#dyn jarren image
loridrabbles · 5 years
For the Mandalorian, can we get something about him finding out reader/oc is pregnant with his baby? Your content is the shit btw. Waters the crops and clears the skin ❤️❤️❤️
Tiny Helmet | The Mandalorian x Reader
Thank you my dude. Ily
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   (Y/n) was giddy with excitement. She sat on the edge of her tub waiting for the longest five minutes or her life to pass. Two pregnancy testers lay on the counter by the sink developing the results next to the timer. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and thought about the last year of her life.
     She met Dyn Jarren as she was on the hunt for her next target. Turns out, he had a tracking fob for the same guy and they arrived at his location at the same time. The target was some huge kingpin of crime with a massive following of thugs. There had to be hundreds of them guarding his hideout because they were met with a slew of blaster fire and grenades. She was ready to take on the masses herself when he offered to team up and split the reward. She was hesitant at first, but agreed after assessing the situation. In a matter of minutes, they took down the enemy and captured the target. He was impressed with her fighting skills and asked her to join him on future missions - to be his full time partner.
     Months passed and they worked together so well, they both wondered why they hadn't met each other sooner. Their work relationship turned into a friendship and not long after they started flirting on the daily. It started out as a joke for (y/n), but she soon realized that he was being serious all that time. She remembered taking a step back, evaluating their relationship and decided to talk to him about it. It was then that he asked her to marry him.
     Now, three months into their marriage, she looked down at the pregnancy testers, the both of them reading positive. She laughed to herself, smile spreading from ear to ear. She washed them off and wrapped one up with a note card to send in the mail to her parents. She sat back on the couch, fiddling with the tester between her fingers, thinking of all the ways to tell her husband. Finally, she thought of the perfect idea. Now, she wasn't a Mandalorian before she married him and didn't really like to wear the armor and he respected that, but she had a set for going to the convent. She threw on her set and ran to the secret hideaway and into the armorer's.
     "Can I help you today, (y/n)?"
     "Yes, well, I'm pregnant and-" She was cut off by a gasp.
     "What wonderful news!"
     "Yes, im excited. So I want to tell my husband and I thought it would be really cute to make a small helmet and announce it by giving it to him. Then when the baby grows up he can melt it down and add it to his own armor."
     "I would be honored to fabricate one for you. I have a small amount of scrap that will work perfectly."
     "Could you use my pauldron?"
     "Of course. It will be done tomorrow."
     "I'll be here."
     Morning came and (Y/n) rushed to the armorer to pick up the mini me helmet she was having made. She couldn't see her face, but (Y/n) could tell she was greeted with a smile. On the table in front of her was a tiny helmet about six inches tall, polished to imitate the silver beskar of the father's.
     "Well?" The armorer asked.
     "It's perfect." (Y/n) said handing her the payment.
     "It's a gift." She said, pushing her hand away. She picked up the helmet and held it out to her. "To a new generation."
     (Y/n) smiled and took the helmet, placing it in her bag to bring home. She waved goodbye and practically ran home. She got home to find Dyn fast asleep in bed. A rare day off when Carga said he was all out of bounties. (Y/n) had been planning on leaving the helmet for him to find when he got home, but upon seeing him in bed, she changed her plan. She began shedding her armor, letting it fall to the ground in flanks, slightly waking him. He was fully roused when he felt her jump into the bed next to him, shaking the whole mattress.
     "What are you doing?" He asked groggily.
     "Sit up! Sit up! I have something for you." She said tugging on his arm.
     "What?" He asked, sitting up. She grabbed her bag and handed it to him. He reached into the bag taking out what was inside, examining it as he did so. "What is this?"
     "I'm pregnant." She said smiling, biting her lip in anticipation. He stared at her, his eyes adoring. He wasn't exactly smiling, but (Y/n) could tell he was melting inside.
     "Y-you are?" He choked out. She nodded. He looked back at the tiny helmet, running his thumb across the visor. Finally a smile spread across his face as his eyes again met hers. He leaned forward, pulling her into a hug, giving her a mess of kisses on her cheek. "I love you." He whispered, burying his face into the crook of her neck. She could feel wetness from his tears.
     "I love you too."
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certifiedskywalker · 5 years
No Grave - Dyn Jarren (The Mandalorian)
Anonymous said:
Hello, Hope you’re having a good day! Just was that you’re looking for requests for the Mandalorian? If that’s not the case then feel free to disregard this ask! I was wondering if it would be possible to request a fic in which Mando is injured and he needs to call upon the help of his old friend, the reader, who he doesn’t want to bother but can’t fix himself so they just sorta patch him up, coo over Baby Yoda and are just really happy to see him? Just a tropey af & fluffy af fic? Thank you sm
AN: First, you’re so polite?! I love you! Second, I love your request but this leans into more romance than you described because I’ve been listening to Hozier. I hope that’s okay! Also, I call him Dyn Jarren, as Pedro Pascal leaked!
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The fall from the Jawa’s trading post broke him in more ways than one. 
Dyn Jarren had been in pain before. Training in the tribe had acquainted him with every weakness of the human body, his body. Before that, on Mandalore, on his home in the Outer Rim, he had been shown the human capacity for cruelty and the faces of his people twisted up in agony. The entirety of his life, every curve of every path, had been marked by some sort of pain. It was the one constant; no matter what planet, bounty, or standard year, hurt, in some capacity, lingered around each corner. 
Yet, Dyn Jarren had never felt pain like this. It felt like his entire body was set aflame, burning from the inside out. The slash in his arm was much deeper, much longer than he had thought and his head was still ringing from the fall. He laid in the dirt with his eyes closed, carefully moving his fingers and toes to make sure he wasn’t paralyzed. Thank the Maker he wasn’t, but each micromovement brought with it a new wave of strained misery.
He grit his teeth and forced himself to sit up. The moment Dyn curled his abdomen and used his arms to support himself, his chest screamed in pain. Broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder. What a curse it is to be so attuned to his body’s every ache. He reached up and pulled his left shoulder back into its socket. The bones made a horrible scraping sound that was only drowned out by his grunts of pain.
The curse fell from his lips when he sat back. After a few labored breaths, he laid down in the spot where he had landed hours before. He would have stayed there too, spread out on the dark earth, if it wasn’t for a small ‘coo’ that reached his ears. In a flash, a spasm so quick that his wounds shouted in angry protest, the Mandalorian looked to the side and met the shining, expectant eyes of the Child. 
“Ugh,” Dyn moved to stand and he felt his legs shake beneath him. The Child cocked it’s small, green head to the side with its large ears turned down. “What?”
The Child only gurgled and the Mandalorian sighed heavily. The breath stung his lungs and he bit back a groan. Each step he took a new sharp stab raced through his body. Dyn looked out along the horizon, saw the setting sun, and nearly fell to his knees.  
They needed to find shelter. Maybe, if he could make it, they could stay at Kuiil’s moisture farm. Although, he had put enough on the older man, taken too much of his time. Staying at his hut would put him, his freedom, and the Child at risk. Dyn looked behind him and watched the nursery pod following after him. The Child’s eyes were wide, almost all-seeing. A twinge of guilt racked the Mandalorian’s chest.
He had taken the job and here he was, bleeding, stumbling to some intangible end. Without a ship, he was stranded, with a child no less, on a desert planet, dying slowly. At the thought of death, he fell. The impact knocked the wind out of him and his armor did nothing to dull the sting. He rolled onto his back and let out a groan.
The pink-orange sky was now fading into a wonderful purple color; and for a moment, the pain ebbed away. For a moment, Dyn forgot where he was and why he was there. For that perfect moment, he was back with the tribe. He was outside, watching the orange flames of a bonfire raging up towards the night sky. He saw the faces of the people who had taken him in, raised him, and trained him.
He saw Y/N.
He saw the eyes, the face he knew better than his own. He saw the familiar grin and felt the heat that Y/N never ceased to stir up within him. The memories danced in the darkness of his mind, reminding him of a time when he smiled. When had he last smiled? When he was a Foundling? Maybe? When was the last time he saw Y/N?
Ever since Y/N, ever since he left, Dyn had thrown himself into the job. Bounty hunting became all he did and all he told himself he wanted. Yet, it was still Y/N he thought of when faced with the sunset. Especially one as beautiful as the one that danced above him now.
Dyn felt wetness slip from his eyes when he moved to sit up, but he wasn’t sure for which ache the tears were shed. A surge of pain ripped up his side as he leaned back against the rock face. The Child watched him, ever curious eyes glinting under the soft light of dusk. He let his head lull against the stone as he studied the green creature. So much strangeness and death surrounded the little being; including himself. 
In spite of that, he was compelled to keep it alive. He shifted once more, grunting through the ache of his body, and aimed his hand at a nearby bush. With the simple flick of his finger, flames roared out of the canister at his wrist. The brittlebush went up in flames and, he hoped, it would burn long enough to keep the Child warm. 
It cooed at the sight of the fire, clapping it’s little hands together in joy before looking back at Dyn. For a second, the creature looked...sorry. The Mandalorian leaned back against the rocks and sighed. He lifted his hand once more, but this time, uttered a simple command. 
“Show me Y/N.”
The image he didn’t let himself look at opened. A hologram of Y/N’s form, a digital portrait of the one person Dyn could not let himself have. At least not in this life. Life on the road, a life of killing, a life of pain...that was no life. No, not this life; part of him would be happy to leave it behind. 
Dyn heard a small set of footfalls as he studied the picture, but he was too lost in memories to care. No longer did he care how long he had left to live. All he knew was that he wanted to see Y/N one last time. Slowly, like falling asleep, the Mandalorian closed his eyes. The burning pain that once gripped his body gave way to cold darkness as the Child shuffled closer to the glowing image with all the wonder of a young soul. 
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Dyn woke up scared for the second time in his life. Warmth was everywhere, kissing every inch of his body. The pain was gone, replaced by the sun. His skin felt tight under the rays of light and he could feel the heat gathering on his cheeks. The last time had had the sun on his face…
On instinct, he reached up towards his face. When his palm met the flesh of his face, he yanked his hand away. It was as if the softness stung him. His face was a reminder of everything he had swallowed, pushed down, and ignored for years. Now, it was exposed and every feeling was bubbling up to the surface.
“You’re up.”
Dyn swung his head to his right and swore that he was dreaming. He must be because Y/N was there, looking at him with those eyes. It must all be some fevered dream. Whatever infection his wounds had fostered were now taunting him. It had to be that.
“I don’t want to know what happened,” Y/N said, hands raised as if to stop Dyn from speaking. “And I really don’t want to know why you have a baby with you either.”
“How did you get here?” Dyn was almost surprised by the sound of his own voice, unaltered by the modulator in the helmet. Yet, that was the least shocking thing to him in the moment. He was still caught on Y/N.
“You sent me a beacon,” Y/N said simply. “Wasn’t hard to find you then. All I did was look for smoke plumes.” Y/N gestured to the burning bush, now blackened by the heat and acting as a new playground for the Child.
“I didn’t send for you,” Dyn said, dark eyes glued to the Child. Y/N scoffed and Dyn looked over at his...friend? Could they even call each other that?
“I’m here anyway,” Y/N snapped, and Dyn tore his eyes from the Child to look up. “What? Do you…” Y/N now looked at the Child and then back to Dyn. “You think that little thing called me? On your comm? Does it even know how to use a transmitter?”
Dyn’s face flushed as his last-night thoughts returned to him. “I thought I was going to…”
“What?” Y/N shuffled closer. Sand was kicked up by boots and Dyn remembered all to vividly what had happened. He had opened Y/N’s file, the portrait, and, with it, her information. Dyn glanced over at the Child once more who, almost smiling, looked from the Mandalorian to Y/N, then back again.
“It doesn’t matter,” Dyn grumbled and started to get back to his feet. “I have to-”
“You have to stay still,” Y/N interrupted, hands extended and gently pushing down on Dyn’s shoulders. The touch sent Dyn back to a room, on a planet, to safety and warmth. He could almost feel the softness of a bed below him the moment Y/N met his gaze. Y/N must have felt it too, because the touch was pulled away before Dyn had a chance to savor it. Instead, he was left with a question gnawing at his mind.
“Why did you come?” 
Y/N sat back on the dirt, staring at Dyn with curious eyes. If it weren’t for the fact that the Child stumbled up and pulled on Y/N’s sleeve, Dyn was sure he would have gotten an answer right then.
With the Child, Y/N got distracted. Dyn watched the scene that unfolded before him with unabashed awe. Y/N, carefully, took the Child up in arms and the little creature snuggled close. For a second, Dyn forgot that they had to be on the run; that the Child was part of a hefty bounty. Dyn, in that moment, saw another sunset and Y/N’s smile.
“It’s fifty years old.”
Dyn raised his brows, pointed them towards the Child still swaddled in Y/N’s embrace. “That is fifty years old.”
“I don’t…”
“Some species age differently,” Dyn repeated what the guild droid had said and gauged Y/N’s reaction. The Child, however, seemed wholly unaffected by the knowledge.
“But it’s...it’s a child, a baby.” Y/N rambled, now holding the Child out in the air. It squealed softly and kicked its feet in the air. “Fifty?”
“Fifty,” Dyn echoed. Y/N’s head shook and similarly shaking hands lowered the Child to the ground. Y/N’s eyes met Dyn’s and, for the first time in a long time, he saw worry in them.
In the months they had spent together before...before everything, Y/N hardly worried. Dyn had made bounty hunting look like an art and Y/N did not fret over what he did. There was to point, Y/N couldn’t stop him. Dyn was going to do what he wanted anyway.
Y/N never asked about what wrongs he did, whose name would be presented in a bounty puck when he brought back to the house. That was what Dyn liked about Y/N. Never once did the world of bounty hunting collide with the realm of what he once knew as home. Y/N was his perfect escape; a haven he would crawl back to every time.
That was why he had to leave. In his life, all Dyn knew was pain. He couldn't risk dragging Y/N into that. Not then and definitely not now. Not even when Y/N was looking at him like that, with those eyes that haunted every sunset he saw. Or would ever see.
“Why did you come?” 
Y/N held his gaze before leaning close to him. Dyn’s breath caught at the closeness but was soon released as Y/N peeled a bacta patch off his arm. “Your arm is healed. I did what I could about your ribs when you were passed out.”
Dyn stayed silent, watching Y/N sort the medical supplies laid out. The way Y/N’s hands traced packages and sorted them nearly hypnotized Dyn. He was tempted to drop the question, let them just be. Let them just be together for whatever time they had. It was too tempting.
“Why did you come here, Y/N,” Dyn asked once more. He reached out, his now bare hand grasping Y/N’s wrist. There was no hesitation as Y/N pulled away from the touch.
“Why do you think I came here?” Y/N snapped coldly. Any friendly warmth that once laced Y/N’s voice was gone. The Child, now sat at Dyn’s feet cringed, as if the tone of the words hurt some part of its being. 
“I don’t,” Dyn replied, “I thought it was clear that-”
“I don’t want to talk about it, Dyn,” Y/N said softly, all the fire that laced the voice gone. Y/N looked up from the medical supplies and met his gaze. “I don’t ask many questions about...why you do what you do. Please, don’t ask me.”
Dyn wanted to protest. He wanted to tell Y/N that he fell into bounty hunting; but that was a lie. He had chosen bounty hunting over everything so he could control the pain that had been so intertwined with his life. He had chosen it over everything. Even his relationship with Y/N.
So, he decided, he could grant Y/N that one wish. “Alright.”
“Vor'e,” Y/N murmured and the use of Mando’a caught Dyn visibly off guard. “What? Have you become unfamiliar with your native tongue?”
“I haven’t heard it in a long time. Some phrases are lost to me now.”
“I said ‘thanks’,” Y/N explained teasingly. Dyn nodded, letting the word find purchase in his throat before speaking up again. 
“Vor'e, for coming here.” Dyn watched as that smile he loved spread along Y/N’s features. It lasted only for a second before fading like sunlight.
“I fear I’ve done all I can.” Dyn nodded and moved to sit up fully. His ribs no longer screamed with searing pain and his arm held no ache. 
“And that’s more than enough.” Y/N frowned and started to pack what supplies were still strewn about the dirt. Dyn watched but forced himself to peel his eyes away. He had to focus on what tasks lingered. Namely, getting the Child off this planet. 
“I could fly you out of here,” Y/N suggested, so quickly it was as if Dyn’s thoughts had been spoken aloud. “Get you and…” Y/N pointed to the Child, “this little one out of here.”
“No, no,” Dyn started to get to his feet. “You’d be in danger and-”
“You don’t think I can handle myself?” Y/N asked, hands on the hips, and standing before Dyn with all the confidence he wished he could bottle to keep at his side for whenever he needed it. Mostly, he wished to keep Y/N.
“I don’t know if I can handle...this,” Dyn gestured to the Child that now stood between them. It’s wide eyes peered up at them with a small, smug smile on it’s green lips. 
“Really you-” Dyn met Y/N’s eyes and the words fell into silence. “Really?”
Dyn nodded and leaned down to scoop the Child in his arms. It cooed in response and Dyn swallowed hard. Y/N reached and rubbed a careful hand against the creature’s cheek. Dyn watched Y/N, dark eyes adoring and soft. 
“Well, if this little one did send for me, you owe it quite a lot.” Y/N was still looking at the Child and Dyn was wholly enraptured with Y/N. 
“My life,” Dyn said softly, his breath stirring the hair on Y/N’s head. The couple met eyes and Dyn felt his heart go weak. What a curse it is to be so attuned to his body’s every ache. “And I owe you.” 
Y/N frowned and pulled away from Dyn. Leaning down, Y/N grabbed the Mandalorian helmet from the dirt and handed it to Dyn. He took it with his free hand, his eyes tracing the lines of Y/N’s face. He was preparing for a goodbye, perhaps the last goodbye.
“You can repay me by not leaving a grave for me to find.” Dyn let out a forced chuckle and shook his head. 
“You know that no grave could keep me from you.” The words came back to him like an instinct. They flowed from his lips with the same ease he set a trap or aimed his rifle for a killing shot. Those words were part of a ritual, a life that Dyn had almost had; a life with Y/N.
Y/N did not speak. Dyn felt his stomach drop and curl at the quiet. Instead of speaking, Y/N stepped towards him, pressed a tender kiss to the corner of his mouth. Dyn wanted to drop everything and reach for Y/N; but the Child gurgled as Y/N pulled away. The skin of Dyn’s lips still tingled from the kiss.  
Dyn watched Y/N walk away, medical supplies trailing after. The ship in the distance was small, a ship that Dyn once knew well. A ship that he hoped to know well again. Maybe after all of this, after the bounty...after the Child… Dyn looked up from the green creature in his arms and back at Y/N’s form. He could see the features of the person he loved as Y/N faced him once more.  
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum,” Y/N shouted. The wind carried the phrase to Dyn’s ears and he closed his eyes as the sound of his native Mando’a speech warmed his soul. He did not have to ask what the words meant. He knew what Y/N said in his heart; a phrase he could never lose to time or trial. 
Dyn watched Y/N take off before putting his helmet back on. The sun’s heat no longer graced his features, instead glinted off of the beskar steel. Dyn looked back to the Child in his arms. Its eyes were wide and Dyn sighed. 
“Let’s get you out of here.”
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xmalereader · 5 years
Knight Mandalorian X Prince Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Summary: Reader is a prince and soon to be future king but his father thinks that he should be arranged into marriage and have a bodyguard as they head to the next kingdom to meet his future wife, but what if the read falls in love with someone else? Perhaps a Mandalorian knight?
Warnings: Language, knights, kissing, making out, mentions of arranged marriages.
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Why was he here? He shouldn’t be here and he knows that, but he has a job to complete. A few days back the mandalorians had received a letter from the king of Snivo, asking for one of them to be sent to the kingdom and become the princes knight for a short period of time and that they would be paid well if they were to take the job. The king needed someone that knew how to fight back and weal a weapon, he just needed someone to protect the prince since he was being send off to another kingdom and forced into an arranged marriage and the king wants to make sure that his son arrives safety without problems.
So of course they had to Dyn Jarren, he declined the offer many times to his leader saying that he was already busy with just taking care of his own kid. Being a single father wasnt easy but the other mandalorians helped him out with the kid when he would be out on missions. Dyn tried to convince his leader to not make him go but nothing seemed to work. Now here he is, stuck in a kingdom with nothing but wealthy people that he sometimes loathed.
Dyn has never met the prince and really wishes that he doesn’t, he’s heard rumors that the prince was sometimes a spoiled brat and only cared about himself. If he was going out deal with someone like that for the next two weeks of traveling then he might as well and kill the prince himself and tell the king that they were raided by hunters and wasnt able to save the prince. But he already knows that he can’t do that, he has a code that he must go with so for now he must deal with the princes needs.
The mandalorian stands up straight, his head held up high. He stands next to the king as the two wait for the princes arrival. Dyn had tried too and many times to picture how the prince looked like, hearing all the rumors about him only gave him a bad image of how he would look like. The mando was lost in his own thoughts that he didn’t hear the sound of doors slamming open, “What the hell is this?!”
He turns his head towards the doors to see a young man, he expected to see him wear a crown and maybe a long cloak that covered up half of his body and a bratty attitude. Instead he got anyone man with short like dark hair, a sword by his side, and a pretty adorable glare that was plastered all over his face. He was dressed in normal civilian clothing and wore nothing fancy. The prince currently didn’t give off any prince vibes, he looked like one of the servants that worked in the kingdom.
“Father I’ve already said, I don’t want any part of this marriage and I currently don’t need a bodyguard.” The prince hissed out and points his blade that he had in his hand at the king. The king doesn’t flinch and only narrowed his eyes at his own son, using a finger to gently move the blade away from his face. “I arranged this for you and you will marry the princess of Druklok-“
“For what exactly!? We don’t have a quarrel with them and we currently don’t have a war coming up. I am being forced to marry a women that I don’t even know and wish to never know!” He exclaims to his father/ Looking away in anger as he crossed his arms and turns around to leave the great hall. “If you don’t do This then I won’t allow you to interact with the servants again and ban you from the village.”
The mandalorian noticed the prince freeze in place once his father mentioned the servants and the village that wasnt too far from Snivo. “You wouldn’t.” The princes fingers fidget to reach down for his own weapon again but was able to hold himself back. “You must do this, its for your own good.” The king says again, earning a scoff from the prince. “You don’t know what’s good for me, all you’ve done was use me for bets and wars, using me like a pawn to get away from your problems and now you think that getting married to some women that I don’t even know is good for me? Yo don’t know me.” With that the prince turns to leave the hall, slamming the doors behind him.
The mandalorian expected the king to do something harsh to his own son for disrespecting him but all he got was silence. He glanced over to the king and noticed how he slowly sighs and sits back down on his throne. “Please keep a close eye on the boy and make sure that he leaves tommorrow morning for Druklok and that he arrives their as well, don’t let him escape because believe me he will try.” He informs. The mando nods in response, “yes your highness.” He gave one last nod before leaving the great hall to search for the prince. He would walk around the halls and stop a few servants along the way to ask if they knew where the prince could be. He was able to get a few responses and they all said the same thing, the stables.
Mando finds his way around the kingdom until he finally arrives to the stables. He makes his way through the entrance and looks around for the prince. The place had a few horses and smaller animals, moving quietly he hears murmuring as he moved deeper into the stables.
“—Can you believe that old man?! Forcing me into marriage when I could be out their doing something else that could be useful for our kingdom!” The prince was cleaning one of the horses bin, stabbing the pitchfork into some dry grass and tossing it over a fence as he continued to grumble in anger to a horse. “He’s getting old anyways, soon hell die and the kingdom will be mine and ill fix it up! Ill make sure that the servants are treated with respect and should be sene as higher rankings and not lower. I’ll send carts full of supplies and food for the villagers since they seem to need the extra food more than us.” He continued one, not noticing that the mandalorian was listening to everything he was saying.
Dyn was a bit surpised by the princes conversation, like he said he expected the prince to be a spoiled brat and showing off his riches but he was the opposite. He sought the good in people and he didn’t care about rankings. He treated everyone with respect, now he knows why his own father threaten to keep him away from the servants. He must be really close to them, maybe closer than to his own father.
“You know I can see you bucket head.”
Dyn is pulled out of his thoughts, moving out of his hiding spot he leans agaisnt the wall of the stables. “Sorry your highness, didn’t mean to ease drop.”
“Drop the highness, hate it when others need to sound so formal towards me.” The prince quickly says, eyeing the mandalorian before he gets back to work. “Can’t believe my father hired a mandalorian, heard about your culture and people.” He grunts out, tossing some more dry grass into the bin. Setting down the pitchfork he approached his horse that was standing outside its bin and eating some apples that the prince had provided for it.
Dyn blinked in surprise, watching the prince work around the stables. “Is their a name that you prefer to be called?” He blurts out. The prince eyes glance over to the mandalorian before answering. “Y/n, just call me Y/n nothing else.” He pats the Horses side as he looks at the mandalorian up and down. “What about you?” He asks in return.
“Just mando.” Dyn says.
Y/n hums, “So bucket head then?”
Dyn’s going to kill him.
The two were able to get to know each other for the whole day before the next morning arrived, forcing y/n out of bed and into the outside world. Mounting his horse with a glare on his face, ignoring hsi fathers words as he simply wanted to get this over with. The mandalorian was used to waking up early since he had his own kid back at home who would wake him up with his crying needs. “Have everything?” The king asks his only son, who rolls his eyes. “Yes, father.” He turns to face the king, getting a look that the mandalorian knew too well. Y/n bites his lip in anger, “Yes, your highness.” He grumbled out through clenched teeth. Before his own father could continue on with talking the prince turns to see the gates opening, taking this as his chance to quickly escape.
Mando watched Y/n ride away without a second thought, the king did warn him about this and he did see it coming but he knows that he’ll catch up to the kid. The king sighs in defeat before waving a hand at the mandalorian, allowing him to go on after him. Dyn rides after Y/n, seeing the back of the princes black horse he catchs up in time to stop the prince. “you cant run away from this.” The mando says as he used his own horse to stop the other by standing in front of him.
Y/n pouts and looks away. “Worth a shot.”
Dyn can only shake his head before moving out of the way and allowing the prince to pass through. The first couple of hours were filled with silence, the only thing heard was the sound of hooves stomping against the muddy trails and the rustling of trees. “Do you ever take it off?” The mandalorian turns to his right to see the prince titling his head to the side as he asks his question. “He speaks.”
Y/n pouts again. “You didn’t answer my question; do you ever take off that helmet?” He asks again. The mandalorian looks ahead, “I do.” The princes brows rose in surpise, “Okay...what about in front of someone else?”
“I haven’t shown anyone my face since I was a kid, the only one who’s seen my face would probably be my own kid but he’s still young so he won’t remember my face once he gets older.” Dyn explains to the other, the two riding down the path that lead them to the other kingdom. Y/n’s atttention was focused on the mandalorian as he spoke, once he brought up his own kid he bites his lip. “Didn’t know that you had kids, let alone be married.”
“I’m not married and the kid isn’t my blood either I took him in.” The mando corrects the prince, noticing from the corner of his eye the princes mouth formed a small ‘o’ in surprise. “Wow, single father who’s suddenly being forced to take care of useless prince who is also being forced into a marriage that they don’t want. You’re just wasting your time.” Said y/n, letting a sigh escape his lips.
The mandalorian was a little curious as too why the prince didn’t want to get married, he knows that their wasn’t a specific reason from the king since he was just forced to do it but he wanted to know about the princes reasons. He adjusts himself on the horse and clears his throat. “Since I told you something about myself why don’t you answer my question,” Y/n perks up and smiles. “Shoot.” He simply responds.
“Why don’t you want to get married?”
Y/n groans. “You heard my father say why.”
“No,” he shake his head. “Why you don’t want too...”
The princes hands tighten around the reigns of the horse, looking anywhere else to avoid the mandalorian stare. His throat tightens as he thinks of his own reasons, he remembers his own mother telling him that he was allowed to love whoever he wanted before she passed away.
“Y/n promise me that you wont allow anyone or anything stop you from loving whoever you want.”
“I promise, mama...”
Y/n can still remember that night, the promise that he made for his own mother before she passed away. She wanted him to be happy and now that she’s gone his own father was taking that freedom away from him. He blinks away tears and sniffs, “I don’t want to get married because I still have a lot to learn...I want to be normal and not be forced to be someone I’m not...” his voice grows soft as he spoke. “Also she’s a women.” He added quietly, his face slowly turning a dark shade of red.
The mandalorian was confused for a few seconds before it finally made since, his eyes widening. “You mean—“
The prince cuts in, biting his lip. “Thats why I dont want this marriage and you probably think I’m weird now.” He adds, nudging his horse to walk a little faster this time to avoid the mandalorian judgment.
Dyn does the same, riding next to Y/n’s side to answer him. “I’m not one to judge so I don’t think your strange, your normal like everyone else. My people, the mandalorians are all different as well.” He says trying to cheer up the prince, which did work a little since he noticed a small smile creep up on the princes face. Dyn couldn’t help but smile under his helmet.
The two were able to find a perfect spot to set up camp for the night, dyn was making sure that the horses were tied up well on the tree while Y/n was staring a fire and making them some food.
“A prince who can cook, that’s not something you see everyday.”
Y/n laughs at the mandalorians teasign tone, “I learned from a young age, actually learned from watching the cooks back at the kingdom.” He pours some soup into a bowl for the mando, handing him the bowl before he goes back to serving himself. Dyn hums. “You’re talented, learning from watching.”
“Yeah but that depends if you like the way I cook.” He shot back with a grin on his face, leaning back on a tree trunk. Eating his own soup. The mandalorian sets the bowl aside, not quiet hungry yet. “Tell me more about your kid.” Said Y/n, setting down his bowl onto the ground and crossed legs.
Dyn chuckled softly at the prince, he was thinking back to the first time that he found the kid. He had a bounty on his head and yet somehow he had the audacity to take the mission. Hunting down the poor kid who did nothing wrong to anyone. They only wanted him because he was special and once his eyes landed on the kid he just couldn’t turn him in.
“The kid is special too me, he keeps me sane and reminds me of who I am. He can be a bit of a trouble maker.” Dyn was suddenly telling the prince his life story. “Poor kid had a bounty on his head, took him in once I found him...couldn’t complete my mission. The others helped me raise him, it was difficult at first but once I got used to the kid things started to move a little easier.” Y/n smiles at the mandalorian, he’s heard stories of his people and how they were the toughest knights and that shouldn’t be messed with. And somehow here he is, listening to mando talk passionately about his own kid.
“He must be a really adorable kid, you make it sound like he’s the most precious thing in the world.” Y/n giggled out, finishing up his own food. He pulls his legs up, placing his hands on his knees. He stared into the fire as he began to explain his own story. “I wasnt always treated as a prince, my mother came from a middle class who married my father and soon had me. She didn’t treat me differently, she loved me like a normal son.” He chuckles. “We would both sneak around the kitchens, stealing bakes goods and run back to our room to eat them in secret...” he smiles at the memory of his own mother.
“What happened to her?”
Y/n’s smile fades away. “She got sick, the doctors couldn’t do anything to help. So I stayed next to her everyday and night. My father was never around he probably never loved my mom and only used her to get an heir for the throne.” His expression changed into hatred. “My mother passed away a couple of days later, I remember approaching my father to tell him the news about my mothers death...he didn’t mourn or phase he just remained the same old man that I remember until this day.” He was gripping his knees closer to himself.
The mandalorian didn’t know if he should feel bad for the other, he suffered just as much as anyone else. Watching his own mother die in front of him and having to deal with a father that didn’t care about his own wife and son. Dyn has heard of similar stories like this from the other mandalorians, before they became a mandalorian.
Dyn’s life was different before than it is now.
“Tommorrow we change route.” He suddenly says, catching the other by surpise.
“What do you mean change route? Do you know a faster way to Druklok?” The prince questions.
The mandalorian gets himself comfortable, leaning his head back. “I accepted this job for the money but I’m also the kind of person who likes to break the rules, so tomorrow morning we change routes that’ll take you far away from Druklok and Snivo.”
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helaintoloki · 5 years
A Friend
part four
pairing: the Mandalorian (Dyn Jarren) x reader
notes: ty again for the love you guys give this fic! <3
part one | part two | part three
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The smooth surface of his helmet reflects the stars in the sky, casting him in an almost ethereal like glow that makes him look oh so heavenly. She had found the Mandalorian out in the small patch of grass that had somehow managed to stay alive despite the harsh conditions that the planet braved. And she joined him, silently lying beside him and fixing her gaze upon the night before her.
The rest of his beskar armor was hidden away inside, polished and cleaned and ready for when it was time to move on. And selfishly enough, she hoped he’d never have to wear it again.
The night air was cool, the wind calm, and the skies quiet. It was peaceful, and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d ever done something like this. She was peaceful, eyes shut and chest rising and falling with each breath she took. Beautiful and kind and warm. But he couldn’t have her, he refused to indulge in his feelings. A woman like her deserved a man better than him, a man with clean hands and a clean slate. A man who could settle down and provide, who could hold her and kiss her and give her everything she ever wanted. This was something the Mando could not do. And so he settled with watching her from afar, enjoying her presence and her company.
“Can I know your name?” She murmurs, one eye peeking open at him.
“Do you really want to know?” He asks sincerely. He knew all about her code, about her law of detachment. Perhaps being on first name basis with him wasn’t such a good idea.
“Yes,” is y/n��s quiet reply.
“Dyn,” the man utters, not once casting his gaze towards her as he speaks, “Dyn Jarren.”
“Dyn,” y/n replies, testing it out for herself. His own name is foreign to him on her tongue yet so intimate all at once. He’d bestowed upon her a privilege not given to just anybody, and if he didn’t know before he knew now that she wasn’t just anybody. She was somebody. His person.
“You’re leaving tomorrow,” y/n states. “I saw the bags.”
“For good this time?”
“I can’t stay here for too long. They’ll find the kid... they’ll find you.”
“Am I in danger?”
“Only when you’re with me.”
It’s quiet then. Pondering, calculating, thoughtful. She pictures a life with the man behind the mask; a fuzzy image of him in her mind as it scrambles to create a face for her Dyn. A life of serenity, of peace, of home cooked meals and warm beds and more children scurrying around the house. They’re happy together, and she loves him so much it hurts. It will always hurt.
And he sees her in his own mind; belly round and ring on her left finger glinting underneath the suns of a peaceful planet. He sees her holding him, sees her caring hands bandaging his wounds, hears her soft voice singing to the children that sit around her and their newest sibling in the rocking chair. He sees fire and destruction, old ghosts with a vengeance. She dances with the flames, and with a cloud of smoke she’s gone forever.
“This is the way,” he utters, fists balled tightly at his sides. The helmet feels heavier now and it’s hard to breathe. Dyn rises quickly from his spot on the ground, startling the poor woman beside him. Before she can even ask he’s marching quickly inside, running away from his emotions.
Her generator had died on her a few weeks ago, and the last candle in the house was currently being utilized by the youngling peacefully sleeping in his room. Y/N refused to have him in the dark, for she knew first hand just how terrifying it could truly be. Thus there she went, bumbling into the pitch black kitchen and grasping for anything that felt like the bottle of blue milk she’d made earlier.
“You’re going to hurt yourself,” Dyn says, startling her so bad she trips over one of the baby’s toys. He’s fast acting, hands gripping at her waist and steadying y/n on her feet. He can’t see her face in the dark, but he can hear her heavy breathing, can feel the way her fingers dig into his biceps as she clutches onto him for dear life.
She’s so dizzy having him so close, hardly able to breathe at the feeling of his bare fingers gripping at her hips. His arms are strong, warm underneath her fingertips. Oh, and what she wouldn’t give to melt into his embrace and have him hold her in the dark of her kitchen. Safe, close, real, human. To love the man underneath the armor, to have and to hold and to cherish for eternity.
Carefully, gingerly her trembling hands reach up to feel for his face, and her palms are met with the warm, soft skin of his cheeks. She can’t see him, but she can feel him. So close and personal. Dyn holds his breath, stiff and careful and thankful to the maker for her lack of candles. No one had touched him so intimately in years, been so close, so gente, so loving. His eyes slip shut and his own hands gently clasp around her wrists, keeping her near and secure.
“I love you,” she breathes, the softest of whispers to ever grace his ears. And Dyn smiles for the first time in ages, corners of his eyes crinkling.
And y/n means it, truly. Even though the amount of time they’ve spent together barely equates to a measly week. She’s never felt such strong emotions for anyone before, and oh how tragic it is to be in love with a Mandalorian.
Dyn is selfish for once in his life, and with gentle hands he cups her face and guides her lips towards his own until they’re met in a kiss. It isn’t passion filled or lustful, but instead soft and full of longing, full of want and need and love.
She loves him, and he’s starting to realize that he loves her too.
tags: @go-commander-kim @personofsinterest @otherthingsinhead @sweetgoodangel @world-dominating-kitty @yagirlmexic @bluegreyme @loveharrington @maryan028 @eldritch-eggplant
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wee-chlo · 5 years
Had this image of Yoda's people having exceptional, almost flawless longterm memories to compensate for how long it takes for them to mature so even though the Child becomes an adult decades after Mando passes away, they still remember him as their father.
They remember his kindness and courage, his honor. They remember how he never backed down from a fight but never sought one out either. How he protected people who needed protecting and chose to feel and care.
The Child says they are a Mandalorian, but when they say that, they're not picturing Mandalore. They're picturing their father.
They're emulating Dyn Jarren.
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loridrabbles · 5 years
Promise | Dyn Jarren (The Mandalorian) x blind!reader
@fruits-ofeden Yooo I wrote it
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     (Y/n) was on her knees in the market district after a rather rude civilian bumped into her, causing her to drop everything she was carrying. She had almost all the ingredients she needed to make dinner for herself and her sick, departing mother. As she felt around she listed off her belongings under her breath as she gathered them back into her arms,
     "Rice, corn, beans, pan bread, my purse..." She felt around the ground around her, searching for the familiar feeling of rough leather stitched together with twine under her fingertips. "My purse...." She felt nothing around her but coarse dirt and grass. "My purse! That man took my purse!" She shouted, standing up, facing the direction she remembered him running off in.
     She listened around her. Only one or two, probably older women by the sound of it, gasped, but no one seemed to care at all. She sighed, and turned away from the market, reorienting herself in the direction of home. It wasn't hard for her to find. A somewhat long walk through the woods, but simple. Walk straight until she felt a huge boulder in front of her. From what she was told, it was nearly double her height. A close friend of hers used a chisel fashioned from an old, dull knife crudely carve out the word "home." It wasn't the braille (y/n) was used to, but she knew she was in the right spot. 
     When she made it to the boulder, she would turn left, and continue straight until she heard the rush of a river. once at the river she would follow it all the way down until it was just a trickle in a pond where her house was. 
     As she walked away from the boulder, she picked up the sound of a fast pace crunching of leaves and snapping of twigs behind her. It didn't sound like an animal from this part of the planet. The steps were too heavy. The footsteps were accompanied with a heavy breathing that was...modulated?
     "Ma'am!" She heard a man's voice behind her, still a distance away.
     "Huh!?" She asked, almost in a panic. The voice got closer and sounded softer.
     "Ma'am. Your purse. The man dropped it as he ran away. Well, he dropped it after I stopped him and threatened him, then he ran away." He held the coin purse out to her. "Ma'am?" He noticed she wasn't quite facing him and he reached his other hand to her shoulder and she took a step turning to face him. As he examined her, he may admit, beautiful features, he noticed her eyes had a cast of milky white. 
     "Oh. You're blind?" He asked, taking her hand in his, placing the purse in it.
     "Yes. I went blind when I was almost 6." She said, tucking the purse away. "Thank you, so much for this. I'm so grateful for you. My mother is sick and this is all we have and- please, won't you join us for dinner."
     "I can't. I-"
     "Please. I insist. This is the only way I can repay you." She pleaded. He sighed quietly to himself.
     "Ok. I'll come." He said. "Where is your home?"
     "Umm. That big boulder. Where is it?" She asked. 
     "Right in front of you. Well, maybe 20 feet away." He said.
     "Oh. Well my house is this way." She said, turning around. She began to walk away and he wanted to ask her so many questions and she wanted the same thing. She could hear when he walked that he was not wearing normal clothing and based on his voice wasn't entirely sure he was human. He could be a Duros or a Kel Dor using a respirator, but she wasn't sure. He walked behind her, watching her and noticed a large root sticking up from the ground.
     "Watch out!" He said grabbing her arm.
     "Is that the root? I used to trip over it all the time, but I know to stick to the left side of the trail now. I guess I forgot having a guest walking with me."
     The continued to walk in silence until his curiosity finally got the best of him and he decided to ask some questions.
     "So. If you want to go somewhere besides the market or somewhere that you're used to, how do you do it?"
     "I have a wolf."
     "A loth wolf?"
     "Not that big, He reaches my waist. He was given to me by an organization that domesticates them and trains them to help people with disabilities. I do have a ship and a droid that helps me get where I need to go. My wolf, Naalnish, knows how to take me to many of the places I go on other planets."
     "Wow. That's really interesting. I didn't know that was a thing."
     "Yeah. I'm glad I have him. When my mother passes, I'd be so lonely if I didn't."
     "What about your father?" He asked.
     "He passed away about 5 years ago. He was older."
     "I'm sorry. I know what it's like to lose parents."
     "You do?" She asked.
     "My parents were both killed in an attack on my town when I was a child, Around 8. I was taken in my a family of Mandalorians as one of their own. They raised me. I'm grateful to them."
     "So you're a Mandalorian. I remember seeing pictures when I was little." She giggled. "I was trying to figure out what you were. I can hear your armor."
     "I guess I didn't do a good job at sneaking up on you did I?" He laughed. "Good to know. I'll be quieter next time." He gently punched her shoulder.
     "Hey! You nearly scared the shit out of me last time." She laughed along with him. 
     "Sorry sorry! I'll make it up to you. I promise."
     They didn't stop talking the entire 20 minutes it took to get to her home. Finally, they reached the pond with a small dock that extended out into the water and a cottage next to it with a stone pathway. Naalnish was out in the yard, sleeping next to an old stump where someone would chop wood, the axe still sticking out of the block. It looked weathered like it hadn't been used in years. The wolf woke up, wagging his tail as he stood and trotted over to (Y/n)'s side where he nuzzled her hand, letting her know where he was.
     "This is Naalnish." She said affectionately petting his head. "Naalnish this is...I don't think we ever exchanged names. I'm (Y/n)." She held her hand out for him to shake.
     "I'm...Dyn." He said, taking her soft hand in his gloved one. The leather was rough, but still softer than her purse and more workable. 
     "Let's head inside and I'll start dinner. You must he tired if you've been bounty hunting all day." She giggled. He chuckled at her naivety and followed her inside. 
     "Hi mom." (Y/n) said, walking up to her mother who was old and frail with long, silver, wiry hair, wrinkled skin, and long bony fingers. 
     "Welcome home dear." She said, wrapping her hands around (Y/n)'s healthy ones. "Who is this?"
     "Someone stole my purse from me in the market district. He got it back for me." She said.
     "Oh." She sighed. "What a wonderful man you are. Please stay for dinner."
     "I already invited him, ma." She laughed. 
     "Good! That means I raised you right." 
     Her mother's comet made the whole room laugh. (Y/n) got to work preparing dinner which was done rather quickly with Dyn's help. She turned down the heat on the stove and added the last few spices.
     "Why don't we head outside for a while while it simmers?" She said, walking towards the side door. He followed her out onto the dock. The boards creaked under their feet as they walked.
     "Your home is beautiful." He said, as they stood on the end of the dock.
     "Thank you. I remember how much I loved to stare at my reflection in the water and sit on the end here. I'd dip my feet in and sit for hours reading a book or just thinking. I can still do that, but I only have one book that's in braille."
     "I have to leave this planet soon. I would like to come back and visit. Maybe we could sit here and I could read something to you." He said. (Y/n) smiled wide and her cheeks turned pink.
     "I would really love that." She said. She felt a gloved hand grasp hers. She could feel warmth, even though the leather. They just stood there, listening to the wind through the trees and the birds chirping, enjoying eachother's company. (Y/n) broke the comfortable silence.
     "So you wear a helmet all the time. When did you last take it off?"
     "I was young. The same time my parents were killed. Well, that was the last time anyone's seen me without it. I can't take it off."
     "You went blind when you were 6. Do you remember your face?"
     "I still imagine myself with the face of a child." She said. "It's the only face of mine I know."
     "Well, you're beautiful." He said making her blush. "The most perfect I've seen."
     "I wish I could see your face." She said as he took her other hand as well.
     "I can paint you a picture." He said. "I have brown hair that's a little wavy and not very long, brown eyes, and..." He paused, bringing her hands up to rest on his helmet. "I can't take it off, but you can."
     She smiled a little, feeling the smooth, cold metal beneath her finger tips contrasted by the rough warm leather of his gloves cradling her hands. Gently, carefully, she removed the helmet and he took it from her, placing it on the ground next to him. He took her hands again and brought them to his face. She smiled.
     "Stubble." She giggled, making him smile. "And dimples." 
     As she caressed his face, she felt a hand on her own cheek. Soft, but calloused, warmer without the gloves. He leaned down, resting his forehead against hers moving a hand down to her chin. With it, he tilted her head back pressing a kiss against her lips. His stubble tickled her face as she ran her fingers through his hair, remembering the texture and the length. She bit her lip trying to hold back a smile.
     "Will you really come back?" She asked.
     "I promise."
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