dream9art · 2 years
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Memento Mori
Created October 09, 2022
"Remember that we all must die; some before others. Not everyone is capable of letting go."
To see all of my artworks and notes about each artwork plus info about prints, please visit my official website at Dream9.Art
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greatsaladavenue · 14 days
Replies to anons
I’ve heard Imagine ofcourse but I do like more solo stuff post Beatles by Paul and John then by George. Sorry Mom.
 Been a Beatle fan longer than I haven’t, my Mother is the Beatle fan, her favorite has always been George, and really super-stans him.
 She has seen Paul in concert but I have never heard a Paul post- Beatle song before 2022! Or John – aside of Imagine and, Live and let die and them christmas songs.
 Solo: George-”All things must pass album + When we was fab, All those years ago ,
Paul – McCartney, Ram + Tug of war, This one, + many more now lol  John –Plastic ono band + Dream9 ,Working class hero, I know, I know, Mind games.
  Ringo – Photograph, Back off boogaloo, Midnight Vienna.
 My favorite is John because even before I knew anything about the Beatles or who wrote or sang what I liked John led songs. I still do. Don’t think he’s better that the others. In my world they where better together and neither was really better than the sum. I know what he did, I know he is bad and all that. Guess what I don’t really care.
 I have type in looks and john fit there. My Dad and brothers are the musicians in our family but Dad and is more a Elvis fan, (he + a brother died some many years ago but see it's Paul in me talking of them ) my brothers likes them too but they are more hard rock/metal fans. (in music I have the 70-80's metal genre ! the favourite band I Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin. GEORGE usually gets my vote post-Beatle look as favorite looking Beatle, old man is RINGO!
 I grew up in the late 80/90’s when rock music started to really to go down and rap took over. "Harry Potter" was huge, It was nice to be part of something like that but then Rowling happend... I even had a short boy band period. Eminem was the biggest artist on the planet. I like 80’s and 90’s rap too. I pretty much like older music and a big fan of 80’s pop music too, Prince, Michael Jackson. I really love music and not just the Beatles along with some other artists and bands has more song that I like or has grown on me with time. I guess it’s true that older music was better.
I sort of feel a bit lonely with my Beatles  nobody around me IRL cares or think they’re overrated. I can agree that sometimes the beatles fandom can be a bit too much with the ”The Beatles did eveything first” and hate other acts who also was very important for music. Ofcourse it matters that the Beatles was white, ”sic” as most of the fanbase.  I have so many favorites and I love that I do.
McLennon is what really got me into the fandom. I’m straight myself but I’d never like want to fuck a 80 + year old man but I would be a Beatle groupie back in the days and don’t care which one I would do all of them. However I don’t really care what and if something happend between them I just see what i see, I hear what I hear. J+P are not straight
 I’m a mclennon thruther they where in love with each other! They where gay for each other. I don’t push Mclennon on anybody but here I do. I don’t think I believe eveything is true I also think many trolling this fandom and some seem to make fun it or comes off as a bit offensive to them as IRL queers. I can understand why Paul’s not coming out. I wouldn’t either in this or as part of the older fandom.
However I’m all for RPF, Yaoi, Yuri and femme the hell out of them. They do have that humour. Also they did all of it themselves, Iol, meaning if they didn't act this way we wouldn't be here. And I don't mean it as famous people they get a queer card.
I’m happy to continue reading your fics and fortcoming posts here. I really am!  I’ll probably keep my existence here as a re-blogger  because Beatles fans aren’t always nice about "us nutcases here" ( but it's better here than on other forums) and too many trolls end up here on tumblr mclennon. all the Beatles have haters and super-stans. Both is just as bad in my opinion. I love them so much, all four of them so much I don’t really have a favorite in Beatles, JOHN still gets my vote not maybe as solo but they are still so connected. I do like more John-Beatle-songs than by the others tho.  
McLennon is my secret sin. I can’t unsee it or explain in any other way. There's a hole missing in the Beatles history as much as in their lives (J+P but also George how he was "left out" tho Paul and him knew each other before. Wouldn't Paul be saying more insane stuff about him too?) that would fill the blanks with McLennon! How can people not see that is my biggest issue. But far too many still today would say like if you kids you can't be gay, they both married women. Well.. It's mind-blowing.
My favorites Beatle songs and solo also keep changing all the time:
But The Beatles: Albums: From With the Beatles. Rubber soul and the White album.
 A day in life is a masterpiece.
I also end up listing Happiness is a warm gun, Something, Here, there eveywhere quite often, I will.
McLennon: Again!
I absolutly believe it was was real. They where in love. The end goodbye. Sex yes they had sex in many ways. But whatever, when how they did it or talked about it or kissed? I'm sure some of the answers is in fan fiction lol. Reality is worse than fiction. Lol. But sometimes  I don’t think they never thought it was a big deal, like it was part of a song to Paul or whatever, and John’s did something to do with glasses. Like that's not me, this is me look at me. No i don’t know but quite often I just think it’s exactly what they are saying and didn’t label it. Other times I think they knew perfectly well what they did and they made own words so only they would know. Now we have Paul's sane but !? version for 40 + years vs John's bat shit craze -like 6+ years. of course it gonna shape our version of them and what happend between them.
 I do think whatever happend in the end John left and walked out of it how, when, why again is another story. I honestly don’t think he ever was secure of anything in his life and Yoko didn't help. I can't or more like don't want to believe eveything that is written about her tho. But the way she looks at him in the beginning she did love him then and there. She has at least made good things too for the fandom, made hits herself, worked for peace and less guns etc.
Paul more like gave up. I don’t blame or think India caused it but it deffo did not help! But neither did think of themselves at least at that point that they would try to claim anyhing of course Paul wanted a family and John knew that. I don't really see how they could have "solved" in any other way. At that time.
I have more thoughts about it. But I’m pretty sure more than we know knew about it or at least thought the same thing.
They where ALSO friends, brothers,close,bandmates and shared this magic connection with George and Ringo. Sometimes I believe they got jealous of each other’s closeness, especially post beatles and they did tried to re-create this with other people too and this is perhaps the most telling, besides quotes, interviews,pictures, videos and songs. Yeah many songs are about that and each other.
 I don’t push away the idea of other ships happening in the band or other male lovers but if it was only them, to either of them it may have add to some of the confusion. So I don’t hold that against it. Actually I don’t really care much about their lives or families outside of the Beatles. Lol. Neither of them.
My favorite Beatle girl is Cynthia. I just think she’s beautiful. And the only girl who didn’t marry a Beatle-Beatle. I don’t really think John would have stayed that long if he didn’t at some point love her. Or any of the other he "kept around but left behind".
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englishotomegames · 3 years
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Dream9: The Cloud Dream of the Nine (구운몽 - 어느 소녀의 사랑이야기)
Release dates (Steam) Korean: March 28th, 2014 English, Chinese and Japanese: December 21st, 2021
“The Cloud Dream of the Nine is an otome visual novel, the story of which is based on the classic novel of the same name written by Kim Man-joong but the gender of the characters are reversed in the story. As you proceed with the story, you encounter many hardships and you get to make many choices. The fate of the target is determined by what choice you make at the key points that will lead to different endings. 
Mini games are arranged to relax in the story, providing a play that is not boring. The voices of the target characters are provided in full Korean voice, and additional contents can be obtained after you clear the characters.”
This is a commercial game by Sesisoft! You can buy it from Steam here.
There is also a paid DLC available, called “The Cloud Dream of the Nine - A New Beginning of a Dream”, which seems to be an alternate school life version of the story with three love interests.
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jinjoo1027 · 3 years
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Since 2014, this game that I love came out as a steam version.
Everyone, please play this game.
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nonamem9 · 3 years
For the past hour I did nothing but making Dream variants of my profile on paint.net for Halloween and the 2022 Election results. Alt title: "No"DreaM9
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this one is where the red is replaced by dream's green in his profile picture. "No"DreaM9
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I have these 2 with the blob man. i'm no sure about the text size hence two of them, most of the time was wasted on the text colors.
they may or may not be some unevenness about the stripes.
No I will not sell these as NFTs without Dream's permission.
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cashmoneychiyo · 7 years
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lucas-writes · 3 years
Dreams meanings free
Dreams are possibly the most surprising and bewildering spaces of rest. Since Sigmund Freud helped clarification with seeing the possible importance of dreams in the late nineteenth century, clearing assessment has endeavored to discard up both the neuroscience and frontal cortex evaluation of dreams.
In spite of this arrangement up overhaul information, there is a monster load of that stays dull about both rest and dreams. Really, even the beast plans — for what reason do we dream utilizing all means? — is as time goes on strong to key discussion.
While everybody dreams, the substance of those fantasies and their impact on rest can move all around beginning with one individual then onto the going with. Ignoring the way that there's no short clarification for the importance and motivation driving dreams, see the value in the wanderer bits of dreams, the standard effect of astonishing dreams, and steps that you can take to rest better with sweet dreams.
What Are Dreams?
Dreams are pictures, evaluations, or hypotheses that happen during rest. Visual symbolism is the most common1, at any rate dreams can join the everything considered of the assets. A couple get-together dream in covering while others dream in dull and white2, and individuals who are completely discouraged will when in doubt have more dream parts identified with sound, taste, and smell3.
Studies have uncovered different sorts of dream content, yet some standard credits of dreaming include:
It has a first-single point of view.
It is required
Want dreams meanings free?.
The substance might be crazy or even muddled.
The substance obliges others who assist with trip the visionary and each other.
It impacts persuading assessments.
Spaces of mindful presence are joined into content.
In any case, these highlights are not clearing, they are found by a general viewpoint persistently in most standard dreams.
For what reason Do We Dream?
Discussion proceeds among rest experts4 concerning why we dream. Express theories5 about the assistance dreaming6 include:
Building memory: Dreaming has been associated with setting of memory, which suggests that dreaming might serve a monster enlightening obstacle of supporting memory and obliging appraisal.
Sorting out feeling: The capacity to draw in with and practice shut in various envisioned settings might be major for the cerebrum's movement for controlling structures.
Mental housekeeping: Periods of dreaming could be the cerebrum's perspective for "fixing," getting all together, wrong, or unessential data.
Second replay: Dream content might be a kind of reshaped second replay wherein late occasions are insane down and examined.
Confusing cerebrum progress: This view holds that dreaming is only a given up unavoidable certain conceivable unpreventable outcome of rest that has no goliath clarification or which proposes.
Specialists in the fields of neuroscience and brain science keep driving tests to find what's going on in the cerebrum during rest, at any rate even with clear evaluation, it might be difficult to convincingly show any hypothesis for why we dream.
When Do We Dream?
If all else fails, a goliath number people dream for around two hours of the evening. Dreaming can happen7 during any time of rest, yet dreams are on an uncommonly key level the unmistakably undeniably certain and suggested during the catalyst eye progress (REM) stage.
During the REM rest stage, cerebrum improvement increase totally wandered from the non-REM stages, which clarifies the such dreaming8 during these stages. Dreams during REM rest are overall through more unequivocal, fantastical, in like way as inquisitive paying unessential cerebrum to the way that they might join bits of skilled presence. Totally, non-REM dreams will when in doubt join on an astoundingly basic level completely more sharp substance that wires evaluations or recollections grounded to a particular time and area.
REM lay isn't passed on correspondingly as the night progressed. Far past anyone's requests a goliath piece of REM rest occurs during the second 50% of a standard rest period, which suggests that dreaming will all around be full some time going before charging.
Do Dreams Have Meaning?
Headings to kill up dreams, and regardless of whether they have importance utilizing any means, are matters of stunning conversation. Two or three clinicians have fight that fantasies give understanding into an individual's cerebrum or standard ceaselessly presence, others discover their substance to be inconceivably conflicting or confounding to never-endingly pass on significance.
Isolating everything, all specialists see that fantasies can set substance that ties back to waking encounters yet the substance might be changed or turned. For instance, in depicting dreams, individuals really reference individuals who they see absolutely whether their appearance is reshaped in the dream9.
The importance of showed the veracity of subtleties showing up in dreams, in any case, is a long way from settled. The "plentifulness speculation" in dream research holds that fantasies and sharp presence are bound with each other and as such join covering subjects and content. The "brokenness hypothesis," obviously, sees thinking during dreams and status as on an especially central level certain.
While assessment of dreams might be a piece of individual or mental self-reflection, it's difficult to state, contemplating the current interest, that there is an unequivocal perspective for killing up and understanding the importance of dreams in waking, standard presence.
What Are Types of Dreams?
Dreams can take on a wide level of updates. Clear dreams happen when an individual is in a fantasy while being reasonably cautious that they are dreaming. Striking dreams join particularly sensible or clear dream content. Tangling dreams are made out of vexatious or upsetting substance. Underlining dreams join a general symbolism pushing in different dreams over the long haul.
Perseveringly, even inside standard dreams, there are express kinds of content that are particularly to be sure certain. Among the most obviously certain and standard themes10 in dreams are things like flying, falling, being pursued, or being not prepared to discover a washroom.
Get the most recent data in rest from our straightforwardness
What Are Nightmares?
Lady in bed resting
Hypnagogic Hallucinations
Resting man encountering hypnopompic bits of information
Hypnopompic Hallucinations
Man overlseeping
In rest drug, a sickening dream is an obfuscating dream that makes an individual wake up from sleep11. This definition ensures from standard utilize that might propose any upsetting, upsetting, or disturbing dream as an unpalatable dream. While astonishing dreams are standard and everything considered striking, standard upsetting dreams might stay away from in with an individual's rest and cause hurt reasoning and mood12 during the daytime.
Do Dreams Affect Sleep?
If all else fails, dreams don't affect rest. Dreaming is huge for sound rest and is if all else fails seen as totally standard and with no compromising outcomes on rest.
Amazing dreams are the excusal. Since amazing dreams liberal re-trying endeavors, they can become hazardous expecting they happen now and. Upsetting dreams might cause a person to keep away from rest, beginning lacking rest. Right when they do rest, the past deficiency of rest can begin a REM rest ricochet back that truly squashes bewildering dreams. This inverse a couple exist nearby strong dreadful dreams experience a napping issue as a strong rest issue.
Moreover, individuals who have astounding dreams more than one time each week, have taken out rest, or have daytime section or changes to their reasoning or perspective should visit with a doctor13 . A specialist can design these signs to see the standard explanations and systems for their resting issue.
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arrhakis · 4 years
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lablanchard · 6 years
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#dream9 #ahböwakawapoussépoussé (hier: Heaven Sky) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn3FaaNhnOd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zwn42leu028d
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Thurston Moore - "Screen Time"
Thurston Moore – “Screen Time”
Thurston Moore has announced the release of his instrumental album, “Screen Time”, out digitally February 25th via Southern Lord. TRACKLIST:1. The Station2. The Town3. The Home4. The View5. The Neighbor6. The Walk 7. The Upstairs8. The Dream9. The Parkbench10. The Realization https://thurstonmooresl.bandcamp.com/album/screen-time This what Thurston shared via a press release: “How much screen…
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dream9art · 2 years
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Juke Box Hero
Created August 31, 2022
"She’s just feeling the beat and rocking on."
To see all of my artworks and notes about each artwork, please visit my official website at Dream9.Art
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tumbledsom · 4 years
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DOB vs SAL Dream9 Team Prediction Korean Baseball League 2020, Doosan Bears vs Samsung Lions – Playing IX, Baseball Fantasy Tips via Top Sports News- News18.com
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jesus-leon · 7 years
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chibinekochan · 7 years
People probably already  know this but I gotta post this anyways
this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fW7EBbqxjmI 
sung by the voice actors of Yoosung (Shim Gyuhyuk ) , V/Jihyun Kim  ( Ho San Lee ) , and Zen ( )
its from this game -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSOBke6x7pw
they have a demo version here http://dream9.neoalice.co.kr/trial/download.asp
here the characters they voiced :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJJ4x9AnbCc - voiced by Ho San Lee 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47wcvd9ETiY - voiced by Shim Gyuhyuk 
http://dream9.neoalice.co.kr/character/index.asp?iCN=10   - voiced by Jang Kim
sadly i not found a video of the last one if anyone does @  me because i gotta see it
The name of the game is          
Korean Title: 구운몽~어느 소녀의 사랑이야기 PV English Title: The Cloud Dream of the Nine ~ Love Story of a Girl PV
this translation is not from me I can´t understand any Korean i found it here
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mydreamsdaily · 7 years
I dreamt that I was pregnant. I have no idea who the father was but I was pregnant and in real life this is my nightmare but I was excited in the dream...I found out it was a boy so I got really happy. My mother and stepfather took care of me and when I was ready to give birth my mom was waiting for me in the hospital and my stepdad was driving me there. I remember lying in a chair like at the gynecologist, but I remember no pain. Then I woke up from the dream and fell back asleep and all of a sudden I had a kid. I named him Aaron because it's my favorite name and I just dreamt of raising him and it was a really nice dream.
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hihusnul-blog · 8 years
Mendekati angka sempurna 10, angka keilahian kalo kata Josseong. Pas dengan kepulangan uwa manah, awal jumat ini. Beliau sosok yang sangat baik, penyayang. Maka Allah memanggilnya di hari jumat, moga husnul khotimah ya uwa.. We know Allah loves you more than us.
Moga husnul pun meninggal di jumat-Nya, aamiin.. Husnul Khotimah. Al fatihah.
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