#dr schneeplestein x y/n
yuckie-obsessive · 1 year
Idea yandere septiceyes x dead Reader and all of them work together to bring back reader from the after life. And reader tries to escape all the septiceyes and all of them working together to get reader back "home"
I’ve never really considered any of the other egos other than Chase and Anti. I guess I can make some HC lists for this.
Guys, I totally went overboard on this so I really hope you enjoy xD
Note: I’m only gonna cover Anti, Chase, Henrik, Jackieboy, JJ and Marvin, respectively. The latter four being a tentative take on the yandere side of these characters. I don’t know much about their fleshed out personalities or what is widely accepted in the community. So… please be kind 😅
Back From The Dead
Gonna clean the set up a little: the egos are trying their best to bring back dead!reader, with or without help. When reader is brought back, they understandably cannot comprehend their situation. They are scared out of their mind at the reality of being revived. Each ego reacts in their own way and pursue reader to bring them “home”.
- cause of death is up to your imagination
Tw: death (obviously), obsessive/possessive behavior (yandere), implied nudity, blood, use of restraints, abuse mention, kidnapping, gaslighting, stalking, drugging, alcoholism, non-consensual medical procedure, mind control, physical possession (body control), isolation, mental breakdown, anxiety
Jacksepticeye Egos x Reader (gender neutral)
Okay let’s get into it.
Words: 4,928
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Anti: possessive yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
He met you through Chase, and though he was initially annoyed with yet another person to keep track of, a devilish plan formed in his mind.
A being as soft as you, so incredibly soft, would be easy to manipulate to his own wishes.
Don’t expect to have privacy ever around him after this.
Especially online.
He has immense control over all things electric, of course, and will use that to know what your habits are.
Even peeping through your phone’s camera and mic to monitor you.
He wouldn’t really call this being obsessive until he got in far too deep.
He isolates you and eventually lures you into a home he had “renovated” for his needs.
Then begins the long process of reprogramming your mind.
Though, he starts growing soft.
You are kind, no one had ever really been this kind to him before.
He doesn’t allow you to talk to the other egos anymore.
He’s not sharing you with anyone.
Hating when people mess with what’s his.
And you’ve become his most prized treasure.
All your attention belongs to him.
What happens when you die:
You can’t be gone.
You shouldn’t have had the opportunity to encounter anything dangerous under his watchful eye.
This shouldn’t have happened.
His emotions are manic and volatile at any provocation.
Exploding and lashing out at anyone and everything that slightly inconveniences him.
You are the only thing that kept him calm.
And he’d do almost anything to bring you back.
Would he reach out for help?:
Absolutely tf not.
He doesn’t want to be seen as weak.
Reaching out to any other ego would be a huge hit to his own supersized pride.
You were already removed from them and he would never put you in a position to be taken away.
They would just fuck it all up anyway.
He wants to bring you back and prove to himself that he can overpower death itself.
How he would bring you back:
His range of control is vast within the online sphere.
He will quickly scan through billions of lines of text and code to search for answers.
Anti is precise in executing this plan to bring you back.
Using knowledge of human anatomy and various texts about the human consciousness, he would use a mix of both science and magic.
He is basically a demon after all.
He uses dark forces to pull you back to reality.
Wherever you ended up, he forcefully pulls you back into the waking world.
And he will ensure everything falls into place perfectly.
Reactions after he brings you back:
Your eyes flutter open and his pride is reinforced.
He can do anything, even bringing the dead back to life.
Then the rush of relief hits.
You were back with him.
He envelopes you in a tight embrace.
Possessively so.
This wasn’t going to happen again, he would make sure of it.
You’re frightened, naturally.
It’s an expected human response.
He wouldn’t be surprised.
But he’s still a little hurt when you wrestle yourself out of his hold and bolt for the door.
How do you escape?:
Oh, darling… you won’t.
This house you resided in had every inch connected to a mainframe.
He could detect every movement, controlling every working aspect from a single point.
So when you grab the handle to the front door, you shouldn’t be shocked to find it locked.
You also shouldn’t be surprised to find every exit suddenly blocked by shutters.
How he reacts to your escape:
He knows this is a terrifying process.
You just died and were revived. You must still remember the pain.
But he put in all that work and wasn’t going to let you go so easily.
No no no, he wouldn’t allow it.
Fight and reject him?
He’ll just laugh in your face.
Never admitting that it hurt him.
Everyone made his life so goddamn difficult.
He gave you affection, resurrected you and THIS is how you thank him?
Now he keeps you locked in your room 24/7.
Strapping you down to your bed, you have as much time as you need to reflect and accept how kind he’s been.
He provides you with everything you need to barely survive, of course
And watches you break down enough in order to return you to the normal life you shared.
By force.
“Do you think I want to do this? I’m NOT letting you get hurt again! You understand don’t you? I’m keeping you safe from yourself.”
Accept him?
He’ll hold you and calm you down with back rubs and sweet words of reassurance.
Treating you to all of your favorite things.
You might be treated like a porcelain doll from now on, but he does so lovingly.
The thought of going out was a long forgotten dream.
At least not without him practically glued to your side.
His form distorts and his expression shifts wildly at the idea of letting you out to get hurt again.
Though he hides it from you as best he can.
He just can’t stand the thought of letting you put yourself in ANY situation where you could get hurt.
So he’s all too happy to keep you at his side permanently.
His sweet, sweet (y/n).
You’ve already shared so much together after all.
He knows you better than you know yourself.
“I’m so glad we can be together forever. I’ll keep a better eye on you from now on, I promise… You’re my everything~”
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Chase Brody: protective yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
after his family had… disappeared, you became his new family.
He relied on you.
You distracted him from everything else.
You listened and were there when he would break down.
You were comforting.
You knew how to handle his depressive episodes.
He decided he wouldn’t lose you like he lost everyone else.
Understand, he has to study anyone that comes into your life.
To keep you safe.
People can take you away.
They could hurt you.
It’s why he kept you distant from the other egos.
Knowing all too well the dangers of a few notable figures…
So he asked you to move in with him- as a roommate.
He needed your stability.
You even helped him out of his alcoholism when you moved in.
He could finally see the silver lining.
What happens when you die:
Panic and denial.
Not again not again not again.
You were his everything!
He NEEDED you!
How was he going to survive when everyone in his life died before him?
He’s willing to do anything to bring you back.
Would he reach out for help?: 
Though a little hesitant, he reaches out to Marvin first as he was seen as the most trustworthy.
Marvin suggests getting Henrik involved.
He’s nervous to ask Henrik. He’s eccentric at the best of times.
But they get him involved and start a plan to bring you back.
How he would bring you back:
They use both Marvin’s magical abilities and Henrik’s extensive medical knowledge.
Reviving your body and calling your consciousness back to the living world.
Reactions after they bring you back:
Literally crying from happiness and relief.
It didn’t seem possible.
He always held out hope though.
Your confused and frightened and at first Chase didn’t understand why.
Henrik explains how you probably remember the pain of dying.
Marvin counters that you could’ve had a metaphysical experience and you weren’t ready to return.
Regardless, you run as a result of your frightened state.
How do you escape?:
Simply running.
None of them were expecting this outcome, leaving them unprepared.
You could get hurt again!
Chase can’t go through another instance of this- it might actually break him fully he lets that happen.
How he reacts to your escape:
He’s frantic and enlists the help of the other two egos to track you down and bring you back to safety.
Reject and fight him?
He’s devastated.
His closest friend, his family, no longer wants anything to do with him?
Wait, he can change your mind!
So he stalks you.
You can’t get anywhere without him knowing.
He sends care packages of your favorite things.
Writes letters about how much he misses you and how he wants to talk.
Apologize for whatever he did wrong.
Not admitting that he started drinking again.
He moves to whatever city you relocated to.
Asks you questions about your new life.
Eventually he thinks you prefer things this way.
Okay, he can keep his distance.
But he’s never going to fully leave you.
Until you let your guard down enough for him to take you back home.
“You know I’ll always be lookin’ out for ya. Though, it’s starting to get hard to protect you when you keep running around so much… (Y/n), can we go home now?”
If you come willingly?
Chase is still an anxious wreck, but your presence is reliably calming.
He sticks close to your side for months until he’s able to even remotely relax.
Don’t think you’ll be able to return to an independent life.
He needs to know everything you’re doing at all times.
You can hardly do anything without him over your shoulder.
He would rather spend the rest of his days glued to you rather than risk you being hurt again.
“Babe, I-I know I haven’t been the greatest person to be around. Actually I’m straight up terrible- especially for letting this happen. You’ll forgive me wont you? Please! You’re all I have left… and you know I’m always here for you right?”
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Henrik Schneeplestien: controlling yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
Initially a doctor/patient relationship.
Purely professional.
He gets to see you regularly.
From simple colds to mental struggles.
He wouldn’t say this to a patient, but you were the saddest little thing he’s seen in ages.
Regularly wondering how you’re clumsily drifting through life.
How were you still alive with all this misfortune?
It was amusing at first.
Then a bubbling worry began to grow.
You were always kindhearted, treating staff with high respect. 
Including himself.
If not a bit quiet and shy.
Looking at your hands anxiously or really anywhere else when discussing your issues.
God, you really were just an absolute wreck.
Was no one looking after you?
Surely someone had to be.
The tipping point was seeing you covered with various bruises during a physical.
It reminded him of the abuse victims he would occasionally encounter.
You waved them all off as not being the most coordinated at work or at home.
Making him felt anxious…
Something worse could happen.
He had to take action before you got even more hurt.
Henrik wasn’t above slowing drugging you into slowly depending on him.
So your visits became more frequent
Until you broke down in his office from the stress of this “new ailment”
You could hardly work your job and these constant visits were draining your wallet.
He was reassuring and comforting.
Everything will be much better from now on, he promised that.
Then preparing another injection of medication “to ease the pain and stress”.
It was too easy.
You fell unconscious.
As it was an impromptu visit after hours, no one was around to see him carry you off in his car.
Stealing you away from everyone else.
What happens when you die:
He knew someday something like this might happen.
So he already has a plan to bring you back.
He’s thought of this in advance after all.
He had a solution for every medical possibility.
You were the most important thing to him, so he needed some way to revive you should an accident like this occur.
Would he reach out for help?: 
Everything is under control and an emotional ego would only get in the way.
They never met you anyway.
You essentially didn’t exist to the outside world so letting others know where you are would only bring more trouble.
How he would bring you back:
He is a medical expert.
Multiple times he has mapped your brain and nervous system.
Without your knowledge…
An invasive surgery and a large cocktail of drugs made in-house would reawaken your system.
Much time passed with this procedure.
But sure enough, you’re body awoke with a gasp and heavy coughing.
Like being born anew.
Reactions after he brings you back:
He had conditioned you at this point to feel comfort with his presence.
And is expecting you to be delighted with his god-like abilities.
But this situation was one never experienced for you.
It frightened you to your core.
Enough for you to blindly rush forward, trying to run away from the awful pain.
How do you escape?:
You run out of his makeshift operating room and out into the open.
Ripping open all the stitching from your life-giving operation.
You obviously didn’t make it far.
Warm blood rushing down your limbs.
Once the pain set in, you drop and nearly fainted from seeing so much red.
How he reacts to your escape:
Genuinely surprised to see you run off like that.
Concerned something could go wrong as you left his sight.
You needed rest.
You needed to heal.
Now you were exposing your injured self to the rot of the world.
When he finds you, he’s distraught but moves with purpose.
Coming to rescue his favorite patient.
Fight him?
He has a sedative ready.
Then carries your unconscious body back inside.
Oh how he wishes you didn’t fight.
Those legs would be a problem in the future…
Another surgery.
That pesky little problem is taken care of.
Now you wouldn’t run away.
Another surgery would fix that inner voice telling you to run.
Maybe remove some of those problematic memories too.
Working you back to that precious little darling he sculpted you into.
“Libeling, I do this out of love you see. Can you imagine what else could happen if I wasn’t here to save you?”
Accept his help?
He is more than forgiving.
Of course your emotions had overtaken logic.
The human condition is hard to predict, but he is patient with you.
He gently carries you back inside to tend to your wounds.
He is careful and every movement executed with precision.
Your gentle soul settled in an even more delicate body.
He worships your form.
While you heal, you are forbidden from moving until the stitches can be removed.
Maybe even longer…
He acts as your hands from now on.
He’s already seen everything so there was nothing to be bashful about.
He washes your body.
Cleans your teeth.
Hand feeds you.
Dresses you everyday.
You may not have independence, but he would give you anything you wanted.
As long as it had nothing to do with the outside world.
And you never had to leave his sight.
“Shatz, DON’T- please don’t get up. Let me get that for you. You could get hurt again! I’m your doctor (y/n), and I know what’s best for you.”
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Jackieboy Man: paranoid yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
Casually sees you in a specific part of town on this routine checks around town.
For some reason he felt a pull to you.
Making a small habit of observing you from different vantage points.
Small turned into regular occurrences.
He found where you lived.
Turning into a full blown obsession.
Needing to know everything you liked, what you did, where you worked.
He slipped up on his responsibilities to the common people.
But you became far more important in his eyes.
He enjoyed sneaking into your home undetected.
Watching you sleep…
You had never been this safe in your life.
Until you fell under his constant watch.
He introduced himself by “random chance”.
You knew of this hometown hero and were naturally excited.
It became common to “run into” him from this point.
Well, you might as well get to know each other over coffee in the mornings,
And lunches,
And dinners.
After a time, you invited him into your home.
Seems he was already comfortable, but you simply waved it off as his nonchalant attitude and usually chipper disposition.
He showed you his face.
An intense display of trust.
You were his after this.
He was paranoid someone would catch on to your relationship.
So he whisked you away to an undisclosed location.
To protect you.
His job brought too much danger to your life.
Now all those bad people can’t possibly hurt you anymore.
What happens when you die:
He wasn’t protective enough.
This was his fault.
He owed it to you to bring you back.
You didn’t deserve this.
You are the most precious thing in his world.
Would he reach out for help?:
As long as he trusted them enough.
Which is an extremely short list.
Marvin would team up with him on occasion so he sought his help and expertise.
How he would bring you back:
Closely supervising Marvin as he conducts his rituals.
Being caught breathing down his neck and rightfully walked back to let him work.
Jackie is just nervous to whether this will even work.
Or that he might worsen the situation more than it is now.
That changes when Marvin succeeds.
Reactions after he brings you back:
Jackie can’t believe his eyes at first.
But there you were.
Bright eyed and alive.
But… something’s wrong.
Your breathing is fast and you look panicked.
Wait- why are you running?
You can’t leave!
Not now!
Not when he just got you back!
How do you escape?:
Trying to flee into the isolated landscape.
You end up lost and more disoriented than when you woke up.
Having a panic attack when you finally tire out.
How he reacts to your escape:
Using any ability to track you down.
Nothing would stop him from finding you.
And eventually.
He does.
Seeing you distraught causes him to quickly take you into his arms.
Resist him?
Now he’s hurt.
Why did you have this sudden change of heart?
What did Marvin do to you?
He has to practically drag you back to the base.
You weren’t in your right mind.
Even if he has to restrain you, he’s going to break you out of whatever mind control you had to be under.
He excommunicates Marvin and everyone else.
“Don’t be upset! The bad man is gone now-“
Moving you to another country.
Deeply isolating the both of you.
He just can’t find the missing piece to bring you back to him.
But he’d never give up on you.
Everyday he loves you, you know he does.
And he knows somewhere deep inside, you love him back.
One day these effects will wear off and you two will be happily back in each others arms.
He just has to wait.
“Baby I know you’re in there somewhere. I’m nothing if I can’t be your hero… I will wait until the end of time for you to come back to me. I love you (y/n).”
Return to him?
He’s relieved, but nervous why you panicked in the first place.
Maybe you shouldn’t interact with anyone else from now on.
24/7 you have his attention.
On the occasion he needs more supplies, he lovingly locks you in the safest room in your home.
Where nothing can bring you harm.
Don’t worry, he always returns in quick fashion.
Knowing you shouldn’t be left alone for too long.
He’s had to essentially safety proof the entire base.
You will never again encounter anything sharp.
That means all meals are prepared by him.
Everything you do is closely monitored.
You won’t even toss in your sleep without him knowing.
Should you stray into potentially dangerous behavior?
He will make sure to correct and lead you away from it.
Sometimes a little too harshly.
He makes up for it with constant (maybe slightly overbearing) affection.
He loves to love, and will overcorrect if he thinks something he does is lacking.
But all in all he wants is you to be safe, happy and healthy.
“I’m here for you always. Don’t you ever worry about a thing. Ol’ Jackieboy is gonna keep you real safe. There’s nothing to fear when your hero is here.”
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Jameson Jackson: controlling yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
A random encounter that turned into regular meetings in a public space.
He was intriguing and you drew his attention.
No one ever wanted to sit with him and take the time to have a proper conversation.
He was mute after all.
But you still wanted to develop a friendship.
He started teaching you sign language.
Wonderful memories were made.
He could listen to your voice for hours.
Your laugh sent him over the edge.
You were the one.
Maybe he could rearrange a few things to get a little closer with you.
Perhaps, you encounter a few unruly individuals to seek his help and comfort.
And maybe your friends and family start avoiding you, for reasons unknown to you.
He pulled some strings to get you fired from your job.
You came crying into his arms, scared you would lose your home.
Over all stressed out of your poor little mind.
He would pick up the pieces for you.
He lets you move in to balance out the lack of income.
He likes the control he has over your life.
And in his home he has the most control.
You were caught in a web he had no intention of letting you escape from.
Everything from how you spoke to him, to how you carried yourself were molded into his ideal version of you.
He saw your true self and was helping you achieve personal perfection.
What happens when you die:
Panic and denial.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
He didn’t understand how this could’ve happened.
Nothing fell out of place.
He quickly shook himself out the shocked trance and moved towards a solution.
Would he reach out for help?: 
Only as a last resort.
He’s grown clingy and the others always found him unnerving.
Not to the point of excommunication.
But enough to keep distance.
Eventually though, after many failed attempts, he reaches out to Henrik.
How he would bring you back:
The doctor make quick work in restoring your body.
Excited to practice a new experiment he had in progress
With success you wake.
Reactions after he brings you back:
If he could shout for joy he would.
All he can do is pull you into a tight hug.
Quickly shooing Henrik away, he gets ready to resume his perfect life with you.
How do you escape?:
Dashing out a window while JJ was busy dealing with Henrik.
Of course he immediately knows something went wrong when he returned
Not hearing the slightest movement from the room you were left in.
How he reacts to your escape: 
More panic-
Even more exhausting than the first time.
He just wanted things to go back to normal.
You hadn’t even made it off the property before a cascade of wires and strings halted your escape.
You couldn’t move but you could hear him approaching fast.
Struggle and fight?
He’s disappointed.
He though he taught you better.
Were you faking your affection?
This thought made him more upset.
He needed to make you see things from his perspective.
With his talent of strings he can take control of your body.
Puppeting your limbs to walk,
Conduct daily tasks,
Holding you back from fighting his affection.
You love him.
And he will show you the best way how.
(In sign) “There now (y/n), you see? You are much more suited for this kind of life. Don’t give me that look. I know what’s best and I’m going to make you perfect.”
Relax and let him take you back?
You must’ve simply misunderstood when you woke.
He still doesn’t want you running away again.
Attaching light, nearly invisible wires to your body in order to detect your movements.
So light you wouldn’t feel a thing.
He gently sways and builds you back to living in his perfect life.
Of course, he was going to be more careful.
More aware.
Sectioning off several rooms that hold objects of possible danger.
You never entered the kitchen again.
But that’s fine.
Everything is under control.
His control.
Letting you have enough distractions to miss the intricate processes behind the curtain.
(In sign) “Too many dangerous things out there for you to be toying with. How delicate and sweet you are… life is better when you can stay by my side isn't it?”
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Marvin the Magnificent: clingy yandere
How he feels about (y/n):
Love at first sight.
He could feel that you two were meant to be together.
It was practically written in the stars.
He grabs your attention with flashy parlor tricks.
No need to worry about any other pests.
They were all such a bad influence.
And he couldn't stand when you gave your attention to anyone else.
He lured you in with wonder.
Finally showing you some true magic once he has you all to himself.
Sure you didn’t know where you were after that last flash.
You actually didn’t mind.
The sweet incense lacing the air was incredibly relaxing.
He showed you images beyond your wildest fantasies.
And beamed when your eyes sparkled with delight.
A captive audience.
Illusions that weaved into your subconscious.
Whispering to your mind that you were exactly where you needed to be.
That your destiny was with him.
What happens when you die:
Intense panic.
Though he is quick to start looking for a solution.
He frantically flips through pages upon pages in mystic tomes and scattered scrolls.
Trying to find that one spell.
That one incantation that will bring you back.
Would he reach out for help?: 
By all that is and ever will be, no.
The thought might’ve briefly crossed his mind, but was waved as soon as it came.
He is a Master of Magic.
His power is unmatched.
He alone would be enough to bring you back.
How he would bring you back:
Eventually landing on the sought after collection of texts listing castings and provocations… of necromancy.
Using the most rare artifacts and ingredients he could get his hands on.
He starts a multi hour ritual to retrieve your soul from the beyond.
Reactions after he brings you back:
This cast left him exhausted to his core.
Barely able to stand when he is finished.
But with fruitful results.
With a flash in your eyes, you quickly sat up.
Finally awake and lucid.
Too lucid.
His spells and influence had disappeared once you died.
Now you saw the gravity of the situation in front of you and bolted.
Him being too tired to run after, let’s you go.
You won’t get far.
How do you escape?:
You try to run.
After a while of turning random corners and dashing through long halls, you feel like you’ve traveled a far distance.
You stop for a breath.
A bright flash at your feet makes you gasp and the floor softens to consume your legs.
You’re caught up to your thighs when the floor hardens again.
Marvin rounds the corner and closes in.
How he reacts to your escape:
He’s not concerned about where your going, but your state of mind.
This domain bended to his will.
You could be running for hours and he could still pinpoint your location.
So he lets you drain your energy as he regains his.
Catching you once you had tired out.
Fight him?
Not for long.
A dizzying miasma fills the air and causes your body to feel heavy and weak.
He carries you around the corner he appeared from, back to your “home”.
With a drop in your stomach, you realize you were nowhere near freedom.
Your body refuses to move after he places you down on a table.
Silent and stoic, he moves to collect different potions and light several bundles of exotic herbs.
The air grew sweet.
Your mind focused on the alluring aroma as he began reciting a new spell.
One that would lock your mind into his influence for good.
Your own good.
Anything that existed beyond his wonderland is a long forgotten fantasy.
“This is for the best, (y/n). You won’t have to worry anymore. Sleep well, starlight, and be reborn to the life of your dreams.”
Resign to your fate?
He realizes why you fled and takes caution.
Not showing his cards fully.
You both know you can’t escape.
He wont let on that he’s aware of this.
He eases you back to the warmth of your shared home.
Calming you from the adrenaline high with some of your favorite foods.
He performs a small light trick that always delighted you.
You hardly reacted.
No, this wouldn’t do.
He wanted to reawaken the brightness of your soul that attracted him.
To reinvigorate the gravity in your aligned stars.
A slower approach perhaps.
Instead of the immediate stunning performance that brought you to his abode, he drums up a soft consistent rhythm to ease your nerves.
The halls seemed to still catch your wonder, if even a little.
Small distractions lead you away from problematic thought.
A few extra ingredients in your food would help you relax and readjust to everyday living.
His consistent calm, collected demeanor- if not a bit overbearing, did eventually convince you of your safety.
He’s always gentle towards you, after all.
Maybe this wasn’t so bad…
“Will you allow me one lifetime? I always strive to amaze, but I’ve never replicated anything close to your beauty. The show must go on, my startlight, won’t you join me in the encore?”
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dapperappleton · 4 years
Imagine dancing with Schneep
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Schneep’s favourite music played on his phone. It was in German, but it still sounded like regular forties music. He held your waist close to him and your hand in his. You were ballroom dancing with a (slightly bad) doctor in a house full of people who looked the same. Strange, yes, but it was oddly perfect. It was serene. You were happy that Schneep was finally home from work and you were going to enjoy being with him.
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septic-dr-citrus · 4 years
Schneep: I sleep with a scalpel under my pillow.
Chase: Weak. I sleep with a gun.
Marvin: You’re both pathetic.
Chase: Oh? What do you sleep with?
Marvin: Y/N.
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moody-plum · 5 years
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put your head on my shoulder
hold me in your arms, baby
squeeze me oh so tight
show me that you love me too
they danced in an embrace as the song played on a slightly scratchy radio, far from worried about the fallout
in whatever setting, he promised to be there for them through thick and thin
song: put your head on my shoulder by paul anka
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unlikely-cypher · 4 years
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"I'm kissaphobic, Don't wanna get too close to you."
Henrik Von Schneeplestien x Reader Valentine’s Day Story.
⚠️Warnings: Slight cursing.
You walked down the hall of the hospital after delivering your mom’s laptop to her, ready to escape the halls of the hospital and go on with your day. You went to wave goodbye to the receptionist before noticing the big sign for the Valentine’s day flowers. Walking over and looking at them before gathering your courage and turning to her. 
“Hello honey! Did you wanna get a flower for your mom?” She looked up from her paperwork with a big smile. Everyone in the hospital knew your mother, she was one of the most well respected radiologists there. You would often come visit her for lunch and spend quite a bit of time with some of the other staff as well. 
“Actually I was wondering if I could get a flower for one of the doctors? Do I have to give it to them or do you guys do it anonymously?” You asked, ignoring the heat rising in your cheeks.
“Whichever you want! Were you looking to give one to Doctor Iplier and you’re too nervous? Trust me we get that alot this time of year!” She stood up and leaned against the counter with a heartfelt chuckle. 
“Actually uh, Doctor Schneeplestein…” You ruffled the back of your hair nervously, trying not to make eye contact with her.
“Oh honey are you sure? He’s quite against valentine’s day, wouldn’t even let us decorate his office.” She gave you a slightly concerned look.
“He just seems so grumpy everytime I see him and everytime my mom talks about him, maybe it’ll give him a reason to smile.” You finally met her eyes and her smile widened. 
“Bless your heart, that’s so sweet! How many did you wanna give him? It’s a dollar per rose.” She explained, spinning the pot so I could get a better look at the flowers.
“I’ll take a bouquet please! And could you tie the pink ribbon around it and can I maybe attach a note with my number? Sorry.” You chuckled nervously, her eyes lit up like Christmas as she put it all together. 
“No problem at all honey! I just hope it works out! It would be nice to not have to deal with his grumpy ass, maybe you’re the little spark of fire he needs. He used to be as good and charismatic as Doctor Iplier but ever since the divorce two years ago, he's been the worst!” She arranged the roses and handed you a tiny pink card and a pen. 
“There we go! I’ll deliver it to his office. Fingers crossed.” The nurse crossed her fingers at you after you paid her and went to leave. 
“Thank you.” Your face felt like it was on fire as you walked out and the cold February air hit your face.
~~~ ღ ~~~
A knock sounded on the door of Henrik's office and he didn't even bother to look up before telling them to enter. A nurse walked in with a dozen roses in a vase, a single pink ribbon tied in the center, when she didn’t say anything he looked up.
"Dr.Iplier's office is next door." He rolled his eyes before returning to his writing. 
"No, these are for you." The nurse smiled at him and placed them down gently on the corner of his desk. The red of the roses stood out like a sore thumb in his almost all white office. The only decorations, if you could call them that, was a picture of him and Doctor Iplier back in their college days and a finger painting Robbie had made for him that Anti had forced him to put up. "Looks like someone's got a secret admirer." She teased. 
"Did they leave a name?" The doctor's cheeks flushed as he stood up and gently touched one of the pedals. “Nevermind, it doesn’t matter. Roses are a waste of money, they’re just dead flowers in a pot waiting to wilt forever.” he withdrew his hand with a gentle sigh. 
"Guess you’ll have to look at the note." The nurse turned around and went to leave before she added. "Y/M/N in radiology’s kid. The one with the H/C hair."
She paused as she watched Henrik’s face turn redder by the second. He had seen you around the hospital occasionally, you were always kind and funny when you spoke to him. Why would someone like you send someone like him flowers? You must be out of her goddamn mind, much like your mother, he thought.
"I know you don't like to talk about your personal life but if I may be frank with you doctor…” She stepped back into the room and closed the door behind her. “I think you two would be such a cute match. How long has it been since you've gotten out? I know you're still upset about the divorce but don't you think it's time you've gotten out and dated again?" 
He sat in shocked silence for a moment, when was the last time he had gotten out? Marvin was always bugging him to go out and try to find someone as well but no one really caught his eye when Marvin did manage to get him out. But now that someone had gone out of their way to give him flowers, and their number… the boldness of it had sparked something in him. You truly were on his mind more than he’d like to admit, he would often find himself wondering when you would return to the hospital. He had never pursued you because he was sure you already had a lover, and you were just being kind to him like you were to everyone else. Maybe one text wouldn’t hurt, he decided.
"I suppose so." He hummed, returning to his seat, cheeks still flushed. "Could you ask Dr. Iplier to handle my next appointment please, I'm gonna go out for lunch today. It's a bit stuffy in here." Henrik glanced out the window noticing the sunshine, the ghost of a smile on his lips as he held the tiny pink paper.
“Absolutely.” The nurse shot him a wide grin before leaving. As soon as the door closed behind her Henrik whipped out his phone, fingers gliding over the screen as he added your number to his contacts, checking it a couple times to make sure he got it correct. His nerves set in as he tried to think of anything to send before looking back up at the flowers. He settled on a picture of the flowers as well as a ‘thank you’ with a green heart, then he erased the green heart, put it back, erased it, put it back and sent it before he could overthink it. His heart hammered in his chest as he waited for your reply. 
‘No problem! Wanna grab coffee sometime? :)’ Your response came five painful minutes later and he sighed in content. It had been so long since anyone had made him feel like this and he would do whatever it took to make it continue. 
‘Name the time and place.’ He responded and placed his phone on the table and leaned back in his seat with a grin.
~~~  ღ ~~~
Three years later his office door slammed open, almost taking half of the picture frames off of the wall. The once barren walls were now almost entirely covered with pictures of you and him as well as some of his family, in each one Henrik was smiling. 
“Happy Valentine’s day Schnepper Pepper!” You placed a vase full of twelve scarlet roses and a coffee on the edge of his desk before moving around to his side to hug him.
“Remind me again why I ever texted you that day.” Henrik’s face heated up almost as badly as the first time he had gotten the roses as he placed his head against your shoulder. 
“Because you were a grumpy asshole and now you’re still a grumpy asshole but you’re my grumpy asshole.” You explained as he lifted his head again to look at you. 
“Mmmh.” He rolled his eyes then pushed you off him slightly to reach under his desk to pull out an almost matching bouquet of pink roses. “And I unfortunately always will be.” 
“Good.” You gently placed the roses on the desk then grabbed his cheeks giving him kisses all over as he tried to fend you off with giggles. The nurse walked by the office quickly but peaked in for a moment with a smile, glad everything had worked out in the end. 
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I hope post surgery is not going to rough! I'm here if ya need to vent or talk about gay shit to get your mind off it. I suggest watching Lucifer if you haven't, might keep your mind off pain/discomfort. Anyways here's a request if you feel up to it! Reader is v flirty and flirts with just about everyone and anti gets very jealous causing him to eventually drag reader away and confess that he wants him to only flirt with him and be with him and it ends in possessive marking but slight fluffy sex
Pairing: Antisepticeye x Male Reader
Warnings: smut, swearing
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A brilliant display of red and white burst from Marvin’s fingertips, my mouth hung open at the beautiful show. I rested my hand on Marvin’s arm, squeezing it a little
“Marvin that’s so cool!” I looked at him with an excited grin on my face, always loving his little light shows.
“It’s not that cool, you haven’t seen the real magic yet”
“What, do we have to be in the bedroom for that?” I chuckled, watching his face heat up under his mask.
“I, uhh, no” Marvin stumbled over his words, thrown off by my statement
“Marve, babe, you really should be used to this by now” I patted him on the back, giving him a sympathetic smile.
“You know him Y/N, he’s always a bit easy to fluster” Jackieboy replied, laughing at his friend’s red face.
“Says you Jackie, you’re not that hard to fluster either”
“Yeah right, I’m unflusterable!”
“You want to test that?” I stood up, walking over to him
“Why not, I’ll only win” Jackieboy crossed his arms, certain of his win. I only smiled at him, swiftly pushing him against the wall, pinning him under my body.
“What about now, hmm?” I questioned, my mouth hovering over his bare neck. The only answer I got was a squeak from Jackieboy, I chuckled, knowing that I had won.
“Enough of that!” A voice bounced off of the walls, unnecessarily loud in the small room
“Ah, wondered when you’d join us Anti” I pulled away from Jackieboy, releasing him from my grip.
“Yeah whatever” He scoffed, crossing his arms
“Aww is the big bad scary Anti want to be flustered by me already?”
“No! I don’t” Anti snapped back
“I know, you don’t want to because you always are babe” I winked at him, as he coughed and looked away, avoiding eye contact. I laughed at his behaviour, turning back around to sit beside Marvin. Anti mumbled something that I didn’t hear then disappeared again, obviously done with the conversation.
I jumped slightly as Dr Schneeplestein let out a loud shout halfway through telling me a story
“And vat is how I saved zee day and zee patient!” He exclaimed excitedly, gesturing dramatically.
“Wow Henrik, that’s pretty rad” I told him, leaning close, invested in his stories. “Can you tell me another one?”
“I do not know if I have zee time” He replied, as I gave him my best puppy dog eyes, batting my eyelashes. “Perhaps I do have zee time after all”
“Yesss!” I clapped my hands, always excited to hear his stories.
“So I vas attending to a patient vho vas bleeding very much” I grinned, resting my head in my palm “And he vas dying so I had to save him” I shuffled closer to him, my face barely an inch from his. Henrik stopped his story, face going red at how close I was to him
“Go on continue Henrik” I smiled
“Of course, he vas dying as I said, so I got my professional doctor equipment and I-” Henrik’s eyes drifted down to my lips, his words slowing. I closed my eyes as he started to lean closer, his head tilting to be able to connect his lips with mine. I opened my eyes again as I heard confused shouting. Anti had Henrik against the wall, holding him by the collar of his shirt.
“How dare you try to kiss Y/N! He’s not for you” Anti snarled at Henrik
“He’s not yours” Henrik spoke to Anti like a father would to a toddler having a temper tantrum.
“Anti put Henrik down” I sighed, crossing my arms at his possessive behaviour.
“Fine” Anti huffed, letting go of the doctor, but not letting him leave the room without various death glares.
“What the hell were you thinking?” I asked, frustrated at his actions
“What the hell was I thinking? What the hell were you thinking?” Anti growled, staring me down.
“I’m my own man, I can kiss whoever I want Anti, you don’t own me”
“Don’t I?” He snapped his fingers, replacing the living room with his bedroom, pushing me down onto the bed, climbing on top of me.
“No you don’t” I growled, flipping him onto his back, I dragged my teeth down his neck, making him shiver.
“You can’t kiss whoever you want”
“Why not?” I questioned, kissing his skin. Anti hesitated thinking about his next words.
“You can kiss whoever you want, you can do whatever you want, it’s just I-” He sighed, looking me in the eyes with such sincerity that I paused my attack on his neck to look at him. “I want to be the only one you kiss, the only one you flirt with, the only one you are romantic with, I want to be your, your-”
“Boyfriend?” I continued for him, seeing him struggle to ask the question.
“Yes, that” Anti confirmed, nodding his head “Will you be my boyfriend?” I gave him a wide smile, wanting to hear those words from his mouth for a while now.
“Of course I will”
“Thank god, now please keep doing what you were doing” I chuckled at his request, pressing my lips to his, grinding against his pelvis.
“I can’t put up with anymore of this foreplay bullshit” Anti pulled his shirt over his head, his pants getting thrown into the same corner of the room not long after.
“Desperate are we?” Anti started to tug at the hem of my shirt not long after he shed his own clothes
“Of course I am” He groaned, finally getting my shirt over my head, getting my pants off not long after. I wrapped my hand around Anti’s cock, giving it a few pumps, earning loud shouts from his mouth
“You really don’t have any volume control do you?”
“I want everyone to know that you’re mine” Anti clawed at my back, leaving scratches, as I lined myself up with him.
Anti threw his head back against his pillows, a loud moan escaping his mouth, as I started to push in and out of him. I felt Anti’s lips connect to my neck, leaving hickeys to make it certain that I belonged to him, and no one else. His hips moved to meet my thrusts. Ant’s grip tightened on my shoulders, barely able to contain the pleasure that came with my quick thrusts and tongue exploring his mouth.
“Fucking hell Y/N” Anti breathed out, feeling himself already start to lose control. He started to shout my name, allowing the other egos to hear him, as he came. My release coming not long after his.
Falling back onto the bed, Anti shuffled closer to me, pressing against my side. I wrapped my arm around him.
“I love you” I mumbled feeling my eyelids get heavy
“I love you too” Anti yawned, burying himself further in my arms.
Thanks for the kindness my dude!! I’ll check Lucifer out, and whenever you want to rant about gay shit to me, feel free.
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
Quick question: Which villain/hero is which character? I've just started to read your AU (It's flipping amazing BTW), but sometimes I keep forgetting who is who 'cause of the secret identities and all. 😅
I’m glad you like it pal, and no problem: (real name; super power)
Tell me if I forgot anybody. Other villains and heroes will be added if they appear in the story. Sorry this is so long,
Things to note: Jack and Mark are Jackieboy Man and Silver Shepherd because it seemed weird to not make them superheroes. All the Sides used to be Thomas before he was broken apart. I want to add in Lixian, Gabe, and Mika but don’t know how to yet and I don’t want to throw them in haphazardly because they deserve better than that.
*Heroes: (aka the Coalition of Heroes which include some of the Iplier’s, most of the Septics, and half of the Sides)
-The Silver Shepherd (it’s Mark Fischbach; super strength, flight, invulnerability)
-Jackieboy Man (Seán McLoughlin; super speed, X-ray vision, keen hearing, super agility)
-Detective Abe Lauer (Detective Abe; unwillingly and occasionally displaced in time, unable to die)
-Dr. Edward Iplier and Dr. Henrik von Schneeplestein (the don’t have a secret identity; cynicism, medical knowledge)
-Marvin the Magnificent (this is his secret identity because he doesn’t go by his real name; magic, alchemist)
-Bro Average (Chase Brody, immaculate accuracy)
-J.J (Jameson Jackson; time manipulation)
-Gatling (Bob Muyskens; summons impenetrable barriers)
-The Drowned Man (Wade Barnes; hydrokinesis)
-UFO (Amy Nelson; flight)
-Blank (Ethan Nestor; aura dampening, invisibility)
-Robbie the Zombie (Robert Gravesly; zombie, super strength, undead)
-Captain Morality (Patton Sanders; emotional manipulation)
-Logic (Logan Sanders; super intelligence)
-Prince Creativity (Roman Sanders; object summoning, powers based in creativity)
-Anxiety (Virgil Sanders; fear manipulation, manifestation of fears)
-Nate (Nathan Sharp; bard, he strengths and deplores people with music, turning reality into a music video)
-Bing (doesn’t use a secret identity; AI unit, super intelligence, nanites)
-Oliver (Google Yellow; AI unit, super intelligence, nanites, humanity)
-The Host (formerly Arthur Isaacs, the Author; realty manipulation through narration)
-King of the Squirrels (Kaylor Kingston; animal telepathy)
-Explosion Boy (Eric Derekson; explosions from his fingertips)
-Yellow Tape (Randall Voorhees)
-Captain Magnum (doesn’t use a secret identify; he’s a 10ft tall pirate)
-Mayor Damien Mood (Dark, yes he finds their trust hilarious)
-Yancy Times (doesn’t use a secret identity, doesn’t want to be a bad guy; manipulating people when he sings)
-the Jims (RJ, CJ, all of them work for both sides; crazy hive mind)
-The DA (Y/N; is the viewer)
-Dark (Damien and Celine Doom, the Entity; void aura, magic, undying)
-Wilford Warfstache (William J. Barnum, other identities; manipulation of the meta, void manipulation, plot armor)
-Anti (glitch demon; dominion over electronics, void manipulation)
-Mare (music demon; sound manipulation)
-Google (doesn’t use an alias; AI unit, super intelligence, nanites)
-Deceit (Janus Sanders; illusions, magic, living lie detector)
-The Duke (Remus Sanders; object summoning, powers based in creativity)
-Orange (too lazy to use an alias; tbd when Thomas announces him)
-Ed Edgar (does not use a real alias; no known superpowers)
-Bim Trimmer (does not use alias; slight void aura, slight inhuman strength, cannibal)
-Yandere (Yan Ayano; summons weaponry from hammer space)
-Illinois Jones (does not use an alias; uncanny luck, luck and probability manipulation)
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Birthday Surprise
Requested: Nope! This is a birthday present to the wonderful Henrik von Schneeplestien!
Pairing: Henrik x Reader
Genre: Comedy
Word Count: 907
Warnings: Language...
A/N: I got the idea fro this story from a post @beerecordings made! It’s not the greatest, and I apologize, but I hope you enjoy it!
Henrik didn’t want to celebrate his birthday. He specifically told everyone that there were to be no birthday celebrations.
“No celebrations?” They thought. “What about pranks?”
You shook your head. You didn’t want to drive him too far up a wall. After a 16 hour shift at work, you didn’t want to be on the receiving end of the after-prank annoyance. 
But, they didn’t listen to the voice of reason. Then again, do they ever? You stuck to buying him a simple gift. A coffee mug that said “Best Doctor” and some of his favorite coffee to go with it.
They settled on calling the hospital on setting up a plan. A plan that the hospital and all his coworkers couldn’t pass up. After all, they needed to have some fun too. At what better way than helping make Henrik’s birthday one to remember?
They all went to bed early the night before. Henrik was suspicious, but he didn’t think they’d plan something away fro home. So,he woke up early, kissed your forehead, and snuck around the house to get ready for work. He made sure to walk to work, taking back-alleys and the most unpredictable route he could.
He makes it to the front door and looks around. He was in the clear. He grinned to himself, and walked to his office to look over his patients for the day. Billy Harris. Potential fractured wrist. 
He smiled to himself as he walked to the hospital room. This one should be easy for a doctor such as himself. He walked into the hospital room expecting to see someone in pain.
“Heya doc!” Chase said grin slowly turning to an evil smile. He was decked out in a hospital gown, tubes in his nose, and a fake IV in his arm. In his hands was a birthday cake.
Henrik shakes his head eyes rolling as he calls for security, only jokingly. Jackie comes waltzing in, wearing his finest dark sunglasses. Upon his appearance, Henrik groans, which only causes Jackie and Chase to laugh harder.
Henrik walks out of the room, leaving the two laughing their asses off. He walks off to his next patient and sighs happily, seeing that this is a normal patient, not a brother in disguise.
“I see the nurse hasn’t hooked up the IV. Let me go get that started.” Henrik calls for a nurse, only to be confronted by Jameson, dressed up as a nurse, mustache hidden under a surgical mask. And not just any mask, one decorated for his own birthday. 
Upon closer inspection, the “patient” sitting on the hospital bed was the new nurse he hadn’t gotten the chance to meet. He ran his hands down his face. “I swear on my grave, if this doesn’t fucking stop...” He let his sentence trailed off. 
He walked back to his office, only to see a passed out Marvin sitting on his chair, asleep. Marvin even had the audacity to drink his coffee! He got Marvin out of his chair and sat down to just work on some paperwork. 
While they were all nagging Henrik, you were at home trying to be normal and not get on your boyfriend’s bad side. You needed to rearrange the bedroom, so naturally you were doing anything but that.
You decided to go for a walk around town. You went to walk into the store when you got hit by a car. Not hard. Not really even enough to do any damage. Just enough to knock you down and make you hit your head. 
You sat up and looked up at the person, frantically apologizing and calling an ambulance. You weren’t exactly there enough to tell him you were alright, so you sat there and waited for an ambulance to pick you up and take you to the hospital. Guess you were going to bug him after all.
“Dr. Schneeplestein, we need you down in the E.R. We have a patient coming in via ambulance.” 
He looked over at the snickering Marvin. “If this is another part of your elaborate plan, I will fucking kill you.” 
He headed down to the ER, the others following him. You were already sat in a room, IV getting put into your arm.
You smiled slightly upon seeing Henrik. “Hey Henrik. How’s your birthday going?” 
He rolled his eyes. “Really? You too? Of all the people I thought would do this, you had to join the madness too?”
The others gasped quietly upon seeing you. “No... Not unless they did this without letting us know.”
The EMT walked in and looked at Henrik. “Patient got hit by a car. Nothing too serious as far as we could tell. Moderate concussion and a bit scraped up, but that’s it.”
“This wasn’t part of their plan?”
“Nope! However, I do know the entirety of the plan, so unless you do a good job, doc, I’ll help them evolve this idea.”
He shook his head. “I thought I said no birthday surprises!” 
You shrugged. “Oops? And, you said no birthday celebrations. Unless we’re celebrating my ability to attract danger, this is completely within the limits of what you said.” 
He laughed. “I guess this is true.”
You grinned. “Plus, I couldn’t just not see how this insanity was going. You must’ve wanted to kill them after the breakroom.”
“The breakroom?”
“Y/N! No! He hasn’t been there yet!”
“What did you do to the breakroom?!”
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sparks-is-here · 6 years
Monsters (Darkiplier X Reader): Lab Coats and Heart Eyes (Part 7)
     I head out to my car to drive to the doctor's office, the drive consisted of me listening to my music. I arrived to the office and get my papers filled out, I then wait to be called in. I looked around the waiting room area and noticed couples waiting around as well as some others, they were reading things and watching the TV's while they waited. I start to tap my fingers on my leg as I anxiously wait, I never liked hospitals, they always creeped me out in horror movies and games. The long hallways, the plain walls, the gurney beds sitting around, the too perfectly sterile smell of the place. Everything so perfectly white and light blue, it's too clean to be perfectly safe if you ask me. You could say I have definitely been influenced by horror stories of haunted hospitals. As I waited, others would be called back, I would continue to sit in the uncomfortably stiff waiting room chair. I take a breath, it gets shakier as I exhale out, I shift my legs and slowly fall more anxious as time passes by. Deeper into the dark hole of my brain with worried thoughts I go.
    "Y/N? The Doctor is ready for you." A nice, yet older looking nurse looks out and around from behind a door leading to the patient room hallway. I stand up and the nurse directs her eyes toward mine, I step forward to follow the nurse towards my room. I stare at the french twist in the nurse practitioner's blonde hair in front of me, I notice it has several gray streaks tucked in as well. My focus passes her hair and stares straight upon a nicely squared off jawline, some scruff was laying upon the male's face, his smile bright and true looking. I followed the nurse into a room I was assigned, my head turning to gaze upon the gentleman who caught my attention. The last glimpse I had of him was a pristine white lab coat... I didn't even get to see the rest of his face, the only identification I had was scrubs and that smile. I stepped into the room after the nurse. She exclaimed that the doctor would come in after a few moments, enough time for me to change into the paper gown laying upon the paper covered bed. I heard hints of this as I stared off in the distance thinking. He's a doctor... A handsome one at that. He's probably married considering those things. My thoughts were shut off when I heard the door to my room shut, signalling me I should probably get changed. I sit upon the loud crinkly bed in my new gown, goose flesh starts to appear across my arms at the lack of my clothing. I sit and cross my ankles and swing them as I look around the room and wait. I stare among the box of latex gloves hung next to the door, the hand sanitizer, and the tiny desk in the corner of the room with a rolling stool for the doctor to sit on. It's so cramped in a room that should be more comfortable for patients, you'd think they would want people relaxed, right? A knock sounded at my door, "Come in" I squeak out. The door starts to creep open and none other than the man with the bright smile walks into the small room.
    "Hello, Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you, I'm Dr. Iplier, I'll be taking care of you today." He smiled. That damn smile. He was more handsome than what I saw at first, brunette hair and his deep warm brown eyes... "Y/N? Are you okay?" he asked. "Y-yeah, I'm fine... uh.. this is one of the reasons why I came to see you... I keep spacing out, and have these terrible migraines, sometimes only lasting a couple of minutes, sometimes longer." Dr. Iplier writes what I say down. Setting his clipboard down after I finish explaining, he steps toward me taking his stethoscope off his neck to start the physical. "I'm gonna check your vitals now before we get further into how you're feeling okay?" He looks at me with eyes that look as though he's asking for... permission? "Okay Doc." I breath out. He puts the ends of the stethoscope in his ears and takes the other end to my back. "Woah!" I shout. "Cold? I should have known. Sorry about that." He smiles. "I-It's fine," I look down at my gown trying to hide my blush, he had set a hand on my bare back after checking if I was alright. Why does he have to be so hot? I feel like he just walked out of a  steamy soap opera episode... "Let's try that again?" He looks at me, waiting for my response. "Sure," I say. The doctor held the end of the tool against the palm of his hand to warm the end up, he then pressed it upon my bare back once again, "Better this time?" "Yeah, a lot better," I smiled.
    The doctor finished checking my vitals, he then sat down on the stool next to the tiny desk in the corner of the room, he grabbed his clipboard. "So what were you saying earlier about why you wanted to come in today?" "I've been struggling a lot with migraines lately, sometimes they last hours, and other times only a couple of minutes. I drink a lot of water on the daily, but yesterday I had passed out at the mall with my best friend, It's been happening more and more frequently. We have a feeling it's from me not eating enough, I've struggled with eating nothing or overeating for a while now. I also think I was sleep deprived, I think I may have insomnia, I get really bad and realistic feeling nightmares too. I've gone to psychiatrists before, and therapy doesn't help me as much as I think it should. The last time I went to therapy she diagnosed me with bipolar depression, anxiety, and insomnia, however anything she prescribed to me had worsening or no effects at all." I swing my legs from the edge of the bed, my fingers play with the ring on my finger as I wait for Dr. Iplier's response. "I see, so you think you need something stronger to help you sleep at night, and a more organized diet, and considering what she has given you doesn't help your eating issues and depression, I may have to prescribe something stronger to maybe help you maintain the impulsive behavior that is both under and overeating. As well as your on and off upset mood. Is that okay?" Dr. Iplier looks up at me from his clipboard, he waits patiently for my answer. Wow, most doctors would just prescribe something without asking if you were okay with a prescription, let along a stronger one. I guess because more and more people don't like medication, they have to make sure if you even want to swallow pills each day, especially if it's going to affect your body so differently too. "Yeah that's fine, I appreciate you asking..." I reply. "Alright, sounds like a plan to me," the doctor writes down what I believe is my prescription. I watch as he scribbles and notice he doesn't have any rings on. He's not married. My sight travels to the page he is writing on, his handwriting is surprisingly neat? How often does someone meet a Doctor like Dr. Iplier? He's a rarity indeed. "When will I start taking the new meds?" I blurt out, trying to pull my attention away from his attractiveness. "Considering this office sends everything over digitally to the pharmacy, so long as they have everything in stock at where you choose to pick them up, you can start as soon as today." Dr. Iplier smiles at me and hands me a paper before he says goodbye. "I will send it to your local pharmacy, call me if you experience any problems and want to talk about it." He winks. "I will, thank you Doctor..." I smile. He leaves the room and I'm left to get dressed again. Did I just get the number of an extremely hot doctor after flirting with him? FUCK YEAH I DID! I get changed and leave the room, I walk passed several other rooms and bend my head to look at the floor to hide my blush from my excitement. I suddenly run into someone and stumble downwards. Idiot! Watch where you're walking you klutz! "My apologies Miss, I vasn't vatching vhere I vas going!" A man with a thick German accent and a surgical mask gives me a hand. "No it was my fault! I'm sorry Doctor..?" I look at the handsome man's hospital I.D. badge as he helps me up. "Schneeplestein! But most people call me Schneep, it is much easier you know!" The man excitedly explains to me as he shakes my hand. "And your name my vonderful darling?" God, is every doctor in this place charming and cute? "Y/N, and thank you-" I blink surprised at his compliment. "Of course only the best for a very beautiful voman!" He smiles. "I must go Dr. Schneep, I'm sorry again for running into you!" I quickly walk away waving back towards the man. "Please! Don't be sorry vonderful Y/N!" he waves back. I then leave the hospital, I head to the pharmacy and think about the two Doctors I met, Dr. Iplier and Dr. Schneep were talking the whole time I checked out, they must be close friends besides just coworkers.
    I pick up my prescription and get home, "Emma! I'm home!" I yell. No response. "She must be over at the douche canoes again." I sigh. Let's just say Emma is GREAT at choosing keepers. Aaron was the latest of the long list, and he is definitely better than the ones before, however I still don't like him at all. She is never really home anymore, she still pays rent, but she is over at his all the time, at this point I'd rather her move out and me get another housemate. I know if I had a boyfriend I would want to move in with him. As much as I don't like him or the others, and how much I make her aware of my feelings for them, I still support her, she is my best friend after all, I'm not going to ruin something if it makes her happy. As much as it angers me, I see her happy so I don't do anything to separate them. I still see her, just not nearly as much as I used to, so I find it would be more worth it for the both of our convenience for her to move in with him. At least she has heart eyes for a lesser prick, I can't complain too much anymore I guess.
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fandomtrash713 · 6 years
The Descent Into Darkness (Pt. Two)
Part One
Summary: You’ve been in a relationship with Darkiplier and Antisepticeye for a while now, and things have been going well. But when something starts to stir inside you, you find yourself going down the same path as them. The descent into darkness.
Pairing: Darkiplier x reader x Antisepticeye
Warnings: Pain, angst, anxiety, blood, madness(?)
Author’s note: This is my first darkiplier/antisepticeye writing. Don’t hate!
Tag List: @reeeeeaaper 
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You opened your eyes and found yourself standing in front of the bathroom mirror. Black ink seeped from your pupil and spread across your eyes. Your mouth moved, but it wasn’t your voice that echoed off of the tiles. 
“Let me in, y/n,” you watched yourself say. “And we can do great things together.” 
You jerked back, your eyes flashing back to normal for a moment. “No,” you said, “Leave me alone!” You screamed, clutching your head as pain overtook you. It felt as if you were splitting in two. 
You crashed to the ground, blood dripping from your hands. Dark was at your side, Anti and both doctors behind him. Glass shards littered the bathroom floor. The mirror was smashed. 
“What’s happening to me?” You cried, your hands shaking. Dr. Schneeplestein quickly bandaged your hands and looked into your eyes. 
“Dark, look,” he said. Dark looked into your eyes and grimaced. 
“What is it?”
“Y/n, your eyes.” Dark scooped you up and laid you back in bed. “Try to rest. We’ll be back soon.” Dark nodded to the others and they left the room, closing the door behind them. Even though they tried to keep quiet, you could still hear them. 
“Their eyes are black. They broke the mirror. It’s all a sign,” Dark said. 
“What do we do?” Anti asked, his voice glitching even more under stress. 
“They have to decide for themselves. If they can fight against it, though, it will only be for so long.”
A sudden migraine overtook you and you blacked out. 
                                                             * * *
“Where am I?”
“This is the inside of your mind, y/n,” the voice answered. 
“What do you want from me?” You yelled into the darkness. A mass of deep violet light formed and stood before in the vague shape of a person. 
“I want you to let me in. I want us to get along.”
“What are you?”
“Oh, y/n,” the voice whispered. “I am you. I am your truth.”
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Sickness vs jealousy
Anti X reader
Request: Then may I request an Anti X reader where the reader catches a cold and reluctantly Anti agrees to have Dr Schneeplestein look at her because he does care and he realizes that she is gettting sick. When Schneep comes over Anti gets jealous because he somewhat tries to flirt with her, but in the end she assures Anti that she is his. Thank you!
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It started with a lot of sneezing. You thought it may be hay fever and Anti begrudgingly stocked up on tissues for you when leaving you comfortable sofa and blanket burrito made you dizzy even thinking about it. His worry started when he returned from his quick visit to the shops to see you unconscious and sleep not even waking you as you started to slowly slip off the couch, probably would have woken to a bang on the head if it wasn't for him re-positioning you, which didn't even wake you to his surprise, even when he teased your state out loud. In fact you only woke a few hours later, Anti crawling into your blankety warmth and flicking through tv while you slept, when he noticed your snoring which was very loud right now suddenly stop as if you couldn't breathe and you shot awake to blow your nose, throat croaky and eyes barely flitting open.
After that Anti helped you upstairs where he got you into bed and biting his tongue, wondering whether to ask if you needed anything or if that would be soppy and weird. Fortunately you crashed as soon as your head hit the pillow and he could just attach himself to your warm body to shut down for the night and forget this ever happened.
That didn't work however as his sleep was interrupted by you waking up to blow your nose, or clear your throat, or get a drink and groan, normally, yes, he'd just pin you to the bed and growl at you to shut up or he'd make you but he didn't think you were well enough for that, instead he patted your back when you hunched over the toilet bowel and put you near a fan or heater whenever your temperature changed, but he was always unsure if he was doing the right thing. By the time the sun broke through your curtains the two of you had barely slept which wasn't good for your well being nor Anti's mood, especially if you refused to stay in bed one more time, he'd already put you as taking a sick day and refused to let you do anything for yourself, which was pretty annoying for the both if you since Anti couldn't even entertain you he was trying for the fourth time to make you some food that you'd eat.
Eventually though Anti realised he couldn't help you. he didn't know how.
"Anti!" you called out, a coughing fit following shortly after. He dropped his last attempt on the counter and jogged upstairs, he was surprised you were sitting up, amused seeing your feet kicking out to try and untangle themselves from the knot the blanket had formed, Anti sighed, fixing it for you and even tucking you in which you didn't realise he knew how to do, once he'd tucked it under your waist looking down over you he asked "Yeah y/n?"
"Can you get me some more water please, unless you're going to let me walk to the bathroom and get it myself?" you asked hopefully. Anti squeezed your hand, looking seriously into your eyes "More water coming up." he got up and took your glass and your bin full of tissue while you rolled your eyes and lay back down exasperated and bored, massaging your temple in pain from throwing your head back like that. Once he came back he looked pitifully down at you, sitting on his side of the bed as you turned to face him, only to shoot up again when your nose started to run. "I'm disgusting right now Anti, i'll honestly be fine i don't want this image of me scaring you for life." You joked while Anti gave small chuckle. "You'd be surprised at my tolerance of what in find disgusting, y/n, and nothing you could ever do would ever lead you close to that line."
You nodded, feeling better as Anti wrapped his arm around you and you lay your head against his shoulder, trying to quiet your sniffles. Anti sighed after a while, and thinking you were the cause you looked up at him. "What's up?"
Anti groaned, conflicted before turning his gaze to finally look at you, hand testing your scorching forehead and cheeks before sighing. "I'm gonna call Schneep. You need more help than i'll be able to give you." You smiled at that, your arms circling around his waist as you snuggled into his shoulder more, because he was a wuss when it came to not being the biggest, greatest thing in your life and he was adorable when he was jealous of others being better, "Aw, thanks bud." You joked as Anti bit the shell of your ear, growling playfully which caused goosebumps to rise on your skin, something he definitely didn't miss. "Don't think for a minute i'd take pity on you because you’re a weak human who's sick, i'll still take ya." His fingers poked you sides while his arms were the ones encircling you now, like a cage he wouldn't let you escape any punishment for teasing him, growling in your ear and threatening to bite until you swelled his ego again.
A few hours later the doorbell rung and Anti who was sitting in bed with you paused the tv and pouted over at you. "Do I have to answer it?" he asked cutely and you shook your head. "Nope. I can walk downstairs and greet him my-" Anti had glitched out the room and you heard a shriek as Anti had no doubt either appeared right in front of the poor doctor's face or electrocuted him with the doorbell.
You quickly made sure the room wasn't a mess and you didn’t look a total disatser, brushing your hair with your fingers since you were sure Anti had fried it and made it all puffy like he loved to do, before Dr. Schneeplestein opened the door to your room, Anti shoving his way in front of him to lay next to you before the accented man could take a further step.
"Y/n! It iz good to zee you! Ve haven't caught up in zuch a long time!" Henrik went to hold your hand, lips drifting towards it for a kiss before Anti, who had much quicker relfexes than yourself, snatched it out of his hand. "Wouldn't do that doc, she's infectious." Your cheeks burned but Schneep took this as a different sign you guessed since his hand instead now moved forward to cup your cheek, the back of it soft against your skin as you could feel Anti vibrating next to you, it was making your legs feel fuzzy where you sat and harder for your eyes to focus. "Anti..." You whispered, taking his hand in your own as his gaze softened only slightly, you only caught it since you knew him so well. But he let you go and got off the bed, the world thankfully steadying. Anti's eyes never left the doctor and Henrik's hand moved from your forhead as he had to straighten to try and seem taller than Anti. "I'm gonna get some vaseline babe, shout if you need anything." He had backed into the doorway now, threatening glare not leaving Schneeplestein. "Thank you Anti." you croaked with a supportive smile to your boyferiend. "Yes. Zhank you." Henrik added, nodding with a determined smile at him, a smile that said 'I know what im doing, hurry along now.' not that you could see that since the boys seemed to be in a staring competition, but soon enough Anti ran downstairs, you could hear his light feet battering against the carpet as he obviously didnt want to stay away for long.
You smiled apologetically at Scnheep and he could immediately read you. "Y/n if you're upset by zhe glitche'z outburztz and jealouzy you zhould not be vith him. You zhould be vith zomeomne who knowz better, iz more mature, knowz how to look after you. I don't zee zhe glitch bitch az any of zhose zhingz and it concernz me zhat you are mizzing out on life ztuck vith zhat moron." Schneeple said as he placed down his own cold medicine that you'd heard from Chase's partner worked a treat.
Your eyes narrowed as he spoke, maybe this was why Anti had even considered asking dr Iplier to help rather than Schneeple, you knew how much he distanced hismelf from any Ipliers, it should have been a red flag, but you could take care of yourself, even with Anti's denial of it recently not letting you express that. "Thank you, doctor." You swiped the medicine into your hands with a nod and a wink "But I think I can take care of myself."
Anti came back into the room just then, vaseline in hand as he asked with a joke, "You're not trying to go on a nature walk again are you?" Completly ignoring the doctor as he walked past and under the covers with you, kissing your warm head as he snatched the medicne, ripped the label off and began to read all the ingredients listed.
The good doctor looked between the two of you who weren't paying him any attention before clearing his throat, giving him the same 'yes, what?' eyebrow from you and Anti. "I'll be going now, im very buzy after all, y/n..." he looked towards Anti who was sneering at him, lips tightening before looking back to you "ztay zafe." You pat Anti's hand that rested in your lap and Anti lifted his chin and looked at you with a flash of bright teeth, seeming proud. "Oh don't worry, I will." When Schneep left you finished that sentence "Especially with worry wart here." smacking Antis arm as he flinched back defensively. "Ow! What was that for?"
You laughed tiredly, kissing his hand and your other hand poking his hips in retaliation for earlier. "You. Thinking you had to protect me from the knowledge that your doxctor friend was interested in what you already had. Although don't get me wrong, I have you back, like way more. You're totally reeled in." Anti groaned, handing you the medicine label and while you were confused you saw stuck under it a note with his number on and an 'x', a kiss, next to it.
"I didn't want you to feel, weird, or unsafe." He shivered, having hid this from you since the septic christmas party where Henrik was intoxicated enough thanks to Chase to be obvious about his affections, being more obvious after that, like with the hand kissing thing, for fear Anti would stow you away. You swigged the medicine, immediately feeling better, you suspected Marvin may have been too shy to admit his involvement in this miracle cure, as you hugged Anti's arm tightly, eyes slipping closed as the label had suggested taking a nap from the drowsiness side effect for it to work faster as Anti helped lay you down, letting himself be pulled down with you. "I'd never leave you like that. Anti I love you, and thank you for making me feel better, even if you didn’t cure me you put yourself and your fears aside and let me be cured and now I won't die, so thank you." Anti was gald your eyes were closing so you couldn't see his surprise on his face as you slipped out the 'L' word, his only reaction being "I'm sure you wouldn't have died." and once you were an hour into sleep him kissing your lips so lightly as he told you "Love you too."
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 7 years
"You’re going to need bedrest for at least a few days.” and “I’m going to be stuck in bed for how long?” with our favorite doctah! I can just imagine poor Schneep whining that he has to finish up his work. X'3 ~Feather (Also, sorry if I'm annoying you!)
(Nope! You’re not annoying me at all ^^)
“I’m going to be stuck in bed for how long?!!!”
“Mr. Schneeplestein, please don’t raise your voice. There are other patients-”
“Zhat’s Dr. Schneeplestein to you, my friend!” The German tried to get out of the bed, only to grunt at the sharp pain in his torso. “I-I’m.. qualified enough to take care of my own injuries!”
“Sir, you had three broken ribs, several cuts on your head, and a severe concussion that rendered you unconscious for a week. You’re going to need bedrest for at least a few days-”
“I-I’ll calm him down, doctor,” you set a hand on Henrik’s while you glanced at the female doctor, smiling nervously. “He’s just..not the biggest fan of hospitals”. She nodded in understanding, before she turned and left the room, closing the door to give you privacy.
“T-Tell zhem to let me go, [y/n]. You guys should’ve t-taken me back to my own clinic.”
Looking back at your injured friend, your smile fell as you sighed. “No, Henrik. You almost died in that car accident, and you probably wouldn’t have made it if we took you all the way back home.”
“B-But I’m so behind on vork!” He whined. “A-And I..I can’t afford to pay zhese bills! Hospitals overcharge zheir patients for fucking everything!!”
“Don’t worry about that.” You gently rubbed his arm. “Chase, Jack, and myself will take care of it.”
At that statement Henrik just stared at you in shock, unblinking and not moving. Then his eyebrows furrowed and tears welled up in his eyes. “I-I..I can’t ask you to do zhat f-for me..” He mumbled. “I-I-”
“I know you aren’t. Look…how about I try to talk to the doc and see if you can go home tomorrow night?”
“Henrik, just don't worry about work or the money.” You moved closer and carefully wrapped your arms around him, rubbing his back comfortingly. “Your recovery is far more important than any of that right now.”
He just sniffled in response and buried his face into your neck, returning the hug. “…I-I just don’t vant to be a burden..” His voice cracked.
“You aren’t, Henrik,” you reassured him. “You’re the furthest thing from that.”
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septic-dr-citrus · 5 years
Henrik: I wonder who Y/N is pining after.
Marvin: I know Y/N’s type is sarcastic, oblivious, dedicated, oblivious, nerdy and oblivious.
Henrik: That doesn’t really narrow it down.
Marvin: Did I mention oblivious?
Henrik: Yes, multiple times. Why?
Marvin, facepalming: Just making sure.
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queendominion · 7 years
Taken |Dr. Schneeplestein x Child! Reader
Third Person POV
Henrik was a laughing mess simply because he was playing with his four year old child, Y/N. Currently he was tossing said person in the air and catching you, all the while you were giggling with a large smile on your face.
"You are my little sunshine." The doctor whispered as he caught you one final time and held you close. Schneeple walked over to the couch and sat down with you in his lap as he checked his phone, just about everyone was gone except for you, him, and Chase, who was currently upstairs recording. Although the good doctor was often busy, he still made time for you and was joyful when he did. The German just couldn't picture his happiness without you.
"Dada why is the light flickering?" He heard you ask in a curious high pitched voice. He looked up, now noticing the lights flickering slightly. He brushed it off as it could finally be burning out.
"Ah the light is probably burning out... No vorries it vwill stop soon." Henrik responded to the child as he moved her hair out of her face. However he didn't expect for the house lights to go out completely, causing a small yelp from the once calm child.
"It is OK Y/N, it might be because of zhe weather." The dad consoled you as he looked outside and saw the dark rain clouds gather. Schneeple then paused, he felt off... Something wasn't right and just as he was about to call for Chase, static sounds filled the air and then he knew.
Anti was in the house. The doctor quickly got up, placing you behind him and quickly looking around for the glitch.
"Well, well... If it isn't the Good Doctor..." The demon said as he appeared in front of him, a dark smirk sat on his face. Henrik glared at him, though he couldn't hide that he was scared of him. Anti paced back and forth, twirling his knife as he did.
"Go avay Anti, you're not vwelcomed here and Chase is here, you are outnumbered." Schneeple said, masking the fear in his voice by bringing out his German accent more. The Glitch laughed and went to say something until he looked down at the doctor's leg with a look of interest. You were standing there with a small look of fear as you clutched onto your dad's lab coat.
"Oh? Do you really think that, or will you be too preoccupied with something else?" Anti asked with a mischievous smile. Henrik stared at him a little confused until his eyes widened with realization. He quickly looked down at you and back at him, he scolded himself as he didn't want Anti to spot you. Schneeple knew deep inside that Anti was right, that he'd be to preoccupied with protecting the person he valued the most to actually fight glitch.
"You must be the doctor's mistake-"
"You shut your mouth!" The German yelled as he pushed you behind him more, a look of anger on his face. You were even more scared and confused now, you didn't know this man but he looked like your dad, but your dad doesn't seem to like him like the others.
"Tell me doctor.... Do you care for your daughter?" The demon asked as he stepped closer to the father and looked at you with a sinister look.
"You leave her out of zhis!" Schneeple said as he took a step back and slowly reached into his coat pocket, hoping that his scalpel is in his pocket. But before he can even search around for it, he felt Anti kick his stomach, sending him across the room and out of reach from his daughter.
"Daddy!" You yelled and made your way over to him, stumbling a few times. You fell on your knees by your dad who was laying on his side and clutching his stomach. You heard him groan a little as he looked at you with worried filled blue eyes.
"Y/N get out of here..." He said to you before fear took over his body when he saw Anti walk up behind you.
"Get up daddy..." You say quietly with tears bringing in your eyes.
"Don't worry about him...." You heard Anti say behind you. Before you could turn around he snatched you up and help you by the back of your shirt. Henrik desperately tried grabbing you, but the pain in his stomach rendered him unable too.
"Put her down..." Schneeple plead as he tried getting up, only to be knocked back down again. Anti laughed as he began to weigh you,
"Ya want her? Come and get her." He said with a smile as he glitched more.
"Anti!" He heard Chase yell behind him, he knew Chase was loading his gun. Chase shot him only for Anti to teleport away, taking you with him. Chase breathed heavily as he stared at the hole in the wall that was created by his bullet. Schneeple simply stared at where you were, tears going down his face as he realized Anti took the one thing he cared for most.
"Schneep?" Chase said softly, in fear he would break the doctor more then he already is.
"H-He.... Y/N...." Was all Henrik could say before he broke into sobs and punched the hardwood floor. Chase quickly walked over to him and pulled him into his lap as he held him.
"It's ok... We'll get her back bro..." He whispered to him, even though he wasn't sure if he was telling the truth. All he could do was pray that you would be alive when they reached you.
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mangled-dreams · 7 years
Hey Mangled! I’m actually coming back again with another Dr. Schneeplestein X Dermitillomania reader if that’s alright. Things have been tough for me in that area a bit more lately. Maybe some constant pressure from the reader’s parents about clearing up their skin leads them into a relapse. Schneep finds them in a picking trance, snaps them out and coaxes them into a warm shower where he helps them wash up and clean up. With cuddles and positive encouragement near the end please. Thank you.
Here you are my friend.
 Scarring Words
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“Sweetheart,it’s good to see you.” Your mother always says this whenever it’sbeen longer than a few days since your last visit. You honestly trynot to visit often. Not because you don’t love your parents, it’sjust your mother likes to make… comments.
“HeyMom, is Dad home?” You ask stepping into the house.
“Ibelieve I saw him in his study.” You mother responds looking overyour exposed skin with eagle like accuracy. Her careful sweep of yourskin causes a shiver to run across your spine and gooseflesh to rise.Rubbing your arm to ease the gooseflesh you make your way to yourdad’s study, or rather his “man cave”. You need to ask hisopinion on a car you want to purchase from a dealership in town, butknowing very little about vehicles makes you apprehensive about doingit on your own.
“Heypops.” You greet entering the study. You dad is reclined back in aLazy-Boy with a bowl of popcorn on his lap.
He tips his head back, spots you, and smilelargely. As he rights himself he greets, “Kiddo! Hey, what bringsyou by? Your mother didn’t say you were coming over.” You smileat him walking down the quick little three steps.
“Icame by unannounced.” You tell him sitting down next to him to keephim from getting up. He had a bad accident about three months ago andtore his knee up something real bad, and since then you do everythingpossible to keep him comfortable. “I found a car I wanted to buy,and I kind of need your input.” You tell him pulling out yourlaptop and boot it up. “I thought I’d better come to my personalcar guru and get your opinion on how best to get the car.”
Your father’s eyes light up at your request.It’s not often you need to come to him for advice anymore, butunfortunately Henrik knows next to nothing about cars other than putthe petrol in a petrol powered car and diesel in the diesel poweredcar.  Happily your father dives head first into reading theinformation you provided him as well as asking you serious questionsabout what you want out of your car.
Nearly an hour and a half passes before youfeel confident in your new choice in car. It’s an older model thanwhat you wanted but with your dad’s boost of confidence you feel itwould better suite your needs considering you and Henrik are thinkingabout adopting a dog and would need a decent sized space in the backto accommodate whatever breed you pick out. Looking at the picturesof the car you’re now sure you’ll purchase you is blissfullyignorant to the shark circling outside the shallows.
Your father, however, has noticed your mother’sconsistent rounds carrying a small bag in her hand. He knows thatlook on her face each time she peeks into gauge when would be best topounce on you. Your dad sighs, shaking his head at his wife.
He already knows what your mother is doing andhe’s been very vocal about it to her. Sighing loudly your dad restshis hand over yours saying, “Your mother loves you very much,kiddo. You know that right?”
Your heart stills for a moment and you knowwhat’s about to happen. You don’t say anything and try to quicklybuild up your walls. If you could you’d run right out of the houseand dive into your car, but from this area of the house you have tocross through the living room and you know your mother would bewaiting for you. “I can’t.” You whisper looking up at your dadwith pleading eyes.
“Shemeans well.”
Biting your tongue you force your response downdeep. It hurts to have to hold your tongue and hide that you are souncomfortable with your mother’s “kind” gestures.  Hergestures usually mean some kind of “miracle” skin healing lotion,or some “magical” oil to help you “control” yourcompulsion.  “Dad please, I can’t keep doing this. Iknow she means well.” It’s the first time you’ve ever let himknow how much it hurts you to keep getting these well meaning gifts.
“I’lltalk to her again, I promise. For today just take the gift. You don’thave to use it kid, but it’ll break her heart if you don’t atleast accept it.” It’s totally your dad to be the negotiator, buttaking your mother’s gift may very well break you down.
Closing your eye you tight against your ownemotions, shoving them deep down into the bowels of hell where theycame from and pack up your stuff. Whatever enjoyment you just had andwhatever sense of normalcy with is now gone. Right now you’re doingeverything not to just cry.
Steeling yourself against the next few minutesyou give your dad a huge fake smile and stand up. “I’ll see youlater.” You manage to say without hint of your struggle. Your daddoesn’t get up, nodding his head to you. You lean down and brush akiss to his temple and leave the room.
Your mom doesn’t ambush you right away,waiting until you’ve nearly have the door within reach beforepopping out with a bight florescent bag showcasing lipsticks andpowder cover up. Letting your mask slip into place you put on thesame show you always do.
“What’sthat?” You already know. “Mom, I don’t need…” And she’snot listening to you again.
“Karenhad this amazing little party the other night for skin care and sheshowed me this and I just had to buy it for you, to… um help withall the—the scarring.” It’s difficult for her to reference yourscars directly which gives you some amount of satisfaction but itdoesn’t last.  “This is an exfoliating scrub to takeaway the dead skin, and this is to put on after you’ve bathed; ithelps rejuvenate the skin and help it heal. Oh, and this! This is themost amazing moisturizer! It will help lighten the—the, um, scarsso they’re not so… so noticeable.”
She really does mean well, but for all her wellmeaning she doesn’t take your feelings into account. She loves youbut each time she does this it feels like she doesn’t love all ofyou. Since being with Henrik, having him find out about youraffliction, you’ve learned to be comfortable with your scars, withthe fact you can’t always control yourself.
Feeling the familiar sensation of youaffliction you take the bag, needing to just leave the house beforethings get even more overwhelming. “Bye Mom, see you late.” Youtell her, quickly kissing her cheek and hastily make your exit.
Slipping behind the wheel of your car you turnthe ignition on and drive home as quickly and as safely as you can.You don’t notice until you’ve closed the front door of yourapartment but you’ve managed to pick open a mostly healed cut onyour forearm. Shrieking you rush into the bathroom to find theantiseptic and bandages.
 “Y/n,I have found a dog zat you vould love to zee.” Henrik callsentering the house. Instantly he knows something is wrong. “Schatz?”Carefully he makes his way to your bathroom and pushes the door open.His heart sinks at the sight of you rocking back and forth on theedge of the bathtub holding your arm to your chest, blood stainingyour skin.
“Y/n,oh scheiβe,” he whispers. It’s very rare and memorable if Henrikis brought to the point of swearing. He’s used to seeing blood butnot when it’s yours and in such a large volume. As he makes his wayto you he does note there are no large puddles and in fact it is verylittle in comparison to what he expected.
“Goodkids don’t pick. Good kids don’t pick. Good kids don’t pick.”You chant under your breath. You heard this so much growing up whenyour anxiety got too much in public settling. Your mother would handyou a cloth napkin or some kind of object to twist or snap to keepyou from picking at your skin.
Grabbing a towel from the floor Henrik cleansthe rim of the tub and sits down next to you. It concerns him morethat you don’t acknowledge him than the pink water sloshing aroundyour calves. No matter how bad it is, you always acknowledge him.
“Y/n?I am home.” Henrik says softly running his ringers along the sideof your head seeing the far away gaze you have. Your eyes neverwaiver from a spot in the water as Henrik calls your name again. .Henrik turns from you closing his eyes and takes a steady breath.This is new and more concerning. He wonders what could have happenedto throw everything you’d been working so hard to accomplish to thefloor.
Whatever happened he can’t let your pick atyourself anymore. He knew there was a scratch on your arm, but it didnot cross his mind you would pick at it to this extent. That is notwhere all the blood is solely coming from. You’ve picked at yournail beds your lips and small spots on your legs. Whatever happenedwas devastating.
Carefully Henrik lays his hands over yours andpushes it into your lap. “Y/n, vill you not look at me?” He askssoftly waiting for you to turn your head.
His voice is a welcomed sound, but it’s notenough to break the trance. You want to turn to him and cry into hisarms, but you just can’t. You’d tried to reach out to him beforethings got worse, but no one would find him for you, or were overlyrude.
Sighing quietly Henrik stands up to fetch atowel. The bath water is too dirty now to be used for any kind ofgood cleaning, but he can at lease get the dried blood off. Shruggingoff his jacket and button up shirt, Henrik tosses them into thehallway along with his shoes and socks.
He roll up his pant legs and sits down againfeet into the water and slowly cleans away the blood and bits ofskin. He knows this should disturb him since it’s you, but he is adoctor, and caring for people regardless of their relation to him iswhat he does. It’s easier on him to look at your wounds from aclinical stand point because then it makes it less of an ego blowwhen you have a relapse or when he needs to help you heal.
“Dove,vat happened?” Henrik tires to get you to talk glancing up at yourface. You’re staring right at him; still you do not see him. Ithits him then; you were supposed to see your father about a car you’dbeen looking into purchasing. “Did you see your dad?” He asks andthe response is not what he wanted.
Your whole upper torso bobs with each sob asyou’re pulled from your trance. Dropping the towel in the pinkwater Henrik takes your hands afraid for a moment that you’ll goback to picking when he’s just got you to stop.
No, instead you look directly at Henrik andsob, “Why can’t she see she’s hurting me?”
Clarity has been given. Confusion and worrygives way to anger within Henrik. Your mother, as well-meaning as shecan be is slowly killing you. Taking a few calming breaths Henrik hasto center himself before speaking. “Dove, I am here now. Come letus clean you.” It’s not what he wants to say, but for you, andyour love for your mother, he holds his tongue. To often do childrencome in to the hospital because of the ignorance of their parents.
If he needs to take you away to Germany or toIreland, he will—if it means you will be happier. Standing upHenrik helps you to your feet. Keeping on hand connected to one ofyours he leans over and drains the bath. Twisting the head of theshower away from him he opens the taps and spends a about a minutetesting the water before switching places with you.
This is not the shower he had hoped to behaving, but he will do what is needed to keep you healthy and—witha little prayer, sane. Using his antibacterial hand soap from thesink, Henrik washes your newest wounds with care, pausing for briefmoments when it’s too much pain for you
The shower takes the better half of a halfhour, but once done he helps you wash your hair before turning offthe water and disrobe you and him completely. Grabbing towels hewraps his around his waist then gently dries you off. Through out theprocess you’ve cried silently upset and ashamed you’re puttingHenrik through this again.
Walking with you into the bed room he helps youget into your favorite shirt and bottoms before taking you to thedinning room table and sits you down. Some of your wounds have openedand he has to clean them off before dressing them with cotton gauzewrap.
“Villyou tell me now?” Henrik asks setting his supplies aside. Sittingon his knees he holds your hands, waiting in silence for you to openup to him. He won’t lie this is a set back, but it does not meanall your accomplishments is meaningless.
One long silent minute stretches into twobefore you lift your gaze to his. “She means well.” You repeatyour father knowing Henrik will know exactly who you refer to.
“Doesnot mean she knows vell.”Henrik responds in a neutral tone. Hedoesn’t want you to feel attack or that you are attacking yourbother, but as your partner and if he’s honest your husband, hewill do what is best for your health. “Many of my patients zink zeyare doing best, but it only hurt zose around zem.”
“Shedoesn’t listen to me, I tell her no and she just… I can’t stopher.” You whisper with a defeated look in your eyes. You can seethe anger at your mother’s meddling brewing in Henrik’s eye.Giving him a small smile it touches you how upset he gets on yourbehalf.
“Mylove, I vill help you vith her if you vill let me.” Henrik offersagain in the neutral tone.
Your chest tightens. No one’s offered to helpyou talk with your mother. Dad says he talks to her, but nothing eversinks in to her mind that you don’t like her “gifts” and thatshe’s hurting you more than she’s helping no matter how much shewants to help. “Please.” It’s a whisper of a sound, but Henrikhears you as if you’d just screamed with everything in you.
Henrik nods squeezing your hands. Standing uphe helps you to your feet and leads you to the living room and putson a comedy movie. For the next few days he’ll keep you home andrelaxed before taking you over to your parent’s house for a sitdown.
 Dressing in semi casual clothing it feels likeyou’re getting ready for an interview you don’t want to be apartof. Unfortunately this has to be done and thankfully Henrik will bethere for you. Sitting down on the bed you settle your hands in yourlap and take a few deep breaths.
Henrik stands in the door way watching youcarefully. He’s so proud of the progress you’ve made in just thepast three days. He knows this will be a hard step in your life, buthe’s quite sure it’s something you need. “Are you ready?”
Noddingyour head you stand and follow Henrik to the car. The car ride islong and filled with an awkward silence. You don't know how yourmother—or father for that matter will react, but you, you have todo this.
Pullinginto the driveway Henrik turns the car off but doesn't get out rightaway. “Good or bad, I vill support you.” He tells you earning atimid smile in response.
Youboth exit the car and walk hand in hand to the door of your parent'shouse. They've met Henrik before and seemed to like him, but youwonder if they'll like him after this. It's not that you'll throwHenrik under the bus, but without him you'd never have the courage todo this. Knocking twice your mother answers the door, surprised tosee you but ushers you in quickly.
Yousmile shyly at her and follow her into the living room. Hesitatingfor a moment when you see your siblings and aunt in the room youstick closer to  Henrik. “Hey, d-didn't realize anyone was going tobe over tonight.” You say waving to your family.
“Spurof the moment kind of thing. Looks like you two had the same idea.”Aj says smiling at you. You can't return it with the same happiness.
“Well,ah, I needed to... to talk with mom and dad about something.” Youbeing wanting to hide behind Henrik. He squeezes your hand to comfortyou and solidify his support.
“Oh?What about dear? Did that stuff I bought you work?” You mother asksgiving you an easy opening.
“Ah,”Your voice stalls for a second and Henrik releases your hand andplaces both his hands on your shoulder to comfort you still. “No,its not helping, Mom.” You say softly.
“Haveyou even been using it?” Your mom asks taking a bit of a defensivetone.
“Mrs.Y/n,” Henrik begins but you hold your hand up. It's not Henrik'sresponsibility to do this for you. He's done so much already.
“Thankyou, Hen, but I can do it.” You tell him raising a hand to squeezehis. He nods and allows you to take lead again. How did you get solucky to have Henrik as your lover and supporter? “Mom, I love you,I love that you want to help me, but please, no more. I can't—Ican't do it. I know my skin is horrible, that I have scarseverywhere, but all those products you buy, it kills me.” You sayhonestly, it's the most honest you've been in years.
“Whatare you talking about? They're to help you with your... problem.”She says glancing at your aunt.
“Ihave dermatillomania, mom. It's not a dirty secret and it's notsomething I have control over. I would understand better if I askedfor things to help soften my scaring or help smooth out my skin, butI'm still coming to terms with managing my condition. In stead ofseeing the progress I've made you focus on the physical aspect of theafter math. I can't,” Tears drip down your cheek. You don't mean tocry you just are. “I can't keep repeating this cycle. I'm askingyou to stop forcing me to move faster than I am comfortable with.”
Youcould have shot your mother in the leg and she'd look less in painthat she does now. “Y/n! I—I have just been look out for you!Your physical feathers is how the world sees you. What do you thinkpeople think of you with all those scars?” Your mother asksnoticing the bandages under your long sleeves. “Have you beenpicking again?” She shrieks.
Forthe first time something snaps at her words. Shoving your sleeves upyou rip off your carefully placed wrappings. “Yes, because youcan't see your child that is in pain and needing really moral andmental support more than to worry about the physical appearance!”You shout hot angry tears replacing the sad ones. “I can't do thisanymore, mom.” You plead.
“Y/n!Watch your tone!” Your father shouts out of habit despite his harshtone. Your mother sits speechless, as does your siblings and aunt.
Henrikwraps his arms around you, pinning your hands to your sides to keepyou from picking at your skin again. He knows you, he knows youremotions, the warning signs. Twisting you away from your family heturns you in his arms and frames your face with his hands. “Look atme.” He orders sternly. Your eyes bounce to and from his face a fewtimes before settling on him. “Tell me.” He whispers.
“It'sbad, Hen. I... I'm fighting so hard.” You tell him pleading for himto help you. He nods and reaches into his pocket.
“Ihad hoped to vait until ve returned home, but zis vill help.” Hepromises stepping away from you and kneels. Your heart thunders.
“H-Henrik,what are...”
“Youare beauty in physical form, Y/n. Be my vife and complete me.” Hesays displaying a small box with the most beautiful ring you've everseen.
“Henny...”you whisper. He hates the nickname, but allows you to say it becauseit makes you giggle and he loves your giggle. Voices gasp behind you,your father stands up as if to interfere but remains still.
“Sayyes.” He coaxes watching your smile slowly come into existence.
“Yes,”You agree with all your heart. Henrik smiles taking your uncoveredleft arm and slips the ring on. “I had planned on asking you closerto our anniversary, but now seemed good. I have read zat havingsomezing to twist or fidget vith can help. Zis vill be a symbol of mylove for you, and provide a small coping technique ven I cannot bezere for you.” Henrik says ever being the doctor you love.
“Whoa,I did not expect that.” Aj remarks.
“Ilove you Henrik.”
“AndI you, Y/n”
“Well,I... I didn't realize that you two were so serious.” Your motherremarks not know what else to say. This is not where the conversationwas going. “But that still doesn't explain why I'm being attacked.”
Youlook at your mom. “I'm not attacking you, Mom. For once I'm beingcompletely honest with you. I love you, I know you mean well, but Ican't and I won't take anymore skin care products from you.” Youtell her as straight forward as you can.
Yourmother scoffs at your words. As you open your mouth your father says,“She's right Lidia. Leave the girl alone, I've told you before, Y/nis grown now. She is able to buy what she needs when she needs it.”You smile gratefully at your father.
“Ah!Well I'm sorry for caring about you!” Your mother cries throwingher hands in the air and walks out of the room.
Apainful silence takes over before AJ says, “Anyways, congrats ongetting engaged!”
Ploppingdown on your bed you're over come with giggles. Despite your mother'sreaction and feelings you're happy. Looking at your ring you rollonto your back and flail about with excitement. You're going to marrythe most wonderful man on the face of the earth!!
Henriksmirks from the door way before rushing the bed and jumps on. Youshriek when his body lands almost atop you. “Henrik! You scaredme!” You tell him laughing.
Hetakes your lips, kissing you until you're dizzy. “I love you, and Ivanted to discuss a matter vith you.”
“Whatis it?” You ask with a raised brow.
“Ihave received an offer to go to Ireland to practice. It has been manyyears since I have been home. I vonder if you vould come vith me?”Henrik asks. He knows it's not the best of time considering where youjust came from, but he had received the offer while his phone was offat your parent's.
Bugeyed you stare up at Henrik. “Really? Wow. I mean..” Pausing youreally think about that. The more you do the more it become obviousit's important to Henrik. He gets a slight crease in his foreheadwhen he's worried you'll reject something. You're not big on moving,especially that far, btu you will be starting your life as a marriedcouple, new adventures await you.
“Yes.”You tell him. “Let's do it!” You cheer pulling Henrik down foranother kiss. “Wherever you lead, I will follow.”
“Youamaze me, Y/n.” Henrik responds caressing your cheek bone with histhumb. “How did I get so lucky?” Smiling your gladly accept hiskiss.
“Luckain't got nothing to do with it. You brought me home and I refuse tolet you go.” You tease giggling at the feeling of Henrik's fingertips against your sides. He knows you all to well, and you love himthe more for it.
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lcthebtswriter · 7 years
blind | hc
pairing: dark or anti x reader
summary: how the two egos would help their blind significant other 
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this dude would be at your side 24/7
you want something to eat?
“I’ll get it for ya”
you going to the bathroom?
“Cool, I’ll come too.”
you’ll have to tell Anti you can take care of yourself
which he knows, but he’s there just in case because you’re his baby
constantly holds your hand
terrified of losing you in a crowd
talks to Dr. Schneeplestein to learn more about your disability
“Anti, have you seen my white cane?”
Anti admiring you when you’re listening to music
taking you to parks just to watch you listen to the birds chirping
opens doors and moves objects outta your way before you can reach them
teases you when you ask for help
“I told you”
“Shut up and just help me”
reaching up to high places for you
reads to you even though he thinks reading is for losers
loves watching you learn/read Braille
“Babe that shirt is backwards”
extra touchy since you can’t see him, but you can feel him
runs his fingers through your hair a lot
plays with your hands
tells you what’s happening when you watch a movie
thinks you look stunning when you just take in your surroundings
the sunlight always makes you look?? so?? angelic??
insecure? not in his house
Anti shuts that shit down real quick
facing you when you sleep
describes your surroundings. i.e: people, nature, dogs that run past your feet
“Oh my God it’s so fluffy! (Y/N), pet it!”
guiding your hands when you reach for something
pushes things closer to you in case you need them later
isn’t afraid to give you piggyback rides instead of having you walk places
protective af but knows you’re an independent person
loves you even if you can’t see him
doesn’t realize you’re blind at first
you tell him you can see but it’s fuzzy as hell
protective mode: activated
insists on doing everything for you
shuts up when you tell him you’ve got it
chill when it comes to your disability
still insists on being with you all day long
doesn’t hold your hand unless you’re in large crowds
instead he chooses to have you hang onto his arm
is reminded of Host whenever you stare into space and try to focus on something
reminds you not to stress your eyes out
Dark thinks about reaching into the void to make a deal for your sight
he only brings it up once and you tell him no
you don’t want to risk anything to live in something you’ve gone so long without
Dark says okay but is only more aware of what you do from then on
“Let me get that for you”
“Stop arguing with me”
calls you a big baby when you refuse his help
leaves you alone though
tells you how good you look
forgets you can’t see too clearly sometimes
“Can you hand me that, love?”
“Hand you what? Dark, I can’t see that far.”
doesn’t mind brushing your hair for you even though you can do it just fine
Dark just secretly likes to do things for you
scares the shit outta you when he just pops up like “hello”
runs to you when you bump into something
doesn’t say anything when you ask for his help
lets you hold onto his pinky when you get overwhelmed in a public space
loves to kiss the bridge of your nose, right between your eyes
you insecure? scared?
“Darling, you’re strong. Plus you have me.”
hitting him upside the head when his ego soars
scared you see his shell breaking
but he’s so relaxed with you that it barely happens
trails his finger over your lips before kissing them so you know it’s coming
you’re just a big ball of calm and he holds you while you sleep
loves you so much it’s kinda gross
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