#dr chakwas
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dr-vauclair-art · 10 months ago
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Portrait 20/30 - Dr. Chakwas (Mass Effect)
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jazzajazzjazz · 3 months ago
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Fun fact: up until this commission I had never drawn Chakwas before--wild :O Thank you @unfair-water-plane!
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finchmarie · 3 months ago
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Completed Commission for @korblez of Hannah and Karin in their retirement. Just being older ladies in love. 🌻
Can't express how grateful I am about my extremely cool clients and their very good tastes. 🖤🥰
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mighty-mandoart · 22 days ago
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Playing through Mass Effect again, and I'm still salty that Dr. Chakwas is not a romance option
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creaturefeaturecommando · 1 year ago
Man alright I’ve deduced it and here’s who absolutely did and didn’t tell Kaidan about Shepard and Garrus
Garrus- If Kaidan wasn’t on speaking terms with Shepard for joining Cerberus, why would he actively reach out to talk to Garrus ? And if Garrus was too busy to shoot Shepard a “U good” message to his girl Kaidan was definitely the last one on his mind.
Liara- Literally what reason would she have ? I’d assume she was too busy with shadow broker shit and her studying the prothean artifact unless she just did it to be mean because Geena originally rejected Liara for Kaidan and then moved onto Garrus like Kaidan was nothing but in ME3 she still assumes that she still has a thing for Kaidan but I don’t think it was her unless she wanted to be a bitch even though I don’t know how she’d know about Shepard and Garrus in the first place since she was too busy playing with her shiny new shadow broker toys.
Tali- Again, if he wasn’t on speaking terms with Shepard he wouldn’t be on speaking terms with her now matter how much she claims to hate Cerberus. If he didn’t believe his girlfriend why would he believe tali ? Also I can’t see them talking outside of a work basis anyways.
James- He didn’t even know that Kaidan knew Shepard so I doubt he knows their romantic history and he just freshly met Garrus while Kaidan was still comatose in the hospital and depending on how you play Garrus and Shepard might not even rekindle their romance until after visiting Kaidan or whatever. I don’t know, I know it wasn’t this idiot.
EDI- She’s way too smart for that and I can’t understand any scenario where she’d drop the bomb on Kaidan on their mission to mars since that’s the only time they interacted until he officially comes back but that’s way after he already confronted Shepard
Now let me tell you who it could have been:
Dr Chakwas- She cares about Kaidan deeply and even though she did join up with Cerberus she wasn’t officially part of them. She took a leave of absence from her actual job because the Cerberus thing was just a “temporary gig and Shepard needed her” and I can see her visiting him in the hospital and telling him that she knows Shepard and Kaidan had a thing but to not get his hopes up. She might have let it slip so that Kaidan doesn’t find out that hard way and gets hurt.
Joker- Even though he joined up with Cerberus too he technically started “ working” under the alliance again and since EDI only “obeyed” his commands and the alliance was too dumb to figure it out and he still had direct contact with Anderson, I figure he could convince Kaidan to have a drink with him. He probably accidentally let it slip and said that he wouldn’t say more and to just “ask Shepard”
Thane- If Thane is still alive in the play through it’s mentioned that he and Kaidan met in the hospital and while talking he probably let it slip and Shepard and Garrus hooked up but refused to say more once he saw the look on Kaidan’s face, knowing that he misspoke.
Any other answer kind of doesn’t make sense as to who snitched to Kaidan. Like it would take several convoluted reasons to explain to me why Urdnot Wrex, Kasumi, Grunt, Miranda, Jacob or whoever would go out of their own way to tell Kaidan that Shepard moved on like a day after they broke up but whatever
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lizardsexposed · 16 days ago
mood of the day is:
dr karin chakwas passed out drunk on a medical bed
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Same VA's
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dynamitegun · 1 month ago
I really wanted to write my own "Cat Effect" story.
"Doctor, can I ask you something"?
Doctor Karen Chakwas looked up from her data pad to find Garrus Vakarian looming in the doorway of sickbay. She noted with satisfaction that his facial scars were healing properly as he closed the door behind him.
Karen had treated her share of Turians over the years. From the earliest days after the liberation of Shanxi aboard the SSV John R. Fox , learning on the job alongside Turian medics and doctors the differences in physiology between both species, to treating diplomats and visiting brass on Archurus station ailing everything from hangovers to high running fevers. Yet no Turian encountered in those twenty nine years seemed to get injured as frequently as he did.
She swiveled her chair around to face him properly "What can I be of assistance with Garrus? You don't appear injured."
The Turian raised his talon tipped hands up before him, palms outstretched defensively.
"Not the case today, sorry if I got your hopes up Doctor. No it's about...the cat."
She couldn't help but smirk at the mention of 'the cat'. A stray that wandered aboard sometimes before. The entire crew seemed smitten with it. She wasn't a veterinarian herself but a basic checkup proved the animal healthy if a tad underweight. The crew saw fit to fix that, seeming to revel in fattening the feline up with treats or scraps from the galley.
"What about it? She hasn't gotten herself into any trouble again has she"? At least once a week the cat seemed to find itself in some mischief, knocking Corporal Westmoreland's favorite mug off a counter or chasing Liara's drone around the ship. Harmless really.
"It's constantly following me, sneaking into the main battery well I'm working. Rubbing against my side. Yesterday it jumped into my cowl well I was eating in the galley."
She suppressed a smile imagining the sight of a seven foot tall Turian soldier being menaced by a mere house cat. "And..."? She asked.
"Do felines...imprint of people? Is it obsessed with me because of some animalistic bond or boundary I crossed"? He asked, looking worried.
Karen much to his dismay tried her best to suppress a snort of laughter. Garrus gave her a worried look.
"No Garrus, well domesticated felines can be quite friendly, she certainly is too old to have imprinted on you. Although its obvious shes comfortable around you. The truth is..."
"What Doctor?" He asked. Chakwas tried again to suppress a grin
"Well I'd imagine to a cat, Turians are essential large, moving, heated scratching posts. No doubt your subharmonics are similar to a cat's purrs as well. She's just very comfortable around you. You're familiar to her. She must find it relaxing around you."
Garrus stared at her, eyes wide.
"So it's..." He gave a slight warble of uncertainty.
"She's just being friendly. Nothing to worry about Garrus I assure you. If you need space I can see about having EDI try and keep the cat out of your quarters from now on."
"No!" His voice was louder in the confines of the medbay. She blinked in surprise. He gave her a sheepish look, his mandibles fluttering "No doctor. They won't be necessary. Thank you for answering my questions." He quickly stood out of the medbay,
Karen watching him head towards the battery through the windows. The cat, splayed out on a table in the galley tracked him with its head as he passed by, before hopping down onto the floor, scurrying after him with a short "meow."
Now, without the risk of hurting Garrus' pride, Dr. Karen Chakwas let out a truly hearty laugh.
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dirtybiowareconfessions · 2 years ago
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Confession: I've literally only ever seen screenshots and art of Dr Chakwas and never played Mass Effect but she can come get it. I'm sure I could be a good girl for her.
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lingle-dingle · 2 months ago
I hate how in ME3 when you have a drink with Dr Chakwas they make it so weird if you call her, “Doctor.” I wish Shepard mirrored Chakwas’s sentiment from her speech about why she will always call Shepard Commander. I think it could have been a moment of like solidarity between two badass women in their own right.
You cannot convince me that Dr. Karin Chakwas is NOT ✨that bitch✨ of medicine.
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thatgoblinjess · 4 months ago
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If Bioware werent fucking cowards they'd let us romance Dr Chakwas
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Wanted Dead or Alive
“Shepard, there you are. Got a minute? You might learn something.”
“No time for stories today, I’m afraid,” she said, smirking when his brows rose.
“You’re not usually down here for business this time of night,” he mused, straightening up from leaning against the wall, and swaggered over to where she was standing by the desk at the far side of the wall.
“Supply run,” Shepard said.
Zaeed scoffed. “And you need me to hold your hand while you run some errands?”
Never mind that he came along without complaint whenever she dragged him and a long-suffering Garrus along to the Citadel to act as her cart horses while she acquired everything from ship provisions to weapons, mods, and… fish. She’d spared him the indignity of lugging the hamster cage around that time, but it’d been a close thing. Wouldn’t do to mention that now, though.
“Chakwas needs an escort,” she explained—for any given definition of the term.
“You want me to babysit the doctor?” Zaeed infused exactly the right words with incredulous emphasis, giving her an equally unimpressed look. Somehow, even the mismatched eye seemed to glare at her.
“You’re not babysitting, you’re making sure that no-one gets hurt, killed, or thrown in the drunk tank,” Shepard returned smartly.
“Uh-huh,” he said, giving her a sidelong glance. “And why aren’t you going with her? Is it because the chances of someone ending up in custody for drunk and disorderly would go right through the goddamn roof if you did?”
Shepard blew out her cheeks and raised her eyes to the ceiling—she’d never live that down. She cut her gaze back to Zaeed, who met her with a rare smile in the corner of his eye. Despite not denying his approval he simply operated on the principle of never passing up a chance to tease her about it.
“My presence would… stir things up,” she said with as unstudied an air as she could muster. “You won’t raise as many brows.”
“Well, can’t everybody be as pretty as you,” he muttered, affecting offence and meaning none of it. Well, maybe just some. She’d allow a man his vanity after surviving having half his head blown off. “So we’re flying under the radar?”
Continue reading on AO3 ->
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elderlytourney · 2 years ago
Old Woman Tourney Round 1 - Group 1E
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much-obliged-timothy · 2 years ago
June of Doom #22
Mass Effect - #22 - Crutches
Kaidan paced outside the room, hands behind his back. He couldn’t bear to stand still right now.
“Not good, huh?” Liara asked, coming up to him. “I heard it was a nasty fall.”
“A Cerberus agent shoved him out of a third story window,” Kaidan said, shaking his head. “He’s lucky it wasn’t worse. He got off easy, really.”
“But?” she pressed.
“But you know Shepard,” Kaidan said. “With a war on, he’ll fight any attempts to make him rest and recover.” 
The door slid open and Dr. Chakwas stepped out. “Kaidan, if you’d please. You too, Liara. Maybe he’ll listen to you two.” 
The two exchanged an “oh no, here we go” look before following Chakwas into the room. Shepard was lying in a bed, his ankle and foot in a cast and propped up on a pillow. 
“Mr. Shepard here is refusing to accept that he will need to be on crutches,” Chakwas said.
“I can’t be on crutches right now,” Shepard argued. “I can’t fight on crutches.”
“Oh, I’m terribly sorry. Did you miss the part where I said you are not cleared to return to duty yet?” she said in false surprise. “Apologies. Allow me to repeat it slower: You are not cleared to return to duty yet.”
“This isn’t the time for jokes! The Reapers are out there!” Shepard argued.
“And you’ll make easy pickings for them crawling around on the ground in your state,” she said.
“She’s right, Shepard,” Kaidan said, resisting the urge to rest his hand over Shepard’s with the others around. “You’re lucky you’re even alive after that fall. A broken ankle is a small price to pay.”
“And foot,” Chakwas added. “Don’t forget the broken foot.”
Shepard looked impossibly frustrated. And Kaidan understood it, he really did. He’d be furious to be taken out of the fight at such a critical time too. But Shepard could still give his orders from the safety of the ship. He wasn’t useless in his current state. 
“Shepard,” Liara said, crossing her arms. “If you can walk to the door and back without help, I’ll personally take you out on the next mission.”
Shepard’s expression became determined. Chakwas looked like she seriously regretted returning to the Normandy’s stubborn crew. 
Shepard shifted himself carefully into a sitting position. He put his good foot on the ground, then eased his bad one down. He tested his weight a little before standing, throwing all his weight to his good foot. Pain crossed his face, but he moved his bad foot forward a step. He took a subtle deep breath before lifting his good foot to follow.
Kaidan had been ready for the fall. He caught Shepard easily, Liara supporting his other side.
“Maybe, just maybe, the doctor knows more than you,” Liara said.
“The Reapers-” Shepard started.
“Are not going to be intimidated by a man who falls flat on his face,” Liara said.
She and Kaidan eased him back into bed, guiding his bad foot back into the propped up position. Kaidan gestured for Chakwas and Liara to give them a moment, and the two left the room.
Kaidan sat on the edge of the bed, taking Shepard’s hand and squeezing it. “Shepard, it scared the hell out of me when you fell. I’m really just grateful you’re alive. When I got hurt, you made sure I got the help I needed, and you didn’t judge me for needing time to recover. Why won’t you afford yourself the same concern?” 
Shepard just glared at his bad foot. Kaidan caught his chin and tilted his head until their eyes met.
“If you won’t take care of yourself, we’ll take care of you,” he said. “You’re going to rest. You’re going to use the crutches. You’re going to follow every single order the doctor gives you without complaint.”
Kaidan took the crutches leaning against the wall and held them out. After a long moment, Shepard gave in. He sat up again and took the crutches, getting out of bed and adjusting himself to them.
Kaidan helped him walk up and down the small area with the crutches. He saw Shepard test his bad foot every few minutes, but he’d always wince and immediately take the weight off it again. 
He got Shepard back into bed after a bit, leaning the crutches against the wall. “If I see you trying to get around without them, the Reapers will be the least of your concerns.” 
“Alright,” Shepard grumbled, turning his head away.
“It’s for your own wellbeing, Shepard. Trust us to hold things down while you’re recovering,” he said.
Shepard didn’t speak. He was back to glaring at his own foot, his frustration clear on his face. Kaidan gave up and squeezed his hand again before leaving the room, knowing there was nothing he, or anyone, could say that would make this easier on Shepard.
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windchimegamer · 2 years ago
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drelldreams · 2 years ago
This also sounds like a hypothesis that Mordin would test 😅😅
A day in the life of Dr Chakwas
Having a migraine
Model patient
Says he sneezed too hard
Actually cracked a rib laughing at one of EDI’s jokes
Points for loyalty
Was testing hypothesis that ocular implants are inadequately hardened against tech attacks
Was correct
Claims temporary blindness was within expected outcomes
Considers this a successful test
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