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spn-fanfic-reblog-writes · 4 months ago
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Omegaverse Lovers Unite is a multifandom discord server for everyone who loves A/B/O and Omegaverse trope.
This is a safe, consensual, and fun community for readers, artist, and writers of the trope. We work together to make the community how we all want it.
We do weekly events, such as
Tutorial Tuesday where you share a tutorial or similar things that has helped you with your writing, artwork, or even commenting. Anything like that is good!
WIP Wednesday where writers share a snippet of a fic they are working on or an artist shares a piece of artwork they are working on. This is all, of course, sans bangs, fests, exchanges and so forth since those must be completed before posting.
Throwback Thursday where you share an old piece you posted, such as an fanfic, fanart, or similar piece.
Non-Omegaverse (A/B/O)—
We do have a non-omegaverse section as well since not everyone writers or makes art for the trope who enjoys the trope.
Please make sure to click the link below to join.
Read the #welcome-rules and accept by clicking the ✅,
Select your roles in #roles,
And then, #introduce yourself (there is a pinned template for your convenience).
If you have any questions or concerns, please leave them in the #ideas-and-feedback channel.
I look forward to seeing more of you there!
Also, if you would please signal boost to share with the many fandom communities, I would be ever so thankful. 😌
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afaimsarrowverse · 2 years ago
Mein A/B/O-Arrowverse-AU-Verse:
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Diese Serie von mir rekonstruiert das gesammte Arrowverse in einem Alpha/Beta/Omega-Setting. Sie geht gegen Ende der 6. Staffel von "Arrow", der 4. von "The Flash" sowie der jeweils 3. von "Legends of Tomorrow" und "Supergirl" zunehmend AU. "Batwoman" ist inkludiert, allerdings nur die erste Staffel und da auch schon von Anfang sehr anders als im Canon.
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Diese Fics wurden zwischen 2017 und 2019 geschrieben, wobei die eigentliche Hauptstory zwischen 2017 und 2018 entstand. Spätere Einträge spielen zwischen den Ereignissen der vorher geposteten Fics. Prinzipiell geht dieses Verse mit dem Ende der 2017/18er Seasons vollkommen AU, daher werden später eingeführte Ereignisse, Charaktere und Ships nur am Rande benahdelt und eingebaut, und in diesen Fic finden sich nur Dinge die vor „Crisis on Infinite Earths“ passiert sind.
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Prinzipiell bin ich der Meinung, dass es heute trotzdem noch gut stand hält, wobei der auffälligste Unterschied zum Canon die Tatsache ist, dass fast alles geschrieben wurde bevor Nia aktive Kräfte für den Kampfeinsatz besaß, weswegen sie im Kampf die gleichen Kräfte wie Dream Girl in den Comics verwendet und nicht ihre Canon-Traum-Energie Strahlen und Peitschen. Und natürlich sind die End-Game Pairings andere.
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Inzwischen noch witziger ist was alles in meinem Fics passiert ist, bevor es im Canon ebenfalls passiert ist (wie etwa, das Clois-Baby, dass Lena Lex erschießt, Johns Lungenkrebs Storyline, dass Eddie zurückkommt, der Ausflug in die Speed Force während er großen Krise etc) und wie anders manches bei mir ist was der Canon absolut vergessen hat mir aber doch wichtig erschienen ist.
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Chronologisch gesehen beginnen wir mit der Kindheit verschiedenster Charaktere und enden mit einer Szene im Jahr 1992, die alles abschließt. Handlungstechnisch enden wir aber im Jahr 2028.
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Im Gegensatz zum Canon kriegen hier alle Serien - „Arrow“, „The Flash“, „Supergirl“, „Legends of Tomorrow“ und irgendwie sogar „Batwoman“ - ein Ende und jeder Charakter bekommt eine mehr oder weniger zu Ende erzählte Geschichte. Obwohl die letzte Fic das Ende von „Legends of Tomorrow“ darstellt, gibt es darin trotzdem Gastauftritte von diversen anderen Charakteren, die auf Erde-1 leben (es gibt keine Erdverchmelzung in meiner Version), und wir lernen etwa das zweite West-Allen-Triaden-Kind kennen, weil ich ja im Gegensatz zu Eric Wallace der Meinung bin, dass eine Franchise auch also solche beendet werden sollte.
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Da dieses Universum zur Zeit der 2. Staffel von „Legends of Tomorrow“ und „Supergirl“ begonnen hat, sind die Endgame-Pairings entsprechend. Manche Fans werden hier also nicht glücklich werden, aber immerhin gibt es hier im Gegensatz zum Canon ein Ende für alle. Und auch wenn es manche Charaktere aus späteren Staffeln nicht gibt, gibt es trotzdem Happy Ends für andere. So findet Ava letztlich mit Caitlin ihr Glück, Nora wird als Single glücklich etc.
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Endgame Pairings in diesem Verse sind (trotz diverser andere Pairings zwischendurch):
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Atomwave (Ray Palmer/ Mick Rory) , Captains3 (Sara Lance/ Rip Hunter/ Leonard Snart), Vixensteel (Amya Jiwe/Nate Heywood),  Westhallen (Iris West/ Eddie Thawne/Barry Allen) , Lauriver (Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen), Karamel (Kara Danvers/Mon-El), Sanvers (Maggie Sawyer/Alex Danvers), Constangreen (John Constantine/Gary Green), Guardiancorp (James Olsen/Lena Luthor), Winniac-5+ Nia (Winn Schott/Brainiac-5/Nia Nal, wobei Nia mehr ein Add-On in der allerletzten Supergirl-Fic ist eine logische Konsequenz, das gebe ich gerne zu), Avafrost (Ava Sharpe/Caitlin Snow), Coldray (Leo Snart/Ray Terrill), Clois (Clark Kent/Lois Lane), Jocile (Joe West/Cecile Horton), Martians (J’onn J’onzz/M’gann M’orzz), SmoakDetective (Donna Smoak/Quentin Lance), Dyla (John Diggle/Lyla Michaels), Throy (Thea Queen/ Roy Harper) sowie Kate Kane/Renée Montoya (wobei ich Montoya lange bevor es den Charakter in „Batwoman“ gab geschrieben habe).
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Charaktere, die im Canon gestorben sind, haben hier überlebt. Charaktere, die tot geblieben sind, sind hier zurück gekommen, Charaktere, die im Canon zurück gekommen sind, blieben hier tot, aber am Ende würde ich sagen, dass dieses Universum für mich selbst die befriedigendere Version des Arrowversums war, als der Canon, alleine eben deswegen weil es hier ein Ende für alle gibt und viele der problemtatischen Dinge Post-Crisis nie passiert sind und daher nie zum Problem wurden.
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Die Original-Version dieses Verses findet ihr:
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Sie bsetehend aus:
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Den „Legends of Tomorrow“-Fics:
 „Nennt uns Legenden I-V“
„Legenden auf Doomworld“
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Den „Arrow“ Fics:
 „Jemand Anderer werden“
„Mein Name ist Oliver Queen“
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Den „Supergirl“-Fics:
 „Kara Danvers ist meine Lieblingsperson“
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Der “The Flash“-Fic:
 „Dinge, denen man nicht trauen kann“
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Sowie den Crossover-Fics:
„Geschichten von Erde-X“
„Crisis on Earth-X“
„Road to Finale Crisis“
“Finale Crisis”
„Beginnings and Endings“
 Sowie verstreuten One-Shots in:
  „Legends of Tomorrow Shorts“
„The Flash Shorts“
“Infinite Earths Oneshots und Shorts”
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Außerdem gibt es die düstere AU-Version zu einem alternativen Ende von “Crisis on Earth-X”:
 “Stranded on Earth-X”
 Sowei zwei dazu gehörtige One-Shots in:
 „The Flash Shorts“
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Eine restruktrierte „Alle-Fics-chronologisch an einem Ort“-Version findet ihr hier:
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vexic929 · 11 months ago
B, C, L, O, X?
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
ColdFlash, it wasn't my cup of tea initially but I have a lot of ColdFlash mutuals and y'all got me into it real fast lol
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can’t.
Barry x Caitlin or Cisco x Caitlin, like I see the potential! I just see their relationships as more platonic than anything else, Caitlin has big sister energy <3333
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
oh man I mean recently I've been really obsessively into HartThawne (Hartley x Eddie) so probably something cute with them
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
I shuffled my biggest playlist and got
it immediately gives me OC ship vibes for Eoland x Savi lol for canon characters maybe Frost x Caitlin
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
I'm gonna unfortunately say that Arrowverse/DC in general is one fandom to make it harder on myself lol
Titans Polycule
Sophie x Howl from Howl's Moving Castle
Mai x TyLee from Avatar
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afaims100arrowversefavs · 3 months ago
My 250 Favorite Arrowverse Episodes: Part 7: 100-76
Taken from „Arrow“, „The Flash“, „Supergirl“, „Legends of Tomorrow“, „Constantine“, „Black Lightning“, „Batwoman“, „Stargirl“ and Season 1-3 of „Superman & Lois“:
In honor of Seaosn 4 of "Superman & Lois" being the end of the Arrrowverse, the end of DCTV like we knew it and the end of The CW like we knew it, a final time before the final season all Seasons ends of all the 250 best Arrowverse Episodes (according to me):
I did include "Stargirl" this time, since it has as much connection as "Superman & Lois" to the rest of the Arrowverse, but One Hit Shows like "Gotham Knights" and "Naomi" (anyone still remember this one?) are not on this list, neither are Arrowverse unrelated DC shows:
100. Ground Control to Sara Lance (Legends of Tomorrow 6x1)
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The One in which: Sara is kidnapped by Aliens.
83, Written by: James Eagan, Mark Bruner, Directed by: Kevin Mock
99. The Fixed Point (Legends of Tomorrow 7x10)
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The One in which: The goal is to stop WWI. Or not?
107, Written by: Matthew Maala, Paiman Kalayeh, Directed by: Maisie Richardson-Sellers
98. Emerald Archer (Arrow 7x12)
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The One in which: Team Arrow gets their own documentary.
150, Written by: Marc Guggenheim und Emilio Ortega Aldrich, Directed by: Glen Winter
97. The Quest for Peace (Supergirl 4x22)
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The One in which: Kara fights Red Daugther and Lex Luthor.
87, Written by: Robert Rovner, Jessica Queller, Rob Wright, Derek Simon, Directed by: Jesse Warn
96.  Seance and Sensibility (Legends of Tomorrow 4x11)
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The One in which: Jane Austen is to blame. And there is a lot of sex.
62, Written by: Grainne Godfree, Jackie Canino, Directed by: Alexandra La Roche
95. Lost Souls (Arrow 4x6)
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The One in which: Ray is rescued by Team Arrow and the Canaries.
75, Written by: Beth Schwartz, Emilio Ortega Aldrich, Directed by: Antonio Negret
 94. Brainwave Jr. (Stargirl 1x10)
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The One in which: Brainwave has amnesia, Barbara wants answers and Grundy makes some noise.
10, Written by: James Dale Robinson, Directed by: Andi Armaganian
 93. The Runaway Dinsoaur (The Flash 2x21)
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The One in which: Barry is lost in the Speed Force.
44, Written by: Zack Stentz, Directed by: Kevin Smith
 92. Goldfaced (The Flash 5x13)
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The One in which: Barry and Ralph go undercover without their powers.
105, Written by: Jonathan Butler, Gabriel Garza, Directed by: Alexandra LaRoche
91. Canary Cry (Arrow 4x19)
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The One in which: A fake Canary is running around.
88, Written by:Wendy Mercile, Beth Schwartz, Directed by: Laura Belsey
 90. The Book of Resistance: Chapter Four: Earth Crisis (Black Lightning 3x9)
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The One in which: Jennifer gets a look at other versions of herself.
38, Written by: Lamont Magee, Directed by: Tasha Smith
89. This is Gus (Legends of Tomorrow 6x9)
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The One in which: This is neither the sitcom nor the baby you are looking for.
91, Written by: Tyron B. Carter, Directed by: Eric Dean Seaton
88. Holding the Wrench (Superman & Lois 1x8)
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The One in which: Jon Henry is not cooperating and Sarah is supposed to sing.
8, Written by: Kristi Korzec, Directed by: Norma Bailey
87. O Brother, where art though (Supergirl 4x15)
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The One in which: Lex is dying and so is James.
80, Written by: Derek Simon, Nicki Holcomb, Directed by: Tawina McKiernan
 86. The House of L (Supergirl 4x16)
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The One in which: Lex meets Red Daughter.
81, Written by: Dana Horgan, Eric Carrasco, Directed by: Carl Seaton
 85. Luck Be a Lady (The Flash 4x3)
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The One in which: Becky is very (un)lucky.
72, Written By: Sam Chalsen und Judalina Neira, Directed By: Armen V. Kervokian
84. Canaries (Arrow 3x13)
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The One in which: Laurel gets high and sees Sara.
59, Written by: Jake Coburn, Emilio Aldrich, Directed by: Michael Schultz
 83. Prom Night!/ Prom Again (Supergirl 6x5-6)
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The Ones in which: Brainy and Nia meet Teenager Kara and Company.
111/112, Written by: Rob Wright, Jess Kardos, Directed by: Alexandra LaRoche; Chyler Leigh
82. License to Elongate (The Flash 6x6)
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The One in which: The names is Dibny, Ralph, Dibny.
120, Written By: Thomas Pound, Jeff Hersh, Directed By: Danielle Panabaker
 81. What’s Past is Prologue (The Flash 5x8)
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The One in which: Barry and Nora do some time travelling.
100, Written By: Todd Helbing und Lauren Certo, Directed By: Tom Cavanagh
80. Stronger Together (Supergirl 1x2)
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The One in which: Maxwell Lord and the Media are giving Supergirl a hard time.
2, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Ali Adler, Directed by: Glen Winter
 79. Left Behind (Arrow 3x10)
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The One in which: Ray tests a new suit and Malcolm finds a sword.
56, Written by: Marc Guggenheim, Eric Oleson, Directed by: Glen Winter
 78. Legion of Super-Heroes (Supergirl 3x10)
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The One in which: Brainy is in Kara’s head and the League assembles.
52, Written by: Derek Simon, Eric Carrasco, Directed by: Jesse Warn
77. Mr. Parker’s Cul-De-Sac (Legends of Tomorrow 5x6)
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The One in which: The Darhks get family theraphy.
74, Written by: Keto Shimizu, James Eagan, Directed by: Ben Bray
 76. The Climb (Arrow 3x9)
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The One in which: Oliver duels with Ra’s al Ghul.
55, Written by: Jake Coburn, Keto Shimizu, Directed by: Thor Freudenthal
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sunshineshifts · 9 months ago
gonna focus on my Flash/Arrowverse DR in this :)
Part 1:
⭑its a TV show!!
⭑I did, one of the major things I scripted is that several characters didn't die - like Barry's dad, Caitlin's dad, and Cisco's brother. Bc if I can why not make it so my friends have their family members in their lives???
⭑Hang out with the team!!! I want to have fun with my friends, like karaoke, arcades, movies, random walks around the city at midnight!! I'm also looking forward to being a superhero and getting to help people
⭑hm.. I'm not sure? casual, maybe? if that makes sense?
⭑STAR LABS!!!!!! I am so excited to get to see what the place looks like... to actually physically stand in the cortex or the lounge or the speed lab... and to explore all the rooms not featured in the show, I mean, it's a giant place there's gotta be so much cool stuff
⭑i dont have a lot of scenarios scripted yet, but one I do have is when I ask my best friend out!! I'm kinda like "hey. do you want to go out sometime" and he's like "sure why are you so nervous we hang out all the time" and I reply "no I meant like a date..." and he goes "yeah I know I just wanted to mess with you" <3
⭑action is tapping the back of my hand three times.. and safe word... my safe word is poggers... it has been since I got into shifting.. I like the word and I can slip it into conversation surprisingly easily. and it only works if I intend it to work which is good because I actually say it a lot.. do not attack me for being cringe I know </3 (I am cringe but I am free /ref)
Part 2:
⭑Daniel Hartman! actually this reminded me I should pick a middle name huh...
⭑same as in my OR but like. less mentally ill sort of??? like I still have my social and general anxiety and ADHD and probable autism but they don't negatively effect me as much as they do here.
⭑im taller than here bc god I hate being short, I think I scripted like 5'8"?? and my hair is blond bc a) easier to dye and b) being called blondie by my s/o....
⭑I don't have a voice claim, I have like.. some idea of what I sort of sound like, because I don't want to sound like I do here since my voice is fem, but I want a unique voice, y'know? not one I've heard in my OR
⭑I don't have a lot of backstory stuff planned rn it's mostly just like. my life has been really similar to my life here. but this makes me want to come up with fun facts...
Part 3:
⭑I don't remember actually?? maybe tiktok?? I literally have no idea
⭑I don't remember, it was years ago
⭑I haven't been it any DRs yet but I think Ive shifted to places really similar to my OR, like my neighbours house was red and then one day it was white and my family insists it's always been white
⭑I don't have any favorites
⭑raven method maybe?? but the one that's gotten my closest to shifting is actually no method, just thinking about my DR and what I'm excited for in it, or as if I'm there already
⭑thinking abt my friends there and watching the actual show ..
⭑hmm.. do what feels right to you! follow your heart. and also you don't need to script out every little detail, but it's also fine if you do want to!
A challenge for Reality Shifters!
Reblog this post & answer these questions, you can totally skip whichever ones you want, this is just because I like hearing about other people's DRs .:)
Part 1: Your DR
What is your DR? Is it a TV show, a movie, a book, or maybe an original situation?
If your DR is based on pre-existing media, did you change anything, or did you add any details?
What are you most excited to do when you shift there?
How would you describe your DR's aesthetic?
What is your favorite place in your DR?
If you scripted scenarios, which one is your favorite?
What is your safe word/action?
Part 2: Your DR-self
What is your name in your DR?
Who are you in your DR? What are your defining traits?
What do you look like in your DR?
What do you sound like in your DR?
What's an interesting fact about your DR-self?
Part 3: Your shifting journey
How did you first find out about shifting?
What was your first shifting attempt like?
If you've shifted in the past, what was your favorite part of your DR?
If you like to use online meditations, which are your favorites?
If you like to use online subliminals, which are your favorites?
What is your favorite shifting method?
What is something that gives you motivation to shift?
What is one piece of advice you would give to other shifters?
the end :)
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 8 months ago
Honey and sex
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2hjx9pI by GerardDunbar Hot and romantic situations (Open request just M/M) Words: 0, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: X-Men (Movieverse), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Power Rangers, High School Musical (Movies), Teen Beach Movie (Movies), Z-O-M-B-I-E-S (Disney Movies), Descendants (Disney Movies), Teen Wolf (TV), The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Originals (TV), Arrowverse - Fandom, Chucky (TV 2021), Supernatural (TV 2005), Young Justice (Cartoon), Shadowhunters (TV), Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse), Final Destination (Movies), Jeepers Creepers (Movies), Riverdale (TV 2017), Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (TV 2018), Percy Jackson & The Olympians (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Barry Allen/Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Jeremy Gilbert/Kol Mikaelson, Logan/Scott Summers, Roberto da Costa/Sam Guthrie, Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Jack Kline/Adam Milligan, William Birkin/Albert Wesker, Piers Nivans/Chris Redfield, Leon S. Kennedy/Jack Krauser, Quentin Beck/Peter Parker, Ben Reilly/Flash Thompson, Sam Alexander/Peter Parker Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Porn with Feelings, Romance, Soft Porn read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2hjx9pI
0 notes
sterek-ao3feed · 8 months ago
Honey and sex
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/55986745
by GerardDunbar
Hot and romantic situations (Open request just M/M)
Words: 0, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: X-Men (Movieverse), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Power Rangers, High School Musical (Movies), Teen Beach Movie (Movies), Z-O-M-B-I-E-S (Disney Movies), Descendants (Disney Movies), Teen Wolf (TV), The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Originals (TV), Arrowverse - Fandom, Chucky (TV 2021), Supernatural (TV 2005), Young Justice (Cartoon), Shadowhunters (TV), Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse), Final Destination (Movies), Jeepers Creepers (Movies), Riverdale (TV 2017), Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (TV 2018), Percy Jackson & The Olympians (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Barry Allen/Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Jeremy Gilbert/Kol Mikaelson, Logan/Scott Summers, Roberto da Costa/Sam Guthrie, Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Jack Kline/Adam Milligan, William Birkin/Albert Wesker, Piers Nivans/Chris Redfield, Leon S. Kennedy/Jack Krauser, Quentin Beck/Peter Parker, Ben Reilly/Flash Thompson, Sam Alexander/Peter Parker
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Porn with Feelings, Romance, Soft Porn
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diannaphantomfiction · 6 years ago
List of Ships for upcoming A/B/O AU:
Continuation of my List Of Ships and my List Of LifeSwap!AU Ships
Olivarry: Alpha!Oliver & Omega!Barry
BatLantern: Alpha!Bruce & Omega!Hal
Felicity/Kendra: Alpha!Kendra & Omega!Felicity
Diana/Sara/Steve: Alpha!Diana, Alpha!Sara, & Omega!Steve
GoldenVibe: Beta!Lisa & Omega!Cisco
Westhawne: Alpha!Iris & Omega!Eddie
Throy: Alpha!Thea & Omega!Roy
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larksinging · 6 years ago
stephen amell compared the upcoming season to s4
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 4 years ago
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The Amazing Spider-Man
American Housewife
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Batman
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina
Criminal Minds
DC Universe
Descendants — A-D || F-K || L-N || Q-Z
Gallagher Girls
Game Of Thrones
Glee — A-C || D-J || K-M || N-Z 
Gilmore Girls — A-C || D-J || K-M || N-Z
Girl Meets World
The Good Place
Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl 2021
Harry Potter — A-K || L-Z
Harry Potter ( Invictus Series )
High School Musical The Musical The Series
House Of The Dragon
The Hunger Games — A-K || L-Z
It (Stephen King)
Julie And The Phantoms
Jurassic Park
Life With Derek
Make It Or Break It
Mamma Mia
The Maze Runner
Marvel TV
MCU — A-B || C-I || J–O || P-Z 
Miraculous Ladybug
Miscellaneous OCs
Ocean’s Series
Once Upon A Time – A-J || K-Z
Original Fiction
Outer Banks
Percy Jackson And The Olympians
Percy Jackson TV
Pretty Little Liars
Pretty Smart
Red White & Royal Blue
Riverdale — A-H || I-Z
Schmigadoon / Schmicago 
The Society
Star Wars
Stranger Things
Teen Wolf — A-B || C-K || L-Z
Umbrella Academy — A-K || L-Z
Vampire Diaries
White Collar
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kineticallyanywhere · 3 years ago
got tagged by @writingondaisies! 
How many works do you have on AO3?
14 (there’s one I should move from ff.net soon, but it’s not there now)
What’s your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
In order of recencey... Dungeons & Daddies, RWBY, Red vs Blue, The Flash/Arrowverse, Danny Phantom, Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja, (back into ff.net days, Kim Possible, American Dragon: Jake Long, a Percy Jackson one-shot... another thing... Warriors)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Mind over Matter (Red vs Blue)
Fourteen, and four thousand, years old (RWBY)
Flying, falling, stand your ground (RWBY)
The Way Out (Red vs Blue)
Washin’Boose (Red vs Blue) 
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to for long-running fics and for especially long or intense comments, but I’m usually just so nervous ;<; they all warm my heart tho, there is not one that I haven’t read more than once
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I’m typically allergic to straight tragedy, but... I think probably Put your Stampler in a box (D&Dads), since the whole thing is a hypothetical lead-up to a magic teenager going on a rampage. Mind over Matter has a really emotional ending, but I like to think it’s more bittersweet than straight angst. Fourteen, and four thousand, years old swerves into angst, but nobody’s dying or anything so... yeah!
Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Heroes Under Drinking Age is the incomplete MASSIVE thing which is supposed to ultimately crossover Danny Phantom, RC9GN, American Dragon, and Kim Possible. I hit a hard writing wall on the ADJL and KP side and just never got over it :( I still dream of finishing it
Oh I guess there’s also a TMA-D&Dads crossover I’ve put some thought into, where after s5 Jon and Martin land in Faerun to replace The Library, and they get to decompress in this strange world, meet the Likelys, and hear about the eldritch-adjacent beings from other worlds. 
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Nope! (knocks on all the wood) at least not if you’re not counting someone pointing out spelling stuff unsolicited or stuff like that. 
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
n o p e 
when I did Demons not sold separately (D&Dads) they kiss like two times and talk about the prospect of doing more, but it doesn’t go anywhere cause there’s kids nearby. I tagged it as “ace writing allos” just in case, cause boy howdy do I not know what I’m doing in that department ^u^’
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of? I wouldn’t know where to start checking for that and if it’s happened, no one’s told me about it
Have you ever had a fic translated?
only in my dreams
Washin’Boose got a pod-fic tho!! 
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I don’t ship too much and I slide around a lot when I do, but Clark KentxLois Lane 4ever
Whats a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Heroes Under Drinking Age, my beloved...
I’ve also got a number of AUs for DnDads, some with enough written that I may as well post some of the stuff as one-shots to maybe expand on later. One is a high school au where Hen (14) comes to Earth early, another is an exploration of what it might be like to be a sort of demi-god descendant of a chaos entity with the Doodler Cult coming back (called Puberty, ????, and You). Idk if Done Sons and Dragons counts, cause that’d be a whole comic. I’d love to publish something of at least one of these
And then there’s a half-baked idea for Yet Another Oscar Time Travel AU for RWBY, that would take place starting after v8 and would feature Oscar and Emerald traveling back to the series start (on purpose.)
What are your writing strengths?
I’ve gotten quite a few compliments on my prose and scene pacing! I like writing prose like it’s the thought process of the character I’m following, and I often find myself getting a bit poetic about it. I’m a big fan of parallelisms and using repetition for impact. 
I also put a lot into trying to match the original tone of the content I’m writing fic for, and have gotten quite a few compliments on my character dialogue. I just get their voices in my brain and they don’t leave. On only one occasion have they paid rent. The freeloaders. 
What are your writing weaknesses?
I bite off more than I can chew and never finish 
I worry a lot over making sure emotional beats connect, and that it doesn’t feel like I’m jumping from point A to point C, and I’m afraid that makes me over-explain point B. Like I was rereading HUDA: Alpha after I posted it to ao3, and I have a lot of grace for my high school self, but some parts of that fic could have been smoothed out quite a bit. Parts of Mind over Matter are a bit wordier than they needed to be, too. 
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I feel like it’s best done by people who are fluent in a language. Language isn’t just changing words from A to B, it comes with cultural connotations and altered meanings and layers that are only going to come across perfectly when it comes from someone who knows exactly what they’re talking about. so like if I were ever to use more than a few words or a common phrase in another language in a fic, I’d find someone who actually speaks it to help me out. 
as for how to format it... if the meaning needs to be understood by the reader, you may as just put it in the fic’s main language and alter the formatting (like with itallics) or dialogue tag to denote that they’re speaking another language. If it’s small bits, I don’t super mind footnotes at the bottom or just leaving it untranslated, like a special bit for people who speak the language or are willing to look it up. 
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
warrior cats! me, my best friend, and my older sister all had OCs and were part of RainClan, our OC clan. Their camp was made in the trunk and branches of a big willow tree that made a kind of sheltered dome. I didn’t even know what fanfiction was back then
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Mind over Matter. Hands down. For one, it’s actually done. That would put it in contest with The Way Out, which is also multi-chapter and complete, but MoM is WAY longer and took SO much more work but was SO worth it. It started as just scratching an itch and then grew into something that helped me prove to myself that I can do a long-term project, including themes and foreshadowing and narrative hootenanny and character arcs and character relationship arcs. the html coding. It was a great time, I’m so proud of it, editing it helped build one of my best friendships, and there is nothing I would trade that experience for. 
tagging @aryashi, @cinaed, @hedgiwithapen, and @glowstickia
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draw-back-your-bow · 4 years ago
Iris' Fluffy Alphabet | I.W
My Masterlist | Request Guidelines | Send a Request
Pairing: Iris West x fem!reader
Request: "Hey I was wondering if you can do a Caitlin snow or a Iris West arrowverse oneshot and you don't have to do it if you don't wanna" | Requested by @/Alejandra_Lance1224 (On Wattpad)
A/N: For some reason, lately I don't have much motivation to write a full fic. So this is a fluffy alphabet for Iris West. This takes place after season 5, but Iris isn't in the mirror-verse.
Summary: A fluff alphabet/headcanons for Iris West
Warnings: Mentions of possible future insemination, mentions of possible future pregnancy, mentions of divorce
Word Count: ~1.8k
A: Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o?   Whenever you and Iris aren't doing things for Team Flash or The Citizen, you both like curling up on the couch and watching television. Since you rarely have time to do such things, there are a lot of Netflix shows you both need to catch up on.
B: Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o?   Though it's not a physical characteristic, you love Iris' bravery, she will go to great lengths to track down a lead or help her friends. She never lets the fact that she doesn't have powers stop her from contributing as much to the team as everyone else.
C: Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down?   You aren't often sad, but when you are, Iris diverts all of her attention to you. You become her number one priority and she knows exactly how to comfort you.
First, she inquires about what's wrong, and when you shrug it off as nothing she'll try to distract you until you want to talk about it. And if it's ever someone who's wrong, that person won't be a problem for much longer.
D: Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?   You and Iris haven't yet discussed the future for you both, but she knows what she wants. After her and Barry mutually decided it would be best to divorce, she was certain that she wouldn't see Nora in her future. And she's come to terms with that.
Maybe not now, but eventually, Iris wants to adopt with you, or have one of you inseminated. Mostly because while she won't have Nora, Iris does want to be a mom. But for right now Iris doesn't want to rush anything, and she's certain that in time, everything will work out.
E: Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?   Iris is definitely the dominant one in the relationship. She is a natural born leader and so you often let her take the reins. That being said, she often asks for your advice when she's at a cross road and regularly makes sure you're comfortable with the decisions she makes.
F: Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?   You and Iris don't fight a lot. But when you do, it's often because she often puts herself in unnecessary danger tracking down a lead for an article. Your arguments could last for days because she's stubborn, and you refuse to be okay with your girlfriend being in danger.
During these arguments she'll usually go stay with Joe, Cecile, and Jenna. The longest an argument between you two has ever lasted was a week. It ended with you showing up at the West house in tears, and taking Iris out to properly talk about it.
G: Gratitude - How grateful are they in general?   Iris always makes sure to show you how grateful she is that you stick with her through thick and thin. She knows she is a hard person to handle sometimes and often thanks you with unplanned dinners and flowers.
H: Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o?   You and Iris find it very important not to keep secrets from each other. The possibility of getting kidnapped or harmed because of secrets is far too great, so you tell each other everything.
I: Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around?   The biggest thing that has changed about Iris since you've been with her is that she doesn't take as many risks now. When tracking down a lead she'll bring you or another member of Team Citizen. And you're grateful for her newfound caution.
J: Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?   Whenever Iris gets jealous, it's usually because of some stranger. And on the off chance someone does come up to you that doesn't take a hint, Iris will just wrap her arm around your waist and kiss you, usually for a couple seconds or until the person leaves.
K: Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?   You love kissing Iris for two reasons. One, she's a great kisser. Secondly, you love being intimate with your girlfriend. Your first kiss was after your first date. While you would usually find that too early to kiss someone, you knew Iris well before you both officially went out.
L: Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?   Iris confessed her love to you after only two months of dating because once again, you knew each other before you started dating. She confessed right before you fell asleep, and the only indication that you heard her was when you did the same the following night,
M: Marriage - Do they want to get married?   Iris wants to marry you, but not yet. She knows that you're the one and a ring would only make it official. But she likes where you both are right now, and she has plenty of time.
N: Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?   You like calling Iris Ms. Citizen as a joking superhero name, and she likes calling you Mrs. Citizen which makes your blush every time the team calls for Ms. and Mrs. Citizen.
O: On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love?   You and Iris express your love by constantly spending time with each other. Sometimes you won't even talk, you'll just silently enjoy each other's presence. Whether it be doing your work in the same room or just sitting together.
P: PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship, or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?   You and Iris are mindful of others when you get touchy feely. Since her dad and ex-husband are often around, along with other people you don't want to make uncomfortable, you both try to limit the PDA. But you do occasionally hold hands and give a quick peck on the lips when one of you has to leave.
Q: Quirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.   You're a meta-human who also has super speed, thanks to the second particle accelerator that also gave Wally and Jesse powers. So, on the free days you two have, instead of housekeeping, you'll clean up quickly so you and Iris can then spend the day together.
R: Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy?   Iris is very romantic in her own way. Instead of the typical roses and candles she'll make sure to have all of your favorite things during date night.
S: Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?   Iris helps you with anything and everything you could even imagine simply because you do the same for her. Whenever the rest of the team says a lead is too dangerous and to leave it alone you'll work with her to uncover the truth with minimum injuries.
So, even if you offhandedly say something you don't even actually want to do, Iris'll do everything in her power to make your dreams come to life.
T: Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?   Iris loves taking you to new restaurants and different events happening in Central City. Even if one of you has never tried it or are simply terrible at it.
"Uh, sweetheart, you're awful at pottery. Remember that vase, bowl thing a couple years ago?"
"I've grown since then. Plus, I love you."
U: Understanding - How good do they know their partner?   Iris knows you like the back of her hand, and vise versa. She can predict what food you'll be in the mood for that day and have the takeout on your desk before you even know what you want. You've known each other for forever and communication is key in your relationship.
V: Value - How important is the relationship to them?   Iris would drop everything for her relationship with you. After a particularly bad fight she seriously considered quitting Citizen. It was only after you reassuring her that her resigning wasn't necessary that she started working on her normal schedule again.
She always makes sure you know you're the most important thing in her life. Whether it be with surprise lunches or going home early to spend time with you.
W: Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.   Iris loves cooking. Unfortunately... she can't cook. You're always hesitant to tell her this and whenever she's in the kitchen, you try to also be in the kitchen discreetly adding spices and other necessary ingredients to her dishes. But you do appreciate the effort.
X: XOXO - Are they very affectionate?   Iris is very affectionate when it's just you and her. Around other people, she's not big on PDA. But if you're both at home, she'll wrap her arms around you and stay like that for hours if she could.
Y: Yearning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?   When Iris misses you, it's usually while she's at work. Though you both work together, she'll often stay late to work on a lead. And the picture of you on her desk will often prompt some feelings of loneliness. When those feelings are brought up, she just calls you and finally leaves to go home.
Z: Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship?   Going back to V, Iris would do anything for you. Getting to the point where you have had to tell her that charging in on a metahuman that got in a couple of swings on you, isn't the right way to go.
Luckily she understood where to draw the line and promised not to ever do it again. But you had to admit, seeing your girlfriend take on a meta double her size just for you, made you swoon.
▣▣▣▣▣ Thanks For Reading! ▣▣▣▣▣
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afaimsarrowverse · 11 months ago
Orientierungsfile für mein A/B/O-Arrowverse:
Fics (inklusive Lesereihenfolge):
„Nennt uns Legenden: Die Legende von Alpha, Beta und Omega“:
Legends-Fic, Arrow Staffel 1-5, Flash Staffel 1-3, Legends Staffel 1-2 bis Episode 2.14. Moonshot, diverse Pairings, Hauptpairings: Timecanary, Atomwave und Vixensteel
„Jemand Anderer werden“:
Arrow-Fic, spielt zwischen Staffel 2 und 3, Gen/Case-Fic mit Backround Pairings Lauriver und Olicity, Oliver soll einen Omega bis zu seiner Zeugenaussage bei einem Prozess beschützen, doch schnell geht alles schief.
„Mein Name ist Oliver Queen“:
Arrow-Fic, Arrow Staffel 1-5, Flash Staffel 2, bis Arrow 5.10 „Who are you?“, Oliver/Black Siren-Fic, mit etwas Olicity
„Nennt uns Legenden II: Die Legende der Omegas“:
Legends-Fic, nach „Moonshot“ vor „Fellowship of the Spear“, diverse Pairings, Hauptpairings: Timecanary, Atomwave und Vixensteel
„Dinge, denen man nicht trauen kann“:
Flash-Fic, Flash Staffel 1-3, bis 3.18 „Duet“, Julian-Fic, diverse Pairings, Hauptpairings: Julian/Barry und Julian/Caitlin mit Westallen am Rande
The Flash Shorts-Sammlung:
“Der einstige und zukünftige Flash”:
Flash-Fic, Flash-Staffel 3, Das andere Jahr 2024 ist kein fröhliches. Mit Westallen, Allenbert, Snowbert und Snowbarry
„Nennt uns Legenden III: Die Legende von Doomworld“:
Legends-Fic, Episoden 2-15 „Fellowship of the Spear“-2.17, Doomworld-Fic, diverse Pairings, Hauptpairings: Timecanary, Atomwave und Vixensteel, mit Sara/Amaya und Eobard/Ray
„Legenden auf Doomworld“:
Companion-Fic zu „Nennt uns Legenden III: Die Legende von Doomworld“, Legends-Fic mit Flash und Arrow auf Doomworld, spielt während der Episode „Doomworld“ und während Kapitel 2 von „Nennt uns Legenden III“, diverse Pairings, Hauptpairings: Atomwave, Sara/Amaya, Coldflash
„Kara Danvers ist meine Lieblingsperson“:
Supergirl-Fic, Spupergirl Staffel 1-3, bis 3.4 „The Faithful“, Danversschwestern-Fic mit Sanvers und Karamel als Schwerpunkt, etwas Kara/James und diversen anderen Pairings
„Nennt uns Legenden IV: Die Legende vom Rudel“:
Legends-Fic, Staffel 3, innerhalb des Zeitsprungs von 3.1 bis 3.7. „Out of the Jungle“, diverse Pairings, Hauptpairings: Timecanary, Atomwave und Vixensteel, mehr AU als die bisherigen Fic da anderer Handlungsstrang für Rip
A/B/O-Oneshotsammlung (Kapitel 1-13):
One-Shots aus diesem Verse
Inhalt Kapitel 1-13:
„Flirten kostet nichts?“:
Captain Cold-Fic, spielt zu Beginn der 1. Staffel von „Legends“, diverse Pairings, Hauptpairings: Coldatom, Atomwave, Coldwave mit Coldflash
„Zu Hause aber nicht daheim“:
Arrow-Fic, spielt während der 1. Staffel von „Arrow“ aber mit Spoilern bis zur 5. Staffel (Rückblickshandlung), diverse Pairings, Trans-Oliver kehrt nach Hause zurück und seine Umgebung reagiert auf ihn
Flash-Fic, spielt gegen Ende der 3. Staffel von „The Flash“, H.R/Harry-Fic (platonisch), mit H.R/Tracy und Westallen
“Vater weiß es am Besten”:
Arrow-Fic, spielt während 5.18 „Disabended“, Oliver/Quentin(platonisch)-Fic mit platonischen Oliver/Anatoly
„Zu sehr gemocht“:
Flash-Fic, spielt während des „Invasion!“-Crossovers, Coldflash-Fic mit Westallen und diversen anderen Pairings
Flash-Fic, spielt während der 1. Staffel von „The Flash“, Westhallen aus der Sicht von Eddie, mit diversen anderen Pairings
Supergirl-Fic, spielt während der 1. Staffel von „Supergirl“, Cat/Kara-Fic (platonisch)
„Grundlose Sorgen“:
Flash-Fic, spielt während der 1. Staffel von „The Flash“, Westhallen
„Fröhliche Weihnachten, Flash“:
Flash-Fic, spielt während der Episode 2.9 „Running to Stand Still“, diverse Pairings, Hauptpairing: Coldflash mit Westallen, Coldwest und Barry/Patty
„Ein Vater wie kein anderer“:
Arrrow/Legends-Fic, spielt während Arrow 5.23 „Lian Yu“, Malcolm/Moira am Rand, ist aber Hauptsächlich eine Malcom und seine Kinder (blutsverwandt und anderweitig)-Fic
Flash/Supergirl-Crossover, spielt während der Musical-Episode „Duet“, Karamel und Westallen
„Natürlicher Instinkt“:
Crossover, spielt während des „Invasion!“-Crossovers, Erwähnung von Barry/Oliver am Rande, ist aber eigentlich eine Omegas und Oliver-Fic
„Rogue Valentine“:
Flash/Legends-Fic, spielt von der 2. „Flash“-Staffel an bis zur 2. „Legends“-Staffel, Rogue-Fic mit Fokus auf Coldflash, etwas Atomwave und Coldwave, Erw. von anderen Pairings
“Crisis on Earth X“:
Crossover Fic, meine Version des gleichnamigen Crossovers, diverse Ships, Hauptships: Westallen, Westhallen, Thallen, Olicity, Agentcanary, Overarcher, LeoRay, Atomwave, Sanvers, Karamel, Verg. Caitlin/Julian, mehr AU da andere Entwicklungen und teilweise andere Charaktere
Geschichten von Erde-X (Kapitel 1-6):
Companion-Fic zu „Crisis on Earth-X“/One-Shot-Sammlung
Inhalt: Kapitel 1-6:
Erste Begegnung von Leo Snart und Hauptmann Edward Thawne auf Erde-X, Gen
Mon-El von Erde-X, Karamel und Overarcher
Die Geschichte der Familie Lance von Erde-X
Eddie Thawne von Erde-X
„Toymans Vermächtnis“.
Winn Schott von Erde-X
Leo nach Mickey Rorys Tod auf Erde-X
A/B/O-Oneshotsammlung (Kapitel 14-17):
Inhalt: Kapitel 14-20
Flash-Fic, spielt während 4.10 „Trial of the Flash“, Erwähnung von diversen Ships, dreht sich aber eigentlich um Barry
„Notwendige Pflicht?“:
Supergirl-Fic, spielt während der 1. Staffel nach Astras Tod, Non hat einen Vorschlag für Kara, Non/Kara-Fic, aber eigentlich sehr gegen dieses Pairing
„Ein gezielter Schlag“:
Flash-Fic, spielt vor und während der 1. Staffel, zur Folge 1.6. „The Flash is born“, Thallen und Westallen, geht um Barry und Tony Woodward
„Monster unter sich“:
Flash-Fic, spielt während der 4. Staffel Folge 4.10-4.12, Genfic über Barrys Zeit im Gefängnis mit etablierten Westallen
„Nennt uns Legenden V: Die Legende von Mallus:
Legends-Fic, Staffel 3, Episoden 3.9 „Beebo the God of War“ -3.18 „The Good, The Band and the Cudley“, diverese Pairings: Hauptpairings: Timecanary, Atomwave und Steelvixen, mit Avalance, Hellcanary und Constangary, mehr AU als die bisherigen Fics mit zusätzlichen Handlungssträngen und Erklärungen, sowie teils anderen Personal an Bord der „Waverider“
Geschichten von Erde-X (Kapitel 7-10):
Inhalt Kapitel 7-10:
„Wieder zu Hause“:
Coldray-Fic, Leos Rückkehr nach Erde-X
Dinah Lance von Erde-X vor und nach „Crisis on Earth-X“
„Alles wird wieder gut“:
Prometheus-X nach „Crisis on Earth-X“ auf Erde-1
Die Geschichte davon wie Ray Terrill auf Erde-X landete
Supergirl-Fic, Fortsetzung von „Kara Danver ist meine Lieblingsperson“ und „Crisis on Earth-X“, spielt während der 3. Staffel, diverse Ships, Hauptships: Karamel, Sanvers, mit Kara/Imra, Kara/Imra/Mon-El, GuardianCorp und Winniac-5, AU-Version der Staffel ab 3.16. „Of Two Minds“, mehr AU als bisherige Fics, da anderes Ende für die Staffel als im Canon
A/B/O-Oneshotsammlung (Kapitel 18-28):
Inhalte Kapitel 18-27:
„Der Prinz und der Bettler“:
Supergirl-Fic, spielt vor der Serie, während und nach der 2. Staffel und während der 3. Staffel, basiert auf der Folge 3x20 „The Dark Side of the Moon“, geht um Mon-Els und Alura, beinhaltet Karamel
„Hoch hinaus“:
Arrow-Fic, spielt um die Zeit von 6.09 herum, mit Spoilern bis dahin, Curtis-Fic, mit Curtis/Paul
„Nach dem Ende von allem“:
Supergirl-Fic, spielt während der erste Hälfte der 2. Staffel, Pre-Karamel, Mon-El frisch auf der Erde
„Nicht verdient:
Flash-Fic, spielt vor der Serie und während der 4. Staffel, Spoiler bis zur 4. Staffel Ralp/Barry mit Westallen
„Eine wirklich schlechte Idee“:
Flash-Fic, spielt während „Flashpoint“, Eobard/Barry mit Westallen und Westhallen
Arrow-Fic, spielt nach der Rückblickshandlung der 4. Staffel, Spoiler bis zur 5. Staffel, es geht um Olivers Umwandlung zum Alpha und die Rolle von Argus darin gespielt hat
Arrow-Fic, spielt während der 2. Staffel von „Arrow“, Sebastian Blood und seine AB-Bruderschaft des Blutes, Sebastian/Laurel, Sebastian/Oliver
„A Hole in this World“:
Arrow-Fic, spielt während der 4. Staffel von „Arrow“ nach Episode 4.18. „Eleven-Fifty Nine“, Quentin und Laurel, Quentin und Oliver und Oliver und Laurel
„Mehr sein“:
Arrow-Fic, spielt während hauptsächlich der 3. Staffel von „Arrow“, die Yamashiros und Oliver und ihre gemeinsame Tragödie
Arrow/Flash-Crossover-Fic, spielt Mitte der 6. Bzw. 4. Staffel, Olivarry-Fic mit Oliver/Quentin (beides platonisch), Oliver besucht Barry im Gefängnis und holt sich Rat bei diesem
„Die beste Version Seinerselbst“:
Arrow-Fic, spielt während der zweiten Hälfte der 6. Staffel, Fix-It für Season 6 mit Canonpairings und platonischen Oliver/Quentin
Arrow, Flash und Supegirl-Crossover-Fic, meine Version des gleichnamigen Crossovers, Westallen, Karamel und Clois, allerdings eher eine Olivarry-Fic mit Karry-BroTP und etwas Oliver/Kara
Legends of Tomorrow Shorts-Sammlung:
“Verschiedene Welten”:
Atomwave-Tag zu Legends Episode 4.9
“Buck und Garima”:
Mona-Mick-Fic. Mona findet heraus, wer Rebecca Silver ist.
“Zwei Alphas und ein Omega:”
Zwei Alphas und ein Omega die Zusammenleben und auf Lieb-Familie machen, das kann ja auf Dauer nicht gut gehen. Hawkatomcanary in den 1950ern.
“Das Leben der Legends:”:
Die Legends sind wieder alleine, aber niemals einsam. Nach Staffel 4-Fic.
The Flash Shorts-Sammlung:
Flash-Fic, Flash-Staffel 5, Elongflash, Ralph wusste gleich, dass es eine sclechte Idee war Barry Allen mit auf den Schwarzmarkt zu nehmen.
Road to Finale Crisis:
One-Shot-Sammlung, die zwischen den 2017/18 Seasons und „Finale Crisis“ spielt.
Inhalte Kapitel 1-12:
„Zwei Legenden, eine Burg, etwas Magie und eine Menge Verwirrung“:
Legends-Fic, Rip und Leonard retten die entführten Legends, verschiedenste Pairings, vor allem Atomwave, Leonard/Zari und Rip/Leonard, spielt 2019 nach der 4. Staffel von „Legends“
„Das Geständnis“:
Supergirl-Fic, Winniac-5 entsteht, spielt 2018 während der 4. Staffel von „Supergirl“
Flash-Fic, Eddie kehrt nach Hause zurück, Westhallen, spielt zu Weihnachten 2019 während der 6. Staffel von „The Flash“
„Das Leben auf der anderen Seite“:
Arrow-Fic, Prometheus-X will sich an Oliver rächen, spielt im Frühjahr 2019 während der 7. Staffel von „Arrow“
Legends-Fic, Atomwave, Ray und Mick beschließen Eltern zu werden und so kommt es auch, spielt 2022
Flash-Fic, wie Wally die Titans kennenlernte, spielt 2020, stellt meine Arrowverse-Version der Teen Titans vor
„Queen VS State Runde II“:
Arrow-Fic, meine Version des Beginns der 7. Staffel von Arrow, spielt also 2018, beinhaltet (zerfallenedes) Olicity
„Das Richtige tun:“
Legends-Fic, Vixensteel, Amaya und Nate beschließen unterzutauchen, spielt 2020
Supergirl-Fic, spielt 2020, Supergirl und Lena Luthor geraten über das Volk der Kandorianer in einen Konflikt
Supergirl-Fic, spielt 2021, Fortsetzung von „Kandor“, mit GuadianCorp, die Ereignisse um die Kandorianer spitzen sich zu, während sich Lena mit ihrem Bruder Lex verbündet
„Die Zukunft“:
Crossover-Fic mit Schwerpunkt auf „Arrow“, spielt 2023, Oliver und die anderen gründen die JLA
Supergirl-Fic, spielt 2018 zu Beginn der vierten Staffel von „Supergirl“, Pre-Winniac-5
„Gut und Böse“:
Legends-Fic, spielt 2018 zu Beginn der vierten Staffel von „Legends of Tomorrow“, Constangreen-Fic
„Der Feind, die Zeit“:
Legends-Fic, Constantine-Zentriert, spielt 2023 und 2018, John arbeitet mit zwei verschiedenen Versionen des Time Bureuas, stellt sich Mallus und muss eine Entscheidung treffen, Mit Constangreen und ein wenig Avalance
„Die Sünden der Väter“:
Flash-Fic, spielt 2018/19 während der fünften Staffel von „The Flash“, Caitlin findet ihren Vater, Nora hat Angst ihren Vater zu verlieren und Orlin hat seine Tochter bereits verloren. Impliziertes Westhallen
„Like Magic“:
Legends-Fic, spielt 2018/19 während der vierten Staffel von „Legends of Tomorrow“, dieses Gestaltenwandler-Ding begeistert keinen von ihnen zu Beginn besonders, was durchaus auf Gegenseitigkeit beruht, bis es sich ändert, mit Avalance, Hellcanary und etablierten Atomwave und Vixensteel
„Dark Knightress“:
Batwoman-Fic, spielt 2018, 2022, 2023 sowie davor und dazwischen, „Elseworlds“-Tie-In und die Geschichte von Kate Kane, Kate/Montoya
The Flash Shorts-Sammlung:
“Verlust und Hoffnung:
Flash-Fic, Flash-Staffel 5, Westallen, Barry und Iris nach dem Verlust von Nora.
Infnite Earths Oneshots und Shorts-Sammlung:
„Kain und Abel“:
Supergirl-Fic, Supergirl Staffel 5, J’onn-Fic mit Backround-Pairings, J’onns größtes Geheimnis ist auch seine größte Schande.
Batwoman-Fic, Batwoman Staffel 1, Kane-Schwestern-Fic mit Backround-Pairings, Wie sich herausstellte war Beth doch noch am Leben.
„Von Krise zu Krise“:
Supergirl-Fic, Supergirl Staffel 5, Gen-Fic mit Backround-Pairings, Zusammen sind wir stärker ist nicht nur das Motto des Hauses El, sondern auch das der Superfriends.
„Durch dunkle Nacht zum Happy End“:
Flash-Fic, Staffel 6, Westallen, Thallen, leichtes Ramsay/Barry, Ramsay Rosso war nicht die Sorte Alpha, die einfach aufgab.
Midseason 2019/20. A Crisis is coming. Sind wir bereit dafür?
„Der Hüter meines Bruders“:
Supergirl-Fic, 2023, Gen-Fic mit Backround Pairings, Malefic J’onzz war es offenbar nicht bestimmt ein ruhiges und glückliches Leben zu führen.
„Finale Crisis“:
Crossover-Fic, spielt hauptsächlich nach/während der Krise 2024, deckt aber auch die Zeit davor ab 2018 ab, chronologisch letzte Fic dieses Verse, setzt „Nennt uns Legenden V“ und „Capetricks“ fort, Spoiler zur 6. Staffel „Arrow“, 4. Staffel von „The Flash“ sowie den 3. Staffeln von „Supergirl“ und „Legends of Tomorrow“, diverse Ships, Hauptships: Lauriver, Timecanary, Vixensteel, Westhallen und Oliver/Black Siren mit etablierten Karamel, Sanvers und Atomwave, vergangenes Avalance, Rip/Leonard, Hellcanary und Olicitiy, außerdem etwas Coldflash, Eobard/Barry und Oliver/Kara, mehr AU als die bisherigen Fics, erklärt die Rückkehren von Laurel, Eddie, Leonard und Rip und deren Folgen
Beginnings and Endings:
Abschluss-Fic dieses Verses, Sammlung von acht Oneshots zu allen vier Serien.
Inhalte Kapitel 1-8:
I.                    „Beginnings Arrow“
Oliver Queen ist am Leben! Aber er ist nicht mehr der man, der er einst war. „Arrow“-Pilotfilm aus einem anderen Blickwinkel. Lauriver, Laurel/Tommy
II.                  „Beginnings: Supergirl“
Kara Danvers wirkt nur auf den ersten Blick wie der süße Omega von nebenan. In Wahrheit verbirgt sie ein großes Geheimnis. „Supergirl“-Pilotfolge neu erzählt. Kara/James, Winn/Kara
III.                „Beginnings: The Flash“
Barry Allen wird vom Blitz getroffen und fällt ins Koma. Neun Monte später wacht er wieder auf und stellt fest, dass er nicht derselbe Mann ist wie zuvor. „Flash“-Pilotfilm rekontextualisiert. Westallen, Thallen, Iris/Eddie
IV.                „Beginnings: Legends of Tomorrow“
Rip Hunter will Vandal Savage daran hindern die Erde zu erobern und seine Familie zu töten, doch um dieses Ziel zu erreichen rekrutiert ein Team voller ungewöhnlichen Individuen. Die erste Episode von „Legends“ rekontextualisiert. Atomwave, Hawkmates, Ray/Oliver/Felicity
I.                    “Endings: Arrow”
Gerade als Oliver und seine Familie und Freunde denken, dass sich ihr Leben zum Besseren wendet, schlägt Prometheus-X erneut zu. Dieser One-Shot spielt im Jahr 2025 und im Jahr 2026 und ist die chronologisch letzte „Arrow“-Fic in meinem Verse. Lauriver, Thea/Roy und andere Pairiings.
II.                  “Endings: Supergirl”
Nia unterbricht das Thanksgiving-Essen von Kara und ihrer Familie mit einer schlechten Nachricht: Granny Goodness und die Neuen Götter sind auf dem Weg zur Erde und wollen Kara. Dieser One-Shot spielt im Jahr 2026 und ist die chronologisch letzte „Supergirl“-Fic in meinem Verse. Karamel, Sanvers, Winniac-5 und GuardianCorps.
III.                “Endings: The Flash”
Trigon taucht in Central City auf und Barry muss seine Kräfte zurückerhalten um ihn aufzuhalten. Doch dabei verschlägt es ihn in eine andere Zeit, unterdessen ist Central City schutzlos und Team Flash muss sich wieder vereinen um ihre Heimat zu beschützen. Dieser One-Shot spielt in den Jahren 2027, 2028 und 2184 und ist die chronoligsch letzte „Flash“-Fic in meinem Verse. Westhallen, Avafrost und etwas Eobarry.
IV.                “Endings: Legends of Tomorrow”
Per Degaton nimmt seine finale Rache an den Legends, doch er hat nicht damit gerechnet, dass er sich nicht einfach mit einem Team anlegt, sondern mit einem Rudel, einer Familie. Spielt hauptsächlich 2028. Chronologisch letztes Kapitel in meinem Verse. Mit Atomwave, Captains3. Vixensteel und anderen Pairings.
„Stranded on Earth-X“:
AU-Ende zu meiner Version von „Crisis on Earth-X“. Oliver, Barry, Sara, Alex, Martin und Jax stranden auf Erde-X ohne jede Hoffnung um Heimkehr. Mit Agentcanary, Thallen, Coldray, Oliver/Sara. Dark Fic. Alle schlimmen Dinge, die passieren können, passieren hier auch.
The Flash Shorts-Sammlung:
“Keine Rettung”:
Was nach “Stranded on Earth-X” passiert ist. Thallen und vergangenes Coldray.
“Ein Schritt in Richtung Erlösung”:
Fortsetzung von “Keine Rettung”.  Thallen-Fic. Hoffnung erscheint manchmal in Formen, mit denen man so nicht gerechnet hätte.
Spin-Offs Außerhalb des Arrowverses:
The Walking Dead:
 Rick Grimes ist ein Omega, der als Rudelführer das Ende der Welt überlebt hat. Bis er auf den Alpha Negan und seine Erlöser trifft.
Teil 1: Nach dem Ende der Welt
  Teil 2: Nach dem Ende der Hoffnung
  Teil 3: Nach dem Ende des Krieges:
Companion-Piece: Nach dem Ende: Weihnachten
Prison Break A/B/O-AU-Reihe:
 Eine Reihe „Prison Break“-Fics mit keinerlei Bezug zum Arrowverse oder TWD, ist aber sozusagen ein Spin-Off meiner anderen Reihe(n), da das gleiche Setting verwendet wird. Michael/Alex, plus MiSa und anderen Side-Pairings. Der Inhalt spielt während der ersten vier Staffeln. Michael Scofield würde alles tun um seinen Bruder zu retten, sogar vorgeben jemand zu sein, der er nicht ist und niemals sein könnte.
 1.      The Things We Do For Love
2.      Von dysfunktionalen Familien und Fragen der Liebe
 Companion Piece: Point of View
Von gebrochenen Flügeln und geheilten Herzen
 Keinerlei Bezug zu den anderen Reihen, spielt aber im selben Multiversum. Kagehina, Oikawa/Iwa, Kenma/Kuroo , Bokuto/Akaashi, Takeda/Ukai, , außerdem Asahi/Noya, Eigentlich wollten sie nur Volleyball spielen. Doch wenn dein gesamtes Leben von deinem sekundären Geschlecht bestimmt wird, dann ist das leichter gesagt als getan. Fokus auf Karasuno, Nekoma, Fukurodani und Shiratorizawa mit etwas Datekou mit dabei.
House of the Dragon-A/B/O-Fic:
Der Untergang des Hauses der Drachen
 Spielt im selben Multiversum wie meine anderen A/B/O-Fic aber auf einer anderen Erde.
Spoiler für „Fire and Blood“ bzw. die Staffel 2 von „House of the Dragon“, Gewalt und Sex, alle schlimmen Dinge, die im Canon passieren auch hier,
prinzipiell Canon-Pairings sowie ein paar andere: besonders wichtig sind Daemon/Rhaenyra, Daemon/Laena, Daemon/Laenor, Rhaenyra/Harwin/Laenor.
Eine Frau mag niemals zuvor den Eisernen Thron bestiegen haben, doch ein Omega kann ihn niemals in Besitz nehmen…
Das Untergang des Hauses der Drachen II: Brennender Absturz
Mit neuen Pairings: Aegon/Jace, Jace/Baela, Jace/Baela/Aegon, Aegon/Helaena, Aemond/Helaena
Ein Geheimnis über Laenor ist ans Tageslicht gekommen und droht die gesammte königliche Familie mit in den Abgrund zu reißen. Doch das Geheimnis ist nicht das Problem, sondern die Reaktionen der Leute auf dieses ist es und bereitet den Weg für den Untergang einer ganzen Dynastie…
Der Untergang des Hauses der Drachen III: Der Tanz der Drachen
Mit neuen Pairings: Daeron/Addam, Aemond/Alys
Nach einem schmerzhaften Verlust will Rhaenyra Targaryen die wahre Thronerbin ihren Anspruch mit Feuer und Blut verteidigen. Doch sie ist nicht der einzige Omega, den der Tanz der Drachen dazu bringt soweit zu gehen wie es notwendig sein sollte.
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afaims100arrowversefavs · 3 years ago
250 Favorite Arrowverse-Episodes: Part 7: 100-76
Picked from Arrow, Supergirl, Black Lighting, The Flash E1.1-8.5, Legends of Tomorrow E1.1-7.7, Batwoman S1 and Superman & Lois S1. Shows and Seasons that are not in here were either never seen by me or are not considered part of the Arrowverse but rather the DC-TV-Multiverse.
 100. Cause and XS (The Flash 5x14)
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106, Written By: Todd Helbing, Jeff Hersh, Directed By: Rachel Talalay
Nora is stuck in a time-loop with a member of Team Flash dying each time.
 99.  Cause and Effect (The Flash 3x21)
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67, Written by: Judalina Neira, Lauren Certo, Directed by: David McWhirter
 Barry looses his memories in this one.
 98.  Armageddon Part 4 (The Flash 8x4)
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155, Written by: Lauren Barnett, Directed by: Chad Lowe
 In the Future Eobard is the Flash and about to marry Iris. .. What?!
 97.  Ground Control to Sara Lance (Legends of Tomorrow 6x1)
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83, Written by: James Eagan, Mark Bruner, Directed by: Kevin Mock
 Sara is abducted by Aliens.
 96.  Emerald Archer (Arrow 7x12)
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150, Written by: Marc Guggenheim und Emilio Ortega Aldrich, Directed by: Glen Winter
 „Arrow“ meets „Cops“.
 95.  The Quest for Peace (Supergirl 4x22)
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87, Written by: Robert Rovner, Jessica Queller, Rob Wright, Derek Simon, Directed by: Jesse Warn
 Kara fights Red Daughter and Lex Luthor.
 94.  Seance and Sensibility (Legends of Tomorrow 4x11)
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62, Written by: Grainne Godfree, Jackie Canino, Directed by: Alexandra La Roche
 Jane Austen, a Hindu God and a lot of sex and romance are in this one.
 93.  Lost Souls (Arrow 4x6)
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75, Written by: Beth Schwartz, Emilio Ortega Aldrich, Directed by: Antonio Negret
 Team Arrow rescues Ray.
 92.  The Runaway Dinsoaur (The Flash 2x21)
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44, Written by: Zack Stentz, Directed by: Kevin Smith
 Barry gets Speed Force Theraphy.
 91.  Goldfaced (The Flash 5x13)
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105, Written by: Jonathan Butler, Gabriel Garza, Directed by: Alexandra LaRoche
 Barry and Ralph search for the Black Market. Oh no.
 90.  Canary Cry (Arrow 4x19)
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88, Written by:Wendy Mercile, Beth Schwartz, Directed by: Laura Belsey
 There is an imposter Canary about and Laurel is dead.
 89.  The Book of Resistance: Chapter Four: Earth Crisis (Black Lightning 3x9)
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38, Written by: Lamont Magee, Directed by: Tasha Smith
The Tie-In Episode to „Crisis on Infinite Earths“.
 88.  This is Gus (Legends of Tomorrow 6x9)
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91, Written by: Tyron B. Carter, Directed by: Eric Dean Seaton
 Behrads’s Favorite TV-Show is ruined by an Alien Baby on his birthday.
 87.  Holding the Wrench (Superman & Lois 1x8)
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8, Written by: Kristi Korzec, Directed by: Norma Bailey
 Jonathan gets into trouble, Lois flips and guilts and Rosetti turns on Superman.
 86.  O Brother, where art though (Supergirl 4x15)
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80, Written by: Derek Simon, Nicki Holcomb, Directed by: Tawina McKiernan
 Hello, Lex.
 85.  The House of L (Supergirl 4x16)
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81, Written by: Dana Horgan, Eric Carrasco, Directed by: Carl Seaton
 How Lex met Red Daughter.
 84.  Luck Be a Lady (The Flash 4x3)
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72, Written By: Sam Chalsen und Judalina Neira, Directed By: Armen V. Kervokian
 Hazard makes people unlucky.
 83.  Canaries (Arrow 3x13)
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59, Written by: Jake Coburn, Emilio Aldrich, Directed by: Michael Schultz
 Laurel gets hit by Vertigo and Thea’s new beau is not what he seems.
 82.  Prom Night!/ Prom Again (Supergirl 6x5/6x6)
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111/112, Written by: Rob Wright, Jess Kardos, Directed by: Alexandra LaRoche; Chyler Leigh
 Brainy and Nia visit Teenage Kara and Young Alex.
 81.  License to Elongate (The Flash 6x6)
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120, Written By: Thomas Pound, Jeff Hersh, Directed By: Danielle Panabaker
 His name is Dibny, Ralph Dibny.
 80.  What’s Past is Prologue (The Flash 5x8)
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100, Written By: Todd Helbing und Lauren Certo, Directed By: Tom Cavanagh
 Barry and Nora visit Barry’s Greates Hits.
 79.  Stronger Together (Supergirl 1x2)
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2, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Ali Adler, Directed by: Glen Winter
 Supergirl hast o prove herself to the world and discovers a family secret.
 78.  Left Behind (Arrow 3x10)
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56, Written by: Marc Guggenheim, Eric Oleson, Directed by: Glen Winter
 Team Arrow thinks that Oliver is dead.
 77. Legion of Super Heroes (Supergirl 3x10)
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52, Written by: Derek Simon, Eric Carrasco, Directed by: Jesse Warn
 Look, it’s Brainy!
 76.  Mr. Parker’s Cul-De-Sac (Legends of Tomorrow 5x6)
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74, Written by: Keto Shimizu, James Eagan, Directed by: Ben Bray
 Damien is back and gets family theraphy.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 8 months ago
Honey and sex
Honey and sex https://ift.tt/hZ1fQ8K by GerardDunbar Hot and romantic situations (Open request just M/M) Words: 0, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: X-Men (Movieverse), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Power Rangers, High School Musical (Movies), Teen Beach Movie (Movies), Z-O-M-B-I-E-S (Disney Movies), Descendants (Disney Movies), Teen Wolf (TV), The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Originals (TV), Arrowverse - Fandom, Chucky (TV 2021), Supernatural (TV 2005), Young Justice (Cartoon), Shadowhunters (TV), Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse), Final Destination (Movies), Jeepers Creepers (Movies), Riverdale (TV 2017), Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (TV 2018), Percy Jackson & The Olympians (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Barry Allen/Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Jeremy Gilbert/Kol Mikaelson, Logan/Scott Summers, Roberto da Costa/Sam Guthrie, Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Jack Kline/Adam Milligan, William Birkin/Albert Wesker, Piers Nivans/Chris Redfield, Leon S. Kennedy/Jack Krauser, Quentin Beck/Peter Parker, Ben Reilly/Flash Thompson, Sam Alexander/Peter Parker Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Porn with Feelings, Romance, Soft Porn via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/KEB0Gn7 May 18, 2024 at 12:43AM
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lands-of-fantasy · 6 years ago
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Arrowverse’s Elseworlds
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