalize logistics, get paperwork done, and learn from the experiences of those older and wiser.
May 13th - Jupiter enters Pisces The greater benefic entering his nocturnal domicile should bring some good fortune to all. This is the first time in many months he’s been free from Saturn’s rulership, so we can finally relax a bit. He’s going to retrograde at the end of June and backtrack into Aquarius by July, so we’ve got a couple months to taste freedom (likely indicates travel restrictions worldwide loosening up but then tightening one last time). Our podcast hosts liken this transit to much-needed rain coming down on us, or like the full appetizer course of a larger meal. Jupiter entering such a wet sign can bring things together, where a flood of collective emotions will likely be dealt with in the upcoming cycle (both over the next few months and as the year ends/into ‘22 when he’ll be direct in Pisces).
May 20th - Sun enters Gemini He’ll be joining Mercury, Venus, and the North Node in this sign, and will be making a square to Jupiter early on as well. Kelly says this aspect & its repercussions may give some hints as to what the Jupiter and Pisces dialog will be for us. Things will start getting a little bumpy, though...
May 23rd - Saturn Retrograde at 13° Aquarius This is the furthest he’s made it into Aquarius in the past few months, having entered it but backtracked to Capricorn last year. This change of motion is really charging up the second Saturn-Uranus square, which will go exact next month but is within 1° of exactitude by the end of the month. Here’s the diagram from Archetypal Explorer again showing how close they’ll be:
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Austin notes that those with strong Saturn-Uranus energy in their natal charts, such as the Saturn-Uranus copresence of the late ‘80s, will feel an activation of this placement. Chris also notes the struggle to overthrow and change structures in society will likely resurface as it did during their interactions last year. The image here may be shaking a tree for the fruit to come off--a brittle tree will crack but a moist tree will absorb the vibrations. Which structures can handle the earthquakes and which will fall?
Some people may be able to thrive on the paths opened by a crisis; early adopters of new technologies may make a move. Things will be different from the norm, and may pose great opportunities for those who shine brighter in times of chaos.
May 26th - Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse at 5°25′ Sagittarius This will be our first eclipse of the year. They come in roughly 6-month cycles, with the previous Sagittarius eclipse occurring in December--this may be a culmination of issues raised back then, and will set the theme for the next ~6 months.
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Look for some big changes in the areas of life indicated by whichever house contains early Sagittarius for you. Austin notes that this eclipse is on the South Node (“tail of the dragon”) right after Jupiter entered his domicile. What needs to be cleared away for us to pursue what we believe in? Which fields need to be emptied in order to receive the rain? It’s time to let go of what is no longer serving you--those efforts have culminated and it’s time to pursue that new path you’ve been considering since December (or since last June perhaps, which was the last Full Moon to get this close to the nodes.)
Additionally, this means that next month will have a solar eclipse. The end of May to beginning of June this year is “eclipse season” for us. By the next eclipse in June, the area of life (house) Gemini rules for you will already be a little overstimulated...
May 29th - Mercury Retrograde at 24° Gemini He’s also squaring Neptune right as he slows down & switches direction--confusion on the horizon! Mercury will be domicile during this change in motion, making the retrograde stronger. Chris compares this transit to to Mercury Rx conjunct Neptune in early 2020 and all the confusion around public messaging that happened there. You can be very clever with bad information.
Mercury will slow down and go direct again right around the eclipse next month, tying the eclipses and Mercury retrograde cycle together. Standard keywords: miscommunication, messages getting eaten or going to the wrong place, reviewing old processes, doing the same thing three times because of freak errors...
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sweetfox77 · 3 years
20 Signs You’re What’s Known As A ‘Lightworker’
📷 By Brianna WiestUpdated January 27, 2022 Lightworker What is a lightworker? A lightworker is a special person with almost psychic ability to intuit what other people are thinking, feeling, or need in order to heal. 1. You intuitively know that you are alive for a higher purpose, one that is directly related to awakening and transforming your own life and the lives of others by helping to raise the collective consciousness of human beings.2. You are highly intuitive, and have had an innate wisdom about life since the time you were young. You are naturally philosophical and spiritual, and often perplex people with how you seem to know so much for your age.3. Though you connect with people easily and it is part of your purpose to help them, you are somewhat of a loner. You are sensitive to other people’s energy, and can only take it in doses.📷A lightworker is the epitome of an old soul.4. Your young life set you up for a series of traumas, challenges and other difficulties. You understand that these were not intended to hurt you, rather to awaken you to the healer you are now. 📷Buy now 📷For the person who is always googling astrological compatibility when they meet someone new.How You’ll Do Everything Based On Your Zodiac Sign includes an exhaustive analysis of each sign’s personality. You’ll learn which high school clique represents them (Pisces are the cool art kids), who would get eaten first in a scary movie (Gemini, obviously) to how each sign prefers to say ‘I love you’ (for Taurus, it’s with good food). Alternating between silly, sweet, and serious, this book is filled with deep dives into the mind of everyone whose birth chart you can get your hands on.5. You are constantly on a mission to improve your own life and the lives of those around you. Your core drive in life is to identify what needs to be fixed, and how you can possibly make it better. Though this sometimes becomes a shadow of perfectionism, when used the right way, is an incredible gift.6. Though you once may have struggled with certain mental illnesses, you have come to understand that they were adaptations to your circumstances rather than innate problems. You understand that part of your purpose is to revolutionize the way people see their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.7. You are spiritual, but err away from religion. Your life work is to help people re-internalize their power. Even if you use teachings or principles from one enlightened master or another, you maintain focus on awakening the god within each individual and helping them to see their unlimited power, potential and healing capabilities.8. You are naturally creative, and your healing process often involves some kind of art, writing or one-on-one healing modality.9. You are the epitome of an old soul. You are wise, mature and seem to have the experience of many lifetimes, despite being far too young to be as tuned in as you are.10. You have always been inexplicably different from your family, friends and peers. Because of this, you may have struggled to find your “tribe” or feel as though you really fit in anywhere.11. You are constantly coming into deeper self-awareness about yourself and your life. Through your ongoing journey of awakening and healing, you continue to shine light on the shadow aspects that most people reject and deny. 12. You are an extremely powerful manifestor. When you think or focus on something clearly, you receive it or are able to create it in very short amounts of time.13. This strong energy is both a blessing and a curse: you have to be careful of what you focus on, because you will end up creating it in your life, whether it is good or bad.14. You are naturally drawn to ancient spiritual texts about energy and ascension; you resonate more with eastern philosophies than western.15. You are almost psychic in your ability to intuit what other people are thinking, feeling, or need in order to heal.16. You know you are here in this life to dissolve your old karmic patterns, and to break into a new level of consciousness and awareness. You
understand that your purpose here is not just a job or a task, but rather, to just become who you are meant to be.17. Your main objective in life is self-growth. You are always focused on how you can better yourself, and know that the best years of your life are yet to come.18. You feel a strong connection to nature, and believe that it is the closest that we can get to becoming most aligned with source. 19. At one or multiple point(s) in your life, you experienced an intense spiritual awakening. Your worldview shattered, and you were forced to purge out all of the limiting beliefs that were once holding you back. You understand that awakening can be an exhausting, sometimes painful process, but that it is often necessary.20. You can sense that you are part of a global effort to raise people’s consciousness, and are often referred to as a “frontrunner” in the spiritual community. This is not to say that you are enlightened and other aren’t, it is just to say you learned your lessons a little sooner, so that you could help others through their own.
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zedecksiew · 4 years
“Exotic Warrior”
(Am writing this because it’s been bubbling over in my mind. This post is an exorcism of bad vibes over bad ideas that have held me hostage, the past few days.)
There is now criticism on Twitter arguing that the “Exotic Warrior”, one of Troika!’s d66 Backgrounds, is racist because it is coded as Orientalist / Asian.
I would like to respectfully disagree.
(There are other arguments in the initial complaint. I am commenting the “Exotic Warrior” specifically. Because by being actually East Asian -- part of the diaspora, living in Southeast Asia -- I feel I have some standing to comment.)
When I encountered “Exotic Warrior” in the book it stood out as a neat background and helped sell me on Troika!.
As I read it, the Background is a deft piece of work: it references the “adventurer from a foreign land” thing, but occludes said trope’s usual Orientalism -- an attempt at deconstruction.
A foreigner, in Troika!, can be anybody. This isn’t just a platitude; it’s supported by the book’s implied science-fantasy setting -- is essentially Spelljammer, but on more acid.
It is similar to Electric Bastionland / Planescape / etc in that it features a melting-pot, nobody’s-local “city at the centre of creation”-type deal. (I have Thoughts about RPG setttings that focus on metropoles, but that’s a separate post.)
Here’s the “Exotic Warrior” ’s text, in full:
24 EXOTIC WARRIOR No one has heard of your homeland. Your habits are peculiar, your clothes are outrageous, and in a land jaded to the outlandish and new you still somehow manage to stand out.
ADVANCED SKILLS 6 Language - Exotic Language 3 Fighting in your Weird Weapon 2 Language - Local Language 2 Spell - Random 1 Astrology 1 Etiquette 
Honestly? None of the above reads as particularly problematic. It’s a legit, characterful beginning point for a player-character.
Sure, my Western-media-battered brain jumps to Samurai Warrior -- 
But immediately also to Sufi Missionary or Varangian Guard. And indeed comes to rest at Indeterminately White Gentleperson Naturalist -- the kind of exotic visitor Southeast Asia got, a lot, those scouts of European imperialism.
These readings are possible because of the illustration the entry is paired with. Here they are together:
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Setting aside the surrealist stylisations:
The shape of the costume, the belt, the “skirt” -- these look like Europeanisms, to me. And the figure’s laughing abandon opposes the standard Orientalist tropes of wise inscrutability or red-faced savagery.
The choice to run “Exotic Warrior” with a decidedly non-Orientalist-coded illustration isn’t an unintentional piece of art direction.
(PS: any critique of an illustrated text that only focuses on the words is incomplete. Image is half the text of an illustrated text.)
The nondescript-ness of the entry plus its accompanying image is an open door. Opening this door isn’t without risk: whatever assumptions you make about your particular “Exotic Warrior” are drawn from your own biases.
Regarding “Etiquette” and “Astrology” and “Tea Set”?
With my biases: I don’t read these things as uniquely East-Asian. (When I first encountered “tea set” in Troika! I genuinely thought: “English tea service”, instead of: “temae”.)
The one that I did read as real-world Eastern was “Pocket Gods” -- but many human cultures had this, pocket gods are a part of Troika!’s wider fantasy setting, and “Exotic Warrior” isn’t the only Background to start with them.
A note on “exotification”:
The criticism of “Exotic Warrior” fundamentally seems to be: “Playing a character from the Other / that is Other-ed = BAD”.
I fundamentally disagree with this notion.
I have no lived experience of a society where being other-ed (in terms of culture, race, class, gender expression, etc) isn't an ever-present thread in the fabric of one's life -- and therefore a crucial and profound source of conflict and insight into the human condition.
(The ethnic fault-lines in Malaysian society have become so unbridgeable today primarily because it was official policy to sweep all that other-ing under the rug of “Malaysia Truly Asia”, as opposed to working through our ugly whispered prejudices towards understanding.)
We are not all the same. Cultural, geographic, and material differences exist. The mismatch in knowledge and understanding this creates? It matters.
In fact: To insist on universal cultural-knowledge parity; To push for “nobody’s born here, everybody belongs” melting-pots as the default framing; To nudge questions of difference and arrival into ghettos (to paraphrase one of the tweets I saw: “you can only explore issues surrounding the Other in a game specifically designed to do so”);
All that comes off to me as a very neo-liberal position, designed to safeguard and disguise the privileges of “mainstream” metropolitan melting-pots.
I read it as:
“Post-modern cosmopolitan societies want to be inclusive but don’t want to pay the admission price of history and discomfort, so they generally opt for erasure instead.”  
Throughout this post I have been careful to speak from my particular context. Because context matters.
More context:
I like Troika!. Like, a lot. I think its creator, UK-based Daniel Sell, strives and succeeds at making thoughtful work. I consider him a friend, whom I’ve had personal (albeit Internet-bound) interactions now and again.
I have BJ Recio to thank for the following insight. Talking to him about “Exotic Warrior”, BJ brought up a crucial point that I’ll paraphrase here:
Roleplaying the outsider can be bad, especially when it is used as an excuse by the West to do fucked-up shit. But it is not default bad. Assuming it is default bad centres the discussion on “Will White people fuck this up? (Yes.)”
Essentially, the argument against “Playing a character from the Other / that is Other-ed = BAD" assumes two things:
(a) Western participants as default; (b) harm (because of ignorance or bad faith) as default.
If your context -- your Background, hah! -- prompts you to experience Troika! with those assumptions; and therefore read “Exotic Warrior” as necessarily Orientalist, and racially-charged?
Your context is your context; I’m not going to invalidate it.
If you are located in a society where the binary of White / non-White overpowers everything, I certainly understand the whys and hows of your position.
Your context matters.
So does mine.
I think I’m reacting badly to this because I personally feel turned away by this RPG Discourse Around Representation (tm), supposedly done in the name of my East-Asian ass.
I resent the idea that “Playing a character from the Other / that is Other-ed = BAD”. It threatens to render verboten the entirety of my RPG work.
I am a SEA creator trying to explore and be true to my context. If there is one constant throughout SEAsian experience, it is difference.
Our peoples have ever encountered and glamourised and hated each other, all of us simultaneously Us and the Other:
Japanese and Malay enclaves in Ayutthaya; Mongol invaders in Java, who never left; Luzones mercenaries, employed by both the Sultan of Melaka and his Portuguese enemies; The reputation of the Ilanun / Bajak Laut; White conquistadors (aforementioned above); The entire history of diaspora Chinese identities (my identity!) in SEA, generally;
Foreigners from foreign lands -- feared, not fully understood, not fully understanding, simultaneously conquering and settling and finding modes of belonging, becoming a part of the land.
Always arriving.
That the background music of my geography, discordant though it may be, is somehow so harmful it may only be meaningfully depicted in the hermetic context of a “game specifically designed to explore that”?
This feels bad, and extremely unwelcoming. It feels like a shut gate instead of an open door.
I refuse to be turned away.
(Hopefully I can finally stop thinking about this shit.)
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leonaluv · 3 years
So for my feedback "water sign" I do have cancer sun sign/aries moon/ virgo rising.
For my looks, I cant say I look fit but I workout a lot, I am very pale and asian/middle eastern. I am not tall :') 157cm I have a round face. I am indeed younger than 25.
Initials starts with J
"You can be indecisive and spend money quick" this is very accurate lol! Personality trait perfectionist is true too! You got the personality more accurate than the phsycial appearance. And for the si I have the same hair length but darker color. (Brown)
For you: (idk what you use astrology wise but I'll put both vedic and western)
Maybe Leo moon or sun. You might have a Gemini placement in big 6, 8th house saggitaurs/libra
Maybe you are tall or have long legs, bodyshape rectangle/spoon
Are you good at math? I am getting tha you are. Maybe you have obvious viens somewhere on your body/feet.
Personality traits: mysterious, brave, quiet, funny, smart, clever, sharp. Please tell me if anything resonated jsjdjsjmw
I dont have sims hehe. You said after feedback I can ask question so my q is how is my career going to be like? If I shouldnt ask pls ignore lol sjndjsjsj
Okay the cancer!!! Energy got that part right 😄. Well I would say Asian still similar as your not white . Round face okay okay . Oh so you are younger 😀!!!!
Yes, since picking up the physical traits is difficult with just tarot. Thank you for adding Vedic . So no air sign 😥 that was a miss.
I gave up math when I was in middle school . 🤓 I am short 5'3 . I do have Leo rising sign and Gemini is in 11th house for tropical .. Vedic
Sagttuirus - 5th house and Libra tropical .
Personality yes to everything.
I saw your other ask when you mention that you have longer hair . 😅I was thinking medium length but not to long .
Tarot Reading
An ending can happen that will lead you to new opportunities in your life .💓 For October many new career opportunities.
It can be rough as you won't get to have much alone time . You could have to travel and be on the go many times. Not having enough time to yourself. It can be hard to adapt as things always transform into something new . ( The hanged man reverse , the world reverse , and the hermit reverse , the emperor)
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Your relationship with your boss / CEO will he great and stable.
Coworkers it just normal relationship nothing special or bad .
Maybe you meet a doctor in your career and begin a relationship .
Connected with fertility or having baby while your in your career .
It can be a birth to a new idea that helps you heal . Open yourself up better to love because of it.
Have interruption during your career and because you may want to put your family above it. Especially if you have kids.
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idk-loving-kpop · 4 years
Hi! I learned a lot abt astrology through your req post!
Can I ask your opinion about my placement as individual, or does it needs to be in a ships pair?
My birth date is **/**/** 
I like Got7, EXO, Ailee, Heize and BTS, but I dont expect my placements to be a good pair for any of these idols (I tended to think so bcs my placements got me confuse sometimes).
Please ignore this if you can’t answer this. Thank you!
HIIIII!!! Okay I do shipping so I will do an astrology ship for you … But I am always down for answering random questions … Keeps things interesting but I don’t really have an opinion on your placements, or maybe I am not understanding your question …
Because all placements can be confusing .. This house, that house, this sign , that planet … That is why I only focus on the Sun sign and your year of birth to do ships. Keep plain and simple with little issues. Plus it is easier to find Kpop idols sun sign that finding that find their whole birth chart.
After the astrology ship I have added some links that might be helpful to anyone who doesn’t really know astrology or needs help understanding their chart … 
Western Sign:  Leo   Eastern Sign:  Dog “Ideal” Partners for Leo: Aries and Sagittarius   “Ideal” Partners for Dog: Horse and Tiger
Heize (Leo /Goat)
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You match with western but eastern it not bad but not good ... 
Ailee (Gemini / Snake)
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As an air sign Gemini match well with Leo.  Air signs and Fire signs go well together. Also Dog & Snake match well too. Not ideal but is pretty good match.
BTS - Jhope (Aquarius / Dog)
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Western - JIn
Eastern - RM & Jhope
Comparing DOB you are pretty even with both RM & Hobi ... 
EXO - Sehun (Aries / Dog)
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Western - Xiumin, Chanyeol, & Sehun
Eastern - Xiumin, Sehun, Kris & Luhan
GOT7 - Jackson (Aries / Dog)
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Western - Jackson
Eastern - Jackson & Jinyoung
Helpful links:
The 1st two links are getting your natal/birth chart.  To have an accurate chart you must provide place of birth, plus time of birth. Those 2 links actually explain your different placements.
The 3rd link is pretty good website to get information about your DOB.  From your signs to compatibility to lucky numbers, colors etc. It even gives your numerology/life path number.  Only negative it might tell you a different placement than you have. Example for me it said Moon in Gemini when all my natal/birth chart tell me my moon is in Libra. 
Eastern Astrology 
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Western Astrology
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To the person that requested this you can msg me in private what your specific questions are or what you wanted me to talk to you about. 
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darling-blurbs · 5 years
Character Sheet I found on Deviantart
Verse: (The universe your character belongs to. Can be original or fanfiction. [Ex: Original : The name of your book, movie, game or whatever. Fanfiction: Pokemon, Star Trek, Naruto, ect.) Date: (The date this sheet was completed.) Full Name: (Self explanatory) Pronunciation: (Self explanatory) Nickname/Alias: (Does your character have a pet name, fake identity, or any other thing they like to go by? Put it here.) Meaning: ([Ex: Emily means "admiring" and William means "protector"] If you aren't sure your character's name has a meaning look it up, I'm sure you'll find something. If it's a fantasy name you made yourself, give it a meaning.) Origin: (How did you come up with your character's name?) Title: (Do have a title along with their name? [Ex: Sir, Captain, Ms.]) Pet Name: (What do other people call your character? [kid, squirt, babe, ect] May be insulting, endearing, or a combination of both. May have more than one, if other characters call them different things. ID Number: (A number that may also be used to identify your character, such as tournaments and prison settings) Signature: (What is their handwriting like?) Gender: (Self explanatory) Gender Role: (Does your character generally act more feminine or masculine?) Orientation: (Ex: Straight, Bisexual, Homosexual) Real Age: (How old your character is in years) Age Appearance: (How old does your character look? This is mostly for immortal creatures such as deities, but can be used with anybody. [if someone looks older or younger than their age) Birthday: (Self explanatory) Deathday: (May not have one yet) Birthplace: (Where was your character born?) Astrological Sign: (Western) Zodiac Sign: (Eastern) Immediate Family: (Who was your character raised by?) Distant Family: (The ones they don't see every day) Parenting: (Were their parents strict or fun-loving?) Upbringing: (What morals and ideals were your characters raised with?) Infancy: ([0-2] What was it like when your character was a baby? Were they nurtured or dropped at birth?) Childhood: ([3-12] What was it like for your character growing as a kid ?) Adolescence: ([13-17] Teen years) Adulthood: ([18+] When your character has fully matured. If your character isn't yet an adult, plan what would happen to them in the future.) Coming of Age: (When and how did your character "grow up"?) Evolution: (How has your character changed since they were younger?) Species: (Human, animal, or a fantasy race) Ethnicity: (Self Explanatory) Blood Type: (Self explanatory) Preferred Hand: (Right handed, left handed, or ambidextrous?) Facial Type: (Ex: Oval, heart, square, round, ) Eye Color: (Self explanatory) Hair Color (Self Explanatory) Hairstyle: (Self explanatory) Skin Tone: (Self Explanatory) Complexion: (Self explanatory) Makeup: (If any) Body Type: (Endomorph, Ectomorph, Mesomorph, or somewhere in between?) Build: (Long legs, chubby cheeks, or muscular arms?) Height: (In inches) Weight: (In pounds) Cup Size: (Self explanatory) Facial Hair: (If applicable) Shoe Size: (Self Explanatory) Birthmarks/scars: (Self explanatory) Distinguishing Features: (Something unique that stands out) Health: (How healthy is your character?) Energy: (How much energy does your character have on a daily basis?) Memory: (How well does your character remember things, and what do they remember?) Senses: (Are any of your character's senses better or worse than others?) Allergies: (Self Explanatory. May be optional.) Handicaps: ([Ex: A limp, deafness, missing an eye] May be optional.) Medication: (What meds do your character take, if any?) Phobias: (Things that simply terrify your character. May be trivial or debilitating. Try to have at least one.) Addictions: (Drugs, alcohol, gambling, or bad teen romance) Mental Disorders: ([Ex: Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Paranoia.] May be optional.) Style: (The overall style your character shows, not just limited to clothing. Ex: Punk, Goth, Nerd) Mode of Dress: (Don't describe their clothes here. Describe how they wear their clothes. Two people can wear a suit, but each will wear it differently. [Ex: Is the shirt tucked in?]) Grooming: (Well-kept or messy?) Posture: (How does your character present themselves? Ex: Stiff, slouchy, suggestive) Gait: (The speed and style which how your character moves) Coordination: (How physically fit is your character? Also add things like reflexes, ect.) Habits and Mannerisms: (Any nervous ticks or unconscious habits your character might have. Ex: Nail biting, crosses arms, or twirls hair) Scent: (What does your character smell like? Good or bad? How strong?) Mood: (What mood are you most likely to catch your character in?) Attitude: (How does your character interact with others?) Stability: (How emotionally consistant are they?) Expressiveness: (Do they hide emotion or let it out openly?) When Happy: (Ex: Whistles, sings, skips) When Depressed: (Ex: locks themself in their room, listens to music, hugs a stuffed animal) When Angry: (Ex: Punches walls, screams at people, trolls online) Note: These are generalizations. Different situations will create different reactions. Current Residence: (Where does your character live right now? May or may not include a geographical location) Community: (What does the general population act like where your character lives?) Family: ([Ex: Parents, children, siblings] Include stepfamilies if it applies, and label as such.) Friends: (Who does your character like to hang out with?) Enemies: (Who does your character despise?) Bosses: (Who does your character answer to) Followers: (Who answers to your character?) Heroes: (Who does your character look up to?) Rivals: (Who are they competing with?) Relates to: (Who is similar to your character?) Pets/Familiars: (Describe a pet your character owns, real or fantasy and give it a name.) Wardrobe: (Describe your character's closet. What is their formal, casual, or other kind of wear?) Equipment: (Refers to tools or weapons your character may use. [Ex: A sword for a warrior] Accessories: (Tattoos, piercing, jewelry, glasses, ect.) Trinkets: (Applies to but not limited to good luck charms, purses, watches, or any other items they carry with them almost all the time.) Funds: (How much cash does your character have on hand, and how much at home/in the bank?) Home: (What is your character's house like? Describe it's overall appearance, [Ex: Shabby, fancy] type of house, [Trailer, mansion] and describe things such as the yard, wallpaper, or any other information. Things like bedrooms count as your character's home.) Neighborhood: (What are the people and places near your character like?) Transportation: (How does your character get around? [Ex: Car, bus, bike]) License Plate Number: (Can be regular numbers, or something more creative. Adjust for your country.) Collections: (Does your character like to hoard or collect anything?) Most valuable possession: (In money) Prized Possession: (What object does your character value above all else?) Lovers: (From childhood crushes, to exes, to a married partner, who does your character love?) Marital Status: (Ex: Single, Taken, Dating, Available) Sex Life: (Pretty self explanatory) Type: (Eros/ragma/Banquet/Mania/Ludus/Storge) Turn-Ons: (What does your character want to see in their ideal mate?) Turn Offs: (What tends to make them back off) Position: (Dom/Sub) Plays: (Bondage, roleplay, ect.) Fetishes: (Self Explanatory) Virginity: (How many times have they "done it"?) Element: (Fire/Water/Air/Earth) Occupation: (Self explanatory) Work Ethnic: (How hard does your character work? How do they feel about their job?) Rank: (How high up are they on the corporate ladder?) Income: (How much money do they make?) Wealth Status: (How well financed is your character? Ex: Upper, middle, or lower class) Experience: (Include things like pasts jobs, or things that contributed to current occupation.) Organizations/Affiliations: (Who does your character side with?) IQ: (Self explanatory) Education: (How good is their education?) School: (What was their school like?) Grade: (What grades would they get?) Special Education: (Did they ever get held back or get honor role?) Social Stereotype: (ex: nerd, goth, punk) Degrees: (What degrees did/would they earn in school?) Intelligence: (Linguistic/logical/spatial/kinesthetic/musical/interpersonal/intrapersonal/naturalist) Extracurricular Activities: (Such as P.E. or art) Religion: (Self Explanatory) Morals: (What does your character find morally right or wrong?) Crime Record: (Relationship with authority, laws broken, and crimes committed.) Motivation: (What moves your character? [Ex: Power, money, love)] Priorities: (What does your character place first, second, and third?) Philosophy: (Your character's outlook on life) Political Party: (Ex: Democrat, Republican, Liberal, or Conservative) Etiquette: (How good our your characters manners? Do they bow or chew with their mouth open?) Culture: (Any things your character may do specific to a certain culture. [Ex: Bowing in Japan] Do your research on this one or you could offend people. ) Influences: (Who or what inspires your character to change? Do they influence anyone else?) Relates to: (Who can your character relate to?) Traditions: (Does your character sit around the table with their family? What holidays do they celebrate?) Superstitions: (spilling salt, knocking on wood) Main Goal: (Driving force in the story. May be subject to change.) Minor Goals/Ambitions: (What is your character trying to accomplish?) Career: (What would be your character's dream job?) Desires: (What does your character want?) Wishlist: (What material items does your character want?) Accomplishments: (Did they succeed in any goals?) Greatest Achievement: (Self Explanatory) Biggest Failure: (Self Explanatory) Secrets: (Everyone has at least one) Regrets: (Self Explanatory) Worries: (What do they worry about?) Best Dream:  (What would be the best thing that could possibly happen to your character?) Worst Nightmare: (The worst thing that could ever happen?) Best Memories: (A few stand out memories from the past. [keep it short and sweet]) Worst Memories: (A few stand out memories from the past. [keep it short and sweet]) Hobbies/Interests: (What does your character like to do for fun?) Skills/Talents: (Similar to hobbies, but refers to the level of skill a character has. For example, a character could like playing violin but isn't very good at it or vice versa.) Likes: (What does your character like?) Dislikes: (What can't they stand?) Sense of Humor: (Dark/dry/witty/sarcastic/dirty/childish/sophisticated/ironic) Pet Peeves: (Similar to dislikes, only more relating to human behavior than specific objects. Ex: When people tap on things or when people say "You're not fat!" when you really are) Superstitions/Beliefs: (Does your character believe in conspiracy theories or aliens? Do they throw salt over their shoulder or knock on wood?) Dreams/Nightmares: (What do they dream about? [at night]) Quirks: (The strange little things that your character does to make them unique. Ex: Sleeps with their feet on the pillow or runs their hand along a pole as they walk beside it.) Savvy: (What is your character particularly well-informed of? [Ex: Politically, nature) Can't understand: (Something they just can't get into, such as English literate or obsession with sports) Closet Hobby: (Something that your character likes but isn't too obvious.) Guilty Pleasure: (You know...) Strengths: (What makes them stand a bit above the crowd? [Ex: Courageous, good listener, calm under pressure] Not supernatural abilities.) Flaws: (Refers to negative personality traits, not a weakness. Make sure it's a deep flaw that could actually affect your character, not something trivial like "She can't dance". [Ex: Lies constantly, socially backwards, hot-tempered]) Perception: (How does your character generally see the world?) Conflicts: (What issues make your character want two things, but they can't have both?) Instincts: (What they are unconsciously driven to do) Lures: (What are they inexplicably drawn to be near? Ex: Power, money, the helpless) Soft Spot: (Their vulnerability, what they feel sorry for or have particularly good feelings toward) Cruel Streak: (What makes a character act against their usual morals, and act especially mean? (everyone has something that can do this to them)) Powers/Abilities: (Here is where to put any superhuman powers and other abilities your character possesses. Be sure to balance them out with weaknesses, or your character loses credibility. This section may be optional depending on what genre you write.) Origin: (How did they get their powers?) Source: (How do they use their powers? [ex: shoots fire from hands, can read minds with their ring) Ability: (How adept are they at using said powers? Weaknesses: (Make it something that your character exclusively is weak to, and keep it credible. [Ex: A 4-headed radioactive dinosaur is not a credible weakness.]) Immunities: ([Ex: cannot be burned] Be very careful with this one.) Restrictions: (An absolute necessity for those with supernatural powers. [Ex: Can only breathe fire when angry or can only cast darkness spells twice a day]) Alternate Forms: (Transformations, shape shifting abilities, dark side, ect.) Extra Anatomy: (Such as wings or a third eye) Favorite Colors: Favorite Animals: Favorite Mythological Creatures: Favorite Places: (Ex: Fav City, State, or Country) Favorite Landmarks: (Ex: Eiffel Tower, Mt. Rushmore) Favorite Flavors: (Ex: Vanilla, Sour, Strawberry) Favorite Foods: Favorite Drinks: Favorite Characters: (Not one of yours) Favorite Genre: Favorite Books: Favorite Movies:   Favorite Games: Favorite Shows: Favorite Music: Favorite Bands: Favorite Songs: Favorite Sports: Favorite Stores: Favorite Subjects: Favorite Numbers: Favorite Websites: Favorite Words: Favorite Quotations: (Can be lengthy and philosophical or just simple clichés such as "Every dog has his day) Least Favorite Colors: Least Favorite Animals: Least Favorite Mythological Creatures: Least Favorite Places: Favorite Landmarks: Least Favorite Flavors: Least Favorite Foods: Least Favorite Drinks: Least Favorite Characters: Least Favorite Genre: Least Favorite Books: Least Favorite Movies:   Least Favorite Games: Least Favorite Shows: Least Favorite Music: Least Favorite Bands: Least Favorite Songs: Least Favorite Sports: Least Favorite Stores: Least Favorite Subjects: Least Favorite Numbers: Least Favorite Websites: Least Favorite Words: Least Favorite Quotations: (Can be lengthy and philosophical or just simple clichés such as "Every dog has his day) Languages: (What languages does your character speak and how fluently?) Accent: (Self explanatory) Voice: (High pitched, low pitched) Speech Impediments: (Stutters, slurs, or whistles) Greetings and Farewells: (How does your character say hello and goodbye?) State of Mind: (Ask your character "how are you" and see how they respond) Compliment: (Have your character say something nice) Insult: (Have your character insult someone) Expletive: (Can be an actual cuss (Ex: Dammit) or some kind of substitute. (Ex: Darn it!) Laughter: (What does your character's laugh sound like?) Tag Line: (Something your character says a lot in everyday sentences. Can often be filled with a sound or vocalization. Ex: Lol, dude, uh) Signature Quote: (Something significant your character says. Doesn't have to be meaningful, just make it memorable.) Reputation: (What does the general population think of your character?) First Impressions: (What would you first think of this character upon meeting them?) Stranger Impressions: (If someone was told about the character but didn't know them, what would they think?) Friendly Impressions: (What do people who are friends or acquaintances of your character think of them?) Enemy Impressions: (What do people who can't stand your character think? If you can't think of anyone who hates your character, we have a problem.) Familiar Impressions: (What do people very close to your character think of them? Ex: Family, lovers) Compliments: (What are some good things other people would say of your character? [heroic, good listener]) Insults: (Would anyone like to call your character a whore, jerk, or stupid?) Self-Impression: (What does your character really think of themselves deep down?) MBTI Personality Type: [Ex: ENTP, ISTJ] Temperament: (Chloric/Sanguine/Melancholic/Phlegmatic) May also be called color types, such as yellow, red, blue, or green) Enneagram: (The Reformer/The Helper/The Achiever/The Individualist/The Investigator/The Loyalist/The Enthusiast/The Challenger/The Peacemaker) Ego/Superego/Id: (Superego is aims for perfection, society, and the idea of right and wrong. Id is unconscious desires and instincts - Which of these are they most driven by? The Self: (The center/core of your character) The Shadow: (The opposite qualities your character themselves does not believe they possess, but do subconsciously) The Anima/Animus: (The part of the character of the opposite gender) Persona/Mask: (What they present to the world, or the side they use to protect themselves) Role: (What purpose does your character serve? [mentor, leader]) Fulfillment: (How well do they serve that role?) Significance: (Why does your character matter?) Alignment: (Good/Evil/Neutral/Lawful/Chaotic) Comparison: (Compare your character to some kind of animal, object, or anything else you can think of.) Symbol: (Does your character have any kind of recurring symbol that represents them? [Ex: a rose, a black cat, a sunset] Could be blatant or subtle.) Song: (A song you think best suits your character) Vice: (Pride/Greed/Gluttony/Lust/Envy/Sloth/Wrath) Virtue: (Patience/Diligence/Chastity/Temperance/Charity/Kindness/Humility) Defining Moment: (This is it. The single greatest moment of your character, when they truly become alive.) Tropes: (What about your character is stereotypical or cliched? [You can't say nothing. Every character has some kind of cliche in them]) Originality: (What makes your character different from one like them? One Word: (Use a single adjective to sum up your character in a nutshell) Character Sheet © Character-Resource
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Mutual Tag
I was tagged by: @just-another-nerds-little-world Thank you so much, honey ^^
Nickname: none anymore, but a friend occasionally calls me Queeny.
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 1,62m
Age: 24
Time: 22:51
Fave Bands/Artists: It’s a long list so, in case any of you is interested, I am giving you the link to my About page, in which I have already listed all my favorite artists in many art fields, if you scroll down in the Bio & Stuff box: http://withered-rose-unbreakable-lotus.tumblr.com/about
Favorite Songs: I honestly have so many but I will try my best to make a current top 5 from the top of my head. I will try doing it like just-another-nerds-little-world, to put both western and eastern music tastes in.
Top 5 fav Western songs (in no particular order)
Maria - Christina Aguilera
Rumors (Nightcore ver.) - NEFFEX
Lovely (Nightcore ver.) - Billie Eilish feat. Khalid
Fall in Line - Christina Aguilera feat. Demi Lovato
Dinero - Jennifer Lopez feat. Cardi B
Top 5 fav Japanese songs (in no particular order) (i haven’t passed the latest cds I got in my computer, so this is mostly the 5 songs I listen to, the most, lately)
Anthem - DOG inThePWO
Nemesis - Ruiza
Teddy - REIGN
Lin - Lin -the end of corruption world- (final lineup version)
Falling - the Gazette
Song Stuck In My Head: Rumors by Neffex has been constantly playing in my head lately and only if I listen to it once a day it stops XD
Last Movie I Watched: Museum, with Oguri Shun
Last Thing I Googled: Lin -the end of corruption world- because I was looking for whether the title of the song I mentioned above was correct or not. :P
Other Blogs: I have 15 other blogs, most of which are fanblogs I never finished, so they are still locked, but the one for REIGN and the one for the Valentine are open and get updated once a month ^^’.
REIGN fanblog: http://club-reign.tumblr.com
The Valentine fanblog: http://fi-ance-trust-thevalentine.tumblr.com
Do I Get Asks?: I get some occasionally.
Why I Chose My Username: Because I needed sth more representative of myself and my aesthetic so, being a moody person most of the time and having my love for roses grow stronger after becoming a Versailles and D fan, the first part represents my being a person who has lost the will to fight yet finds shelter in the eyes of a man like Kamijo, who calls all his fans, therefore me, too, roses, (which for me is a beautiful flower that I don’t see myself to be, yet this man makes me feel proud to call myself that, even if I never bloom again) and the second part, derives from the symbolism my musical savior and inspiration in life, since I was really really young, Christina Aguilera, had used for her album “Lotus“. It represents the me who, even though I lack the strength to keep fighting to become who I want and having lost my dreams, I still crave to break free from saddness and rise above like a lotus keeps blooming even after receiving lots of rain and bad weather conditions in general and it’s, like Christina says, “the unbreakable flower“ that despite all the hardneships it might face, it will still rise above the mud and bloom beautifully and gracefully. Sorry if I sounded confusing, I am crazy after all and I talk too much :p
Following: If it’s how many I am following then 375.
Average Amount Of Sleep: 8 hours.
Lucky Number: 9
What Am I Wearing: a white tank top and a pair of black track trousers (if that’s the name of athletic trousers, eng isn’t my first language, sowwy)
Dream Job: mainly music video director, but honestly I wish I could work on both image and video direction and editing in the japanese visual kei music industry.
Dream Trip: used to have a lot, but realizing I want too much, I just narrowed it down to the place I want to go the most and that’s Japan, without return, please :p
Favorite Food: I’ve got none anymore, really. I mean, of course I like some stuff and hate others, but I don’t have one that I go crazy about. The only edible thing I call my favorite at this point is chocolate.
Play Any Instruments: No, but I wish I could play the guitar, or the piano, or the violin, or rather, all of them together :P.
Fave Song: Answered 10 above, I don’t think there’s any person who can choose only one.
Play Any Sport: No. I hate sports and exercise. :p I used to play tennis once, though.
Hair Color: light brown
Eye Color: brown
Most Iconic Song: There’re lots.
Languages You Speak: Greek, English, basic French and Japanese.
Random Fact: hahaha OMG I don’t know. I hate my life? A random fact about me is that I hate my life XD. And I’ve been wanting to leave my country since I was a baby. (My parents joke about it, but if I did that ever since I started walking, I guess it’s pretty serious)
Describe Yourself As Aesthetics: I am a little confused because my aesthetic is based on my worldview and tastes so I guess: Red, chocolate of every kind, pcs, dancing scenes, music, body positivity, astrology, dark or spooky stuff, palettes of colors, history books, blood, vampires, videogames, horror movies and gore art, fantasy art, art galleries, canvases full of colors, a world map maybe, love is love pics, tears, self hating pics and acts, anger, feminine guys, guys with makeup, metrosexual men, bdsm pics, romantic pics, ahm....there is more, it’s hard to tell.
Tagging: @call-my-master , @abnormalbox, @afangirls play along if you like.
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k-e-monroe · 6 years
Bohemian Rhapsody
--WHO ARE YOU-- Name & Nickname: Kimber Elise Monroe | Kimi Age & Birthday: 28 | July 28, 1990 Species: Halfbreed (Human/Demon) Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual Occupation/Title:  Psychologist --I'M TOO SEXY-- Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Dark Brown Height & Weight: 5'4" & 114 Pounds Birthmark(s) & Scar(s): A few, come find 'em. Tattoos & Piercings: 9 Tattoos & a few Piercings Personal Style:  Depends on if I'm in a casual setting or a professional one. --CULT OF PERSONALITY-- Archetype:  MBTI--ENFP (The Campaigner/The Inspirer/The Champion) & Caregiver (53%), Intellectual (29%) & Visionary (18%) ARCHETYPE DETAILS Personality Traits: Get to know me and find out for yourself. Extroverted Or Introverted: I'm a mix of both, a little more of an extrovert than introvert. Moral Or Immoral: Moral Strengths:  I'm a confident and successful woman not afraid to speak my mind or   stand my ground. I also like to think grace and kindness are in my   nature. Weaknesses: I'm prone to impulse and possess many vices. --INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE-- Emotional  Disorder(s): I'm  an Empath and that makes life complicated and  difficult at times, but  despite that fact, I believe I am relatively  stable in regard to   emotions. Mental Disorder(s): I was diagnosed with ADHD in the third grade, but that doesn't really count. Personality Disorder(s): Nada. Medication(s): Adderall--30 MG Daily Coping  Mechanism(s): As  messed up as this might seem, it's MY truth  nonetheless... My coping mechanisms involve indulging in my impulses and  vices. Phobias: Autophobia (fear of abandonment) & Katsaridaphobia (fear of cockroaches) --INTO THE MYSTIC-- Astrological/Zodiac Sign: Leo (Western) & Horse (Eastern) Birthstone: Ruby Element: Fire Lucky Charm: A silver cross pendant that my adoptive parents gave me the day they brought me home. Spirit Color(s): Gold, Purple & Red Totem (Spirit Animal):  The Lynx --PUMPED UP KICKS-- Addiction(s):   Technically,  I am NOT addicted to anything other than The Bad Girls  Club (a guilty  pleasure), Chocolate Chip Mint Ice Cream & Bubble  Baths. Alcohol: Depends  on my mood really, but my preferred poisons  are Johnnie Walker Blue   Label, Patron, Apple Pie Moonshine, Blue Moon  Ale, Guinness &   German Riesling. Drugs: I typically enjoy stimulants--Cocaine & Ecstasy. Other Vices: Risky/Thrill-Seeking Behavior Hobbies: Reading, sculpting and various forms of physical & outdoor activities. Life/Personal Motto: I've got a few, but none of any significance. --SEX TYPE THING-- Sexually Active: I have a healthy sexual appetite in which I am not ashamed of in the slightest. Does that answer the question? Experienced Or Inexperienced: That is relative. Number Of Partner(s):  I don't kiss & tell. Fetishes & Kinks: I got 'em & I'm not afraid to indulge in the pain and/or pleasures they offer. Likes: I like people who are confident, intelligent, open-minded and adventurous. If they are kind, all for the better. Dislikes: I dislike douchebags, idiots & pricks. --PLAYGROUND LOVE-- Relationship Status: Single, perpetually. And perfectly content. Type Of Relationship: Nada. Companion(s)/Lover(s): As previously mentioned, I don't kiss & tell. Likes: Points to the section above at the likes listed. Dislikes: Once again, points to the section above at the dislikes listed. Relationship Goals: I do NOT have any relationship goals since I don't do relationships. --MY FAVORITE THINGS-- Book(s):  Anything  by Jack Kerouac, Herbert Huncke, Maya Angelou, Amil Segovia,  Michael Faudet, Chuck Palahniuk, Hunter S. Thompson, Carl Jung,  Friedrich   Nietzsche, Vladimir Nabokov, Pablo Neruda, Bret Easton Ellis  & Anne  Rice. Car(s): My dream car is 1967 Mustang Fastback. Drink(s)/Food(s): Cherry Limeade & Tacos. I also drink a lot of cucumber, lemon & ginger water. Object(s)/trinket(s): My cross pendant, leather journals & Montblanc pens. Art (Painting Or Sculpture): I LOVE art in general and have too many favorites to name off right now. Weapon(s): My Butterfly Knife & Louisville Slugger. --THE DAY THE MUSIC DIED-- Favorite  Song(s): Just  like art, I LOVE music and there are too many favorites  to name off   right now, but for awhile I've been addicted to Cigarettes  After   Sex-Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby. Annoying Song(s): Christ, I  got a  few I find annoying, but I do really despise anything by The  Spice   Girls, Ace of Base & Nickelback. Feel Good Track(s): Anything by Sublime or The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Melancholy Melody: Billie Holiday-Strange Fruit Relatable  Song(s): Damn, this is a hard one. I would have to say for personal  reasons Iggy Pop.The Stooges-Gimme Danger or David Bowie-Heroes Trigger  Song(s): Anything  by The Misfits or the Dropkick Murphy's makes me  wanna drink or gets me ready for a fight and to unleash holy terror, the  majority of the   songs by She Wants Revenge put me in the mood to throw  down in the   sheets, Buckcherry's Lit Up just makes me want to snort rail  after rail  of Coke, Train's Drops Of Jupiter for some reason causes me  to Happy Cry & Mazzy Star's Fade Into You makes me sad. --SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES-- All Time Favorite Movie: It's a tie between The Big Lebowski & Road To Paloma Worst Movie: The Garbage Pale Kids (I love it anyway) Favorite Comedy: Aside for The Big Lebowski, I have to say it is (as of now) Deadpool. Favorite Romance: I DO NOT DO ROMANCE. Favorite  Cult Classic:  Fuuuuck,  there are so many... Donnie Darko, Legend,  Labyrinth, Pulp Fiction,   Fight Club, A Clockwork Orange, Trainspotting,  The Warriors, Vanishing Point, Heathers, Reservoir Dogs, True Romance,  The Lost Boys, Dazed And  Confused, Reefer Madness, Freaks, Clerks, Dead  Alive, Angel Heart & so many more. Favorite Horror: A Nightmare On Elm Street & The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
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ms-m-astrologer · 6 years
Bad Aspects Part 6 -  “Intermediate” bad aspects
Previously: Introduction, Modality, Waxing Squares, Oppositions, Waning Squares. Link to Waning Squares, which provides you with the link to Opposiions, which has the other links.
Perhaps the most important thing to know about “intermediate” aspects - the semi-square, sesquare, and inconjunct - is that when they’re exact, they can hurt us more than a looser square or opposition. Each of them is also worthy of a separate blog post. For the sake of getting this series completed and posted, though, it has to be “a lick and a promise” this time.
First, the semi-square. This one correlates to the Crescent and Balsamic lunar phases; I’ll let Bil Tierney, via Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, pp 14-18, pick it up from here:
An arc of 45 degrees moving from the cycle’s stationary point (0 degrees Aries) moving counterclockwise associates with the 15th degree of Taurus, and the 15th degree of Aquarius moving clockwise. The common denominator shared between Taurus and Aquarius is that they are both fixed signs of the Eastern Hemisphere. Signs belonging to this quality are determined, hard to change, strongly self-willed, and inflexible in their attitude. And in general, signs associated with this hemisphere are self-initiating. Both these factors give us a clue about the basic nature of the semi-square. This aspect may reveal willful attitudes that tend to keep us rut-bound, unadaptable, and uncompromisingly resistant to needed changes taking place in the environment. However, the undertone of the fixed quality might also suggest that semi-squares contain some degree of stamina, persistence, and purposefulness. When channeled constructively, they can supply us with the extra measure of strength and conviction needed to help us sustain our efforts in minor, not too obvious ways. They give us a little drive and push and are suitably used when tackling small scale projects and lesser daily challenges. Astrologers have linked the semi-square with irritability, irksomeness, and mild frictional strain. It has been rightly called the “nuisance” aspect.
When discussing transits (in The Eagle and the Lark), Bernadette Brady suggests that the principal value of a semi-square is to teach us patience. And, Isabel Hickey cautions that an improperly handled semi-square will turn into a “real” square, in the next life.
When we have a waxing semi-square, and the faster-moving planet is 45 degrees ahead of the slower-moving planet, we’re anxious to get some project or task underway. As with a Crescent Moon lunar phase, we struggle to break away (faster-moving planet) from the issues of the past which are holding us back (slower-moving planet).
A waning semi-square, when the faster-moving planet is 315 degrees ahead of the slower-moving planet, is similar to the Balsamic Moon lunar phase. The cycle between the two planets is almost complete (a circle has 360 degrees), and the faster-mover at least is impatient to get on with the next one. Here the task is to find something of timeless, lasting value from the previous 315 degrees of experience, and use that as a means to help intuit the next “mission.”
The sesquare also has parallels with the eightfold lunar phases: the Gibbous phase, for the waxing sesquare; and the Disseminating phase, for the waning sesquare. Over to you, Bil Tierney (Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, pp 32-33) - and he calls it a sesqui-square, by the way; for me, “sesquare” is difficult enough to type:
An arc of 135 degrees from the stationary point moving counterclockwise associates with the 15th degree of Leo, and the 15th degree of Scorpio moving clockwise. The common denominator shared between Leo and Scorpio is that they are both fixed signs of the Western Hemisphere. The sesqui-square has been considered to be a minor aspect of agitation, but with tones more forceful and discordant than the semi-square. This is not surprising, since it corresponds with both the water and fire elements, which are more volatile and emotional than earth and air. The undertone of the fixed quality suggests that willfulness is still a problem here. Basically, I interpret the sesqui-square as dealing with the consequences (Western Hemisphere emphasis) of a lack of composure and self-restraint in interpersonal situations. The individual is pressured to apply more self-control and emotional poise if he is to effectively channel this aspect, since here he tends to react irrationally or act immoderately at the expense of others. Due to the intensity of water and fire combinations, this sesqui-square tends toward extremism in behavior, leading towards inconsistencies in expression. This aspect also appears to involve a greater degree of sudden upset and unexpected disruption that temporarily stuns, shocks, or jolts our sensibilities and/or those of others we confront.
With this aspect, we are apt to react to minor conflicts in an overly forceful manner, which tends to throw situations off-balance or blow them out of proportion. Here we are easily ruffled, emotionally in flux, and often at odds with an unprecedented turn-about of events out of our control. Our ineffectiveness in controlling the situation evokes resentment and mild anger….
Bernadette says that these aspects, in transits, tend to give us “delayed results.” The waxing sesquare, similar to a Gibbous Moon, shows where/how/why we must adjust, adapt, and perfect the faster-moving planet as regards its relationship with the slower-mover; Tierney adds that it “pressures us to realize the limits of our self-will.” A waning sesquare is like the Disseminating Moon in that we must harvest and share what we’ve learned from our experiences. “We must still work at cleaning our personality of all residual negativities (emotional blind-spots),” adds Bil.
I can’t call this a “quincunx” - just typing it makes me look around in terror for my mom, wielding a bar of Lava soap. The inconjunct happens when the faster-moving planet is either 150 degrees (waxing, 6th-House) or 210 degrees (waning, 8th-House) ahead of the slower planet. Isabel Hickey did a succinct job of describing this aspect (Astrology A Cosmic Science, 1992, pg 72:
An inconjunct is on one side or the other of an opposition. If it is in the sign before the opposition it is a 6th house relationship. If on the other side it is an eighth house relationship. This makes a difference in how it operates. The sixth house inconjunct gives difficulties in either work or health. The eighth house inconjunct has to do with the necessity of regeneration and transformation where the character is concerned.
The signs involved in any inconjunct have no similarities, zero, zip, nada. Different elements, polarities, modalities, and orientations - hence the aggravating, annoying need for continual adjustment. However, this is where knowing sign rulerships comes in handy. Some inconjunct pairs share a planet, either as a ruler, exalted, or an “esoteric” ruler. For example, the sign Libra is inconjunct both Taurus and Pisces; all three signs share some kind of Venus association. It’s easier for planets inconjunct in these signs to find some kind of common ground.
For a waxing inconjunct, the faster planet is 150 degrees ahead of the slower planet. Bil says, “We normally experience the lower quincunx thru frustrations in our routine activities (particularly in the working sphere) until we learn to make those necessary adjustments that result in greater competency, efficiency, orderliness, and perfection of technique or skill.”
If the faster planet is 210 degrees ahead of the slowpoke planet, it’s a waning inconjunct. Says Bil, “The upper quincunx is an aspect centered around the use or abuse of intense desire and willful emotionality. We are to eventually make long-lasting adjustments on the FEELING level. The planets involved need to undergo mutual transformation if they are to provide inner resources that we can draw upon during crucial times of need.”
I can’t repeat enough that an exact “intermediate” bad aspect will be more painful and difficult than a wider square or opposition.
There are some odds and ends coming up, to conclude this series. Thanks for sticking with me!
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zeniblesstsu · 5 years
Big Ass Character Sheet!
Finally finished this character sheet for Realynn! Now I can move on to more characters, and maybe even get around writing the first chapter out. Of course I posted a blank copy otherwise Realynn would be spoiled. O.o
I know this is a super long character sheet (hints the name), but it’s really good in helping you flesh out your character! It takes time to fill out, however in the end you know your character better then you’d ever imagined! Bless the person who made this!
This is only the first part!
Update: Part Two!
Here’s the link to the original post and the creator!
Verse: (The universe your character belongs to. Can be original or fanfiction. [Ex: Original : The name of your book, movie, game or whatever. Fanfiction: Pokemon, Star Trek, Naruto, ect.)
Date: (The date this sheet was completed.)
Full Name: (Self explanatory)
Pronunciation: (Self explanatory)
Nickname/Alias: (Does your character have a pet name, fake identity, or any other thing they like to go by? Put it here.)
Meaning: ([Ex: Emily means "admiring" and William means "protector"] If you aren't sure your character's name has a meaning look it up, I'm sure you'll find something. If it's a fantasy name you made yourself, give it a meaning.)
Origin: (How did you come up with your character's name?)
Title: (Do have a title along with their name? [Ex: Sir, Captain, Ms.])
Pet Name: (What do other people call your character? [kid, squirt, babe, ect] May be insulting, endearing, or a combination of both. May have more than one, if other characters call them different things.
ID Number: (A number that may also be used to identify your character, such as tournaments and prison settings)
Signature: (What is their handwriting like?)
Gender: (Self explanatory)
Gender Role: (Does your character generally act more feminine or masculine?)
Orientation: (Ex: Straight, Bisexual, Homosexual)
Real Age: (How old your character is in years)
Age Appearance: (How old does your character look? This is mostly for immortal creatures such as deities, but can be used with anybody. [if someone looks older or younger than their age)
Birthday: (Self explanatory)
Deathday: (May not have one yet)
Birthplace: (Where was your character born?)
Astrological Sign: (Western)
Zodiac Sign: (Eastern)
Immediate Family: (Who was your character raised by?)
Distant Family: (The ones they don't see every day)
Parenting: (Were their parents strict or fun-loving?)
Upbringing: (What morals and ideals were your characters raised with?)
Infancy: ([0-2] What was it like when your character was a baby? Were they nurtured or dropped at birth?)
Childhood: ([3-12] What was it like for your character growing as a kid ?)
Adolescence: ([13-17] Teen years)
Adulthood: ([18+] When your character has fully matured. If your character isn't yet an adult, plan what would happen to them in the future.)
Coming of Age: (When and how did your character "grow up"?)
Evolution: (How has your character changed since they were younger?)
Species: (Human, animal, or a fantasy race)
Ethnicity: (Self Explanatory)
Blood Type: (Self explanatory)
Preferred Hand: (Right handed, left handed, or ambidextrous?)
Facial Type: (Ex: Oval, heart, square, round, )
Eye Color: (Self explanatory)
Hair Color (Self Explanatory)
Hairstyle: (Self explanatory)
Skin Tone: (Self Explanatory)
Complexion: (Self explanatory)
Makeup: (If any)
Body Type: (Endomorph, Ectomorph, Mesomorph, or somewhere in between?)
Build: (Long legs, chubby cheeks, or muscular arms?)
Height: (In inches)
Weight: (In pounds)
Cup Size: (Self explanatory)
Facial Hair: (If applicable)
Shoe Size: (Self Explanatory)
Birthmarks/scars: (Self explanatory)
Distinguishing Features: (Something unique that stands out)
Health: (How healthy is your character?)
Energy: (How much energy does your character have on a daily basis?)
Memory: (How well does your character remember things, and what do they remember?)
Senses: (Are any of your character's senses better or worse than others?)
Allergies: (Self Explanatory. May be optional.)
Handicaps: ([Ex: A limp, deafness, missing an eye] May be optional.)
Medication: (What meds do your character take, if any?)
Phobias: (Things that simply terrify your character. May be trivial or debilitating. Try to have at least one.)
Addictions: (Drugs, alcohol, gambling, or bad teen romance)
Mental Disorders: ([Ex: Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Paranoia.] May be optional.)
Style: (The overall style your character shows, not just limited to clothing. Ex: Punk, Goth, Nerd)
Mode of Dress: (Don't describe their clothes here. Describe how they wear their clothes. Two people can wear a suit, but each will wear it differently. [Ex: Is the shirt tucked in?])
Grooming: (Well-kept or messy?)
Posture: (How does your character present themselves? Ex: Stiff, slouchy, suggestive)
Gait: (The speed and style which how your character moves)
Coordination: (How physically fit is your character? Also add things like reflexes, ect.)
Habits and Mannerisms: (Any nervous ticks or unconscious habits your character might have. Ex: Nail biting, crosses arms, or twirls hair)
Scent: (What does your character smell like? Good or bad? How strong?)
Mood: (What mood are you most likely to catch your character in?)
Attitude: (How does your character interact with others?)
Stability: (How emotionally consistant are they?)
Expressiveness: (Do they hide emotion or let it out openly?)
When Happy: (Ex: Whistles, sings, skips)
When Depressed: (Ex: locks themself in their room, listens to music, hugs a stuffed animal)
When Angry: (Ex: Punches walls, screams at people, trolls online)
Note: These are generalizations. Different situations will create different reactions.
Current Residence: (Where does your character live right now? May or may not include a geographical location)
Community: (What does the general population act like where your character lives?)
Family: ([Ex: Parents, children, siblings] Include stepfamilies if it applies, and label as such.)
Friends: (Who does your character like to hang out with?)
Enemies: (Who does your character despise?)
Bosses: (Who does your character answer to)
Followers: (Who answers to your character?)
Heroes: (Who does your character look up to?)
Rivals: (Who are they competing with?)
Relates to: (Who is similar to your character?)
Pets/Familiars: (Describe a pet your character owns, real or fantasy and give it a name.)
Wardrobe: (Describe your character's closet. What is their formal, casual, or other kind of wear?)
Equipment: (Refers to tools or weapons your character may use. [Ex: A sword for a warrior]
Accessories: (Tattoos, piercing, jewelry, glasses, ect.)
Trinkets: (Applies to but not limited to good luck charms, purses, watches, or any other items they carry with them almost all the time.)
Funds: (How much cash does your character have on hand, and how much at home/in the bank?)
Home: (What is your character's house like? Describe it's overall appearance, [Ex: Shabby, fancy] type of house, [Trailer, mansion] and describe things such as the yard, wallpaper, or any other information. Things like bedrooms count as your character's home.)
Neighborhood: (What are the people and places near your character like?)
Transportation: (How does your character get around? [Ex: Car, bus, bike])
License Plate Number: (Can be regular numbers, or something more creative. Adjust for your country.)
Collections: (Does your character like to hoard or collect anything?)
Most valuable possession: (In money)
Prized Possession: (What object does your character value above all else?)
Lovers: (From childhood crushes, to exes, to a married partner, who does your character love?)
Marital Status: (Ex: Single, Taken, Dating, Available)
Sex Life: (Pretty self explanatory)
Type: (Eros/ragma/Banquet/Mania/Ludus/Storge)
Turn-Ons: (What does your character want to see in their ideal mate?)
Turn Offs: (What tends to make them back off)
Position: (Dom/Sub)
Plays: (Bondage, roleplay, ect.)
Fetishes: (Self Explanatory)
Virginity: (How many times have they "done it"?)
Element: (Fire/Water/Air/Earth)
Occupation: (Self explanatory)
Work Ethnic: (How hard does your character work? How do they feel about their job?)
Rank: (How high up are they on the corporate ladder?)
Income: (How much money do they make?)
Wealth Status: (How well financed is your character? Ex: Upper, middle, or lower class)
Experience: (Include things like pasts jobs, or things that contributed to current occupation.)
Organizations/Affiliations: (Who does your character side with?)
IQ: (Self explanatory)
Education: (How good is their education?)
School: (What was their school like?)
Grade: (What grades would they get?)
Special Education: (Did they ever get held back or get honor role?)
Social Stereotype: (ex: nerd, goth, punk)
Degrees: (What degrees did/would they earn in school?)
Intelligence: (Linguistic/logical/spatial/kinesthetic/musical/interpersonal/intrapersonal/naturalist)
Extracurricular Activities: (Such as P.E. or art)
Religion: (Self Explanatory)
Morals: (What does your character find morally right or wrong?)
Crime Record: (Relationship with authority, laws broken, and crimes committed.)
Motivation: (What moves your character? [Ex: Power, money, love)]
Priorities: (What does your character place first, second, and third?)
Philosophy: (Your character's outlook on life)
Political Party: (Ex: Democrat, Republican, Liberal, or Conservative)
Etiquette: (How good our your characters manners? Do they bow or chew with their mouth open?)
Culture: (Any things your character may do specific to a certain culture. [Ex: Bowing in Japan] Do your research on this one or you could offend people. )
Influences: (Who or what inspires your character to change? Do they influence anyone else?)
Relates to: (Who can your character relate to?)
Traditions: (Does your character sit around the table with their family? What holidays do they celebrate?)
Superstitions: (spilling salt, knocking on wood)
Main Goal: (Driving force in the story. May be subject to change.)
Minor Goals/Ambitions: (What is your character trying to accomplish?)
Career: (What would be your character's dream job?)
Desires: (What does your character want?)
Wishlist: (What material items does your character want?)
Accomplishments: (Did they succeed in any goals?)
Greatest Achievement: (Self Explanatory)
Biggest Failure: (Self Explanatory)
Secrets: (Everyone has at least one)
Regrets: (Self Explanatory)
Worries: (What do they worry about?)
Best Dream: (What would be the best thing that could possibly happen to your character?)
Worst Nightmare: (The worst thing that could ever happen?)
Best Memories: (A few stand out memories from the past. [keep it short and sweet])
Worst Memories: (A few stand out memories from the past. [keep it short and sweet])
Hobbies/Interests: (What does your character like to do for fun?)
Skills/Talents: (Similar to hobbies, but refers to the level of skill a character has. For example, a character could like playing violin but isn't very good at it or vice versa.)
Likes: (What does your character like?)
Dislikes: (What can't they stand?)
Sense of Humor: (Dark/dry/witty/sarcastic/dirty/childish/sophisticated/ironic)
Pet Peeves: (Similar to dislikes, only more relating to human behavior than specific objects. Ex: When people tap on things or when people say "You're not fat!" when you really are)
Superstitions/Beliefs: (Does your character believe in conspiracy theories or aliens? Do they throw salt over their shoulder or knock on wood?)
Dreams/Nightmares: (What do they dream about? [at night])
Quirks: (The strange little things that your character does to make them unique. Ex: Sleeps with their feet on the pillow or runs their hand along a pole as they walk beside it.)
Savvy: (What is your character particularly well-informed of? [Ex: Politically, nature)
Can't understand: (Something they just can't get into, such as English literate or obsession with sports)
Closet Hobby: (Something that your character likes but isn't too obvious.)
Guilty Pleasure: (You know...)
Strengths: (What makes them stand a bit above the crowd? [Ex: Courageous, good listener, calm under pressure] Not supernatural abilities.)
Flaws: (Refers to negative personality traits, not a weakness. Make sure it's a deep flaw that could actually affect your character, not something trivial like "She can't dance". [Ex: Lies constantly, socially backwards, hot-tempered])
Perception: (How does your character generally see the world?)
Conflicts: (What issues make your character want two things, but they can't have both?)
Instincts: (What they are unconsciously driven to do)
Lures: (What are they inexplicably drawn to be near? Ex: Power, money, the helpless)
Soft Spot: (Their vulnerability, what they feel sorry for or have particularly good feelings toward)
Cruel Streak: (What makes a character act against their usual morals, and act especially mean? (everyone has something that can do this to them))
Powers/Abilities: (Here is where to put any superhuman powers and other abilities your character possesses. Be sure to balance them out with weaknesses, or your character loses credibility. This section may be optional depending on what genre you write.)
Origin: (How did they get their powers?)
Source: (How do they use their powers? [ex: shoots fire from hands, can read minds with their ring)
Ability: (How adept are they at using said powers?
Weaknesses: (Make it something that your character exclusively is weak to, and keep it credible. [Ex: A 4-headed radioactive dinosaur is not a credible weakness.])
Immunities: ([Ex: cannot be burned] Be very careful with this one.)
Restrictions: (An absolute necessity for those with supernatural powers. [Ex: Can only breathe fire when angry or can only cast darkness spells twice a day])
Alternate Forms: (Transformations, shape shifting abilities, dark side, ect.)
Extra Anatomy: (Such as wings or a third eye)
0 notes
jinxstrology · 2 years
Primal Astrology Signs (Virgo)
Primal astrology is a branch of astrology which combines the Western and Eastern (Chinese) traditions, creating 144 new signs that provide a deeper look into your personality. Although the system does include the use of the term "spirit animal", we can disregard that and simply view these signs as "primal animals", which I believe is just as accurate.
VIRGO (AUGUST 23RD - SEPTEMBER 22ND) + RAT (1972, 1984, 1996)
Perceptive, deep, and independent, those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Mouse are sensitive individuals, who see life as a complex drama. Like their animal namesake, members of this sign are survivalists who are good at finding creative, but intellectual solutions to life’s challenges. Like a mouse in a maze, they use both instinct and logical analysis to move ahead, despite the obstacles in their path.
Above all things, Mice are extremely observant. Though they are charming and social, they also take time in social situations to sit back and watch. It is important for Mice to know exactly how to relate to the different people around them, and they can’t relax completely until they feel that they understand others and (more importantly) that others understand them. At the same time, few people are more difficult to truly, deeply know than Mice. Members of this sign do not like to share too much about themselves with others, and despite their desire to live a wonderful, rich life, they rarely take anyone else’s advice.
The sign of the Mouse is one that is deeply rooted in intuition derived from perception. They are excellent analysts whose logic and idealism can sometimes overwhelm the gentler, kinder side of themselves. Ironically, they are quite bad at self-analysis, and tend to make the same mistakes over and over again. Though they would never admit it, Mice are secretly impressed by wealth and status, and long to have others look up to them for their mental acuity. The problem with Mice is that they see all the details, but are almost always focused solely on the big picture. Anything in between is considered unimportant, and is often overlooked.
Mice are willing to take risks to gain life experience. This life is all about experiences, and this is the sign that will keep getting up no matter how many times they get knocked down. In fact, Mice should expect big ups and downs in life, but along the way, they must never forget who they are, or who they want to be. Mice rarely ever compromise themselves, or their integrity. While they are smart enough to be sneaky and ruthless, such behavior does not sit well with them.
They can, however, be controlling perfectionists who demand the best from others. This is an example of the darker side of the Mouse personality. They spend so much time working on themselves and their lives, that they don’t have much tolerance for those who don’t try to keep moving forward and bettering themselves. They can be judgmental, cold, and inflexible, and can even express very uncharacteristic, thoughtless behavior when they are stressed. In times of stress and frustration, Mice can develop a false sense of self, thinking they are above other people or ideas. It’s not unusual for them to find themselves disappointed in others, which keeps them moving on to find new relationships and experiences. A Mouse’s greatest weakness is that they have a hard time seeing things another person’s perspective.
VIRGO + OX (1973, 1985, 1997)
Sea Star
Proud, sensitive, and hardworking, those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Sea Star are at the same time both very reflective of the past, and focused on the future. They are strong-willed, perceptive, and extremely intelligent individuals, who often spend a lot of time alone with their thoughts. Sea Stars expect more out of themselves than most signs, perhaps even too much.
Nobody likes to make mistakes, but Sea Stars are particularly sensitive to feeling or looking foolish. Since they are highly analytical, they always try to have a logical solution to every situation, but human nature rarely conforms to logic and reason. This can be frustrating, and make members of this sign feel as if they don’t have a place in the world, or people who truly understand them.
Sea Stars are logic-driven, but are also closet romantics. They don’t like to take risks, and must always have all of the information before making a decision. Their lives are carefully planned, to avoid making mistakes or experiencing failure. Ironically, they are one of the most resilient signs in the Primal Zodiac. Just as their animal namesake can regenerate its body from a single remaining limb, those born under the sign of the Sea Star are much stronger than they even know. There is tremendous strength in this sign, yet they sometimes act timid and weak in relationships, which those who care about them find frustrating, as this is not their true nature but rather an unnecessary, if not limiting, role they subconsciously play.
Sea Stars often feel like they have to choose between their own beautiful (if not a bit fantastical) vision of life, and reality. Understandably, they don’t want to compromise. Members of this sign need to accept reality as it is, while still trying to change it. This is the only true path to balance. Most will need to build a foundation of stability first, but, after this is done, they should be careful about not continuing to focus on achievements and/or regrets; instead, focus on enjoying what life has to offer, which always and only takes place “right now”.
Born in Virgo during the Year of the Ox, Sea Stars face the challenge of finding a balance between the opposing natures of both signs. Virgo has a strong tendency to look at the past, while the Ox tends to look toward the future. If this is the case, then who is living in the moment? Sea Stars must take the time to slow down from chasing their big dreams to simply exist in a peaceful, restful state, as their animal namesakes often do.
VIRGO + TIGER (1974, 1986, 1998)
Unique, romantic, and resilient, those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Narwhal are capable of achieving great things. Narwhals typically have a calm and carefree exterior, but inside, they are bursting with ideas, passion, and a drive for success. What should be a combination of two contradictory signs, is instead a marriage of personality traits that help balance each other out. The warm and immediate nature of the Tiger warms up Virgo’s tendency to close themselves off to others, and Virgo’s observant and analytical nature help keep the Tiger’s unpredictable and impulsive nature in check.
Like their animal namesake, those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Narwhal prefer for life to move slowly, though they can be surprisingly quick and dangerous when challenged. In truth, members of this sign are rebels. Though they may not like this label, Narwhals are born to fight for what they believe in, and are highly sensitive to both personal and social injustice.
Inner conflict often comes with the intense drive to achieve and succeed battling the inner need for rational, intelligent planning. A recipe for frustration, members of this sign can be extremely intense when they finally get moving on a project, and it is often best to let them work alone. Achieving balance in life should be the number one goal of this sign. It will be challenging for Narwhals to overpower and quiet down their ever moving mind, but only those who do will find a new focus and clarity that can help them achieve the greatness that they have always dreamed of.
VIRGO + RABBIT (1975, 1987, 1999)
There are few signs kinder than the Earthworm. Members of this sign are known for their compassion and sincerity. Despite their kind nature, Earthworms won’t let just anyone into their world. They are deep thinkers who can be extremely hard to get to know. They can often be found lost in thought, if they can be found at all. Earthworms feel most comfortable at home, and are often just fine daydreaming in silence by themselves, pondering the mysteries of life. They have a delicate nature that to many makes them seem fragile, but this is not the case. Earthworms are, in fact, quite resilient. They may bruise easily, but they rarely break.
Earthworms should be careful not to get taken advantage of. Some people see their generosity as a weakness, and this often leads to hurt feelings or heartbreak. Like their animal namesake, the Earthworm can take a lot of punishment and keep going. This is because they have a deep belief in who they are, and who they aspire to be. This longing for meaning often takes them on several journeys through life, always searching for a place, or a person, to create a home with.
VIRGO + DRAGON (1976, 1988, 2000)
Polar Bear
Unique, sensitive, and idealistic, those born under the sign of the Polar Bear long to get the most out of life. They are very observant, and may learn how to manipulate people and situations at an early age. Polar Bears instinctively know what role to play in various situations, and have both the intellect and courage to improvise their way into getting what they want.
Though intellectuals in many respects, Polar Bears are primarily guided by their emotions. This is neither positive nor negative, it is simply the way their minds function. Because of this, members of this sign are often very sensitive to the way others treat them. Despite a certain social bravado, there is a fragility to them that drives many of their fears. These are sensitive souls, who want nothing more than the love and respect of those around them. Without obvious gestures of adoration, Polar Bears may begin to doubt themselves, which can lead to anxiety and depression.
Polar Bears tend to dwell on the mistakes of the past. They are often too sensitive, and may interpret the words and actions of others as barbs directed at them, when they are not even being discussed. When self-doubt and depression take over, members of this sign simply shut down. Like their animal namesakes, they go into a form of “hibernation”, where they basically stop accepting new mental input, until they can afford to spend the energy to build themselves back up. When in this state of imbalance, they can be stubborn, inflexible, closed-minded, and emotionally disconnected. When this happens, it is best to let them pull themselves back together before trying to step in and help.
Members of this sign work hard to earn the respect of others. They lead from the heart, using the intellect as a support system, and are among the most resilient of all signs. This combination allows them to achieve great things, as long as they make a conscious effort to stay positive, despite the inevitable disappointments that life brings. As concerned as they are in managing their own sense of balance and ambition, it is also important for Polar Bears to share their lessons and their strength with others. In this way, they can fulfill their ideals and give themselves a sense of purpose, if they don’t already have one.
VIRGO + SNAKE (1977, 1989, 2001)
In the animal kingdom, there are different kinds of jellyfish. Some live near the surface, having only rare interaction with the limited world within their reach. Some live in the deep sea, and these jellyfish are more quiet and submissive, but in the darkness that surrounds them, they glow bright with radiant colors in a spectacular show that is unmatched in the animal kingdom. Some are even giants, slowly flowing through life on their own journey, in their own time. All are so brilliantly mysterious that even defining them seems like a challenge.
Like their animal namesakes, those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Jellyfish may sometimes lash out, but are typically quiet and keep to themselves. These are people who are deeply intellectual, swimming through the waters of their own mind, but cautious enough to warn outsiders not to get too close too quickly. For humans born under the sign of the Jellyfish, their sting is just a warning - don’t get too close, unless you are willing to risk getting hurt.
Jellyfish are independent and instinctive, yet elegant and secretive. Everyone born under this sign has incredible intuition. They are not only excellent at logically dissecting and examining a situation, but they also have a sort of “sixth sense” for understanding what is subconsciously driving certain people in certain directions. Members of this sign create their universe as they go. Their perception of “what is” is more important than what others, even experts, declare as truth. This brilliant and mysterious sign is known for their dedication to their own uniquely creative approach to life.
Many Jellyfish have sensitive stomachs and digestive systems, and must pay close attention to the things they eat and drink and how it makes them feel. Because of this, Jellyfish tend to be more focused on diet and nutrition than the average person. They also tend to be more sensitive to changes in the weather than usual.
VIRGO + HORSE (1978, 1990, 2002)
Those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Giraffe are unique, vibrant, and surprisingly delicate inside. A combination of the Tropical Sun sign of Virgo, and the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Horse, members of this sign present two sets of personality traits that can be either complementary, or contradictory. Virgo keeps the impatient Horse focused, while the Horse brings out Virgo’s deep-seeded passion. When balanced correctly, these two very different personalities merge into an unstoppable powerhouse, capable of dreaming up and accomplishing the most amazing things. When unbalanced, though, they can easily spiral out of control. At their worst, they can be bossy, hyper-critical, and inflexible. Deep down, many Giraffes lack true confidence in themselves, and their quest to achieve great things can make them appear to others as self-involved and egotistical.
Giraffes are adventurous. They love to travel, but unlike many other signs, their primary goal is not for rest and relaxation. More than anything, they long for new experiences, and believe that these experiences help them to evolve. Members of this sign are naturally rebellious. They have a hard time relaxing and letting go without the use of alcohol or other substances. Most need regular exercise to calm both the body and the mind.
Above all else, those born under this sign are resilient. Though they are somewhat sensitive, they can start over many times, and will always be okay. They realize that life is a journey, and they treasure each experience that gets them closer to what they want.
VIRGO + GOAT (1979, 1991, 2003)
Intelligent, delicate, and well-mannered, those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Flamingo are also some of the biggest dreamers in the world. This is one of the most creative signs there is, though even those closest to them may not know it. Flamingos tend to hide the majority of the truly fantastic ideas that exist in their minds, only sharing them when, and if, they finally feel confident enough to do so.
In fact, Flamingos keep a great deal of their thoughts inside. Perhaps this is because they live most of their lives inside their own minds. They are constantly running over different scenarios and plans in their minds, trying to figure out the best next move before they make it. Because of this, members of this sign tend to be worriers by nature. The amount of work they can do strictly in their heads can be exhausting, and the incredible potential of their ideas rarely sees fruition, because of their indecisiveness and anxiety.
Those born under this sign have great style. They never like to leave the house without putting themselves together first. Even if this process takes hours, they make their look seem effortless. Presenting themselves well to others gives them a sense of control, and helps offset the amount of chaos going on in their minds at any given time. If they could just focus their energy and trust their decisions, Flamingos could do amazing things.
VIRGO + MONKEY (1980, 1992, 2004)
Intelligent, curious, and social, those born under the sign of the Penguin love nothing more than coming up with creative solutions to any kind of problem. This is the sign of thinkers and analysts, those inquisitive about how everything works. Members of this sign are often very intellectually advanced at an early age, and this strong desire to learn drives the majority of their life decisions as they grow up.
Many intellectual signs tend to be solitary, but Penguins are the rare breed that require a good amount of socialization. Their happiest moments are when they solve a puzzle, or conquer a challenge. The sense of pride coming from their accomplishments is always a highlight of their days, but they can’t properly celebrate by themselves. Penguins need others around to share in their delight. They also need a certain amount of attention in order to feel resolved with one challenge, and move onto the next.
Like their animal namesake, those born under the sign of the Penguin do a great deal of their work on their own, but always come back to their social group at the end of the day. These colonies are made up of both friends and family, with each individual assisting as part of the team. This is the way that they thrive, and when they thrive, so does everyone around them.
Having Virgo as a sun sign, Penguins are natural caretakers. Members of this sign have a humanitarian leaning, and despite the fact that they are intelligent enough to go conquer the stock market, or manage corporate mergers, this idealism is what makes them who they are. In the modern world, this is extremely easy to forget, even sometimes discouraged, but those born under this sign must know that their gifts are best used to serve the greater good. Those who attempt to use their power for selfish gain will find a surprisingly disappointing road ahead.
This is often the case for those born during the year of the Monkey, as all Penguins are. A quick grasp on intellectual matters in youth will inform much of their upbringing, and thus, they will learn to enhance their self-esteem through impressing others. As they get older, the same accomplishments become less impressive to others, and they will find that it becomes more and more difficult to exceed expectations. This is a key life lesson for all members of this sign. The challenge of growing up under one set of expectations will not match the true goals of the self later in life. Only those who have the courage to be who they want to be (and not who they are expected to be) will truly thrive in this lifetime.
VIRGO + ROOSTER (1981, 1993, 2005)
Loyal, observant, and analytical, those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Corgi are devoted friends and family members who take on the role of caretaker with great passion. Few others are as eager to jump in and help a friend in need, and Corgis take great pride in this. More so than other signs, members of this sign like to fill a very specific role in the lives of other people, thus getting the majority of their own personal fulfillment through their service to others.
While this appears to be self-sacrificing behavior on the outside, Corgis are very specific about the situations in which they help. While they are genuinely concerned with the happiness of those close to them, they also help in order to prove how helpful they are. Through each success, Corgis become more self-assured and justified in their approach. Unfortunately, this also leads to arrogance and closed-mindedness when it comes to accepting or integrating the ideas and approaches of others. Members of this sign can easily fall into the trap of thinking they are smarter and more capable caretakers than others, and may begin to lose perspective on the reality of the situation.
In the animal kingdom, corgis were initially bred to serve a dual role - that of protector and director of livestock and the land they grazed upon. In a time before farmers had their land divided by fences, those with fertile grazing land would have to worry about livestock wandering away, while outside livestock consumed all of their best resources. These small-statured dogs were the perfect caretakers for both concerns. They would keep each farmer’s livestock in its own territory by nipping at the heels of any animal who wandered outside of its respective boundary.
This is an astute and meaningful correlation to the Primal Zodiac sign of the Corgi. Those born under this sign are caretakers and protectors of their own herd. They don’t mind being overtly bossy, because this is part of the role which gives them purpose. Others may not like being herded as much as Corgis like herding them, but without someone or something to take care of, it’s not unusual for members of this sign to feel lost in the world.
The biggest life challenge for Corgis will be learning how to live independently, which is ironic because both partner signs (Virgo and Rooster) are highly independent signs. Those born under this sign must understand that there are many roles to play in life, and there must be some sense of fulfillment outside of the caretaker or managerial role. One cannot view life objectively if they never step away from their normal life long enough to see the big picture. It is far too easy for Corgis to lose perspective this way, and take themselves far too seriously.
VIRGO + DOG (1982, 1994, 2006)
Sensitive, caring, and idealistic, those born under the sign of the Salamander are intelligent but fragile individuals, who have a unique set of challenges set up for them. Humanitarian and idealistic, members of this sign will face arduous emotional events, many of which may end in disappointment. Yet, there is a very intentional reason for these lessons.
Limitations on the ability to express one’s self (which can be offset by other positions in the birth chart) can cause much frustration for this well-intentioned sign. Well formed plans may fall apart, and relationships may crumble, but Salamanders need these events in order to learn how to deal with emotional upsets without shutting down or turning off.
In the animal kingdom, many salamanders exhibit an interesting behavior, wherein they actually sever a body part (usually the tail) to leave for predators, so they can escape. Though it may be painful, the ever resilient salamander will simply grow another appendage to replace the old one.
This is an astute metaphor for those born under this sign. They may run, hide, and sacrifice parts of themselves in order to evade dangers (both physical and emotional) in the world, but in the end, they always find a way to return to face the challenge again and again.
Both Virgo and Dog have a tendency to “shut down” when they get overwhelmed. There is a dark place deep inside themselves in which to hide. Interestingly, under stress or emotional duress, they tend to become the exact opposite of their normal selves. Rather than being kind caretakers, their sensitivity shuts down, and they become cold, inflexible, worried, picky, defensive, and judgmental. Their typical creative thinking style shuts down completely, and they retreat into a defensive posture until they can analyze the situation properly and find the strength to fight another day.
VIRGO + PIG (1983, 1995, 2007)
If there could only be one word to describe those born under this sign, it would be optimistic. In fact, if anything, Gazelles are the anti-cynics of the world. They are always trying to look on the bright side. Even if they are seen as prey by the predators of the world, Gazelles keep moving forward, keep living their lives. Despite disappointments, they maintain faith in their fellow man.
They have a hard time saying no, especially when they know deep down that they should. That’s because members of this sign don’t like conflict of any kind. Gazelles always want to do the right thing, even if it requires sacrifice on their parts. In fact, few signs are as willing to give so much for the people and ideals that they believe in. Most Gazelles even end up in careers which primarily serve others.
Just don’t try to give them advice. While Gazelles are great at helping their friends with their problems, there is little that a friend can do to sway a Gazelle’s direction in life. This is a sign that is guided by an inner force - one so powerful and strong and filled with hope and fear that altering their course is a nearly impossible, unless they are the ones who choose to do so.
Gazelles have a reputation for being snobby, inflexible, and stubborn. They are idealists who most often see things as black or white, right or wrong. Though they may come across as sentimental and romantic, they are actually very intelligent, and are great organizers and researchers. All signs connected to Virgo need balance, and this sign is no exception. They should never allow their lives to become disorganized, as this is surely the beginning of a downward spiral. Members of this sign need to stay focused and organized, always moving forward.
Gazelles benefit from the combination of the western sign of Virgo and the eastern sign of the Pig. The Pig’s positivity and compassion keeps Gazelles from becoming too cold and unemotional, while Virgo’s intellect and resilience prevent them from taking every disappointment too personally. The danger of this combination is that both core signs are very sensitive, even delicate. They can easily be taken advantage of, due to their kindness and compassion. At the same time, this combination is emotionally strong enough to cry it out and start over again - always keeping the big picture in mind, and believing that there is more good than bad in the world.
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saturniandevil · 3 years
June 2021 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast’s June forecast. Dates based off US Mountain Time and may be a day earlier in the Eastern Hemisphere.
We’re going into this month off a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, Mercury stationing Retrograde minutes before I began typing this up, and Jupiter’s newfound freedom in Pisces. We can also note that Jupiter is sharing Pisces with Neptune now--while travel may open up we may also experience the truth around mysteries (our hosts brought up UFOs & the US military, but I’d say wait til the conjunction in Spring 2022 for significant confirmations.)
Additionally, Saturn will be going retrograde through Aquarius this month--check that house, as well as planets in fixed signs in your birth chart, to see where it may pop up for you.
June 2nd - Venus enters Cancer She’ll conjunct the Moon on the 12th while Jupiter in Pisces lends a hand. Chris’s electional chart (auspicious time to do things) for this month takes advantage of these configurations, which should be around 12:30AM local time on the 12th--adjust your time until Jupiter is on the same degree as the Ascendant, which puts Venus in the 5th house. Good time for creative pursuits, fertility, “nourishing midnight spiritual practices” as Diana puts it, and other Venusian & Jovian activities.
June 10th - Solar Eclipse in Gemini We’re already fully in “eclipse season” right now, coming off the total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26th, and on a larger scale continuing from the series of eclipses in November & December last year. The North Node (head of the dragon) in Gemini has corresponded to an increase in overstimulating our nervous systems via social media & video chats, while the South Node in Sagittarius has corresponded with a decrease of travel on a global scale.
The eclipse takes place conjunct a retrograde Mercury, and guest host Diana says she anticipates taking the day off social media that day. It’s a LOT of Gemini energy, which could give us Matrix-source-code-level insights on problems, but also a voracious shoveling of interaction with others and the resulting stomachache.
Look at the pair of houses the nodes are in for you--what are you acquiring in your Gemini house, and what do you have to let go of in your Sagittarius house to do this? For example, Kelly has the South node in her tenth house (career/reptuation/public image) right now and is absent from the show, because she’s moving (taking care of fourth house matters, where the North node is for her).
June 11th - Mars enters Leo He’ll oppose Saturn and square Uranus right as the outer planets square each other, igniting the conflicts indicated by this aspect (see below). Mars in a fire sign is especially combustible--a similar configuration in January corresponded to intense world events. Austin also notes that on the 14th, 20th, and 26th the Moon will be entangled in this tense and explosive T-square (kind of anti-electional/unlucky dates).
This is also the day after the eclipse, and both benefics are in water signs right now. Fire season in the Western US may be especially bad this year. Mars will also oppose Saturn in Aquarius: events that happened with Saturn in Aquarius may see a reckoning.
June 24th - Retrograde Saturn Squares Uranus (2nd time this year) Here’s the obligatory graph from Archetypal Explorer, this time with Mars contacts as well as Saturn squaring Uranus:
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Our hosts are linking recent news about Bitcoin to both the Uranus transits as well as the eclipse cycle. This aspect is the quintessential struggle between established systematic rules of society (Saturn), and a desire for dramatic changes (Uranus) of our basic material needs like food, money and land (Taurus). Last time we had this transit, people gathered together large groups (Saturn in Aquarius) that went to greater extremes than any would have alone (remember the events in DC before the inaguration this year? Saturn♒ square Uranus♉).
Also relevant to this aspect is the question of labor and work: increased calls for unionization in tech, low-wage workers calling for higher wages as their employers struggle to replace everyone they fired with new workers willing to put up with such exploitation, people working from home and realizing that they hate their job without seeing their coworkers OR realizing they might as well stay at home instead of going into the office, the farmers’ strike in India over the structure of their relationship to distribution companies, et cetera...
June 20th - Sun enters Cancer AND Jupiter stations Retrograde Jupiter retrograde: retrogrades in general can indicate unfinished business--what Jupiter in Aquarius events need to be revisited before we can travel down that blissful riverboat ride of Jupiter’s transit in Pisces?
Sun in Cancer: the Sun enters Cancer soon after a cazimi with Mercury. As Mercury renews the cycle of his orbit, the Sun forms a trine with Jupiter right at the start of this ingress. Things are looking much more optimistic as the month ends.
June 22nd - Mercury stations Direct Finally, communications will go back to normal again! Personally I’ve seen the shadow period feel almost like a retrograde already so far, so we might not be totally out of the woods until he picks up more speed.
Additionally, Mercury’s stationing around the same degree of Gemini this year as Venus did last year when lockdowns ended prematurely last year; the square to Neptune may indicate a level of illusion, misconception, or bad information influencing events again.
June 24th - New Moon in Capricorn Jupiter blesses this unation with a sextile to the Moon and a trine to the Sun. We’re also finally leaving summer eclipse season, and further more this is one of the first lunations in Cancer or Capricorn that aren’t an eclipse now that the nodes have moved. We’re really leaving an old era behind. Our social & spiritual lives will be rehydrated like a Rose of Jericho.
June 25th - Neptune stations Retrograde in Pisces This further emphasizes the water energy at the end of the month. Think “dreamy” when Neptune is involved.
June 26th - Venus enters Leo Further emphasizes the fixed sign activity of this year. She’ll conjunct Mars in July as our focus shifts to the Leo-Aquarius axis.
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