#dumpling cookie
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brittle-doughie · 2 months ago
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Back on the Deceit Track
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[Main Story]
On the airship, you quickly readied the incense you packed and took a deep breath, trying to calm your mind as soon as you could, but your hand started to shake as it tried to pull the fragrance away from you.
You: “Damn it, I knew better then to trust you…”
Shadow Milk Cookie: “Aw, why the long face~! You wanted help and you received!”
You: “Not like that, I thought you were just going to deal with those three for the sake of the games!”
Shadow Milk Cookie: “And I have! So what if they nearly destroyed each other~? It’s better than you being destroyed and we can’t have that now, do we~?”
You fought for control and pulled the scent to your face, taking another breath.
Shadow Milk Cookie: “You can cling to your smells all you want, it’s only a matter of time before it stops working, Y/N Cookie!”
You: “It’s better to be working now then working never.”
Shadow Milk Cookie: “You’ll be lost when that incense runs out! And when the time comes, which will be soon, I’ll REVEL in making your mind mine!”
You ignore his crazy ramblings as his voice slowly faded. You count your stars for Golden Osmanthus Cookie once again.
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Dumpling Cookie: “Here they come.”
The airship lands on the platform as Cookies come to welcome you back, three in particular.
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Crowned Cupcake Cookie: “Dear, I have returned from my trip and it pained me so much to see that you were gone too, but you’re here now and it’s okay!”
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Salsa Cookie: “My sincerest apologies, Y/N Cookie. I would’ve been there to see you off if a certain advisor had informed me beforehand.”
Dumpling Cookie: “It was on short term notice, how about you stop training all the time so you could be there, ‘kay?”
Salsa Cookie: “What did you say?!”
You: “Girls….”
The two cookies stop their brief back and forth.
You: “Dumpling Cookie, your idea to head to the Flower City worked without a hitch, at least for now.”
Dumpling Cookie: “For now?”
You show the three the incense you collected.
Dumpling Cookie: “Golden Osmanthus Cookie, only she knows the methods to these scents.”
Crowned Cupcake Cookie: “She?”
Salsa Cookie: “Don’t you start. Who is she and how did she handle our problem here?”
You: “The incense helps calm the mind, which helps with my issues recently.”
Salsa Cookie: “I still think you should tell us what kind of issues you’re having, but if these are what helps with them, then alright.”
Crowned Cupcake Cookie: “As much as I hate hearing that you interacted with another girl, I’m happy to see you’re okay, darling…”
Dumpling Cookie: “I’ll pen down an arrangement with any Flower City caravans for future incense deliveries.”
You: “Thank you all. But, I feel like one thing needs to be made clear.”
The three cookies listen in to you.
You: “You’re to stop any Ancient Hero from convincing me to go to Beast-Yeast…”
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brittle-doughie · 10 months ago
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Going insane once more. This look wonderful and I appreciate that you’re giving me permission to use these sprites for posts that feature her!
You really got her stoic, yet slight emotions on her face down, really only showing major expression like anger. It fits well considering her character archetype inspiration, Nastasia from Super Paper Mario.
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Right down to her pose here funnily enough!
Dumpling cookie sprites for @brittle-doughie I made (you can use it if you want!!)
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My battery is at 4% rn pls help
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imaginariumwanderer · 10 months ago
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Is that a hair bun...? A ponytail, maybe?
I think it's a bun, kinda like steamed bun
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mercy-love-joy · 12 days ago
When I got my new phone, all of my old artwork didn't transfer over so unless I had it downloaded- I didn't have my old artwork. LUCKILY, the refs I'm posting are from the The Burns Melted Into Gold speedpaint so all is well.
Now. To the references and lore!!!
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Blueberry Milk Cookie (formerly known as Shadow Milk Cookie)
After reforming, Blueberry Milk took back his title as the Fount of Knowledge and learned how to better his time and mental health. He's learned many more things and with a new era coming about, he must record and document the new era.
Other fun facts: he's learned how to "reanimate" life although it requires lots of mechanical work.
He's often found working either in his spire or rebuilding the Blueberry Yogurt Academy.
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Wheat Grain Cookie (formerly known as Mystic Flour Cookie)
She discovered that despite the hopelessness of life, there is still time to make it worth it. She has learned to better herself in making life worth living and she helps those who wish to live life to the fullest. She still cares for the Ivory Temple although she mostly leaves the car of the temple to Cloud Haetae Cookie (who has become the new Master of the temple) and the Dumpling Kings to care for the temple.
Fun facts: the disk behind is made of wood and meant to represent the new sun of a new day. Symbolizing the new hope that filled her dough.
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Sea Halite Cookie (formerly known as Silent Salt Cookie)
A knight that long she's his armor and embraced the life of a cottage, he is mostly at peace with the forest and doesn't bother to interact with a lot of people. He's calm and tends to work on small items like basket weaving.
Fun fact: he likes to sit in the ocean for hours (that's because he is a sea cookie)
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Sugar Cane Cookie (formerly known as Eternal Sugar Cookie)
Ah, the momma bird who single-handedly took on a child to become her son and somehow started the new era of peace with that same child. She is extremely motherly and tends to hover over younger cookies who don't seem to have any parents around them.
Fun facts: she plays her harp for children at orphanages, she loves to teach cookies about avians, and she's learned how to spread happiness while also indulging on her own.
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Paprika Cookie (formerly known as Burning Spice Cookie)
A warrior who now takes on the life of a father and grandfather. He is often found sleeping in his temple or sunbathing in the hot sands of the Spice tribes. He doesn't do much unless his siblings get up and drag him around. He doesn't incline himself to violence and prefers to try and talk things out before fighting.
Fun facts: he is so hot that if any avians or birds say on him, they would warm up like a heater. He is used like a personal heater when the siblings are cold and want to have a family pile. He likes to star gaze with his son
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Pharaoh Cookie of the Soft Ray Sun Kingdom (also known as GingerBrave)
Now free from Golden-Lacquered Cookie's reign of horror, he has grown to live life to the fullest and help the world heal after the tragedy that the Golden Goddess brought to the world.
Fun facts: he no longer has organs so he has a device called an "Arcdet" which acts as the heart and lungs of the body. Slotted in his chest, it is fueled by magic fire and his Soul Jam.
His is the Welder to the Virtue of Hope, with the counterparts being Bravery and Cravenness.
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Golden-Lacquered Cookie (formerly known as Golden Cheese Cookie)
A queen who wanted more power, overcame the pure definition of greed and went for it. She is the reason for the deaths of the other Ancient Heroes and why GingerBrave had to be the sole hero to end her life. Just to begin an era of peace
Fun facts: she dies and learns from her mistakes which allows her to reincarnate. Her reincarnation has no knowledge of her past life and it's better that way.
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And finally! The Princess of the Soft Ray Sun Kingdom- Shrimp Har Gow Dumpling Haetae Cookie!
A cookie-taur who takes after her adopted father (Pharaoh Cookie)- she desires the best for all cookies and cakes! She believes that everyone deserves to have a chance to live the life they want to! And based on her determination and "greed", she is a key ingredient to wielding her own Virtue on day.
Fun facts: the sprite was a commission from my friend @the-wereraven and I can't thank him enough for helping me make a design for the gal. And each Jade bracelet/anklet on Shrimp was given to her by her grandparents- the reformed beasts.
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storywestistrash · 7 months ago
Hi story :]
Friday . Innit. How’re you ? Have you recovered from the dentist …?
hellooo!!! melting cab..... i am melting. its supposed to be storming tomorrow and the day after that so its over 30C AND humid. desk fan is working overtime
and yeah i recovered from the dentist JHDGJ thankfully it wasnt wisdom teeth cuz then maybe itd take longer but the numbness wore off in the evening. and how are you holding up?
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quibbs126 · 10 months ago
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Ah, the most terrible one (context: shrimp allergy)
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Also this interaction felt like “Buddy you got too much trauma, you need to chill”
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visualecholalia · 7 months ago
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the council will decide your fate 🍰
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ministerofchaosabsolute · 6 months ago
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I couldn't help myself
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brittle-doughie · 5 months ago
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Tribute Day (Cookie Kingdom)
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Y/N Cookie: “Yet again, it is Tribute Day. The time of the month where kingdoms and villages with their cookies send their gratitude and admiration with gifts.”
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Dumpling Cookie: “You’ve grown a reputation across the land, Y/N. It’s not out of the norm that the cookies simply wish to give their thanks. It would be rude of us to decline them, they even just got here.”
You sighed in acceptance as you lay back in your throne.
Y/N Cookie: “Alright, alright. Let’s see the tributes this time, advisor.”
Dumpling turned back to her cohorts, Salsa and Crowned Cupcake, who proceeded to bring in the tributes.
Salsa Cookie: “The tribute of the Hollyberry Kingdom is 50 crates of juice, your Majesty. They had plenty during harvesting this year.”
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Crowned Cupcake Cookie: “Darling, the Dark Cacao Kingdom has sent you 8 crates of weaponry! Sharpened and polished for the best possible cutting and stabbing!”
Dumpling Cookie: “The Golden Cheese Kingdom sends their tribute of 8 chests of gold and treasures.”
Y/N Cookie: “I can see which of the three is trying to win my favor…”
Salsa Cookie: “The Pure Vanilla Kingdom sent…bags of raisins. Hmph, talk about a tribute…”
Y/N Cookie: “Hey, Puré Vanilla stepped down as king, the PV Kingdom is for everyone there. I don’t care if they sent me dirt, the fact they even sent anything at all is surprising enough.”
Salsa Cookie: “You’re right, I’m..I’m sorry for speaking out of line, Y/N Cookie. I promise I’ll do better….”
Crowned Cupcake Cookie: “I’m sure you didn’t mean to be against my darling’s word. Because if you did, I might have to kill ya~”
Salsa Cookie: “Back up, you lunatic.”
Dumpling Cookie: “If you guys are going to kill each other, please do it outside so that it’s easier to clean. That would be great, thanks.”
Y/N Cookie: “Alright, alright. That’s enough, you three. Let’s see…a tribute from the Silver Kingdom?”
Salsa Cookie: “It’s a cart of plants that are native in that region. White Lily Cookie had figured it would look nice in the garden…”
Crowned Cupcake Cookie: “White Lily Cookie? You mean that impudent wretch trying to get at my darling? Ooo hoo hoo, silly mistake~”
Dumpling Cookie: “Do not start swinging that sword around.”
Salsa Cookie then reached into one of the potted plants and fished out a letter.
Salsa Cookie: “Is this…a love letter-CRUMBS!”
Salsa Cookie is spooked when a dagger is suddenly thrown at the letter she was holding, pinning it to the wall.
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Crowned Cupcake Cookie: “My hand slipped.”
Salsa Cookie: “The hell is wrong with you, psycho?! You could’ve chopped my hand off!”
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Dumpling Cookie: “Please stop shouting, you’re making a scene!”
Salsa Cookie: “I should have half a mind to chop your head off right now!”
Crowned Cupcake Cookie: “You wanna go, tough cookie?”
Y/N Cookie: “Maybe I should’ve invited Financier to do tributes this time…”
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papillondusublime · 5 days ago
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Deuxième gorgée: Chinatown
Je désire, s'il vous plaît, Un café montréalais, Un café comme il me plaît, Café avec sucre et lait. Aussi, des épices chères, Des herbes et du thé vert!
Deuxième gorgée. La porte d'entrée M'absorbe dans son rouge étincelant. Deux lions blancs, de leurs griffes acérées, Me happent et me mettent sous leur dent. Et moi, je flatte leur vieille crinière, Espérant que leur gueule se desserre.
Ces gardiens puissants me crachent au sein D'odeurs de dimsum et porc aigre-doux. J'avalerais, la baguette à la main, Chaque mets pour en découvrir le goût. Et toi, tu vois les vitres saliver, Vapeurs miroitant des régals rêvés.
Prendrais-je un dumpling? Des nouilles sautées? Ce biscuit chinois, a-t-il un secret? Le papier souffle avec le vent d'été: « L'appauvrissement vous guette de près. » Et moi, je l'enfouis dans un cahier vide Dont, d'encre noire, pages sont avides.
Voudrais-je étendre au salon zen mon corps? Mon dos, tremble-t-il de froid ou de peur? Je me demande quels anciens trésors Cache dans son sac le Bouddha rieur. Et toi, tu penses aux jours déplorés Auxquels fait adieu un chaton doré.
Le cœur humain se déchire aussi vite Qu'une lanterne sous la pluie battante. S'effacent dessins et phrases écrites, Mais l’image brille au sein d’une fente. Et nous, nous inscrivons l'inévitable Rien qu’en caractères indéchiffrables.
-Poésie: extrait de "Café montréalais", à lire dans "Genèse d'une femme" par Marine Mariposa, disponible gratuitement sur https://sites.google.com/view/papillondusublime/gen%C3%A8se-dune-femme
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canisonicscrewyou · 1 year ago
Doing. A lot of cooking/baking today. Most of it isn’t even for Thanksgiving.
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mercy-love-joy · 4 months ago
Chapter Eleven of The Burns Melted Into Gold
It's hereeeeeeeeeee
It's hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Come get your food!
Oh and here's the animatic!
(Pls watch after reading)
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malayamona · 9 months ago
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Nails, delicious chicken & coffee ☕🥛
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blazewatergem · 11 months ago
:D Birthday! I have unlocked Level 23!
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My parents got me Stardew Valley chickens lmao
I need to go take my exam, but I just wanted to post a quick hi! ^o^ Yay for 23! I made it :D
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webdec · 1 year ago
food again
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via emojikitchen
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duoduotian · 2 years ago
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some new ascensions from the dupes i got pulling for shunde raw fish (i failed lol, got the other food soul which i’m not even a fan of
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