#duke corvo au
no-light-left-on · 2 months
just weighing the possibilities of an AU of Corvo as Duke of Serkonos meets human Outsider
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A Story About Karnaca: Friendship, Loss, and the Blade Verbena
Dishonored AU I’ll probably never write but that’s fun to think about (it's another one of those)
playlist: baby run if you care for me
When Corvo is 16, he has already caught the Duke’s attention (how? grumble doesn’t know), and he’s on track to enlist in the Serkonan Guard/the Duke’s personal guard as soon as he’s of age. Daud, 19 years old and Corvo’s reluctant friend (reluctant because he’s strange and Corvo is hopelessly optimistic about everything), was never taken and remains in Karnaca, running odd jobs around the city that he keeps Corvo well away from.
When the Blade Verbena comes up, Corvo is determined to enter, and badgers Daud into signing up with him. Corvo is oblivious to how many people came specifically to see him, even though Daud knows it (and tells him, Corvo waves it off). So Daud hopes that they won’t have to face each other, that either of them will drop out before the final encounter.
But of course these hopes are dashed. He doesn’t say it (and he won’t say it afterward), but one part of him hopes that Corvo might take mercy on him — but it’s the Blade Verbena, so who would, for love or friendship? But he’s also aware this is his one chance of impressing if not the Duke, then some other noble enough to take him on. (He wouldn’t mind to be noticed by the Duke, if only to be able to enlist together with Corvo, or earlier, as he’s already of age. He knows that Corvo’s not in the position to make requests of the Duke, but he feels Theodanis might look kindly upon someone asking for an opportunity on behalf of their friend.)
But Corvo is the better swordsman, and Daud knows it. But he also knows that he has more bulk and brute force than Corvo, and he knows that if he fought dirty, he could win this.
He doesn’t fight dirty.
He fights well, but Corvo defeats him by miles, and it’s not enough to catch the Duke’s eye. (Or so Daud thinks. It will later come out that Theodanis did ask Corvo about his “friend,” but by then Daud had already left Karnaca.) More than that, Daud misjudges an opening in Corvo’s guard and rushes in when he shouldn’t have, and it’s too late for Corvo to abort the cut: the blade cuts a line clean over Daud’s eye, and it’s a miracle he doesn’t lose it. Corvo falters, just for a moment, horrified at the blood. Daud knows he can’t pause, can’t go easy on him or make either of them look weak, so he catches himself and then rushes in again, forcing Corvo to defend himself. He doesn’t remember whether he said anything, whether he growled at Corvo to focus. Maybe he did. But with the blood running down his face, Daud can’t see, and a few thrusts and parries later, the duel is brought to an end when Corvo knocks his blade away, then catches him by the throat and forces him down. 
Daud wonders whether it’s to have it end or to make sure Daud sees a surgeon. Maybe it’s both.
After the duel, he’s angry, and he could easily forgive his wounded pride if it weren’t for that crushing weight of an opportunity, missed. Corvo fusses and Daud wants to send him flying across the room. When Corvo gets called away to be given his reward, Daud resolves to take stock of his options.
Serkonos seems to have none left, for him.
I even made a couple of covers for it:
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rosedragonblast · 1 year
Naruto/Dishonored AU Crossover
Just a bit of an after thought that carries itself in my head for quite a while. I like both fandoms so, wanted to mix them with each other in some way. Also have some other ideas for AUs with Naruto. Sasuke is a an heir to her father's throne after Itachi, not being able to handle the responsibility, fled the scene, much like Beatrici fled Serkonos when Corvo was a child. Having no other choice, Fugaku made his daughter an heir. While trying to conceive another male child, Mikoto almost died during childbirth. She managed to live, but the child was born deformed and already deceased. Accepting the fact that this can be an omen for not having another kid, fearing for his sick wife, Fugaku finally fully excepted his daughter as the true heir. After a long diplomatic conversation with Serkonos, duke, Minato, decided to send his youngest son, Naturo, to serve there as one of the officers. Unexpectedly, Uzumaki was the only one who forged a close bond with Sasuke. So, after his wife's influence and wish to make his daughter as comfortable as possible in her new position (Sasuke was gradually prepared for this, as she was considered to be nothing more than a wife for the royal of other country and a diplomatic instrument before), he accepted Naruto as a possible candidate for the position of royal protector. Sasuke finally named 16-year-old Naruto as her royal lord protector when she turned 12.
They managed to get along ever since. Even tho they had different personalities and political thoughts, they found solutions for it. Naruto protected Sasuke and even her father during a coo that was stirred up closer to the end of Fugaku's rein. Naruto was wounded, but managed to impress the emperor. A year after Fugaku passed from an illness that he was battling for quite a while. An eye disease that was passing through the male Uchiha line. Being a woman, Sasuke did not only tear a century long male line of her family, but also broke a curse of this eye plague that killed her ancestors before they ever turned 50.
Naruto helped her every step of the way, along with her mother, Mikoto. Eventually their bond grew so close they started secretive relationship that lasted for a year, before Sasuke was able to give Uchiha line heirs. Twins, that were named Kay and Emily. They both looked very similar to their mother, expect for their eyes that had bright blue color. Royals tried to claim their bastard nature, considering their birth outside of marriage, but Mikoto managed to quickly shut the acid spitting mouths. She suspected the truth, but considering that Sasuke refused to marry, it was the only way for the Uchiha line to thrive.
Outside of anyone's knowing, even closest friends and family, Naruto and Sasuke had a third child. A boy named Kirin. He was sent to Serkonos in fear that he might face the consequences of strongly resembling his father. The only man on earth who knew about his nephew's royal lineage was Kurama. He hid the boy away, making sure that he could get everything necessary for his comfort.
After that, Emily, as the oldest child, was pronounced as the heir. Even tho she only was a few minutes older than her brother, for many people, who already saw a rise of the great empress, that was enough to make that claim legitimate. They grew up together in Gristol, calling their father by his name to avoid any more suspicion. Kay grows up to me much like any Uchiha. With black hair, tall stature, handsome face with a visible jaw line and a slender body. Although he had quite a dark skin tone, was taller than many of his ancestors and had striking blue eyes that were usually filled wth a spark of joy and curiosity for the world around him. He was quite an energetic and mischievous child, but calmed down a bit when he turned 10. He found himself in art, painting animals since he was 5. Emily is quite similar to her look in the canon, besides having blue eyes.
At this point in time a canonical event happened. But with major differences. Kabuto was an assassin that tried to kill Sasuke. He failed, but many didn't know it yet, including Naruto. Kabuto is send by royal spymaster, Orochimaru. Sasuke is hidden away, while Naruto was pursued for his "crime". He spent 6 months im prison, but finally managed to get out with help of Kakashi, Yamato and others. Loyalists don't betray Naruto in this AU because they consist of his canonical allies. They bring him to the Hound's Pit and give him a mask that resembles his demonic fox from from the anime. He also connects to the Outsider, who is not really changed in this AU. He starts his journey with wiping out Orochimaru's allies, who didn't only want to usurp the throne, but also take Sasuke for himself. He starts with Karin, although he finds out that she is merely a hostage doing his bidding. By freeing her, Naruto stopped a constant flow of Orochimaru's experimental materials. He also managed to shift Suigetsu and Jugo to his side. They form sort of an alliance. They help Naruto get through some of Orochimaru's defences, which drove him to an island of Kingsparrow. To get this info, Naruto had to face a failed killer. Kabuto tried to fight and conseal his master, but broke down after a swift chase and under Naturo's ability to resolve issues with conversation. He disbanded his group of orphans as assassins and proceeded further into the country to find a better fate.
To be able to get there, Naruto first secured the safety of his children. He found them captive at one of the Orochimaru's labs, being watched over by some of his men. After rescuing Emily and Kay, Naturo turned his head towards his main goal. When children were freed, Orochimaru finally had no open leverage against Naruto and his allies. Loyalists helped him, while their protected heirs to the throne. Naruto has final confrontation with Orochimaru, where he revealed that Sasuke is alive. Although not well, the empress managed to push the man to the edge. Not willing to give up just yet, he almost brought down both of them. Seeing Orochimaru fall, Naruto gripped tightly to Sasuke's hand. He pulled her up, holding the empress close.
At first, not recognizing him, she seemed confused, but they share a reunion under a heavy rain when Naruto finally takes his mask off. After thinking that they lost each other, Sasuke thinking that Naruto was executed, and Naruto thinking his lover dead by assassination, they return to rule the realm and raise their children together.
The story of the second game happened 8 years later. Sasuke was preparing her oldest child, Emily, to take the throne from her mother after Sasuke's long 21 years of holding the crown. She was not quite ready herself, but tried her hardest. With emotional support from her brother, she learned how to fill in the documents and properly speak while addressing her subjects.
At some point, Naruto is kidnapped. Kabuto, knowing too well that he was not welcomed, still bowed infront of Sasuke, sharing the info about Naruto's disappearance. Not being able to leave the throne unattended, the monarch send Kay and Emily to deal with a supposed coo that was preparing somewhere in Serkonos. They explore their father's birthplace, while exposing all it's dark secrets. At this point, Naruto's parenthood is revealed. But they don't yet know about their brother's existence. They manage to find and save Naruto from overseers, who find his old connection to the god of the Void and try to question him.
After saving Naruto and letting him rest, the Uchiha twins got a visit of their own, getting a half of the mark each. Thet possess the same abilities to one another, efficiently stalking through the streets.
They stumble upon Clockwork mansion once they are in the city. They see an uncanny resemblance of it's owner, Kirin. Naruto, not being able to hold the secret any longer, explains their brother's story. Kirin was born without a limb, missing his right arm. But it didn't stop him from being a natural genius. He was as clever as he was cunning and calm, so he slowly pushed himself through in the academy, finding his place as an inventor. He was also curios about the coo because of the fact that someone used his clockwork soldiers without his knowledge. Kirin strongly resembled Naruto, having his face and hair color, but inheriting his mother's eyes and skin tone. He dresses in dark tones, unnatural for Serkonos. It's mainly blue, black and grey. He has a mechanical prosthetic arm that he constructed for himself. Despite his timid nature, he still managed to create a social fond for people who need prosthetics as much as he does (children with deformities, mine workers after accidents.) Ironically, living on Serkonos and descending from a line of Serkonan royals, he still burned by sun like a fish on a pan. Because of this he mainly spends his days working, only going outside while the moon is in the sky. He also inherited naturally suspicious character of Uchihas, so he is not the most loving towards society and crouds. Reunited siblings manage to track it all down to Delilah. She became a victim Orochimaru's experiments at an early age, loosing her mother to them as well. Bitter and weak, she rose to power and intended to make royals all over the world pay for their negligence towards Orochimaru's doings in various cities and countries. Kay, Emily and Kirin manage to stop the coo, return to Gristol and introduce Kirin as the member of the royal family. Although he continued to live in Serkonos, officially helping his relatives from his mansion.
Details might be added through development. It's a raw concept really XD)
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divinemanicstate · 3 years
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*holds you like one of my experiments*
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aimlessfool · 4 years
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Corvo from my Duke of Serkonos!Corvo au. Expression practice
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zilodak · 4 years
I’m gonna copy and paste something I posted on discord because I feel like people need to know about this dream I had.
“Took a little nap and had a dream where Corvo was the Duke of Serkonos and he was overworking himself doing other people’s work bc he couldn’t trust them to get stuff done. So during a party that was thrown for him Stilton talks sense into him and convinces that he needs some rest and some time for himself (like when was the last time he did something for himself?) because he looks frailer than he did before and he was worried for him. This dream took place in an AU where everyone is friends after Delilah’s coup and Daud tagged along with Corvo in DH2, so he shows up at Daud’s motel and Daud’s like “Oh wow you do look quite... frail.” And they talk for a bit and Daud convinces him further that he should take care of himself, that they were not the men that they once were and that despite everything their bodies and mind are very fragile. Daud also convinces Corvo that he should trust his employees just like the way he trusted Daud. Corvo stays the night, he sends Galia (Galia works for both Daud and Corvo in this) to relay the message to his subordinates and do the work while he’s gone as a result of Daud’s words.
Corvo wakes up early to a note from Daud on his room’s door saying that he’s gone walking for a bit and so Corvo heads down to the beach. It’s that time of the morning where the beach is chilly and the sea is fresh and cold and he asks himself when was the last time he swam and relaxed on the beach? While he’s sitting pondering that question and everything Stilton and Daud told him last night, the latter walks behind him and brings him a muffin from the kitchen upstairs, telling him that he shouldn’t be skipping meals. He eats the muffin and they finally dive into the sea.
What happens then is a bit blurry but Billie heads down to the beach to bring proper breakfast to both of them and she finds them making sand castles. She stays and helps them with the castle.”
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retired-crow · 4 years
👀 (beep boop, I would like to see :3)
@donotfeedthewildauthor omg Thank you for the ask! :DD
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Have a very annoyed Corvo with a temporary jacket wip :’’D it’s from my Duke!Corvo AU!
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exalok · 4 years
whaddup my dudes!!!
i am tired and wired and this means brain no writey but brain VERY focused on absolutely all the fic i have going on at once that aren’t prompts (prompts will be incoming, no worries dissociation anon)
and THAT means y’all get to hear about my many. many. MANY projects, or at least the ones that make my heart go pitter patter when i think of them
a few examples: demon!corvo and priest!daud with extra worldbuilding ; the naptime cuddles AU ; corvo doesn’t come to dunwall so jess and daud end up arranged-married for profit (more info..... under the readmore..... i’m gonna get rambly)
also feel free to ask questions, i love questions and they get me thinking even more in depth about the world and specific instances of characters and that is the entire POINT
i might have about. 25 fic more or less active at the moment? which sounds like a reasonable number but those are the ones i have an actual plot for as well as the will to get them out into the world
let’s put aside the ones i have actually posted on tumblr or ao3 (teen!daud, domestic zombie apocalypse, bondageverse, knife!corvo) in favor of those you have either no or little idea exist. begin:
I MEAN OBVIOUSLY I MADE FANFIC OF MY OWN FANFIC or as i call it parallel/companion fic, because at some point in the past a prompter inspired me and i was deep in the prince!daud fic at the time and i thought what if high chaos. what if void monster corvo? what if horrifying yet human creature of the depths!!! what if EVERYTHING was TERRIBLE and daud killed corvo as a last ditch and vain attempt to get his people out of burrows’ clutches, and it all went to shit from there??? also they’re bound by marriage contract and the vagaries of magical intention and daud becomes corvo’s life battery, in essence, which you can imagine leads to a very unhealthy relationship i think it’s not spoilering much to tell you it does NOT end well, and i’ll be writing it as a sort of foil to low chaos prince!daud
i have quite a few high chaos fics actually. high chaos is depressing to play but the story outcomes are DELICIOUS and the degrading world and character motivations are a lot of fun to play around in
weirdly enough another one of these high chaos fics is the naptime cuddles AU!!! i won’t lie it’s the one i am currently on and i want to talk about it to everyone so bad constantly. in short, corvo doesn’t kill daud and the whalers because he’s trying to get out and currently too fucked up to fight, and when he doesn’t manage to save emily despite his best efforts he comes back to daud for some kind of symbolic execution. meanwhile thomas convinced daud to take a goddamn nap with him there because daud, despite his paranoia, does sleep better with people around, and this is entirely an excuse for semi-platonic daudthomascorvo cuddles in bed followed by whaler puppypiles when the gang catches on that this is a thing they can do now I LOVE PUPPYPILE WHALERS I LOVE NAPS I LOVE REDEMPTION THROUGH THE POWER OF RESTORATIVE SLEEP please i’m so tired and i can’t actually fall asleep next to people let me live my dream vicariously additionally: this will be my contribution to the absolutely wonderful whaler vineyard of old fanon
there is also what i feel should be a classic and ISN’T though a couple of fics were written around the concept and one in particular is /chef kiss, and the concept is: high chaos corvo meets low chaos corvo!!!!! i made it a threesome with daud because no one can stop me and i fucking LOVE the idea of daud ending up capable of telling them apart through tiny details even when high chaos corvo, bastard that he is, tries to impersonate low chaos corvo, who is a bastard in much more subtle ways and would probably be better at impersonating hc!c than the other way around but finds it distasteful; also i added intense body horror because that’s how i roll and there are eventual magical CONSEQUENCES to hc!c being in the low chaos world and regularly in contact with what is essentially his narrative double when he doesn’t belong there, probably ends in a tragically bittersweet way, i’m not completely clear on it yet though i do have ideas
and oh man......... the time travel corvo fic.... the one where high chaos corvo ends up in his own seven-year-old body........... fuck i hashed out so much of the general worldbuilding for that one and ended up going way too far and imagining a sequel like i always do where corvo learns how to walk universes and gathers people he cares about from places where he can actually save them from their eventual tragic futures and the dissolution of their timelines once the outsider is ousted from the void and a new void avatar is made and SHENANIGANS YO!!! SHENANIGANS AND CAMPING!!!! SELF-CROSSOVERS!!!!!!! I COULD HAVE HIM MEET HIMSELF IF HE HADN’T TRAVELED BACK I’M CRYING I HAVE SO MANY EMOTIONS
the one where corvo is a fae child is probably a lil bit high chaos though it isn’t determined yet, and he has all of these instincts with regards to possessing and exchange and deals, and assumptions as to how other people must work approximately the same, and he is so wrong. then there’s the really creepy bad touch possible sequel that i won’t get into unless someone specifically asks because it’s a lil bit much really
oh MAN oh SHIT speaking of bad touch there’s another dead dove do not eat one where i grabbed an entire handful of granny rags’ apparent fucking around with magical arrays and rune creation and general spellery and threw it at corvo post-interregnum and he sees “ghosts” and doesn’t understand what the FUCK is going on and things go really badly for him, and one ghost, soon the only ghost, is daud, and corvo doesn’t know if he’s real, if he’s seeing things, if he’s NOT seeing things but daud is some kind of void demon, if he is and also having psychotic breaks he doesn’t remember because he ends up with some hellish bruises, but the real daud is actually still out there just hiding out and corvo will eventually meet up with him and real daud will meet fake daud and even more shit will happen
god, the demon!corvo AU gets pretty fucked up as well if i remember right; corvo is both some dude with a wife and kid and the demon that inhabits him, jess is his wife and the demon that inhabits her (to be clear, separate characters but both based on either jess or corvo oh my GOD what if i switched the demons that would be amazing but no, calm down, maybe for a short what-if scenario that will inevitably turn into its own thing), daud is the overseer with the really good exorcism record trying to get the demons to fuck off except he thinks there’s only one of them and the other takes him by surprise; cue daud being hunted by that demon, furious that daud shattered his favorite pupil, and some revelations about what exactly lives inside the abbey and also under it
on a somewhat lighter note, the one where corvo never comes to dunwall (i think his mom gets sick and he doesn’t win the blade verbena at sixteen?) is also where jess keeps losing her royal protectors to assassination attempts because the first one was decent and died protecting her and the second one was decent and had an accident and people start believing there’s a curse on the position or a curse on her, and she’s like okay so how do i make sure i don’t die now that no one is willing to become my protector since it’s pretty much a death sentence, and she arranges a meeting with the best assassin in the city and suggests an alliance -- protection and some commission overview, all secret, versus funding and housing -- in the form of a marriage and daud ends up agreeing; then later duke abele visits and corvo is among his personal guard and he gets to meet the empress, and the assassin, and there are ot3 shenanigans
oh my GOD also the kids in karnaca AU. obviously. fuck you may have seen the (dis)armingly charmed notefic but this would be them meeting as actual kids, in karnaca, just tiny babies, daud recently kidnapped and corvo doing his best to make this cool older kid into his friend and also maybe hiding him from the people who want to train him to do Illegal Things, and there are dumb childish arguments and daud goes on the run to avoid capture and there is an exchange of letters that at one point stops and corvo is Devastated and there is a REUNION and they are ADORABLE but also INCREDIBLY STUPID, AS IS RIGHT AND CORRECT, and i don’t know what happens later but it gives me warm fuzzies okay
then i have a NUMBER of oneshots that are more or less plotted out, like the one where jess has a kind of groundhog day because Heart reasons but over months and starts out not quite remembering what happened in past attempts and OF COURSE it ends with royal ot3; and there’s the one where Daud becomes the Outsider and is very temporally confused and OF COURSE it ends with corvodaud who do you take me for (including Very Perplexing arguments where daud doesn’t know at what point in this relationship’s development he is and corvo is angry or very patient depending on where he accidentally time travels to, and i make some assumptions about the non-linearity of the void avatar’s existence); and there’s the one where corvo catches the plague and gets through kingsparrow to get emily out then to people he trusts, ie the curnows and sam beechworth, then crawls away to die, but daud finds him and sighs and rolls up his sleeves and sends whalers to the Tower and emily thinks the Tower is haunted then, when it becomes very clear the Tower is not, demands one of these assassins teach her how to stab a bitch; AND THERE’S THE ONE WHERE CORVO AND JESS ARE GHOSTS AND DAUD IS A REAL ESTATE AGENT AND THE WHALERS ARE THE KIDS HE TRIED TO HELP OUT AS A SOCIAL WORKER and yes it’s ot3 and yes he buys the ghost house and ends up being filmed by the whalers to do cooking videos and fancy knife tricks and asmr because his voice is insanely soothing when he’s not being ornery; oh fuck and there’s the one where i wrote an unrequited corvodaud prompt and my brain grabbed it, smelled it, and decided that corvo very reluctantly falling for daud was necessary to the health of my feelings, and there is at least one (1) sleeping beauty coma while corvo yells at the outsider about the Heart; also there’s the one where in D2 billie was evasive about the old guy living with her on her boat and em finds daud rather than sokolov in jindosh’s basement and they have long, emotional discussions; and for the character building hell of it one that would span the outsider’s beginnings and growth and how the void tries to welcome him in
okay........................ i think i’m done rambling now
i love fanfic y’all
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exultedshores · 4 years
🔥 theodanis able, or Aramis stilton?
(Send Me a 🔥 + a Topic, and I’ll Tell You My Honest Opinion About It)
Both? Both. Both is good.
Oh god, these two. I adore them. I adore Aramis, I adore Theodanis, and I adore their relationship. They’re the pinnacle of good and kind and soft, and I will always lament the fact that we never got to meet Theodanis in the games. If he’d lived and stayed the Duke, I think Karnaca would have looked very different.
We don’t know all that much about Theodanis on account of him having died before the events of the second game, but what we do know paints the picture of a good man and a just ruler. Everywhere you go in Karnaca, people tell you things were much better under the old Duke. Even Corvo himself calls Theodanis a good man – and honestly, a commendation from Corvo Attano is enough to put someone in my good graces.
I do have some questions about his home life, I have to admit. Both his sons were nightmares, which implies less than stellar fatherhood skills on Theodanis’ part – although it’s unfair to blame the father for the sins of the sons. I feel like Theodanis’ duties as the Duke of Serkonos kept him from being there for Radanis and Luca as much as they needed, which is kind of sad. Also, it’s not specified exactly when Theodanis began seeing Aramis, but chances are high that started while his wife was still alive. Which doesn’t say anything in and of itself, because we know absolutely nothing about Callas or the relationship she and Theodanis had, but… well, like I said, I have questions. But still, I think Theodanis was a good man trying to do right by his people, and we all know that good rulers are a rarity in the Dishonored universe.
And then there’s Aramis, who is just… a ray of sunshine, really. I don’t think there’s another character in the games I admire as much as I admire him. He started from nothing, came to Serkonos with less than ten coins in his pocket, and he worked his way up in the mines until he owned them. And even when he had it made and was living in his fancy manor, he didn’t forget his roots. He didn’t fall into the trap of wealth. He kept fighting for the miners, made sure their hours stayed reasonable, did everything in his power to combat the dangers they face on a daily basis. He is amazing and I respect him so much.
The nobles who made fun of him can all go suck an egg, because Aramis Stilton is a marvel. At least Theodanis could see that – which is another point in his favour, really. He didn’t care one bit about Aramis’ background, just saw him for the wonderful person he is. Theodanis and Aramis’ relationship gets me choked up every time I think about it – because even with so little information about them, you can just tell how loving that relationship was. Even in his madness after the séance, Aramis is talking about Theodanis. Hell, it’s because of Theodanis that he even allowed the séance to take place at his home in the first place; it’s abundantly clear he doesn’t like Luca, but he tries to keep up a good relationship with him because Theodanis meant so much to him. Just… god, Aramis and Theo have the softest romance in the games, and it breaks my heart every time to think that Theodanis is dead. There’s a reason I went and wrote a Theodanis lives AU, guys.
Also, Aramis’ friendship with Meagan? Wholesome.
In summary, I would die for both Aramis Stilton and Theodanis Abele, but their response would probably be ‘not if I die for you first’.
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matredaen · 4 years
1, 3, 23, and 24 for the ask meme please? :D
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
CURRENTLY im trying to get back into the swing of writing with some dishonored fics - ive got one in the wings about corvo teaching emily some sea shanties on a serkonan guitar, both processing their grief re: Jessamine. ive also got a marked jessamine/jessamine lives fic that id like to write in the next uhhh year lmao. ALSO one set after the events of dh2 wherein emily sends corvo south to be the duke. ALSO ALSO one where jessamines ghost haunts the lord regent in dunwall tower.
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
god. can i just say All of your shadow at morning (the marked/jessamine lives One) ? because yeah, all of that. i still think all the time about the boyle party scene in that au.
23. What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
at this point its probably foxholes, my fallout 4 longfic that i never wrote (but which i would still like to) - an exploration of love and family and grief and how these things haunt a person.
24. Would you say your writing has changed over time?
i sure hope so!! ive been writing since i was 11, at least - id like to think that ive improved somewhat and started growing into my prose since then lol. i need to read more - ive felt a stagnation recently, which means its time to get back at it
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artistic-fuss · 5 years
Commissioned by @darthfluff a good friend of mine! We have had this pet au for some time and I really appreciate her for getting me to write this!
Someone leaves a threat to Duke Luca Abele on his desk, who put it there and where does it lead?
Word reaches Dunwall too late. Far too late for Corvo’s liking, but then, to be to Corvo’s liking word would have reached Dunwall before the act had even happened. Emily finds it funny, which, in its way it is. Unfortunately, however, neither of them can take this lightly. As much as they would love to, as much as they would enjoy watching an assassin end the rein of Duke Luca Abele. There is an obligation to them both to investigate the threat. See to its integrity. Duke Luca insists to them through letters that no one would wish him dead, let alone enough so to threaten his very life. He does admit to some unsavoury business going on his Karnaca, swears that he has Officers and his head scientific teams on it. They are searching through everything and everywhere he assures them. Asks them not to come. In case they are in danger as well, so he claims. Corvo does not believe him and neither does Emily. They know enough of what he is doing in Karnaca, what he is doing to his continent, to know, many want him dead. They know and understand that there is a risk to them, risk that Emily trusts Corvo to handle with ease. As he always has. Still, he tells her that Alexi must come along.
Corvo has all the information he has loaded onto their ship before they make for the sea. He will work on the way.
They have been sent a silver graph of the threat as it was found. Corvo holds the photo up to the light of his cabin and comes to the same conclusion every time he does. The note is stabbed through deep into the wood of Abele’s desk by a whaling blade. This is no casual assassin’s threat. This is nothing that a maid or Officer would have access to. Nothing that someone in the Duke’s staff could do. Corvo hates to sound cliche and stereotypical of a paranoid Gristolian, but in this case, he has to. All signs are in front of him. All signs that he needs personally at least. This note was not left by an amateur. Amateurs do not have original Whaler blades. They do not know exactly how to put their words onto a piece of wrinkled paper to send shivers down their targets’ spines. No amateur does, but Whalers do. Ex-Whalers of course, by now he is sure. Daud, after all, has not been seen anywhere since the days prior to Emily’s coronation. Even then, he was only a flash of a blood-red coat and a pale rose resting against the grave of Empress Jessamine Kaldwin.
And yet, he is no less certain that somewhere in this mix he will be lead back to the scar-faced assassin and his men. Corvo does question whether Daud is the center of this threat, however.
Corvo combs through names and leads and finds exactly zero familiar names. Many of Duke Luca’s scientists are unfamiliar to him even. He, of course, recognizes Kirin Jindosh, and Brenna Ashworth, but the others he has not so much as heard the surnames of. Dr. William Hall? Lavina Milani? The pair are the coroners of each body that appears linked to something wrong, something sketchy. They will be looked into extensively. Lavina particularly catches his attention. Though not for the reason of him believing her linked to the bodies, or the threat even. She has reports made by officers about her, threats. Nothing as big as threatening the Duke, but as he digs deeper into what he has on her he finds that she has expressed distaste for Luca. As has Dr. Hall. Corvo is unsurprised but files those complaints away for further investigation. He must look into every little thing after all. If only to keep a reputation he has gained over his years as Lord Protector. Neither of the coroners has had any crime reported. Well, nothing Corvo would count. Swearing at a Watch Officer is, surprisingly, not a crime. No matter how colourfully the words came out. (Pointing a scalpel you hold in your hand, also, does not count. They are coroners after all.)
When the ship makes dock in Karanca after its voyage, Corvo is able to get his hands on more information, more material. He is able to see the knife in person finally and feel the weight in his hands. Drag his thumb over the divets in the Whaling blade. Holding it only solidifies his belief that it came from a Whaler. It is in near perfect condition, the same as any other Whaling Blade he has had the pleasure of coming across in his time. The note is not in Daud’s writing. Corvo was not expecting it to be. He does not know the writing, but it is untrained. The one who wrote it does not have a formal education. Nor is the writing like that of a Karnacan. The person was not born or at least, not raised in Karnaca.
Duke Luca Abele appears Corvo would not say unconcerned, but he would say that the Duke appears unaffected by the threat. If not before Corvo’s arrival, then at least after it.
Emily and Corvo are set up in a spare suite of the palace. It feels uncannily as if it is or was touched by Void. Not specifically the Outsider himself, but the Void. Corvo finds it hard to sleep there. The Void itches in his skull until he jolts awake and finds himself in an old familiar cold. Only, the place does not appear to him as the Void. Not at first. He wanders the palace through the fade and follows the traces of where the seams of the worlds tore open.
The seams lead him to the place the note was left. The Whaling Blade shivering and shaking in only the way the Void can make things move. He sees no one. Not at first, not that night. But the next he notices the shadows. He feels the mark of someone he does not know. He feels it pull and shift through the world as if the being is moving through water. The image of a Red Shark comes to mind. He cannot place why. But the red, that shade of red he can place. In one flash of the Red Shark image, he knows the red. That red matches Daud. It is the shade he has forever associated with the old Knife Of Dunwall. Still. This is not Daud. He knows that as a fact.
When awake he follows the path in his dreams. The Marked left no mark. Came in and left from a window in the ceiling and not once slipped on the wet metal of the rails. Then, went to the sea. The trail just dies above the water. Not close enough to suggest the Marked swam, but high enough to suggest they grasped something. Something tall.
Corvo heads for the docks. Asking the workers for descriptions of ships. Particularly ships with masts. Many look away from him, they do not want to speak of the ship. He asks if it is still around. They do not know. It comes and goes. The Captain does not pay to be in port. She scares them too deeply. So they have no record of when or where she docked. A few, the brave ones tell him they may be able to find someone from the ship in a tavern. But following those leads bring up nothing. No ship name.
While there, something does catch his attention. Jaime. That is the man’s name. He is Gristolian, annoyingly so. The man is too drunk to recognize Corvo, or perhaps he has been so out of the loop of politics he does not realize Corvo is still in a position of power. Whatever his reasoning, he shares with Corvo a drunken worry that his friends keep trying to turn him away from.
Never the less Jaime persists.
He shares with Corvo his paranoia of a bookshop down by a far side dock. Jaime’s friends insist that the poor old man living there needs no one just bursting into his shop. Surely doing that would give him a heart attack. And Jaime continues, tells Corvo that the man, Carlo Demorto, he spits the name out quickly as he talks. Almost like saying it summons him. He rambles to Corvo about how strongly he believes this man is no sailor, no simple old whaler, but a Whaler. He makes an exaggerated motion that causes his friends to sigh as he says Whaler the second time, trying hard to imply the Whalers of Dunwall. Then he corrects himself with another swig of rum. Carlo’s not a Whaler, but The Whaler. Daud. He shouts as the name comes back to his far from sober mind. Daud, he continues, that bookstore owner, he swears on the Empress, more proof he has no clue who he is speaking with, that the man is Daud.
Corvo returns to the palace that night, a drink in him with the persistence of Jaime, unsure if he believes the man’s speculation. For one thing, why would Daud open a bookshop? On another, how had he not been arrested or taken by Overseers? But can he really afford to ignore it at this time? The one who left the note was Marked and left on a ship. Who better to know what could be happening than the old Knife Of Dunwall, the Wolf of Man himself, Daud? He always knew so much. Corvo cannot deny that fact. Daud knew what was happening always, he was ahead of the guard, the overseers, the other gangs. And Corvo doubts that if Daud is around, that he could leave something this big alone.
In the night he returns to the Void, the Outsider smiling at him, eyes looking deeper than usual. For once, he does not speak and the world moves around Corvo, placing him somewhere he has never seen, but with people, he has seen silver graphs of. Before him stands Lavinia Milani and Dr. William Hall. The doctor is crotched in front of some sort of chair, someone, long dead, strapped in. He is fiddling with tubes from the chair, when he speaks it is consumed by the Void. The same happens with Miss. Milani’s voice. The Void’s way of telling him he is focused on the wrong part of the image. So Corvo moves on as the pair get caught in the loop of the Void.
He looks around the room they are in.
The door is open, but he cannot see passed it, it leads to inky blackness and whales. But looking up behind Dr. Hall reveals what the Void is showing him. Marked into the wall in what Corvo hopes is paint, but believes is blood, is a symbol. A series of lines he may have seen vaguely in passing. It means nothing to him then.
In the morning, however. It means so much. Miss. Malani has sent papers to the palace for him, and there in clear view on many sheets is that mark. She calls it the mark of the Eyeless. Her report tells him it is a suspected gang linked to the Void, the report ends suddenly and is hastily signed off by Dr. Hall. The ink of his pen dragging along to the edge and possibly beyond. Corvo inquires about these Eyeless with the Officers of Karnaca, they tell him they are nothing. A members-only tavern, nothing more.
He hears that too often from the Officers. Nothing more.
The murders? Blood drained bodies? Bloodflies, nothing more.
Unregistered ships in the harbour are passing by and nothing more.
Corvo despises them. They leave him with no help and no leads. He has no way of directly contacting Miss. Malani, as she is constantly busy with her own work. His only point of hope is Jaime’s suspicions, and even that is a terrible lead. Still, Corvo makes the decision that he will follow it. After all, what harm could possibly come from taking a visit to an odd bookshop?
The Karnaca sun beats down on him as he walks down the shore side street. Small businesses and smaller houses lining the walkways. The rails do not go here, Corvo has a feeling it is because no one in the area wanted it here. Everything seems so calm and old. He almost recognizes the stones under his boots. Almost. An elderly lady sits outside on her porch with a steaming cup in her hands, and Corvo feels like her eyes are filled with warning. For what he is not sure. Perhaps warning about invading into their quiet neighbourhood. He hopes that is all the warning is. But as he reaches for the handle of the bookshop with no name and a large window, exactly as Jaime described she calls out to him.
“He’s closed at the moment, darling! Why not come join me for a cup?” There is no sign on the door saying the shop is closed, nor open.
Corvo gives her a thankful wave and denies her offer. “Do you know when he will be back Ma’am? I, unfortunately, I do not have time to sit for tea.”
She gives him a warm smile and stands from her seat to lean over the edge of her railing to get a closer look at him, and her smile grows. “Oh, forgive me, Lord Attano! I had no idea you would be coming down this way!” She wanders down her stairs and over to him, not once giving a bow. Corvo is tickled by her. She pulls a key from her apron and fumbles with the shop door. “Now, Demorto will be back in only a moment if he isn’t in already. Mittens will keep a good eye on you, darling.”
She shoos Corvo into the shop and hobbles back to her porch and into her home.
The door swings closed with a jingle behind Corvo and he cannot believe all that he is seeing. The shop has as many if not more books than the Royal Library in Dunwall Tower. He does not have even enough time to wander into an aisle when he hears a loud yowl. The sound comes from above him, and as his eyes travel up, they pass over a number of odd artifacts and land on a massive cat. Black as pitch with eyes a near gold, tail twitching down the side of a shelf.
“You must be Mittens….” He says the animal’s name and the growls turn to purrs. The cat’s paws reach down onto a shelf and soon she is level with Corvo’s head, nuzzling into his face. This is certainly Mittens. Corvo raises a hand to scratch her behind the ear and before he knows it she is attempting to climb onto his shoulders. A little too big to ride on his shoulders Corvo ends up with a panther in his arms with her front paws over her shoulders and her head rubbing against his. With the panther refusing to leave his arms now, Corvo walks around the shop carrying her like he used to carry Emily when she was just a little younger.
Shelves with gaps do not truly have empty space. Where there would be empty space is filled by artifacts. Bones, plants, weapons. Things Corvo can only think must have come from Pandysia of all places. Not many people went to Pandysia, let alone returned. Or had the funds to pay for someone to bring them back. Then he turns another corner and comes face to face with a section that makes his heart stop.
These are banded books. Books on the Void. On Pandysia. Sacrilege. Spaces that need filling are filled. Filled by Bone Charms and Runes. He can feel them pulse with the power of the Void. No simple old Sailor would have these so casually sitting there. No one but Daud would be capable of keeping something like this out of the hands of the Abbey. Mittens leaves his arms finally, hopping up onto the shelf of sacrilege and a final turn has Corvo face to face with more than enough proof that this Carlo Demorto is in fact The Knife Of Dunwall.
There above the doorway to the backroom, and likely Daud’s home is the very Whaling blade Daud used back in Dunwall.
It was the most distinct of the blades. The blade itself carved with runes and words roughly translated through Pandysian and back. The handle is stained by Whale blood and ink of the deep-sea squids.
And the shop door opens behind him. He does not need to turn to know who will be behind him. And the man at the door does not need him to turn to know who he is.
“Hello, Corvo.” The voice is exactly as he remembers it. Rough and tired, only with a little more age to it. “You’re here about the note I take it? Or the Eyeless?”
So the Eyeless are important to something.
“I think it would be best if we sat down and discussed this. There is a lot to go over.” Daud steps closer to him as Corvo turns and when he reaches him he rests a hand on the taller man’s shoulder. “Lavinia will be over in the evening if I can steal you away for so long Royal Protector.” His hand leaves Corvo’s shoulder and he steps into the backroom, Mittens hopping down once more and following him.
“You knew I was coming.”
“Of course I did,” Daud replies, setting his furnace a lite and resting a kettle on top of it. “I have reason to believe that any path you followed would lead you here.”
Commission page is HERE and my AO3 is HERE
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onewhoturns · 6 years
I have no idea what to call this series, or if I should title it at all. So here’s the first bit I wrote for the fae AU (once more I find myself writing in manageable little chunks and then going in to bridge between sections). It’s mostly establishing the backstory as shifted to the new setting. If you missed it, here’s the prelude to the story (or at least part of it). If you like my work, find more over on AO3 or FFnet, and keep an eye on my ko-fi if you want the occasional preview. Oh, also, I hesitate to ask but... comments?
Ever since she was a child Emily had been cautioned: beware the fae. She’d heard the typical warnings -- faerie rings, wishing wells, mysterious lights in the darkness. But they were just cautionary tales, names of people she’d never met, stories about a land where things were so beautiful they would drive men mad. She’d never known a family that thought itself to have a changeling. She’d never spotted a brownie dusting up the corners of the castle. No faerie-gifted musicians or craftsmen had ever taken work in the royal palace.
When she was ten - when her mother was murdered - things changed. Years later Emily struggled to remember that day-- those months. People grabbing her, pulling her away as she screamed for her mother, watching glassy eyes that stared unblinkingly to the sky, fingers digging into her shoulders as she shrieked and wailed. Some time - days? weeks? - locked up in a room with only masked jailers to bring her sustenance. Losing herself in daydreams of how her mother was fine, and how she’d have every guard and soldier and knight in the kingdom looking for her daughter, how Corvo would come for her. Every time she heard swords clashing she’d imagine it was him, on the warpath to come rescue her. But it never was. Then she’d been moved.
She’d been kept… somewhere. Somewhere dark and smoky and filled with bawdy laughter, abrasive voices, and sounds that were something between pain and pleasure. Later she’d learned the truth of it: five months, sequestered in a brothel. She’d stopped waiting for rescue, started to attempt escape. Every time, she was caught. At first they merely chastised her, locked her back up in her little room, withheld supper, put out the fire in her hearth, left her in the cold and the dark. But once some time had passed, they grew bolder. She hated to remember it. She’d been born a princess, well-loved, coddled, never having felt the sting of skin on skin, the bruising thwap as gaudy jewelry added weight to a scolding. She’d learned to lie, to hide, to steal, and fake docility when she could. Wide brown eyes had shown fear enough to know how to ape it. And if she stared at the floor they wouldn’t see when anger flared in her gaze.
Then he had come. Corvo Attano. Her father. The man who’d sired the Bastard Princess. He’d been changed, hardened by whatever had kept him away for nearly half a year, but he’d held her and she’d been strong for him, never crying, not once, not until she was safe in the tavern on the wrong side of the river. Plague ran rampant in the streets while she obediently took her dose of elixir with the rest of the loyalist conspiracy, sitting through boring lessons that nevertheless were a relief after months of loneliness. She had friends again - though later she’d realize most weren’t true friends, just adults who’d tolerate her until they could take power in her name. The same as those who’d taken her the first time, who’d killed her mother. Only this time they tried to kill her father. One day he was there, celebrating a victory over the usurpers, and then he’d stumbled away and she’d been shuffled into a waiting carriage, weak and sick to her stomach, feeling far too frail for a ten year old. Years later she wondered if she’d just imagined the screams under the clop of hooves as she’d been driven away, delirious, Callista’s face pale and pinched and arms wrapped too tight around her -- if the blood on Havelock’s hands was just a specter.
Surely, compared to humans, the fae could be no worse.
But when she’d finally been reunited with her father - when Havelock was dead, when the bodies of the former conspiracy were burned - she’d suddenly been well again. And he’d been even more insistent about protecting her from all things. Including - perhaps especially - faeries. Every door had iron nails or bars, as did her bedroom windows. She didn’t even remember which side was the proper side for stockings that were only ever worn inside out. Every meal was salted, every pocket filled with herbs or berries, bells sewn onto her slippers. She wore an adder stone on a cord around her neck. Her childhood outings were all closely chaperoned, if she was even allowed to leave the castle. The vast majority of her time was spent kicking her heels against a throne far too big for a child as Corvo conducted most of her business for her with the help of a council of lords, or - the highlight of her days - training. Her father promised she would never be helpless again. And if it took hours of physical conditioning, of swordplay and grappling and free-running and endless tests on outwitting a foe, she rarely complained.
By the time she was fifteen, then sixteen, she’d mastered the art of being a rebellious teenager. The bells left her slippers, became a bracelet that she slipped off regularly. She’d learned the best time to sneak out of her rooms, the best routes to avoid night guards, and the best way to manipulate her father into leaving her alone long enough for her to slip away. If she got caught, she’d learned early how to fake shame and obedience. Steadily she grew more and more confident-- more and more reckless. Soon she could walk the ramparts of the castle, ducking out of guard patrol paths in the nick of time, slipping into the guards’ barracks, swapping soldiers’ gear with their fellows’ until they tittered about mischievous fae themselves. It made Emily grin, until her father took to salting every entrance to her room. Eventually she stopped her mischief. It was too much of a hassle, carefully sweeping the lines of salt back into place after each outing.
Suitors clamored after her hand. She was charming, sociable (if perhaps a bit eccentric). She was witty and sharp and had all manner of noble sons and daughters eating out of the palm of her hand. All too aware of the baggage her mother’s impropriety had carried (she knew some conservatives still called her the Bastard Princess behind her back) she never took beaux. For all her giggles and batted eyelashes, she was exceptionally chaste.
The coronation - far later than most nobles found appropriate - came the week after her seventeenth birthday, and then came her first royal progress. If her procession of hosts found any of her faerie-warding habits odd, they didn’t dare mention it. If a couple rowan berries tumbled from her pockets, they followed her example in ignoring it, and were soon swept up by some light but engaging conversation. A few observant young ladies in the kingdom even took to wearing stones around their necks as well; if the Queen wore it, it was in fashion.
Yet for all her father’s insistence and warnings, she only found herself more curious about the fae than ever. In each city they visited, at every fiefdom, she found herself making subtle inquiries of the locals, of the legends, if there was any truth in them. She learned of exiled witches, of magic ponds, of bowers full of otherworldly songs, of missing children and forest revels and ill-made bargains that left half-cursed townsfolk in their wake. For the first time in her life, she met people who’d borne true witness to faerie magic. The man who could weave the finest fabrics in the kingdom even as his blood dyed every yard in a rainbow of colors. The well that could cure any disease of its townsfolk, in the village where a child disappeared every seven seasons. The Duke who’d died alone in his estate, surrounded by gold that turned to dust as it crossed the threshold, gorged on shimmering fruit and wine that whispered sweet music.
She shivered delightedly at every eerie story, even as Corvo frowned and shot worried glances her way. Time after time she reassured him that she was safe, that he’d taught her well, that she took every possible precaution and had spent hours crafting words that might extricate her from any fae encounter. She’d turn out her pockets, jingle her bracelet, lift the adder stone from her neck-- anything to remind him that he’d done his due diligence, she was more equipped to handle the fae than any seventeen - and soon eighteen - year old needed to be.
The final stop of the royal progress was, at Corvo’s order, held at the Boyle estate not far from the royal palace. As long as Emily could remember, he’d held a grudge against the ladies Boyle. And burdening them with the expense of hosting the progress was the perfect way to backhandedly honor the old family. On Emily’s end of things, the Boyle estate was perfect: right on the edge of the forest, full of ramparts and shadowy corners she might be able to sneak away to (if she was careful), and the Boyle’s were wealthy enough that the final night, the night of her eighteenth birthday, was sure to be a affair to remember.
She was entirely too correct.
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divinemanicstate · 4 years
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yes i too want to have a 7ft tall man who might or might not be a bit crazy, for a lover
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23; Daud, I beg of you
so this looks to be spawning another AU XD
Eighteen years old and serving the Grand Serkonan Guard, Corvo Attano was something of a rising star. He had the Duke’s favour, he’d won the Blade Verbena with a stolen sword at sixteen, and he’d helped arrest a crew of pirates plundering merchant ships just last week.
“Hot shit,” the others in the squad called him, half teasing, half green with envy, and Corvo would cop to basking in the attention just a little. They were in Cullero at present, having returned from sea. He’d once made his mother the promise not to join the navy proper; and in truth, life on a ship wasn’t the thing for him. But he’d enjoyed this respite from the streets of Karnaca, where everything seemed twice as busy and the air even heavier.
It should have been his night off, painting the town red with his squad mates; but instead, Corvo was skulking in the shadows once again. He’d spotted a fence earlier, one he knew was working with the pirates, or at least used to. There was some information to be getting out of her. So he’d followed her across the city. As children, he and Beatrici had often had to make do as pickpockets; and even though Corvo was twice as tall now and not nearly as scrawny, thanks to officers’ rations and a well stocked mess hall, he still knew how to blend into a crowd. The fence had no idea she was being followed.
By two people.
It took Corvo a while to be certain, but three corners later, there was no doubt that the man in the blue coat currently crouching on an awning above their heads had the same idea — and his own reasons. Corvo could not say if the stranger was aware of his own pursuit; but even so kept an eye on him as well as his target. In his Guard uniform, Corvo was simply an officer on patrol — he made sure to keep his pace leisurely, concealing the purpose in his step. For the man up above, he was simply another guard to evade.
Twenty minutes later, he’d tracked the fence to a tavern. He stopped, and cursed under his breath. He couldn’t go in there, not like this. He was about to head on, to look for a back door or any other way inside, when he felt the cold muzzle of a gun pressed into his neck.
“Easy,” a deep, rasping voice told him.
Corvo stilled. It could only be the man he’d seen following the fence. But what did he stand to gain from threatening an officer? Why risk it?
“Come on,” the voice commanded now. A hand landed on his elbow, tugging him backwards; into the shadows.
CONTINUED ON AO3 because this got long. Again.
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kivusa · 7 years
Okay, so, that Dishonored AU (more like a Dishonored 2 AU) I’ve been thinking about--well, I’ve now got four thousand words of notes and outline (outlined nine chapters whaaaaat????) and have started working on the first chapter and since I’m so excited I’m gonna share a paragraph or so!!! Is intended to develop in a Corvo/Daud direction.
At first glance, the rumors didn’t seem to have all that much to do with each other: a whisper of a witch here, a murmur of the Empress there, some grumblings about Duke Abele scattered throughout. Daud saw these various pieces of a puzzle, and it was coming together before his eyes. He was not pleased by the image it was forming.
What had finally convinced Daud of the situation, convinced him where he did not want to be convinced, was the most recent piece of the puzzle. A name, one he had heard before, years ago, one he had hoped to never hear of again, a name he had wrenched from the lips of a witch that very day, a witch that had bore an unsettling resemblance to those he’d known before.
The last line in the journal simply read: Witch: Delilah.
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retired-crow · 4 years
wip title meme!
tagged by @exalok ! thank you! :DD
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Aaall are dishonored, as expected x’D Currently in progress on AO3:
Hagfish and Whale Oil (this one is YEARS old, and I’m on the last chapter, I have just. fallen off it sorta. Still do think of finishing it)
Rot (This too is years old, and I have fallen off it too. This bc I have a vague idea about where it’s going, and haven’t been too sure if I should implement it or not.)
The Butcher And His Knife (Got an ending and all in the works, but it’ll take a little while for it to get there, plus, I was a fool(tm) and made the chapters TOO long so it’s hard to get back on it.)
Fanfic wips
Duke for a Decade
Sit for a Moment
Tip Toe Cross (one shot)
au where Daud is a musician from a younger age, still buff though
Daud pretends to be a noble and Corvo recognizes him au
I got no original wips, as just these are enough to think about....
as for tagging, got nobody to tag, sorry about that :’D
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