#earl grey regulus
toujoursrab · 1 month
Prompt: Under (@into-the-jeggyverse) | Pairing: Jegulus | Word Count: 536
“Prongsie, I’m telling you, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.” Sirius declared, his eyes watching the toaster as he waited for his breakfast to pop up. Sirius didn’t like toast that much, but he was oddly fascinated by the muggle appliance Remus swore by.
Regulus peered over at James from the top of his teacup, sending him a quizzical glare. James seemed to have read his mind, shrugging and swallowing the food in his mouth before asking the question they both wanted an answer to. “What are you talking about, Pads?”
“Gid. You’ve been a mess over him since the breakup.” Sirius looked over at his brothers, who were occupying the breakfast nook, just in time to see Regulus roll his eyes at the mention of James’ ex before sipping his tea.
James leaned back in his chair, a mischievous look taking over his features. “I have? I think I’ve been doing just fine. Better than fine, really.”
Despite his brother questioning his very secret and newly claimed boyfriend, Regulus found amusement in this situation. “Didn’t you break up four months ago?” he feigned ignorance.
“They did, and James has been in ruins since. He’s been withdrawing, canceling plans, I showed up to his flat the other night and he wouldn’t let me in because he was crying and said I couldn’t see him like this. Me! His best friend! Couldn’t see him crying! I’ve seen his cock for fucks sake. I know about the mole underneath his bal—”
“I told you my plant died and I was conducting a funeral!” James cut Sirius off before he could go into more details about his mole placements. Those were for Regulus to find on his own, thank you very much. Regulus was doing his best to stifle his laughter, only to let a few chuckles slip when James nudged his shin underneath the table with his sock clad feet.
“You didn’t let me pay my respects.”
“It was a private ceremony.”
“I’m your best friend!” His tone went up two octaves before lowering. “How do you have a funeral for a plant, anyway? Isn’t it already buried?” Sirius soon found himself looking away from the table as the toaster popped, signaling his food was finished. He grabbed the toast with his hands, hissing when he burnt the tips of his fingers.  
Regulus set his cup of earl grey on the table. “You’re getting off topic. Potter, it’s alright to be sad over a failed relationship. But I think Sirius might be on to something; the best way to get over someone is to get underneath someone else.”
James tilted his head curiously, a small smile forming on his lips. “Oh yeah? Gonna help me test that theory, Reg?” he challenged, now leaning forward in his chair.
“I just might.” Regulus murmured, glancing over at his brother to see his back turned to them. He looked back at James, the both of them leaning in until their lips met in a chaste kiss. At the same time, Sirius turned away from the counter to face them, the piece of toast in his hand dropping to the floor as he shrieked.
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n0blefl0wer · 6 months
Forget black cat x golden retriever. Give me earl grey tea x hot chocolate
Jegulus: james - hot chocolate, regulus - two bags of earl grey
Jegulily: same as above + Lily drinks herbal tea
Wolfstar: do I even need to elaborate?
Nobleflower: the BLUEPRINT
Rosekiller: Evan drinks earl grey and Barty drinks vodka out of a mug
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willsolace-loml · 2 months
marauders characters as things my friends and teachers have said:
remus: they say god sends all his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers but i am not strong or a soldier
pandora: so i was looking at these brown pandas
barty: they make those?
james: when i was younger i had a fish, his name was bubbles, hes dead now tho
barty: well obviously bubbles isnt blowing bubbles anymore
remus: maybe im a furry
sirius: my heart is big but my balls r bigger
minnie: i dont like teaching but its wut i do
lily: *while listening to gangnum style while drunk with james* EEEEEHHHHHHH SEXY LADY (mary)
regulus: you know wut i need?
james: me
regulus: anti depressants
sirius: remus is the sexiest of ladies, have u seen his legs
adult remus: there are coworkers i dont like-
harry: snape
peter: ugh i hate it when u dont like earl grey tea
dorcas when she met the skittles: i havent had friends my whole life so why should i start now
(can also go as remus when he met the marauders)
marlene dunking james' head in the sink: in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit ur cured! u no longer need glasses
james comes back from winter break and his voice has dropped: hi
lily: laughing her ass off in the background
sirius: omg its so tiny
lily: js like urs
barty: *in an american accent, doing italian hand gestures* papa pizza
regulus: blink thrice if u need assistance
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Marauders and the hot beverages they like:
James: He doesn't like to drink anything hot. He doesn't have the patience. He is the chocolate milk and smoothie type of guy for his breakfast. He drinks tea only when there's a tea party or he's chatting with someone that enjoys tea. But he waits for it to get cold to drink it.
Sirius: He has always preferred coffee over tea. He loves the taste, the aesthetic of holding the cup and the way it slowly stimulates him and gives him energy. He usually chooses to drink black and very hot coffee. But what very few know is that he drinks it with like 4 or 5 sugar spoons.
Remus: Always tea. And always earl grey. Never changes it for anything. It is his father's favorite and he drinks it just like him: 1 milk, 2 sugars. He loves to enjoy it two times a day. Plus he can drink a cup while reading comfortably.
Peter: Likes better the taste of coffee but always with milk. He thinks the flavor of tea is not that strong with milk. That's why he enjoys cappuccinos, mocaccinos, and lattes. But when at home or Hogwarts, he puts instant coffee to the hot milk. He always adds cinnamon, or vanilla, or any other spice. He likes to experiment and try something knew.
Lily: Doesn't stand the taste of coffee, she only drinks it when she is hangover or had a bad night sleep. But making faces and gagging like with medicine. Usually she drinks tea. Her favorite is always Green Tea. And when there's no green tea, she drinks black tea. She doesn't add milk because she is lactose intolerant. But she likes her tea very sweet.
Marlene: Only drinks coffee in the morning to wake up and have energy for the day. She drinks it black with a bit of milk and only one spoon of sugar. She drinks one cup a day, nothing more. She doesn't need more. Plus she doesn't like tea in general.
Mary: Loves coffee only on coffee shops in shape of lattes and Frappuccinos (usually cold). But daily, she likes to taste all kind of tea flavors. There are times when she drinks digestive teas to keep her figure. Other times, drinks fruit teas, or anti age teas for physical benefits etc. She is always coming up with a benefit about the tea she is currently having. She likes to feel healthy.
Regulus: Coffee addict through and through. Drinks like 4 cups a day, and still doesn't have energy. But starts getting stressed if he hasn't had a cup in a long time. Drinks it black with very little to no sugar. The bitterer, the better. Drinks tea only when he has to.
Dorcas: She likes Black Tea in the morning, after lunch, and after dinner. She has a routine out of drinking it. This calms her down during the day. She drinks it black with no sugar. Doesn't like any other tea and worse coffee. She thinks coffee is very unhealthy and tea shouldn't be superior.
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He loved orange muffins. And Tchaikovsky. And Earl Grey. And green. And purple flowers. And art. And reading. He loved his brother. He wanted to be remembered. He loved James. He bought them a house in Brazil and pictured everything for it to be perfect for them. He was a star. He considered Barty and Evan his family. He had a snake ring, which he gave to James just before he died. He had a whole life ahead of him, and so much love to give. He should have lived. He deserved to live.
Regulus, my beloved, you were truly lovely, and I hope you and James are finding each other in each and every life. You deserve to.
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ltsokaylove · 8 months
What Would You Smell In Your Amortentia ✨The Pantheon Edition✨
Includes: Regulus Black, Barty Crouch jr, Evan Rosier, Pandora Lovegood and Docras Meadowes.
Regulus Black
Dark chocolate, parchment, cigarette smoke, spicy warm cologne
Barty Crouch Jr
Bonfire, rain, cigarette smoke, woody cologne
Evan Rosier
Grey earl tea, rain, flowers after they've been rained on (if that makes sense to you)
Pandora Lovegood
Tulips (the flower), fresh air, cupcakes, honey perfume
Docras Meadowes
The ocean, herbs, sweater weather perfume (if ykyk)
A/n Thats it for them, I don't mind this group name for them but cmon guys we could've been so much more creative.
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tea-blankets-andstars · 2 months
🥤all the marauders era characters favorite drinks 
james: red bull/ energy drinks
sirius: hot cocoa
remus: Earl Grey tea 
peter: Frappuccino 
lily: iced tea
mary: matcha 
marlene: prime
dorcas: pumpkin spice latte 
pandora: boba
evan: liquid death (for anyone who dosent know what that is its pretty much just tea in a can google it) 
barty: Slurpee 
regulus: black coffee
emmeline: apple juice
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starless-gaze · 6 months
for trans day of visibility, here are some of my marauders hcs (spoiler alert: all of them are trans)
he/they pronouns
crop tops give him gender euphoria (plus they make reggie blush so...)
thought they were cis, wore a flower crown once and immediately thought "yup, not a man"
reg helped him pick a label
any pronouns but mostly they/he
one day they're wearing the fanciest most dramatic gown and the next the chunkiest leather jacket and remus' jumper
full face of makeup at all times
wears colour coded bracelets to let their friends know what pronouns to use when the gender flows
he/him pronouns
came out at the age of 5, hope and lyall did everything in their power to make their little rem rem feel comfortable
chose the name remus for the irony
when asked abt his gender his responses are "old libraries" "a full moon" "earl grey"
they/he/she pronouns
thinks neopronouns are so cool but doesn't know how to use them
calls herself a "triple a battery" (get it? cause they're agender, asexual and aromantic)
would absolutely verbally destroy anyone who dares misgender his friends but can't stand up for themself
she/they pronouns
is completely ok with being called she but absolutely lights up when ppl use they/them to refer to them
started wearing pronoun pins on her uniform after pandora gave them one as a gift and never took it off
no one dares make fun of them bc the first (and last) person who did it got hexed so hard they ended up in the hospital wing and lily got her first detention ever
they/she pronouns
loves skirts but hates dresses because she can't bind
didn't understand why it was so uncomfortable for them to wear dresses until pete came out
closeted with their family but out to everyone else
she/her pronouns for the general public, she/they pronouns for close friends
tries to incorporate her flag on every outfit, either a pin, a bracelet, graphic liner or just wearing the colours
isn't uncomfortable with being called a girl but doesn't really sit right with them either
prefers to be called "lover" rather than "girlfriend"
trans man
he/him pronouns
taught sirius how to do makeup in exchange of them cutting his hair
tattoed waves over his top surgery scars
has an inhumane amount of knowledge about microlabels and niche identities
she/her pronouns
flowy dresses give her the biggest gender euphoria
thought she was a straight guy but didn't feel right about it, when she figured out she was just a trans lesbian it all made sense
really into greek mythology and picked the name pandora because of the myth
they/them pronouns
has so many pronoun and flag pins in their bag at all times and gives them away to anyone who asks
constantly has to correct teachers on their pronouns
hyperfemme gender expression at all times because "fuck gender norms, my skirt doesn't dictate my gender, you know my pronouns so fucking use them"
he/she pronouns
saw dorcas doing panda's makeup after she came out, asked them if they would do hers and felt so insanely happy looking in the mirror after they were done
black eyeliner in his bag at all times
her gender could better be described as "skate park"
"no clue but definitely not a cis man"
they/he pronouns
uses "girl" as gender neutral
doesn't want to label their gender, bangs on about it being a social construct and "can't be arsed to define it"
when the gender dysphoria hits, he draws on their arms with a felt tip pen, barty started noticing this pattern and ever since then, evan asks her to draw on them instead
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snarky-magpie · 7 months
(A new chapter of PS. is up, so here's a little snippet from the next one I'm currently editing :) ) “No, I’ve got the impression that ‘mean’ is your default setting.” 
Regulus runs a hand through his hair, pushing it out of his face. It’s been getting longer, and it accentuates his similarity to Sirius, but James would sooner cut out his tongue than tell him. Besides. He enjoys twirling the strands around his fingers when they kiss.
“Only when you’re around,” Reg says, his breath against James’ pec.
“Well, I like it. Being around you. Despite your horrible disposition and the fact you insist on replacing my Breakfast Blend with Early Grey. What is it with you and the citrus family?” 
Regulus scrunches his nose, wrinkling all the cute freckles atop it. “Breakfast Blend is disgusting, with Earl Grey clearly being the superior choice. Educate your palate, you rube. Plus, you get the bag version. Really, James? You’re filthy rich. Rich enough to afford loose leaves.” 
“I might be rich, but you’re such a little posh boy. Tea snob,” James laughs. Who would’ve thought three weeks ago that they’d be snuggling in bed, joking about tea? At the time, his future stretched out hopeless and bleak. He couldn’t envision laughing ever again, and yet here he is, with his love by his side, both safe, content, and warm, firing quips at each other. Life is good. Life is incredible. James kisses the top of Regulus’ head to feel the tangible proof of this new reality against his lips.
“Sod off. That’s not a thing.” 
“Hey, I don’t mind. You’re my little snob.” 
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sommerregenjuniluft · 8 months
@hpsaffics feb 3 - time loop - 1117words
aka fem bartylus in their bonnie and damon from season 5 of vampire diaries arc (i made myself cry with this but also i'm on my period so who knows ksfjf)
“Hey, look,” Barty says, her head popping up over one of the grocery store shelves, “The small, pickled corn cobs you like so much are on Sale.”
Regulus doesn’t have to look up to see the shit eating grin stretching her lips as she holds up the jars of pickled corn with the impossible to miss, red SALE stickers that have been there for every single day of the past 3 months. She simply rolls her eyes and turns to grab an OJ out of the cooler, like she does every Saturday morning. Regulus believes in keeping a weekly and daily schedule in favor of not going insane, thanks a lot.
There’s a noise across the empty store that sounds like Barty put two of the jars into the shopping cart.
Regulus sniffs, ignoring the flutter in her stomach as well as the sting deep inside her ribcage.
She goes about filling her own cart methodically, absentmindedly listening to Barty mucking about wherever she is. Humming under her breath, bags crinkling, the sounds of the cart clinking against stuff. Barty has great spatial awareness in any situation except for the grocery store. 
Regulus still feels last weekend in the tender bruises along her Achillies heel. If bruises stayed that long she’d have enough evidence from a year ago to build a real case. They do not, however, so Regulus is just left with the knowledge of it and that hollow feeling in her chest like someone had a big scoop and Regulus’ heart was a tub of Ben & Jerries.
She continues down the aisle in a bit of a daze. Eggs, oatmilk, protein bars, Earl Grey, Spaghetti and Fusilli because Barty is a fussy shithead that won’t eat other forms of pasta.
They meet again in the snack aisle, Regulus rounding the corner and finding Barty curled over her cart, studying the back of a honey puffs packet.
She’s gnawing on her bottom lips, rosy mouth pursed to the side and the line between her eyebrows deep and pulled low beneath her fringe and Regulus watches some of the longer brown hair slip over her shoulder and to the front. The round muscle is bare, freckled, and so are her arms because last week Barty made it her mission to go through Evan’s closet and cut off the sleeves of his every one of his t-shirts. 
Regulus had been furious. 
She misses him desperately. Pandora and Sirius, too. The very first night she’d slept in her best friend’s bed, clad in one of Sirius’ softest shirts. Regulus doesn’t remember a time she’d wept herself to sleep so harshly. 
Barty had come and gotten her after 32 hours of refusing to leave the room and dragged her into a shower before plopping her down on one of the kitchen bar stools and making pancakes for her. Whipped cream and blueberries on the side. And then she’d left to go wherever it is she goes every single morning after breakfast until she’s returning for lunch.
She slips the strand of silky straight hair behind her ear now and then glances up when Regulus advances farther into the aisle.
Their eyes meet for a moment, mint and blue gray, clashing, getting caught in each other. Hooks sinking in, ripping at the entangled spots, and when Regulus finds it in herself to break away she feels raw. Chafed. A hotly throbbing ache. Burning.
Regulus looks around in the shelves but she isn’t really seeing any of the things. It takes a moment and then she’s taken aback when she genuinely can’t find the Ritter Sports party mix. It should be right in front of her, nestled between the Kinder stuff and the no name rows of chocolate bars. There’s an empty space on the shelf where they should sit and Regulus blinks at that spot in confusion.
Before she can do more about it the cold metal of a shopping cart grazes Regulus’ naked calf, jolting her and making her look up at Barty where she’s come closer, still lazily draped over the handle of her cart, now sporting an amused expression.
Her smirk is horribly smug and sitting a little lopsided on her unfairly beautiful face, “Lookin’ for something, Black?”
Regulus opens her mouth to respond but then Barty props her chin in one of her palms and cocks her head at an exaggerated angle, pointedly letting her gaze wander over the shelf Regulus is standing in front of numbly. And then up.
Regulus blinks again and then follows her line of sight automatically. She sweeps her gaze back around and up and then spots the chocolates where they’re perched on the very top of the shelf. Neatly set up over the row of Reezes there. 
All the way up there and impossible for Regulus to reach.
Her favorite chocolates.
Barty had taken the time to put every last of Regulus’ favorite chocolates on the top of that shelf with such care for order she’s never once applied to their pantry in the months they’d lived together back when they were a couple.
Regulus feels her browns knit, eyes burning with anger and when she looks over she watches the smile on Barty’s face turn wider. That’s about all Regulus is able to take.
Her chin starts crinkling and she feels her lips start to wobble despite the way she’s biting down on the inside of her lower one hard enough to draw blood. There’s nothing Regulus can do against the tears shooting into her eyes and the way her throat starts to clog up before, pathetically, a single sob escapes her. 
And then she’s crying. Full on, shoulders shaking with it and Barty’s smile falls.
She looks properly panicked and the cart gets shoved to the side, colliding loudly with the opposite shelf, and then she’s there to pull Regulus into a hug.
Her head hangs uselessly as she weeps into the crook of Barty’s arm and chest, deep heaving sobs as Barty cradles her head and holds her tight by the shoulders.
“Hey, hey,” Barty mumbles, voice strained, “I’m sorry, Reg, I’m sorry. I’ll get them back down.”
Regulus uselessly ruts her face into the naked skin, tasting salty shame in the corners of her lips.
“Every single one of them, I’ll get them all down, baby. I’m sorry,” she whispers, breath hot on the crown of Regulus curls.
Regulus finds her hands fisted into the material of Barty’s shirt, clutching at it numbly while she tries to swallow the sobs, “I hate you.”
Barty nods above her, “I know, baby,” and if Regulus didn’t know any better she'd think she hears shame and regret mixed into the words. “I know.”
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withtheoldstars · 10 months
monday snippet
ty @calamitoustide for the tag <3
I hate you He sent the message to Sirius, still lying in his bed, delaying coming down for breakfast because he was still mildly irritated. fuck you bitch u that bought the Earl Grey? Regulus lazily read his older brother’s response which came immediately.  Yes You told me you missed it It was the tea they usually drank at Grimmauld Place, so it came as a surprise to Regulus that Sirius commented that he missed it and that he usually drank what James bought. cheers His brother was so annoying, why did he have to acknowledge that Regulus went out of his way to do something he knew would please Sirius? His brother was the worst. Fuck off
no pressure tags: @rweoutofthewoods, @elysiren, @godsofwoes & @themuseoftheviolets <3
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What would each Marauder characters smell like in Amortentia:
James: Broom polish, cinnamon, fresh spring air, oranges (like a tangeriney smell) .
Sirius: Hairspray, Ash (the smell of a campfire), vanilla lip balm, basil.
Remus: Black coffee, a brand new book, caramel, whiskey.
Peter: Sunscreen, watermelon (but the artificial smell), mint (fresh, like you’re smelling the herb directly), fresh laundry.
Lily: The sea, strawberries (fresh not artificial), lavender, dewy grass.
Marlene: Broom Polish, cigarettes, rain, apples.
Dorcas: Coconut, Acrylic Paint, Cold Air (it has a fresh scent imo), Cherry Coke.
Mary: The Earl Grey Tea She Drinks, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Sweet Cream, Her Vanilla Purfume.
Regulus: Cold Water, Pine, Musk (it’s in his cologne), Expensive Ink.
Pandora: Seaweed, Limes, Rosemary, Soil.
Barty: Oil (don’t ask why), Cedar, Rain Water, Copper.
Evan: Sandalwood, Coffee (with milk), Coconut Conditioner, Grapefruit.
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bowiesversion · 11 days
Matilda - Harry Styles
People Watching - Conan Gray
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac
(For this)
Hi Ev! <3 <3
As soon as I saw this I thought of Regulus!
What this means: You're most likely the second child, or you have second child syndrome (not a real thing, I just have a little sister who's 12 years younger and even she has it) meaning you were probably your parents favorite until you grew up. You developed a personality and feelings and all of a sudden you were an outcast. You found friends and people who love you, but it's never filled the gap. You want someone to love, and return that love back, but it's never going to fulfil you. You don't let people in easily, but try because there is so much love inside you.
What you remind me of: Long swims in the cold ocean (lol), sea salt and milk chocolate, earl grey tea, plaid shorts, Plums, really old worn in books, crying because your favorite character died, slammed doors, empty houses, exchanging glances with someone, and silver jewelry
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rosekillerismylife · 1 month
I did something, I guess.
He’s there. Right there. As if he was never gone. Just standing there and looking as beautiful as ever. A few meters out of reach but still standing there, looking pretty. If he wanted to touch him, he just needed to reach out with his hand. To touch his face. To trace his lips, his cheekbones, his nose, his eyebrows. To cup his cheek to feel soft skin against the palm of his hand. To brush with his fingers through his soft hair. To feel. Just to feel him. He looks so comfortable. As if he’s just woken up. His hair is slightly ruffled, his eyes are not totally open. He’s wearing a grey hoodie that reaches his knees and covers the shorts he’s hopefully wearing under it. The grey eyes are looking but don’t seem to find anything. He’s looking right at him but still seems to see through him. The urge to touch him, to feel him under his fingertips, to smell him, grows incredibly large. It’s as if every second he’s looking him in his eyes pulls him closer to him. The universe decided that they should be together, so whatever they do, they can’t pull away from each other. They need each other, they rely on each other, they want each other. And still they can’t have each other. Every time they try to make it work, some secret power prevents them. Every time they come near each other, the universe decides that it’s enough and pushes them farther apart. Every time they touch, the world explodes and swallows them with it. They are destined to be with each other but are still driven apart. It never seems to work. So he's just standing there. Watching him walk into the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea. Not Earl Grey (even though he tells everyone that that’s his favourite tea) but Green Tea with a spoon of honey. Watching him sit at the kitchen counter, his eyes fixed on air. Oh, his eyes. Those beautiful grey orbs, looking empty and hollow. It’s like looking in a mirror. There he’s sitting. So near but so far away. With his thoughts, with his soul, with his every being. He doesn’t know at what point he lost him, but he noticed the slight shift in the last years. How he grew more silent, more obedient, more lost, more absent. He doesn’t know how it happened. He doesn’t know who did it but he knows that he lost him forever. There’s no way in getting back what they once had or could’ve had. Fate is a funny thing. It decides when to put two people on a life path together but also has the power to decide when to stop. To decide when and how to drive those two people apart. Fate, the traitor, is what got them to come together and it is always fate that drove them apart. And every time, he tells himself, he won’t let it happen again. But it happens. Again and again and again. Sometimes it feels like they exist in a loop where everything changes except that they never have the happy ending they deserve. Never. Whatever fate or destiny or whatever has against them, it seems to be a strong reason to separate them like that. He stands up and leaves again. Into the shadows. Unreachable and untraceable. Near, but so far out of reach. The shadows swallow him and he goes, without fighting, without resisting. He leaves him. Again. For the thousandth time. And he’s alone. He lost him again. Sirius lost his brother again. Regulus left and he doesn’t know what he did. He doesn’t know when and how he lost him. Doesn’t know anything. But he’s gone. Never to be seen again. Leaving his brother alone in a miserable world to lead a miserable life. Leaving him and taking with him the last bit of hope for a better world. A world where fate and destiny don’t work against you. A world where Sirius has Regulus right next to him. A world where Sirius can reach Regulus. A world where he can be Regulus’ big brother.
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hoovedrycal · 3 months
Tumblr media
𝐵𝐴𝑅𝐵𝐴𝑅𝐼𝐴𝑁   ⚔    toothy grins,  stories around the campfire,  clothes covered in pet hair,  hot temper,  old jeans,  heartbeat in head,  potatoes and steak,  beaded jewellery,  bruises like galaxies,  mementos, backpack stuffed full,  craigslist furniture, spontaneous road trips,  air ripped from lungs.
𝐵𝐴𝑅𝐷     ⚔     homemade bread, white lies, easily excited,  trying on hats,  band geek,  pep talks,  no impulse control,  sunsets,  vintage fashion, long showers, selfies, following dreams,  rosy cheeks,  song mash-ups,  pink lemonade with tequila, loves easily,  animated storyteller, full of comebacks.
𝐶𝐿𝐸𝑅𝐼𝐶    ⚔    list of wishes,  biting their tongue,  band-aids and Neosporin, shoulder to cry on,  morning sun,  necklaces, trial and error, homemade quilts, formal clothing, astrology fan,  messages in bottles,  pleated braids,  speaking up for friends, feathers, motivational quotes,  vivid dreams.
𝐷𝑅𝑈𝐼𝐷      ⚔       bird watching, shy kid,  wind chimes, trying to whistle,  summer camp, apple orchards,  lost in their head, glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling, hoodies,  thrift shopping (for mementos),  saving worms off the sidewalk,  pig latin,  bare feet, thunderstorms, numb fingers, braided hair,  naming potted plants.
𝐹𝐼𝐺𝐻𝑇𝐸𝑅      ⚔     goosebumps,  leather jackets,  adventure,  chewing nails, cares deeply but can’t show it, bronze locks,  no sleep, taste of iron,  netflix binges,  never forgets, combat boots,  stories behind scars, table for one,  official soundtracks, sore calves,  trusts themselves the most.
𝑀𝑂𝑁𝐾    ⚔       always trying to be better,  wanderlust,  meditation,  sweat pants, old photographs,  yoga,  sleeping in hammocks, nostalgia,  minimalist design, a breath of fresh air,  baby animals,  volunteering,  perfectionist, doesn’t care about fashion,  healthy snacks,  noticing the little things.
𝑃𝐴𝐿𝐴𝐷𝐼𝑁     ⚔      school uniforms, thick jackets,  sleeping with the windows open, logical advice, scrapbooking,  compasses,  fighting for friends, sculpture gardens,  cold morning air,  big soul,  likes routine,  secret romantic, last to get jokes, sunflowers, practical presents ("so i got you this weird bad thing i know you'll love"),  misty weather.
𝑅𝐴𝑁𝐺𝐸𝑅    ⚔      herbal tea,  smell of rain,  blinking away tears,  camping trips, collecting bones,  Swiss army knives, first impressions, anxious thoughts,  bobby pins,  burnt marshmallows,  too competitive, clotheslines,  messenger bags,  holding grudges, gets along better with animals than people.
𝑅𝑂𝐺𝑈𝐸     ⚔      flirtatious sarcasm, candid photos,  lost phone chargers,  adrenaline rush,  picking dirt out from beneath their nails,  social chameleon,  clashing clothes, self-deprecating jokes,  claw machines,  sits in chairs wrong,  smudged eyeliner, has to wear sunglasses, eats nothing or everything.
𝑆𝑂𝑅𝐶𝐸𝑅𝐸𝑅      ⚔     infectious laugh,  family trees,  shivers down their spine, lipstick and roses, mood swings,  clumsy,  believing in destiny,  high expectations,  sleeping in darkness,  collection of nail polish, passionate,  good grades but never studies, poetry books, blowing kisses,  not knowing their own strength.
𝑊𝐴𝑅𝐿𝑂𝐶𝐾      ⚔     knowing  everyone’s  secrets, backpack  covered  in  pins,  envy, being  in  walmart  late  at  night,  earl  grey,  selective  memory,  conspiracy  theories  and  cryptids,  key smashing, need  to  know  basis,  can’t  cook,  bags  under  eyes, experimental  art, flickering  bulbs,  black  clothing  all  year  long
𝑊𝐼𝑍𝐴𝑅𝐷   ⚔     piles of textbooks, cat in lap, keeping a diary,  indecision,  scented candles,  studying alone in a café,  lingering touches,  museum dates,  unanswered questions,  taking on too much responsibility,  collections,  chalk dust,  comfy robes, unnecessary apologies,  coming home after a long day.
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After finishing Art Heist, Baby! and crying for over 4 hours, I decided to bake orange muffins and make some Earl Grey tea, in loving memory of Regulus. I'm feeling slightly better now.
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