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beezyland · 4 years ago
okay, but... who's buying the condoms??? 👀👀👀👀
Months after a bad breakup, Steve makes the announcement that he’s moved on and ready to get back out there so his friends can stop worrying already. Sam and Bucky are doubtful and after some snooping point out that he doesn’t even have condoms. Steve marches down to the corner store to prove a point to them (and himself).
Natasha is an exasperated older sister who’s constantly biting her tongue when it comes to the guys her younger sister dates, but she puts her foot down when Yelena offhandedly says protection is “the guy’s job” and drags her down to the corner store for a real talk sex ed lesson.
Imagine Steve with his shopping basket on his arm, going to get the last item on his list, and getting dragged into all of that!!!
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dresupi · 6 years ago
Because I live for angst apparently - both our spouses passed suddenly and we found common ground in that, it's been a while and we're claiming we're just friends but oops we might have made out after a bottle of red and now what?
Here you go! I’m sorry it took me so freaking long to write this.  
Ship: Draco Malfoy/Hermione GrangerRated: MOther tags: Past Character Death, Snogging, Grief, Angst, Heavy Angst, Feels, Canon Divergence, Not Epilogue CompliantWord Count: 1560
Hermione's head pounded like a runaway drummer as she softly padded through her living room.
It was filled with smiling photographs of her family. The children playing outdoors. Happily frantic photos from King's Cross at platform nine and three-quarters. Hers and Ron's wedding day.
She turned away, her eyes stinging. She couldn't look at that one without tearing up. Even now.
A green scarf was still on the coat tree by the fireplace. She knew if she sniffed it, it would smell of green tea and licorice. It would smell like Draco. Her throbbing head was the only thing that kept her from burying her face in the soft wool blend.
Nothing in this house smelled like Ron anymore. She hadn't even noticed when his scent had gone, but it had. Gradually. She wasn't sure what she thought about that. It didn't make her eyes burn and tear up as the wedding photos did. It mostly just made her realize how bloody long it had been since she'd gone out.
A year. It had been a year. And technically, Draco's visit the night before didn't count. Because she still hadn't gone out.
She'd gone an entire year going between work and home. Home and work. Down to the train station twice. Once to pick up the children and once to drop them off for school. The first time doing either on her own. The first time without Ron.
That past September felt as if it were ages ago. Harry and Ginny had tried to help, but nothing they did seemed to assuage the pain she felt that she was here and Ron wasn't.
Draco had been there too on September first. Alone, as well. She'd heard the news through Harry. Astoria had succumbed to the illness she'd had her entire life.
Draco had appeared stoic, but she could tell his shoulders were a little too square. His smile a little too fixed. He held his son a little too tightly as Scorpio squirmed to be let go and to run to the train as well. He'd caught her gaze only briefly, but lingered until she turned away.
It was three days later that she'd received the first owl.
On Malfoy header, penned with exquisitely smooth green ink. An apology took up most of the space. An apology for even deigning to contact her while she was in mourning, but… was there any chance they could meet for drinks? For lunch? For a coffee? He needed someone to talk to. And none of his friends seemed to understand.
She'd refused, but the owls kept coming.
After that first one, the ice had been broken. He spoke of his grief without preamble. Asking her if she still felt Ron's presence? If it had stopped. When it had.
She asked him if photographs brought him to tears. If it was painful to look at Scorpio sometimes. If there were things he did that reeked too heavily of Astoria.
She both wanted him to say no and yes. She didn't want anyone feeling this same pain, but she also didn't want to be alone.
Hugo had Ron's laugh. And damnit. It hurt to hear it.
She hadn't even spent much time in the company of her best friend for fear of seeing the same sparkle in her eyes that Ron used to have.
Around two months into their correspondence, Draco asked if it was better to watch one's spouse waste away for years and years or to lose them all at once as Hermione had. That he'd never known an Astoria who wasn't ill. No one did. If there was an afterlife where he'd meet her once more, he'd never recognize her. Was that better than kissing Ron goodbye one morning and identifying his corpse that afternoon? Was it worse? Did it matter?
Hermione didn't have an answer for him. She knew neither was fair. But instead of telling him that, she invited him over for wine.
Her eyes clouded as she stared at the glasses where they sat on the coffee table.  Both empty. The bottle between them empty as well. She'd thought she herself would feel empty too.
But she felt as if she were packed to the brim with butterflies. Bursting to get out.
Her cheeks burned as she reached down to scoop up both glasses in one hand, the bottle in the other.
She could magic it all away, but the act of cleaning felt therapeutic. It was how she'd done it when Ron passed. She'd slowly, methodically packed his things, keeping a few items for herself, but the rest was sent off for donations.
Now that she thought about it, that was likely when her late husband's scent had started to leave the home they'd once shared.
The home she now padded through alone unless it was summer and Hugo and Rose were around to liven it up.
Between the months of September and June, it was only her.
Until last night.
She'd no sooner sent the owl inviting him than he was flooing into her living room. Hanging his coat and scarf on the coat tree and sitting upon her sofa like a cat. Crookshanks had twittered at him, rubbing around his ankles before tottering off to his favorite napping place.
Draco was formally dressed. Robes still on from work, most likely, whereas Hermione was in her usual weekend attire. Flannel pyjama bottoms and one of Ron's old Quidditch t-shirts. Draco hadn't batted an eye, he'd simply produced a bottle of some very fine red wine, prompting Hermione to summon the glasses.
Although she'd waited until well after her second glass to act upon it, the desire to kiss Draco Malfoy had consumed her from the second he'd arrived.
He always looked put upon, as if he was doing you a favor by deigning to grace you with his presence. This wasn't like that. She'd wager that he'd no sooner read her invitation than he'd set off for the floo.
He didn't look bored. Or boastful or swaggering.
He looked…
And she'd wanted to kiss him right then and there.
The urge surprised her. She'd never wanted to kiss Malfoy in her entire life.
But in that minute, she wanted those dextrous fingers tangled in her hair. She wanted his lips on hers because he was the only one in her life who could truly understand her melancholy. And why that was being coded as arousal by her very confused mind wasn't her concern.
Still, it took her two and a half glasses to go for it.
And it was sloppy.
She leaned over, her lips finding his and tasting the wine lingering there. He didn't move for a long moment and she dreaded pulling back, having to look him in the face and own up to what she'd done.
But then, he sent both of their glasses to the table and cupped her face in his hands, deepening the kiss and laying her back on the sofa cushions.
His tongue delved into her mouth, flicking around and driving her mad.  Her mind went absolutely blank and for the first time in a year, she wasn't comparing this to her life before Ron had been killed. She wasn't drawing any comparison, because there wasn't one.
This was new. It was exciting.
And she didn't want it to stop.
But stop, they did. She wasn't sure when the snogging had started, but it ended around one in the morning with her legs wrapped around Draco's hips as he ground helplessly against her warmth. They were both still clothed, but very mussed.
He'd broken off the kiss softly. "Granger… unless we want to take this further, we should stop now."
She'd gulped and nodded. And he'd sat up, downing the rest of his glass and standing to take his coat. He'd lingered at the fireplace, sending a dark, longing look her way. "Next time, you can come to mine."
And he'd gone.
She was here now, cleaning out their glasses and blinking back a hangover and wondering what in the bloody hell she'd been thinking.
What she was still thinking.
Because she had to remind herself that it was poor judgment. Because it felt so very good.
A rapping at the kitchen window brought her from her thoughts. She recognized Draco's owl, a message for her tied to its leg.
She fed the owl a treat as she read through the short missive.
I seem to have misplaced my scarf. Why don't you bring it 'round this evening and stay for dinner? Arrangements can be made in the event you'd like to stay later. 
She frowned, wondering exactly what tone he meant for that last bit, nearly missing the postscript at the bottom of the letter.
P.S Stop overanalyzing, Granger. If I hadn't wanted to kiss you, I wouldn't have. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, so I hope to see you this evening.
Her cheeks reddened considerably and she quickly penned an acceptance on the opposite side of the paper, sending it back with the owl.
It wasn't poor judgment. Her past year of self-inflicted hermitism had been. Besides, if there was any judgment to be endured, it wasn't going to come from Draco. Nor from Hermione for that matter. And theirs was the only verdict that mattered.
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seladorie · 7 years ago
downrightfierce replied to your post: Sel’s Master List of Fics
yeeeeees fake marriage promptio… I had wanted to do one of those for promptio weekend and whatever a green card would be in eos for poor prompto but did not find the time. such a good trope and I’d love to read that!
it sure would be! and it fits nicely with how i write refugee/immigrant prompto
i’m... mulling it over. i have too many active aus already
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sassaspazz · 7 years ago
downrightfierce replied to your post: Ah I can’t wait till Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out...
I refuse to get excited until I’m actually holding a copy in my hands tbh and even then I’m not sure it’ll be enough to make me believe it’s actually happening
You can only truly be excited once you finished with the whole updating for the PS4 and until you see that title screen.
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xo-stardust720 · 5 years ago
Some Romanogers fic recs
So I had an anon message sitting in my inbox for forever asking me to recommend some fics. I feel like I’ve made a post somewhere before but I didn’t want to go through my blog to look for it. Anyway, here’s a list of all my faves in no particular order. Some of them were written long ago and some are more recent, but all are FANTASTIC READS.
(and also, I’m not saying I deserve to be on this list of amazing authors... but I've got some fics too! xo_stardust720)
meet me under the spotlight https://archiveofourown.org/works/10540950/chapters/23275542
part of the journey is the end series https://archiveofourown.org/series/1347034
I love you in this world (and the thousand others) series https://archiveofourown.org/series/363434
I'm Dying to Catch My Breath https://archiveofourown.org/works/5637934/chapters/12983599
i want that red velvet (i want that sugar sweet)  https://archiveofourown.org/works/7384741  
but seriously, just read all of her fics! Every single one of them is fantastic!
@mingying // choi_kimmy on ao3
meet me halfway https://archiveofourown.org/works/19416889/chapters/46208323
it's you, it's always you https://archiveofourown.org/works/20217523/chapters/47910256   
miracles in december  https://archiveofourown.org/works/21681934/chapters/51710071
in the pale moonlight  https://archiveofourown.org/works/22845544/chapters/54600748  
Memories & Reality  https://archiveofourown.org/works/18242885/chapters/43164212 (A MUST READ! A MUST!)  
The Sexy Misadventures of Agents Romanoff and Rogers series https://archiveofourown.org/series/341926
One Life series https://archiveofourown.org/series/217124
Stay https://archiveofourown.org/works/6897352/chapters/15736108
honestly, another author where you should just read everything she writes (and I’m not just talking about her romanogers fics... her fics featuring other ships are just as amazing!)
@roaminginspiration // InNeedOfInspiration on ao3
Just a Blast From the Past  https://archiveofourown.org/works/4865342/chapters/11151302  and the sequel A Bolt From the Blue https://archiveofourown.org/works/5924080/chapters/13624888   
The Diner https://archiveofourown.org/works/21619006/chapters/51551227  
The Empty Space Next to Me  https://archiveofourown.org/works/18974056/chapters/45051340 
@downrightfierce // myloveiamthespeedofsound on ao3
Poison & Wine https://archiveofourown.org/works/5826718/chapters/13428535
This Love https://archiveofourown.org/works/6462421/chapters/14791042
i’m on fire https://archiveofourown.org/works/8120215
Dust to Dust (We’ve Been Lonely Too Long) https://archiveofourown.org/works/5787118/chapters/13337827
Hate. Want. Like. https://archiveofourown.org/works/6343417
mckayla (steveromanov) on ao3
Frostbite https://archiveofourown.org/works/3534704/chapters/7777448
i love it when i hear you breathing  https://archiveofourown.org/works/5334392
The Girl From Legal  https://archiveofourown.org/works/4961233
You Look Terrible  https://archiveofourown.org/works/3842536  
Pot Meet Kettle https://archiveofourown.org/works/6137104/chapters/14063650
Cast Off and Purl  https://archiveofourown.org/works/6851881/chapters/15640048 
The Theory of Wish Fullfillment https://archiveofourown.org/works/3318458/chapters/7251386  
too shy, too scared, too busy, too stupid, never too late https://archiveofourown.org/works/18699097  (this is the ultimate Endgame fix-it fic. Seriously, MY FAVOURITE)
Time After Time  https://archiveofourown.org/works/7492641/chapters/17029341
Wander  https://archiveofourown.org/works/20885462/chapters/49644680 (still a WIP but amazing writing is amazing writing!)
Friday Night Lights  https://archiveofourown.org/works/6195301/chapters/14192824 
The Girl Next Door https://archiveofourown.org/works/2337824
Devil in a Corner Office https://archiveofourown.org/works/2652905  
Take Me Out to the Ball Game https://archiveofourown.org/works/3899458
Let's Get Physical  https://archiveofourown.org/works/6344827
Always the Bridesmaid   https://archiveofourown.org/works/7442881/chapters/16909801
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing https://archiveofourown.org/works/10316120
Steve's Anatomy  https://archiveofourown.org/works/11233839/chapters/25104642
Invocation  https://archiveofourown.org/works/11814927/chapters/26656485
Touch Starved https://archiveofourown.org/works/16380311/chapters/38337125
The Nature of a Flower https://archiveofourown.org/works/9489614/chapters/21472691    
Love My Soul Can Reach (I think I made you up inside my head)  (a shameless self-plug because I co-wrote this fic with her, but I’m pretty damn proud of it, so shameless self-plug it is!) https://archiveofourown.org/works/16774447/chapters/39361984
But Not Us https://archiveofourown.org/works/18794515/chapters/44593201
still a WIP and I’m anxiously waiting for this to be updated BUT ITS SO GOOD YOU GUYS
@salaciouxx // salacious on ao3
After Dark  https://archiveofourown.org/works/18686320/chapters/44315146
breathing through a mirror  https://archiveofourown.org/works/19761706/chapters/46779349  
A Little Favor https://archiveofourown.org/works/14924780/chapters/34574921
Never Be the Same https://archiveofourown.org/works/21688174/chapters/51727876   
All I Ask  https://archiveofourown.org/works/19943275/chapters/47223142
@sassaspazz has two ao3 profiles  spazzgirl and oceanicspirit
she writes a ton of smut fics that are NSFW so check them out at your own risk!
@elcapitan-rogers  //  elcapitan_rogers  
one of the first romanogers fanfic writers I’ve ever read and again, her profile has TONS of fics available!
spanglecap  on ao3
also one of the first fanfic writers I’ve discovered in the fandom!
t0bemadeofglass on ao3
If I Told You What I’d Become https://archiveofourown.org/works/694983/chapters/1278184
Number One Crush series https://archiveofourown.org/series/46641
Their Love Will Never Die https://archiveofourown.org/works/16061780
From the Outside https://archiveofourown.org/works/16020248/chapters/37386422
natxsteve on ao3
Touch till you taste (all the time we’ve wasted) https://archiveofourown.org/works/7077268
What we had (was all we'd ever need)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/5403038/chapters/12481466
Your smile, my ghost (I fell to my knees)  https://archiveofourown.org/works/4454756
   amillionsmiles    on ao3
vieni a vivere https://archiveofourown.org/works/22887727
Bayliwick on ao3
I do? https://archiveofourown.org/works/20574527/chapters/48843059
stolethekey on ao3
come back and tell me why i’m feeling like i’ve missed you all this time https://archiveofourown.org/works/18978022
if we make it through december (everything’s gonna be all right)  https://archiveofourown.org/works/21880438
And a special mention: @sleepygrimm (ao3: sleepygrimm) and @faith2nyc (ao3: Faith2nyc) have long given us so many wonderful edits/art for the fandom to enjoy and guess what? They write fanfics too!!
*I’ll add more stories to this list at some point but in the meantime, you can check out my bookmarks on my profile at ao3. I usually save all the fics that I’ve read and love there :)
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romanogersweek · 6 years ago
If you get this, you have to rec your favourite fanfiction(s), and then send this message to five other people. Let's spread some love, writers deserve it!
What a great idea anon!
I’ll start with my faves:
1) Meet Me Under the Spotlight by @chalantness  (also check out her royal au series as well! that one has a special place in my heart)
2) The Sexy Misadventures of Agents Romanoff and Rogers by @thegraytigress  (also check out her other fics, they are fantastic!)
3) Just a Blast from the Past by @roaminginspiration  (check out the sequel too!)
4) Poison & Wine by @downrightfierce
5) Steve’s Anatomy by @mylifeisloki
6) Time After Time by @beezyland
7) Pot Meet Kettle by @heyfrenchfreudiana
8) The Pain of Connecting by flipflop_diva
9) A Little Favor by @natrogersfics
10) Frostbite by McKayla
And I’ll pretty much read anything by these authors when they post on ao3:
@sassaspazz, maybe_we_were @salaciouxx @marshunter06 ifwednesdaywasaflowerchild
(there are more authors, just can’t think of any off the top of my head right now…)
 Tagging: @chalantness @mylifeisloki @beezyland @natrogersfics @salaciouxx @roaminginspiration @sleepygrimm @lotsofloveish @marshunter06 @sassaspazz to continue the fic recs! (anyone else who wants to join, feel free to do so!)
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Hi ladies!
@thegraytigress @chalantness @downrightfierce @natrogersfics @mylifeisloki
I hope you don’t mind that I am messaging you, but I was wondering as fanfic authors that constantly show up on fic recs lists, I was wondering if you ladies could recommend some fanfic recs of your own? Do you only write fanfiction? Do you read them to?
Just curious, Thanks for indulging me!
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gladiorarepairweek · 6 years ago
Question! I know this is rare pair and there's a list that doesn't count for that, but is it okay to include those non rare pairs as past/unrequited/etc with a main pairing be the rare pair?
Great question! The focus of all work created for Gladio Rarepair Week should be on the rarepair itself. Other ships can certainly be mentioned in a work, but the focus of the content should be the rarepair.
We hope this helps clear things up!
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countingpaperstars · 7 years ago
@downrightfierce reblogged your post “6, 29, or 73 with promptio? Your writing is amazing!!” and added
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh this is perfect, I love it!   
thank youuu!!! I’m so glad to hear this ;; <33
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beezyland · 6 years ago
Hey Beezy! Having seen some of the asks you've gotten I just wanted to drop one to say you're allowed to feel however the fuck you want to feel about ScarJo and let it affect your enjoyment in her work however it does. Personally for me I lost a lot of love for MCU with this fuckery and the general fuckery of shitty writing choices so I feel you. You do you, if people don't like it they know where the door is.
ily! I feel so fortunate to have shared a fandom in its golden age with you! 💞💞💞
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tehlunchboxpub · 7 years ago
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Wondering where to get the tank top shirt our Editor in Chief was wearing on last night's stream? Want to get your own? It's from our good friends from @shopcrithit! Check out this shirt and many other of their wonderful items on their website! https://shopcrithit.com/ #DownRightFierce #CRITHIT
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justyouandmezine · 6 years ago
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We’re finally ready to announce the contributors for the Promptio Zine!
All of these great artists and writers will be working hard over the next couple months to make awesome content for this project. In the meantime, please check out their works and send them some love!
Important dates to remember:
- Feb 28 - Final contributions due
- March 11 - Release date for the zine
(Life is unpredictable and these dates are subject to change, but we’ll do our best to stick to schedule!)
Thank you for your continued support! We look forward to sharing an amazing zine with you soon :)
- the Mods at Promptio Zine
Full list of contributors under the cut!
Andrillian Blind Royal Guardian CloudNineKitty fairygodpiggy GodsPoison Jill P. Kazu Teppelin kuiperdraws Lynxrider MissYunfa Narci Nia OkayCookies Teapot Tila
downrightfierce Erika Williams Ignis-Sassentia Invisible Deity JojiAttack Joudama Lhugbereth littlecakes loveiscomicsin Mahokoyuki MsChievous Shoob StrangeAndIntoxicating SunshineAndSnark TheDarkLordMegatron
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seladorie · 7 years ago
downrightfierce replied to your post: but what about like; Prompto/Happiness �� ��
yeah…. what kind of heartless monster would let that precious sunshine boy be stabbed….
yeah... what kind of heartless monster... but yanno, stabbing isn’t the WORST thing right?
*safe haven peeks out from under the rug* 
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sassaspazz · 6 years ago
craving a stevexnat fic thats hellaaaa dramatic but not in like theres bad guys kinda way bc im saving all my strength for endgame. lol. any recs?
Oh ho ho ho, oh nonnie you’ve come to the right person for this
First we have This Love, Poison & Wine and Dust to Dust (We’ve Been Lonely Too Long) by @downrightfierce
Next up is Stay and Heart of the Storm series by @thegraytigress. I know you didn’t want bad guys, but these fics are just too good to pass up especially in terms of drama.
Third we have The Happiest and Cast Off and Purl by @heyfrenchfreudiana
Fourth we have A Little Favor by @natrogersfics
Next we got now that i’ve got you (i won’t let go) by @chalantness
Help Me Understand by SapphiraHart
And finally Friday Night Lights by @beezyland
And a bit of a self promotion, but you can check out my old AO3 account for any drama fics
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zva-redink · 6 years ago
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Finally! If you'd like #prints store is officially launched (and all old stock is on clearance for those that want it) https://zayven-art.ca/index.php/product/pride-2019/
@pocket-prompto I will go down with this pool noodle XP
@breadbankmanager posters are now up if you’d like ;P
@downrightfierce I love these two dorks just soooooo muchyouhavenoidea!
@stopmopingstarthoping Thanks so much! It really means a lot (and you have no clue how much I’ve wanted to do a Ignyx just from your writing ;P)
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breotch-blog1 · 7 years ago
Happy Fanfic Writer’s Appreciation Day  💕
Honestly, this has been long overdue. I wanted to share some fics and authors who have left such a positive imprint on my life. I wish I knew about this ahead of time instead of the day before so I could have properly put something together. BUT! I wanted to try and throw this together before I lost the courage.
When You Know You’ll Know (and I Know) - @downrightfierce
One of my favorite Promptio stories. The perfect blend of cute, funny, sexy, mixed with a lot of feels ♡ this author’s capture of these boys is amazing and I find myself constantly coming back to read this.
Like the Wolf - @notthelasttime​
Promnis + werewolves.  Honestly what more do you need to know?  The way the author is able to get the voice of Ignis down is so beautiful and watching him struggle and come to terms with himself just pulls at my heartstrings in the best way.
Let Me Count the Freckles of My Love - SpiritMuse 
Ignis is having a bad day, so what makes him better? Getting drunk and counting Prompto’s freckles ♡♡♡ I am constantly grinning whenever I read this.  Such a feel good fic!
Stay at Mine - @miluette​
Adorable Promnis friends to lovers! This author’s writing always leaves me mesmerized and hooked, I could not put this one down. It’s way too sweet. Not to mention their smut had me blushing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What’s Past is Present - @spitfirerose​
This one...this one hurts so good. We’ve got our bros learning how to deal with a sudden de-aged Prompto and finding out what the poor boy has been through along the way. The author has one of the best de-aging transitions I've ever read. Absolutely incredible. Bring your tissues!  ♡
Drowning in Delphinium - @sunshineandsnark27
Ignis is suffering from his one-sided love (or so he seems) for Prompto, and is struggling to balance his duty between Noctis and his love for Prompto. I was not able to put this one down. The way the author is able to put so many emotions and depth into this story, was so beautiful. Such a great read!
Common Ground - @the-lucian-archives
Promnis Coffee Shop Au...what could be better! I’ve honestly reread this one so many times. There’s a moment where there’s a storm...I don’t want to give it away! It’s just such a cute and amazing story! The author’s portrayal of Prompto and Ignis is so on point. Absolutely charming and an all time classic ♡
Falling Into Place - @memegitek
Promnis as single fathers! I’m honestly at the edge of my seat just waiting for more of this story! It’s so wonderful! First chapter I was instantly hooked and have been so thirsty for it ever since. This author puts so much great detail into their work as well, never disappoints.
Home - @gizzwhizz
The sweetest kind of Promnis with a nice mix of hurt/comfort. The kiss scene is just to die for! ♡♡♡ The author’s characterizations of these boys is flawless, especially Prompto! I’m always able to relate so much to him and it just brings out all the best feels. Another one I've reread a million times now.
Written Across the Fabric of our Years - @harmonization
The cutest ficlets ever, telling the story of Prompto and Ignis’ relationship  through the years. The way this author writes is so poetic and absolutely stunning. I’m always taken aback by how much emotion she’s able to pull out of me. I always wish there was more to read from her ♡ Definitely cried at the end of this one. 
A New Dawn - @cndrow
One of the cutest Promnis confessions ever!  Seriously, such an incredible story! The way the author is able to pull off Ignis’ sass and wit along with Prompto’s playful banter always has me grinning nonstop. And I gotta say, the smut scene is just, wow!  ♡
Rule of Thirds - @dirtyhecker
Seriously, no duh! I feel like everyone knows this story, but this author still deserves the appreciation and shout out all the same ♡ Ultimate Promnis good feels story. I wont even tell you how often I’ve reread this. Prompto’s inner monologue is still one of favorite things, it’s so amazing. 
A.I. am Human - @caseofthestolenspecs
Oh my god, please do yourself a favor, and read this story now!  Promnis. Androids. Romance. It’s got it all! The author’s writing is absolutely incredible. The world building alone is breathtaking, I always feel like I’m actually in the story, and I never want to leave. Not to mention amazing dialogue, stellar characterizations, and sweet sweet pining ♡♡♡
A Man of Faith - @heartlessfujoshi
Promnis with a Priest kink... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) oh yes. Sinful Sunday is a thing, and I am all about it. The authors smut leaves me breathless. This fic is everything, honestly ♡ Bless this author for sharing this beauty with us!
Some Place I’d Like to Go - @jumpsoap
Promnis Sexting! ♡ Such a classic that I never get tired of! I find myself always coming back to reread this work of gold. The authors text style is so engaging and then when you add in the actual sexting bit, yowza! Absolutely in love with this one! 
One Week Win - @birdsandivory​
The greatest slow burn of Promnis! Due to a bet between Noctis and Prompto, Ignis becomes the advisor/caretaker to Prompto for one week. Cue the pining, falling in love, friends to lovers ♡ I absolutely love this story so much! The authors portrayal of all the boys is way too good, and always leaves me feeling weak and full of feels!
I Went Too Far - @hollandvosjjk
The most beautiful storytelling of Prompto’s struggles with himself and his relationships. The slow burn is real for Promnis and so worth it! We have Ignis as trans and it is everything I ever needed ♡ This fic is so incredibly well-written, the author is able to get inside of Prompto’s head and make you just want to hold both of these boys forever. ♡♡♡
I know I’m missing so many great authors here. I do plan to create a master post so if you don’t see your name, I assure you, it will more than likely be added ♡ 
All you writers, even the ones I haven’t listed, are such amazing and talented  human beings. Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into your stories and for sharing them with us. I’m sure it’s never easy to put something out there, but you are so appreciated and loved, thank you for all you do.  You’re all incredible and I love you!!  ♡♡♡
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