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he’s rly that bitch!!
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by mcdynamite
When Draco finally gives in to the part of himself that believes he will never be good enough to deserve his relationship with Harry, he thinks he’s doing the right thing by putting an end to it. He’s only doing what’s necessary to save both of them from a world of future hurt, after all. The only problem? Harry Potter doesn’t give up easily when it comes to the people he loves, and Draco is about to find out that he may just be one of them.
Words: 4395, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter
Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Additional Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post-Hogwarts, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Breaking Up & Making Up, Developing Relationship, Crying, Panic Attacks, Implied/Referenced Sex, POV Draco Malfoy, Self-Hatred, Good Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy Needs a Hug, Draco Malfoy is Bad at Feelings, Harry Potter is a Good Boyfriend, Secret Relationship, Love Confessions, Fluff, these boys are trying their best, they just have a lot of emotional trauma to work through, Happy Ending, Cuddling & Snuggling, Literal Sleeping Together
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This brought tears streaming down my face, I loved it so much.
Microfic: every last bit
'Draco, I don't know why you're getting upset--'
'No, you wouldn't, would you?'
'I'm sorry I implied I might actually like who you are--'
'Why? Why?'
'You're funny, Draco, and kind, and--'
'No. No, I don't want to hear about that, Harry. I don't want to know why I'm good.'
'But you are--'
'I just spent six hundred Galleons on a designer bag.'
'Okay, but--'
'Honestly, the amount I donate to charities is paltry, Harry. Pennies, for how much I'm worth.'
'I got angry at Pansy last weekend because she made fun of my hair. I called her a stupid bint and poured red wine down her new white jumpsuit and I am refusing to admit it was an overreaction or pay for it.'
'...go on.'
'I'm still scared of muggles. I haven't visited Blaise's new baby yet. When my ex cheated on me, I told his work that he had a serious contagious disease and they put him on indefinite leave--don't laugh--and when you got drunk and told me about your childhood I tracked down where the Dursleys are currently living and I Confunded the local Mormons and convinced them Vernon needed saving and now he never gets peace and I don't feel bad at all.
I still love my father, even though I don't want to. I don't think Dumbledore was a hero, and sometimes I get very angry and lash out and hurt the people around me. Part of me still hates you because you don't have to try to be good, and I do. I'll probably hurt you at some point, and I won't be sorry right away, because I get too caught up in my head.
I've known you loved me for months, and I've loved you my entire life, and I haven't done anything because I am so fucking cowardly, Harry, and I could survive living without you but I couldn't survive losing you. So don't tell me why I'm good, because you're about to see all the bad, and if you can't cope with that then--mmmph.'
'...I always knew you'd be a good kisser.'
'Harry, you need to answer the question.'
'There was a question?'
'I'll take all of you, Draco. Every last bit.'
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I love this so much, even if Zachs a bitch.
Silence Breaks The Heart
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Boy meets boy. Boy falls in love with boy. They live happily ever after. Harry only wished it was that simple.
“I think I’ve had enough wine,” Draco said, standing up on shaky legs. “As a matter of fact, I think I need some air.”
Harry gaped before standing up from his seat and grabbing his cloak. Taking Draco’s offered hand, Harry all but pulled him out of the pub; the cold air hit him immediately, sobering him up slightly. Pausing to put on his cloak, Harry turned to ask Draco where he wanted to go next, but instead his breath hitched at the sight of Draco lounging against the wall, biting on his bottom lip.
Harry didn’t know whether it was the alcohol, the adrenaline or simply his horniness, but he took one look at Draco and stepped forward. Putting his hands on either side of Draco’s face, Harry pushed slightly so that Draco was flush against the wall.
“Fuck, I’ve wanted to do this for so long,” Harry whispered before raising his lips to kiss Draco fully.
Kissing Draco was better than Harry could have ever had imagined. And kissing him against a wall was so much better than awkward kisses over a pub table. Their noses bumped and their tongues battled and it was fucking fantastic. Draco wrapped his arms around Harry’s waist and pulled him close. Harry slipped one hand into Draco’s hair and deepened the kiss; one leg sliding between Draco’s. Gasping, Draco slid his arms down until his hands were resting on Harry’s arse.
Harry pulled away from Draco, breathing heavily. “Your place or mine?” he asked with a grin on his face.
“Aren’t we presumptuous?” Draco replied, grinning. “Yours. Mine contains people I’d rather not see just now.”
Even the thought of Lucius Malfoy walking around in his pyjamas was not enough to dampen Harry’s arousal. “Ready?” he asked.
Draco nodded and held on to Harry tighter. Harry laughed.
“Lazy bugger,” Harry said, lessening the comment with a kiss. “It’s only around the corner; we’re walking. And I can’t guarantee we’d get there in one piece if we Apparated. I’m told that Splinching on a first date leaves a bad impression.”
Harry was expecting at least a small grumble at that, but Draco surprised him by simply taking his hand and following him down the path. The walk took longer than Harry thought it would, and he was feeling the cold. It might not have taken so long had they been slightly less drunk and not stopping every couple of steps for chaste snogs. It was only when they were in sight of his house that Harry thought to do a Warming Charm.
Harry thought he would be more nervous as they entered the house, but he wasn’t. He would’ve blamed his new-found confidence on the alcohol, but he knew it wasn’t true. He and Draco had simply clicked, and Harry couldn’t wait to find out exactly how compatible they were.
After unlocking the door, Harry showed Draco into the living room. Harry barely gave Draco time to appreciate it before kissing him again. “Drink?” he asked once he paused for breath.
“Bed,” came the simple reply from Draco.
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I love this so much. Got to be one of the best drarry fics I've read.
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Fanfic Name: Ardent Admiration
Author: janieoho
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