#ds9 commercial
thatfoxdog · 5 months
I stumbled upon this commercial, and I think it's very important and needs to be shared.
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comfortcomfortdeercat · 7 months
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Holy shit, the sister in the Folgers incest commercial is Jeffrey Combs' daughter
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andromedaexile · 6 months
Might fuck around the port all the Star Trek series from that drive that has them all onto a bunch of usbs so I can stop paying for paramount plus
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sha-ka-re · 1 year
For Your Viewing Pleasure! intro to DS9 with commercials and bashir asking for a cup of goo, recorded from tv to vhs by my dad on ASN when it aired in 1999 on our local ASN station (atlantic canada) there’s more where this came from in my archives, and lots of TNG and Voyager too, so if you’re into that kinda thing follow the tag “shakare vhs” lol
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asexualjedi · 7 months
Star Trek said: me? Be Normal about disability?? I’d rather die
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gothellewoods · 1 year
Just saw a commercial on TV for real that edited together a bunch of clips cardassian drama and ended with a "keeping up with the cardassians" card advertising ds9 reruns
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spockvarietyhour · 3 months
Favourite Kitbash?
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All these vessels started off as kitbashes from existing physical models sold commercially. Aside from the Constellation-class Stargazer, all the other TNG ones were barely glimpsed in the aftermath of the Battle of Wolf 359, including the 4-nacelle Melbourne-variant Neula class.
Also the shot I got from defunct Eaglemoss didn't show the baby nacelles so here they are:
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The DS9 ones heavily featured the Centaur in one episode, while Curry does a flyby in A Time to Stand. Yeager was usually in stock shots around the station, barely visible.
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woodsfae · 11 months
Babylon 5 s02e15: And Now for a Word so2 Table of Contents • previous episode
September 16, 2259! Love me a good documentary!
Never not going to be funny to me that G'Kar's actor and Talia Winter's actor have the same given name (Andrea).
This is really not the time for reporters to be harassing personnel for soundbites.
:| and a very fuck you too, Ambassador Mollari.
Love having the dockworkers back!!
"Overall I've found this to be a good working environment. I've learned a lot here. […] Yes, it's a calm, pleasant environment. I don't think I've ever seen anyone get upset here." - random Earthforce personnel, lying like a liar
Stephen Franklin channeling classic, spacephobic McCoy here.
Oh my god, seventeen-year-old Stephen Franklin either accidentally killed his friend hiding in an airlock, or watched his friend accidentally kill himself messing around in an airlock. It's ambiguous, and horrifying either way.
Good trauma story sharing. But for real, how can he even live in space after that? I'm horrified and impressed.
Dang, that's pretty bad. Almost 60 deaths total, multiple bombings, and several narrowly-averted wars. In three years.
Literally idk how G'Kar can keep his composure. The Centauri are war criming like crazy.
This documentary format is actually delightful. I am loving seeing how the actors are choosing to portray their characters being interviewed. It's so fucking fascinating.
Susan Ivanova continues to be The Best.
Garibaldi wants to be bored and to make a difference. I propose that he could make the most difference by not assaulting people or threatening them with his rank.
This reporter isn't very likeable, which makes me wonder if she's going to end up doing something impactful.
"I am a friend, in peace." and then being met with such vitriol and journalistic malfeasance! This reporter sucks!
A hell of a thirty-six hours to happen to arrive to document!
Fuck, can you imagine a space battle going on outside b5's fragile little, punctured shell and being sent to start repairs while unknown, hostile aliens are still fighting outside? Hope they get hazard pay.
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Yeah, I'd be tempted to get into a spacesuit.
Narn vs Centauri literally fighting outside B5 is a significant escalation of risk.
G'Kar backstory!! G'Kar's dad served the Centauri and as a punishment for an accident, was killed horribly over days and died in front of G'Kar. That'd drive anyone into resistance, I think! I respect B5 more for calling it a resistance in-universe, especially compared to in DS9 when they repeatedly and insistently called the Bajoran resistance terrorists doing terrorism. The Narns are increasingly impressive the more we learn about them. They went from low tech to occupied to equaling to if not surpassing the Centauri in a hundred years.
"The Narn have rewritten history enough, don't you think? [..] We have to take a stand. They are the ones who declared war, not us. We want only peace."
:| And then drop a Centauri war cruiser to blockade B5.
A commercial for PsiCorps. I have…so much to say about this. tbh, it's better propaganda than the US military recruitment videos I've seen. Hate that the PsiCops might just beam into your house! Did we already know they have teleportation? Or is that just creative license taken by the commercial?
Super uncool how, yet again, a critique of current events in the 90s being equally as relevant to 2023 current events.
Lotta hard stances being taken. Sheridan is so calm under pressure, but it's weirdly believable that he can out-yell the entire council and then go and calmly discuss the likelihood of mortal threats being mere bluffs. Aaaand awkwardly trying not to make eye contact with the camera that's in his line of sight, hah.
eeeee yikes another space battle! Third for the episode, I think.
I wonder how they clean up space debris. Surely they can't leave it to pose a hazard around the station.
Londo is leaning away from the camera a lot while he talks. Can't even buy his own bullshit.
The reporter was so mean and unethical to Delenn, and Delenn is talking to her again anyway. She's too good and her kindness is too calculated to be deterred by a dickish reporter. Plus, I bet the Minbari reporters are way meaner. Instead of being like "You do war crimes!" they'd be like "You should kill yourself so your memory can be less of a stain on your clan's honor than your life is being right now." Still, they made Delenn cry which isn't exactly a fun human experience to have for the first time on camera.
The inspiring peace lecture would be more believable if it wasn't being delivered by the military.
Anyhow, a very fun episode, especially considering how dark the topics were! Babylon 5 is alone in space, very puncturable, and hosting volatile political enemies bound on murder and/or war.
On to the next!
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lightningarmour · 2 years
I’m low-key obsessed with Star Trek luggage.
There's a kind of unspoken detail in at least the 90's era Star Trek that I really like which I doubt was done on purpose, or at least not for the purposes I have read into it. I rewatched DS9 earlier this year and I couldn't help but keep noticing how every time anyone arrives on or departs from the station and they're carrying luggage, it's always in these huge fuckin lumpy ass like canvas bags.
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My guess is that the prop/costume department just needed something cheap because really it's just a bag, who cares, and they're not going to spend who knows how much getting like expensive suitcases or whatever. But I kept thinking of how different both aesthetically and functionally everyone in the future's luggage is compared to today and I kind of love the idea that in the future even with replicators and shit where it would theoretically be easy to mass-produce stuff, there is this kind of lack of consumer goods or whatever. 
Like there's no company that is mass manufacturing/replicating suitcases, and instead everyone just carries a frumpy bag because it's functional and simple to make. Also it kind of lends to the suggestion that in the future, people travel light because like, at least in the post-scarcity federation, possessions are not that important. Like, you’d have a few personal belongings, but anything else you need can be easily replicated or accessed pretty much anywhere you go.
You see it a bit too in the costuming throughout Tng-Voyager where the clothes people wear when not in-uniform is all very like, modest designed or clearly custom-tailored (obviously because they had to be for each actor in the show) instead of the kind of mass market t-shirt and jeans kind of style of today.
It’s not something that is evert explicitly mentioned or even suggested, really in any way other than by being there. There’s this incredible page that catalogues all commercially available chairs that have been used as part of the set design for Star Trek, and it’s that kind of thing that is extremely my bullshit. Like obviously I love Star Trek for the morality plays and the phasers and the silly episodes and yadda yadda, but the kind of unwritten details that appear in the background are what really make that world come to life, these are the things I spend my time thinking about.
Even in new star trek which I generally dislike, one of the most stand-out details of the entire first season of Picard to me was that there are a couple moments where Picard and his Romulan Man-servant are carrying groceries and whatever in these like little knitted mesh bags (which I’m almost certain are from IKEA).
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And it’s like, yeah I love that tiny thing that informs something about the world. Like yeah, you probably don’t use plastic bags in the future, that’s just a neat little thing.
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fishfingersandscarves · 11 months
did you hear that paramount (i think that's who owns the property) is releasing DS9 in a de-mastered format. it's gonna look like it's a vhs recording. and they're gonna put commercials (from back in the day) in. and, the most egregious imo, they're gonna put random other shows and/or chunks of sports events in (like the vhs messed up the recording time/channel, or like a family member recorded something over the episode.)
like do they really think people want that bs fucking up the content they paid for. like yeah there's a nostalgia angle, but. why am i going to pay for DVD's of a show i'm not even going to be able to watch all of every episode.
make it make sense, if you can.
I mean to be fair it's an interesting viewing experience and sounds like something maybe I wouldn't rewatch but definitely would at least once just bc it's a cool way to format that
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yunyin · 9 months
ooh you watch DS9? what are your favorite things about it? or what would you say to convince a friend to watch it? cause I am interested and started it but had a hard time getting into it…but I grew up on TNG so I feel like I should love it and maybe I just need to push through a slightly less compelling beginning or something lol?
EYYYY TNG buddies!!
So for me what I love is that the world building feels so solid. Like every character is an individual and complex and interesting, and the conflicts feel real. I do think like TNG it gets better as it goes on, and the season finales tend to be really satisfying.
I actually haven't had much luck watching DS9 from the beginning, even though if you miss episodes you can be REALLY confused. Instead I've been watching it on Pluto tv, (it's one of those free with commercials streaming things) and they have a couple Star Trek channels where they do diff series' in a loop, Original and TNG on one and DS9 and Voyager on the other. You tend to be able to pop in on something compelling that way, and I think I've seen most of DS9 now, though not in order, and there are a few things where I'm missing key episodes and idk how something happened or resolved lol.
There are overarching conflicts and seasonal ones so you tend to be able to follow something along to a natural conclusion if you get near the beginning of a season.
You also get to find out what happens with some of the TNG cast too, so that's fun!
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jimintomystery · 2 months
DS9: "Defiant"
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During a visit to Deep Space Nine, Commander Will Riker charms Major Kira into offering him a tour of the facility. But this is all a ruse to steal the Defiant and invade Cardassian space. Because it's not Commander Riker at all--it's his transporter-duplicate, Lieutenant Tom Riker, and he's leading a secret mission for the Maquis.
The use of Tom Riker here is so wild, since he's essentially a plot device from a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode ("Second Chances") that barely makes sense outside of that context. It'd be like if Abraham Lincoln from 1969's "The Savage Curtain" sidled up to Quark's bar, and then after the commercial break Commander Sisko gives a debriefing on what the hell is going on.
The story gives no indication that "Will" is an imposter until he shoots Kira. However, I knew he was Tom from the start, because this is one of those episodes where the TV Guide synopsis gave away the twist. I was more stunned by the Maquis angle, which TV Guide neglected to mention. Either version of Riker would seem like an bad fit for the Maquis, which would almost be a plot hole if this episode didn't do such a good job exploring why the fit is bad.
My dad did not read spoilers in TV Guide, so he was utterly baffled when Tom dismisses O'Brien as if they had some bitter falling out. Dad assumed this trick wouldn't work unless Tom was referencing an actual beef between O'Brien and Will, but since Miles (and the audience) don't know what Tom is talking about, it should have been a red flag. Basically Dad was seeing all the reasons this trick shouldn't work, whereas Tom is willing to take a huge risk on a pretty flimsy bluff.
The stuff with Riker and Kira comparing their approaches to terrorism is cool, but frankly the real meat of the episode is Sisko and Gul Dukat working together to catch the Defiant before it starts a war. The scene about Dukat missing his son's birthday goes a long way to make the character sympathetic, which will be important in seasons four and five (and feels a bit off in light of seasons six and seven). And of course the intrigue about the Obsidian Order hiding a secret fleet at Orias III is a perfect tease for "Improbable Cause," a few episodes down the line.
In the end, Sisko convinces Tom to surrender and accept a life sentence in a Cardassian labor camp. Kira's promise to get him out of there is very noble, but seems almost insubordinate after Sisko had to haggle so much to get the death penalty off the table. To my knowledge, we never learn if Kira was able to make good on her promise, although I'd like to think so. I'm a little surprised Tom still hasn't made it back onto TV; you'd think he'd at least get a cameo on Star Trek: Lower Decks...
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smowkie · 11 months
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finished my third bingo card from @ficreadingchallenge, woo! thanks again for such a fun challenge 💖
list of fics under the cut
1 pets
like a boat at sea by coffinbirth
Will & his dogs, Hannibal, 926 w, rated teen
“It’s all right, Harley,” Will murmurs, as the dog peers up at him intently from beneath her heavy brow. “I’m all right. We got all we need, don’t we? Just us.”
2 under the influence
Pass the Kanar by Fanfic_For_The_Void
Garashir, DS9, 6,592 w, rated teen
After a long day at work, Julian shares a deeply discounted bottle of Kanar with Garak.
3 secret identity
Iron Man: Unavailable, Tony Stark: In Trouble by navaan
Stony, MCU, 40,779 w, rated teen
After what happened in New York the Avengers with the help of Tony Stark are trying to become more independent. The team has grown together and for Steve Iron Man is a big part of that, although he has some trouble getting along with his employer. Then Steve faces a bit of a mystery when Tony Stark gets kidnapped – and Iron Man, who is supposed to be the man's bodyguard when he's not an Avenger, is nowhere to be found.
4 author's oldest fic
A Friend in Need by AuroraNova
Julian & Jadzia, DS9, 1,833 w, rating teen
“Drinking alone isn’t any fun.”
5 new author (< 1 year)
Late One Night by uv_DatLakeLady
Sam & Dean, SPN, 666 words, rated gen
Sam and Dean have a silly chat on a serious matter, while grave-digging.
6 angst
Far From Home by cucumbermoon
Garashir, DS9, 47,041 k, rated teen
Julian had always longed for adventure. More than that, he’d longed for a desperate adventure, the kind where all the odds were stacked against you, and every step was a struggle, and every breath a victory. He probably would have come to Cardassia even if he hadn’t missed Garak. He hoped that was true. He couldn’t touch it, really, couldn’t scrape the dust away from his thoughts enough to name it, but Garak was different.
7 future AU
call me by the old familiar name by simplyprologue
Garashir, DS9, 40,359 w, rated mature
Fourteen years after the end of the Dominion War, Bajor and Cardassia are finally poised to enter the United Federation of Planets, together. But when Castellan Garak and Military Minister Kira find the body of Julian Bashir—with a heavily encrypted datarod containing the last fifty years of covert operations by Section 31 in his hand—on the eve of the treaty signing on Deep Space Nine, negotiations fall apart. There is some nuance to it, of course, but what is nuance when your friend’s dead body has been found in a stasis container in Cargo Bay Four? Or, Julian dies in the name of service to the Alpha Quadrant, but does a poor job staying dead. It does get his friends back together in one place, though.
8 secret relationship
Quintessence by mrbarbacarisi
Garashir, DS9, 11,832 w, rated teen
“So, to recap,” Garak said, “you have a stranger’s soul living inside you that could take over at any minute. It caused you to be in shock for two days, lose time, and then breakdown with a migraine less than an hour ago. And now, we may have to go all the way across the Alpha Quadrant to participate in a religious ceremony to get rid of it.” Julian laughed. “That sounds about right.”
9 holiday fic
The Best Part of Waking Up by entropic_saudade
Wincest, SPN, 799 w, rated mature
Dean is home for the holidays. Based off the infamous Folgers Christmas commercial from 2009. You know the one.
10 happy ending
Penultimate Rites by ro_moray
Garashir, DS9, 15,975 w, rated teen
Julian Bashir returns from a five-year mission in the Gamma Quadrant and is greeted by some distressing news from Cardassia Prime. Garak is dying, again—and it seems like there might not be anything he can do about it this time.
11 road trip
running into the sun by kiden
Stony, MCU, 3,267 w, rated teen
There are other people Steve could ask. Sam or Nat. Even Clint would make more sense. It's not that they aren't friends - they are, they're good friends, hard won, fought for, worked on - it's just weird. They can live together and fight together, but Tony's not so sure a few weeks with just the two of them in a car is a good idea. It's definitely not a smart idea. "Can you repeat that, please?" or: tony and steve go on a nice, soft road trip that brings them closer together.
12 bodyswap
Bodyswap by thisroadsofar (orphan_account)
Wincest, SPN, 130 w, rated mature
Shortest bodyswap fic ever, pretty sure.
free space
A Civil Death by Regann
Garashir, DS9, 13,896 w, rated teen
Coincidence brings Garak back to Deep Space Nine where Bashir is determined to save him from an ominous threat, even if he doesn't want to be saved.
13 podfic
[Podfic] Trade-offs by Philosopher_King read by DevilWithABirdDress
Garashir, DS9, ~1 min, rated gen
Julian reflects on what he has sacrificed to be with Garak.
14 lyric title - listen to the song too!
Love is a Burning Thing by Fanfic_For_The_Void
Garashir, DS9, 2,015 w, rated teen
After their first night together, Julian wants to make something special for Garak. What could go wrong?
15 werewolf AU
Kindling the Hearth by KandiSheek
Stony, MCU, 2,044 w, rated teen
Transforming on the new moon can leave werewolves pretty damn sore. Steve is no exception, despite the super soldier serum. So Tony takes it upon himself to keep his boyfriend warm, fed and happy in the aftermath.
16 hurt/comfort
End Racism in the OTW || Trust Fall by treepyful (treeperson)
Garashir, DS9, 13,089 w, rated teen
So Laurel, how did you spend your shore leave? Oh, you know, just helped hold down the CMO while his terrifying Cardassian husband stabbed him in the chest with a giant skewer – the usual. * A shuttle trip gone awry leaves Ensign Hart and Mr. Garak to tend to a gravely injured Dr. Bashir.
17 BFFs
A Body, In Parts by RocksInMyShoe
Robin & Steve (background Steddie), Stranger Things, 2,096 w, rated gen
“Hey Steve,” she starts, her eyes brightening as she wiggles her toes. “We made it.” And he sees the relief, palpable in the exhale of her breath. He gently reaches for her ankle and squeezes. He opens his mouth to answer and he- or; Glimpses of Steve (and Robin) learning how to live after the spring break of 1986.
18 vampire AU
The Cure by gladdecease
Garashir, DS9, 1,175 w, rated gen
"You have two options," the doctor said. "Well, three, but I don't approve of the third option and will probably ask you to reconsider if you choose it."
19 crossover fic
new york, new york by givebackmylifecas
Buddie, 911 & Barisi, SVU, 5,793 w, rated teen
Eddie turns to look at Buck, squished into the middle seat of the cab and smiles. On Buck’s other side, Chris is pressed to the dirty window, staring out at the city. “You okay?” Buck asks quietly. Eddie nods. “Yeah. Just wish we didn’t have to go to give witness statements on our vacation.” “I feel you,” Buck says, bumping his knee against Eddie’s. “But hey, we’ll wrap this up quickly and then we can go see the Statue of Liberty.” Buck, Eddie, and Chris take a trip to New York and accidentally become witnesses in an SVU case. Helping out the detectives leads Eddie to learn some things about himself and his relationship with Buck.
20 gen fic
One Cube, Two Cube, Red Cube, Blue Cube by Fanfic_For_The_Void
TOS, 1,272 w, rated teen
It’s lunchtime on the Enterprise, but a member of the bridge crew is missing. A little vignette about colourful food cubes, the dangers of the job, and the taste of home.
21 short fic (<1000 words)
Plant Friends (Or: Garak's Second-Favourite Lunch Companion) by ConceptaDecency
Garak & Keiko (background Garashir), DS9, 585 w, rated teen
Garak's second-favourite lunch companion grills him about the changes in his relationship with his favourite lunch companion.
22 domestic/curtain fic
Cards on the Table by fictionallemons
Wincest, SPN, 3,385 w, rated mature
After Jack leaves, it’s just the two of them left in the bunker. Dean realizes what he wants next, and decides to put all his cards on the table at last.
23 unfinished/in progress
Archimedes Snippets by AuroraNova
Garashir, DS9, 2,771 w, rated gen
Glimpses of Julian and Garak's new life on the USS Archimedes, featuring Starfleet Spouse Garak.
24 multichapter fic
The Book Club is a Lie, and Bashir, a Liar by Cosmo_is_Beink_Melon
Garashir, DS9, 21,928 w, rated teen
Julian tells a lie. It has unexpected consequences. Garak hears a lie. Lies do not bother a liar. Usually.
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maintitle · 10 months
One of the things that rewatching a bunch of Trek at the same time has taught me is just how bad commercials have gotten since 1966. The average episode of TOS was a bit over fifty minutes. TNG, DS9 and Voager run at a bit under 46, and Enterprise runs at about 44 minutes.
Obviously new Trek is on streaming services so you can't really compare that, but the average length of an hour long show tends to be a bit under 42 minutes. So in a couple of decades, nearly ten whole ass minutes of commercials were added to shows.
That's indicative of a lot of things, most obviously how television has become a business run by advertisement money (which is why sports get paid ridiculous amounts of money, they get more ad time because of their length & don't rely on those pesky writers who just want to earn a livable wage), and now almost entirely relies on that to survive as cable becomes less and less common. But to me, that's a microcosm of the bigger issue; Creativity and storytelling are only valid so long as they serve the purpose of selling you a vast array of both related and unrelated products.
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ralfmaximus · 2 years
Just Hear Me Out
Lost Deep Space 9 episode idea... one day the Ferengis are reviewing old 20th century Earth media for clues about how to exploit humanity (ROA #74, Knowledge is profit) when they discover Christmas TV specials. Specifically the ones depicting CHRISTMAS SHOPPING and possibly BLACK FRIDAY sales. All of humanity reduced to crazed consumerism. Video of parents fighting each over for the last Barbie at Toys'R'Us.
Rom: To the death??
Quark, rolling his eyes: No, not to the death you moron
Nog, smugly: This media is from before the Federation, when they fought nuclear wars among themselves and--
Quark, looking closer: Well... mmmmaybe?
Anyway it's good clean fun for awhile and they all have a chuckle over the silly hyoo-mans and their ancient inferior capitalistic rituals. Quark fires off a message to the Grand Nagus about how he ought to check out these weird old files from 1980s Earth and forgets about it.
Next thing we know, all of Ferengi culture is obliterated with Christmas Spirit. Every Ferengi is seen wearing ugly christmas sweaters & scarves (no matter the temperature) there are actual CHRISTMAS TREES on DS9, like crammed into every corner & crevice and O'Brien has to put lockouts on the replicators before any more get made.
Quark starts selling Egg Nog and fights with Nog over the unpaid use of his name, finally agreeing that since it's an Earth drink it's actually the hyoo-mans that own the rights to 'Nog' and we better shut up about it before THEY start charging Nog for the use of his name.
There's no Jesus or anything, but Santa Clause has somehow become the human God Of Crass Commercialism and Quark simply will not take off the Santa suit.
Almost everyone -- especially the humans -- are baffled by this Christmas thing but the Ferengis are STUFFED with knowledge and chatter eagerly about reindeers, hot cocoa, cookies, and CHRISTMAS SALES.
The Bajorans become increasingly concerned and eventually file an official Federation complaint when they see Gul Dukat in a Santa hat, jingling evilly around the station.
"Quark," an exasperated Sisko says, "you do realize that even in our 20th century Christmas lasted only one day a year, and was celebrated for only a few--"
"I know that, and you know that, but the Nagus has decreed Christmas is now a year-long Acquisition Ritual that must be observed or else--"
"Or else WHAT"
Quark points at a suspiciously Nagus-shaped Elf On A Shelf® parked in his bar, which is obviously a surveillance device. Whispers to Sisko in real fear "...it's Jingle Jail for bad Ferengis."
A nearby Christmas tree morphs into Odo. "A what jail?"
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sebastianmercier · 7 months
Garashir Short #1: If Wishes Were Doctors
Garashir Shorts
“If Wishes Were Doctors”
Issue #001
Written by Sebastian Mercier
Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan script is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made script intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.
circa. Stardate 46853.2 (9 November 2369)
ELIM GARAK walks to his quarters in silence. He’s ashamed of himself, of his inability to control his thoughts. He’s had bigger secrets. But somehow, this was the most difficult.
He reaches his quarters. Enters.
DOCTOR JULIAN BASHIR turns from the replicator. Lights up as Garak walks in. Approaches him.
Dinner’s almost ready.
He kisses Garak hello. Takes his jacket and hangs it on a hook. Garak stands stock-still. Tries to ignore the adrenaline racing through him. Tells himself this is a bad idea. But he makes no move to banish Bashir from his mind.
BASHIR (cont’d)
How was your day?
He allows himself to reach out. Briefly touch Bashir’s hand. The fingers are warm and soft and alive. Garak wishes they could be within arms’ reach forever.
Bashir leads him to the dining table. Draws a chair. Garak sits stiffly. Bashir peers at him in concern.
Are you all right, Elim?
Elim. The most beautiful word to ever leave Bashir’s mouth. Garak nods mechanically.
It’s been a tiring day.
Then allow me to wait on you hand and foot.
He presses a button on the replicator. DISHES begin to MATERIALIZE. Bashir sets them on the table.
You shouldn’t have gone to all this trouble.
Nonsense. You’re letting me stay with you. The least I can do is make you dinner.
The replicator made the dinner.
Bashir smiles.
Then the least I can do is serve it to you. And make sure you save room for dessert. I found a recipe for yamok-rokassa sorbet.
He loads Garak’s PLATE. Sets it in front of him. Produces a NAPKIN from nowhere. Garak takes it. Bashir’s fingers brush against his.
Bashir exits the bathroom in pajamas. His hair is towel-dried and fluffy. Garak resists the urge to go to him, to wind his fingers through it. He sits on the couch. Straightens his own pajamas. Pretends not to notice how close to him Bashir sits.
Tell me about your day, my love.
He holds out his arm. Beat. Garak’s pulse races. He allows himself to inch closer. Gingerly rest his head on Bashir’s shoulder. Bashir’s heartbeat matches his own. Hand finds Garak’s shoulder. Chin lowers to the top of his head. Lips brush against hair. Garak doesn’t know how much longer he can resist. Doesn’t know if he cares anymore.
A new customer came in today. Wanted to know if I had any experience with wedding attire.
Wedding attire.
What do Cardassians wear to their weddings? I want to picture you on the happiest day of your life.
Assuming I ever marry.
Why wouldn’t you? You have the perfect candidate right here. Charming, intelligent, knows his way around a replicator. I expect a proposal any day now.
(eye roll)
You’re confident.
Of course I am. We’re perfect for each other.
How did you come to that conclusion?
You’re the only person I’ve never had to try to get the attention of.
Garak looks up at Bashir. There’s a sadness in his eyes.
It’s so easy to smile when I’m with you. So easy to be myself. You make me feel… normal.
As if I’m just one person spending time with another. When I’m with you, we aren’t a human and a Cardassian. We’re just us. I want us to be just us for eternity.
…I’d like that.
He instantly feels he’s gone too far. Pretends to yawn.
GARAK (cont’d)
It’s late. We should go to sleep.
He takes Bashir’s hand. Leads him over to the bed. Pulls back the covers. Goes back to the couch. Arranges a cushion. Lies down. Closes his eyes.
GARAK (cont’d)
Computer, lights.
The room goes dark. Bashir stands by the bed, perplexed.
GARAK (cont’d)
Goodnight, Doctor.
He turns over. Can feel Bashir’s eyes on him. Long beat.
…I’m sorry. I said too much. The last thing I wanted was to make you uncomfortable.
You didn’t. I- I’m tired. I need to rest.
Of course.
(beat, softer)
I’m safe. I’ll never hurt you. I’ll always be right here.
He gets into bed. Garak opens his eyes. Bashir’s words race through his head. He knows they aren’t real. He doesn’t care.
Bashir seems to sense this. Holds out his arm. Garak rises from the couch. Crawls into Bashir’s comforting embrace. Garak tentatively puts an arm around Bashir. Looks up into his face. Allows himself a stroke of the fluffy hair. A caress of the cheek. A trace of the mouth.
The corners of Bashir’s lips turn up. He tucks Garak’s hair behind his ear. Looks at him with all the love in the galaxy.
It isn’t difficult to care for you, Doctor.
Emboldened, he tilts his chin. Presses a soft kiss to Bashir’s lips. Withdraws. Looks into those kind eyes. They smile at him in adoration. If only they could comfort him forever.
Garak knows he has to look back down. And he does. He already knows he’s crossed the line. But he’s past caring. Lets himself enjoy the kiss on his forehead. Anticipates the murmur of lips in his hair.
I love you.
Garak nudges into Bashir’s shoulder. Closes his eyes. Feels the covers drawn up. The arms settle protectively around him. This could be enough. Maybe one day it would be.
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