#drop toilet
iamhereinthebg · 8 months
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amanitacurses · 10 months
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marvel-lous-guy · 1 year
Tony: Do you even have any life goals other than spiderman?
Peter: I have been banned from every fast food place in Queens except for the Mcdonalds one block away from the Tower. I don't know what their limit is but I will find it.
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birds-for-brains · 1 year
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I'm a simple person: I see object heads, I see art material :P Drew the lads to practice some chibi stylization, and still ponder if I should draw the bigger ones and the titans as chibis too lol- maybe one day... I also used MS Paint to draw them!
Everybody wants to rule the world~
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mysteriousmissme · 2 months
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i’ve missed the toilet trio so much i miss when they go on their silly supernatural adventures like i need more of it when they go back to their og timeline :,)
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look at them!!!
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cupidzrock-net · 1 year
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🩰🌈 "i wish i could go to a wonderful place like that."
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dmsr-art · 2 months
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Anime Teru is my sleep paralysis demon if anyone was wondering
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mazojo · 1 year
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Matching significant other behavior
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doggolol · 1 year
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gdn019283 · 1 month
I just thought about Arthur, Gwen, Morgana and Merlin going to fight, but dressing good for it (each one of them with their assigned weapon)
This could be set in whatever AU/Canon AU you’d like, where everything is good and these four fight together to unite the lands of Albion (basically my happy version of BBC Merlin).
See my vision.
They all wear long cloaks, with hoods that cover their faces and hair, including the clothes they wear under. The sleeves of their tunics are long, sort of under shirts made of linen, comfortable and flexible, no armour, to be worn under the cloaks, cut open at different points based on the weapons they use. Magic half protects them from the cold and the blows they take, blanketing them and securing them from their enemies. Their boots stretch until the knee and are striped, the trousers large and comfortable.
Each one of them has a colour assigned:
Morgana: white. It accentuates her dark hair, her appearance, that could seem innocent, but is actually fatal; three golden straight stripes descend over the front length of her cloak; the sleeves are round and half cut at the wrists; her boots are black; she wears a belt under the cloak where she can hide her weapon and pick it up easily; her gloves are black like her boots, wrist length, made of leather, simple; she still wears jewellery and a chain of metal around her forehead, with a white pearl in the middle of it, her black hair wavy and falling around and behind her shoulders, when she has council meetings, and tied up and in a braid when she needs to fight; she wears rings and bracelets. They decorate her fingers and wrists, two golden bracelet over her biceps, a long pendant made of a chain around her neck, that ends with a tiny, transparent vial where she keeps her favourite dried flower, round, five petals and of the same white colour of her cloak, the gift made to her by Gwen (I believe the flower is called, Oxalis incarnata).
Gwen: dark violet/light violet/pastel pink. I believe they’re her colours. Gwen is kind, and honest. Everything that she has ever made for herself and wore accentuated her character and personality as well, and the colour took a big part in it. It’s soft, and it resembles everything Gwen has ever been. Fierce, but vulnerable. A good leader. She has always ever been these two colours, and she wore purple the day she was crowned queen. Her cloak has drawings that she herself sewed into the fabric, of flowers and flying birds, intersecting one with the other, of a a white colour and with golden stripes painted on their wings and branches, resembling the one on Morgana’s cloak; her cloak and tunics are of a similar cut to the others, except that the sleeves are shorter and the leather gloves are longer, reaching her elbows, comfortable for her weapon, and of a deep brown colour, the same of her boots; her weapon is wrapped around her chest and draped behind her shoulders; she wears no jewellery; she keeps her hair short and curly, tied in a small bun behind the nape of her neck, two small strands cascading over her forehead.
Merlin: dark blue/light blue. These colours are his. A symbol, the same as his eyes, since he has always wore them as a shirt, that matches the colours of the tunic and the cloak over his body, cut at the shoulders, his shirt unlaced at the chest and ending on both arms with a bishop sleeve; his gloves are gauntlets and made of leather, the same colour of his boots, blue, but a lighter/darker tone than the one of his own cloak; his raven hair is longer, wavy, and ends at the juncture of his neck, untied; he wears a beard long enough to cover chin and cheeks; he needs space and air to use his weapon, long and sometimes difficult to manoeuvre, so his cloak is cut from the start of his thighs to his ankles; the fabric also has a golden circle sewed on the chest and the middle area, a line travelling and curving around its circumference.
Arthur: red, or what us fans usually describe as Camelot red. It suits him and it accentuates his hair. He has the golden Camelot dragon sewed at the centre of his cloak, a size big enough to be able to fit inside Merlin’s circle; he’s covered completely, has two holes just for his forearms, and a brown belt for his weapon over the cloak; his gloves are also gauntlets and of a golden colour; his boots are brown just like Gwen’s, meaning two things: Arthur belongs both to the Once and Future Queen of Camelot, and to his Court Sorcerer.
Their weapons:
Morgana: magic and knives. She has always loved them, always used them, and they’re easy to fight with, quick, the magic assuring her the perfect balance the moment she loses it, aiming a blow in the rare case she misses. She likes them, and they remind her of the gift Arthur had made to her during her birthday. The knives are decorated with pearls too, and they shine altogether whenever Gwen picks them up (Gwen creates the knives Morgana fights with without telling her).
Gwen: bow. She is agile, short, and quick. She has always run left and right to assist everyone in need, bringing and handling stuff in her hands, so she can manage a bow perfectly, shooting and fighting from afar. Arthur thought her how to use it, or maybe she learnt it by herself (or with Morgana). She makes her own arrows, that change based on what she needs to do or on her target. The bow has deep carvings in it on both the upper and lower limb, and the initials of her name. She made them herself, similar to the one on her clothes. The string of the bow can be heard only by Morgana every time Gwen shoots (Morgana secretly carved her initials too on the face of the bow, thinking Gwen hasn’t noticed).
Merlin: magic and a staff. His powers makes it float and appear on command, it channels his magic better, which could be destructive if managed alone. It glows and vibrates whenever Arthur passes by (Merlin blushes every time it happens).
Arthur: Excalibur. It represents the Kingdom, it’s the sword of the Once and Future King. It has the desired balance, has just the right hint of magic in it and the writing on the blade pulses a golden colour every time the weapon is in near proximity with Merlin. The sword reminds Arthur of him, and it’s never out of his sight (Arthur denies it each time his sword brightens up, cursing Merlin as he does so).
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 2 months
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musicalmoritz · 2 months
One thing I rly hate in fandoms is ooc angst just be for the sake of having angst. It gets to the point where a lot of angst is corny to me bcuz ppl just make it to be emo without considering whether or not it actually aligns with canon
Kou Minamoto is one of the biggest examples of this that I’ve seen. There are so many angst posts abt him being sad that Nene is with Hanako, when he acts the exact opposite way in canon. The only time he’s really acted jealous over her was when Teru flirted with her, and that was more because he felt betrayed by his brother. He didn’t seem upset at all when Hanako crashed their “date” in Yako’s boundary, in fact he was perfectly happy to let Hanako tag along
There is plenty of angst to be made with Kounene, especially considering Nene’s short lifespan. Since the ship is treated as the designated “healthy” pairing in the fandom I also don’t see a lot of talk about how Kou’s savior complex would negatively impact their relationship. There’s just so much to talk about with them outside of the whole “Kou is sad because Nene has a boyfriend” thing. Kou has a boyfriend too so like, now what?? I’ll admit I’m very biased here, I don’t like the unrequited love trope very much. The angst that goes along with it isn’t really my cup of tea, so whenever I make Kounene fics/posts they’re almost always from Nene’s pov with her liking him back. It’s not that it’s too sad for me it’s just kinda lukewarm?? And some of it gives Nice Guy vibes idk. The way I see it, if one character isn’t interested then that’s where the relationship ends, so I don’t see the point in shipping anything that’s completely one-sided. Not trying to yuck anyone’s yums, this is just a preference
Anyways Kounene is a really good ship with a lot of potential besides just being “sad boy Kou hours.” There is another character that Kou gets very possessive over but for once this ain’t about them so I’m directing my attention towards Kounene. And preferences aside, I’d rather the angst just be in character. Teru is a character that gets very mopey about his crush being one-sided, so a lot of these Kounene angst posts would work great with him and Aoi or Akane. Again, it’s not my favorite trope in the world but I can see how it would make sense with him. But for Kounene I think there’s so much angst (and fluff) potential we’ve been missing out on by reusing the same trope. Let’s get creative with it!
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tuituipupu · 4 months
thinking about the bathtub pic cultural reset. i feel like we moved on too fast 🛁🫧
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hanakou-often · 1 month
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eatmy-customjorts · 1 year
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i wonder what he's listening to
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