#dua to live with my husband
badrrr · 1 year
Be women of the akhira. Do things with the intention of it benefiting you in the next life. Sacrifice for the Ummah. My beautiful sister, we don’t live in the golden ages so we shouldn’t live a life as if we do. Life isn’t just about girl parties, shopping and cute dates with spouse.
My precious sister in Islam, your role is big and your responsibilities are many. There are a plethora of captives and a shortage of those willing to free them. Raise up young men and women of Tawheed. Usool ath- Thalatha has dwindled from us and the youth. Memorize it and teach it the young to live upon it. Our elders, May Allah grant them a long life full of good deeds, are unaware of the plight of the Muslims. Where is your beautiful handwriting in making leaflets to spread awareness? The deviants and slanderers have increased and are poisoning the masses. Learn the deen and educate the new generation of muslimaat. Sell your jewelry for ransom. Spend from your money in charity. Give up some sleep for tahajjud.
My beloved sister, your husband is not just for you. As much as you adore him, he is for the Ummah and should be encouraged to get dirty in the path of Allah. Don’t stop him or discourage him. Make dua for him, motivate him, prepare him accordingly. If you hold him back from his duties, then you have deprived the captives of their freedom and Islam of spreading far and wide. If you love him for the sake of Allah, stand with him in the path of Allah ﷻ. Encourage even the men in your family to get dusty for the sake of Allah.
My sister, keep company with the sisters on the same path. You will only flock regularly with those who are the same as you. You will become like those who you are around mostly. Righteous, pious akhawaat should be your company. Gatherings of knowledge and the remembrance of Allah should be your dates with them. If they advise you, keep them close. If you sin and they encourage you, they don’t truly love you. If they only care about the glitter and glamor of this dunya, it’ll only pull you towards that and away from the ultimate goal.
Focus and stay on track. Learn skills to benefit the Ummah. Have very high aspirations because it only befits the people of the best nations. Make continuous istighfaar and rush to the good deeds. Be mindful of Allah in private so it translate to that in public. Ask Allah for a soft heart that weeps at disobedience and sinning. Build up a heart that is so attached to Allah it weeps for missing acts of sunnah. Think about the captives and the oppressed muslimeen. When is the last time you shed tears because of them ? May those tears be a witness for you on the day of judgement.
The path isn’t aesthetic nor is it easy. It is not smooth and it never ends until the Angel of death takes our soul. Any khayr you put forth is not because of your actions or your intellect. Rather it is from the mercy Allah has bestowed upon you . Ask Allah for steadfastness. Constantly clean off you slate with istighfaar and keep the mindest that your life is for the sake of Allah and you must live accordingly.
You are the backbone of the Ummah Ukhti. You are a precious jewel and you have an honorable status. Be a women like how the sahabiyat were. Be a woman who corrects what others have corrupted.
May Allah aid you and honor you. May Allah increase us all in thabat and make us from the forerunners of the deen.
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gryficowa · 2 days
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Now that I have your attention:
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Jack Harlow x Reader : Pregnancy Nights
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You couldn’t sleep, this was your second night in a roll where you would toss and turn but no sleep would come your way. Your back hurts, it got to the point where you couldn’t even handle laying down.
You were seven months pregnant, and laying down or even getting comfortable was starting to be difficult for you. Your husband was beside you in a deep sleep, he too has issues falling asleep but that’s due to sometimes getting nightmares, so you definitely weren’t about to wake him up.
You carefully slide out of bed, grab your cell phone and make sure the nightlight coming from the restroom is still bright enough for him. You then poke your head into your daughter's bedroom to see she was laying on her tummy, arms spread out wide, just like her father.
Before you made it to the living room, your stomach started growling, so since it was three in the morning, you decided on a snack.
You made your way into the kitchen and pulled out the jar of dilled pickles, cut it into pieces and sprinkled some tajin on top. You then grabbed a water bottle and made your way into the living room and started watching your comfort show.
An hour later Jack is stirring in bed, he’s reaching out for you but feels your spot is empty and cold. That has him sit up and look around the bedroom.
“Babe?” He pushes open the bathroom door completely to see if you were in there. “Y/N?”
He starts making his way downstairs and sees you sitting on the couch with a blanket on your feet. “What are you doing down here?”
You turn to look at him. “Hi, what are you doing awake?”
“I can ask you the same thing babe.” He raises his eyebrows at you and comes to sit down next to you.
“I couldn’t sleep, my back was killing me.”
“So wake me up and we could’ve cuddled.”
You smile at that. “You’ve been working non stop, you need the sleep mi amor.”
“You do too, you’re carrying precious cargo.” He rubs at your belly.
“I tried but I just couldn’t, so I decided to come down here.”
He then turns to look at the tv and sees what you’re watching. “Babe, I’m starting to think it's the main character you’re obsessed with and not the actual show.”
You smirk “I mean, Jax Teller is really hot.” You were watching Sons of Anarchy, a show you can watch over and over again.
He glares at you. “Hmm.”
You chuckle, “Oh but you can sing a song about Dua Lipa?”
He makes a shocked face expression “You said you loved that song.”
You laugh, “I do, I was trying to make an example.”
He shakes his head “You really do have a thing for white boys though. First was Paul Walker, then this guy.” He points at the tv, “Then me.”
“You’re forgetting Urban.” You tell him teasingly.
He whips his head so quickly to look at you, “You have a crush on Urb? My best friend?”
You shrug “It’s just those lips of his.” You tell him jokingly, but he’s taking it seriously. “That tongue when he’s rolling a joint.”
“Okay stop, no, I don’t want to hear it.”
You stay quiet for a little then he turns to look at you “Do you really have a crush on Urb?”
“I was joking mi amor.” You smile at him.
“Sure you were, now I have to keep you away from my best friend, and I need to find a way to block this series from our tv.” He grabs the remote and turns the tv off.
“Hey, I was watching my other husband.”
“Quit playing, now come on, let's go to bed.” He starts walking you both towards the stairs.
“Who’s playing? I’m not playing,” Your walking up the stairs now. “Charlie Hunnam is my other husband and my baby daddy.” At those words you feel your baby start kicking. You place your hand on your belly “Oww, okay I get it. I was joking.”
Jack smirks “That’s right little man, let her know you don’t like the shit she’s saying.” He’s rubbing at your belly now. “See, he’s already got my back.”
You roll your eyes at that “He’s been doing that lately you know?”
You’re in your bedroom now, Jack is helping you into bed. “Doing what baby?”
“Kicking whenever I play a song of yours, or when I watch some of your old interviews. He recognizes your voice. He even kicks whenever we have little petty fights and I don’t want you near me until I cool down.”
He gets into bed and lays down, pulling you to his chest. “Mia never did that.”
You shake your head. “Our son isn’t even born yet and he’s already team daddy.”
“Thank you.” He tells you, kisses your forehead and places his hand on the bump, something he always does to fall asleep.
“For what?”
“This, our life together, our children. You came into my life and gave me everything I ever wanted in a partner. I’m just lucky to live this with you.”
You look up at him and smile, “It wasn’t an easy road, but it was totally worth it. You make me the happiest woman alive. Our babies and I are lucky to have such a respectful and loving man in our lives.”
“I love you, in and out the stars baby, it’s you and me until the wheels fall off.”
“You can’t make me cry right now Jackman, I love you so much mi amor. I’m forever thankful for you and our children.” You kiss his lips.
“Now, the real question is, will little man get mad if I stick it in real quick?” He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.
“What? It’s an honest question.”
You shake your head smiling, “You’re not putting that monster inside me right now. Just cuddle me, and sing me a song so I can fall asleep, or you’ll have to deal with a cranky wife later on.”
“Not even a little dry humping?”
“Yes, that’s what I’m trying to have you yell out.”
“Oh my god.”
“That too.”
You smack his chest. “Stop, let me sleep and then we’ll talk about you making me yell or something.”
He pulls the sheets closer to cover both your bodies. “No more sneaking away from me at nights though, wake me up whenever you can’t sleep.”
“Hmm, I’ll think about it, you need your rest as well. But I promise I won’t sneak away.”
“Deal, now turn that ass around so I can rub on that belly and sing your song.”
“You’re such a romantic my love.” You turn the other side, your back to his chest.
“Anything for you.” He starts rubbing at your belly and you don’t even remember if he even sang to you, as soon as you closed your eyes you drifted into a deep sleep.
“Yeah, life is perfect. Te amo.” Jack whispers into your ear and with those words he too falls asleep, his hand never leaving your belly.
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asma-al-husna · 1 month
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Allah calls Himself As-Samee’— The Hearing, The Ever-Listening— on 45 occasions in the Quran. He is the One whose hearing and attention comprehends everything. As-Samee’ hears every word, thought, and secret, and He listens to every voice. As-Samee’ listens and pays attention to everything, perfectly, eternally, and without any limits!
The All-Hearing, The Ever-Listening
Samee’ comes from the root seen-meem-‘ayn, which refers to four main meanings. The first main meaning is to hear and to listen, and the second to accept and receive. The third main meaning is to pay attention to and the fourth is to understand the meaning.
This root appears 185 times in the Quran in 10 derived forms. Examples of these forms are sami’a (to hear, to listen), tusmi’u (to make hear), and as-sam’a (the hearing).
Linguistically samee’ is on the structure of intensification. As-Samee’ refers to the perfection and the totality of Allah’s hearing, which cannot be compared with the hearing of any other created being.
As-Samee’ Himself says: Our Lord! Accept this service from us: For You are the All-Hearing, the All-knowing [Quran, 2: 127] . . . If I am astray, I only stray to the loss of my own soul: but if I receive guidance, it is because of what my Lord reveals to me. He is All-Hearing, Ever-Near. [Quran, 34:50] . . . And Allah hears your discussions. Lo! Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing. [Quran, 58: 1]
No secrets for As-Samee’
As-Samee’ hears every single sound, every rustle of the tree, every voice, and every thought. Our most secret speech is an open declaration before Allah. As-Samee’ tells us: It is the same to Him whether one of you conceals his speech or declares it openly; whether he lies hidden by night or walks forth freely by day. [Quran, 13: 10] Aishah, may Allah be pleased with her, said: Glory be to Allah whose hearing embraces all voices. The woman came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, with her plea. She had a grievance against her husband. I was in the corner of the house and did not hear what she said. Then Allah revealed: Allah has heard the plea of the woman who pleads with you . . . [An-Nasaa’i, Ibn Maajah]
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Watch that tongue.
How many times have you watched your mouth when certain people were around, like your parents, a teacher, or your boss? As a Muslim one of your tasks is to guard your tongue, anytime, anywhere, and in any company.
Parents sin if they use inappropriately harsh or curse words while disciplining the children. As-Samee’ told us: Not a word does he (or she) utter, but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it). [Quran, 50:18] Use your tongue wisely so that your words will not be something that keep you from the gates of Jannah.
2. Study the etiquette of speech for a Muslim.
How do you know if your speech is pleasing to As-Samee’ if you do not study His book and the sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him? Learn about the prohibitions of the tongue, like backbiting, swearing, and lying. Study the types of speech As-Samee’ loves to hear from you, like dhikr, good advice, kind words to others, and reciting the Quran.
3. Ask As-Samee’ in salah.
Did you know you have seven places where you seek As-Samee’ with supplications in your prayer? You can do so after the first takbeer, and on some occasions before bowing, also while bowing, when you rise from bowing, during your prostrations, between the two prostrations, and at the very end of the prayer before you say your Salaam. Make use of these times to ask for whatever (halaal) you want in this life and the next.
4. Be comforted by As-Samee’.
When Allah ‘azza wa jall sent Musa and Harun to confront the Pharaoh, He comforted them with the words: Fear not. Indeed, I am with you (both); I hear and I see. [Quran, 20:46] As-Samee’ hears and answers your prayers, so invoke Him and supplicate to Him. Remember— dua’ is the weapon of the believer and can make the mountains shake.
5. Seek refuge in As-Samee’.
The Prophet Muhammad, salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, used to seek refuge with Allah from four things, including a prayer that goes unheard:
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ عِلْمٍ لَا يَنْفَعُ وَمِنْ قَلْبٍ لَا يَخْشَعُ وَمِنْ نَفْسٍ ‏لَا تَشْبَعُ ‏ ‏وَمِنْ دَعْوَةٍ لَا يُسْتَجَابُ لَهَا‏
O Allah, I seek refuge in You from knowledge which does not benefit, from a heart that does not entertain the fear (of Allah), from a soul that is not satisfied and the supplication that is not answered. [Muslim] The Prophet did not mean that he feared Allah would not hear the prayer itself, but rather that Allah would leave the prayer unanswered!
6. Ask As-Samee’ to bless your hearing.
Allah As-Samee’ loves those who use the abilities He gave them for His sake. Did Allah give you ears to listen to gossip or music? Did He give you a tongue so He could hear swearing and lying from you? Ask Him to help you to use your hearing and your tongue only for things pleasing to Him.
7. Pick the right words.
A true believer would never intentionally give reason to others to be doubtful, nor hurt their feelings in any way. You must ensure, as far as possible, that what you say is heard and understood by all involved; pick your words with wisdom.
8. Feel ‘sami’Allahu liman hamidah’.
Next to the amazing Hearing of Allah, The beautiful name As-Samee’ also means He answers our prayers. After bowing in prayer we say: sami’Allahu liman hamidah (Allah hears the one who praises Him). We know that Allah hears us; this means that Allah answers those who praise Him and seek Him in prayer. Now every time you say sami’Allahu liman hamidah, feel that Allah is The All-Hearer and make the intention to strive that He only hears good from you.
O Allah, As-Samee’, we know You hear every sound and thought. Aid us to watch our tongues and use them for Your sake only, protect us from foul speech, bless our tongue and our hearing, and make us of those whose prayers are answered, ameen!
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yasmijn · 10 months
A cold take on Past Lives (2023)
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Aku nggak terlalu tahu sih apa yang aku harapkan dari film ini, tapi kayaknya setelah baca review orang-orang yang sangat positif aku mengharapkan lebih banyak perasaan dari Past Lives. Filmnya bukan yang biasa juga sih... bagus lah, tapi nggak sebagus itu. No tears, no pang in my heart, no strong aftertaste. Kayaknya w mencerna plot dengan terlalu rasional aja jadi buatku kisah Nora dan Haesung itu terlalu romanticized.
Sorry for those who think that film is a masterpiece, we just have to agree to disagree. If you still plan on watching the movie on your own and you hate spoilers, here's your cue to scroll past this post.
Ok here goes. Jadi cerita ini bermula di tahun 2000-an dimana Nora (waktu itu masih di Korea Selatan jadi masih pake nama Korea-nya: Nayoung), dan Haesung, sepasang anak berumur 12 tahun yang saling suka, harus terpisah benua karena keluarga Nora imigrasi ke Kanada. Mereka hilang kontak sampai akhirnya 12 tahun kemudian ketika umur mereka pertengahan 20, Nora mengirimkan pesan Facebook ke Haesung, dan mereka mulai rajin chat, ganti-gantian begadang demi bisa Skype di awal dan akhir hari. Sampai akhirnya Nora bilang ke Haesung bahwa kayaknya mereka berdua harus stop berhubungan dulu karena dia merasa nggak fokus mengejar apa yang dia kejar sebagai seorang penulis di New York. Di saat yang sama, Haesung juga lagi sibuk kuliah dan cari kerja.
Ada sih pengorbanan-pengorbanan kecil yang sama-sama mereka lakukan: Nora bangun sebelum jam 7 pagi supaya bisa Skype sama Haesung. Dan sebaliknya. Tapi yang aku gak suka adalah adegan dimana Nora tanya: "Jadi kapan kamu bisa ke New York?", Haesung jawab: "Paling satu setengah tahun lagi, abis aku exchange". Dan sebaliknya, pas Haesung tanya kapan Nora bisa ke Korea, dia jawab: "Ngapain aku ke Korea? Paling aku bisa kesana setahun lagi." Ok aku paham mungkin dia ngomong gitu karena bete sama jawaban Haesung, but what kind of relationship would it be? I will give you A but only if you give me A in return? Again: what kind of relationship would it be?
Gimana toh? Saling suka tapi ya sudah jelas bagi saya sebagai penonton bahwa mereka tuh nggak sesuka itu untuk memberikan lebih dari waktu tidur mereka. To me, the right thing would be for either of them, at that very time, to fly to the other person and really talk about how they're gonna proceed with whatever they were. Masalahnya, pas Nora bilang mereka harus berhenti berhubungan, sebenernya mereka tuh gak pacaran. Guys, you didn't even make it past the talking stage.
Terus loncat lagi ke 12 tahun setelahnya, di umur masing-masing udah pertengahan 30. Nora udah nikah sama Jew-American bernama Arthur selama 7 tahun. Arthur adalah sesama penulis yang ketemu dia di program residensi penulis. Haesung masih kerja di Korea, dia baru aja putus dari pacarnya, dan dia ngontak Nora untuk bilang bahwa dia akan pergi ke New York. Tiga malem doang di New York, after 13 hours of flight. Haha.
Jadilah selama dua hari Haesung di New York, dia dan Nora keliling-keliling New York sambil ngobrol yang isinya 'What ifs', mengingat-ingat masa lalu, mempertanyakan ini dan itu. Menurut w gak appropriate sih karena kasian aja gitu sama si Arthur. Udah mana menurut w si Arthur ini cowok spineless yang bilang: "That guy flew thirteen hours to be here. I'm not going to tell you that you can't see him or something. He's your childhood sweetheart." Terus pas si Nora pulang malem-malem abis ketemu Haesung, dia gak berenti ngomongin Haesung. Di tempat tidur, si Arthur ngomong lagi bahwa ini bisa jadi cerita yang hebat banget, "..in this story I am the white American husband who stands in the way of destiny."
Man if you're so insecure about your wife why even bother staying in that relationship lah. Menurut w dinamika hubungan Nora-Arthur tuh aneh banget, seakan merasa bahwa Nora tuh nikah sama dia ya emang karena butuh greencard aja (Dimana nggak mungkin juga sih? Orang mereka emang pacaran lama banget sebelum nikah?). I don't know. I just don't like it. Apalagi di adegan dimana Nora bawa Haesung pulang ke rumah terus si Arthur menyambut dengan posturnya yang slouchy dan mukanya yang udah siap nangis - seakan udah siap melepas Nora untuk pergi ke Korea di dalam pelukan Haesung.
Terus kasian banget sama Arthur pas ada adegan mereka bertiga duduk di bar tapi sepanjang malam Nora cuma ngobrol sama Haesung dalam bahasa Korea jadi Arthur dikacangin sepanjang malam 😭😭😭😭😭 Guy's so pathetic.
Beberapa pertanyaan whatifs yang keluar dari mulut Haesung pun buatku nggak cukup believable. Dia tanya, apa ya yang akan terjadi kalau dulu kita nggak berenti ngobrol? Apa kita bakal nikah? Apa kita bakal putus? Apa kita bakal punya anak? Banyak juga dari scene Nora-Haesung itu isinya cuma mereka berdua saling tatap-tatapan sambil senyum-senyum. Terus jujur emosi banget pas mereka bahas jangan-jangan di masa lalu kita tuh dalam doomed relationship ya? Atau waktu Haesung nanya apakah nanti mereka bisa ketemu lagi di next live?
Me watching them both: That's what you should've asked twelve years ago. I mean, why talk about the past and the future when you can talk about the PRESENT?? If you really love her then take her hands, ask her to come back with you to South Korea. Shoot your shot!!
W paham sih kayanya inti dari pertemuan mereka berdua adalah sebuah closure? Tapi terus apa? Kesimpulannya adalah mereka berdua itu sebenernya saling suka tapi momentum itu udah lewat jadi sekarang yang bisa mereka berdua lakukan adalah terus meromantisasi masa lalu? Closure is overrated, people.
I personally don't believe that they will work out, anyway. Nora adalah seorang imigran Korea yang emigrasi dua kali (ke Kanada lalu ke Amerika Serikat), mengejar karir sebagai penulis di New York. She's Americanized, she's no longer the 12 year old Nora Haesung fell in love with. Haesung adalah orang Korea yang konservatif secara pikiran dan juga tindakan. I don't think any of them are willing to give up their life and move halfway across the world for the other person.
And so they settled for the whatifs, at the romanticization of what nice little memories they had from back when they were both twelve years old.
Menurutku pun, sebenernya setelah kedatangan Haesung ke New York, hubungan Nora dan Arthur gak akan bisa kembali lagi seperti biasa. Arthur udah tahu dengan lebih jelas bahwa Nora tuh masih ada rasa sama Haesung, dan mungkin akan seumur hidup penasaran sama semua whatifs yang mungkin terjadi antara mereka berdua. Udah mana di scene akhir itu Nora nangis di pelukan Arthur setelah dia nganter Haesung ke Uber untuk pulang lagi ke Korea. Tega banget Nora, asli deh.
Tldr; I don't think Nora and Haesung have enough feelings for each other to go beyond the staring at each other while smiling stage, or the staying awake til 2 in the morning to Skype with you stage. That is not love. That is mere curiosity of a road none of them are willing to take.
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amniotic · 5 months
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I do love to make little mixtapes for my ships. well, this got out of hand, so there's the lyrics and the vibes i get of each of these songs. i'ts first time that i make a "story" with the songs, so each one is from zoro or sanji pov, kind of progressing cause my headcanon it's that they started like frenemies with benefits to married husbands cause i'm a romantic at heart.
˗ˏˋ listen here ˎˊ˗
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lyrics under the cut ♫₊˚.🎧 ✧
Montero (call me by your name) - lil nas x
Romantic talking? You don't even have to try. You're cute enough to fuck with me tonight. You know that you can Call me when you want, call me when you need Call me in the morning, I'll be on the way Oh, call me by your name. Tell me you love me in private, Call me by your name.I do not care if you lying
Amarrame - Mon Laferte
Ignórame. Ven y pierde la razón. Quiero que me ruegues y me mires a los ojos. Dame la espalda, desenfócame. Tómame del pelo y repíteme mi nombre. Y ámame, pero sin querer
Kiss with a fist - Florence + the machine
You gave a kick. I gave a slap. You smashed a plate over my head Then I set fire to our bed I spilled your blood upon the floor. You broke my leg in return So sit back and watch the bed burn. Love sticks. Sweat drips. A kick to the teeth is good for some. A kiss with a fist is better than none
Rush - Troye Sivan
Big communication, tell me what you want Translate your vibration, let your body talk to me I feel the rush, Addicted to your touch
I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys
If you like your coffee hot, Let me be your coffee pot Secrets I have held in my heart, Are harder to hide than I thought, Maybe I just wanna be yours, I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours
Good Old fashion lover boy - queen
What're you doing tonight? Hey, boy, Set my alarm, turn on my charm. That's because I'm a good old-fashioned lover boy. Let me feel your heartbeat, can you feel my love heat?
O sarracino - Renato Carosone
'O sarracino, 'o sarracino. Tutt"e ffemmene fa 'nnammurá Ll'uocchie 'e brigante e 'o sole 'nfaccia. Ogne figliola s'appiccia si 'o vede 'e passá. Na sigaretta 'mmocca, na mana dint"a sacca. E se ne va smargiasso, pe' tutt"a cittá
Pienso en tu mirá - Rosalía
Me da miedo cuando sales Sonriendo pa' la calle Porque todos pueden ver Los hoyuelitos que te salen Me da miedo cuando sales Pienso en tu mirá', tu mirá', clavá', es una bala en el pecho
Algo contigo - Rita payes
Y me quedan muy pocos caminos. Y aunque pueda parecerte un desatino, no quisiera yo morirme sin tener algo contigo
Hallucinate - Dua Lipa
I hallucinate when you call my name, Got stars in my eyes, And they don't fade when you come my way No, I couldn't live without your touch, No, I could never have too much, I'll breathe you in forever and ever, Hallucinate Kill me slowly with your kiss, Wrap me 'round your fingertips
Washing machine heart - mitski
Baby, will you kiss me already? And toss your dirty shoes. In my washing machine heart. Baby, bang it up inside Baby, though I've closed my eyes, I know who you pretend I am
Your best american girl - Mitski
You're the sun, you've never seen the night. But you hear its song from the morning birds. Well, I'm not the moon, I'm not even a star. But awake at night I'll be singing to the birds. Don't wait for me, I can't come You're the one. You're all I ever wanted. I think I'll regret this
誰かの願いが叶うころ - Utada Hikaru
あなたの幸せ願うほど わがままが増えてくよ. それでもあなたを引き止めたい いつだってそう それならあなたを抱き寄せたい できるだけぎゅっと
Can't help falling in love - elvis presley
"Only fools rush in". But I can't help Falling in love with you. Shall I stay? Would it be a sin. If I can't help Falling in love with you? Take my hand. Take my whole life too
One of your girls - troye sivan
Give me a call if you ever get lonely.I'll be like one of your girls or your homies Say what you want, and I'll keep it a secret. You get the key to my heart, and I need it
Sei la mia cittá - cosmo
Sei la mia città, fuori dal tempo. Sei la mia città, è un complimento. Sei la mia città, ti sento dentro
koko de kissu shite - shiina ringo
I´ll never be able to give up on you. So never say good bye And kiss me once again 行かないでね. 何処にだってあたしと一緒じゃなきゃ厭よ. あなたしか見て無いのよ 今すぐに此処でキスして Don't go. Wherever you go, you have to be with me. I only see you. Kiss me here right now
Eres para mí - Julieta Venegas
Temes sentir más de la cuenta. El corazón es un músculo, Si no late revienta. Extraño mirarte de lejos. De hacernos los tontos, parecemos tan viejos. Tiempo, mm, ¿quieres más tiempo?. Mírame la piel, ¿no ves acaso lo que siento?
Tú eres para mí, yo soy para ti El viento me lo dijo con un soplo suavecillo
Strawberry blond - mitski
I love it when you look my way. Look at you, strawberry blond. Fields rolling on, I love it when you call my name. All I need, darling, is a life in your shape I picture it, soft and I ache
there is a light that never goes out - the smiths
Oh, please don't drop me home¨. Because it's not my home, it's their home And I'm welcome no more To die by your side Is such a heavenly way to die. And if a ten-ton truckKills the both of us To die by your side. Well, the pleasure, the privilege is mine
From the start - laufey
Don't you dare look at me that way I don't need reminders of how you don't feel the same. Oh, the burning pain Listening to you harp on 'bout some new soulmate "She's so perfect", blah, blah, blah That when I talk to you Oh, Cupid walks right through And shoots an arrow through my heart. And I sound like a loon, but don't you feel it, too? Confess I loved you from the start
Enamorada - Miranda!
Mi corazón palpitaba, Cada vez que ese hombre se me acercaba. Y con el tiempo me empezó a gustar. Debo decir que no me fue tan mal Ahora estoy mucho mejor, Porque me di cuenta que tuvo sentido Haber recorrido lo que recorrí. Si al final de cuentas él era mi recompensa, Qué suerte que nunca me fui
Somethin' Stupid - Frank Sinata
And then I go and spoil it all. By saying something stupid like "I love you"
Dreams - the cranberries
Then I open up and see. The person falling here is me A different way to be And now I tell you openly, You have my heart so don't hurt me. You're what I couldn't find
Love on top - beyoncé
I can feel the sun whenever you're near. Every time you touch me, I just melt away Nothing's perfect, but it's worth it. After fighting through my tears And finally, you put me first. Baby, it's you.
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fenrisisms · 2 months
the lovely @lastlightinternet tagged me in ye olde six song soundtrack for my ocs, presumably to cause me lasting psychic damage but unbeknownst to them i'm the Sound of my ocs Guy. so anyway they picked some guys and i made some soundtracks. i was really unwell about this. some of them escaped containment and got seven songs, even. i even annotated the playlists. enjoy.
i'm not tagging anyone specific but if you see this and you want to have a crack consider yourself tagged by me c: i linked all the songs on youtube but everything is available on spotify as well if thats more ur speed.
1. an event that defines their past: knock me down - youngblood hawke [circle. enough said.] 2. how they see themself: i was born, i have lived, i will surely die - young guns 3. how others see them: don't stop me now - queen 4. their closest dynamic: see you in a bit (i still care) - teen jesus and the jean teasers [in the context of origins i think many of his closest relationships are in a state of change and he is at a point of disillusionment with them & struggles to accept that he can be hurt by the actions of people he loved and trusted and still hold that love for them. many such cases for him, mostly people he knew in the circle.] be that as it may - herizen (the get down soundtrack) [the natural conclusion to the aforementioned arc. to me] 5. fight scene music: if u seek amy - britney spears 6. closing credits: blackbiird - beyoncé ft tanner adell, brittney spencer, tiera kennedy & reyna roberts
1. an event that defines their past: o death - amy van roekel & jeff grace (until dawn official soundtrack) 2. how they see themself: labour in vain - mac the knife [she is depressed and angry but she has a job to do so she can't really care about all that rn. but she does <3] 3. how others see them: smile - wolf alice 4. their closest dynamic: physical - dua lipa [the way this absolutely does not fit on this playlist but it is The eira x alistair ride or die dynamic mental amv song to me. personally. also kind of doubles as a fight song to me because the play on physical (boinking) and Physical (beating the shit outta somebody with ur boyfie) is fun. to me.] 5. fight scene music: raise hell - dorothy 6. closing credits: i hope you dance - lee ann womack
1. an event that defines their past: second chance - shinedown [there are not a lot of songs about your whole family being murdered by a trusted family friend. so mostly for the twins i did this based on their mental state Before That.] 2. how they see themself: broadfields - young guns 3. how others see them: i won't back down - tom petty 4. their closest dynamic: he ain't heavy (he's my brother) - the hollies [bronson is more shaped by bryant than the other way around so he gets this one. everything he does in origins is for the good of his brother. even some of the more bonkers things. he is not coping] because the night - patti smith [i had So many bronson/zevran songs in mind. ultimately this one made the cut because the Sound of it just works for the emotions they evoke. guys who remember the will to live together.] 5. fight scene music: gimme! gimme! gimme! (a man after midnight) - abba 6. closing credits: a beautiful life - dorothy
1. an event that defines their past: caught up - chapel [this one stumped me for the longest time because So so much the cousland murder drives his whole character arc but uh. this sums up where he was Right before that pretty well!] 2. how they see themself: landslide - the chicks 3. how others see them: changes - david bowie 4. their closest dynamic: romeo and juliet - dire straits ["hey i know ur husband just died and also we had a screaming affair breakup like 10 months ago right before i was presumed dead but is now a good time to talk about getting married" is basically the same thing as "you and me babe, how 'bout it?" right? anyway bryant x anora song.] 5. fight scene music: holding out for a hero - jennifer saunders (shrek soundtrack) 6. closing credits: that's life - t-pain (live from the sun rose)
1. an event that defines their past: rest in peace - dorothy [again there are not many songs that encapsulate the exact circumstances of her background and i refused to put a six60 song on this playlist so this works well enough <3] 2. how they see themself: missile - dorothy i like it heavy - halestorm [at this point i was just like there are So many dorothy songs in this lineup. i should throw something else in there. so i did. but i couldn't get rid of the other one it works too good] 3. how others see them: we will rock you - in this moment ft lzzy hale, marina brink & taylor momsen 4. their closest dynamic: black sheep - dorothy [inside her mercenary company that i invented from scratch are her chosen siblings so. this song is about them and their dynamic <3] 5. fight scene music: enter sandman - rina sawayama [this was so hard for her because so many of the songs on this playlist could double as fight scene songs. so for the last two i just picked songs that Sonically vibe since the lyrical heavy lifting was done earlier LOL] 6. closing credits: poison - starbenders
1. an event that defines their past: fuyu no hanashi - given (given soundtrack) [contextually this song is about grieving/moving on from a dead lover but without knowing the full nuances of the language it's vague enough that it COULD work about a dead sibling. see the vision] 2. how they see themself: towers (on my way) - young guns 3. how others see them: now come on now (mell hall remix) - KYE ft mell hall 4. their closest dynamic: if i fall you're going down with me - the chicks [again. many such bull x syracuse songs vying for the title but this one is just So funny and exactly how syracuse approaches that relationship. if he's experiencing love for the first time so are you. bitch.] 5. fight scene music: 365 - charli xcx 6. closing credits: this hell - rina sawayama
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ironwoman18 · 29 days
A Match made in heaven
Disclaimer: The characters or the main plot of Spy x Family belongs to me and the song Physical belongs to Dua Lipa and the composer of the song. Only the idea for this story is mine.
This idea came to me while I was listening to this song. I didn’t have the idea clear until I sat down and started to write it. It’s short but I hope you enjoy it.
By the way, I mentioned an event that happened in the Manga 103, it is just a small mention so, if you read it you will know, if you didn’t it won’t be a spoiler.
Common love isn't for us We created something phenomenal Don't you agree?
It’s been a while since Yor and Loid discovered their secret identities and both felt like a weight was lifted off their shoulders. Now Garden and WISE did some missions together, especially the ones that required murders or a different approach.
Loid and Yor were OK with it and they even asked to work as a partner, which was accepted by their bosses. They were in love and wanted to protect the other, even when they knew that the other was capable of surviving on their own.
It had been six months since their reveal and they made the perfect team. Yor assassin abilities and Loid’s costumes and quick thought process were a match made in heaven.
You got me feeling diamond rich Nothing on this planet compares to it Don't you agree?
Yor was at peace knowing that they didn’t have secrets, even Anya told them about her powers and some of her experiences, that’s why Garden and WISE were after the people behind Apple Project and, probably, after the project Anya was part of.
It was difficult since they were a super secret wing of the government and they couldn’t find it as easy as they wished for.
But even with that, she couldn’t help but be happy about having a beautiful family and sharing moments together when they were free.
Who needs to go to sleep when I got you next to me?
Their missions were at night so they couldn’t put Anya in bed, especially when the mission needed them to be at a party. Loid had to use his costumes and mask but Yor didn’t need them since she never let anyone alive so they could identify her.
Some other nights they didn’t need to go sleep because they ended up making love in their, now official, married bedroom.
All night, I'll riot with youI know you got my back and you know I got youSo come on (come on), come on (come on), come on (come on)Let's get physicalLights out, follow the noiseBaby, keep on dancing like you ain't got a choiceSo come on (come on), come on (come on), come onLet's get physical
There was one mission where they ended up making a riot, they needed information and Yor was there as a back-up in case Twilight was found, and it happened. She began to use her sharp weapons to protect him and he stole a gun from a dead body and both, back to back, started to fight.
Her strength and stamina were amazing but his stamina was good as well. He had to keep picking up guns as she killed the men on their way to the exit while he covered her back with those guns.
They entered a room and he shot the light interrupter and they managed to escape, with the information they needed. Her husband was that good. They shared a kiss and left the house of their mission’s target.
Adrenaline keeps on rushing inLove the simulation we're dreaming inDon't you agree?Don't you agree?I don't wanna live another life'Cause this one's pretty niceLiving it up
They arrived home early in the morning and with the adrenaline still high, they took a shower and prepared for a school meeting where both parents needed to be.
But neither Yor nor Loid wouldn’t want it any other way. This life was perfect for them... Spy and assassin but above all of that... parents.
Hold on, just a little tighterCome on, hold onTell me if you're readyCome on (come on, come on)Baby, keep on dancingLet's get physical
They were sitting on the sofa, just holding each other. That day was quite eventful but if they have each other, they couldn’t have any other way. They were ready to do everything to protect this life, this peace.
Watching news about seals trapped in their canal or how happy others were by a day in the park playing with a dog... Those things were enough for them to never give up. Especially when that little girl sleeping in the other room is happy and safe.
They aren’t afraid to get physical if that means peace.
I might leave this fanfic open in case I think of more songs to use for these two with the same theme. Them knowing each other’s identities.
If you enjoy it, let me know and there’s a song that could be used next time.
Thank you for reading.
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airbrushfather · 1 year
50 and 76 ❕
asks from this post!! thank you c!!
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
oh boy i've been waiting for an opportunity to publicise this story because it's so insane. me and my friend go for breakfast every friday and one week i had no plans afterwards so we were just hanging out in town for a bit, and we passed the market which was at that time only two stalls: one selling flowers, and one selling fish. now, we live in a very small town next to several other very small towns, so if you frequent this market you know the people who run each stall. usually, it's two men who run the fish stall, but on this day, it was two women. my friend (t) very loudly and very happily says "oh!! fish women!". the women smile. i comment about how this seems like a strange word for mermaid and t politely informs me (in the making-up-bullshit way you do to your friends) that the fish women is actually a group of activists. naturally, i prod her on this. what are they campaining for? i don't know, says t, we are just women for fish. oh, not fish for women? no. women for fish. has someone... hurt the fish? yes, says t, the government. oh? i say, tell me more. we get to the bus stop. t sits on the curb with me and tells me about the women for fish movement, which as it turns out, is something they're doing because the british government is putting bleach in the water in the seaside town she is from (this is not true, but sometimes when you're friends with people like i'm friends with, you begin method acting. i think it's good training for my hopeful upcoming scare acting gig.) i'm prodding about this town and it turns out that everyone who lives there is either a woman, or married to a woman. i think this is a little unfair on gay men or single people or widowers. t shrugs and says, feminism. as it transpires, as we get on the bus and later go to t's house, none of the women can read or write and the seaside town (whose name changed every time someone said it, but was always somewhere close to fishton-upon-ribblesley) has no internet, no cars, and no healthcare. i (naturally) assume the character of the first tourist this town has had for years and am curious to know more. my name is jemima puddleduck, and i've come here to find my long lost family. as it turns out, fishley-by-the-sea is a microstate of england, and its own independent enclave, not even governed by british parliment. their system of government, instead, is based on fifteen increasingly ridiculous rules (which included, from memory, all of the rules from the song 'new rules' by dua lipa, and the fact that you have to train to be a blacksmith) and the first rule is that anyone who wants to be an elected official must be sent out to sea and return safely. you'd think, for a seaside town, that everyone would be at least somewhat skilled in seafaring, but no -- every single elected official they have sent out to sea has not returned, so they've not elected any new officials in years. the only one to ever come back is a man whose government name is grandad puddleduck. first name grandad. last name puddleduck.
hold on, i say, my last name is puddleduck. is he my grandad? it turns out yes, and i have to go and meet him because i was not raised in fisherdale-upon-hammersmith and have never known my family. it turns out i have a sister here too, whose name i can't remember, but she has a husband named gavin and two alive children, many, many dead ones. gavin is a bird. my poor old grandad is sick to bastard death of being elected official, especially since i imagine his business in town is mostly just sending people to die at sea. i tell him, i will become the new elected official so you can live out your old age by the sea peacefully, and maybe then i'll make some changes to this godforsaken place. like teaching the women to read. okay, says grandad, who is played by t, but you'll have to follow all the rules. the first rule is that all elected officials must be sent out to sea and come back whole, as you know. i decide to befriend the local fishermen and see if one of them will take me out in his boat. (is that against the rules? grandad says there's nothing in the book about it, so it's probably okay.) the first man i meet is named michael spearman (which i, the real me, danny, not jemima) genuinely just pulled out of my brain and did not know who it was attached to. i knew he was someone, but i couldn't really remember who at this time. i had a lot on my brain, such as the other fourteen fucking rules i would have to follow in order to become elected. it's appropriate, though, because he spears the fish. we affectionately name him fishermichael. fishermichael agrees to take me out in his boat, and it's a lovely little trip out into the ocean. however, as i learn the hard way, fishermike has a terrible condition wherein he will collapse if he hears a profanity. what fishermichael deems to be a profanity varies wildly based on how t (who is also playing fishermichael) is feeling. several times, i swear and fishermike is knocked out cold, and i have to go and do a side quest in order to kill time before he wakes up. eventually, we go out to sea, and for the first time, a prospective elected official begins rule 2.
what is rule 2, you ask? i can't fucking remember. this shit was taking hours. however, somewhere along the way i do indeed learn to be a blacksmith, and it turns out the blacksmith family thinks i am horrible. this will not fare me well in the election.
i also meet a character called archaeological dave. he runs the archaeology society, which he runs out of a shack which he built around a large statue he unearthed of a bald man holding a huge pickaxe, engraved with the phrase 'me when i go digging'. i will attach a picture for reference of what this statue may have looked like. an approximate recreation made by the greatest minds of our archaeological generation. archaeological dave drinks lots of coffee, which i soon come to learn is laced with cocaine. tons of cocaine.
he helps me complete some more of the tasks i need to do. i honestly don't remember most of them. once all fifteen rules have been completed, the town holds a very big celebration on the beach, including a maypole dance, a wreath making contest, afternoon tea, and a choir led by my brother in law the bird. as it turns out, poor old fishermike has another unfortunate condition where hearing music makes him turn into a table. this proves very frustrating when i have to ask him if he would vote for me and he can only speak in table wobbles.
my final task as elected official to be is to go around and 'hold the election', which involves asking every character i have met if they would like to elect me. almost everyone says yes, except for the blacksmith, who is just a wanker for some reason. i think grandad puddleduck once accidentally broke into his workshop and smithed something and he wasn't a big fan of that. but, cmon, blacksmith, i'm two generations removed from that and i'm new in town. give me a break. his wife and children say yes anyway, so i'm not that bothered.
after my flurry of yesses (and t forgetting how to do most of the voices), i am finally there. ready to become elected official of fishwick-upon-fishwick and bring literacy to it's women and install a proper healthcare system. but there's one problem.
remember when i said all women in fishborough-southwest-of-lumbago are married?
jemima is not married.
i have to frantically run around and find an unmarried man (who isn't also a child or my relative) but it's proving very difficult. hope is fading. i will have to abandon this small, small, small country and leave it's poor female populus without the joy of ever reading 'this is just to say' by william carol williams, or writing 'woz ere' on a toilet door. how will i ever live with myself?
but then. oh, then.
out of the darkness comes my shining light. his wife is dead. she's buried in the garden. he's on so much fucking cocaine.
archaeological dave.
(by this point, it's like 3pm. me and t left breakfast at about 10. this has been going on for fucking hours. and, to answer the question, we've been laughing our asses off the whole time)
i propose to archaeological dave and we become engaged. that's kind of the end, it fizzles out around here, because t and i are just in hysterics. what the fuck have we just done for the last approximately five hours? we've been in her garden, playing a roleplaying game like children. my phone is full of people asking where the fuck i've gone. t's mum is inside and has heard the whole thing through the open kitchen window.
my stomach muscles hurt for the next three days.
so, probably that.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
anyway. it's mash tater.
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gryficowa · 9 days
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After what Harris did, if I hear again that she's "The Best Option" I'll take a demon to haunt you! Because she has views like many right-wingers in my fucking country! She proved it by using Putin and Poland as an argument (Fuck Ukraine and the war, right, bitch?)
Now that I have your attention:
Yes, I'm still annoyed that he uses Putin and Trump as a boogymen…
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julaibib · 2 years
Asalam Alaikum WaRahmatullahi WaBarakatuh
I am a woman in my early twenties and I wish to get married within a couple of years in shaa Allah.
How do I go about this brother? What duas should I be making? What should I focus on and work on before marriage, regarding religion and self development. How do I meet potential spouses?
I live in a very isolated society, people don’t meet each other very often, so I find it hard to meet people. I don’t want to do it in a haram way either, and many men here are only interested in haram relationships…
Please everyone make dua for me, that I will get a spouse rich in imaan and good character who fears Allah swt.
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
Make Dua like “Our Lord, grant us from among our wives/ husband and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.”
And every Dua asks for a good husband
You have to know what marriage requires, the importance of establishing a home, the importance of the family, how to be a good wife, and know the conditions of a good wife and the husband’s rights that you will be asked about on Yawm Alqiama.
In front of how do you know him according to your own circumstances, Like, do you in the vicinity of your family, relatives and friends, do you go to a mosque or an Islamic center where you have friends who might have a good man
If things are very difficult around you, you may think that you will turn to sites if everything is done in a halal way
May Allah grant you a pious husband soon
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asma-al-husna · 4 months
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Allah calls Himself As-Samee’— The Hearing, The Ever-Listening— on 45 occasions in the Quran. He is the One whose hearing and attention comprehends everything. As-Samee’ hears every word, thought, and secret, and He listens to every voice. As-Samee’ listens and pays attention to everything, perfectly, eternally, and without any limits!
The All-Hearing, The Ever-Listening

Samee’ comes from the root seen-meem-‘ayn, which refers to four main meanings. The first main meaning is to hear and to listen, and the second to accept and receive. The third main meaning is to pay attention to and the fourth is to understand the meaning.
This root appears 185 times in the Quran in 10 derived forms. Examples of these forms are sami’a (to hear, to listen), tusmi’u (to make hear), and as-sam’a (the hearing).
Linguistically samee’ is on the structure of intensification. As-Samee’ refers to the perfection and the totality of Allah’s hearing, which cannot be compared with the hearing of any other created being.
As-Samee’ Himself says: Our Lord! Accept this service from us: For You are the All-Hearing, the All-knowing [Quran, 2: 127] . . . If I am astray, I only stray to the loss of my own soul: but if I receive guidance, it is because of what my Lord reveals to me. He is All-Hearing, Ever-Near. [Quran, 34:50] . . . And Allah hears your discussions. Lo! Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing. [Quran, 58: 1]
No secrets for As-Samee’
As-Samee’ hears every single sound, every rustle of the tree, every voice, and every thought. Our most secret speech is an open declaration before Allah. As-Samee’ tells us: It is the same to Him whether one of you conceals his speech or declares it openly; whether he lies hidden by night or walks forth freely by day. [Quran, 13: 10] Aishah, may Allah be pleased with her, said: Glory be to Allah whose hearing embraces all voices. The woman came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, with her plea. She had a grievance against her husband. I was in the corner of the house and did not hear what she said. Then Allah revealed: Allah has heard the plea of the woman who pleads with you . . . [An-Nasaa’i, Ibn Maajah]
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Watch that tongue.
How many times have you watched your mouth when certain people were around, like your parents, a teacher, or your boss? As a Muslim one of your tasks is to guard your tongue, anytime, anywhere, and in any company.
Parents sin if they use inappropriately harsh or curse words while disciplining the children. As-Samee’ told us: Not a word does he (or she) utter, but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it). [Quran, 50:18] Use your tongue wisely so that your words will not be something that keep you from the gates of Jannah.
2. Study the etiquette of speech for a Muslim.
How do you know if your speech is pleasing to As-Samee’ if you do not study His book and the sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him? Learn about the prohibitions of the tongue, like backbiting, swearing, and lying. Study the types of speech As-Samee’ loves to hear from you, like dhikr, good advice, kind words to others, and reciting the Quran.
3. Ask As-Samee’ in salah.
Did you know you have seven places where you seek As-Samee’ with supplications in your prayer? You can do so after the first takbeer, and on some occasions before bowing, also while bowing, when you rise from bowing, during your prostrations, between the two prostrations, and at the very end of the prayer before you say your Salaam. Make use of these times to ask for whatever (halaal) you want in this life and the next.
4. Be comforted by As-Samee’.
When Allah ‘azza wa jall sent Musa and Harun to confront the Pharaoh, He comforted them with the words: Fear not. Indeed, I am with you (both); I hear and I see. [Quran, 20:46] As-Samee’ hears and answers your prayers, so invoke Him and supplicate to Him. Remember— dua’ is the weapon of the believer and can make the mountains shake.
5. Seek refuge in As-Samee’.
The Prophet Muhammad, salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, used to seek refuge with Allah from four things, including a prayer that goes unheard:
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ عِلْمٍ لَا يَنْفَعُ وَمِنْ قَلْبٍ لَا يَخْشَعُ وَمِنْ نَفْسٍ ‏لَا تَشْبَعُ ‏ ‏وَمِنْ دَعْوَةٍ لَا يُسْتَجَابُ لَهَا‏
O Allah, I seek refuge in You from knowledge which does not benefit, from a heart that does not entertain the fear (of Allah), from a soul that is not satisfied and the supplication that is not answered. [Muslim] The Prophet did not mean that he feared Allah would not hear the prayer itself, but rather that Allah would leave the prayer unanswered!
6. Ask As-Samee’ to bless your hearing.
Allah As-Samee’ loves those who use the abilities He gave them for His sake. Did Allah give you ears to listen to gossip or music? Did He give you a tongue so He could hear swearing and lying from you? Ask Him to help you to use your hearing and your tongue only for things pleasing to Him.
7. Pick the right words.
A true believer would never intentionally give reason to others to be doubtful, nor hurt their feelings in any way. You must ensure, as far as possible, that what you say is heard and understood by all involved; pick your words with wisdom.
8. Feel ‘sami’Allahu liman hamidah’.
Next to the amazing Hearing of Allah, The beautiful name As-Samee’ also means He answers our prayers. After bowing in prayer we say: sami’Allahu liman hamidah (Allah hears the one who praises Him). We know that Allah hears us; this means that Allah answers those who praise Him and seek Him in prayer. Now every time you say sami’Allahu liman hamidah, feel that Allah is The All-Hearer and make the intention to strive that He only hears good from you.
O Allah, As-Samee’, we know You hear every sound and thought. Aid us to watch our tongues and use them for Your sake only, protect us from foul speech, bless our tongue and our hearing, and make us of those whose prayers are answered, ameen!
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genieforu · 2 years
❛ all i could think about today was you.❜ renjun + yale
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Não existia nada pior, nada mais cruel, terrível, inimaginável do que a situação atual de Yale Malai. O grego nem sabia se iria conseguir continuar daquela maneira, pois sua mente estava se perdendo mais e mais a cada segundo que passava, como poderia aguentar? Era impossível. Nenhum homem aguentaria. Já faziam meses que tinha noivado, que havia ido até o paraíso no segundo em que as duas palavrinhas perfeitas haviam saído da boca do seu amor. Renjun havia lhe feito o homem mais feliz do mundo naquela noite, apenas para lhe fazer o homem mais desesperado na manhã seguinte. Yale havia se formado, não tinha mais que viver preso naquele internato, mas o seu bebê era mais novo, seu bebê ainda tinha mais dois anos na faculdade e ele iria perder a cabeça. Tentou argumentar de todas as maneiras, afinal era milionário, e podia bancar a vida deles para todo sempre, dinheiro não era um problema então Renjun não precisava terminar os estudos, ele poderia ser seu throphy husband, por que não? Mas o mais novo era insistente em se formar, e claro que quem pagava o preço era o Malai. Como iria sobreviver naquelas condições? Não iria, o ver apenas na sexta, sábado e domingo não era vida. Claro, se falavam toda manhã, tarde e noite, e o grego fazia até mesmo questão de atrapalhar suas aulas com diversas mensagens sobre como sentia tanto sua falta, mas não era o suficiente. Estava prestes a demolir a universidade sozinho, com suas próprias mãos, para que o menino não tenha mais para onde ir a não ser sua casa.
Era um dos finais de semanas livres do menor, e haviam passado a tarde inteira matando a saudade. Mataram a saudade contra a porta do apartamento, em cima da mesa, no sofá, contra a porta do quarto, no chão do quarto e então finalmente chegaram na cama, onde estavam no momento. Renjun estava deitadinho nos seus braços, do jeito que Deus queria, e por todo o momento em que conseguia sentir seu noivo ali consigo, Yale podia respirar livremente. Nunca imaginou que iria se apaixonar tão intensamente daquela forma, mas o menor conseguiu fazer o que ele sempre quis, um romance digno de um roteiro de filme. Se não fosse para ser daquela maneira o grego não iria querer, sabia daquilo, porque a história deles era perfeita e para sempre seria guardada em seu coração, juntinho do próprio Renjun. “— I love you, my tiny little baby” sussurrou, beijando a testa do seu noivo, enquanto o puxava para mais perto, talvez na esperança de que pudessem se tornar um só. A verdade era que o menor havia se tornado uma espécie de porto seguro para ele, em meio a todas as insanidades que já havia passado em sua vida, incluindo toda a questão de seu pai misterioso que honestamente não vem ao ponto no momento, mas não tinha como não falar que tudo aquilo não era diretamente de um filme.
Eles eram personagens principais de um filme romântico, Yale tinha certeza daquilo, e no momento estavam passando pelo angst antes do terceiro ato. Um inferno, mas sabia que iria valer a pena depois. Só tinha que seguir o roteiro e totalmente perder a cabeça, ou não seria convincente, não é? Uma das coisas que sempre dizia aos seus atores era que eles tinham que lembrar bem onde a mentalidade do personagem estava naquele momento, não era porque o ator sabia o que ia acontecer no final que os personagens sabiam também. “— Yeah?” perguntou, seu tom mudando de doce para provocante, porque havia encontrado a chance perfeita de lhe fazer ficar manhoso e não iria jogar fora. Nunca jogava. “— Only today? Oh my, how can my fiancé be so mean to me? You’re on my mind every day and every second, but you only thought about me today? That’s so cruel and heartbreaking. I’ll die of heartbreak just like Odette in the Swan Lake, baby.” colocou a mão no peito para poder vender ainda mais aquela perfeita performance. “— Oh, how could I ever keep on living knowing that my beloved doesn’t love me in the same way? How tragic. A greek tragedy, if you will” e foi ali que não se aguentou mais, rindo até demais com sua própria piada. “— Just kidding, just kidding” o puxou para cima de si mesmo, lhe enchendo de beijos no segundo seguinte. Era impossível não encher Renjun de beijos, ele tinha que se conter todos os momentos de sua vida para não acabarem criando situações que levariam ambos para a cadeia, e honestamente nem sempre conseguia de conter. “— I’m glad I was on your mind. I miss you so much every day, baby. I want us to start our life together soon… So finish your studies faster, I’m only a very needy man” brincou de novo, o beijando ainda mais. E assim continuou pelo resto do final de semana, aproveitando cada segundo que tinha com o amor da sua vida.
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say-a-yes · 2 days
Wah gila sih. Long time no write broooooooooo.
Jadi ceritanya aku abis nutupin tab-tab di chrome hapeku terus aku nemu akun writeas ku yang lama, tulisan taun 2020. ANJIR BAGUS YA AKU NULISNYA (tapi bxb)
Terus aku scroll tumblr ini ampe taun 2016 yang which is 8 taun yang lalu yang ya ampun sangat berbeda dengan aku yang sekarang. Aku 3-4 tahun terakhir beneran krisis sih. Yang selama ini aku tulis disini gak ada apa-apanya WKWKW
I feel like it took my 3 years of my life, I am stuck in that unmoved 3 years.
Anyway, dipersingkat dulu ceritanya.
I was happy with my job. Freelance, gaji dolar, jalan-jalan. Covid datang. Aku gak bisa jalan-jalan. Kerjaan macet dan rate-nya sangat turun jadi gak worth it buat dilanjutin. Dalam 3 tahun my parents expected my to get married yang bahkan kalo ga covid pun ga tau dah bisa nikah apa gak :'D Terus aku balikan sama dua mantan yang aku punya dan dua-duanya putus (INI SUPER PANJANG LAGI CERITANYA). To put it simply, my parents blamed me for those failed relationships and gaslighted me to this and that. Udah gak bisa kemana-mana gara-gara karantina, bisnisku bangkrut, hubungan sama orang tua sangat memburuk. Aku masih belum bisa deket lagi sama mama sampai detik ini. Sama teman di Malang kok juga makin kesini makin gak cocok. Tapi best thing happened because of covid was aku jadi deket banget sama icun dan vita sih.
So I started on things that I should not. Pertama nyoba dikit-dikit. Keterusan.
Karantina udah selesai, aku kabur kejauhan. Pertamanya cuma liburan. Dua minggu, sebulan, dua bulan.
Sekarang I am officially living in Jakarta, almost a year.
Kabur, tapi dengan tujuan. I am pursuing career.
Sumpah ini gatau mau nulis darimana dulu WKWKWKW. Anyway this moment, I am happy where I am now. Aku ketemu sama orang-orang baik. Gak tau kok bisa-bisanya Harris masuk ke hidupku. Harris ini orang Korea, lulusan Berkeley, CEO global of this company headquartered in Singapore. Kegiatanku sehari-hari ngurusin bisnis-bisnisnya dia dan ngobrol ama istrinya latihan bahasa Inggris (sama ambil kelas bahasa Korea sih). They are sooo nice to me. Kasih aku opportunities diseleksi dulu mana yang bagus buat aku, dan keep it for me first.
Dan aku sampe nangis ngomong ke istrinya, "I am so thankful that I met you and your husband. You are the first people who tell me that I am young, you both believe in me, my skill, and everything, even when my parents said to me I am too old for this and that."
Trus dia cuma jawab, "Ah, you are power F."
Tapi aku sama si Audrey ini kek bestie abis, anaknya udah dua, umur 4 sama 5 taun, dan kita sama-sama E. Kalo ngobrol gak habis topiknya. Aku yang terharu lagi dia bilang, "You should watch Emily in Paris. She is very bright and cheerful, I see you in her."
Anyway, flashback lagi. Di tengah aku yang pas itu masi kabur dikit-dikit, aku beneran butuh escape trus aku bisa-bisanya ketemu orang seperti AU, kek perasaan hidupku yang kemaren-kemaren dengan segala kebetulannya udah kayak drakor, tapi yang ini SUPER AU.
Kocaknya lagi, aku baca tulisan-tulisanku taun 2020 kok PERSIS BENERAN KEJADIAN. PANTESAN aku kemaren-kemaren sangat invested sekali karena I was living my own writing. Ntar deh aku post disini tulisan-tulisanku. (Warning: contains angst)
He was the trigger sih. Dari yang nyoba dikit-dikit jadi nyoba banyak hal. Melebar. Makin bervariasi. (Apa hayoo)
I am not I was before. I don't know if I could ever turn back, or I was never really there? Moving to this big city, meeting new people, new places, new experiences, kayaknya dari pada merubah cara pikirku, lebih tepat memvalidasi pertanyaanku selama ini.
But anyway, I am thankful juga sih mengalami ini semua di umur segini yang mana otakku sudah berkembang secara sempurna so I still on my own boundaries and rules.
Ntar deh kalo sempet aku tulis satu-satu entah love life, friendship life, career, keluarga. I went through a LOT ZUZURRRR, especially this last one year WKWK. Ini aku coba ngitung berapa cowok dalam 4 tahun terakhir ya... sepuluh lagi.... tapi ya... gak ada yang pacaran..... ini jalan (?) dua atau tiga ya... eh empat...
Bahkan aku dapet super closure yang amat sangat jelek sekali bung character developmentnya. Penonton kecewa (dan trauma).
So yeah. A bit life update.
P.S. aku sedang terkiwir-kiwir sama (tumben) mas-mas tapi beda agama :D Aku tungguin teman-temanku melarang kok enggak seh :)) Pada bilang ya udah coba aja dulu :)))) bahaya padahal
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islamicloveduas · 23 days
dua for my husband
As-Salaam-Alaikum to my dear readers or to those seeking dua for my husband love. In Islam, marriage is regarded as the most important ritual of life and the different phases of life. The time two opposite genders meet and decide to live the rest of their life together with love and support. This practice of marriage is known as Nikah in Islamic religion.
Marriage is the bond of trust of each other. Being a wife it’s your duty and also your responsibility to pray for your husband’s life, betterment, and success. The wife prays for his husband out of his love, compassion, and care for his husband. If you want to protect your husband from any type of harm like evil eye, negative energy, or some bad aura then you must recite this dua for your husband.
This dua will never let anything harm your husband not even touch him. With the help of this dua Allah Taala not only help in your husband’s protection but anything for his well-being and future life with success and happiness.
Things to Remember Before Dua
While performing this dua there are some rules that you must follow and take care of some important aspects which is important in every dua procedure. If you follow these guidelines to perform dua then their much more chance of acceptance of Dua by Allah. So let’s discuss the rules that you have to take care of:
Clean your mind from all the negative and bad thoughts either for yourself or someone else. After cleaning your mind clean your body as well. Purity of mind and body is the most important aspect of practicing any dua.
Collect all your faith in Allah and also you have to be careful about the supplication. Because Islam doesn’t permit performing any dua without proper learning and understanding it with pure soul and heart. Without faith in Allah Ta’ala, you will not get success in your dua for my husband.
While performing the dua must include yourself in welfare activities like donations for food, and distribution of food and clothes to people in need. This makes your heart clean and ready to ask Allah and fulfill your wish.
Women should not take part in any religious activity or recitation of dua do not take place at the time of mensuration period. You can start your dua after the 2 3 days of the end of mensuration.
Remember to ask Allah for the forgiveness of the sins that we have done knowingly or unknowingly. Also, show your gratitude to the Almighty who gives us a lot to live our life with happiness and satisfaction.
Sit by facing the qibla during the dua. This dua is completed in a halal way. Also according to the Quran, you can’t use any negative powers and evil magic in dua
Various Duas for my Husband
Dua for my husband protection
لا يكلف الله نفسا إلا وسعيا لها ما كتبت وعليها مَا اكْتَسَبَتْ رَبَّنَا لَا تُؤَاخِذْنَا إِن نَّسِينَا أَوْ اعطانا ربنا و لا تحمل علينا إضرا كما حملته على الذين مِن قَبْلِنَا رَبَّنَا وَ لَا تُحَمَلْنَا مَا لَا طَاقَةَ لَنَا ب وَاعْفُ عَنَّا وَاغْفِرْ لَنَا و از كتنا انت مؤلنَا فَانصرا على الْقَوْمِ الْكَافِرِينَ
Transliteration: Loa yukalliful-laahu nafsan illan wustahoo; lahaa maa kasabat wa ‘alaihaa maktosabat Rabbanca lao brookhinoa in naseenoaa aw akhtoonaa” (2:283)
Meaning: “On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it deserves.
Dua for my husband success
رينا هَبْ لَنَا مِنْ أَزْوَاجِنَا وَأَيَّاتِنَا قُرَّة أَخَيْنِ وَاجْعَلْنَا الْمُقِينَ إِمَامًا وام
“Rabbona hablana minajina wathuniyyatino quoyun waa mutta mama”
“Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.
Dua for my husband’s good health
اللهمَّ إنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ الْكُفْرِ وَالْفَقْرِ وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ عَذَابِ الْقَبْرِ لَا إِلَهَ إلا أنت
Transliteration: “Allaahumma innee ‘a’oothu bika minal- kufri, walfagri, wa ‘a’oothu bika min ‘athaabil-qabri, lac ilaaha illa Anta
Meaning: “O Allah, make me healthy in my body. O Allah, preserve for me my hearing. O Allah, preserve for me my sight.”
How Can I Make Dua for my Husband
Start with finding a quiet and positive place to sit and concentrate on the dua for my husband.
Once you find a peaceful place, go for a bath and wear some clean or new clothes. This means performing Wudu (Ablution).
Send peace upon the prophet Muhammad by performing “Subhanallah” and “Salawat”.
Read Durood Sharif 11 times.
Recite the above-mentioned (given) dua with love and pure heart. Your intentions should be clear which you must remember.
After the completion of dua, pray to Allah to bless your husband with great success and a healthy long life.
Practice your dua to the Almighty for 7 to 15 days to ensure the best results.
For every married woman, her husband is a very important part of her life. For his well-being good health and wealth she can do anything without thinking of herself. Don’t go for anything wrong remember her and pray to him with dua for my husband.
You can feel free to ask for help with any of your problems Maulana Abdul Aziz who are the best scholar known for their work with an experience of about 25 years. No one has been left with disappointment from islamicloveduas.com. All our brothers and sisters got their problems solved and now living a happy life.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q.1 What Dua can I make for my Husband?
Ans. Pray to Allah for your husband by requesting Allah Ya Allah, please bless my husband and cater to all his needs. Remove all his problems and bless him with a lot of success and pride. Provide mercy to all his sins and help him.
Q.2 How do I ask Allah for a husband?
Ans. You can pray to Allah for a good life partner to marry with. Invoke him for the righteous spouse and be grateful for everything you have in your life.
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nyudaily-20 · 3 months
Hi, long time no see!
My last post was Feb, 2022 and currently is June 2024! Wow, time flies so fast😒
How's life so far? Hmmmm, my marriage life is like roller coster. Early married stage, I'm losing my 2 children. Yes, they were miscarriage. Fun fact: 2022, 2023 and 2024 I'm a pregnant women. Yes, this is my 3rd child, me & my husband have high hopes for our kid will survive and I believe God really give us a chance to have a beautiful baby.
Maybe, the news about baby arrival is blessing, but this is life. this is dunya. recently, our life got stuck. as you know, we're indonesian in bad bad situation. and its make us think twice to move out from the country.
In the past few months, or maybe start the end of 2023 until now (June 2024), the bad news in all platform really make me disgusting as human. Start from "ethnic cleansing" in GAZA, PALESTINE by ISRAEL!!!!! Me as muslim had no idea for helping them, I just can send the best dua and hope Allah can punish ISRAEL immediately, and then the election in Indonesia was shit and full of CORRUPTION!! The system is bad, start with the president, all the department of ministry, the governor until the big community in religion are bastard. all of them. yes.
In our society (Instagram, Twitter & TikTok) not a day goes by without news of affair/cheating, porn, tantrums, and so on. Plus the rules that the government makes only add to the suffering of the people. I as a mother and wife am worried, I only think about how to get out of this country and can prepare a good environment for the future sustainability of my child (our life).
I'm thinking about 7 countries: Norway, Sweden, Russia, Denmark, Aussie, New Zealand and last Japan. I've research all of them like their benefit in tax, the culture, the weather, the "people", and I think the big start and possible to make it out r Aussie & New Zealand because many indonesian live there and the culture + the weather not diff so much, and they have "nature" to explore.
Me and my husband are hikers. we love tracking, camping and hiking into mountains. We feel love and secure when in nature. Its like paradise for us. Fun fact: I really have a dream for moving out from indonesia, but back then, I didn't think about what I wanted to do and why. now I have a plan and have established myself for the next 5 years. I have also discussed this with my husband, and he agrees. I don't know what path Allah gives, we believe that his decree is beautiful. we are trying to make every effort to make it happen. hopefully Allah is pleased us to continue and our dreams come true.
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