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no-light-left-on · 1 year ago
Idk if you still take these asks but. For the mistletoe. Nr 3 with Corvo and Daud maybe? 👉👈🥺
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yup, still taking the requests :)
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graedari · 11 months ago
-slides into your asks- ok but. Details on the aquarium au? Like yess i love the idea!! Void man the marine biologist!! Both families going there!! Em making friends!! Its all so wholesome and you know what? They deserve itt :D
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hehehhe!!! I have so many ideas you couldn't even imagine babeygurl. I just really wanted this au to be super wholesome for everyones faves. If you have a dh character you like- they are likely in this AU somewhere just know that. It's sorta just morphed into my own feel-good modern au rather than just an Aquarium AU
Some misc Fin-Tastic AU notes (also featured in the art):
Corvo has a motorcycle (as does Daud and the Whalers. They actually have a Motorcycle Gang in town)
Daud also runs a definitely legit Self-Defense Class (that definitely isn't an underground fight-club)
Emily attends the classes as part of the "Jr. Knives of Dunwall" course)
Delilah owns an upscale Art Gallery in town (and has been told to not visit after claiming to know Corvo's sister and gas-lit him that some random child she paid was his nephew)
Billie and Thomas live with Daud in his apartment and brought home some dogs one day. Daud told them absolutely not. The dogs love Daud. They have dogs now.
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nevermindigotthis · 10 months ago
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So, two days ago I posted about how there should be a Dishonored TV series. Then user @darthfluff reblogged that post and said "i'd love for an animated series a la arcane".
... up until then I had been thinking live action, but you know, Arcane Style animation is always superior and I wholeheartely agree. So I went and found some Arcane references and voila: The main characters! (It's probably pretty obvious which characters I used as reference, but oh well)
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icedjuiceboxes · 1 year ago
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Confront your trauma.
Daud vs Emily, Part 4.
Part 1 here
Part 2 here
Part 3 here
Part 5 here
More of my Dishonored art here
Enjoying the series? Send a tip!
Notes and thank you's below.
A fun Bonus that I did in like. 5 minutes.
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Writing Daud's taunts was SO much fun. I did a few iterations on what he said, maybe once the series is finished I do a wrap up on my sketches and what changed during development.
For the second page, I really wanted to give the feeling of overwhelmness to the reader like mimic how Emily is feeling, as all her trauma is flashing through her mind. I think it's the most panels I've drawn in a single page, and I feel like I could have cramped more in to really nail the feeling, but hey it's good practice for the future.
Emily's activation of Shadow Walk was loosely inspired by The Monster in the Hull. Shadow Walk was another abililty I didn't use in my playthrough, So I don't know if I would have gave it so much focus if it weren't for the fic. And also, taking game powers/mechanics and making it work narratively in other mediums is hard. So seeing what others do is insanely helpful
Emily's shadow walk was my own take on the power, which I explained here
Fun fact! I didn't mean to draw Jess and Delilah in the same pose and the same expression, but oh my god once I noticed it they were mirroring each other it was too good not to point out. The symbolism!! They're sisters okay!!
Thank you's
Thanks to ignorethispotatoplease, darthfluff, no-lights-left-on, geminison, jaspertheshneventh, and don1t1red for the fun tags!! And to all others who reblogged and liked <3. I appreciate it!
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inkoherentwriting · 8 months ago
2024 Fugue Feast exchange!
I am incredibly, terribly late with this and for that I must give a heartfelt apology to @darthfluff for taking so long! I really hope y'all enjoy this fic though, I tried to make the mystery as haunted and tragic as I possibly could ;D
necessary @dishonoredgiftexchange tag hehe
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jehan-d-art · 4 months ago
I was tagged by @uhhhhmanda
The last song: Bad Love by Key
Fav colour: Ruby
Last book: I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokbokki by Baek Sehee
Last movie: Life: Love on the Line
Last TV show: Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo
Sweet/spicy/savoury: I love spicy meals, though when it comes to snacks I usually like savoury ones more than sweet ones
Relationship status: Single
Last thing I googled: Milk Cartoon Bird Feeders (for a DIY project)
Looking forward to: I was really looking forward to today because I travelled to a good friend of mine to then go to a sushi restaurant with them and four other friends (it's difficult to meet up with all of us at once since we live all in different regions of the country); I'm also really looking forward to working on a chapter of one of my on-going fics tomorrow evening, to going to London next year with two of my oldest friends and to chatting more with an online friend whom I've gotten closer to in the last couple of months, especially after our first meeting in person
I am tagging: @deepbutdazzlingdarkness @little-arcadia, @darthfluff and everyone else who wants to do this 😊
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lxstingravity · 1 month ago
10 people I'd like to know better
Tagged by @uncontrol-freak, thank you so much!!
Last song 🎧: Replica - Miracle of Sound
Favorite color 🎨: black and probably green
Last book 📕: Editors chronic (Sonic Seducer). Before that I started American Prometheus, definitely going to continue that soon too
Last movie 🍿: Honestly had to check my Letterboxd, Ultraman: Rising. Some random movie that came up on Netflix. It was alright, wasn't my choice to put it on lmao
Last TV show 📺: I think either Midnight Mass or Peaky Blinders. I haven't really watched any show in the past year, those are the last ones I remember
Sweet/spicy/flavory 🍔: ...bland and basic 😶
Current obsession 🌀: Dishonored... I just keep replaying the games a reasonable amount. Also thinking about the games a very reasonable amount throughout the day when I can't play them
Last thing I searched 🔎: Wendigoon, specifically to see if he has any merch currently that isn't sold out lmao. I don't usually get YouTuber merch, but his stuff (merch and content) is cool, I just never have the money when he drops something
Looking forward to 👀: my week of vacation in February....... A (hopefully soon) tattoo appointment, setting things in motion to get into therapy as well as the upcoming Nothing But Thieves concert
(And you visiting, obviously)
Who I'd like to know better: @woahimnotcrazy @spiriteatales @infernalfool @darthfluff (I swear I can count)
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krystlandotherstuff · 1 year ago
Tagged by @r6shippingdelivery, thank you so much Kiki!
Tagging @caramelkask @rosedragonblast @something-in-red @darthfluff @glacialispictorem and anyone else who wants to do this.
Last song: We don't have to dance - Andy Black
Fave color: Purple
Curently watching: House MD
Last movie: Avatar - The way of water
Currently reading: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and fanfics obvs
Relationship status: Taken and very much in love
Current obsession: Otter Neuvilette.
Last googled: "Driving school"
Currently working on: A long abandoned liondoc fic I decided to pick up again
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exalok · 2 years ago
tagged by @merulanoir!!! i will not be tagging ten people because that is too many. also i can only choose five??? that is not enough
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
Adieu tristesse - Zazie
Cage On The Ground - Flyleaf
Spiracle - Soap&Skin
Zan Bezan - LiRaz
Remember To Breathe - Sturgill Simpson
(from my smaller song playlist, which i listen through regularly; tried picking a varied assortment)
and am tagging uuuuhhhh oh no meru already tagged so many people i know (okay just ignore this if you do not want to play the game). also not necessarily followers i haven't checked
@amazinmango, @darthfluff, UUUHHHHHH, @queenstardust, @retired-crow, AAAAAHHHHH okay no i'm done BYEEEEE
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jehan-d-art · 3 months ago
@darthfluff and @little-arcadia ❤️
tumblr mutuals who i would walk around an antique store with and point out funny items and afterward get icecream with
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icedjuiceboxes · 1 year ago
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Daud vs Emily. Finale.
Part 1 here,
Part 2 here,
Part 3 here,
Part 4 here,
More of my Dishonored art here
Notes and thank you's below!
Hey guess what happened fuckers. As always, my brain decides a comic is completely stupid halfway making it and I was cringing the whole time I was finishing this hence the decrease in quality. If I have to look at this for one more second I will be going to jail. There is no compliment that will make me think this comic was any good hahaha. Anyway. Don't get me started on the life stuff that happened after Part 4 was posted. To summarise:
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Artist Notes
this comic can burn in hell
There was a chance I'd come back to this comic since I had one more scene planned, a post-fight talk between Emily and Daud but uh. Not anymore. Maybe if something big happens and the comic blows up but no promises I'm actively erasing this comic from my brain as we speak.
Thank you's
Thanks to kg-clark-inthedark, no-light-left-on, blizzarddream, ignorethispotatoplease, darthfluff, skemford for the fun tags on part 4!!
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From the physical affection prompts, maybe 15 or 26 for our beloved walnuts Corvo and Daud if you feel like it? :3
@darthfluff // the biggest, warmest hugs (this also kinda turned to angst, but I didn’t think you’d mind ;))
cw for suicide mention (below the cut)
Second chances made fools of people. And Corvo was, inevitably, a fool. Had been all his life. From deciding to enter the Blade Verbena at sixteen, to spending his last night in Karnaca with his squadmates, three sheets to the wind, instead of realising that he would never see his mother again. From letting his sister run off to the docks when he was a boy, to never stopping to look for her when he was a man. And then, believing his secondment to Dunwall to be the chance he’d been looking for, only to fall in love. And then, to lose her.
He’d been a fool to think it could have ended any other way than tragedy.
He woke at night, breathing harshly, and stared at the ceiling, all the while trying to calm his racing heart.
Corvo was not alone. Emily was in her room upstairs, safe and guarded by men and women he trusted. And down the hall, there was… their master.
He had come to warn them, but too late: the machine had been unstoppable by then. Corruption, greed, and violence, all tangled up like… what did he like to say? Tangled up like a bag of snakes. There’d been far too many snakes hiding in the weeds that day, and the months after.
And now, Daud lived with them, almost, and some days Corvo wondered whether he’d appointed himself the Royal Protector’s bodyguard. Corvo should like to see him appointed Spymaster, instead, and so would Emily, but as yet Daud still steadfastly refused. Yes… the Knife of Dunwall was nothing if not steadfast.
What even he couldn’t seem to deny Corvo, however, was comfort.
Corvo thought of the way Daud’s hand had lingered on his back just earlier that day, a grounding touch to cast Corvo a lifeline whilst he read the report of Pendleton’s prison suicide.
“How?” he’d ground out, panic strangling him, all of it rushing back: the chaos of Kingsparrow Island, Havelock’s arm around Emily’s neck, the pistol at her temple. The sickening freefall of Martin’s body when Havelock shot him first. Then, Emily’s piercing screams.
The warmth of Daud’s hand through the fabric of his coat and shirt had dispelled the fog a little, pushed through the mist to reach Corvo there, in the dark and cold of the memory.
Hours later, Corvo turned over on the bed. He felt cold again.
“Call if you need anything,” Daud had told him ere he retired that evening.
Now, Corvo needed… something.
He knew that, when he did spend the night at the Tower, Daud rarely actually slept. Rather, he pored over reports of files all night before returning to Rudshore just after dawn: doing the work a Spymaster ought to be doing, and yet he wouldn’t hear a word of it. Corvo would likely find him at his desk — the twin of Corvo’s. A little too large for the space, but Corvo had wanted him to have it. With a sigh, Corvo kicked back the covers. He dressed haphazardly, hardly caring whether anyone saw him — he wasn’t planning on taking the scenic route.
Five minutes later, he stood outside the door to Daud’s quarters, and had barely decided to knock when a low voice rumbled, just loud enough: “I know your footsteps, Corvo.”
That decided it. Corvo opened the door and slipped inside quickly. He mustered some surprise at seeing Daud similarly dressed down — the most dishevelled he’d ever seen him had been after that bomb at Sokolov’s house had gone off and, for a sickening moment, Corvo had feared the blast had taken Daud clean through the foundations of the house and into the river below the bridge. But there Daud had been, clinging to a girder and swearing like a sailor. Studiously so, for a man who detested boats.
He brought himself back to the present, finding Daud watching him with hooded, grey eyes.
“Why are you here, Corvo?” Daud asked.
Corvo rather suspected he knew, but he also suspected that Daud wanted to hear him say it. Only Corvo did not know what to say.
“Couldn’t sleep,” he said simply, skirting around the heart of it.
“Could ask Piero to give you something. Something better than whiskey, at any rate,” Daud said, setting aside his paperwork. Corvo had his undivided attention — something he could not understand why it was so important. But it was.
Corvo stood, still near the door, and shook his head. “I’ve no wish to drown myself in alcohol, or the Void.”
To his surprise, Daud — bluntly, efficiently — gestured toward the bed. His bed. “Go on,” he said.
Corvo blinked at him. “I just told you I can’t sleep.”
“And you came here just to tell me that? You want some rest. So get some rest,” Daud rumbled.
“I can’t just occupy your quarters,” Corvo protested.
“I’ll be over here. Don’t worry, I shan’t disturb you.” Daud had returned to his papers; a clear attempt at dismissal.
“That’s not—“
“Take it or leave it, Corvo.” Daud’s tone was gruff, but not unkind. As if struck by the thought of being turned out of the room, Corvo took a sideways step toward the bed. Daud nodded once, satisfied. Closing the distance quickly, Corvo sat before he could talk himself out of it. But as he did, he felt a fool yet again.
“Daud,” he said, sounding miserable even to his own ears.
As if reading his thoughts, Daud suddenly dropped his pen once more, got up and rounded the desk. He stepped up briskly to where Corvo sat, and then crouched down in front of him, yet taking care not to touch him.
“What do you need, Corvo?” Daud asked, voice so gruff again. And again, there was that notion. I need to hear you say it.
“I don’t want to be alone anymore,” he whispered.
As if cut loose from invisible bonds, Daud surged up to meet him. Corvo instinctively opened his arms, and then found Daud’s shoulder with his cheek. It was an awkward position, with both of them sitting on the edge of the bed, Daud turned to Corvo at an angle. But it was what Corvo needed. He wrapped his arms around Daud fully, and shivered slightly when Daud’s large hand covered the nape of his neck, his strong arms like a vise around him. Corvo closed his eyes.
After drowning in the cold for so long, Corvo finally felt so warm.
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zilodak · 4 years ago
Wait wait wait. You also like TCW? NICE. 10/10 good choice in heartbreak, if dishonored isnt enough.
Yeah! I’ve been keeping up with Mando ever since it came out last year but season 2 really convinced me to start watching TCW and now here we are, I crammed 12 years worth of content in 2 weeks lol
The finale was devastating and left a pretty big hole in my soul hnghhhhhhh
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The butch lesbian/trans man "funky printed button down" stereotype is true but you must understand that the men's section of so many clothing stores is a bleak and miserable place. Clothing manufacturers are simply convinced that no one who wears men's clothes wants anything besides the most boring outfits possible. Often stripes are the most exciting it gets. If you want to wear clothing designed for men but happen to like "color" and "joy" in your life then often the funky printed button down or the hawaiian shirt are simply your only options, especially off the clearance rack.
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icedjuiceboxes · 1 year ago
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Daud VS Emily
Part 1 here,
Part 2 here,
Part 4 here
More of my Dishonored art here
Notes and Thank you's below!
Fun fact, part 3 was meant to be the entire fight scene. Another fun fact, it's fucking 14 pages. So it's now split into 3 parts. Fun.
More fun facts. My first comic had a car chase scene in the opening chapters. It was awful. I did it. Have I drawn a car chase scene since? No. Have I ever drawn a sword fight before? No. Mix in fucking teleporting powers and the 180 camera rule is now dead. it's fucking dead. What's the point of this whole paragraph? That comics made me do awful awful things. Don't be a comic artist. You have to do shit.
Artist's notes
This takes place between the Clock work mansion and Royal conversatory, if you wanted to gauge Emily's expertise. Had her powers at most for a month, and haven't fought any other magic users (let alone another marked)
Yeah Emily is my favourite. Yeah I'm drawing her getting her ass beat. It's great.
Never used mesmerize at all. I don't think I even unlocked it. Hence Emily's comment on the matter. It's useless.
I wasn't gonna add any colour, but oh my god, I had to to make it understandable between powers and everything else i just don't know how people can ONLY use black and white. Insanity.
Thank you's
Thanks to ignorethispotatoplease, darthfluff, ririrules60, oh-frick-it's-cinnamon, exalok for the fun tags!! And to all others who reblogged and liked <3. I appreciate it!
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artistic-fuss · 4 years ago
31, 34, 35 and 45 for Hall, my dude :3
Last of the crew unless Jay shows up, let’s do this!
31. They’re given a blank piece of paper - what do they do with it?
A loose piece of paper? Used to catches small pieces of a project that he cannot loose bits of. Maybe used to scribble on. Nothing planned and completely absent mindedly scribblings. You know probably something that would make a therapist go “oof.”
34. What party member would they go to in a crisis? 
Anna. No questions asked. She doesn’t, or hasn’t asked too many questions when he has gone to her before. And a Hall crisis 9/10 times is about murder so...
35. Which party member do they worry for? 
Nika. She is broken and busted. Sure she was alone for so long, but look where that got her. He has seen what affects her. And to him. That is all that the world is made up of. He does not know how she survives in this world.
45. How do they hug?
Hall... isn’t sure he’d know how to hug. When was the last time he was hugged? Like really hugged? He must have been a toddler. So, how does Hall hug?
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