#Archie Hopper appreciation post
martianbugsbunny · 2 years
Archie Hopper appreciation post! *heart eyes* He’s one of my fave OUAT characters. He’s gentle and kind and he tries to make other people’s lives better. His presence on screen gives me the same warm-and-fuzzies as a hot mug of tea, he just seems like the kind of guy who’s incredibly safe to be around and who really, deeply cares about others. And let’s not forget that he A) has great fashion sense, and B) is among the top three cutest guys on the show. Love. This. Man.
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Archie smiling (v cute); also wearing that gorgeous jacket with the fun lapels and a rather dashing tie
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Archie looking a bit disgruntled (v cute); wearing a cool hat (10/10), a stripey scarf, and a neat overcoat. Also another excellent tie
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Archie looking intent, probably listening to somebody’s problems (v cute); lighting is excellent is this pic. Hits him just right! Love those tortoiseshell glasses, specially how they’re orangey and match his hair
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Archie staring into the sky (v cute); looks great in the moonlight. Also got those neat gold spectacles, bc he’s in the Enchanted Forest. His eyes look stunning in this pic
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heatherfield · 2 years
My OTP involves two people who have known each other for a long time and have been friends for awhile. They live in a quiet town that may or may not be cursed. Then, the arrival of a new resident stirs things up, bringing them closer together as they try to help their friends. They bring out the best in each and see what others don’t see, all while realizing their own feelings and being unsure if the other one feels the same way. (A death scare also brings things to the surface.)
He has done things in the past that’s he’s not proud of, and he’s worked hard to be the best man that he can be. He sometimes makes mistakes, but he always owns up to them and makes amends. He can sometimes be dismissed as a one-note character, but his friends see the true gem that he is. He is kind and observant, always ready to help someone who is hurting if he can, keenly aware of the injustices in the world. He is also in awe of this woman the more he really gets to know her and wishes she could see herself the way he sees her. She is powerful and kind, and yet she struggles with hurt and guilt, and he wants to support her and help her embrace her bad-ass self. He also has an established career in the community. (And he has a questionable-at-best relationship with his father/parents.)
She has powerful abilities that can feel like a blessing and a curse. Her magic has inadvertently resulted in the death of someone most dear to her even as she was literally doing everything she could to save them. At times the hurt and guilt can feel overwhelming. She also realizes that the tragedy was not her fault, though sometimes she needs reminding. As events unfold, she begins to see him in a new light as they work together. While others might be quick to brush him off, she is drawn to him and his kindness, his intelligence and insight—and something else she may or may not want to acknowledge—and the friendship they share turns into something more. She is quick to stand up for him and she wants to support him the way he supports her. She can also sometimes feel overshadowed or forgotten by her best friend, the “princess” of the town, but she is always ready to drop everything to help her even when that involves supernatural threats. It is nice to feel his special attentions, however, especially when she hasn’t connected with anyone in that way for ages, if ever. She also works at the town’s metaphorical watering hole where he is a regular patron. She even dreams of opening her own store/franchise one day. And of course, she totally embraces her bad-ass power (and he absolutely loves seeing and encouraging her growth!)
People are surprised at the opposites-attract match but quickly realize it makes the most sense in the world. After a lot of heartbreak and drama and angst, they become the power couple of the town with the most loving and supportive marriage, all with the help of their found-family. <3
(Oh, and they’re close to the mayor/mayor’s family who may or may not be secretly evil!)
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TLDR: If I had a nickel for every time I found a ship with this very specific dynamic, I would have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
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teamhook · 5 years
A Chapter a Day... Savage Heart CS AU
Okay, last chapter was on the short side. I’m debating with the thought of posting an extra one...
This story will be finished by the end of the month. :)
A love story between a pirate and his savior. An innocent, beautiful, selfless woman meets a man with no manners, no formal education and not even a last name. Will Emma fall in love with Killian once she discovers that beneath his tough exterior lies a heart-wild, but a heart of gold? This is a Captain Swan AU
Beta-ed by the wonderful @ilovemesomekillianjones​​​
Cover by the amazing @xhookswenchx​
|AO3| |FFN| previous chapter
|AO3| |FFN| current chapter
Chapter 8: Best Laid Plans
August wakes up to find that his wife is missing. He assumes that she is eating breakfast with his mother and Emma, maybe Snow, but probably not as she hardly leaves her room. He gets up and gets ready. Walking into the dining room, he finds his mother eating breakfast alone. He decides to take advantage and talk to her about another matter.
"Mother, have you seen Milah?" August asks.
"Sorry son, I'm afraid I haven't seen your wife once since I have been up. I do know she was seen leaving the estate earlier by one of the staff, but she didn't say to where," Cora answers.
"Oh. I will ask her about her whereabouts later. There is another matter I would love to discuss with you. Mother, I was wondering if you knew what became of that boy father had brought to the house to keep me company when I was a boy. It was shortly before father had that accident and died?" August waits for a response from his mother.
Cora looks at August and tries not to show any emotion as she answers, "Oh yes that lowlife boy your father decided to take in as a charity case? If memory serves me, his name is Killian Jones. Well, he ended up becoming the only thing someone like him could have, a dirty pirate. I was right about the path in which he was heading. I'm just happy I was able to send him away and save you before he could do any real damage." Cora's tone is cold and uncaring as she remembers her husband's bastard son.
"Mother, I never understood your dislike for him. I cannot help wonder, if he would have stayed with us, like my father had intended, perhaps he may have made better choices? Father must have seen something special in him to have seen him worthy of living with us. Now that I'm a full grown, married man, and not a boy that has to listen to you, I will finally be able to fulfill my father's dying request," August said firmly.
"What are you talking about? Your father's request... " Did her dead husband reveal Killian's true lineage? Cora is dreading the answer.
"Mother, all father said was for me to take care of him. I intend to offer him the vacant steward position. Why are you so pale, are you feeling well?" August inquires.
"I'm sorry to say this, but we are not in need of a steward. We have not had the need for one since your father died. Even if that was the case, we have you. To be honest, just the thought of you wanting to bring that pirate into this house makes me ill. Are you sure doing this is a good idea? You recently married a young impressionable girl that could easily be seduced by that scoundrel, especially with the reputation he has with women. Son, I know you care for him, but I don't believe bringing him to work as a steward is a good idea." Cora truly hopes she is making her case.
"Mother, I was unable to give Milah the honeymoon she deserves because of her aunt's sudden health issues. Emma is at the convent on the verge of taking her vows. Mr. Nolan is still away. I want to take her on an extended honeymoon traveling. That is why I want to offer Killian the position. I never intended for us to stay here permanently."
Cora fumes as she stares. "You want to leave me again? This must have been your wife's bright idea!" Cora screams.
"Mother if memory serves me correctly, it was your decision to send me away to study abroad when I needed you most. I had just lost my father and you just sent me away… and Milah has no idea of my plans," August states calmly. "It is decided mother; I will honor my father's last wishes and offer Killian the job of steward. I will not negotiate this decision. I will meet with Mr. Hopper to ask him for help in reaching out to Killian. It is unfortunate that Emma decided to join the convent. I believe a woman like her would have been a perfect match for Killian. If he is truly the man you describe, a good woman would certainly make him see the need to become a better man," August adds.
"How dare you say such a thing? Son, I helped in Emma's education to ensure she would have made a wonderful wife for you, not for some lowlife filth! You see her worth only to pair her off with that man?" Cora is disgusted by her son's thoughts.
Milah returns to home after her tryst with Killian and quickly checking on the Nolan house. She had hoped for a more enticing reunion with Killian but it would have to do for now. As she walks down the hall she overhears the end of the conversation between August and his mother. Who were they arguing about, she wonders. Then she hears steps approaching, she turns to see her cousin Emma.
"Milah, I will be leaving for the convent later today. I'm just here to check on my mother," Emma says. "Please don't bring any more shame to this family. My father has been away from the family for so long already, he hopes to recover some of that lost honor. Please, don't make the sacrifice of the family be in vain," Emma pleads with her cousin.
Milah just stares at Emma as she speaks. Does she know something?
"I will promptly say goodbye to my mother and then find the rest of the household and let them know I will be leaving," Emma says quietly.
Emma wonders if she should mention to Milah that she knows of her affair with the pirate, or if her little speech will be enough. She knows she cannot have that conversation with her in the house. Before she can make her way to her mother's room, August followed by Cora come out of the dining room.
Emma smiles and says, "I was telling Milah I will be leaving later today. I was on my way to visit with my mother for a while and then say my goodbyes."
Cora answers, "Oh darling girl, I wish you would stay longer but I understand."
August adds, "Emma, please know this is your home and that you are welcome anytime. We will make sure your mother is well taken care of."
"Thank you, I truly appreciate the gesture," Emma answers and walks to her mother's room.
Cora follows after Emma and says loud enough for everyone to hear, "Emma, let me walk you to your mother's room. Then I will go lay down, suddenly I have a headache."
August looks toward Emma and his mother and silently mutters a few choice words, then turns to his lovely bride with a smile. "Milah, where did you go this morning?" August inquires.
"I went to go check on the house; I had asked Emma to let you know," Milah answers.
"Oh, that is good of you sweetheart," August says. "Milah, I will be offering the steward position to an old childhood friend," August tells her.
"Your mother didn't sound happy; I could hear the argument all the way to the front door," Milah says.
"I don't care if she is happy, it's not her decision. I will do this, then I will be able to give you a proper honeymoon." August says.
"I'm not complaining. I just don't want your mother to think it was my idea. She hates me. I know she wishes you would have married Emma."
"It doesn't matter what she says or thinks, I love you. I chose you. Your cousin is a lovely woman and it is a shame she has decided on becoming a nun. I was telling my mother that it would have been perfect if my old friend was to meet her. I believe they would be good for each other. He needs the love of a good woman."
"Oh, I had no idea you wanted to be a matchmaker." Milah smiles as she teases her husband.
"It doesn't matter now," August says.
Soon the conversation ventures into small talk as the couple discuss ideas for their honeymoon. Emma emerges sometime later and says her goodbyes. Cora keeps to herself, still not recovered from her conversation with her son.
Killian walks into Tiny's Golden Goose Tavern after his meeting with Milah and his encounter with her cousin Emma. He really needed a drink to calm his nerves. He is supposed to be on his way to Archie's office to set his plan into motion. The reality is simple, he was truly caught off guard by the fierce owner of emerald green eyes and a repulsed expression on what he considers a stunning face.
He had been so entranced by her and for a brief moment, all he had wanted was simply to reach out and touch her. He had not even realized he had moved his hand to reach out to her. Then she suddenly stepped back, away from his touch. That is the moment he snapped out of the trance and he came back to his senses.
He doesn't understand why she had affected him so much. Without thinking, he smiles at the thought of her and that horrid outfit, despite which she was still gracefully beautiful. She has a light to her that he is so drawn to, like a moth to the flame.
He can't stop thinking about what she had said to him. This is the first time he truly questions his actions and selfish thoughts. Sure he can be charitable, he donates anonymously to the orphanage, but this is different, this is about him, it had felt different.
No one had ever made him feel ashamed of who and what he had become. Countess Emma Nolan must be a Saint to make him feel this way. He secretly dubs her Saint Emma. After just one meeting she has gifted him remorse, how very generous of her.
Yes, he knows Milah is married, and by all accounts, he should just walk away and be a better man, but he still wants her. He loves her, he is selfish. If only he didn't feel so guilty now. None of this matters though, as a man unwilling to fight, deserves what he gets.
Killian takes a swig of his rum, trying to get lost in the burn of the alcohol when he notices one of the locals harassing Tink. He quickly gets up and heads towards them.
"What the bloody hell do you think you are doing? Unhand her!" Killian grits out.
The man simply looks at him and continues fondling Tink who is struggling against his hold.
Killian snaps and punches the man repeatedly, until his head is bruised and bloodied. No one makes an attempt to stop him. He has unleashed all of his bottled up anger of finding out Milah has married another upon this poor nameless man.
His knuckles are bloodied and cracked from the vicious assault. Tink quickly grabs him and pulls him up the stairs to her room.
She cleans the blood off his hands and as soon as she finishes he tells her he must leave as he has an important meeting to get to. Giving her his thanks, he makes sure the coast is clear and heads out to see Archie.
He had it coming is all he can think. He hates that Tink works at the tavern, he had asked Tiny to keep her in the kitchen, but sometimes she ventures out to the dining room. She is a pretty young girl so she is bound to attract some unwarranted attention.
Killian now has two reasons for his meeting with Archie, he mulls over his newest request as he rides toward his friend's home. He doesn't want his notorious reputation to have a negative impact on his longtime friend, so he always meets him at his home instead of his office. Knocking on the door, Killian waits anxiously for Archie to answer.
Archie is out of breath as he had hurried to open the door. "Killian, I was worried. I was expecting you much earlier. Please come in and sit down." Archie guides Killian to his small living area.
"I'm sorry for being late, I made a quick stop at Tiny's." Killian raises his bruised hand to scratch behind his ear.
"By the looks of your hand am I to assume you are in need of my legal services? Archie asks scoldingly.
"I don't believe so. I was only defending Tink." Killian answers. "I was hoping you could help with finding her a good home to work at, I need her out of that place. I know Tiny tries to keep an eye on her, but it is impossible for him to protect her at all times."
"I don't know of anyone in need right now. Have you considered taking her to the nuns? I know they offer a safe place for young girls to live in." Archie suggests.
Killian's thoughts immediately go to Emma What is it about that bloody infuriating woman?
"I don't know how Tink would feel about that," Killian answers after finally returning to the present.
"It's a good place for her. She will be safe. I will be heading that way tomorrow morning to deliver a letter to the daughter of a long-time client. Maybe you and Tink can accompany me to see the place. It will be only for a short while Killian." Archie assures him.
"I honestly don't think Tink would be very receptive to that idea."
"I don't mean for Tink to take vows," Archie replies. "I only mean as a temporary place while I find her a good home to work for. That way she can be out of Tiny's."
"I will send Smee to let her know of the plan. I know she will not be happy, but she will do it on my request. I'll make sure she is ready to go."Killian scratches the back of his ear and says, "Since you mentioned your old client. I was wondering if you could re-introduce me to August Booth. I'm looking to make a change in my business dealings and thought of our brief friendship growing up. Maybe he can help an old mate. I know my reputation is not the best, but I'm hoping you can put in a good word for me?"
"How is it that you know of his return?" Archie asks.
"The prodigal son returns to Misthaven and you thought that bit of information would not find its way to me?"
"You've never mentioned him before. Why now?" Archie asks.
"Ah well, I may have found a lass worth settling down for," Killian smirks as he answers the question. It is not really a lie.
"Oh, I'm so happy to hear that. Will you tell me about her? She must be a very special woman to have been able to keep your interest for longer than one night. I believe your father would have wanted you to find happiness alongside a good woman," Archie says.
"My father hated me! Why would you say that? You know exactly how little he cared for me and my happiness," Killian snaps.
"Killian, please calm down. It was not my intention to upset you. I only said that because in his final moments he had asked for Brennan to take you in and perhaps it was his way to make up for the terrible way he had treated you." Archie wishes he could tell Killian the truth, but without proof, there is no point.
Killian studies Archie's face. He looks as if he wants to say more but something is stopping him.
Killian has always considered himself fairly perceptive. It doesn't matter though, he trusts Archie with his life.
"Archie you have not given me an answer. Will you help me?" Killian asks.
"Of course, you know I have longed for the day that you would come to me asking for help. I will gladly do all in my power to help you become the man I know you truly are." Archie smiles softly as he answers.
"Good. Will you keep me posted on that matter? As for tomorrow, I know we have plans. We will be ready to go to the convent to take care of the issue with Tink and to deliver that letter. Archie, I truly appreciate all your help. I better go now. I have taken too much of your time. I will see you early tomorrow morning." Killian shakes hands with his old time friend and bids him good night.
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@hookedonapirate​​ @kmomof4​​ @searchingwardrobes​​ @seriouslyhooked​​ @profdanglaisstuff​​ @let-it-raines​​ @revanmeetra87​​ @snowbellewells​​ @hollyethecurious​​ @kymbersmith-90​​ @branlovestowrite​​ @thejollyroger-writer​​ @shireness-says​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​  @thisonesatellite​​ @thesschesthair​​ @winterbythesea​​ @stahlop​​ @resident-of-storybrooke​​  @superchocovian​​  @lfh1226-linda​​ @artistic-writer​​ @thislassishooked​​ @shardminds​​ @winterbaby89​​ @xhookswenchx​​ @ultraluckycatnd​​ @gingerchangeling​​ @laschatzi​​ @wellhellotragic​​ @xemmaloveskillianx​​ @courtorderedcake​​ @pirateherokillian​​ @optomisticgirl​​ @darkcolinodonorgasm​​ @sherlockianwhovian​​ @andiirivera​​ @djlbg​​ @nikkiemms​​ @jennjenn615​​ @scientificapricot​​ @officerrogers​​​ @imlaxdris71​​​ @therealstartraveller776​​​
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this-seems-familiar · 4 years
if you’re seeing this post then this blog has officially gone live!
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my name is morgan, and while this blog is being established in the year of our lord 2020, i’ve been a fan of once upon a time since the end of the third season (and while i definitely have--opinions, on the later seasons, i kept up with the show until the end). i figured it might be a good idea to start a separate url if i wanted to get more serious about the development of my own original character, jane andromeda hawkins, at least partially modeled after jim hawkins of treasure planet fame--mostly because i know that’ll lead to me rewatching and i figured some of the follwers on my personal url @thatdamnokie​ may not appreciate the influx of reblogs. i’m 29 years old and live in oklahoma, u.s. of a.
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as for the tagging system--i will probably tag posts by character name, including general aesthetic posts. this means that jane will get her own tag and anything related to her character will be tagged #about jane. this blog is multi-ship friendly (which means i’ll probably use those tags too!), but for the purposes of jane, i ship her shamelessly with archie hopper. their ship tag will be #seeing stars, just in case you’d like to blacklist it. i know not everyone’s here for oc content, and that’s totally okay! jane’s storybrooke name is elliott mcgrath.
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i know i’m a little late to the party, but it’s nice to be here!
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688 followers appreciation post!
I was gonna do this when I reached 700, but 700 refused to come so here we are.   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This is probably gonna be a short one, but I love you all.
@livelovebughead: I start off every list with my wifey, because 1. she was my first close tumblr friend and 2. she's my wifey. I really love our friendship, because I can send her pictures of Lili and we'll gush over how beautiful she is, and we send new sneak peaks of Bughead to each other. We snap each other a lot, like when I think I look cute, I'm like, "Holly, look I put effort into my appearance." And she'll send me pictures of herself, and she constantly looks gorgeous, so yeah I love her.
@jimalim: Alanna is, without a doubt, the most amazing person. I could list so many reasons why I love her, but I've done it before, so y'know. Recently she made me the stunning Alice Smith icons that I love! She's just an all around sweetheart, and deserves nothing but good things.
@sweetsfuckingpea: spoiler alert, Vitti is the sweetest human in the world. If you have not met her, go now, you will thank me. Vitti sends such sweet asks my way, like I see her on my dash, and my day is automatically better. Also her icons are gorgeous.
@gladysjoncs: Sammie is such an awesome person, I love her. She's so honest and talented and amazing. She is a fovorite human of mine, and I love that I get to call her my friend. Also, she's so pretty, like seriously.
@reggiefuckingmantle: I've been following Marissa for quite some time now, and I think it was only recently that we started talking, but she is such a sweet person. She's so sweet, and I'm happy that she loves the url that I gave her, because it makes me so happy to see it on my dash!
@stark: Mila is honestly one of the most talented people on this site. I mean her gifs are breathtaking. Mila is also the kindest person ever. I remember when I first started following her, and I just remember thinking that her blog was so orgainized and I love that about it.
@theheavycrown: Sarah, I've said it before and I'll say it again, is the sweetest human being on earth. She's so inspirational and such a cheerleader. This fandom would not be the same without her.
@stardustparker: I love Ten so much! She's so positive and smart and just amazingly talented! She makes wonderful gifsets and aesthetics. I love her also because she made ne two aesthetics based off my poetry!
@petersbenjamin: Chloe is pure sunshine! She is so talented, if you have not seen her gifs, I highly recommend you check them out.
@elegantmoonchild: The sweetest human ever! I love everything she writes. She also left me the sweetest comment on my Bughead pregnancy fic, so I love her.
@jamesbvck: Sierra is such an amazing person. She's sweet, talented as hell, and just an all around amazing person.
@oryoucouldstay, @betty-cooper: Anne and Katie are two of the most talented gifmakers in this fandom!
@tory-b, @jane-hoppers, @lazydaizies: Three of my all-time favorite authors!
People that are amazing, but I've run out of words to say why: @reinhartmendes, @wonderrful, @eventyyr, @underrmyumbrellaella, @ohkingsteve, @paperlesscrown, @peaceblessingspeyton, @archie-andrews, @fortheloveofriverdale, @kmlefev, @lila-bard, @bughead, @bugggghead, @noorakardemmomesaetre, @serpentineo, @sweetwaterprincess, @juggielovesbetty
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starrnobella · 6 years
Forever and Always - Chapter 25: An Honest Conversation
A/N: Alright, here's the next chapter. We are finally going to have Emma talk to someone else about all of her issues regarding these nightmares. A few other key things happen to lead us into the next chapter that I am working on edits for. After I get that posted, I will be back to actually having to write for this story. It's crazy to think that I have been working with pre-written chapters for over a year and now I'm back to writing actively for this story.
I'll apologize right off the bat that this is self-betaed. This story is my baby and I've been editing it from the beginning.
I run a group on facebook called the Storybrooke Cafe (18+) and it's a place for readers and writes of OUAT to hang out and discuss fanfiction for this loving fandom. I'd love to see the group become more active, so please consider checking us out! I also run a group that is a place to rant and rave about my personal adventures in Fanfiction. I'd love to have you there too!
Song Recs: Lost in the Moment - NF; We Are Broken - This, The Silent War
Le me know what you think!
Love always, ~starr
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"Come on, Emma. Just go inside," she mumbled to herself as she stood looking at the door to Archie's office. She had managed to convince herself to come in off the street and up the stairs to the front door of his office. Now she needed to actually step foot into the office.
After taking a deep breath, she reached her hand out to grab the handle when suddenly it turned without her touching it. Startled by the movement, she took a few steps back and furrowed her brow as she watched the door swing open, revealing Archie with a large smile on his face.
"Emma! Come on in," Archie said happily as he ushered her in the door. "I thought I heard someone coming up the stairs, but I wasn't sure until I saw the shadow through the glass."
Emma just nodded her head as she walked mindlessly into the small office and plopped herself down on the couch. She leaned against the back of the couch and tipped her head back taking a deep breath.
Archie watched her for a few moments before taking a seat beside the couch. He was willing to wait until it looked like she was ready to talk before he said anything. Her request for an appointment was very vague, so he didn't know what he was working with and did not want to push any buttons that could make her shut down completely. He realized that he had probably startled her enough by opening the door on her before she was ready to come in.
After what felt like an eternity in her mind, Emma finally leaned her head forward and ran her fingers through her hair. She sighed again before finally making eye contact with him. "Hey Archie."
"Hi Emma. How are you doing?" he asked calmly as he interlaced his fingers and rested his elbows on his knees, leaning forward in his seat.
Emma laughed at the simplicity of the question. If anyone else in town would have asked her that she would have just lied to them and thought nothing of it. It wasn't like they could tell she was lying. That was her superpower. However, it seemed as though the only two people in this town she couldn't lie to were Killian and apparently Archie because here she was ready to tell him everything that vexed her.
"I wish I could tell you that I was fine and I'm here to get your insight on a case, but that wouldn't help anyone," Emma replied with a fake smile playing at her lips. "I'm not okay. I am barely sleeping and when I do finally get to sleep, I tend to wake up shortly after in a fit of terror."
Archie furrowed his brow as he spoke. "Why are you waking up in a fit of terror?"
"I keeping having a recurring nightmare…" Emma admitted after a beat. "In that nightmare, I die."
As she said the words her heart sank. It felt as though she was finally admitting the truth for the first time, but she knew that it wasn't. She had told both Killian and Regina what was going on, but telling them didn't seem to feel as heavy as it did telling Archie. Admitting it to him felt like she was hitting the final nail into her coffin.
"Oh Emma, that's terrible," he replied. His eyes filled with concern and he rubbed his hand over his face. "Do you.." he began, but paused momentarily before continuing, "Do you see you how you die?"
Slowly Emma nodded her head up and down. " I lose a sword fight to a person in a black hood. They knock me to the ground and drive a sword through my chest."
Archie furrowed his brow again and shook her head. "Are you alone?"
She shook her head furiously back and forth. "Unfortunately, I'm not. I think if I was then these nightmares would be less scary."
"Are you sure they are just a nightmare? Maybe they don't really mean anything more than to just give you a fright," Archie asked. Leave it to the grasshopper to look for the hope in the situation.
"If I had only had one, then I probably would have just brushed it off as such. Maybe even just two of them, but it has been more like eight or nine of them and they have started having physical side effects," Emma admitted.
"Side effects?" Archie questioned, cocking his head to the side in confusion.
"My hands start shaking randomly and they will start shaking if I try to use my magic. Usually that means my magic just quits."
Archie nodded his head slowly as he thought about what she had said. He didn't have a lot of experience dealing with magic, so he didn't have any advice to help with that. He also wasn't sure how to interpret visions.
Dreams? Sure. Need someone to assist in making a diagnosis of a mental illness? Sure, call Dr. Hopper and he will do everything he can to help.
"Before I offer any advice, I should ask. Who else are you seeing in your visions?" he said.
Emma took a deep breath before she answered his question. "Out of the corner of my eye I see that Killian, Henry, my mom, and my dad are all there. They all watch me die. Killian tries to shield Henry from the sight and my dad shields my mom. I can hear their screams and I can hear my mom crying as my eyes slowly close."
Emma closed her eyes and wiped away the few tears that had formed before they had a chance to roll down her cheek and shook her head. Interlacing her fingers together, for the first time since she arrived in his office she turned to look at Archie. "I just don't know what to do."
Archie reached a hand over to grab a hold of Emma's. He offered her a weak smile that she tried to return. He could see the pain in her eyes. Coming here wasn't easy for her, but at least she had done it.
"I don't have a lot of experience with visions and magic," Archie began, "so I cannot give you a lot of insight as to what is going on. For that you may need to talk to Regina or Mr. Gold. They both have much more knowledge than I ever could have in a lifetime. But if you just need someone to talk to about this that isn't Killian, my office door is always open to you. No appointment needed. Just stop by and I'll fit you in."
Her smile turned a bit more genuine before it faded once again. "Thanks for that, Archie. Regina knows. She and Killian are the only ones who know, besides you that is. Actually, she's the first person to tell me that I needed to go see Gold. I guess that's my next option," she said as she rose from the couch. "Thanks for seeing me today. I really do appreciate it. I'll swing by if I need to talk."
"Think nothing of it. I do hope things start looking up for you soon," Archie said, rising from his chair.
They both walked over to the door where they bid their farewells. Emma left his building and headed towards the Sheriff's station. Talking to Gold could wait another day.
. . . . . . . .
Killian arrived at the station just as Charming was walking up to the door, adjusting his keys so that he could unlock the door. He watched as Charming struggled to juggle everything he had in his hands. It looked as though he had stopped by Granny's on his way in to grab a round of coffee for the whole gang.
Dave was always the thoughtful one of the three of them. He and Emma only brought coffee when they were trying to make up for running late because they managed to get distracted before leaving the house.
"Need a hand?" Killian asked as he got closer and held out his hand to take the cup holder from Charming.
Charming turned to look at him and nodded his head handing the holder over. Then he turned his attention back to the door and finally selected the correct key. Quickly unlocking the door, the two of them walked inside.
"Thanks for the hand," Charming said. After he hung up his coat he looked around the office. "Where's Emma? Usually you two get here at about the same time."
"She had an appointment this morning. She'll be here afterwards," Killian replied handing him the coffee holder before grabbing one of the three cups. "Thanks for the coffee."
Charming furrowed his brow. "What kind of appointment?"
"I'll let her tell you when she's ready. Not my place to tell her secrets," Killian said taking a seat at Emma's desk. He looked around the computer trying to find the on button, but was not having much luck. "Where is the on button?" he mumbled under his breath.
"What was that?" Charming asked, quirking his brow as he settled in at his own desk looking over the monitor at him. He was enjoying the fact that Killian still struggled to use simple pieces of technology that he had watched Emma use multiple times. "The button you are looking for is on the tower."
Killian looked over at Charming and rolled his eyes. "If I knew where the bloody tower was, then I wouldn't be looking for the on button," he grumbled. He slid the seat around to look at the box sitting on the floor beside the desk. He quirked his brow in curiosity and poked at the button he saw on the top of the box. Not long after pressing the button, he heard the swish of a fan beginning to move and the box made a loud beep.
"Got it," he said smugly as he slid the chair back in front of the screen and waited for the machine to come to life.
Charming shook his head as he laughed. He remembered when he was still learning the tricks of the trade to working with the technology Emma had added to the office. He was so used to doing everything the old fashioned way. Although he did enjoy how quickly they were able to complete tasks. Now if only he could get his cell phone to work every time he needed it to his life would be a whole lot easier.
"How long are you gonna make Snow and I wait for you to put that ring on Emma's finger?" Charming asked casually as he drummed the pencil in his hand against the desk. He didn't really have anything better to do this morning while they waited for Emma. In fact, he was most likely just going to play games until she got there anyways. So finding out more details about Killian's proposal plan would make the morning pass quicker.
"Getting anxious, mate?" Killian asked with a laugh.
"Well, do you blame me?" Charming replied. It wasn't that he was anxious per say, but he was excited and that was an understatement compared to the ball of nerves Snow had been since she and Killian picked out the perfect engagement ring. Every conversation he and Snow had since she got home from the jewelers had been about the importance of Emma having a wedding fit for a princess.
Since that's what Emma was after all, a princess. Just because she hadn't been brought up in a castle or attended all of the balls that a princess normally goes to, doesn't mean she didn't deserve to feel like one. She had missed out on so many opportunities growing up. His heart hurt any time he thought about everything that she had missed out on.
There was a painful feeling of guilt that always bubbled up inside of him when he thought about her childhood. The worst part of it all was that he didn't know about everything she had been through. He only knew about the small pieces she had told them about when a situation would arise. Someday he'd ask her to tell him more, but only when he felt like she was ready to talk about it.
"Maybe Killian knows more about her past…" Charming thought to himself as he heard Killian laughing quietly to himself.
"I'm not making you wait on purpose, Dave," Killian said. "I want to make sure everything is perfect and I'm still hammering out the details in my head before I try to put anything into play."
"Well, can you at least share some of your thoughts about the plan?" Charming inquired, quirking his brow in intrigue as he leaned around the monitor on his desk.
However before Killian could respond, Emma came through the door to the station. She seemed to be a bit more relaxed than she had when she left the house this morning. Talking to Archie might have been exactly what she needed, or at least that was what Killian was telling himself for the time being and what Emma had managed to convince herself of as she made her way to the station.
"Good morning!" she said cheerfully. "Sorry I'm late. I popped in to see Archie this morning. I had a couple things I wanted to talk to him about."
Charming quirked his brow. "Everything alright?"
Emma nodded her head quickly. "Yup. Everything's fine. Just wanted to get some insight on a few thoughts that were rolling around in my head. What were you two talking about?"
Killian and Charming exchanged a look and shrugged at one another.
"Nothing important," Killian said. "So everything went well with the grasshopper?"
Emma laughed, "Yes everything went well with Archie. He even gave me some an advice. I just need to figure out when I am going to actually take it. Although I will say it is not some of his best advice if I'm being honest."
Killian quirked his brow which led Emma to shake her head. Killian took it to mean that now was now was not the time to ask about it. If there was anything he was still trying to learn about Emma, it was when the appropriate time was to talk about certain things.
He knew Dave still wasn't privy to the information about her nightmares, but he really wished she would just tell him. He hated keeping secrets from Dave, but he knew that this was what Emma wanted.
"So," Emma hummed ready to change the subject. "What is on the agenda for today?"
Charming looked at the pile of folders on his desk and Emma looked at the pile on her own. Everything that they had revolving around Hyde sat contained in those two piles and neither of them were even sure what they were looking for in those files. They still hadn't made any progress in finding him and it was getting frustrating. By now, they all thought that Hyde would have been in a cell just like the Evil Queen. However, apparently they weren't going to be that lucky.
"You know..." Emma began as she looked at Killian and Charming, "we haven't heard from Jekyll lately. Maybe we should go out to talk to him."
"Only if you lead us to the blimp," Killian mumbled under his breath as he tried to contain his laughter. Emma turned to look at him and raised her brow. Charming narrowed his gaze at Killian and shook his head. That only caused Killian to laugh a little louder.
"What's so funny?" Emma asked, glancing back and forth between Charming and Killian waiting impatiently for an answer. Neither one of them seemed to budge enough to tell her what was going on. "Well?"
"Go on, Dave. Tell her why she needs to lead us to the blimp," Killian said with a smirk on his face. Emma smacked him playfully on his shoulder as she turned her attention to Charming, cocking her head to the side and raising her brow.
Charming sighed and whispered, "I got us lost."
"What was that?" Emma asked barely able to contain her smile. She bit her lip in a desperate, but failed attempt. The fact that they had gotten lost was funny enough, but finding out that it was her dad's fault made it even better.
Charming hung his head slightly and scrubbed his hands over his face. Slowly he raised his head and met Emma's eyes with his own. "I got us lost," he admitted and then turned his attention to Killian, "Happy now?"
Killian nodded his head as he laughed. "Yes I am, mate," he replied.
Emma took a deep breath to rid herself of the case of the giggles that had overtaken her. Even though she had stopped laughing, she couldn't wipe the grin off her face. "How did you manage that?"
"I thought we went the right way when we turned at the wishing well, but after walking for a while we didn't stumble upon the blimp. It was almost as though it had moved or disappeared," Charming mumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"I told you, mate. We needed to go right at the wishing well, not left," Killian said. "But no, you were convinced you were right and we ended up going the wrong way."
Emma thought about it for a second before speaking. "Wait a second…"
Killian snapped his head up to look at her and furrowed his brow. Charming turned his head in her direction as well. Both of them waiting for her to say something brilliant, since that was what normally came out of her mouth.
"It shouldn't have mattered if you went left or right from the well. As long as you didn't make any more turns you should have arrived at the crash sight," Emma explained. "It takes up most of the forest to the west of the troll bridge. So you should have been able to get there without any issues."
"See! I didn't get us lost!" Charming exclaimed excitedly as he jumped up out of his chair. A proud smile beaming from his face.
"There's a first time for everything," Killian replied snidely. Charming glared at him and rolled his eyes.
"That's not the point," Emma huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Something strange is going on here."
"It's Storybrooke, love. What else do you expect?" Killian told her as he rose from the chair. "Where are we headed?"
"The blimp I guess," Emma said, grabbing the last cup of coffee out of the holder and making her way toward the door. She turned around to look at them. "Coming?"
Both of them laughed and quickly met her at the door. Before long the trio were on their way to the town line.
Emma couldn't help thinking how strange it was that they hadn't been able to get back to the blimp. It wasn't like it was that hard to find. It was the most unique thing to ever appear in Storybrooke that she was aware of anyways, which was ultimately an understatement because a lot of odd things seemed to just show up in the middle of town. Nothing as strange however as finding the clock tower in the middle of town when they arrived in Underbrooke. Leave it to Hades to find a way to destroy a town landmark.
She sighed to herself. As much as she hated the time she had spent in Underbrooke she couldn't help thinking about how much it had shown her about her relationship with Killian. The two of them had come a long way from the first time they met. She was honestly shocked that his simple white lie had almost managed to slip past her superpower when they had first met.
Killian: I've already told you. I'm just a blacksmith.
Emma: Sure you are. Won't talk to us? Maybe you'll talk to the ogres when they rip you limb from limb. Come on.
Killian: You can't just leave me here like this.
Aurora: What if he's telling the truth? Emma: He's not.
Killian: Good for you. You bested me. I can count the amount of people who have done that on one hand.
Emma: Is that supposed to be funny? Who are you?
Killian: Killian Jones. But most people have taken to calling me by my more colorful moniker, Hook.
Regardless of his antics, she couldn't deny the attraction she had felt for him from that moment on. The reality of her feelings scared her, but for once she wasn't afraid of them. After Neal, she had become afraid of having real feelings for someone. He had left her behind to take the fall for something that he was just as guilty of and never looked back. Now that she knew the truth about the situation though, she could understand why he had done what he did, but that didn't automatically erase the pain.
Killian was a different case entirely. She looked back at him over her shoulder and smiled. Her smile was hidden by her shoulder, but he did happen to catch sight of her eyes peering back at him. He smirked at her and watched as she quickly turned her head back forward.
"Damn, I got caught," she mumbled under her breath, turning around to walk backwards for a few moments. She laughed when she realized that the two of them were having a little bit of trouble keeping up with her. She shook her head before she stopped taking steps and crossed her arms over her chest.
"Can't keep up?" she asked, her voice dripping with mockery and teasing as her lips curled into an evil grin. A laugh escaped her lips when she saw Killian roll his eyes at her.
"It's not that we can't keep up," Charming began, but pause once he arrived in front of Emma and took a deep breath. "It's that we liked our pace better than yours."
"Aye, what he said," Killian chimed in. "Besides, it's not like we have anywhere else to be today. So I don't understand what the rush is, love."
Emma sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure what the rush is. I just don't really feel like spending my entire afternoon talking to a crazy man living in a blimp. I have other crazy people in town that I can talk to if I want."
Killian quirked his brow at her and was met with the shaking of her head.
"Nevermind," she continued, "I'll slow down and enjoy the walk."
She reached out a hand to Killian who took it happily with a smile. He brought her hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss on the back of it. She smiled at the simplicity of the action, but the action in an of itself spoke volumes about their relationship.
"Ready to keep going?" Charming asked, interrupting the sweet moment the two were having. Emma laughed and nodded her head and before long the three of them were off into the middle of the woods, just hoping that they wouldn't get lost again.
. . . . . . . .
He watched them from a distance as they got closer and closer to the blimp. There were two paths he could choose to take at this point. Neither one would work out in his favor. Most likely he would end up in a jail cell alongside his counterpart.
If he were lucky, the two would be in separate cells. Maybe Jekyll would even be kept in a straight jacket locked away in a cell at the hospital. The man was truly insane and there was no helping him. Part of him was still trying to figure out how Jekyll had been able to hide it all along. That's probably where he came in.
Hyde sighed and hung his head. He knew that he had to reveal himself to Emma and her incompetent cohorts. They were far too easy to trick.
Emma on the other hand? So far she had shown that she had the potential to be useful from what he had been able to observe about her. The Evil Queen was not her biggest fan either which meant there was more to her than what had met his eyes. He'd need to follow her closely for a few more days before he came to a decision about revealing himself.
By the time he looked up again, he had lost them. "Damn it," he growled under his breath. He looked around a few moments before hearing the faint mumbling of voices to his left. His lips twitched into a wicked smile as he took a few steps out to follow them. They were heading to the blimp to talk to Jekyll. His hopes were that the man would let his other side show while they were there. Somehow though, Jekyll had found a way to always keep that side of him hidden.
"See it's right there," Emma said, pointing at the large blimp in front of them. "Not that hard to find. Still don't know how you two got lost..."
She laughed and shook her head in response to Killian squeezing her hand and Charming rolling his eyes. Apparently it was too soon to remind them of their little misadventure, no matter how much she was enjoying the situation. She let go of Killian's hand and walked up to the blimp knocking on the closed door in front of her.
"Dr. Jekyll, are you there?" she called once receiving no answer or acknowledgement of her presence. She glanced back over her shoulder at Killian and Charming who had come closer before pushing on the door and watching it slowly creak open. She felt a cold wind against her exposed skin and she wrapped her arms around her midsection before taking a step inside.
Killian and Charming exchanged a concerned look between them before quickly catching up to Emma. Charming placed a hand on his gun, just in case the need for it would happen to arrive.
Slowly the three of them walked into the main room of the blimp. Still no one or nothing to be found as they looked around. Emma tried calling out to him again, but she was still met with resounding silence.
"What the hell?" she mumbled under her breath as she turned to look into the adjoining room. "He's not here. It looks like whoever was here last left in a big hurry."
Hyde was lurking around outside of the blimp. As he rounded the back of it, he found Jekyll hiding on his haunches in a bush just below one of the windows that allowed him to see straight into the blimp and watch the whole ordeal go on inside.
"What are you doing?" Hyde hissed. The way that Jekyll jumped at the low grumble of his voice brought a smirk to his face as the pathetic excuse for a man turned to look up at him over his shoulder. He crossed his arms over his chest as he waited for an answer.
"I thought you were going to turn yourself in so you could find your precious little necklace. Why did you come back here?" Jekyll grumbled as he quickly rose from his position.
"Because the people I was going to see came to see you. Why the hell aren't you inside?" Hyde replied a little louder than he had originally intended. The sound of his voice was loud enough to cause Emma's head to snap towards the window and meet his eyes.
"Outside now!" He heard her shout and the next thing he knew, he and Jekyll were being knocked to the ground by her two incompetent cohorts.
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lana78me · 5 years
Why Meghan and Harry have Canada in their sights
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Since the Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced their intention to step back as "senior" royals and live part-time in North America, Canada has been aflutter.
Will the royal couple make the right North their home? Where will they live? What is going to they do?
While we don't know where they shall settle, it had been confirmed to the BBC's royal correspondent that Meghan had left for Canada.
She and therefore the prince had been within the UK to form their announcement, following a six-week Christmas holiday in greater Victoria, on Vancouver Island.
Our correspondent said Buckingham Palace was "blindsided" by the couple's statement.
If they are doing to choose Canada as their home, here's why we should not be surprised.
Meghan returns to Canada as Queen seeks an answer Harry and Meghan step back: What we all know thus far Where do they get their money? A Victorian Christmas The pair were spotted hiking within the woods outside of Victoria over the vacations, consistent with Canadian media.
Musician David Foster, who is originally from the world, told the Daily Mail that he helped arrange for them to remain on the secluded estate of a lover. His wife Katherine McPhee visited lyceum with Meghan in l. a.
Since then, international media has flocked to the town amid speculation that the couple may plan to settle there semi-permanently.
"There's media from across the country and around the world, and from your country from across the pond that is already looking to line up shop here," Scott Fee, the news director at local CHEK-TV, told BBC Breakfast.
"So the tabloids are on the way if not already here."
A deluge of the press is perhaps precisely not what the royal couple hoped for. Last October, Prince Harry and Meghan publicly revealed their struggles under the media spotlight, and that they hinted at it in their recent announcement regarding their decision to measure part-time in North America.
"This geographic balance will enable us to boost our son with an appreciation for the royal tradition into which he was born, while also providing our family with the space to specialise in a subsequent chapter," read their statement, which was posted on the couple's official Instagram on 8 January.
What about Toronto? Meghan has had close ties to Canada for several years, although she is an American citizen by birth and her mother lives in California.
She lived in Toronto for six years while filming the tv series Suits. During their courtship, Prince Harry visited her in her Seaton Village home, and she or he joined him at the 2017 Invictus Games, which were held within the city.
Her ties to Toronto didn't sever when she moved across the pond.
The Mulroney's, Meghan Markle and her life among Toronto 'royalty.' One of her closest friends, Jessica Mulroney, lives in Toronto together with her husband, Ben Mulroney, the son of a former prime minister. Their three young children were even a neighbourhood of Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding.
It has been speculated, but not confirmed, that baby Archie stayed with the Mulroney clan in the week while Meghan and therefore the prince flew to the united kingdom.
What can Canada offer? By and enormous, what Canada offers the royal couple may be a degree of privacy and informality that they're not afforded within the UK.
Although Canadian media has undoubtedly taken a keen interest in their exploits here, Canada doesn't have an equivalent tabloid culture or paparazzi as Britain or the US. The country also features a lot more secluded spots where they might, if they wanted to, hide far away from the flash of bulbs.
Don't think creepy cabin within the woods - think luxurious estates on pristine lakes surrounded by pine trees, located on dirt roads that might make it difficult for caravans of photographers to follow their trail.
It is telling that there wasn't one paparazzi photograph of the couple during the six weeks they were on Vancouver Island.
They certainly wouldn't be the primary royal to form Canada their home.
Prince Andrew, Prince Harry's paternal uncle who has come under scrutiny since the arrest and suicide of Jeffrey Epstein, spent six months on exchange at Lakefield College School and maintained close ties with the school's community after leaving.
Princess Patricia of Connaught, the granddaughter of Victoria, lived in Canada together with her parents when her father, Prince Arthur, was appointed the governor. There, she was much beloved, and her portrait was even used on the one-dollar banknote issued in 1917.
Indeed, before 1952, all of Canada's governors-general were a part of the British aristocracy, which has led some to take a position that Prince Harry could keep it up the tradition.
How they need to try to do their own thing In 2018, writing for the National Post, Tristan Hopper suggested that the Duke of Sussex should consider taking over the role. It's appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the prime minister, to be her representative within Canada.
"One of the chief pitfalls of the work of governor is that it takes smart, ambitious Canadians and essentially imprisons them during a palace with strict instructions to try to do what they're told," he wrote.
Prince Harry had lived his whole life in an unreal bubble of security and privilege where even the slightest partisan nod could yield a week's worth of Daily Mail headlines. If there's anyone who knows the way to be clothed in immense power that they never, ever use, it is the House of Windsor."
This week, a poll conducted for the Postmedia newspaper chain by Dart and Maru/Blue Voice Canada also suggested that 60% of Canadians would approve if he were to become governor.
One thing the royal couple might get to consider is immigration laws. Canada is a component of the Commonwealth and Prince Harry's grandmother the Queen is that the head of state so although he will see her face on the currency, he is not a citizen.
As a Briton, the prince is entitled to spend up to 6 months a year as a visitor in Canada - anything longer than that, and he would need to apply for a visa. As an American citizen, equivalent rules apply for his wife.
What do Canadians think? The couple has come under attack within the UK after the BBC revealed the palace wasn't informed of their decision to step down from most of their royal duties and to hunt to become financially independent.
World's media split on the royal move Writing within the Daily Mail, Piers Morgan said the couple wants to "keep all the trimmings of royal life with none of the hard, boring bits, and therefore the right to take advantage on their status however they choose".
But Canadian media has taken a decidedly more friendly tone.
In the Globe and Mail, Anne Donahue expressed glee that the couple could be moving to Canada, and called their decision to step faraway from the royal circus a "fairy-tale ending".
"Meghan and Harry's option to step back has sparked the sort of change during which everybody wins. They've begun to assist dismantle an establishment that always seems a historical relic. and they are very publicly choosing to prevent putting up with the nonsense, on their dime and in their way - an influence move."
Not most are thrilled.
On Friday, the Monarchist League of Canada cautioned Prince Harry and Meghan that "any public support for his or her desire to occupy a replacement, hybrid role combining their royal status with more personal freedom could disappear quickly were there to develop a sense that, even inadvertently, that they had in how showed disrespect to The Queen, whose style is self-effacing and whose watchword is duty."
But by and enormous, Canadians are pretty chuffed at the thought - and they are willing to sweeten the pot if it helps convince them to remain.
Coffee-and-doughnuts franchise Tim Hortons offered them free coffee for all times.
That promotion led to a considerable backlash of its own.
Some of the company's franchises have come under attack over staff wages, and for a way they treat homeless patrons, and lots of took to Twitter to inform Tim Hortons their money should be getting to the community, not the Sussexes.
"Wow, mention tone-deaf. Mapped out paying your workers a wage before you begin giving freebies to the rich," tweeted Erin Carson DeWolfe.
0 notes
its-hajar95 · 5 years
Why Meghan and Harry have Canada in their sights
Tumblr media
Since the Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced their intention to step back as "senior" royals and live part-time in North America, Canada has been aflutter.
Will the royal couple make the right North their home? Where will they live? What is going to they do?
While we don't know where they shall settle, it had been confirmed to the BBC's royal correspondent that Meghan had left for Canada.
She and therefore the prince had been within the UK to form their announcement, following a six-week Christmas holiday in greater Victoria, on Vancouver Island.
Our correspondent said Buckingham Palace was "blindsided" by the couple's statement.
If they are doing to choose Canada as their home, here's why we should not be surprised.
Meghan returns to Canada as Queen seeks an answer Harry and Meghan step back: What we all know thus far Where do they get their money? A Victorian Christmas The pair were spotted hiking within the woods outside of Victoria over the vacations, consistent with Canadian media.
Musician David Foster, who is originally from the world, told the Daily Mail that he helped arrange for them to remain on the secluded estate of a lover. His wife Katherine McPhee visited lyceum with Meghan in l. a.
Since then, international media has flocked to the town amid speculation that the couple may plan to settle there semi-permanently.
"There's media from across the country and around the world, and from your country from across the pond that is already looking to line up shop here," Scott Fee, the news director at local CHEK-TV, told BBC Breakfast.
"So the tabloids are on the way if not already here."
A deluge of the press is perhaps precisely not what the royal couple hoped for. Last October, Prince Harry and Meghan publicly revealed their struggles under the media spotlight, and that they hinted at it in their recent announcement regarding their decision to measure part-time in North America.
"This geographic balance will enable us to boost our son with an appreciation for the royal tradition into which he was born, while also providing our family with the space to specialise in a subsequent chapter," read their statement, which was posted on the couple's official Instagram on 8 January.
What about Toronto? Meghan has had close ties to Canada for several years, although she is an American citizen by birth and her mother lives in California.
She lived in Toronto for six years while filming the tv series Suits. During their courtship, Prince Harry visited her in her Seaton Village home, and she or he joined him at the 2017 Invictus Games, which were held within the city.
Her ties to Toronto didn't sever when she moved across the pond.
The Mulroney's, Meghan Markle and her life among Toronto 'royalty.' One of her closest friends, Jessica Mulroney, lives in Toronto together with her husband, Ben Mulroney, the son of a former prime minister. Their three young children were even a neighbourhood of Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding.
It has been speculated, but not confirmed, that baby Archie stayed with the Mulroney clan in the week while Meghan and therefore the prince flew to the united kingdom.
What can Canada offer? By and enormous, what Canada offers the royal couple may be a degree of privacy and informality that they're not afforded within the UK.
Although Canadian media has undoubtedly taken a keen interest in their exploits here, Canada doesn't have an equivalent tabloid culture or paparazzi as Britain or the US. The country also features a lot more secluded spots where they might, if they wanted to, hide far away from the flash of bulbs.
Don't think creepy cabin within the woods - think luxurious estates on pristine lakes surrounded by pine trees, located on dirt roads that might make it difficult for caravans of photographers to follow their trail.
It is telling that there wasn't one paparazzi photograph of the couple during the six weeks they were on Vancouver Island.
They certainly wouldn't be the primary royal to form Canada their home.
Prince Andrew, Prince Harry's paternal uncle who has come under scrutiny since the arrest and suicide of Jeffrey Epstein, spent six months on exchange at Lakefield College School and maintained close ties with the school's community after leaving.
Princess Patricia of Connaught, the granddaughter of Victoria, lived in Canada together with her parents when her father, Prince Arthur, was appointed the governor. There, she was much beloved, and her portrait was even used on the one-dollar banknote issued in 1917.
Indeed, before 1952, all of Canada's governors-general were a part of the British aristocracy, which has led some to take a position that Prince Harry could keep it up the tradition.
How they need to try to do their own thing In 2018, writing for the National Post, Tristan Hopper suggested that the Duke of Sussex should consider taking over the role. It's appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the prime minister, to be her representative within Canada.
"One of the chief pitfalls of the work of governor is that it takes smart, ambitious Canadians and essentially imprisons them during a palace with strict instructions to try to do what they're told," he wrote.
Prince Harry had lived his whole life in an unreal bubble of security and privilege where even the slightest partisan nod could yield a week's worth of Daily Mail headlines. If there's anyone who knows the way to be clothed in immense power that they never, ever use, it is the House of Windsor."
This week, a poll conducted for the Postmedia newspaper chain by Dart and Maru/Blue Voice Canada also suggested that 60% of Canadians would approve if he were to become governor.
One thing the royal couple might get to consider is immigration laws. Canada is a component of the Commonwealth and Prince Harry's grandmother the Queen is that the head of state so although he will see her face on the currency, he is not a citizen.
As a Briton, the prince is entitled to spend up to 6 months a year as a visitor in Canada - anything longer than that, and he would need to apply for a visa. As an American citizen, equivalent rules apply for his wife.
What do Canadians think? The couple has come under attack within the UK after the BBC revealed the palace wasn't informed of their decision to step down from most of their royal duties and to hunt to become financially independent.
World's media split on the royal move Writing within the Daily Mail, Piers Morgan said the couple wants to "keep all the trimmings of royal life with none of the hard, boring bits, and therefore the right to take advantage on their status however they choose".
But Canadian media has taken a decidedly more friendly tone.
In the Globe and Mail, Anne Donahue expressed glee that the couple could be moving to Canada, and called their decision to step faraway from the royal circus a "fairy-tale ending".
"Meghan and Harry's option to step back has sparked the sort of change during which everybody wins. They've begun to assist dismantle an establishment that always seems a historical relic. and they are very publicly choosing to prevent putting up with the nonsense, on their dime and in their way - an influence move."
Not most are thrilled.
On Friday, the Monarchist League of Canada cautioned Prince Harry and Meghan that "any public support for his or her desire to occupy a replacement, hybrid role combining their royal status with more personal freedom could disappear quickly were there to develop a sense that, even inadvertently, that they had in how showed disrespect to The Queen, whose style is self-effacing and whose watchword is duty."
But by and enormous, Canadians are pretty chuffed at the thought - and they are willing to sweeten the pot if it helps convince them to remain.
Coffee-and-doughnuts franchise Tim Hortons offered them free coffee for all times.
That promotion led to a considerable backlash of its own.
Some of the company's franchises have come under attack over staff wages, and for a way they treat homeless patrons, and lots of took to Twitter to inform Tim Hortons their money should be getting to the community, not the Sussexes.
"Wow, mention tone-deaf. Mapped out paying your workers a wage before you begin giving freebies to the rich," tweeted Erin Carson DeWolfe.
0 notes
nedi15 · 5 years
Why Meghan and Harry have Canada in their sights
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Since the Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced their intention to step back as "senior" royals and live part-time in North America, Canada has been aflutter.
Will the royal couple make the right North their home? Where will they live? What is going to they do?
While we don't know where they shall settle, it had been confirmed to the BBC's royal correspondent that Meghan had left for Canada.
She and therefore the prince had been within the UK to form their announcement, following a six-week Christmas holiday in greater Victoria, on Vancouver Island.
Our correspondent said Buckingham Palace was "blindsided" by the couple's statement.
If they are doing to choose Canada as their home, here's why we should not be surprised.
Meghan returns to Canada as Queen seeks an answer Harry and Meghan step back: What we all know thus far Where do they get their money? A Victorian Christmas The pair were spotted hiking within the woods outside of Victoria over the vacations, consistent with Canadian media.
Musician David Foster, who is originally from the world, told the Daily Mail that he helped arrange for them to remain on the secluded estate of a lover. His wife Katherine McPhee visited lyceum with Meghan in l. a.
Since then, international media has flocked to the town amid speculation that the couple may plan to settle there semi-permanently.
"There's media from across the country and around the world, and from your country from across the pond that is already looking to line up shop here," Scott Fee, the news director at local CHEK-TV, told BBC Breakfast.
"So the tabloids are on the way if not already here."
A deluge of the press is perhaps precisely not what the royal couple hoped for. Last October, Prince Harry and Meghan publicly revealed their struggles under the media spotlight, and that they hinted at it in their recent announcement regarding their decision to measure part-time in North America.
"This geographic balance will enable us to boost our son with an appreciation for the royal tradition into which he was born, while also providing our family with the space to specialise in a subsequent chapter," read their statement, which was posted on the couple's official Instagram on 8 January.
What about Toronto? Meghan has had close ties to Canada for several years, although she is an American citizen by birth and her mother lives in California.
She lived in Toronto for six years while filming the tv series Suits. During their courtship, Prince Harry visited her in her Seaton Village home, and she or he joined him at the 2017 Invictus Games, which were held within the city.
Her ties to Toronto didn't sever when she moved across the pond.
The Mulroney's, Meghan Markle and her life among Toronto 'royalty.' One of her closest friends, Jessica Mulroney, lives in Toronto together with her husband, Ben Mulroney, the son of a former prime minister. Their three young children were even a neighbourhood of Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding.
It has been speculated, but not confirmed, that baby Archie stayed with the Mulroney clan in the week while Meghan and therefore the prince flew to the united kingdom.
What can Canada offer? By and enormous, what Canada offers the royal couple may be a degree of privacy and informality that they're not afforded within the UK.
Although Canadian media has undoubtedly taken a keen interest in their exploits here, Canada doesn't have an equivalent tabloid culture or paparazzi as Britain or the US. The country also features a lot more secluded spots where they might, if they wanted to, hide far away from the flash of bulbs.
Don't think creepy cabin within the woods - think luxurious estates on pristine lakes surrounded by pine trees, located on dirt roads that might make it difficult for caravans of photographers to follow their trail.
It is telling that there wasn't one paparazzi photograph of the couple during the six weeks they were on Vancouver Island.
They certainly wouldn't be the primary royal to form Canada their home.
Prince Andrew, Prince Harry's paternal uncle who has come under scrutiny since the arrest and suicide of Jeffrey Epstein, spent six months on exchange at Lakefield College School and maintained close ties with the school's community after leaving.
Princess Patricia of Connaught, the granddaughter of Victoria, lived in Canada together with her parents when her father, Prince Arthur, was appointed the governor. There, she was much beloved, and her portrait was even used on the one-dollar banknote issued in 1917.
Indeed, before 1952, all of Canada's governors-general were a part of the British aristocracy, which has led some to take a position that Prince Harry could keep it up the tradition.
How they need to try to do their own thing In 2018, writing for the National Post, Tristan Hopper suggested that the Duke of Sussex should consider taking over the role. It's appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the prime minister, to be her representative within Canada.
"One of the chief pitfalls of the work of governor is that it takes smart, ambitious Canadians and essentially imprisons them during a palace with strict instructions to try to do what they're told," he wrote.
Prince Harry had lived his whole life in an unreal bubble of security and privilege where even the slightest partisan nod could yield a week's worth of Daily Mail headlines. If there's anyone who knows the way to be clothed in immense power that they never, ever use, it is the House of Windsor."
This week, a poll conducted for the Postmedia newspaper chain by Dart and Maru/Blue Voice Canada also suggested that 60% of Canadians would approve if he were to become governor.
One thing the royal couple might get to consider is immigration laws. Canada is a component of the Commonwealth and Prince Harry's grandmother the Queen is that the head of state so although he will see her face on the currency, he is not a citizen.
As a Briton, the prince is entitled to spend up to 6 months a year as a visitor in Canada - anything longer than that, and he would need to apply for a visa. As an American citizen, equivalent rules apply for his wife.
What do Canadians think? The couple has come under attack within the UK after the BBC revealed the palace wasn't informed of their decision to step down from most of their royal duties and to hunt to become financially independent.
World's media split on the royal move Writing within the Daily Mail, Piers Morgan said the couple wants to "keep all the trimmings of royal life with none of the hard, boring bits, and therefore the right to take advantage on their status however they choose".
But Canadian media has taken a decidedly more friendly tone.
In the Globe and Mail, Anne Donahue expressed glee that the couple could be moving to Canada, and called their decision to step faraway from the royal circus a "fairy-tale ending".
"Meghan and Harry's option to step back has sparked the sort of change during which everybody wins. They've begun to assist dismantle an establishment that always seems a historical relic. and they are very publicly choosing to prevent putting up with the nonsense, on their dime and in their way - an influence move."
Not most are thrilled.
On Friday, the Monarchist League of Canada cautioned Prince Harry and Meghan that "any public support for his or her desire to occupy a replacement, hybrid role combining their royal status with more personal freedom could disappear quickly were there to develop a sense that, even inadvertently, that they had in how showed disrespect to The Queen, whose style is self-effacing and whose watchword is duty."
But by and enormous, Canadians are pretty chuffed at the thought - and they are willing to sweeten the pot if it helps convince them to remain.
Coffee-and-doughnuts franchise Tim Hortons offered them free coffee for all times.
That promotion led to a considerable backlash of its own.
Some of the company's franchises have come under attack over staff wages, and for a way they treat homeless patrons, and lots of took to Twitter to inform Tim Hortons their money should be getting to the community, not the Sussexes.
"Wow, mention tone-deaf. Mapped out paying your workers a wage before you begin giving freebies to the rich," tweeted Erin Carson DeWolfe.
0 notes
martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.11--Episodes 2-3
I have watched through S2E3; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—Jefferson is reunited with Grace. Snow White is reunited with Emma. Great. Now where is my Gepetto reuniting with Pinocchio?
—But hey, at least I know Pinocchio isn’t dead anymore.
—It kills me that Sneezy doesn’t remember who he is anymore, but his dwarf friends going to mine fairy dust to restore him is so touching.
—Rumplestiltskin called good!Regina “love” in this episode. That’s glorious. As you might’ve gathered from previous posts, his ominous terms of not-really-endearment slay me.
—I don’t trust Dr. Whale. Whoever he is in the fairytale world, he’s got to be semi-immoral, because he was all in on killing Regina. Also, he’s just kinda s u s.
—Snow White, my beloved. It’s great that she really gets to show off her skills in the fairytale world (especially with her daughter watching). And, she’s got a mama-bear thing going, which I adore—what can I say, I’m a sucker for any variété of protectiveness.
—It’s also cool that Emma gets to be out of her element for a while. And that her “real” world skills can’t really help her in the fairytale world.
—It sucks that Lancelot is dead. I would’ve liked to see more of him. (I also happen to be a sucker for a kindhearted knight.)
—I don’t like Aurora any more now than I did when she first showed up. She insists on tagging along in situations where she really doesn’t belong; she’s not the same kind of princess as Snow White or even Belle. She may have fought in the past, I don’t know yet, but she is generally unskilled and poorly prepared for roughing it.
—I loved Charming’s speech at the town border. He really made me think about why the writers portrayed him the way they did as David Nolan. And now that I see it, I appreciate the internal conflict James might have with what he did as David, and I’m interested to explore that dynamic.
—I also love the dynamic between Charming and Henry. They’re both kind of figuring out how to work together, but they’re growing their family bond at the same time. It’s sweet.
—RUMPLESTILTSKIN, *honey*, you cannot leave! That’s just not gonna work for me!
—Really, if Mr. Gold forgot the ✨fabulousness✨that is Rumplestiltskin, I would be incredibly upset. Also, he would forget Belle, and I just don’t think I could handle that.
—I don’t trust Regina. There’s no way she’s legitimately reformed…or at least not permanently.
—King George may have both of my middle fingers. Cursing Snow White was cruel, and George is an asshole.
—On the other hand, Charming’s mom is high-class. She got injured in the first place because she was worried about her son. Then, she couldn’t think of anything but getting to meet Charming’s fiancé. And then she gave up her life to un-curse Snow White. And she didn’t just do that for Charming’s happiness, she also did it for Snow. That’s top-tier moming.
—Snow laying her wedding bouquet on Charming’s mom’s body was a lovely moment.
—That wedding was actually a beautiful little piece of the story. And it’s exactly the kind of wedding that suits Snow and Charming best.
—Guess what else I’m a sucker for? The answer is: Dr. Archie Hopper. I am in love. I will never get over him. He is a good person, the end, just leave me to moon over him in peace.
—The reason I’m obsessing over him now: he went to offer counseling to Regina. After everything she did, even when everyone else was expressing little more than hate for her, Dr. Hopper went to ask her if she wanted to talk. He offered his help, for no reason other than it was the right thing to do. I. Love. Dr. Hopper.
—Of course Red was the only person bold enough to yell at Regina during the interrupted town meeting. I love Red, too (and the red streaks in her hair).
—This show is a total banquet of characters to love. No morsels, no scraps, no crumbs, just a full on smorgasbord of “Here, fall in love with them. (Just try to ignore that they’ll probably have a sad ending that will crush your heart and break your spirit.)”
—It’s swaggy that Storybrooke actually set up a crisis center, complete with counseling, cots, and family-finding services. I get the feeling it would be easier to ignore the effects of the curse breaking, and I’m thrilled that they didn’t take that easier path. It’s more real to have the crisis center; the confusion; the panic.
Cyberspace hugs, my friends! Y’all sticking around to read my reviews makes me incredibly happy, and I love how you somewhat ominously warn me when an episode’s coming up that you enjoy.
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heatherfield · 7 years
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I’m in.
Archie Hopper in Once Upon a Time, 6.17 “Awake”
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unfolded73 · 7 years
What Comes Next (6/8)
Summary: They lived happily ever after. And then what happened? (A Post-S6 story.)  Starts about a week after the final battle, and explores the highs and lows of newly married life between Emma and Killian as they deal with work, friends, and family as life in Storybrooke settles down somewhat.
Captain Swan, Explicit overall, ~4400 words this chapter
Thanks to @j-philly-b for the beta.
Killian had been one hundred percent correct. Emma couldn’t move.
“Stay here and get some sleep,” he murmured, their skin damp with sweat but both of them as yet unwilling to let go of each other. “I’ll go into the station.”
Emma made a weak noise of protest. “You didn’t get much sleep either,” she said, her eyes refusing to open.
“I got a few hours, whereas you got none at all.” His lips pressed against her temple, his beard scratchy against her cheek. “You worked for twenty hours straight yesterday. Take the day, love. Do something for yourself and let me handle work.”
She blinked heavily, squinting at him. “Are you sure?”
“I insist on it.”
“I may just lie here in a sex coma for the rest of the day, then,” she said, stretching languidly against the smooth sheets.
He chuckled, kissing her again quickly before getting out of bed. The last thing she heard was the sound of Killian opening his dresser drawers before she sank into a deep and dreamless sleep.
When Emma finally awoke and reached for her phone it was almost noon. She sat up, her brain moving slowly through a fog. She still felt like she had an emotional hangover from the argument with Killian and everything that happened after. It had been good, in the end, that they got so many of their feelings out on the table. But Emma sensed that just because the future looked clear now did not mean there wouldn’t be more choppy seas ahead. (And the fact that she was thinking in nautical metaphors did not escape her notice.) Besides all of the baggage that both of them carried from their past traumas, there was still this ever-present anxiety that she felt hanging over her, draining a lot of the joy out of what should have been a blissfully happy time in her life. Not that she and Killian didn’t have their blissful moments, but Emma longed to be more relaxed, and not just when she was distracted from her anxiety by sex.
Scrolling through her contact list, her finger hovered over one of the names, and she chewed her lip with indecision before finally making a call.
“Hey, Archie. Do you have any openings in your schedule this afternoon?”
“Thanks for making time for me,” she said, dropping onto Archie Hopper’s familiar leather couch.
“It was no trouble, I don’t have another appointment until four o’clock. Although I’ll admit, I was surprised to hear from you, with the final battle now over.” He crossed one leg over the other, watching her.
“Figured I’d be out living my happy ending, huh?” Emma stared up at the ceiling, her eyes following a crack from one corner to another.
“I guess something like that.”
“Yeah, well, it’s hard to do that when I’m always looking over my shoulder, waiting for the next shoe to drop. Which is a mixed metaphor, but you know what I mean. I’ve hardly had a chance to breathe in, like, two years. Now I finally can, and I’m just…” She sighed. “I need you to fix me.”
“Are you still experiencing the tremors?” he asked.
“No, my magic is fine.”
Over the next forty-five minutes, she talked to Archie about her parents’ move, the changes at work, her marriage, and Henry. It helped, talking to someone who wasn’t emotionally invested in her life.
“Emma, you’re showing many of the signs of clinical depression,” Archie finally said. “Which, for someone who’s been through as much as you have, is completely normal. And no, there’s no quick fix for it, but we can look into some medications that might help you. Either way, we should set up a weekly appointment, and in time, you will start to feel better.”
She sat up. “I figured you’d say something like that.”
He smiled at her. “Sorry to be so predictable. The last thing I’ll add is, don’t be afraid to lean on the people around you who love you. I know you’re in the habit of being the strong one, and that your first instinct is to take care of things on your own. There's no shame in letting other people know that you're struggling, Emma."
Killian took a sip of coffee as he looked at the map of Storybrooke in Emma’s office. If she had noticed a pattern in the sites of the robberies, she hadn’t told him what it was. She had explained about Sneezy’s drug store while they were toweling off from the shower and before they fell back into bed that morning, and he debated to himself whether they should continue to keep an eye on it tonight, or if that was a dead end.
The station was quiet, so he decided to sit at Emma’s desk and continue with her digitization project. She’d shown him how to use the “scanner” to transfer old documents to the computer, although if you asked him, it seemed much safer to keep things as paper than to send them into the computer, in whatever ephemeral form they took inside that infernal box. Still, this was something Emma wanted done, and she would probably appreciate it if he could make a dent in the project.
Once he got into the rhythm of it — put a document on the scanner, press a button, wait for it to appear on the computer, save it to the folder that Emma had showed him — his mind drifted back to the trophies that the thieves had taken: a little wolf trinket, a piece of pottery made by child, a small model of a princess. Nothing had disappeared from Moe’s, although Killian had wondered if maybe the item taken in that case was a flower, and therefore nothing appeared to be missing. The collection seemed almost childish to his mind. It reminded him of the shelf of keepsakes in Henry’s bedroom that he found particularly annoying to dust, littered as it was with superhero action figures and little mementos of some of his dates with Violet, such as the dried flower he’d worn in his lapel when he intended to take her to the school dance.
Killian darted up from the desk, grabbed his leather jacket, and hurried out of the station.
“Just one more week of school, and let me tell you, I am counting the days,” Snow said, settling down at her kitchen table next to Emma. “I’m glad you called; I feel like we haven’t seen you in weeks.”
Emma resisted the urge to point out that her parents were the ones who had moved out to the very edge of town. “We had dinner together last week,” she said instead.
“True. Anyway, how nice of Killian to give you the day off. Sounds like you needed it.”
“I mean, technically, he can’t give me the day off — I’m his boss, but yes, I did need it.” Emma wrapped her fingers around the cup of tea her mother had made her. “Where’s Dad?”
“He’s out of town, can you believe it? Answered an ad on Craig’s List for a used horse trailer, and he’s gone to pick it up.”
Emma frowned. “You don’t have any horses.”
“Once we have a horse trailer, horses are the next step. I’ve missed riding so much. Ooh, you could learn to ride! I always wanted to teach you to ride a horse.”
Finding her mother’s enthusiasm and cheerfulness a little bit exhausting, Emma focused on her tea. “I’m seeing Archie again,” she said.
“Oh,” Snow responded. “About all the stuff we talked about on moving day?”
“Yeah. And, I don’t know, maybe other stuff.” Emma realized she was holding herself rigid, expecting some disaster to interrupt their conversation. A call from Regina saying they all needed to jump into action against some new villain. Grumpy bursting in, shouting that something terrible had happened. Consciously, she relaxed her shoulders and listened to the quiet, to the absence of disaster, for a few seconds. “I told Archie once, back when we were talking about my destiny, that if I wasn’t the Savior, I didn’t know who I’d be. I still don’t think I’ve answered that question.”
“You’re all kinds of things, Emma. A daughter, a wife, a mother, a sister, a friend, the Sheriff—”
“All of those define me in relation to other people. It’s all true, but it’s not who I am.”
“I don’t know if I could define myself outside of my relationships to other people either, now that you put it that way. Are there people that can?” Snow asked with a laugh.
“I think I used to be able to, and I honestly don’t know if that was better or worse. I’ll let you know if I figure it out.”
Snow smiled and blew over the top of her mug. “So how’s it going, you and Killian working together?”
“I mean, we’ve had a couple of rocky moments, but overall it’s good. And he’d probably disagree with me, but he’s really good at the job.”
“I’m so glad. And I’m glad you’re seeing Archie. If there’s anything I can do, just let me know.”
Emma shrugged, suddenly hesitant and shy. “Just be my mom.”
Snow put her hand over Emma’s. “That’s all I ever want to be.”
The huff that came out of Emma’s own mouth surprised her. “Is it?”
“What do you mean?” Snow seemed as taken aback by Emma’s reaction as she herself was.
“The last few months, with the prophecy, and my magic going wonky… I don’t know. It seemed like you had a lot more time for Regina and her problems than you did for me and mine.”
“Regina asked for my help, so I gave it. You had Killian, and I didn’t want to get all up in your business if you didn’t want me there,” Snow said, letting go of Emma’s hand, defensiveness in her posture and in every syllable she spoke.
Emma resisted the urge to roll her eyes, thinking of how her mother had no problem being up in her business when it was about happy things, like planning the wedding. “What made you think I wouldn’t want you there?”
Snow opened her mouth, and then closed it again, thinking for a few seconds. “I guess I thought you would tell me if you needed me.”
“Yes, because asking for help is totally a thing that I’m good at doing,” Emma said sarcastically. “Oh wait, no, it isn’t.”
“Emma…” Her mother looked like she was debating saying something. “You were angry with us for the choices we made, and rightly so. I know that if I spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you, trying to make up for the years we lost together, that I never will.” Her voice started to tremble, tears likely not far behind.
“Mom, that’s not—”
“Just let me finish. When the curse was first broken, I know that I pushed too hard. Tried too hard to mother you, pushed you toward Neal when he wasn’t what you wanted, pushed you to forgive us before you were ready to. So now, I try to give you space. I try to remember how independent you are.”
“I’m independent because I had to be. Because I grew up alone,” Emma said sharply. Her mother winced, and Emma felt like kicking herself. “I’m not saying that to make you feel guilty, I’m saying it because… I don’t know, maybe you should push too hard sometimes.”
Snow looked down at the table, not saying anything for a several endless seconds. “It’s because it was our fault,” she almost whispered.
“What was?”
“We set you on the path to being the Savior, and if you died because of that, it would have been our fault, your dad’s and mine. Maybe I wasn’t there for you because I couldn’t… face that horrible truth.”
“Hey,” Emma said, taking her mother’s hand. “I lived.”
“Emma, I’m so sorry that you needed me these past few months and I wasn’t there for you.”
Emma shook her head. “Except you had your own stuff going on, with the sleeping curse, and you’re not wrong about me. Even though a part of me wanted to lean on you, I don’t know if I could’ve let myself do it. It was hard enough being vulnerable with Killian. I’m… gonna be working on this in therapy, I think.” She laughed a little bit. “Probably forever.”
“Maybe we need a hand signal, so that you can let me know if you want me to push?” Snow suggested, a half-smile on her face.
“Maybe.” Emma took a sip of her luke-warm tea.
“Or you could text me a code,” Snow said.
“Just a whole line of those crying-face emojis,” Emma replied. “Or sirens?”
“No, then I’ll just glance at it and assume it’s from Grumpy.”
Emma threw her head back at that and laughed.
“Captain,” Blue said, greeting him at her convent office. “I have to admit, I was surprised to get your call.”
Even though she was a loyal ally of the Charmings, the Blue Fairy had always eyed him with a certain amount of distaste and suspicion, and she did so now. Killian met her eyes without hesitation. After all, the feeling was mutual.
He took in the simple office walls that surrounded them, particularly the crucifix displayed prominently above the window. Emma had explained to him a bit about the Christian religion in this realm, and while he supposed he understood why the fairies had been transformed into nuns by the curse, he wondered at the fact that they still kept the trappings of that foreign religion around now that the curse was broken. Perhaps they had found some comfort in it.
“Please,” she said, gesturing to a chair as she moved to sit behind her desk. “Have a seat.”
“I’ll cut right to the chase,” he said, sitting down. The pirate in him wanted to prop a foot up on the fairy’s desk and lean back in his chair, but he resisted the impulse. “You’ve heard about the string of break-ins to local businesses these last few weeks?”
Blue shook her head, looking for all the world like she considered herself above such things. “I had not heard.”
He sighed in frustration. “Well, take my word for it, then.”
“What’s been taken?”
“Money mostly, but also small trinkets, the likes of which started me wondering if perhaps it isn’t an adult that we should be looking for, but a younger person. Perhaps a teenager, one who doesn’t have parents to look after him and set him on the proper path.”
Blue raised an eyebrow. “You think it could be one of the Lost Boys.”
“I think it’s possible. How many of them are still living at the orphanage?”
“Most. A couple of the younger ones were adopted by families here in Storybrooke, and the oldest few are grown men now, and have found employment and places to live here in town. The rest remain at the orphanage.”
Killian felt a sting of guilt at that. He’d carried them away from Neverland on his own ship, all that time ago. Having seen the state that Neverland was now in, he knew that the boys he had rescued were more fortunate than the ones who chose to stay behind on that cursed island, but it occurred to him that he could have done more for the boys in Storybrooke. He’d just dropped them off and hadn’t thought of them much since, too troubled by the upheavals in his own life.
Blue seemed to read his thoughts on his face. “You feel guilty,” she said.
“I brought them here and then I forgot about them.”
“I don’t know how much you could have done for them since then,” she said. “Especially while you were dead.”
“And the support you’ve given to the Savior and to the Author has helped all of us, in the end. No one can begrudge the role you’ve served,” Blue said.
He was sure his surprise showed on his face. He didn’t think Blue thought much about him at all, and he assumed if she did, it was as a rogue. A blackguard. But clearly that wasn’t the case.
“I’d like to search the orphanage to see if there’s any sign of the missing money or of the other small items that were stolen,” he said.
Blue shook her head, impassive. “I can’t allow that.”
“The thieves could be among those boys, Mother Superior,” he said, addressing her by her title in this realm.
“If you have evidence of that, then I’m sure you can go to the courthouse to get a warrant to search the orphanage.” She folded her arms across her chest.
“I don’t have evidence; it’s a hunch.”
“Then I’m sorry.”
He clenched his fist in frustration, leaning forward. “I’m not particularly interested in punishing these lads, Blue. If one or more of them are stealing, then yes, I need to put a stop to it, and the business owners need to be compensated for their losses. But if you think my goal is to see them in jail, then you’re mistaken.”
She eyed him for several seconds, her gaze seeming to penetrate his soul. Finally, she nodded. “All right, I agree.” She looked up at a clock on the wall. “They’ll be summoned for dinner shortly. You can search their quarters then, but only under my supervision.”
“Of course.”
Blue led him across a small courtyard to a low dormitory building which she unlocked with a key from a ring at her waist. “This was originally just for the sisters,” she said. “But after the curse broke, not all the fairies chose to stay here. When you brought the Lost Boys from Neverland, this wing of vacant rooms was the most logical place to put them.”
The hallways were quiet, as indeed everyone seemed to be away.
Each room that she admitted Killian into contained two cots, two desks, and a small wardrobe. Some rooms were tidy, everything in its place, some were cluttered, much in the way that Henry’s room at their house was cluttered, with books stacked haphazardly and laundry scattered on the floor. Finally they came to a room that was messier than any of the others, despite the fact that only one of the beds seemed to have an occupant, as the other was only a bare mattress
“John Raymond’s room,” Blue said at his raised eyebrow. “No roommate. He’s been spoken to about the state of this room multiple times, to no avail.”
Killian began poking through the wardrobe. “How old is he?”
There was a pile of dirty clothes at the bottom of the wardrobe, and Killian knelt down and dug through it, wrinkling his nose in distaste at the smell of unwashed boy. He almost laughed at himself. His olfactory senses had certainly gotten a lot more particular since he’d sailed the seas with a ship full of pirates and traveled to cities where human waste flowed ankle-deep in the gutters.
At the bottom of the pile of clothes, he found a small cardboard box, the very sort that often came to his own house with deliveries from that miraculous internet marketplace known as ‘Amazon.’ Inside the box, just as he feared, was a stack of cash. Killian wasn’t as quick at estimating quantities of the realm’s paper currency as he could a chest full of gold doubloons, but thumbing through it, he reckoned it could be close to a thousand dollars.
He looked up at Blue, who was looking back at him with a sad expression. “This doesn’t look good,” he said somewhat unnecessarily.
“What about the other things that were stolen. Trinkets, you said?”
Handing her the box, he stood up, his knees protesting. He went past the bed to the desk, opening the drawers. There was more clutter in these, but it didn’t take him long to find what he was looking for, shoved all the way in the back behind pens, pencils, unwrapped candies, and the usual sort of detritus one might find in a student’s desk: a misshapen piece of pottery, a little cartoon princess figurine with a keychain protruding from her blonde head, a translucent red glass wolf, and a dried rose. Killian placed them each on the chemistry book on top of the desk and turned to Blue.
“You need to bring him down to the station, I assume?” she asked, resigned.
“Let’s start with a chat in your office.” He glanced out the window to check the time, and pulled out his phone to call Emma when he saw he missed a text from her.
Going to the rabbit hole with regina and zelena, it said, followed by an emoji of a wide-eyed face. if I don’t come home by midnight assume we got arrested. Or no wait you’d be doing the arresting right? Followed by an emoji of a… he squinted at it. A person blowing a kiss, perhaps?
He sighed. Emma was taking a day off, and if that meant she was blowing off some steam going out drinking with two formerly evil sorceresses, then all the better. He wasn’t going to stop her, even if it resulted in his having to go down there and handcuff her later. Shoving that thought aside before it led anywhere lecherous, he put his phone away without calling his wife. Scooping up the evidence and pocketing it and then accepting the box of money from Blue, he followed her out of the room.
On their way back across to the building that housed the Blue Fairy’s office, she stopped and asked one of the other sisters to bring the boy John to her office immediately. The sister scurried off, giving Killian a worried glance as she did so.
“I don’t know what he could be thinking,” Blue said, trotting to match his long stride. “I know that he’s had more than his share of troubles at school, but he’s never been in any trouble with the law. He’s always struck me as a mostly good kid.”
“No one spends significant time with Pan without a stain of darkness left behind on their heart,” he said, seating himself in the Mother Superior’s office when they arrived. He glanced up again at the crucifix on the wall, wondering if that Jesus fellow was the savior people claimed he was, or just another kind of trickster.
The boy who was brought before him had unkempt, light brown hair and was of below average height for a sixteen-year-old boy. His eyes darted around, first to the Mother Superior and then to Killian. Killian stood, gesturing to the chair he’d just vacated.
“Have a seat, lad.” The boy sat down on the edge of the chair, his face betraying nothing.
Killian picked up the box from the desk. “Do you know what this is?”
He could see swift calculations taking place behind the young man’s eyes. “Is it my money you stole from my room?” he asked, an edge of defiance in his voice.
Smiling, Killian sat on the edge of the desk. “And where did you come by this money, if it’s yours?”
“I earned it,” he said. “Doing small jobs for people.”
Killian reached into his jacket pocket and brought out the mementos, setting them on the polished desk one by one. “And these? Did you earn these?”
John’s eyes widened, and Killian could see beads of sweat on his upper lip. “So Captain Hook is gonna lecture me about stealing? That’s rich,” he said, lashing out from his cornered position.
“Given that I am Deputy Sheriff, that is precisely what I’m going to do,” he replied mildly. “What’s the money for, John?”
“What business is it of yours?”
Killian could sense Blue starting to interject something, probably to try to diffuse the situation, but he held up his hand to stop her. “You can either answer my questions here in this comfortable office, or I can put you in jail for a night, and you can answer to Sheriff Swan in the morning.” He shuddered theatrically. “And she’s been cranky lately. Why, just the other day I saw her take a man down at forty paces with her magic, just for walking against the crosswalk.” Turning his head away from the boy and toward Blue, he winked.
“It costs a lot in this world to try to go anywhere,” John blurted out. “This land is huge, and they say no one will give a ride to a traveler walking along the roadside. So I figured out that I needed a bus ticket, but those cost money. And food, shelter… all of it costs so much money.” His shoulders slumped, defeated.
“Where do you need to go so badly, lad?” Killian asked him.
The boy threw up his hands. “Anywhere but here! Somewhere where people don’t know the truth about Peter Pan. Where people won’t still be calling me a Lost Boy for my whole life. Nicholas got a job at the cannery, a respectable job and an apartment even, and still people shoot him looks everywhere he goes. They don’t trust any of us, because they know about Pan.” He looked down at the floor. “Also, somewhere warmer. I hate the snow.”
Killian felt keenly for this boy. He himself had married into the royal family, was the husband of the Savior herself, and still he knew there were people in Storybrooke who half-expected him to betray his wife at any moment. People who looked at his hook, and saw nothing but a dirty pirate.
“Why did you take these?” he asked, indicating the collection on Blue’s desk.
John shrugged. “I don’t know, I just liked them.” His eyes got a faraway look in them. “Kids in this realm have so many things, and I just wanted… I didn’t think anyone would miss them.”
Killian tossed him the dried rose bud. “You can keep this, but the others I’ll have to return. Along with the money, of course.”
“Aren’t you going to put me in jail?” John asked.
Killian regarded him carefully. “Actually, I have another idea.”
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If There’s No Objection Rated Explicit
Prompt-verse: Belle & Gold are rival attorneys with benefits. When one attorney wins a case against the other then the loser must give pleasure to the winner.
Part Three  Posted for @rumbelleorderinthecourt prompt: Rumbelle have sex in any legal/courtroom situation.
Archie frowned as the rest of court began shuffling out. “Gold. French. I’d like to see you both in my chambers.”
Belle looked up from the paperwork she’d been stacking into a briefcase. “Sir?”
Gold crossed his arms, leaning back in his seat with a sour expression. “The case was dismissed, I hardly think…”
Archie shook his head. “This isn’t about the case. I’d… I’d just like a quick chat with you both. If you don’t mind.”
Belle’s gaze slid sideways to Gold, who was studying the judge with a casual arrogance. Her hands clenched so hard, her nails dug into her palms. The older man - her professional rival and sometimes lover - had been pushing every damn button all day. What should have been a pretty open and shut hearing had dragged out into a complex web of ridiculous proportion. She had stacks of casework sitting on her desk back at the office that were still untouched. Now, thanks to Gold’s maneuvering, she’d be stuck taking care of that well into the wee hours of the night.
On top of that, the case ended up with a dismissal due to a technical error. So, neither of them had won and there was no reason to celebrate in their usual manner. Not that she felt very celebratory at the moment. She was just as likely to claw Gold’s eyes out as she was to rake her nails down his back.
Gold gave a sigh. He just wanted to get out of here, go home and drink himself to bed. “Archie, I’m sure we’ve all got enough to worry about and it’s been a long day. Can this wait?”
Archie pressed his lips together thinly. “I really don’t think it should. I have you both on my docket again tomorrow. The Clayton case?”
Belle exhaled heavily. Right, that was tomorrow. Gold wasn’t even supposed to be on that one; Regina was. Yet as soon as Belle had taken the lead on defense, Gold’s name had suddenly started showing up on the correspondence.  
At first she’d been flattered that he’d take on extra work just for a shot at the sexy little game they’d created. But then he’d been such an utter prick in the preliminaries. And again, all day today.  Gold was always a shark, but it felt lately like he’d been sharpening his teeth on her, specifically.
It was not at all what she’d expected when they started sleeping together. A bit of forced indifference, perhaps, but not this streak of puerile nastiness.
Archie continued, his gaze shifting between them, eyebrows slightly raised. “I hope you can understand why I might have a few remarks about… today’s proceedings.
Belle flushed with embarrassment. She may not have handled things so delicately, herself. Twice, Archie had had to raise his usually gentle voice just to interrupt their sniping.
Taking a deep breath, she plastered on a neutral expression. “Of course, Judge Hopper, I have no problem taking an extra minute to speak with you. Especially if you feel it will help things run more smoothly in the courtroom.” With a pointed look at Gold, she added, “I’m sure everyone can benefit from that.”
Gold glowered at her but, not to be outdone, gave a grudging nod. “Fine,” he bit out the word.
Belle bit back a smug smile, momentarily content at having forced his hand. They followed Archie back to his chambers.
The younger man gestured for them to take seats in front of a large oak desk. Rather than sit behind it, he leaned back against it, standing between them with his arms crossed. “Okay, I’ve known both of you for years and I know you’re both excellent litigators. There’s a reason for the reputations you’ve each earned. Can we talk about what the hell happened today?”
Gold pursed his lips, refusing to budge first. Belle swallowed and glanced at the window. A weighty silence stretched out between them. At last Archie broke it with a sigh.
Then, he began to lecture.
Belle chewed on her lower lip, eyes cast down at her lap, looking appropriately regretful. This was not how she’d pictured her evening. Despite Gold’s less than pleasant behavior of late, their late night interactions were still… far more than compensatory. She’d won the last time and he’d spent so long between her legs, she was half-worried his tongue would give out. He hadn’t seemed to share her concern, declining her offer to finish him off, as well. True to the word of the deal, all the focus had been on her. She’d been too knackered to even say goodnight as she kissed her juices from his lips and cabbed it home.
Since then, they hadn’t faced off in court until today. She saw him around quite a bit but she’d been trying to maintain a professional distance. Which was very hard to do when her stomach flipped with yearning every moment in his presence. It was silly, really, wanting him as badly as she did. He was a condescending prick to her all through the prep for the Clayton case and he’d been an arse and a half today. And yet…
She sighed inwardly, noting in her peripheral how the fading sunlight streaming through Archie’s window glinted against the strands of silver in Gold’s silky smooth hair. She couldn’t shake the memory of clutching that hair between her fingers as he made her scream with pleasure. She crossed her legs against the dull but growing ache blossoming between them.
It had been weeks and her lingering anger just barely took the edge off her hunger for him.
With a flutter of guilt, she realized that Archie was still talking but she'd barely heard a word.
Gold fought the urge to roll his eyes as Hopper droned on. He was tetchy as hell and not ready to have a man 10+ years his junior school him on proper courtroom etiquette. Yes, he’d fucked up by letting his temper get the better of him. He knew it. Hopper knew. And worst of all, Belle knew it.
Not that she hadn’t given back as good as she got. In fact, he’d nearly tripped over his own tongue after a few zingers she’d shot his way. Why she had to be quite so delicious in her fury was quite beyond him. It certainly didn’t help the mass of very confusing emotions already swarming around their strange… association.
Using the word ‘relationship’ - even in his own head - felt too intimate. Belle had made it sufficiently clear that intimacy was off the table. Their personal interactions had always been rather brief, perforce, but since the law conference, she’d barely spoken two words to him that weren’t whispered in the dark of a bedroom. At first, he had tried to see it as the usual professional boundary. Then she had stopped sitting with him at the bar across from the courthouse and started purposely ignoring him in hallways. Once, she’d swerved so fast as he approached, she ran into a clerk, resulting in an explosion of case files.
Alright, perhaps he’d taken things a little far in retaliation: joining the Clayton case just to force her to interact with him, calling out every minor gaff and textual ambiguity along the way. He had acted like an imbecile in court, today. It was a wonder Hopper hadn’t tried to put either of them in contempt.
But Belle just kept swinging back and some sick part of him had been enjoying it. Her eyes gone bright and wild, barely concealing her ire, the way her her petal pink lips plumped as she pursed them and glared.
Fuck. He couldn’t believe he still wanted her this badly. It was shameful.
He sunk down into the wingback armchair, his cane across his legs, as his gaze slid to her, unbidden. She was so fucking beautiful, even in her false penitence. He knew it was all for show by the way her foot kept twitching, eyes shifting to the watch on her wrist. She was just as eager to get out of this room as he was.
He ground his teeth as Archie launched into yet another clumsy metaphor on being respectful of shared spaces.  
Archie’s secretary, Anita, buzzed the com on the phone, announcing a call from Archie’s husband on the line. The judge paused mid-sentence, his face lighting up in a way that took off ten years. “I hope you don’t mind if I take this?”
Gold made a dismissive noise and Belle shrugged, both secretly relieved at the interruption. It made Belle's heart ache just a little to see this domestic side of Archie, knowing she'd be going home to a cold and empty apartment. She silently scolded herself for her envy.
Hopper nodded a few times, making affirmative sounds before hanging up and turning back to face them. “Sorry, folks. I'm being called off home. Seems the kids decided to make dinner tonight and… well, I can't miss that.” He grinned and for a moment, Gold felt something akin to liking for the younger man. Only love for a child could soften a man's eyes so quickly.
A pang went through Gold at the callous way he’d been treating Hopper. He glanced at Belle again, whose shoulders seemed to have slumped, her expression oddly wistful. Perhaps he’d been wrong about a few things, lately.
Archie continued, “I hope you'll be able to think over what I've said? Maybe find a way to work through… whatever it is you're both dealing with?”
Belle swallowed and gave him a grim smile. “Thank you, Archie. I do appreciate you taking the time.”
“As do I,” added Gold, this time with a hint of sincerity. Belle looked sidelong at him and he licked his lips. “Would you mind if… that is,” he turned to Belle “Miss French, might I request a moment of your company?” He inclined his head toward Hopper “If Judge Hopper doesn’t mind us using his office a few minutes longer.”
Hopper shrugged, pulling on his coat. “Go for it. Anita is going home too but the door locks from the inside and I've got the only other key. Just press the button on your way out.” He paused, hands at his lapels. “Thanks for listening, guys. You know I hate having to come down on you like a scolding teacher. We’re all friends, here, really.”
“You’re most welcome,” Gold said, surprising himself that he actually meant it.
Belle’s eyes were unusually bright as she offered Hopper a smile. “Get on home before dinner gets cold.”
Archie left and Belle rose from her chair to face Gold, arms crossing over her chest, protectively. “So… you, uh, wanted to talk?”
Gold stood as well, trying not to lean too obviously on his cane. “I did.”
They faced one another in the growing quiet, the last of the day fading and night overtaking its burnt orange light. Belle shifted in her heels. Gold twisted his cane.
“Mr. Gold,” she began.
“Belle, I…” Gold began simultaneously, taking a small step toward her. He recoiled at once as his surname left her lips. She called him 'Gold' in private but she never used the honorific 'Mister.' The addition was an unnecessary formality to put between them. His stomach turned sour.
The change in his demeanor was sharp and immediate. His face shuttered, arms holding his cane out in front of him, both hands settled atop it.
Belle frowned, “Can you just… please tell me what's wrong? Why have you been… just tearing me to pieces, lately?”
Gold scoffed, “Miss French, if my critiques have so thoroughly riled you, perhaps it's your own capacity to receive criticism you ought to examine.”
A heat rose in Belle's cheeks and she brought her hands to her hips. “Seriously? That's what you wanted to say? After sitting through all that crap from Archie? You ask me to stay not to apologize but to tell me I can't take criticism?”
“If the shoe fits,” Gold sneered, cocking one hip. A glance toward her laughably impractical shoes left him trying very hard not to stare, instead, at the shapely legs that rose from them. Trying and failing.
Belle was fighting the urge to smack him silly when she realized he was looking at her legs with a barely disguised hunger. Despite herself, she felt a jolt of desire run the length of her spine, heat curling in her belly and the apex of her thighs.
“You know what?,” Belle ground out through half clenched teeth. “I don't need to fucking care what you think of my work. And you know why?”
He gave a humorless smirk and Belle was struck with the urge to bite his lower lip and make him change his tune. Make him beg to get on his knees for her, again.
“Why is that, I wonder?”
Trying to shake it off, she strode toward him and poked a finger into his perfectly pressed silk tie. “Because you're a fucking asshole, Gold.”
He lifted his chin to look down his nose at her, attempting to shut out the delicious smell of whatever she used in her hair. His hands were starting to shake with the need to reach out, to caress her, to crush her to him and never let go. He tightened his grip on his cane handle, knuckles going white. “You eat with that mouth?” he returned weakly, his voice rougher than he'd expected.
Belle pursed her lips. “You know exactly what I do with this mouth.” Her voice was low and breathy, her pupils blown as she held his gaze.
“Fuck…” he breathed, cursing himself inwardly as he felt his trousers get tighter.
Belle licked her lips and for just a moment, neither of them could move, stuck in a tableau of aroused frustration. Belle sucked in a breath and dropped her hands to his belt buckle. It was all Gold could to do nod his assent before they both began tearing at the other’s clothing. Their kisses were messy and biting, stoking the rising flame but leaving no room for tenderness. Belle’s knickers and Gold’s trousers hit the floor. In minutes she was atop Hopper’s desk with her skirt hitched to her waist, Gold dropping to his knees just as she’d imagined. He wasted no time in covering her with his mouth, suckling her lower lips and swirling his tongue over her clit before sliding it as far inside as it could go. Belle leaned back on one hand, using the other to cover her mouth. She gasped and moaned into her palm as Gold growled into her slick flesh, fucking her with his tongue until her thighs began to shake. Just as she was on the verge of climax, he withdrew and pulled himself to his feet.
“Gold! What the hell?”she panted.
Gold leaned over her, his mouth shiny with her wetness. “Tell me you want me, Belle,” he breathed, kissing her hard, her taste salty-sweet on his lips. His cock brushed against her entrance and Belle spread her legs to welcome him.
“Yes,” she whispered, trying to nudge him forward with the heel of one foot at the small of his back. “Fucking hell, Gold, don’t make me wait…”
“I need to hear it,” he growled, nearly shaking with the effort of not simply burying himself inside her. “Please, Belle… say the words. Tell me you want me…”
“Yes,” Belle groaned, “Of course I want you. How could you ever think anything else?”
Gold exhaled a heavy breath, sliding home with a single thrust. Belle arched her back, shunting her hips toward him as he buried his face against her neck. He set an almost brutal pace, pulling out only slightly as though he couldn’t bear to withdraw from her any further before filling her again, over and over. The heavy desk creaked with their efforts, sweat dripping down his spine as he stifled his ridiculously needy little sounds in the soft flesh of her neck and shoulder. Belle began to shudder against him, her inner muscles fluttering and clenching hard. With one more thrust, she was coming, her free hand clutching at his hair. His pace grew erratic, his bad leg beginning to ache. With a final groan, he spilled himself deep within her.
They both caught their breath a minute before Gold stumbled back, pulling up his underwear and trousers before collapsing into the chair behind him.
Belle righted her blouse, her hair hopelessly disheveled and lips swollen with his kisses. She was agonizingly beautiful and he was dangerously close to begging her to come home with him. Not even for a repeat performance - though he’d be happy to give one after a proper refractory period - but just to lay in his arms and let him breathe her in. Just to spend a few more moments reflected in her eyes. She slid slowly from the desk to her feet and came to stand in front of his chair, lightly stroking his sweat-soaked hair.
“Hey…” she started softly, urging him to look at her with a touch to his cheek.
Gold raised his eyes to hers, hesitantly. “Hey.”
“What was that about, anyway? Thinking I wouldn’t… that I didn’t want you?”
He swallowed, his mouth opening and closing silently. “It’s… it’s nothing.”
Belle shook her head. “It’s not nothing. Is that why you’ve been such a… well, such a beast the last few weeks?”
He exhaled loudly, pulling away from her gentle hand at his face. “Belle. I don’t… Let’s not do this. It’s not important.”
She leaned in to capture his face between both hands. “Like hell it’s not. You’ve been awful to me lately and while you make the apology almost worth it, I’d like to know what’s going on.”
He gaped at her. “I was awful to you ? After you’ve been blanking me at every turn? You nearly killed a man just to avoid walking next to me…”
Belle cringed at the memory of the incident with the law clerk. Then the weight of Gold’s words sunk in. Blanking me at every turn.
Oh, she’d been such an idiot.
Not just keeping a professional distance or maintaining her composure, in her effort to keep her eyes and hands to herself, she’d been actively ignoring him. In fact, now that she took the time to think about it, they had barely had a two-way conversation (even during their sexual trysts) since they got back from the conference.
She hadn’t given a single thought to how that might make a man feel. Gold always appeared so confident, so aloof, she’d never have guessed her silence could even scratch the surface of his armor, let alone hurt him. Then again, how much of her own self-assured poise was a really just a facade?
The bitterness was starting to overtake the afterglow of orgasm and Gold began to tense up, readying himself to leave, when Belle deposited herself into his lap and kissed him. It was different from the kisses they’d exchanged earlier. This one was slow and sweet, an invitation rather than an admonishment.
He returned the kiss all too eagerly, arms wrapping around her. When they broke apart for breath, there was a glow to her cheeks that made his knees go watery all over again.
“I’m sorry. I never meant to treat you that way, Gold. I thought I was just… I don’t know…. Being professional. Keeping our private, ehm, activities, private. I had no idea I was shutting you out so completely, I swear, I do want you.”
He eyed her skeptically and she pressed another heated kiss to his lips.
“Can you have any doubt how I feel after we just violated Archie’s office?” she teased.
He bit back a grin at that, ducking his head. He ran a hand over her messy hair and shrugged. “I know I’ve been an utter pratt. You didn’t deserve that either. I'm sorry, too.” Meeting her eyes again, he gave a slight shake of the head, his hair swaying with the motion. “That night at the conference… I honestly never expected….” he sighed. “I have been awful - you’re right. I’ve never… I’m not a very good man, Belle.”
Belle made a noncommittal sound. “You’re not always ‘nice,’ I’ll grant you that. And that’s fine by me, ‘nice’ is boring, anyway. But I know you’re a better man than you think you are. Certainly a better man than you pretend to be."
“You can’t know that,” he rasped, a lump suddenly rising in his throat.
“Well, I’ve collected quite a bit of evidence in the time I’ve known you that points me in that direction. Plus, I’ve got a hunch.” She rubbed her nose against his, affectionately.
He released a little chuckle. “Good lawyers don’t trust hunches.”
“Bad men don’t apologize for their mistakes. Or at least they don’t apologize and mean it.” She cocked her head to the side. “Do you mean it?”
With every fibre of my being, Gold thought vehemently. What he said was “Come home with me tonight and I’ll prove it.”
Belle gave him a playful swat on the shoulder, getting to her feet. “Not tonight. Someone drew out a case for hours today which means I’ve still got to get a ton of paperwork done. But… maybe this weekend? Depending on the outcome of the Clayton trial, of course.” She winked.
Gold smiled, something warm settling in his chest, occupying that formerly-constricted space between heartbeats. “You’re on, sweetheart.”
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vickyjona · 8 years
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Archie Hopper appreciation post.
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eirian-houpe · 4 years
The Library Beneath the Clock Tower - Chapter 35
Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Belle/Gaston (Once Upon a Time)
Characters: Belle (Once Upon a Time), Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Widow Lucas | Granny, Grumpy | Leroy, Maurice | Moe French, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Merida (Once Upon a Time), Jiminy Cricket | Archie Hopper, Gaston (Once Upon a Time), Le Fou, Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Prince Charming | David Nolan, Gus | Billy, Huntsman | Sheriff Graham, Mother Trude (Fairytale Character)
Additional Tags: Bookshop On the Corner, slightly AU, Cursed Storybrooke (Once Upon a Time), Alternate Universe - In Storybrooke | Cursed (Once Upon a Time), Eventual Smut
Summary: Storybrooke has no library, and neither does Belle, not since the library where she worked in Boston discovered her past as an inpatient at a mental hospital. Taking her future into her own hands, Belle travels to Storybrooke where her intention is to open up the town library, but all does not go according to her plan. Obstacles and false starts, and diversion along very wrong pathways interrupt her journey toward fulfilling her dream, as well as taking her rightful place and becoming a part of the Storybrooke community.
Read previous chapters on AO3
Chapter 35 - The Fifth Wheel
“I’m telling you, Ruby,” Belle said, “I’m serious. You should come to Storybrooke.”
It was early on Saturday evening and the two women were out for a girls night on the town, and Boston had never felt so huge and so noisy to Belle as it did now. The bar that Ruby frequented wasn’t exactly a huge place, but still Belle had to raise her voice to be heard, between the post game football crowd, and the pre-game basketball revelers there was little to no chance of holding a private conversation.
“I’ll come with you, buttercup.” The drunk frat-boy at the bar slurred and leaned toward Belle as he muscled his way into the conversation.
“Get lost asshole!” Ruby answered. She gave young man a shove that almost send him sliding off his stool, before she picked up their drinks and led Belle away to a corner and the table that was almost always vacant, no matter how busy the bar was.
“Sorry about that,” she said as they sat. “It never used to be that bad in here before, and certainly not filled with jocks, that’s for sure.”
“You love it really,” Belle teased, and picked up the drink that Ruby set in front of her. “Ogling all the hot bodies!”
“Yeah, the ones that remind me I dropped out of grad. School to go and make copies and file letters,” Ruby answered somewhat bitterly.  “I swear, they’re treating me like shit.”
“So come and live in Storybrooke,” Belle persisted. “There have to be lawyer’s offices there, right? You could get a job, sign up for an online course, and finished your degree that way. You weren’t that far off, and it wasn’t your fault that you had to drop out, either.”
“Maybe not, but what was my excuse for not going back once it was all… over?” she asked, and Belle shook her head, covering Ruby’s hand with her own.
“Ruby, trust me. You’d do great in Storybrooke.” Ruby threw back her drink, her face creasing in a wince as she swallowed, Belle suspecting the alcohol burning down her throat, and bit her lip. She should never have let let the conversation turn the way it had. “Piotr wasn’t your fault, Ruby, you know that.”
“I know. It’s okay.” Ruby smiled then, but then grimace as the crowd at the bar erupted into raucous laughter, followed by suggestive cheers. She turned to Belle and asked, “You wanna get out of here?”
She rubbed her fingers across her forehead. Either the alcohol or the noise was getting to her and her head was beginning to ache. She nodded, then offered Ruby a cheeky grin then as she finished downing what remained of her drink.  “How about we get tacos on the way home?”
Rather than take a cab, the two women decided to walk home, stopping to eat their tacos on a bench overlooking the river.
“This is better,” Belle said quietly, after emptying her mouth from a bite of chicken taco.
“The food?” Ruby asked.
“No, the quiet,” Belle licked her fingers clean of juice and reached for the cup that held her drink. “I hadn’t realized how much I’d gotten used to the quiet in Storybrooke until I wasn’t there any more.  Here it’s so noisy… so… busy.”
“You used to thrive on that,” Ruby reminded her.
“Exactly,” she said, “That’s just my point. I think that Storybrooke really is just what I needed.”
Ruby smiled over at her, and took another bite of her taco, before she said, “I’m glad you’re happy there.”
“You could be too,” Belle persisted, “if only you’re give it a chance.”
“I’d love to,” Ruby said. “But I’m not brave like you.”
“Brave?  Me?” Belle let out a humorless chuckle. “Hardly.”
“You are.” Ruby set the wrapped taco down in her lap and counted off on her fingers as she spoke. “You just picked up and left here for somewhere unknown. You challenged the Mayor in order to be allowed to open the library… you’ve settled, and made friends in your new home…”
“Not as much as you’d think,” Belle said, a little mournfulness in her voice.
There was a long silence before Ruby asked, “Have you heard from Hunter?”
Belle shook her head, “Beyond the note his left for me asking me to meet him here in Boston, no. I”m still waiting for him to contact me, but so far… nothing.”
Ruby sighed. “Well, if he asked you to come here, then I’m sure he will contact you.”
Belle reached over and covered ruby’s hand with her own before the other woman could pick up her taco again.
“I know you don’t trust him, Ruby,” she said, “so it means a lot to me that you’d say that.”
Ruby turned her hand beneath Belle’s and gave it a squeeze. “It doesn’t matter what I do or don’t think of him. It’s what you think that matters.”
Belle offered her a smile, and the two of them lapsed into silence as they ate their food and, afterwards, walked home arm in arm.
The following day saw the two friends heading to the warehouse on Union Warf where a book sale was being held. Belle had found out about it the previous day from a flier that had, ironically, been pasted onto the notice board beside the doorway of the bar she and Ruby had bailed on the night before and Ruby had agreed to come with her.
What neither of them anticipated was the person who would be waiting for them at the door.
“Hunter?” Belle said in surprise, and accepted his hug as he leaned down to give it.  Ruby simply glared.
“You got my note,” he said, and Belle detected a note of certainty in his voice that bordered on arrogance. She felt a stirring of unease. “And I knew if you were here, in Boston, I mean, you would be at this book sale.”
“Which means I’m working, Hunter,” Belle said, about to protest further, but he interrupted.
“I know. I know, I just want to help, that’s all,” he said.  “And if there are more books that you can carry, I can���”
“No,” she countered at once. “I can’t ask you to do that. You risk your job every time you do that for me, and I don’t want that.” She tried to soften the blow with a smile and added, “I do appreciate the offer, but… I mean to do things properly this time.”
Out of the corner of her eye, Belle saw Ruby nod approvingly.
“Well then, afterwards,” Hunter said. “After here, at least let me take you to eat - both of you.  I have a picnic…!”  He lifted the basket he was carrying, and waggled it slightly as if to be tempting, while at the same time offering the sweetest smile he had ever given to Belle. “To make up for…” he shrugged. “I was a fool.”
She shook her head, and then reached out to squeeze his arm. “All right. Afterwards - we eat… together.”
The book sale was everything that Belle could have hoped it would be, and the picnic Hunter provided for the three of them just as delicious as she remembered the one in Storybrooke Forest had been, and afterwards, she an Ruby and Hunter had lounged around on the picnic blanket in the park where they had enjoyed their time together. At first the three behaved simply as friends, but then, as the afternoon grew warmer, and the heat, and Hunter, melted Belle’s resolve to be… retrained, she ended up first leaning against him, and then lying on the blanket with her head in his lap, his fingers running through her hair.
The contact felt good, and the attention he was showing to her made her feel valued; wanted. It made her realize that this was what had been missing for so long. It gave her a chance to forget that she had a past, that she had struggled with herself and her own self image; it made her understand that she was valuable, and capable, and that while she’d had to fight for many of the advances she had made in the last several months, there had always been someone there, watching her back, taking risks for her and helping her out in ways that no one - or very few - had without wanting something in return. That Hunter, it seemed, wanted only her happiness.
“You know what?” Ruby said softly, starting to sit up. “I’m starting to feel a little bit like a fifth wheel around here, and besides, I just realized that I have something to finish for work tomorrow. I’m just going to give you love-birds some space… some time.”
“You don’t have to go go on my account,” Belle said, sitting up and trying to catch Ruby’s hand as the other woman reached for her purse
“Yeah,” Ruby said, “Really, Belle. It’s for the best, and I’ll see you at home later.”
She didn’t even give Belle a chance to respond to that before she began the long walk out of the park and towards home.
Belle sat there for many long minutes before she broke the silence with an awkward, “Well… I, um…”
Hunter shook his head. “It… is my fault. I am sorry.”
“No, Hunter, this is not on you,” she said with a sigh. Ruby and I have known each other for long enough, been friends for long enough that she’s been my ‘fifth wheel’ before, and for anyone else, she would have stuck around.”  She sighed in angry frustration, “but because it’s you…?”
“Don’t be mad at her, my Belle,” he said quietly and took her hands, caressing her fingertips with his own. “She is only looking out for you, and she doesn’t know me the way you do.”
He sighed softly, and then releasing Belle, began to pick up the dishes and pack away the remains of the picnic.
“What are you doing?” Belle asked.
“There is somewhere I would like you to see,” he said, then once everything was packed away, got to his feet and held out his hand to help her up. “If you will trust me enough to come with me?” he added playfully.
Belle looked up at him for only a moment before she took his hand, and allowed him to help her climb to her feet.
“All right,” she said as she got her balance, and let go of his hand, not yet quite ready to walk along hand in hand, in public. She picked up her purse, and then asked, “Where are we going?”
“You will see,” he said with an almost cheeky twinkle in his eyes. “Come.”
He held out his hand in a gesture meant, she was certain, to convey that she should precede him from the park and onto the sidewalk of the street outside the wrought iron gate, paralleling the park for some way before the park railing veered off one way, and the sidewalk curved to the left, private houses filled the space between the two.
Every few steps or so, Hunter’s fingers would brush the side of her hand as though he were trying to draw her fingers into his by some kind of magnetism. In the end, with a soft sigh - mostly at herself for being so reticent to do so, she allowed the contact, and felt him take her small hand into his larger one and entwine their fingers.
She looked up at him then, contemplating his handsome looks, his obvious strength; thinking of what they had almost begun to share in the woods back in Storybrooke. The thought brought a blush to her face.
“What are you thinking?” he asked, tipping his head to the side and for a moment releasing her fingers to brush a touch against her reddened cheek before taking hold of her hand again.
“Why me?” she asked softly. It was a question that had begun to niggle at her - unconsciously at first - but of late far more often surfacing as an unbidden question she threw at herself whenever she brought her relationship with Hunter to mind.
“What do you mean?” he said, and for a moment she couldn’t tell if he were feigning ignorance.
“Why choose me to suddenly help out of nowhere?” she pressed. “I mean, I understand that you almost ran your truck into my little van but—”
“You are thinking that a reaction such as Karrl’s would have been more honest?” he asked softly.
“Well wouldn’t it?” she asked. “The two of you did almost run into a stationary vehicle in the middle of the road. Not exactly what you expect when you’re driving down a country road, is it?”
“A tractor, a disabled vehicle,” he shrugged after each item he named, “An animal.” He slowed his steps. “Part of being a good driver; the best,” he said, “Is that when you drive, you are one with the rig, and you are ready for anything.”  He grinned then, and without releasing her hand turned to walk backwards, facing her, heedless of anything behind him as he fixed his eyes almost hungrily on Belle’s face. “Then, the minute I saw your beauty…” he trailed off with another shrug. “Besides, why behave hideously when Karrl had already done that.”
Belle tutted softly. “Be serious,” she said with another blush in spite of her doubts.
“I am being serious,” he told her, turning to walk beside her again. “We are almost there.”
He shifted the picnic basket under his arm, barely catching his jacket which he had draped across the wicker to be able carry everything at once, and he apologized as he had to let go of her hand to organize everything again.
Belle too a moment to look around herself as he righted his load. The private housing had subtly metamorphosed into small apartment blocks, and up ahead to larger, more industrial looking buildings. It seemed like a less savory part of town than the park, and she began to worry. Where was he taking her?
“Here,” he said, as he came to a sudden halt beside a driveway that led to a silver metal gate, beyond which she could see an unkempt area of bushes and trees beside the driveway that curved around to the left again. Always to the left.
Her growing worry was somewhat dampened as she caught sight of the notice that hung on the gate. Community Garden, it read, the words stacked on top of one another in bold black letters. Beneath, in smaller letters the words, Plots available, and a phone number to call to inquire.  She glanced over at Hunter.
“You keep a garden here?” she asked, and couldn’t keep the surprise from her voice. Gardening did not strike her as the kind of thing she would expect of him.
“Vegetables, mostly,” he said with a shrug, and pushed open the gate to usher her inside. “On my days off, I come here, open my shed, tend my plot of land and…” he trailed off again with another shrug, that made Belle feel was somewhat awkward. “I wanted you to see it.”
He led her down the driveway, around the curve and beyond the obscuring shrubs, Belle saw the tidy, well kept rectangles of land, some separated from others by chicken wire, or home made fences of scrap wood. Further in she could make out the odd small buildings beside larger plots. It was to one of these he led her, set down the basket beside the door and fumbled in his jacket pocket for a bunch of keys that rattled in his hand, as he raised them to the lock.
“This is mine,” he said as he unfastened the padlock, and nodded to the large patch of dirt beside the shed - well enough tended, with rows of vegetables: beans and cabbages, what looked like potato plants and something else she couldn’t quite identify.
She smiled. “It looks lovely,” she said.
“It keeps me busy,” he said, and turned to her with the padlock in his hand. “Stops me from being quite so lonely for your company.”
“Hunter,” she scolded in soft embarrassment. “Stop.”
“Why, when it is the truth?” he asked.
Belle sighed, and said softly, “Hunter, I’m flattered, honestly, but… we hardly know each other.” She held up a hand to prevent him from interrupting, before she continued, “And I know we have shared many things in our notes, but…”
Hunter shook his head, and offered a smile. “It is all right,” he said, “I understand.”  Then he gestured inside the shed to where, along side the tools and carefully sorted, organized and labeled starter trays, with tiny plants just poking their heads above the compost, was a futon style couch, and a small, low bookshelf on top of which stood a lantern style flashlight, and a book, which she recognized. He must have watched her taking everything in, because he added, “It is here I read the books and letters you have sent to me.”
She gasped softly, swallowing as he moved into the shed to sit on the futon, patting the space beside him. “My beautiful Belle,” he whispered softly as he did, and she could not take her eyes from him.
“I’m… sorry about… what happened before,” she said quietly. “Mister Gold, I mean.”
He shook his head, obviously trying to keep his expression neutral, but she saw his eyes harden for a moment. “I do not want to think about that; about him,” he said. “He is… bad news, and I would not have him sour another moment between us.” He patted the space next to him again, and said even more quietly, “Come.”
She moved then, as if under some kind of compulsion, not really looking where she was stepping, her eyes still taking in everything about the bookshelf and the small stack of books that stood on top of it. On the shelf below, open shoe boxes containing packets of seeds of all kinds squeezed side by side along the width of the bookshelf, and on the shelf beneath, beside containers of plant food and fertilizers, other boxes capped with lids were stacked.
“All… this…?” she whispered, but he simply patted the couch beside him yet again, offering her a smile that was almost bashful. Almost.
The rustle, and then the thud of something hitting the ground slightly behind her broke the spell, and she turned to see that she had caught his jacket with her arm as she walked past and pulled it to the ground.  She leaned down with a quiet apology to pick up his jacket and fold it carefully before setting it back on top of the picnic basket.  As she did she noticed a six by four rectangle, white in color on the wooden ‘deck’ that extended from the front of the shed.
She bent down to pick it up, instinctively turning it over to reveal the photograph she now held in her hand. She frowned. The face of the little girl staring back at her from the photograph was unmistakably familiar. She had Hunters dark hair, dark eyes, and the same, generous mouth.
“You… have a daughter…?” she said, the words not quite a question.
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heatherfield · 6 years
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For @beanlievers‘ “Mad Whale Day”: a Sneak Peek of my upcoming fic!
Truly, Madly, Deeply
Story summary: Dr. Percy Whale thought he was finally leaving his old life behind when he agreed to be the new doctor of a town on the edge of the frontier called Storybrooke. Instead, fate throws him in the path of the one person he vowed to forget. In a place that has given so many their happy endings, will Percy be able to find his own—and could it possibly include Jefferson Madden?
Chapter Characters/Pairings: Mad Whale/Jefferson and Whale (with mentions of Red Cricket, and eventually more characters)
Rating: Teen
Author’s note: I wrote this ages ago when this idea first took form (with the help of the wonderful @silkendreamer—I blame her entirely :P). I’ve been meaning to post this snippet for ages, but this gave me the perfect excuse to actually do it! And of course, I had to also make a cover art/manip. I hope you enjoy this sneak peek of the sequel to “True Love Comes Softly”.
Percy decided it was finally time to get his clinic organized—if he could even call it that. It was a small space stuck between Gold’s General Store and the black smith’s, but it was clean and had all the basic amenities, including a front entrance with enough room for a bench for patients to wait, and a small room in the back to close himself off with his patient should any procedures arise. It wasn’t anything like Boston, to be sure, but Percy appreciated the effort to which Mr. Hopper—Archie—had gone to provide him with basic supplies before his arrival. The man had clearly been planning for this moment, and the farmer’s previous experience in the medical field was evident in his attention to detail.
The busy work was a good distraction, but stocking shelves with bandages and iodine didn’t prevent his mind from wandering. If only he could put his memories and emotions in neat little sections, like the square shelves evenly spaced, ready to hold his supplies.
Instead, his mind raced, his thoughts betraying him as they refused to forget the ill-fated dinner at the Hoppers the night before, with the unexpected—and unwanted—guest. Anger rose in his chest, and he had to blink an ungodly number of times to read the label on the small jar he had placed on the shelf.
A knock pounded on the door, making him jump. He turned around and rushed to the front entrance.
“I’m not really open yet…” he called out, trailing off when he saw the person on the other side of the door after he swung it open.
There, in all his glory, was Jefferson Madden, decked out in a deep purple waistcoat and extravagant cravat, the look complete with a smirk that had set many hearts pounding.
Including his own, once upon a time.
Percy swallowed and crossed his arms. He leaned on the doorjamb to feign an apathy which he was sure the pounding in his chest would soon betray. “What brings you here?” Percy asked, his jaw set.
“Like I said last night, I just want to extend a warm welcome to the new doctor,” Jefferson drawled, extending his hand. “I’d hate to be rude.”
Percy frowned as he tried to decide on whether to adopt cold civility or go for all-out hostility. The glint in the gentleman’s eye made him settle on the latter as it sparked something inside him. “I’m busy.”
Percy stepped back to close the door, but Jefferson quickly stepped forward to prevent it from swinging shut. “Please,” he added, his features softening, his tone more serious as he met Percy’s eyes.
Percy shrugged and turned back to his shelves with half-empty cases scattered about, letting Jeff find his own way in.
“It’s a nice place you’ve got here,” Jeff said behind him, and Percy let out a mumbled “mmhmm”.
There was a brief silence, save for the clinking of jars, until Jefferson voiced his next question.
“Did you, uh, have a good trip out here?”
“It was fine.”
Percy fought to ignore the myriad of emotions bubbling within him, simmering just under his skin as he focused on the crisp black letters on the bottles he arranged meticulously, side by side.
Iodine, laudanum….
“I see you’re getting to know the Hoppers,” the familiar male voice drawled on, though Percy could sense the hint of desperation in the words. “They’re a sweet family.” A trunk shut with a heavy thud, and Percy swirled around on his heel.
“Look, Jefferson, I’ve got a lot to do, so unless you have some need of the medical kind, I have to insist you leave.”
Percy took a few steps towards Jeff with such energy that he was pretty sure Jeff took a step back.
The satisfaction was short-lived, however, when, without missing a beat—his eyes fixed on Percy’s with incredible coolness—Jeff pulled out a pocket knife and held the blade to his palm. With a steady motion, he sliced downwards, drawing out the deep red liquid that dripped onto the floor.
“For Christ’s sake, Madden!” Percy cried, scrambling to find a clean towel to wrap around Jeff’s hand. Finally claiming one from a drawer, he shoved it at Jeff before grabbing some bandages.
“There,” said Jeff, his eyes dancing as he hopped up onto the table. “Now I need the good doctor’s care.”
Percy glared at Jeff as he grabbed his doctor’s bag and removed his fine thread for stitches along with his needle. He tried to keep his hands steady as red-hot anger flashed before his vision, and he kept his gaze fixed downwards as he stood in front of Jefferson, barely a foot away.
“You’ll need to sit on a chair,” Percy instructed, nodding to one near by. Jefferson followed his orders and dragged it over with his good hand before taking a seat. “Hold your hand out across the table,” Percy explained, tugging at the man’s limb to adjust it.
He grabbed a bottle of iodine and a cotton and, after opening the jar, dabbed some liquid onto the fabric. “This will sting.” He lowered the fabric onto the wound, dabbing at it with a little more pressure than necessary.
“Ouch!” Jefferson winced, and Percy smiled without looking at him. “That hurts.”
“Come on, Percy, it was the only way I could get your attention,” Jeff said, his voice holding the whine of a child who was determined to get his own way.
“I’m only stitching you up, Jefferson,” Percy said through clenched teeth. He prepared the needle and took a deep breath to steady himself before he began his work.
“Well, at least that gives us a chance to talk.”
“There’s nothing to say,” Percy replied, fighting to keep the tremour from his voice as his needle glided through the soft skin of Jefferson’s palm.
“Oh, like hell,” Jefferson scoffed. “We haven’t seen each other in nigh on ten years, and there’s nothing to say.”
“I had plenty to say ten years ago,” Percy said with the tone of one talking about the weather. “You’re the one who was gone.”
Jeff’s silence told Percy he’d struck a chord, and Percy dared to glance up at the man before fixing his gaze back to his work.
“I’m—I’m sorry about surprising you like that last night,” Jefferson finally added, his tone more thoughtful. “I should not have just arrived unannounced.”
Percy took another breath. “No, you shouldn’t have.”
“I just wanted to see you again.”
Percy froze, catching the sincerity in the man’s voice, and he swallowed. God, how many times had he pictured this moment? How many times had he wished with every fibre of his being that he could open his door to see this very man on the other side, grinning at him with his boyish smirk that set his pulse racing? He’d dreamt up the image so often he’d almost convinced himself that his ghosts were real—until the illusion was finally and utterly shattered, along with his heart.
Percy realized he’d long ago finished up his stitches. He licked his lips as he surveyed his work, letting his eyes linger over the delicate skin of the familiar hand. This hand that would bury itself in his hair and trail down his neck—this hand that would glide down his back, lower and lower, sending shivers to his core….
He finished with a tidy knot and, with a quick snip of his scissors—and a very unnecessary tug—he was done.
“That’s it,” Percy said, stepping back a couple of paces to put some distance between himself and his past, the memories that felt all too fresh. “You’re good to go.”
“Uh, thanks, Doc,” Jefferson said, standing up slowly with his eyes fixed on his hand. He flashed Percy his trademark grin, once again hiding behind the façade, and Percy cursed the way his stomach fluttered in spite of himself.
“I’ll be sending you my bill,” Percy said with less confidence than he’d intended. They just stood, both leaning on random pieces of furniture, unsure of what to say as the ghosts of the past ten years hung between them. Percy felt himself swing between demanding Jefferson stay out of his life forever and begging him to never leave again. He licked his lips, his mouth dry, and he kept his gaze lowered as his palms gripped into the hard edge of the cabinet.
He finally glanced up and saw Jefferson frown at him, a hesitancy flitting across his expression before he set his jaw. “I’ll leave you to it,” Jefferson called, stepping backwards towards the door, and for the first time in ages, Percy felt that familiar tug in his chest.
“Bye,” Percy muttered, watching the gentleman disappear into the main street. He let out a long sigh and ran his hand through his hair, unable to escape the crushing feeling that, by running away from his old life, he’d only flung himself headfirst into old wounds instead.
And damn it if Jefferson Madden hadn’t orchestrated the whole bloody thing.
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