#dr. bleak
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omilkandhoneyteao · 5 months
Y’all I’m a fucking liar 🤩
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(Teekl obviously took the photo)
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littlegirlsblog1 · 3 months
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? ))
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happyheidi · 9 months
I'm turning 29 this year and regret not being where my parents were at my age. They weren't rich or well off at all, but they were married and had me and their own place. I don't think I'll ever have a relationship that doesn't end with being cheated on, or my own place, let alone the stability to have a BABY. I see my high school friends on facebook having babies and travelling and getting great careers and feel like I missed all my chances already. I'm almost 30 but I'm still doing the same shit I did 15 years ago. The only difference is now I'm hyperaware that life is fleeting. I don't know if I have a question to wrap this up, I just needed to tell someone that and I saw it was therapy hour so I might as well tell you.
Ok this is every girls way of thinking when they reach that 30’s spot. I did it. You did it. They did it. Its programmed in us PLUS we have our biological clock ticking away as well. If I were where my parents were at my age I would have a kid and a math degree. It’s a totally different time so we can’t see ourselves in that light. I’m a victim of it too. I’ve thought of taking out a loan so I can freeze my eggs but it costs like 90k for 3 eggs so yeah but I digress. I turned 33 this December and yes it sound cliche but I don’t feel a day over what.. 24? I’m stunted. So I’m not the person to answer this as I’m kinda in the same boat.
What can we do? Think about how it should be… “how far we should be" by now? Doing so doesn’t change anything other than our moods. I’m actually getting kinda queasy as I’m writing this cus it’s this weird innate feeling that I have no idea how I turn of..
But remember that not all that glitters is gold. And it’s not always greener on the other side. But let’s try to break the fence anyway.
but hey let’s use lots of money on skincare and makeup in the meantime so we help capitalism and ruin ourselves slowly 🎉 (oopsies..)
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not-poignant · 7 months
Sorry if you’ve already been asked this, but when did you know you wanted to tell Efnisien’s story through FFS? What motivated you to show his redemption journey?
Hi hi anon!
Honestly I started thinking about it during the chapter where Efnisien gives the USB to Augus, and Gwyn tries to kill him, and he's just laughing-crying, while knowing that he's going to be murdered in cold-blood by Crielle as a result.
And then I just...spent about 8 months trying not to think about it, because I was certain everyone would hate the story. And then one day I started making a playlist, and then started thinking about it a bit more seriously, and decided 'fuck it' because the idea of Efnisien living a barren, empty life in Hillview, dependent on Gwyn, after his sacrifice, just didn't sit well with me.
I funnily enough did not start out planning on writing a redemption narrative. I knew none of his victims would forgive him for his actions, and that his therapist would never be like 'there there it's okay' about it. For a while I even wondered if Falling Falling Stars would have a bleak, semi-hopeful ending. Just like, 'well it's better than it was but it's still terrible.'
But Dr Gary's a really good therapist so, we ended up on a different track. :D
But yeah no, I wasn't motivated to write a redemption journey, honestly. I was just motivated to write Efnisien's story after Spoils, and then it became what it became. But initially, in those early chapters, it could have become a lot of different things, because I had no real conception of it except that I didn't want to write a redepemption narrative, heh.
Now I don't care that this is what it kind of became, but I do like that it's complex enough that if anyone said 'no way I'm not reading that, he's an abusive asshole' even Efnisien would calmly agree with them and respect their right to feel that way.
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whinlatter · 9 months
Helllloooo! Happy New Year!!!
I just wanted to say that i cant wait for a new chapter in the most possibly less urgent way 😭 Dont listen to me just take your timeee (but cant wait hahhaha)
tfw you promise the next chapter will be up by january and it is in fact now january
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seven-soldiers · 1 year
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eclair-creampuff · 1 year
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Florence and Maurice belong to @spookigoobi
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b-blushes · 20 days
So bonkers how my general ability to do tasks has changed since new playlist and tv show. No longer pulled into spending one million hours stuck on The Apps either, I’m doing things. The power of feeling happy and excited…….
​silly. but I’ll take it!!!!!!!!!!
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denbo66 · 5 months
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Happy 60th Birthday to BBC 2 or BBC TWO. Whichever.
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omilkandhoneyteao · 1 year
“Don’t worry the kids are all fine and settled :))”
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littlegirlsblog1 · 10 months
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Sometimes I realize there’re other characters besides my fav Klarion in DC comics 🔮 magic family
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angst-and-fajitas · 7 months
I'll briefly make this clear. Everything I've seen is quite damning, and from now on there will no support for Wilbur and no art of him either on this blog. I have not drawn him in ages, but I will not reblog any art of him or his characters either, including SBI stuff.
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Batch Update:
Dr. Victoria October, Bruce's old school friend and first love, now head scientist of [redacted]
Golgotha, leader of the Church of Spears, enemy to the Arrow Clan, and the First Outsider
Kamandi, the Hero of the Cosmic Dark Age
and Klarion; just a little guy
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I don’t think The Curse of Peladon or The Mutants are the most fantastic Doctor Who episodes ever, but the ambience?? The atmosphere??? The set design and location filming???? Unmatched
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silverior968 · 9 months
You know what's half upsetting half pretty funny? There's this song I absolutely love and I've always wanted to put it in a character playlist, but it is just so bleak that I've never been able to justify putting it in a character playlist. Keep in mind I have a playlist for Anton Shudder, the guy who is so depressed he can turn it into a literal physical weapon. He's like the king of bleakness but the song was just too bleak. Well, I've finally found a character whose playlist I can put that song into -- and it's a fucking TFP character. I checked the song, counted all the lines in it (44) and all the lines out of those that don't fit him (9). As a percentage that means that 80% of the lyrics of one of the bleakest songs I know fit a guy from a show I watched when I was 11. Life is absurd.
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