#dr. john deegan
kent-farm · 1 year
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—Arrow + Supergirl, “Elseworlds”
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2000 Followers Celebration!!!
& Fallout Alphabet Poll End Results!
Hey all, so the secret is out! (Kinda) But all these past polls have been the prelude to my 2K Followers Celebration BONANZA. (That's not the official title, I just wanted to use the word BONANZA).
Anyway, a HUGE, MASSIVE thank you to every single one of you folks who are a part of this little community and who've supported me and my fanfiction writing journey for the past few years (which is crazy that it's been that long, omg.) But I love and appreciate you all SO MUCH and am absolutely baffled that I've made it to this. I thought 100 was crazy, then I thought 1K was crazy and then it just kept on going! Ahh, I'm just so so so glad that there's a thriving Fallout community out here of amazing writers, artists, and fans that are still so involved 😊
I don't know what I would do without this space, so thank you all for being a part of it <3
ANYWAY (x2) Here are the final results to all 22 polls that I posted, with more event details just below!
So I've posted the 1st place winners, 2nd place, and then a 3rd "runner up" position that will only be filled by non-companion npcs, just to give them a chance to shine, and me a chance to write for some folks I'm not as used to. For the purposes of the 2k event, I will only be using the 1st place winners for the 'prompts' (which I'll explain in another post), and then a few of the 2nd placers and (almost) all of the runner ups will be used in ANOTHER upcoming event that I'm going to start prepping for (because I'm an insane person).
1st: Arcade Israel Gannon
2nd: Arthur Maxson
3rd: Dr. Amari
1st: Benny Gecko
2nd: Butch Deloria
3rd: Beatrix Russell
1st: Charon
2nd: Craig Boone
3rd: Caesar
1st: Deacon
2nd: Danse
3rd: Dazzle
1st: ED-E
2nd: Easy Pete
3rd: Edward Deegan
1st: Fawkes
2nd: Fahrenheit
3rd: Fantastic
1st: Gob
2nd: Glory
3rd: Gary(s)
1st: Robert Edwin House
2nd: Harold
3rd: Harkness
1st: Old Longfellow
2nd: Captain Ironsides
3rd: Oliver Swanick
1st: John Hancock
2nd: Joshua Graham
3rd: Julie Farkas
1st: The King
2nd: KL-E-O
3rd: Kent Connolly
1st: Lily Bowen
2nd: Legate Lanius
3rd: Red Lucy
1st: Mysterious Stranger
2nd: Magnolia
3rd: Moira Brown
1st: Nick Valentine
2nd: No Bark Noonan
3rd: Nate/Nora
1st: Preston Garvey
2nd: Primm Slim
3rd: Pickman
1st: Ulysses
2nd: X6-88
3rd: Dr. Usanagi
1st: Raul Alphonse Tejada
2nd: Robert Joseph MacCready
3rd: Rotface
1st: Sunny Smiles
2nd: Sturges
3rd: Swank
1st: Three Dog
2nd: Tinker Tom
3rd: Travis Miles
1st: Veronica Santangelo
2nd: Victor
3rd: Vulpes Inculta
1st: Whitechapel Charlie
2nd: Wiseman
3rd: Winthrop
1st: Yes Man
2nd: Captain Zao
3rd: Yefim Bobrov
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brandnulife · 1 year
Flash Characters Who Should’ve Appeared in the Final Season
Alexa Rivera/Fuerza
Arielle Atkins
Bart West-Allen/Impulse
Bashir Malik/Psych
Carla Tannhauser
Cisco Ramon/Vibe
Clark Kent/Superman (Earth-38)
Clay Parker
Dave Ratchet/Big Sir
Deon Owens
Eva McCulloch/Mirror Monarch
Felicity Smoak
Grace Gibbons
Hannibal Bates
Henry Hewitt/Tokamak
Izzy Bowin/The Fiddler
Jake Fox/Jack
Janet Petty/Null
Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning
John Deegan
J’onn J’onzz/Martian Manhunter
Joslyn Jackam/Weather Witch
Julian Albert/Alchemy
Kamilla Hwang
Kara Danvers/Supergirl
Kendra Saunders/Hawkgirl
Kyle Nimbus/The Mist
Leslie Jocoy/Amunet Black
Linda Park (Earth-Prime) 
Linda Park/Dr. Light (Earth-2)
Lisa Snart/Golden Glider
Lois Lane (Earth-38)
Marlize DeVoe
Matthew Norvock
Meena Dhawan/Fast Track
Mia Queen
Mick Rory/Heat Wave
Millie Rawlins/Sunshine
Mona Taylor/Queen
Nora Darhk
Patty Spivot
Ralph Dibny/Elongated Man
Ray Palmer/The Atom
Ray Terrill/The Ray
Renee and Tinya Wazzo
Rosa Dillon/Top
Ryan Choi
Sam Scudder/Mirror Master
Sara Lance
Sharon Finkel
Shawna Baez/Peek-a-Boo
Shay Lamden/King Shark (Earth-2)
Sue Dearbon
Tanya Lamden
Tina McGee
Tracy Brand
Wanda Wayland/Queen
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thegeekerynj · 1 year
The Fat Guy Reads Stuff... Knight Terrors: First Blood #1 & Knight Terrors: Batman #1
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An Occasional Attempt to Read, Discuss and Review the Wonders of Comics By: John Rafferty, cranky old man, and Fan of All Things Comics
Knight Terrors: First Blood #1 (DC Comics Event): Writer: Joshua Williamson (@joshuawilliamson)  Artist: Howard Porter (@mrhowardporter)  Colors: Brad Anderson (@comicbrad)
I am John Dee. DR. DESTINY! 
Dreams are MY playground! And that is what this is.
You think you can creep into my mind… and control me?
Don’t be shy. SHOW YOURSELF!
Before I begin, I would share some biases held by the Old Crank with you my Gentle Readers:
The idea of Joshua Williamson as the writer of any book containing the Flash. My frustration with his ‘The Flash/Wally West needs to be redeemed in every other issue/storyline’ has been well documented to the point LCS Owners hate to see me on Flash Release Day…
John Dee is one of my favorite mystic characters. From the Silver Age introduction in Justice League of America V1 #5, through his appearances in Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series, the Arrowverse, the DCAU,, and other places, John Dee/ John Deegan has always been a formidable adversary to any he crosses (I want David Thewlis to play him in the NEXT DCAU film… he is so wonderfully understated, and menacing!)
This being said, I am pleasantly surprised by what I have seen, so far.
Over the last 3-4 years, DC has been progressing toward the mystic side with their Event Books.
DCeased, Metal/Death Metal, Endless Winter, DC vs Vampires, and ALL the Crisis related events have led to a book that puts the Outer Realms in focus; The DreamWorlds, the Astral Plane, the playground for Justice League Dark, and one particular character: Boston Brand, Deadman.
This story is a prelude to lunacy, a junket to the realm of sleepless Heroes, and their NIGHTMARES. 
Joshua Williamson has written a tight, thrilling lead-in story to this year’s Event.  The dialogue is smooth, the storytelling is well thought out and eerie. 
The artwork by Howard Porter is beautiful. The pencils are very fine, almost scratchy, lending their look to a more gothic atmosphere. His rendition of the TRINITY is shadowed, almost haunted,  enhancing the mood of the art.
I must say I very excited to see this series play, but I am also facing some trepidation. This is a huge project, with a TREMENDOUS start. I am hoping it doesn’t slip back yo some old habits.
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶.5
Knight Terrors: Batman  #1 (DC Comics Event)  Writer: Joshua Williamson (@joshuawilliamson)  Artist: Guillem March  (@guillem_march)  Darko Lafuente (@lafuente_rip)
When you became Batman you turned yourself into a CREATURE OF THE NIGHT. Transformed yourself into a SYMBOL of Nightmares.
But now that NIGHTMARE has taken on a MIND OF ITS OWN…’
Nightmares. The dreams that keep on taking…
What happens when you have spent your life training yourself to isolate your fears, yet they become the very weapons used to break, or destroy you???
Welcome, Gentle Readers to Knight Terrors: Batman #1, a study in terror, only needing Rod Serling, and a gallery of pictures.
Joshua Williamson and Guillen March have woven a tale of the macabre and horrors so vivid, the casual reader might not get the full impact of the story.
The Story, as woven by Joshua Williamson, is a treacly confection dripping of pain and anguish, fear and dread, each morsel a delectable bite of a fevered psyche. This one being the Batman’s.
I am hard pressed to separate the writing from the art, and I am not sure which enhances which…
A silent page depicting in glorious scratchy art a young Bruce Wayne running from the sight of his mother’s GIANT pearls, rolling toward him to extinguish the life of the man-child…
or the page of Insomnia describing Bruce Wayne’s greatest failures, past, present, and to come…
If this volume of the 42-plus issue story is any indication of where this team is going, all I can do is tell you to go to your LCS and Buy! I fear this is going to surpass ALL my hopes and expectations…
And for that I cry tears of joy.
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶
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peppersandcats · 6 years
Well okay.
So I have just finished the Elseworlds crossover, and while there is a lot to say, I feel like geeking about stuff from a very specific perspective. It is the perspective of someone whose knowledge of DC comics is extremely patchy--as I may have mentioned before, I think I spent around twenty years knowing that J’onn J’onzz was a Martian, the last survivor of an ancient race, somewhat religious, and fond of Oreos.
(If you can figure out where I learned that information and only that information, congrats! It will come up again later.)
A decade-ish later, I learned he could shapeshift.
The whole “telepath who can credibly punch a Kryptonian” thing didn’t come up until sometime in the last couple of years.
Also: spoilers ahead.
So this is not a critical analysis; this is me squee-ing over things I think I have seen that remind me of other things. And I mean... maybe this is all totally obvious and everyone who’s been looking at the script and the character names knows it? Or maybe this is as purely a product of my own personal geekery/history as my inability to not read comics!Commander Cold as a Judge Dredd homage? I don’t know. But I’m happy.
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Mostly this is about the second and third episodes of Elseworlds, although in the first episode I did notice that they defeated Amazo by uploading a virus (at arrowpoint) through his eye, and in comics!Flashpoint he was deactivated by Plastic Man going in through his eye and plucking out his operating system (namely Ray Palmer). Is that a standard Amazo-coping tactic?
((also: holy crap comics!Flashpoint was grim.))
The Shakespeare head in Kate Kane’s office was a reference to the old Batman TV show, right? The Adam West one? They’d... pull on the head and the grandfather clock would slide sideways and they’d go down the Batpole and be in costume when they got to the Batcave, I think? (I laughed.)
I liked that Mark Guggenheim showed up as an inmate. Or his name did; I couldn’t pick him out of a lineup to tell you if he was in any of the shots.
I squeaked so hard when other!Barry (old-TV!Barry? who knows?) looked at John and was surprised he didn’t have a ring. John Diggle as a Green Lantern makes me happy. He would knock that out of the park. I like Diggle.
Also: Alex Danvers, badass on any Earth. I love Alex Danvers being a badass. I love that in the first season, you can see her going hand-to-hand with a Kryptonian, and a bunch of other DEA agents are just running past like “yep, it’s Agent Danvers, she’s got that, she’s fine”.
Was so pleased to see that the Book of Destiny was written in the Speed Force language. Of course it makes sense.
One thing I didn’t think was a reference, but that I loved about the third episode; all our main characters are in black-and-white. Mostly black. Just seeing those characters who are usually so damn bright in such utterly colourless outfits was a kind of lovely note about the setting. (Also, one thing I didn’t catch but that the LOML pointed out to me as we were watching: black-and-white Superman is Justice Lords Superman. (My understanding of Justice Lords comes secondhand from @demiurgent and can best be summed up as “those fascist versions of the Justice League that Billy Batson was absolutely not like”.))
Loved no-powers everyone's-a-criminal Barry and Ollie, too. Looking forward to fics. (Also, was I the only one looking at Barry and thinking he always looks like kind of a doof when he's dressed up as a criminal?)
I honestly wasn’t sure Barry wasn’t going to die. Partly that was the suspension of disbelief kicking in enough to make me ignore that we’ve got mumble more episodes this season and it’d probably be hard to miss Tumblr flipping out over the actor not being on contract or something. Partly that was... well, this season has been about Nora coping with Barry disappearing, and the skies were red which is a callback to That Headline from the time vault, and That Headline references the Crisis, and I have managed not to miss the fact that ?Monitor + Crisis + Barry running until he starts to fall apart can mean he dies. Like, there’s precedent. I didn’t think they’d kill both him and Kara, and wouldn’t kill just him on someone else’s show, but you know...
It was nice, to be unsure. It made them surviving even more awesome.
Also: props to you, Oliver Queen, for yelling loud enough that the Monitor actually decided to talk to you. I have suspicions about what you two talked about, and they are heavily related to your very bad habit of not telling people shit, but props.
But the big thing, for me, was Deegan.
(This ties back to where I first learnt about J’onn J’onzz.)
So. In the first ep, Deegan is a poorly-presented kind of dude who’s got unspecified but weird ideas about how to help his patients. Okay. That could be a “good intent, bad execution” kind of guy. He was going on about his patients feeling inferior, and about how to make people feel super without them actually being super. I legit thought he might have swapped Barry and Ollie because he wanted to see if letting someone be super would be safe, and thought that giving a hero superhero powers might be a small way to test it.
(Yeah, I’m a gentle optimist sometimes.)
But the second episode, man.
He’s from Arkham and has a history of being horrible to his patients. He’s wielding an object of Destiny to reshape reality. In fact, he’s wielding an object that might or might not be something the Monitor uses (hell if I know, I only vaguely figured there was a Monitor because I’d heard there was an Anti-Monitor), but that is called the Book of Destiny and is definitely looking like Destiny’s book in which all things are written.
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I’m sure there are other gigantic tomes in the DC universe, but that one is mine.
And I begin to hope that instead of John Deegan, I’m seeing Dr. John Dee. Doctor Destiny. I mean, we’ve got an Arkham inhabitant who got his hands on a reality-rewriting artifact belonging to one of the Endless and is making himself a god and making things horrible-- that’s him, right?
And then he gets affected at the end of the third episode, and... yeah, I’m going with that being him.
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Dr. John Dee is (for me) from the first Sandman graphic novel, which I loved very much; the issue “24 Hours” was probably the high point of my introduction to horror comics that were not of the EC genre or gloppy adaptations of public-domain short-stories. (Not that there’s anything wrong with EC. (I... I’m now envisioning Dr. John Dee as drawn by Ghastly Graham Ingels, and I may need to lie down a moment. That’s approaching Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark levels of creep factor.))
(My introduction to J’onn J’onzz was also from the first Sandman graphic novel. Like two pages in which I saw him interact with Dream and Scott Free.)
But yeah. For the longest time, the only DC I read was some Batman and some Vertigo, and Sandman was the reason I read Vertigo. And I haven’t read a lot of it in years and I still remember it, and I got to see part of it on the small screen.
And 2019: I’m holding out for the Eye Guy. Don’t disappoint me.
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entertainment-jolt · 6 years
'Elseworlds' Part 1 – 'The Flash' Review
See what we thought about @CW_TheFlash part of the 'Elseworlds' crossover event that happened on @TheCW. #TVReview #TheCW #Elseworlds #EntertainmentJolt
Mayhem ensues in this year’s three-part crossover.
This year’s ‘Elseworlds’ crossover kicked off with a body swap of sorts on The Flash. Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) became Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and vice versa. It was a fun prelude to a much darker storyline ahead. While amusing and sometimes downright hilarious, Part 1 of the crossover gave us an introspective look at The Flash and Arrow.
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lucianovecchio · 4 years
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John Deegan as DARK SUPERMAN form the Arrowverse Elseworlds crossover.
Digital Commission
#Superman #DarkSuperman #DrDestiny #JohnDeegan #Supergirl #Arrowverse #Elseworlds #DCComics
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aion-rsa · 3 years
How the Saving Private Ryan Cast Launched a New Generation of Stars
This article contains spoilers for Saving Private Ryan.
Steven Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan (1998) is known for a number of things: the gut-wrenching, visceral terror of its battle scenes (especially the opening landing at Omaha Beach), the shocking way in which bodies are torn to pieces during the course of those battles, the attention to period detail, and a powerful performance by Tom Hanks that rates as one of his finest.
But one thing that the film may not be as widely recognized for is the lineup of young actors who played members of Capt. John Miller’s (Hanks) squad, or soldiers they met along the way as they searched throughout Normandy for the missing Pvt. James Francis Ryan. From Matt Damon to Vin Diesel, Spielberg recruited relatively new faces who were all, in one way or another, either launching their careers outright or just starting to make their mark on Hollywood.
Saving Private Ryan is now considered one of the greatest war movies of all time. Part of that is due to its incredible realism, part of that is due to the skilled direction by Spielberg at the top of his game, and no doubt part of it is thanks to the work of its youthful cast. Let’s look back at who those actors were then, and what they went on to accomplish afterward.
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Matt Damon (Private James Francis Ryan)
Matt Damon was largely unknown until around 1996 when he gained some good critical notices for his role in Courage Under Fire. At the same time, he and childhood pal Ben Affleck got to finally see their screenplay Good Will Hunting filmed, with Damon in the title role. The movie was in rehearsals in Boston when Steven Spielberg — who was shooting some scenes for Amistad there — stopped by the set to visit with Robin Williams, who introduced Spielberg to Damon. That led to Damon getting the title role in Saving Private Ryan. He’s the young soldier than Tom Hanks and company are trying to find — and who must “earn” his ticket home.
By the time Ryan came out in mid-1998, Damon had gone from unknown to star thanks to the success of Good Will Hunting (which arrived in December 1997), and his and Affleck’s Oscar win for Best Original Screenplay instantly became the stuff of award season legend. Damon has stayed a superstar ever since, starring in the Bourne and Ocean’s Eleven franchises, along with other hits like The Talented Mr. Ripley, The Departed, True Grit, Contagion, The Martian, and Ford vs. Ferrari. Next up for Damon is in Stillwater and reteams with Affleck as co-writers and stars in Ridley Scott’s The Last Duel, both due out later this year.
Edward Burns (Private Richard Reiben)
Ed Burns had already garnered some attention before landing the role of the feisty, rebellious Pvt. Reiben, one of the few members of Miller’s squad to survive the film. He wrote, produced, directed, and starred in two independent features, The Brothers McMullen and She’s The One, with McMullen in particular earning acclaim and awards (including an Independent Spirit Award for Best First Feature).
Reiben was Burns’ first role in a major Hollywood production, and he followed that up with parts in films like 15 Minutes (2001), Confidence (2003), Life or Something Like It (2002, and the notoriously bad sci-fi thriller, A Sound of Thunder (2005). He also continued to make his own pictures, including No Looking Back (1998), Ash Wednesday (2002), Newlyweds (2011) and Beneath the Blue Suburban Skies (2019), while also creating, directing and starring in a TV series called Public Morals (2015) that lasted for one season on TNT. Not exactly a household name, Burns has nevertheless remained active and prolific.
Vin Diesel (Private Adrian Caparzo)
Before being cast as Pvt. Caparzo — the first member of Miller’s squad to die while searching for Ryan — the only credits Vin Diesel had to his name were a short film called Multi-Facial, an uncredited walk-on as an orderly in 1990’s Awakenings, and the tiny 1997 indie release Strays, a semi-autobiographical piece which Diesel wrote, directed, and starred in himself. He was, for all intents and purposes, a complete unknown when he was gunned down by a German sniper in a memorably tragic scene early on in Saving Private Ryan.
Things happened quickly for Diesel after that, as he landed the title voice in The Iron Giant (1999) and launched two franchises back to back: in 2000 he introduced the world to the space criminal Riddick in Pitch Black while 2001 brought the film The Fast and the Furious, not to mention Diesel’s signature character, Dominic Toretto. While his other films since have had varying degrees of success, the Fast and Furious series has turned into one of the biggest box office behemoths of the past decade, with F9 coming this summer. Diesel has also played in the world of comic book movies, voicing Groot in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and launching his own superhero film venture with last year’s Bloodshot.
Paul Giamatti (Sergeant William Hill)
The same sequence that features the death of Vin Diesel’s character also introduces the sardonic, war-weary Sgt. William Hill, played by Paul Giamatti, whose inadvertent collapse of a wall leads to a tense standoff with a hidden group of German soldiers. Before Ryan, Giamatti had bounced around in small film and TV parts for the early part of the ’90s, scoring his breakout role in the 1997 Howard Stern biopic, Private Parts, as radio station program director Kenny “Pig Vomit” Rushton.
After Ryan, Giamatti continued to work steadily and garner more acclaim for outstanding performances in films like Man on the Moon, American Splendor, and Sideways, a movie for which we’re still angry that Giamatti did not receive an Academy Award nomination. He did earn one the following year for his supporting role in Cinderella Man and has continued as one of today’s best working actors in movies like Barney’s Version, Win Win, The Ides of March, 12 Years a Slave, and Private Life, along with his exemplary starring work in TV on John Adams and Billions. He even won an Emmy for playing the United States’ second president.
Nathan Fillion (Private James Frederick Ryan)
He’s only onscreen for a few minutes, but Nathan Fillion makes a distinct impression as the “wrong” Pvt. Ryan, a soldier with nearly the same name whom Miller and his men come across — only to realize that they have to keep looking. The Canadian-born Fillion first scored some attention in the mid-1990s as Joey Buchanan on the daytime soap One Life to Live (he returned briefly in 2007). Aside from an obscure 1994 film called Strange and Rich, Saving Private Ryan was for all intents and purposes his major motion picture debut.
Read more
How Saving Private Ryan’s Best Picture Loss Changed the Oscars Forever
By David Crow
Saving Private Ryan: The Real History That Inspired the WW2 Movie
By David Crow
Since then, Fillion has worked steadily with his biggest successes coming on TV and in the world of geek culture, where he remains a fan favorite. The Joss Whedon-created sci-fi series Firefly didn’t even last one full season between 2001 and 2002, but has become a cult classic and spawned the movie Serenity (2005). Fillion’s later series, Castle and the currently airing The Rookie, have proven more durable. His other notable film and TV credits include James Gunn’s Slither, Desperate Housewives, Modern Family, Santa Clarita Diet, and Monsters University, while his voice work has also included a recurring role as Green Lantern/Hal Jordan in a number of DC animated films. Next up: more comics-related fun as Floyd Belkin/TDK in Gunn’s The Suicide Squad, and the voice of Wonder Man in Hulu and Marvel’s animated M.O.D.O.K.
Jeremy Davies (Corporal Timothy Upham)
Jeremy Davies is unforgettable as the terrified, cowardly Cpl. Upham, a nerdy translator who is brought on the mission for his linguistic skills and can only stand paralyzed paralyzed with fear as his fellow soldier Mellish is stabbed to death just up a flight of stairs by a Nazi. Like many of his castmates, Davies kicked around in small acting jobs before garnering acclaim in the 1994 black comedy Spanking the Monkey, which also marked the directing debut of David O. Russell.
Saving Private Ryan was his next big attention-getter and cemented his position as one of the more quirky and compelling character actors in film and TV. Following Ryan, Davies worked in films like Ravenous, Solaris, Secretary, and Rescue Dawn, but has also found success on the small screen in series like Lost, Sleepy Hollow, and Justified. He’s also appeared as Dr. John Deegan in the “Elseworlds” arc of the Arrowverse shows The Flash, Supergirl, and Arrow. We’ll see him next in Scott Derrickson’s The Black Phone, based on a story by Joe Hill.
Giovanni Ribisi (Medic Irwin Wade)
Acting since he was a young child, Giovanni Ribisi already had a substantial career under his belt before playing the doomed medic Wade in Spielberg’s powerful war epic. He had recurring roles in the late 1980s and early 1990s on shows like My Two Dads and The Wonder Years while guesting on a number of other series as well. In the latter half of the ‘90s, he landed parts in movies like That Thing You Do!, Lost Highway, and The Postman, with Ryan easily his highest-profile big screen effort during that time.
After that, Ribisi continued to do character work in movies like Gone in 60 Seconds, Lost in Translation, Cold Mountain, and Public Enemies, before landing the part of the villainous corporate stooge Parker Selfridge in James Cameron’s massively successful and creatively groundbreaking Avatar (2009). He’ll return in Cameron’s upcoming Avatar sequels and has kept busy on the big and small screens, most recently finishing up a three-season run in the title role of the Amazon series Sneaky Pete (fun fact: Sneaky Pete was co-created by Bryan Cranston, who also has a small role in Ryan as one-armed War Department Col. Bryce).
Barry Pepper (Private Daniel Jackson)
Hailing like Nathan Fillion from Canada, Barry Pepper had just a handful of small credits to his name when he landed the role of the God-fearing but lethal sniper Jackson in Saving Private Ryan. Jackson is perhaps the deadliest weapon in Capt. Miller’s arsenal, although he is eventually killed along with Miller and most of the others during the film’s climactic defense of the bridge in the shattered town of Ramelle.
Pepper probably remains best known for his portrayal of Jackson, but he scored notable roles soon after that in The Green Mile (1999), the TV movie 61* (2001) as baseball legend Roger Maris, and Spike Lee’s 25th Hour (2002). He also appeared in the starring role of 2000’s disastrous Battlefield Earth with John Travolta. Pepper’s recent film work has included roles in The Maze Runner franchise and the sleeper horror hit Crawl (2019).
Adam Goldberg (Private Stanley Mellish)
“Juden,” says Pvt. Stanley Mellish, pointing to himself and the Jewish Star of David he wears around his neck as a stream of German POWs is marched past him. It’s a small but powerful moment in Saving Private Ryan for the defiant, wisecracking Mellish, who’s there to wipe out as many Nazis as he can. In the movie’s climactic battle, he bravely and viciously fights hand to hand with a German soldier before the latter sinks a knife slowly into his chest in one of the film’s most intensely horrifying moments.
Adam Goldberg had already appeared in a number of notable films before Ryan, including Billy Crystal’s Mr. Saturday Night (Goldberg’s 1992 debut), Richard Linklater’s Dazed and Confused (1993), John Singleton’s Higher Learning (1995), and the cult horror classic The Prophecy (1995). Mellish remains perhaps his most famed role, but other standouts like A Beautiful Mind (2001), Déjà Vu (2006), and Zodiac (2007) dot his filmography. He’s guested frequently on TV as well and currently has a regular role as Harry Keshegian opposite Queen Latifah on The Equalizer. He’s also directed three features of his own, recorded four albums of his own music, and has exhibited his work as a photographer.
The post How the Saving Private Ryan Cast Launched a New Generation of Stars appeared first on Den of Geek.
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afaimsarrowverse · 5 years
Zuteilung Sekundärer Geschlechter in meinem Verse
Wer ist was? (Spoiler! Manche verbergen ihr wahres Geschlecht oder wechseln es)
 Rip Hunter
Ray Palmer
Nate Heywood
Grandma Palmer
Gary Green
Helena von Troja
Mona Wu
Quentin Lance
Roy Harper
Curtis Holt
Quentin Lance (Erde-X)
Maseao Yamashiro
William Clayton
Cayden James
Barry Allen
Cisco Ramon
Joe West
Nora West-Allen
Lisa Snart
Henry Allen
Jay Garrick (Erde 3)
Tracy Brand
Marlize DeVoe
Grace Gibbons
Kara Danvers
J’onn J’onzz
Nia Nal
Jeremiah Danvers
Lar Gand
Lar-Gand (Universum-1)
Kara Zor-El (Erde-X)
Eve Teschmacher
Lex Luthor (Erde-X)
M’yrnn J’onzz
Malefic J’onzz (Prime Omega)
Kate Kane
Barry Allen (Erde-90)
Susan Linden
Sophie Moore
Mary Hamilton
Beth Kane
 Martin Stein
Jax Jackson
Leonard Snart
Carter Hall (und all seine anderen Inkarnationen)
Vandal Savage
Gideon – programmiert auf Beta
Clarissa Stein
Lily Stein
Zari Tomaz
Rex Tyler
Anna Loring
Henry Heywood
Hank Heywood
Doris. Heywood
Star Girl
Dr. Mid-Nite
Sydney Palmer
Mrs. Palmer
Ray Terrill
Per Degaton
Felicity Smoak
Nyssa al Ghul
Paul Holt
Rory Regan
Lyla Michaels
Tommy Merlyn
Tommy Merlyn (Erde-X)
Tommy Merlny (Erde-4)
Robert Queen
Walter Steele
Carly Diggle
Susan Williams
Anatoly Knyazev
Oliver Queen (Erde-X)
Dinah Drake
Samantha Clayton
Nick Anastas
Christopher Chance
Malcolm Merlyn (Erde-X)
Jesse Quick
H. R. Wells
Ronnie Raymond
Eddie Thawne
Eddie Thawne (Erde-X)
David Singh
Linda Park
Patty Spivott
Cecile Horton
Fred Chyre
Clyde Mardon
Carla Tannhauser
Earl Cox
Caitlin Snow (Erde-X)
Hank Henshaw
Winn Schott
Maggie Sawyer
Clark Kent
Lena Luthor
M’gann M’orzz
Sam Arias
Ruby Arias
Lucy Lane
Imra Ardeen
Thomas Coville
Julia Freeman
Mercy Graves
Lex Luthor
Kelly Olsen
Mari McCabe
John Constantine
Tim Drake
Rachel Roth
John Deegan
Nora Fries
Psycho Pirate
Rick Flag (Erde-X)
Renée Montoya
Luke Fox
Jacob Kane
Tyler Moore
Mrs. Kane
Tommy Elliott
Andrea Rojas
Russel Rogers
 Sara Lance (Prime Alpha)
Mick Rory
Amaya Jiwe
Eobard Thawne (Prime Alpha)
Damien Darhk
Kendra Saunders (und all ihre anderen Inkarnationen)
Ava Sharpe
Miranda Coburn
Nora Darhk
Jonah Hex
Mon-El (Universum 1)
Laurel Lance
John Diggle
Thea Queen
Renè Ramirez
Evelyn Sharp
Adrian Chase
Moira Queen
Slade Wilson
Donna Smoak
Dinah Lance
Dinah Lance (Erde-X)
Andy Diggle
Amanda Waller
Ras al Gul
Tatsu Yamashiro
Laurel Lance (Erde-X)
Talia al Ghul
Adam Hunt
Chien Na Wei
Ricardo Diaz
Iris West
Wally West (im Vorwort bei der Aufstellung zu „Nennt uns Legenden IV fälschlicherweise als Beta geführt, das war mein Fehler, sorry, Alpha stimmt)
Julian Albert
Harry Wells (Erde-2)
Tony Woodward
Hunter Zolomon
Lewis Snart
Nora Allen
Dante Ramon
Clifford DeVoe
Mark Mardon
Ralph Dibney
Sherloque Wells
Orlin Dwyer
Alex Danvers
Cat Grant
James Olsen
Alex Danvers (Erde-1)
James Olsen (Erde-1)
Mon-El (Erde-X)
Eliza Danvers
Lillian Luthor
Maxwell Lord
Die „Priesterin“
Otis Graves
Viktor Stone
Rick Flag
Bruce Wayne
George Li
Roter Drache-Yang
Catherine Hamilton-Kane
William Dey
Rama Khan
Ramasy Rosso
Mrs. Rosso
 Malcolm Merlyn – jetzt Alpha (Trans Beta-> Alpha)
Oliver Queen – jetzt Alpha (Trans Beta-> Alpha)
Laurel Lance (Erde Zwei )– Alpha (Trans Beta-> Alpha)
Caitlin Snow – zuerst Beta, wurde zum Alpha, nun Alpha-Beta
Cailtin Snow (Savitar TL) - Alphas (TransBeta->Alpha)
Barry Allen (Savitar TL) - Beta (TransOmega-> Beta)
Thomas Snow – früher Beta, jetzt Alpha (Trans Beta->Alpha)
 Caitlin Snow – früher Beta, wurde zum Alpha, nun Alpha-Beta
Leo Snart (Erde-X) – Beta-Omega
Sebastian Blood – Alpha-Beta
Cyrus Gold – Beta-Alpha
Clinton Hogue – Alpha-Beta
Michael Daily – Alpha-Beta
Pater Trigon – Alpha-Beta
Sixth Claw Jerry - Alpha-Beta
Granny Godness
 Ohne sekundäres Geschlecht:
Charlie (nimmt Geschlecht der Person an, in die sie sich verwandelt)
Mor Novu
 Kann sein sekundäres Geschlecht wechseln:
 Garfield Logan (ursprünglich ein Beta)
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light-miracles · 5 years
Okay, I'm beyond excited about Sandman but I can't stop wondering how faithful it's going to be to the comic. It's okay if it has some minor changes (after all, it's the freakin Sandman). But, let's don't forget that it's placed in the DCU, with some DC Characters very relevant to the plot. Is Constantine appearing? Matt Cable? Lucifer and Maze? John Dee/John Deegan/Dr Destiny? At least a little Martian Manhunter cameo?
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Crisis on Infinite Earths
read it on the AO3
by VioletFlash
It's been 6 years since Barry Allen first heard of the Crisis. Now, it's been changed to happen now. As Oliver Queen gathers many different heroes from many different Earths, the other heroes live their regular lives. The West-Allens preparing for a baby, Kara desperately trying to reconnect with Lena, and the Legends reeling from the disappearance of Zari. However, a new threat is brought to their world. The Anti-Monitor. Armed with new weaponry and by his side is Dr. John Deegan, eager with revenge as well as his friend Psycho-Pirate. They also came with different villains from different Earths. Barry wonders if this is his last day on Earth and Oliver is willing to sacrifice everything.
Words: 266, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Flash (TV 2014), Arrow (TV 2012), Supergirl (TV 2015), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Batwoman (TV 2019)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Kara Danvers, Katherine Kane, Kate Kane, Iris West, Iris West-Allen, Clark Kent, Superman, Bruce Wayne, Batman, Felicity Smoak, Mia Smoak, John Diggle, Lyla Michaels, William Clayton (Arrow), Nora Allen, Nora West-Allen, Dawn Allen, Don Allen, Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells, Earth-2 Laurel Lance, Earth-2 Barry Allen, Earth-2 Iris West, Caitlin Snow, Earth-2 Caitlin Snow, Earth-X Leonard "Leo" Snart, Earth-2 Mick Rory, Earth-3 Jay Garrick, Earth-2 Sara Lance, Green Lantern, John Diggle Jr. | Connor Hawke, Earth-2 John Diggle, Earth-2 Cisco Ramon, Cisco Ramon, Earth-X Ray Palmer, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015), Lena Luthor, Lex Luthor, Mar Novu | The Monitor, Godspeed (The Flash TV 2014), Dreamer - Character, Brainiac 5, Martian Manhunter, Alex Danvers, Lois Lane, Winn Schott, Lillian Luthor, Dinah Drake (Arrow), Thea Queen, Roy Harper, Sara Lance, Atom, Ray Palmer, Lots of other earth people, Curtis Holt, Wally West, Jesse "Quick" Wells, Eobard Thawne, Reverse Flash, heat wave - Character, Mick Rory, Nora Darhk, Gorilla Grodd, Nathan Haywood, Amaya Jiwe, Gideon, Mona Wu, John Constantine, I'm sorry if I missed anyone, Ralph Dibny, Anti-Monitor, Psycho-Pirate, John Deegan, "Baby" West-Allen
Relationships: Barry Allen/Iris West, Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak, Kara Danvers/Mon-El, Kate Kane/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Lois Lane
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“Elseworlds,” this year’s Arrowverse crossover event, begins Sunday, Dec. 9, at 8 p.m. ET/PT with The Flash, and continues Monday, Dec. 10, at 8 p.m. ET/PT with Arrow before concluding Tuesday, Dec. 11, at 8 p.m. ET/PT with Supergirl.
The crossover will introduce Ruby Rose as Batwoman, who’s targeted for her own CW series, Elizabeth Tulloch as Lois Lane, and Cassandra Jean Amell as Nora Fries, the wife of Mr. Freeze. Jeremy Davies also guest stars as Dr. John Deegan, a doctor at the notorious Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane, whose machinations draw Green Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl to Gotham.
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arrowdaily · 6 years
“It will be the biggest and most complicated [crossover yet],” The CW’s president Mark Pedowitz avowed at the Television Critics Association winter press tour on Thursday afternoon.
At the very end of “Elseworlds,” Batwoman (Ruby Rose) called Oliver Queen from Gotham City, to express her concern about new Arkham Asylum inmate Dr. John Deegan—because, she noted, the man who for a hot second imagined himself a god had “made a friend” in Roger Hayden, who in DC Comics lore is also known as Psycho-Pirate.
“Everything is as it should be, the stage is set...” Hayden, donning Psycho-Pirate’s golden mask, gloated to Deegan. “Worlds will live. Worlds will die. The universe will never be the same.”
The screen then cut to a title card that said “Coming Fall 2019… Crisis on Infinite Earths,” as in the name of the super-famous DC Comics storyline in which the Anti-Monitor—The Monitor’s evil counterpart, who counts Psycho-Pirate among his accomplices—is unleashed on the multiverse and begins to destroy the various Earths that it comprises.
Along the way, top-shelf heroes die. Will the TV crossover take similarly big swings?
“That is the intent, to take some big swings,” Pedowitz affirmed for TVLine. “Can’t tell you if it’ll follow the comic book version, but it’ll take some big swings.”
As for Legends of Tomorrow possibly returning to the crossover mix after sitting out “Elseworlds,” Pedowitz said he didn’t know the plan yet, but “I hope so.”
“We’re talking about a number of different ways to go,” he added. “It is ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths,’ and if you know the history, things collapse.”
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ao3feed-westallen · 5 years
Crisis on Infinite Earths
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2J5UcBR
by VioletFlash
It's been 6 years since Barry Allen first heard of the Crisis. Now, it's been changed to happen now. As Oliver Queen gathers many different heroes from many different Earths, the other heroes live their regular lives. The West-Allens preparing for a baby, Kara desperately trying to reconnect with Lena, and the Legends reeling from the disappearance of Zari. However, a new threat is brought to their world. The Anti-Monitor. Armed with new weaponry and by his side is Dr. John Deegan, eager with revenge as well as his friend Psycho-Pirate. They also came with different villains from different Earths. Barry wonders if this is his last day on Earth and Oliver is willing to sacrifice everything.
Words: 266, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Flash (TV 2014), Arrow (TV 2012), Supergirl (TV 2015), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Batwoman (TV 2019)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Kara Danvers, Katherine Kane, Kate Kane, Iris West, Iris West-Allen, Clark Kent, Superman, Bruce Wayne, Batman, Felicity Smoak, Mia Smoak, John Diggle, Lyla Michaels, William Clayton (Arrow), Nora Allen, Nora West-Allen, Dawn Allen, Don Allen, Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells, Earth-2 Laurel Lance, Earth-2 Barry Allen, Earth-2 Iris West, Caitlin Snow, Earth-2 Caitlin Snow, Earth-X Leonard "Leo" Snart, Earth-2 Mick Rory, Earth-3 Jay Garrick, Earth-2 Sara Lance, Green Lantern, John Diggle Jr. | Connor Hawke, Earth-2 John Diggle, Earth-2 Cisco Ramon, Cisco Ramon, Earth-X Ray Palmer, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015), Lena Luthor, Lex Luthor, Mar Novu | The Monitor, Godspeed (The Flash TV 2014), Dreamer - Character, Brainiac 5, Martian Manhunter, Alex Danvers, Lois Lane, Winn Schott, Lillian Luthor, Dinah Drake (Arrow), Thea Queen, Roy Harper, Sara Lance, Atom, Ray Palmer, Lots of other earth people, Curtis Holt, Wally West, Jesse "Quick" Wells, Eobard Thawne, Reverse Flash, heat wave - Character, Mick Rory, Nora Darhk, Gorilla Grodd, Nathan Haywood, Amaya Jiwe, Gideon, Mona Wu, John Constantine, I'm sorry if I missed anyone, Ralph Dibny, Anti-Monitor, Psycho-Pirate, John Deegan, "Baby" West-Allen
Relationships: Barry Allen/Iris West, Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak, Kara Danvers/Mon-El, Kate Kane/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Lois Lane
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2J5UcBR
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batwomanupdates · 6 years
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After Kate Kane, aka Batwoman (Ruby Rose), made her debut during the three-part 'Arrow'-verse 'Elseworlds' crossover, should the character get her own series? Vote in The Hollywood Reporter's poll now.
After years of teasing, Gotham City made its debut during this week's Arrow-verse "Elseworlds" crossover and, along with the iconic city, came the highly anticipated introduction of Ruby Rose's groundbreaking hero Batwoman.
While Kate Kane (aka Batwoman) was first seen during the final scene of The Flash's Part 1 of the crossover, her entrance into the Arrow-verse didn't officially come until Arrow's Part 2. Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) and Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), still dealing with body swap shenanigans, traveled to Gotham City with Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist) and ran into the masked vigilante almost immediately (although they didn't know it). The superhero trinity were hoping to find Mar Novu, aka the Monitor (LaMonica Garrett), and his reality-rewriting book in the broken city to fix the Oliver-Barry body swap. But while they were there, they unexpectedly met Kate Kane, the cousin of the MIA Bruce Wayne (who, while name-dropped many times, has still never been seen in the Arrow-verse).
Kate first bailed Oliver, Barry and Kara out of jail after they got into a fight with a street gang, and then she offered them a safe place to hide out and regroup while they figured out their next move. She wanted them out of her city as fast as possible, so she figured helping them achieve their goal was the quickest way to get them back on the road. She then helped them track down Dr. John Deegan (Jeremy Davies), the Arkham Asylum employee who was responsible for the whole body swap situation (as well as the red skies and lightning plaguing first Central City and then Star City). Deegan, trapped, initiated a riot in Arkham to buy himself time to get away.
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saebrfan · 6 years
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Arrowverse Crossover: Jeremy Davies to Play Arkham Doc (AKA the Big Bad?)
Having already bolstered the heroic ranks with Batwoman, Superman and Lois Lane, it now appears that this fall’s Arrowverse crossover event has found its Big Bad.
TVLine has learned that Lost alum Jeremy Davies — who is always so excellent at playing the manically brilliant, the slightly off-kilter — has joined the three-night, Legends-less event in the role of John Deegan, a doctor at the Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane.
Dr. Deegan, though, just might be crazier than the inmates he treats, and as such his machinations will draw Green Arrow (played by Stephen Amell), The Flash (Grant Gustin) and Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) to Gotham City. And that, I believe, is the first indication we have had that a sizeable chunk of the crossover action (if not the final showdown) will take place on Batwoman’s home turf.
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