#dr. Archie Hopper
a-happy-beginning · 4 months
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Captain Hook buying a ring. I mean, that alone shows progress. Look, Killian, you’re listening to your conscience now, and everyone sees that.
—Dr. Archie Hopper, Once Upon a Time, “Murder Most Foul”
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caravalsreveriekey · 20 days
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Henry: I feel like Iron Man.
Archie: Explain.
Henry: Sad.
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anouatblog · 2 years
Ouat alignment chart
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petty-d4bblr · 14 days
Rewatching Criminal Minds: Suspect Behaviour after watching OUAT and realising Jiminy Cricket is the child abductor in ep 1....😳
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shelbgrey · 8 months
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- Archie "jiminy cricket" Hopper aesthetic
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hjbirthdaywishes · 7 months
February 12, 2024
Happy 60 Birthday to Raphael Sbarge.
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likehandlingroses · 2 years
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OUAT Rewatch 2x05 - The Doctor
Thanks to your efforts, I’ve made my monster. Now I do hope you’ll be able to make yours.
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phantomstatistician · 2 years
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Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Character: Ruby
Sample Size: 2,140 stories
Source: AO3
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Now that everyone has been given their Happy Endings back, I've heard Dr. Hopper asking Mother Superior if he could be turned back into a cricket. Someone's getting tired of staring at walls, I gather.
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
Archie Hopper appreciation post! *heart eyes* He’s one of my fave OUAT characters. He’s gentle and kind and he tries to make other people’s lives better. His presence on screen gives me the same warm-and-fuzzies as a hot mug of tea, he just seems like the kind of guy who’s incredibly safe to be around and who really, deeply cares about others. And let’s not forget that he A) has great fashion sense, and B) is among the top three cutest guys on the show. Love. This. Man.
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Archie smiling (v cute); also wearing that gorgeous jacket with the fun lapels and a rather dashing tie
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Archie looking a bit disgruntled (v cute); wearing a cool hat (10/10), a stripey scarf, and a neat overcoat. Also another excellent tie
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Archie looking intent, probably listening to somebody’s problems (v cute); lighting is excellent is this pic. Hits him just right! Love those tortoiseshell glasses, specially how they’re orangey and match his hair
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Archie staring into the sky (v cute); looks great in the moonlight. Also got those neat gold spectacles, bc he’s in the Enchanted Forest. His eyes look stunning in this pic
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treatian · 1 year
The Chronicles of the Dark One: The Delicacies of Time
Chapter 44: A Happy Ending
"There are details!" she breathlessly exclaimed when she pulled away from him. The reality of a wedding tonight was settling in, romantic as he knew she'd find it, the planner within her was starting to overwhelm. "There are things that need done…people, announcements, at this hour-"
"I'll take care of all that," he promised with a shake of his head. "Marry me."
Her smile spread once more as she nodded. "What do you need me to do?"
"Prepare your vows? Meet me in an hour? I'll do the rest."
"The well," he answered without thinking. To him it was as normal as answering with "in a church" in this realm, but the more he thought about it…
It might have been a cheesy tradition in his old village, but it worked for them. The well was someplace special for them even here.
"The place we first kissed after the curse broke, after you came back to me. Give me a chance to make a promise to you there that I'll keep for the rest of our lives."
She beamed. Then nodded her head as her eyes glazed over with tears. "In an hour then," she answered, her voice choked with an emotion that he no longer thought was from grief but rather joy.
It was appropriate. He felt the shift too.
Quickly he leaned forward to kiss her, then moved away the second he managed to tear himself free, and left her in the library, knowing he'd see her soon. As much as he hated to do it without giving her the ring in his pocket, parting was necessary. The truth was that there were things that needed to be done if they intended to do this today, but not nearly as much as she thought.
People and announcements…those were wants. Not needs.
Needs for a marriage were quite simple.
They needed a place. And they had one. The well.
They needed an officiant, someone who could pronounce them officially husband and wife. He wasn't one for a Holy Man, but being who he was, he knew there was someone in town who was licensed in an official and legal capacity, who might not mind doing the deed.
He found Archie still at Granny's with the others. The man went pale when he pulled him aside to speak with him privately, not that he could blame him. Not only was he the Dark One, but he was also Mr. Gold, a man who never smiled unless something sinister was afoot, and yet he couldn't keep himself from smiling even now. But color returned to the man's cheeks as he explained the situation, as he told him that he knew he was friends with Belle and couldn't think of anyone else who might not only consider performing the wedding but might actually enjoy it. He expected a lecture from the cricket who prided himself on being a conscious to people who were acting against their own, but instead, he'd nodded his head and said, "I'd be honored."
A place secured, Archie preparing, the details given, a ring in his pocket already that he simply couldn't wait to give away, he realized that the list of "needs" had been fulfilled. Thirty minutes remaining didn't give him a lot of time to fulfill many "wants," but it allowed for some. He drove home quickly, changed suits, selected a steal gray tie and pocket square, then added a scarf for a bit of extra flair, and summoned a fresh white flower to fix to his lapel. Eighteen minutes to spare, he took the car and headed up into the back woods of the forest, where he knew of a spot to park his car for the well.
Archie was already there, Pongo in the backseat, he leaned against his car with a flashlight in hand. "Bit dark for a midnight wedding…I don't think there's any lighting at the well."
He couldn't be annoyed at the nitpicking. It was impossible. So instead, he answered that it wouldn't be a problem when they arrived, and the two of them began the short hike up to the well.
Another want he could accomplish…setting the mood.
With a sweep of his hands, he covered the well with glowing white candles that even made Archie gasp. "Ah…yes…well…that will work just fine."
Between the candles and the moon, it would indeed work just fine.
Seven minutes to spare.
If he knew Belle, she'd be right on time.
There was time enough to do something more, he knew. Time enough to fulfill another "want," but for the life of him, he couldn't think of anything that would be appropriate. His mind felt hazy. There was a lump that was somehow managing to swell in his throat. Concentration was beginning to feel impossible. But when he heard a branch break at four minutes to go and turned to see her step out of the clearing…
He couldn't think at all.
He could barely breathe looking at her.
Time slowed to a crawl as she walked toward him, a vision in white…in every single literal way he knew of.
It was true. That vision that he'd seen so long ago in the castle when he'd caught her after she'd fallen from the ladder, the vision that produced so many small little glimpses of a future he wasn't sure or hadn't wanted to believe were real…one of those visions had shown him this. Had shown him her. Dressed exactly like that.
On their wedding day.
It hadn't shown him Archie. It hadn't shown him Belle clinging to her father's arm, only her as she made her way to him, eyes fixed and nearly in tears already.
She was gorgeous. And he wasn't sure this was the best idea he'd ever had, or the worst because he'd taken so damn long to get to this place.
"It is my great honor to officiate this most lovely union," Archie began when they were toe to toe, and her father had stepped away. The shock of his voice had him glancing over at him, reminding him that they weren't alone at the moment. His mind seemed to keep forgetting that. It kept blocking out everyone and everything except her and that gaze of hers. "If you'd like to begin, your vows…" Archie prompted, glancing at her first as he realized…
A need that he'd forgotten…his vows.
"Rumpelstiltskin…" she began with a swallow. "This thing we have it's…it's never been easy. I've…I've lost you so many times," she cried, struggling to breathe through her emotions. Oh, he wanted to take her in his arms even then. "I've lost you to…to darkness, to weakness, and-and finally…to death. But now I realized…I realize that I have not spent my life losing you…I've spent my life finding you!"
Beautiful vows. Simple and elegant, just as she was. Just as he had difficulty being, especially when he went into something entirely unplanned and unprepared. How was he supposed to say anything half as good as that?
But then again…
There was nothing he could tell her she didn't already know. What had he said to her in the library? He wanted to make a promise to her that he'd actually keep. What was a vow if not a promise?
"Belle…" he began, doing his best to look at her and go back to that place where Archie and her father didn't exist. The things he wanted to tell her now were things he had only ever uttered to her in the privacy of their bedroom or the back of the shop. He blushed to think others might be witness to it, but that was the point after all. He just needed to block the others out so he could get them out of his mouth. It was just the two of them here at this well. It was the two of them making these promises. "When we met, I wasn't just unloved and unloving. I was an enemy of love. Love had only brought me pain. My walls were up, but you brought them down. You brought me home." He swallowed hard and tried not to be distracted as tears rolled down her cheeks. "You brought life into my life and chased away all the darkness. And I vow to you, I will never forget the distance between what I was and what I am."
That was it…the "want" he had time to provide for her. He wanted to do right by her, wanted to be everything that she wanted him to be. That was a vow, a promise that he wanted to keep. A gift that he could give…plus one other she didn't yet know about.
He glanced at Archie as he pulled the ring out of his pocket, more to let the cricket know he had it than to seek his permission, but he was happy when he nodded all the same. Her jaw dropped as she stared at it, and he reached for her hand to slip it over her finger.
"I owe more to you than I can ever say," he explained, settling it into place and feeling the magic solidify. "How you can see the man behind the monster…I will never know."
"But that monster's gone," she argued with absolute certainty. "And the man beneath him may be flawed…but we all are. And I love you for it," she insisted, squeezing his hands tighter in her own. "Sometimes the best book has the dustiest jacket. And sometimes the best teacup…is chipped!"
A small laugh spread over her face, taking him right back to one of their earliest interactions, when she'd dropped that cup, chipping it forever, and he'd made a not-so-funny joke that she'd still laughed at all the same. It was strange how a moment like that could evolve, the places it could lead to the challenges that would arrive to dismantle it. They'd conquered their demons, climbed their mountains, and come through the other side. And now there was only one thing left he could think to do.
Vows said, ring given, he stepped forward in front of that well, and the few there to witness it, and kissed her, proclaiming to all the world they were now and forever, finally, husband and wife.
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anewkindofme · 11 months
can you classify dr. hopper/jiminy cricket?
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I feel Archie is an obvious caregiver. He’s a therapist who would be amazing to a Little. He’d implement play therapy, sensory activities and read lots of books
Send me a character from fandoms on this list and I’ll classify them!
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oautincorrectquotes · 2 years
Archie: So, tell me why you can't sleep at night.
Emma shaking: Does Mike Wazowski wink or blink?
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woodandwaxwings · 2 years
Glimpse Of Us (Henry Mills x Male Reader)
summary; Needless to say Henry and Y/n have been very close all their lives. But things change, and not always for the best. can be read as platonic or romantic but was intended to be romantic.(It seems like I only post angst or sorta sad fluff lol also my requests are VERY open as long as the character is on my masterlist) Might turn this into a full fic if y'all want me to.
Warnings; reader has black hair, ANGST, strangers to friends to secret crush
Word Count— 1,004
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"You're in my spot," The young boy looked down from the stood he was seated on to the other boy around his age. "Henry, that's rude!" The woman next to him spoke as she kneeled next to her son and looked up at the other child as he swung his feet on the stool. "I'm so sorry about him." As she surveyed the boy she realized she had never seen him before, with his tussled black hair and fragile hands, he looked to be only seven, the same as her son. "I'm sorry sweetie, what's your name?" Regina asked as the stranger slid off the stool. "Y/n, and it's no problem, miss. I've got to get going anyway, my mom's expecting me." As he said that she noticed the bag of oatmeal that sat on the counter as the child brought it to his chest. Henry smiled as he climbed into the still-warm seat and his mother watched the mystery child leave. Henry furrowed his brows at the still half-full mug, "You forgot your drink!" He called out and the click of Y/n's black boots halted, "You can keep it." Henry nodded, unable to answer as the other boy's smile gave him a fuzzy feeling in his chest.
Y/n sat up on the frozen bench as he was blinded by the lights of a foreign yellow car. He brought his frost-nipped fingers to his eyes to block out the lights as a blonde woman and a hazy boy exited the car to speak with Archie Hopper. Henry looked between this blonde woman and the boy from Granny's before he made his decision to sit next to Y/n. "You running away again?" Henry asked, though he already knew the answer. "I just... needed some air." Henry shook his head, "You're gonna get in trouble again." Y/n let out a scoff through his nose, "I hate that place. And-" Y/n looked at his lap, "And I wanted to visit my mom." The truth was after Henry discovered the book Y/n was the first person he went to. At the time the orphaned boy was still just a stranger, but his page in the book and his unchanged name gave him a feeling that he could help him break the curse. Y/n looks up from his lap over into the doe eyes that were already on him, "You really think she can help us?" Both of their gazes snapped over to the blonde woman, supposedly Henry's mother, as she left Dr Hopper to join them on the bench. "I know it." Y/n smiled as he looked back at Henry, "You're lucky I trust your heart more than mine." Henry smiled at the boy next to him, their conversation ending as Emma joined them.
Y/n stood anxiously at the front end of Killian's ship, knuckles lightening with his harsh grip on the ship's edge. "You're going to fall off if you go any farther up the wall," Snow said as she placed a gentle hand on the preteen's shoulder. "What if we don't make it in time?" He asked the elder woman, his gaze unmoving from the approaching horizon. "We're going to find him, Y/n." He nodded, "I know that. I'm afraid of how we'll find him." His gaze dropped from the golden sandy shores to the mermaid-riddled ocean. "I've been having these nightmares. They- they feel so real." He looked over to the dark-haired woman as he placed a hand below his left rib. "Henry, he- he's different. And then there's this strange pain in my stomach and suddenly I can't breathe. It's like the world is suffocating me in my own darkness." "You've been having visions?" Y/n turned around fully to face Regina. "You're mother had them too." Her shoes clicked against the wooden grain, "The way they're shown to her was very deceiving. They happened, just not the way she expected." Y/n turned back around, "So, you don't think they'll be bad?" He asked. "I think you should have hope that they'll be good." He nodded, their talk ending as the ship reached the shore.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Henry asked as he firmly grasped Y/n's hand. "Our world needs your mother more than it needs me. My soul has been tainted by darkness since I was born, nobody needs me." Henry sighed as Y/n pulled out of his grasp, his e/c eyes meeting his best friend's puppy dog brown ones. He smiled, "I'm not going to die, Henry. I promise," Those were the last words he had spoken to his friend before ending up at the docks in front of the Dark Swan. "You stole my title," Y/n joked as he approached the woman. "Didn't you know, there's only space for one black swan." The elder woman rolled her eyes, sending a wave of dark magic at the teen as he shifted into a swan, flying over the magic and onto the edge of the dock. This game of chase continued as Y/n began to grow tired of wasting time. "Emma!" Regina shouted out, distracting her allowing Y/n to grab ahold of the blade in her hand. The platinum-haired woman trusted the blade forward, the shift pushing him back a step. It wasn't until her son screamed as he pushed past her had she realized what she had done. With a ball of smoke, Emma had returned to her savior self, grabbing onto Henry before he lunged off the edge of the dock. "NO!" He screamed out at the splash of his best friend's body slamming into the sea. "Please, you promised! I need you. I love you," His voice cracked as his knees hit the dock, his vision blurring as his tears hit the surfacing air bubbles in the water. "No," He whispered, looking up at his adopted mother as she placed a cautious hand on his shoulder. "He promised."
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nightwhispcrs · 20 days
✧・゚: ✧・゚ — here's my post-hiatus/new season starter call for my muses that could use more threads! at least some of these will have a fall/autumn theme and for my sanity many of them will probably be set at my muses' place of work.
adam newman, 33, senator & coffee shop owner — ( 1/3 ) drusilla
arnold novak, 28, socially awkward landscaper — ( 1/3 ) helaena targaryen
craig manning, 23, musician & photographer — ( 2/3 ) emily junk, nettles
gael martinez, 29, artist — (2/2 ) nie huaisang, kauul hilo
irina denali, 28, vampire esthetician law school student — ( 2/3 ) nettles, lucy westenra
dr. jack shephard, 35, spinal surgeon — ( 2/3 ) carlisle, pildo
jim hopper, 45, private investigator — ( 2/3 ) jihyo, joel miller
lenny pierce, appears 25, twilight oc hybrid — ( 1/2 ) astrid hofferson
michael guerin, appears 31, space alien cowboy — ( 2/3 ) jake wheeler, martin blackwood
monica geller — ( 1/1 ) dain aetos
naomi pierce, 34, luxuy smuggler socialite — ( 1/2 ) kenna
ramona flowers, 25, vintage store manager — ( 2/3 ) helaena targaryen, evie grimhilde
dr. reid oliver, 37, asshole neurosurgeon — ( 0/3 )
roman roy, 36, bar owner — ( 0/2 )
sarah walker, 29, cia agent — ( 3/3 ) mia winters, dale cooper, will graham
sue storm, 31, meterologist — (2/3 ) kate carter, yoon jisoo
violet baudelaire, 24, mechanical engineer — ( 1/3 ) archie kennedy
zoe rivas, 24, actress & wine bar host — ( 2/2 ) gina porter, jeremiah fisher
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