gayhenrycreel · 4 months
tumblr is full of misinformation about sex reassignment, so heres a link to transbucket, a site where people upload their results to aid in researching sugeries. its got photos for different types of top surgery, phalloplasty, vaginoplasty, metoidioplasty, nullification, anything you can think of.
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Lee says:
TransBucket has been an invaluable resource for me throughout my medical transition.
I would spend hours on the site looking at photos that I’d already seen because it helped me prepare for my own medical transition and it helped me feel like what I wanted was a possibility.
Seeing the ‘before and after’ photos from other trans people who had gotten top surgery and phalloplasty gave me so much hope at a time when I was really struggling with dysphoria and depression.
I’m someone who has benefited in ways that I can’t even fully express from the post-op community’s generosity. I don’t know if I would have the life that I have now without it.
After I had my top surgery and hysterectomy, I chose to upload my photos to TransBucket to give back to the community (in a small way) and help others as I had been helped.
This is largely why I hesitated in sharing photos of vulnerable moments depicting surgical healing, although I ultimately did upload several photos showing the early weeks and months of recovery.
I didn’t upload any photos after I had fully healed and gotten tattoos to hide my surgery scars because I was worried about my privacy, which is something I still struggle with, and I ultimately decided to not upload photos of my genitals after phalloplasty for the same reason.
While I always knew TransBucket was publicly accessible, the mention of the site in the news made me reconsider whether I wanted to continue having my images hosted there.
The site being down for the past couple of months has given me some pause, but today, 5+ years after getting top surgery and making my first TransBucket submission, I have gone back and deleted some (but not all) of my post-top surgery and post-hysterectomy images.
I’m still considering what the best way is for me to protect myself from transphobic cisgender people who might use my images in ways that are incompatible with my views and how I feel about my body, and also protect myself from some of the hate coming from within the community as many of the most hurtful comments about about post-op bodies like mine are often made by pre-op and non-op trans people.
I became a mod on this blog when I had just turned 16 and I had top surgery at 18. I shared things online that I probably wouldn’t have shared if I had been if I had become a mod at my current age in my early 20’s, but the internet is forever and I can’t take it all back, even if my feelings on my online privacy have changed.
I would like to encourage our followers to take a moment and reevaluate their internet privacy as well, and think about what things they’re comfortable with sharing going forward.
I’m not saying that you should delete your images from TransBucket specifically— I might even end up reuploading mine there at some point, with some redactions for privacy. But you should think about what photos you are okay with sharing online a lot longer and harder than I did.
All that said, I’d like to circle back to my original point— that TransBucket has been an incredible resource for me (and many others) and it continues to be one of the first things that I recommend to anyone who is considering gender-affirming surgery (and is not a minor in the jurisdiction in which they reside as the site hosts images of genitals and it is against the terms of service for minors to join).
I would like to thank the admin of @transbucket for all the work they’ve done, and encourage our followers to assist them if they are able to:
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angelusargent · 2 years
It's inhumane what the trans community did to phalloplasty. I've never seen a whole surgery cyberbullied off the internet.
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thereisnofood · 1 year
it is insane to me the amount of trans people that barely know anything more than surface level info about SRS. like i see transmascs criticize meta and phallo and complaining about how theyre ""the only two options "" while not actually knowing about how many techniques and variations there are, for each of those surgeries, depending on an individuals wants/needs. someone on twitter was describing their ideal surgery as if it didnt exist, like they straight up described extended metoidioplasty to a tee and they have no fucking idea that thats a thing you can do. like bro spend any time at all reading posts from post-op trans people and surgeons im begging you
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trans-seraphim · 1 year
omg i hit 1k guess i gotta post coochie
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thatweirdtranny · 1 year
half my dysphoria self care was browsing r/phallo, and ever since it got axed i feel the need to say we really can’t overemphasize how much reddit is basically the library of alexandria of trans healthcare information
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spitblaze · 4 months
If anyone is trying to see pictures of certain types of GRS/GAS/transgender surgical procedures and doesn’t want to be subjected to the flood of gore on Google image search, transbucket is a good resource for a lot of that as well as the doctors who perform the operations
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intersex-support · 1 month
hi! i have known i am intersex for a while now but it wasn't until recently that i learned i possibly had surgery done on me as an infant, as i had to stay in the hospital for a few extra days for supposed lung issues when i cried just fine, and did find out later i am intersex. that being said, i know one tell tale way of knowing is looking for scarring or anything else off. i tried really hard to look online for any indication of what exactly to look for or what scarring might look like 25 years after the fact, but found nothing. i had my partner look and she really couldn't tell since she didn't know what she was looking for. on someone who has a vagina, what would be some defining features to look for? i already know my enlarged clitoris and inner labia are related to me being intersex, i am just looking for signs of surgery having been done!
Hi anon 💜
Unfortunately, I have a really hard time answering asks about how to tell exactly what scarring looks like, and I wish I had better resources and answers to share. Part of this is because scars look different on everyone depending on what type of surgery you potentially received, how long it's been, and also just depending on your body. I don't feel comfortable linking to medical journals with surgery or scarring photos, because most of those are all children and I have serious doubts about whether doctors actually received consent for that kind of medical photography, and I don't want to continue to perpetuate that exploitation. I'm familiar with what some types of scars look like, but I have a very hard time trying to figure out how to put it into words in a way that makes sense.
This recent ask from someone else trying to figure out answers about surgery talks a little bit more about the types of intersex surgeries, if you are interested in researching more in depth in the medical literature about those surgeries. It can also be easier to find results of some of those surgeries (such as vaginoplasty) that were performed on consenting trans adults in places like reddit, transbucket, etc. I'll also say that gonadectomy scars are usually more visible and higher up on your pelvis or abdomen, rather than on your genitalia.
Even if you're not really able to visibly determine if you have scarring, sometimes we can figure out that we have scar tissue--either external or internal--based on the sensory experience, sensation, pain, factors like that.
If you've had frequent UTIs, that can be another piece of the puzzle.
Researching your medical records can also be another way to try to get more information, but I know how difficult that process can be.
I wish I had better resources or answers to share with you, but I'm sending so, so much love and solidarity. I know that for many people exploring the possibility of surgery can be an emotional and overwhelming process, and we're always here if you need to vent, need support, advice, anything. Truly wishing you the best, anon, and I hope you're able to find the answers you're looking for.
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transmascissues · 10 months
Hey hope you're feeling better and getting lots of affection. I would like some advice if youre up for it? I'm going to be getting no nipp top surgery in two months and am having a hard time finding pictures to show my surgeon what I want. What was your process like? Did you collect pictures of other people's no nip top surgeries? If so, where did you find them? Thank!
i personally didn't have to show my surgeon pictures because the fact that she already had experience doing that kind of top surgery was actually one of the reasons i picked her, but i do know of a few places you could look for pictures!
i would absolutely recommend checking out the subreddit r/FreedTheNips for pictures and honestly anything else regarding people's experiences with no-nip top surgery. it's dedicated to sharing pictures of and information about top surgery without nipples, and there are a ton of people sharing their post-op pictures on there, so you're pretty much guaranteed to find at least a few that match the kind of results you're looking for.
you could also check out Transbucket, a website where a lot of people share their surgery results. there are a few filters you can use to find people who have gotten top surgery without nipples – the ones i'm seeing just looking at it now are "bilateral mastectomy with chest wall reconstruction and no nipple retention" and "double incision without grafts".
some surgeons also have before and after photos on their websites, so you could check out a few surgeons' websites and see if they have and before and after photos of results without nipples. my surgeon's website has a few pictures like that. the gender confirmation center also has some; you just have to scroll through for a bit to find them because they're not separated out from the others. the same goes for align surgical associates, though it seems like filtering by "nonbinary top surgery" brings at least a few of the no-nipple photos to the top. i'm sure there are others, but those are the ones i could find from a quick search.
between those three places, i think you should definitely have enough of a selection to find some pictures that match your body type and desired results pretty well!
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
Hey transmasc nb here, just wanted to say thank you for being so upfront about bottom surgery positivity! I finally got the courage to look into surgeons and found one who's 1) close to me, 2) with examples on transbucket, and 3) has worked with nb folks before!! I left a voicemail with their office today! The positivity really helps, thank you so much for keeping it up, here's hoping I'll be getting myself a dick 🎉🎉🎉
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nothorses · 11 months
hey, sorry if this is a question you can't help with, but do you (or your follower-base) know how to figure out what surgeon would be most trustworthy for my top surgery. I'm in central florida (to narrow down the area a bit), and when i asked my providers (planned parenthood) about it, they were essentially like, "Well, we don't know anybody, but here's a recommendation letter!" so now I'm just aiming to figure out who to go to. Does anyone have any recommended-lists for doctors in the USA? I'd just google but I don't consider that trustworthy anymore. given the current politics i'm very wary of a doctor who claims they're trans-friendly but is just trying to screw me over. i don't know much about these sorts of things, I always thought I'd never be able to get surgeries. thank you for your time!!
I'll let folks respond to this with recs if they have them! (please do not send them to me in asks, though, I am drowning)
I will also say that some of the best localized resources available exist on Facebook. As much as the site is a nightmare in all ways, it's also very easy to find super niche groups (I'm in one specifically for top surgery in my state) and gather hyper-specific resources. Facebook's group privacy settings can also mean that more people are willing to share more sensitive info in private groups, and you may need that when looking for top surgeons.
Transbucket also includes information on the doctors who've performed their surgeries for this reason (links to surgeons also have all kinds of data, from where they're located, to satisfaction rates, to any associated transbucket posts!) My account is from before they locked stuff down recently, so I don't know what the process for getting one looks like now, but I have heard they've opened things up again. Definitely a good resource to explore. Try searching your state on the site if you do; this should produce everything linked to a surgeon located there.
EDIT: My own surgeon is not on trans bucket anywhere, but I was able to find folks who had experience with him in local Facebook groups, so keep in mind that you might not catch every possible surgeon with a single method.
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gayhenrycreel · 9 months
i think people need to stop being so angry about people having genital preferences. its not transphobic to not want to eat cunt.
im a trans man and im only attracted to men with a dick and a flat chest (this includes trans men). i cant help it. its just how i am. its not because i don't see trans men as men or something, im just not into pussy.
stop shaming people for not being into girldick or boypussy.
ive also noticed that a lot of these people shaming others about this are also very... weird about bottom surgery. bottom surgery is just as life saving as top surgery. if you actually look on transbucket you can see that it does look real and its very rare that someone completely loses sensation after bottom surgery.
im not as familiar with vaginoplasty, but it seems that people who fear phalloplasty think that scars are hideous and that the first stage is the only stage. thats not true. scars are just a part of someones body, and phalloplasty has secondary stages, after which the neo penis looks just any other dick. stop looking at photos a few weeks after surgery, look for photos a few years post op. it takes time to heal.
people who fear metoidioplasty just think micropenises are gross. thats it. they also think bottom growth is disgusting.
weirdly, all of these people are trans. i have not seen a single cis person on this site go into trans tags and claim bottom surgery is mutilation. ive seen many trans men do it. (the terfs seem to stick to their own tags).
honestly with all the terfs around here its really fuckin weird.
they also seem to believe that there are 4 genders: men, trans men, women, and trans women. thats clearly not right.
they stereotype trans men (they call them boys regardless of age) as being white, submissive, and never wanting to transition. its very rare i see art of trans men who are not white femboys.
they do the same to trans women- sorry, "trans girlies".
interestingly, they always draw feminine women and men, but never masculine anyone. art of masculine people is always drawn by those who are in the process of transition or butch lesbians.
its the terf kool aid. they think masculinity will make them like their oppressors, so they cant imagine that anyone would ever want to be masculine in any way.
they really seem to think bears are gross too. smells like fatphobia.
theyre also weird about trans people who are... not young twinks? why do they keep drawing us in maid outfits? consistently?
and then theres the fanfics. a while ago i made a post about cis people doing this, but since then ive realized trans people do it too. a lot. i am yet to find a fanfic featuring a trans man who is not a submissive bottom. always with tits. always scrawny. always ALWAYS into having his cervix destroyed.
some trans men are like that and they deserve representation, but its the only representation i see.
also, when you look at these peoples bios, you see that they are either cis women in their 20s, or teenage trans guys.
i think they are so out of touch with real world queerness that they have come to believe the stereotypes chasers have made for us.
and thats why trans tags read like fetish tags.
also, transhet people get thrown under the bus. completely erased. i have never seen a fic depicting a straight trans man- sorry, "pussyboy". sometimes i see one saying noooo, hes bisexual. and then he gets railed by a cis man youd see in hollywood.
and why is every fic about trans people porn? do we exist outside of porn or are we just mpreg fetish fuel? yeah, a lot of its mpreg. and they react to REAL LIFE MEN getting pregnant as some kind of joke. they make suggestive comments, theyre just all sorts of weird and invasive. its gross. those are real people.
it fucking hurts to see other trans people talk about bodies like mine as if we're not real actual humans, just sexual fantasies.
i cant go into ftm tags because theres porn everywhere. and its not bots. its young trans men who think trans men are only defined by pussy.
thats not how it works. we're defined by being men. not all trans men have tits and vaginas. surgery exists. this place is crazy.
on youtube men declare that women and faggots are destroying western civilization for wanting basic autonomy.
on tumblr, everyone, except a select few who stop to think, declare that masculinity is inherently restrictive and oppressive and that testosterone is poison. which republicans on youtube also claim. the difference is that tumblrinas think cis men are included in being poisoned by testosterone.
go back to terf island and grovel at the feet of jkr like you have wet dreams about.
just because youre trans doesnt mean you cant be transphobic.
have you heard of tirfs? trans-inclusive radfems. they believe that trans women are women and must be saved from the evil men, and that trans men are men and so are rapists. terfs love them.
you need to understand that transphobia is not the defining trait of terfs. the defining trait of terfism is the belief that men are disgusting, violent, sex driven, out of control, abusive, and rapists in waiting. ive seen them say that male fetuses should be aborted by law. thats eugenics. ya know, like fascism.
because thats what it is. by my definition, fascism is the belief that certain humans are not worthy of life. terfs think men are not worthy of life, and drag trans people into it.
before you decide that trans men, or whatever fetishy term you call us, are all twinks, think. like, at all. is there a reason you think this way? do you have room in your worldview for hairy trans men? hairy feminine trans men? trans bears? trans men of colour? masculine trans men with long hair?
trans men who have surgery and T shots?
or does that seem too much like... i dunno... body horror to you?
thats how these people react to sex changes. they make comments on photos of phalloplasty scars and say it looks like a horrible burn scar. it looks painful they say. "how do you go out in public?", "why would you put yourself through that?".
if someone had a kidney transplant would you say such things about those scars?
both are life saving surgeries. treat them as such.
stop writing the same smut over and over about a woman who can only have vaginal sex and never be anything other than submissive and breedable and slap the word "cuntboy" on it. has it occurred to you that some trans men would like to read about guys like them? not a bunch of white twink clones? fucking hell, it hard to find twink clone smut where the twink even has a flat chest!
it actually makes a lot of trans guys really dysphoric to have so much attention put on the parts we're born with. not all trans guys, but a lot. honestly the lack of representation makes me feel like i have to use parts of me that i cant even look at. ive seen a lot of other guys express this feeling too.
are we not sexy if we don't have sex a certain way? not getting representation hurts. it feels very isolating. the only kind of people like me who get called sexy are called sexy for things i can not do. (seriously i am physically not able to get anything in my front hole without extreme pain. how do you think trans guys like me who are physically incapable of vaginal sex feel about boypussy fetishism?)
anal sex is a thing. do you think its too gross for your twink clone to try? almost like... its unnatural...?... its dirty...?... its... sinful?
good fuckin job, buckaroo, ya reinvented classic homophobia.
there is no form of consensual sex that is sinful. you're just anti kink! if ya think anal sex is gross wait till ya hear about fisting.
youre all "i wanna turn that femboys prostate into jelly" until you realize it in his ass. so you give that femboy a g-spot instead. it doesn't take much to realize that all holes have something gross that comes outta them, not just ya asshole. i mean, blood and earwax is pretty unpleasant too. youre fine with kissing and vomits definitely gross! (your nose is also connected to the back of your throat so if you french someone youre gonna get nasal cavity mucus on your tongue)
if you think anal sex is gross youre just an 80s homophobe.
think of of it this way: i dont wanna stick my dick in a hole that ejects a buncha blood every month anymore than you want to acknowledge that some people prefer to shove something up their asshole. both are equally gross, and neither of them are actually gross at all unless youve been told its gross your whole life.
stop deciding that (however unconsciously) trans men can only be skinny white young twinks. i have actually yet to met a trans man above the age of 20 who is skinny. the trans guys ive met irl are fat and hairy. its quite obvious that the twink thing is just a stereotype.
seriously, yous are missing out on writing smut about fat hairy men, but youre too scared of being *gasp* not perfect under white cishetpatriarchy, ergo it is incomprehensible that someone would be attracted to that let alone want to be like that.
ever since i watched Jumanji: welcome to the jungle, i have wanted to be a fat middle-aged man. i was genuinely confused that that barbie didn't like it. cant remember her name.
yous are the same people who wanna "fuck that old man" arent ya? the people who are usually grossed out when you see an old man above the age of 30? it seems like the same sorta mentality.
if a cis guy got hairy would you call him disgusting and unattractive? not that ive seen. its reserved for trans guys on T.
tldr; theres nothing wrong with having a preference for certain genitals, those people who say its wrong just think its transphobic because they think not being attracted to someone means you hate them. they just don't realize that some people get bottom surgery and that its not a bad thing. theyve been drinking the terf koolaid
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of-mutts-and-men · 1 year
@ phalloplasty anon: Try Transbucket, if you haven’t! You’ll have to make an account (for privacy reasons) but it’s a place for trans folks to share outcomes and you can sort by surgeon and procedure. A lot will be just post op but people generally update.
It was an invaluable resource when I was looking for surgeons in my area for top surgery.
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puc-puggy · 3 months
I saw your reply on the post about pictures of genitals so I wanted to ask - do you know any good places to find pictures of trans women’s bodies? I have some trans women characters who I’d like to be able to draw naked but I don’t know where to go to find specifically trans women who have been on hormones for a while and haven’t had surgery
generally with trans women, it's really easy to find pictures of breasts and really difficult to find pictures of penises. usually because growing boobs is fun while their penis is frequently a site of dysphoria. so one gets photographed and the other doesn't. same thing but backwards for trans men: images of bottom growth are fun, images of breasts are frequently dysphoric.
r/TransBreastTimelines for boobs
for penises, there is no collection I'm currently aware of, and the penis is typically covered or drawn over in NSFW transition timelines that display breast growth and other changes (especially when posted publicly). i think the best bet for free would be "before" photos of vaginal gender confirmation procedures. you can find these on transbucket (you will need an account) or on surgeon's/clinic websites that perform gender affirming procedures, like the london transgender clinic & dr. keeley macphee. search for "[specific vaginal procedure] before and after." if you have a little money, subscribe to a trans woman's OnlyFans.
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viciar · 3 months
scrolling transbucket again today (as one does) and feeling insane at how many uploaders got top surgery <1yr on T, I guess thats fairly normal and ultimately a good thing but it makes me think about how I’ve been on T for >5 years and it still feels like having the time off from both school/work and having the money to drop on a major surgery at the same time is so vastly far away
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nightmarist · 3 months
Busy day today!
Went to my top surgery consultation. They’re checking my insurance to see if I’m covered but we’re 99% sure I’m 100% covered.
They took some before photos and showed me their portfolio.
I can’t go to any other surgeon so it hardly matters plus I already saw a portfolio from transbucket; my main hang ups are that this Dr. has asymmetrical scars and nipples. It’s very slight but it’s still something I’m worried about. Sadly preferred surgeon is out of pocket and costs nearly 10k but I’ll be glad to get top surgery. At the least, revisions are 100% covered unless they’re purely cosmetic, which are a flat fee of $500.
PA was very nice and super gender affirming; absolutely professional with trans care.
I have scars under my tits where I used to wear a wire bra all the time cut into them, she said when I comeback in we’ll talk w the Dr. about how we can incorporate them.
My friend got us some breakfast and I got a couple plants: some fruiting bell peppers and a big bunch of lavender. Also planted the butt ends of onions I had left over.
I planted them in my old pots; I hope these won’t die lol. I was doing well last time until I got Covid; while I was fevered out of my mind for a hazy July week, my father never watered them and they died.
Afterwards, crushed every box in the house, mopped the floor, moved an old table out, put a belt on the vacuum. Will have to wait a few days to a week apparently to help the belt stretch out. If it breaks again I’m gunna lose it.
Threw out a ton of trash, put a bunch of shit away, finally going to relax.
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