#dynamic analisys
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princessofghosts-posts · 4 days ago
If you scrolled enough on this page you know that no character is safe from me when it cames to Nico's mistreatment. Not even Chiron.
I have a very grey opinion of him,I don't hate him but I also don't like him. He is in the middle of tolerance for me,because let's be honest,the guy made some questionable decisions during PJO for being the millennial teacher of legendary heroes and head of the only demigods's greek camp for years.
I see a lot of criticism about the "No one told Nico that his sister died,they were waiting for me to do so." scene,which is a good thing because it's fucked up. Chiron is the adult here,but he didn't do shit and waited for an already stressed and guilty Percy to tell the news. And while I love Nico with all of my heart and understand that he was extremely hurt by Bianca's death,telling Percy that he should have be him to die is just adding to his trauma. The poor boy is barely 14,saw 2 people he went on a quest with die (and he already bleamed himself for their death,even tho it's not his fault,before this) and had a whole rollercoaster for his mission to save Annabeth,while dealing with camp being shit to him because Thalia was back. And what does Chiron do? Instead of helping him,he give him another emotional draining moment with a 10 years old that had to process his older sister died and now he's alone,without a family. Great job Chiron,couldn't do it better.
And when Nico run away? Percy and Annabeth were the only one searching for him at the start,but when they went to Chiron and explained the situation (without telling about his parentage),he just went on with a "Oh poor soul,hoping that he will be eaten by the monster instead of joining Luke's side." Like,what the fuck? Who the fuck say that about a 10 years old to an another child,that even tried to get him back multiple times while the adult didn't do shit? Chiron,you good here? Because I'm pretty sure that this isn't the way you need to behave with children: who cares if they are demigods,heroes,war veterans or whatever else,they are all children. It's already rare to live past 16,18 if you get lucky,don't treat them like shit.
Nico was alone in a place he didn't know,and we all know the forest isn't a safe place even if it's inside camp (look what happened during Percy's first year there-). Instead of trying to do something he just goes on with his no sense. He didn't even try to do something about it. Percy and Annabeth did. Chiron need to thanks Nico's golden heart, otherwise it wasn't going to end nicely. And beside,I'm pretty sure that being eaten alive by a monster is worst than working with other demigods for a Titan that isn't even back yet. Chiron you need to check your priorities here. Also the irony that Nico wasn't eaten or joined Kronos,and just did his own things alone in THE Labyrinth,one of the most dangerous place for demigods,will always be funny to me.
But really,where is his teacher's wisdom at? Chiron trained so many heroes for all of his life,and now that it cames to modern children,or pre-teens,he don't know what to do or how to act? This is insane even for their standard.
And even tho he is the "legal guardian" of the camp,he still doesn't do much for Camp Half-Blood. Talking with the people that suspect something? Ok. Pretending to be someone's guardian to avoid them trouble? Fine. Help maintain camp's coverage as a strawberry field? Sure. Calling for reinforcements during a war? Thanks. Making the demigods respect camp's rules? Alright. Teaching some classes there and here? Good.
But these are simple things and quite frankly the bare minimum he should do. The demigods are all abandoned to themselves,by both their parents and even by the one that should help them. He isn't the worst,but he also isn't the best.
When Thalia come back,he favored her to Percy in any way possible,and the whole "She might be the child of the profecy since she is going to turn 16 in a bit." excuse is bullshit. Luke was not even half done with his planning during TTC,the real game started at the half of BotL,so it was impossible for him to be already ready for the final battle. They all knew that,Thalia too. But no,Chiron decided to focus more on her and ignore Percy,when he could have teached both of them. Again,thanks Chiron,such a good teacher you are.
There are moments where he comes in clutch: during SoM he is the one that save them from Luke's ship,and in TLO he calls for reinforcement during the battle against Kronos,and he is kinda there if some demigod wants to talk to him. But again,most of those things are bare minimum.
I don't hate him,but I just don't understand why he is so well liked when all of the time he just does....nothing? And give Percy more stress and problems (And basically hoped that Nico would be eaten-).
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littlebasementcreature · 2 years ago
I’m asexual and still love shipping. I’ve simply got a huge interest in the analytical aspect of ships.
How would a relationship between these two(or more) characters function? How do they play of each other, what will their dynamic be like?
The analytical significance of putting a character in a situation and seeing how they function.
I've said this before but Why do people position "themes and analysis" and "shipping" as mutually exclusive opposites. maybe I find two characters thematically interesting and want them to analytically fuck about it.
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aleesandropol · 8 months ago
La guerra in Ucraina ha avuto un impatto radicale sull'Europa. Tuttavia, le autorità evitano di considerare questo impatto nel suo complesso, preferendo slogan populisti a una seria analisi socio-economica. Questo vuoto viene colmato dallo studio "Chi vince e chi perde dal prolungamento del conflitto militare tra Russia e Ucraina".
Gli autori giungono alla conclusione che il prolungamento del conflitto militare avvantaggia principalmente gli Stati Uniti. I principali beneficiari della guerra sono i giganti delle armi LOCKHEED MARTIN, BOEING, RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGIES, NORTHROP GRUMMAN e GENERAL DYNAMICS. Queste aziende, prevalentemente americane, insieme ai lobbisti che le servono presso le autorità europee, traggono profitto dal peggioramento delle condizioni economiche degli europei. Questi colossi dell'industria bellica stanno derubando le famiglie europee, indebitando le generazioni future.
Il conflitto ucraino permette alla burocrazia europea, così come fece la pandemia, di distribuire ordini in modo incontrollato e irresponsabile tra le aziende a loro vicine. Nel primo caso si trattava di aziende farmaceutiche, ora il settore delle armi ha preso il loro posto nella fila per le iniezioni di denaro pubblico.
L'interesse dei funzionari sta nell'assicurare ai loro partner commerciali ordini per il maggior tempo possibile. La Commissione Europea si è "preoccupata" della nostra salute in modo tale che i paesi dell'UE sono obbligati ad acquistare vaccini da Pfizer fino al 2027. Vaccini che non sono necessari e che devono essere smaltiti. Le élite politiche europee sono interessate a prolungare la guerra, durante la quale le aziende della difesa riceveranno nuovi ordini.
Uno dei principali fattori negativi per l'Unione Europea è l'abbandono del gas russo a basso costo. Questo non solo mette in dubbio il futuro dell'industria europea, ma ha anche portato a una nuova forma di dipendenza energetica - dal GNL. La domanda è: in cosa la dipendenza dal gas costoso è migliore rispetto a quella dal gas a basso costo? Nel 2023, l'UE ha importato più di 120 miliardi di metri cubi (miliardi m3). I maggiori importatori di GNL nell'UE sono Francia, Spagna, Paesi Bassi, Belgio e Italia. Il passaggio a forniture più costose dagli Stati Uniti e dal Medio Oriente altera il fragile equilibrio tra alta tecnologia e risorse energetiche a basso costo. Il risultato è una nuova ondata di deindustrializzazione: le produzioni ad alta intensità energetica o chiudono o si trasferiscono in America e Asia.
Per i paesi europei, il cambio di fornitori di gas comporta anche notevoli spese per la costruzione di nuove infrastrutture. Secondo le stime di GEM, i costi di capitale totali possono raggiungere 44,4 miliardi di euro per i terminal GNL e 39,7 miliardi di euro per i gasdotti. Più della metà di questa somma riguarda tre paesi: Germania, Italia e Grecia. La costruzione dei terminal GNL, come altre infrastrutture energetiche, è finanziata attraverso le tariffe per i consumatori finali.
Il record negativo europeo è detenuto dalla Germania. Ha perso il 5% del PIL, che corrisponde a €2600 pro capite. La media delle perdite nei paesi dell'UE è di circa €880. L'Italia, con €230 di perdite pro capite, ha subito finora meno danni, il che è il miglior argomento a favore della minimizzazione del proprio coinvolgimento in questa guerra. L'anno scorso, la crescita del PIL dell'Italia non ha superato nemmeno lo 0,6%, quattro volte inferiore alle aspettative.
Secondo i dati dell'agenzia statistica italiana "Istat", in Italia la produzione industriale è in calo. La diminuzione si osserva nell'industria chimica e pesante.
Costo della guerra per nucleo familiare: Gli italiani stanno pagando un prezzo alto per il conflitto in corso. Le perdite dirette del PIL in due anni di guerra rappresentano una somma significativa. Ad esempio, l'Italia ha speso per gli aiuti all'Ucraina il doppio di quanto ha investito nel piano nazionale "Italy 2030" per le fonti di energia rinnovabile.
Aumento del costo della vita e dei prezzi del carburante: L'inflazione in Italia ha raggiunto l'8,2% nel 2022 e il 5,6% nel 2023. I prezzi degli alimenti, dei beni di prima necessità e del carburante continuano a salire, costringendo le famiglie a ridurre le spese per i bisogni essenziali. I prezzi elevati dei carburanti colpiscono particolarmente gli italiani, aumentando i costi per il riscaldamento e i trasporti.
Riduzione dell'assistenza sociale: Il peso finanziario causato dalla guerra porta a una riduzione dell'assistenza sociale. Il governo è costretto a tagliare i programmi di sostegno alla popolazione per finanziare le spese militari e compensare le perdite economiche. Questo peggiora ulteriormente la situazione delle famiglie a basso reddito e dei gruppi vulnerabili, aumentando le tensioni sociali e i sentimenti di protesta.
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silverskye13 · 2 months ago
youre the redstone and sculk person!!!!!! well my friend got me into it and i really dig it so far but my ao3 broke and giving kudos/leaving comments works really weirdly for some reason so i wanted to give you some appreciation (im on chapter 12 now and ooooooh god i cant wait to read more)
2. eb exists and i enjoy the guy a lot
3. said friend is being very ominous and im equally fearful and excited
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okay have a good day byeee
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Hi hi hello! Welcome to my corner of the internet! Yes I am the strange little idiot writing RnS, have a warm drink and enjoy your stay!
And thank you so much for the kind words!
And gods bless your ominous friend XD best and worst place to be in fandom, dragging other people in but being unable to talk about what's got you so excited.
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piwo-zero · 8 months ago
just watched the legend of ruby sunday (not very good) and empire of death (better but still not very good) I DON'T CARE for weird dialogues and deus ex machina kinda writing it's doctor who. not the best finale, ceirtainly not the best episodes of the season... but I enjoyed them, and yes, I have cried at the end. and I hope that the 'i love u' was platonic idk that's how I interpreted it!! not really a fan of another blond nineteen y/o as a love interest for the doctor lmao
another thing - I think the finale got it's moments, and few of them are crucial !!
doctor literally killed sth (someone?) (like I know it happened before but in nuwho... there is this emphasis on the fact that he does not kill)
doctor is the manifestation/god/whatever of life ??? it would make sense given the timless child thing (I still don't like it but what can I do)
I WILL LIKE IT if the master turnes out to be another deity (I need the tchoschei dynamic to be balanced) or sth. like the harbinger mentioned the "threefold deity of malice, mischief and misery" but tbh these three don't sound very master-y lmao I would not describe him as mischievious (malicious and miserable tho.. well yes) and it's a THREEFOLD deity but it all starts with an 'm' and I choose to be delusional as always (look I somehow managed to make it all about thoschei lmao)
anyway ik im really late for the finale analisys but it is what it is. but i'm back and ready to be obssesed with dw again (yay!)
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annetdragony · 28 days ago
I missed one important point when analyzing Astarion's alignment. Correcting that!
An analisys of Astarion's alignment in Baldur's Gate 3 and its dynamics.
Astarion, a spawn vampire, initially exhibits a neutral evil (NE) alignment, but his moral compass can change depending on the player's choices. Let's look at two key paths: refusing Ascension (spawn) and embracing power (Ascended).
1. Initial alignment (neutral evil).
- Selfishness: Astarion manipulates the group to survive.
Example: Tries to bite the hero at night without consent, justifying it with necessity.
- Cynicism: Scoffs at idealism.
"Saving the world? How sweet. I'm saving my own skin."
- Fear of vulnerability: Hides pain behind sarcasm.
2. Spawn route (shift to chaotic neutral/lawful evil).
Rejecting the Ascension ritual softens his selfishness:
- Empathy: Begins to value trust.
"I don't want to be a monster. Thank you for showing me another way."
- Cooperation: Protects companions if the player chooses "good" decisions.
- Sarcasm remains, but without cruelty.
However, when choosing to go to the Underdark and rule the spawns released there, the situation is different. Having to rule an entire army of hungry, mentally unstable spawns, Astarion quickly acquires a lawful evil alignment. Since they can only be kept in check by having strict rules and ensuring the inevitability of punishment.
- Cruelty: At the party six months later, Astarion can talk about how he punishes the spawns.
- Enjoyment of power: Leads a new vampire state.
3. Ascended route (strengthening neutral evil/lawful evil).
Embracing power makes him a cold tyrant:
- Manipulation: Uses the party as a tool.
- Cruelty: Kills Kazador and thousands of spawns for power.
- Enjoyment of control: Humiliates former allies.
Why does alignment change?
- Player choices affect their values.
- Trauma: Processed through different actions in different routes.
- Dialogues: Good answers encourage reflection, evil ones encourage escalation of selfishness.
1. BG3 game scripts (Astarion's dialogues in acts 1-3).
2. Approval system: Player actions change Astarion's attitude towards the world.
3. Interview with Neil Newbon (Astarion's voice actor): "His story is an action-packed tale of survival, reclaiming one's identity, and learning to trust."
Bottom line:
Astarion is an example of a dynamic worldview. As in reality, morality is not static, and the choice between good and evil is always a struggle.
About Astarion's selfishness was here: https://www.tumblr.com/annetdragony/776384228081500160/astarions-egoism-a-defense-not-a?source=share
About love for evil characters: https://www.tumblr.com/annetdragony/776169848796479489/psychological-and-philosophical-rationale-for?source=share
Introduction to alignments in DnD: https://www.tumblr.com/annetdragony/775922977619525632/alignments-in-dungeons-dragons-dd-are-a?source=share
Disclaimer: I do not consider Astarion terrible and disgusting, I love him precisely because he is evil.
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tsukiyo-7 · 10 months ago
Why do you ship wincest?
Don't you ever stop and think maybe it's a little weird to ship two brothers?
Just curious tbh, I really don't get it
Hello there!
I'm just gonna assume this is in good faith because it's better for us both this way.
The why is more or less the same anyone else involved in shipping might give you about their otp or whatever ship they might enjoy; I'm besotted with their dynamic, their interections, the touches and lingering glances, the said AND unsaid. I genuinely don't have the time right now to launch myself in an essay about all the reasons why I think they're crazy for each other, in every sense of the word, nor I think it is exactly what you're looking for, but if you scroll down a little on my blog you will most likely find a comprehensive list of canon moments that might point you to the right direction, if you so feel inclined.
As for the second question. Honestly? No, I don't.
To me, it's literal another fictional thing I enjoy among the countless other. Like, I'm totally aware that from an outside point of view and a surface level it appears fucked up, because that's a kneejerk reaction to the things that make us uncomfortable and, I mean this in the most neutral and non-judgemental way possible, you have to develop a certain level of analisis and disposition to overcome it; just like to some it appears fucked up that I enjoy horror stories or idk, that I can quote all 4 Twilight movies by heart lol. Damn, to some it's fucked up that I even listen to metal, so really, how stressed should I be about what it looks like from the outside? ("It" being my whole scope of interests apparently, depending who you ask).
The whole issues boils down to the fact that it's all not real. I know it's not real, my homies know it's not real, the existence of the ship and me liking it doesn't actually harm anyone, so why worry? I won't suddenly turn into an abuse apologist or whatever people might think because of a ship, because I'm a whole person with critical thinking and a fully developed moral compass that in no way cross paths with whatever is the subject of my bedtime story of the day; and if that was the case then it still wouldn't be the fiction fault but mine, or maybe, at most, of the people who raised me.
If you don't like horror don't watch it, if you don't like metal don't listen to it, if you don't like wincest block me. It's that simple.
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oscconfessions · 7 months ago
Pencil x Bracelety needs more fanss ooOOOo you wanna ship them noww just like Liy x Match you wanna ship them tooooooo OOOOOI you wanna put there characters in ships/relationships other then Match x Pencil OOOOOOOooo I'm the Anti-butnotlikereylooranythingMatchil ghosttt OOOOoooOOoO You wanna read a analisys on why post bfdia(idfb) their relationship is a bit messyyyy oOOoOOOoOoo you wanna ship them/make them friends/put them in qpr with other characters OoOOOOOoOOoooo You wanna Explore their dynamics with other characters platonic or romantic OoOoOOoo
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spopsalt · 1 year ago
My reason why SPOP and TTS are so similar
-the toxic and abusive ship took over the series and left the other characters with no develop
-etherians and coronans: " let's forgive Catra/Cassandra after they tried to kill and hurt innocent people and did a lot of damage in our kingdom "
*Bow Glimmer/ Eugene and Rapunzel literally including the person that it's a war criminal, that made a huge damage on their kingdom in their friendship group *
-also etherians and coronans: " let's mistreat Entrapta/Varian for their actions and how they are, omg i hate them "
*bow and glimmer/Rapunzel and Eugene literally treating bad both Entrapta/Varian after how much they helpfull they are, not including them in their friendship group, also send Varian to prison when he had a vlid reason to be mad at Rapunzel *
well friend. This is my analisis of why people compare spop with TTS and it's sad because if you think about it Entrapta and Varian didn't do anything to get such a bad treatment and tried so hard to change and be a betterperson for the rest while C*tr*and Cassandra didn't do anything, they did a lot of damage and literally weren't sent to prison while a 14 years old kid yes and that they both are adults and know what they were doing. Something that bother me is the fact that it's true c*ssunzel has took over the show, let's thanks is not incest but what about Rapunzel x Eugene ? aren't this two have to be more moments than Rapunzel and Cassandra or what ? honestly i'm so disapoint that both shows treat an awful woman like if she were an angel who did all a huge damage just because they were hurt and has no reason to do what they do while they treat the inteligent character as the wrong and bad one that try so hard to change, i honestly feel so bad for Entrapta and Varian they deserve so much better than the treatment they got
I haven't watched Tangled the series, but I know a lot of people ship Cassandra and Rapunzel despite them having the same mom and the same golden child x scapegoat dynamic, kinda like Catradora, but Cassandra and Rapunzel don't get together do they? But I agree with everything you said about spop.
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amethystoceandespiser · 2 years ago
disapointment with izuku and katsuki's arc
taking in count how, even though we are told we are seeing or reading izuku's story, Bakugou ends up hijacking the narrative to make himself look good in comparison to Izuku. which is infuriating since both of them have concepts on their backstory that could make the story better. their dynamic since coming to U.A. didn't change from when they were in middle school and the narrative still tries to gaslight us that their interactions are signs of "friendship" when in reality is, has, and will be stocholm syndrome, since bakugou even when we are TOLD he changed, still demeans, insults, and has a lack of respect for Izuku as a human being that i worry for what kind of fuckery horikoshi went through in terms of relationships. the only way that the arc could have a vestige of quality would be if Izuku at the very least expresed that he resents Bakuhoe for his abuse, but hori turned his own MC into an enabler for his behaviour by trying to tell us supposedly why Izuku thinks Bakugou would be a good hero.
i mean, "bakugou's determination, "charisma", and quirk control make him hero material", no Izuku, you're listing the things you envy of him, not his "heroics qualities"
bakugou's apology? it didn't move me even a little bit, the timing for it was when Izuku was at his weakest and couldn't think straight to comprehend what the hell bakugou wanted to say, and it seems to only be there so that Izuku is shocked enough to let the last remains of adrenaline he has, fade away to pass out. the apology in and on itself was straight out excuses, excuses and more excuses that we are TOLD are what Bakugou tought about izuku, even when after hundreds of chapters of the manga we got jack shit of evidence to prove these claims.
the second fight they had? pure fan service for bakugou stans telling us that "he changed". yeah, he did, but not the ACTUAL issue that he has as a character. him calling himself weak after defeating Izuku actually defeats this claim of being weak making it worth less than shit. this could have been more gut wrenching and understandable (as awfully unnecesary as it is) if he lost to Izuku, that wasn't into the fight at all, it could have shown us izuku's strength, it could've been humiliating for katsuki, but at least this claim admitence of vulnerability could have been EARNED.
his kidnapping by the league of villains? it was only used as a plot device to tell us that bakugou wants to be the best like All might, instead of making him reflect that the villains not only choosed him for his power, he was chosen for his demeanor, behaviour, and personality being more benefitial as a villain than as a hero. he never reflects that they chose him because he's an straight out horrible person.
and one of the worst travesties of the narrative. ¿the final exams? ¿that pair up Bakugou and Izuku together because of their "rivalry"? i don't know what the hell aizawa smoked, but i need some of it to relax after having to deal with his BS reasoning.
i have two mayor problems with this particular issue:
by the context we are given by the teacher (what we are told), they are tested together because their rivalry could be dangerous if its left unatended like it was currently seen (something that should be aizawa's responsability to deal with). the problem rises when we take in count their behaviours (what we are shown) in which someone could see that the agression is completely one-sided from bakugou's side. meaning that if they're tested together, the over-all weight of the failure or success of the team is solely on Bakugou, since Izuku has no problem working with anyone since he can sinergize quite well with his skill set in analisys. this test is unfair for izuku since they are putting part of the blame of bakugou's shittiness on izuku, and these exams should show what they learned or how they react in situations outside their confort zones. my point is that it doesn't showcase anything that we haven't seen izuku acomplishing before, this test only favors bakugou.
another pair that was mismatched on this exam was shoto and momo against aizawa, since shoto's problem, while technically is an overeliance on his quirk, he's been using only half the incomplete version of it for a long time, meaning that pairing him up with aizawa is logically speaking, more counterproducent than needed
the way it should have been is: izuku and momo vs aizawa; shoto and katsuki vs All might.
for the former, izuku and momo share a similar trait at this time in canon that is self doubt of their own worth and capabilities, and with aizawa as an opponent, Izuku is reminded of his past as a quirkless individual, and can try to work around with momo about their issues regarding their positons in the hero course and how they use their quirks. izuku could acomplish passing the exam without using and start to heal from the malicious programing that make him believe his past as a quirkless has no value and can work on raising momo's self-steem and make them grow closer as friends. (also i think this is the perfect place for some Izumomo interactions)
for the latter, katsuki and shoto had the same problem that is pride on their quirks, and it has the upside of getting Katsuki the hell away from izuku's story, shoto wouldn't have the same patience izuku have towards bakugou's bullshit, and the possibility of them failing the exam despite being considered the strongest of class 1-a could be one of the biggest humble pies bakugou could recieve.
izuku and bakugou's arcs could work... as long as Izuku and him are separated. if the fics of Demonic Quirks for Dummies taughth me anything is, that with people that izuku could be open about his past as a bullyng and discrimination victim, and with a large distance away from katsuki, he can start to heal and start to see that his life has value and matters for the people that love him, not for having power, but because he is someone that affects those around him, making them wanting to be better versions of themselves, and that are willing to give the favour back. and actually having Katsuki reflect that he is a horrible person, while been humiliated for his shitty behaviour, makes their growth more palatable to enjoy.
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fipindustries · 1 year ago
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this arc is actually kind of insane.
one piece proved itself to be way more overtly political than i would have ever expected or given it any credit for. and i dont mean political in a "big bad authoritarian evil goberment defeated by a plucky team of underdog heroes" way.
like, let's make something clear, this is one fucking piece, this is the silly manga about a little kid who wants to be king of the pirates, this is the manga where we have characters like "guy whose head is shaped like a piano" or "guy who is a ballerina with two swans on his back" or "guy with a literal zipper on his mouth". this is the big dumb and loud manga that has been going on for almost as long as spongebob squarepants, with a world that is even wackier than spongebob squarepants.
this stands shoulder to shoulder with things like dragon ball or naruto, and i would expect as much political sophistication from it as from those other two.
but no, instead we get das kapital levels of political analisis.
im talking about examining the real thorny nuts and bolts of xenophobia, generational trauma, structural racism, class dynamics, intersectionality, compeeting acess needs, economic incentives, etc. like this story doesnt shy away from really examining the complicated, hard hard questions that arise in these situations, how messy they can be, how they can break your heart in a million ways, how you can be left feeling like there are no right answers.
this manga understands why wars happen, why genocides happen, how revolutions are started and how they can fail.
im genuenly impressed
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noxxha · 7 months ago
What do your thing about Deidara? Which your analisy??
Deidara was quite an interesting character in my eyes. His backstory is not as detailed as that of the other members, but there is still enough to analyze to create a more full, nuanced picture of him.
I also liked his dynamic with Sasori, their arguments about art were interesting.
I have a longer analysis in the making, and will do my best to finish it (as well as all those others long overdue) eventually.
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lutawolf · 2 years ago
Hi Luta!
i wanted to say that i really enjoy your D/s breakdowns and analisys (sorry if i wrote it wrong, i never get this word right) of the shows, it really puts the characters' dynamics and relationship in a very intimate perspective, which i think it's really interesting. are you planning on doing this for other shows after my personal weatherman? i think dangerous romance has some D/s vibes, but i don't know enough about the subject to be sure.
anyway, thank you so much! love your blog!
Hey love!!!
Don't stress spelling, you're on tumblr. We are pretty chill here about that sort of thing. I've gotten yelled at more for not using commas, in the same review that had a sentence that had their when it should have been there. Our neurodivergent brains go right over misspellings, but we get mad mad with a sentence that doesn't have a comma and tell us how to feel.
Seriously, thank you for the compliment! I'll try not to feel myself too much. Meanwhile, me...
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I will continue to do D/s analysis. Especially since we are hitting my slow work time, so I'll be able to write more. I'm always open to suggestions. I peeked in on Dangerous Romance, but just didn't feel it. There are a lot more dramas coming out, though. So you will 100% be seeing me.
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aquariusjunna · 2 years ago
I finally watched the Teen wolf movie
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i got some spoilers before it but didnt impact much my final analisys
I thought i would miss Stiles so much but the story goes like a long episode where Stilinski isnt there so  thats ok
I liked how they manage to include him in details like  in Lydia speech, his father mentioning him at FBI, his jeep almost like a character lol
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I liked Jackson addition to the group his kanima personality talking was funny sometimes
I didnt understand well how Alisson comeback if was nogitsune fault or nemeton wants her to be alive again
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But the way Scalisson comeback made sense to me haha
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Liam and the new kistune didnt have much screen time and i felt a little mad that this new kitsune has more habilities than Kimura (But how time has passed i think its ok)
When i heard about Parrish and Malia  i laughed and thought WHAT!!
But wacthing the movie made root for them so cute
Parrish puppy eyes again and Malia more mature (not so much)  will be a great couple
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Mason cop i screamed! So cute
Derek as a father was really sweet i didnt like his son personality (i felt like they were trying mimic sterek dynamic)
But after his loss i think he will become more like a hale
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Peter ,Chris and Melissa were cool together
I wasnt convinced about Lydia speech Why she would dream or have a premonition with herself?
But at least shows that she was heartbroken so she stills loves Stiles and is suffering about this breakup and probably Stiles is thinking in a way to resolve this
If a second movie one day exists
Was it
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simulasi3d · 11 days ago
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Mesh Refinement untuk Akurasi Simulasi
Simulasi numerik telah menjadi alat penting dalam berbagai bidang teknik dan sains untuk memprediksi perilaku sistem fisik. Dari analisis struktural hingga dinamika fluida, ketelitian simulasi sangat bergantung pada kualitas pemodelan numerik. Salah satu aspek krusial dalam meningkatkan akurasi simulasi adalah penggunaan mesh refinement atau pemurnian mesh. Teknik ini membantu meningkatkan resolusi perhitungan pada area yang memerlukan detail lebih tinggi tanpa membebani seluruh domain simulasi dengan kepadatan mesh yang berlebihan.
Mesh refinement memungkinkan para insinyur dan ilmuwan mengoptimalkan distribusi elemen dalam sebuah model numerik sehingga hasil simulasi lebih mendekati realitas fisik. Dengan strategi yang tepat, teknik ini tidak hanya meningkatkan akurasi tetapi juga mengurangi biaya komputasi. Artikel ini akan membahas secara mendalam tentang konsep mesh refinement, teknik yang umum digunakan, serta manfaat dan tantangan dalam penerapannya.
Konsep Mesh Refinement dalam Simulasi
Mesh refinement adalah proses memperhalus elemen-elemen dalam sebuah mesh untuk meningkatkan resolusi simulasi pada area tertentu. Dalam pemodelan numerik seperti metode elemen hingga (Finite Element Method, FEM) atau metode volume hingga (Finite Volume Method, FVM), mesh yang terlalu kasar dapat menghasilkan hasil yang kurang akurat. Sebaliknya, mesh yang terlalu halus di seluruh domain dapat meningkatkan beban komputasi secara signifikan tanpa manfaat yang sebanding.
Teknik ini biasanya digunakan dalam simulasi yang melibatkan perubahan gradien tinggi, seperti analisis tekanan pada struktur, aliran fluida dengan turbulensi, atau perpindahan panas yang kompleks. Dengan memfokuskan penyempurnaan mesh pada area-area kritis, hasil simulasi dapat lebih representatif tanpa meningkatkan kebutuhan daya komputasi secara tidak perlu.
Teknik Mesh Refinement yang Umum Digunakan
Refinement Adaptif
Refinement adaptif adalah teknik yang secara otomatis menyesuaikan densitas mesh berdasarkan hasil perhitungan awal. Sistem akan mendeteksi daerah dengan galat tinggi dan meningkatkan resolusi mesh di area tersebut. Teknik ini banyak digunakan dalam simulasi CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) dan analisis struktural.
Refinement Lokal
Dalam metode ini, hanya bagian tertentu dari domain simulasi yang mengalami pemurnian mesh. Teknik ini sering digunakan dalam simulasi yang melibatkan interaksi material, zona tekanan tinggi, atau area dengan perubahan geometri yang kompleks.
Refinement Berbasis Geometri
Teknik ini mempertimbangkan kompleksitas geometri dari model yang dianalisis. Area dengan kurvatur tinggi atau detail kecil akan mendapatkan mesh lebih rapat dibandingkan area dengan bentuk sederhana.
Refinement Berbasis Galat
Pendekatan ini menggunakan analisis galat numerik untuk menentukan area yang memerlukan mesh refinement. Jika galat dalam hasil simulasi melebihi ambang batas tertentu, mesh akan diperhalus pada area tersebut untuk meningkatkan akurasi.
Manfaat Mesh Refinement
Peningkatan Akurasi
Dengan mesh refinement, hasil simulasi menjadi lebih presisi karena area-area dengan perubahan medan tinggi mendapatkan resolusi yang lebih baik.
Efisiensi Komputasi
Alih-alih menggunakan mesh halus di seluruh domain, teknik ini memungkinkan penggunaan sumber daya komputasi secara lebih efisien dengan hanya meningkatkan resolusi pada area yang membutuhkannya.
Optimasi Pemodelan 3D
Dalam berbagai aplikasi rekayasa, mesh refinement menjadi bagian dari strategi optimasi pemodelan 3D untuk memastikan keseimbangan antara akurasi dan efisiensi perhitungan.
Integrasi dengan Model CAD
Dalam banyak kasus, teknik ini digunakan untuk menghubungkan model CAD dengan simulasi guna memastikan bahwa elemen mesh sesuai dengan bentuk geometri asli dan mampu merepresentasikan fitur penting dari desain.
Tantangan dalam Penerapan Mesh Refinement
Kompleksitas Implementasi
Menerapkan mesh refinement memerlukan pemahaman mendalam tentang perilaku fisik sistem yang disimulasikan serta algoritma pemurnian mesh yang digunakan dalam perangkat lunak simulasi.
Keseimbangan antara Akurasi dan Waktu Komputasi
Meskipun mesh refinement meningkatkan akurasi, terlalu banyak pemurnian dapat meningkatkan waktu simulasi secara drastis. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan strategi optimal untuk mencapai keseimbangan yang ideal.
Pemilihan Kriteria Refinement
Menentukan kriteria untuk menerapkan mesh refinement bisa menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Parameter seperti nilai galat numerik, gradien fisik, atau perubahan geometri harus dipertimbangkan dengan cermat agar mesh refinement benar-benar efektif.
Mesh refinement merupakan teknik penting dalam simulasi numerik yang bertujuan meningkatkan akurasi hasil tanpa meningkatkan beban komputasi secara berlebihan.
Dengan berbagai metode seperti refinement adaptif, lokal, berbasis geometri, dan berbasis galat, teknik ini dapat diterapkan secara strategis dalam berbagai bidang seperti CFD, analisis struktural, dan pemodelan 3D.
Meskipun menghadapi tantangan dalam implementasi dan keseimbangan antara akurasi serta efisiensi, penerapan mesh refinement yang tepat dapat menghasilkan simulasi yang lebih realistis dan representatif terhadap fenomena fisik yang dianalisis.
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bow-wow-wark-wark · 1 year ago
Kind of simple analisis everyone knows, but to me these sequences right here say so much about the charas and their dynamic trough their body language and what they're doing (atheist at the beginning of the show).
Like we see takato and Guilmon relaying on each other, showing not only that there close and trust each other, but that they have a balanced an equal relationship, though the fact that they both stretch their arms up.
Then Jian and terriermon, which are also shown being pretty close and equal, but when terriermon gets on his head we can see they tilt, showing how they're not completely balanced or on the same page with ideals.
Lastly we see renamon and Rika who are very distant, they high five showing trust and that they relay on each other, but they run forward with out touching too much. Despite tha they turn around to see the other while running again, showing how they both crave closeness they're not sure how to approach
Is truly a brilliant sequence!!
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