mbtiphobic · 4 years
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My Place: Florence Welch
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mbtiphobic · 4 years
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mbtiphobic · 4 years
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465 notes · View notes
mbtiphobic · 4 years
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87 notes · View notes
mbtiphobic · 4 years
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mbtiphobic · 4 years
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reasons why it’s me who brings and soothes my own pain (2018)
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mbtiphobic · 4 years
Typing Files: Ni Doms
Friedrich Nietzsche (5w4 548 sx/sp)
Susan Sontag (5w4 514 so/sx)
Trent Reznor (5w4 584 sx/sp)
Aldous Huxley (6w5 693? so/sp) -to be fixed-
C. S. Lewis (1w9 145? so/sx) -to be fixed-
Simone Weil (1w9 154? so variant?) -to be fixed-
Alex (of INTJ & INFP Coffee on YouTube) (5w4 594 sp/so)
Ludwig Wittgenstein (5w4 514 sx/sp)
Agnes Martin (5w4 514 sp variant?) -to be fixed-
Hermann Hesse (4w5 451? sp/sx) -to be fixed-
Carl Jung (5w4 594? sp/sx) -to be fixed-
Chelsea Wolfe (4w5 496 sx/sp)
Georg W. F. Hegel (5w6 tri? sp/so) -to be fixed-
Jordan Peterson (1w2 136 so/sp)
Rainer Maria Rilke? (4w5)? -to be fixed-
Andrei Tarkovsky (4w5 415 sp/sx)
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mbtiphobic · 4 years
I give no sources, because it is indifferent to me whether what I have thought has already been thought before me by another
Tractatus Logico-Philisophicus Ludwig Wittgenstein and also me writing essays
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mbtiphobic · 4 years
I plan on posting a running list of people and characters I have typed. It will be a way to keep in mind the variation among the types. Their enneatype (+tritype) will be marked as well, but sorting by enneatype will not be done on this blog (the posts on @/enneaphobic will sort that way instead). I may even pepper in more serious(ly typed) content if I feel like it related...namely, interviews/videos or written works from the people listed.
[I tend to type people of works I'm interested in or people with personalities that pique my interest...so very often they end up having a personality fairly similar to mine. I also seek out content sometimes on the basis of knowing the creator has a type similar to mine or other creators I've enjoyed. For that reason, I don't expect a lot of variety in the typings lol]
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mbtiphobic · 4 years
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562K notes · View notes
mbtiphobic · 4 years
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mbtiphobic · 4 years
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mbtiphobic · 4 years
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mbtiphobic · 4 years
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Dominant functions’ takes on Opposing/Demonstrative functions by @inept_intp on Instagram.
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mbtiphobic · 5 years
rage and tenderness existing simultaneously in the same body
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mbtiphobic · 5 years
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817 notes · View notes
mbtiphobic · 5 years
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6K notes · View notes