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siryouarebeingmocked · 6 months ago
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souf-v-staff-rematch: Hitting women is always wrong, no matter what argument you make.
People, including me: Men should be permitted to hit women in self defense, just like with men. Sometimes those women are armed and dangerous.
Me: In fact, here’s an example of a woman who stabbed a larger man to death with just a nail file.
Idiots: Well, obviously, people who say “don’t hit women” don’t include self-defense! Wasn’t that obvious from their complete lack of qualifiers?
souf-v-staff-rematch: [blocks me]
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souf-v-staff-rematch: [spends three posts begging strangers for validation without a single actual criticism of the argument]
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I also like how Souf describes himself as “handsome and funny” and not, y’know, “smart”.
You know the funniest part?
People like Souf take "I think everyone should have the right to actively defend themselves, even against women", and turn it into, "oh, so you're a man waiting for the slightest excuse to hit a woman?"
They obviously can't argue against the actual point without looking like like (more of) a sexist jerk, and they automatically think of the person as "threat to women", which translates to “man” by default.
Even though loads of women hold that exact same view.
Including one in the thread.
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siryouarebeingmocked · 2 months ago
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>but there is a lot of real estate between "woman catches fire" and "Person's Name lights woman on fire
Yes, there is, and the latter could get them sued.
>Also, consider the context of Big Media having a long history of downplaying actual crime while screaming about innocent things that they don't like.
All the more reason to stick to the bad things they actually do, instead of taking an acrobatic pirouette off the handle over headlines.
If anyone is reading a headline (or a tweet about a story) and drawing a conclusion from it, without reading the story, they are wrong.
Not just morally, factually.
It’s like reading a thesis statement for a paper, and acting like that's the paper.
Also, I got blocked over this, which tells you something about boomer-mythology-destroyer. Ironically, they couldn't take having their own mythology destroyed.
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siryouarebeingmocked · 4 months ago
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I love how I got this joker so salty he(?) had to reblog himself after blocking me to seethe and strawman and beg his followers for validation.
I especially like the part where apparently I'm...a monarchist? Because (he thinks) I'm from a commonwealth country?
That's not how it works!
Not socialist in a “I won’t have to work” type of way but socialist in a “I’ll still be working but I won’t be worried I won’t make the rent” type of way. In a “billions won’t be hoarded by one person” type of way. In a “janitors, fast-food workers, child care workers, preschool teachers, hotel clerks, personal care and home health aides, and grocery store cashiers, will live comfortably” type of way. In a “the sick and elderly will be cared for” type of way. In a “no child should work” type of way.
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siryouarebeingmocked · 5 months ago
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Turns out being "non-peaceful" just means "being angry and complaining".
Who knew?
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And apparently when Trump explicitly said they would protest "peacefully and patriotically", and some idiots started a riot despite that, it's a "coup".
Honestly, I'm surprised BB didn't mention the "insurrection".
Seriously, BB is often blatantly wrong about things. Certainly not proving the "smart people wear glasses" stereotype.
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siryouarebeingmocked · 1 year ago
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Gee, I wonder why ComeradeOwl blocked @percistent​. It’s a real mystery.
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shoujoboy-restart · 2 months ago
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Lol you forgot to hit post grandpa @religion-is-a-mental-illness
> No, he forfeited his right to safety when he made himself dangerous to everyone else by threatening everyone on the train. He literally told everyone he was going to kill them and he didn't care what happened to him.
"the admittedly mentally ill person said something they couldn't be legally held accountable for, but I need because I'm special and always right", if a person doesn't have sanity, making empty moralistic "well they chose" argument is by default null, because they didn't actually chose anything and that's a legal fact.
Again, so words are violence and people can get killed for it? So much for the Tolerant Left Atheism, someone screams "fire* in a theater everyone just jumps them, kills them and get denied medical assipstance on scene because they got pimple or bad breath I guess.
> this a extremely simple concept
Not really, you tell yourself that because you can't think outside of black and white thought, culture war sold to you by billionaires and "black guy scured me and was loud"
> unlike you dum dum, I see the truth of why a unarmed person screaming at the wind should be killed and denied care on scene
> threatening to kill people is not just "words" is a direct threat which is a crime.
You are so right! How could I forget that! Specially as something told to every domestic violence and stalking victim! They are sooo told that while being comforted by well trained humanized police that assured them all legal processes would be done for their safety, but you know I'm such a simplistic person so I totally forgot that, silly me.
I really don't, why the fuck would I be concerned about people in a objectively unconcerning situation, I live in modern society babe and know that some dogs are all bark no bite specially if they are malnutritioned and got no teeth, again if he was saying this to a a ex while stalking them absolutely nothing would be done lmao
Okay work lmao. You call me simplistic but you can't not let go of the buzzwords and culture war Chat GPT speak, how is me questioning why violent threats at no one in specific by someone without a weapon and who was denied basic medical assistance a child killing school shooter should get just "because he looked gross" is at all "activist nonsense"? I'm just questioning why our system picks and choose when it wants to be moralistic and decide who and how someone gets to be killed.
> funny how you can't find someone more worthy to make your point
You need a person to morally pure and "poster perfect" to defend their basic human rights and concistency from law enforcement and judicial system? And I'm the "simplistic mindset woke activist"? But hey what else to expect from a Israel defender lmao
#teamblocked scarry ass bitch lmao
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siryouarebeingmocked · 2 years ago
And how many will get mad at you if you say so.
EDIT: Yet another post where I agree with something perfectly reasonable that OP said, and they blocked me because of Shinigami Eyes.
Which is ironic, in this context.
It's so wild how many grown adults can't grasp such a basic concept like "if you are nicer to strangers they will usually be nicer to you in return"
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siryouarebeingmocked · 6 months ago
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I love the assumption in the tweet that the same men hold both opinions. Many men - and women - are simply against all sexism. 
Including me.
Of course, by the same lolgic, it’s okay to tar all women with the same brush as the minority who do bad things.
>Cooking is womens work, but only in the home, the majority of professional Chefs are male.
How is that sexism? Professional chefery is a lot different from cooking for yourself or your family. 
Also, aren’t bakeries often run by women?
>Tending to the sick is women's work, but only in the home, the majority of doctors are male.
...Who says women are supposed to tend to the sick? If the sick is a kid, maybe. And if the stay at home dad is a man, he’s expected to do it.
And, again, how is a gender disparity necessarily sexism? Women are still more likely to be nurses. And they outnumber doctors.
The gender ratio is 60/40 male/female. That’s not a huge majority.
By this lolgic, feminism’s majority of women would be evidence of sexism against men. In fact, feminism is rarely concerned with any field where women dominate.
>Caring about clothes and fashion is stupid and girly, but only at a consumer level, most fashion designers are male.
And are usually designing for women, because women generally care more about fashion and appearance. So women buy more clothes.
Is this what you’ve been reduced to? The fact that a tiny minority of men are fashion designers is not some sort of hypocrisy on the part of men that aren’t.
Just like the doctor thing.
>Women is the sex trade are disgusting and basically subhuman, but males are the majority of pimps and johns. 
Turns male hookers are treated even worse, and neither pimps or johns are exactly lauded as heroes.
You did notice that all of those are still illegal, right?
Also, pimps are often employees of the “sex trader” women. Think agent/bodyguard, not slave driver.
>Men are the ones who 'do the dirty work' but most men pitch a fit if their wives ask them to change their babies diaper.
1. Citation needed.
2. Men are expected to take out the garbage, do home and car repairs, including plumbing, etc. When it comes to actual jobs, men literally do the dirty work.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years ago
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veroverse21 · 3 years ago
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You weren’t respectful to those who ship Eraserjoke (or those who even like Mineta) by putting your negativity and whining about the ship in the tag and tags of the characters involved of the ship. We like to look at those tags and don’t want to see bullshit negativity and hate when we look. If you don’t have anything good to say about a ship then keep your content from appearing in the tags or searches.
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siryouarebeingmocked · 5 months ago
Remember, mainstream progressive thinking doesn't treat "misandry" or "androphobia" as real. The closest it gets is "toxic masculinity", which is usually treated as something different from "sexism", which is supposedly something that happens just to women. So admitting sexism against trans men is a thing would be way too close to admitting sexism against men in general is a thing, and that kind of messes with many people's binary idea of "man as oppressor".
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What a shock. For all OP's talk, they immediately looked for an excuse to dismiss my opinion the second I criticized progressives. And also supports political violence against Crimethinkers, which is a textbook definition of terrorism.
I don't think OP has as much self-awareness or difference from the people they're criticizing as they'd like to think.
"transandrophobia isn't real bc men aren't oppressed for being men, only for other marginalizations they face"
okay well i am a brown disabled trans masc person and i'm telling you i DO experience oppression on the basic of being what ppl perceive as me "being a man."
what is it when Black men are treated like violent, scary criminals? it's racism, yes, but it's also a specific form of racism that applies especially to Black MEN.
what is it when Indigenous men are expected to be "noble s*vages" in a way that is distinct from the way Indigenous women and nonbinary ppl are categorized?
what is it when disabled men are explicitly harmed for being weak or "not real men?" what is it called? is it JUST ableism? if so, why does gender continuously play a part in the harm?
what is it when trans men are assaulted or killed for not being "man enough?" what do we get to call transphobia that we, specifically, face for being masculine?
what about my fellow Black and brown trans dudes who hesitated to transition for fear of being fucking killed by cops? or are they just imagining it too?
why is it that when WE acknowledge our pain and oppression, we're suddenly just men and apparently aren't smart enough to know our own experiences? why do you get to tell me these things aren't real?
y'all will really talk about how patriarchy hurts everyone and then turn around and tell afab ppl whose genders you think are too privileged to sit down and be quiet. as if we didn't hear that from everyone else in our lives since birth. as if this isn't aimed at us SPECIFICALLY bc we're not the group YOU think deserves safety and respect. fuck you.
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chaoticgouda · 4 years ago
maybe we should stop acting like blocking someone you’ve never met is a bad thing.
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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 4 years ago
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@superimaginationcreativity Did tokyogutz block you as well? đŸ˜č
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the-salty-scythe-meister · 5 years ago
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Anyway, antis still wouldn't know a legit pedo if it bit them in the ass
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syabm · 4 months ago
OP is blocking everyone who disagrees, or reblogs disagreement, BTW.
Estimates are coming in from the Beirut bombing.
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There are very few injuries because most victims were vaporized.
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It's hellish to imagine what the people of Beirut are going through right now.
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Throughout this south Lebanon continued to be attacked.
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siryouarebeingmocked · 6 months ago
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“I care about the draft as a human rights issue. But not about the actual humans who have died because of conscription. 
And certainly not about the gender of almost every conscript in human history, which was usually an explicit requirement for conscription.
Just as a, y’know, conceptual, moral issue.
Also, I want to completely de-gender the issue, but still claim it’s feminist, somehow.”
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Needless to say, Cheshire got blocked, and Bready’s infobox is exactly what you’d expect from someone with this kind of take. Including DNIs for anyone who uses the term “narcissistic abuse”, or even says Personality Disorders are bad.
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Gee, I wonder why a self-centered person would hate people who talk about when narcissists are abusive.
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