#drawing alive abigail?
mechanicalfriend · 2 years
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you should probably put that down actually
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remadra · 8 months
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temporary trade tonic
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Let me get this straight:
- there was no dance number
- barely any good songs
- no mention of the weird Korean ben with the side part
- Sloane and Ray were written off with one (1) line
- sure Ray walked out but why on earth did Sloane disappear if she was there with them in hotel oblivion I guess we’ll never know
- we were told Reggie erased everyone’s memories about Ben’s death but ??? it was physically impossible for him to have erased ghost Ben’s memory. Like, did Ben never discuss that with Klaus? It looks like he didn’t even realize it was Reggie who shot him, did he never ask Klaus how he died? 😭
- they showed us sparrow ben obsessively drawing Jennifer in s3, sort of insinuating he survived the Jennifer incident in the sparrow timeline but he straight up didn’t recognize her at all now? It’s like they were meeting for the first time?
- where did that subway even come from
- um. Five and Lila
- how the hell are their kids alive in the last scene if the siblings never existed
- why the hell are the Swedes and pretty much everyone from the commission there alive at the same time if they were meant to be taken from different time periods and that’s meant to be a true and pure timeline without any time travel whammy
- seriously wasn’t there a scene with an old timey black and white picture of the Swedes they would NOT be there in 2019-2024-whatever-year-it’s-supposed-to-be
- why does grace have a stroller in that last scene whose kid is that
- on that note what’s up with Lila’s family, to me that kind of insinuates all of the 43 WERE born in that timeline but… there’s no mention of any of the children or any of the siblings bio families
- which completely ruins the last plot point of ALL of the marigolds having to be destroyed, please even if the other children weren’t born there they straight up still had a half a jar of marigolds in Diego’s van 😭😭😭
- ALSO what was Abigail’s motivation, am I crazy or did she go like “fuck you reggie for wanting to destroy the world to punish you I am going to destroy the world” ???????
And I’m not even touching the whole Five characterization thing oh my god
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katakaluptastrophy · 8 months
Masterpost of TLT metas
This is mostly for my own reference, as tagging doesn't seem to guarantee something being findable on Tumblr...but if you like wildly overthinking lesbian necromancers in space, enjoy!
Overthinking the Fifth House:
What is a "Speaker to the Dead"?
Actually, Magnus Quinn isn't terrible at sword fighting
Imperial complicity: Abigail the First
Pyschopomp: Abigail Pent and Hecate
Did Teacher conspire with Cytherea to kill the Fifth?
What does the Fifth House actually do?
The Fourth and the Fifth can never just be family
Cytherea's political observations at the anniversary dinner
Abigail Pent's affect: ghosts and autism
Were the Fourth wards of the Fifth?
Abigail probably knew most of the scions as children
Magnus Quinn's very understandable anger
Fifth House necromancy is not neat and tidy
Are Abigail and Magnus an exception to the exploitative nature of cavaliership?
"Abigail Pent literally brought her husband and look where that got her" (the Fifth in TUG)
The Fifth's relationship dynamic
The Fifth's relationship is unconventional in a number of ways
The queer-coding of Abigail and Magnus' relationship
Abigail and Palamedes, and knowing in the River
Was Isaac the ward of the Fifth?
Did Magnus manage to draw his sword before Cytherea killed him? (and why he probably had to watch his wife die)
How did Abigail know she was murdered by a Lyctor?
Fifth House necromancy is straight out of the Odyssey
The politics of the anniversary dinner
Was Magnus born outside of the Dominicus system?
Overthinking John Gaius:
The one time John was happy was playing Jesus
Is Alecto's body made from John's?
Are there atheists in the Nine Houses?
Why isn't John's daughter a necromancer?
The horrors of love go both ways: why John could have asked Alecto 'what have you done to me?'
Why M- may have really hoped John was on drugs
What is it with guys called Jo(h)n and getting disintegrated? (John and Dr Manhattan)
John's conference call with his CIA handlers
Watching your friend turn into an eldritch horror
Why does G1deon look so weird? (Jod regrew him from an arm)
When is a friendship bracelet not a friendship bracelet?
Why did John have G1deon hunt Harrow? (with bonus update)
The 'indelible' sin of Lyctorhood and John's shoddy plagiarism of Catholicism
Are John Gaius and Abigail Pent so different?
What was Jod's plan at Canaan House?
John and Ianthe tread the Eightfold path
The Mithraeum is more than a joke about cows
When was John Gaius born? (And another)
John Gaius and the tragic Orestes
John and Jesus writing sins in the sand
John and Nona's echoing chapters
John's motivations
Overthinking the Nine Houses:
'No retainers, no attendants, no domestics'
Funerary customs and the violence of John's silence
Juno Zeta and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad time
The horror of the River bubble
Every instance of 'is this how it happens' in HTN
Feudalism is still shitty even if you make it queer and sex positive
How do stele work?
Thought crime in the Nine Houses
The Houses have a population the size of Canada
What must it be like to fight the Houses?
You know what can't have been fun? Merv wing's megatruck on Varun day...
Augustine's very Catholic hobby (decorating skeletons)
Necromancers are not thin in a conventionally attractive way
Matching the Houses with the planets of the solar system
Why don't the Nine Houses have (consistent) vaccination or varifocals?
How would the Houses react to the deaths at Canaan House?
How does Wake understand her own name (languages over 10,000 years)
What pre-resurrection texts are known in the Houses?
Camilla and Palamedes very Platonic relationship
The horrors the Cohort found at Canaan House
Do the Houses understand the tech keeping them alive?
Overthinking House religion:
What do the Houses believe about death?
Was M's nun a Franciscan?
Cavaliership and arbitrary socio-religious structures
Ritual scarification
Sacraments and sacramentals
What did Silas think god wanted at Canaan House?
In defense of Silas
There's no such thing as a 'good' necro/cav relationship
Veiling and shaving in Ninth House cult practice
Tongue-in-cheek thoughts on Eighth and Sixth religion
A very long deep-dive on House belief and practice
Overthinking Harrowhark Nonagesimus:
'The meat of your meat...belonged to god' and 'that is how meat loves meat'
The horror of parental touch: Harrow, John Gaius, and Abigail Pent
Why is Harrow so obsessed with Abigail's hands?
Frontline Titties of the Fifth and transgressive necro/cav relationships
Harrow, Wake, and permeability of the soul in HTN
Bible studies for weird queer necromancers:
Epiphany: revealing god's child to the wider world
The Holy Innocents and the creche massacre
The Virgin Mary and Commander Wake
John Gaius and John the Baptist
Instantiating the Trinity and the Second Resurrection
What's the significance of Paul?
St Paul's theology of gender and sexuality and the House theology of cavaliership
Maundy Thursday: consuming another for eternal life
Harrow and the Harrowing of Hell
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jemichi90 · 2 months
okay OP, in your recent art you mentioned that "you will explain if needed" and gave a detailed explanation of what might have happened (to Charlie and Maxwell).
I'd LOVE to hear more of your thoughts, and the "explanation" that you said you'd provide (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
ps i really like your art.
Oh! Hello there! 👀
And yes indeed I did. Alright then, get ready for the brainrot. xD
For a long time I've thought that Charlie died and came back wrong, and in the recent updates there have been several things hinting at it.
Here is a list of the ones I can remember right now:
Maxwell says ”There's a story behind that...” when inspecting a touch stone.
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After the recent update, the ”dark side” Winona can sense traces of Charlie on the touch stone, confirming it's related to her (the quotes vary).
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In the Encore animated short, there is a brief flashback of Charlie with the Ancient Fuelweaver behind her, and then her Chess piece is seen falling and sinking inside a black square on the board - some heavy symbolism there, sparing us from the gory details, I guess...
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In Charlie's stageplay, the doll that represents her breaks, but she's brought back to life by the Mirror (Them?) - alive but different, as she says.
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And then there are things that fall more into the headcanon territory, until more evidence comes up that either proves or debunks those ideas entirely, but I'll explain those as well, since they heavily influece my art inspiration.
I subscribe to the idea that the two characters in the ancient murals represent Maxwell and Charlie themselves in their early years in the Constant (but depicted by the locals that were unfamiliar with human anatomy). Time moves differently in that world so it could have been thousands of years ago, but the two made contact with the locals and briefly improved their life through the use of Their magic – until it backfired and the entity that must have been sealed for a reason broke free. Assuming the character with the torch really is Charlie, she died protecting Maxwell from the consequences of his own mistakes. In the final mural image, only her cracked head can be seen.
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Another headcanon I have comes from the fact that one of shadow Charlie's arms seems to be entirely made of shadows (curiously, there are also arm bones attached to the touch stone, although they could have belonged to a pigman too, like the heads), so I think that whatever happened to her basically shattered her to pieces, and some pieces may still be missing - like that arm. But details like this are only a headcanon for now.
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This also falls in the time period between 1906 and 1910-ish, when apparently some crazy stuff happened that Klei hasn't showed us much about – yet (according to their own post some years ago). ^^
So based on all this, my idea is that Maxwell summoned the Fuelweaver (as seen in the murals), but he messed up big time and Charlie got caught in the crossfire trying to protect Maxwell. She died a gruesome death (that may have torn her to pieces even more brutally than in my drawing). Maxwell in his desperation made the touch stone in a hurry (which is why it looks so rough compared to all his other constructs), carried what was left of Charlie there, and made a deal with Them to bring Charlie back to life no matter the cost. And they did. They just didn't bring her back exactly like she used to be, and she would probably fall to pieces and die instantly if she was separated from the entity that she now shares the body with...
I think Maxwell had been able to move freely in the Constant (maybe even out of it, based on his disappearances earlier) until then, but deals like that come with a price, so he lost his freedom and became Their tool (sold his soul to save Charlie?). Or something like that anyway.
There are also the parallels between Charlie and Abigail with their connection to their special flowers, as highlighted in the newest animated video. Charlie just might be another ghost inside a flower herself, but thanks to Them, she got to keep her body, or at least a form that resembles her body.. But I prefer to think that her actual broken body is still a part of the deal, as messed up as that is. We already know that They can keep a body that should have died a long time ago alive for an eternity, thanks to Maxwell. When he was released from the Nightmare Throne and time caught up to him, he didn't just die, he turned to a skeleton that crumbled to dust in an instant..! That's some old corpse, but he'd been conscious all that time because They wouldn't let him die.
So yeah, these happy thoughts inspired that piece. I might draw more about that if I still feel like it later. :D
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r3-ese · 2 months
harvesting hearts
pairing : sdv sam x reader
contains : fem!farmer, fluff, mutual pining, sam being whipped
word count : 1.5k
note : my first piece of (published) writing! im so obsessed with stardew atm im physically ill
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The warm afternoon sun cast long shadows over the rolling hills of Stardew Valley, bathing the town in a golden glow. At the local arcade in the heart of the valley, Sam leaned against the counter, absently twirling a drumstick between his fingers. The arcade was alive with the sounds of electronic beeps and the clatter of buttons being pressed. Still, Sam’s attention was focused on the animated conversation between his friends, Abigail and Sebastian.
"...and then, she just took down those slimes like it was nothing!" Abigail exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement as she leaned towards Sebastian.
Sebastian nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Yeah, the new farmer is pretty impressive," he agreed, taking a sip of his soda. "She’s been making quite a name for herself."
Sam’s curiosity was piqued. He had heard bits and pieces about the new farmer, but this was the first time he had seen Abigail so animated about anyone other than herself. "Who are you guys talking about?" he asked, trying to sound nonchalant.
"The new farmer, of course!" Abigail said, her eyes sparkling. "She moved into the old farmhouse and has been venturing into the mines. She’s fearless, Sam. You should meet her."
Sebastian nodded in agreement. "Yeah, she’s pretty cool. I think you’d like her."
Sam made a mental note to keep an eye out for this mysterious newcomer. If she had impressed both Abigail and Sebastian, she had to be something special. He imagined what she might be like, picturing someone strong and determined, a fresh face in their sleepy town. The thought made him smile, a new spark of excitement igniting within him.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
A few days later, Sam was practicing his skateboard tricks near the town square. The wheels of his board clattered against the pavement as he attempted a particularly tricky maneuver, the warm breeze ruffling his hair. Just as he was about to land it, he caught sight of someone walking by—a lean figure with a confident stride that made his heart skip a beat.
The farmer.
Her presence was magnetic, drawing his eyes to her despite his best efforts to concentrate on his trick. As she walked, her movements were fluid and assured, exuding a quiet strength that left him breathless. She wore practical clothes—jeans and a sturdy jacket, with dirt smudged on her cheeks from a day’s work—but she held herself with such poise that she looked radiant.
Distracted, Sam stumbled and fell, landing in an ungraceful heap on the ground. His skateboard rolled away, coming to a stop a few feet from him.
The farmer laughed—a bright, melodic sound that made Sam’s cheeks flush. She walked over and offered him a hand. "You okay?" she asked, her smile warm and genuine.
"Y-yeah, I’m fine," Sam stammered, accepting her help. He got to his feet, brushing off his jeans. "Thanks. I’m Sam, by the way."
"Nice to meet you, Sam. I’m the new farmer," she replied, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Be careful with those tricks, okay? See you around." With a final smile, she continued on her way, leaving Sam staring after her, his heart pounding in his chest.
As she walked away, he found himself replaying the moment over and over in his mind. Her laughter, her smile, the way she had effortlessly lifted him up. He knew, without a doubt, that he wanted to see her again.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
It wasn’t long before Sam found himself in the Stardrop Saloon with Sebastian, Abigail, and the farmer. The dimly lit saloon was filled with the hum of conversation and the clinking of glasses. The four friends gathered around the pool table, the air thick with friendly competition and the smell of Gus' home-brewed beer.
Sam leaned over the table, trying to line up his shot. As usual, he was struggling to keep up with Sebastian’s skillful plays. The balls clacked against each other, Sebastian effortlessly sinking one after another. Sam sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
"Don’t worry, Sam," the farmer said with a wink, stepping up to the table. "I’ll help you out." She took the cue from his hands, her movements confident and precise as she lined up her shot. Her eyes narrowed in concentration, and she took a deep breath before striking the cue ball with a smooth, controlled stroke.
To everyone’s surprise, she managed to beat Sebastian in a close game. Abigail cheered, pumping her fist in the air. "You go, girl!" she shouted, her enthusiasm infectious.
Sebastian gave an approving nod, his expression unreadable but clearly impressed. "Nice job," he said coolly. "Didn’t think anyone could beat me."
The farmer grinned, handing the cue back to Sam. "Thanks, but it was a team effort," she said, glancing at Sam with a smile that made his heart flutter. He could feel the warmth of her hand as she passed the cue to him, a small but significant gesture that made him feel connected to her.
Sam couldn’t help but feel a surge of admiration for her. She was not only skilled but also humble and kind. He found himself looking forward to their next game, eager to spend more time in her company and learn more about her. The evening continued with laughter and camaraderie, and Sam felt a growing sense of belonging that he hadn’t felt in a long time.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Later that week, Sam found himself sitting in Sebastian’s dimly lit basement, strumming his guitar absently. The room was filled with the faint scent of cigarette smoke, and the low hum of Sebastian’s computer added to the relaxed atmosphere. Posters of their favorite bands adorned the walls, and the soft glow of fairy lights created a cozy ambiance.
"I’ve got a confession," Sam began hesitantly, breaking the comfortable silence. "I think I have feelings for the farmer."
Sebastian barely glanced up from his screen, his fingers tapping away at the keyboard. "Yeah, I noticed. You’re not exactly subtle."
Sam groaned, setting his guitar aside and leaning back against the couch. "What should I do?"
"Just tell her," Sebastian replied with a shrug, his eyes still fixed on his computer. "Or don’t. It’s your call. But if you keep moping around like this, you’re going to drive me crazy."
Before Sam could respond, there was a knock at the door. Sebastian smirked, finally turning to look at Sam. "Speaking of which, I invited her over. Forgot to tell you."
Sam’s heart raced as the farmer entered, her presence filling the small space. She greeted Sebastian casually and settled in, her relaxed nature putting everyone at ease. Sam, meanwhile, felt like his heart might burst from his chest as he tried to join in the conversation without making a fool of himself.
"Hey, Sam," she said, turning her attention to him with a smile. "How’s the band coming along?"
"Uh, good! We’re working on some new songs," he managed to reply, his voice steadier than he felt. The three of them spent the evening talking and laughing, the farmer’s presence a constant source of warmth and comfort for Sam. She shared stories about her farm, her struggles and triumphs, and Sam found himself hanging on every word.
Sebastian watched the interaction with a knowing smile, occasionally chiming in with his own dry humor. The atmosphere was relaxed, and Sam felt a growing sense of camaraderie. By the end of the night, he was more determined than ever to tell the farmer how he felt.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
As the weeks passed, Sam found himself thinking more and more about the farmer. He admired her confidence, her kindness, and the way she seemed to brighten every room she entered. He wanted to tell her how he felt, but every time he tried, his nerves got the better of him.
One evening, as he was sitting on the porch of his house, strumming his guitar and watching the sun set, he looked up to see the farmer walking towards him. She smiled and waved, and he felt his heart leap.
"Hey, Sam," she said, her voice casual. "I’ve been thinking... Would you like to go on a date sometime?"
Sam blinked, taken aback. "You mean, with me?"
She laughed softly, her eyes sparkling in the fading light. "Yes, with you. I think you’re cute."
Sam’s face lit up with a grin. "Yeah, I’d love that."
They sat on the porch for a while, discussing their favorite spots in the valley and sharing stories about their childhoods. The conversation flowed easily, and Sam felt a connection growing stronger with every word.
As they made plans for their first date, Sam couldn’t help but feel a sense of contentment. He had found someone who shared his interests and made him feel more alive than ever before. The anticipation of their date filled him with excitement and nervousness, but most of all, hope.
When the farmer finally stood to leave, she turned back and gave Sam a lingering smile. "I’m looking forward to our date, Sam. Good night."
"Good night," he replied, his voice soft. As she walked away, he watched her until she disappeared, his heart soaring. He knew this was just the beginning of something wonderful, and he couldn’t wait to see where it would lead.
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edibleashell · 27 days
TUA S4 feels
Pretty sure that Umbrella Academy S4 finale left a permanent scar on my psyche. Still one of my favorite shows but I might just end after season 3 in future rewatches. So many issues with S4.
In like episode 1 we got Ben and Jennifer touching and that started a countdown to the end of the world and the whole season was just junk to fill that time. So many good ideas that weren't done properly at all. Shuffling their powers? Alternate timelines? Hargreaves owning pretty much everything? Abigail just being alive? Pointless.
Luther was just a repeating loop of stripper and home decorating jokes.
Diego should have been a martial arts instructor or something not a depressed delivery guy. A bunch of jokes about him getting out of shape only to reveal that he's still jacked. He throws a potted plant and misses. His arc is just Big Sad for no reason and the relationships he built in the first three seasons were apparently irrelevant, if anyone would have been taking care of Safety Klaus it would have been him.
Allison's character was just an accessory to Klaus, after three seasons of her trying to reclaim the family she lost she ended up spending more time as a tool to Klaus's arc than she did with Claire. And Ray just being casually written out was so disrespectful.
Klaus, oh poor Klaus, my favorite character, what did they do to you? He should have been a nurse or something but instead he was paranoid, then pissed off because the writers decided that Klaus would equate marigold with drugs and just fall right off the wagon? And then he goes to some sketchy guy he owes money to even though S1 Klaus is shown just buying drugs from random people? All to justify his prisoner plot, none of which had any real impact. And he can fly for a second for some reason. Okay.
Five working for the CIA was bad. He should have been the retired fun uncle to Claire and Grace. After spending fifty years trying to get back to his family why did he keep leaving them? Why did he hook up with his brother's wife after only six years? And am I supposed to believe that in every timeline he has the same haircut? That none of the other Fives lost their arm? How did he never notice his boss's blatant umbrella tattoo? He just casually strolls through "his" apocalypse as though he doesn't have ptsd, and why were he and Lila living off sewer rats when they had infinite timelines to scavenge?
I was so excited to see Ben witg the family but one episode in he becomes a bomb and fucks off with a girl who can hardly be called a character.
Viktor was the only character I thought got some form of authenticity and justified growth, his arc kind of seemed like a ripoff of S3 Klaus though. And we missed out on what could have been a really beautiful scene of him drawing the upside down umbrella on his arm.
Lila went from "I don't want to be like my mom" to a motherhood cliche. And what was the deal with her family? She just found her parents and they immediately accepted her or something? Was there another Lila in this universe? That made no sense. If anyone would have joined the CIA it would have been her. Her and Diego should have been weird parents teaching their kids how to fight and kill but instead they got some domestic life that those characters never belonged in.
And there's so much more! Abigail is alive? Hardly relevant. Why did she body snatched Gene, it didn't really seem to change anything. The Keepers existed only to be a minor obstacle in the last episode. And are her and Reggie aliens? Why? How? What's the point?
AND DURANGO? THAT'S A CAR! Harland named marigold and for a farm kid that makes sense (though the retconned acceptance of that word into Umbrella vocabulary was irksome) But Durango? Abigail is a scientist and she names The Bad Dust after an SUV? Why?
AND WHY WAS THERE ZERO QUEERNESS? Each of the first three seasons had some sort of queer arc but not this one. I still wonder if some higher-up didn't intentionally assassinate the show as backlash for the immense respect S3 gave Elliot Page.
One last thing, music is a big part of the show, they've always put such thought and care into the soundtrack and it makes sense knowing who the creators are, so why, of all songs, was Baby Damn Shark the first song to be featured in like three episodes? It seems intentionally disrespectful.
I'm done, rant over, I'll never recover from this.
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k-s-morgan · 2 months
Why did Will reject Hannibal after Muskrat farm? I see a few justifications saying that Will was tired after Hannibal almost eats his brain and is fucked up by Mason, but that doesn’t seem reason enough.
Will also talks about the rejection when he visits Hannibal in TWOTL, saying Hannibal would only turn himself in if Will rejected him. What was Will’s intent here?
Hi! So, this is a very complex arc that has many interpretations. This is how I see it - and I'll start from the start of S3 because it's important to keep track of the change of Will's attitudes.
In the first several episodes, Will is operating under the knowledge that Hannibal loves him, and his emotions come to the surface more openly. He can't and doesn't want to move on: the first thing he does upon waking up is voicing his pain at Hannibal leaving him to die, then berating himself for lying to him, then realizing Hannibal left him alive deliberately and that he wants to be found. Will begins to analyze their conversations and quickly figures out where he should go to look for him. After being released from the hospital, he starts building a boat to travel to Hannibal by sea. The nature of this action is romantic by itself - also, this scene is intercut with his Mizumono memories, namely, with Hannibal's face that emerges every time he moves yet another part of the engine. This is a vivid demonstration of Will trying to repair what is now broken. He openly admits to Jack that he wanted to run away with Hannibal.
Similarly, Will spends some time sitting in Hannibal's empty house. He is pining hard, his feelings are so intense that he no longer even bothers to hide them from Alana and Jack. The whole E2 is Will's love letter to Hannibal - he's reverent about him, he thinks about him non-stop, and he tries to find him very hard, even literally chasing him down. He even lies at the place where Hannibal left him his "broken heart," as if needing closer physical contact.
Things begin to shift as Will meets Chiyoh. I feel like Will starts drawing comparisons between them and comes to a conclusion that Hannibal doesn't love him after all. That if he abandoned Chiyoh, whom he was supposed to love, so easily, for so many years, without bothering to return to her, then maybe he's just not capable of love. Will's torn now, wondering if he was mistaken about Hannibal's feelings as well as about his and Abigail's importance because if Hannibal left his family so easily once, who’s to say he wouldn’t do it again? Will is insecure by nature, he often doubts himself, and textually, that's the first time when he starts considering killing Hannibal again. Seeing Bedelia as his replacement just reinforced this idea, so Will returned to his bitter and vengeful state, hence his half-attempt with a knife in Dolce.
After Hannibal reacts to this attempt by trying to (half-heartedly) saw Will's head open, and then the whole disaster with Mason happens, it all becomes a breaking point for Will. The initial excitement and determination he felt have passed. He has grown disillusioned, bitter, hurt and hurtful once again. He's tired, he's no longer certain of anything, and he needs to re-retreat. It's similar to how people often feel a boost of energy to do something daring, but at some point, they lose this spark. They stop feeling like they could move the mountains, and Will feels it, too.
He rejects Hannibal because of this, as I see it. He doesn't know what he wants again, he isn't sure Hannibal loves him, and he's no longer willing to break the fragile, shattered semblance of normalcy he has been cultivating for decades. He's clinging to what he's used to instead of jumping head on into something new and mysterious, even if it's much more exciting. Will has no strength for excitement and passion right now.
I never quite bought that Will knew for sure that Hannibal would give himself up if he rejected him. Yes, Will was probably lying when saying he wanted everything to be over, and maybe on a subconscious level, he hoped for some grand proof of love, but I don't think he could be actually sure that something like this would happen. For one thing, Hannibal's response is genuinely unexpected - just in Mizumono, he gutted Will after his betrayal; in Dolce, he attempted to kill him after Will betrayed him again. Giving himself up is something new - Hannibal has grown a lot during these months and days, but Will doesn't know it. Also, I don't think Will is nearly confident enough about his place in Hannibal's life to predict that Hannibal would give up his freedom for him. In addition, he just strikes me as surprised and pained when he sees Hannibal's surrender.
So, maybe Will was thinking about it a lot afterward, and during that moment in prison, he wanted to hurt Hannibal, so he exaggerated the depth of his manipulation.
If this is the case, then why did Will want to hurt Hannibal at all later? In my opinion, it's for several reasons. Will is feeling extremely petty. He's hurting Hannibal just because he can - he now fully realized the power he holds over him, and he's enjoying it. He's paying him back for everything he's still angry and hurt over. It's possible that he's also playing it up for the cameras, making Jack and Alana believe that he's leaving for good and wants nothing to do with Hannibal. That would make his break out plan easier. He lies not just to Hannibal here, he lies to everyone who's watching. He claims he had nothing to do with setting up Chilton, even though he took the responsibility for him with Bedelia; he claims he's going back to Molly, even though they broke up.
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hiii! just wanna say i love your writing and wondered if you could please write a frank from abigail smut where after he's turned into a vampire and sucked abigail's blood, joey had ran away this time but then y/n comes in looking for frank without knowing he had actually already turned into a vampire and then they basically just fuck in the library lmao SORRY IF THIS REQ IS TOO LONG
I was having a shit day, so this is very refreshing to hear. Thank you🩵 And it’s definitely not too long!
Suck me
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Warnings: smut
Tags: @thatchubbypillow
They had now just arrived to the library. They thought that they were the only one left, but they were proven wrong when they see Frank still alive. “I’m so glad you’re still alive. It would’ve been a shame if you’ve died” he says hiding the fact that he’s a vampire. “Yeah- I suppose. Are you okay?” They asked with concern in their voice
“Yes” he quickly figured out how to hide his fangs, and so he hid his fangs before they could see them. He turns around, and then smirks. “I’ve never felt better” he adds as he moves towards them. They don’t move from their spot, they stay there as if in a trance
They felt like something was off about him, but couldn’t figure out what that could be. It didn’t scare them off though. It lured them in as he was pinning them roughly against one of the bookshelves. They blushed and felt turned on by his roughness
He kisses them roughly on their lips as he rips off their clothes. He notices in the corner of his eye how much they needed him. He pulls apart, and then smirks. His fangs shown too, which makes them shocked. “Do you like em? I personally do” he says as he now takes off his clothes as well
“They fit you perfectly” they said, which makes him smirk. “You look so fucking hot as a vampire sir” they add, which makes him slam into them after making he had gotten rid of his clothes. Their wraps around his waist as he spent no time with letting them stretch out
He pounds into them roughly, which makes them be in so much pleasure at the moment. Their hands are grasping tightly onto his back, which makes him let out moans. He wondered if pain also turned them on as well. He puts his fangs away, and starts to leave bite marks on their neck
They moan as he leaves bite marks. He wanted to drain their blood right then, but he held his instincts back. “Frank” they moaned as he continues to bite them. He stops, and smirks. He was glad to know that they also enjoyed pain, so he scratched their face to the point that blood was drawn
They moaned as his tongue goes onto their cheek now. He shuts his eyes, and came from how good they tasted. His head arches back to let out moans, before going back to their cheek. They were definitely into this, and loved that he came because of their blood. They came now, which makes him stop
He draws blood on their shoulder with using his fangs. Their head stays arched back as his bloody fingers go into them. Moans echo throughout the library as he’s licking the blood off their shoulder and rubbing them the way they like. They moan his real name, which makes him amused
“You taste fucking amazing” he says as his eyes look up at them. He tugs their head to make them look at him. He smirks at the faces they make right now. “Taste it” he orders after he lets go of their hair. His finger goes onto their bleeding shoulder, and then close to their mouth
They listen, and even listen when he said to swallow it. They felt grossed out by this, but didn’t want to upset him. “Good job” he praises as he picks up his speed on their pussy. They came on his fingers, which makes him grin. He stops and then takes his fingers out of them
He tastes them, and realizes that they tasted delicious still. He wanted to tear them apart now, but had very good self control. He puts his clothes back on, and handed them his leather jacket to cover up. “Let’s get the fuck out of here” he says as they put the jacket on. He holds their hand as the two leave the place
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wrightingdungeon · 4 months
Get Slimed
I was in the mines and the Slimed debuff gave me…. Ideas
A story with my Farmer: Dante and Abigail
Warnings: Fighting, might continue later, very light stripping
Having Abigail join Dante in the mines always made the task more enjoyable, she was excited to learn everything about being an adventurer. Dante kept their spelunking to the upper levels, helping her take the mines slow, remembering how she had reacted to the bats flying up at her. It gave the advantage of keeping the enemies more manageable, wanting to avoid overwhelming Abigail. 
“Remember it's usually easier to clear a level before mining things. You don't want to be snuck up on while picking up ore.” Dante said watching Abigail’s back as she looked around the cave level. “You sound like you know that from experience.” Dante chuckled at Abigail’s quick jab, he had been caught off guard when he had first started exploring the mines. He remembered when he had woken up at Harvey's bandaged up.
“Just a few times, but that's why I now clear the floor before anything can get the drop on me,” Dante said stretching lazily hiding a smirk when he saw Abigail taking a peek at the sliver of skin that appeared. He had caught onto the crush she had on him days ago. Sebastian and Sam had come to his house and told him all about it and how they would be watching him like hawks. Dante found it sweet that the boys cared for her and wanted her happy, ensuring he wouldn't break her heart. Not that he would. Dante also liked Abigail, her fiery spirit, the first time she took an amethyst from him and ate it like it was an apple, her tenacity. Abigail was a spitfire and he liked that about her.
“Dante! I found the ladder!” Hearing Abigail call to him brought him back to reality. “Let's get going then, gotta be out before ten,” Dante said as he made his way down the ladder after Abigail. Looking around Dante sucked his teeth in annoyance “Tch shit it's infested… Stay close ok.” He instructed Abigail stepping forward and drawing his sword 
The damp, cool air of the Mines thickened around them, a sickly green hue permeating the cavern and casting eerie shadows. The stone walls seemed to pulse with the unnatural light, heightening the tension. The entire room seemed alive with the presence of Green Slimes. Their thick jelly bodies pulsed with malice, blending almost seamlessly with the emerald ambiance. Dante's senses sharpened, every slight movement catching his attention, while Abigail stood ready to support him.
Without warning, a slime launched itself from a dark corner, its body stretching as it soared through the air. Dante sidestepped with practiced ease, his sword flashing in a swift downward arc. The slime split with a wet, splattering sound, dissolving into a harmless puddle of goo, Abigail watched with wide eyes. Two more slimes bounded toward Dante, their movements were erratic and unpredictable. He swung his sword in a wide sweep, but the slimes were agile, dodging his strike and flanking him. One latched onto his leg, its acidic slime burning through his pants. Dante shook it off with a grunt of pain and stomped it into the ground, the satisfying squish echoing through the cavern.
The second slime took advantage of his distraction, launching itself at his chest. Abigail's eyes widened in alarm as Dante fell back, narrowly avoiding the attack, and thrust his sword upward. The blade pierced the slime’s core, and it disintegrated with a hiss, its remnants sizzling on the cold stone floor. Breathing heavily, Dante scanned the dimly lit cavern, listening to the distant, echoing sounds of more slimes emerging from the shadows, Dante stood slowly preparing for the next onslaught.
Dante advanced cautiously, sword at the ready, while Abigail stayed slightly behind, her eyes darting around for any threats he might miss. The slimes kept coming, their numbers seemingly endless. Dante moved with precision and grace, each swing of his sword a calculated strike. He dispatched slime after slime, his movements a deadly dance of survival. Green goo splattered across his clothes and face, but he remained focused, his resolve unwavering. Abigail watched in awe as Dante fought, her own weapon ready to strike if needed. As the last of the Green Slimes dissolved into a puddle at his feet, Dante wiped the sweat from his brow and took a deep breath. The cavern fell silent once more, save for the occasional drip of water from the ceiling and the faint, unsettling glow of the green hue that bathed the room.
Dante sheathed his sword and turned to Abigail, who gave him an encouraging nod. Surveying the area together, noticing that the threat had ended a sigh of relief was shared between the two. “And that's how you handle an infected level…” Dante said gripping the bottom of his shirt pulling it up and off, shaking it like a rug trying to get the thick slime off of it. “A new thing to keep in mind, a change of clothes.” Dante groaned as he looked over at Abigail, noticing she was covering her face peeking threw a slit in her fingers Dante burst out, doubling over in laughter. 
“Don't look at me like that!” Dante laughed holding his side causing Abigaiil to be more flustered hiding her face fully. “It's too cute, Abby, I can't!” Slowly catching his breath his laughter turned into chuckles, seeing Abigail was fully flustered Dante slowly walked over. “I’m not gonna bite you ya know.” Dante teased leaning down slightly to be closer to her, seeing her eyes peek back out he chuckled looking into her blue eyes. “Ya know, I do have to confess… Sebastian and Sam did let it slip that you like me…” He said teasing her. 
Abigail gasped her eyes flashing red for a second. “They did not! I'm gonna kill them! I am gonna actually kill them!” She yelled out balling her fists, showing Dante just how red her face was. Dante laughed and held her shoulders. “Hold on Spitfire.” Dante gently pulled Abigail close to him. “I like you too ok?” Dante said softly looking at Abigail gently. “You are unapologetically you, you are so fun to be with, you honestly light up my life,” Dante said pushing back some of her amethyst-colored hair, smiling at her shocked face. “W-What?” She said shyly her eyes wide.
“Yeah, I like you Abby, I honestly can't get enough of you,” Dante said cupping the side of Abigail's face slightly, giving her a hint as to what he was asking permission to do, seeing Abigail's breath catch Dante waited ready to let her go. “Is this ok Abigail?” Dante asked his voice hushed and gentle. “Y-Yeah…” Abigail said against Dante’s lips as she pushed herself up with her toes. The kiss was soft and gentle but it held so much for the pair, a new bond forming between the pair. Pulling back Dante chuckled softly his cheeks matching Abigail's now. “I think we are done with the mines for the day.” He said joking taking one last look at the damp green walls. “Wanna go home with me and help get this slime off?” He smirked down at Abigail laughing at the squeak that came out of her.
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sickvictorianangel · 1 year
✩ Cardigan ✩
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Arthur Morgan x Gender Neutral Reader
Just a little drabble inspired by the song Cardigan (Taylor Swift). I had this idea about the reader (any gender you like), reminiscing about their relationship with Arthur, before the tuberculosis.
TW: All my stories are 18+, illness, dealing with loss, grief, typical game violence. Minors DNI!
My other fanfics ♡
Tag list: @margofiore
♡ Dividers by Saradika ♡
♡ Dividers (DNI) by CafeKitsune ♡
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“Cause I knew you
Steppin' on the last train
Marked me like a bloodstain,
I knew you
Tried to change the ending
Peter losing Wendy…”
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The sun was setting somewhere in the west, leaves were falling, the cold air was nipping at every bit of my exposed skin. There I was, seated on a cold bench, waiting for the next train to come. And all I could think about was You. 
The year is 1907 and things are changing abruptly. The modern times you were so afraid of are finally here. People are turning more and more enslaved to their jobs and to a society that only cares about power and money. Same thing that destroyed the life I once knew, and the same thing that took you from me. I still think about you, I still miss you and I still love you, Arthur Morgan.
Every page of your journal is a memory coming to life. John gave it to me after you were gone. And talking about him, You did it, you gave them a safe life. John and Abigail are now finally married, Jack has a safe home and has a chance to become something better than what we once were. Uncle is tagging along (he is the same lazy old man, some things never change, apparently), Charles and Sadie joined them for some time too. Everyone else survived, Pearson owns a general store in Rhodes, Tilly is married and living a beautiful life in Saint Denis. Mary-Beth is a known writer, the Reverend is now in New York living an honest life, and Dutch… Well, we don’t know much about him, Karen,Javier and Bill. And Micah… Micah is gone. John couldn’t live peacefully if he knew Micah was still alive and well. I know you would be against us trying to avenge you, but we had to do it. For you, my love. 
And me…? Oh dear, I am still stuck in 1899. The time when everything was easier, when you were here with me. Turning back some pages, I’ve found a drawing of my face, sleeping in the Blackwater hotel’s bed. I can feel everything so vividly, the smell of tobacco and whiskey still lingers on me. Your turquoise eyes staring at the depths of my soul, your warm touch on my skin. Your dry but soft lips, always kissing me with passion. Your lovely words ringing in my ears. Your laughter, your smile, the tears you tried to hide so many times. All I can think about is you. It has been years since you passed, but for me it still feels like yesterday. It is too soon for me to move on. And my love, I would never fully be over you.  
You were everything I knew, since I was young, it was always you. I remember joining the gang when you and I were both in our 20s. You were heartbroken from all the pain life threw on you. For me, it was love at the first sight. You were so beautiful, kind and loyal. It always makes me smile when I remember you bringing me a cup of coffee every morning you were at camp. Always telling me about your adventures. The craziest stories someone could ever tell. I could always count on you to cheer me up, to hug my pain and sadness away. But my favorite memory about you is when we both confessed our love for each other… I still dream about this day. Your presence hunts me everywhere, Arthur. All the places you’ve been. All the things we did together. In every corner I can see you. In every person you helped, in all the places you bled… The place where I last saw you, the place you saw your last sunrise and the place your body was laid to rest. It is always gonna be about you. And now, as I wait for my train here in Valentine, I still can feel your presence lingering. It is like the whole town is stuck in the 1800s and nothing changed. What I am about to confess, my darling, will sound so silly. But, as I stare into the nothingness, I still hope to see you. Something inside of me still hopes this is all a bad nightmare and I will wake up and you will be by my side looking healthy, strong and full of life. Because that is how I chose to remember you. 
My sweetheart, you drew stars around all my scars and now that you are not here, I was left bleeding. In a place full of people, I still feel lonely. I wish with all these new technologies, someone could build a machine able to bring you back to me. I wish there was a way for me to go back in time. To have everyone safe and happy together. Singing around the fire, drinking, dancing… To wake up with the sounds of everyone chatting. A new day starting, with you always by my side.But that will never happen, and I need to make peace with that. Now, I will just patiently wait for my time to come. So I can finally be with you, my love. 
Because I know someday, when everything passes, You will come back to me. 
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oddeyevibes · 1 month
Turns out I had too many questions in hindsight🫠🫠
(Spoiler heavy questions)
I was lowkey hoping that they would all get reborn but through ordinary means and without powers. Like their existence wasn’t really the problem, the marigold in them was and they didn’t choose for their moms to get pregnant, right?
So why wouldn’t it have made more sense for them to still be born under normal human circumstances and have them live normal lives without the trauma of being Umbrellas/Sparrows?
Also, I hate that Sloane was just gone. Like Luther finally finds someone who matches him and she now doesn’t exist anymore and we’re just supposed to be okay with that??????
There’s just so many questions that didn’t get answered. Like how did they find Allison?? Why doesn’t Sloane or any of the other Sparrows exist but Sparrow!Ben does? And for that matter, why does Lila still exist then if this is an Umbrellas only party??
If Lila’s parents are still kicking then are the Umbrella’s moms still alive? Did neither of them want to meet their moms or was it always just Klaus? (I know why Lila’s parents died but if they’re deaths were undone then who else’s death was undone?)
Where did Jennifer even come from? Was she a similar odd birth like the 43? Or did she just spawn in the squid?? Like I feel a longer season would’ve allowed us at least an episode to learn about her more. She lived and died as a plot device more than a character. Like why is she always in the squid???
Why oh why were the Sparrows swept under the rug? Like literally Ben is the only one who ever mentions them and Luther mentions Sloane ONCE.
I wish we got to see more of Abigail because her playing the violin had me longing for her to connect with the Umbrellas and Sparrow!Ben in a way that was completely different from Reginald to the point that it was jarring. Especially since SHE is technically their creator not Reginald. In the same way original Reginald treats Pogo nicer than the Umbrellas because Pogo is HIS creation.
Was there not a Jennifer Incident in the Sparrow timeline? I know everyone was theorizing it happened differently cause he lived but that was mainly because of his scar and the drawing he made of a woman. But did those details matter at all?? And if they did matter then why wouldn’t he remember a girl named Jennifer if she is a such a constant that even her name stays the same?
And if we have this “the world is better off without them” bit at the end. Then why aren’t their mothers shown being happy in that little park thing? You can say it’s because they lived all over the world but I’m supposed to believe that those commission ppl, the Swedish bros, and the Handler weren’t from different timelines, eras and countries but they got to be in that little happy dream?
Was Jennifer the ONLY durango kid? If the Durango is attracted to the Marigold then why did only one piece of Durango make it to Earth when there was more than one Marigold??
It isnt the marigold kids fault they were born when Reginald is the one that released the Marigold onto Earth and Abigail was the one who made it. Why would the Umbrellas dying undo Reginald releasing the Marigold and Abigail making it? Especially when the Reginalds in new timelines never remember the actions of the Reginalds in other timelines and they have to have their other timeline actions explained to them. So why would killing Reginald #3 AFTER THE FACT revert the splitting timelines? Why are we pretending that Umbrellas themselves are the problem??
You mean to tell me after three seasons of hammering it in how smart Five is, all of those Fives put together didn’t think of just letting the Durango consume them? And if they needed the original to do it then why didn’t one of them reach out to him? Because Five never sugarcoated anything before, why would the other Fives sugarcoat the potential solution to the original Five?
If this is a timeline where they don’t have their powers but have their memories of former timelines then how were the Umbrellas born in this timeline? How can they exist in this timeline? Or is it possible for them to still exist because their mothers didn’t die? If that’s the case do any of them know their mothers at all because it was the Hargreeves School of Wayward Boys not Wayward Kids so Allison and Pre!transition Viktor couldn’t have grown up there. So who are they in this timeline?? If they just jumped out of nowhere then why was Five allowed to join a government agency despite having no traceable background?
If Reginald knew that the Umbrellas couldn’t touch Jennifer why risk it by sending them in the first place? Suppose she got out on her own and then touched all of them, then what? And what’s to say that blowing her up would’ve work in the first place??
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heyyy i saw that you’re taking sv and sve requests 👀👀👀 do you happen to write hc’s with a sv/sve character x farmer?
Hey hey, dear anon! 👋 Thanks for your ask)
I don't know if I can call it headcanons, in fact - these are small stories of a farmer and their partner, pure fluff and love. Still, I hope, you like it 😊
Btw, I only wrote about bachelors here, so if you want HC on bachelorette too (or you want something specific), then feel free to ask again!
Some random SVE headcanon: Farmer x bachelor
Alex takes a beach ball with him every time he and the Farmer go on vacation to Ginger Island. He believes that on such a beautiful, sunny and hot day, there is nothing better than having fun and playing volleyball with his partner/spouse. And if Sam, Abigail and other active youth come to the island with them, then you can even arrange a small competition! "You'll be on my team, right Farmer?" Of course, how could it be otherwise! Everyone had a great time, and if Alex and the Farmer also won, Alex will remember it all day long, calling his partner a "lucky talisman" and praising their physical abilities and dexterity. After this, there is nothing better than sitting on the sand and watching the sunset in an embrace with your loved one.
Sam has been emotionally tired of working at Joja lately, Morris assigned him an extra job that left him with rubbery arms and legs, and Sam himself is not in the good mood. So when he and the Farmer are sitting under the tree while Sam is telling what "kind of devil he got instead of the boss", the Farmer playfully pokes their finger into Sam's ribs, causing an immediate reaction - Sam's tirade abruptly stopped, and the corners of his lips involuntarily twitched into a smile. Sam and Farmer looked at each other with playful sparks in their eyes that meant one thing: the tickle war had begun! You two rolled around on the grass, trying to tickle each other, until after 10 minutes of playful wrestling, you both lay exhausted on the grass, and agreed to a draw. Sam sat up a little and kissed Farmer on the lips, thanking them for distracting him from bad thoughts.
The duet of piano and mini harp is a rather unusual combination, but Farmer and Elliott were able to combine these two instruments into a single harmony. Farmer found a certain charm and cosiness in the cabin of the long-haired writer. Especially when Elliott, having learned about the musical abilities of his partner, offered to play a duet together. Sometimes, on rainy days, when drops hit the roof in a crazy rhythm, the house is filled with the aroma of cooked lobster, and gentle music of harp and piano soars in the air, making Elliott's seemingly small and lonely beach house so cozy and alive that these wonderful emotions cannot be described in any book of the world.
Shane still can't believe that his partner talked him into helping Emily color the eggs for the Egg Festival. Of course, Shane loves everything to do with chickens, but he usually left the coloring to Emily and others, considering himself completely untalented in this. Well, until the Farmer insisted on painting the eggs together. The painted eggs turned out quite nice and neat. Some were either funny or a little ugly, as the Farmer and Shane started fooling around and poking paintbrushes at each other. Well, the eggs are ready, Shane and the Farmer have paint all over their hands and faces, Jas and Marnie are giggling softly. Shane turns to Farmer with a warm smile and says they should do it again next year.
For Sebastian, the Anphibian exhibition in the Zuzu city is perhaps the perfect excuse to ride a motorcycle with his partner/spouse. The feeling of a cool breeze on the skin, delicious street snacks and coffee with conversations about various topics, an exhibition of the most diverse and incredible species of frogs, salamanders, toads and others. A beautiful frog keychain bought by the Farmer for Sebastian as a gift. Slightly flushed Sebastian, who accepted the gift and now always wears it on the keys. If after the exhibition they return home late at night, when houses and billboards light up the highway, such a trip is especially dear to Sebastian's heart. "I know you're not a fan of big cities, but we should be doing this sort of thing more often, don't you think?" The Farmer cannot but agree with the wonderful proposal of their soulmate.
Honestly, neither Harvey nor the Farmer understood when they managed to spin in a slow dance to light jazz. A minute ago, these two were sitting in the Saloon on a winter evening, drinking spiced mulled wine, laughing and chatting. And in an instant - pleasant calm music sounds in the jukebox, they holding hands and slowly dance, not paying attention to other people present. Harvey was a little nervous and embarrassed at first, but after a couple of sips of a hot drink and a gentle look from his loved one, Harvey forgot about the existence of the whole world. Just him, his partner, the music and their dance. They finished the dance and people began to applaud them (some even whistled). The Farmer gave Harvey a light kiss, and they both returned to their table, ordering two more mugs of mulled wine from Gus. "On the house," Gus said quietly, winking at them both.
Victor's attempts to talk to the Castle Village adventurer during Spirit's Eve failed when a cloaked warrior with a scar rudely dismissed him and simply ignored him further. Victor, of course, guessed that the adventurers might not be too friendly and accommodating, but the insult addressed to him was clearly superfluous. When the Farmer came out of the maze and found out the reason for their partner's depressed mood, they turned towards the adventurer and barked something so vulgar that the scarred warrior's face twisted in anger. The Farmer immediately went to Victor, kissing him on the cheek and promising that "not a single arrogant will dare to offend a person dear to them." Later, the Farmer was offered to tell Victor his questions about adventures and monsters. Victor just looked at them with adoration and love, noting more than once how brave and wonderful his partner is.
A few days of relaxation in a house on Ginger Island, surrounded by beautiful sea views, sand, tropical plants and wildlife... Lance never thought that he would even have such a thing as "free time" and "weekends", and even more so - the concept of "partner", "spouse" and "love". The life of an adventurer is dangerous, usually no time for a peaceful life. Lance stands under a palm tree, listening to the sea breeze and the call of tropical parrots, enjoying the beautiful sunrise. The gallant adventurer turns around at the call of his partner, who with a smile invites him to breakfast. The cabin is filled with the scent of tropical curry made from freshly grown produce on this small piece of land. The Farmer kisses Lance and teases playfully about the fact that Lance flies faster than a bullet when he smells curry. Lance just laughs softly in response and looks at his love so tenderly that the Farmer, as if reading the magician’s mind, blushes a little and smiles even wider. Lance mentally thanked Yoba and his Guild leader for the opportunity to patrol Ginger Island. After all, it was thanks to this that two adventurers met and found their happiness in each other.
If someone told Magnus that he would put on a wreath of autumn leaves and throw the same fallen leaves at someone during the game, the old wizard would say that his interlocutor had gone cuckoo. He doesn't remember doing this even in his youth, much less now. But it happened: the Farmer offered Magnus a joint similar to the forest for mushrooms and plants for elixirs. After the successful collection, the Farmer, in view of their love and energy, began to shower Magnus's head with small pieces of leaves, invoking the "leaf rain magic". Magnus didn't really get the joke at first, but catching his young partner's playful attitude, the corners of Magnus' lips curled into a smile as he quickly raised his hand, whispering an air elemental spell, lifting a bunch of leaves into the air and raining them down on the Farmer. He hadn't laughed so hard in a long time. This went on until evening, when they both decided to return to the farm, take a bath and clean their hair and clothes from fallen leaves, both tired and in good spirits. Just don't forget your basket with mushrooms, you're two dorks!
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verdemoun · 3 months
The gang would go batshit over decorations in modern times, i think. Plants. Charles probably has a lot of indoor plants. Somehow he keeps them alive. The house is 70% kitchen 25% plants and the 5% is other stuff (aka Not Relevant).
I'm not sure what they're called in English, but those little gel fuckers you can stick to a window? Yeah that. I'm looking at them as I'm typing this shit. The first person to get them in shape of bloody handprints (again, what I'm looking at, I'm absolutely projecting) is sentenced to death aka a rant from Bessie.
PAINTING OH GOD. Let's be honest, those interested in building/house renovation are divided into two groups. Technical stuff, aka Charles for example, and decorating. They tried to paint on furniture at least once. And it's pretty!! Hey, carving into wood isn't the only option anymore, furniture can be colorful! Those girls on social media that paint furniture and it's funky but also rly pretty??? Yeah that's happening. *glances at mr morgan*
Same for wall decorating. You mentioned Lenny's uhhh right okay i forgot what it was called in the middle of typing. I am. drunk actually. sorry lol. But that wall where he's gonna figure out who appears next? Yeah that was the start. Then came notes for his studies. Someone saw that and had a wait you can do that??? moment. Posters appear soon enough. Abigail wishes she could have double sided tape in Beecher's Hope. Jack's old drawings would be up on the wall, much to his embarrassment. Luckily for him, nothing survived.
I'm so normal abt this au okay
Took a week to reply because this is just a yes and post absolutely 100% nailed it you get it. A+ gold star sticker like lost my mind multiple times over this. Welcome to the timewarp brainrot you get a name badge and t-shirt official uniform of people who just get it. We're all so normal here.
Arthur might have a garden bed outside full of herbs for cooking but Charles is the king of indoor plants. Arthur is banned from touching them because he will overwater them and Charles will give him the quiet treatment. The plants are on the couch if people are coming over Charles will grumble about having to move his plants. The gang absolutely believe they miss 1899 camping so much they are trying to make their house look as much like outside as possible. These are not traditional houseplants there are vines and flowers and a homemade hydroponics set-up growing vegetables.
I love that shit it was Sean he was at least self-aware enough to know he'd get in trouble and put it on the window of his trailer/caravan only to be woken up by Bessie who was originally panicked he'd been hurt and then threatened to hurt him herself for putting bloody handprints on the window like she wasn't meant to panic. Still gives her a heart attack when she walks out. Lenny got annoyed he has no talent for drawing meanwhile Arthur successfully covered the whole kitchen window with mock stained glass that makes the house glow with the whole color spectrum when the sun catches it just right.
Mr Poor rancher John Martson is the worst at hoarding road-side furniture, has accidentally brought bed bugs into the house at least once. However Abigail queen of youtube adores fixing up and painting furniture with Arthur's help if she texts he knows it's a solid 50/50 their sons are in jail OR she needs to borrow the soda blaster again. By borrow she needs him to come over and do it she refuses to learn herself she just likes painting. Loves painting. Best in-laws ever fixing up furniture together. Arthur does the fine details like cabinets with birds and plants painted on the side so intricately.
Lenny's murder wall!! When they realize how much easier it is to pin things to walls than it is tents they all absolutely go nuts. Bessie struggles so much not wanting to interrupt them learning they can express themselves and feel stable enough in their new home to put their own personality into it but Sean goes through a phase of putting up take-away menus instead of posters and photos just because colorful. Abigail is so determined to let Jack be a kid she knows her poor boy grew up way too fast and is still trying to act like an adult despite being 19 she wants him to know he's always her baby. He certainly isn't much of a artist anymore but she will frame serviettes he scribbles poetry and song lyrics on to his mortification. First time she went to a hardware store she 'stole' almost every single paint color swatch and just pinned them up for a bit before realizing wait I can actually... buy paint. First thing she did was paint the kitchen blue. Lets her daughter draw on the walls. The centerpiece is a massive print of the blueprints to Beecher's Hope they found in an history archive, framed above the wall mounted gas heater in place of a fireplace.
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wonderlandsakura · 4 months
Saw this thought of this ↓
Hannigram "No Longer You" (from EPIC) AMV
Specifically set in Will's whole fisherman/betrayal arc btw (or like half, it's actually like the whole thing)
"I am the the prophet": The prophet is the stag or sth
"With the answers you seek": It reaches out it's arm to Will, it has the answers to his questions about who the Chesapeake Ripper is, how his brain works
"Time, I've unlocked it": Will's closed eyes, the pendulum swings
"I see past and future running free": Will's time going backwards thingy + hallucinogenic dreams or sth
"There is a world where I help you get home": Will standing in a yard it's uncertain whether it's Molly's or some dream one, there's dogs and a child smiling at him, face cut by sunlight (his son? Abigail? Who's to say)
"But that's not a world I know": Will wakes up covered in blood, Hannibal is there, smiling at him
"What?": Will angrily says this
"I see a song of past romance": Hannigram circling each other warily/before Abigail's death romance scenes
"I see the sacrifice of men": The deaths they saw when they worked together before Abigail's death
"I see portrayals of betrayal": Hannibal betraying Will
"And a brother's final stand": Will seeing Beverly's body
"I see you on the brink of death": the gut cut
"I see you draw your final breath": does he get choked out around the gut cut fight? Put that here then
"I see a man who gets to make it home alive": Will going home after false imprisonment? Or after a whatever with Hannibal while he's honey trapping him?
"But it's no longer you": One of those zoom ins after Hannibal killed Abigail, the exact moment when Will's like, I gotta get Revenge™
"This can't be": says Will, shaking his head
"We've suffered and sailed through the toughest of hells": Those gorgeous sad wet puppy dog eyes lol
"Now you tell us our effort's for nothing?": Angy Will
"I see your palace covered in red": the stag, his house covered in graffiti/the bloody mansion after the meeting with the cannibals/AFTER THE DEATH OF THE RED DRAGON
"Faces of men who had long believed you're dead": Jack, The dudes at the FBI, all the peeps that thought him crazy cause of Hannibal's accusations, Fredrick Chilton, Randall Teir, The guy who had the hots for him what's his name idk
"I see your wife with a man who is haunting": Hannibal smiling at Will, the two standing close together
"A man with a trail of bodies": zooms into will, his eyes downcast
"(who?)": bloodstained Will from the beginning asks
"I see portrayals of betrayal": Will betraying people for Hannibal
"I see a song of past romance": Romantic scenes during Will's whole honey trap
"I see the sacrifice of man": Will murdering people with Hannibal
"And a brother's final stand": Them standing against the Red Dragon, in a lull in the fighting/about to kill him
"I see you on the brink of death": them hugging on the cliff
"I see you draw your final breath": still the cliff, maybe the "it's beautiful" dialogue
"I see a man who gets to make it home alive": Will and Hannibal walking into/sitting in the church/ mishmash future they could have had
"But it's no longer you": them sitting side by side at the church? Idk a zoom in on cleaned up murderous trophy husband Will
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 4 months
Yandere Sebastian x Mina (OC) - Glory Be Thy Goddess 🌟
Word Count: 2,251 words
Scenario: Yandere Sebastian is so madly in love with Mina that even in the calmest of moments his mind never seems to be tame about her.
Includes: yandere and/or possessive canon character, OC character, first point of view from Sebastian.
Thank you for commissioning! It's so highly appreciated lovely! ✨
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I need her so bad.
It's a constant thought that's on my mind these days. As.. much as I've been trying to hide it; to keep it together when in the presence of her, I can't seem to stop thinking about Mina. At any point.
I remember the first time I laid eyes on her; the way the sunlight seemed to hit her like a halo around an Angel and I knew I was a demon and that's exactly why I just had to have her. To keep her all to myself, to stake my claim on her to I could experience her perfection as much as he wanted and whenever he wanted.
The thought of anyone else approaching her was enough to piss me off, to send me into a sour mood that could stick for the whole days. I never feel right without her; it's gotten to the point where I can't imagine not waking up at her side, not being there for every beck and call she could ever make for me.
Mina is mine.
I say it all the time; I've been saying it even before I was fully aware of it.. glaring heatedly whenever someone seemed to approach her with interest and not the kind that seemed friendly either… with the silly belief that they could possibly be a better mate for her than I am and I've come to realize that that was as foolish as believing in the flying spaghetti monster or something like elves or whatever…
Silly; because Mina doesn't see them like she seems to see me.
Even so, I can still get annoyed… irritated, when someone bothers us but the way Mina smiles at me, the way she feels when our hands graze each other… the way her voice sounds whenever she allows me to hear and listen to her.
The only people I can stand being around her are Sam and Abigail and even then sometimes… sometimes I can't help but want so much more.
To steal her away, to run away together and I've even come to really… enjoy being outside with the help of her.
She's so insanely bright, like a million twinkling stars in the shy and I love it so, so much even when I hate how it I'm not the only one it seems to draw in.
I can't stand it.
The idea of someone seeing her and seeing what I see; an angel so pure, too pure for this world… pisses me off and bad.
They wouldn't know how to treat her, not like I knew how to.
Sometimes when someone seems to take her in for just a little too long, or smirk just a tad too mischievously at her I gently grab hold of her but I’m stern as well. Wrapping my arm around her shoulders or waist because she's mine and I like people knowing that especially because seeing their surprised faces was only just enough to stop me from wringing my fingers around their throats. It's interesting really; the way being around Mina has only managed to bring out parts of me that feel so fucking alive. I love Sam and Abigail but even with that I've always felt like something or someone was still missing and after so much time… I'm more than confident that that person is Mina.
She's so cute, so extravagant and I need her…
So, so bad.
I need her all the time and even though we've been together for months now all I can do is find myself so deeply infatuated with her that I wonder if she even knows how much I crave her.
In some ways it pisses me off; the fact that I can't wake up a single day without the thought of her smile being the first thing on my mind or the way that when she's not around all I can do is think about her, where she was… her smiles as she tells silly little jokes, the way her eyes twinkled when I speak to her and called her name, or the way her hand feels on mine when we lay together and cuddle.
I'm moving even before I can really even help myself; standing up from the seat I've been sitting in for the last handful of minutes in her home while she happily hums and washes dishes. I look over to the stove and the smell of something both savory and sweet reminds me of the fact that right now it was just me and her in here.. in the home that we'll hopefully grow many precious and beautiful children in. Never before had I thought I'd even dream of such a thing, having children of any sort but ever since we've gotten together it's been a growing thought in the back of my head. Every time I look at her these days all I can wonder is where we'll be years from now and I'm so so happy with the many different possibilities that I'll be damned if someone tries to take her from me.
“Sebastian?” She suddenly speaks and I perk like a dog being called by its precious owner.
I've been so lost in thought that I've been staring.
She looks over her shoulder at me, that smile that I fall in love with over and over again is showing on her lips that I just so desperately love to kiss. With the little giggle she seems to give a moment after it's clear that she's managed to pick up on the fact that I've only been so quiet for the last handful of minutes because I was taking her in; consuming the energy she always seemed to have more and more of… always giving looks that made his heart rush in his chest even after all this time.
I need her.
She has to have my child…
I want it so bad it's killing me and before I even realized it.. I was standing behind her, eyes bright as I looked down at her back before reaching over slowly. I hug her, wrapping my arms slowly around her soft waist and then humming lowly as I lean in and gently press my face against her shoulder blade to give it a nuzzle. The sound of her letting out a scoffed laugh makes my head spin and butterflies brew in my gut as my arms carefully tighten around her.
I take my time; pressing snuggly against my head and gently running my lips along her smooth and tasty skin. As my arms hug her I can't seem to help the way the feeling of her makes my cock stiffen. It's the spell she has on me and the spell I happily take every time she's around. She sucks in a breath, moving her head and tilting it to give me some more room and oh how sweet of her.
I waste no time moving even closer; the gentle tracings of my lips on her skin turning into sweet kisses.
I'm fucking losing it.
I need her.
I move my hands up and greedily cup her breasts, fondling her just the way I’ve come to know she likes, gentle kisses turning into nips, my teeth grazing her skin and fuck the way she seems to loosen, weaken, in my arms knowing well that I’ll hold her easily no matter what.
The way she seems to lower her head a little now tells me everything I need to know; that this woman, my woman loved it when I showed my love for her.
I could show her so much more.
It's hard not to pin her down right here; it's taking everything in me not to lose it but I have a better idea. One that may just prove to everyone once and for all that this woman was taken.
I growl, a low snarl coming from deep within my throat and the way she shivers and gasps has my cock so fucking hard that I'm starting to worry I might break my zipper.
It's fine.
She presses back into me, falling into my caresses and touches like she's supposed to and the way that she's squirming makes me tempted to help make an even bigger family. I've always wondered; always imagined what being with someone like this would really feel like and for so long I was left wondering. No one was of interest, was worth my time and just as it seemed like j was starting to understand that there she was. Showing up like an omen and I remember the first time I laid my eyes on her, how the room seemed to grow quiet and nothing else seemed to matter but her… the way my heart had gone from perfectly calm to a racing mess in my chest even as I held my neutral expression.
She came over with no issue, everything about her was just as beautiful as she was. It's her voice, her eyes, her smile… and I just can't stand it.
I'm so helplessly infatuated with her.
She spoke so freely, so easily even with the slight nervousness that could be detected and I nearly fainted. With how much alcohol I had actually managed to drink that night and yes..fully prepared for the consequences; it would have been easy to think I was simply hallucinating.
‘No fucking way..’ I thought with the weight breath I had managed to deeply breathe in as if braving myself and oh when she spoke I think a shiver ran up my spine.
She's a goddess.
One that I had received the privilege of meeting and I lose myself every time and it's all because of her.
Now as my kisses grow a bit rough; gentle nips turning into harder bites and my tongue would slip out right after just to ease the sudden spikes of pain with a following gush of cool pleasure and of it's so hard not to take advantage of this… to not mark her up just to make sure everyone knew she was mine. I can't help it, I can't stop it… I desperately need her and I need others to know their places.
Just thinking about others looking at her with greedy eyes, hearing and listening to whispers makes me feel like exploring just how easily it could be to hide a body.
I bite down with force, eyes closed and brows furrowed as she cries out when my teeth breath the skin and I…I don't mean to hurt her but fuck the way she cries out and rolls her hips into mine, is to know this is needed.
She needs this.
I… need this.
I continue to touch her, showering her in so many kisses, my tongue running over that bite mark, the one that stands out beautifully in the open… in a hard and nearly impossible place. I keep touching her; hands running from his breast and rubbing them and gently groping turns to my hands moving to move and run my palm down her frame up until I can grip the tips of her thighs and grip her and hold her tight against me.
She's mine.
She's been put on this planet to be mine…
And people needed to know that.. and I'm willing to show them.
I pull away from her skin; wet lips lightly panting as I take my mouth from her delicate skin to look at her throat and oh, it's so beautiful. The mark I've left on her stands out so beautifully and I can't help but feel proud, like I might just rip her clothes off right here and spend the next few hours making a mess out of her in every which way.
“S-Sebastian!~” she squeaks loudly and I can't help but grin against that skin of hers.
I touch her so leisurely; hands squeezing and rubbing her thighs before slowly moving to slide my hands under her shirt and caress her belly. The belly that I love so much, the one that helped carry our precious and beautiful baby and it's warm, her skin feeling so fucking good under my skin.
“I love you Mina.” I coo, voice heavy as I hold her close, breath hitting her skin and as she shakily moves one of her hands to shaking grab one of my own, rubbing my knuckles caring before she looks over her shoulder again at me.
Our eyes connect and Mina grins before brushing her lips against mine in a way that lights my soul so brightly that I think I'm actually starting to melt from the inside out.
“I love you too Sebastian.. you..you know I love you more than most of this planet.” She admits and my eyes widen, heart soaring and oh it's so good to hear her say it from her own lips.
I kiss her again but I can't hold back, I can't be as gentle as I probably should but Mina doesn't seem to hate it as she turns in my arms allowing me to hold her better.. to cup her thighs and press her front against my own as our lips meld into each other in a way that really made the world around them seem like nothing but a dream.
All I need is her.
All I want is her…and I'm willing to do anything and everything to keep her safe and loved at my side.
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