#hadrian fnv
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ghoulfuckersincorporated · 10 months ago
You mentioned ghoul scent markings-- can you elaborate on that? Explain it and dump any other thoughts you have about it?
So, I feel like ghoulification would heighten all of the senses (*within the confines of what tissues can remain intact over long spans of time, like centuries; we see older ghouls, especially, with things like cataracts, etc. that would would obviously impact your perception), but the sense of smell especially. Smell is widely considered to be the "weakest" of the human senses, but if you were constantly regenerating the smell receptors that are physically closest to your brain, along with having basically one massive nostril, I'd think you'd at least smell SOMEWHAT more effectively.
I've seen people assume that, as ghouls eventually lose their noses to decay, they have no sense of smell, and (absolutely no disrespect or anything) I find that sort of funny. The olfactory sense ultimately originates in the brain, like any other sense, and the smell receptors that pick up on odors are not only found in the cartilaginous parts of the nose AKA the part that would rot off.
Scent memory is also one of the strongest kinds of memory, as the olfactory bulb that processes smells is located very close to the amygdala and the hippocampus, the memory centers of your brain. For this reason, I think that many ghouls, but particularly ferals, would be incredibly sensitive to smells, even if their particular "nose" is weak from decay. I'd imagine that ferals, as they slip further and further into the sort of aggressive, rotting dementia state we see them in, would still be able to connect with some human memories through smells. I think this may be one of the things that draws them to people so easily, even when you're trying to sneak past them.
Imagine moldering away for years and years, rational and conscious thought basically lost to you, and then, for just a breath, you smell a long-lost loved one's perfume, a favorite food you haven't tasted in decades, a fresh rain after a long, long dry spell. Just for a moment...you can remember.
All that to say that I think smell would be a very big deal for ghouls. Especially the smell of people they care about. One day, the memory of that smell may be quite literally all they have left.
I'm not sure most of them would be conscious of the fact that it's scent marking, but it wouldn't be uncommon to find ghoul lovers (ghouls who are lovers AND those who love ghouls) swapping clothing, reveling in their partner's smell enveloping them and vice versa. Taking their lover around other ghouls and knowing that the fact that the others can smell them all over you means they know you're theirs. Ghouls smelling another ghoul on you and knowing all your business without you even having to say anything.
(Plus...it's just a fun excuse to not have to pull out, you know?)
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atomsmessenger · 1 year ago
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Haha. He said we looked similar. I must agree, my brother, Atom picks his children well.
Thank you, Arcade, for taking this picture of me and Hadrian. I think I’ll hang it up in our church.
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lem0nicle · 8 months ago
i made a new version with a lot more ghouls
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i hope its okay, that this is posted as a new post, not just a thread to the previous version😅
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wtftaylr · 8 months ago
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Ofc had to make some busts for my Fallout OCs as well! Sadie, my Courier, with her beloved YCS/186 that she does not let Anybody touch bc it's so near and dear to her. And we have The Ventriloquist and Billy Miracle; nothing off about them, no need to worry :)
Prev: Cass | Benny || I'm making these for Sadie's Toyhou.se profile!
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caelan0d · 2 years ago
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Sparkle On! Don't forget to be yourself!
Commission for @gaydeliverydriverunion
My Commission are open!
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fnvminorcharacterpoll · 2 years ago
I was so caught up in the euphoria of Hadrian sweep that for a minute I lived in a world where Fantastic didn't exist 😭
(and to be clear, I'm probably going to vote Fantastic, because I must be true to my heart)
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anything is possible
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n00b-vegas · 2 years ago
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Sketch dump of The Twins+
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lesvegas · 2 years ago
Question 12/13 for the fallout ask post? Also love ur blog sm <3
12. What’s a quest that everyone hates, but you like?
While I don't think anyone outright hates Come Fly With Me so much as they just find it tedious to do over and over again (and believe me, I Get It), I genuinely do enjoy going through it. Even though I can easily skip over Novac altogether let alone this one quest, I tend to do it when I can anyway because I like the tension that comes with sneaking around in cramped, dark corridors full of invisible guys that can easily kick my ass if I'm not careful. I also like disarming all the traps in the room Hadrian's in. Honestly it feels like a quest that caters to my overly-cautious stealth play style on top of being one of the most interesting side quests in the whole game.
13. Which companion quest did you enjoy the most?
I think it's a tie between Old School Ghoul and I Could Make You Care. I may be biased because Raul and Veronica are my two favourite companions, but imo they're also two of the most well-written companions with equally well-written quests.
While Old School Ghoul physically amounts to dragging Raul around while talking to some old guys, it also acts as a vehicle for him to tell his own stories (which I can listen to all day) and brings up the subject of... well, aging. Of growing up and growing old and changing as your body changes, while remaining who you are despite that. Raul was only around 30 when ghoulification hit, and is basically a young man 200 years older than he should be, and his body began to deteriorate while still in his prime. Despite this, he's tried to make himself Useful TM as both a handyman and a protector, facing the worst of the age of raiders and living long enough to remember it all. When he fails to protect someone, he seems to give in to his perceived uselessness in 'old age', giving up his guns altogether and settling for simply finding purpose in repairing things. It's only when he sees a few older men still doing what they can that he considers not relegating himself to a quiet life, though he still needs the courier to tell him that it's something to admire and that these guys aren't useless or should live a certain way just because they aren't physically the same as they've always been. You can convince Raul to take up his guns again to become a protector during and after the events of FNV, just as he had 200 years ago, and he does a damn good job of it despite his cataracts.
Meanwhile, I Could Make You Care starts with Veronica seeing just how well the rest of the wasteland is doing, from the Followers to the Boomers to even the Fiends (at least in how much trouble they give the NCR compared to the BoS). Exploring the outside world forces her to come to the conclusion that the Brotherhood, her family, is slowly dying because they refuse to change their ways even slightly to become self-sufficient. You have the opportunity to help her find something that will make the Elder wake up, from farming technology to an advanced weapon, but even with evidence the Brotherhood refuses to change. While you can technically convince Veronica to remain, I think it only narratively makes sense for her to leave, whether she ends up joining the Followers or not. She's seen how everyone else has adapted and continues to, and how the quick the Brotherhood is to turn their back on her the moment she challenges their dogma. Even if you can't relate to her on a personal level here, her quest is a powerful conclusion to the Brotherhood's role in Fallout as a whole (by which I mean fo1 and fnv) and serves to symbolize how fast humanity has grown in the last 200 years since the world ended. This quest is so fucking good it makes me wonder why all I ever seem to see from the fandom about Veronica is how much she likes dresses. Sure, it's a cute fun trait and we love her for it, but you'd think that's her main quest instead with how much people sleep on this one.
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trapdoornumberthree · 4 years ago
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I’ve never been to Nevada 
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drxgony · 6 years ago
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we stan this one whole bisexual courier !!! this is hadrian and hes a lovely lad. thought i would doodle this lad as a token of thanks to the all and wonderful @sweet-summer-courier !! i hope you enjoy this blessed boi !!
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nonopicreates · 6 years ago
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bet you never saw a ghoul in a suit before, huh?
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ghoulfuckersincorporated · 3 months ago
out of all the ghouls
which ones do you think are absolutley PACKING?
A question I put way too much thought into, frankly. No complaints; I live for the chance to overthink exactly this kind of thing, which is why I keep the ask box open. Since there's only a few I think are packing packing, here's a quick and dirty ranking of all the penis-having ghouls I can think of from 3/New Vegas/4, plus Cooper, obviously. If I missed anyone, I'll be happy to add them.
Ranking Penis Size (Fallout 3/Fallout: New Vegas/Fallout 4)
Literally so big you might not even want it, possibly disqualifying: Edward Deegan
Seriously packing, but manageable: Charon, Harland, Kent Connolly (a true dark horse)
Above average: Desmond Lockheart, Roy Philips, Grecks, Dean Domino, Rotface, John Hancock, Eddie Winter, Wiseman, Cooper Howard
Middle-of-the-road average: Dr. Barrows, Quinn, Gob, Barrett, Andy Scabb, Raul Tejada, Hadrian, Arlen Glass, the Vault-Tec Rep, Ham
Below average: Murphy, Winthrop, Ahzrukhal, Jason Bright
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catboyrights · 8 years ago
fnv courier ask part 3: knud i never posted this fucker i have three more I should queue lmao
Name: Knud “Catfish” DuBose
Age: 32 at the events of New Vegas
Gender: Male
Description: Big beefy boy, muscular with a beer gut.He is a deep tan with dark eyes that age him a little over his years. Medium brown hair in a ridiculous Farrah Fawcett 'do with goofy black mutton chops. Tall and wide, he is built like a brick shithouse tbh.
Where are They From?: Knud came from Kentucky where he spent the first twelve years of his life in a vault only to be one of the few picked for the small hunting and trading team. Found he suited walking the wastes much better than the controlled life of the vault and he skeedaddled. Took up being a courier wherever his next job took him up until he got caught with a bullet in the brain.
Opinion on Mr. House: Views House as the best option for New Vegas, though that may be because technically he is getting paid by him. Still views him as his employer, and maybe if Catfish helps with his plans for New Vegas Catfish will get a welcome moment of goddamn quiet.
Opinion on NCR: They’s good people, and hell if he wasn’t being courted by every goddamn faction in the Mojave he would settle down with them. Having done many small tasks for them, he finds that he doesn’t have a taste when it comes to waiting for pencil-pushing bureaucrats to try and tell him what the fuck he can and cannot do.
Opinion on Caesar’s Legion: Grudgingly respectful of their melee prowess, but outside of good old fashioned appreciation of form he ain’t got nothing to say about them. Finds their lust for power and their god complex laughable; seen too many men think that just ‘cause they ain’t never been stopped yet means it won’t ever be coming to them hard. Plus they think they’re so fucking smart just ‘cause they’re fucking with language old fucks pre-war didn’t even fuck with, like fucking Knud didn’t have three goddamn languages under his belt and… He doesn’t care for them to say the least.
Opinion on Independent Vegas: Maybe somebody flashy and strong like Benny could worm their way into making Vegas something other than the loosely held-together hellhole of sin, but there ain’t no way he could figure out which of these greedy bastards wouldn’t turn on him the very first second he turned his head. Vegas has a lot of heart, but that heart calls too much for imagined enemies and money. He can’t handle that kind of greed being underneath him.
Did They Kill Benny?: Of course he did, not that he wanted to. Seemed like a good way to make nice with the giant gaggle of dog-wearing freaks he was practically kidnapped by and was about to fuck over at the time. Wasn't no sissy crucifixion,  just a simple straight shot from the same gun that almost killed him. Unlike Benny however, Catfish prided himself on always getting what he came for.
Favorite DLC Location: The Sorrow’s Camp because goddamn if the view inside ain’t prettier than the whole damn valley surrounding it. He is just horny for Daniel.
Any Romance?: Catfish falls in love easily and hard. He almost didn't kill Benny because he was a damn looker, and the same could go for every other asshole in that fucking tent. He had a passing crush on Arcade, but he can’t handle dreamers like him when they realise that ain't nothing work out how they think it will. Likes Josh Graham just fine, but when he met Daniel his heart nearly damned stopped. He visited him a lot and awkwardly flirted with him for almost a year before Daniel finally asked him if he was interested and Catfish was his.
Least Favorite Mojave Beast: If he never saw a goddamn lakelurk again in his life, holy hell he could sleep well at night. Reminds him too much of those shitty fucking porno books they kept trying to push on him back on the fucking vault.
Hobbies: Taxidermy definitely, he likes to make sure things get remembered. He also enjoys building; doesn't like the idea of living in buildings that are ghosts of the past so he throws himself especially at old architecture books.Also likes reading about history, if the damn Legion were based on the Byzantine empire well let’s say his loyalty would lie in different places. If you ask him he’d say he just likes to keep his damn hands busy like everyone else out here.
Which Brain Did They Pick for Rex: Lupa, because the old girl deserved better than the life she had in the legion. She was a good dog and Catfish was gonna give that poor baby the twilight years she deserved.
Favorite Bar: Likes to drink at the Tops, it's got a nice atmosphere and enough of a chance to meet someone who ain't gonna pick through his giant pack like he worries about constantly. Plus he enjoys going to Hadrian’s show and shouting at him all calling at him like he’s his best goddamn friend in the world.
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ghoulfuckersincorporated · 23 days ago
What ghouls would be into thighs? Maybe they got asked tits, ass, or thighs, or maybe something else 👀
I enjoy these "ranking" type questions; I think they're a good little thought exercise and they're much easier to keep brief. Plus, they're a good excuse to brush up on some of the lesser-discussed characters.
Ranking Ghouls' Favorite Body Part (Partner)
Tits: Ahzrukhal, Doctor Barrows, Gob, Quinn, Roy Phillips (also really likes hair), Grecks, Arlen Glass, Eddie Winter, Ham
Ass: Murphy, Patchwork, Desmond Lockheart, Snowflake (also a huge sucker for a pretty face), Raul Tejada, Harland, Kyle Edwards, Dean Domino (also thighs and legs, big into lips), Edward Deegan, Hancock, Cooper Howard
Thighs: Crowley, Winthrop, Andy Scabb (wants to bite a chunk out of them), Rotface, the Vault-Tec Rep (ties with ass)
Other: Charon (belly or skin overall), Barrett (hair, especially longer hair), Hadrian (feet), Jason Bright (lips), Joshua Graham (belly/hips), Kent Connolly (hands), Wiseman (neck/shoulders), Captain Zao (hips)
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ghoulfuckersincorporated · 20 days ago
The ghouls' favorite sex position hc?🤔
Oooh, this one was fun. It also took more thought than I'd initially assumed. Eager to discuss what you guys think. I'd do a follow-up for the ladies if asked!
Also, I hope this goes up okay because we're getting hit by yet another blizzard with crazy wind and our wifi shit the bed just as I was about to post.
Ranking Ghouls' Favorite Sex Positions:
Missionary: Ahzrukhal (likes the forced intimacy of it), Doctor Barrows (but with a lot of pinning, more like a reverse prone bone), Quinn (any position with a lot of kissing, really), Hadrian, Wiseman, Tommy Lonegan, Captain Zao (doesn't have much interest in "creative" positions)
Doggy: Crowley, Murphy, Desmond Lockheart, Dean Domino (though anything where he can bend you over works fine), the Vault-Tec Rep
Prone Bone: Roy Phillips (also likes missionary, but only with someone he has feelings for/wants to share deeper intimacy with), Patchwork, Andy Scabb, Arlen Glass (a sweeter version than the others)
Cowgirl (AKA riding): Barrett, Gob, Raul Tejada (reverse), Jason Bright, Eddie Winter (purely because it minimizes the amount of work he has to put in), Ham (reverse), Hancock (though what he likes about it is how easy it is to toss you down and convert it to missionary when he feels like it)
Spooning Position: Winthrop, Kyle Edwards, Kent Connolly
Other: Charon (Pole Position: see glossary), Snowflake (anything in front of a mirror), Harland (V for Victory: see glossary), Grecks (Lap Dance: see glossary), Rotface (Ballet Dancer: see glossary), Edward Deegan (Standing Dragon: see glossary), Cooper Howard (Bicycle: see glossary)
*"The Pole Position": a modified reverse cowgirl where the penetrating partner bends one of their legs as they lie on their back to allow the receiving partner to rub against their thigh as they bounce up and down. Provides extra stimulation and stability to the receiving partner and a good view from the back for the penetrating partner.
*"The V for Victory": a modified missionary where the receiving partner lies on their back and raises their legs. The penetrating partner holds their legs up, spread in a "V" formation, during the intercourse. Allows for extra deep penetration.
*"The Lap Dance": a modified cowgirl where the penetrating partner sits up on the edge of the bed or in a chair and the receiving partner sits in their lap, facing them. Very intimate, allows for lots of kissing. Comfortable for very long sessions or a slow pace.
*"The Ballet Dancer": a standing or mostly standing position where the receiving partner wraps their leg around the penetrating partner's hip. Ideal for tight quarters, quickies with a lot of kissing.
*"The Standing Dragon": a modified doggy style where the receiving partner rests on all fours on the edge of the bed while the penetrating partner stands behind them. Allows the penetrating partner to use their knees to squeeze the receiving partner's thighs closer together, increasing the stimulation they receive.
*"The Bicycle": a modified missionary where the receiving partner lies flat on a bed/table/counter/etc. while the penetrating partner stands over them. Mostly appealing for the view, especially of the actual penetration.
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fnvminorcharacterpoll · 2 years ago
FNV Minor Character Poll - Preliminary Voting Round 1-B: Tops Talent
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Top left: Billy Knight, street comedian. —"A break's better than a shot - less chance of lead poisoning. Hey, if you know any gigs hiring, I'll work cheap. Real cheap. I'll take peanuts!"
Top right: Bruce Isaac, runaway singer from New Reno. —"'Robbed' is such an ugly word. It's more like I took care of a payroll problem for [Mr. Bishop]. Also, I might have…umm…sort of…plowed his daughter. A little."
Bottom left: Hadrian, ghoulified insult comic. —"Name's Hadrian. Bet you never saw a ghoul in a suit before, huh? Course, you don't exactly strike me as the worldly type."
Bottom right: The Lonesome Drifter, wandering country musician. —"Ma always said [my father] was a real mysterious feller, even when he was with her. Like he was a stranger sometimes."
(Preliminary Voting Round masterpost)
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