#mr clarke
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will80sbyers · 11 days ago
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hotchocolatebeforebed · 1 year ago
I don't want Mike and Will to get Murrayed.. I *need* them to get Clarked.
Like Mr Clarke has known them since they were 12 and obviously knows them very well. He's literally the sweetest and I feel like the boys trust him and his opinion a lot (even years later) so him talking to them and telling them it's ok would be so cute 😭
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erikiara80 · 3 months ago
I love the theory that the UD is Will's mindspace. Dustin saying that maybe Max unlocked a backdoor to Vecna's world/mindspace, could be a hint that El did the same thing. That she didn't open a gate to another dimension but to someone else's mind, Will's mind
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Another possible hint, Mr Clarke saying that if someone opened a gate to another dimension, people would notice it. It would disrupt gravity and the enviroment. But we know that didn't happen. So, what does that mean? Maybe that the UD is not another dimension. It's the "Vale of Shadows", a dark reflection of Will's world, dark and cold because of his traumas, his fears, maybe his tragic past
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A place of decay and death
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Or maybe most of what we've seen is not even real and never happened, but I hope it's not that.
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whathehonestfuk · 5 months ago
Season 4 au
When they're gearing up to fight vecna someone realizes they're short a couple fighters (I like to imagine Steve realizes it because Carvers still out there and Lucas max and Erica don't have anyone to protect them)
Cue the race against the clock to gather Wayne Munson (a vet that's a hell of a shot that Eddie trusts with his life) and mr.clarke (who's been helping the party with all the upside down science since the beginning) and bring them up to speed
Of course things go way better no one dies or gets seriously hurt
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unreesonable · 6 days ago
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INCREDIBLE fanart by Beisyin - go give them all the love
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apocalyptic-byler · 7 months ago
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henry-fox-biggest-stan · 8 months ago
S5 predictions
-At the final episode, the party goes back to the local village with three waterfalls and mileven marry while Will watches sadly (if he’s even alive, perhaps he died fighting Vecna)
-Max comes back to life, but she comes back wrong. Her limbs have been replaced by robot parts by doctors and she’s now a cyborg
-Lucas jokes about her being C-3PO from Star Wars. Max shoots him with her laser arm and he dies
-Dustin starts wearing lipstick and it’s just never acknowledged. It’s red. Very red. Too red.
-Turns out Henry is possessed with an evil spirit sent by the Christian devil because his parents never loved him, and during the final fight El looks at him in the eye and says “hey🥺 this isn’t you🥺” and they hug and he becomes Henry again and he’s the best man at the mileven wedding
-Steve gets his ass beat, again
-Robin falls head over heels for Jonathan, who cheats on Nancy with her. Nancy is so mad than she grabs one of her guns and shoots them both
-Eddie comes back to life but he only speaks French now
-Will develops a crush on Steve and they are endgame
-Robin begins growing pumpkins
-Also Joyce and Robin kiss
-When hopper finds out he’s so mad he handcuffs Robin and refuses to leave her hands free, so she spends half a season completely free and in liberty but handcuffed
-Lucas’ ghost comes back to haunt the party after max killed him but not in a scary way. Neither a sad way. He’s just an inconvenience. He moves papers and cups to other places, he opens the door while Dustin is showering, he tugs at mike’s hair. He doesn’t do anything to Will tho and this pisses everyone off cause that’s just not fair.
-El is actually Henry’s daughter, el’s mom and him hooked up while he was in the lab.
-El grows her hair out and dyes it pink
-Mike grows a mustache
-Will hits the gym and gets jacked
-Max steals Robin’s pumpkins at night to leave them in mike’s room. Mike is so confused each morning, there’s always a new pumpkin.
-El and Steve share an emotional moment with an almost kiss but they are interrupted by Will
-Suzie is Russian and has been on it all along
-Argyle appears during the first episode and he’s driving the van. He’s supposed to drive Jonathan and will somewhere but before he arrives at their house a truck hits him and he goes flying and dies
-Will, despite being endgame with Steve, objects at the mileven wedding, and Nancy just shots him and they continue the wedding like nothing happened
-Robin and Steve get a new job at the arcade. They are eventually fired because they spend their shifts playing, and they are so bad but they keep playing anyway, and eventually they lose all their money and end up with 20k dollars in debt. A s5 subplot is them trying to break into the arcade at night and steal their money back from inside the machines. They fail
-Mr Clarke appears and has an affair with hopper
-Holly gets taken to the upside down cause she doesn’t know how to ride a bike yet, so she just goes walking through the forest and Vecna sees her and just snatches her.
-Surprise surprise, Karen knows how to use a gun and she’s the one to kill the evil spirit possessing Henry by shooting it
-Billy appears and Steve and him have some very homoerotic wrestling before El kills him just because. He was alive for 15 minutes. Also during all this he was a zombie
-Max’s mom actually works for the lab and was brenner’s ex
-The last scene of the whole show is Ted wheeler waking up on his armchair, having dreamt all the story
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misterfibbly · 7 months ago
I need them to come back for this season
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radagasttt · 8 months ago
idc what happens in stranger things season five........ but if MR CLARKE DOESNT COME BACK... grrrrrrr.... u dont wanna see me angry duffer brothers..............
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hellinhawkins · 7 months ago
no one talks about them, so
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ellstinson · 8 months ago
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This guy next to Natalia really reminds me of Randy Havens, the actor who plays Mr. Clarke lol
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will80sbyers · 8 months ago
Also these are officially the new actors!!
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And I think both Mr. Clarke and Chance have scenes in S5 because they reposted
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years ago
Mr Clarke coming back in s5 to help and ends up spending his time with one Mr Wayne Munson in an effort to find Eddie because if there’s no body Wayne isn’t giving up.
Hard cut to Eddie being carried back through a portal by Steve and seeing Mr Clarke together, and he whispers to Steve ‘I think Mr Clarke fucked my uncle’ and passes out
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luckybyler · 11 months ago
Imagine Will and Mike not getting Murray’d, but getting Mr. Clarke’d.
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imactuallyreallycool · 1 year ago
Um yeah 😔🫶💖
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Healing myself from my last post (if you know, you know 😔🙏)
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hawkinsleather · 16 days ago
2024 was a year of bangs (every bang everywhere all at once) so yes i took part in WIP Big Bang as an artist because i saw an unclaimed wayne munson/mr clarke fic and then i couldn’t stop thinking about it and the mods were very flexible with the deadline so i decided it was doable so i did.
Don't Let The Past Steal Your Present by ainsalaco
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scott shaving wayne’s face, chapter one. (yes for some reason al sent wayne a picture of eddie's first poo, and yes wayne hung it up on his bathroom wall. what of it?)
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sad wayne munson feeling sorry for himself, from chapter two
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smitten scott clarke, at their house, in love with wayne munson (hair grown out since they met) from chapter three
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