#dust serrif
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🦴🩶Dust x Reader headcanons🩶🦴
I really enjoy content with Dust, so I hope I did him justice!! I made sure to avoid any gendered terms since I see a lot of fem!yn and want some diversity!
(( @whittlorestrash i saw your reblog, love to you( ◜‿◝ )♡))
- He reads as a hobby, so often enough he is fine with parallel play where you would be laying on his lap on your phone or reading while he's focused on his book. Sometimes, when he's not thinking, he'll drift his phalanges to stroke your hair while he's reading
- He loves cooking from anyone, so if you prepare him a meal he'll be grateful for it no matter if you present a dish made for a god or if it is a burnt excuse of food
- His nickname for you would be angel, something he wouldn't call you unless he really got to know you
- He finds comfort in forests, so if you guys went for a walk together he would find it serene to spend time with you there
- He sleeps in a lot due to his constant trouble with sleeping. One thing that brings him comfort is holding you close, since he always has to have his arms wrapped around something or someone. When this happens, you can expect him to not let you go until he's awake
- He is extremely touch starved, but he feels anxious with touch for most of the time. It's an unfamiliar sensation and he feels that he isn't deserving of affection. Nonetheless, small touches would be acceptable from you over time. Small things like locking pinkies, placing his hand on your head, or allowing you to rub his back when he's stressed. He doesn't know how, but at some point he finds himself lingering by you. He'll often tug at your shirt if he wants to have affection, silent as he is
- He's rather protective, especially when around others. He finds that his anxiety heightens around too many people, so he will often loop an arm around you or linger close so that you aren't out of his sight
- His magic tastes of vanilla. Do that with what you will
- He likes photography, so he would carry a picture of you if he could (with your consent of course)
- He can be polite, never raising his voice at you if he can help it. Often, he doesn't say anything to begin with
- He can spend hours in silence with you, doing anything
- If you got a gift from him they would be things like food he picked up somewhere, trinkets, jewelry. He also tends to give you things in your favorite color
- He would absolutely love it if you wore vanilla cologne/perfume
- Hes a great listener for anything, really. He likes to hear your voice and he wouldn't mind listening to you ramble about anything. He's often nonverbal, and he would give little signs to show that he was listening
- He would go ragdoll in your grasp if you cuddled or hugged him
- The only reason he'd hesitate to give you his jacket is because of two reasons. One - dust is all over it and even if it was cleaned he just feels weird without it. Two - he doesn't like people to see his face since he looks so similar to Vanilla. He thinks you wouldn't like the way his eyes look either. Even if you reassured him, he would much prefer to just let you sit in his lap while you're zipped up with him
- He tends to stare a lot. He doesn't mean to, really he doesn't. He just likes observing others, and you're his favorite person to watch. You're pretty.
- He's confused as to why you like him so much, with how guilty he feels about everything that he's done. Because of this, he avoids showing any violent or aggressive behavior around you. He's possessive though, and he doesn't like sharing all that much
- He doesn't realize it, but his bones will tremble when you have long contact with him at the start of getting comfortable around you. He doesn't realize that it's because he's so unused to a comforting touch
- your skin is warm and soft compared to his bone, so he often will stroke your cheek, your arms, your back, anywhere really. He enjoys the sensation, and he thinks of you as the perfect companion to randomly lay on at times. He usually will sit next to you one moment, then either lay on your lap or against your shoulder the next
- I headcanon that Pap's dust is infused with Dust's soul, so often Pap is around. Pap does have a tendency to sometimes drain Dust of energy if there's enough to spare in order to say hi and have a conversation with you if Dust doesn't pass out. If he does, then you can see Pap and even feel some of his ghostly touch if he were to hug you. Pap does respect your privacy with Dust, though, and he would be willing to be in a different room when he notices. He's happy to know you're there for his brother
#undertale au#alternate universe#headcanon#x reader#skeleton x reader#dust x reader#dust serrif#dust!sans#dust tale#dust sans#dusttale#gn reader#gender neutral y/n#ghost papyrus mention
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So I Like Reading Fanfics...
... and now that I have Serif, I can't help but want to put him in LITERALLY EVERYTHING. So. Here are my current ideas about how Serif would interact with the world of Ebott's Wake if he had entered the universe at the same time Doctor Aster came back, though not quite at the same place.
Alternate Universes are eventually confirmed to exist within the narrative, so I have decided to rework how much Serif's presence is going to affect the story. I was concerned about how much I could/should change but what happens next (I've finally caught up to Legacy of the Magi chapter 132) and have fewer reservations now. Serif usually sticks around a new AU for about a month to recover anyways so he can try Hopping again, so it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for him to stay for the duration of the plot, especially if he thinks he can be useful. Things don't change much until after the State of the Kingdom Address and everything associated with it.
Ch1 Aster wakes up alone and mildly panics
Aster scrounges in the CORE for a radio, bringing it to the mouth of the cave before realizing he needed a power source.
Cussing himself out, Aster finds a power source at the Dump, where Serif hears him talking to himself and follows him back to the cave entrance.
Ch2 Radio show
Serif hides just inside the cave while Aster listens to the radio show.
Upon hearing of a call-in section of the show, Aster scrounges for a phone in the CORE, nearly catching Serif watching him, but Aster is a bit too distracted to consciously notice.
Ch3 Frisk and Flowey talk
Ch4 Aster calls the radio show
Serrif witnesses the call but only hears Aster’s half of the conversation, since Aster had turned down the radio so the delay wouldn’t trip him up.
Ch5 what Aster was up to and reunion with Sans
Aster is grappling with reality for like half an hour until Sans shortcuts in.
Serif witnesses the reunion, assured that Aster is a beloved parent and not a threat, and considers following them down the mountain. Their conversation fades into the distance as Serif decides to stay behind for now; let them have their happy reunion first, then they can deal with Serif.
Serif pushes the two abandoned thrones together to make a small “bed”. He’s had worse nights.
Ch6 Aster meets Toriel
Ch7 Family dinner with the gang
Ch8 Aster digests the story of Undertale
Ch9 Dinner ends and Frisk acts weird about breaking a plate
-1 Thursday
Serif wakes up in an empty Snowdin.
“No dust in the air, so it’s not a felled AU. No dust piles on the ground, so the kid didn’t kill ‘em all. Buildings are too modern for them to have died off far enough back for the dust to settle. Buildings are also empty, so somebody must’ve taken everything somewhere. All evidence points to a pacifist run gone right and everyone’s on the surface and probably don’t need my kind o’ help. Which means I’ve got the whole Underground to myself. Greeeaaat.”
Serif wanders around, looking for somewhere comfortable enough to hunker down for a few days to recover; if this universe was as “average” as it seems at first glance, there isn’t much point in staying any longer than necessary. He then hears a voice, following it to the dump to find Gaster, talking to himself while scrounging for radio parts. Serif observes from a distance, not sure he should trust this Gaster, and thinking that maybe there’s a reason he’s here after all. Hiding just inside the cave, Serif witnesses “Aster’s” radio call and the reunion with the native Sans, decides this (G)Aster was a beloved parent and not a threat, then decides to bed down for the night in the overgrown throne room, pushing both abandoned thrones together to make a small bed. He’s had worse nights.
The native Sans was his usual first contact, as Serif could infer a lot about an AU based on what Sans was like, but he figured he could find Sans later; let them all enjoy their happy reunion first, then they can deal with Serif.
Ch10 Radio show
There was a “protest” outside the Librarby but everyone was too drunk to do much and then scattered. This was before 9:30 am. Pre-protest for Das Boot reopening?
Ch11 Frisk thinks Sans was abused
Ch 12 Aster visits All Fine Labs
Ch 13 Radio show, Das Boot protest
Ch 14 Aster gets a job
Ch 15 Flowey isn’t Asriel, Frisk shows trauma
Ch 16 Flowey talks to Alphys
-2 Friday
The next day, Serif scrounges for something he can make edible and leaves the Underground by late morning, acting like he knew exactly where he was going; people are less likely to bother you if you look like you have somewhere to be. While wandering around town, Serif comes across a pair of crowds outside of some kind of restaurant with a small group between the two. He stays on the outskirts, cautiously curious, until a projectile flies from one crowd and hit one of the middle humans. Serif freezes, split between the urge to help and the need to remain hidden, until he sees the injured human screaming after the projectile thrower, apparently more-or-less fine. Serif decides this isn’t the best place to discretely gather intel and leaves for calmer pastures.
Finding a café with free wifi, he sets himself up to people-watch for the rest of the day, noting that this town was weird, and gets his phone connected to the grid with some minor hacking, keeping his eye out for any potential snacks he could liberate without drawing attention to himself. He stays the night at the Arboretum, finding a nice, dense tree to hide out in. Again, he’s had worse nights.
Ch 17 Radio show, schedule
Ch 18 Frisk asks Alphys for SOUL help and stays til noon storm
Ch 19 the skeleboys go to lunch
Ch 20 Radio show, storm
Ch 21 Fisk and Alphys talk, slumber party begins
Ch 22 Skeleboys trapped in the rain
-3 Saturday
Resigning to dumpster dive for breakfast, Serif notices the starting of a storm but doesn’t realize just how bad it’s gonna get until it’s too late; he thought he might get I nice shower out of it, not end up in a flash flood! Annoyed at having been tripped up by surface weather, he ends up laying in a puddle of misery until Undyne literally stumbles upon him, assumes Serif is braving the elements like she is, and Serif indulges her competitiveness. This was as good an introduction to the group as any.
“Sure, why not? I’m already soaked to the bone so it’s not like I could get any wetter.”
Undyne is thrilled, they spar and race and probably some other stuff, until Undyne asks why Serif is really out in the storm and he lets slip he has no shelter to return to; he certainly can’t stay in a tree in this weather. At this, Undyne makes a snap decision and throws him over her shoulder, ignoring his protests, and takes him home to Alphys and Frisk, who just happened to be there when the storm hit and is kind of stuck. Once there, he hesitates before spilling exactly why he doesn’t have anywhere to go; while his usual first contact was the native Sans, he knew secrets would only hurt him in the long run. Being the anime nerds they are, the three quickly get the gist of Serif’s past and sudden arrival.
Sleepover hijinks ensue, including, but not limited to: get-to-know-you games like “Two Truths and a Lie” and “Truth or Dare”; make overs, where Serif gets Day of the Dead face paint; party games like Charades or other board games; Serif telling the three about alternate versions of themselves; and more. Eventually, jobs are brought up and Alphys mentions the souls research that Aster just agreed to take over; maybe Serif could help them get a head start on it, or at least find a good starting point. Serif hesitantly agrees.
“W-what do you know about souls? Or more specifically, human souls? We’re r-researching them right now and don’t really know where to start…” “Well, every universe is a little different, so I simultaneously know a lot about how souls could work and very little about how they work in this universe in particular.” “Well, w-would you consider consulting? E-even if you don’t t-tell us everything, maybe you can help us skip a few steps?” “Hmm… I suppose I do have to earn my keep somehow, right? If you think I can still be useful within my boundaries, than sure, I’ll consult on the project. Also keeping in mind that I’m not going to be staying here long term; I won’t just leave y’all high and dry but I have no intention of making this place my home.” “W-with the p-power out, we c-can’t call Toriel to tell her F-Frisk is here, or tell D-doctor Aster about you, Serif. He agreed to t-take over the soul research p-project for me.” “Oh joy. Guess I can work on my Gaster issues while I’m here, too.” “D-don’t call him Gaster, h-he hates it.” “Really? Huh, most of his counterparts embraced the name “Gaster”. Welp, thanks for telling me, otherwise it would’ve been a dis-aster.” ;)
Ch 23 Radio show, t-shirts are promised
Ch 24 Sans has a memory
Ch 25 Sans looks for Frisk and they have a talk
-4 Sunday
Everyone had acknowledged that Serif can’t stay with Alphys and Undyne; there simply isn’t room, and Serif didn’t want to intrude anyways. Instead, they decide to ask Asgore if Serif could crash with him, which Serif half-heartedly tries to resist but gives in when they mention Asgore is alone a lot, which really isn’t good for him. Alphys calls Aster about the green light and the stray consultant Undyne found in the rain, then calls into the radio show to announce it to everyone. T-shirts are promised.
They point Serif in the general direction of All Fine Labs while they head over to ask Asgore if he would house Serif for a bit and drop off Frisk with their dad, then head over to Toriel’s to update her on the situation.
Aster got to the Labs before Serif and happily picks up his “mystery assistant” from the lobby. Serif briefly explains his backstory and, while fascinated, Aster tries to prioritize the soul research, promising to unravel Serif’s everything on his down time. Once onboarding is complete, both are brought up to speed on what they know, what they know they don’t know, and the process for scanning tomorrow’s volunteers.
Once done for the day, Aster insists on walking Serif to Asgore’s, partially because Serif really had no idea where Asgore lived and partially so they can talk more before the inevitable insanity tomorrow would bring. Aster had picked up on Serif’s discomfort and Serif reluctantly explains that he’s had some… unfortunate experiences with Gasters of other AUs.
“Which reminds me, they all went by Gaster so it is kind of interesting that you hate it so much. So uh, sorry in advance when I inevitably mess up.”
Asgore happily shares some dinner with Serif and Toriel shows up sometime after Frisk’s bedtime, wanting to meet the “stranger” that Undyne and Alphys had invited to their impromptu slumber party. Both boss monsters try their best to understand Serif’s origins, with limited success. Tori is placated, as Serif seems to be a good person, but he does hide his LV from them; he really doesn’t wanna get into why the numbers are wrong or explain why some of them are right.
Ch 26 Radio show, soul scanning 101
Ch 27 Frisk gets scanned
-5 Monday
Bright and early Monday morning, Serif wakes with a start, blades out, ready for a fight, but is embarrassed when he realizes Asgore had simple dropped something while making breakfast. Serif has to explain that while living on the go, often in less than safe conditions, reflexes like that had saved his life more times than he cared to think about.
“Honestly? The fact that I didn’t wake up as soon as you came downstairs is a testament to either how tired I was, how comfortable I am here already, or how stealthy you are. So there’s that, I guess.”
At the Labs, Serif is basically just another gofer while the data is being gathered, his consultation only really needed for the bigger concepts, but he’s happy enough to be helping.
Once Frisk is scanned, and gives some “anomalous” readings, Serif is immediately grabbed and finally introduced to Sans. Sans is not thrilled with this development.
“w h o t h e f u c k a r e y o u ?” “I’m you; or rather, I’m who you might have been if circumstances had been different. But we can compare notes later, we’ve got bigger fish to fry right now.”
Having spent a slumber party with Frisk, and knowing what he did about other Frisks, Serif isn’t surprised at all that they have a high LV Cap. Caps are a measure of how violent a person could become, based on outside influences, negative experiences, exposure to violence… Again, it varies, but…
“Y’ever wonder why a kid would climb a mountain nobody returns from? No happy reasons, I can tell you that much. I may not know specifically what this kid has gone through, but from what I’ve seen they’re a good kid with all of the hallmarks of past abuse. That’s as far as I’m willing to speculate without more details and I don’t wanna push ‘em too far too fast.”
The skeletons keep all of this to themselves for now while they think about what to do. Alphys was too busy to think about Frisk’s scan until after work and Aster said he’d update her in the morning. Serif doesn’t tell Asgore that Frisk was scanned at all.
Ch 28 Asgore has a dream and does morning stuff
Ch 29 Big brains have a meeting
Ch 30 Frisk and Undyne talk
Ch 31 Radio show
CH 32 Frisk and Aster talk after the garden show
-6 Tuesday
A morning meeting is called and Alphys is brought up to speed on Frisk’s scan data, specifically their high LV Cap. Serif mostly observes while the native scientists try not to freak out too much; Aster is certain there’s some other explanation and wants more data before doing anything but Alphys refuses to live in secrets and lies again, storming off to the Garden Show to spill everything to Toriel. Sans goes after her to play damage control and the other scientists decide to get back to work and leave this decision to the monsters in charge. This leaves Serif with Aster in the meeting room.
Aster tells Serif to look at closer at Frisk’s scan, maybe they missed something that skewed the data, but Serif argues that it’d be a waste of time; he believes that the numbers are accurate, or at least accurate enough, and nothing more can be gleaned from this one scan. They can scan more if they want but Serif doesn’t think they’ll gain much other than confirmation. Aster relents and more volunteers are scanned. Aster tries to distract himself from thinking about Frisk by grilling Serif about AU stuff.
Hiving hit this roadblock with Frisk’s scans, Aster is frustrated and scans aren’t enough of a distraction on their own, so Aster starts prodding at Serif about AU stuff. He manages to bully Serif into going to the Skelebros’ house to talk more, under the guise of finally being introduced to Papyrus, who wasn’t even there. Frisk shows up, frustrated that they still haven’t gotten a direct answer from anyone about LV Caps, and had decided to seek out Aster or Serif for answers. Aster and Frisk go for a walk and Serif takes his chance to flee, thoroughly exhausted and very much DONE with everyone.
Ch 33 Radio show
Ch 34 First blood on the scanner
Ch 35 Undyne has a memory and talks to Frisk
Ch 36 Frisk is scanned again and revelations are had
Ch 37 Frisk and Flowey talk, then Sans drops off a book
Ch 38 AML meeting with Justin
-7 Wednesday
The next day at work, Serif was with Aster when he got the message about the first human with LV being scanned. Aster was initially worried until Serif pointed out that the human had willingly been scanned, knowing they had killed before and likely aware that the scan would reveal that. Aster was suddenly less worried and more curious about the psychology of someone who would do something like that and wanted to talk to the human alone; he’d previously wanted Serif to accompany him and watch his back.
While scanning continued, Serif was restocking the breakroom when Frisk entered for a snack, having left Sans and Toriel to have some hard realizations. Frisk had been wanting to talk to Serif again since the sleep over anyways but they hadn’t been able to find the time.
“Based on what I’ve seen from you, and what I know of other Frisks… I think the numbers are accurate. Meaning that you haven’t even hit puberty and you’ve already been through hell and back… For what it’s worth, I have a high LV Cap, too. Nobody seems to have clocked it yet, or at least I haven’t heard about it, but I probably understand you better than anyone else in town. With one notable exception that I’m sure you don’t need me to spell out for you.” “… how did… you get a high LV Cap?” “… I don’t think we have time to get into that today-” “Frisk! Just the person I was looking for! That star you mentioned yesterday, I can’t stop thinking about- oh uh, Serif,
Serif mentioned his own high LV Cap but they were interrupted by Aster before Serif could say much else. Aster mentioned the star Frisk had told him about on their walk before stopping short with a glance at Serif, who shrugged and started to excuse himself from the private conversation but Frisk stopped him, saying that maybe he could help figure out what’s going on.
Unfortunately, this time didn’t work either as Aster comes by and invites them both to another TED Talk about timespace and how it must have carried Aster into the future. Frisk and Toriel eventually return to school and Alphys returns with pizza and an epiphany which Serif gets roped into helping her with while Sans and Aster return to scanning volunteers.
After scans wrap up, Serif had been run ragged trying to keep up with Alphys and was told to get some rest while Sans and Aster take over. As he’s leaving, Serif runs into Papyrus who was on his way to try and pull Sans and Aster away from the labs and go to the Pancake thing. While disappointed with the update about their work status, Papyrus decides to use this opportunity to get to know Serif instead; Sans and Aster get to hang out with him all the time at work and Pap had been feeling a little left out.
They meet up with Undyne for Pancakes and she’s disappointed Alphys isn’t with them but proud of her passionate girlfriend. Serif gets roped into some contests between Papyrus and Undyne, allowing himself to show off a bit but keeping a very tight lid on his abilities. The two can tell Serif is holding back but he refuses to go all out with so many people around so they head to the school.
“Nobody’d be caught dead back at school if they could help it!” “Heh, good one.” “Good-? Oh shit! Ugh! I didn’t mean to make a pun!”
It takes a bit of coaxing but Serif lets himself indulge in his power.
“I’m always so afraid of it that I actually don’t really know where my limits are. I know I have them, I’ve reached them in… less than ideal circumstances, but… I’ve never felt comfortable enough with my powers to test them properly.”
Ch 39 Papyrus has a memory and starts his day
Ch 40 Radio show
Ch 41 Second blood on the scanner
Ch 42 Radio show, schedule
Ch 43 Rehearsal
Ch 44 Aster and Frisk talk science
Ch 45 radio show, special bulletin
-8 Thursday
The next day, Joe Stanton tests out Alphys epiphany and scanning begins yet again. Aster was poking at Serif again when Sans came to grab Aster and Serif busied himself refilling the refreshments in the breakroom again. Jason Taylor is scanned and sent to the breakroom, where Serif immediately picks up on his LV; luckily, Serif has plenty of practice not reacting to potential threats while still keeping tabs on them.
Later that day, Aster is puzzling away with Serif about the CORE failure that sent him skipping through time when Frisk shows up after the Ad-dress rehearsal. Sans also enters, bantering with Frisk who sticks their tongue out at him.
“curses, the one human gesture i can't do.” “Wait, you can’t make magic flesh?” “make what now?”
Serif demonstrates by sticking out his own blue tongue, which freaks out the skeletons and amuses the human. Discussion is diverted to skeleton physiology for a bit but eventually gets back on track so Serif could help Frisk explain resets which triggers an epiphany for Aster.
“Did you already know all of this?!” “Kinda. *shrug* The exact physics work a little differently in each universe but the result is pretty consistent. The power to change fate… Frisk is right, it’s a curse that corrupts even those with the best of intentions. I’ve seen it happen, I’ve felt the allure myself; no one should be forced to live with so much power over the lives of those around them.”
Serif declines joining them at the Dank Memehaus and heads home to dinner with Asgore. Serif brings him up to speed on Frisk’s stats and both listen to the radio before turning in for the night.
This might be a good time for Serif to talk to Flowey, since Flowey has a dream that night and starts to feel feelings. Despite Flowey being certain he doesn’t have a soul, Serif can still feel things from him.
Ch 46 Tori has a memory and Frisk has some trauma
Ch 47 Flowey has a memory and talks to Frisk
Ch 48 Flowey feel feelings and talks to Alphys
Ch 49 Radio show, address starts and is interrupted
Ch 50 Frisk gets shot
Ch 51 Frisk stays determined, just barely
Ch 52 Radio show, war
Ch 53 Flowey enters Frisk’s mind, realizations are had
Ch 54 Cater gets dunked on
Ch 55 Frisk and Asriel have a heart to heart
Ch 56 Frisk wakes up
-9 Friday
Serif has to pick up Sans’ slack while he joins the Honor Guard at the Address. There have been protestors outside All Fine Labs every day since it opened and today was no different; however, what was different was a taught buzz of anxiety that Serif couldn’t quite account for. Almost like they’re waiting for something. He mentioned as much to Alphys and Aster, who brushed it off as a response to the Address going on today. Serif remained hyper vigilant about scanning the volunteers, even though it made the process a bit harder and longer, and was the first to realize there were weapons present and intent to use them.
After the lab was locked down and the mob seemed to be converging on the hospital Frisk is at, Serif agrees to stay behind and hold down the fort while Aster bridges Alphys over to help Flowey try to help Frisk. He considers accompanying Joe in the Blaster Mech but decides to stay put, just in case; it was possible this was some elaborate trick to infiltrate the lab, but mostly Serif just didn’t trust himself on the battlefield. Serif continued to be on high alert, even after the mob dispersed and the day was considered “won”.
Ch 57 Radio show
Ch 58 Frisk and Pap hang out
Serif and Flowey hang out
Ch 59 Shop Class meets
-10 Saturday
Everyone takes the day off to recover physically, mentally, and emotionally from the riot and the others bring Serif up to speed on what happened at the hospital. Serif is kind of glad he decided to stay behind but also frustrated that he doesn’t know what to do with all of his nervous energy. Asgore does his best to distract Serif from his anxiety, with limited success. Serif tries to channel the energy into his remaining empty quartz crystals, which just leaves him tired and anxious; he’s just as riled up mentally but now, with less energy at his disposal, he feels the need to be even more alert to make up for the feeling of weakness. Serif doesn’t trust himself to spar and instead goes on a walk/run, hoping to bleed off the energy that way.
He doesn’t get far before he finds Flowey, who was waiting for Serif to leave the house so they could talk. Flowey says whatever Serif felt from him before must have been Frisk’s soul piece but Serif says he can still feel things from Flowey. If anything, Serif can feel more from Flowey now than he could last time they talked.
#mostly i just want this here so i can look at it on my phone easier#shifting sans#serif#undertale#alternate universe#ebott's wake#fanfic#insert
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What are Serrif's morals? Like, are there things he will absolutely not do and things that he really doesn't want to but would if it was an extreme situation? And overall morality?
That’s a really good question! :D
Hmm, Lets see…
Seriff overall is pretty mixed on the moral scale, some of the things he does would be considered good and just, while others arent so much,
For example, He will NEVER harm an innocent being. Not one. Even if they are the douchiest of fucking douches. Not one being. This is mostly from his later fathers influence. His very greatsword once belonged to his old man, and he had promised him a long time ago that he would never raise a hand against someone who didnt deserve it.
However, just because he has a semi good sense of right and wrong, doesnt necessarily mean hes completely good. This is shown in his fighting style, and later on in his adult years.
He doesnt fight fair. I mean, Undertale Sans’ battle was hard enough with him just semi following the rules while using one soul magic (Blue magic) but cant you imagine a Sans that can use multiple and doesnt give a fuck about the rules? Lets just say, there is no Murder child in his universe, and they do not pop up all that often... maybe for like a second. Doesn’t work out for them.
Its really hard for you to get him to spar with you, as he prefers not to fight completely unless necessary.
He does keep to his promises, though he makes them quite rarely and he will alter them so they can be twisted around. When Toriel asked him to take care of the child and protect them, he told her that he ‘would never harm an innocent child.’ Walking out the ruins covered in dust? Yah that’s not Innocent lady, sorry but not sorry the wreckoning of this child will soon be upon them.
Because ya know, if someone thinks straight up murder is much better than trying to see good, than why should Seriff? Fuck you wanna make them ‘see the light’? Aight, fine. He’ll make em see a light alright.
But he does care for kids (Well, the non-homicidal ones), even going so far as to stop smoking cigarettes and switching to a vape when he has temporary watch over young Frisk.
For a Moral Alignment, I’d give him a Neutral of some sort. Lawful, True, Chaotic… All just depends on how you write him I suppose.
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Im having another one of my thoughts tangents but stars above do I wonder.
(this is just my interpretation btw I love multiple versions of the Bad Sanses)
Does Dust think that the bad Sanses would be selfish? Is there a reasonable reason for him to join the Bad Sanses in some versions? He killed his entire underground thinking it was a more merciful kill than them having to go through the constant resets and he couldn't take it anymore before losing his mind. I think just making him stereotypically "psycho" doesn't give him the justice I see much of. I think the idea of taking away the happy endings of others is impossible for him, especially in specific timelines. I think that the versions of each Bad Sans having their own reasons would be fun, like how I imagine he could've been convinced by Pap to go in order to not Starve.
Don't even get me STARTED on Saint, either. He, in my opinion, joins the Bad Sanses to provide safety and food for the underground. His whole character is defending and caring for the underground despite his rough edges. It's not like he would abandon his brother and village when they're victims of fate and cruel circumstances. The idea that Killer killed everyone to just FEEL something? At least there's some level of understanding for Dust even if he also would dislike him. I've always seen Saint as a character always wanting to protect the weak, or at least protect helpless monsters in bad situations. That could lead to a whole way of him bonding with Dust for that matter
If I'm to think of Killer in the way everyone™ in the fandom sees him, he would have the least justification.
What if Killer decided to join the human to try and stop the resets like Dust? That his method wasn't just to "stop feeling awful" or to "feel nothing at all." I think Sans as a character is very fascinating, and I like to personally think he would pair with Chara as a way not to stop Frisk, but rather to stop the player. It would be interesting to think a part of Chara and Sans are fused into a soul rather than Killer y'know,,,,killing them. I don't care for the evil Chara interpretations, and I think this could lead to a more empathetic light to a character (Killer) with a really cool concept. It's a shame to me that out of all the Bad Sanses, Killer has the least justification and doesn't have that slice of humanity in him that could give him empathy from people in the community
These are just my personal takes, even if whoever reads this may think they're bad takes. Again, I LOVE almost every version someone has of a character so many people can interpret in different ways. I just like adding my own twist to try and pump more depth into each of these silly guys
Thanks for reading if you read this much of my rambling🙂↕️🫶
#undertale au#alternate universe#headcanon#utmv#killer serrif#killer sans#dust!sans#dust sans#dust serrif#saint serrif#horrortale sans#horror sans#the bad sanses#ramblings of a lunatic#just putting these into the void ig
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first date scenarios for the boys of your choice?
Awww hell yeah, I can think of a few scenarios! I decided to use Vanilla, Red, Saint, and Dust! Enjoy them below, I wanted to take the time to think about what suits each of them most!! I had fun, so I hope you do too! If you want any more, don't be shy to ask for any other Sans or Papyri(人*´∀`)。*゚+
He is such a dork, but he's good at picking a first date. He wanted something simple, personal, and cheap. So, he invites you to go stargazing with him one night, but he offers to go somewhere he has in mind. Atop of a hill, there he has a picnic blanket filled with snacks and drinks for the two of you. Hes never been the type to plan a date, but this was something he wanted to set up for you since he wants to prove that he's serious. He's cracking jokes, guiding you to lay down and stargaze as the two of you enjoy a romantic time. He's pointing at constellations, offering you his jacket, and poorly flirting with you since he can't stop blushing and getting shy. The night would grow late but the two of you can get to talking about personal things, and he's feeling more comfortable with you to the point he's opening up about himself. You've known him for awhile but this was your first official date ever since you two took forever to confess. You can just see the way his eyelights dilate and shape into hearts as he asks to hold your hand. The night is sweet, and he takes you home when you start getting tired
Bless his soul, he's not really a romantic. Still, he was quick to take note when he heard you throw a comment about how nice it would be to be taken out sometimes. Pitch scolded him to take you somewhere because he knows Red would be lazy, which isn't wrong. Instead, he gets creative. He offers that the two of you go thrift shopping together, picking each other's outfits before straight up going to the mall. Both outfits are awful, the two of you giggling the whole time as he's feeling better that he's able to make sure the both of you have fun. You're both in the photo booth, eating bad mall food, and buying stupid things. He's not good with formal dates so this made things so much easier for him. By the end of it, you're both having a genuinely good time and he's even blushing after you kiss his cheek
He's not a planner, let alone a romantic skeleton. To him, whatever you like works for him. However, when he picked up that you wanted a date, he panicked a little internally. He's not grand like the others, so he's going to others for advice. It's actually Red that helped him by asking what you both enjoy. Well, you both like food! So, his first date would be at home for one. He's not good at large events or fancy things, but he offers that the two of you cook dinner together and enjoy watching a movie marathon. He would start by getting the others out of the house and the two of you could work together making dinner and dessert. He's messing with you occasionally, staring at you, awkwardly complimenting you, or listening to you talk about whatever you're interested in, small things like that. Once that's done he would have made a nest on the floor of blankets and pillows, cuddling into you and practically purring as he gets to play with your hair while your eyes are glued to the screen. It's simple, cozy, and he's making sure you're laying on top of him when you eventually fall asleep together. He hopes he did a good enough job for a first date
He's a quiet skeleton, a reserved figure. However, he actually went to you when you mentioned going to an aquarium with him some time. He's never been, and he silently lets you know that he's willing to go in order to see what it's like. He's listening to the playlist you have on in the car and you see that he's actually enjoying it by how he's tapping his foot and nodding his head. He doesn't complain when you take his hand, guiding him inside before you both are eventually inside. You've never seen him so still when he's shown the beautiful sea creatures, his frame glued to watching them before you coax him to see the next sight. You're holding his hand and you feel him squeeze it when you ask if he's liking it. To your surprise, he pulls out a very delicate but simple necklace he bought before the date, and you feel his phalanges placing it around your neck. He's a lot closer to you, his hands resting on your shoulders when he's done and admiring how it looks. You hear him mutter something, and when you ask what he says he pulls you into a very tender hug and simply just says. "Thank you for taking me today," And the rest of the date goes smoothly even if it was spent where he was listening to you explain things to him. It was a very special date to him, and he's blushing under his hood when you both go home. He didn't want to tell you that he actually said how you look just so pretty in the lighting of the aquarium wearing that necklace he gave you. No, that's too embarrassing, and he's too scary to be saying stuff like that, right? Right...?
#undertale au#alternate universe#headcanon#x reader#skeleton x reader#vanilla serrif#red serrif#saint serrif#dust serrif#vanilla x reader#red x reader#saint x reader#dust x reader#cute headcanons#date ideas for the skeletons#undertale sans#underfell sans#horrortale sans#dust sans
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Got sad about random stuff and now to cope I'm gonna ask what I should write some x reader content with? I'm putting some I haven't written much for here, and for this one I'm working on the Sanses here! I just want to write some fluff, y'know?
#dust sans#horror sans#farm sans#outer sans#fell sans#x yn#x reader#skeleton x reader#dust serrif#saint serrif#basil serrif#cosmic serrif#red serrif#question#fluff headcanons
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Y/N who can see Dust!Sans papyrus. Papyrus, aiming to fix Dusts loneliness, lures her to him. (This can take place in a bad sans trio universe where dust just hops AU’s for funsies)
Ohohoho I appreciate the specifics, it helps me with knowing what you want. This'll be fun :-]‼️💥
Be warned, my silly ass actually has a fun interpretation for Papyrus when it comes to Dust and him. And for the sake of some plot hole answers, I'll give you a little treat when it comes to soulmates being involved. So, hopefully you'll like this take on it!
Hm. Something is wrong, very wrong. Where is he? Where is he where is he where is he where- no. no. This is normal. Paps always had a strange way of disappearing occasionally. His magic must be low, he hasn't dusted anyone in awhile. He has Saint and Killer, which keeps him company at least. Sure, Killer is a pain in the ass, but it's better than being alone. It's not like he needed to constantly hear his brother scolding him, but he feels a little emptier now. That's a whole part of his soul. One speck of his dust leaving his soul is a rare occurrence, a rare one indeed. Pap wouldn't use this to disappear somewhere though, right?
Where the fuck is he? It's getting awfully more uncomfortable for him when it's time to sleep, he can't focus on anything other than him. His one true companion, the one last remains of his own universe. For fucks sake he's been even confronted by Nightmare about what has been bothering him. Saint knows. Of course he does. Saint can tell that the absence of-...someone is affecting him. It's not like Paps doesn't appear every now and again, when his magic is strong. It's a small perk for his brother, especially since Dust is usually the only one who can see him. Killer asked him about his brother too, but he couldn't stop himself from walking off when he did.
Where is he? Why has he been gone for so long? Why? Why why why why why wh-
He wants him to come back.
Lately, you've been having strange dreams. Or... hallucinations?? It always happens at night, and you swear that it's not a normal thing for you to see a floating skull talking to you. Papyrus was his name. Ah- yes. That's a name that you haven't heard before, but it's pleasant. He's pleasant. Right now, he is talking to you about what used to be his favorite hobbies.
"Truly, I actually never could master how to cook spaghetti! It's not like it's my favorite food- that's dinosaur oatmeal- but everyone else likes it!! I always ruined it, but somehow my brother would eat it-"
"Brother?" You chipped in, interrupting his ramblings. He didn't seem to mind, his empty eye sockets seemed to somehow gleam when you asked. You were sitting up in bed, and he floated across from you with his gloved hands moving theatrically as he waved away an invisible line of thought. His mandibles opened as he grinned. He always had such a charming yet slightly off-putting smile.
"Yes, of course!! He's my older brother. He's still alive, actually! He goes by a different name nowadays, and he's...changed over time. But-!" Papyrus' skull leaned forward, his hands leaving a strange cold sensation that felt like icy air embracing your hands. You don't know why your chest made a strange feeling bubble up. "He's still a very kind skeleton. I wish you could meet him," He finished, his voice slightly softening from his usual boisterous tone. You smiled at this, tilting your head to the side as you humoured this idea. You wanted to know more about this skeleton and his apparent brother, but it's not like you didn't believe him. It's just that a part of you still clung onto the idea that you just happen to be having multiple strange dreams of the same skeleton with different conversations.
"Yeah? Well...what is he like? How much has he apparently changed?" You inquired, which seemed to cause Papyrus to hesitate. "Ah-...well. He used to be laid-back, happy. I remember how he happened to be quite popular and loved by others, with his charm and all. I found it irritating when he would prank me, spew nothing but lame puns, but nowadays I-....I miss those times. He's more...-"
One gloved hand waved slightly, as if he was trying to conjure up a description.
"Reserved now. He struggles with taking care of himself and connecting with others. He did something really...bad, a long time ago. He hasn't been the same sense, and sometimes it worries me. I think that someone like you could get through to him though!" "Why's that?"
Papyrus didn't answer quickly, and you didn't miss the slight spark of delight in his eyes. "I can just tell." He quipped, the hand that hasn't held yours now placed atop your head. If you were honest, it felt more physically present than before, as if his body started to solidify some more as his appearance becomes less hazy. "You're a good person, I think he needs someone to show him some of the good in things."
You felt your tongue click behind your teeth, a huff of laughter escaping your parted lips. Your ears tingled slightly, his words leaving your chest quivering for a moment as your grip became looser. "Well, thank you Papyrus," You let go of his ghostly hand after not saying anything for a minute, before you leaned back against the safety of your pillows. You rolled over on your side but still facing him as he adjusted himself to the side of the bed. "I haven't...I haven't heard someone tell me that in a long time." You finally settled on saying. Your eyes were hazy, and it seemed to click for Papyrus that you didn't want to explore that part of the conversation any longer.
He also noted the way your soul hummed through your ribcage, a special sight only he could see without complications. Who would've thought that you were his brother's soulmate? It was such a pleasant find, an accidental incident that not even Dust noticed. Thankfully, he caught it, saw the glowing of your soul from so far away. You were truly someone he found delightful to be around, and he knows that Dust would think the same thing, even if he would be stubborn about it at first.
He patted your head as your eyes started to close, his voice now a whisper. "Well, I'm glad that I was able to share my thoughts with you. Get some rest now, okay? I'll be back tomorrow, if that's alright with you?" "Mnh...yeah, that sounds...that sounds nice. Thank you again, Papyrus....Goodnight..."
"Where have you been?!?" Dust couldn't help but shout, his hands gripping onto Papyrus' scarf and aggressively twisting it around. He had been collecting LV to try and get Papyrus back, only for him to now show up after a few weeks. "Do you know how confused I was? Worried?"
Papyrus didn't answer immediately, instead tapping his fingers against where his arms would be if he had any. Right now, he was still mostly transparent. He wasn't the only one though, with how Dust was trembling as his voice cracked slightly. He always fidgeted with his scarf when nervous. "I was spending time with a friend!!" He claimed with conviction. "A friend?" "Yes! And I think you'd love to meet them!"
Dust couldn't believe what he was hearing. A friend? From so far away? He was traveling multiple timelines, AU's, all to find Paps. And yet apparently that's where he has been this whole time? With a friend? He tilted his head to the side, his eyebrows squished together. He quickly tried to look indifferent, or at least more mad than he actually was. Papyrus wasn't falling for it though, he never did. "How did you even meet someone?" "Simple: I met them when I decided to travel back to where our timeline would be!" Papyrus was quick to dismiss, but Dust only frowned further.
"Why would I even want to? For one, we're always traveling, Pap. We're told not to get attached to anyone, you know this." Dust tried to rationalize, pacing now in his room as his hands kept fidgeting with the scarf. He's now resorted to pacing because he has too much on his mind, but he feels a cold touch to his head and it pulls him back momentarily. Papyrus has now drained some energy from Dust, his physical form more solid, visible to him.
"Brother. Please, I am aware. But trust me, this is for your own good. I really think that you simply must meet them, at least once." Dust felt Papyrus placing his other hand on his shoulder, his upper body slightly bent down to be more at eye level. Papyrus knows what will happen if Dust does meet you, but he wouldn't want to ruin the surprise. With the years passing of living with Sans, with who he is now, he's learned how to speak to him. He's no longer the easily swayed skeleton who would do anything on a whim. But, Papyrus isn't the same either.
"....Do they really mean this much to you?"
Dust winced at the name.
"Yes, they do. I really think you'll like them."
"...Fine, fine."
Dust felt the cold touch of Papyrus when he wrapped his arms around him, squeezing him tight with a giddy laugh. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! YOU WON'T REGRET IT!"
Regret is not the right word he would use. No, regret would imply that he wishes that he never met you or something along those lines. No, he just wishes that he didn't meet you at this point in time when he's who he is now. When he entered an old timeline of his, he found that his soul felt instantly off. Not a bad feeling per say, but more...calm? He's never been too calm ever since the human fell all those years ago. But as his brother spoke, a white noise at the moment, he felt that he couldn't focus. His attention was pulled somewhere else, but Papyrus was able to help him with this.
You were prettier than he expected, but of course he couldn't say anything when you were at the moment losing your shit. Papyrus told him to teleport, a big mistake honestly since he's never been here, but Papyrus has. Papyrus, however, is not of this physical world. So when he teleported, guess what?? He fell straight from the ceiling, mid air. Thanks Papyrus, you're so much help. You had so gracefully been awake already, but you were in a separate room. You had run straight from the bathroom, your hair disheveled and your toothbrush hanging sideways from your opened jaw.
Sadly he couldn't admire you for too long before he had a toothbrush flung straight at his face and directly messing with his vision. Papyrus had to immediately drain him of his magic in order to become more translucent of reflected light and full bodied. Heourgh, he felt less energetic immediately, but at least the floor was quite comfortable. He didn't bother straightening up, not if it meant you'd throw something else at him. It's not a great first greeting with his soulmate, he'd apologize if he wasn't so tired. Papyrus was right, he would like you.
His soul was pumping, singing practically as he was able to feel the wavelengths of your soul. You didn't seem to fully notice, but he did. He noticed since his soul felt calmer, happier, and much more....in love? What a strange feeling, his soul is so used to the LV he has, the motivation, the constant distress and guilt. He's never felt so light, but maybe that's because he's lightheaded from teleporting and falling. You seemed to be calming down since Papyrus was there and easing your panic. Thank the stars he's here. He wishes he met you sooner, or maybe in a different timeline where he was...normal. Would the others accept this? Would they be considered your soulmates too? He's never been great at sharing. He doesn't want to drag you in the multiverse mess that is his life, but leaving you alone after this isn't an option.
Stars above you were so pretty. Your voice sounds like the pluck of strings tied to a harp, or a guitar. Filled with emotion, a world of thoughts and history behind them. He hopes you'll like him too. He doesn't want to be scary to you, but he knows that he is. He could be less mean? Maybe you like things that he likes, he can like things you like. He can try to be better if it means you won't find him scary, if you can trust him. Right now you were coming over to him, apologizing but clearly weary. Hey, at least you weren't dumb enough to get too close, he is a stranger after all.
He is so happy that his brother convinced him to meet you. Yeah, regret isn't the word he'd use. It's just going to be complicated. That's okay, he can wait, patience is a skill on his part. Even if things don't work because you don't end up liking him, he at least met you. This quiet in your presence has been so pleasant, still as a pond and soothing. He's thankful for at least this moment of tranquility deep within his soul. His brother already told him your name, but he doesn't want to be weird.
"...The name is Dust, I didn't mean to fall in your bedroom. Not a great introduction, huh?"
Oh would you look at that, he was talking! He doesn't do that often. He is suddenly insecure about the rasp in his voice. You don't seem to mind though, and in fact you smile. Oh wow. Your smile. You seem less scared, that's great. He'd do anything to keep that smile on your lips, anything at all... Too bad he passes out before you can respond. Great job, Dust.
Closing Notes: This took forever to type but I think I'm happy with it! I was busy, and a little unsure of how I wanted to type this. I hope you like this, vamp, you're so cool and this was fun. Don't be shy to ask for more stuff! I just wanted to write you a little more plot since you asked such a specific request for a skeleton hehe. Thank you :-)
#undertale au#alternate universe#dusttale#dust sans#dust serrif#he is bbg#hes so silly#x reader#x yn#skeleton x reader#my skeleton husband#mwah#i love him#self indulgent#answering asks#dont be shy#please ask me questions#i love to talk#especially to you guys#teehee
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Valentine's Day
What I think the skeletons would do to celebrate the holiday! It's a bit late but do I care? Nope!! Very self indulgent for me specifically 🫡
Vanilla: He's the type of skeleton I think who would pretend that he doesn't remember what holiday it is. If you asked him about it, he'd scratch his skull and ask "I wonder what's up with today?" And then dismiss it. He'd chalk everything up in order to further confuse you, all the way until he can get you alone. He's not a skeleton of much effort, but he would wait till it was night time to reveal what he made. Let's say you got him something. If you did, he'd blush and thank you, of course. He would just pretend to be confused up until it's night time. He'd take you to Grillbys and that's when he would show what he did. He asked Grillby to make a Valentine themed meal, and he'd present you with a small figurine. It would be a cute little charm, something that you can carry around in your pocket! He just wants to see you smile the moment you realize that he was messing with you all day, and he'd be grinning like a cheshire when the two of you can enjoy the cozy night
Cyperus: Oh boy he's been looking FORWARD to this day! Ever since he learned about it, he planned for the perfect day. He's the type to wake you up with a delicious breakfast of pancakes or waffles topped with whatever fruit you prefer and whipped cream. Then, he'll take you out on a day trip of him presenting you with all sorts of gifts! If you happen to surprise him with gifts of your own, he gets all flustered but tries to play it off to appear cool. He's flattered, of course, but it would also probably end up with him claiming that he needs to up his game and then that'll lead to a spiral of the both of you playfully being competitive. I can imagine the day ending with a kiss on the cheek, and he'll just sort of look cartoonishly go "WAOH!!!" before getting all giddy. He's so cute 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。
Red: He's worse than Vanilla, trust. He's going to avoid witnessing any hint, play dumb, and overall frustrate you to the point you would probably throw the stuffed animal you had for him. However, laughing, he'd just reveal that he also had a plushie that was just coincidentally matching. He has a big ol' box of chocolates for you and he's trying to coax you to forgive him with promises of taking you out to eat with no expenses worth worrying about. He's more of a stay at home guy, y'know? But he'll try to make it up for you
Pitch: If Cyperus was excited, you can say that Pitch is twice as much. He's the type to go with a theme, decorating your bedroom while you're out and about with roses upon roses decorating the place. He would prepare a home cooked table of delicious dinner and desserts galore, wearing his most beautiful red outfit. He's not going to say sappy things to you since his actions speak louder, but he would say that he wishes you a Happy Valentine's Day as he offers you things like your favorite perfume/cologne, a mug, and the like. If you got him something like a red scarf or purse of some kind, you can bet that he'll wear it and treat it well <3
Powder: He never really heard about Valentine's Day, up until knowing you, but just as expected, he's sappy about it. He would mark a date with something exciting like a theme park that's happening nearby, preparing a day where you two can run around and win games before exchanging kisses on the Ferris wheel. He would prepare a whole set that he hid for you until later in the day, a bouquet of flowers, a small plushie, and candy of your preferred taste. He would just be all over you, hugging you and holding your hand whenever you two can
Stretch: He's so sappy it's almost ridiculous. He made sure to buy TWO bouquets for you. He would have gotten you both matching animal pajamas and bought treats from Muffet to prepare a cozy Valentine's Day. He would buy you things a little less traditional, like things that are more specific to your interests. He also was able to make a little something special for you, but he'd wait until later that night. He would have it tucked within the snacks, waiting for you to find it, up until you found the little box. Inside is a handcrafted phone charm with your engravings, adorable beads to match your phone and a little honeybee at the end. He wanted to make you something, and he'll be stuttering trying to explain that he hopes you like it. I think the best chance you'd have is giving that skeleton a kiss on the cheek or something as simple as a hug to shut him up
Saint: What the hell is Valentine's Day???? It's been so long, he totally forgot what it was. Even with reminders, he actually had to be reminded the day of Valentine's Day from his brother. He wouldn't tell you that he forgot what day it was, but you would be able to tell. Nonetheless, you prepared a small decorative box filled with sweets and snacks, which would only make him feel more bad since it was so thoughtful. He managed to make a small letter sharing some of his sweet thoughts of you though, and he actually manages to find out that he didn't need to panic so much. He forgets a lot, but he totally forgot that he made a cardigan for you but had it tucked away to prevent it from being damaged! In the end, the two of you were able to prepare a nice walk together in the forest, admiring the scenery as he offered you flowers he picked along the way
Lunar: Sure, he struggles remembering these things sometimes, but he's a Papyrus! And Papyri want to make your day special. He would have been working on a handcrafted necklace and bracelet especially designed to your taste, and the day would be spent with him and you making Valentine themed sweets for the two of you to indulge in with things such as chocolate dipped strawberries, and rice krispie treats. He'd light a few candles and he'd present the jewelry to you afterwards, the two of you sitting on the porch as you both talked and had a more quiet but still romantic day. With what flowers you ended up keeping after they started to wilt, he would help you grind them and mix them with clay in order to make beads for later too
Carmine: He's been planning today for a while, and so he planned only the best. A romantic dinner with music at the restaurant? Bam. A warm bath prepared for you that has rose petals and candles? Bam. A bed prepared with silk sheets and the softest of fabrics of a blanket? Bam bam bam. He would place a gift box on the bed for as you finish showering, and it would have your favorite flowers with it. A small letter of only the most poetic, sappy things would be on there, and he would pride himself in being the one to walk you to your bed and provide a lovely robe for you to wear. He wants to pamper you, and yet he would struggle accepting ANYTHING you provide. However, if you happen to find out what his favorite perfume scent is? He'll wear it everywhere he goes, and he'll brag about who got it for him.
Rus: Not the best of planners, he managed to actually prepare a Valentine's Day you both can work with. He would take you to your guy's favorite restaurant and then go to the movies with you, watching whatever genre you liked. He still manages to surprise you though, pulling out a set of earrings that are of wonderful quality while the two of you enjoy walking around a scenic area. It's a more lighthearted, sweet date than anything for Valentine's, but the both of you exchange gifts and end up having a matching necklace the both of you can wear wherever you go.
Razz: Not one to consider gifts to be the most strong expression of love, he would prepare a day of going to somewhere like a botanical garden since he knows you would like that. Taking you to get pampered and refreshed, he would then offer the two of you to go to grab a bite to eat with a candlelight dinner. The surprise you can expect from him though, is a treasure hunt. Hell lay items around the house he managed to clean for you, and he would end up surprising you with a sudden presentation of tickets for the two of you. He's heard of this beautiful place, somewhere that involves some traveling, but he knew that it was somewhere you've been wanting to go. He would practically preen when he sees your excitement, growing even more preen when he earns a kiss
Cash: The skeleton decided to make sure that you got to experience a spa day for Valentine's Day, the both of you talking shit as you're both being pampered. After, he would outright take you to the mall, and the two of you would go on a spending spree. The things that were bought cannot be listed, since he just made sure to get whatever caught your eye. By the end of it, you would've assumed that is the end of it, but no. He would act like it was, but as soon as you got home you would see what he prepared in the kitchen. A bouquet of just purple and orange flowers, surrounding a heart shaped box of slices of cake, and romantic music playing on the speaker the moment you realize what it is since he had it set to play. The rest of the night is you and him devouring the cake and watching movies, cuddling.
Wine: Imagine the most romantic, stereotypical date for Valentine's Day. He's worse than that. Flowers upon flowers would surround you, the house cleaned to perfection and lit with candlelight while you both enjoy a fettuccini plate with garlic bread and wine. The bedroom has petals on the floor, and on the bed he has two glasses for the two of you to indulge in for drinks. He bought desserts to your liking, and he and you both watch crappy romance reality TV while talking mad shit, lounging in self indulgence so much it blends into hedonistic pleasure. He's a heavy romantic who speaks words of poetry and romance, showering you with sincerity. He struggles and outright denies gifts most of the time, until you discovered his favorite chocolate. White chocolate, something no one has seen him touching. You somehow managed to also discover his favorite jewel, which you managed to get ahold of as it decorated a crystal ball music box. You've never seen him more flustered, or hear his voice crack such as today.
Coffee: Oh he's so sweet. The two of you did DIY craft couple tasks together for the first half. For one activity, you exchange the same canvas and collaborated on a painting. For another, he had the honor of drawing you as the two of you ate ice cream on the couch together. You figured out his love for sanrio, so when you presented him with stickers for his sketchbook, a plushie, and a hoodie, he was practically in tears with joy. To finalize the day, he surprised you by covering your eyes before the two of you were in a gazebo that had a table for you both to sit at. He prepared a classic, simple dinner with snacks and desserts, but it was fun since it allowed you both to also make your food as you went along. He managed to also present you with a small bouquet of flowers, all having to do with flower symbolism, but he refuses to tell you.
Dust: You didn't think he would bother, let alone remember what today was. However, it was to your surprise when he silently approached you with a bag. Inside, a stuffed animal that was of your favorite animal was there, along with a picture book filled with memories you have made together. He stands there awkwardly, waiting for your approval, and he's met with one when you carefully offer a hug. He practically clings onto you and the both of you experience a silent holiday where you both manage to stay away from everyone. You both order takeout, look at the photos together that he took, and fall asleep in a pile of pillows and blankets that you managed to make. He wasn't sure you would like the gifts, but he was happy when he found out that you did. He also managed to be surprised when you offered a book that you thought he would like, along with a satchel that was red in color and had small patches on it you sewed down. When you fall asleep, he can't help but watch you, admiring you as his phalanges stroke your cheek and he can hear the sound of your soul. He's happy that he met you
#undertale au#alternate universe#headcanon#x reader#skeleton x reader#vanilla serrif#cyperus serrif#powder serrif#stretch serrif#red serrif#pitch serrif#rus serrif#carmine serrif#razz serrif#cash serrif#wine serrif#coffee serrif#dust serrif#undertale#underswap#underfell#swapfell purple#swapfell red#fellswap gold#horrortale#saint serrif#lunar serrif#dusttale#valentines day#happy valentines
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Magic and the wonders of Flavor & Scent
Below, I have written my personal headcanons for the color, scent, and flavor for the Sanses. These are the ones I have for the x reader roommates. If you guys wanna ask for personal requests (wink wonk) then don't be afraid to ask.
I'll put it under a suggestive tag as well just in case some of you may want to avoid those. I don't outright do 18+ often, but the comfort of others is important so bam, this is a warning. Anyways, enjoy!
Vanilla: His magic is more of a light blue. It smells of frost and pine while his magic tastes of light vanilla. It's not too overpowering, especially since he doesn't use it often and he has good control of his magic
Powder: His magic is a powder blue, especially since US is more of a pastel world to me. His magic smells of spearmint while his magic tastes like blueberry and cotton candy. It has a bit of a smoother taste
Red: His magic is a dark, crisis red. It smells of burning wood while his magic tastes of cherry limeade. His magic is stronger in tastes due to his LV
Saint: His magic is a cornflower blue despite his red eyelight. His magic smells of veviter and sandalwood while his magic tastes of vanilla and apple. It has a bit of an overwhelming tastes due to his control of magic
Carmine: His magic is carmine red. His magic smells of frost and mint while his magic tastes like red raspberries. It's stronger in taste but smooth, a little overpowering
Razz: His magic is a blue-french violet. His magic smells of sugar and of something electric while his magic tastes like blackberries and dark chocolate. His magic tastes overwhelming with a smooth, strong flavor. It happens to have a tingling sensation afterwards due to the raw power he is on the brink of constantly losing
Wine: His magic is a wine red. His magic smells like pomegranate while his magic tastes like almond and wine. It is not too strong and it happens to have the smoothest in tastes since his magic is under extreme control
Dust: His magic is a slate blue violet shade. His magic smells of leather, citrus, and slightly of tobacco while his magic tastes of vanilla berry and slightly metallic. It's a bit of a tingling sensation afterwards since he has an overwhelming amount of LV. The reason for the hint of citrus is because of Pap's magic being fused with Dust's
Closing Notes: please remember that if you guys do have any asks, please specify and keep it within just x reader since I don't do any other types of shipping on my blog. Thank you for reading and please don't be shy with your asks. I prefer fluff content but the occasional suggestive themes might appear, especially if you guys have requests :-))
#headcanon#undertale au#alternate universe#magic#magic tastes#magic scents#magic color#vanilla serrif#powder serrif#red serrif#saint serrif#carmine serrif#razz serrif#wine serrif#dust serrif#x reader#skeleton x reader#cw suggestive
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Looking forward to the dresses!! Do you have any specific outfits in mind for their normal everyday wear?
Oh I meant looking on Tumblr since I can't draw very well😭 BUT!! FEAR NOT!!!
I do have headcanons to more everyday outfits and aesthetics!!
Enjoy below! I decided to do the main set of brothers and Dust too! Maybe even a special set of guest since I think of them from time to time,,,
Vanilla: He likes clothing with a lot of layers, more bagginess, and clothes that prioritize comfort. He's not very stylish but he's gotten a hold of some clothes that help him get more in touch with what's "fashionable." He's not someone who likes a tight fit, usually directed towards casual wear, and he's often seen wearing shades of blue, grey, or white
Cyperus: The more expressive the style, the better. He's not one to shy away from color, and he prefers really anything he finds cool. He can be seen with his red scarf of course, and with that he's given a lot to work with! Sure, it can be far from fancy, but he likes it whether it's super simple or super "everywhere!" As long as he likes it, it's perfect for his artsy and sometimes classic fashion tastes
Powder: He has a bit of style thanks to being older, meaning that he's had time to figure out his style and being able to have others in the house help him with fashion. He likes a good business casual wardrobe, something that he can look good in and feel good in. Sporty street wear is also a style he loves and he'll often be seen wearing blues, blacks, white, and even sometimes orange since it reminds him of his brother
Stretch: He likes casual street wear that has layers and brighter colors. Hes expressive with androgynous 70's and 90's fashion, and anything with oranges or yellows. He likes comfort, but he's a little more aware of his tastes and he's not afraid to get dressed up as long as it's not a super tight fit.
Red: Any alt style fits him best since I think styles like emo, punk, or grunge all suit him. Overall it depends on the day and style of clothing he's willing to put on! Most of the time, he's too lazy, so grunge is an expressive style that he doesn't have to be uncomfortable in! Layers are a definite comfort and he can vary from wearing reds, blacks, and even purple
Pitch: He's one of the most style conscious skeletons in the household, so you'll see him sometimes fluctuate between styles. It's always something elegant or more straight and defined. Reds are his favorite to dress up in, but he's open to anything with darker colors or cooler themes. Formal wear and classic wear is his favorite exploration, but he can be coaxed to wear something bold and different if he likes it.
Saint: He's always about comfort, simplicity, and the occasional color that differs from bright and bold. He will go for casual fits, grunge occasionally, or vintage style clothes he finds at the thrift store. He's not hard to please since a good shirt and pair of pants work too, and he will usually add layers for comfort and extra protection. He will usually also wear long sleeves, but he just doesn't pay too much attention about how it's a habit for him
Lunar: He really likes vintage style clothing and like Cyperus, he also enjoys artsy styles that help with forms of expression. He's cheap and good at finding clothes at thrift stores, always willing to sew it up or combine comfort with style. Androgynous clothing in shades of pretty reds, browns, and whites are also something he's fond of as long as it can fit with his scarf
Carmine: Lets talk about business styles and how he can range from casual to form fitting. He likes it sleek, fashionable, humble, yet occasionally bold. He's just as fashion conscious about his looks in the same way Pitch is, which means the two share similar styles. Unlike Pitch, however, he wears more gold and his clothes usually are paired with little to no accessories in comparison. He's a skeleton all about appearance, and that means he has to always either fit right in or stand out as someone who's more collected and confident
Rus: Androgyny to him is what best defines him other than grunge or biker clothing. He's not afraid to stand out for wearing tears, skirts, strapped tops, etc. He really loves exploring clothes that are prominently orange and red, but he's not against the occasional purple. He likes it layered, tight, loose, simple, complex, etc as long as it's not too bright and overstimulating. He wants to look cool, and he will accomplish that whether that means going thrift shopping for clothes or getting Carmine to indulge him with extra cash he can work to earn later
Razz: He will always wear more business, formal clothes with a lot of accessories. He wears golds, blacks, purples, and he really likes that he's able to spend good money on deals that leave his wardrobe fancy. He's also willing to put on more of a pop to his fashion unlike Cash, even if that means drawing in unwanted attention. He doesn't mind though, he will always flex his attire when he can tell someone is just staring at him which causes his ego to grow and makes him preen at the attention
Cash: Casual street wear is his every day style but he's not afraid to admit how simple he likes something or how he's able to go in public without causing too many eyes on him. Unlike Rus, he leans less on the idea of wearing skirts often and he also has more purples, greens, and oranges in his style. Really, 90's style also influences him, especially since he can find good deals at thrift stores this way. He picks clothes that he knows will draw a bit more attention than the average monsters, but he overall likes what he likes and if that also means wearing meme shirts then so be it
Wine: Fancy business, formal, military, or academic style clothing is where hes at his best. He makes sure to always be dressed in fancy attire that's tight, direct, and perfectly expensive enough to let him flex since he has so much money dedicated just for clothes. He rarely wears the same thing twice and he's sure as hell not going to change that. He was the one to coax Vanilla to actually dress up more since the two often exchanged deals on letting him dress Vanilla up in exchange to having a day dedicated to trying new things
Coffee: Layers of comfortable fabric is what he likes to wear a lot since he's rarely ever willing to change out of his favorite hoodie. However, Wine loves to dress him in academic clothing or elegant types of formal wear. He wears the most browns on his outfits in the house to feel less overstimulated in too, unless the occasional orange or yellow sparks his interest. Interestingly, he also tends to wear the most minimalist style of clothing and he chose this on purpose to let Wine piece together outfits that don't feel overwhelming to him with all their patterns, textures, etc
Dust: He for a long time refused to change his hoodie or scarf out until way later. He still wears his scarf, but he's more willing to wear more casual, minimalist clothing with more dulled colors or grunge since Red got him to grow into liking the style. He finds ways to hide his face still but I already headcanon that his face becomes more and more visible as time moves on so outfits with hats are a pleasant thing for him that can also feed into that headcanon. He doesn't pick specific styles or colors unlike some of the others, but hes okay with that. As long as he can dress up well and hide most of his face, shit you could even get him to dress in formal wear if you're able to find a way to keep the scarf
Cupid: Tight fitting clothes in glamorous, elegant outfits is what he lives for. He's the most style conscious person and he will always dress to impress. The only time he's not wearing something that pops with color and fancy, sleek fashion is when he's having an off day or if he needs new clothes since he rarely wears the exact same outfit twice. He loves accessories and he will definitely aim for pink colors
Desi: Desi likes elegant, romantic, and more feminine outfits overall that pop with pinks, cream, and wealth. He isn't afraid to wear comfy clothing, but he always needs to look good even when relaxing in his opinion. He has accessories of his own, and he likes any clothes that have a cute look to them. He won't go thrift shopping, but he's been given some of his favorite clothes or accessories from Lunar since he sometimes will receive such gifts from there. Sure it's not his taste to go there, but Lunar was considerate enough and that makes Desi teary eyed to begin with so he'll try to wear those gifts often
#undertale au#alternate universe#headcanon#vanilla serrif#cyperus serrif#powder serrif#stretch serrif#red serrif#pitch serrif#saint serrif#lunar serrif#dust serrif#cupid serrif#desi serrif
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Introductions! Hi, I'm quite literally here just to post my personal headcanons about Undertale and AU's. Yeah, it'll mainly center around the skeleton brothers, but you can see stuff I add about other characters too! I really love the idea of them all being forced roommates and stuff or other circumstances. I've never actually posted before, but I'll try to like- post in order best to my abilities. Yes, I also will be including separate stuff from my headcanons about any x reader! I'd love recommendations, questions, etc! If you have any requests please don't hesitate to let me know!
I'll hold my tags here and make sure you guys can find access to things better :-))
Things I won't include/tolerate:
I'm personally a queer person and have done my best to be supportive of communities. I don't tolerate any racist, homophobic, or transphobic ideals. I also don't do ships among existing characters, such as Frans, Fontcest, Papscest, etc. (If you like Sans x Sans, you do you and that's cool and I'm not gonna like- come after you. I don't post that though)
If you're one of the following, DNI:
- Homophobic
- Transphobic
- Racist
- Ableist
- Zoophile
- PDFphile
- Hate Furries
- Are against Palestine
- Overall a proshipper because I know I missed something
I politely ask this of you now because I will block you and that will be that. I don't like that, and so I'll cut that off immediately if possible.
I am aware that people have trauma. This is not something I will actively target. However, I am not someone who wants to be involved in these communities and I suggest seeking actual help if you're dealing with trauma in general. I do not hate you for your trauma, but I do not support the community and I want to stay away from that. You're actively hurting yourself by allowing yourself to consume fetishized and sexualized media, and I'm sorry that you are struggling. Please try to detangle yourself and explore other ways people explore trauma in healthier ways if you want to actually get better. Proship media isn't going to help in the long run
Thank you for your time, I don't expect this to get any attention but to those who are reading? I appreciate it
TO NOTE: Asks are currently open, even if I post as infrequently as I do and I mostly will answer requests for x readers of any Papyri or Sans since I love self indulgences. I also do ones for the roommate tropes similar to There's Still Magic teehee. I also will tag anything suggestive under cw suggestive even if I don't do it often. Fluff is my go to, but y'know, I'm open to a lot of stuff :-)
Thank you and goodnight

#undertale#alternate universe#headcanon#anti proship#cw suggestive#vanilla serrif#red serrif#powder serrif#carmine serrif#razz serrif#saint serrif#dust serrif#error sans#ink sans#fresh sans#reaper sans#apple brothers#dream sans#nightmare sans#skeleton x reader#x reader#cyperus serrif#stretch serrif#pitch serrif#rus serrif#cash serrif#coffee serrif#cupid serrif#desi serrif#i stand with palestine
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Do you have any headcanons for any of boys' favorite foods?
Ough this is taking me forever to think about. I wanted to consider what it would be based off not only what their tastes are but also their overall relationship with certain items and how that influences them! So, I hope you enjoy what I created
CW: Starvation mentioned and how that affected some characters. Stay safe lovelies :-)
Vanilla: He seems to me the type of guy who likes repetition since he is so used to it and it's a comfort to him. I think he likes Grillby's a lot and he enjoys his brothers cooking over anything fancy
Cyperus: I know canonically he loves dinosaur oatmeal and honestly nothing is going to make me change that. I think his second favorite foods however would be Italian cuisine and the reason he hyperfixates on spaghetti is because he wants to master that skill even if he doesn't even care for spaghetti specifically
Red: Again, he reads to me as a guy who likes repetition and he absolutely adores his world's version of Grillbys. That means to me spicy food though with mustard, which is why above the surface he devours anything spicy until his magic literally causes him to burp out flames. He also really loves Pitch's lasagna, even if he never will tell him how much he loves it
Pitch: He reads to me as someone who adores Italian cuisine because it's fancy and it's something of impeccable tastes, obviously. However, his favorite I think is Thai food. I headcanon that both brothers absolutely adore the spicy side of things and Thai is especially good at that, so when he was able to try it on the surface he treasures it everytime he can indulge. He's just more secretive about his favorite, even if his special food is lasagna
Powder: Yes, he likes making tacos because other people love it. I think for him he would also love astronaut oatmeal to contrast nicely to Cyperus loving dinosaur oatmeal. To me, it's something he loved as a child and so it's a fond memory to him every time he can eat it. Otherwise, I think he just likes Mexican food overall, even if he isn't specialized in cooking it
Stretch: A man of repetition just like the other two, he loves what his brother makes because he grew up on that stuff. He really loves whatever his brother makes, he can feel the magical intent within that cooking. I think he isn't picky when it comes to his favorite meal, as long as he can taste the intent with the cooking and really enjoy it. However, I like to also think he loves honey based desserts or Muffet's food
Saint: Anything and everything dude he's a giant dumpster. He loves whatever he can get a hold of, especially when he was able to recover from the underground. He has a weird relationship with food because of how he was starved for so long. At first he cried a lot and he struggled even eating half a plate, but nowadays he'll enjoy every last bite when he can.
Lunar: He cried the last time he was able to enjoy dinosaur oatmeal, it's something he can't help but remember fondly of. He is more weary when handling meat so he doesn't cook often, but he enjoys any meal a loved one makes him. Like Saint, he had to take his time recovering from starvation, but he's so grateful that he can have it. Dinosaur oatmeal will always be his favorite though, even if he wants to cry everytime
Carmine: He is secretive about what he likes, but he often makes chimichangas for other people like how Powder makes Tacos. He prides himself in his cooking. If you ever do discover what his favorite meal is though, don't be surprised that it's spicy food mixed with sweetness. Japanese food is something he really enjoys due to its healthier, more simple cooking methods. He enjoys the variety that comes with it, and he uses it in his cooking often. A bit of a different fact, when he found out what Rus' favorite food was, he goes out of his way to make it for him when he wants to show his love for him
Rus: His favorite food when it isn't a repetitive meal at Muffet's is definitely his brother's curry. He loves curry and he always has ever since he was a babybones. He enjoys really any meal but of course, his tastes have been influenced by Carmine. For desserts, pies overall are so damn good to him and is his second favorite food of all time. Nothing beats his brothers or Muffet's pie, especially when he can taste their intent
Dust: He's going to always get sentimental when he eats any meal Cyperus makes him or any meal a Papyri cooks for him. He's very grateful when he tastes their intent and he struggles for awhile when he starts getting used to feeling intent with food. I feel that after being alone for so long, food dwindled within the underground and he slowly started losing magic from that and started starving. Nowadays, after he was able to recover, he'll always compliment and thank whoever made him food even if it's awful cooking
#undertale au#alternate universe#headcanon#undertale brothers#underfell brothers#underswap brothers#horrortale brothers#swapfell red brothers#dust serrif#haha get it#because he hss no brother#im mean
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What types of gifts would the boys give? And/Or what gifts would they like to receive?
Ooooo I love this question! Okay, so I'm going to go over a list for each of the skeletons and descriptions for what they would like. Sanses like Error, Fresh, and Ink will also be included, but I generally have an inclination to think that most if not all the "Outcodes" variety are on the Aroace spectrum! So, you can interpret these as either romantic, platonic, or even a mix for QPR's(Queer Platonic Relationships) if you'd like. Enjoy :-)))
Vanilla: He usually gives more lighthearted gifts that have to do with inside jokes than anything. He likes to also give gifts to people he really loves more thoughtful gifts of course, but those are extremely rare and/or for birthdays exclusively. For what he likes to receive, he expects gifts that have to do with inside jokes as well since to him that means you also find it funny or remembered this joke. He also loves anything really, he's not picky. He'll only lose it and find himself jokefully crying about any tomato based items like tomato chips, bottles of ketchup, and clamato juice
Cyperus: He loves to remember gifts based on what people like, usually having to do with their interests specifically. He won't give randomly based gifts to throw out there either, in fact he makes items himself if he can since he's so handy. He loves gifts based on his interests as well, even if that gift wasn't expensive or bought to begin with but made instead
Red: Like Vanilla, he loves jokingly giving gifts based on inside jokes or based on what that person hates. An example would be one time giving Pitch a mug of dogs instead of cats, grinning at the look of disappointment in him. If you hated these pair of socks at the store? Bam, gift time. Still, on important holidays, he actually can pull through. He will know they expect to get gifts they hate from him, but he'll have a hidden second gift as well. When giving Pitch the dog mug, it was Giftmas, so he pulled the actual gift from his pocket, a cat collar(for doomfanger) wrapping around a cat mug of higher quality. He doesn't care what gifts you give him, as long as it reminds you of him. He doesn't like expensive gifts though, since money being spent on him is already something he's picky about
Pitch: Always expect gifts of quality over quantity with him. He'll take you on store splurges and let you pick your favorite outfits or items at a store, but only rarely when he also wants new clothes. On holidays like your birthday or on Giftmas, however, he won't let you know at ALL what he plans for you. He always has a list of things you like and always tries to remember ways to combine that. You like the color blue and your favorite animal is a cat? Bam, a cat statue with blue accents. Perfumes you wear? He'll take note and find new ones you will like. In return, he won't expect you to buy him something super expensive since not everyone has money for that. He will always appreciate you taking note of what he likes, especially if it's based on red or black things, and if he can keep this gift for a long time for memories sake
Powder: He will give you gifts when he has to be at work for a long time, ways of reminding you of him while he's away. I don't think he'd work in any police force due to my own opinions, but he does have an active jobs that allows him to be creative and helpful to his communities like community service. Sometimes events have to take days or weeks, so he's going to make sure you don't miss him for too long. Gifts he loves to receive is ones that prove you thought of him or remembered something about him that he let slip once or twice before. That in itself is enough for him
Stretch: He LOVES it when he can give someone gifts, since he always remembers what they like. Tokens of appreciation and things that, for example, you and him both like. Video games for you to play alone or with him, tickets to that movie you wanted to see, etc. He rarely likes gifts due to not wanting people to spend money on him, but he always tries to carry the gifts around when he can. If he really wanted this video game he'll always try to see if you can play it together or take turns with it as well, or hug you when you give him manga or comics he really wanted. He'll only slightly scold you though
Saint: He rarely gives gifts, and when he does, expect him to have thought of what to give you for a while or just random little charms and knickknacks since he's just odd to begin with. Small stones, random items he (stole) got, or even just odd items he finds in the woods. Otherwise, he tried to make gifts instead of buying them since he's more worried about the significance over the value it costs. He learned how to sew when he was underground, so when he first decided to participate in Giftmas with the rest of the "family", he sewed a fabric blanket together for you. He knows that it gets cold in winter, and maybe you'll like it? He ended up looking at you with a blown out eyelight when he saw you smile and decided to give you more gifts like that. Stuffed animals sewn together, scarfs, etc. He finds gifts for himself a little pointless since that money can go to something useful, so food is always a good gift for him. He will always value ones that mean so damn much to him that can last a long time for him to carry around or clothes he can wear like a beanie hat you gave him for winter
Lunar: It's not often he'll give others gifts, but when he does it's baked goods or handmade items like with Saint. He makes items made together, like a pretty wind chime he made for your birthday made of pieces of glass that reflect in the light when the sun hits it just right. They're funky, a little odd, but always sweet. He doesn't ever really like people giving him gifts since he wants those things to go into things like taking care of yourself or the house, but handmade gifts always make him sentimental. He still has the very first gift he received when above ground from you, which was this new, unique scarf you got for him. He carries it around and wears it everywhere, using the remains of his old scarf to give to Saint and remake in the later made fabric blanket he helped make
Carmine: He will always always ALWAYS find ways to get things for you. He'll pamper you in ways you can't even complain about if you try to scold him for spending so much money, such as getting useful items that you need for work, for the house, etc. He prides himself in providing for you, always knowing what you need when going out like chapstick or a jacket, since he works hard to remember what you like and need. (He read a book about humans and what they need so flexing in his knowledge also makes him preen) He can provide for himself, so he prefers affection through helping him around or physical touch. He's actually the most prideful in receiving gifts unless they're practical, so for Giftmas he always prefers if people just spend time with him when looking at Giftmas lights or help him prepare for the holidays. On his birthday, the family knew he was picky about things like that so they either got things to celebrate a surprise party or items he needed for cleaning. Practicality and all that. When you got him a very pretty necklace for his first birthday with you, however, he just stared at you and said nothing at first. It was gold with a carmine gem in the center, something uniquely him. He tries to scold you for it, but his voice is a little shaky as he asks you why you got it. Then, he put it on and he practically never took it off, still doesn't unless he's taking a shower. He told you never to do it again though
Rus: If you really want something but can't get it for whatever reason, there are rare times he'll get it for you. He never wants you to pay him back, and he always is willing to pamper you. Most of the time his gift giving consists of paying for takeout or paying for snacks at a movie theater, so these moments are few and far between. Still, he considers what you really really want and takes note of these things, only rarely needing to go based on what you like if you're really secretive in what you want. He doesn't need gifts to feel loved, but the times you do get him something that he can have to be reminded of you, he values it and takes extremely good care of it to remember that he's loved by you. The physical proof that you do at least. He's always willing to accept these things, but you don't have to do it constantly and he'll scold you if you do otherwise
Razz: He takes note of things you want, is willing to pamper you at times, and even if he's smart with his money he doesn't mind getting these things. He thinks that buying expensive gifts is cheap in the face of other forms of affection, but he is willing to do it on special occasions. When it comes to receiving gifts however, it's something a little different. He doesn't need expensive gifts or anything that he just really really wanted, since he's similar to Carmine when it comes to spending money on him. But, also just like Carmine, he doesn't expect to receive gifts at all since out of all monsters, you got something for him? You put thought into it, and he feels deeply loved for that since he always encourages you to show him love in different ways for many reasons. He treasures it and wears it if he can, or else he'll make sure his gift can be proudly shown since he will brag about how much you love him as a result
Cash: Surprise surprise, the frugal skeleton actually really loves to pamper you! More than his brother, actually, and he makes sure to get you things you can wear since he can let others know he pampers you and are his loved one. He will put thought into gifts, but most of it consists of him being able to catch wind or outright hear you say you want something. He wasn't able to get a lot of things underground unless he swindled someone or stole it, so he pushes being able to provide gifts. And ah yes, the greedy bastard loves gifts. He loves that you're willing to think of him when buying him something, a bit more materialistic that way. But truly? Secretly even? He really really loves when you cook him something or get him something that you put your whole heart and soul into. The value of this gift means more than any type of gift otherwise, and he'll show it off to others and brag about your love for him. He'll wear it, take care of it, and he appreciates that you love him enough to get it for him
Wine: The most notorious for gift giving even in comparison to Carmine and Cash? Yes. He's going to get you such high quality gifts just because he knows what you like, and he's not afraid to do it. He likes to pamper you as much as he pampers Coffee, to the point that if you even try to argue he's just going to refuse arguing with you. It's almost evil. Now, for receiving gifts? Don't sweat it, he can buy himself whatever he wants! Like Carmine and Razz, the three struggle accepting anything. However, he won't scold you for getting him something, but rather ask why you felt the need to. He'll wear what you give him once he sees the sentimental value of it, even if you're worried it's not up to "his standard." The value of emotional weight is far more worthy to him and anything else pales in comparison. He loves any gifts in wine red, gold, or blacks too. If you manage to find out about his favorite dessert or chocolate though and get it for him, it'll be one of the few moments you catch him blushing as he thanks you with a slight crack to his voice. Rarely anyone can figure that stuff out, so he's impressed and slightly embarrassed along with his flattered opinion of you being raised
Coffee: Despite the wealth he and his brother has, he prefers to give and receive gifts of sentimental value. He'll draw for you, buy you sweets, and he's a soft romantic so you can expect flowers from him as well. If you buy him things he loves to eat, video games he wants, etc, he'll get sentimental that you remember what he likes since he's also pretty secretive on that stuff unless it's video games. If it's a two player he'll insist to not play it unless it's with you. When you found his secret love for sanrio and Hello Kitty specifically, he practically sobbed when you got him a hoodie. He hugged you, kissed your cheeks and didn't let you go until you or someone else pried him off.
Killer: Gift giving is odd for him. He's of course someone that wouldn't do it often, but he'd give you something based off what you both mutually like or based on something you hate in order to get a laugh. He's the type to give you odd things to see if you'll accept them, but not things that are gory or gross by any means. When receiving gifts, he would appreciate things such as knives, cat based gifts, and he wouldn't appreciate or like gifts based on the color Yellow or based on ketchup. Don't try to get him something worth of emotional or financial value though, because the amount of items he's lost overtime is insane to be honest. Chocolate or energy drinks is a good go-to
Dust: He rarely gets emotionally attached to others to begin with, so if you got a gift from him they would start small. Things like a weird rock, a flower, food he picked up sometime. He'll take pictures since he loves photography, giving you a photo of random or pretty things. He'd move to give you things of value the more intimate you are, like jewelry or trinkets. He's weird when it comes to accepting gifts, but he values them a lot more than he lets on. He'll wear what you give him, love what you cook, etc. He also appreciates books he hasn't read before since he had read all the books from underground years ago
Error: He would give you a plushie he handmade of yourself or of him, something that he'd be willing to give you since he thinks of you highly . He's very sensitive to touch, so a plushie of him would be a way to allow you to 'hug him', for example. He also makes bracelets woven together or with beads he collects, something he'd be willing to make for you. He would knit you blankets, scarves, etc. infused with his magic so that you can feel the intent sewn in with it whenever you're upset or want to feel happy. He also tends to give you these things to prevent others like Ink from messing with you, as if he's staking a "claim" that you're with him. He'll love chocolate of course, but different types of yarn would also make him excited or maybe a book about facts with different animals, monsters, etc would get him excited as well. He likes those types of things because it shows you're aware of his interests. And also, something a bit more sentimental to him, would be things based on space or cats generally
Ink: He can get a bit creative with his gifts? Drawings, paintings, carvings, little handmade knickknacks! He would create things for you to not only get you to smile and hang up, but he also would create little charms like keychains to help identify you since he has a bad memory and gets confused a lot due to timelines and multiple AU's. He also does this as a way to also "stake a claim" on you, similar to Error. If you somehow got involved with both, the two would constantly layer you with different gifts to try and prove to the other that you're their best friend or "captive". He's not hard to please either, he will accept any drawings, art supplies, charm-like necklaces or bracelets. Anything handmade from you is wonderful
Fresh: Now he's the most erratic with gift giving. This bastard can provide pins, stickers, figurines, necklaces, bracelets, charms, knickknacks, small CD players to share music tastes, candy, and more! He's fun with gift giving and he would love to make sure you even have a fanny pack or bag so that you can carry around everything he gives you. In return he's the same way, as long as you found it cool as well and thought of him. He also really loves sweets and TMNT, so those two things are a great go-to if you're unsure what to get him or song recommendations
Thank you for reading!!! :-))
#undertale au#alternate universe#x reader#skeleton x reader#vanilla serrif#cyperus serrif#red serrif#pitch serrif#carmine serrif#rus serrif#razz serrif#cash serrif#wine serrif#coffee serrif#error sans#ink sans#fresh sans#killer sans#dust sans#powder serrif#stretch serrif#saint serrif#lunar serrif
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Dust "Serrif"
Shhhh shhh shh, it's all just a bad dream. It's just a bad d r e a m... But when you wake, remember that it is all your fault.
*Dust Sans cannot escape his fate
To Note: I keep the Bad Sanses and the Roommate Universes separate. So if I mention Killer, for example, it is in the Bad Sanses universe. Mostly, both versions are quite similar to one another, but the interactions he has with others influences slight changes of how he grows. If you have further questions, don't be afraid to ask! (I'll go crazy/pos)
- Official height is 5'5
- He/Him
- Nihilist
- Drinks Ketchup, but rarely nowadays
- Intuitive, pessimistic, cynical, overthinker, observant, responsible, sarcastic, serious, assertive, quiet, dedicated, untrusting, overprotective, secretly jealous, cunning, ruthless, manipulative, reserved, blunt, and bitter
- His brother's dust fused with his soul when he killed him, and that is why he can see his dead brother and talk to him, so he can see him almost constantly
- Almost always the only one who sees his brother. Very rarely, however, if the magic is strong enough, a faint and hazy outline of Pap can be seen
- He reads as a hobby, usually involving old literature. When everyone was dusted, the Library was somewhere he frequented out of boredom
- He would have horrible dissociative issues, zoning out worse than most even without provocation. He struggles identifying what is real, where he is, who he's around, and what place he's at. He can be catatonic
- He cares for every papyrus he comes across, and he ends up the most gentle to them and the most patient. After all, even if he killed his brother, that doesn't mean he wants to kill others. When he's disassociated, however, he can sometimes be a danger to Cyperus and often tries to stay away from him as a result since he can forget that he's not his Papyrus
- Good friends with Powder and Saint
- He used to resent Vanilla specifically, as he envies him in so many ways
- strangely, he is friends with Red, and while the dynamic is similar to Vanilla and Red, the dynamic is tilted and often enough Red can be a little off put by him
- He can be outright nasty to others, apathetic to them, but as time goes on he's just exhausted and reserved
- He is willing to let things happen without involving himself, unless he deems it necessary to do so
- He's picky with those he's friends with, he doesn't get close to other Sanses easily and in fact tries to actively avoid making close friendships
- He won't admit it, but he sometimes argues with his brother and he looks crazy. He could be muttering at the wall and next thing you see his him strangling the air while angrily muttering
- The most hateful to Frisk, he refuses to be around any au of Frisk or Chara. Even if he got the help he needed, it just isn't possible for him to forgive them
- (This would be if we go by the Bad Guy Sanses rather than the Skeletons in one universe/house) He would despise Killer Sans specifically in the beginning of their work relationship, but as time went on they became close friends
- He wears a hood and hat since he does not want other people to see his face. It wasn't just to keep his identity stifled, he just also doesn't like to see his own face and associate it with himself. Mostly shrouded in shadow except for his eyelight or teeth sparingly, I like to think that once he starts to heal you can see more and more of his face as he starts to either forgive himself or at least can associate his face with who he is
- He can mimic Vanilla practically in every way, but he only does this to hide his identity in public or if someone confuses the two somehow. The only issue is that something just seems...off when this happens
- An erratic and violent fighting style, he's unpredictable and doesn't follow a pattern like Vanilla does
- He's jittery and when stressed he is more snappish and anxious as a result, constantly paranoid and on high alert
- He struggles with fight or flight responses when confronted or even in situations that don't require a large response. however, this usually ends with fights
- He enjoys cooking from anybody, complimenting them and eating all of it. He doesn't waste food, and he is always appreciative of someone making something. He especially loves it from the Papyri
- Talks to himself sometimes (it's actually Papyrus)
- An angry crier, but he becomes unresponsive or too frustrated to calm down easily when he's really distressed
- He picked up smoking when in the Junkyard area, finding a hat there and a mostly empty pack of cigarettes. He finally lights one when he just finishes dusting Papyrus
- Because the food supply at some point dropped, Dust ended up crossing Grillby's side of the counter and found hidden stashes of alcohol. He ends up drinking and often pretending that everyone in the bar is present when shit faced, but it ends up with him usually breaking down
- There are little times Papyrus is not with Dust since they share a soul in some ways, but it's possible
- He would call his lover Angel
- His brother had always nagged him to wear glasses, but he was always too lazy to do it. Nowadays, he can be seen wearing them when reading
- He finds comfort in forests when above ground, as it helps him clear his thoughts. Rarely though, he can't stand being around them when he starts to hallucinate the voices of those he once loved in the absence of Papyrus. If he's in the forest, he tries to at least have someone to talk to, even if it's just Pap. He hates silence.
- He's extremely patient, almost to a concerning extent. He is willing to play the long game, and so a hobby he interestingly tuned in on is chess
- He is one of the best Sanses when it comes to playing poker, you would have to be careful when making bet with him
- Is a fantastic liar when he chooses to, something about his voice is....trustworthy. If you have wonderful intuition, however, you can just pick up that odd tone he has
- No one is allowed to wake him up early, he stays up late as it is and ends up sleeping the most out of all the Sanses as a result. He is extremely grumpy otherwise. Of course, this would be if he trusts those around him. He actually ends up avoiding sleep and doesn't trust others enough when he first interacts with them. Powder or Red will fight others on waking him up once they pick up this fact
- Does crosswords when possible. He loves to do Junior Jumble because Pap used to love them. He can be seen muttering to himself and even...at ease, when he does them.
- Loves thunderstorms, he's reminded of when Pap used to need comfort as a babybones. He often can be seen watching outside a window or even standing in the rain to get those memories to be fresher in his mind
- Extremely touch starved, but often feels that he doesn't deserve to ask for it. In fact, if he really trusts someone, he leans into them if they initiate touch. If he doesn't like someone however, he'll forcefully remove them. The presence of those he cares about is enough most of the time though. Rarely, he actually will initiate touch. This is reserved for those he's extremely close with though
- Frequently has night terrors, Saint has them too and sometimes they need each other since only both can calm the other. In truth, it was something both ended up being useful for, and it was one of the things that really strengthened their bond. If we talk about the Bad Sanses, he actually was surprised to find Killer sitting beside him and even stroking his skull when he's freaking out one night. Killer knows what it feels like, and even if he knows that Dust was going to be mad, Saint wasn't present and he oddly felt that he had to take initiative. Dust ended up not complaining and actually laid his skull against Killers lap that night
- He can't sleep without hugging something. Pillow, blanket, stuffie, person? Doesn't matter, he has to have something at any point. Even if he ends up sleeping in a laundry basket, he can be seen cuddling something such as a scarf or shirt
- He buries his face in his brother's scarf when cold, or when he wants to breathe in his scent as a soothing and comforting coping mechanism
- Doesn't trust anyone with Pap's scarf, and only washes it sparingly or if he allows it since he wants to remember the scent of his brother. He uses the same soap that Papyrus used
- Will let any Papyrus clean his room, but no one else, not even Powder
- He likes photography, he ended up being closer to Stretch when he was gifted a camera from him
- He doesn't care too much for his health mentally or physically, but works on himself overtime if he's in a safe environment
- Usually doesn't speak unless someone else prompts him to, but he'll sometimes do it unprompted on rare occasion
- Magic smells of leather and slight tobacco, magic tastes of vanilla
- Due to starving underground after the genocide, he now has ash tinted bone and is in fact quite scrawny. Similar to Saint, he has chipped bone and sometimes dust can be seen flaking off. His situation was different though, so he didn't physically change too much like Saint did
- He doesn't seem like it, but he actually enjoys certain puns even after everything. He's a hard skeleton to crack, but with the right joke he can ease up around someone almost as in approval. Depending on who he's connecting with, the joke can be a lame pun, or seeing someone make a fool of themselves
- He is not prone to listen a lot of the time, more spiteful and petty. Like Vanilla, he won't do something well or at all if he doesn't like someone, but he's less subtle about it than him. He won't enjoy scoldings either, since he's used to being scolded a lot more anyways from Pap
- He likes to provoke people at times, and can even actively be passive aggressive or nasty to them as a result. He won't apologize either, and only will apologize if he really deems that person worthy of it
- He's really secretive, and in fact if he's in the roommate timeline it would take awhile for others to REALLY know what happened. Even then he doesn't like talking about it
- His clothes are covered in dust, so that's what he often smells like if he's not using magic. It faintly can remind someone of a dusty attic or library, but for a monster it's very unpleasant and disorienting
- He will threaten someone in a rather calm manner, not bothering to raise his voice. He detaches himself, and if he's really angry he can become what he was like with Frisk: manic and unhinged
- He has a high pain tolerance, so he can have someone smash his face with an object and he'll stumble sure, but he won't react to it much
Closing Notes: oh my STARS bro he's one of my favorites to work with, I actually have a lot of fun when talking about him and exploring his character. I didn't care much for him when I was younger, but that's because I was crazy or something🤭
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed reading! I feel weird when people interact but I appreciate when you guys do. Thank you for reading🫶🫶
#headcanon#undertale au#alternate universe#sans#dusttale#dust sans#he is bbg#i love him#i want to kiss him#i'd smooch him frfr#hes so silly#he's just a little guy#oh i could fix him
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Saint Serrif
Horrortale Sans, the one AU where everyone thought he was a cannibal(?) despite being a literal monster?? Fun fact: he has not once eaten human flesh! Anyways, here are my headcanons! Enjoy :-)
- Official height is 5'11
- He/Him
- Nihilist
- Taller and thinner bone from unstable magic
- He smiles a lot when he's in a dangerous situation, but otherwise he usually can be seen without one when he dislikes someone or finds them not worth his time listening to
- Has fast reflexes in dangerous situations since he had to be efficient underground. Otherwise, he comes off as slow to others because he takes awhile to actively choose to do something
- He carries guilt from what he did to Lunar, even if he thought that without it his brother would dust. Which, at the time, he would've
- Dedicated, protective, untrusting, observant, responsible, honest, caring, humble, reserved, pessimistic, hardworking, over thinker, cynical, stubborn, aggressive, and blunt
- The most patient Sans out of all the others, but only when he wants to get what he wants. He's only impatient with others who he dislikes
- Good friends with Powder and Red
- Selectively mute, he's more obligated to speak when he chooses to. There are moments where he just can't, however. Most of the time though, action is his language
- Loves any sort of food, a literal dumpster of food. Hell compliment the person's cooking and eat it even if it's utterly shit
- Does not remember Gaster due to all the events that occurred in his timeline. Gaster on the other hand watches in misery and grief, spiteful towards humans
- Will resort to violence easily, he doesn't hesitate to use it even if it's not fully needed
- He curses frequently, has a sailors tongue
- If he is not actively being spiteful, he follows directions without complaint. He may need guidance however, since he overthinks it
- Can be severely petty to the point he's doing it to provoke the other
- He is very deprived of touch, but he's too hesitant to initiate it since he carries a lot of dust and blood on his hands. He gets all stiff and awkward if someone touches him, and it'll take time for him to get comfortable
- Yellowed bone with an ash tint due to his health
- He is the best to rant to since he's quiet and patient, but there are times that he's just not listening at all. He only pays attention if he cares, because otherwise he'll pick his teeth and passively aggressively tell you that yes, he's listening, because he just cares oh so much about it
- He's willing to do anything for those he cares about over his own needs, anything.
- He is a very quiet crier, kinda disassociated as he stares at nothing. Catatonic, in a way
- He would wag his finger cartoonishly when scolding someone or use his finger to beckon someone instead of waving them over
- He clicks his sharp fingers against hard surfaces when impatient, even if he doesn't verbally tell someone that he is
- He would call his lover lamb or sugarplum
- He summons a thigh bone as a weapon, but he carries a cleaver that he's attached to and will use it when he's low on magic. After all, magic is something he uses sparingly
- He absolutely hates Undyne and Alphys. He calls Undyne "Unbitch" and he isn't afraid to insult her
- He lobotomized Alphys after she betrayed him
- Has a rough sense of humor
- He feeds the people in Snowdin, even going so far as to teleport to the castle to steal food
- He starved underground for about seven years in order to feed the others
- He has awful posture, his neck bent forward and constantly slouched
- His "prank" in the forest was a spinning spike instead of a whoopie cushion
- Is quick to be snappish and rude to those he dislikes, he will only behave if asked by someone he cares about
- He only is nicer to others when above the surface and gains trust in others
- He is quiet when upset, going to Lunar and quietly clinging onto him
- Physically the strongest and most violent Sans, he isn't afraid to use his own hands and its clear that he doesn't mind playing dirty
- He never ate human flesh when underground, but he has fed monsters in Snowdin humans or even animals in order to provide. Because of this, monsters in Snowdin not only were physically changed, but their magic changed as well. It is unknown how the same has happened for Saint, but it's suspected that it's because of his LV that he changed
- Magic smells of veviter and oak, magic tastes of vanilla
- Has memory issues so he owns journals and sticky notes when above the surface. Without it, he struggles to remember even simple facts. He doesn't struggle remembering Lunar, however, since his brother was the only constant in his life
- No one is allowed to touch his skull, as it's his most vulnerable spot
- His other eye socket is pretty much empty, thus making a blind spot for him and means that he doesn't like sudden movement there
- He will not tolerate people wasting food so don't even think about doing that in front of him
- He scratches at his skull as a comfort or a habit when overthinking. But because he's done it for so long, it slightly chips like paint and small amounts of dust flake off
- Good at sewing, he picked up the skill underground after his brother's outfit became tarnished. Because supplies are limited, however, he doesn't bother fixing the ripped up shirt he wears. You can see small sewings on his jacket, however
- Can hardly spell for shit, he has awful handwriting since he had to focus seven years worth of his time through survival
- He ends up wearing a lot of comfortable and soft clothes when above ground, he refuses to wear suits unless hes forced into it
- He treasures gifts dearly, he never lets anything happen to them
- He carries snacks around when above ground since he never wants anyone to feel hungry. He also sneaks food and stocks up on it, he's wonderful at preserving things and splitting it up for rations despite his hunger
- Likes the rain but refuses to go outside without his hood, a hat, or umbrella since the hole in his skull is sensitive to the sensation
- Certain things make his skull hurt while others can rest inside such as flowers. Rain or liquids are usually a no go though because it swishes around
- He doesn't like thunderstorms because it's loud, since his magic is unstable and acts as damaged nerves
- He doesn't like the sensation of mud, the texture is too similar to blood
- He hates liars and those that are secretive. Because of this, he's nosy and good at finding dirt or lies someone has. He's able to determine where someone is, where they went, and most of the time why. But, no one is able to do the same thing with him. He's the best at covering his tracks, and even more so at not sharing information about himself
-He smokes occasionally, drinking even less so unless no one is around. He has to be in a bad mood, or else he won't drink
- He's pretty territorial, protective of who he deems as his close loved ones. So no one is allowed to mess with his brother or some of the other skeletons in the household. He'd kill for them
Closing Notes: he is so silly goofy goober omg😍🤭😋. But seriously I like the combination of putting different versions of him into my own hc's since the bear version and the rat version both have their perks. I plan to explore more of his dynamic with his brother and stuff later on! If you have questions do not be afraid to ask and thank you for reading :-))
#headcanon#undertale au#alternate universe#sans#saint serrif#horrortale#horrortale sans#horror sans#grrr#hes so babygirl#bro is traumatized#hes so silly
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Razz Serrif
You absolute MANIC fool! You've ruined just about EVERYTHING!!
*SF!Purple Sans seems irritated, but let's check these headcanons instead
- Official height is 5'6 because of his boots
- He/Him
- Likes to drink coffee, the bitterness is great
- Makes Burritos
- A dog person
- Older brother of Cash Serrif
- Lieutenant of the Royal Guard
- He is very touch oriented, hands on approach
- Desperate to prove himself through fighting. Won't hesitate to fight
- Prone to jealousy and is competitive about a lot of things
- He likes being active
- He likes being in control for a lot of things, but he struggles losing it
- Good at saving money, he in fact taught Cash
- Originally competitive with Carmine and Powder, but eventually formed friendships with them
- He did not have a good relationship with Gaster. He was too clingy and would be too forceful in wanting full dedication from Razz. He wanted Gaster's approval but it resulted in high expectations of himself as he was taught that he had to be independent and powerful
- Brave, independent, proud, intuitive, stubborn, blunt, optimistic, sassy, smug, erratic, unfiltered, responsible, secretive, aggressive, nosy, and bossy
- He hardly curses, especially not in front of authroity
- He acts like a tyrant sometimes, though it's due to insecurity
- Like Carmine, he will berate you but in a more scolding way after you become close with him
- He will falter with genuine communication or compliments, since he's not used to receiving validation or someone actually being honest/sincere
- He would call his lover precious, such as "my precious Y/N" or "could you come here, precious?"
- He can make some of the worst apologies, unless to authority or people he is super close with. He decently tries enough though, usually doing small acts of service instead of actually apologizing properly
- He loves PDA since he gets to show who he's close with and in the same sense makes sure no one messes with you as a result. It's basically a way of him saying "they're with me, fuck off"
- At first hated Carmine and Powder, but when he fought Powder and got his ass beat he was filled with shame. At first called Powder a soft, annoying version of him who was too humble in his opinion. he poked fun at Stretch for his shyness and then got his ass beat by Powder. He eventually was extended kindness after this and grew to respect Powder, though
- Hated Carmine for being similar to him but not pushing himself to be his "strongest." Yet grew to be more petty over the years. Developed a respect for him and now they're friends who actively are tyrants when it's cleaning day
- His magic smells of sugar, his magic tastes like blackberries
- Hides his face and sniffles a lot when crying, he doesn't like to cry. He hardly does and he has to be pushed to get to that point
- In the underground he was close with Cash at one point. but overtime he slowly resented Cash's habits and behavior. This caused him to be more controlling and frustrated
- He would keep an eye on Cash when he came home high or drunk so that he wouldn't dust, but he never told him since Cash complained about being babied sometimes
- His relationship with the Queen is the same as Gaster's. He's extremely dedicated to her, and people often rumor the Queen's strange interest in him. She uses him for emotional support and has a strange codependency on him despite the power dynamic. He hates it, but tries to sympathize. This keeps his brother out of trouble often, though he doesn't tell him. The Queen makes him value power and has twisted what he should be like, since she was the one to scar him. She makes sure he doesn't disobey
- He tries to let Cash have freedom, and tends to him a lot once they move in with the other skeletons. It'll take awhile, but he will learn how to balance care and controlling habits
- Didn't realize that Cash fell into his habits due to him being in the Royal Guard. He didn't realize that Cash simply wanted his brothers attention and was coping with it
- He tends to express his masked personality over his real one better than anyone else. He in truth feels deeply, cares about many things, and hates that he can't connect with people like he wants to
- He's more lonely than he lets on
- He tends to be desperate for approval, doing a lot to get it even if he acts like he doesn't need it
- Even if he struggles, he can show his care and sincerity in different ways
- He's sacrificed a lot to get where he is now, and he regrets that his brother was part of that crossfire
- He often gets extremely emotional over a lot of things, but he's formed that to be aggression since he's part of the royal guard in an underground that festers in violence. It was a painful necessity for him to change
- He thinks it's selfish of him to care for others
- He grew up with the mentality that power means everything, so when there's no use for it anymore he doesn't know what to do with himself
- He'd rather gouge his own eye out than admit his desire for real, intimate, connections
- He doesn't understand why he can't adapt to the other AU's like the others so easily, but a part of him knows that he's the problem
- He hates that his impulsive decision to anything is demeaning others or getting aggressive
- Ashamed of his scars, unlike Carmine
- He finds his jealousy to be childish, and just like Carmine he'll avoid talking about it until confronted
- He's more tactful and intelligent than he lets on, using certain behaviors as a way to avert drama towards his brother or loved ones by making a scene
- Despite his lack of showing too much kindness, he deeply cares about those he loves and wants to do right by them. So, if he really sees that someone is hurt from his actions, he is not stupid enough to widen that wound and instead tries to find ways to make it up to someone
-He hates the Queen, hates Gaster(who is no longer present), he hates everything. He hates- he hates who he is. Why does he mess everything up?
Closing Notes: I see that Carmine and him are reflections of each other who grew up slightly differently and coped differently as a result. They're more alike than the other realizes, and yet both are on a scale in how they handle shit. The two are SWAP fells though, so they have a sort of twisted way of dealing with things when compared to Powder if he was put in their situations. Sadly, Razz just is too stuck in his ways to change anytime soon. But maybe he just needs...mercy?
#headcanon#undertale au#alternate universe#sans#swapfell sans#swapfell purple#swapfell#razz serrif#he is bbg#i can fix him#he makes me feral#going feral#hes such a loser#so now you get this#i wont him#i knead him#mwah mwah#i'd kiss him
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