#dr jack hodgins
bidotorg · 7 months
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Remember Bones? Jack Hodgins loves his wife and his wife is bi! #BiWifeEnergy 🦴
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sad-girl-shit11 · 8 days
Brennan and hodgins have such a big sister little brother relationship. Like in the buried alive episode, and the one where they made an herbal remedy together for arastoo. He looks at her with such admiration in a lot of scenes. He deeply respects her and she adores him.
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nwarrior777 · 1 year
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ta-dah! Dr Hodgins from "Bones" fanart.
Did you know that he is canonically disabled wheelchair user (in the late late season(s???))?
I had a dream with him (lol) + i accidentally got info about disability plot + he actually was my fave in the show back then i watched it sometimes on TV.
It was the most strange drawing experience i ever get - i watched this show probably before i even figured out that pictures on internet is, you know, like, drawn by someone. And i am now is who making that internet pictures. Very interesting feeling... so.. joyful?
It was nice to draw him, but i used here my "taking a character who i like from the media because i like only him from all of the thing" method, like i did with The Duke. The problem is, that he, unlike The Duke, has a little bit more than 7 minutes screen time cause he is one of the main cast of the show with 11 seasons. I solved this problem by reading his fandom wiki page and BOI this show is something (Radioactive Mutant Wasps in my criminal procedural? More likely than you think! Just read characters wiki pages, this shit is really on next level, i was laughing to tears).
So, in conclusion: his disability is canon and that inspired me on fanart in the first place, and fanart is based on vibes of character which i remember from my childhood + a little wiki info, and it was very fun to draw
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Dating Lance Sweets Headcanons:
Paring: Lance Sweets x Hodgins!Reader
Summary: Headcanons about Lance dating Hodgins' little sister.
A/n: I'm on a roll with my Lance content, I love this man. Also there might be some nsfw content so be aware.
🩵MasterList 🩵Dating Lance mood board
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I think you guys would be clueless to your feelings, like they're obviously there and everyone can see It expect you two.
You two became best friend first and guys spent so much time trying to get Booth and Bones together, you didn't relize the feeling you had for each other.
Booth noticed first, the leangering glances Lance would give you, how his eyes would light up everytime you entered to room. In Booth's words Lance was a love-sick puppy.
You were just the same, your brother Hodgins knows you like the back of his hand so he'd notice how you'll smile when you talk about Lance or how you just turn bright red in his presence.
You kinda just always had missed opportunities and your friends were getting sick of it, your the 'mom' of the group dispite you being one of the youngest, so your always trying to help everyone else find their happiness.
“why don't you just tell him how your feel?” Angela asked one day. You didn't know how to respond.
He confessed first... It was on the day he thought he was gonna lose you forever. The Gravedigger buried you in the car with Hodgins.
He didn't leave your side when you got taken to the hospital. “please don't leave me... I love everything about you even the things I don't like.. God I love you”
The rest was history... You guys ended up together quicker than Bones and Booth... Apparently there was a bet going around the Jeffersonian on which couples would end up together first, I'll tell ya Cam lost a butt load of money to Hodgins.
Anyway, he's the Sweetest boyfriend you'll ever find. Your the best thing that ever happened to him.
It won't take long for him to open up about his time in foster care and the abuse he endored. You'd hold him as a few stray tears would leave his eyes.
He would talk about the parents he did end up with in the end a lot. The older couple showed him what love was and he was greatful for it. He'd always say how much his adopted mother would love you. “she would have loved you”
This man need physical contact a lot. He's a big cuddler and just needs you in his arms, it's a comfort and a protection thing.
He's big on hand holding too, if your walking around the city your hands will be locked together, or sometimes hell just hold your had if your setting down at a table or something.
There's a lot of neck and forehead kisses being handed out by this man. He loves wrapping his arms around you from behind and just trail soft kisses down your neck.
He loves it when you kiss him on the cheek It's always innocent and loving, and a quick way to love on him even if you're in public or at work.
We can't gloss over the nose, It's super cute gester he loves doing. He thinks is adorable to watch your nose scrunch it up when he press his lips to it, but that just makes you cuter in his eyes.
And maybe he'll just nuzzle his nose to yours... I think it's Eskimo kisses or something, whatever it is it's a cute motion of love he loves doing.
He can be a rough kisser, but mostly he's a passionate kisser. He pours all his love and emotions into it, he makes sure your the only one on this earth he wants to love.
Sometimes if your not busy at the Jeffersonian he'll call you up so you can keep him company in his office, you'll just curl up in his lap while he dose paper work.
He loves it when you curl up on his lap and loves it when your fingers run through his hair or massage his scalp while he's working or your just cuddling.
He hangs out at your office in the Jeffersonian a lot too, sometimes he could be pest(you'll never tell him that nor will you tell him to go away) but you love the company and he's always there to help you with evidence.
Oh, since he's a Shrink is basically impossible for you to lie to him, but he's easy to talk to. I think that you talking to him as your boyfriend and not a psychiatrist helps a lot too.
“I know when your lying”
“because your and Shrink or because your my boyfriend?”
“both” he responded.
God, this man loves everything about you. You have a couple of tattoos, he wants to know about them. It doesn't matter what type of hair you have or if you like it or not, he loves it. He'll love your voice, body, personality... Everything.
He loves your eyes, He loves how innocent and beautiful they looked, they're so gentle to him.
When he talks about you, they just know he's in love. Booth tease him saying he has drool or heart eyes.
“Booth, did you know she has like five smiles?”
“is this a Shrink thing or 'I'm so in love' thing?” he'll ask but still want to know. He's happy Lance finally found someone.
“she has this one smile when she finds something funny and there's one when she's just talking about her friends.. There's this cute little smile she gets when I compliment her... It's my favorite, she's cute when she gets all shy”
He's very protective of you, he not a violent person in the slightest but if someone caused you harm he'll tear the world down.
He's so afraid of losing you, your the best thing that's ever happened to him and he doesn't want to screw it up. Of course he doesn't have to worry about that.
Your always resuring him that your always gonna be by his side. With that I think he's secretary insecure, he's never really had anyone drool over him like girls do Booth, so your always telling him how handsome he is.
“your so Handsome, have I ever told you that?”
He just the same way with you, always telling you your perfect or beautiful. Sometimes you feel a little bit out of his league, but there's no one he'd rather be with than you.
He leaves love notes every where for you to find, sometimes it will be on your mirror, sometimes in the book your reading at the time, no matter what your always finding his sweet messages.
You have a folder in your office with every single post-it, scratch paper, card, anything with a love note you kept.
It's the small things that matter most. He loves dancing with you to your favorite songs. It brings a softer side to your guys chaoic lives.
Your Song is 'Can't help falling in love' by Elvis Presley.
He teaches you how to play chess, you show interest in playing the game after watching him play dozens of them during a case involving a chess club. You would copy his stratagies, but you still couldn't really figure it out. He beat you everytime.
He finds it both frustrating and adorable that you have nicknames for the pieces. The most famous ones are 'little horseys' or 'the skinny castles'
Sometimes he'll let you win just so he can see you smile and do a little victory dance.
“how about we play checkers, I'm good at checkers” you said dumping the chess board.
You beat him at checkers everytime.
You love hearing him play piano, he'll learn your favorite songs and play them for you. You talked him into teaching you how to play, it's a great way for you to spend time together.
But if he's in the right mood he'll mess with you.
“I can't concentrate when you do that” you laughed. He was standing behind you while his hands moved around you. “doing what?” he said, kissing your neck.
He goes all out with dates rather if it's a night out or in. If it's a movie night he'll get all your favorite snacks and movies and make a comfy theater for you to cuddle in. If it's a night out he'll take you anywhere your heart desires.
A/n: this is just my headcanon for me and him: he'll remember the small things, like you mentioned you loved Elvis and have never be to Graceland. This man will keep the trip a secret, make sure you both have time off work and he'll suprise you. Hell, he might even propose to you there.
He has alot of nicknames for you, but the most common one is Baby or Honey.
Your nickname for him is Sweetie or Sweetheart, it goes with his last name and you refuse to call him Lancealot.
Speaking of Lancelot... The girl that calls him that causes a bit of commotions for you. Daisy had a huge crush on him(in this universe they never dated) and she's tied her hardest to be with him. Lance is faithful to you and told her fermly that he'd never betray you. She didn't let up for a while and even tried to use your inncecurites against you.
After Lance saw your tears and heard you question everything he quickly put a stop to everything.
He'll notice the little things, like how the only gummies you'll eat is gummy sharks. You don't like the worms because they remind you of snakes and the bears are too cute to eat.
Speaking of sharks and the ocean, Angela made you a vertical aquarium for the screen in your office after the case involving the lion fish.
Sometimes you and Lance will set infront of it relaxing while you watch the fish.
If your in bed he'll always have his arms around you. Rather your the little spoon or your on his chest. But sometimes if his day is rough he'd want to be the little spoon. His favorite feeling in the world is your arms around him and your fingers running through his hair.
You love his curls and you'll play with his hair any chance you get. It's a very comfterting feeling to him so he's neve apposed to it.
I don't think he'd waist much time when it comes to proposing to you. He knew you were the one the second he met you, of course he'll let your relationship grow and strangthen but he'd definitely bought a ring seven months into the relationship.
He'll carry the ring around everywhere too, without you knowing too. If there's a perfect moment to do it he'll have it on hand.
And you know Booth helped him pick out the ring.
Speaking of Booth and Bones, those to took you under their wings, Booth is your best friend and your adopted big brother. Temperance loves you to and you got her permission to call her Bones.
NSFW headcanons:
He tries his hardest to be romantic all the time, during sex especially. He wants you to know just how much he loves and adores you.
He's the most loving person during sex, hell he is all the time. He'll also try his best to make it as romantic as possible, if not he's always holding you close and kissing you so you know how much he loves you.
Your pace all depends on your moods honestly. Usually it's slow and loving, everything moves so quickly in his life so it's nice to just savor moments like this. But if you get him riled up or push the right buttons that switch will be flipped in seconds.
He loves missionary, keeping eye contact while he fucks you. He loves how you dig your nails into his back and wrap your legs around his waist to bring him impossibly closer.
He love getting head. I feel like he’d like having you on your knees. Plus, feeling your lips around him pushes him closer to cumming in your mouth.
Loves eating you out,your legs around his head. He loves your legs in general and loves leaving kisses on the insides of your thighs. He'd rather pleasure you for hours than receive.
Hair pulling, he loves feeling your fingers in his curls rather your tugging or just playing with it.
He loves hearing you moan. If you try to hold back or even muffle them when it's unnecessary, he'd put an end to it. “don't hold back, let me hear your voice”
He definitely has a Praise kink, he loves making you feel loved and appreciated. He love how he can easily make you blush. “your so Beautiful”
He's not opposed to hearing your praises either, he wants to know how good he's making you feel.
He's a soft Dom and he always makes sure your comfortable. He loves to take control in the bed but would never push you.
I think he'll feel most a power if your in his office and he has you bend over his desk or maybe your just setting on top of it, getting railed.
I think he needs to keep eye contact and just feel you as close as possible, so if your on his desk your facing each other. He loves it when you wrap your legs around his waist pulling him closer as he rams into you.
There has been a couple of times Booth has walked in on you, he'll hear the desk legs scratching aginst the floor and things falling. Safe to day Booth has lernd to knock.
“Lance he just saw us!” you panted.
“I was too busy to notice” he said kissing your shoulder.
So there's alot of office sex with him, they're mostly quickies which aren't his favorite but he's never apposed to it.
Speaking of which, he refuses to refer sex as 'fucking', he thinks is degrading towrds you so it's just sex or 'making love' in his vocabulary.
This man is amazing when it comes to aftercare. He knows exactly what you need and when. After your both cleaned up and he makes sure your okay he'll pull you to his chest to cuddle, my boy needs cuddles after sex.
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crusadingcryptid · 21 days
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It has been 5 episodes since I last saw my guy. If you or anyone you know has information about the whereabouts of archaeologist and the head of the Jeffersonian Dr. Goodman, please tell the studio to rescue him. I fear I may never see him again.
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puppychase · 2 years
I think Bones (2005) is the show with the most neurodivergent characters per square inch
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coppertophomegurl · 2 years
"But you risked it all so you wouldn't hurt Hodgins!"
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freechicken · 1 year
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reference used:
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time taken and stroke count:
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a few different versions:
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retrointhenow · 2 years
Match Maker II Lance Sweets X Reader
A/N : I think we need some more Lance Sweets fics around here, so this is my official attempt :))
Dr. Sweets could be anything he wanted. He could get you to do anything. Which is why you were a squint and not an Agent. Say the right thing to you and you do whatever was needed. Lance knew it.
"Y/n! Glad I caught you!" Sweets stopped you before entering Booth's office. "Hey Lance. What can I do for you?" You had a long-time crush on the shrink, you assumed he knew. Being a psychologist and all. "I have the files from the Alabama case analyzed. Mind delivering them to Brennan when you head back?" He flashed his pearly whites at you. "Of course! Anything for you." You lightly flirted. Normally you'd clam up around Sweets and make a complete fool of yourself, but today you must have had a newfound confidence. "A darling you are." He disappeared down the hall to his office. Your heart fluttered; he called you darling.
"You are so easy Y/n." Booth chuckled, peaking his head out of his office. You frowned and looked at the agent. "How so?" Booth motioned for you to enter his office, closing the glass door once you did. You took in his office, looking at the hockey photo behind his desk and the photos of Parker. "You fold at the sight of him. Your demeanor changes when he enters the room. It's amazing how you got through that short conversation with him." You face flushed then blushed instantly. "I won't say anything if you don't want me to. But Sweets is totally oblivious to you." He opened emails on his computer. You shook your head. "Sweets wouldn't. It's just a harmless crush. I'll get over it by the time the snow thaws." You shrugged and went to the door. "I might not be a psychologist, but I can pick up on body language, Sweets doesn't reciprocate." You held onto the file Sweets gave you earlier and headed to the Jeffersonian.
You swiped your key card to enter the forensics platform to hand Brennan the folder. "The smells never get easier, do they?" You asked to no one in particular. "Not really." Angela laughed and pulled up photos of magnified bone chips. You studied them for a few minutes before looking back at the skeleton of the table. You asked Angela to zoom into the shins. There was still a few bits of muscle and flesh covering the body. "That looks like shin splints does it not?" You asked Cam. "Yeah, it does. Good job Miss L/n." "I know a lot of girls in my high school got shin splints during track. Coming off winter sports or an off season. They're cause from overworking or changing their exercise routine." You smiled proudly. Brennan nodded and looked at the exposed bones. "Very well." You ran back and forth between the bone room and Hodgins's lab trying to solve this murder.
"Ah Mrs. Sweets. What can I do for you this time." Hodgins smirked looking into his microscope. "W-what?" You fumbled. "I uh brought you some soil samples found in the muscles." You shook it off. Maybe you just misheard him. He grabbed the empty Petri dish from you and ran it through his machines. "It's gonna take a few minutes. So, you and Sweets huh?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "I have no idea what you're talking about. There's nothing between us." You shifted uncomfortably. He nodded skeptically. His screen dinged with the results from the soils. "I'll leave you to your work." You quickly got away from the scientist.
"Alright squinty! Come on, Parker wants to see you." Booth ran into the bone room clapping his hand. You racked your mind for why Parker would wanna see you of all people. You're just a squintern. You only had a few real conversations with Parker when you first started at the Jeffersonian. He was a sweet kid, but he could be something else, either way you followed Booth to the Royal Diner.
"Y/n!" Parker ran up and hugged you. You hugged the young boy back and ruffled his hair. "Hey buddy!" Your smile quickly dropped when you saw Sweets sitting at the table. "What's he doing here?" You looked at Seeley panicking. Seeley threw his hands up in defense. "Parker invited him. Blame the kid not me." He slid into the seat next to Parker, forcing you to sit with Sweets. You may have mentioned to Parker that you had a slight crush on the shrink, but that was ages ago.
"Hey Y/n. Thank you again for running those papers for me." Sweets smiled. God you could have melted right there. "Oh yeah, of course." You chuckled and blushed. Seeley smirked. Go figure you couldn't have the confidence you did earlier when speaking to Lance.
"So, Dr. Sweets." Parker started. "Why doesn't my dad have a girlfriend yet." He asked innocently. You and Booth choked on your food / drink. You were laughing, Booth was embarrassed. "Parker!" Booth scolded. "Uh well. I think maybe you dad is just waiting for the right person to come along." Sweets tried not to offend Booth. He took it lightly. Parker smiled at you before asking Sweets, "Do you have a girlfriend?" Lance set his fork down and looked at the young boy. "I don't." You could have sworn he glanced at you. "Well, what about you Y/n? Do you have a boyfriend yet?" You took a deep breath. "No Parker I don't. The last one wasn't cool." You grimaced at the thought. A shit eating grin spread across his face; Seeley looked down proudly at his son. "So why don't you two get together then?" Sweets spit out his water and you turning a burning red.
"Well, uh I-" You started, completely flustered. You didn't imagine Parker trying to set you up or whatever. "Uhm, I think it would be a conflict of-" Lance started, focusing on you. "I can tell that Y/n likes you, and I think you like her too. I may be a kid, but I can definitely tell these things."
You and Sweets looked at each other for the first time during the outing. Your face still fiery red and his turning a light shade of pink. The corner of his mouth turned up ever so slightly. You broke contact and looked back at Parker. "Yeah uh, respectfully, you're still just a kid Parker." You got up and hurried out of the Diner. Embarrassment flooded your whole body; you could not believe Parker. Sure, he was a kid, but he had no idea what he was doing.
"So, you just walked out?!" Angela shouted as you laid on her couch. "What was I supposed to do Ange? Admit that I like Sweets? No way." You laughed. You could imagine him turning you down and having to avoid him the rest of your life. "Sweetie, he smiled at you, that's gotta mean something." She played on the Angelatron.
You groaned and threw your hands over your face. "You know what it means? It means that Parker made me look like a fool and now Sweets has probably already done his shrink stuff on me and has made a pros and cons list. Let's face it. I have no realistic chance with someone as smart as Lance." "I beg to differ." You shot up as Sweets walked into Angela's room. He looked at her, asking her for a moment alone. She smiled at you and scurried out. "Don't- run out on me. Please." You bit down on your lip and avoided eye contact yet again. "What do you want?" You stood up and walked around the room. There was no way you were going to sit still. "Can we talk?" His eyes followed your body around the room. "Nothing to talk about." You deflected his questions. He analyzed your emotions and movements as you reacted to his questions.
"There's not need to be embarrassed or humiliated Y/n." "Not be embarrassed? Really? Parker basically outed me about my feelings about you. And you totally did your shrink shit." Your body shook with nervous energy. "I pray to my spirits and ghosts that you'd never have to find out. Because you know what's worse than you knowing? It's you rejecting me, and then I'd have to see you every day until one of us moves on or does something else. And I can't handle that." He grazed over to where you were standing and took your hands into his own, he tilted your head up to meet his eyes.
"Look at me." His voice was soft and sweet. You dragged your eyes to meet his. "I am not going to shrink you or make a list of pros and cons about you, you certainly don't have to pray to your supernatural spirits, and more importantly I'm not going to reject you." Your body relaxed as his arm held your body. Still tense in some parts, not completely believing in him yet. "What are you saying?" You voice was just above a whisper. Eyes flickering between his gorgeous eyes. His lips curled into a smile, and he leaned down to your height.
"What I'm saying, Y/n, is that I like you. That I want to give us a chance." His lips connected with yours. You could have stayed like that for forever. His hand cupped your cheek and the other remained on your waist. Your hand laid on his neck and your opposite held onto his bicep. The only thing that pulled you away was a sudden roar of applause. Everyone from the Jeffersonian squints team, Booth, and Parker were cheering.
"It's about time." Clark exclaimed. You all looked at him with amusement. "I pay attention and keep my thoughts to myself." He shrugged and went back to the forensic platform. Sweets wrapped his arm around your waist and smiled down at you. You smiled back at Parker and mouthed 'thank you', he was pretty good at playing match maker.
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vino---delectable · 7 months
Vincent: Guys, I’ve been meaning to tell you… y/n and I are dating.
Y/n, Hodgins, Angela, Sweets, Brennan: *gasp*
Vincent: y/n, why are you surprised?!
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strwbrry-s · 8 months
why is there no agent aubrey fanfics. im dying over here.
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saltwaterburns · 3 months
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I haven't been able to stop think about them. Different shows, same people, same dynamic. Spencer and Zack, the slightly autistic, socially unaware and awkward yet so fucking biteable nerds with their Jack and Derek, flirty womanisers who are amazing at their job and would also take a bullet for their nerd. 🫶
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Can Someone Please Tell Hodgins to turn down the Music. I don’t want to hear Rasputin for the 100’th time this week
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skullz-and-bones · 11 months
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blue-rhinestone-eyes · 7 months
Vemos grandes estrellas y diminutos átomos, porque eso es lo que hacen los científicos, buscamos los hechos y decimos lo que es verdad, porque eso es lo que hacen los científicos, usamos nuestra mente, abrazamos lo nuevo,porque eso es lo que hacen los científicos. ✨🔭🧪🩻🧬⚗️🧫💀🦴
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Comedy short: who broke the coffee pot?(Bones)
Paring: reader x jeffersonian staff
Summary: cam wants to know who broke the coffee pot.
A/n: bones requests are open!
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Cam called a staff meeting today... No one would have ever predicted that it would be about a broken coffee pot. Not a corpse, not a piece of broken bone, but a broken pot.
They all stood around the broken coffee pot confused, in the coffee maker it's self was large beaker from the lab in place of the pot. All of us minus Bones, she was aggravated she was taken away from her work for this.
“So...” Cam said crossing her arms “Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.” she said softly looking at everyone.
Everyone stayed silent as Seeley and Lance walked in confused. Lance walked up next to y/n looking at the broken glass. Before he could ask what happened y/n sighed when she saw everyone's silent panic and spoke up.
“...I did. I broke it.” y/n said trying to save who's ever ass broke it.
Cam shook her head and sighed “No. No you didn't, you don't even drink coffee. Dr. Hodgins?”
Jack looked insulted that she would even mention him, did he not relize how many beakers he's broken in the Lab? “Don't look at me. Look at Wendell”
The blond look bewildered and gave Jack a dirty look before turning to Cam. “What?! I didn't break it.”
Jack hummed and looked at Cam like he cracked the case “Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?”
Wendell started to get annoyed, he rubbed his fave then pointed to the broken glass “Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.”
Jack shrugged “Suspicious.”
“No, it's not!” Wendell said shaking his head. Cam, who just wanted an answer sighed right back and looked towards Seeley who interjected.
“If it matters, probably not, but Lance was the last one to use it.” y/n and Lance both looked at him shocked.
“Liar! I don't even work here!” Lance said stepping away from the group.
“Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart last night?” Seeley asked in joking matter, he wasn't really trying to blame him.
“Because Brennan asked me to get her a cup of coffee while I got y/n her tea. They were both working late last Everyone knows that, Booth” Lance quickly said and his story check out.
Angela sighed and put her hands up “Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Cam”
Cam stoped her and held up the lose handle “No! Who broke it!?”
Everyone stayed quiet, they all shared glances just waiting for someone to crack. Jack's eyes fell on Bones who was now checking her watch.
Jack glanced at Cam “Cam Brennan's been awfully quiet.”
Bones gasped, shocked anyone would accuse her of such accusations “really Dr. Hodgins?!”
Everyone starts arguing after that, the squints and the scientists that is. Lance and Seeley stared, still confused on what just happened. Cam just snickered and walked over to the boys. “I broke it by accident. It burned my hand so I punched it.”
Seeley and Lance started chuckling when they saw y/n throw a hand full of coffee stirrers at Wendell and Jack.
Seeley chuckled. “I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a skull on a stick.”
*Later at the Bureau*
“crap!” James sighed as the sound of glass shattering filled his ears, he quickly looked around for witness hoping no one saw him break the coffee pot in the break room.
Caroline sighed and pulled out her phone from a distance, James didn't see her dialing Cam's number. “Cam, tell me how you handled the coffee pot situation at the jeffersonian”
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