#dying light barney
dicktat · 17 days
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Hey guys!!!
I made a DL character quiz for a little fun :))
Take it and reblog with your results I wanna see what everyone got!
Also tagging ppl who asked for beta test! You guys are so awesome!
@meatchomper @dott-fox @uminekosaih @hqkon @deadkoneko
Have fun with it everyone hehe
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dying-sun-light · 4 months
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oh i guess ill post this too! barney and aitor as they would be in carnage hall as gladiators!
im fairly set on barney’s fighter name but if yall have more ideas for aitor im very open to hearing them bc idk if i love his yet
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luuckyyou · 11 months
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I couldn’t fix him but I could make him punch me in the face
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princessravenna · 11 months
@dying-sun-light For you! I hope you'll like it!
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ruvijager · 2 years
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Illustration for rock AU
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dojamoth · 2 years
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Simple drawing I did of sassy barney from dying light 2 ✨will post more when I have the time
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ch-borland · 2 years
He is amasing 
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dicktat · 4 months
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New DL merch :33!!!
Villedor zoo standee/stickers
🐺 Aiden 🦊 Hakon 🦌 Vincenzo
🐅 Lawan 🦚 Juan 🐏 Sophie
🐈‍⬛ Shen Xiu 🐈 Mia🦉 Thalia
🦨 Barney 🐊 Rowe 🦁 Aitor
🦡 Ciro 🐻 Frank 🦈 Waltz 🦎 Harper
Characters requested by YOU (my lovely mutuals) and critter suggestions! If you see your idea made it claim it down in the comments! Anyways enjoy the little guys
Price: not sure yet (!)
Shipping: international
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dying-sun-light · 1 year
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more and more baitor art!!!!
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crane-on-a-crane · 2 years
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princessravenna · 10 months
@dying-sun-light Another chapter is up!
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saevus-brutalis · 2 years
alright, this needs to be done
dying light 2 — what’s their signature smell headcanons:
aiden caldwell
chamomile and honey, of course but also sweat, but like- not nasty smell of sweat. kinda like baby boy sweat. very mild, but definitely there - i mean he jumps and runs around a lot, swinging weapons at infected from dusk till dawn. i think he’d be pretty hygienic too or at least tries to to be. not everyday coz you know, the water is scarce, but still- he’s one of the good smelling folks despite the end of the world.
man stinks like hell. i’m sorry barney baby, but you reek of alcohol and just nasty sweat. this man looks greasy af, showers once a month at best, sometimes less. probably is the one to be the last one to get cleaned up, insisting on using the water for other purposes. probably if deodorant was still a thing, he’d pour it all over himself to cover the smell - which would just make things worse.
neutral smell, i’d say with earthy undertones - like moss, wet wood, dust and dirt, maybe hint of lavender or any wild flower. he’s a very clean person and after the Fall, when the water started becoming an issue, he found out which herbs and plants help with keeping your odor in check. additionally he cleans himself regularly, so he’s really not smelly.
juan reiner
you’d think expensive perfume or cologne, but i think simply just soap. there’s no use in using perfume if you’re not clean. so most of the time it’s a strong smell of soap with the slightest musky hint to it. other people seem drawn to it. it’s definitely nice, attractive.
again, sweat, but that’s just the undertone. what really sticks out is the workshop smell - rust, oil, grease. smells like an old garage or a mechanic’s shop. not pleasant to everyone, to some it’s quite nice, to others not so much. definitely can tell it’s him when standing next to him, it’s that significant.
alcohol (yes, even after you give the VNC tower to him and he seemingly stops drinking), very pleasant musky smell. he smells like a lumberjack, like a manly man, like a manly man with beard, a mechanic. something warm and pleasant. it’s comforting, cozy and homey. he doesn’t stink of sweat ever since he stopped being a Nightrunner.
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“ what attitude, for fuck’s sake ? ”
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slenderwannabe · 11 months
barney and rahim would be friends
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ch-borland · 2 years
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dearnasa · 2 years
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