#Catherine Combs
1zomb6rl · 10 days
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Love these two fr guys
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comfortcomfortdeercat · 7 months
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Holy shit, the sister in the Folgers incest commercial is Jeffrey Combs' daughter
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phoenix · 1 month
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I have just learned very important information, that the girl in Tumblr's favourite Folgers commercial is Catherine Combs, daughter of legendary character actor, Herbert West himself, Jeffrey Combs.
And now you know.
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mirabilefuturum · 1 year
I'm so normal about this photo I can't even tell you sdfjskldflsdj
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"I maked"
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Scenes from St. Catherine’s life: the cutting of her hair to signify her break with the world – Oratorio della Camera in the Sanctuary of the House of St. Catherine, Siena (Italy)
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elvirasemporium · 8 months
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misscrawfords · 6 months
I was listening to Pride and Prejudice on my drive back from my mother's today and it's been so long since I've actually read the novel as opposed to engaged with one or other adaptation...
Goodness, it's good, isn't it? And Elizabeth is so much more complex a character than she is often presented in adaptations.
The thing that was standing out to me today - I was listening to from when Mr. Collins proposes to Charlotte and I stopped just when Elizabeth was talking to Colonel Fitzwilliam at Rosings - was the chapter which is just Jane and Elizabeth talking about Bingley. This gets cut from adaptations or so condensed to be meaningless, but it's incredible. It's just a whole chapter of the sisters chewing over why Bingley ghosted Jane (for lack of a better term) and what Caroline's motivations were and the thing that gets me is that they're both right. Jane is right that Bingley can't be blamed for being a friendly young man and that he had no malicious intentions but Elizabeth is also right that young men can be thoughtless in their dealings with women who have less freedom than them and their thoughtlessness can do real hurt. (She's also right about Caroline, of course.) It struck me as such a modern issue. Maybe I've just been thinking about the unwitting hurt that thoughtless young men can cause recently, but everything is so complicated. Bingley is a flake who makes a mistake with regards to Jane but he's also a genuinely lovely young man who makes it right in the end - he's still on his own journey through life which he will continue with Jane. Jane herself lets her desire to see the best in others cause her to see friendship where it isn't, but being deceived in a friend is not so uncommon, is it? And she's not stupid or weak. Heck, she endures her heartbreak being talked about openly by her mother in public for months silently and without rancour. And she does it all without ever resenting Bingley! Jane's the strongest character in the whole novel and an inspiration to the rest of us - FIGHT ME on this!
The other thing I really picked up on was what an important moment in Elizabeth's character development Charlotte's engagement is. It actually kind of breaks my heart - her best friend makes a life choice that she can't support but has to and nothing will ever be the same again between them. It's the first dent into Elizabeth's world view that forces her to see that people are different from her and can make different decisions and this is okay and not just something she can laugh at. It's so relatable in terms of life events - when a close friend marries and then when they have a baby, these things absolutely still do alter friendships. Elizabeth gets over it and even enjoys seeing Charlotte in Hunsford but we are frequently reminded by the narrator that the previous confidences they enjoyed will never be the same again. It's a really big moment for Elizabeth and really the first event in the novel to start to shake her foundations of her comfortable existence. The other two are Bingley's desertion of Jane and Wickham's decision to pursue Mary King over her. By the time she goes to Hunsford, she is prepared in a way for the final massive shock to the foundations of The World According to Lizzy Bennet, not that she knows it. Such is growing up.
And OMG Lady Catherine is SO vulgar and inappropriate! She is a direct parallel to Mrs. Bennet and the rest of the Bennets. Just as Elizabeth feels accute embarrassment at the Netherfield Ball, Mr. Darcy is feeling exactly the same at Rosings. Beautifully done. But their awareness of what is appropriate behaviour is something that unifies Darcy and Elizabeth even if Darcy massively fails to behave like a human around Elizabeth. Pride and Prejudice is such an expose and examination of "how to behave in social situations". There is nobody who doesn't come under scrutiny and pretty much every type of behaviour is gone over with a fine tooth comb.
Sometimes I feel almost ashamed when people ask me what my favourite novel is and I say "Pride and Prejudice" because it's such a damn cliche. I should say something heavier or more obscure or at least I should say it's Persuasion, the "thinking girl"'s favourite Austen. But P&P is so special to me on so many levels and you know what? It is a MASTERFULLY written book.
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ghostiiess · 1 month
my love mine all mine - a sim jake imagine.
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synopsis: in which jake decided to dance with you in his apartment kitchen at 3am while playing mitski’s songs
warnings: petnames (baby, princess)
words count: 954
type: fluff
pairing: !non-idol jake from enhypen x female reader!
author’s note: i wrote this while listening to this song… enjoy the imagine!!
english’s not my mother tongue… sorry if i made any mistakes!
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You were just finishing cleaning the kitchen table where you and your boyfriend had eaten earlier in the evening when a small gesture slowly touched your back.
A soft melody you knew so well, Mitski's "My Love Mine All Mine," played in the background, adding a quiet and romantic ambiance to your boyfriend's messy apartment.
- My love...? he said so softly you thought he was whispering.
He turned you around with his hands on your hips, then gave you one of his charming smiles... Then you saw him. His white shirt was two buttons unbuttoned and looked wrinkled. He had probably forgotten to iron it... His brown hair was combed and sprayed so that nothing was out of place. His arms adorned with bracelets and his fingers with silver rings that made you fall in love all over again every time he wore them. His neat black pants, accompanied by his most beautiful black shoes, with his white shirt tucked around the belt, matched him perfectly. If you didn’t know any better, you could easily have thought he was straight out of a Cinderella movie: Jake looked like a real prince..
- Jake?
He made a face at you. He hated it when you called him that… His hand moved, letting his fingers take your left hand before spinning you around like a princess in a romantic movie, then letting go as if he hadn't evacuated the butterflies in your stomach.
- Would you dance with me, princess?" he asked, offering you his left hand, the same one he'd used to spin you around.
At that nickname, you grinned even wider, placed your right hand in his left, and watched as he led you toward the kitchen.
Still holding your hand, he stepped back a little, then moved his right knee on his left side as if he was bowing like a prince. Waiting your turn, you did the same and then saw him smile even wider. His smile was bright, brilliant, warm.
As he twirled you a second time, you saw him take your hand and place it on his hip as he intertwined your hands. As the music continued to play, Jake did a little dance step, then stopped.
- I'll try not to step on your feet...
You laughed softly, then began to dance with him. Your steps, your gestures, your dances were as majestic as swans. You moved with such grace and delicacy that you'd think the piano notes of the song were dancing with you as well.
- Do you remember that song?" he asked, and you nodded without hesitation.
Of course you do. It was the song you and Jake met to. You were studying your physics in the study hall of your school when you saw Jake come into the classroom with a wide-eyed look on his face.
‘Uh, excuse me? Do you know where Miss Catherine is? I've been looking for her since earlier, but she's nowhere to be found...' was the first sentence he said to you, before you realized that you were also waiting for her to explain the exercises. Maybe it was luck, maybe the universe had organized things so that you'd meet, but Miss Catherine had never come to explain the theory to you: Jake had. Things went on, and history was made: a friendship that turned into a love affair that seemed new, but had just passed the two-year mark last month.
- You stayed so long to help me with the theory," you replied, continuing the dance. We stayed so long that we almost got kicked out…
Your boyfriend nodded, then laughed. He twirled you once more, then kissed the palm of your hand.
- You're so beautiful, Y/N. You dance like a princess..
You smiled.
- You're dressed so elegantly, Jakey. I’m in my joggings while you’re literally wearing a prince’s outfit!
He shook his head.
- What are you talking about? You’re dressed just fine! You’re so beautiful.. I love this look on you, it might be my favourite..
While finishing his sentence, his nose moved closer to yours, and then your lips touched, causing the world to stop.
- Your lips are so soft. And...
Before Jake could continue, you rested back your lips on his. His arms moved down your back before returning to his original spot: your hips.
Your noses touched, then you saw the sweet smile Sim Jake had on his gentle face.
- I'm glad we met. I never thought I'd say this, but you're the one who brightens my day when I'm sad and makes me feel the best.
Before you could speak, Jake placed his index finger over your mouth, then shook his head.
- Shh! Let me do the talking, baby.
When he cleared his throat, his hands took yours:
- I want to keep living and dancing with you until our heads turn white and our grandchildren look at us and says ‘even at their age, their love is still strong’.
You couldn't help smiling.
- If you only knew how much I love you Y/N.
- I love you too, baby.
He placed his lips on yours, then turned you around one last time.
- As the song goes.... My love, mine, all mine...
Then, as if magnetized, your lips finished the dance together as the last notes of the song echoed through the kitchen, leaving incredible memories in your heads. It wasn't your last dance, far from it: the next one would probably be at your wedding, with the same song playing in the background, leaving your two smiles as the only source of light.
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lostfirefly · 6 months
(just not to lose my stories on the page)
I don't know how it all started :)
One Piece (Buggy, because I love that silly clown so much)
Buggy x Reader
• Heart of Courage
You and Buggy are being held hostage by pirates (based on my dream)
• Make my heart a better place, give me something I can believe
You're a cook on the Buggy Pirates crew. During the year you have feelings for the captain, but you don't dare to say it, but you write about your feelings in poems. One day he finds your notebook (based on my personal poem)
• If you wake up in your bed, alone in the dark, I'm sorry I gotta leave you before you love me
You're the owner of a bar where one evening a blue-haired pirate comes and you both play a drinking game. Just a random shitty shit :)
• Please don't say you're gone forever, 'cause I can't hurt no more
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
You're the flower shop owner who has a long-standing relationship with Buggy. You haven't seen each other much in the last few months. He finally arrives to see you, but he's overtaken by fit of jealousy during the dinner.
• Thank you, driver, for getting me here, you'll be an inspector, have no fear, I don't want to cause no fuss, but can I buy your Magic Bus?
You and your sister are taking the bull to the farm. You board the only bus that can transport bulls, the driver of which is Buggy. Just a random shitty shit again :)
• Can't find my peace and quiet, some things are better left in silence
You were tormented by nightmares, you came to Buggy's bed.
• Make my coffee sweet and warm, just the way you used to lie in my arms (nsfw!)
You were sitting in a coffee shop for work. The barista was Buggy.
• I need you here till the very end, so stay here with me
Buggy had a hard day. You comb his hair and wash off his makeup. Fluffy shitty shit.
• I will lay it at your feet, and I won't hold back anything, 'cause what you are is all, what you are is all of me
You haven't seen Buggy for several days, he's throwing you a candlelit dinner. Fluffy fluff!
• Secrets I have held in my heart are harder to hide than I thought, maybe I just wanna be yours
You throw knives together with Cabaji. Buggy joins you.
• If you sit down with this old clown, take that frown and break it, before the evening's gone away, I think that we could make it
Your sister took you to a bar so she could meet someone. She saw Buggy, but he clearly showed interest in you.
• Now hush little baby, don't you cry, everything's gonna be alright
You and Buggy have a little daughter. The ship is moored, and you go to rest, leaving Buggy with the child.
• Baby, baby when you're looking deep in my eyes, I know you're seeing past my make-up
Buggy asks you to help him apply makeup.
• They say it's your birthday, we're going to have a good time
Buggy's birthday. You want to cheer him up.
• But what am I gonna say, when you make me feel that way? (nsfw!)
You came to visit Buggy in his office.
• Storybook endings, fairy tales coming true, deep down inside we want to believe they still do
Buggy tells a fairy story to children.
Buggy x Catherine (OC from You've Got the Same Dream as Me series)
(AU: No ships, no marines, Buggy lives in Cairo and runs a circus, periodically goes in search of gold with his girlfriend)
• You've Got the Same Dream as Me
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10 (the final)
Catherine, a librarian who is searching for the trail of her sister who went missing on an expedition. Notes in books and diaries lead her to Cairo. There she finds a retailer from an artifact shop who, in exchange for selling her a map and equipment, insists that Catherine take her along. They get into a little (or maybe a big) adventure..  (based on my dream with Tom Cruise and Henry Cavill, but they have been replaced). Main characters: Sir Crocodile x OC, Buggy x OC. The Mummy and Indiana Jones vibes.
• Life Must Have It's Mysteries
Chapter 1, Chapter 2 (nsfw part is included), Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12 (the epilogue)
Cathie-pie and Buggy are going to their new adventure to find the blue diamond.
• You are what my sins enclosed, lust as not as creative as its discovery (nsfw!)
Buggy and Catherine live happily together in Cairo and they return home from the walk. Catherine made one mistake :)
• With each word your tenderness grows, tearing my fear apart, and that laugh that wrinkles your nose, it touches my foolish heart
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 (nsfw!)
Buggy and Catherine were spending their evening at a bar. He was busy all week with his circus, so they hardly saw each other (yes, this happens too). A simple game leads to their first fight. 
• 'Cause honey your soul can never grow old, it's evergreen, baby your smile's forever in my mind and memory
Catherine's birthday. Buggy wants to give her a fun day.
• Let's stay together lovin' you whether, whether times are good or bad, happy or sad
Buggy had a rough day, he came home upset and got a share of comfort from his Cathie-pie :)
• Tell me what you want to hear, something that will light those ears I'm sick of all the insincere, so I'm gonna give all my secrets away
Catherine came back home and found Buggy lying on the couch with the headphones.
• If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, I'll be the light to guide you
Buggy and Catherine have been living together for about a month one and a half to two months. Catherine sees him without his clown makeup for the first time (for a completely stupid reason, because these two couldn’t have it any other way)
• Cooking in the kitchen now that's what we do, there's something cooking in the kitchen just for you
Cathie-pie is making breakfast for her beloved clown.
• What do you do? What do you do in the bath? (NSFW part is included)
Buggy came home from a short tour. He and Catherine are taking a bath. Something gets out of control :)
• Just a second, we're not broken, just bent and we can learn to love again
Buggy asks Catherine out on a date, and they accidentally run into an old friend of hers.
• The score will show we're pretty bad, but look at all the fun we've had
Buggy screwed up (as always) and Catherine made him take her to the bowling club.
• Desire, I'm hungry, and I hope you feed me. How do you want me, how do you want me? (nsfw is included!)
Events take place after chapter 10 of "You've got the same dream as me". Catherine decides to stay in Cairo. Buggy brings her home.
• Dust the shelves and polish the glass-ware, the housework makes you happy
Catherine once again pulls out the trio Buggy, Cabaji and Mohji from the prison's point of view and forces them to clean the apartment.
• Sharing horizons that are new to us, watchin' the signs along the way, talkin' it over, just the two of us, workin' together day to day
Catherine and Buggy are celebrating six months since they first met.
• I stand in fear as she gets near, then everything's okay I hope this feeling never goes away (flashback)
Catherine and Buggy are going on their first date. Buggy sometimes reacts to simple little things in a very strange way.
• I'm still learning about life, my woman brought children for me, so I can sing them all my songs, and I can tell them stories
One morning if Buggy and Catherine had kids.
Sir Crocodile x OC
• Trembling, crawling across my skin, feeling your cold dead eyes, stealing the life of mine (a bday present for my @yujo-nishimura)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 (The Finale, NSFW part is included)
Yujo is a young girl whom her father has betrothed to Mr. 3. She and her sister come to the ball, where she meets one of the members of the Cross Guild Corporation Sir Crocodile.
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syrupsyche · 11 months
Instead of working on the actual fic, I'm going to be sharing headcanons on my canon era Enjsette siblings au. I would probably mention some parts of it in the fic(s) I'll be sharing but if they never see the light of day, here are some of them! Shoutout to @pumpkinspice-prouvaire for inspiring this post <3
Fantine absolutely adored getting matching EVERYTHING for her kids: that goes for their names (Eugène and Euphrasie), their outfits, and even their hairstyles. She likes to match her hairstyles with them as well :')
Speaking of hair, since Enjolras has the same hair as her, she lets it grow out so that she can comb and style it. He may be 3 years old but he sure has a ton of hair
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When they get placed with the Thenardiers, just as how Mme. Thenardier was Cosette's main tormentor, M. Thenardier would be Enjolras'
Other than the canonical heavy labour Cosette had to do, Enjolras would be sent out to pickpocket from the inn's customers and the rest of the town's inhabitants as well
Whenever Enjolras got caught, Thenardier would put on a big act and punish him in front of whoever was the victim ("My sincerest apologies, good monsieur/madame! He must have gotten his nastiness from his good-for-nothing mother.") before taking him away and just punishing him once more for getting caught
(And I'm not saying this is where Enj would get his immensely deep-rooted sense of injustice from but im NOT not saying that either :))
Cosette and Enjolras would try to take the brunt of the punishments for each other but that just became getting twice the punishment. Eventually, they learnt to just rely and comfort each other afterwards
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When Valjean comes to find them, he buys Catherine for Cosette and a toy soldier for Enjolras. He named him Jacques.
Enjolras took longer than Cosette to warm up to Valjean (M. Thenardier was his tormentor after all, so his trust in male authority figures was already low), but eventually grew to trust him once his sister did
Enjolras especially loved hearing Valjean read to him. Valjean read the usual children's books and fairytales but when Enjolras began begging for more, he just gave up and started reading anything he could get his hands on: history, philosophy, etc. (which is why Enjolras turned out Like That)
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When they move to the convent, while Cosette went to school, Enjolras stayed in the hut and continued being taught by Valjean (and Fauchelevent!) While Cosette was intended to become a nun, Enjolras was to take over as the convent gardener
Cosette would run up to the hut and chat with Enjolras whenever it was playtime- they would exchange whatever they had learnt during the day
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Slowly, Enjolras got his hands on more and more radical books, teaching himself about the current political climate of France and devoting all his time to reading and (attempting to) write his own essays
Eventually, when the family left the convent, it was partially to allow Enjolras to pursue his new-found interest in politics as well as the canonical reason of letting Cosette explore society.
Due to their difference in interests, Enjolras and Cosette grew apart, though all 3 family members clearly still cared for one another deeply
Understanding the dangers of dabbling in politics, he decided to go by a moniker in order to keep his private family away from his public affairs. Thus, Enjolras was born.
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This is where my fics begin to pick up from so I guess no more spoilers (??) Hope this made some bit of sense or at the very least, the drawings were enjoyable! :D
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faintingheroine · 5 months
I like that Heathcliff is generally respectful or at least mindful of Catherine’s feelings even while pursuing destruction for being separated from her:
“I refused to go without Cathy; he dragged me into the garden, pushed the lantern into my hand, assured me that Mr. Earnshaw should be informed of my behaviour, and, bidding me march directly, secured the door again. The curtains were still looped up at one corner, and I resumed my station as spy; because, if Catherine had wished to return, I intended shattering their great glass panes to a million of fragments, unless they let her out. She sat on the sofa quietly. Mrs. Linton took off the grey cloak of the dairy-maid which we had borrowed for our excursion, shaking her head and expostulating with her, I suppose: she was a young lady, and they made a distinction between her treatment and mine. Then the woman-servant brought a basin of warm water, and washed her feet; and Mr. Linton mixed a tumbler of negus, and Isabella emptied a plateful of cakes into her lap, and Edgar stood gaping at a distance. Afterwards, they dried and combed her beautiful hair, and gave her a pair of enormous slippers, and wheeled her to the fire; and I left her, as merry as she could be, dividing her food between the little dog and Skulker, whose nose she pinched as he ate; and kindling a spark of spirit in the vacant blue eyes of the Lintons—a dim reflection from her own enchanting face. I saw they were full of stupid admiration; she is so immeasurably superior to them—to everybody on earth, is she not, Nelly?’”
(Chapter 6) (italics mine)
Even in this slightly deranged speech he did not think of pursuing Catherine again before realizing that his love was returned:
“‘A little more than you have thought of me,’ he murmured. ‘I heard of your marriage, Cathy, not long since; and, while waiting in the yard below, I meditated this plan—just to have one glimpse of your face, a stare of surprise, perhaps, and pretended pleasure; afterwards settle my score with Hindley; and then prevent the law by doing execution on myself. Your welcome has put these ideas out of my mind; but beware of meeting me with another aspect next time! Nay, you’ll not drive me off again. You were really sorry for me, were you? Well, there was cause. I’ve fought through a bitter life since I last heard your voice; and you must forgive me, for I struggled only for you!’”
(Chapter 10) (italics mine)
And this is the fundamental difference between him and a character like Littlefinger.
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catalinadearagonsblog · 2 months
"In the 1520s, England too was a country bursting with relics. Catherine had kissed them at Canterbury, Walsingham, Westminster and St Paul’s, and followed Elizabeth of York’s example of going into labour clutching the birthing girdle of the Virgin Mary. And these relics were accessible to the people in small parish churches, not just in the large cathedrals and monasteries. In Shelford visitors might see phials of Mary’s milk and part of her churching candle, in Kaldham the finger bone of St Stephen was on display, in Burton-on-Trent pilgrims might see the staff of St Modwena, and part of the shirt of St Thomas could be found at Derby. Clothing, girdles, combs, hair, bones and bodily fluids could be found housed all around the country as an essential component of pre-Reformation Catholicism, accessible, powerful and defining. Catherine was an important religious leader in England, teaching by example. Among the artefacts that accompanied her on her travels were pictures of Mary and her mother, St Anne, and St Elizabeth, who must have had particular resonance for Catherine, as she had miraculously conceived and given birth to a child even after the onset of her menopause."
Amy Licence, Catherine of Aragon: An Intimate Life of Henry VIII's True Wife
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also while it's still fresh in my mind: shout-out to Combs' daughter, Catherine, for being an absolute champ. She was being super kind and assisting him with everyone that came through.
At my signing session I was too nervous to really chat him up, and talk about the art + book I was giving him, and just handed him the gift bag explaining what was in there. Before I could move away Catherine opened the bag and was showing off both prints to her Dad to ensure he had time to respond to them while I was still present. He noticed, "Oh you made it into a poster!" when he saw the version of the From Beyond print I gave him vs the one I had him sign. He thanked me, and they were both so genuinely complimentary of my work, and I came away from that signing with a smile so big my face hurt later XD
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mini reading english royal family
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mini reading english royal family
Charles: energy oracle: we are talking about the current storm which is shaking up his family. We are in a feminine and reflective energy, we want to turn these events into a victory. We are in a state of rest and combativeness. We want to leave something in the past. In conclusion, I have anxiety about community. tarot: we start with the wheel of fortune in a favorable way with the 3 of swords we speak of a healing, we have a very positive behavior on our health. There is a nice evolution on a project. We talk about prayer, I think Charles is praying for Catherine and her son. In conclusion, we have a notion of absurd discussions which annoy. We talk about the tower (another event) about a couple. There is a notion of impasse.
oracle of energies: we are talking about communication around healing and a better path and good evolution; yet I have two cards of lies, deception and tied hands and fists. OK, Will & Kate is telling a false story, things are happening (wait for the tarot cards) HE hopes or tries to attract rest and rejuvenation for himself and his wife. tarot : People talk to me about resorting to someone or something (we talk about the hurtful past) there is a search to find a solution with several people. I still have the notion of the rook + 10 of cups reversed = something in motion which ends badly, we have made a decision or we are at the beginning of a reflection, because there was something which did not not been well. We are talking about a health problem that we are still trying to resolve. There is someone who comes to propose an option. We talk about the link with Catherine, we hope that something comes undone!!! to see more clearly and find a solution.
Catherine :
energy: we talk about his life path, we talk about a notion of clarity in your emotions, in your desires, it is in his power of creation, we also talk about a man who feels very in love (it must be william, he must show him a new side).
Interesting, she is in her masculine energies, are we talking about a new teaching?! we talk about patience and anxiety (she is very anxious about the passage of time)
we are returning from a new family dynamic or in the brief, we are talking about internal and external change. We talk a lot about connection with men and women (I think she will create connections at the hospital) So we talk about the door of values closing (normally everything is canceled) I still have a notion of lying and deception.
There is half-open communication. Lots of hope and spirituality for Catherine. We are talking about a dream that is shattered!!!!!!
tarot : we are talking about a renewal between william & catherine, with ace of wands and the queen of coins, we are talking about a construction and the study of something. We're talking about good news, we're talking about a letter from him!!! we speak of recovery of one's vital force. It's an illusion of victory. We're still talking about an emotional bond with a king of swords and teamwork (sorry but it's not clear) We talk about being bound by our lies. There is selfish and financial behavior on the part of a king of coins. There is a negative change. We are talking about a capital increase from a Queen of Wands (Meghan?!)
Prince harry
energy: we talk about his life path, we talk about a notion of clarity in your emotions, in your desires, it is in his power of creation, we also talk about a man who feels very in love (it must be william, he must show him a new side).
Interesting, she is in her masculine energies, are we talking about a new teaching?! we talk about patience and anxiety (she is very anxious about the passage of time)
we are returning from a new family dynamic or in the brief, we are talking about internal and external change. We talk a lot about connection with men and women (I think she will create connections at the hospital) So we talk about the door of values closing (normally everything is canceled) I still have a notion of lying and deception.
There is half-open communication. Lots of hope and spirituality for Catherine. We are talking about a dream that is shattered!!!!!!
tarot : we are talking about a renewal between william & catherine, with ace of wands and the queen of coins, we are talking about a construction and the study of something. We're talking about good news, we're talking about a letter from him!!! we speak of recovery of one's vital force. It's an illusion of victory. We're still talking about an emotional bond with a king of swords and teamwork (sorry but it's not clear) We talk about being bound by our lies. There is selfish and financial behavior on the part of a king of coins. There is a negative change. We are talking about a capital increase from a Queen of Wands (Meghan?!)
meghan markle :
energy: we are talking about jealousy, being limited in one's movements and having financial problems. We want a change, a renewal. There is a notion of communication, we are talking about a hectic and chaotic love life, but we do not want to leave this link this contract!!! we are leaving someone who has power and money!!! This decision breaks our hearts!!!!
tarot: she sees what is happening around Catherine and she sees it as an act against her (why do the media around the world pay attention to her and not to me!!!) she wants to move forward with her projects. but there are problems that come back with a vengeance for her, she has difficulty finding solutions with several people. We talk about a positive and victorious change, we still talk about the popess (study) but we also talk about feeling alone and ruined, we hope to obtain opportunities. We are trying to find solutions to put an end to the link with the BRF.
we are talking about a judgment and a communication again to tame something, a decision, to counter an emotion of solitude. We talk about destroying and rebirthing a heritage, and a new cycle and increase of capital
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digitalnewberry · 8 months
Victorian keepsake: Skiff family hair album, ca. 1845
In this video, Manuscripts and Archives Librarian Catherine Grandgeorge combs through a family hair book from the Newberry's Midwest Manuscript collections. View the Skiff family hair album at Newberry Digital Collections
About Victorian hairwork
"As strange as it might seem today, Victorians often used human hair from friends and family to create wreaths and jewelry, commonly referred to as ‘hairwork.’ Victorian hair albums are a rarer phenomenon than other types of hairwork and are also a culturally different phenomenon. Hair wreaths and hair jewelry were often created as an act of mourning and generally the hair was removed from the deceased prior to burial. The jewelry served as a way to keep your loved one near you as you went on with your daily life, and was also a socially acceptable fashion accessory during the official mourning period. Hair wreaths were another mourning artifact and were fashioned in the shape of a horseshoe with the open end upwards to signify ascent into heaven.” 
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Stella Skiff Jannotta scrapbooks, 1801-1996
"Hair albums, on the other hand, were often assembled using locks of hair from living friends and family and more closely relate to the concept of an album amicorum or friendship album. Friends exchanged locks of hair as a token of affection or sometimes remembrance if a friend was moving far away and it was unlikely that they would ever see each other again. The locks of hair were styled according to the abilities of the album creator, ranging from simple bunches tied together with string or ribbon to elaborate braided and looped creations. Asking one’s friends for a lock of hair seems almost unimaginable now, but in a time before the invention of photography, a piece of hair was the only tangible way to remember someone."
-- "Hair Today and (Not) Gone Tomorrow: The Conservation of a 19th-Century Hair Album," by Mary H. French
About Stella Skiff Jannotta
An American suffragist, eugenicist, genealogist, writer, and member of the founding family of Jewel Tea Company, Stella Skiff was born on October 29, 1867, in Newton, Iowa. After establishing a successful dry goods business in Newton, the Skiff family moved to Chicago in 1889. Stella studied music at the Chicago Conservatory with Italian maestro Alfredo Antonio Jannotta, an Italian composer, conductor, and voice instructor, and was considered a promising lyric soprano. Stella and Alfredo were married in 1893 and took residence at the Plaza Hotel in downtown Chicago before settling in Oak Park. 
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In the early 1900s Stella became active in the women's suffrage movement and in rationalist religious organizations. She joined the Chicago Political Equality League (CPEL), the precursor to the Chicago League of Women Voters, and wrote several essays on eugenics and the related issues of birth control, overpopulation, prostitution, sex education, and spouse-choosing. Stella also spent a considerable amount of time researching her family history. Stella died in 1954. More information: Stella Skiff Jannotta scrapbooks collection guide
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