#dreamt arcade
dreamt-arcade · 1 year
Dear Detectives,
She's a bit corky and can sleep anywhere when she's relaxed. However, her concentration during a game is amazing!
Chiaki Nanami is now available for asks.
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upsidedownwithsteve · 5 months
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A soulmate AU: Steve Harrington x fem!reader [3.7K]
"There was something 'bout you that now I can't remember, It's the same damn thing that made my heart surrender. And I miss you on a train, I miss you in the morning, I never know what to think about. I think about you."
- About You By The 1975
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Two years had passed since the last gate had closed and despite the aftermath of the “earthquakes,” Vecna had yet to make any sort of reappearance. 
Max’s bones healed, eventually, and she regained most of her sight, relying on thick lensed glasses when she grew tired or the words in her books turned blurry. Nancy went to college, Jonathan tried it for a year, Hopper took El on a month-long camping trip to see something other than the town repairing itself and Lucas went to therapy. 
Soon, each kid followed suit, attending sessions that eventually helped them sleep a little better because even though they couldn’t tell the person on the other side of the coffee table about monsters and the world under their feet, there had been enough death and suffering to fill the hour with regardless. 
Dustin told Steve he should go too and Robin agreed. After Eddie’s funeral, the one where they all stood with Wayne, a guy from the garage Eddie worked at on weekends and the remaining Hellfire members beside a small gravestone, they had another one. 
A second ceremony near the woods behind Eddie’s trailer, close to where he died, to where Dustin had found him bleeding and proud. The kids cried and Joyce held on tight to Will while Jonathan hugged Nancy and Dustin punched a tree trunk. It felt better than the first one, easier somehow, when they didn’t have to lie and hide the guilt they had at knowing each and every one of them felt a little shame in having a hand in someone’s else’s death. 
But it was closure. 
The town healed, roads were repaired, houses rebuilt, new flowers planted in the park in memory of those who had been lost in the accident - the natural disaster that made headlines, the one that no one could have predicted. 
Steve helped Dustin clean Eddie’s grave when the spray paint covered the dead boy’s name. Robin stopped crying when she looked in the mirror each morning. Jonathan left his room. 
The kids got better. They smiled more, went to the new arcade on opening day, shared slushies and rode their bikes around town again. Joyce visited Wayne when she could, took him pies and meatloaf and eventually got him out of his armchair and into a coffee shop for a full hour. Hopper got his job back, had a ceremony that preceded the funeral he had years before and Robin managed to get her and Steve a sweet gig at the record store that replaced Family Video. 
It felt fresh. New. Clean. 
So why was Steve still dreaming about gates?
For the third night in a row, he woke up gasping. A yell stuck in his throat that tasted like metal, like blood, and he was drenched. Shirtless, his sheets stuck to his chest, the weight of them tangled around his legs in a sickly familiar way, vines tugging at his ankles. His room was dark, the house empty, too quiet. Quiet enough that his breath ripped from his lungs in harsh pants, his head pounding from the exertion of running in his dream, back in a place that he hadn’t seen in almost twenty one months. 
At first, he dreamt of death. 
Of Eddie and how they found him lifeless and in Dustin’s arms. How Max was barely conscious in the attic of the Creel House, her body broken in ways that no doctor could understand. He dreamt of how he had pulled Lucas away from her, the boy sobbing and yelling, fighting with more strength than he knew he had as Steve tried to restrain him just enough for the paramedics to get Max into the ambulance. 
Then the dreams turned empty. He dreamt of losing everyone, Robin, Dustin, Hop. El was gone, Will too, Mike nowhere to be found. Nancy’s house was empty, Joyce and Jonathan didn’t exist and Steve sat alone in a town that turned grey, crumbling to dust until the vines came back and the clouds turned red. 
He ran miles every night, searching for his friends, his family. Woke up to shaking breaths and sore legs like he’d really sprinted across a town that was no longer home and each morning when the sun rose, he sat with a coffee and his bare legs dipped in the pool in his backyard. He stared at the water until the ripples blurred and wondered how long it would take for Barb to come haunt him too, if she’d reappear in his dreams despite the years that had gone by, if she’d come crawling back out of his pool like she used to, dripping wet and with no eyes. 
But Barb never came and he stopped dreaming of the kids, stopped hearing Lucas’ screams, stopped seeing Max in a hospital bed with blood coming from her eyes and eventually, one night, he dreamt of a gate that he’d never seen before. 
It didn’t even really look like a gate. 
Not the ones Steve knew. It wasn’t framed by dead vines, it didn’t pulsate, it didn’t have a red glow coming from its innards. This one didn’t look like rotting flesh, like a wound in the earth that couldn’t be healed. This one wasn’t at the bottom of a lake, lined with wet moss and cracked rocks, it wasn’t in the Munson trailer nor in the middle of the woods. 
This one opened on a blank wall in Steve’s bedroom, replacing the shelves where his old basketball trophies sat, where he usually left his pile of clothes before falling into bed. In the dream, it started as a crack, a crumbling of plaster and blue plaid wallpaper and Steve watched it open, a yawning thing that split the room and bathed it in light. It was too bright at first, like blinking into a summer sun. And once the white-hot of it cleared from Steve’s eyes, he saw blue skies and he could smell the ocean. 
There were trees he’d never seen before in real life, something out of a movie, tall and green and narrow as they swayed in a breeze he couldn’t really feel from his spot on his bedroom carpet. The buildings were a pinky-peach colour, like clay, with orange slate tiles and there were foundations and statues carved into the walls, water trickling from the mouths of gods and vases that stone faced women held in their marble arms. 
It was like looking at a painting, a canvas between his bed and his old desk, framed with olive branches and large, red fruits that protruded from the gates mouth. 
Steve could smell them, a sweetness that mixed with the ocean air, a kind of freshness that you couldn’t find between the fields and farms that surrounded Hawkins. In the dream, he wanted to move closer but found that he couldn’t, his eyes wide and his bare feet rooted to the spot as he stared at the scene. It felt like a memory the more he looked, the buildings becoming familiar, a baby blue door that looked like somewhere he’d once owned the keys to and the cobbled streets became a well walked way home. 
Then, as if he weren’t supposed to really see it, he spotted something move in an upstairs window. Two houses from the front of the gate, with rusted shutters and white linen curtains, he saw a girl stand between them. 
A pretty girl, with eyes he knew he’d seen before, in a white dress that he was sure he remembered the feeling of. 
The sight of her made Steve’s heart hammer, the dream making him dizzy, the realisation that he knew that girl making the line between unconsciousness and reality a little blurry. He didn’t know her name, or where he knew her from. He didn’t even know where he was looking or why the gate was there. 
But he stared and stared until the girls eyes met his and before he could lift his hand, or even try to speak, there was a crack that seemingly came from the sky - the one above Hawkins or the one inside the gate, he didn’t know - but something flashed, the gate went dark and the rip in his bedroom wall stitched itself back up. 
He woke up feeling like he’d remembered and forgotten something all at once. Like a book he’d read back in middle school, a photo he’d once misplaced, a song he hadn’t heard in years but still remebered some of the words too. 
He knew her. He knew her. 
Steve thought about the girl so much, so often, that it didn’t take him long to think of her, to refer to her, as you. You were someone he’d once known, from a memory or another dream, he wasn't sure. It was the same feeling as watching a movie and seeing a pretty actress on screen, in a different outfit with different hair but knowing her face and wondering what show he’d seen her in before. 
Except with this, there was an aching want that buried itself in his chest at the sight of you, an awful feeling that grew larger each night. And every time his wall cracked open again, it seemed like his ribs did too. A crushing feeling, a yawning expanse inside his body that made room for the way his heart seemed to grow and grow at the sight of you. 
Yearning, that’s what he thought it was. A slow, burning build of it. 
The second night, he dreamt of you in a garden. A sprawling, green lawn with a pond so green-blue it made his eyes hurt. There was an awning beside it, a pergola of sorts made of white stone and it had ivy growing between the pillars, covering the roof and reaching down to trail its flowers in the water below. You were closer than before, than you were in the window, and Steve could see the way your lashes hit your cheeks as you looked down, stitching something that you held in your lap. 
There was a wicker basket beside you, a loaf of fresh bread wrapped in a cloth and he could still smell pomegranates, sweet and tart. There was a space beside you on the blanket, enough room for two but no one else came. 
You were always alone. 
Steve tried to talk to you, to reach out and see if this gate worked like the others, if he could walk through into this other world, this other dimension, but it didn’t work. 
Not yet, anyway. 
You seemed to notice him more on the fifth night, as he watched you walk along the edge of a lake. Your hair was shorter now and your clothes had changed. They look more modern, more like his, the cabins behind you reminiscent of a summer camp, a holiday lodge or something. He could hear music, a song he swore he heard on the radio not too long ago and that night, you watched him back. 
It seemed like you were waiting for someone. And when Steve saw your face light up with a smile, his heart stumbled. You raised your arm, reaching out a hand to the edge of the gate, off to the side as if someone else was in Steve’s walls. He saw another hand reach for yours, larger, definitely male, with a freckle where the thumb joined the palm. 
The jealousy he felt was unmatched, a burning thing that scorched his chest and his throat, hot needles at the back of his mouth. Before the man came into view, the crack in his wall trembled and the gate stitched itself closed once more, leaving plaster dust and flakes of paint on his carpet. 
Apart from the small mess, no one would have ever guessed another world opened up inside of Steve Harrington’s bedroom each night. 
It took him a week and half to notice his hand had a freckle in the same spot. A small beauty mark he’d never really paid attention to before, painted in the space that joined his thumb to his hand. He tried not to read too much into it, tried not to hold onto the hope that maybe it meant something - because none of this made sense, not really. 
They were just dreams. Strange things, brain scrambling things. But it was a welcome reprieve from death and darkness and vines that held onto him too tight. He no longer woke up in a cold sweat, he no longer wished for morning to come, no matter how tired he felt when he opened his eyes. 
Steve wondered if anyone else was experiencing these kinds of dreams. If the rest of the party were getting glimpses of other worlds, other timelines. He wasn’t sure what they were, too scared to ask, too afraid to make everyone else worry. The thought that these dreams could be a trick crossed his mind more than once, a new tactic from Vecna, an infiltration of his sleep that was meant to lull him into some kind of false sense of security. 
Safety - an unknown feeling. 
But everyone else spent their days talking about school and their new bosses, the fair that was coming to town to celebrate the town hall finally being rebuilt. No one mentioned Vecna or dreams or gates or girls they knew from somewhere they couldn’t place. 
So Steve accepted the fact that whatever these dreams were - whatever they meant - they were just for him. Which meant that you were his too. 
Weeks went by with Steve viewing you from the split in his wall, sometimes hearing music, sometimes hearing your muffled voice. Never real words, never loud enough to hear and it didn’t seem like you could hear him either. But Steve watched, enraptured, following you around different parts of the world, new countries and scenes that he could never really place but, oh my god, each one felt like home with you in it. 
Then one night, he saw himself. 
He felt the surge of panic flood him even in his sleep, his body jolting against his bed as he saw the familiar face, staring back at him, nonplussed. He looked a little different, maybe older. His hair was shorter at the back, cropped closer to the nape of his neck but the biggest difference was how happy he looked. 
This Steve, the one in his dream, inside this gate - this Steve from another time, another life - he looked lighter. He didn’t have purple smudges under his eyes, no deep lines settling across his forehead from frowning so much. His clothes were different too, looser, less fitting, the colours more muted. He wore a pair of jeans that looked much more comfortable than his tight Levi’s, a soft burgundy sweater that had the sleeves rolled up. 
Steve didn’t recognise where this dream took place, but he knew it wasn’t Hawkins. America, yeah, the street signs and licence plates on the cars in the street giving that detail away, but he wasn’t too sure where. The buildings were bigger, shinier, more glass than brick but the skies were still blue and it looked peaceful, warm. 
Dream Steve strolled down the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets, looking back over his shoulder every now and then as if to make sure the real Steve was following him. He walked past storefronts and stopped to pet a dog, a golden retriever who was waiting for his owner outside of a bakery. When he came to a bookstore, Steve could see a large building in the distance, a huge billboard atop it that looked like it was advertising a new movie, or a show maybe. It didn’t have much details on it, no actors nor dates to tell what year this was supposed to be. 
Certainly not 1988. 
It only had lettering across it, big and bold and red against a pristine white background: “ANOTHER LIFE.”
The bell to the bookstore jingled and then Steve saw you. As pretty as you had been in every other gate, every other world, every other lifetime. Like a figurine inside a snow globe, like something from a fairytale. Steve had never seen you this close before. 
He watched your smile, the way it widened at the sight of his counterpart, this other version of him. You were so pretty that his breath got caught in his lungs, his sleeping body kicking out in shock when you lunged at the dream version of him, throwing your arms around his shoulders in greeting. 
Steve watched the two figures embrace on the street, he watched how this luckier man got to bring his hand to your cheek and hold to there to kiss, how his lips - Steve’s own lips - met your own and parted them, mouths melting together in something that was so much more than a quick hello. 
Steve didn’t have it in him to feel jealous then. He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to. He watched the hand that held your jaw, the thumb that caressed your cheekbone as you grinned into him, your own hands clutching his waist now. There was a freckle, the same as the one he had on his own hand, in the matching spot on yours. This Steve took that hand and kissed that very mark, smacking kisses across your palm and up your wrist until you were laughing, head thrown back, eyes bright. 
Steve hadn’t seen anything so happy. 
He woke up before the dream finished, before the gate closed. Steve woke up with tears stinging at the corners of his eyes, his vision blurry in the navy gloom of his bedroom. It wasn’t yet morning. There was no gate on his bedroom fall, no new city between the plaid striped wallpaper. 
He thought it could’ve been Chicago, maybe New York. Perhaps Philadelphia. 
He wondered if he left and went looking for that bookstore, that street, that billboard, he’d find you too. If he was supposed to, if you were real, if this life was all he was supposed to get. 
Something told him otherwise, that open crack inside his chest that made him ache for hours after he awoke. He never forgot about you during the day, each life he’d watched you live, how you had grown your hair out and then cut it, how you seemed to change your clothing depending on where you were, from old petticoats to jeans and shirts with logos on them he’d never seen before. 
Steve felt like he’d lived a thousand lives with you. 
He wasn’t sure what he had to do to get you in this one. 
After two weeks of dreaming of this life with you, one that he was so sure would happen, he spoke to Joyce. He waited until the kids dragged Hopper out into the yard to help them with some sort of rocket they wanted to make and he found her in the kitchen. It was the closest kind of feeling he had to home - bar from the sight of you, but he wasn’t really sure if that counted when he was asleep. 
So he tried to sound casual when he leaned over the Byers kitchen counter, elbows avoiding the jelly stains that Mike had left after making a sandwich, and asked, “hey, uh, do you believe in soulmates?”
Joyce blinked at him, flour and butter between her fingers as she tried to turn the page in her recipe book back to the instructions for apple pie. The book flopped shut when she let go, her hands reaching for a rag instead. Her eyes never left Steve’s. 
“Uh, well. I guess so,” she paused, head tilted to the side as she watched the younger man, how his cheeks turned pink and his gaze fell to the floor. “I haven’t thought about it all that much. Why’d you ask?”
Steve didn’t know what to say then. So he floundered, flushed in the face and nose scrunched as he ran his fingers through his hair too harshly, hoping that no one else walked in. What was he supposed to say? That he was dreaming of gates in his bedroom walls? But it was okay? ‘Cause these ones didn’t have monsters or creatures set out to kill him, no, these gates held something that he thought he’d once had, that they held something he was so sure he was supposed ot have again?
Maybe, just not in this life.
Maybe, this time, something was broken. Wires were crossed, cut, unravelled. Maybe the upside down messed up a timeline, maybe it ripped apart whatever plan it had originally laid out for Steve Harrington. 
He didn’t know. But he knew it sounded crazy, even in his head.
So he shrugged and said, “no reason.”
And then that night, after Joyce gave him funny looks over the dinner she served him and the rest of his friends, the kitchen table full, he went home and lay on his bed, hardly bothering to pull the sheets over his bare chest.
He counted his breaths, hoped for sleep and wished for you.
Like always, his room grew darker, his lids heavier and the crack in his bedroom wall crumbled and split until the dust settled and he saw your face. You were alone this time, pretty as ever and in the same looking city he’d last seen himself in. The skies were blue behind you, the buildings still tall and shiny looking, all glass window panes and metal framework. If he concentrated enough, he could smell summer.
Hot tarmac and sunscreen, fresh fruit from one of the stores behind you, tart lemons and freshly ground coffee. 
You were looking right at him and even in his sleep, Steve smiled. Your eyes were pretty, too pretty, the colour bright and your gaze excited as you gazed at him. Like you’d been waiting. You held out a hand, coaxing, kind, soft, patient. And for the first time, when Steve reached out too, his hand slipped through the gate. 
He was right, about the season, about it being summer. The air inside this world was warm on his skin, like the sun was on him despite being sprawled out in the blue gloom of his dark bedroom. It felt like a July morning, right before the heat hit. 
He was almost touching your fingers when he woke up alone again.
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fl3shm4id3n · 11 months
ᵢₜ wₐₛ ₒₙₗy ₐ ₘᵢₙᵤₜₑ
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐦. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐧.
ꜰɴᴀꜰ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, ꜰᴏxʏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ), ꜰᴏxʏ x ꜱɪꜱᴛᴇʀ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ)
Tw: Spoilers? Missing children, child abduction, mentions of death, FNAF stuff, slight mental illness, mentions of getting committed, a bit emotional with an almost good ending?
A/N: I choose Foxy because he is my favorite both in the game and movie. Hope ya'll like this fic.
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You were just gone for a moment, you had to use the bathroom, you thought that he'd be okay with the other kids. When you came out, he was nowhere to be seen. You looked for him everywhere, in the arcade, the ball pit, the bathroom. Then you heard that other kids also went missing. The police got called, you told your mom what happened. You were growing scared and desperate to find your brother. But weeks turned to months, and months turned to years. The police just stopped looking because they didn't find anything. No suspicious activities or of that sort. No one was found and they didn't even find one single body. It was as if they vanished like thin air. But you? You didn't stopped, you didn't plan on stopping until you found what happened to your brother.
Not only that, but your dreams got all sorts of weird. You had always dreamt of the same thing. You were at the Pizzeria, stepping out of the restroom, wearing the same clothes as you did that day, except the place would get darker and more sinister. The people around you have become faceless and the music sounded much more dimer. You'd spot your brother for a moment, then he'd vanish into thin air. Every time that would happen, you'd call out to him. Screaming his name around the pizzeria. You'd also hear a voice, it sounded robotic. It would always spell out something that you couldn't quite catch. But there were some letters that you could make out. 'C...O...M...E... F...I...N...D M...E...'. You were never able to hear it clearly, it sounded like a broken cassette tape. Then you'd wake up. The dream went on for years, you never really dreamt of anything else. If you did, it would always be something that happened in your childhood, evolving your brother. A lot has changed since he turned out missing.
Now it was the early 2000's, you were already an adult. Working a nine to five job at a Target at the mall and living with your mom still. That early morning, you've woken up from that dream. Again, that same dream. You walking out the bathroom, still wearing that outfit you wore that day and the place was full of faceless people and that music. God that music made shivers run down your spine. You did what you'd always do, look for your brother. It always ended with with you entering the main lobby, near the small single stage. And again, that voice. 'C...O...M...E... F...I...N...D M...E...'. You never could make out what he was saying. Then you'd wake up. You didn't understand it. You never understood it. You got ready for work. You put on your red polo shirt with your name tag and your light brown kaki pants. Before you left the room, you looked at a picture sitting in your night stand. It was of you and your brother, on his birthday. You remembered that summer how he had a pirate themed birthday party. He loved pirates. You remember how he would walk around with a black eyepatch and a hook on his right hand. You would even play with him when your mom would be out working late. You always choose to be a mermaid or the villain in his games. You missed those times.
Besides that, you never really planned on going to school for anything. That was the last thing you would be worried about. So you decided to work, maybe save up enough money to maybe hire a private investigator or someone who can help you find something. Now you were at work, doing what you'd normally do. Just helping customers and ringing them out. It was just a regular day. It felt slower than most days. You heard from your coworkers that a security guard got fired, before he punched a guy who he mistook as a kidnapper. If you were in his situation, you'd probably do the same. Now a-days you didn't know who you could trust or you couldn't even look away from a moment because something could happen with a blink of an eye. It was understandable, at least to you.
You've been invited to do things with your coworkers, except you've declined. Always telling them that you were busy or you just didn't feel like going out. It was hard for you to make friends, you had basically isolated yourself from everyone when your brother turned up missing. You never really tried to make friends again. This worried your mom. Since you'd only go to work, go home, eat and sleep. It was a repeated cycle. She had talked to you about going to see a therapist. But you always declined. You didn't want to go and talk to somebody about how after many years you're still on the hunt for your brother. They'll probably medicate you or get you committed into an asylum. You you avoided that topic.
After work, you were back home. In your room, looking through your book. This book had news paper articles, along with police reports, pictures and other things that you've kept for years. This was your kind of evidence that you kept. You'd study these stuff day and night, for the last couple of years. You never gave up. Not only that, but you've tried asking the owner of the place 'William Afton' if you could go into the place to investigate, except the guy never picked up the phone or responded to your letters. You've even tried to get the job as a security guard, but Steve Raglan, who was a career counselor didn't give you the job. He'd always say that. 'It wasn't good for your mental health' or that 'He needs someone who's more calm and collected'. What he probably meant was that he needed someone who wasn't crazy.
You were busy looking at the old, now yellow news paper. Re-reading the article about the missing kids. You've read it many times by now, you might even memorize it. Then you heard someone knock at your door, then they came in. It was your mom. Who had a face of worry. "Y/n? Have you ate anything?" She asked, looking over you saw that she still had her work uniform on, she must have got back. "No, not yet." You responded, then she got closer. Seen what you were reading. She let out a sigh, as if she was exhausted of some kind. "Again? Y/n, we've been over this." She said, then you looked over at her. "I know, but... I just got to find something." You added to her.
She looked at you, seen the dark circles under your eyes. Indicating that you didn't get much sleep. "Baby, it's been years." She said, while looking at you. "You just... have to accept that he isn't coming back." She said sadly, as if she didn't want to say it, but she did. "I know... I just... want to know what happened to him.. or at least who took him.." you added in defense. Your mom then fidgeted with your hair a bit, as if she was fixing it. "So do it, but... you have to stop this obsession. It's not good for you." She said to you. It went silent for a moment, then your mom let out a small sigh. "I'll get dinner started, I'll come to get you in a bit." She said, giving you a small squeeze to your shoulder and she left your room. You sighed, placing your hands on your cheeks and leaned on the desk. Trying to think of what your mom said. Then you looked at picture sitting on the night stand for a moment. After a whole silent minute, you got up from the desk and went into the kitchen where your mom was, to help her with dinner.
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You were at the food court, you had taken your lunch break, now you were heading back. You weren't watching where you were going and you've bumped into somebody. Making them drop a book of theirs. "Shit, I'm sorry." You said, picking up the old looking small book with the title which read 'Dream Theory'. Interesting. "It's alright." He said, then you handed the book to the guy. He was cute. He had messy brown hair and slightly tired eyes. The same description as the security guy who got fired.
"Are you... the guy who got fired from security?" you asked him. He had a look of embarrassment, but he nodded. "Yeah, that's me." He said. It was quiet for a moment, but you spoke again. "What you did was understandable." You said, making him look at you with his eyes slightly wide by your words. "You think so?" He asked. "Yeah, now a-days, you don't even know people's intentions or motives. I would have probably done the same if I were you." You explained. He only nodded at your words, at least someone also thought like him. "Well, I better go, hopefully I'll see you around." You said with a small smile. He nodded and returned the smile. Afterwards, you headed back towards your work place, while he also left to his destination.
You were back home, counting the money you kept in a shoebox underneath your bed. It was enough to fire an investigator, but you knew that you'll need more. This would probably cover the bear bare minimum. It was frustrating. You've spent a whole year saving, yet it didn't feel like it was enough. You knew that you should have got a job sooner, than later. Again, you went through the same old articles and pictures. Trying to find something again. But nothing, it was the same old thing. The same words and the same people in the pictures. Of kids playing around the arcade and one of a person dressed as a yellow bunny. That was odd, you don't remember that bunny at the pizzeria. When was he added? When you looked at the picture of him posing with a girl with blonde hair in pick tails, it felt creepy in a way. Almost unsettling. You didn't really notice this picture or you probably didn't notice it at first.
It was another day, you were in the register, ringing people out. You sighed, in exhaustion. Your feet were hurting and time felt much slower than usual. Another costumer came to the register. You gave them the best smile. "Hello-" you were cut off guard, seen that it was that guy you met the other day. "Oh, it's you. Find everything alright?" You asked him, like you'd normally asked every costumer. You scanned the box of crayons and paper, along with a few things he had in his basket. "Yeah, thanks." He said, while grabbing his wallet. "Found a job yet?" You asked him, out of politeness. "If you haven't, I'm sure you could send in your application." You said. "I actually already did, but thank you for the offer." He responded. You nodded, as you placed the items in a white plastic bag with the red Target logo. "What did you find? If you don't mind me asking." You asked him. "A security guard, at some pizzeria. The pay isn't good, but it's something." He explained.
This caught your curiosity. "Really? What pizzeria?" you asked, putting the packet of bacon in the bag. "It's called, I think. Freddy's Fazbear's Pizza, something like that." He explained. No fucking way. You looked at him wide eyed. "For real?" You asked him, he only nodded. Then he gave you the amount of money that was due. As you handed him his receipt, you hesitated a bit. "When can I see you again?" You asked. "Hm, I don't know, maybe in half an hour while I still have time? Why?" He asked, now curious on why you'd want to see him. "It's cause... I'd like to talk to you about something. It'll be worth your while, I promise." You said, he thought of it for a minute, then he nodded. "Alright, I'll meet you in the food court... When does your shift in end?" he asked. "In about an hour, what's your name by the way?" You asked him. "It's Mike." He told kindly, as you hummed in response. Watching him leave in a bit of a hurry, you went back to work hoping that the time would go by fast.
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After that hour, you were at the food court, waiting for Mike to arrive. He finally did. "Thanks for coming." You said almost shyly. "No problem, but just make it quick. I got to get back home to get ready for my first shift." He explained. You and him sat on a table. "Look, I know you've only known me for a bit. But, please hear me out." You said. Mike nodded, allowing you to processed. "Could you, maybe let me in the pizzeria, while you do your job. I'm just looking for something." You explained to him. He looked at you with a look of confusion. "Don't worry, I'm not going to steal anything, I'm just looking for something." You explained to him. But he wanted to know a bit more. "I don't know. What exactly are you looking for? Treasure of some kind?" He asked. "Well, almost something like that." You told him, but he still not very convinced. You didn't know whether you should tell him the whole story on why you're interested in going into the pizzeria. You just skipped the subject.
"Not only that, but I'll pay you for your troubles. I just want to go in and look, then I'm out." You added, as soon as you said 'paid' he looked at you with more reason. "How much?" he asked. "Two-hundred dollars per night. It'll just be this week and no more." You told him, seen the look of shock in his face. He thought for a minute. Then he nodded his head. "Alright deal, but, you have to pay first. I don't want to get scammed or anything." He said, then you grabbed your wallet and handed him two fifty dollar bills. He took the money and looked at it, in almost as if he'd never seen that amount in while. "That's all I have for now, but I'll give you the rest afterwards." You explained to him. Mike nodded, he seemed as if he was convinced. "Alright, it's a deal then." He said. After that was settled. "Before I go, here's my house number. Call me if anything." You explained to him, writing your house number on a piece of paper and gave it to him. You normally wouldn't give your number to anyone, but you knew that you'd be seen him for the next couple days.
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Back home, you told your mom that you'd be going out at night for the whole week. For some kind of night shift and you'd be back at 6:00 am. You left home and headed to the pizzeria. It was 11:55 pm. You were sitting in your car, waiting for Mike to arrive. A few minutes passed and he had arrived at 12:00 am. On time. He told you to just be smooth and not make it seem as if you were here. He sounded as if he really needed this job. You nodded understandingly and went to search.
Like before, you searched everywhere that you could. Except you got to look more. In the kitchen, boiler room and in the back. But nothing. Despite not finding anything, you'll be back tomorrow night. When you got back to the main lobby, you heard strange movements coming from the single stage. It had dark purple curtains like the main one. You got a bit close, trying to listen and see closely on what was making the inside of the stage move. You reached out and tried to pull the curtains, until you heard the Mike called out to you. "Hey, it's 6:00, we gotta go." He said, you nodded at him, you looked back at the stage. Before you headed out. "Here's the rest." You told him, giving him the other two fifty bucks. He took them. "Thanks." He said, putting the money in his pocket. "No, thank you for letting me do this. I know it's risky." You said with a small smile. "It's nothing really, I just... really need the money and the pay here is not so great. From what I was told." He explained. You nodded. "I understand." You responded to him. "Well, I'll see you later tonight?" you asked him. "Yeah. See ya." He responded with a small awkward smile, then headed to his car. You did the same.
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You went home, slept for a few hours. You had that dream once again. But, there was a slight change. When you got to the small single stage, the voice sounded much different than before. 'Y...O...U... F...O...U...N..D... M... E...' You could slightly make out the letters, but the words completely. Then you woke up again. Like always. You got ready and went to work and after work you went home, then you left to the pizzeria at the same time as you did before. Mike arrived, you paid him the while two hundred dollars and you got to doing what you were doing. You searched in the same places, but this time you looked more in the main lobby. It felt as if you were getting closer to finding something, and that something was in the main lobby. You looked under the tables, bathrooms and even in the trashcans, but nothing. But it still felt close. Looking over at the single stage, you noticed that the curtains were open. You walked over to it, and saw that it was empty. Dammit, you thought something would be in there, before you could leaned close to look inside. You heard a loud thud in the office.
Quickly you ran towards the office. "Mike?" You called out to him, seen that he was on the floor groaning in pain. Bleeding from his arm. You went over and helped him up from the floor. "You good? What happened?" you asked him, setting him back on the chair. "I think so, dunno how that happened." He said, referring to the wound on his arm. It looked nasty. You looked around the office, trying to find a first aid kit. When you found it, you helped him patch up his wound. "What did you do?" You asked him, as you tightened the bandages on his arm. "I have no idea, I just dreamed of this kid, with a pirate hook. I chased after him, then he slashed me." He said, this caught your attention. 'Boy with a pirate hook.' That must have been a sign somehow.
When you got back home, your mom was getting ready to leave. You talked for a bit before she left. When she did, you went to catch some sleep before work. You went back to that same dream, back at the pizzeria, except you were in the last place where it ended. At the single stage, it was open. But it was empty. You got close, leaning in to look inside, but it was dark. All most like a bottomless pit. You stoke your hand in to see if you might find something, inside but you felt something grabbing your hand in the process. You heard the voice again. 'Y...O...U... F...O...U...N..D... M... E...'. Then the house phone rang. Making you wake up with a loud gasp, a bit frightened. Groaning that you've been woken up. You got up and walked towards the living room. You picked up the phone and answered.
"Hello?" you asked through the phone. "Y/n? Hey it Mike, sorry to interrupt whatever you were doing, but. Did you break into the pizzeria earlier this morning?" He asked, sounding worried in a way. "No? I was home the whole time. Why what happened?" You asked him. "Apparently someone or a group of people broke in. I just wanted to conform something." He explained. "That was it, sorry for interrupting." He apologized. "It's alright, I get it. I'll see you later tonight." You said, then you hung up. Who the hell would break into the pizzeria? That was a bit suspicious. You looked at the time and saw that it was close to being time to go to work. You sighed, walking back to your room to get ready.
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Later that night, you were back at the pizzeria, waiting for Michael. He arrived, once he parked and stepped out of the car, then he went to the passenger door and opened it. A little girl stepped out with a small back pack. They both approached you. "Sorry, I couldn't get a hold of the babysitter and I just couldn't leave her alone." He explained to you. "Are you Mike's girlfriend?" she asked. Making you giggle and her brother's face turned a slight red. "Nah, just a friend." You replied to her. "Hm, I didn't think he'd have any." She said, making you laugh and Michael's face becoming redder. After you had a small introduction, you went in.
The place was trashed and a mess. While Mike went to put Abby to sleep, you decided to get some cleaning supplies to help clean the mess. You went to the janitor's closet to find some things, you spotted how on the door there was a dark liquid that had been splattered on there. Weird, it looked almost similar to blood, it was probably an old stain of some sort. You got brooms, dustpans, a bucket, mop and cleaning products. Then headed back to the main lobby. When Michael arrived, you and him got to cleaning. You both swept, mopped and you stocked up the chair and tables. Afterward, he went back to the office while you went on your search. Trying to find any kind of new clues maybe, but nothing. Some 'evidence' must have been cleaned up. You headed back to the office and saw that Mike was asleep and Abby had woken up. "Can you take me to the bathroom please?" She asked. You looked over at her sleeping brother and back at her. "Yeah, lets go." You said, taking her hand and leading her to the restroom.
You were waiting outside of the restroom, waiting for her to finish so that she could go back to her brother. The door opened and she walked out. "Done." She said with a small smile. Then a small noise was heard in the stage. You and Abby looked over for a minute. "Stay behind me." You said, then you slowly walked towards the lobby, with Abby behind you. You saw how the stage slightly shook, you kept the younger kid behind you, grabbing a broom. To defend yourself. Then the curtains of both the stages opened, revealing the animatronics. Of a bunny, bear, and a chick. They were all in good condition, with a bit of dirt and dust on them. The single stage had a fox, a bright red one that was more tattered than the rest, also with some dust.
They all moved their heads, towards your direction. Then they began to walk towards you both. You don't remember them doing that. You held the broom tightly, and kept Abby behind you. Except she peaked and looked towards the animatronics. "Those are my friends." She said, removing herself from behind you and going up to the four animals. "Abby wait." You said, getting closer to them. She seemed as if she knew them. Did she? You kept your broom in hand, watching as Abby interacted with them as if she's known them all her life. You felt something touch your shoulder, looking over, you saw the red fox. He was moving his ears and hook for a hand excitedly. Instead of feeling scared, you felt some kind of attraction? "It's okay, he just wants to hug you." Abby said to you, now the animatronics were looking at you. "He does?" you asked her, she then nodded.
Turning to face the fox, that was twice your size. You set the broom aside, then you extended your arms and moved closer to him. He did the same. You wrapped your arms around the cold fur like robotic body. His arms were around your smaller body. It felt a bit odd, but the more you hugged him, it felt comforting. You felt his hook for a hand giving you small pats, as a way to ease you. This felt nice, then you pulled away from him. Looking at him in his single eye. He moved his jaw excitedly, as well as his ears. It was cute in way. You gave him a small smile. Out of nowhere Abby began to laugh, you looked over and saw how the others were tickling her. She just laughed, which lead to some playful screaming and her telling them to stop. It was all fun and games, until you heard Mike run in to see what was happening.
As soon as he got there, he assumed Abby and you were in some kind of danger, he then grabbed a chair and held it up, as Freddy approached him. About to fight him. "It's okay Freddy, he's my brother Mike." Abby said towards Freddy, who had seemed to have calmed down. Allowing him to let Mike pass. "Mike, this is Bonnie, Foxy and Chica. Everyone, this is Mike." Abby introduced everyone to on another. "This is... is a joke right?" He asked, looking confused at you. "I thought I was tripping, but no." You responded to him. "It's okay Mike, they just want to play." Abby told Mike, then Chica turned to her and gave her a wink, making her smile.
"Alright, it's time to go, come on." He encouraged Abby. "Hold on." She responded to him, then she grabbed her little notepad and a red marker from her pocket. She drew something real quick and tore it off the notepad. Bonnie held out his hand, letting Abby put the picture on his palm. He then showed the picture to Foxy who looked very interested in the heart drawn on the paper. "I had a lot of fun." Abby told them, she then walked towards Mike. But stopped and gave Freddy a nice hug. Freddy returned the hug back. You looked at Foxy, who was waving his ears and jaw rapidly again. Also waving his hook around as if he was waving at you. "I'll see you around?" you asked him, he nodded his head. Then you walked out of the place with Mike and Abby.
"That was something." Mike said, watching Abby get in his car. "Yeah, it was." You responded, looking back inside, seen that Foxy was near the door. You guessed to make sure that you would all leave. You turned back to Mike who was closing and locking the gate. "So, find something?" He asked again. "Not yet, but I'm much closer than before." You explained to him. After he finished locking up the door. "I better get going. I got work in a few hours." You told him. "Alright, I'll probably stop by." He teased, making smile. "Alright, don't be a stranger." You told him, then you looked at Abby. "Goodbye Abby." You said kindly to her and she gave you smile, then you headed to your car, turned on the engine to get home. Back home, your mom wasn't there. You assumed she went to work early. You took off your shoes and just jumped on the couch, getting comfortable. Taking yet another nap before work. Hopefully afterwards you could get some better sleep. You fell asleep shortly afterwards.
You back at the pizzeria, except wasn't almost scary looking and dark like before. It seemed more friendly and nice to be in. You were standing outside the bathroom, the same clothes as before. Looking around, you saw someone in front of the single stage, they were small, like a child. You got closer to see who it was. Your eyes widen when you saw the back of that person's back of his head. They slowly turned around. You saw that it was your brother, he looks just like how he did when he went missing. He had on his orange shirt with blue jeans, shoes and his pirate hook that he had made.
"You found me." He said, you felt your eyes watering. It's been so long since you've seen your brother. You almost forgot how he looked like. You said his name in a whisper, then you went over, getting on your knees and pulling him into a hug. "Oh...I'm so sorry, I was only gone for a minute. I knew I should have been more watchful of you." You said, as you cried more, hugging your brother. "It's okay. You found me" He responded to you, all you could do was hug him and cry. As much as you wanted to continue to hug and be with him, you couldn't. This was only a dream. You pulled away, and looked at him in the eyes. "Please... I have to know... who took you?" You asked him, hoping that he'd give you answer or a clue. He didn't say anything. "Please tell me, who took you from me and mom?" You asked him again, but again. Nothing. Before you could ask him again. You woke up.
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tailschannel · 10 months
Sonic Dream Team to feature post-launch content and new music; game layout and narrative detailed in new interview
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The creative decisions behind the upcoming Apple Arcade exclusive, Sonic Dream Team, was detailed by SEGA HARDlight creative director Dan Rossati in a new interview with TouchArcade.
Here’s the news and notes...
Sonic Dream Team was developed across the span of two years.
HARDlight was able to craft the game’s narrative around Cream the Rabbit, and the studio is glad to see the positive reactions towards her return.
Soundtrack composed by Michiel van de Bos, responsible for songs from games like Deus Ex and Unreal Tournament, and composed music for Sonic Jump Fever.
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HARDlight plans to update the game post-launch to “keep it fresh," and support an “exhilarating flow state.”
They wanted the player to have maximum control across touchscreen and controller options.
Early on, I was waving my hands around, emulating rollercoasters and halfpipes, while enthusiastically trying to communicate what I meant by flow.
Their goal is to allow players to learn the controls quickly and to be able to speed run levels.
Inspiration was taken from the Adventure games, but those games were not directly replicated in Dream Team.
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HARDlight saw the opportunity to use Apple Arcade as a platform for a full 3D platformer on mobile.
Rossati thinks that the game has high replay value, with a high skill ceiling for speed runs and extra missions to complete.
When Apple Arcade launched, we were delighted it brought about the conversation of getting a true 3D Sonic platformer into the lineup. Having worked with Apple and the Apple Arcade platform previously for Sonic Dash Plus and Sonic Racing, we knew that Sonic Dream Team would be a great fit for our next game on iOS.
The creative director appreciates working with other like-minded SEGA and Sonic fans at HARDlight; wanted Dream Team to be reminiscent of the Sonic games he dreamt about as a child.
(story contributed by Spectre and MC for the Tails' Channel newsfeed.)
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S5 predictions
-At the final episode, the party goes back to the local village with three waterfalls and mileven marry while Will watches sadly (if he’s even alive, perhaps he died fighting Vecna)
-Max comes back to life, but she comes back wrong. Her limbs have been replaced by robot parts by doctors and she’s now a cyborg
-Lucas jokes about her being C-3PO from Star Wars. Max shoots him with her laser arm and he dies
-Dustin starts wearing lipstick and it’s just never acknowledged. It’s red. Very red. Too red.
-Turns out Henry is possessed with an evil spirit sent by the Christian devil because his parents never loved him, and during the final fight El looks at him in the eye and says “hey🥺 this isn’t you🥺” and they hug and he becomes Henry again and he’s the best man at the mileven wedding
-Steve gets his ass beat, again
-Robin falls head over heels for Jonathan, who cheats on Nancy with her. Nancy is so mad than she grabs one of her guns and shoots them both
-Eddie comes back to life but he only speaks French now
-Will develops a crush on Steve and they are endgame
-Robin begins growing pumpkins
-Also Joyce and Robin kiss
-When hopper finds out he’s so mad he handcuffs Robin and refuses to leave her hands free, so she spends half a season completely free and in liberty but handcuffed
-Lucas’ ghost comes back to haunt the party after max killed him but not in a scary way. Neither a sad way. He’s just an inconvenience. He moves papers and cups to other places, he opens the door while Dustin is showering, he tugs at mike’s hair. He doesn’t do anything to Will tho and this pisses everyone off cause that’s just not fair.
-El is actually Henry’s daughter, el’s mom and him hooked up while he was in the lab.
-El grows her hair out and dyes it pink
-Mike grows a mustache
-Will hits the gym and gets jacked
-Max steals Robin’s pumpkins at night to leave them in mike’s room. Mike is so confused each morning, there’s always a new pumpkin.
-El and Steve share an emotional moment with an almost kiss but they are interrupted by Will
-Suzie is Russian and has been on it all along
-Argyle appears during the first episode and he’s driving the van. He’s supposed to drive Jonathan and will somewhere but before he arrives at their house a truck hits him and he goes flying and dies
-Will, despite being endgame with Steve, objects at the mileven wedding, and Nancy just shots him and they continue the wedding like nothing happened
-Robin and Steve get a new job at the arcade. They are eventually fired because they spend their shifts playing, and they are so bad but they keep playing anyway, and eventually they lose all their money and end up with 20k dollars in debt. A s5 subplot is them trying to break into the arcade at night and steal their money back from inside the machines. They fail
-Mr Clarke appears and has an affair with hopper
-Holly gets taken to the upside down cause she doesn’t know how to ride a bike yet, so she just goes walking through the forest and Vecna sees her and just snatches her.
-Surprise surprise, Karen knows how to use a gun and she’s the one to kill the evil spirit possessing Henry by shooting it
-Billy appears and Steve and him have some very homoerotic wrestling before El kills him just because. He was alive for 15 minutes. Also during all this he was a zombie
-Max’s mom actually works for the lab and was brenner’s ex
-The last scene of the whole show is Ted wheeler waking up on his armchair, having dreamt all the story
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soullessdianthus · 1 month
Please, Kylo Ren x reader (noncon). I'm so excited to read it!!!
A/N: I was obsessed over this ask and created a whole lore for this, haha! Just be aware of the warnings!
Warnings: age gap, humiliation, violence, brief gore (description of mutilation (not reader)), dead dove: do not eat, nsfw (noncon, kidnapping, sexual slavery, objectification, forced orgasm)
Word count: 4.6k
AO3 link ⟶ 𝕏
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Every night darkness was trying to corrupt your mind, to burn everything that is left of you to ashes. Those eerie forces pulled you into a deep void of endless fear just for a ray of comfort to sneak through the horrors of the nightfall. 
With a layer of sweat on your neck you dreamt of home. Floors of polished, bright stones, stained glasses and neverending gardens blending into the outskirts of the capitol. Marble arcades, columns and many thermal baths – tranquility, warmth and security. Everything that kept you sane was just a memoir. 
The First Order has taken over most of the galaxy. With an iron fist they wiped out the rebelling nations and those who collaborated or supplied them. Planets who stayed neutral yet seemed suspicious were forced to bend the knee to the Supreme Leader – Kylo of the Knights of Ren. His path to power was paved with sacrifices and corpses. The edge of his lightsaber was soaked in blood and lives of thousands. 
The heroes of the Rebellion became legends, tales of the past. Those people were gone, hiding or buried six feet underneath the soil. There was no hope.
The persecution of the collaborators reached your home planet and even your family. The father of yours that happened to be a senator was accused of treason. However, nothing actually could be charged so therefore the Supreme Leader was merciful enough to spare the noble family of the senator from disgraceful death.  
But there was a small catch.
Which happened to be you. 
In order to keep your father in line and prevent further conspiracies against the Empire, Kylo Ren took you as a hostage. “No harm shall happen to her only if you remember where your loyalty lies” the tall man said. How foolish of you both to take his word for it. 
You were taken from the gardens with such force that would leave purple bruises along your arms. One of the masked knights of Ren pulled you up and dragged behind him. Your bare feet still wet from the bath in the pond barely kept up to his long strides up until the spaceship waiting for you. It was the last time you had seen home.
From that day you were a prisoner of war. Surprisingly, you were not being held captive inside a cell, locked away without further purpose, starved and beaten. You were granted a position of being Supreme Leader’s personal servant, which you were told was “a great honor for a mutt like you” by the red haired general. You assumed it was supposed to degrade you from your nobility status, which in that case did not happen. 
Your parents raised you pretty well – to respect every type of labor and appreciate the opportunities. “There is no shame in hard work”, they used to say and you couldn’t argue with that. 
Your sharp tongue and young spirit caused you more troubles than actual work beneath Kylo Ren. It never was the case of doing the chore wrong – bringing the wrong stash of clothes, messing up his meal or disrupting his meetings. It was the untamed, bold temper of a girl who had never been really hurt before. 
Whenever you spoke without his permission he would slap you across the cheek until it bloomed with crimson color, his favorite. Sometimes his strikes would send you crumbling to the floor and he wouldn’t hurt you again until you straightened up. “Stupid girl”, he would call you. When you would look into his dark eyes, you could recognise that very primal need to see you break and cry. So you promised yourself to never let your mask slip and grant him that honor of your liquified fear and pain. 
Soon you began adapting to the situation. The stiff and coarse clothes you were wearing became bearable and then unnoticeable at all. Modest robes in colors of First Order’s sigil – black and red. Every burden became lighter. Except from the people surrounding you. 
After months spent in the Supreme Leader’s mercy you have noticed that his temper changed. From a bad-tempered, unpredictable boy he changed to a more stoic and calculated diplomat. Perhaps as the time went by and the First Order gained more control over the Galaxy he became more… calm. Kylo Ren wouldn’t throw a tantrum over small mistakes. He wasn’t a fool, he knew he needed the support of his generals, knights and senators to stabilize the position of power.  
Yet his change of demeanor did not depose his cruelty. Under the cloak of a calculated man, Kylo was still a brute ruler with little to no mercy for those who made a mistake. 
You were a witness of punishment served from his hand. The red blade of his lightsaber mutilated a lower ranked military for not only denying Ren’s order but also for treason. The scream of agony filled your ears and you turned away from the atrocities.  
— Look, girl — the raven haired man told you and you heard him clearly, but consciously decided to ignore him. You were petrified of such a violent act and yet he screamed from the top of his lungs — I said LOOK! Watch what happens to those who betray me. 
Lord Ren used the ability that only Force could provide to make your head turn against your will and kept your eyes wide open, so his servant could watch as he dismembered the traitor into pieces. The Supreme Leader was feasting on your tears running down your face and the expression of pure terror. The smell of burnt meat made your stomach twist. Till this day, sometimes you can see the chopped limbs beneath the council table even when they are long gone. 
And it wasn’t the last time he forced you to watch such brutality. 
The council meeting ended as its members slowly left the room. Lord Ren was seated at the very top of the long table with General Hux by his side. You placed two cups in front of them and slowly poured the wine. By this time you learned to move swiftly, barely noticeable yet still with grace. When the vessels were filled you returned to the spot close to the wall, waiting for further instructions. 
— Come back here. — Lord Ren commanded you with a subdued tone, not revealing the cause of his call. But so you did, gently putting aside the vase with wine and stepping closer to your master. 
— What do you think of today’s meeting? I saw you listening very closely. — Armitage asked, one of his fingers tracing the cup’s form, not even bothering to look at you.
— My opinion doesn’t matter, General. It’s not my place to speak of such matters. 
— Weren’t you a child of a senator? Well, he must have taught you something?
You couldn’t get a single word out. Clearly, the general was provoking any type of reaction from you, but by now, you have learned to keep your mouth shut. Otherwise you might have ended up with a split lip and blood on your tongue.
— You trained her well, Ren — Hux smirked, eyeing the servant girl from head to toes. — She recites those phrases like poems. But does she really mean it? Or does she think we’re fools?
The Supreme Leader hummed before there was silence in the room. Your eyes were transfixed on the table, but you could feel his dark globs piercing through your skin. Or trying at least. 
— She’s smarter than she looks, she knows her place. Her father told me she was an obedient daughter, isn’t that true?
Kylo looked directly at your face, tilting his chin up. There was a threat in the way he looked at you. Through heavy lids sagging over his eyes, a challenge could be noticed. He was testing you. 
— Yes, my Lord.  
— It would be a real pity if she decides to disappoint me one day. 
Ren took one of your palms and gently rubbed the back of the servant's hand. The circles he was drawing over your veins were almost soothing. His careful approach caught you off guard. You were trembling and he could feel it. 
— You can go.
He released your hand and you left the room in a hurry. Your body was tense and therefore the movements seemed stiff, lacking previous grace. Obviously he noticed it, he knows everything. He’s the head of an Empire.
— I don’t understand why you still keep that girl. You have no good use of her. I bet you can still fold your own clothes.
— You’re forgetting yourself. 
Ren took a mouthful of the wine, still keeping eye contact with the pale man sitting in front of him. Armitage was getting bolder every mission he had positively completed. Red haired general was in Kylo’s favor at the moment, but he could always stumble and fail.
— If I was to advise you, Supreme Leader — he started again, much more careful this time — I would suggest you to display the power and possibilities the Empire posseses, so every rat that is left out there knows, we can bent their fucking spines backwards. 
— You want me to torture and get rid of my servant? That’s what you’re trying to tell? 
— Do you even need one? 
“No”, Kylo quickly came to the conclusion in his head. The truth was he never liked anyone touching his belongings, he didn’t need a “mother” to bring him clean robes nor a cupbearer. Especially a young woman of a noble status that only attracted his generals’ attention during the meetings. 
She was useless to him.  
— Killing her would only give the rebel scums another martyr to use as propaganda against us. First Order won, what we need now is stability – strong military and senator’s support. I took her as a hostage, if she dies, I might lose the entire system of her planet in the senate. 
There was a long silence between the two men. Then Hux approached the subject differently. 
— What makes you think that after you perish one day, the Empire won’t collapse? What comes after you, Supreme Leader? Perhaps you should, after all, make them fear you. 
Despite every ounce of hatred Kylo Ren had for his general, the raven haired knight knew his advisor was right. Armitage was a sneaky bastard, but he was right. The Empire needed a firm ruthless ruler with a legacy to leave behind. 
Two stormtroopers let the girl inside the Supreme Leader’s private rooms. You obviously weren't there for the first time, but the circumstances were somewhat new. He called for you very late in the evening, so you came to him wrapped in a long robe. Passing through the entry section, you noticed him standing by the desk, reading some files. 
— You called for me, my Lord. 
— Come.
Kylo Ren stood tall and still dressed in his daytime attire. You pulled the robe’s edge to cover your nightgown entirely and slowly made it to his side. You couldn’t hide the fact you felt uneasy. He never called for you this late, could that mean you were in trouble?
You stopped next to him. Knight of Ren was towering over you with his height and build. His dark eyes were focused on the files on the screen in front of both of you. Since the first day he hit you, he was intimidating enough not to seek trouble. 
— Have you ever heard of Zyggerian Empire? 
— Yes.
You looked at the records on the screen. Few of them were pictures of said empire – huge gatherings, auctions, labor camps. Everything under the master's whip. 
— And what do you know about it, hm?
— It was located in the Outer Rim — you swallowed with great effort, saliva barely passing through the throat that was tightened from anxiety. — They were slavers. 
— That disgust you, doesn’t it? — Kylo leaned his neck down to look closely at your expression. — And don’t lie to me, I can tell when you do. 
— Yes, my Lord. It disgusts me. 
— Sometimes the end justifies the means, their power was upheld for a thousand years. Flourishing and unshaken, even Jedi were afraid to confront them. Do you know why? 
— Credits?
Kylo stepped behind you and his breath on your neck made you shiver. 
— Because some people are born to be submissive, to be told what to do — his thick fingers combing through loose strands of your hair. — To serve a greater purpose. 
Feeling Ren’s knuckles touch your vulnerable neck, you turned around on your heel to confront him. You had to lift your chin up to meet his darkened gaze. 
— I was made aware that I was too indulgent with you from the beginning. You are of traitorous blood and I should have punished your family more severely. 
Your blood started to boil within your veins, fear pushing aside tranquility and careful judgment. You were scared. You saw all the tremendous, horrifying things he has done to others, what was he trying to do to you? 
— I thought you were content with my work, my Lord. I d-don’t-
— I found you a new purpose, as I don’t think you deserve such privilege of being a servant. You will be my pleasure slave. Nothing worrying that pretty head of yours than your Supreme Leader. Just waiting patiently for me to call you in.
Suddenly you couldn’t breathe, your own chest weighed on you. One of his hands cupped the side of your pale face, but your eyes kept escaping from Kylo’s mean stare. Deep inside you knew this monster was enjoying your fear. 
— You are nothing. Forget about your past, because your only use is to obey me, do you understand? 
Your body froze and you couldn’t move nor speak. Ren asked a question again, but you only shook your head, denying everything that was going on. Tears flooded in the corners of your eyes, before you finally whispered a single “no”. You managed to take a few steps back, creating a space between you and him. 
— Do you really want to find out what will happen to you if you disobey me? Are you this stupid? Have you learnt nothing?  
— Please, I don’t deserve this. Please, I’ll do better, I promise! — You tried to reason with him. 
Every step he took in your direction, you took one backwards – to get as far from his reach as possible. Your body was moving on its own, you couldn’t think straight, tears blurring your vision. A prey stalked into a corner by its hunter. 
— Stop it! — Within a quick few strides Kylo reached you and pressed his hand over your mouth, while the other painfully twisted within your hair. You squealed and tried to wriggle out of his grasp. — Quit your whining, before my patience runs out. You need to learn, but you better do it quickly, before I get tired of you. Do you understand? 
When he didn’t receive an answer and you continued pathetically crying, Knight of Ren shook your entire body just to squeeze an answer out of you. 
You didn’t know why and when, but your head nodded. 
Kylo Ren released his grip on your face. His strong palms tore the robe off of your body and only when his grip tightened around the cleavage of the nightgown, you recovered. You tried to stop him, your hands curling around his wrist and forearm, pushing him away. 
— Don’t do this, no! NO! 
Two loud smacks filled the private chambers of the Supreme Leader. The man slapped you quite hard, impact making your head turn and spin. Your cheek burned. It burned deep below the muscle tissue and your skin was on fire. The pain ringing in your head, blinded you for a moment. Ren seized the opportunity and ripped the nightgown that was covering your naked body, leaving you bare and vulnerable. You weeped when the cold air of his room swept across your skin, leaving goosebumps. 
— That’s how you repay my good will? — Kylo grabbed your throat and lifted your body slightly, so you were fighting for the ability to breathe on tiptoes. — Should I rather give you to my knights and let them train you, hm? All six of them, sadistic fuckers. Would you want that? 
— N-No… Please, no.
— That’s what I thought. 
The dark haired man forced you to fall on your stomach over his satin bed sheets. Before you even got the chance to crawl away or turn around, he was already straddling your hips from behind, his upper body leaning over and caging you beneath him. 
— Please, please. Mercy! 
You were chanting quietly in between sobs for him to stop this madness. But Kylo had you pinned down by your arms, his grips so tight it would leave deep purple bruises. You felt him struggling with his belt and trousers, before he pulled them down. You were hyperventilating, when he rubbed his crotch over your ass.
You could feel his erection clearly on your bare skin. Kylo Ren pushed your thighs apart with his knee, his strength was incomparable to yours. There was no way you could overpower or throw him off. 
He was bigger than you, meaner and more brutal than anyone you knew. The Supreme Leader was taking some sick satisfaction from belittling and tormenting you, his dick excited to taste your tight, warm cunt. 
— At least you’re pretty, huh? Will you sing for me, bird? — He whispered next to your ear, strands of his black hair tickling the side of your face.
When he got so close, you could smell his scent. And all you felt in your nostrils was blood, death and destruction. 
You felt disgust when you noticed the leaking head of his cock pressing against your entrance. He didn’t bother to prepare you anyhow, you were nowhere near being wet enough to take him, but you knew Kylo was intending to hurt you, to cause you pain and discomfort. It all was just to humiliate you, to show where you belong. Beneath the feet of the greatest Knight of Ren. 
So when he forced himself inside of your cunt, every one of your muscles tensed and you wailed in pain, spine bending backwards. 
When he pushed himself to the hilt, you thought you were going to tear. He was thick and stuffed you to the brim. The sudden stretch burned, the head of his cock prodding against your cervix causing further discomfort. 
— And you’ve been hiding this sweet body from me, all this time? — Kylo groaned, the feeling of your pussy squeezing around him causing mighty Ren to stutter. You were so tight. — I should have listened to my advisor sooner. 
Kylo Ren wasn’t generous enough to give you the time to accommodate his size, before he started thrusting brutally. Each time his hips met the curves of your ass, you felt like he was fucking the air out of you. Or perhaps it was his weight pushing you into the mattress. 
The sounds of skin slapping against skin filled your ears and you wanted to disappear. His cruel words echoed on a repeat, his strong hands crushing your forearms just to keep you in place. 
Tears ran down the sides of your face, making a wet stain on the bed sheet. The salty taste of them spreaded over your lips and your cheek pulsated from the earlier punch. 
— Your only purpose now — he spoke out of the sudden, maneuvering you onto your back and pushing his cock back inside causing you to whine — is to serve me and give me pleasure. 
Kylo brought your legs over his hips, spreading them wider, before he leaned over your form on his forearms. He was so close and you couldn’t escape him. Every ounce of strength left your bruised hands as they found their way to his chest, slightly pushing against his muscular chest. 
— Some would find it an honor, yet you’re just crying and whining. Wasn’t I good to you? At least you’re alive.
He slowed down the thrusts and your wails finally quietened. You were breathless, struggling to keep focus on the sentences he was forming. One of his hands started to caress the top of your head, almost like you were… a pet. 
— After everything I’ve done, which you witnessed, wouldn’t you call yourself lucky? Although I have to admit I spoiled you. You’ve got too comfortable. 
And then Kylo started to rut against your core once again with a ruthless pace. You gasped, when he buried himself deeper within each thrust. But this time you could feel the wetness that gathered between your folds and thighs, you could smell it up from there too – blood. 
You cried out as your sensory system was overstimulated. Every inch of your existence hurt — sex, muscles, skin, eyes and mind. And on the top of your excruciating pain and discomfort there was a tickling sensation sneaking in your abdomen, a forming knot that was going to eventually burst.  
— Oh, you’re getting off of this? — You heard his mocking voice above yourself. You turned your head to the side and pretended to curl in a small ball. Just to be invisible and to disappear. 
— N-No.
One of his hands swung quickly towards your face. Afraid of another hit, you pressed your eyes together, but the impact never came. Ren gripped your jaw and shook it, to catch your attention back to him. 
— Don’t fucking lie. I can feel you squeezing around me, I see the lust in your eyes and not a single thought. And those wet sounds — Kylo chuckled — that’s not you, huh?
He wasn’t even focusing on bringing you to the edge, why would he? Your pleasure wasn’t his concern. His on the other hand was your job. Within this brutal act Ren had one goal in mind – to humiliate and belittle you. So when he noticed you were holding yourself back somehow, he gritted his teeth.
— Cum, bitch. Your master commanded you to cum. 
A couple of thrust more and with a sorrowful wail you came around his girth. Your limbs went numb, head tilting backwards, tangling your hair further. With a great effort you managed to swallow the saliva gathered in your mouth and tried to breathe, to calm down. But then there was this brute between your legs, still pounding into you, chasing his release. 
— Thank me when I’m spilling into you — but you bit your lip instead, closing your mouth shut. Kylo reached to your nipple and pinched it painfully with his thumb and forefinger. You screamed in agony. — I told you to fucking thank me, dumb slut!
— T-Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you…
You were like a stuck chatterbox, repeating the same phrase over and over again just for his grip on your sensitive nipple finally released. 
With a few more thrust, the Supreme Leader groaned and spilled his warm, sticky cum inside of your cunt. He halted his movements in the air, face hanging low above you – his hot breath swept over your blushed skin and his dark strands of hair tickled your forehead. 
All you could feel was disgust. Towards him, towards yourself. Especially towards yourself. How could your body possibly enjoy in any way what he has done to you? The embarrassment heavied in your chest and you couldn’t find the strength to look at him. 
Without a word he pulled out of you and got up. Then he disappeared in the bathroom, meanwhile you were lying there defenseless, body spasming from adrenaline and pain. Only after a while did you manage to sit up and examine the mess between your legs. And when you did take a look, you wanted to puke.
There was so much blood. 
Blood from the bruising he caused upon you mixed with his spent. It was rubbed all over your inner thighs. Your hands were shaking, throat sore from all the crying. Since the First Order rose to power, you knew the world became a brutal place. But you never thought something as cruel and vicious might actually happen to you. And now, you were Kylo Ren’s toy sentenced to his wicked desires. 
Ren walked out of the shower and placed a stack of folded clothes in front of you. He told you that these are your clothes now and you’re expected to put them on after the night. Then, he proceeded to sit back down next to you, as you wiped your face from tears. 
— Come closer —Kylo patted the bed sheets next to him and slowly you scooped closer. You didn’t want another beating, you were tired. — You’re going to learn other ways to please your master. 
The night was long. 
It seemed endless and even when the sunrise enlightened the bedroom of the Supreme Leader, the pain remained as it was. When you awakened, still in his private chambers, your nightmare was gone. 
You were sitting in a new dress – with cuts on both sides revealing your thighs and ribs, deep v-line barely covering your breasts, sleeveless so everybody could see the yellowish and purple bruises on your arms. Simple slippers and a head piece of small, golden plates separating at the bridge of your nose to the sides. It was an exotic type of fashion you had never seen before. 
The only thing that was missing for now was a collar. 
Kylo Ren wanted to put you on display like a trophy, so everybody could see his new slave girl. Every sign of your struggle and disobedience was imprinted on your skin. A lesson or a warning perhaps for the others.
There was one of the knights that came for you at some point. He escorted you to the throne room in complete silence, the man didn’t even bother to look at you. Kylo stated clearly last night that you were forbidden from looking at the others, so maybe his soldier boy was not allowed to do so too. 
You gathered all of your pride and grace to appear unbothered. Although the walking part was a struggle, your crotch was still sore. 
There was something that slipped through the Supreme Leader’s lips last night that gave you a glimpse of hope. He told you that you were nothing but his slave, yet with time, maybe in a couple of years you would give him an heir. And only then you would become his concubine, never the empress. 
You were young and inexperienced, never really eager to step into politics like your father. However, life can be surprising and nobody really knows what the future holds. After all, we are the masters of our fates. Do you choose to be a meaningless pawn in a tyrant’s game?
You’ve become a player. And with time and careful preparations you were going to take back what’s yours – freedom. But for now, you had to sing for him nicely just as you were told. Slowly, step by step. 
Right now your priority was to survive. 
The throne was on a pedestal and mighty Kylo Ren was sitting on it – proud and cruel. He curled his fingers pointing at you, he was calling you. You walked through the room, the Knight of Ren went in his own direction as you sat down on a cushion beneath the feet of the Supreme Leader. The man grinned and petted your head. A reward.  
The legend of a raven haired boy named Ben Solo of a Skywalker ancestry was all a lie. There was no savior for the Galaxy, no messiah. That boy was long gone and a vile monster was born in his place. 
The Supreme Leader, Emperor Kylo Ren with a little bird by his side.
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sporesgalaxy · 2 months
dreamt about a halloween arcade game that like 8 people in sets of 2 couldnplay at once and it wanted to kill you. dreamt about ironic miscommunications putting a rift between some lesbians whod only just worked up the nerve to ask each other out. and I dreamt that I really had to shit but various people kept breaking open the bathroom stall door and the only other place to go to the bathroom was in this timy coffinlike box on stilts that I was living in for some reason like there was a tiny toilet in it but i didnt want to use it because I couldnt even sit up in there. and these were all the same dream. the evil video game had to be exploded in the end but the guy doing pyrotechnics liked explosions too much so he blew up the whole building. and then invited me and all the other people whod fought the game back next week for an educational prehistoric time trsvel adventurd.
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dreamt-arcade · 1 year
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NAME: Chiaki Nanami
ALIAS: "Ultimate Gamer"
AGE: Unknown
TITLE: The "Mechanic"
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ddagent · 7 months
Next Fic
So, my previous fic poll ended in a draw, so let's have another go! A few different options, this time, with some supporting evidence for each to help you make your decision!
May I present the poll:
And the supporting evidence!
Option 1:
"Uh, boss, your friend is here."
Detective Anthony Crowley looked up from his notebook and turned his golden gaze back to the crime scene tape a few feet away. Behind the white and blue tape, highlighted by the flashing lights of the police cars, was Reverend Aziraphale Fell. Clerical collar, sunny disposition, and two takeaway cups in his hand. One of those was six espresso; one was hot cocoa. Ridiculous man. Snarling, Crowley shoved his notebook into the back pocket of his trousers and stomped through sand to shoo Aziraphale back to his church.
"You can't be here."
"But—" Aziraphale began, a pout forming on those perfect lips. "—I can help. I was ever so good before—"
"—we were nine, Aziraphale. We're not making up mysteries and legging it in and out of caravans and arcades anymore." Which was a pity. The mysteries Aziraphale always dreamt up for them as children were less brutal than the one that currently laid before him. Huffing out a sigh, Crowley took the proffered coffee and gestured for a uniformed officer, Constable Honey, to escort the vicar out. "I'm sorry, Aziraphale. I'll see you on Sunday, yeah?"
"We'll see each other before then, no doubt." Sure, sure. "When you realise you do need my help."
Option 2:
Swiveling his hips, Crowley slid through the open bathroom window of AZ Fell and Co. Even though the bookshop had been broken into three times now, the proprietor, one Aziraphale Fell, still had no sense of security. No locks on the window, no alarms, no cute dogs that Crowley would have to pet and stroke in order to disarm. No, Crowley was free to move around the shop as he pleased. Maybe it was because Crowley had never actually stolen anything that Aziraphale felt safe.
Bah. Crowley didn't want him to feel safe. He wanted him to feel scared. Crowley could do anything here. Anything.
Slipping into the living room, Crowley noted that Aziraphale had fallen asleep on the sofa again. A threadbare blanket was pooled at his feet; a copy of some eighteenth century novel had fallen to the floor. Moving deftly, Crowley adjusted the blanket, placed the book upon the table, and tipped out Aziraphale's hot chocolate. There. Mental insecurity. Aziraphale would know that someone had been in there. Someone who could do anything.
As it was, Crowley committed the most heinous act of all: he left a rare book upon Aziraphale's coffee table, a product of his earlier activities. Gabriel Archer, that twat, wouldn't miss it. And it would certainly give the bookshop's profits a major boost.
Option 3:
"Excuse me, I was wondering whether you had a VHS copy of The Eastern Gate?"
From behind the counter, Crowley didn't even bother turning around to address his customer, so ridiculous was his request. Yes, Crowley had a copy of The Eastern Gate: it was one of Aziraphale Fell's early works, a black and white film focusing on an angel overseeing Eden. It had been very well-received at the time but public interest quickly waned. For years it spent time on BBC 2 on Sunday afternoons - that was where Crowley's copy came from, recorded with great care and attention onto VHS.
He had one copy. And it was not for sale.
The customer cleared his throat. "Dear boy, I do wonder if you could—"
"—in a minute. This is the best part." The Bastille had come out in the 90s, part of the interest in musketeers and the French revolution. Aziraphale looked delectable in the heavy iron chains and all those pretty frills. Just gorgeous. But, with great reluctance, Crowley pressed pause and turned to 'attend' to the customer who wanted the impossible, even in Crowley's memorabilia shop. "Listen—"
But Crowley didn't say another word. Because his customer wasn't just interested in Aziraphale Fell. He was Aziraphale Fell.
Option 4:
"Crowley, can I ask you a question about Twitter?"
Crowley immediately zoned back into the room. He had been fixated on the slight tinge of silver and white at the temples of Aziraphale's blond hair; the curve of his mouth as he indulged in dessert at The Ritz. For some time, Aziraphale had been discussing his latest project: a gripping drama for ITV featuring a gay romance between two childhood friends. It was the sort of project that Aziraphale did often - but this time he had been paired opposite BAFTA winning actor Raphael Archer.
Not that Crowley was jealous or anything. He hadn't campaigned for the role. Hadn't sent an audition tape and told he wouldn't be believable starring opposite Aziraphale in a romantic role. As if he hadn't spent thirty years yearning for this man. Oh, they had played detectives together, odd-couple roles, best friends. But never romantic leads.
And the first time a project came up that was perfect, Crowley lost to Raphael Archer. That Scottish twat. Breathe, Crowley. "What about Twitter, Angel?"
"I don't use it." No kidding. "But Raph does." Oh, Raph is it? "And a lot of his followers have started using a hashtag. Something #raphaphale?"
Crowley's glass immediately shattered. Thirty years as Aziraphale's shadow and this Scottish wanker gets a ship tag?
Option 5:
He was here again. Sitting in the front row with his delicately pressed tan trousers, neat little waistcoat with the gold buttons, and the delicate puff of blond curls. In his lap (which Crowley noted, not for the first time, was rather spacious) was his paddle, with the number 666 printed in red lettering. Since the man had started attending the auctions at Eden's Auction House, Crowley'd had fantasies about that paddle.
How the hell was he going to make it through today's auction?
Still, Crowley was a professional (allegedly). So, he took to the podium, gavel in hand, and addressed the crowd. "Lot number one is a collection of Austen, incredibly preserved from the period, featuring four books - including Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion." He swallowed a number of sarcastic remarks, bit back his need to share the crackpot biography he'd read about diamond heists and whisky smuggling. Not the crowd. Never the crowd. "Shall we start the bidding at fifteen hundred?"
The man was the first to take the bid. As it was accepted, he wiggled happily in his chair. Oh, Crowley was gone.
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draco-the-voiddragon · 11 months
Groups on Tumblr I know with examples (naming from my POV):
Tumblords (blogs such as @itsapmseymour and @pukicho)
Wizard Island (every wizard/wizard adjacent blog; @island-census-wizard for list)
The Docs (such as @the-arcade-doctor and @the-jester-doc)
RP Taverns (like myself, @cow-stealin-gal, @aileaxthevoidien, @fayewoods, and others)
Pokemon blogs (@i-am-a-garganacl, @i-am-aron)
Snomblr (@i-am-a-snom, @robosnom, @engineer-snom)
The Homestucks
Gimmick Blogs (@pointless-achievements, @one-time-i-dreamt, @t-counter)
And many more I'm unaware of!
Tag if you're a part of any of these or a different group!
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minkkumaz · 1 year
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all of your experiences since you first moved into the neighborhood were more than magical. you had completely fallen for woonhak and his boyish charm. but there was something different about him recently and you'd find out exactly what. THE DAY I MET YOU series
PAIRING kim woonhak x fem!reader WC 3.0k TAGS adults dni. angst. some fluff. miscommunication. woonhak is kinda serving meanie butt. best friend jaehyun dynamic w/ reader. TAGLIST @woon2u @lumixen @woonhakist @jungwoning @yumicherryiiOMI NOTE this series is finally coming close to an end! i hope you enjoy this part, and please keep an eye out for further updates, trust me you'll want to.
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the day you met him, and every day afterwards, was only something that could be described in an unrealistic fairy tale. though the best part of it all was when he pulled your face closer to his, trapping you in a kiss you’ve only ever dreamt about. 
something different, something perfect. the feeling of finally being with someone you pined for since you met wasn’t fathomable, but it happened, and it couldn’t be more real.
since then, that photo strip has been trapped in the back of both of your phone cases. the sentimental value it had would have a hold on the two of you forever, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. it truly captured that moment in a way you could still feel your heart racing whenever you looked at it.
it was a constant reminder that you and woonhak shared a bond strong enough to blossom into a beautiful flower, petals far from wilting anytime soon.
the bike ride back was full of sheepish giggles and soft kisses on the back of his neck. but besides that, there was a lot of planning that went into what exactly you wanted to say. how do you tell a group of boys that you just bagged their best friend? you know they wouldn’t care, but the idea of jaehyun freaking out wasn’t impossible.
once you and woonhak got home, the two of you gathered the boys together in his room before intertwining your hands with one another and dropping the news. and as if you didn’t already predict the situation, you gave a teary - eyed jaehyun a panicked hug. 
“oh my god..” jaehyun sniffled into your shoulder, “i’m so happy for you guys!”
“you’re such a crybaby it’s not that big of a deal!” woonhak laughed, rubbing a hand on his back.
“dude, my boyfriend just got stripped from my grasp! why wouldn’t i cry?!” he joked in between sobs before you flicked his forehead.
“hey, just know if he ever fucks up i’d be glad to send him your way hyun.” you smile.
“bro, we’ve been dating for like 30 minutes! you’re already selling me away?”
“i mean, he’s your highest bidder, woonie.”
the rest of them were extremely accepting, poking fun at woonhak and praying for your sanity. because, while a relationship grew between you and him, a loving friendship also prospered with the rest. it felt too good to be true.
things continued along like history, many moments you and woonhak shared stowed in your happiest memories. 
dates were always frequent; you didn’t know how he could come up with so many ideas that never failed to make you blush. 
one time, he took you to the basketball court, revisiting his fondest recollection of hitting the high score in the arcade; dedicating every shot to you, even if he missed. his rebuttal was ‘i might’ve missed that shot, but i didn’t miss shooting my shot with you.’ this made the both of you audibly cringe, you threatening to tell jaehyun about his corny one - liner.
“baby, that might’ve been the cringiest thing you’ve ever told me.” you snicker, “i’m totally telling jae.”
“if you tell him i swear i’ll break up with you holy shit.” he whines out, throwing the basketball to the side and running towards you.
“you wouldn’t dare!” you gasp, waving your phone in front of his face.
he snatched the device from your hands, holding it out of reach, “who has the upper hand now?!”
“woon, you’re no fun.” you furrow your eyebrows as he kisses the fake pout on your face.
“but you love me, don’t you? it’s okay to admit it!” he teased.
even the most simple dates, like going out for dinner, he’d make the best nights of your life. insisting on trying everything on the menu until both of your stomachs hurt, then getting a discount from the nice old lady that found him cute. this also enabled a lot of teasing.
“i can’t believe she gave us twenty - five percent off because you’re cute! i can’t have old ladies trying to steal my boyfriend.” you roll your eyes amusingly.
“food tastes a lot better when it’s cheaper, i might have to start taking you there more often.”
“are you gonna take me there because you love treating me, or because you just want free food!”
“my lips are sealed.” he swipes his finger across his lips, pretending to lock them.
“let’s be honest, that old lady was probably jaehyun in a wig. only me and him find you that adorable.”
“normally i hate being cute but if it bags me a discount, i might have to do aegyo more often.” he shrugs.
“i might need you to log out for me…”
other times, whether you were tangled with him in the warmth of his sheets, cooking lunch for the rest of the boys, playing video games, or going shopping together, all of these things added up perfectly. there was a distinct kind of happiness that he gave you, releasing the utmost amount of dopamine in your brain.
but even with the romantization of these fairy tales, it never disregarded the much darker root. the original stories that didn’t get much of a happy ending. this sounded too deep for your liking, but over time things felt burnt out.
moments where he’d grin against your lips, unable to get enough of you, turned into an apologetic excuse to leave. over some time, his words became dry, and hangouts were less recurrent. this left you with the ill thought that maybe the petals of your relationship were wilting after all.
there was something happening, and you didn’t quite know what. woonhak grew more distant and dismissive, like he was hiding something. and while you tried your best to ignore it, nothing made much sense. to everyone else, he seemed to be acting completely fine.
then began the very long days where you were unsure what was going on, trying to act normal with a boy that was starting to feel unfamiliar to you.
light barely emit from your curtains that morning, leaving your sleepy body in the comfort of darkness. grabbing your phone, the glow of the screen illuminates your face. a groan fell from your lips as you quickly glanced at woonhak’s messages to see if he sent you anything, but all you were met with was texts from the night before left on read.
the absence of your boyfriend almost made your headache worse, knowing he was usually awake at this time, pounding on your window for attention. reminiscing made you dizzy, sitting up to let your feet hit the floor; they were cold from the ac blasting in attempt to battle the summer heat.
a lazy hand ran through your hair before messaging woonhak a simple, ‘good morning (or good afternoon since i woke up late), i love you!’ that was bound to be ignored.
you walked to your window, sliding the curtains down the rod above to let some sunlight in. in the house across from yours, you could see the silhouette of six boys through the sheer curtain. the sound of instruments coming from them was loud, but not distinguishable enough to dwell on.
they were practicing a lot more recently, and you remember how excited woonhak would be when he spoke to you about their music. it was admirable, and any of their talents were never disregarded. the sound stopped as quickly as it begun.
taking a seat on the window sill, you took out your phone again to message jaehyun, your platonic light in the dark. you often seeked advice from him when things were a little too much to handle.
‘hey, are you over at woon’s house right now?’
a notification came in quickly, him telling you that their practice just ended and that he was about to go back home. you asked him if he could come over for a bit, in hopes to confide in him about woonhak. 
three small bubbles popped up on the screen, lingering for a second before disappearing. there was silence in your messages for a couple minutes before the sound of a knock rattled your door. the doorknob twisted open as the boy peeked in, seeing you sitting at your window.
“oh shit that was quick, did my mom let you in?” you quirk an eyebrow as he pulls out your desk chair to sit down.
“you know how much she absolutely adores me, of course she let me in.”
you smiled at the memory of when you first introduced your mother to all of your friends. she immediately greeted them with handshakes and brought them all snacks. jae absolutely kissed ass for no particular reason at all.
for the remainder of the night, she couldn’t stop telling you about how cute everyone was, especially woonhak and jaehyun. 
“so, what’s up?” he questioned you as you moved yourself over to the foot of your bed.
“we need to talk about the obvious elephant in the room; why the fuck is woonhak avoiding me like the plague? did i do something to upset him?” you frown.
jaehyun’s expression twists into something unreadable, his eyes going wide and lips parting slightly, “wait, he’s been avoiding you?”
“i’ve never seen so many back to back read receipts, jae,” you grumbled, “please help me figure out what i did wrong!”
“y/n… i don’t think you did anything wrong, he just–” he sighed.
“he what?”
“listen, it’s really not my place to tell you. maybe try asking him about it?” he suggests, scratching the back of his head.
“so you know what’s going on, but you can’t tell me? i thought i was your favorite.” you pout half jokingly, “and asking him would never work, he barely messages me back anymore.”
“no, it’s not like that! i might have an idea, but it has nothing to do with you, i promise. i don’t know why he’s been weird about it, trust me.”
“it has seriously been eating me alive, can you help me think of a plan at least?” you sulk.
“why don’t you just go over to his house, knock on his door, and give him a piece of your mind?” jaehyun tells you.
“what if he sees me in the peephole and doesn’t let me in?” you ponder.
“man, you teenagers are so complicated. his spare key is under the front mat.” 
“jaehyun, are you forgetting that you’re also a teenager.. you’re barely older than all of us!” you argue, throwing a soft plush at his head.
“hey, no need to get violent! i’m just saying.” he picks up the plushie from the floor and chucks it back in your direction, barely missing.
“be serious then! if you know what’s going on, how should i approach it?”
“okay, okay, i’m sorry. y/n, i really think that you should just go over and try to talk to him. he has to come around sooner or later.” he leans his elbows above his knees, looking at you.
“fine, i’ll follow you out and stop by. do you think the rest of the boys are still there?” you plan.
“they shouldn’t be, leehan said him and riwoo were gonna stop by the fish store to pick up something for his aquarium. the rest are probably just going home.” he thinks for a second.
you poke your head to peek out the window, seeing woonhak sitting at his computer. “alright, i see him by himself. let’s go.”
“do you want me to wait here?” he added, seeing the nervous expression on your face.
“no, i’ll be fine, jae. you can go back home to your discord kittens.” you get up from your seat on your bed, jaehyun quickly following behind you down the stairs.
“dude, i don’t have discord kittens. not anymore, at least.”
“not anymore?” you laugh, slipping your shoes on.
“anyways! i hope things go well, i’m sure he’ll tell you.” he pat your shoulder.
“thank you jae, seriously. you’re kind of sweet, i guess.” you roll your eyes dramatically, watching him kick the stand of his bike and sit down.
“you’re welcome, i suppose. text me if you need anything, okay?” he calls out, starting down the street.
“i will!” you wave goodbye to him thankfully.
watching him blur into the distance, the weight of the situation starts to become heavier. it had been days since you and woonhak have properly spoken, what are you even thinking? swallowing down any doubts, you cross over to his house and knock on the front door. 
a minute passes with no response, enabling you to knock again a little louder. secon later, the sound of footsteps become prominent, and soon the door opens slightly revealing your disheveled boyfriend.
“hi baby, can i come in?” you ask calmly, trying your best not to ask about his physical state. 
“ah– i’m sorry y/n, i don’t think now is a good time. i was working on something.” he explains, staring at you in front of him.
“you haven’t really responded to any of my messages in a few days, i just miss you.” you bite the inside of your cheek.
“i know, i just– can you leave me alone for now? i’m really busy and don’t feel like talking.”
“oh, okay. that’s fine, just.. text me later, then?”
“i’ll see.” he says blankly, closing the door on you. it was sudden, making you feel flushed and embarrassed. not wanting to stand there like a fool, you begrudgingly walk back to your house.
every step you took felt burdensome, failing to realize what could be bothering woonhak so much. your hand felt weak as you opened the door back inside, closing it quickly after to escape the outside weather. you wondered why he didn’t want to talk to you at all.
you. his supposed girlfriend who is supposed to be there for every chapter of his life. assisting him in his ups, downs, discomforts; what was happening between the two of you? was it something you were supposed to read closely in between the lines to understand? these thoughts swarmed your head.
it was then that the pounding in your head became prominent as you threw yourself back into the comfort of your blankets. being alone with your own thoughts made the tears begin to pour out, letting puddles of your sadness dampen your pillow case. 
everything came crawling back to bite you in the ass, all these suppressed feelings overruling you. all the sadness you felt from this stupid situation drowning you. and in your room, you sat there forever, choking in your own sorrows.
there was still a painful ache gnawing at your body when you woke up. you were in a cold sweat, face still hot. the glare from your alarm clock read nine forty - five pm. the street lights peered through your open window as you rub your eyes to adjust to the darkness.
part of your memory was still hazy from just waking up, and you didn’t remember when you fell asleep. there was still a wet spot engraved on your pillow from crying. you exhale annoyingly, before your phone vibrated your night stand.
once you grab your phone, the brightness almost blinds you. swiping up to turn down the brightness, you see two notifications that lay idly on your home screen, each a few minutes apart. 
‘hey are you awake?’
‘i wanna talk to you.’
as your eyes scan through the messages, you were soon interrupted with the small patter against your window. the sound made you jump slightly, getting up from your bed to check below. when you slide the glass upwards, you see woonhak standing in the grass with his hands in his pockets.
“do you think you can come down?” woonhak says sheepishly.
“oh uhm– yeah, i’ll come down. sorry, i just woke up.” you mumble.
“okay, i’ll be on your porch.” he tells you, walking off towards the front of your house.
after closing your window, you reach over to pull your phone off the charger and scramble down the stairs. the rest of the house was dark, so you quietly let yourself outside, not bothering to put on any shoes except your slippers. 
woonhak stood a short distance away from the bottom step, looking visibly uncomfortable. his lips pulled into a slight smile when you stepped down to meet him. you noticed that his hair was messy, and there were dark circles forming underneath his eyes.
“hi, pretty, are you okay?” he spoke, breaking the silence.
“i think so, i’m just so confused.” you avert your eyes from his, in an attempt not to cry again.
“i’m an idiot, y/n, i know. but i want to explain everything to you now, okay?” 
“then please tell me what the fuck i did wrong for you to treat me like i didn’t exist.” your words were like fire, starting to feel more angry than sad.
“you didn’t do anything wrong, y/n, i just– there’s something i haven’t been able to tell you because i know it’s going to kill you.” he exhales deeply.
“are you cheating on me..?” you stutter out, feeling like you were going to vomit at the idea.
“oh my god, no, of course not! i love you so much, i could never do that.” 
“then spit it out, woonhak.”
he paused for a second, taking in a deep breath. “about three weeks ago, jaehyun got an email from a company in korea. in the email, they explained that they were scouting for idols to be in a boy group under their entertainment. we sent them some of our demos and ahm– they really wanted to work with us.”
“holy shit, baby, thats amazing! why did you keep that from me for so long?” 
“i just didn’t know how to tell you that we can’t stay here, y/n.”
“woonhak.. what are you saying?” your heart drops suddenly.
“we have to leave for korea tomorrow. not just me, all six of us.” he fell silent.
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afewproblems · 2 years
Lost and Lonely, Just Like Heaven (Part Two)
You can read part one here!
Steve sits frozen, upright against the headboard staring at the man they had left behind, he had left behind, in the Upside Down just weeks ago. 
He doesn’t scream. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d dreamt of Eddie, coming back to haunt him, his bloody hands reaching for his throat with pallid blue tinged fingers, ‘Your fault Harrington, you let me die Steve, you let me die,’ warbling out of ripped vocal chords and torn lips.
But this Eddie is different. He's lost some of the unnatural pallor, and the gore that had painted his body is gone. 
He’s clean. 
The wounds on his face and neck are still red and raw but don’t appear to be actively seeping. The bandana is missing, leaving Eddie’s mop of brown curls free flowing down his shoulders and back. The battle vest and jacket are gone as well, leaving him in the Hellfire shirt - which is miraculously spotless. He looks as though he has wandered straight out of the Hawkins High music room, out of the latest D&D session, rather than the noxious wasteland he’d been discarded in. 
This Eddie also hasn’t said a word the entire time he’s been in Steve’s bedroom.
He wanders around, inspecting Steve’s desk and the corkboard above it, leaning forward to take in the pinned polaroids and ticket stubs, old memories that used to make Steve grin when he’d see them. 
It’s hard to smile like that now. 
This Eddie reaches for a framed photo on the desk, one of Steve and Robin that Jonathan had taken the year before, but his hands travel through it and Steve’s heart drops into his stomach as Eddie tries again and again to pick up the photo. 
His arms fly out to grip at his hair in silent frustration as Eddie paces back and forth, he still hasn’t made a sound. 
But that's when he notices Steve. 
He’s making his way from the farthest corner of the room and turns back to stalk towards the desk once more but not before halting as he seems to spot the bed where Steve still sits, frozen, not daring to even breath at this point. 
“Steve?” Eddie whispers once, the words are croaky and soft as though Eddie hasn’t spoken for ages. 
And in a blink, he’s gone. 
Every night without fail Eddie appears in his room, sometimes pacing, sometimes looking out the window, sometimes sitting on the edge of the bed. 
These nights are the worst. 
Eddie is close enough to touch, but the bed does not dip from the weight of Eddie’s presence and the warmth of him does not seep into the blankets like it should. 
He only ever manages to say Steve’s name before he disappears, blinking out of existence like he was never there. 
It happens every night for a week straight before Steve tells someone. 
“What is up with you lately,” Robin asks on the following Tuesday as she gets into Steve’s car after school, he’s already dressed in the Family Video vest for their evening shift, ready to stand around and sort movie titles for the next six hours before heading home to his dark and empty house.
It's probably the most he can handle at the moment if he’s being honest with himself.
There were a few businesses that had survived the wreckage of the quakes, the arcade, the old cafe run by Ms. Benly, an older lady who took no shit and made the best apple pound cake on weekends; this too had become a regular haunt for Steve and Robin in between hospital visits and school. Mevalds general store was still running despite the hole in their roof, a large blue tarp had been fixed over it to stop the spring rain from coming in and causing even more damage. 
The rebuilding efforts were certainly coming along, but the fact that their rental place had been left completely untouched meant that the Family Video store was now a strange mixture of busy, with rushes that left Steve and Robin dead on their feet some nights, and slow. Some people still had the money to come in for a movie, some people simply needed the distraction. 
Tuesday would be slow, weeknights still typically were. 
He startles at the hand suddenly waving in front of his face, “He-llooo? Earth to Steve? Do I need to throw on ‘Head over Heels’?” Robin chirps nervously, she already has the tape in her hands and Steve winces at having brought back even the smallest memory of Vecna for her. 
“Sorry,” he says softly as he puts the car into drive, his movements sluggish, and pulls away from the street, “lost in thought”.
Robin watches him from the passenger seat, and snorts as she buckles up, “I’d offer you a penny for them but we both know they aren’t worth that much,” she snickers, flashing a soft smile his way.
“Rude,” Steve grumbles, but he can’t help the small laugh that bubbles up out of him, tension broken for the time being. 
She’s quiet for a moment, he can feel her blue eyes on him for the majority of the drive as they eventually pull into the parking lot and Steve puts the beemer into park and turns off the engine. 
She leans over him and reaches into the back to pull out her bag from the seat, letting it catch him on the back of the head as she brings it up front, “Asshole,” he snorts, rubbing his ear as Robin laughs and gets out of the car. 
Steve follows her through the double doors as Robin greets Keith who nods at her before going back to the book he’s reading at the counter. He ignores Steve, which is fine by him. It seems that Keith has moved on from actively threatening to fire him for the smallest offenses to merely pretending Steve doesn’t exist. 
It’s the small victories that count. 
They drop their things off in the backroom, Robin tosses her bag into one of the four lockers, not bothering to even close it properly before she heads out front to clock in. Steve rolls his eyes and flips the locker closed before putting his own jacket away. As he steps back to follow Robin the overhead fluorescent light flickers once. 
Steve swallows. 
He shakes his head and brings up a hand to pinch into his eyes roughly, lights flicker, these things happen, get a grip. The shadows around the room seem larger now, they seem to move as the lights flicker again.
Robin's locker suddenly takes this as an opportunity to slowly creak open as all of the lights flicker rapidly, over and over.
Steve's breathing catches in his chest as the small table set in the corner begins to shake, an old newspaper and several pens that had been left for the crossword slip off the table and roll into the dark. The violent rocking of the table set is just slightly offset from the rhythmic swinging of Robin's locker door. 
No, no, no, why was this happening? 
"What do you want?!" Steve shouts as he raises his hands to cover his ears, he shuts his eyes tight, willing it all to stop.
"Steve?" Says a voice behind him, he cries out sharply as he whirls around with his arms raised, only to see a startled Robin in front of him.
"Woah! What the fuck man?" She yells, taking two steps back.
The break room is normal. 
The lockers are closed, as he had left them. The  newspaper and pens are still sitting on the table undisturbed. The low hum of the fluorescent light above then continues on, the harsh white light illuminates every corner of the sparse room.
Steve wills himself to slow down his breathing; he grabs his hips to hide the shaking of his hands as he stutters out an apology.
"Sorry, got distracted, I'll-I'll be right out," he tries for a small smile but feels his face fall into a grimace the longer Robin stands there.
Robin stares at him, one eyebrow cocked in barely disguised skepticism before she sighs.
"Hurry up, Keith is unbearable today," she mutters before turning on her heel and walking back out the door.
Steve slowly releases a long breath through his mouth. He lifts a shaking hand to slide through his hair. This was the first time that this…whatever it was, had followed him, that it had happened outside of the darkest corners of the Harrington home. 
Maybe he's finally lost it, Steve thinks bitterly as he makes his way after Robin, leaving the empty break room behind him.
As he crosses the threshold he spots at the counter with Robin. She's inside the square employee's only desk and sitting at the computer while Keith prattles on at her. He slides a paper across the counter to Robin as he shrugs on a jean jacket. 
"Try and get through these before close," Keith mutters, "don't let Harrington slack off," he continues, still refusing to look at Steve even once. 
Robin nods and gives an exaggerated salute as Keith walks out the door, she turns away from the glass windows to make a face at Steve as she wags a finger at him, "you heard him, no slacking Harrington". 
He snorts and finishes stuffing his time card into the machine on the side of the counter, clocking in before taking a look at the list.
"So," she says quietly, "are we going to talk about what happened back there?"
Steve sighs and grabs the list and steps back, reading the first bullet point in Keith's messy scrawl, "I told you--"
"Yeah," Robin snaps, crossing her arms over her chest, the pins and her name tag on her vest click together from the sudden motion, "you were pretty convincing," she uncrosses her arms to place her hands on her hips and in a strained deep voice she says, "Sorry got distracted”. 
She lets her voice warble and shake and bites her lip as she lifts a hand to rest on her forehead like a distressed southern Belle.
Steve rolls his eyes, cheeks burning, his fingers crease the paper in his hands slightly, he resists the urge to crumple it up to toss in her face. 
"I don't sound like that, and nothing happened," he bites out before he walks to the returns cart and begins pushing it towards their New Releases section. 
He tries not to shout as Eddie's reflection stares at him from the window, as though he's standing in the stacks behind Steve and Robin.
"Yeah, okay," Robin says slowly, looking from Steve to the empty window, "did you take something? Do I need to call a DARE officer? Joyce? Maybe a priest?" 
Steve swallows as Eddie's reflection takes a step closer to him, "Maybe a priest Robs".
Robin's face seems to vibrate with the number of expressions she moves through in a matter of six seconds, she eventually settles on a worried grimace -the small vein throbbing in her temple is new though so, more worried than annoyed Steve thinks to himself as he forces himself away from the window. 
Steve can't quite bear to see Eddie right now, not when he knows he isn’t really there. 
"Explain. Quickly," Robin says, her voice clipped but soft as she throws the, 'Back in 1 Hour', sign on the door and hauls him into the backroom. It's only 4:45PM but no one's even walked past the front of the store in the last half hour so it feels safe enough to close for a bit.
Steve sighs as he takes a hesitant seat in the rickety chair that had been shaking and seizing only a few moments before. 
"Do you, and I know how stupid this sounds," Steve mumbles, licking his lips, his eyes trained firmly on the breakroom floor, "do you believe in ghosts?"
When he finally raises his gaze, Robin is looking at him with raised eyebrows that nearly disappear into her curly fringe, great.
"Forget it," Steve sighs as he brings his hands to his knees and rises from the chair, but Robin steps in his path and places a firm hand on his arm.
"Okay stop, first of all -it's only a little stupid," she says with a wry grin that tilts the corners of her mouth up until faint dimples form between her freckles, Steve rolls his eyes and tries to step past her but she moves with him, keeping her hand on his arm. 
Her blue eyes dart back and forth between his own as she continues slowly, "And second, I think people can be haunted? Like things from the past or whatever, maybe that's all ghosts are?" 
And, huh. 
That, that makes some sense doesn't it? He hasn't been sleeping well, they could be dreams, do people have waking dreams though? If they are tired enough? 
He doesn't want to think about the possibility of hallucinations. 
Not yet. 
"Is it," Robin bites her lip as though to catch the words, to stuff them back down before they can escape, "is it Eddie?" 
Steve nods and brings both hands up to grip the back of his neck, hard. She's always been perceptive, or maybe he's just too easy to read, either way, he's grateful for it. Robin's warm hand falls away from his arm as she lifts it to chew on her nails. 
He tuts at the sight, she'd finally started growing them out, having proudly mentioned to Steve her attempts to break her old nervous habit. 
"Hey, hey" he says gently, grabbing her hand to pull it away from her teeth, "you know, it's probably just a nightmare or something Robs, you're right, okay?" 
She nods and grins, it doesn't quite reach her eyes like the last one but at least she doesn't seem moments away from deadbolting the door anymore. 
"Yeah, I mean, what would Eddie even want to say to you of all people," she snorts, letting the tension fall away with her laugh. 
And that's when the radio turns on. 
Steve and Robin slowly turn to the old Seville Radio that had been donated to the breakroom by a predecessor. 
The sound jumbles from station to station, a mixture of static and voices spread through the room as the fluorescent light flickers again, just as it had earlier. Robin freezes beside him and Steve feels himself stop breathing. 
He wasn’t crazy, this was happening.
The stations change again and again, moving around faster and faster until the slightest pattern emerges.
And again.
And again.
And as suddenly as it starts, it stops, leaving the room in silence. 
If it hadn't been for the small shuddering breaths from Robin, Steve would have thought he had gone deaf. She slips closer to him, her face white as a sheet.
"I guess I stand corrected," Robin whispers, "what the fuck Steve?"
Part three now up!
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lvlyynim · 2 years
“TEN NO-” you covered yangyang’s mouth with both your hands, stopping him from interrupting ten.
the male in front of you continued, “as i was saying, yangyang has this grand romantic gesture on how to confess his feelings to you but shit hit the fan” you nodded, hands still clamping his mouth.
someone made up a rumour that yangyang was seeing other people when he was obviously into you. to avoid a misunderstanding, he explained everything to you including his feelings.
“first, he’d take you out on a date. arcade, the mall, buy you whatever you want and stuff. Then he’d take you to the beach to watch the sunset” ten continued.
yangyang muffled something against your hands, making you remove them. “i prepared everything from the picnic blanket, a cooler full of coke, basket full of your favourite snacks and a bouquet of fresh pink peonies, your favourite.” he said, face flushed pink in embarassment. with a sigh, he carried on.
“we’d stay in each other’s embrace, talking about everything and anything with Matt Maltese playing. then i’ll hand you a handwritten letter with my honest feelings since I’m terrible with words.”
the smile on your face never left, only grew as he kept going on and on about his plan. your cheeks physically hurt from smiling too hard and when he didn’t say anything, you assumed he finished talking.
“you did all of that for me?” a part of you still can’t believe he planned all that but god he’s so cute when he’s shy.
all he did was nodded, still not meeting your eyes. a million thoughts race through his mind most of them with a negative outcome. why are you so quiet? are you gonna laugh at him? why aren’t you saying anything?
cupping his face, you kissed him. You felt him tensed up for a bit before reciprocating the kiss. your hands slid down to wrap around his neck and his around your waist.
this is what he’s been waiting for. this moment right here right now. your lips,his lips, apocalypse. he dreamt about this for so long ever since he set his eyes on you in the library.
so soft. strawberry flavoured lip balm. his new favourite flavour.
yangyang was pulling you closer, lips slowly moving against yours before a cough interrupted the sweet moment. the two of you pulled away from each other to face ten, arms folded with a teasing expression.
“i’ll leave you two but please don’t make out in broad daylight. at least wait till it’s nighttime.” he winked before leaving.
you turned to face yangyang but his eyes were already focused on you with the widest smile on his face. the glint of pure euphoria and lovesickness evident just from the way he looks at you.
“we have to redo the date” you were adamant about it.
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mouse-wife · 21 days
STREAM IN 2 HOURS (1 PM PST)! ive always dreamt of conquering the dragons lair… but my mom dropped me off at the arcade with only 5 dollars. to win i need quarters. so many quarters. i need you to find quarters in an in-chat scavenger hunt! help me beat this pay-to-win cartoon!
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madebymandyla · 1 month
The Game Grumps Play Danganronpa V3
Prologue Starters
"Apologies, I didn't play the demo."
"What is this, slam poetry?"
"Oh, fuck, she's cooking. Let her cook."
"I'm the protagonist."
"Are you going to find me a properly fitting hat?"
"It must be good for your glutes and hamstrings when you kidnap people cause it's a lot of steadying yourself as they try to resist."
"Does it seem like one of my hands is way bigger than the other?"
"Can I eat these vines? I'm gonna eat these vines."
"Come over here where there aren't giant robots."
"This is a classroom, alright. A classroom of BAD."
"I've never known how to pronounce this fucking word."
"If we're plotted in a giant game where we have to kill each other, your piano skills will definitely come in handy!"
"I dreamt I was making a salad and the bowl fell on my head."
"Weird product placement, but okay."
"Do you have a link tree?"
"That's me! The ultimate creepy old man!"
"I like it when people are scared."
"Good news, the bathroom has been completely destroyed."
"There definitely wasn't rampant drug use happening in there."
"There could be more dick-less robots down here."
"Are we not going to examine the green goo all over the floor?"
"I didn't even realize there was another door over there."
"Looks like this door won't open. Interesting."
"You can't disrespect the arcade machines. That would be fucked up."
"At first I'm like who gives a shit, and then you hang out with them for an hour, and it's like I don't want them to die."
"I was in a locker."
"Why'd you get put in a locker?"
"I have beautiful eyelashes. Check it out."
"Outcast? What do you mean? Like the rapper?"
"Maybe that is my talent: to shake off the bullshit."
"Wait, should I not wear pants?"
"The happiest in my life is when I realize I have more sleep ahead of me. Like I wake up and it's four AM and I'm like yes, I get to sleep for another three hours."
"I should have known he was a creep. He's wearing a hat."
"What's he got in the box?"
"[name], this is no time to twerk!"
"I'll bro fist myself if I have to!"
"Remember, I want a woman to step on me. I don't want her to be like 'shall I step on you'. Like, no, just do it."
"I guess he wasn't dead."
"Here we go with that fucking bear again."
"She'll have problems later in life."
"I was going to strangle someone, but now I feel like I'm going to be judged for it."
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dragondevinity · 1 year
Genshin impact Sagau~!
Part 1 & 2!
Dying by a car in an arcade was not exactly expected… like how?!?! Anyways…
As you sit in a pitch black void after your death, you heard a voice… “oh dear child… I’m sorry I wasn’t able to stop your death… I’ll send you to a world where you can live a life you have dreamt of… and as a gift you will gain the ability to become the strongest and do anything you wish child…” the mysterious voice said, ‘thank you’ you thought unable to do anything but hear, “child I have only one thing to warn you about… you will face those that will shock you… oh wait also immortality, bye my child!” The voice said, everything turned bright white…
You awoke in a beautiful forest next to a stream, you got up and walked to the stream to see your reflection, there you saw yourself looking 15 again but Genshin style, wearing a beautiful comfortable corset with a blue dress that stops where your thigh-highs end, ‘wow! My outfit looks similar to Venti’s almost! I love it!’ You thought while admiring yourself, once you were done you started looking around attempting to figure out where exactly you are, then you paused while seeing a bright light coming from the opposite way the sun just set, you walked over seeing bunnies run away from said area, ‘no fucking way! Is that Venti!?!?’, “eeee!” You squeal causing him to look your way, as he lands his eyes oh you he stalls, ‘oh shit he spotted me!’ You thought, you started blushing while embarrassed not noticing him walking up to you, he took your hand and kissed it causing you to short circuit for a second, “it’s lovely to meet you, but if I may ask why are you out here alone miss?” He asked tenderly, “a-ah well you see.. I just woke up somewhere near here a while ago… I’m lost and don’t know where I am” you say looking up to meet his tender gaze, which in turn makes you blush more, “would you care to accompany me miss..?” He asks, “s-sure! Also I’m y/n! What’s your name sir?” You asked kindly, Venti smiles which causes you to blush again, “I’m Venti… or you can call me love~, shall we get going..?” He asked just as tender, “s-sure Venti” you say shyly, he readjusted his hand so the two of you were holding hands softly, “let’s get going then!” He states happily while walking to Mondstadt with you in tow following like a small puppy.
You watched Venti sing and play his lyre next to the apple stand, little kids watching in awe of him, ‘oh my god i just remembered what’s going to be happening… well fuck…’ you thought, “that’ll be 5 silvers for the bard~” you heard Venti say, you rummaged through your pocket and suddenly felt a pouch of coins, ‘oh thank goodness… oh wait he’s started another song so he’ll get his apple soon… might as well buy one for myself and some for later incase…’ you thought agreeing with yourself, by this time Venti was done and the man was about to start his next sentence before Venti called you over, “hello sir!” You say shyly to greet the man, “hello miss” he replied kindly before starting to talk with Venti again, you looked at the apples and picked a few before taking out the pouch of coins and asking him something, “how much for these 7 apples sir?” You asked still shyly, “70 coins” he said still being kind, “okay! Here you go!” You said giving him the 70 coins, you waited while they talked, just zoning out, suddenly you came back to reality when Venti took your hand and started leading you away.
Soon you found yourself in the crowd at the castle area where the nobles are, Venti still held your hand softly, he looked at you softly before he ran out of the crowd with you in tow, you got to see the woman throw the Harpstrum, ‘shit I zoned out again!’ You thought, you saw the brat of a prince walk near the Harpstrum, before he could reach it Venti let go of your hand briefly to pick up the Harpstrum so that the brat couldn’t, you zoned out again before Venti took your hand and he started running away with you and the Harpstrum… then on the run Venti face planted into Vanessa, and he let go of you, you and him both hid behind Vanessa, you zoned out again, ‘it’s soon that Mondstadt will be free once more, as well as Vanessa and her clan! I need to thank Venti when he does that!’ You thought smiling softly, Venti took your hand again, before the two of you made an escape…
That’s the first 2 parts without any authors notes~!
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