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Clyde E. Keeler - Secrets of the Cuna Earthmother: A Comparative Study of Ancient Religions - Exposition Press - 1960
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ancestorsalive · 1 year ago
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Dheut-e-Zonja, or Zôja-e-Dheut ("Lady of the Earth"), was the Illyrian/Albanian Earthmother of the ancient Balkans, also called Dheun, Dheu, and Toka ("Earth"), and Mëmë-dheu ("Mother Earth"). The Romans identified her with Tellus Mater, Terra Mater, or Magna Mater (Cybele). The very soil of Dheut-e-Zonja was believed to have the powers of an all-seeing eye that watched humanity from the ground up, knowing everywhere each of us goes. When an Albanian moved to a foreign land, he or she took with them a container of Mother Earth, as the concept of the Earthmother was regionalized. She was Mother of the Sun-goddess, rebirthing Her every morning. She cared for the dead, their remains buried and their soul going to an underworld paradise. Mourners would get on their knees making forlorn wailing sounds, then place their foreheads on Mother Earth. She was sometimes paired with Zoh-z, the Albanian Sky-god, with many formulaic sayings or prayers to Earth and Sky. Presumedly he was her husband. Dheut-e-Zonja was mother of vegetation. Her sacred groves were designated natural sites of great beauty, where it was forbidden to cut down trees, and no house or settlement was permitted, or the offenders' families would suffer longlasting misfortune.
An Albanian and Kosovan folk practice that lasted into the 20th Century provides lingering evidence of an Earthmother cult. Infants and children who were not thriving would be taken to a ritual location by an elderly woman of the family or village, there laid upon the ground, and covered with fresh earth, all except the head, the while reciting prayers or spells of healing. This was believed to impart the Earth's strength to the child.
Figurine: Copper Age ceramic goddess figurine found at Maliqi, Albania.
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plantasticart · 1 month ago
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nature's ghost
once upon a time, I had created a whole book of images for a book titled "Nature's Ghost" whilst living in Prague, CZ; 2018.
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staciesfeminineplace · 9 months ago
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The Summer Solstice is here. Happy Solstice to All
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lunalostdraws · 1 month ago
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Creatuanary 2025 Day 27, Ragni and Papa The story of creation for the Māori people include Ragni the sky father and Papa the earth mother. These two were locked in such a tight embrace that their 500 children had no choice but to hive in the darkness between them. Until one day Tāne, the god of forests and birds, used his mighty legs to separate the two, allowing the light in.
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wp100 · 4 months ago
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shamanflavio · 8 months ago
Becoming an Altomisayoq Shaman
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saturninemysticthreads · 1 year ago
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seacretsea · 1 year ago
Black sheep 🐑
I am the black sheep. As I reflect upon my current relationship with myself there is one thing for certain: I have much respect for being the black sheep! 🐑
Over the last ten years I experienced challenging assignments. You might ask, what do you mean by "assignments"?.
In my viewing Mother Earth is a planetary school with many lessons facilitated in her space. She makes available particular "studies" within her own world.
Here is my attempt to acknowledge one particular lesson: Spirituality.
A majority of the last ten years was a familiar ground of chaos and conflict while simultaneously, a perfect healing ground.
Much of my own sense of self was very limited. I can relate this to a pair of foggy glasses. Because I couldn't see myself clearly, I made a lot of mistakes. Within those mistakes held a lot of opportunities to learn.
Now my glasses are much clearer, 🤓 and I can relate better to the version of my past self. He (and she) is quite resilient and will not give up! I thank him (and her) for his (and her) continued quest for self love! (Truly I believe there is both a little girl and boy within me!)
(Preface) In 2006 I discovered the book "The Power of Now", at a very unusual place 🤔. I could not stop reading because it all made sense to me. No wonder I found that book in an unusual place 😁
There was a deeply significant wound within spirituality. This wound facilitated many ideas of fear related to God. This is in part because of the teaching I received as a child that was "programmed" into my psyche.
This programming is a very interesting topic to me. I will not get into that now but it's very important to make available to the public one day.
However, the mind is a very interesting thing. And I believe it can create many mysterious and fantastical ideas and beliefs.
And, I used to really believe I was cursed.
This core belief has since been eliminated!
What I will say is that spirituality is now at the "Center" of my relationship with myself. Each day I wake up and thank God, whom I see as Mother Earth. I thank the Creator for this life.
This particular lesson teaches me about "birthing pains". I knew how much I was hurt. And I knew I wanted a way out of this suffering. It's like childbirth, it is a painful process but then it opens the gateway to new life.
It wasn't that I knew what I was doing to heal. But my intentions have always been to heal and to find that place of love and light.
So going back again I discovered beautiful things about my inner child.
When I was a child I felt the sadness of my family and I could even feel the pain of the generations before me. I chose to take the responsibility to heal myself and my family.
I recognize now my parents and generations before didn't have the awareness or resources to heal. So maybe they didn't know how to heal and that's okay.
Silently, this was my best kept secret. I will heal for everyone. This will be my purpose!
So, thank you part of me that became the black sheep. You are so important to me.
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a-whispering-echo · 3 months ago
Princess Horror of Galdurheim
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Horror is over 7 foot tall; a HUNK of a man, all broad and wide, and looks like he could beat your head in with a single hand, which is ironic, because based on the size of the wound in his OWN face, someone had done that to HIM once upon a time. he’s clearly is brain damaged, and speaks very slowly, walks with a limp and moves slowly, like he’s trying to make sure he walks the way he wants to. He dresses in simpler, earth-toned clothing that speaks more of practicality than luxury, pieced together by his region’s limited resources. He prefers ease of range and movement that showy clothing.
Horror is gentle, with a deep love for cooking, baking, and gardening, skills he picked up out of necessity. His kindness is at odds with his intimidating appearance. He has retrograde and short-term amnesia and struggles with memory, often forgetting where he is or who he’s with. Yet he remembers emotions more strongly, forming attachments that linger, even when specific memories don’t.
Horror’s quiet, unpretentious nature endears him to Nightmare, who finds himself drawn to the gentle giant’s compassion. When Nightmare realizes that Horror cooks to help his starving kingdom, his admiration grows, seeing the selflessness in Horror’s actions. As Horror’s memory issues become apparent, Nightmare helps him feel safe, creating a sense of stability for Horror that he hasn’t known for a long time. Horror is first quite scared of Nightmare, though tries not to show it
Killer’s teasing doesn’t bother Horror; he often laughs or takes Killer’s comments in stride, which irritates Killer at first but also softens him over time.
With Dust, Horror is both protective and sympathetic, recognizing the sadness that Dust bears.
Cross and Horror share a quiet understanding - they often sit in silence together, with Cross feeling more comfortable around someone who doesn’t demand conversation.
Horror is actually the ONLY surviving prince/ess of his kingdom. his brother died just 2 months ago to illness, and all his sisters are long gone. their kingdom is starving, and loosing land, so…they need resources, and the best way to do that? marry off their Prince.
Galdurheim is known for its agricultural wealth and herbal medicine, though recent years have brought drought and famine, decimating their food stores and weakening their economic power. The kingdom has a strong communal spirit, and its people are known for their kindness and resilience.
Galdurheim values community and self-sufficiency. The kingdom celebrates the Harvest Rite every autumn, a festival where people give thanks for the land’s bounty (or mourn its scarcity) and participate in communal meals. Despite the hardships, the people of Galdurheim are close-knit and support one another, valuing honesty and compassion.
The kingdom’s people are deeply spiritual, worshipping the Earthmother, a deity symbolizing fertility, protection, and the cycles of life and death. Temples to the Earthmother are adorned with offerings of harvested goods, and during troubled times, her statues are often draped with cloth and prayers are written on the fabric in hopes of her mercy.
The kingdoms national symbol is a flower, which Horror wears on his clothing, including his crown and broaches
King Thorne rules Galdurheim, a sombre and resilient ruler known for his humility. Due to the recent tragedies in the royal family - including the loss of Horror’s siblings - Thorne is deeply affected and struggles to maintain hope for their kingdom.
Once a bountiful kingdom, Galdurheim has large stone cottages and grand, open farmhouses. The central palace is grand but in a state of disrepair, with weathered walls and empty fields around it. Galdurheim once took pride in elaborate gardens, now left to overgrowth. Wood structures are common, and buildings are scattered across the landscape, surrounded by empty fields that serve as a reminder of their lost abundance.
Clothing in Galdurheim used to feature soft linen and wool in earth tones, but now it’s patchwork and functional, with only the nobility wearing furs and imported fabrics. The designs are straightforward, with tunics, trousers, and aprons for practicality. Nobles still wear garments adorned with embroidery from better days, but it’s usually worn and faded.
The climate of Galdurheim is cool and damp, with periodic storms that can be brutal, damaging fields and crops. There have been years of cold spells, which, combined with disease and crop failure, have crippled the once-thriving farms.
The famine has pushed Galdurheim into desperation, and though cannibalism is only rumoured, people have become heavily reliant on preserved foods, dried berries, and sparse root vegetables. Mushrooms and foraged goods have become a staple, and some are willing to eat whatever they can to survive. Fish from the kingdom’s rivers and lakes used to provide sustenance but have become scarce due to overfishing.
Animals in Galdurheim have largely fled, but deer and rabbits remain in the forests, hunted heavily. Native plants include wild thyme, yarrow, and hardy roots, with food-bearing plants dwindling under poor growing conditions. This scarcity means they lack the resources for dyes, so their clothing is often a natural, undyed gray or brown.
The loss of Galdurheim’s agricultural bounty has strained trade routes and created political tension, with surrounding kingdoms forced to either increase their own agricultural efforts or find new allies. Durmous and Irelith, reliant on Galdurheim’s grain, are especially affected, leading to skyrocketing prices and increased unrest among their citizens. This scarcity has opened doors for kingdoms like Velegore to exploit the need for resources, setting the stage for both conflict and unexpected alliances among the royal houses.
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rabdoidal · 1 year ago
actually im gonna use tumblr like my D&D diary for a sec. i think exploring religious trauma in D&D is tired and exploring religious joy is wired - my cleric cassandra has been raised in one religion her whole life, and i don't think she hates it at all, but i do love the idea of her exploring her options and learning about other gods and deities on her journey! because maybe one is better for her, or maybe she can still worship chauntea thru the lens of someone with more experience, ykno? its not the religion that fucks her up, its her lonely home town and strict upbringing. the earthmother honestly couldnt care less if shes trans or gay or terrified of bumps in the night, she cares about work - dirt under your nails, bristle brushes scrubbing bones, chlorophyl stains in the linen, hands breaking bread for other hands. cassie likes work, likes hands - but likes her own pace. maybe theres someone else above that actually responds when she prays, or maybe the earthmother answers in a way she can't get.
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askneftis-sam · 4 months ago
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Q: “how did you come up with the nickname Iris for Neftis? And did Sam always know Neftis’ true name?” Iris is the name Sam gave the spirit in her millennium pendant after learning she had no memories nor name. It’s a name Iris treasured with all her being.
Sam: Thanks to my dad, since he loves mythology (he's an archaeologist in his spare time after all) I've always been in touch with ancient Gods stories. After I met the spirit of the Millennium Pendant I felt like she was some kind of messenger like the Greek Goddess Iris c: that's why I chose that name. And no, I didn't know her name was Neftis, that's why I gave her a name!
As for the name Neftis… Pegasus created the Phoenix card based on one of Sam's drawings that resembled a tablet that depicted both the phoenix and the blue eyes white dragon surrounding the Millennium rod and Millenium pendant. That tablet was made in honor to the two monsters that helped the nameless pharaoh, and as history was “recorded”, the phoenix was referenced as a “phoenix of Neftis”, meaning it belonged to Neftis. But Pegasus had no idea that was the name of a person so he attributed it to the goddess Nephthys when the hieroglyphics were translated and named the phoenix “Sacred phoenix of Nephthys”. So… you can imagine Sam’s total annoyance in the memory world arc when she learns it WAS Neftis’ name lol. I tried my best inventing that tablet with the phoenix and blue eyes lmao sorry if it’s messy, also of course I’m bullshitting the inscriptions so don’t be harsh on me. 😂 I had very little time to finish this.
And oh well, also she resembles the card Iris, the Earthmother -u-
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plantasticart · 1 month ago
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meditative artwork
As the spring sprung, a mother fox, after birthing her pups, was struck by a vehicle and thrown into a nearby tree line. When I found her body decaying, with the tendrils of plants sprouting around her, I couldn't help but see the cycle of life. As she dissolved into Mother Earth, she enriched the soil so the flora blossomed with more vibrancy. Oh the great mysteries of life!
Study of life & death, 2024.
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serpentface · 2 years ago
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A young drake and new bride of the Moonfall Steppe Horselords (a pastoralist people with great wealth in trade) at the Great Shrine of the Earthmother, where they may pray for the fertility of their union and of their horses.
The Moonfall Steppe is a region of grassland in southern Cynozepal, whose peoples are culturally distinct from the northwestern Singing Steppe. It is home to the Great Shrine of the Earthmother, an unusual and out of place rock carved in the form of the World-Serpent and the egg of the earth. 
The World-Serpent takes on a venerated role in the religion of the Moonfall Steppes, (while she is cast in a more antagonistic role in Crown and Singing Steppe Cynozepali Dualism). Here she is the god of death, decay, rebirth, fertility, the waters, the grass, and the underworld.  She is known by the epithet Earthmother in addition to World-Serpent, as she is honored for laying the egg that is the earth and hatched all living beings.
Most peoples of the Moonfall Steppe bury their dead in great barrows, thus committing their dead to the Earthmother (instead of the Sun-Dragon's distant lunar lands, as is custom to the Crowns and the Singing Shepherds). The spirits of the buried dead rest in the underworld, where they are close to the living world and can continue to interact with their relatives. People here experience a landscape filled with the spirits of ancestors and legendary figures, who may help or hinder the living and must be honored and appeased.
The giant stone that forms the Shrine is highly unusual amid the flat grasslands. Tales of its origin varies, with some stories claiming it was carried there by giants, others claiming it is a piece of the Broken Moon (the smallest of the moons and asymmetrical in shape) having been torn apart in a fight between the deities.
Either way, no one knows for sure who first carved the stone, nor its cousins, the monuments of serpents marking the Five Daughters of the World-Serpent (five great rivers of the steppe). Master stonecarvers are periodically dispatched to retouch details worn away by the erosion of wind and time.
Summary of Cynozepali Cosmic Dualism + the story of the moon theft here 
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tarttsweetshriek · 7 months ago
Opening Ceremonies- TOA 8/11/24
Day 1
The opening ceremonies were a night of magic and wonder. I was standing in what would be considered “nosebleed seats”- up high on a roof so that I could hear better; free of other people.
The formations were excellent. Coordination and fireworks were lovely. It was also then that I heard the yells and cheers from the people.
“For the Horde!”
“For the Alliance!”
“For Azeroth!”
“For the Earthmother!”
“For Gnomragon!”
What then set me a little on edge was:
“Lordaeron belongs to the living!”
“Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken!”
While it was a human kingdom in the past, it has been a home to the Forsaken.
All this bickering of Lordaeron made me want to yell, “Shut up and let them continue!” But I didn’t. I was respectful.
After the opening ceremonies, I then flew down to Ranék’s booth to see what he had.
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shamanflavio · 1 year ago
🌱🕊Pachamama is more than just the soil beneath our feet; she embodies the life-giving force that sustains us all. Every breath we take, every step we make, we’re in sync with her eternal dance of creation. 💖🌺 http://www.HealerShaman.com #shamanflavio #motherearth #motherearthbrewing #motherearthbrewco #motherearthlove #motherearthmedicine #motherearthprovides #motherearthsday…
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