clownleys · 7 months
I'm a long time follower and I love your blog, I'm happy to see you again on my dash <33
Would you give a shoutout to a few of your fav mutuals and spread positivity too? <3
darling, this made me feel so happy and warm inside, you have no idea! how long have you been around? 👀 i love all my mutuals dearly, so i can't choose any faves. but i do want to appreciate the people that make me smile here everyday, so i'll give a shoutout to those who i see regularly in my notes or interact with, both mutuals and followers (including you, dearie!!) in the order of appearance: you dear!, @tikitikitu, @nicenightmare13, @cryolyst, @alexrrr, @cononeillbreastingboobily, @cantputitintowords, @mudalchemy, @anon 💋, @violetwreck, @very-authorized-author, @witchwhaat, @chaoticjuless, @way-to-go-lad, @voidistooshortforausername, @livy-doll, @eucatlyptus, @essaytime, @maurice-a-novel, @antea21, @thriceandonce, @holi-holy, @knifebun, @kli-kli, @pointlesshroom, @atencjuszka, @trevoristhemandarin, @pinkie-satan, @svantetic, @ichithecupcake, @chleby-i-ksiezyce, @iorwethh, @soraaiame, @glompto, @spiremire, @ocaenvvaves, @fangable, @warczacy, @svantetic, @chleby-i-ksiezyce, @yukinojou, @neutron-stars-collision, @a-lost-little-eevee, @sadchtulhu, @youre-you-i-am-me.....
alright im pretty sure i broke some sorta limit bc it won't tag people anymore? so anyway! here's a tiny portion of the people i really love on here! 💕
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hopesapowerfulthing · 2 years
9 People You Want to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @rat-daemon, much love!!! 
1. Three Ships: So my top is actually either Hannigram or Brownham, which is Hugh Dancy's fault for making Will so shippable lets be honest here. And I will wildly shift between those two with no warning so rip. I also love Mercelot from BBC's merlin but to be honest I could ship Merlin with almost anyone and still be happy there too. Though the last one is tied with Bellarke from The 100.
2. First Ever Ship: I think it was Mergana back when I was watching the show air because that was one of the first shows I ever watched, Destiel would probably be a close second though.
3. Last Song: Work Song by Hozier on my phone and Petricor by Ludovico Einaudi on my pc! I would 100% recommend Einaudi any day, his work is absolutely stunning, Elements and Seven Days Walking: Day 1 are some of my fav albums!  
4. Last Movie: I just rewatched The old guard because I have a minor obsession with it, and technically I got like ten minutes into some movie I cant remember now before I got kicked outta the streaming service and went to bed in defeat lol
5. Currently Reading: In published books I just finished Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Brite and I’m a half way through A certain Hunger by Chelsea Summers. In fic I just finished Seperated by AuthorInDistress (torchwood) and a reread of Founding Fathers by JamesJohnEye (TWD)  You should totally tell me if you enjoy The Picture of Dorian Gray when you're done prev, its one of my beloveds!!
6. Currently Watching: Also Consistently cycling through my comfort shows, Hannibal/Merlin/Torchwood but I've just started the His Dark Materials show so we’ll see if it holds up to the books :D
7. Currently Consuming: Oranges, like dudes I have eaten like six pounds of oranges in the last week, do I know why? Nope. Am I probably deficient in something? Also nope because I don't wanna think about that. Regular food? hard and tiresome, The new way is apparently oranges. this will last at least another week I think. 
8. Currently Craving: All of my classwork to be done so I don't have to look at it anymore, also for my professor to just Give me an A. The ability to not need sleep, but also like a nap would be great rn. Actually I might go take a nap right now fuck my repro assignment, also would like a vacation to a empty forest so I could lay down in some moss. 
Tagging: @glompto @grokenope @sanguinesubpoena @imashybear @tethered-heartstrings @nextstopparis @polishchuk @camelotsheart @emrys-merlin + really anyone interested!! <3
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little-lenjamin · 4 years
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The Behemoth and the Chocobo
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wirefoxboys · 5 years
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If this aint your Promptio dynamic you're doing it wrong . AKA they love each other and can be mushy but in the end neither one can miss a joke.
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krisrix · 6 years
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Jealousy or thirst? 😩💦💓💪
Enlist in our Patreon to get sketches, BTS/WIPs, and finished pieces way in advance - for both fanart and original content. You can even offer suggestions for drawings like this for only $1!
⫸ patreon - ateliermuse
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justyouandmezine · 6 years
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We’re finally ready to announce the contributors for the Promptio Zine!
All of these great artists and writers will be working hard over the next couple months to make awesome content for this project. In the meantime, please check out their works and send them some love!
Important dates to remember:
- Feb 28 - Final contributions due
- March 11 - Release date for the zine
(Life is unpredictable and these dates are subject to change, but we’ll do our best to stick to schedule!)
Thank you for your continued support! We look forward to sharing an amazing zine with you soon :)
- the Mods at Promptio Zine
Full list of contributors under the cut!
Andrillian Blind Royal Guardian CloudNineKitty fairygodpiggy GodsPoison Jill P. Kazu Teppelin kuiperdraws Lynxrider MissYunfa Narci Nia OkayCookies Teapot Tila
downrightfierce Erika Williams Ignis-Sassentia Invisible Deity JojiAttack Joudama Lhugbereth littlecakes loveiscomicsin Mahokoyuki MsChievous Shoob StrangeAndIntoxicating SunshineAndSnark TheDarkLordMegatron
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fairygodpiggyart · 6 years
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I printed and cut out the fashion boys so I could get scaled reference shots of various angles of a haven in the game so I could paint the backgrounds for these posters.... and then uh... Promptio.
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ignis-sassentia · 6 years
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A teeny tiny little teaser for my piece for @justyouandmezine. So, so honored to be part of this project with so many incredible folks! Keep your eyes open for pre-order info soon. 
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magesona · 6 years
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letshareapapou · 6 years
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fullmetalhearts · 2 years
I want you to know that I feel the same way about your tags and even tho we don't talk, when I see you on my dash, I always read your tags like they are little snippets of news clippings. Especially when they're about shows I do not watch. Thank you for the hug. Tonight's been rough. 💖💖💖
Same!!! I love to read your tags and watch you post about deranged little men I know nothing about. I'm always genuinely so excited to see you on my dash.
I'm sending more hugs your way, I hope whatever is going on gets easier. 💞💞
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luciferschoice-art · 6 years
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Just a bunch of unfinished FFXV Art and sketches. Made in livestream or private. The last two I actually want to finish, but as always I will not promise anything. I just want to do WAY to many things lately...aaaah. The “this is who I am gay for” image is from a  squad meme thing... xD” Would love to draw Ignis/Noct like this as well haha! (was a request in my livestream <3) bigger file on my dA:  https://luziferschoice.deviantart.com/art/FFXV-sketchdump-02-738547998 – ▌ Tools used: Clip Studio Paint ▌ Art: by me ▌ Character / Design / © belong to Square Enix / Final Fantasy XV ▌ NO USE WITHOUT PERMISSION  / NO REPOST
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rkcarts · 7 years
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Part 1 of 5 
(hold on to your butts this is gonna be long)
previous next
So, I got this ask a couple days ago, and while I’d love for the story of our boys first finding out they’re having a baby to be pure and simple fluff, Prompto’s past complicates things :’)
part of my werewolf/shifter au
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moonwaif · 7 years
Raise your hand if you’re a part of the
“I Always Ship the Side Characters More than the Main Pairing” Club ©
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Promptober Day 30: Found
(For @miluette‘s Promptober!) (Also, this is dedicated to @miluette, as this was based on an idea we came up with awhile ago. <3)
Ever since they’d first started dating, Prompto left little handwritten notes everywhere for Gladiolus. He’d made a game out of it; sometimes they’d be out in the open for him to find with little difficulty, but most of the time they’d be tucked away, hidden in the most random of places. He kept a tally on how many Gladiolus would find in the end, and how long it would take him to do so.
The notes’ contents varied. While some were lovey-dovey (plenty of “I love you”s), the majority were written with the intention of making the large man laugh. The messages alternated between being downright nonsensical (“Ever seen a pink Garulessa?”) or borderline insulting if they weren’t so ridiculous (“Are those your eyebrows or did someone glue caterpillars to your face?”).
Every day when Gladiolus woke in the morning, he’d wonder where he’d find one of Prompto’s little love notes next. Would it be in his clothing bag? Taped to the bottom of his dinner plate? Tucked into one of his books? Or would he wake up to find it stuck in his hair, taped to the wispy strands that hung at the back of his neck? Every day was a surprise, and Gladiolus looked forward to it. They were a little glimmer of sunshine when he needed it the most, especially when life took its first steps down a darker path, eventually leading to an inevitable event.
The day Noctis disappeared into the crystal, they’d all lost their best friend, the glue holding their small group together. The stress and dread of what was to come, of the unknown, was too much for them to bear. The air was tense. Hearts were fragile. Writing love notes didn’t even cross Prompto’s mind anymore; all that remained were thoughts of Noctis, of how badly he missed him, how badly he wanted to see him again. Gladiolus was no better, and Ignis didn’t speak to either of them much from that day onward, lost in his own endless sea of thoughts.
As a result, Gladiolus and Prompto didn’t make it. After everything they’d been through together, they ended up walking different paths, going their separate ways - searching for something that neither of them were sure even existed. They needed time apart, time to find themselves.
Prompto didn’t have any love notes left in his system at that point... that is, except for one. After they’d said their goodbyes, Prompto decided to leave Gladiolus one final note, one really good one that he had been saving for a special occasion. When he had a moment alone, he tucked it inside one of Gladiolus’ belongings, someplace he knew the man had a chance of stumbling upon it one day. Or maybe he wouldn’t. Prompto left that up to chance, to fate.
Ten years later, a miracle took place - their best friend returned to them. Though it was only temporary, it was what they had all needed for their hearts to heal at last.  They rebuilt their bond, administered medicine, sought comfort in the form of smiles, laughter, and tears. And when it came time, they said their final goodbyes with the break of the new dawn. They were able to provide a proper send-off, to show their gratitude for their dear friend. Noctis brought the light back to Eos, and with it, hope. Joy.
Gladiolus never let go of Prompto from that day forward.
Gladiolus slumped down against the couch one afternoon, hair pulled back into a loose ponytail as he brought his legs up onto the furniture lazily. A stiff drink in one hand and a book in the other, he felt he’d earned the right to relax for awhile. After all, hefting and carrying and unpacking boxes all morning was a surefire way to exhaust someone, even someone as fit as Gladiolus.
He leaned back against the cushion, a yawn escaping him as he held up the book. He smiled fondly as his eyes passed over the embossed words written across the dust jacket. Hearts on Fira. He thought he’d lost this book ages ago, but lady luck had smiled upon him that morning; it had been tucked away inside one of his old bags, hidden in one of the zippered side pockets. Honestly, he was pretty stoked. One of his favourite guilty pleasures to pass the time had been reading in the back seat of the Regalia. Damn, how long had it been since he’d last done that, now? Twelve years? Wow. Time sure flew.
Gladiolus flipped through the pages with care. Though the paper had begun to yellow from age, the glue securing them to the binding appeared to be holding up. He’d read this book more times than he’d like to admit. What page was it, when Sylvia finally confessed her love to Antonio? Right, that must have been around... page two hundred and twenty, maybe.
When he parted the book to read that sweet sweet confession scene again, something fluttered out from within.
Curious, Gladiolus set the book aside, picking up the mystery object that had fallen onto his lap. At first he thought that maybe one of the pages had fallen out after all, but the colour didn’t match, nor did the size. It was smaller, folded, and had one jagged edge, like it had been a former corner torn from an unrelated paper source.
Unfolding it, he felt his heart stop in his chest.
Scribbled hastily on the inside with black ink was a short message. To anyone else, it wouldn’t have made a lick of sense, but Gladiolus knew better. He knew this writing, right down to the pen that it had been scribbled with (it had been his, once upon a time - the ink stream cut out here and there). The messy, faded writing could only belong to one person in the world, the one person he loved more than anyone and anything else.
“You smell like a behemoth’s ass.”
That was it. That was the mystery message. Gladiolus read those words over and over, twenty times at least, before a laugh began to rumble low in his chest. It didn’t take long for it to give way to a joyous burst, his shoulders shaking, the book he’d been holding moments prior falling to the floor with a loud thump. In that moment, all the stress, all the anger, all the sorrow that he’d held onto for so long seemed to disappear. It served as a reminder of their precious friends’ sacrifice, the gift he had left them with. It wasn’t just Eos’ light; it was the joy of life itself.
And most of all, Noctis had given Gladiolus the greatest gift of all: meeting Prompto Argentum for the first time, all those years ago.
After a short while, Gladiolus’ laughter finally waned, tears streaming down his face in its place. Gods, he’d needed that. He stared down at the piece of paper again, at the silliness scratched on its surface. ‘A behemoth’s ass’. What an absurd thing to write, let alone come up with in the first place. This book… this message… it was like Prompto had somehow planned it, placed it strategically, like a time capsule. It had come to him when he’d needed it the most. In a way, it was like he’d just received a bottled up kiss from a twenty-year old Prompto.
Tucking the note into his pocket, Gladiolus got to his feet. He left the room, on a mission to find the sender so he could return the favour.
He found him instantly.
Sitting at the kitchen table with a large textbook open in front of him, the now thirty-two year old Prompto studied for his photography course. His nose was scrunched in concentration, a pair of glasses perched crookedly on the tip of his nose, having slid down from the tilt of his head. He looked tired; bags under his eyes and a lazy posture, but one couldn’t blame him. After all, moving house in the middle of having to study for final exams would take a lot out of anyone, even someone as energetic and brilliant as Prompto.
Without warning, Gladiolus stepped up behind Prompto, leaning down to place a kiss atop soft blond strands. Quickly moving to his side, he then scooped the blond up in his large arms, a cry of surprise squeaking out from his partner’s mouth. Before Prompto could protest further, Gladiolus silenced him with a kiss, one that just barely made contact thanks to the parting of the large grin he had on his face.
“You smell too,” Gladiolus murmured, another laugh bubbling past his lips as he gave his beloved another kiss. Prompto didn’t learn what that was all about until about an hour or so later, but he didn’t mind so much. When Gladiolus balled the note up and tossed it at him playfully somewhere along the way, Prompto scrambled to catch it, read it, and immediately proceeded to laugh so hard his sides hurt.
His love note had found its recipient at last, just as he’d hoped it would. Everything had worked out in the end - leaving it up to fate hadn’t been foolish, after all.
Prompto cherished every new day they spent together. Every moment was filled with happiness... spontaneity... love. And he knew precisely who he had to thank for this life, and he made sure to do so every single day.
Thank you, Noctis.
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starsncyanide · 7 years
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“G-Gladio! Put me down!”
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