Today’s problem
what do chairs for dragons look like.
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Today someone said “I have a lot of irons in the fire,” and It was just like
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okay so it’s 4/13 and posts blaming hussie for hiveswap being late/complaining about the kickstarter are going around again, so i’mma need to lay some learnin’ on you youngins.
the kickstarter money was fucking stolen. that is not andrew hussie’s fault. the video game company he hired to make hiveswap used the kickstarter money to make other games.
andrew hussie then had to create his own company to make hiveswap, and they have been TEACHING THEMSELVES how to make video games. from scratch.
so like, enough with the complaining? it’s getting old.
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Haha trash here
I want to follow whatever is left of this filthy fandom
If you post/reblog Homestuck content interact with this and I’ll follow you. You don’t even have to follow me back I just wanna get back into this so I can die in peace
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7 million people in the earth. 0 messages in my Inbox
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Let me just get in on this useless chain of bull fuckery
that same anon just sent me ketchup 15 times what did i do to deserve this
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Me, on June 12th @ What Pumpkin
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Me: Idk man I just think everybody can like or dislike any ships there is no rule for that shit
Friend: yeah like I hate *OTP* I dont know why everybod-
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Excited and curious
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Homestuck vs Clickbait titles
Happy 4/13
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II really do love you guys, and II appreciate all your support, messages, and asks. You are all wonderful!  II hope your strange human love holiday is happy.
(II really do not like this holiday, though.  II am a crabby old battleship.)
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I'm just in a god damn davesprite mood
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i think about these two a lot. i think about them more than i should.
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Lonely Davesprite Playlist
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Goner -Twenty One Pilots:
Though I’m weak and beaten down, / I’ll slip away into this sound, / The ghost of you is close to me, / I’m inside-out, you’re underneath.
Everybody Wants To Rule The World -Lorde:
There’s a room where the light won’t find you / Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down / When they do, I’ll be right behind you
Is This It?-The Strokes:
Can’t you see I’m trying? / I don’t even like it. I just lied to / Get to your apartment, now I’m staying / Here just for a while
Lights -Ellie Goulding:
You show the lights that stop me turn to stone / You shine them when I’m alone / And so I tell myself that I’ll be strong / And dreaming when they’re gone
Tennis Court -Lorde:
Pretty soon I’ll be getting on my first plane / I’ll see the veins of my city like they do in space / But my head’s filling up with the wicked games, up in flames
Pushover -Manafest:
I know you want to see me patrolled / You hi jacking my joy ride / I’m living a good life / Why can’t you leave me alone
Everybody Hurts -R.E.M.:
Don’t throw your hand / If you feel like you’re alone / No, no, no, you are not alone
Are You Satisfied? -Marina And The Diamonds:
Are you satisfied with an average life? Do I need to lie to make my way in life? / Are you satisfied with an easy ride / Once you cross the line / Will you be satisfied?
[art found here]
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Davesprite for me was the most tragic character in Homestuck. Thinking about him makes me want to cry and it's been /Years/. I don't even waver at the death of my otp anymore because Homestuck stomped over my feelings so many times. But Davesprite just never stopped making me feel like curling into a ball and crying for two hours. Seriously. He lived in a living hell. Jade was dead John was dead. It was only him and rose for months. That's fucking hard. He cared a lot about each of him and he lost more than half of his friends just like that. (To be fair he only had four) And had a laughing living demon doll following him the entire time. I'm wondering how many times he lost his shit. I would've gone fucking insane personally. And he went on like that for months. Not that rose didn't have a hard time too. She was there and she suffered as well. But I feel like rose was probably able to handle herself better. And eventually they both decided the strong possibility of completely fading out of existence was better than what they were going through. Of course they were damn terrified but Jegus. Just knowing you probably won't even be a whisper of thought is pretty god damn scary. Idk how much some of you want to die but I'm still pretty sure that idea is pretty terrifying and really when you think about it it's hard to imagine just poof. Not being there. I mean yeah the Rose there kinda combined a little with the top timeline rose. But she's not there anymore really. Just her memories. Which add up to Rose acting like a complete fucking dumbass unwilling to listen to reason. I love you but god dammit rose you were a complete dumbass for like an act and a half there. Now back to davesprite. After spending months in what I can only imagine as a hell with his single remaining friend he has so much pressure put on him. It could just not work entirely. He could fail otherwise. But he did it. And if you ask me that's worse. He saved his best bros overly trusting ass he saved Jade and his rose practically disappeared from existence. Leaving him with a bunch of strangers basically. "Oh hey Ima prototype myself. *Poof* Oh look I'm orange, have bird wings, a sword through my torso, and I've been given the gift of chronic depression (more so than normal) and being pretty much forgotten by everyone I hold dear with an added bonus of identity crisis cause holy shit I sacrificed everything and now my friends hate me" which if you ask me is basically it. John's all "Thanks for saving my overly trusting somewhat cocky ass see ya" and that's really it. Lets not forget when davesprite and bro fought Jack. God damn the fanart killed me more than the actual situation. We all saw living Dave's reaction to his dead body. But davesprite is someone who lost basically everything and honestly his bro Probably died somewhere in his original timeline anyway. Just. The amount davesprite likely beat himself up about bros (probably second) death. I'm just gonna leave that there now. John basically ignores him then practically says he hates him on the ship. Ouch. That's gotta really hurt. Admittedly davesprite was kinda an asshole on the ship. He dated Jade then broke up with her because he thought He wasn't good enough and she was better off this way. Instead of talking to Jade he straight up made a decision for her. Which is a no, I don't care what your gender is you don't ever assume shit like that about the other in a relationship. But yeah that really hurt Jade. Even though he did it because he sincerely thought everything would be better if he disappeared from their lives and they had "Real" Dave instead. I'll be honest I have a lot to say about davesprites time on the ship but I'll keep it slightly on the down-low cause this is a long rant. He also mocked John's fathers notes to John. Which was kinda cruel considering John's dad died. And then John kinda flew off the handle over Davesprite's attitude which I guess I can't be too mad at but that attitude was bred from self loathing and god dammit I'm a sucker for that shit. But fuck he saved your goddamn life I don't care if you're an adorable dork you should know better. Then there's davesprites whole rant to sleeping John which. God dammit I Shed tears this late into Homestuck that weren't from game over. He still obviously cares about everyone's well being besides the shit he's been put through over all these years. But then he just kinda leaves. And you know what we don't see him again until after gameover. Which I'm going to say he went and probably committed suicide eventually cause I doubt he died during that whole shitfest that made me cry for hours then laugh demonically watching others cry about it while also crying. Which also makes me think about Game over dirk which I might say something about another time. Then yknow davesprite coming back after game over and yknow. Casually fusing with nepeta. Now. I like davepeta for the most part. But god dammit I really think that completely fucked over both of their characters. I wanted davesprite to overcome his problems by himself and bro hug John or some shit then fly off to do amazing things. If he had fused with nepeta then I wouldn't have minded so much. Although nepeta really needed more done with her before davepeta if you ask me. But yknow davesprite combined with nepeta solved a lot of his problems ig then they kinda kick LE ass. fuck yes. But davesprite will just always be so tragic to me. Ok. I know I'm making a Homestuck post in 2017 who does that anymore psh. But I wanted to rant so deal with it.
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People who still draw Homestuck on 2017:
I love you. 
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It’s time for another Hiveswap development team interview!
Hey there, Hiveswap and Homestuck fans! Ash here once again, and as promised, it’s time for another interview with the talented folks on Hiveswap’s development team! And don’t worry – if you missed the first interview, with our environment art director Rah, you can find it right here!
Who’s in the hot seat today? Why, it’s Adrienne, our lead animator! She can tell you far more about her work on the project than I ever could, so without further ado, I’m going to hand things off to her – after reminding you all to take good, long looks at the wonderful examples of her work peppered throughout this interview. Take it away, Adrienne!
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Introduce yourself to the fans! What is your specific role on the Hiveswap team?
Hiya! My name’s Adrienne and I’m the lead animator for Hiveswap. I work together with Angela, the animation director, on roughs, cleanup, background and cutscene animation – anything that moves!
When and how did you get your start on the Hiveswap project?
I was hired full-time in January 2016, but I started doing some sprite conceptualization in late 2015 in tandem with [S]:Collide work (I animated sprites for the main big bads and did thumbnails for some of the sequences).
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Tell us a little bit about your career background! How did you get your start in animation? Do you have any advice for others looking to enter this field?
Homestuck is basically my career background, ahaha.
I drew a lot of fan art for Homestuck after I finished catching up in late 2012. I got some attention from my work and I was asked to do comic pages for Paradox Space. Then I did work for the Homestuck calendar. Then I just became more involved in the comic after that by doing thumbnails, sprite animation, comic pages, snapchats… and now I’m working on the game… it’s been a wild ride from fan to full-time fan.
But as for how I got started in animation, a lot of it was influenced by anime and then DeviantArt while I was growing up. I grew up with Naruto and loved Norio Matsumoto’s work in it (he did the key animation for the best episodes!). And on DeviantArt, I liked following OCTs (Original Character Tournaments) and was particularly inspired by Unknown-Person’s work.
My general advice would be to value learning and exploration, and have less expectations of what life should hand you – it makes a lot of circumstances feel like a pleasant surprise and a good opportunity to learn something new. That’s how I felt when I stumbled into this field anyway, haha.
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We’re making a video game, so of course the question must be asked: what’s your favorite game of all time, and what games are you playing currently (if any)?
Agh, what a difficult question. My most-played genre is colorful multiplayer shooters like Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, and Splatoon.
I finished Nier: Automata recently and now I’m working through Persona 5. But when I’m not working through that game, I play Breath of the Wild (most of my time is spent riding my horse around Hyrule – it’s very calming).
Are there any games that you currently use or have used as inspiration for your own animation work here on Hiveswap, or just in general?
I generally use Homestuck flash animations as an inspiration for Hiveswap sprite animations.
When I’m working on cutscenes, I look to Professor Layton stuff. I love how they integrated cutscenes with gameplay in that series.
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As an animator, you must have some favorite cartoons and/or anime – tell us about them!
My recent favorite is Mob Psycho 100. The raw and rough quality of the animation for that one is my jam and the main cast is really inspiring. Avatar: The Last Airbender is still my top favorite for its epic storytelling and world-building. Naruto always has a special place in my heart since it’s one of the earliest things that inspired me to study animation.
Other big influential works for me were Princess Mononoke and How to Train Your Dragon.
What’s your workstation like? Do you like to listen to any particular kinds of music while you work? If so, tell us about it!
Here’s a picture of my workstation! If you squint at the bottom screen closely, you can see me taking the picture. But anyway… yeah. I am a little embarrassed for people to know how saturated my workstation is with inspirational quotes (there are papers of handwritten motivation on the walls behind me), but that’s just how I deal when the anxiety gets a little rough.
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When I want to focus (usually for rough animation and concept art), I pull up an electronic or classical playlist on YouTube (and recently Spotify) or have no music playing at all. But for everything else (cleanup, in-betweens, etc.), I dig into different genres once in awhile but Imagine Dragons and Americana/folk stuff are my go-to. Acoustics sound really nice in these speakers.
Favorite Homestuck character?
Egh, this is impossible… I’m gonna say it’s between Rose, Jade, Roxy, Kanaya, Terezi, and Vriska… um…
Favorite Homestuck ship?
Rose/Kanaya has never once failed me! c: (I think John/Terezi is really funny too.)
Favorite Homestuck flash?
Urgh… I don’t know, there’s so many that I love. In terms of like… cool and creative setup, [S] Cascade probably? [S] GAME OVER is cool too, because everyone died and the stakes just got so much higher. Oh! I just remembered [S] Make her pay as well!
This question is impossible.
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(In the above animation timeline, the first frame is held for 4/24 of a second, the second frame for 2/24 of a second, the third for 2/24, and so on.)
Do you have a personal message you’d like to relay to all the Homestuck and Hiveswap fans out there?
Thank you for all your support, and for your patience in making it through the Giga/Mega/Omegapauses intact!
Where can people find more of your work? Link us to your own little corner(s) of the Internet!
If you want to see more of my stuff, my Tumblr is the place to be!
Thank you, Adrienne! Well, folks, I hope you’ve enjoyed this second Hiveswap development team interview – and don’t worry, there are still plenty more to come!
Now that we’ve gotten things rolling, from here on out we’ll be bringing you a new interview every Wednesday, so be sure to check back every week for a new behind-the-scenes look at the development of Hiveswap and the talented people behind it!
See you next time!
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