#dummy dum dum posts
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lavalamp-juice · 1 year ago
Loid coming up with 862 date ideas-
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numberonetacostan · 10 days ago
Oughhh I found that one post a while back where someone was like "let's make ship names more creative" (which is what I've been begging from all fandoms FOREVER) and low and behold I stayed up until 4 am last night letting the brainworms cook and I'm not letting that go to waste!!!! Throughs a bunch of ship names at you!!!!
Test dummy - testbulb. This is in a very /aff way towards lightbulb but she can be a bit of a dum dum sometimes. And the test part obviously comes from testtube
Flame brain - could work for testbrush or candletube. Not much else to say here lol
Sour screen scream - hi Starfruit at it again adding their toicopad agenda to everything. I'mma be real I stayed up SOOO long figuring this one out. It's cute but if you have better ideas PLEASEEEE tell me I'm still starving.
Foul play - criminal that no one thought of this for bickel. Ppl haven't been paying attention to them anymore and like wth their so silly gimme back my og yaoi 😔 /silly
Silver tongue - self indulgent but i kinda love knife and taco as a pair so yeah!!! 
STEM sweethearts - hi fantube nation. I was tweaking out over this name I'm proud of myself for it
Vacation vlog - fancase. Self explanatory. The sillys <3
Roomba - floorphone4.... this is a horrible pun I'm sorry
Musical chairs - micbow if anyone's into that idk but yeah
Never-gain/micro/loser melody - tacomic. Couldn't figure out a good one mb sillys
Heartbroken poet - tacoloon is underrated and I love getting my fajita fein queen to kiss pp
Shout out to the ones I found on the shipping wiki that I'm using forever now. Airport security (the one good thing Cobs said in his life), Lottery winner (cloverkel), Economic Inflation (when I tell you I laughed so fucking hard at this I think I woke my parents up. Lovely job nickloon community I'm so proud)
~⭐️🍓 (btw I've seen you posting ur art and fics more and I wanna say that ur stuff is so cool a creative!!! Keep doing what ur doing dude ur super talented <3 :3 have a great dayyy!!!) 
Hi Starfruit!!^^ Welcome back, and thank you for sending in an ask!! :]
Your creative ship names are so nice!! :) 'Foul Play' and 'Roomba' are my favourites!! I don't have one for toicopad at the moment, but toico could be something like Sour Swirl? Apologies if that's not a good one, I am very much a name-squisher sort of ship namer by habit, so I don't have much experience thinking of these. It's a more recent thing, isn't it? My first special interest for which I read fanfiction was from the late 90's early 2000's, so I read a lot of fanfiction from back then and got used to the sorts of terminologies from back then. Uh... hm... I have jokingly referred to Pickle, Mic, and Mepad as "Taco's Bitches" before, so if anyone happens to ship the three of them, that could work?
And as for your message at the end!! Thank you so much <3 You're so kind!!! <3<3 It really means a lot!!!!! <3<3
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^That's me when people send me nice messages btw
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pointysteeltoeshoe · 1 year ago
Yakuza Heritage Post Poll 2 - Electric Boogaloo
due to a nice request we will be redoing the majimemegoro poll! why? because this is my house and i make the rules
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The more astute among you may have noticed that a piece of Volkus terrain was missing from my last hobby post. That’s because I was a big ol’ dummy dum and glued the Cog Mechanicus upside down. Rather than disrespect the Omnissiah, I’ve taken steps to make the most of this error. One’a them happy little accidents. 💜
Day streak: 5
I’m both glad and annoyed that I didn’t take a picture before rectifying the regrettable reversal. My first idea was to even it out and mold some other decorative.
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However, my clever and amazing girlfriend gave me the inspiration for something more interesting. It’s gonna be some work but it’ll be great. 😊
Step one: big hole
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Step two: prime and build
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Step three: fret and worry before finally getting around to painting it ⬅️You are here
I’ll update you guys when I actually get to printing. 😅
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kandisheek · 7 months ago
Here are all the fics I recommended this week. If you want to see my actual review of these fics, the posts are all linked as well. Please enjoy, and remember to leave comments and kudos!
MON: long fic (50k+)
The Act of Creation Will Be Your Salvation by scifigrl47
TUE: mid-length fics (15-50k)
The Butterfingers G. D. I. Stark Guide to Problem Solving by Epiphanyx7
Bedtime Stories and Nightmares by scifigrl47
An Unexpected Reunion by Sara (ctrsara)
WED: series (with 3+ fics)
Best Bot Dum-E: Series by rebelmeg
THU: long fic (50k+)
Forgotten, but Not Forgiven by Shi_Toyu
FRI: short fics (>15k)
Run Program: DUM-E by Amuly
Arms And The Man by copperbadge
The Multidimensional Oven by withasideofangst
Silver Linings by incarus_chained
Rom-Commed By Fate (Or JARVIS) by leashy_bebes
SAT: author spotlight
Spam Bot Call Me by Another Name The Unfortunate Burglary The Halloween Spectacle Evolution of Warfare
SUN: short fics (>15k)
Toasters by squireofgeekdom
Just Apply STE-V by LBibliophile
The Innocence of Weapons by riani1
Dummy Likes Bruce Best (That's Okay, So Does Tony) by celtic7irish
Mimily, Pefzr, and Welcome Home: A Learning Curve by LearnedFoot
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 2 years ago
i want to respond to a lot of them because theres so many good points on my Peter posts that I wanna expand on
but some of the replies are deadass just people saying 'No Peter is an idiot. He's a doofus, his watch going off was an accident. He's a dummy'
and I'm like
If you think that Peter giving Miles away was an accident, and Peter is just an idiot-
Being an idiot is not a very good trait to be defending. Especially if you're implying he's so incompetent he endangered Miles' life.
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[I wrote here why I think this scene is completely intentional and Peter ratted Miles out on purpose - based on his behavior with MayDay, Lyla, and Miles
But that's not what I'm talking about right now. But maybe read that first.]
I've gotten many a response saying 'No, this scene is just an accident. Peter didn't mean to give him up. Peter is a dummy/idiot.'
Completely valid interpretation and conclusion based on the information shown on screen. I don't agree with it, but it's an assumption that's easy to make
That being said -
....what?! LIKE WHAT? Do you hear yourself?
You're like "Yeah this grown ass man is a complete idiot and gave Miles away which led to Miguel whooping Miles' ass. Peter, a man who has been Spider-man for years, is so dumb that he wouldn't think to turn off his tracking bracelet. Opps, must've slipped his mind the multiverse tracking bracelet did that tracking thing."
that's not???? that's not oKAY????
that's not any better!! That's your mans? The dum-dum who got Miles beat up because he didn't think about the tracking bracelet on his arm?? To either turn it off or take it off???
In this situation -
Peter is either playing dumb or he actually IS DUMB.
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And we need to start holding the white man accountable for how his stupidity endangers others.
Like he could have helped Miles escape from the get go instead of trying to talk to him and make jokes about him holding Mayday. Even though he knows that Miles is in danger, suddenly he's joking and laughing with him?
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Okay. Bizarre behavior but okay.
But by saying 'his watch went off on accident (and Lyla, an AI not subjected to human mistakes, just decided to rat herself out - out loud - okay)' you're admitting that Peter is basically incompetent.
So much so that he's an active danger around Miles.
By suggesting he DIDN'T rat on Miles, you're implying that he either
Didn't know his watch could track him - UNLIKELY or
He knew it could track him but he didn't think to turn it off when talking to Miles - NEGLIGENT OR
The watch could only track him if it was triggered it and he accidentally hit it - STILL IMCOMPETENT. OR
The tracking cannot be turned off - TAKE OFF THE BRACELET FOR LIKE TWO MINUTES.
All of these options make Peter look bad.
We have to assume that Peter knows that Lyla can track him.
If he really didn't want Miles to be found out, any person with any kinda sense and competence would turn off their watch or location.
Excusing this as 'Peter is dumb', you're admitting that a grown man who has been Spider-man for years didn't think to disable the tracking bracelet that can obviously track him anywhere in the multiverse.
Especially for those that think he hit it by accident and didn't notice until the last moment??
Despite the fact that he's had a watch longer than most - if not all of -the other Spider people besides Miguel???????????
Like, That means he didn't think at all during their entire interaction - 'Wait, Hold up. If I don't want Miles to get caught, I should turn off my watch.'
You think Peter B. Parker is that damn dumb? And that sits right with you??
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Or...There's my theory.
He wanted Miles to get caught so he left his watch on and triggered it. Simple as that.
He knew the watch could track him.
He knew this and didn't turn it off. When he realized Miles couldn't be reasoned with, he triggered Lyla and asked her to track him. He stalled Miles, and then Lyla responded to him, not knowing doing so would rat him out.
(Remember, Lyla has no reason to rat herself or Peter out. And for Lyla it's a lot harder to argue it was a mistake or an intentional thing to mess with the Society. Because she's an AI. She wouldn't make a human mistake like that, as far as we can see, she's strictly bound by logical code and protocol. And she doesn't really have the agency to just turn on Miguel and the society to rat PETER out intentionally. She's an AI. Not a person. Lyla wouldn't speak suddenly if she knew that Peter didn't know he was being tracked. It's more likely he spoke to her first, and she responded out loud because of that.)
But my theory isn't law.
It's really just an assumption and analysis based on these things here, the scenes we're shown, what we know about Peter, and what we know about The Society/Lyla.
You don't have to go with my theory.
But if your argument is that Lyla getting his location is an accident and Peter was just too dumb to turn off the watch before he spoke to Miles-
That's still not a justification.
Also, Peter is acting BIZARRE here.
You're admitting Peter is an idiot. He got Miles caught because of his stupidity.
But by saying this was all an accident - you're also implying THIS joke was completely sincere.
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Why would a grown man be joking at a time like this?
Any body would know to not start laughing and joking at a time like this - when Miles needs to get out of there as soon as possible.
Either he cannot read the situation - which..he knows Miles is in like active physical danger so - or he's acting abnormally and joking because he's actively stalling Miles.
Either he's PLAYING dumb or he IS dumb.
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Either option is horrible for Peter.
Maybe he didn't think to turn off his tracking bracelet. Maybe he did trigger it by accident and didn't notice.
That's a completely valid interpretation - just know that in arguing so you're implying the person you're defending is just dumb as all hell.
So dumb he's a danger to the people around him.
You can take this stance, but in my eyes the stance is still very damning upon Peter.
A grown man who has been in The Society for months, should know to turn his watch off. He should KNOW not to be joking at a time like this.
Maybe he did it with ulterior motives, like intentionally ratting Miles out.
Maybe the man that was fine with physically restraining Miles with webs on-screen in ITSV IS fine with cornering Miles in a small space.
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Or maybe he IS just an idiot. Which is..... not good. It's actually pretty sad and it still makes me think that Peter B. should not be around these kids if he can't think to NOT endanger them MORE on accident.
But HEY.
If you think Peter B. is an idiot, I will not argue. We agree on that, TRUST.
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But I'm still gonna treat him like an adult who can stop and think for one second about the tracker on his arm, and just assumes not THAT dumb, and instead he did it on purpose.
Cause that man cannot be than damn dumb, come on.
Still. Fuck Peter B. ALL MY HOBIES HATE PETER B. (not a typo)
In this house we will hold him accountable. Whether for his betrayal OR his stupidity. At the end of the day, it got Miles hurt.
But yeah that's my take on the stance.
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verycharismaticdragon · 7 months ago
On Air Island - chapter 1 - part 3
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In today's installment, we are unfortunately hitting one issue this game has, which is that the quality of translation sporadically drops in some branches. Now is a good time to remember that this is a Korean indie game with a developer team that fits into one single screen in the credits. Fortunately though ya boy Dragon has been handling mtl for ages and knows exactly how to make it yield actual result instead of garbled nonsense, so I added the translation to the video and the 'script 👍 Lemme know if this format works!
(the transcript is available below the poll, under keep reading)
Ah right: A.H.M, Shishinao, and Shirashinao are all~ Naoto's nicknames. I'm pretty sure that's also a translation thing, but it's way funnier like this? Let's give him a few more. Naonao~
Transcript legend:
In-game text
Character speaking: dialogue line
regular chat message Donation: donation message
available donation messages
{ Alternative translation }
———— ———— ————
Hanse: The result for the 1st day settlement is! Mr. Fact in the 1st place and Honari for 2nd place!
[player] donated 50 Small Heart: (Voice) Hanse, don't be discouraged!
[Hanse, don't be discouraged!]
Predator: Ugh. Kissme3: Ha, ha, ha.
Hanse: ……………!
hasebuck: Ha, ha, ha. 9nine: Look how surprised he is hanmanse: He looks so cute...
Hanse: Wow......! I was surprised that you were able to post a voice message......
bbongGGu: Seems like he didn't know it So_yool: Adorbs
Hanse: But somehow...... Is it my mood? I feel like all eyes are on me......
Mr.Fact: You almost freaked me out? Don't freak out, it's only just begun. { What, huh? You almost got discouraged~? It's only the beginning, so don't get discouraged, yeah? }
jimjman: What is it? Wannable: ;; VivaViva: Why is he like that
Hanse: Ugh, I'm sorry, Mr.Fact......
OnlyHim: Hanse's expression is hardening in real time boksunga: Be mindful Mr. Fact;
Mr.Fact: Oh, but~ I'll never get to the top. You can't take a shot at me. Okay? { Oh, but~ Quit dreaming of getting to the top. You're no match for me. Okay? }
OnlyHim: <Chat deleted by cleanbot>. ASHA: He's so fake NARICHAN: He just live by his name, Mr. Fact
Honari: But they say to dream big, right?
hansevly: ?! Perish: Oh…?
Honari: Even if you can't. { Even if you can’t achieve it. }
kimbab: Be careful Hanse! PunchHim: This is exciting, someone bring me some popcorn. FactOppa: (nom nom nom)
Mr.Fact: What? You're interrupting me?
island: Is that you? RealFact: If you're rich and popular, you're older than me.
Mr.Fact: You're thick as a board~ You're not afraid of the stares? { Honari, you're thick-skinned~ Are you not afraid of the viewers' gazes? }
Elvis: Suddenly? UglyFace: Are you going to drag Honari here?
Honari: What? I have no idea what you're talking about......
Snitch: ... Fearless: I feel sorry for Nari… hanse1se: Do dum;;
Hanse: Okay, wait......
DUMMY: Refrain yoursel Hanse. outnow: I will ** yoiu if you touch Hanse!
DUCKACOON: What's all the noise, quack? We'll keep going, quack!
Steward: Hey MyMaster: So boring CLAPCLAP: Thank God
Mr.Fact: I'm not even in first place. { Ugh, you’re not the first place, what do you know. }
doremipa: Woah that's crossing the line tho hansefan: Do you think 1st place can do everything?
Honari: … … … … …
Hanse: Ha... ... ... ... ...
kimbab: Eeek Imcrazy: Maybe this is how he treats lower ranks
DUCKACOON: A decent meal was prepared for the middle ranks quack.
lalala99: So-so Thief Jin: Just so-so BeSlave: Hahhhaha So-so
Naoto: Why on earth would you give it such an unappealing name?
rusure: I'm losing my appetite haahaha Rolling: Is it that harsh? Know_all donated 20 Ordinary Clover: Yep! Let me explain so, Shishinao is Naoto Know_all donated 15 Small Spade: Rumour said that he resigned from a broadcasting company and started his own broadcast
Naoto: I mean, it's not exactly broadcast quality...... We'll see. Tomorrow, we'll go to the top. { Anyway, considering the level of the broadcast… Just wait and see. Tomorrow, I will move up to the top. }
Perish: Fighting~ Flos: What? Crying? NARILOL: Anyone think the rank won't be changed? Angelic: 1111111 180x181: 222222222 Know_all donated 20 Touching Diamond: Moreover there is a rumour saying that he is son of a politician, it's interesting fight between the father and son!
Alice: It's too overwhelming for me......!
Carat: But I'm pretty sure Hanse won't be number one. Melody23: What a fact we got here
Alice: Above all............... You're holding my meal as hostage!
c'monya: There was a rumour that Alice is come from a conglomerat family. Know_all donated 5 Amazing Diamond: She is an influencer going by the name ALICE KingCry: It's not a rumour, it's a fact. Know_all donated 10 Amazing Diamond: I don't really remember but i think she start knitting for a hobby and got famous
Alice: That's just so evil---!
BeAKing: She is offended? Imfather: Oh my god. LoveCute: She'll get home by helicopter then Know_all donated 15 Small Clover: Honeslty, if she is the daughter of the S Company's president, they might have support her
Hanse: So.... Naoto is the 3rd place, Alice is in the 4th place. But the gap in vote results between them is quite significant.
Igiveu: I wonder if she's ever had a good meal. koncijeu: No wonder she's so annoyed.
Is A.H.M okay?
Wow, ALICE has such a nice voice.*sarcasm*
(Voice) Hanse, don't be discouraged!
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bettertwin1 · 7 months ago
this is actually kinda depressing to watch
also whoever make like limits and post limits is a dummy dum
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abc-easy-as-123 · 7 months ago
Sooooo I actually forgot I hadn't done this yet 😅
Thanks @just-a-dummie-not-the-dum-e for the tag!! 🫶🏻
1. Are you named after anyone?
I'm not sure, I know my mum mentioned Eleanor Bramwell once like the tv show?? Who knows
2. When was the last time you cried?
Uhhh like half an hour ago lol
3. Do you have kids?
Nope, I'm 26 and still feel like a kid most days. Maybe one day
4. What sports do you play/have played?
Badminton for sure is my fave, but kinda anything. I genuinely sometimes miss those PE days playing netball rounders etc (what a saddo right?)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I think probably their eyes. Both cause they show much emotions, plus people's eyes are just so pretty
7. What's your eye colour?
Mine's brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings no contest. One, I'm a wuss, two, I'm a hopeless romantic. I love the cheesy films, and slow burns in tv shows and fanfics are life tbh.
9. Any talents?
Imma say no lol
10. Do you have any pets?
I have a rescue dog who is 80% an arsehole and 20% sleeping but I wouldn't change him for the world ❤️
11. Where were you born?
Essex gal (but not only way is Essex no offence😅)
12. What are your hobbies?
Unfortunately, everything. I'm one of those people who can be into something for like two weeks and then it'll gather dust while unfinished as I find something new I saw on Pinterest.
13. How tall are you?
I think like 5"7
14. Favourite subject in school?
I was pretty dumb so probs food tech
15. Dream job?
Still deciding honestly. I have no idea what I'm doing but I'd like to do something bakery-style. Something I enjoy so work doesn't feel so much like work
I'm tagging @losingmymindtonight (I hope you're still active I was always on your blog!) & @geopsych (always loved your posts they make me feel calm)
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dogmetaph0r · 1 year ago
writer whose work I just started reading (and am already obsessed with) since getting my ao3 invite just rb’ed one of my dummy dum dum posts
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severallizards · 1 year ago
Hi!! I'm drawing your secret skeleton in the discord!! I wanted to draw your sona with sun and moon, but I'm a dummy and cant seem to find art for them(I'm sure its there, I'm just a dum dum)
Also its fine! I don't think I've ever actually posted a ref here 💀
I have two main arts I direct ppl to, so I hope that helps get the idea across
(Feel free to ask any further questions)
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The first one my gf made for me, the second one is all me, but different versions so to speak :>
I usually go with the middle one
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wildernessuntothemselves · 2 years ago
my dumb dumb dummy dum dum dumb brain really missed that noona taehyun drabble you posted, especially when the clip you posted has such am effect on me ( me on my noona bs bc he's 2 months younger than me and angel devil being one of my favourite kpop songs) the drabble had me clinging onto my flesh with such INTENSITY YOUR brain!!! this is why you're my favourite writer!!! I love your works smmm, maybe someday we will get a noona kink taehyun series, praying to my lord.
If I keep stanning txt, we definitely will since I'm a noona to all of them 😂 but yeah honestly the idea of a sub tyun who has a noona kink just makes my brain go brrr
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shoppinghauer · 6 months ago
saw a post that asked how do you call your pet and there was an insult category and all the offensive words were like "dummy dum" or "mr poopyhead" i call my cat pendejo, puto, pinche idiota, puto gordo and he's fine....
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mzhydes-funtimes · 6 months ago
I am dummy and thought that bc of my (1 one) pair of bras special ability to absorb sweat that it would still be clean enough like it usually is but no apparently excessive sweating is too much for it :( (i couldnt tell at the time bc i dum dum) soo yeah hope this post gets buried bc while it is sad its still embarrassing but also it was a fair assumption based on previous tests (not not with the same amount of activity) I have offically learnt my lesson 😭✋️
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bewilderbark · 1 year ago
will you reupload the "art insight" bonus art month posts somewhere else (that isn't twitter) at some point? unironically twitter might just not be a good place to get engagement on those, and i find them quite interesting to read through
I'll probably add them underneath cuts now that you mention it. I actually don't care much for engagement on those, I just like to talk about how I make my art and the thought process that goes behind it. Twitter has a dummy dum dum word limit, so I used the picture medium instead for that, while I could (theoretically) type it out on tumblr and other platforms
however, i am very lazy, so i'll probably just go back and add the ones i did make to the art posts haha
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syabm · 2 years ago
Open this link in incognito.
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I post stuff from Tumblr on Reddit because I want to get other people's opinions and learn things. Which is the purpose of the site.
Unlike you, who seem to have nothing but wildly incorrect and childish personal attacks and the ideological equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears.
I like how you're calling a non-American anti-Authoritarian anti-fascist pro-gun black man a 'fascist'.
>#die mad dummy#nazi pig#fascist cuck#nobody cares about your life#its spelled Logic 😏#ba dum tis#stupid#republican#nazi scum#kill all nazis
Nope, not a Republican. I'm pretty sure I'm not even Conservative by local standards.
And I'm also pretty sure black Nazis are a contradiction in terms.
Well, except for one. 
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Also, imagine being such a coward that you block the people you insult, and so stupid and bigoted that you can't even actually defend your own silly views.
Couldn't be me.
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