#duckie universe
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year ago
Chapter 9
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pairing: jake ‘hangman’ seresin x bradshaw!reader; bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw x twin sister!reader
characters: y/n bradshaw, nick bradshaw, jake seresin, penny benjamin, serenity hart, denver miller
word count: ~10.7k (don't kill me i know the chapter lengths are all over the place, i'm sorry)
warnings: language, parental doubts, canon character deaths mentioned, drinking, thunderstorms, jake being an absolute sweetheart
a/n: i want to apologize that is has been 8 months since i have last updated the main story, i really didn't think it would take that long... but i just wanted to make sure i was proud of the chapter and i really do think i am proud of it. so thank you for your patience and i hope you enjoy 💜
series summary: daughter of goose and carole and twin sister to bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw, y/n bradshaw also got her papers pulled when she tried to enlist in the Navy. which turned out to not be as bad as she thought.
chapter summary: a week after duckie and jake went on their "not-date" she is seriously regretting not getting jake's number before he left -- considering they haven't seen each other since. though, as fate would have it, that weekend they see each other at the beach and as duckie is walking away jake gets a push from his friends to get her number. little does he know he'll be getting much more than that from her
'duckie' universe
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It had been a hectic week since your ‘not date’ date with Jake and honestly… you were missing him. Nick was missing him too, hugging the cowboy manta ray every afternoon when he napped. You were really kicking yourself for not getting his number, you had no way of talking to him. And you both were busy, you with school stuff and softball practices and Jake with his Top Gun classes. So you just had to bet on the off chance of running into him again.
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Late that Saturday morning, you and Nick were walking the beach, occasionally splashing in the surf. You wanted to tire him out so when Serenity came over later to babysit, he wasn’t too much trouble.
At some point when you had been distracted, Nick had run off without you noticing, most likely seeing something he liked or wanted.
When you do notice his absence, it’s because you don’t hear giggling and splashing. You look down next to you and panic shoots through you when you see that your son isn’t right at your feet. 
“Nick? Nick! Nicky!”
Your chest heaved with your panicked breathing, thoughts running through your mind a mile and a half a minute as you shouted and ran across the beach like a mad woman – shouting for your son.
How could this happen? How could you not notice that your toddler wasn’t right next to you? What kind of mother gets that distracted that she doesn’t even hear her child run off? How did you not notice? Why didn’t you hear him? Why did you let something else pull your attention away that fast and for that long?
Maybe those middle aged mothers in the store were right? Maybe you were too young to be a decent mom… Maybe you shouldn’t–
The small, but excited voice shut your thoughts off in an instant, relief flooding your entire body as you ran in the direction you heard your son – nearly tripping over your own feet in the panic. 
You spotted the classic beach volleyball court and saw Jake pick him up, looking equally as confused as he was happy. 
“Nick where’s your-” 
“Nicholas Jacob!” You called, adrenaline still pumping through your body.
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Your son yelped a little and turned into Jake’s neck upon hearing you shout as the pilot cringed. The first and middle name? Never a good sign. 
“Oooh, someone’s in trouble,” he mumbled, instinctively rubbing the child’s back in order to keep him calm. 
The other aviators noticed this and gave Hangman a confused look. They were in the middle of a volleyball match and then boom a toddler’s running into the pilot's legs. And now he was comforting said child, not something they would expect from him usually.
Nick threw his arms around Jake’s neck, not turning to look at you as you ran over, sliding a little as the sand shifted under your heavy steps. “You can’t just run off like that! Do you know how worried I was?!”
The other pilots probably should have looked away, minded their own business. But now they were very intrigued as you came up to Jake as he held your son. 
And by the time you got in arms reach you had calmed down slightly, trying to channel your mother to help you handle this situation.
“Nicky,” you coaxed, as you got closer and reached out to rub his back. He just buried his face into Jake’s shoulder, a small cry coming from his lips as he hugged the pilot tighter. He hates yelling, he doesn’t like it when people are mad at him. You played with his curls, knowing that he thought you were angry, “Baby, I’m not mad… You just worry me when you run off like that. You are too much like your Uncle.” 
Nick looked at you finally, but still rested his head on Jake’s shoulder. His eyes were red and you sighed, knowing that he still thought you were mad. “I’m sorry I shouted, Nicky. Mama’s not mad at you. I promise.” He sniffled and reached out for you. You smiled softly and took him into your arms, then he promptly buried his face into your shoulder.
“I’m so sorry, guys,” you apologized, looking around at all the pilots. “I don’t know how he got away from me.” Jake shook his head, waving it off with a flick of his wrist, “It’s okay. I was winnin’ anyway.” You laughed, bouncing Nick instinctively, “Alright, well, we’ll leave you to it.” You adjusted Nick on your hip, smiling at the men before walking away.
Jake watched you walk away before turning back to his classmates, clapping his hands together and ready to start the next match. But he was met with crossed arms and expecting looks. “Okay let’s – What?” 
“You’re in so deep, Hangman,” Denver, also known as ‘Ransom’, said with a teasing scoff. “Have you gotten her number yet?” 
The blond shook his head, “No but I figured she’d offer it when she was ready.” The other pilot rolled his eyes. “Seresin, since when have you ever waited for her to make the move?” Jake huffed, “She’s different. I don’t want to move too fast. I want her to know that I’m all in first.” 
Denver crossed his arms, “Hangman, go ask her. Show her you’re all in. She won’t know if you don’t tell her. And I’m pretty sure she’s a little nervous to ask you. You know… given that she doesn’t know!” 
Jake’s eyes widened in realization, making the brunette laugh as Jake jogged after you, “Hey, Y/N, wait up!”
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You turned as he called out to you, Nicky looking up as well from his spot on your shoulder. Looking up at him as he slowed down to a stop in front of you, you tilted your head a little, “Yeah?”
He took a few deep breaths, talking with one hand as the other rested on his hip, “First I want to preface, it’s totally cool if you say no. But we’ve been getting to know each other, and I was wondering if I could get your number?” 
You looked at Nick then back at Jake, thinking about your response carefully. “I’ll be at the bar tonight. Come by and we’ll talk about it.” 
Jake nodded, and smirked, “I look forward to it.” He ruffled Nick’s hair before going back to the group.
You smiled, eyeing him as he walked away – a little more confidence in his step as he walked up to his friend. 
You know you were kicking yourself before for not getting his number, but now that he’s asked you… you were hesitant, you felt like you had a lot you needed to tell him before you took this step. Sighing a little, you adjusted Nick on your hip again and made your way back to your car.
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During the drive home, Nicky was quiet and played with the shells he had found on the beach.
You knew he was still upset from when you yelled, and you knew that he didn’t quite understand why you were so worried. He was only three after all, and he had so much wonder that it was a miracle he didn’t run off to squash his curiosities more often.
He did need to understand why you had shouted and why you were so worried, it was important that he knew that.
But neither of you were ready to give nor receive that conversation. You were still thrumming with that anxiety from the 90 second eternity it took to find him and he was still upset from when you yelled at him. You just needed to wait for when you got home after you both calmed down.
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When you got home, you gave Nicky his bath in near silence as you made sure all the sand was gone and he was clean of salt water.
You had thought through your side of the conversation and decided on how you were going to talk to him.
After getting him bathed and getting some comfy clothes picked out, you knelt in front of him as you helped him dry off.
“Nicky? Can we talk about what happened at the beach?” 
He sniffed, nodding his head under the little shark hood of his towel. 
You smiled softly at him and gave a gentle squeeze to his arms. “You know Mama isn’t angry right?” “You yelled… people yell when they’re angy…” His voice was soft and timid, he was trying not to cry again. 
“Oh baby…” You tilted his head up and cupped his cheek. “Sometimes people yell when they’re angry or mad. But not all the time.” Confusion flashed over his tearfilled eyes and you sighed. 
You sat back on your heels, wiping his tears away with your thumb. “People can yell for a lot of different reasons, Nick. Sometimes we yell or shout because we’re excited, we’ve done that before haven’t we? Like when you saw Hangman and shouted because you were so excited to see him.” 
He nodded, using the towel to wipe his other eye as you gave him an encouraging smile.
“It all comes down to how we say something, and I know that might not make sense just yet, because you’re three, but it will and we’ll talk more about it then. But I know you don’t like yelling when people sound angry or mean, it’s loud and it can be scary, right?” He nodded again, sniffling a little, “Yeah…” 
You nodded, dipping your head a little to look him in the eye. “And Mama’s sorry if she sounded angry or mean, that wasn’t my intention. But you running off like that scared me, it really really scared me. I didn’t know if you were hurt or lost.” 
“But I was safe with Han’man… I was okay Mama…” 
“I know that now. But in the moment I was really worried about you and I didn’t know where you had run off too. That’s why I shouted.” 
You rubbed his arms, making sure to hold eye contact. “You can’t just run off like that without telling me. It makes me worried for your safety.” 
The dam finally broke and Nick started sobbing. “I’m sorry Mama… I-I jus’ saw Han’man an-and wa-wanted to s-say hi…” 
“I know, I know baby,” you cooed, wiping his tears as they fell. “And Mama forgives you, I know you didn’t mean to. And I know there will be times where you’re really really curious and you want to explore, but you have to tell me so I, or someone else, can make sure you’re safe. And there will be times I’m gonna yell, but I still love you okay? And I will do better to control my tone in the future.” 
He sniffled and hugged you tightly, his little arms wrapping around your neck in a grip that rivaled a grown man. You smiled and adjusted your legs, crossing them before wrapping him tighter in his towel and pulling him into your lap.
You sat on his floor for a while, holding him close and rocking back and forth as you pressed kisses to the side of his head.
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It wasn’t too long after that conversation that Serenity was using her spare key to come in, finding you and Nick giggling in the living room as you watched Kung Fu Panda.
“Looks like I’m missing all the fun,” she laughed, sitting her backpack down on the bar. 
Nick sat up, a wide smile on his face, “Ren!” She smiled and walked over, her arms out wide for a hug, “Nicky J!” He got off the couch quickly and ran to her, hugging her with a high pitched giggle. 
You smiled as you stood up, “Oh I don’t know about missing the fun, just a little late to the party.” 
“Well, I guess I have some fun to catch up on,” she said as she ruffled Nicky’s curls. “And Mama can relax a little bit.” 
You nodded because now that she was here you could take a shower and get ready to go to the bar. You needed the moment of solitude to collect yourself after your mild panic attack on the beach. Needed to take a second alone to let the parental mask slip and just let yourself feel.
“Yes, and I will be showering and getting ready to go to the bar. You both can finish the movie and give me the rundown when I come back.” 
Serenity nodded, “You got it, we’ll take notes. Won’t we buddy?” Nicky nodded, “And we can act it out for you too!” You smiled and played with his hair, “Yes you can, and I look forward to it.” Nick giggled, running back over to climb on the couch and continue watching the movie.
You looked at the college student, brows raised as you let out a breath. She arched her eyebrow inquisitively, “Mama need me time?” You nodded, rubbing your hands on your thighs. “She needs so much me time. Had a bit of a scare at the beach and I need a minute to process it, without him two feet away… God, that sounds so bad doesn’t it?”
She shook her head, grabbing your wrist gently, “Not at all. You need space to breathe, that’s why I’m here – well, and cause I love that little man over there.” You both laughed, glancing over at the couch where Nick was zeroed in on the TV. 
Her grip tightened momentarily to gain your attention again. “And you’re doing great, Y/N. Don’t ever question that.” 
A rush of tears filled your eyes, a weight you hadn’t realized was sitting on your chest lifting ever so slightly and allowing you to actually breathe again. Biting your lip to keep from crying in front of your son, you hugged Serenity letting out a heavy exhale that released the obsessive thoughts that rattled in your head. 
“Thank you…” 
Your voice was no louder than a whisper, but your gratitude was nothing short of a scream. 
Serenity rubbed your back, “And I will fight anyone that says otherwise. Even you. Understand?” She pulled back only when you did as you nodded and wiped your face. “Good,” she nodded towards your bedroom with a smile. “Now go shower.” 
You nodded, squeezing her shoulder in thanks before jogging towards your room.
She smiled after you before turning to your son, clapping her hands as she walked over, “Okay Nicky, let’s make sure we get all the details for Mama.” 
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After your much needed shower, taking the solitary moment to breathe and let more tears fall to just release the stress, you got dressed in a pair of jeans and an old band t-shirt you had held onto from when you went through your mom’s things. And you added a black jacket because it had clouded over while you were in the shower. 
And of course, Nicky gave you the rundown of what you missed of Kung Fu Panda while you got ready before going back to let you finish up.
You took a deep breath as you clasped the guitar pick necklace behind your neck, letting the engraved gold rest against your sternum. Kendall had gotten it for you for graduation, having your favorite lyric of Great Balls of Fire engraved on the front – because he indeed drove you crazy and vice versa. For Christmas, Penny went and had Kendall’s initials engraved on the back, knowing that you’d be giving the necklace to Nicky once he was old enough.
Letting the breath out and calming yourself down, you stepped out of your room and slipped your jacket on as you walked to the door. “Okay, I’m heading out. It looks like it might rain, so just call me if anything happens or you need me to come home, okay?” 
Serenity nodded from her spot on the couch, popping a goldfish cracker into her mouth “Got it, go have fun.” 
You squatted down and Nicky ran over to give you a hug. “Bye Mama, have fun with Han’man.” You smiled and rubbed his back, “I will. Be good for Ren okay? I won’t be back until after you go to bed, so I love you baby.” You gave him kisses all over his face, “Mwah, I love you sooo much.” He giggled and kissed your temple, “I love you too Mama.” 
You shared a smile and he ran back to the couch to curl up in his corner.
“Okay, you know all the numbers Ren. If I don’t answer, call Penny or the bar. Okay, I’m gonna head out now, see if I can beat the rush of pilots that are gonna get grounded soon. I love you both, bye.”
They both waved at you as you grabbed your purse and walked out the door.
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About 90 minutes and one Amarello after you arrived, you watched Jake stroll into the bar, his green eyes finding you leaning on the bar immediately despite the crowd in front of him. 
“Howdy,” you greeted with a smile as he walked over and leaned on the bar next to you. “Hi, Darlin’,” he replied, grinning down at you.
You glanced around, the bar wasn’t as packed as you thought it would be, but it was still full of pilots since the surprise showers grounded their classes for the rest of the day. 
You looked back at Jake, remembering his question from earlier today on the beach. As you drove over and the hour and half you had to yourself at the bar, you had tried your best to prepare your speech, get everything you needed to say in order so you didn’t fuck anything up and miscommunicate your feelings.
Sighing, you closed your eyes, recalling everything you had lined up to tell him. You didn’t look in his eyes, keeping your gaze centered on his chest, knowing his green irises would wipe your memory. 
“I’m gonna be honest here Jake…” 
He held up his hand, gently interrupting you, “I get it, Y/N. If you still aren’t ready for a relationship, I understand. But I still want to be a friend that you can call, whether it be just to talk to me or if you need help.” 
You sighed, relief filling your chest knowing that he was willing to wait, but you still wanted, no needed, to tell him how you were feeling. 
You finally looked up in his eyes, swallowing the word vomit of emotions that wanted to escape, “Jake, you have done a lot these past few weeks. You’ve taken the time not only to get to know me but to get to know Nick. That means so much to me, more than you know. And I can tell that Nick already likes you, so I can’t just let you out of our life easily.” 
Jake smiled, bashfully looking down at the bar as a chuckle broke through his lips, “I try my best. And I’m a little offended that you thought getting rid of me would ever be easy.” 
You rolled your eyes before continuing. 
“And I do like you, Jake. I like you a lot. While you are cocky as hell, you’re sweet and a gentleman. It’s just…” You rocked on your feet, thinking of everything you needed to say but couldn’t put into words – your rehearsed lines disappearing into thin air now that Jake was here. Damn those eyes.
You hung your head, trying to see if looking away from him would help re-materialize the pre-coordinated words. 
But Jake ducked his head to meet your eyes, showing you he was listening and chasing away your coherent thoughts, “It’s just what, Y/N?” 
You glanced at Penny, receiving a reassuring nod from her and sending a short one back. “I’m gonna step outside really quick Pen, watch my drink?” She nodded and gave you a small, encouraging smile. 
“Follow me,” you patted Jake's shoulder, and slid your hand down his arm to grab his hand. 
You pulled him outside to the covered deck and leaned on the railing, taking a deep breath to inhale the scent of the rain – trying to reign in your racing thoughts.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Jake’s whiskey smooth voice asked as he leaned on the railing as well, his back facing the clouds.
You cleared your throat, dropping your head to look at the damp sand as you pieced together the puzzle of emotions and words in your head. 
“My dad died when I was 4… He left my mom alone to raise 2 kids that were too much like their father. I told myself that I need to stay away from service men, definitely pilots. But you, and your perfect teeth and perfect hair, those damn green eyes…” 
Jake was flattered but he could feel how this was going to end. You’d build up his ego to cushion his fall when you turned him down.  
“You have become an exception to my one rule.” Okay… Jake certainly wasn’t expecting that. “A rule that I gave myself on my own. I’m just scared, Jake. Nick and I have grown so… close to you and I’m afraid–” 
Jake lifted your chin, cutting you off, and quietly spoke to you, noting the thin line of tears in your water line. “Hey… I understand. But I’m a damn good pilot, I ain’t goin’ down easy.” You laughed, shaking your head fondly before smiling up at him, “There’s that ego.” 
He chuckled softly, his trademark half-smile flashing a canine, “What can I say? But seriously, I will do whatever it takes to get back to you both safe. If that’s what you want.” 
You nodded, stepping closer, unconsciously straightening your back to be closer to him, “I want it, I do.” You bit your lip, a shuddering breath escaping your lips. 
His soft gaze hardened slightly, reading your body language, but it softened again as he tilted your chin up. “Then why are you hesitating?” You shrugged, shaking your head subtly, “I don’t know.” 
You knew why, deep down you knew why you were holding back. Why you wanted to spray the butterflies in your stomach with vinegar. Your brain knew why. But your heart was pounding on your ribcage, trying to get to your brain to tell you it was okay. That you could love again, and it would all be okay.
Jake leaned down, seeing the fight in your eyes. “Is this okay?” You nodded, your breath mixing with his as you looked from his eyes to his lips and back again.
There was a soft eagerness, a puppy in those green eyes waiting to run around, bouncing as he waited for his command – a command only you could give. It was familiar but completely new at the same time. But it felt safe.
Instead of giving him the words he was looking for, you rested your hand on the side of his neck and pressed your lips to his – letting your heart take the wheel.
The kiss was soft, but it didn’t change the fact that butterflies went wild in both of your stomachs. Jake couldn’t help but smile against your lips as he cupped your jaw and tasted the hint of Amaretto on them.
You pulled away, needing to get air into your lungs but Jake chased your lips, catching them in their minty trap. It was clear he came prepared for anything, not that you minded. 
Your free hand fisted in his jacket, wafting his cologne into the air – an all consuming, but not overwhelming scent.
You both finally pulled away from the chaste kiss, light headed and breathless. You stayed close, your noses brushing against each other. 
“What’s gonna happen when you leave?” 
Jake smirked, his breath still tickling your lips as he pulled out his phone, “Well, I’m not sure, but it’d be a hell of a lot easier with your number.” You laughed and finally looked up at him, stepping back a little to take his phone, “Smooth Lieutenant. Very smooth.”
As you and Jake held eye contact a smile settled across your face before you looked down at his phone, typing in your number and sending a text to yourself.
Jake couldn’t help the blush that darked his tanned cheeks at the sparkle of your smile that not even the rain could dim. 
You weren’t like anything he’s ever seen before; a strong, single mother that did everything for the sake of her child and someone that had gone through so much at such a young age.
“You’re amazing…” 
Jake hadn’t realized what he said out loud until you giggled and looked down at the deck with pink tinted cheeks. 
“I said that out loud, didn't I?” He laughed at the end of his question. You nodded, “You did. But I’m flattered, so thank you.” 
You messed with his jacket, “And you’re good, Lieutenant. Maybe too good to be true.” 
“You’re stroking my ego, Darlin’.” You giggled and gave him a quick kiss, “I better head back in.” He grabbed your waist, “Do you have to?” “Do you want to have fun or not?” He bit his lip and you patted his chest and walked in. 
He watched you walk in and shook his head. Laughing to himself he adjusted his posture and went in and straight to the pool table.
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You and Jake hung out at the bar for hours after that, having the time of your life. 
You danced to the music that came from the jukebox, played darts and you watched him play pool. You drank and ate, Penny keeping an eye on you both because you had to drive back home to your son and Jake did not need a hangover in the morning.
But you didn’t need the drinks to have a good time. Like right now. Jake had suggested another round of darts, but this time, you added a few spins before your throw. Almost like kids getting ready to hit a pinata at a party.
Jake grinned as he spun you around a few times. “Okay, now that you’re properly dizzy, why don’t you try and get a bullseye?” 
“You’re kidding me,” you giggled as you swayed a little on your feet. “I doubt I’m gonna hit the target. I can’t hit it when I’m standing straight, what makes you think I can hit it when I’m dizzy?”
He shook his head and turned you by your shoulders to square up to the board. “Who knows, maybe you’ll be better?” You snorted as you raised the dart, “I highly doubt that.” He scoffed playfully, “Just throw the dart, Y/N.”
You giggled, “Okay okay.” 
Your tongue poked out of the seam of your lips as your vision swam a bit and you lined up your shot. 
Taking a few balk throws, you finally get ready to actually throw it when there is a harsh crack, followed by a loud, booming sound – loud enough to rattle the windows.
“Oh shit!”
Any attempt you had made to actually aim the dart didn’t matter, because when you jumped at the harsh thunder the dart was sent on its own journey.
You laughed at your reaction to the sudden thunder and leaned back against Jake, “I can blame that horrible throw on the thunder, right?” He looked over your shoulder, seeing the dart about a foot and a half under the board in the wall.
“You sure it was thunder?” 
Your jaw dropped and you smacked his chest with the back of your hand, “That was uncalled for Seresin. But I walked into that one.” You both laughed as Jake nodded, “Yeah, I guess I can give you another shot Bradshaw.”
“Well, thank you oh so gracious Hangman,” you sassed a little as you readied another dart. “I’m actually gonna try this time.”
He chuckled and crossed his arms as he watched you repeat your process, his eyes drawn to your lips as your tongue once again pokes out. 
You managed to throw the dart just as the lights flickered out. 
“Are you fucking serious? The weather really doesn’t want me to hit this board,” you grumbled as you pulled your phone out to use your flashlight. 
Jake did the same, him immediately shining it at the dart board.
“Look at what we have here, you actually hit the board,” he teased as he walked up to the board. “Not a bullseye, but you hit it.” You flipped your hair, “Look at me go. Mama’s still got it.” 
Jake gave you a look, his face deadpanned and his brow low. You held his eyes, yours playfully squinting. 
It was a standoff for about 20 seconds before you both started laughing.
“C’mon Mother Goose, let’s go to the bar,” he chuckled as he grabbed your hand gently.
You froze for a second, confused as to where he got that nickname from – forgetting it was just a nursery rhyme to everyone else at that moment. 
He looked at you, frowning in concern, “Hey, sweetheart, you okay?” 
You shook it off, swallowing as you nodded, “Yeah, yeah… I’m okay.” 
With a furrowed brow, he stepped closer, tilting your chin up with a crooked finger, “You’re not afraid of the dark, are you?” 
His light tease pulled you back fully. 
“N-No, I’m fine, it’s okay,” you said softly as you shook your head. He cupped your cheek, “Are you sure?” You nodded, “Yeah, yeah, just thought of Nicky… He’s not the best with storms sometimes.” 
“Do you wanna check in on him? Make sure he’s doing okay? Especially now that the power’s out.” 
You chewed on your lip, your thumb and pinky tapping rhythmically on your thigh. “Are you sure it’s okay?” 
Jake nodded, “Of course it is! That’s your baby, do not question if it’s okay. It’s always okay.” You immediately open your contacts, “Thank you.” 
He smiled, squeezing your hand, “I’ll be at the bar when you’re ready, if you gotta go home, that’s okay.”
You gave him a smile and mouthed a ‘thank you’ as your phone rang, waiting for Serenity to pick up. 
Jake nodded again before going over to the bar.
Penny and Jimmy were turning on battery powered lanterns and setting them up around the bar. 
“You guys need some help?” Jake offered as he leaned on the bar.
She looked up at him as she sat a lantern down on the bar, “You don’t think you could get the power back on, could ya?” 
Jake laughed lightly, “If my call sign was Sparky, I might be able to give it a shot. Unfortunately, it’s not.” Penny shook her head with a laugh, “It’s alright Hangman, once we get these set up, we’ll hopefully get the generator up and running.” 
He nodded, “In the meantime, I’ll take two waters, if you can spare them.” She nodded with a smile, “Coming right up.”
As she got the bottles out of the ice bucket she prepped after looking at the forecast, you came over after finishing up your call.
You sighed a little as you sat down. 
“Hey,” Jake greeted as he rubbed your knee. “How’s the little man holdin’ up? He alright?” You nodded, smiling as you rested your hand on his, “Yeah, Serenity said he was snuggled up on the couch with his turtle and his manta ray, watching movies with plenty of goldfish crackers.”
Penny popped up, “You have power?” 
“Nope,” you laughed a little awkwardly. “He’s watching it on Serenity’s laptop. Which I told her she didn’t have to let him do that. She’s got stuff to do for summer classes but mine was dead. I just hope she doesn’t get behind.”
She gave you your water, “She’s a good kid, I’m sure she’ll be okay for one night.” You nodded and sipped your drink, “Yeah.”
You looked around noticing that everyone started to mellow out since the place was practically pitch black – save for the lanterns.
“Man… seems the lights weren’t the only thing the storm took out. How long until the generator is up and running?” You asked, leaning on the bar. 
Penny shrugged, “I don’t know. It depends, we haven’t used it in a few years. It shouldn’t take too long, I think Jimmy checked on it after the clouds rolled in and the forecast changed.”
You nodded and looked around, “Well, maybe some live music can hold everyone over until then.” Penny and Jake furrowed their brows as you grabbed a lantern and went over to the piano.
“What? Did you seriously think that Bradley was the only one of my father’s kids that could play? C’mon now Penny, you should know better than that,” you teased with a playful wink over your shoulder.
Jake furrowed his brow, “Have you been holding out on me Mother Goose?” His tone was entirely playful as he came over to piano with his phone flashlight on as a fresh toothpick hung from his lips.
Penny blinked and looked up, a rush of nostalgia hitting her, “Wait did you just call her ‘Mother Goose’?” Jake looked up at her and nodded as he rolled the toothpick to the other side of his mouth, “Yes ma’am I did.” She nodded and glanced at you as she wiped down the bar, “And um… w-where did that nickname come from?” 
He shrugged, “She’s got a little duck on her keychain and she’s a mama. Just kinda makes sense, I guess. Why do you ask?” 
You couldn’t help but smile a little as you tapped the keys. 
“Oh I was just-” Penny started but you cut her off gently.
“Goose was my dad’s call sign, Jake. A lot of his friends from the Academy and flight school called him ‘Mother Goose’,” you said, emotion present in your voice but you weren’t sad.
Jake stumbled over his words a little, “Oh I-I had no idea. I can stop if you w-want me too.” 
You shook your head, a smile gracing your features as you looked up at him, “No no, it’s okay Jake. It definitely shocked me when you called me that earlier, but it’s… nice.”
He smiled back at you and sat down, “I’ll call you whatever you want, Darlin’.” 
A giggle slipped past your lips and you were now thankful that the poor lighting hid the blush on your cheeks as you tested more keys.
You took a breath and readied your fingers on the right keys, “Okay okay, let’s get these people fired up.”
Jake arched his brow but then you played the opening notes to a song he heard non-stop in flight school when the class went out to a bar.
“Jerry Lee Lewis? You really are Bradshaw’s sister,” he laughed, gently nudging your shoulder but not so much as to mess you up.
You just rolled your eyes before jumping into the song. “~You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain!~”
Jake chuckled as people in the bar began to cheer, a few patrons jumping in to sing with you. He looked around, seeing that the flashlights on phones had been turned on and everyone’s moods seemed to flip on dime.
“~You broke my will! Oh what a thrill!~”
“~Goodness gracious great balls of fire!~”
His eyes landed back on you, watching you play the piano like he had only ever seen your brother play. It was lively, bringing an energy to the bar that got zapped out with the electricity. Almost as if the lightning hit you and you soaked up all the energy in the bar, and now you were returning it when it was needed.
He felt himself singing along, unable to escape the way that your infectious voice seemed to latch on to everyone that heard it. 
Jake had always fought the urge to ‘feel the music’ when it was your brother. Be the one person in the bar unaffected by him. But here with you, he didn’t fight. He didn’t want to fight it. And he was unashamed to be sitting next to you on that piano bench, singing a song that you were sure your brother had played to death. 
He saw you smile at him when you noticed it, feeding off of his energy just as much as he was feeding off of yours.
You found yourself looking only at him to see if he was enjoying himself, using him as a reference point for how the rest of the bar was feeling. That your attempt at entertainment was working.
It felt good to see everyone having fun because of you.
Now you could understand why your dad and Bradley did this so often.
Your smile never left your face as you continued to sing, though you hated how the song was coming to an end so soon.
Jake met your eyes as you started the last verse, his smiling matching yours. 
“~I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs!~”
“~Real nervous but it sure is fun!~”
He watched your eyes light up as he sang the words back to you and the blush crawled up your neck. You clearly weren’t expecting him to sing that line to you – telling you how you made him feel through the song.
So, he continued to look at you, holding eye contact as he sang through a wide, infectious smile, using the lyrics to convey what he had trouble putting into words once again. 
“~Come on, baby! You’re drivin’ me crazy!~”
His heart fluttered when you seemed like you were at a loss for words, despite them already being written for you – all you could do was smile as your muscle memory continued to play.
“~Goodness, gracious! Great balls of fire!~”
You played the last string of notes, your face dangerously close to Jake’s as the soft glow of the lanterns and phone flashlights illuminated his features almost angelically, the lights creating a halo around him and blurring the crowd like a camera focusing in on the subject of its image. His green eyes, though casted in a shadow, twinkled softly as he looked your face over like you were the only thing in the room – and to him, you were.
He was seeing the same thing. The blues of LEDs and the yellow of the lanterns created a harsh but gorgeous contrast on your face as your chest heaved when you attempted to catch your breath and the light sheen of sweat made your skin shine in a way he never thought about before. Your eyes were illuminated, but they held a shine of their own when you looked him over.
The cheers behind him all melded into one sound, one that Jake could confuse for his own heartbeat if it wasn’t pounding against his ribcage.
There was no hesitation this time as he pulled you close by the nape of your neck and pressed his lips to yours with breathless passion.
Your outside hand fisted in his Henley shirt, the fabric warm but a little rough under your fingertips. His heart was thumping rhythmically against your knuckles, giving the butterflies in your stomach a beat to dance to.
His hand moved down to the side of your neck, his thumb finding your pulse point. The sensation of your heartbeat under his fingertips was mesmerizing.
The kiss felt both like an eternity and not long enough when you finally pulled away, both of your lips damp and as your breath mixed as your foreheads rested against each other.
Around you, the crowd was still buzzing with energy, talking to each other as they started mingling again. 
But you and Jake couldn’t hear them, not when you're so consumed with one another right there on the piano bench. You were in your own little world, a small sanctuary in the middle of the bar. Just you and him.
Smiling, you can’t stop the giggle from escaping as you try to smooth out where you had gripped his shirt. “That was um…”
“Electrifying?” Jake offered, his dimple appearing as he smirked playfully.
“That’s one way to put it, yeah,”  you said with a light, slightly breathless laugh.
He chuckled and opened his mouth to say something else, but the overhead lights flickered for a split second before they stayed steady and the sound of the jukebox started up again.
You both sat up straight, looking around the bar as the patrons started back up in their games they abandoned.
“Would you look at that – one song and you managed to light up the whole bar, literally,” Jake said as he looked from his surroundings and then back to you, taking in how you smiled at everyone having fun again.
You hummed, turning your head with a playful glint in your eye, “Well, thank goodness it was only one song. I don’t know if I could’ve played another one. Unless Twinkle Twinkle Little Star counts.” 
Jake laughed as he stood up, offering you a hand to pull you to your feet. “Well, if Nick was here, I’m pretty sure he would have a blast if you played that.” 
“Oh, yeah, he definitely would,” you said with a laugh as you pushed some hair out of your face. “Another drink?”
He nodded, fluffing his shirt a little. “I can go for another.”
You grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bar, “Penny!”
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After you got your drinks, you and Jake went to a booth by the windows.
“That was really impressive, Y/N. I knew Rooster was good, but he’s not that good,” Jake complimented as he sipped his fresh beer. The bitter liquid soothed his throat, his voice a little raw after singing.
You shrugged and sipped your Amaretto, the warm liquid warming you up from the chill of the rain outside. “I don’t know about that. He’s been playing since he was little. I started getting into piano in, like, middle school. And then in college I um.. I picked up a little guitar.”
Jake watched you bite your lip, your nails tapping against the glass of your drink. He wasn’t entirely sure what caused that far off look to appear in your eyes, a fogginess he wasn’t familiar with. But one thing he did recognize was that flicker of love, a shine of longing and admiration peaking through the fog – like a lighthouse on the shore.
He didn’t know much about Kendall, just what you had told him. He knew that you had met in college, you had been friends before you began dating, and that Kendall played the guitar – his favorite one tucked into the corner of Nick’s bedroom.
You cleared your throat, blinking the fogginess away and pulling Jake out of his thoughts. 
You rubbed your hands on your jeans before resting your elbows on the table to talk with your hands, desperate to keep the conversation flowing.
“But like I was saying, Brad and I are very different when it comes to singing and playing the piano. He definitely channels our dad a little more than I do.”
He chuckled and leaned forward, resting his upper body on his forearms, “Well, I think I’m a little biased when it comes to that. But don’t sell yourself short, Darlin’, you put on quite the performance.” He added an unnecessary wink, but it didn’t stop you from smiling and looking at the table to hide your blush.
You lifted your head and smiled at him, sniffling just a little. “Thank you, Jake. That means a lot.”
Jake reached over and squeezed your hand, “Anytime.” He cleared his throat, “If you don’t mind me asking, that song clearly means a lot to you and Rooster, why-why is that?”
Tears stung your eyes a bit, again, but your smile didn’t falter. “Our dad, he um… he played it all the time. And I mean all the time. I’m surprised our mother stayed sane.” Jake reached up and wiped a tear that slipped through. You leaned into his warm palm slightly, as you continued.
“One of our last memories with him was sitting at the piano as he sang that song. Our mom in his lap singing with him without a care in the world about who was watching…” Your voice was a little heavier as you neared the end of your sentence, the memory making you a little emotional.
He smiled and squeezed your hand again, his thumb rubbing your knuckles, “That’s beautiful.” You gave him a soft smile and squeezed his hand back. 
“Can I show you something?” He asked softly, not wanting to disturb the moment too much.
You nodded and sat up a little straighter, wiping your eyes as you spoke, “Of course.” 
Jake nodded his head towards the window and your eyes followed the direction. 
The glass was a little foggy, sweating as the cold temperature of the rain was meeting the warm air of the bar and the glass acting like a mediator between the two.
Your brow furrowed in immediate confusion though you weren’t going to question Jake just yet. There was certainly much more to it.
And he proved your suspicions by bringing his finger up to draw in the condensation.
It was a quick drawing, a simple sun with a smiley face and a little heart next to it. But the look on Jake’s face told you it was so much more than just a little doodle on a window.
“That’s really cute Jake,” you said softly, as you smile at him.
His grin widened and he shifted in his seat. “When I was little, I was never good with storms. My sister was even worse. She was scared and I was upset because I couldn’t go play in the rain.” 
You couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up when he said that, the picture of a young Jake pouting in his room as he watched the rain out of his window in your head – he definitely picked out two droplets to race against each other, maybe even him and his sister picked one and had a competition.
He just smiled at you before continuing.
“My grandma and my mom had this routine with us where they would have us by the bay window in the living room and we would draw in the condensation. And I, of course, rubbed my wet hand on my sister’s face,” he said with a small chuckle.
“That I’m definitely not surprised by. Bradley pestered me too, still does, it’s a brother thing.”
Jake nodded, “Oh yeah, for sure. But aside from that, there was a purpose to why my mom and grandma had us do this. Because as you can see now-” He pointed to the drawing, seeing that it was already dripping and disappearing, more condensation taking its place. “-it’s already going away.”
Your brow furrowed in confusion. You still weren’t exactly sure where Jake was going, but it was clear this was something he held onto and cherished. Especially for him to bring it up now, years later. Plus, he had you roped in now, you were invested in this little smiling sun. 
“The whole point of drawing in the fog was because it doesn’t last forever, and neither would the storm outside. Or any storm, really. As I got older, we stopped the window drawings, but my mom kept it up with us for little things. Like when my sister was going through a break up, she drew a sun with a little heart on a note and put it in her backpack. I can bet you that she still has every note, because I know I do.”
Tears pricked your eyes a little bit, “That’s really really beautiful, Jake. Your mom and grandma sound like very wise women.”
Jake nodded, a proud smile pulling at his lips, “They are, I’m lucky to have them.”
You mirrored his smile and you both went back to conversing with each other, planning out ideas for your next ‘not’ date.
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“There’s so much to do here, so much it’s like there’s nothing,” you said, laughing as you sipped your drink.
You had listed off a lot of places to go nearby and all the things you could do together, but it all sounded so fun that you were having trouble deciding.
Jake nodded, rubbing his face a little as he laughed, “Yeah, seems like it.” He glanced around, noticing a pool table nearby. “Hey, how about we think on it some more later and just play a game of pool?”
You hummed a little and glanced over your shoulder at the pool table. 
A sly smile came over your face as an idea popped into your mind. 
You turned back to face him, biting your lip a little, “I um… wow this is embarrassing, I haven’t really ever played pool before.”
Jake squinted at you, almost analyzing you to see if you were just fucking with him. But you just played it up by hiding your face in your hands, hiding the grin that you knew would give you away if he spotted it.
“You’re serious? You’ve never played pool before?”
His tone was inquisitive, but it also had a laugh behind it that he was hiding as best he could and it almost had you laughing.
“No no, I have played before. But it’s just been too long. Last time I played it was maybe 10 years ago when I was in high school, and I was awful.”
Jake’s laugh finally broke through at that.
“Hey! Don’t laugh!” You whined, holding back giggles of your own.
He nodded, trying to stop himself by clearing his throat. “You’re right, you’re right. It’s not funny. It’s… it’s kinda sad actually.”
You dropped your jaw and reached over the table to swat at his shoulder. “Oh shut up!” 
He chuckled as he dodged your hand, and you couldn’t help but smile as the corners of his eyes crinkled and his dimples poked through. “Okay okay, I’m sorry. But c'mon let’s play at least one game,” he proposed as he slid out of the booth and stood. He offered you his hand, a wink accompanying his next words, “And I promise I’ll go easy on you.”
You rolled your eyes and took his hand, “Fine, one game.”
A victorious grin crossed Jake’s face as he pulled you to your feet, squeezing your hand as he turned and pulled you to the table. Your lips pulled up in a similar fashion as you stumbled a little when he drug you behind him. 
“Okay,” he said as he came to stop at the pool table. “I don’t have to explain the rules, do I?” His brow arched with his question, only using it to further his teasing. You rolled your eyes, hand going on your hip, “No, I know that much, Seresin.” The sass in your tone made Jake laugh, “Alright, Bradshaw, let’s play.”
You nodded and grabbed the two pool cues, “Let’s.”
He chuckled and shook his head playfully as he quickly racked the pool balls. Once they were all in order, he took the triangle off and tossed it on a table as he walked over to you.
His fingers wrapped around the taller cue, his warm hand encapsulating yours. 
How had you not realized how large his hand was until now?
You shook your head, not having realized that you froze, “Oh um, sorry, sorry.”  You let go of the pool cue, clearing your throat as you pushed some hair behind your ear. He chuckled at your sudden shyness, “It’s alright, darlin’. It’s cute when you get all blushy.” You huffed, though a smile pulled at your lips as you shoved his shoulder. 
Jake laughed and held his hands up in defense, only slightly jostled by your shove. He gestured to the table and grabbed the cue ball, “Okay, okay, you wanna break?” He punctuated his question by putting the ball on the table with a *clack*.
You bit your lip, still feigning nervousness as best you could. You nodded and walked around to the end of the table beside him. 
Tossing the cue up and catching it lower, you leaned over and nearly fell into muscle memory – letting the end come down and rest easy in the dip between your thumb and pointer finger.
You rolled your shoulders a little bit, moving your hand much lower on the stick so you would have less control of the cue. You relaxed your shoulders, letting them drop as your right hand tightened its grip. The maple cue rested on the walnut of the table, using it as the support for the middle of the stick. 
Jake tilted his head, taking in your posture. It was… unconventional, and maybe a little awkward. But he wasn’t going to step in just yet, because maybe that stance just worked for you. And the look of concentration on your face was just too cute for him to interrupt.
Much like earlier at the dart board, your brow furrowed and your tongue poked out from between your lips. Jake grinned at the sight, and he couldn’t help but wonder if Nick made the same face when he focused on something. Like if his nose crinkled like yours did when he colored or if he stuck his tongue out when he did a puzzle. 
Then his mind wandered a little further. 
The image of a little girl appeared in his head, basically a clone of you in your lap as you sat at the piano. You guiding her hand along the keys, then having her repeat the order on her own. Her tongue sticking out as she tries to remember. 
But before he can fantasize any longer, he shakes himself out of it once you take your shot.
He watched the tip of the cue whiff the ball as the butt nearly became perpendicular to the floor. “Woah there!” 
You covered your mouth with your hand, doing your best to feign embarrassment at your ‘failure’. “Oh.. my.. gosh.. I can’t believe that just happened,” you snorted, laughing at yourself as you looked up at the ceiling, hoping that a blush was covering your cheeks to really sell it. 
Jake came over to stand next to you, chuckling just a little. “So um… is that how you held it in high school?” He leaned against the table, the cue snug against his side as he crossed his arms, looking down at his boots as he crossed his ankles before looking up at your profile.
You swallowed as you kept your eyes on the ceiling, and Jake couldn’t help but watch the column of your throat move with the action. 
Sighing, you looked at him, “I mean, kinda, like I said, it’s been awhile. But that felt so wrong.” You looked away from him and focused on your cue. “And now I’m embarrassed… because you just saw that.” 
He sighed gently, a smile pulling at his lips. While you were embarrassed, he couldn’t help but admire the blush on your skin. He didn’t like the reason, because you shouldn’t be embarrassed, but you looked cute.
He reached out and turned your head to face him, smiling softly at you. “Hey, you don’t have to be embarrassed. It happens, and I guarantee that is not the worst shot I’ve seen.” 
“That doesn’t make me feel any better.” 
He sighed and propped his cue against the wall, “C’mere.” He adjusted the cue ball again and gently pulled you to him when you hesitated to move closer. “I don’t bite, unless you ask,” he whispered the last half of that in your ear, his accent slightly thicker as you felt his lips curl into a smile against the lobe of your ear.
His warm breath raised goosebumps on the skin of your neck, a shiver going down the nerves of your spine. He chuckled, his chest rumbling against your shoulder and making you giggle as a genuine flush covered your face and neck.
“Okay,” Jake said, turning you gently so your back settled against his chest. His hand rested on your hip and everything just felt right. Both of you slotted together like a puzzle piece, it was comfortable.
He looked down at you, “Am I too close?” 
Your head shook almost embarrassingly quickly. If anything he wasn’t close enough.
“No no, you’re okay.”
He nodded, smiling at you, “Alright, just let me know, okay?” You swallowed, nodding back, “I will.”
“Alright, now, I’m gonna show you how to properly hold a pool stick. Do what you were doing before.”
You nodded, bending back over and mimicking the stance you had done previously.
Jake looked at you gaging what to adjust. “Okay, so one issue is, your back hand is too low. Don’t shake hands with the bumper.” He took your wrist and tried to slide your hand up but it barely moved. “And you don’t need a death grip on it, it’s not going anywhere unless you move it.” You nodded and relaxed your grip to let him adjust your hand placement. 
He moved it to about the middle of the weight and watched your guiding hand adjust itself to a bit more of a natural position.
Smiling, he glanced down at you, “There we go, how does that feel?” You nodded, “A lot better, definitely more comfortable.”
“Perfect, and that’s how you know you’re doing it right. Before you were uncomfortable and it threw off your control. You guide the cue, it doesn’t guide you.”
You snorted a little, hanging your head as you laughed, “You sound like a therapist, or a yoga instructor.” Jake laughed along with you, “Unfortunately I’m neither of those. Not qualified nor flexible enough.”
You arched a brow and looked at him over your shoulder, a cheeky smile on your lips, “Not flexible enough? Oh, that’s a shame.” His eyebrows raised, almost as if he was sizing up a challenge, “Oh is it now? I mean, I’m sure with enough stretching, I’ll be good to go.”
You laughed before shaking your head, “Okay okay, let’s stay on task, Lieutenant, yeah?”
“Right, right, of course.” 
Jake cleared his throat as his fingers wrapped around your shoulders, “Okay, being relaxed is fine. But you’re too loose and that makes it awkward.” He slowly pulled them out from their slouched position, straightening your back a little in the process. “That’s better.” 
You swallowed a little, the heat of his chest against your back making you both nervous and excited.
“Do you feel more in control?” You nodded at his question, not trusting your voice to be steady. “Good, now, let’s test this.”
Worry shot through you for a moment, afraid he might step back and let you do this on your own – squashing the mini fantasy that you created.
But your worry was smothered when Jake adjusted his own stance, his knees nudging the backs of your thighs. His right hand encased your own as his left hand acted as a stand for yours – keeping your guiding hand steady.
“Loosen your grip, Duckie. It’s not gonna change your power. In pool, the speed determines the power.”
Jake’s voice was steady, but it was raspy as he spoke in your ear again. His breath fanned along your ear lobe and your jaw, raising goosebumps once again.
He felt your wrist and hand relax a little, and he just hoped you couldn’t feel his heart beating against your back. 
“Alright, there we go. Now, all you gotta do is bring it back and–”
His sentence fell short as the felt tip collided with the cue ball and he felt a vibrating sensation against his hip.
“See? So much better. And now, if that’s your phone in your pocket, I think you’re getting a call.”
He stepped back and let you stand straight as you pulled your phone out.
Your heart dropped slightly when you saw Serenity’s contact flash across your screen. 
Did something happen to Nick? Was he okay? Did something happen to the house? What went wrong?
Jake must have noticed that your face changed on dime, because his face fell into one of concern. “Y/N? What’s wrong? Is everything okay?” 
Was it Serenity? Was it Bradley? Was it a chaplain? Or hell an NCIS agent?
“It’s Serenity,” you said as you pressed the green answer button and brought the phone to your ear. “Hey Ren, what’s up?”
Jake sighed in relief, his worst thoughts going off to the wayside in favor of just worried thoughts.
You brought your hand up, chewing on the edges of your nails as she spoke.
“Hey, Y/N, everything’s okay–”
Jake watched your body visibly relax, your hand rubbing at your mouth much like he’d seen Bradley do when he was stressed.
“Nicky’s okay? Nothing’s on fire?” 
“No, nothing’s on fire. But Nicky is not wanting to go to bed without you here. I think it's the rain, the storm I should say. He doesn’t want to go to his room. Won’t even get up off the couch.”
You sighed but nodded, “Okay, I’ll be there in a little bit. Get his turtle and his manta ray, then get my body spray and lightly spritz a blanket and let him curl up on the couch until I get there.”
“I’m so sorry Y/N, I know you wanted to have a fun night out… I just didn’t know what to do.”
“Don’t apologize, I’m glad you called. I’ll be home in a little bit.” 
You hung up and looked at Jake, “I’m so sorry, Jake. Nicky is–”
He held his hand up, “Nope, no apologies, go be with your baby. We can meet up later. Tell Nicky I said ‘hi’.”
Your heart skipped a few beats as you smiled at him. He smiled back and nodded towards the front door, “Now go Mother Goose, you got a duckling waiting on you.” 
The look in his eyes was nothing short of fond, the yellow overhead lighting making his eyes a comforting shade of green. 
He wasn’t upset at all, no disdain for your sudden departure on his features. Was he disappointed? Yeah, but you were always going to be a mother first. He couldn’t and would never get in the way of that, or try to change it.
You hugged him, and he didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around your waist in reciprocation. 
“Thank you,” you kissed his cheek in thanks as you pulled away from the hug. “You don’t have to thank me, Darlin’. Just text me or call me when you get home safe, okay?” He said with a smile, gently squeezing your shoulders.
You nodded, matching his smile, “Of course, as long as you do the same?” He winked, “You got it.” 
He grabbed your purse for you, “Drive safe, Sweetheart.” You nodded, “I will. Bye Jake.” “Bye Y/N.”
You smiled at him again before going over to the bar, patting the top with the palm of your hand. You opened your mouth to get Penny’s attention but she was already smiling at you. “Heading out?” Your head tilted as you nodded, “Yeah, how’d you know?” She shrugged, nodding down to the bag hanging off your shoulder, “Lucky guess.” 
Chuckling, you pulled your wallet out, “Nicky won’t go to bed, the storm is keeping him up.” You pulled out a fifty, “For my drinks and Jake’s, the rest is your tip.” Penny shook her head, pushing the money back towards you, “That’s way too much, Duckie. 25 is plenty. Plus, Jake’s tab is open and your drinks are on it.” 
“Penny Benjamin–”
“Y/N Bradshaw, don’t argue and go home to your son,” Penny pointed to the door to punctuate her order, the damp towel swaying slightly from her movement.
Huffing out a ‘fine’, you put the fifty away and put a ten on the bar, “I’m still tipping you, because I love you. Not as much as you deserve, but you’re gonna fight me on it.” She smiled gratefully at you, taking the bill, “Thank you, now go home. Text me when you get there.” 
You patted the bar again, “Yes, ma’am. I’ll see you later, don’t let Jake get too drunk.” 
With that you walked to the door, though Penny stopped you with a shout. 
“That was an Oscar worthy performance by the way!” 
You rolled your eyes, waving to her as you slipped your jacket on, “Bye Penny!”
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that was a long one huh? but hey, we finally got a kiss! they kissed!! and before hand we got a little peak into duckie's insecurities as a mom. though we can all agree she's pretty great right?
i hope you guys liked this chapter and are ready to see where the next chapter takes duckie, nicky, and jake!
hi darlings i know it's been a long time, too long, but like i said before -- i wanted to make sure this was a chapter i was proud of and lately my creative battery just wouldn't behave and it's been hard to write and like what i write. but i think... i think i did it here.
my ducklings <33:
@roosterscockpit @milesdickpic @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @hisredheadedgoddess28 @malindacath @avengers-fixation @shawnsblue @caitsymichelle13 @classycolorpeach @mamachasesmayhem @bobby-r2d2-floyd @twsssmlmaa
@horseshoegirl @startrekfangirl2233 @babyreads​ @amatswimming @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @hangmansgbaby​ @callsignwidow @kmc1989​ @goodstuff28​ @pjngpp3501​ @lunamoonbby​ @joyfulpandamiracle​ @craftyinfluencersandwich @averyhotchner​ @emily-roberts​ @teenwolf01 @sunderland-6​ @bethabear12
@coldmuffinbanditshoe​ @dempy​ @djs8891​ @ingoaliesitrust @novavida @tigerfan24 @lynnestra44​​ @lilmonstrjedi @yourlocalloser-core @adventures4ever @onlyheretowastetime @mygyn @buckysvinyl @allyyssaa @clockworksficstoread @elisha-chloe @abaker74
160 notes · View notes
drazhaq · 7 months ago
Growing out
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3K notes · View notes
aashwarr · 9 months ago
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the twin's graduation presents. 🏁
1K notes · View notes
andreamoonlight143 · 10 months ago
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Recently gotta draw these guys (A man in a pajamas and a failed clone experiment- 🗿) Plus some other doodles I made that I didn’t even got a chance to post them here
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306 notes · View notes
onomatapeanut · 1 year ago
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"Linked Universe where everything is the same, but everyone has ducks on their heads." 𓅭 𓅰 𓅭 𓅰
Forgot I about this on my computer lol. Based on a past weekly prompt on the LU discord server, and inspo with thanks from a tragically deleted comment (´∀`ゞ
Edit: there is a sequel now apparently (⁠・ั⁠ω⁠・ั⁠)ノ will there be more? Who knows \⁠(⁠◎⁠o⁠◎⁠)⁠/
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harmonysixx · 11 months ago
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I love Wind's expression here but I feel like something's missing...
Oh right
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There we go. Same energy
Art credit goes to jojo @linkeduniverse
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maysrinn · 1 month ago
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Happy Valentine’s Day from the lovebirds! 🪿🌹
Coryo Duck doesn’t quite understand what Valentine’s Day is, but he knows his hoomans are always extra affectionate on this special day. Inspired by their love, he decides to pamper his beloved Goosey Gray with the most romantic ducky date he can imagine—because, after all, they are true lovebirds. ✨
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veiled-luminosity · 4 months ago
what if i (veilliene vanorie) made the dr. ratio SU duck into a clay figurine.
(it's not a what if.)
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i'm normal about him.
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woso-dreamzzz · 13 days ago
- jessie and princesse
- pink ribbons and dirtbag
- bear and bug
- mija and sunshine
- mignon and klumpig
- duckie and mija
- hermana and cielo
- skatt and bebita
Princesse is the puppy
Dirtbag's wearing the sunglasses
Bug is the one cuddling
Mija is the tabby
Klumpig is the monkey with the lighter fur
Duckie is, of course, the duck with the little puppy (Mija) she's kidnapped
Hermana is the one in shorts
Skatt is the lighter cow
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salllzy · 6 days ago
Sal's snippets #44
When the first nuclear bomb dropped Alastor knew that something was wrong, the way that Sarah screamed and withered on the floor, Alastor knew that they had pain tolerances that were nothing to be scoffed at. So for Sarah to be in this state? It was worrying. Then things started to change in Hell, suddenly the King, Queen, the Sins and every Noble family had been called to the palace and no one knew what was going on. Then the Overlords were summoned and he ignored the summons, he had other things to worry about. The Vees started with their mocking and even Rosie was disappointed in him, not that he cared. Then he found a way to Earth and the destruction that he saw? It horrified him. It also explained to him why Sarah was in such a state. Then there were rumours that he was going to be removed as an Overlord by order of the Royal family, the Vees made sure that he knew that his time was running out, that soon he would be worth nothing and that he would be at their mercy. He had laughed in their faces and left. But he had begun to form a plan in the back of his mind. There was no way that he was allowing the Vees to get their grubby hands on him and his powers. So in the dead of night, he took Sarah and disappeared to Earth, the entire planet was dead and he knew that it most likely wasn't a good idea. He knew that he had pissed off the Vees and he had laughed himself silly. They would soon find out what Hell was going to be like without him there, no radio waves for Vox to piggyback off, Valentino wouldn't be able to record anything and even Velvette would suffer. But he didn't care about any of that. His daughter came first. She always would. Living in a ruined world that burned with radiation was something different, putting it lightly, but as the radiation began to die down, Sarah began to recover and he knew he had made the right choice. Each day she got stronger, she started to stay awake for longer periods of time and the pain faded. Then one day they heard about a group of people that needed help. The Minutemen. Neither of them realised just how much it would change their lives.
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blushedseraph · 1 year ago
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Lucifer X Rubber Ducky Isopod AU
I just imagine Lucifer having these giant rubber ducky isopods that are absolute ankle biters. They're names are Charles and Lily to fill the void of Charlie/ Lilith not being around before 😂
Follow me for more @ BlushedSeraph on DeviantArt/Instagram/Twitter
Bonus: an actual pic of the isopod they’re based off of
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year ago
Last in the Flock
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whumptober day 8: panic attack
pairing: bradley bradshaw x twin sister!reader
characters: bradley bradshaw, duckie bradshaw, carole bradshaw
warnings: panic attack, car accident, fear of being alone, mentions of death, canon deaths, cancer diagnosis, please tell me if i missed any
word count: ~1.6k
a/n: this is for whumptober! please please please proceed with caution and use discretion, protect your peace also if you are on the whump taglist but are not familiar with a character, you can skip it will not hurt my feelings!
this is also apart of my series duckie so the tag list for that is included! of course if you can't handle the content and you chose to not read, perfectly fine!!
whumptober 2023 masterlist
summary: in the wake of carole's diagnosis, bradley gets into an accident, duckie's thoughts run wild and take over
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You were in school when you got the call.
Bradley had gotten into an accident on his way to school. He didn’t have a first or second period so he didn’t come to school with you and just came fifteen minutes before his first class started.
Your mother had called you as you went to lunch, crying as she told you your brother was unconscious because he was in a car accident. Thankfully, it was a T-bone on the passenger side, but someone else hadn’t been paying attention and hit Bradley head on. But the doctors said that he should pull through and be just fine.
It didn’t stop the absolute dread that had been sitting on your stomach since you heard your mother sobbing. You went straight to the office with your mother on the phone to tell them that you were going by your remaining classes, collecting your work and leaving. 
The secretary didn’t even question it, seeing the very real tears on your face, and said she would send everyone a heads up.
You had taken your motorcycle to school that morning and you were nearly terrified to get on it. But you decided that you would drive home and get your car, not that you were a hundred percent safe in your car but it was better than being completely exposed on your bike.
You couldn’t risk it.
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Later that day, after a check up, Bradley was cleared to go home. And he was ordered to rest the whole weekend and could take half the week off from school, but he was gonna be just fine.
You and Carole made sure he rested and doted on him the whole weekend.
And then the school week started, and you didn’t want to leave the house.
You justified it to your mom and yourself that it was because she needed her rest, Bradley’s insistence on that sentiment helped your side of the argument. She was insisting it was her job and you were insisting that she deserved to be taken care of as well.
But there was another feeling. A feeling you couldn’t quite place, but you knew you didn’t like it.
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“Yeah, but hey you guys have fun though! I’ll be there next time. Thank you for understanding,” you smiled as you talked to your friend Ellie.
You had made plans to go out with her and a few of your other friends today after school but when they noticed you weren’t in first period, Ellie decided to call you during lunch.
“You can go out, you know, Duckie,” Bradley said from the couch. “I’m not dying, I can-”
“You could have died though! Do you know how close you were to dying and leaving me alone!?”
Bradley bruised eyes widened at your outburst. 
You were never the loud one. You weren’t the type to lash out. You were more like your dad in that way, not the type to yell unless it was needed. So to hear you shout out of the blue like that was concerning. 
You shook your head and stood up, “I’m gonna make lunch, sandwich okay?” Bradley just nodded and watched you rush into the kitchen.
When you got there you braced yourself on the sink with one hand as your other came up to your chest as it began to ache and your hand trembled violently. You couldn’t get air into your lungs, it stopped just before filling your lungs, and your legs seemed to stop working. A heat rushed up your body; your feet became too hot in your socks and a cold sweat ran down your back.
It was like you were frozen. The ringing in your ears did not help the nausea as your stomach churned. 
Your dad is dead. Your mom is dying. Your twin can die at any time. Then you would be all alone. Sad, lonely little Duckie… the last in the flock. Poor thing.
A sob forced its way out of your body, wracking your chest with force as your legs shook and you lowered yourself to the ground. 
Your hand on your chest tapped against your breast bone with no rhythm as you lost control of your thoughts and your breathing. You felt numb, like your nerve endings were on fire – the cool metal of the dishwasher had no effect on you.
“Duckie? Duckie, hey, what’s wrong?” 
Bradley had gotten off the couch and came over to you the moment he heard you sob.
He didn’t know what he thought he would see but it wasn’t his twin sister struggling to breath on the floor.
“Hey, Y/N! Y/N! Hey what’s-”
Bradley grabbed you by the shoulders, hoping to get your attention but all you did was sob and push him away. He hit the island with a pained grunt as he looked at you confused.
He realized that you were mumbling something to yourself through your sobs. 
“Alone… Alone… They’re all dead, I’m gonna be alone…” 
Then you were sucking in strangled breaths and sobbing them out, coughing hard as you gripped at your shirt. “It’s hot, too hot… Can’t breathe.. Can’t-” You cut yourself of with a sob.
Bradley sat there in shock, he didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t go get your mom, she was out with Sarah Kazansky and he didn’t want to bother them. He couldn’t call Maverick because he wasn’t in the position to come help. But there was one number he could call.
Quickly he pulled out his phone, dialing the three digits. 
“9-1-1 what is your emergency?”
“I think my sister is having a panic attack.” 
“Okay, are you with her right now or can you hear her in the other room?” 
“I’m in front of her, we’re in the kitchen on the floor… I-I don’t know what to do, what do I do?” 
“What’s your name?”
“Bradley, my sister’s name is Y/N.”
“I’m Hannah, I’m gonna help you both through this okay? Just follow my instructions to the best of your abilities, can you do that?”
Bradley nodded, forgetting she couldn’t see him, “Y-yes I-I can do that.” 
“Alright, what I want you to do first is put me on speaker okay?” 
He put her on speaker and sat his phone down, “Okay, I did it.”
Hannah proceeded to walk him through calming you down. 
First, Bradley had to let you know that he was there and that he was there to help. He calmly got your attention on him, hating that your eyes looked over his wounds rather than in his eyes. “Duckie, hey, look in my eyes, I’m here I’m right here.”
Then he had to distract you. He asked you to hold your arms up, touch his fingertips with yours above your head. This not only helped you to focus on something but it helped to expand your chest to allow more air in.
“Good job Duckie, you’re doing so good.”
Last he was to help you slow your breathing down. He tried counting down from ten, but that didn’t work so he then tried twenty but that didn’t work either.
“Hannah what do I do?”
“Ask her what she needs you to do.”
He nodded and found your eyes, “Hey, Y/N, tell me what you need.” He waited a beat before speaking again. “What do I need to do?”
“H-Heart… heart beat,” you said, patting your own chest.
Bradley nodded and gently took your hand, putting it to his chest.
“Can you feel that? I’m okay, and you’re okay. We’re safe.”
He watched you nod and your breathing started to even out. “Good job Duckie, I’m so proud of you. You’re doing so good.” 
“Bradley, the paramedics are there. Can you let them in?”
“Yeah I can-” He moved to get up but your fist balled in his shirt and you shook your head, “No… please…”
“Hannah, tell them there is a key under the mat. I can’t leave her.” 
“I can do that.”
A few seconds later paramedics arrived in the kitchen as Bradley pulled you into his lap. He held you close and kissed the side of your head. “It’s okay, I got you. I got ya.” 
The medics checked your vitals and got you a little oxygen to help you breathe better.
“Okay, Y/N, you’re gonna be really drained the rest of the day, take it easy alright?”
You could only manage a nod and Bradley rubbed your back.
The medics and Bradley shared a nod as the medics left. 
He sat there with you until you were ready to get up. He didn’t speak other than gentle reassurances and praises.
You broke the silence about fifteen minutes later, your voice still shaky and a little raspy. 
He hummed, “What’s up Duckie? What happened?” You sniffled, “I think it was just Mom’s diagnosis… your accident… Dad… it was all just a lot. I was scared… Scared of being alone… being the last one…”
Bradley rubbed your arm, “Oh Duckie…” “I know I know it’s-” “It’s not stupid, your fear is valid. I hope it’s a comfort to know that I’m not leaving you with a fight,” he said, kissing your temple. “Nothing can take me away from my baby sister.”
You snorted, “You’re only twelve minutes older.” “Still older.” 
Rolling your eyes you sat up a little, “Can we go lay down? The floor is uncomfy.” He nodded and you both got up before going to lay down on the couch. “I love you, BradBrad.”
He chuckled and gently rubbed your side, “I love you too, Duckie.”
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taglist: @bradleybeachbabe @mayhemmanaged @kmc1989 @lovinglyeternal @horseshoegirl @cassiemitchell @fanboyswhore9 @nightowlalltheway @86laura11 @els-marvelvsp @valmare @startrekfangirl2233
my ducklings <33: @roosterscockpit @milesdickpic @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @hisredheadedgoddess28 @malindacath @avengers-fixation @shawnsblue @caitsymichelle13 @classycolorpeach @mayhemmanaged @startrekfangirl2233 @bobby-r2d2-floyd @twsssmlmaa​ @horseshoegirl​ @babyreads​ @amatswimming @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @cassiemitchell​ @callsignwidow @kmc1989​   @goodstuff28​ @pjngpp3501​ @lunamoonbby​ @joyfulpandamiracle​ @craftyinfluencersandwich @averyhotchner​ @emily-roberts​ @teenwolf01 @sunderland-6​ @bethabear12​ @coldmuffinbanditshoe​ @dempy​ @djs8891​ @ingoaliesitrust @novavida​ @tigerfan24 @lynnestra44​​ @lilmonstrjedi
hi, if you're seeing this and are currently not on the taglist and would like to be please fill out the taglist form -> whumptober taglist
i can not stress this enough, but whumptober can have some very serious and heavy topics and i want to make sure i am doing my part as an author to prepare my readers for what they are about to experience and that includes not only warnings above but my taglists as well
so if you want to be added check out the masterlist and read that carefully and fill out the form -> whumptober 2023
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drazhaq · 2 months ago
[RadioApple Animatic] Heathers | Our Love Is God
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pluraluke · 2 months ago
zoom vroom kaboom
i return with some au facts (headcanons if you will) for the zoomies (the legion of zoom)
(general rundown of au which i will elaborate on another day: everything is dandy they are vehicles but when buff asks if there is a way to feel more real moe accidentally globally reprograms everyone's motherboard souls into humans which get spawned in an alternate universe and they have to learn how to be human the batwheels have the batcomputer who helps them but the zoomers have to figure it all out on their own)
Rather bad at physical stuff (sports, gymnastics, swimming properly, obstacle courses etc)
he may seem really confident and stuck up but he’s actually terrified of making a mistake because he thinks then he won’t be smart anymore so the confidence covers up any little errors he makes
Hence why when he gets a question/riddle wrong or makes any mistake in strategic/logical things he starts freaking out internally and beating himself up over it.
He also gets upset really easily and when upset will whine, yell at people and/or storm off and hide
He's also very argumentative and thinks he’s always right and gets mad when things don’t go his way. (those two facts = little wet cat toddler)
He’s really good at chess but (very) often he gets too cocky and then makes a stupid move and then he loses. He always plays with Ducky.
He has that question mark facial scar and is often seen with little question mark-shaped doodles/cuts on his arms.
He is gifted (high iq) but he also has a low eq, hes also autistic
he fell in love with ducky but ducky continues to berate and belittle quizz
He’s rather morally conflicted. He loves to have fun with his zoomfam even if it means committing crimes, but he also feels a lot of internal guilt if the group does something particularly bad (such as ruining Christmas or directly hurting others (physically or emotionally, or anything that harms wildlife) and then has a lot of trouble sleeping that night
He has a HUGE crush on Buff but Buff has no idea and also doesn’t return the feelings.
He wants a pet but he’s really scared to get one because he knows that when it dies he’s gonna cry for ages and never feel happiness again so he doesn’t have one because he’s “not ready for that kind of emotional commitment” he’s too fragile 😭 my baby
He gets emotionally attached easily and hates being alone like actually freaks out
He’s practically immune to getting colds and fevers but he gets stomach sick REALLY easily, he’s somewhat lactose intolerant so most of the ice cream he makes is actually lactose free
hes trans and okay i know hes a car (well originally) but since this au is where they get turned into humans spontaneously he spawned with female anatomy and he didn't even know-
she’s bi and while she has a big crush on Prank, if given the opportunity she would totally hook up with Bibi
she barks at people (all the time), will bite her enemies and sleeps similarly to a dog. The others like to tease her by actually treating her like a dog, eg. chasing her with a leash, throwing things for her to fetch, and many more things.
She has trypanophobia (fear of needles).
She has a big sweet tooth and when there’s no big heist to pull off she just robs the nearest everyday store for candy.
She can’t swim very well.
Oddly enough her and quizz have a sibling-like bond and they help each other out with all kinds of things but also can usually be found bickering about who got the better slice of cake or who gets to pick the crime of the night
She got one piercing per (hyena) ear/earrings and she reallyyyy wanted more but her skin had a bad reaction to the metal and it got infected so she had to stop wearing them and now she can’t have any more (tho she might eventually get hypoallergenic ones when she finds out they exist)
ever since she got the ability to drink she fell in love with starbucks and she likes to think shes a "coffee drinker" but she doesn't even like real coffee only lattes and frappuchinos and fancy stuff-
He’s an excellent swimmer (fast, too).
He takes a lot of pride in his appearance and refuses to do any heists on a bad hair day.
He is constantly berating the others for their lack of attention to their looks (especially to Quizz and his scar, which only makes him want to put more scars on himself.)
He’s VERY egotistical (I always think of ttte James for him) and has (too) high self confidence. Because of this it’s going to be hard for him to find a crush because no one is good enough for him.
Jestah told ducky about quizz’s crush on him. ducky doesn’t actually return the feelings, but he decides to pretend that he does to lead quizz on bc he loves the attention and he knows that he can use Quizz to do stuff for him and other general benefits. his behaviour toward quizz is off and on though and while sometimes he’ll be sweet and ‘loving’ he could switch to mean, deprecative yelling ducky at any time if upsetted
He secretly carries a rubber duck named Ella (short for umbrella) everywhere he goes and he can’t sleep without it.
hes a morning person 
He’s the dumbest one of the gang. 
Ducky calls him Frank to annoy him.
He always teases Jestah for being short and steals her stuff and holds it up high (in an affectionate way)
He wants to make it official dating with Jestah but at the same time doesn’t think Jestah can stay committed to a real relationship. (yk the Bibi thing)
He has adhd
He cares for his fellow zoomers more than you’d think
He doesn’t take the whole “bam arch nemesis” thing seriously and to him it feels comparable to bullying (which he enjoys very much). Then again, he doesn’t take anything seriously, from injuries to straight up murder. (a little foreshadowing ehehehe)
He’s definitely not the immature one (that title belongs to Quizz) but his behaviour is comparable to that of a 10 year old child, despite his role as a villain and thief he loves just having fun with his fellow Zoomers and doing enjoyable things (like throwing stuff at each other, spending time on the beach and at the lake, playing with toy race cars and video games and just enjoying life.) He also especially likes things he can dive into and play in (like snow, mud/dirt, sand, rolling on the grass hills and all that childhood nature fun).
what headcanons/au facts do you guys like most? is there any that you want me to elaborate on sometime?
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andreamoonlight143 · 4 months ago
Hey! Question for Hanta!
Is the shading around your eyes a trick of the light, or...?
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Bro gets dragged in out of nowhere
Also, as the artist.. Idk why either- It kinda suits him but FOR ME THO 🗿😔
You can ask other characters here below:
Donnie (ROTTMNT) / Wally Darling (WH) / Fake Peppino (PT) / Withered Bonnie \ Eclipse (FNAF) / Billy (TWF) / Spinel (SU) / Helcurt (MLBB) / Fizzarolli (HB) / Fumikage Tokoyami \ Hanta Sero (BNHA) / 1st Prize (BBIEAL) / Dread Ducky (DD) / Vinyl Scratch (MLP) / Felix (AAF) / Rose\Lilith\Angelica (OC)
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ducky-bah · 2 months ago
Hello, may we request multiple gem alters from Steven Universe? Level 1 with transIDs if possible. Thank you.
Steven Universe subsystem! The pack is below the cut as usual!
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༄~𖦹︎ Name(/s) ➪ Pearl, Lillie, Cascade, Auron
༄~𖦹︎ Pronouns ➪ She/her, Gem/gems, Elegant/elegants, Deep/deeps, Ocean/oceans, Shine/shines
༄~𖦹︎ Gender ➪ Prismgender, Elegancebodiment, Dancebodiment, Stellarian
༄~𖦹︎ Orientations ➪ Sapphic, Demiromantic, Demisexual
༄~𖦹︎ IDs ➪ DemeID, LamorID
༄~𖦹︎ TransIDs ➪ TrisElegance, TransSpecies; DemeSwan, DemeObsession, LamorPretty, LamorRenaissance, PermaRenaissance
༄~𖦹︎ Age ➪ Ageless
༄~𖦹︎ Species ➪ Gem, DemeSwan
༄~𖦹︎ Role(/s) ➪ Protector, and/or Memory Keeper
༄~𖦹︎ Source or Theme ➪ Pearl [Steven Universe]
༄~𖦹︎ Appearance or Faceclaim ➪
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➪ Art Links; 1 & 2 & 3
༄~𖦹︎ Name(/s) ➪ Amethyst, Carmine, Nessa, Destiny, Amy, Tumble, Dusk
༄~𖦹︎ Pronouns ➪ She/her, He/him, Ame/amethyst, Am/ams, Fun/funs
༄~𖦹︎ Gender ➪ Bigender, Genderapathetic, Loudgender
༄~𖦹︎ Orientations ➪ Pansexual, Demiromantic, PolyMono
༄~𖦹︎ IDs ➪ FunID, JokeID, SpiteID
༄~𖦹︎ TransIDs ➪ TrisChaos, MultiSona, Trans , PermaFun, PermaJoy, PermaGame, PermaParty, PermaRaver, PermaCringe, PermaWeedSmell
༄~𖦹︎ Age ➪ Ageless
༄~𖦹︎ Species ➪ Gem
༄~𖦹︎ Role(/s) ➪ Mood Booster, and/or Soother
༄~𖦹︎ Source or Theme ➪ Amethyst [Steven Universe]
༄~𖦹︎ Appearance or Faceclaim ➪
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➪ Art Links; 1 & 2
༄~𖦹︎ Name(/s) ➪ Steven, Star, Sunny, Orion
༄~𖦹︎ Pronouns ➪ He/him, They/them, Joy/joys, Fun/funs
༄~𖦹︎ Gender ➪ Contramasc, Starlightgender
༄~𖦹︎ Orientations ➪ Demiromantic, Asexual
༄~𖦹︎ IDs ➪ Traitblur, SparkID, Huh?ID
༄~𖦹︎ TransIDs ➪ TrisPink, TrisHyperdependant, TransPinkTears, TransFeline/TransCat, TransXenogenderHoarder, TransCharaFixate, NullImposterSyndrome, TransTransIDHoarder , PermaScars, Permaappy
༄~𖦹︎ Age ➪ 16
༄~𖦹︎ Species ➪ Gem hybrid, BiSpecies
༄~𖦹︎ Role(/s) ➪ Mediator, and/or Moderator, and/or Soother
༄~𖦹︎ Source or Theme ➪ Steven [Steven Universe]
༄~𖦹︎ Appearance or Faceclaim ➪
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➪ Art Links; 1 & 2
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