idcallmyselfhuman · 2 months
i don't even remember this happening i'm fucking losing it
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dicktat · 6 months
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Babies <3
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tafferling · 2 years
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A little frayed,           a little torn.
But he still remembers.
Dying Light 2 | Aitor
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spanishsenpai · 1 year
Whumptober 2023 - Day 1
Hey all! I'm steering a little of course from what I usually write lol! I'll update Daycare Attendant soon! I've just gotta write out this sudden obsession with Aitor from Dying Light 2. He's so bb gurl frfr.
What if Aitor had given any sign of life before Aiden bolted for the car factory?
Read it on AO3 if you'd rather! :D
“What the hell…?”
Aiden’s knees felt weak as he struggled to his feet. 
“My head … it's pounding …” He grit out. “What’s happening to me?” 
His throat was sore like he'd been screaming for hours. His body felt like one big bruise.
He lifted his head, looking around in a daze at the bodies on the floor. 
“What happened here?”
His thoughts were cut off with the static of a walkie talkie on the body in front of him. He stumbled to it, searching the pockets until he found the radio. “We’re about to start. Where are you?” 
Aiden’s eyes narrowed. Waltz.
“I’m almost to the car factory…”
Before Aiden could hear the rest, a groan sounded from further in the tunnel. His gaze snapped to the sound, barely processing the blue of a PK body struggling to get its arms under it. His eyes widened. Not just any PK body; Aitor.
His aches seemed to disappear as he stepped closer. How many times had he woken up surrounded by bodies and one was still alive? 
Never it felt like.
“Aitor… ?” He called, a small note of panic in his voice leftover from the adrenaline of whatever the fuck just happened. 
He’d rolled his limp body off his legs. He’d been sure Aitor was dead.
“Aitor?” He called again, sounding a little more confident.
“... Aiden?” Aitor coughed out, the word barely more than a wheeze. He grunted, falling limp on the concrete, speaking the one word seemingly taking all his energy.
Aiden could see his face now. Aitor’s eyes were just barely cracked open. Blood stained his teeth as he grimaced in obvious pain. Aiden knelt down next to him, hands hovering over his body. Should he turn him on his back? What if his neck was hurt?
The walkie buzzed again as someone spoke though Aiden was too caught up in his worry to hear the words. Immediately he was reminded of the stakes though.
“Fuck! Waltz has the key!” he snarled. Aitor didn’t react to this news. He was barely conscious. 
Desperation ran through Aiden. That key was the only way he was going to find Mia. He couldn’t let Waltz get away with it. 
Guilt filled him as he looked down at Aitor’s limp body. He was still awake, just barely though. Aiden had to go. He didn’t have time to get Aitor somewhere safe. 
This tunnel was surrounded by natural light and it was midday. He’d … He’d have to be okay until Aiden got the key back. “I’m sorry Aitor. Hang tight! I’ll be back as soon as I can.” 
Aitor didn’t react to this other than to slowly close his eyes as he went slack again. 
There wasn’t time! Aiden growled, hesitating a moment longer before bolting to the tunnel entrance.
Aitor was tough. He’d be okay until Aiden got back.
Well shit, that was a mess.
“Run!” The sniper screamed, bolting for a building in ankle deep water.
Aiden almost went to follow her but even through the delirium of being nearly choked to death, he remembered Aitor. 
“No! I have to go back!” Aiden turned, bolting for the broken freeway. He was sure he could get back across. 
“Go back? Are you crazy?! He’s transforming!” She stopped going for the building and, seeing he wasn’t turning around, began to chase after him.
“The sun will buy me time!” He was at the edge of the solar panels, scrambling up what little footholds he could find. He didn’t expect to hear footsteps following him, especially after a familiar roar echoed from the factory. 
“Waltz will kill us!”
“A good man needs help!” Aiden yelled back, breathing hard as he climbed the asphalt. “I promised to come back for him.”
He heard a faint “Shit” behind him before the sniper was climbing after him. 
Just as he’d hoped, the sun stopped Waltz from being able to follow them. Even with his terrifying agility and immunity to the UV rays, midday was no joke on a volatile. 
Aiden’s hands shook, nearly making him fall a couple times. Aitor could be dead. He could be risking himself and the sniper for a dead man. It would be dark in only a few hours though and if Aitor was alive, if there was even a chance, Aiden wouldn’t leave him to die like that. He’d taken bigger gambles than this anyway.
His eyes widened as the tunnel entrance came into view. Almost there!
He was gasping for breath as his feet hit solid ground. He vaulted over the few cars and sprinted into the tunnel. The bodies were still here, undisturbed, making Aiden breathe a sigh of relief. No zombies had gotten in then. 
“Aitor!” He called, quickly spotting the group of blue bodies. He slid to kneel next to Aitor’s body, shaking hands reaching for his neck. He hadn’t moved from where Aiden had left him. 
His heart was pounding too hard to tell if Aitor’s heart was beating. He hesitated for only a moment before he carefully began to roll Aitor over onto his back. He nearly had a heart attack when Aitor jolted with a sharp cough as Aiden got him on his side. 
“Oh thank god. Aitor? Can you hear me?”
He didn’t fully process the sniper kneeling next to them. He did look up as she hissed though.
“He’s bleeding. There’s a puddle over here. Not a big one so probably not that serious,” she said, poking careful fingers along Aitor’s spine. “Keep him on his side. If he’s on his back he might choke on his blood.”
Aitor only wheezed as he was poked and prodded. When the sniper gently pressed a palm to the center of his vest, Aitor cried out, trying to flinch away from the pressure.
“His ribs are probably fucked up.”
“Yeah,” Aiden finally said. “Waltz got him pretty good.”
“Fighting Waltz and living? He’ll have serious bragging rights if he makes it.”
“Hear that Aitor? I’d say you’re keeping that promotion,” Aiden called, hoping that Aitor was going to respond. 
He got a huff. He’d call that a win.
“Where are we taking him?” She asked, done with her inspection for now.
“There’s a safe house near here. It’s too close to dark to take him anywhere else.”
“Alright, we’ll have to get him to wake up more if we want the best chance though. Think you can do that?”
“Yeah… yeah I can do that.”
Could he though? He’d try at the very least. 
“Aitor, hey, you need to wake up.” Aiden patted his cheek, wincing when Aitor wheezed a little louder. A few more calls for him to wake up did nothing. The sniper was starting to look impatient and Aiden wasn’t sure he could get Aitor to the safe house on his own. 
Fuck, sorry Aitor. He pressed a little harder on Aitor’s ribs. Hopefully not enough to knock him out fully, but just enough to wake him up. 
Aitor gasped, hands finally moving to weakly push at Aiden’s arm. 
“F-Fu… St-Stop…” he ground out, eyes fluttering open. Aiden felt one of his legs bump him from behind but Aitor was too weak to really do anything. 
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. You have to stay awake though Aitor.”
Aitor’s eyes seemed to focus on the face above him. Aiden happened to notice the nasty bruise on his jaw and the blood soaking into his hair from his temple. 
“Yeah, just like that. Come on Aitor.”
“Wha... What… hap-pened?” He gasped out. 
“Waltz nearly killed you.”
“... My… s-squad… ?”
“I’m sorry. They… They didn’t make it.”
Aitor looked like he wanted to give up on being awake as he processed the words. 
“No, no! Stay with me Aitor!” Aiden frantically patted Aitor’s cheek as his eyes threatened to close. “Come on!”
Aitor’s eyes opened again.
“There you go. How… How many fingers am I holding up?” When he didn’t answer for a moment, Aiden repeated himself. “Aitor? How many fingers?”
“... F-Fo-ur…”
No, that was wrong. Aiden curled his two fingers back into a fist. That was fine. He could fix that later. For now, thinking was waking Aitor up again. Which was good. Great in fact. Just a little more and they might be able to walk him out of here. 
“Aitor, we need to get up. There’s a safe house we can go to but you have to walk.”
Aitor let out a weak cough that sounded like an “Okay”. 
“Puddle’s a little bigger back here,” the sniper interrupted. “We gotta get moving.”
Aiden swallowed thickly, “Alright. Aitor, get ready to sit up.”
Aitor huffed. 
“I’ve got him back here,” the sniper said.
“Okay, I’m lifting in one, two, three.”
They slowly brought Aitor’s torso off the ground. No matter how slow they went though, it wouldn’t have felt any less painful. Aitor let out a strangled cry, legs weakly shuffling as a hand came up to grip Aiden’s wrist as hard as he could, which wasn’t much. Internally, Aiden winced but didn't stop until Aitor was almost fully vertical. The pain seemed to wake him up further though. His eyes were a little clearer as they darted around, taking in the situation. 
“You with us?” Aiden asked. 
“Y-Yeah-” Aitor gasped out. “My… ri-ribs.” His words were halted and stuttering as his lungs desperately tried to avoid even grazing his ribs. Of course, the effort was futile.
“We know. We’ll take care of it once we get to the safe house.” Aiden brought one of his hands in front of Aitor. “How many fingers am I holding up?”
Aiden let out a breath of relief. “Head damage must not be that bad then.”
“Getting to his feet’s gonna be worse,” the sniper piped up. “He might pass out.”
Aitor jolted at her voice, immediately trying to twist around to see who was behind him. He froze mid motion though as his body practically seized from the sudden movement.
“Hey! Don’t do that,” Aiden barked, using his free hand to steady Aitor.
“Wh-o… ?”
“She’s a friend. Don’t worry about it right now.”
A quiet growl was his response. No one would be happy in this situation, least of all Aitor, but he seemed to accept there was little he could do about it. Already, Aiden could feel him starting to tremble. Hopefully it was from pain and not shock.
The sniper had already shifted to a crouch to lift Aitor up. Aiden quickly followed suit. 
“Are you ready to get up?”
Aitor nodded stiffly. Aiden felt him tense up in preparation for the pain that would surely follow.
“Three, two, one, and- up!”
Aitor cried out as they brought him up to his feet. He would have immediately toppled over if the two hadn’t secured their grip on him. He gasped raggedly as he fought to get his jellied knees to hold him. He stumbled before he got them to lock up. 
They gave him a moment to breathe. His body was trembling worse now. God, Aiden hoped that wasn’t shock.
“L-Let’s go,” he gasped out, taking a shaking step forward.
“Wait. Wait a second.” Aiden carefully put Aitor’s arm around the back of his neck, the sniper doing the same before they started forward.
The tunnel entrance, the one leading back to Old Villedor, was a short distance away, yet Aitor’s brow was already shining with sweat. His steps were slow and he practically tripped over his own feet. The only thing keeping him up was Aiden and the sniper. 
Aiden prayed the power to the door was working now. A breath escaped him as the metal creaked with rust but lifted all the same. The zombies he’d cleared out before he’d come in here hadn’t replaced themselves, leaving them a semi straight shot to the closest rooftop. 
Walking was one thing, climbing was another. Aiden hadn’t even thought about how they’d get Aitor up to a roof yet.
“Judging by how walking’s going, I’d say climbing is out of the question,” the sniper said, like she was reading his mind. “We’ll probably have to clear out a few floors in this apartment to get him up there.”
Aiden looked between her and the apartment building they’d stopped in front of, nodding finally. Four floors. Usually he only had to clear out one but he could work with this.
“Can you stay out here with him?” She’d come this far with them, surely she wouldn’t turn on them and kill Aitor now.
She nodded and they set to getting Aitor on the sidewalk. He choked down any cries, but his breath still came out in harsh pants as he was settled with his back against the building.
“I’ll be as quick as I can,” Aiden assured before he quickly slipped into the front door. 
Clearing out the building wasn’t hard. The zombies here were feeble from being locked away with no food for so long. A few molotov’s and one shattered tire iron and the place was clear from the ground floor to the roof.
Back outside, the sniper was collecting an arrow from a zombie’s chest across the street. Aitor looked like he was on the verge of passing out, face pale and eyes barely open. They needed to hurry. 
“Hey!” He called as loud as he dared, “It’s clear now.”
She jogged back over to them. Together they crouched and lifted Aitor up far less carefully than they had the first time. Aitor didn’t complain, just let out a sharp huff. Somehow he was even worse on his feet than before. They had to practically lift him up each step of the stairs as his legs fumbled with lifting that short distance. Whether Aitor was aware of it or not, he had started to grip the shoulder of Aiden’s jacket with an iron grip as they went. Aiden didn’t mention it.
He also didn’t mention how the shiny red spot on the front of Aitor’s shirt was growing. He wasn’t sure where the cut had come from but it couldn’t be helping Aitor’s already feeble balance.
“We’re almost there. There’s a bridge connecting this roof to the one with the safe house.”
“Good. Your friend’s starting to get heavy.”
She was right. Aitor was slowly putting more weight on them as his steps grew sloppier.
“Hear that Aitor? Almost there,” Aiden huffed as they lifted him up the last step. Thank god. The sun was close to setting and Aiden’s own body was protesting that fight from earlier.
“Y-Yeah.” Aitor’s voice came out more like a whisper.
The ramp wasn’t wide enough for them to walk side by side, so they opted to crab shuffle across. Aitor tried but his legs were basically only able to hold him up at this point.
“This is not how I saw my day going,” the sniper huffed as she stepped onto the other roof.
“I don’t think anyone did.”
Aitor didn’t respond.
“There it is, Aitor. Almost th- !” 
Aitor’s leg buckled, almost taking them all to the ground. They righted themselves but the movement was sharp enough for Aitor to cry out again. Aiden and the sniper’s heads snapped to the right as a couple growls responded to the sound.
Unfortunately, while the bridge had been helpful for them to get to the safehouse, another bridge leading to the neighboring zombie infested roof was less so. The zombies stumbled for them. Towards the back, one looked like it was about to start sprinting. 
“Shit! We gotta move,” she snapped.
Aitor seemed to understand as his grip on Aiden’s sleeve tightened. His steps were a little more solid as they dragged him along faster, shaky pained sounds spilling out of him. Aiden’s watch beeped, signaling that it was officially nighttime and they were still several yards from the safe glow of the UV lamps.
“Take him! I’ll hold them off,” she ordered, sliding Aitor’s arm off her shoulders. 
Aitor nearly crumpled to the ground as his arm flopped down and smacked him in the side. “No, no, no, come on Aitor.”
“Sh-Shit,” he wheezed, feet scrambling to keep up with Aiden’s too fast steps. Damn those heavy PK boots. 
A shriek to his right made Aiden jump. A decayed face climbed over the side of the building and bolted right for them. Aiden kicked it in the chest, nearly losing his grip on Aitor as the lieutenant let out a choked cry. His once limp arm grabbed Aiden’s jacket with trembling fingers to keep from falling completely. The sniper was back then, pushing the zombie the rest of the way off the roof. 
As soon as the purple light enveloped Aitor’s face, Aiden breathed out a sigh of relief. The sun was down and zombies were coming but they had made it. Quickly, the sniper came around and flung open the door, allowing them all to shuffle inside. His back was screaming from supporting Aitor for so long, yet as he went to set Aitor down on the pile of blankets called a bed, she came over to help, just as slow and careful as he was.
Aitor groaned as he nearly went boneless once his legs weren’t supporting him. Aiden had to quickly grab his shoulders to keep him up. “Can’t lay down just yet Aitor. Hey,” he called, raising his voice so the sniper would know he was talking to her, “can you-”
“Already on it.” 
She had gathered every soft thing in the little safe house and begun stacking them behind Aitor. The pile was just high enough to keep him elevated. Now he could lay on his back without choking. They eased him down. As Aitor’s body registered something even semi comfortable, he went limp and passed out.
Before Aiden could freak out about it, the sniper spoke. “Well I guess it's time to doctor him up while he’s out.”
“Y-Yeah. Thank you… for helping me get him here.”
“I’d say no problem but it was. Favors are good to have though.” They worked in silence for a moment, carefully undressing Aitor’s upper half to reveal the dark bruises and cut on his front. Even with how gently Aiden was wrapping bandages around his ribs, Aitor’s breath still hitched with pain at any pressure. 
“Hey, since we’re stuck here for the night, you can call me Lawan.”
Aiden’s hand jerked, making Aitor gasp even when unconscious. “Shit!” He cursed, resuming his careful wrapping as he glanced up at Lawan. “I’ve been looking for you for weeks. Dylan sent me with this-”
They talked through the night about Dylan, the GRE, Waltz, all while they checked that Aitor was still alive. A couple hours before morning, Aitor groaned as he slowly became aware again, eyes blinking rapidly to try and clear away his fuzzy vision. 
Almost immediately, Aiden was by his side. “Hey, careful. You’re not even close to being ready to move yet.”
“What,” he took in a sharp breath at the return of the pain in his chest and his face and his back and everywhere really, “What happened?”
Aitor had to think for a moment, struggling to remember. His eyes widened and he tried to sit up fully as he gasped out, “My squad.”
Aiden quickly stopped him from sitting up, though his face was somber. “I’m sorry. Waltz killed them all. I’m sure you’re lucky to even be alive right now.”
Aitor coughed out a ruthful chuckle, settling back into the soft pile, “Yeah… lucky.”
“I’m sorry,” was all he could think to say. 
“Where’s my armor?” He asked after a minute. He’d looked down and found himself only in his unbuttoned brown shirt. Bandages covered his chest while a blanket had been put over his legs. 
“Over here. I don’t think you should put it on for a while though. Your ribs are busted up.”
“Yeah. Could tell that from how they feel,” he coughed out. 
“Is there anywhere we missed? Any other place that hurts?”
Aitor squinted up at him. “We?”
“You don’t remember me and her carrying you up here?” Aiden asked, shuffling to the side so he could point out Lawan. 
He was quiet for another moment before slowly nodding. “F-Faintly.” He sighed, relaxing fully into the pile of various pillows and backpacks behind him. 
“I think my ribs are the worst. Nothing is really screaming at me other than that.”
“You’ve also got a cut down here.” He pointed to just above Aitor’s pant line where another bandage and gauze were placed. “One of your knives probably got you when Waltz knocked them out of your hands.” He didn’t say, when Waltz kneed you so hard you passed out. If Aitor didn't have a memory of that, Aiden didn’t want to be the one to give it to him. 
“This is a real shit show,” Aitor breathed out. He brought a stiff arm up to rub over his eyes. 
Aiden didn’t comment on that and neither did Lawan. The former Pilgrim sighed, “As soon as morning comes, we’ll walkie the Peacekeepers to come get you.”
Aitor let out a huff, closing his eyes for a moment. Aiden didn’t envy how he was likely feeling. 
“Thank you Aiden. You’ve helped me out again.”
Aiden gave him a small smile. “No problem at all.”
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dying-sun-light · 1 year
guess who’s writing juan/aitor🤩🤩🤩
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yutopia-eleftheria · 1 year
Xavier / Hunter Foster Headcanons
Yesterday, on September 16th, it was Xavier's birthday ! So just like his Epsilon counterpart Dvalin, I decided to do some headcanons for him to celebrate his day !
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As stated in Inazuma Eleven Ares, his real name is actually Hunter Foster. However, since it is a different timeline, he has always been called like that. But in the original timeline, he learned that his real name was Hunter, and he sometimes used it, but it's really rare. When he became an adult, he took his adoptive father and sister's surname, being Schiller.
When he ended up with Jordan, they adopted Aitor Cazador.
His relationship with Isabelle is entirely platonic ! They have a siblings relationship, and Isabelle is the oldest of the 2.
He used to have a slight crush on Mark Evans back then, but now he is with Jordan Greenway.
His best friend, without counting the Sun Garden children, is Shawn Froste. They may have a bad start at first when Xavier was in Aliea Academy, but now they are really great friends and absolutely love training together.
Just like the other children of Sun Garden, his appearance changed at the contact of the Aliea Stone. He now has stars all over his face, pretty much like freckles.
Surprisingly enough, his side wicks moves on their own. They are pretty much able to show his emotions as they act like some sort of ears.
He also has "tatoos" going from his shoulders to the back of his feet, similar to a Milky Way.
The reason why his skin is so pale is because he has Anemia since birth. His Anemia is due to an iron deficiency in his body. Moreover, most of the time when you get to touch his hands, they are mostly cold because blood in his body is irregular and has a hard time coming into his fingers normally.
Strangely enough, his eyes couldn't stand the bright light that much anymore. He was almost blinded by it. That's why he has to wear glasses ; in order to protect them.
He is the youngest in a family of 3 children, having an older brother and an older sister. Although his parents are dead, his older siblings' whereabouts are still unknown to this day.
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cruciferous-spatula · 3 months
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It's the night before Para's wedding, and she and Granny Mayu are bonding with the royal babies.
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Para's betrothed pops over the next morning to meet the little ones, only to get puked on by Tiakarete
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It's wedding time!
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Both sets of immediate family are in attendance
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If you've been following closely this might give you the ick, and not just because he's marrying in the suit that just got puked on. I'm with you there... but look they both REALLY wanted this. And there really aren't anyone else Para can marry. The other option would be his oldest son Aitor, and they had anti-chemistry as teens so, nah
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idk why Manawaki and Zaindu are both floating there lol
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Proud parents
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... and parents to be.
I mean they both have had kids already but
and that's wher we leave em! Lastly let's take a look at how the Palace looks now because I made some changes since the first looka t it
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i still consider it a wip. I consider everything a wip :P
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twinsforfashion · 5 months
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Creo que con todas las crisis posibles que nos inventamos las personas a lo largo de nuestra vida, dentro del paquete de “La crisis de los 30” que me descargué a mi disco duro el año pasado venía incluida una extensión relacionada con cómo me visto. Me cuesta hablar de mí, me cuesta comenzar frases con “Yo soy…”, me cuesta definirme, pero poco a poco voy conociéndome y aceptándome (todavía más importante). La ropa puede parecer un tema banal, no voy a citar a Miranda Priestly para desacreditar esta afirmación, aunque podría (if you know, you know). Aunque si estás leyendo esto es probable que eres de las mías, sabes que la ropa es mucho más que pedazos de tela que te cubre el cuerpo. Todo esto para decir que estoy revolucionando mi armario para redefinir qué se queda, qué se va y qué entra. Siento que me he alargado más en la introducción que en el quid de la cuestión, pero hasta aquí por hoy. Me encanta este look con un traje de mi madre, polo y boina de segunda mano, bolso y pendientes de Júlia, zapas regalo de Aitor y el anillo más grande que tengo hecho por mí, con mis manitas. ¿Este es mi nuevo avatar? ¿El avatar de una nueva era? Puede.
I think that with all the possible crises that we people invent throughout our lives, the “Midlife Crisis” package that I downloaded to my hard drive last year included an extension related to how I dress. It's hard for me to talk about myself, it's hard for me to start sentences with “I am…”, it's hard for me to define myself, but little by little I'm getting to know myself and accepting myself (that’s even more important). Clothing may seem like a banal topic, I'm not going to quote Miranda Priestly to debunk this statement, although I could (if you know, you know). Although if you are reading this you are probably one of me, you know that clothes are much more than pieces of fabric that cover your body. All this to say that I'm revolutionizing my closet to redefine what stays, what goes, and what goes in. I feel like I've gone longer on the introduction than on the crux of the matter, but that's it for today. I love this look with a suit from my mother, a second-hand polo and beret, a bag and earrings from Júlia, sneakers as a gift from Aitor and the biggest ring I have made by myself, with my little hands. Is this my new avatar? The avatar of a new era? It might be.
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Vintage total look with Adidas sneakers and Zara bag & earrings.
+ Shoot by Júlia.
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marshalllir · 2 years
Street racer modern AU
Or at least something like - during the day Hakon is an ordinary taxi driver, and at night the elusive king of drift, on the empty streets of the city. Or was.
He was one of the legends of Night Street Racing - "Nightrunners", until the split occurred. Maybe the split occurred due to the fact that the cops arrived at the venue of the event and tied up a bunch of people. And Hakon warned that there was no need to go that day, and that there was a rat among them.
And in the end, all the dogs were released on him. Because well, who screams the loudest is probably the rat. And he was kicked out. The car is still parked somewhere in Hakon's garage. And he himself became a taxi driver, because cars and roads are his life.
Meanwhile, Aiden moves to a new city and learns about this night's entertainment. He goes to watch, and then decides to become a participant himself.. Lawan, one of the unofficial participants of the Nightrunners, is examining him (parallel with the paraglider from the game).
Hakon is just looking for customers at the train station, for example, and clings to a completely lost Aiden. Decides to help, almost does not charge. He even finds him a hotel room at a reasonable price from a friend, Cillian, who, out of good memory, knocks down the price, but is still not very happy... Or Hakon "rescues" Aiden from another taxi driver who, as he knows, winds up the meter. And Hakon himself deliberately does not turn it on and takes a purely symbolic payment, because Aiden is not going to get out of the car until he pays...
When Aitor offers Aiden to cooperate (after catching him), Aiden has two options: to ingratiate himself into the confidence of the street racers and at the right moment set everyone up by surrendering to the police, or to stay on the side of the street racers and fool the police...
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 6 months
hello astro !! may we please have some names + pronouns for a c!captain puffy fictive ? fem , neu , masc , anything is fine ! for names , preferably starting with a c , and with either pirate-y captain-y adventure-y feels or something comforting caring and parental ^^
and for pronouns , pirate related , adventurous related , or related to being comforting caring parental nice kind etc etc you get it ^^;
she's been very nice to our system; the littles love papa puffy :] not to mention they're very helpful in a lot of situations . sea's been talking about how they don't really feel connected with the name cara , but they don't want to purely go by captain puffy or just puffy , sooo we wanted to thank them with this :]
~ tommy🪻, starry field collective 💫💐
hi!! i hope these names and pronouns are to sea's liking! sea sounds very sweet, and i'm sure sea'll appreciate the gesture, tommy🪻!
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gráinne - an irish legend, gráinne was a female pirate ione - the name of a sea nymph in greek myth maris - means "of the sea" merfyn - possibly derived from a handful of old welsh words, including a word that means "sea" meri - means "sea" aitor - possibly meaning "good father" biruté - just seemed like the right vibe rum - popularly associated with pirates, could be a good name? drinking alcohol can make someone feel warm, so there's a bit of a warmth associated with it too emese - possibly meaning "mother"
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quest/quests/questself treasure/treasure's/treasureself cap/captain/captain's/captainself ship/shape/ships/shapes/shipshapeself wool/wools/woolself baa/bleat/baas/bleats/baaself she/shell/shells/shellself sho/shore/shores/shoreline od/ody/odys/odyss/odysseyself co/cor/corsair/corsairs/corsairself nau/naut/nautics/nauticalself ah/hoy/ahs/hoys/ahoyself
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insanityisthecure · 2 years
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Endless list of games I love: (Characters edition) Dying Light 2 (2022)
Lieutenant Aitor
“Enough, Anderson. We need the truth, and you won’t get it through coercion.”
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rxtualistic · 9 months
open to muses 40+
plot here but basically divorced couple that still want each other badly but are too stubborn to admit it. maybe one / both have a new partner. maybe they only bear to stand in the same room when their kids are involved. go as crazy as you want!
muse; aitor is a 43 years old lawyer specialized in family law. the job has made him cynical or maybe he was perfect for the job because his nihilism came from the fabric. more here.
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"no, yeah, absolutely. i told the kids to engage in borderline reckless behaviour and get expelled so i could sit and wait with you to be lectured by the principal, you're so right. you know how much i enjoy a little regression to childhood in the middle of a working day. what's a nap when you can feel the judgment and disappointment in a woman half your age eyes?" sarcasm dripped out of every one of his words. crooked smirk taking over his face, he turned to look at them. "you're a bit obsessed with me, no?"
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dicktat · 2 years
I know we all like to talk about malewives but what about a male widow. Not a widower just a malewife with a dead partner. Do you get what I’m saying…enhanced malewives with a deluxe sprinkle of angst.
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mubispain · 2 years
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Lamento, directed by Rubén Sánchez. 2022
Anna is partying at an illegal street racing event. There she has several run-ins with boys who try to take advantage of her and her vulnerability. Tension inceeases when she gets a call from her little sister who's on holiday with some friends: they have left her alone at a train station.
Production : Smile Films. tv
Stars; Sara Jiménez, Aitor Luna, Antonia San Juan, Stephanie Gil, Gisela Ruiz, Sergi Cañas, Jose Neira .
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spanishsenpai · 1 month
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Oh boy. I love obsessing over every moment I get to stare at Aitor lololol.
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dying-sun-light · 1 year
oki doki come get y’all juice!! if you’ve ever been intrigued by juan/aitor here is my take on it :P
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