#earl emmett
smash-or-pass-otome · 9 months
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faejilly · 1 year
once upon a time I was doing a gift exchange for 7kpp and nothing I wrote work so I did a fanmix and made some TEA instead! (Did you like any of the tea, @awaylaughing? I don't recall) and then today, for no apparent reason, I was looping Hozier and feeling bad about how I keep wanting to write but then don't actually do it... and found a Sheltered Princess/Emmett thing from the POV's of the Chaperones in my WIP folder and finished it! Because Brains! Are Crazy-Cakes! (affectionate) Please Enjoy some observations re: Princess Wilhelmina Temperance of Arland and her Earl.
Emmett had known that he would see her.
Of course The Princess would be here. Even before Katyia herself, this is exactly what Arland Princesses always did. Who they always were.
He'd even known it would be difficult, was aware of his own weaknesses, his own flaws, but he hadn't realized it would hit him so hard, just seeing her walk into the Main Hall, seeing the Skalt Lady approach, watching other people see – her. See her, the way no one else in Arland ever had. The Princess was a wonderful young lady, of course everyone else would eventually see it too. It wasn't as if he didn't want her to succeed, didn't want people to know how amazing she was. He just –
It hurt, a little, to know that he would probably never have his friend by his side again, to know that there had never been a chance that he would, despite how fondly he remembered her, how much he'd looked forward to seeing her again, even if just at formal events at Court.
This was worse than Court.
This was going to be good-bye, and he hadn't even managed to say hello yet.
He was afraid that she'd see his worry and think he wasn't pleased to see her, wasn't always happy at the thought of her.
But then she came toward him, and he was glad enough at the sight of pleased recognition she didn't try to hide that he forgot about the future entirely and smiled at the present instead.
It was quite entertaining to realize that he’d been wrong about the Arland Princess. That didn’t happen to Woodly very often. But here she was, holding her own quite successfully through the formal introductions, alert and observant and with a smile almost as engaging as his own niece’s.
He’d dismissed her entirely at the Welcome Feast, convinced she was an even paler and quieter echo of her sister, the one who’d let herself be sold to Corval despite being smart enough to recognize how pleasant her soon-to-be-husband wasn’t.
To be fair, if Penelope had been of an age with Constance, the King and Queen might very well have tried to do the same with her, and Penelope would undoubtedly have agreed, despite also being smart enough to recognize a man who wouldn’t care a bit for her own preferences in the least. (Sometimes Woodly despaired of his sister’s sense, but that was neither here nor there.) Lisle would have fought it though, so it was well that hadn’t been an option.
But here young Princess Wilhelmina was, exquisitely formal with the one deeply unpirate-like Hisean, then listening to the Skalt Princess to call her Mina without looking the least bit upset by the informality. Penelope adored her, which required a bit of a gentle touch, and yet she was vibrant enough that neither the actual pirates nor the Corvali thought her dull. Even the Jiyel delegates were willing to converse with her, and Duke Lyon didn’t like anyone, and Lady Avalie only liked people she could play with.
She was singularly useless for any of the games Woodly himself liked to play, of course, but she was, nonetheless, a singular and effective delegate for Arland. Much more useful than that Earl, who refused to allow an unkind word about anyone, regardless of how much they might deserve it.
Would wonders never cease. An Arland Princess with a hint of a spine.
This Summit was certainly never boring.
Yvette thought her Princess deserved better. Such a bright young woman ought to be able to reach for more than her status as a gift Arland would bestow upon an ally who was willing to put up with her. (Perhaps they all deserved better than Summit machinations and noble politics, but that was a question for future generations to answer, not a single Duchess in her private thoughts.)
The Princess was quiet and polite, exactly as she had been trained to be. But she caught the eye, shone with her own inner light, a light that was already brighter than it had been at the Welcome Feast, and she’d handled that particular challenge with grace, deprecation, and a surprisingly charismatic and self-aware touch of humor, even when that young Zarad had dragged her into a highly inappropriate dance in front of everyone.
Constance would have been so proud of Mina if she’d seen it. Not that Yvette allowed herself to consider Princess Constance too often; that led to worrying about how she was doing, trapped at Prince Aamir’s side.
Yvette swallowed a sigh, and made sure her hands stayed loose in her lap, no tension visible anywhere in her body, even as she had to fight not to squint against the light of a rising sun. She’d managed to place herself outside the stable before anyone else, but the chaperones and servants and delegates would be here soon for the ride, and she could not let her worry show. Not for Arland or the Summit, past, present or future, not for the Princess as Princess or simply as a young lady in a difficult place.
Most especially not for her poor darling Earl, who she knew was painfully aware that half the Isle could tell that he was hopelessly in love with his Princess, by far the least eligible match for either of them to attempt here at this Summit.
Katyia would probably have insisted they be matched regardless; this time Yvette had to swallow a smile at the thought. Perhaps, somehow, even without Katyia, they’d manage a small bit of happiness, at least for awhile.
Yvette’s smile escaped her control, that thought too sweet to entirely dismiss.
Perhaps she had more hope left in her bones for this Summit than she’d thought.
Falon thought the boat race was the least painful activity of the Summit. It required actual effort and forethought and tactics from the delegates, and did not require he make small-talk about things he couldn’t possibly know anything about, and wouldn’t want to chatter about even if he did.
A Hisean team always won it, of course, but it was interesting to watch what the other delegates decided to do. Did they choose to forego it entirely and network among the spectators? Did they back Hise and their easy victory? Did they put on a show of their own boat, costumes or decorations or fancy tricks to draw the eye? Did they fight for that second place spot, did they try and make Hise work for their victory?
It was fascinating, and a good way to see how all the different delegations were starting to relate to each other, an idea of who could work with who, who might be able to reach a hand across a bargaining table by the end of the Summit and have someone grasp it back.
He had never expected two of the Hise delegates to agree to back an Arlish Captain though. One who had somehow managed to entice his damnable Duke out of the library to participate! And a Wellin Princess. It was the most cosmopolitan ship in the competition.
And then it won.
Hise lost.
Hise lost the boat race to Arland.
Falon didn’t know what to do with that. He couldn’t figure out what it meant, it was too improbable to have even considered it as a possible conclusion. Falon was so disconcerted, he didn’t even manage to catch Lyon before he retreated back inside after the race. Not that it would probably have worked, but Falon didn’t even manage to try.
He did manage to congratulate the rest of the team however, and he didn’t think he sounded nearly as bewildered as he felt.
On the one hand, it was good that there were delegates with the strength of will and character to actually make things happen.
On the other, he had a feeling he was going to spend the next five weeks wishing he’d been assigned as Chaperone for a less interesting Summit.
Jaslen loved the Matchmaker’s breakfast. The only real chance anyone had to see what of the Matchmaker’s opinions she was willing to let be seen in public, and so close to the one banquet at the Summit that still held so tightly to Katyia’s dreams rather than everyone else’s fears; there was always something to learn about how well the behind-the-scenes maneuvering was going.
Plus the delegates were always so delightfully chaotic, the stresses of the Summit and the anticipation of the remaining weeks only getting worse…
When Jaslen had flitted through the dining hall prior to any of the delegates arriving, she’d thought placing the poor Arland Princess in between the Revaire Prince and that idiot Blain was uncharacteristically cruel of the Matchmaker. She had no patience for incompetence, but she didn’t usually twist the knife after (metaphorically) stabbing some delegate who hadn’t impressed her.
But then breakfast actually happened, and Wilhelmina was fine! Calm and polite even while her seatmates bickered and everyone stared at her; she even smiled at that Earl of hers without appearing at all self-conscious when she escaped after Blain’s unsubtle attack.
It was such a nice surprise. Jaslen might have underestimated the Princess, but she wasn’t wrong about the Matchmaker, and that would have been disturbing, after all these years.
Watching Blain fumble his way through the Summit was excruciating enough for one year, she didn’t need to add an absolute failure in her usually impeccable people skills on top of that.
This really was the best morning. She wished she could be a chaperone for every Summit.
Jasper had been quite honored to realize he was assigned to Princess Wilhelmina of Arland herself. The Princesses were always such lovely guests, dutiful but seldom dull, young and hopeful and exactly the sort of people Katyia had most wanted to help.
He met his Princess and she was a joy to serve. Not just for the Summit or his duty or Arland, but for herself, complete and entire. He wished her well, and he saw her rise to every occasion, and for all he knew he could not take the credit, he was so proud.
But it was tinged with fear, not just for the Summit, or the Isle, and definitely not for Arland, but for her and her countryman, her childhood friend, Yvette's young assistant, Earl Emmett of Arland. He was as kind and dutiful as any Arlish Lord could have ever desired, and every time he smiled Jasper could see the Princess light up, and yet.
And yet.
They were both of Arland, and had been excessively well trained. Earl Emmet had traveled enough to be able to bring home a bride from anywhere and be kind to her in a way she'd understand, and the Princess. Well. The Princesses of Arland always left.
And then the night of the Matchmaker’s banquet he almost missed it, distracted by everything else that had happened (everything that shouldn’t have happened). He barely made himself settle before the Matchmaker stood, but he managed it just in time, standing quiet in his shadows as she began her announcement.
Which included the love match of Princess Wilhelmina of Arland to Earl Emmet of Arland.
There was an instant of total silence in the Hall, regardless of the number of people, regardless of servants and cutlery and food and conversation, regardless of high ceilings and the usual whispers of acoustics designed specifically to pick up everything so it would be almost impossible to overhear any one thing out of all the rest beyond one’s seatmate.
Arland to Arland.
Jasper’s eyes closed, and he didn’t know if it was joy or shock, horror or hope. He opened them to the much more familiar incoherence of a room full of whispering delegations, not a single person without an opinion on that match.
Arland to Arland.
He let himself smile, just a little, and let himself imagine it, a Summit that celebrated a match like that, Arland to Arland, for love and happiness rather than politics and duty.
Mina was sure she was blushing, but she’d noticed the shock after the Matchmaker’s announcement, heard the whispers a moment later, and she couldn’t quite contain it.
She also couldn’t hold in the lift of outright glee at hearing their names announced like that, one after the other. She had no idea how they were going to make this work, but oh, she didn’t regret a moment of choosing her best friend to be her partner, to be her future, no matter what anyone else thought of it. Not even her parents.
And she knew, every time she saw him, every time she thought of him, every time he smiled, or ducked his head, or pushed his sleeves up his arm as if this time they were going to stay, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that Emmett didn’t regret it either.
They only managed one quick moment before they were sent their separate ways, but she could live through a dozen more Summits, and she’d never forget the brilliance of his smile in that moment. Proof, if she’d needed it, that it was worth every effort over the next four weeks to keep him with her, to keep herself with him, to make it out the other side of this Summit
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iconretrocar · 4 months
Visionaries of the Jet Age: Harley Earl, Emmett Conklin, and the 1953 Fi...
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rbolick · 9 months
Books On Books Collection - Susan E. King
Lessons from the South (1986) Lessons from the South (1986) Susan E. King Modified flag book. Closed: H270 x W172 mm; Open: W670 mm. 20 pages. Acquired from Rickaro Books BA PBFA, 22 September 2023. Photos: Books On Books Collection. Lessons from the South presents a masterful weaving together of material, structure, technique and image with Susan King’s reminiscences and social observations of…
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unboundprompts · 4 months
Character Name Ideas that Start With the Letter E
-> feel free to comment suggestions, I'll do my best to add them to the list.
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fyeah7kpp · 3 months
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We're almost there! Here's the next prompt!
Three days left, guys! We're almost there!
--Mod Tina
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rewritethisstxry · 1 year
Hello and welcome to my mixed mosh little corner of tumblr. Here I write for a variety of fandoms and characters. Primarily will be featuring drabbles with the occasional longer piece. Headcanons will feature from time to time.
At the time I do NOT consent for my work to be translated or posted anywhere else.
Below you will find some more information on who and what I write.
MINORS DNI. Due to the nature of potential content, only 18 and older are allowed.
Characters || Rules || Masterlist || Slasher/horror writing blog : @slxsherwriter
What I will write:
Platonic relationships
Alpha/Omega dynamics
What I won’t write:
Rape, rape play, non con
Real person fic
Marvel: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Alexei Shostakov, Peter Parker, Victor Creed, Deacon Frost, Peter Quinn, Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Bruce Banner, Brock Rumlow, Nathan Summers, Eddie Brock, Cletus Kasady, Otto Octavius
DC Universe: Bruce Wayne, Harvey Bullock, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Jonathan Crane, Clark Kent, Arthur Curry
Stranger Things: James Hopper, Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers
Stargate Atlantis: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Ronan Dex, Carson Beckett
Sons of Anarchy: Jackson “Jax” Teller, Harry “Opie” Winston, Filip “Chibs” Telford, Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz, Lincoln Potter, Galen O'Shay
The Walking Dead: Rick Grimes, Shane Walsh, Negan Smith
What We Do in the Shadows: Nandor the Relentless, Guillermo de la Cruz, Laszlo Cravensworth
Resident Evil: Karl Heisenberg, Albert Wesker, Chris Redfield
Ted Lasso: Ted Lasso, Coach Beard, Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent
Good Omens: Gabriel, Aziraphale, Crowley
Video Games: Connor RK800, CaptainJonathan Price, Simon Ghost Riley, Sniper
Movies: Finn Brody (Godzilla), Raleigh Becket (Pacific Rim), Terry Malone (Black and Blue), Abe Guevara (Point Blank), Bobby O’Neill (The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard), Guy Clifton (The Crash), Roy Pulver (Boss Level), Sloan (Into the Ashes) Braxton Wolff (The Accountant), Ethan Sawyer (Those Who Wish Me Dead), Bradley James (Grudge Match), Sam Rossi (Sweet Virginia), Mr. McCarthy (Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl), Grady Travis (Fury), Griff (Baby Driver), Adam Frawley (The Town), Buddy (Baby Driver), Clyde Brenek (The Posession), Patrick Sullivan (The Accidental Husband), Harvey Russell (Rampage), Jude Fisher (Peace, Love, and Misunderstanding), Luke Vaughn (Heist), Franklin Clay (The Losers), Max (The Resident), Nicomund the Red/Santa Claus (Violent Night), Doug Dennison (Sleepless), Frank Masters (The Equalizer), Hellboy (2019), Alex Baldr (Max Payne), Matt Graver (Sicario), Douglas Hunsiker (The Rise of the Planet of the Apes), Steve Emmett (Boa vs Python), Joe Braven (Braven), Lee Christmas (The Expendables), Deckard Shaw (Fast & Furious)
Musicals: Jack Kelly (Newsies), Dewey Finn (School of Rock), Hades (Hadestown)
Tv shows: Ike Evans (Magic City), Jason Crouse (The Good Wife), John Winchester (Supernatural), Mason Baldwin (Elementary), Colton Fisk (The Equalizer), Kevin Tidwell (Life), Declan Murphy (Law & Order: SVU), Eugene McGillicutty (Royal Pains), Chuck Martin (ER), Dickie Flood (Th Practice), Malcolm Bright (Prodigal Son)
Tolkien: Boromir, Faramir, Eomer
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sayingyournames · 10 months
in case y’all were wondering how much of a hillbilly i really am, one of my uncles is named ‘emmett earl’ but hates it so much that my whole family has called him ‘doodle’ since before i was born
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clockwrkcabaret · 8 months
Have You Ever?
WARNING! This show is for adults. We drink cocktails, have potty mouths and, at least, one of us was raised by wolves.
The Clockwork Cabaret is a production of Agony Aunt Studios. Featuring that darling DJ Duo, Lady Attercop and Emmett Davenport. Our theme music is made especially for us by Kyle O’Door.
This episode aired on Mad Wasp Radio, 02.04.24.
New episodes air on Mad Wasp Radio on Sundays @ 12pm GMT! Listen at www.madwaspradio.com or via TuneIn radio app!
Charming Disaster – Grimoire
Pretty Balanced – Weird Men
The Tiger Lillies and Alexander Hacke – Rats (In The Walls)
Walter Sickert & The Army of Broken Toys – Come Black Magic
Magic Wands – Black Magic
Flight of the Conchords – Demon Woman
PRIZM – Dreams
Vision Video – I Love Cats
The Cure – The Baby Screams
Echo & the Bunnymen – The Killing Moon
Siouxsie & The Banshees – The Killing Jar
Depeche Mode – Martyr
Urban Heat – Have You Ever?
New Order – Crystal
Erasure – Ship Of Fools
Orville Peck – Smalltown Boy
Billie Joe + Norah – Long Time Gone
C.C. Adcock – Bleed 2 Feed
Justin Townes Earle – Ain’t Got No Money
Shovels & Rope – Twisted Sisters
Nikki Lane – First High
Wet Leg – I Don’t Wanna Go Out
Alessia Cara – Here
Florence + The Machine – I’m Not Calling You A Liar
The Bastard Fairies – Memento Mori
Check out this episode!
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bluseum · 2 years
also why is everyone in the skellington book called [place name] [latin word] [adjective]
Derek very evidently names characters like any good lazy D&D player, random name generators and dictionaries. He doesn't seem to see a problem with
Adam Brate
Adedayo Akinde
Adrian Sykes
Adrienna Shade
Alan (Boyle Solutions)
Alan Brennan
Alena Metz
Alesha Walsh
Alexander Remit
Alexander Slake
Alice Edgley
Aloysius Vespers
Amity's Wife
Anathem Mire
The Ancients
Annie Brennan
Anton Shudder
Arabella Wicked
Armiger Fop
Arthur Dagan
Ashley Hubbard
Auger Darkly
Auron Tenebrae
Aurora Jane
Axelia Lukt
Azzedine Smoke
Baron Vengeous
The Beast
Bennet Troth
Benzel Travestine
Bernadette Maguire
Bernard Sult
Bertrand Solus
Beryl Edgley
Billy-Ray Sanguine
Binder Firm
Bison Dragonclaw
Black Annis
Brides of Blood Tears
Bubba Moon
Burgundy Dalrymple
The Butcher
Byron Grace
Cadaver Cain
Cadaverous Gant
Caius Caviler
Cameron Light
Carol Edgley
Carol Edgley (Reflection)
Cassandra Pharos
Cathy (The Button)
Charlie Smith
Child of the Faceless
China Sorrows
China's Assistant
China's Grandmother
Chrissy Brennan
Christophe Nocturnal
Clement Gale
Clerihew Montgomery
Coda Quell
Colleen Stint
Colm Muldoon
Conor Delaney
Corrival Deuce
Cothernus Ode
Craddock Sirroco
Crepuscular Vies
Creyfon Signate
Crystal Edgley
Cu na Gealaí Duibhe
Daffyd Maybury
Dai Maybury
Damocles Creed
Darian Vector
Daveth Maybury
Davina Marr
Davit Maybury
Davon Maybury
Deacon Maybury
Death Monkey
Dedrich Wahrheit
Delafonte Mien
Desmond Edgley
Detective Harris
Dexter Vex
Dionysus Pertinax
Doctor Whorl
Donegan Bane
Doran Purcell
Dreylan Scarab
Dubhóg Ni Broin
The Dullahan
Eachan Meritorious
Eamon Campbell
Eamon Pearce
Ed Stynes
Eddie Sullivan
Edgley Tempest
Eliza Scorn
Elsie O'Brien
Elwood Satchel
Emmeline Darkly
Emmett Peregrine
Category:End of the World characters
The Engineer
Ephraim Tungsten
Erskine Ravel
Esryn Vanguard
Etta Faulkner
Evoric Cudgel
Faceless Ones
Father Reynolds
Fergus Edgley
Ferrente Rhadaman
Filament Sclavi
Finbar Wrong
Fintan Muldoon
Fletcher Renn
Frightening Jones
Gary Price
Gavin Praetor
Geoffrey Scrutinous
Gepard Voke
Geraint Mizzle
Ghastly Bespoke
Ghastly Bespoke's father
Ghastly Bespoke's mother
Gleeman Shakespeare
Gordon Edgley
Grace Kelly
Gracious O'Callahan
Gratio Erato
Gregory Castallan
Gregory Day
Greta Dapple
The Grotesquery
Gruesome Krav
Hansard Kray
Hayley Skirmish
Hidalgo Bolt
Hieronymus Deadfall
Hokum Pete
Hollow Men
The Hound
Ian Moore
Illori Reticent
Isidora Splendour
Jack Irons
Jackie Earl
Jajo Prave
James Hubbard
Jaron Gallow
Jason Randal
Jenan Ispolin
Jeremiah Wallow
Jerry Houlihan
Jerry Ordain
The Jitter Girls
Johann Starke
Kallista Pendragon
Kalvin Accord
Kathryn Ether
Keir Tanner
Kenny Dunne
Kenspeckle Grouse
Kierre of the Unveiled
Kitana Kellaway
Laken Cross
Lenka Bazaar
Liam Muldoon
Lightning Dave
Lillian Agog
Lord Vile
Lorenzo Mult
Luke Skywalker
Madame Mist
Madcap Fenton
Martin Flanery
Maverick Reels
Melancholia St Clair
Melissa Edgley
Mellifluous Golding
Mercy Charient
Merriwyn Hyphenate-Bash
Midnight Blue
Militsa Gnosis
Minion One and Minion Two
Miss Nuncio
Morwenna Crow
Mr Chou
Mr. Bliss
Mr. Fedgewick
Mr. Jib
Murder Rose
Muriel Hubbard
Myosotis Terra
Myron Stray
Nathanial Quiver
Nefarian Serpine
Nestor Tarry
Nj Maverick
Oberon Guile
Octa Gregorian Boona
October Klein
Omen Darkly
Oscar Nightfall
Palaver Graves
Parthenios Lilt
Pat Hanratty
Patrick Slattery
Patrick Xebec
Paul Lynch
Peg Muldoon
Persephone Grief
Pete Green
Phil Lynott
Philomena Random
To name a few
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ulkaralakbarova · 7 months
Set in 1951, a blacklisted Hollywood writer gets into a car accident, loses his memory and settles down in a small town where he is mistaken for a long-lost son.  Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Peter Appleton: Jim Carrey Elvin Glyde: Bob Balaban Mayor Ernie Cole: Jeffrey DeMunn Congressman Doyle: Hal Holbrook Adele Stanton: Laurie Holden Harry Trimble: Martin Landau Sheriff Cecil Coleman: Brent Briscoe Kevin Bannerman: Ron Rifkin Emmett Smith: Gerry Black Doc Stanton: David Ogden Stiers Stan Keller: James Whitmore Irene Terwilliger: Susan Willis Mabel: Catherine Dent Carl Leffert: Brian Howe Bob Leffert: Karl Bury Avery Wyatt: Chelcie Ross Sandra Sinclair: Amanda Detmer Leo Kubelsky: Allen Garfield Federal Agent Ellerby: Daniel von Bargen Jerry the Bartender: Mario Roccuzzo Newsreel Announcer (voice): Earl Boen Roland the Intrepid Explorer: Bruce Campbell The Evil But Handsome Prince Khalid: Cliff Curtis Kindly Old Professor Meredith: Michael Sloane Studio Executive (voice): Garry Marshall Studio Executive (voice): Paul Mazursky Studio Executive (voice): Sydney Pollack Studio Executive (voice): Carl Reiner Studio Executive (voice): Rob Reiner Luke Trimble (voice): Matt Damon Film Crew: Supervising Sound Editor: Richard L. Anderson Casting: Deborah Aquila Producer: Frank Darabont Original Music Composer: Mark Isham Director of Photography: David Tattersall Costume Design: Karyn Wagner Makeup Department Head: Bill Corso Editor: Jim Page Production Design: Gregory Melton First Assistant Editor: Tracey Wadmore-Smith Screenplay: Michael Sloane Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Mel Metcalfe Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Terry Porter Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Dean A. Zupancic First Assistant Editor: Vince Filippone Set Production Assistant: Jacob Cooney Boom Operator: Tom Hartig Set Decoration: Natalie Pope Script Supervisor: Lyn Matsuda Norton Still Photographer: Ralph Nelson Jr. Steadicam Operator: David Emmerichs Music Editor: Thomas A. Carlson Gaffer: H. Mark Vuille Script Supervisor: Susan Malerstein Production Sound Mixer: Mark Ulano Rigging Gaffer: Todd Sater Production Supervisor: Alison Harstedt Stunts: Katie Rowe Movie Reviews: GenerationofSwine: It’s time for the Majestic review…. …RED SCARE!!!! It makes a play at it in the very start of the film. It loudly proclaims that, HEY, WATCH THIS MOVIE, IT’S ABOUT FREE SPEECH AND THE HOLLYWOOD BLACKLIST!!!!! And it does it as loud as it can… …and then it kind of forgets what the movie is about up until the last 15 minutes. However, the bulk of the movie does seem like the kind of film that would fit in the Hollywood Blacklist Era. The plot, the acting, the setting, all seems to be very much a 1950s feel good movie… …and then it veers off again and delivers on the 1st Amendment moral to end the film with a light heavy hand…if that makes sense. So, it feels disjointed, but in a way that oddly fits the premise to begin with. Almost as if it is trying to be a movie in a movie, which might have been the point. Watch it once, it will entertain you. Watch it more than once and you’ll be bored.
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quilleth · 5 years
7kpp week 2k19 day 2 Hobbies
Ever since I made a cute doll for Annabelle holding a plate of macarons, I decided that baking was how she burns off stress, so when I saw the prompt “Hobbies” I knew that’s where I was going to go! With a surprise appearance of literal golden retriever puppy Emmett.
Carefully measuring out ground almonds, Annabelle dumped the powder into a sieve and vigorously tapped it against her palm.  The bustle of the kitchen was a relief from the over-acted social niceties of so much of the activites at the Summit.  Princess she may be, but Annabelle had never been particularly good at being a gracious party hostess or attendee.  It had taken a fair amount of cajoling to earn entrance into the kitchen, even at home, she mused, measuring out another scoop.  But then, Constance had been with her, and —like her— everyone adored Constance, so it had been easier then.
Delicately setting aside the bowl of almonds and wiping her hands on the very ruffly apron she had smuggled into her trunks, Annabelle turned her attention to the meringue.  Cracking eggs and separating the whites from the yolks, she remembered the letter Constance sent her.  What did it mean?  Oblivious to the bustle around her, she attacked the eggs whites with a whisk, still ruminating about her sister.  Constance had always been able to help her whenever she’d needed it, whether it was gaining entry to the kitchens so Annabelle could make her favorite cookies, or with her less than ideal marks in her studies.  But now, Constance is the the one in trouble! Annabelle thought, beating the eggs more and more fiercely as her thoughts raced.  Or, at the very least, something is not quite right. Her letter had suggested as much, as had Prince Zarad.  What if Constance was in serious danger?  Annabelle was miles away on a remote island full of strangers.  How could she of all people help?  Whisk clattering rhythmically against the bowl, she jumped when she realized one of the maids was standing next to her, waiting for her to look up.
“Pardon me, Princess.  I know you asked not to be disturbed, but someone is here to see you, and we couldn’t not let him in,” the maid said, bobbing an apologetic curtsy.
“Oh?”  Flustered Annabelle looked up, and nearly knocked the bowl of meringue over in her surprise.  “Earl Emmett! What a- I didn’t- How lovely to see you!” She hastily tried to push some of her curls —unruly in the heat from the ovens— out of her face and beamed.
“Hullo Princess.  Are you baking?  How lucky!”  Emmett smiled back at her, bouncing slightly in the balls of his feet.  “I was in the gardens and picked some of these violets.  Do you remember when we went on that picnic and gathered a bunch of these and snacked on them faster than they could be candied?”
Annabelle laughed, “Of course I do!  It was such a lovely day, and it was very kind of you to try to convince everyone you had eaten them all.”
“You could use them as a decoration on your…what are you making by the way?  I hadn’t thought you’d bake something with them when I picked them, but violets look so pretty on little cakes and cookies, don’t you think?”
“Oh yes I agree,” Annabelle carefully took the somewhat wilted flowers from Emmett and laid them next to her mixing bowls. “And I’m making macarons.  The cook at home taught Constance and me how to make them, and I find it, well, sort of relaxing.”  She flushed and added quickly, “I know it’s not the most proper activity and sometimes mother has scolded me for creating such a kerfuffle about using the kitchens, but I didn’t think it could cause any harm here.”
Emmett’s smile, if possible, grew even brighter.  “I think it’s great!  Can you make other things or just macarons?”
Surprised by his genuine interest Annabelle replied without the usual sense of shame she felt for liking something so frivolous and not suited to a princess. “Just the macarons mostly, and a couple other pastries.”
“Cooking is a useful skill, either way.  Once you know how to make a few things, it’s much easier to learn others. Can’t say I’ve ever tried to make macarons though.”
“I didn’t know you cooked!” Annabelle blurted out.
“I learned a lot of useful thins traveling, but I’m better at cooking meals than treats. Would it be a terrible bother if I watched?  I’ve always wondered how they made the little feet on those.”
“I could show you, if you’d like. It’s not terribly interesting, and I’ve mixed most of the ingredients already, but I haven’t piped the cookies yet.”
Emmett smiled, “I can’t think of a more pleasant way to spend my afternoon.” He tried to sneak one of the violets but stopped when he caught Annabelle’s eye.
Giggling she took one of the flowers herself, and removing the greenery, nibbled on the petals before turning her attention back to her sadly deflating meringue, her mood buoyed and her thoughts more pleasantly diverted.  
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thedivinemissema · 6 years
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I really love this doll of Lady Dion of Jiyel. I just wish I had more stories about her. She is madly in love with Emmett and wants nothing more than to live in a place with diverse native flora so she and Emmett can study together and she can practice alchemy.
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Belladonna: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives. 
Emmett: I wake up at four thirty AM.
Belladonna: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives.
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faejilly · 4 years
This was supposed to be for Day 12 of 7kpp fictober (yes, over two months ago) but it’s so short, and I kept wanting a little something more... only I think this is all there is, just the Dowager Countess from Arland in her chair, contemplating the Summit that’s about to begin. There’s just something really interesting for me in wondering what the NPCs think about each other beyond what they think of the PC. (Or how frustrating it must be, to be from Arland and smart enough to see everything the Royal Family is doing wrong, and not being able to do anything about it. I think my Sheltered Princess feels overflowed onto poor Yvette, too. *laughs*)
Yvette hates to admit it, even just to herself, but there’s not much to be said for the Arland Delegation this year. Too haughty, too self-important, too entrenched in their expectations, too unlikely to listen, or even take off their blinders to observe properly, and without that...
Katyia’s vision will never be realized, not with this lot of arrogant twits, and this, this is the year they need it, she’s seen too many signs of that to be able to pretend otherwise.
History always repeats itself, and she knows exactly what she’s looking at, exactly what’s coming.
The young Earl’s the best of the lot, bright enough to light up a room, both because of his smile and because he’s smarter than most people realize, but he wears his heart on his sleeve and then lets said sleeve dangle in his soup, and he’s a wretched politician.
She rather secretly adores him and the way he makes sure to talk with her instead of at her, but she’s not sure that gentle hands and a gentler heart will serve him well here.
She’s quite sure they won’t, in fact, but she doesn’t want to admit that, even to herself, doesn’t want to wish for such a bright young man to learn to be hard, even if... even if that’s what they need.
Maybe she’s wrong about him, maybe he’s got a spine of steel behind those soft eyes, maybe he’ll rise to the occasion, maybe...
Maybe someone else here will surprise her this year.
She can’t remember the last time someone surprised her.
She supposes it’s possible, supposes she can wish for...
That's a dangerous thought. Wishing for surprises, as if such a thing isn’t just as likely to be horrifying as helpful.
She knows better than that.
She can’t seem to stop it though, a bright fluttering of hope in her chest, hiding behind the small smile and polite nod she offers to those delegates who think to greet the chaperones before the Welcome Feast.
Maybe she’ll get a chance to witness something better than she expects, just this once, rather than worse.
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uwmspeccoll · 6 years
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Black Mother Goose
As Black History Month comes to a close, we’d like to share Black Mother Goose, nursery rhymes written for black children by author (and the first black insurance broker in Massachusetts) Earl Koger, Sr. Koger wrote regular newspapers, children’s books and activity books, and books on African American history. This book is intended to help teach children the history of black America. As illustrated by the rhyme about Emmett Till, Koger chose not to leave out the history of racism in America, or shy away from acknowledging the bigotry black Americans have faced (and still do). Koger’s children’s books also allowed black children to see themselves in the stories they read. 
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