#dykefag posting
lascivuscorvus · 3 months
So in light of the Pride Month, here's a flag, made by yours truly, for an identity I feel fits me the most - someone gay for both men and women (and non-binary people of course)
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It's mostly for trans people (be they non-binary or binary) like myself, who feel like they're one foot in each community, who can't choose one over the other and for whom both are an inseparable part of their identity. It's for trans men who identify as lesbian, trans women who identify as gay and all in between.
I know sapphillean exists (and I'm particularly fond of fagdyke myself) and it's pretty much it, but I wanted to make a flag of my own (because I feel like existing ones just don't look very appealing)
I took two opposing stripes from lesbian and gay men flag, creating a small bi flag in the middle. I feel like this is an identity that still applies here (and that I feel connected to and not willing to easily part with lol), just a little more specific.
The flag is free to use, in fact seeing it used and spread around would warm my heart <3
Peace and love ✌
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barbedwirechain · 19 hours
“why like trans men but not cis men if they’re still men?” “do you talk about cis women how you do trans women” is so funny like i get it, you can’t conceptualize attraction via shared marginalization &/or a genuine lack of attraction to cisgender people! more for me!!!
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daturaropebite · 3 months
What if I put my gender in a box and left on the side of the highway is that okay? Can I just do that?
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p-ssypink · 5 months
guys i hate tiktok so intimately as an app. forget it's shitty interface, the fact that you can't escape ads, and what it contributes to the normalization of privacy infringement and data mining/lack of need of individual privacy for specifically minors.
what i hate is the corporate sanitization that specifically targets and silences marginalized identities to the point that we have marginalized youths spouting the same reactionary rhetoric as your run-of-the-mill right winger in a woke font. what do you mean gay as a term is only meant for homosexuals and any other use of it in the community is appropriation?
the surface implication alone that bisexual people are not queer enough to call themselves gay is astounding.
that exclusionary, gatekeeping language is the exact same language that homophobes use to persecute us. you're not going to get off the chopping block just because you try to be one of the good ones. as soon as you turn your back on your community and try to dictate the terminology people use to define themselves you are aligning yourself with heteronormative social positionings and therefore standing against everything your community has sacrificed to build this comfy little niche you're stood in to spit your vitriol onto them. you don't respect identities you don't understand so how does that make you any different from your run-of-the-mill homophobe?
it atomizes conversations about marginalized identities down to the most palatable versions of them and strips us of the agency of our language to cater to a broad user base whilst effectively sanitizing the minds of the youth who have tt as their main point of online presence by conditioning them to expect narrow language (and the narrow viewpoints that follow, because when you can't use language as broadly as it's meant to be used, the language you have left can only go so far) as a commodity.
we are actively watching a generation get desensitized to tragedy/injustice whilst being hypersensitive to the language used around them that has been accurate and appropriate language for decades (dykefag, fagdyke, whatever) because it doesn't fit into the narrow model of appropriate language provided for them, and therefore the history and existence of these identities and everything they've contributed to their community is moot because they gendered too close to the sun and you didn't like it? if you don't understand subversion of heteronormativity as a basis of your advocacy for queer people and queer bodies, you do not get to explain or gatekeep any fucking term for how somebody identifies themselves within this community.
you are happy to ignore, stigmatize, and marginalize people in your community because they exist in their identity in a way you find difficult to understand because you are more concerned with not disrupting social positionings then you are with people actually finding and creating language to describe their own identities. (gateway to Reagan applogism) if you don't understand the social positionings of queer bodies how are you ever going to advocate for yourself or your community? you don't even have the social underpinnings to begin to have a conversation about queerness.
and this applies outside of the queer community too - it applies to conversations about Palestine and the rhetoric of "From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free" being an antisemitic quote even though at it's inception it was a response to the zionist claim that "between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty" and tiktok removing videos with the former phrase and kids jumping on the "antisemitic" bandwagon every time they hear it.
it happens with conversations about activism being more than moral grandstanding and how you have to do more than say the few buzzwords that are allowed on your censored cesspool of a preferred media site.
it happens with conversations about race everywhere on TikTok, conversations about problematic media everywhere on TikTok (we should never watch any Disney classic ever because each instance of a problem makes the media inherently bad because we shouldn't be expected to critically engage with the media we consume (HELLO?!)), conversations about genetic and ethnic diversity (hello eugenicists), whatever.
we are actively watching another corporation work in tandem with whatever body is funding them to radicalize our youth against the progress we've made in recent years by proxy of censorship and using their language against them. if we can strip the identities that these kids are "fighting for" down to consummable rot then we've already constructed the fringe groups their disgust-based moral grandstanding will allow them to turn a blind eye to's persecution. you treat your absolutism like gospel.
"furries are zoophiles" you will turn a blind eye to queer and neurodivergent persecution.
"from the river to the sea is antisemitic" you will turn a blind eye to Palestinian persecution if the two-state solution is implemented.
"black squares for BLM" you turned a blind eye to our persecution once the protests stopped.
"hillbillies/rednecks/hicks are all racists" you are turning a blind eye to the systemic disenfranchisement of a group of (typically some of the most open-minded) people because of their language/barriers to higher education.
you are more concerned about performing wokeism than advocating for the people who don't fit pretty into your politics and we are collectively cosigning this radicalization.
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jackrabblt · 10 months
I'm a dykefag.. it's just how I am. Kinda realized it after getting really high that just like. Fits me the best as a label. I'm a lesbian. I'm a gay. But I'm also not. But I also am. It's like all in one like me being a girlboy.
I think that's really kewl... also I love my gf sm... shout out to puppy tgirls. Yay ^×^
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dilfdyke · 1 year
m/f ships are so boring thats why ive dedicated myself to posting about a couple of twinks with zero chemistry. no im not sexist i made the female character a lesbian see. what do you mean wheres the content i make with her why would i do that
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sirenium · 10 months
I love being a living paradox
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angelusargent · 2 years
It's inhumane what the trans community did to phalloplasty. I've never seen a whole surgery cyberbullied off the internet.
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queenqunari · 11 months
Hey I see you refer to yourself as a dyke but also use they/he pronouns; that's great but as a nonbinary bisexual I just want to ask what your gender is so I know which direction to be horny and gender envious about you holy shit.
I’m just a nonbinary transvestite. It’s all crossdressing and it’s all gay as hell.
Hope this helps.
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sopping-beast · 1 year
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My ego is being so fed by little preythings in my phone
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barbedwirechain · 2 years
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did that thing gays always do
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silphilis · 1 year
i made this accnt thinking i would still use my other one for art rbs non nsfw shit etc but genuinely. truly madly deeply i hate it there i am a full time freak and i should start acting like it
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winternimbus · 8 months
i've been holding back about going all out about transmisogyny on here apart from that one post i made last night--but i think it's fair to me that i should vent about a major pet peeve of mine; said pet peeve is that ALOT of people, especially TME people, have gotten way too comfortable with overstepping their boundaries by viewing the transfem identity and injokes which originated within the transfem community just as inconsequential toys to be played with, and not as important identities and injokes that are exclusive to trans women by this, i'm referring to how people like finnister deliberately using blahajs in the background of a photoshoot of his all while riding off of the "teehee! who knows if i'm a boy or a girl :)" schtick in order to appeal to transmisogynists who sexualize trans women until the cows come home. i'm also referring to the recent phenomenon on here of AFAB nonbinary and transmasc people who tack "transfem" as a label onto themselves. the latter instance is especially baffling to me--i love genderfuckery as a GNC nonbinary transfem lesbian, but this isn't how you do it. (something something "you may be a genderfreak dykefag, but are you normal about trans women, and can stand to share the same place with a trans woman without going ballistic?) to segue this, with that influx of AFAB nonbinary and transmasc people using "transfem" as a label... considering how TME people, especially AFAB NB and transmasc people, generally are much more populous and visible in queer spaces--especially in such stark contrast to the comparatively CONSIDERABLY smaller and much more close-knit transfem & AMAB NB population... it all goes back to the time-honored activity of "trans women make a joke amongst themselves, it gets decently popular within the trans community, and then TME people invite themselves in and essentially claim it for themselves". i'm not saying that TME people aren't allowed to make celeste, new vegas, and blahaj jokes--mind you, but those aren't jokes dedicated to the queer community as a whole. they're explicitly transfem-specific jokes, and the fact that they're jokes made by transfems should be respected. the sheer isolation and loss (and/or deliberate co-optation) of identity within the transfem community--both online and in-general can't go unstated, especially with trans women in the closet and/or trans women who're figuring themselves out. i still clearly remember being 16 back in october of 2017, knowing that i'm not cis--and i knew that i was nonbinary (i had used agender to identify myself with at the time, prior to me realizing that i was transfem a year later iirc), but i couldn't find ANYTHING for the AMAB nonbinary community for me to relate to, apart from this AMAB nonbinary bingo that i had found which had ultimately boiled down to several jokes of "do we even exist?". that fucks you up as an isolated teen looking for any semblance of identity and community
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kuruk · 4 months
do tumblrinas and twitter lgbts forget what the real world is like actually. I guess because all topics have already been covered and it's assumed we're all on the same page about other realer issues but the bi girls with boyfriends topic is so overblown it's more people complaining about people being bitches towards bi women dating men than people actually being rude about those women.. I've seen like 20 different unspecific posts about it already just the vague idea of these bitchy as fuck lesbians getting passed around after a handful of people expressed bad opinions a few times. I'm not sure if people realize how their biases show through that because if they're aiming to fight against a certain perceived prejudice it means they're automatically just in doing so. but it's not a real widespread issue and even if it was it's still more of a matter of hurt feelings and insecurity than genuine hatred and bigotry that would affect anyone in the real world any further than feeling bad about yourself after reading a rude post. which yes it's rude of course but what is all of this for what is the obsession? it's insulting sorry it's rude to automatically do this every pride it's overcorrecting for an issue with a minority of lesbians.
when I got my first boyfriend after my parents previously thought I was a lesbian for years I was suddenly treated much better and during that period my dad stopped beating me because he saw more hope for my future. and yeah of course he didn't see me as bisexual because he didn't believe in that but I was treated better than I had been before because I now had a boyfriend and had more worth and was deserving of my place in society. so I don't know it feels so tone deaf for this to be the one big issue getting talked about every fucking year like as if bisexual women's greatest enemies are online lesbians you think are bitchy, when I'm sure that's not at all their biggest problem or even an issue that makes the list at all. like either you're just talking to talk and you wanna make a rebloggable post or you're trying to alleviate your own insecurities and guilt by claiming there's this overwhelming hatred for you and your boyfriend coming from dykes that just isn't there. and if that prejudice is there on such a scale then this is still a very uncompassionate and misguided reaction lacking empathy that doesn't make sense coming from people who sling words like dykefag around like it's nothing
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erophonemic · 1 year
Every day I log in and brandish my sword. Feminine men! Get behind me! I summon my citadel aura and arcane wheel of swords to protect them from the exclusionist discourse online. These are the abilities granted to my by our lady of Estrogen and Transfeminine, and it is my sacred duty to guard the puppboys, the girlboys, the dykefags, the t4ts and auts4auts, and everyone else who breaks the gender binary in a way that others try to define and limit what they're allowed to identify as. By the power invested in me, and my posts, I shall not let this world fall.
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fagmyers · 7 months
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hello, beautiful fellow fruits and fairies and dykefags in my phone! I AM GETTING MY BOOBIES REMOVED FINALLY!
PAyYPAL: @ daniel7912
VENM0: @ ddamnyell
CA$HAPP: $ ddamnyell
we got hit w/ a 7OO$ ER vet bill this week, wiping out all but 9$ of my savings :) i am gonna need monetary help w/ being out of work for recovery! AND i will also be bored, so if u wanna be penpals, dbd friends, or wanna commission a clay trinket or something pls hmu! PLEASE SHARE, thank you sm!
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