#fake marriage au
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theroundbartable · 6 months ago
Arthur: so, the council asked me to get married
Merlin: uhu
Arthur: can you believe it? They were so demanding too!
Merlin: *skipping page* of course they were
Arthur: They want me to marry like - a rich blond princess!!!!
Merlin: aren't all princesses in Albion rich and blond?
Arthur: not the point! Merlin, I can't get married to any of them!
Merlin: then don't.
Arthur: I'll disappoint the court
Merlin: let them be disappointed
Arthur: I feel like you're not taking this seriously
Merlin: My mistake. *Puts book down* revenge marry! A - I dunno - poor, black haired - what's the opposite of princess?
Arthur: *staring at Merlin dumbly* omg, you're right! You'd be perfect!!!
Merlin: ...
Merlin: excuse me, WHAT?!
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celestie0 · 6 months ago
jujutsu kaisen fics for gaza
note: this event is now closed as donation goals have been reached!! thanks so much :”0
hi friends! i’ve been wanting to join @ficsforgaza for a while now but haven’t really had any wips or anything that could contribute, but i figured i could just provide my series chapters as “wips” to be sponsored to help drive donations :0
this is a lil different than other fics for gaza setups you may have seen, where instead of doing a $1 = [amt of words towards fic], i’ve decided of setting up a donation goal to reach for the chapter(s), and once it’s reached, i will post the work.
note: all sponsored works are gojo x reader 18+
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the donation goals are as follows:
kickoff ch12… donation goal: $40
in holy matriphony ch4… donation goal: $40
around the clock pt2… donation goal: $20
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how to donate:
1. choose a vetted fundraiser to donate to
2. choose a chapter you would like to sponsor
3. once you have made your donation, send me a screenshot proof of that donation via my ask inbox (for example: hi! here is my $5 donation towards kickoff ch12)
4. that’s it!! thanks for donating. i will keep track of total amount donated for each wip & will inform everyone on when the goals are reached (check reblogs for updates) as well as when i’ll be releasing the chapters
note: please ensure that any personal info is censored in your screenshot (you will need to send the ask to me off of anon, but i will not answer these asks publicly. the only place i will be sharing them to is to @ficsforgaza so they can keep track of donations & ensure donation screenshots are not being used multiple times)
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kickoff ch12 & ihm ch4 are already completed so i can post these soon after goals are reached. as for “around the clock” pt2 i still have to work on it but i’m already halfway done with it!
also i will be matching 25% of the donation goals for each of the works prior to posting them!!
any contribution can help a family in gaza receive access to necessary supplies, care, food, water, as well as help mobilize them to safer areas. if you have some money to spare & would like to support, please consider donating. if you don’t have means to financially help, that’s totally okay! please consider boosting this post or boosting the vetted fundraisers under ficsforgaza’s network!
much love! let me know if you have questions
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fanby-fckry · 1 year ago
Modern AU
Alastor: If you’re not married by the time you turn 40, will you marry me?
Husk: What the fuck? Did you just propose to me?
Alastor: Maybe! :)
Husk: Why? Why would we get married?
Alastor: Tax Evasion! :)
Husk: Ok, deal.
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harrywavycurly · 2 years ago
“Will you be my husband really quick?”: A fake marriage with Eddie Munson AU.
Part 2: Here
Part 3: Here
A/N: I have been wanting to write this prompt for a while and I’m glad y’all want it too! There’s gonna be a part 2 don’t worry.
TW: Cursing and Eddie hits someone and this eludes that your ex wasn’t the nicest.
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Eddie is two beers in on what he figured was going to be a normal Friday night at the Hideout when he feels a hand grip his arm as he’s leaned over the bar grabbing a lighter from behind the stack of napkins and straws. He pauses his movements as he looks down at the hand that’s still on his arm and slowly his eyes move upward until they finally land on your face. He notices your eyes are wide and you’re looking everywhere but at him as you scan the room as if you’re looking for someone, Eddie just stands up straight and places the lighter on the bar next to his half empty beer.
“Will you be my husband really quick?” Eddie knows he must be hearing things as you finally make eye contact with him. He watches as you seem to visibly relax a bit as you stare at him with a hopeful look on your face. “Please?” He doesn’t know what it is about you but he feels like if he tells you no he might actually regret it so instead he takes a quick sip of his beer as your hand falls from his arm and before you can react he’s draping his arm over your shoulders and pulling you into him.
“Who’s the target?” Eddie’s voice is low and you can feel his breath on your neck as he whispers in your ear before placing a quick kiss to the side of your head, already playing into his husband role.
“Red shirt by the door.” You answer as one of your arms wrap around his middle, you feel Eddie lean away from you for a moment so he can get a good look at who you’re talking about.
“Jason fucking Carver?” You look up at Eddie who is glaring at the blonde haired man by the door and you feel yourself tense up as Eddie reaches for his beer so he can finish it off. “He your ex or something?” Eddie asks as he places the now empty bottle on the bar and motions to the bartender for another one.
“Yeah he’s uhm my ex.” Eddie can tell by your tone of voice you’re nervous and it makes him wonder what Jason did that caused the two of you to go your separate ways. “I’m sorry this is dumb I shouldn’t have bothered you.” You mumble as you try to move away from him but Eddie is quick to just pull you into him and wrap both arms around your shoulders making your cheek rest on his worn out Metallica shirt.
“Now what kind of husband would I be if I let you storm off like that?” Eddie begins running one of his hands up and down your back making you let out a soft sigh because for the first time in a long time you felt an odd sense of security and who would’ve thought that of all places it’s while wrapped in the arms of a stranger. “I’ve got you okay?” You look up and Eddie is already looking down at you making you feel even more at ease because his eyes are soft and his smile is sweet as he looks at you.
“Okay.” Is all you can say making Eddie’s hold on you tighten slightly as he leans down and places a small kiss to the top of your head in an attempt to help you relax a little more. “Uh so what’s your name?” Eddie laughs as he looks towards the door to check on the location of your ex.
“My name is Eddie.” You just nod and tell him your name in return as your hands somehow find their way into his back pockets as you wrap your arms around his waist. “I can see my wife is a little handsy huh?” You hide your face in his chest as you try to slide your hands from his pockets. “It’s okay sweetheart we’re married remember? No need to be shy.” You can’t help but laugh as Eddie goes back to running his hands up and down your back.
“So how do you know Jason?” You feel Eddie tense up at the mention of your ex’s name and it lets you know whatever memories Eddie has of him aren’t good ones.
“He was my high school’s official asshole.” You look up and rest your chin on Eddie’s chest as you watch his eyes look towards the door of the bar. “I take it he hasn’t changed much?” He asks as he looks down at you with a raised eyebrow making you look away as some memories of your relationship with Jason reply in your head.
“Yeah he hasn’t changed.” Eddie doesn’t miss the way your voice shakes a little as you answer his question.
“I can kick his ass right now if you want me to sweetheart just say the word and he’ll be on the ground.” You may not know Eddie but something tells you he’s not kidding and that he’d get a lot of joy out of beating Jason up. “Let me add that I feel that since I’m your husband it’s kinda my job to beat up your asshole ex boyfriends.” Eddie smiles to himself when he hears you laugh and just shake your head at him.
“As your wife it’s kinda my job to keep you out of trouble.” Eddie lets out a dramatic huff as he drops one of his arms from you so he can reach over and grab his beer and take a long swig from it. “I uh like your rings.” Eddie’s eyes flicker down to yours as he watches you give the rings on his hand that’s holding his beer a good once over.
“Yeah? Which one is your favorite?” He asks as he puts his beer on the bar so he can let you get a better look at his rings. You unwrap your arms from around him so you can take his hand in yours, Eddie tries to ignore how soft your hands feel as you look at his rings giving a lot of attention to his skull one. “You like the skull?” You just nod making Eddie smile because the skull one was also his favorite.
“What are you doing?” Eddie ignores your question as he brings his hand up to his mouth and you feel your eyes go wide as you watch him take his skull ring off and hold it between his lips for a moment before grabbing it. “I can’t take this.” Eddie rolls his eyes as he gently grabs your left hand so he can slide the ring onto your ring finger.
“How are you supposed to be my wife without a ring?” Eddie asks as he reaches over and tucks some of your hair behind your ear.
“You’ve got the be fucking with me.” You feel your heart drop to your stomach as Jason’s voice fills your ears. Eddie’s arm drops from around you so he can turn and block you from Jason’s view. “Not the freak still hanging around the Hideout.” You see Eddie’s hands form into fists as Jason laughs his almost evil sounding laugh.
“Fuck off Carver don’t you have a ball to go toss into a basket or something?” You giggle making Jason move so he can get a look at you, Eddie is quick to move so he’s still standing between you and the ex jock.
“What the fuck is going on?” Eddie looks at you over his shoulder making sure you’re okay and you just give him a reassuring smile as you place your hand on his lower back.
“Just enjoying a night out with my wife.” Jason’s eyes go as wide as golf balls as Eddie explains what the two of you are doing at the Hideout.
“Your wife? Wow okay I mean even you…Munson the town freak can do better than her she’s-” Jason doesn’t get to finish his sentence before Eddie’s fist collides with his cheek knocking him to the ground.
“Next time you think about saying anything about her,” Eddie kneels down as he speaks so he’s only a few inches away from Jason’s face as he groans in pain. “Don’t.” He spits as he stands up and turns so he can grab your hand and walk you towards the back of the bar. “I’m sorry…I am so sorry.” You just shake your head as Eddie’s hands gently cup your face as he looks you over to make sure you’re okay because he’s never gotten into a fight before let alone knocked someone to the ground and that’s the last thing he wanted you to have to deal with tonight.
“It’s okay.” You reassure him as you place your hands over his that are still on your face. “Thank you.” Eddie just shrugs as he gives you a small smile.
“Like I said it’s my job as your husband to beat up your asshole ex boyfriends.” You laugh as Eddie leans in closer, he pauses as he get a few inches from your face. “Is it okay if I kiss you?” Eddie doesn’t have to wait for your answer because your lips are on his in a mater of seconds for a sweet kiss.
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samsalami66 · 3 months ago
Hiii Ssammyy! @embroiderling here!
I've just seen you posted that long list of prompts. Can I ask for a fake marriage/relationship dreamling, with the prompt "kiss me while everyone's looking."?
Hey there @embroiderling! Have this little fic I definitely didn't write just after I got that prompt... <33
Read here or on ao3!
Dream wasn’t entirely sure what led him to the situation he was currently in; running down the streets of Los Angeles like he was chased by the devil. Perhaps it had all started when he met Hob Gadling on the set of his latest show, witty and charismatic and throwing him smiles that would light up the entire room. Or it had been when Dream found himself smiling back, accepting the easy friendship Hob proposed for them and meeting him outside of filming for drinks and movie night and sleepovers at his home spent trading stories and a glass of wine.
But actually, it had probably been the moment Dream agreed to Hob’s insane plan of marrying him. 
Yeah, they probably skipped a few rather important steps right there, between friendship and marriage, but that was not really the problem they were facing. No, the fact that they were two of the most well-known actors in the industry that married for something as crude as a green card was not really the problem. The fact that they had both been married before, that Hob was a widower and Dream divorced, was also not it. 
The problem was that being married to Hob was easy. Too easy. Marriage with Calliope had been… harder. They had both been characters, stubborn and intense and with a temper to match. For Dream, marriage had always been about damage control, about preventing some inevitable argument or other. But eventually they would always end up yelling or crying or hurting each other, before doing it all over again the next day. 
Marriage with someone Dream had never intended to marry, had not even found himself interested in at first, should have been worse. 
Instead, marriage with Hob Gadling was heavenly. They lived together. Shared a bed. Hob did not mind Dream cuddling up to him to steal some of his body heat. They would read together on the couch, then talk about their current books while they made dinner. When Dream complained about the laundry needing to get done, Hob would do it and not allow him to help. He would come back with a pot of tea and the offer of a massage should Dream’s feet or back or neck hurt from acting all day. 
Dream found himself searching Hob’s touch whenever he could and never being denied. When out on his own he would see something and bring it back home for Hob and receive the world’s biggest smile in return. So he did it again. And again. Their living room was overloaded with antiquities and books and little trinkets, all lovingly displayed. 
And they never fought. Over a year of living together, of sharing a house, a room, a bed, a life, and they did not fight once. How could life with Hob be so good, when Dream’s entire life before hadn’t been? 
Well, the answer should have been clear. But for some reason, Dream hadn’t noticed. He hadn’t noticed, and now Hob was gone. Not gone gone, just. Gone. His friend, his husband, was gone from their home and Dream did not know where he had disappeared to after their… disagreement. It hadn't been a fight. Because in a fight, both parties got angry. In a fight, partners tried to hurt each other after they had been hurt first. But Dream hadn’t been hurt by Hob. Hob would never hurt him, not in a million lifetimes. Instead, he hurt his friend for no reason but his own stupidity and insecurity. 
And now… now he was running. Not away. He was running towards Hob. Or at least he hoped so. Finding his husband was a much harder matter than Dream had hoped for when he started running. But he was getting closer, he was sure of it. Their bench. That would be where Hob was. Sitting on the right side, peas in hand, feeding the pigeons. It had been one of Dream’s favourite rituals. Whenever a role got to him too much, twisted his stomach into knots and left his heart aching, he would sit on that bench and feed the pigeons. 
And now, as Dream turned the corner, he saw his husband sitting in the spot he had claimed when he had first joined Dream in this little ritual of his. Those beautiful brown eyes were staring off into the middle distance, while one of his hands threw peas to a flock of birds and the other turned his wedding ring around between his fingers. 
The sight made Dream’s heart ache, his best friend reduced to nothing but numbness. He had done that, and he would make it right again. 
“Hob,” he called once he was close enough to be heard, and his husband’s eyes immediately snapped towards him. There was surprise there, possibly at the sheen of sweat that plastered Dream’s hair to his face, proof that he ran all the way here. Not that he stopped just because he found Hob. No, he ran straight into his husband’s arms, which wrapped around him all too willingly. 
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong, love? Are you alright?” The words ached, because Dream was not worth this level of care after how he had hurt Hob. But now that he wasn’t running anymore he couldn’t breathe, and so he allowed his husband to hold him for a moment, just until he could form an actual response. 
“I am sorry, Hob. For what I said.” There was no answer and Dream supposed that none could be given anyway, and so he continued. “I had not realised how… deep your affections for me were. I. I expected some catch, for I had not known marriage could be so wonderful.” 
There was pain in Hob’s eyes and Dream suspected it was not because of him, but rather for him. 
“And here I was, thinking I’ve been rather bloody obvious.” 
Dream huffed a laugh and took Hob’s hand in his, so that their wedding bands were resting against each other. “Looking back, I wonder how you ever became an actor.” That, at least, got him a grin. “I do not want to leave you. Not when the five years are over, not ever. You’re it, Hob.” Silence, stunned, but there was also a bud of hope that was threatening to spill into a smile so bright it would break Dream clean in two. 
“So kiss me now, husband mine, while everyone in this blasted park is looking.” 
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saintslewis · 2 years ago
— pairing: lewis hamilton x fem!oc
— trope: fake/arranged marriage
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— summary: the Browns and the Hamiltons have been neighbours for many years, Nadia and their oldest son, Lewis, not being as close as the families had hoped they would be. Years later, everyone drifts apart into different neighbourhoods, some others becoming one of the best drivers to ever grace the sport of Formula One however being a man of his stature, fame came along with it and so did the scandals.
can a fake marriage to a complete stranger help keep his image alive? let’s find out!
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✧༚ ˎˊ˗ ———————— let’s meet the lovely couple!
👩🏽‍🏫 —— nadia brown!
“the coolest teacher ever”
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⸰ֺ⭑ - a south african native who moved to stevenage with her mom when she was 8 and gosh, her character development is one for the books. from being the shy one for all of her school years, university changed everything and made her the social butterfly that you will all grow to love soon. fav colour is pink. fav artist is beyoncé. she teaches history and knows jack shit about f1 except that the cool guy that her parents support used to be their neighbour. absolutely loves the moon and is a part time stylist. will fight for you even she met you a second ago.
🏎️ —— lewis hamilton!
“the goat.”
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⸰ֺ⭑ - a literal superstar. the stevenage driver who i would describe as the coolest person ever and many would agree. an adrenaline junky with a heart of gold and filled with positivity (and sass but you didn’t hear it from me). thee fashionista and he knows he’s fine, he just does. father to roscoe. fav colour is purple. loves discussing space and its beauty. did i mention he’s the coolest guy ever? super supportive of everyone around him and he’s knighted. ladies and gents, mr mercedes!
✧༚ ˎˊ˗ info abt renaissance!
˖ ࣪⭑ - warnings: cussing, outfit descriptions, a bit of angst, mentions of alcohol, a talk of ad21, south african slang, slight hints of smut (18+ MDNI), not much of a slow burn lol, lots and lots of brand names, slight themes of sugar daddy! lewis at some point lol (think of it as him spoiling her!)
˖ ࣪⭑ - inspo: this idea just spawned into my head as well as a few of my wip’s mushed together to make this masterpiece. i absolutely love beyonce so using RENAISSANCE for a project so special to me just make wanna do a couple cartwheels. i hope you guys enjoy this as much as i did making this!
˖ ࣪⭑ - saint’s team radio: omg hi everybody 🤭. first oc on tumblr woohoo! not a lot of the song lyrics will relate to the plot of the chapter but more so the beat of the song or the vibe? hope that makes sense lol. i hope you guys like the humour i’m gonna add in here. there isn’t a schedule for this yet but hopefully i’ll be more organised in the future. let’s get this party started!
˖ ࣪⭑ - taglist: @thisismeracing @goldsainz @folkloresthings @flowerchild-96 @userlando (i read your blogs as if it’s my morning paper so i hope you like this 😭) @non-stop-imagines @royallyprincesslilly . let me know if you wanna be tagged in this or future fics!
˖ ࣪⭑ - dividers by @cafekitsune 🫶🏽
˖ ࣪⭑ - pictures from pinterest and twitter
˖ ࣪⭑ - nadia faceclaim: @/unclewaffles_ on ig!
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- the first meeting.
- imagine having dinner with your family then they announce that you’re getting married? you better get cozy for this one!
- first “date”. gotta show the world the newest married couple!
- didn’t Lewis say he was a professional dancer? well now he is 🕺🏽
- first day in the paddock, let’s gaurrr
- ooohhhhh, the school’s calling for a meeting with Nadia 😟
- party time activated ‼️
- a rainy afternoon in the kitchen with the both of them dancing? literally screaming!
- catching feelings there?
10. MOVE
- a visit to Nadia’s work place isn’t so bad, right? …right?
- time to let the world know who exactly Nadia is and why to not mess with her or her husband. period.
- party time pt 2?
- how about a little vacation? :D
- seems like it’s more than just america! 😃
- coming soon!
- coming soon!
status: ongoing
saintslewis 🫶🏽
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edenesth · 1 year ago
Guarding Hearts
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Pairing: bodyguard!Jongho x actress!reader
AU: fake marriage au
Word Count: 15k
Summary: In the glittering world of fame, you're an actress haunted by an obsessive stalker hell-bent on claiming your life. To protect you, your management hires Jongho, a bodyguard, to pose as your fake husband. While danger escalates, so do the sparks between you. As his feelings for you deepen beyond the bounds of professionalism, will he still manage to uphold his role as a dedicated bodyguard?
A/N: Missing Jongho hours are officially open.
ATEEZ Masterlist
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"That's it, we must do something about this."
Seonghwa declared, his voice tinged with frustration and worry. His eyes scanned the surroundings, ever watchful for any sign of danger.
"This can't go on any longer. Your safety is our top priority."
The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a dim glow over the bustling streets of Seoul. You stood outside your apartment building, your heart still pounding from the latest terrifying encounter with your relentless stalker. The night air was crisp, a stark contrast to the fear that had gripped you just moments ago.
Seonghwa, your dedicated manager, stood beside you, his brows furrowed in deep concern.
He had been by your side since the beginning of your skyrocketing career, and now, as your fame had reached new heights, so had the dangers that came with it.
You nodded, trembling as you recounted the chilling details of the latest attempt on your life. The stalker's death threats and claims of ownership had escalated beyond terrifying emails and letters. This time, he had boldly attempted to abduct you, coming dangerously close to success.
The fame you had achieved was a double-edged sword.
While it brought you adoration from fans worldwide, it also attracted the attention of those who harboured dangerous obsessions. Your stalker was the most notorious among them, his fixation on you spiralling into madness.
Seonghwa's face hardened with determination as he pulled out his phone, "We need to take drastic measures. We'll bring in the police, but in the meantime, I have another idea."
Your heart raced, anxiety twisting your stomach as you wondered what drastic measures he had in mind.
You had no choice but to trust your manager, the man who had always been there for you. As the city's neon lights flickered in the distance, you braced yourself for this terrifying ordeal, knowing that whatever he had planned was your best chance at escaping the clutches of your stalker.
God, help me. Please let this plan work.
The meeting room's dimly lit interior provided a stark contrast to the chaos that had consumed your life. Seated beside your manager, you stared blankly at the conference table, your hands trembling uncontrollably.
The fear that had taken hold of you since the last kidnap attempt seemed to have permanently etched itself onto your every nerve.
Without a word, Seonghwa noticed your trembling hands and covered them with his own, offering a comforting and grounding touch. His warm, reassuring squeeze provided a small moment of solace in the midst of your turmoil.
"You're not alone in this," He whispered, his eyes filled with empathy, "The label and I are here for you. We're going to do everything in our power to keep you safe."
Forcing a smile to reassure him, you nodded, even though you still had no idea what drastic measures he and the management team had planned to protect you. The uncertainty weighed heavily on your mind, but you didn't want to burden him with your fears. He had been your pillar of strength throughout your career, and you didn't want to add to the immense pressure he was already under.
As the meeting began, Seonghwa and the management team laid out their plan to safeguard your life and reputation. They discussed everything from increasing security personnel to contacting the police, but the most unexpected proposal was yet to come.
Your manager cleared his throat, his gaze steady as he addressed you, "In addition to these security measures, we have another idea that we believe will provide an added layer of protection for you. It's a bold step, but we think it's necessary given the circumstances."
Curiosity mingled with apprehension as you leaned in, eager to hear the details of this mysterious plan.
"We've taken the liberty of hiring a highly trained bodyguard," Seonghwa began, his voice carrying the weight of the decision they had made collectively, "Someone with an impeccable record, renowned for his unwavering commitment to his client's safety."
A hushed tension filled the room as everyone waited with bated breath for him to reveal the identity of this formidable guardian.
Images of a faceless protector, cloaked in secrecy and strength, danced through your mind. The idea of having a dedicated guardian was reassuring, but it was the next part of Seonghwa's revelation that would change everything.
With an air of solemnity, he continued, "This bodyguard will be by your side at all times, ensuring your safety and keeping a close watch on any potential threats."
A bodyguard sounded reasonable, even expected, given the circumstances, but the bombshell that followed caught you completely off guard.
"He will be your fake husband."
Time seemed to slow as those words sank in.
A fake husband?
It was a proposition so unexpected that it felt surreal.
The notion of a fake husband as a security measure was not only unexpected but bewildering. You were an actress, well-versed in the art of portraying emotions, but this was a role unlike any other.
Frozen in your chair, you tried to process the magnitude of the revelation. Why would a fake husband be necessary? How would it work? A thousand questions swirled in your mind, but you couldn't voice them, not yet.
Seonghwa's voice broke through the uncertainty that hung in the air.
"Listen, I know this is unconventional, but it's essential. We need to keep you safe, and the police are doing their best, but they need time. Having Jongho," He nodded towards a folder on the table that contained the bodyguard's profile, "By your side as your fake husband will deter the stalker and buy us that time."
Jongho's image stared back at you from the folder, his stern yet reassuring gaze seeming to hold a promise of protection. You finally found your voice, though it wavered.
"But... a fake husband? How is that going to work?"
Your manager leaned back in his chair, his expression grave but determined, "It won't be easy, and it will demand a lot from both of you. But Jongho is one of the best in the business, and he's committed to keeping you safe. This is the most effective way to ensure your security while we deal with the stalker."
The gravity of the situation began to settle in, and you nodded slowly, understanding the necessity of the plan. It was a drastic step, but it seemed like the only option to protect your life and put an end to the relentless threats.
After the meeting adjourned, there was no time to waste.
You were immediately introduced to your bodyguard and newly appointed fake husband. As you stepped out of the meeting room, he was waiting patiently just outside, his presence exuding an air of unshakable composure.
His imposing figure drew your attention, and for a brief moment, you felt a flutter of uncertainty. But as he approached with a composed yet welcoming demeanour, he extended his hand with a warm smile.
"Hello, I'm Choi Jongho. It's a pleasure to meet you."
You shook his hand, the firmness of his grip reassuring and grounding. His politeness and the absence of any star-struck behaviour felt like a breath of fresh air in a world where you were often treated as nothing but a celebrity.
It was a refreshing change to encounter someone who didn't view you through the lens of fame and adulation.
For the first time in a long while, you didn't feel like the version of you who was an actress, pursued by the media and adoring fans. Instead, you were just you, a person who needed protection and support. It was a stark departure from the world you knew, but somehow, it felt like a sanctuary amidst the storm of your life.
Seonghwa, always efficient and focused on your safety, wasted no time in facilitating the initial introductions between you and Jongho.
In those first few moments, you exchanged basic information about yourselves, learning small details like your favourite food and hobbies. It was a surface-level exchange, but even those initial conversations helped break the ice and ease the tension that hung in the air.
But as your manager guided the conversation toward more serious matters, you couldn't escape the inevitable reality of your new situation. The "fake marriage" aspect of the plan loomed over you like uncharted territory.
"In light of recent events, Jongho will be moving into your apartment immediately," Seonghwa explained, his voice calm but authoritative, "You will need to start portraying yourselves as a married couple as soon as possible. This will provide the most convincing cover for your safety."
The weight of the decision settled heavily in the room.
It meant a complete upheaval of your daily life, your personal space now shared with a stranger who would become your fake husband. It was a leap into the unknown, and you felt a mixture of anxiety and curiosity about how this would unfold.
Jongho nodded in agreement, his expression resolute, "I'm here to ensure your safety. We'll need to learn about each other on the go, but I'm confident we can make this work."
With that assurance, Seonghwa guided the two of you through the practicalities of the arrangement – sharing living spaces, developing a cover story, and establishing boundaries that would maintain the illusion of a real marriage while preserving your individual lives.
As you stood at the threshold of this uncharted chapter, you wondered how this unconventional partnership would evolve.
The line between reality and pretence was about to blur, and the world as you knew it was changing faster than you could have ever imagined.
Truth be told, when Jongho first received the job offer, he had been reluctant to accept it.
As he found himself thrust into this new assignment, a whirlwind of conflicting emotions and thoughts swirled within him. It wasn't because he lacked the skills or experience; in fact, his reputation as one of the best bodyguards in the business had earned him this opportunity.
It was something else entirely that had fueled his hesitancy.
In his career, he had grown a firm dislike for what he referred to as the "elite" group of society, those who lived lives of opulence and extravagance, seemingly detached from the struggles of ordinary people. He viewed famous celebrities, including actresses like you, as a part of that elite circle.
His stereotype about such individuals had, therefore, created a barrier in his mind.
Jongho has never watched any of your dramas or movies, but he had heard of your recent surge in popularity. The news of your obsessive stalker had also reached his ears, given the extensive media coverage. It was a case that struck a chord with the public, and he was aware of the fear and distress you must have been experiencing.
Given the chance, he wanted to reject the job, convinced there were plenty of other bodyguards who would willingly step into his shoes.
But there was more at stake than just the assignment.
His career had been building up to this moment, the coveted promotion he had worked tirelessly to achieve. It was the role he had aspired to, a stepping stone towards his goals.
So here he stood, determined to do his job to the best of his abilities, even if it meant breaking through the barriers of his own prejudices. The prospect of playing the role of your husband, even in pretence, was a challenge he was willing to embrace.
Jongho's initial reluctance and preconceived notions faded away the moment he laid eyes on you for the first time.
Unlike the polished image he had seen on TV screens, the real you appeared before him, vulnerable and worn out from the constant state of anxiety you had endured. It was a stark contrast to the glamorous persona he had expected, and it made you seem profoundly... human.
As he observed your anxiety and exhaustion, his heart softened. He realised that beneath the fame and adulation, you were just a person dealing with an overwhelming threat.
He couldn't bring himself to act cold or distant to someone who had already endured so much.
A warm and assuring smile graced his lips as he greeted you, his heart fluttering when he realised how small your hand felt in his grasp. It was a subtle reminder of the fragility hidden behind your celebrity status.
But as Seonghwa delved into the arrangements, Jongho's heart sank. The reality of the situation hit him like a heavyweight, and he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the task ahead. Protecting you was one thing, but playing the role of your husband was an entirely different challenge, one he hadn't anticipated.
Deep down, he longed for the assignment to be over already, the thought of pretending to be your husband weighing heavily on him.
But he knew that this unconventional partnership was a necessity, and he was committed to carrying out his duties to ensure your safety, no matter the personal toll it might take.
Seated in a private room with Seonghwa, you and Jongho did your best to digest the shocking news.
Your manager briefed both of you on the press release that would soon be handed to the mass media. According to the plan, it would be reported as breaking news that you had been secretly married all along, and your husband had decided to reveal himself to protect you, especially given the escalating danger posed by your stalker.
As Seonghwa outlined the details of the fabricated narrative, you felt a gnawing anxiety deep within.
Thoughts of your fans, supporters, and even your loved ones raced through your mind. How would they react to this sudden revelation? What would they think of your secret marriage? The fear of their disappointment and confusion weighed heavily on your heart.
Jongho, on the other hand, had a different set of worries.
As a seasoned bodyguard, he knew that maintaining a low profile was essential to his job's effectiveness.
This orchestrated marriage announcement could potentially place a target on his back, complicating an already challenging task of protecting you. The last thing he needed was added attention and scrutiny that could hinder his ability to keep you safe.
Silent tension hung in the room as you and Jongho exchanged knowing glances, each of you grappling with your own fears and uncertainties.
But you both understood the necessity of this deception and the lengths you were willing to go to ensure your safety.
With heavy hearts, you nodded in agreement, bracing yourselves for the whirlwind of changes that would soon engulf your lives, as the world believed you were a married couple, bound by a secret that was born out of necessity and desperation.
As a week passed since the news of your secret marriage had been reported, life had taken on a new rhythm, one that neither you nor Jongho could have anticipated. The initial days had been a whirlwind of chaos, with paparazzi swarming your home, their intrusive presence feeling like a relentless storm.
But in a strange twist of fate, you found a silver lining in the hordes of journalists camped outside your door. Their constant vigilance, though exhausting, had inadvertently scared away your stalker. The sheer number of people surrounding your home made it nearly impossible for him to make any further attempts on your life.
In the midst of this media circus, you had grown more accustomed to the idea of sharing your life with Jongho.
While the circumstances of your cohabitation were far from ordinary, you appreciated the security and support he provided. His presence brought a sense of reassurance, knowing that he was close by, ready to rush to your aid if needed.
Meanwhile, Jongho had experienced his own set of surprises.
When he first entered your home, he had expected an extravagant setting, in line with his stereotype about celebrities and their lavish lifestyles. But what he found was quite the opposite.
Your living space was surprisingly simplistic and unpretentious, more like an ordinary person's home than a famous actress' residence.
This unexpected discovery helped him view you in an entirely new light. You were not the distant and fancy elite he had imagined, but a person living a life marked by both fame and vulnerability. The contrast between your public image and your private life made you appear more relatable and human to him, bridging the gap between his prejudices and the reality he now faced.
The two of you had been effectively holed up in your home for a week, attempting to avoid the ever-present paparazzi.
But today, reality caught up with you as you glanced into your nearly empty fridge, realising you had run out of groceries to make dinner. With a heavy sigh, you turned to your bodyguard, knowing there was no other choice, "Jongho, we need to stock up on groceries."
Your fake husband nodded in understanding.
He was acutely aware of the restrictions this new life imposed on both of you. His job was to stay by your side at all times, ensuring your safety, which meant he couldn't leave you home alone. His gaze shifted to the window, where a sea of journalists and photographers continued to camp out.
"Gosh, this won't be easy," He muttered to himself, his brow furrowing as he assessed the situation outside, "But we can do this. I won't let anything happen to you."
You were struck by the genuine concern in his voice, and your heart fluttered in response. His words were a reassurance you desperately needed in the midst of this whirlwind of deception and danger. But you quickly reminded yourself that he was only doing his job, his duty to protect you.
Any personal feelings that might have stirred were irrelevant.
With a nod, you headed off to change, giving yourself a moment to regain your composure. The unexpected connection that had begun to form between you was something you couldn't ignore, but for now, it had to take a backseat to the more pressing matters at hand.
The journey from your home to the car was a daunting one, with the paparazzi surging forward the moment they caught sight of you and your "husband" stepping outside. The excitement among the journalists was palpable, and they bombarded you with endless questions about your secret marriage.
Jongho, determined to play his role and protect you, reacted swiftly.
He wrapped his strong arms securely around you, creating a protective barrier against the onslaught of cameras and questions. As he guided you toward the car, his grip was both reassuring and comforting, serving as a lifeline in the chaos.
In a moment of vulnerability, you instinctively clung to him, seeking refuge from the overwhelming media frenzy. You pressed your head against his chest, under his chin, as he held you close. His embrace was a source of solace, and you couldn't deny the comfort of having such a reliable protector by your side.
As you settled into the car, the chaos of the paparazzi finally fading into the background, Jongho pulled away slightly to check on you.
His concern was evident as he asked, "Hey, you okay?"
You nodded, a faint smile on your lips as you met his gaze, "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for your hard work." The warmth in your voice conveyed your appreciation for his protection.
He returned your smile, his eyes reflecting a sense of duty fulfilled. He turned the key to start the car and helped you fasten your seatbelt before glancing over at you, "This is nothing. Let's just hope my work won't have to get any more difficult than this."
As he navigated the car towards the closest supermarket, you couldn't help but steal a glance at him.
His dedication and caring nature had not gone unnoticed, and a part of you was grateful for his presence in this tumultuous time. But you couldn't ignore the twinge of attraction that had developed, a crush on your fake husband that you were hesitant to acknowledge.
Inwardly, you chided yourself for such feelings, attributing them to the unusual circumstances that had brought the two of you together. You told yourself that perhaps, under different circumstances, you might not have been drawn to him in the same way.
Regardless of the reason, you decided to focus on the task at hand – stocking up on groceries and returning home safely. The complexities of your fake marriage and the emotions it stirred would have to wait for another time.
The next day, after the supermarket mission, you couldn't escape the undeniable truth – photos of you and your "husband" were plastered across all newspapers, magazines, and TV headlines. The world seemed to buzz with speculation and interest in your secret marriage.
In the days since the news broke, you had refrained from accessing any of your social media accounts, afraid of what you might find there. The fear of backlash from your fans and supporters had kept you at bay.
But now, with the images of you and Jongho dominating the media, curiosity got the better of you.
Sitting in front of your computer, you logged on to your social media accounts, heart pounding with anticipation. Your notifications are immediately filled with messages, mentions, and comments. As you began to read through them, a mix of emotions washed over you.
There were those who expressed shock and disbelief, unable to reconcile the image of their beloved celebrity with the idea of a secret marriage. Some were sceptical, suspecting a publicity stunt, while others were genuinely happy for you, despite the unusual circumstances.
As you scrolled through the comments, you noticed a surprising amount of support and understanding from your fans. Messages of encouragement and well wishes outnumbered the negative responses.
It was a relief to see that not everyone had turned their backs on you.
Scrolling further, you inevitably stumble upon a message from your stalker. Just the sight of his name was enough to send a shiver down your spine. Your hands trembled as you hesitantly clicked into the message. The chilling words that met your eyes left you paralysed with fear and anger.
It read, 'How dare you do this to me? After everything I've done for you? You ungrateful bitch, your husband better sleep with one eye open because I don't know what I might do to him.'
Reading those threatening words, you felt a surge of terror and rage.
Your stalker's obsession had taken a dangerous turn, and his threats were now directed at your fake husband. The fear for your safety had intensified, but now you had to worry about Jongho's safety as well.
Your bodyguard's sharp instincts picked up on your trembling form as he walked past your bedroom door.
His years of training had made him hyper-aware of his surroundings, especially when it came to your safety. The moment he noticed your shaken state, he knew something was amiss.
Without hesitation, he knocked on your door, a quiet yet firm signal of his presence. You jumped slightly at the unexpected sound, your heart racing, but the fear in your eyes instantly faded when you saw that it was him. His protective presence was a welcome sight.
Seeing your evident distress, his concern deepened.
"May I come in?" He asked gently, giving you the choice to invite him into your personal space. You nodded weakly, your trembling hands covering your eyes as you struggled to regain your composure.
With utmost care, he entered your room and approached you slowly, ensuring he didn't startle you further.
He knelt down in front of you, his strong and reassuring presence a calming force in the midst of your fear. Gently, he pulled your hands away from your face, his eyes filled with concern as he studied your tear-stained cheeks.
"What's wrong?" He asked softly, his voice laced with empathy and worry. You wiped away your tears, gesturing to the computer where the threatening message from your stalker had appeared.
His expression darkened as he quickly assessed the situation, his heart sinking at the gravity of the threat.
He knew that this was no ordinary situation.
Your safety, as well as his own, was now on the line, and the danger posed by your stalker had escalated to a level neither of you could ignore. As he contemplated the best course of action, he silently vowed to protect you, whatever it took and put an end to the torment that had infiltrated your life.
Jongho wasted no time contacting Seonghwa, your manager, who arrived at your home promptly to check on your well-being and assess the threat sent by your stalker.
Once he was assured that you were physically fine, the three of you settled in your living room to discuss the situation. Jongho, with a deep furrow in his brow, inquired about the progress the police force had made with the case.
Seonghwa sighed loudly, his expression grave, and shook his head, signalling the lack of any substantial progress.
"They're still working on tracking him down," Your manager admitted, his frustration palpable, "But the stalker seems to be using a fake name to leave you messages. There's no such person with that name in their database, and he's done an excellent job concealing his digital footprints and IP address."
The news was disheartening, to say the least.
The realisation that the person responsible for your torment was eluding capture cast a shadow over the room. You felt a sense of vulnerability, knowing that the threat was still out there.
After a thoughtful pause, Jongho voiced his idea, "If he's so difficult to track online, perhaps we need to lure him out physically for them to stand a chance at capturing him." His suggestion hung heavy in the air, and the weight of his proposal was palpable.
Your eyes widened, and your heart sank at the daring plan he was proposing. The thought of being the bait in this dangerous game was undeniably frightening, but you understood the necessity of the approach. Your safety, as well as the safety of others, depended on finding a way to apprehend this stalker.
Seonghwa, though visibly concerned, recognised the validity of Jongho's argument.
After a moment of contemplation, he nodded reluctantly, "Alright," He conceded, his voice laced with worry, "Let me contact the representatives from the police force. Maybe together, we can come up with a plan."
The room was filled with a sense of determination.
Despite the risks and uncertainties that lay ahead, you were all united in your commitment to confront the stalker head-on and put an end to the terror that had plagued your life for far too long.
The following week, two police officers from the team handling your case arrived at your doorstep, accompanied by Seonghwa.
San and Hongjoong, as they introduced themselves, represented the law enforcement effort to capture your stalker. As they settled around your dining table, you chuckled lightly to yourself when you noticed San trying to contain his excitement in your presence.
It was clear that he was a fan of yours.
With all the men now settled around the dining table, you broke the silence, "Oh, let me just prepare you guys some tea."
It was a thoughtful gesture, an attempt to make the situation a bit more comfortable and welcoming. You moved into the kitchen to retrieve your teapot, and before anyone could react, San immediately volunteered to help.
Meanwhile, Jongho's irritation simmered beneath the surface as he watched the enthusiastic display. The officer's eagerness to assist you grated on his nerves, even though he knew it was a trivial matter in the grand scheme of things. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes, keeping his emotions in check as best as he could.
With a confident and fluid motion, San effortlessly extended his arm to reach for the teapot on the top shelf. He handled the task with ease, his agility and eagerness on full display.
Jongho clenched his jaw, his internal frustration intensifying. He believed that it should have been his role to assist you, to ensure your comfort and well-being. But he quickly recognised the irrationality of his jealousy; after all, he was your fake husband, not your real one.
As San assisted you in serving tea and biscuits, Hongjoong maintained a polite demeanour, thanking you for the refreshments. He made sure to shoot a warning glare at San, a silent reminder that they were here on official business.
With everyone finally seated, you anxiously positioned yourself between Seonghwa and Jongho, awaiting the officers' ideas for capturing your stalker.
Hongjoong, the team leader for your case, wasted no time in getting down to business. He leaned forward, his expression focused and determined, and began to lay out a few possible plans to draw the stalker out, all of which revolved around you as the bait.
Each plan came with its own risks, and the room fell silent as you, Jongho, and Seonghwa considered the options. It was a difficult decision to make, knowing that your safety hung in the balance.
After hours of intense discussion and weighing the risks and benefits of each plan, a strategy was finally decided upon. It would involve a combination of the decoy strategy and social media bait to lure the stalker out of hiding.
You and Jongho would publicly go on a "date," during which you would post about your outing on social media. These posts would include seemingly innocent clues and hints about your whereabouts, making it appear as if you were sharing this information willingly.
At a prearranged moment, your fake husband would leave your side temporarily, creating a staged situation where you would be alone.
The hope was that this scenario would make you appear vulnerable and an easy target to the stalker, prompting him to make a move. But in reality, undercover officers would be strategically positioned nearby, ready to intervene at the first sign of trouble. The key to the plan's success would be the delicate balance between making it believable and ensuring your safety.
As the details of the plan were finalised, a sense of determination filled the room.
You all knew the risks involved, but you were united in your resolve to finally confront the stalker and put an end to this nightmare. The stage was set, and the countdown to the operation to capture the stalker had begun.
"Relax, I'm right here with you. You'll be safe." Jongho's reassuring voice broke through the fear that gripped your heart.
You were on your staged date with him, with undercover officers discreetly positioned around you. Even with the protective presence of law enforcement, the thought of potentially coming face-to-face with your stalker again made your heart race with anxiety.
Jongho tightened his grip on your hand as you both strolled through a park. You nodded appreciatively, giving his hand a soft squeeze.
Earlier, you had posted a few pictures with him on social media, acting as if you were excitedly sharing the sweet moment with your fans. Your comment section was filled with endless supportive messages. Despite the encouragement, you couldn't shake off the nervousness about what you were about to experience.
The park was serene and peaceful, a stark contrast to the turmoil that had engulfed your life.
As you both continued your walk, you glanced around, your senses on high alert, searching for any sign of the stalker's presence. With each step, the tension in the air grew thicker, and the weight of the operation weighed heavily on your shoulders.
The moment you had been dreading finally arrived when you spotted Hongjoong, disguised as a civilian jogging in the park, giving Jongho the signal to leave you alone.
Panic surged through you as Jongho gently sat you down on a nearby bench, his hand tenderly cupping your cheek, "I'll be back real quick, my love," He said, his voice laced with reassurance as he leaned in closer, "Just gotta run to the nearest bathroom. You wait right here, alright?"
You nodded weakly, your eyes trembling as you placed your hand over his, desperately clinging to the sense of safety he provided.
"Okay." You whispered fearfully, your eyes closing briefly as he pressed his lips against your forehead. It was a gesture meant to ground not only you but also himself; the last thing he wanted was to leave your side.
You exhaled shakily as you watched him walk away from you, each step he took filling you with a growing sense of dread and vulnerability. The plan was now set in motion, and all you could do was wait for the moment to strike.
The park remained deceptively peaceful, unlike the turbulent emotions swirling within you.
As you anxiously scanned your surroundings, you knew that this operation marked a critical juncture in your journey to confront your stalker. The minutes felt like an eternity as you braced yourself for whatever might come next.
In an effort to calm and distract yourself from the mounting tension, you focused on your breathing exercises. It was a technique that had helped you cope with stressful situations in the past, and now, in this tense moment, it served as a lifeline.
The minutes continued to crawl by.
Inside a completely tinted van parked at the entrance of the park, Jongho and Seonghwa closely monitored the situation through the footage from hidden cameras worn by the undercover officers. They, too, felt the weight of the suspense as they watched you.
After what felt like hours of nervous anticipation, a man approached you, his face filled with urgency. The tension in the van escalated as everyone remained on high alert, prepared to spring into action if this man turned out to be your stalker.
"Excuse me, miss, could you help me with directions? I seem to be a bit lost," You turned to face the stranger, your heart pounding in your chest. But you let out a sigh of relief when you realised that this person looked nothing like your stalker, "Of course, I can help. Where do you need to go?"
Upon closer observation, it became apparent that he was just a civilian in need of assistance. Anxiety levels began to ebb as it became clear that this was not their target.
As you stood up and turned away from the stranger to provide directions, the unthinkable happened. In a sudden and shocking move, the man pulled out a cloth filled with chloroform and pressed it against your face. Panic seized you as you gasped for breath, the toxic fumes overpowering your senses.
It was a calculated move on the part of your assailant, exploiting the moment when everyone's guard was down.
With your form growing weaker and limp, he swiftly hoisted you over his shoulder and bolted towards the exit of the park. It was a blur of motion, and everyone reacted with lightning speed as they realised what was happening. The peaceful park had transformed into a battleground in an instant, and the race to save you had begun.
Upon the horrifying realisation of what was happening, Jongho's heart leapt into his throat. His training kicked in as he shouted in alarm, "Shit, it really is him!"
Without a moment's hesitation, he bolted out of the van, his protective instincts in full force.
The urgency in his movements was palpable as he sprinted after your stalker. In that adrenaline-fueled moment, he couldn't bear the thought of leaving you alone, and he would never forgive himself if anything were to happen to you.
Goddamnit, I never should've left her side.
Just as he was closing in on your stalker, his heart nearly stopped when he witnessed the chilling sight of your assailant successfully placing your unconscious form in his car. Panic surged through him as he watched your stalker get into the driver's seat, a devious smirk curling on his lips after pulling off the disguise that had fooled you.
It was a heart-wrenching moment as the car started to pull away, driving off with you.
Jongho cursed loudly, his desperation growing by the second. It felt as though all hope was slipping through his fingers. But just when it seemed like the situation was becoming dire, a police car screeched to a halt in front of him. The door swung open, revealing San, "Quick, get in!"
Your bodyguard didn't need to be told twice.
He dashed into the police car, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination. As he settled into the vehicle, San wasted no time briefing him on the situation, "Hongjoong hyung, Seonghwa hyung, and the rest of the team are following the stalker in the van. We're not giving up on this, Jongho. We'll get her back."
Jongho's mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions.
Guilt gnawed at him, a heavyweight in his chest, as he recalled the fear in your eyes when he had to leave you alone back there. He cursed himself for making promises he couldn't keep, for telling you that you'd be safe when it seemed that he hadn't done a good enough job to protect you.
He knew that his role was to be your protector, and in that crucial moment, he had been forced to leave your side. The memory of your trembling form haunted him, and he felt like he had let you down.
Beside him, San remained focused on the road, determined not to lose sight of your stalker's car. The urgency of the situation hung in the air, but the sight of Hongjoong's van catching up in their rearview mirror brought a glimmer of hope.
After a tense and heart-pounding chase, San's car finally managed to pull up alongside the stalker's vehicle. The sight of your unconscious form in the passenger seat broke Jongho's heart, and he yearned to bring you to safety at that very moment.
Soon after, Hongjoong's van caught up as well, and together, both police vehicles had your stalker's car sandwiched in the middle. It seemed like they finally had the upper hand, and relief washed over them.
But just when they thought they had the situation under control, your stalker abruptly slammed on the brakes. In a swift and daring move, he executed a U-turn and managed to escape in another direction, leaving everyone cursing in frustration.
"Shit!" The expletive escaped their lips in unison as they quickly brought their vehicles to a halt, turning around to resume the pursuit of the stalker once again.
The chase was far from over.
Your groans filled the confined space of the car, your eyes fluttering open as awareness slowly returned. As your vision cleared, you widened your eyes in horror when you realised whose car you were in. The realisation sent a shiver of dread down your spine.
"Aw, are you up already, my love?" Your stalker cooed, a sickly sweet tone in his voice.
He moved a hand toward your face, intending to touch you, but you slapped his hand away in a burst of defiance. Your rejection angered him, and he reacted by grabbing your face aggressively, his grip tightening.
"Look at me!" He hissed, his face contorted with possessiveness, "I'm the only one you should be loving, you understand?!"
Tears welled up in your eyes as you cried out, "No, let me go!" You pushed him away, a surge of fear and anger giving you the strength to resist. The struggle between you intensified, creating a dangerous situation within the moving car.
Jongho, Seonghwa, and the police officers watched in mounting panic as they observed the turmoil unfolding inside the vehicle.
Their fear for your safety reached new heights as the car swerved dangerously, the consequences of the ongoing struggle unknown and potentially deadly. The race to rescue you had become even more urgent and perilous.
The fear that had been gripping everyone's hearts became a horrifying reality.
Your stalker's car careened out of control and collided with a divider. The impact was jarring, and it sent shockwaves through the vehicle. Metal twisted and glass shattered as the car came to a halt.
Hongjoong, his voice laced with urgency, immediately called for backup and requested medical assistance upon witnessing the devastating scene. Jongho and Seonghwa felt their stomachs drop as they could only pray for your safety, the uncertainty of your condition weighing heavily on their minds.
San, displaying quick thinking and resolve, had positioned his car right in front of your assailant's, effectively blocking any chance of escape.
Even if your stalker had any intention of fleeing the scene, he was now trapped, surrounded by law enforcement officers who were determined to ensure that you were rescued and that he faced the consequences of his actions.
Jongho wasted no time rushing out of the car and toward you, his heart pounding in his chest. He took deep breaths, attempting to calm the storm of emotions raging within him as you came into sight.
His hands trembled as he approached the wreckage of the car.
A trail of blood was visible, running down the side of your face, and as Jongho carefully pulled the car door open, his heart sank. One of your arms was bent at an unnatural angle, a clear sign that it had been broken. These were only the injuries he could see, and he feared that you might be suffering from even worse internal injuries.
Seonghwa skidded to a stop beside your bodyguard, his hand flying to his mouth in shock and despair as he took in your condition. Your manager cried out and attempted to reach for you, but Hongjoong intervened, his voice filled with concern, "No, don't move her. It could cause her more injuries. Wait till backup is here, they'll get her out safely."
Meanwhile, San acted swiftly, dragging your unconscious stalker out and placing him in handcuffs. The man responsible for this terrifying ordeal was now in custody, and justice would soon be served.
The backup that Hongjoong had called soon arrived.
As the experts carefully and safely extracted you from the wreckage of the car, emergency medical technicians and paramedics immediately went to work. They assessed your injuries and quickly loaded you onto a waiting ambulance, preparing to rush you to the hospital for the urgent care you needed.
One of the EMTs turned to Jongho and Seonghwa, asking, "So, which one of you will be coming with us to the hospital?"
Jongho's instinct was to be by your side, to ensure your safety, but he quickly realised his role as your bodyguard was just that – a role. It was Seonghwa who had a genuine personal connection with you, so he remained silent, deferring to your manager, who entered the ambulance to accompany you on the way to the hospital.
As the ambulance sped away toward the hospital, your bodyguard remained behind at the scene, watching with a sense of relief and satisfaction as your stalker was finally arrested right before his eyes.
The man who had caused so much fear and distress in your life would now face the consequences of his actions, taken away in Hongjoong's van to be questioned by the police.
After the stalker had been taken into custody and the immediate crisis had been resolved, San approached Jongho, throwing an arm over his shoulder in a gesture of support, "Come on, I'll take you to the hospital."
Your fake husband's eyebrows raised in surprise at the unexpected kindness from the officer. Perhaps, in this high-stress situation, he was starting to see that San wasn't as bad as he had initially thought. Grateful for the offer, Jongho nodded, and together they left the scene to join you at the hospital.
As you lay in the ambulance with your manager by your side, drifting in and out of consciousness, you occasionally felt someone gently grasping your hand. Despite the haze in your mind and the blurriness in your vision, you mustered the strength to squeeze back weakly.
In your weakened state, you couldn't quite make out Seonghwa's face, and in a soft, barely audible whisper, you called out, "Jongho..."
Your manager's heart ached as he heard your faint plea.
At that moment, he realised just how deep the connection between you and your fake husband must have grown during this challenging ordeal. He felt a pang of sympathy for you, knowing that Jongho was, in essence, nothing more than a bodyguard hired to protect you, and he might see you as nothing more than an assignment.
At the hospital, after you had been wheeled into the emergency care unit for a thorough examination, Seonghwa waited anxiously outside, his worry evident in his furrowed brow.
It didn't take long for Jongho to arrive at the hospital as well, his concern etched on his face as he approached your manager.
Your bodyguard wasted no time inquiring about any news regarding your condition, and Seonghwa shook his head somberly. After a moment of contemplation, the elder male decided to broach a delicate subject.
In the least confrontational tone he could muster, he began to speak, "Jongho, I want to ask something of you. Please... don't give her any mixed signals that could cause her to misunderstand the nature of the relationship between you two. It was only meant to be strictly business, for her safety. I ask this for her sake, to prevent any further confusion or complications in her life."
Seonghwa's plea was driven by his concern for you, wanting to ensure that you wouldn't be burdened with additional emotional turmoil in an already difficult situation.
Jongho swallowed hard, a sense of understanding and responsibility washing over him. He nodded slowly, acknowledging the weight of your manager's words, "Of course, hyung," He replied with a hint of remorse in his voice, "I understand."
As much as it pained him to agree, he knew that Seonghwa was right. His role was clear – he was your bodyguard and your fake husband, nothing more. He was here to do a job, and the thought of seeing you in any other light was unprofessional and inappropriate. He resolved to maintain the boundaries of his role, understanding that it was for the best.
The silence between the two was palpable after their conversation, both men understood the importance of focusing on your well-being above all else. They anxiously waited for any news regarding your condition.
After what felt like an eternity, the doctor finally emerged from the unit, prompting both men to shoot up from their seats immediately.
Seonghwa immediately asked, "How is she, doc?"
The doctor did his best to maintain a neutral expression as he delivered the news.
"She's not in immediate danger, but she has sustained quite a few internal injuries. Her liver has been damaged due to a broken rib. She's also suffering from a mild concussion. Other than the broken arm, those are her main injuries. We will need to schedule surgery to address the liver damage, and she'll have to stay in the hospital for an extensive period for monitoring and follow-up treatments."
The gravity of the situation hung heavily in the air as Seonghwa and Jongho processed the doctor's words, their primary concern now ensuring your recovery.
As the two men were finally allowed to enter your temporary ward before your surgery, you slowly peeled your eyelids open, feeling a surge of emotions as your tear-filled eyes met the sight of Jongho standing behind Seonghwa.
At that moment, you let a few tears escape.
You had been so frightened when you woke up in your stalker's car, and all you had wanted was to be near Jongho. The relief you felt when you saw him in San's car through the rearview mirror had been overwhelming. You realised that you couldn't deny your feelings for him any longer.
You knew it hadn't been long since you had met him, and the circumstances under which you had come to know him were far from ordinary. But the bond that had formed between you during this ordeal was undeniable, and you couldn't help but fall for him.
As you lay in the hospital bed, you found comfort in the presence of your protectors, silently hoping that your feelings wouldn't complicate the already complex situation you were all in.
After ensuring that you were stable, Seonghwa left the room to handle the paperwork, hospital fees, and to coordinate with your management team for the necessary actions.
This left Jongho alone with you in the room.
He approached you slowly and took a seat beside your hospital bed. His hand lifted as if he wanted to touch your face, but he hesitated and let it drop.
You furrowed your brows in confusion and disappointment, wondering why he had pulled away.
He glanced over your injuries once more, recalling what the doctor had said. In a whispered voice, he expressed his guilt, "God, it's all my fault you're hurt. I'm sorry for not doing a good enough job out there. I failed as your bodyguard, I failed to keep you safe."
You shook your head, attempting to reach out and hold his hand for comfort, but he pulled away before you could touch him. His rejection hurt you more than your physical injuries, leaving you feeling confused and rejected.
As you lay there in the hospital bed, trying to make sense of Jongho's actions and his decision to push you away, you reflected on your earlier thoughts. You had initially believed that once your stalker was captured, everything would finally return to normal, and life would be great again.
But now, as you grappled with his distancing behaviour, you began to realise that you might have preferred the time when all he cared about was being near you and protecting you.
The reality hit you hard – things hadn't been as great as you had imagined because if there were no more threats, there would be no need for him in your life. This meant that he might not be by your side for long, and the prospect of his absence left you feeling a deep sense of loss and longing for the connection you had formed.
As time passed in the hospital, you had initially believed that Jongho's cold and distant behaviour was a result of the immense guilt he felt for your injuries.
However, it became evident that there was more to it.
After your surgery and the weeks of treatments, you had spent nearly a month in the hospital. During this time, you suffered emotionally more than you ever had before because your bodyguard had transformed into a stoic and distant figure.
Jongho now asserted that since your stalker had been arrested, there was no longer any need for him to play the role of your fake husband. He emphasised that he was only your bodyguard now and that he should behave as such. This change in his attitude and the distance he maintained left you feeling hurt and confused, as if a significant connection had been severed between you two.
Seonghwa had left your room after his visit one night, leaving you alone with Jongho once again. He stood stoically by the corner of your room, his gaze fixed straight ahead.
The tension between you had become unbearable, and you voiced your frustration, "Are you really going to keep acting this way? I thought we were at least friends after everything we've been through."
He remained unmoving, as if he hadn't heard your words.
You let out a tired sigh and continued, "Fine. Just... I'm feeling like some fruit juice. Could you just run to the cafeteria and get me some of that?" You had decided to send him out, hoping he could have a moment to himself. You needed a break from his cold and distant presence, even if it was just for a little while.
As he gave a curt nod and left your room, you leaned back in your bed, staring out of the window in the deafening silence.
Doubts and questions swirled in your mind, wondering if the bond you thought had developed between you and him had been one-sided all along. Perhaps he had been that skilled at acting, so convincing in pretending that he genuinely cared. It left you feeling deceived and uncertain about the true nature of your relationship with him.
Meanwhile, Jongho clenched his fists in frustration once he was out of your room. Anger swelled within him, directed both at himself and at the situation. He hated having to hurt you like this, but he knew it was necessary if he wanted to respect Seonghwa's words.
He kept repeating to himself that it was for the best.
As he stood in line at the cafeteria, ready to order your favourite juice, his phone rang. The caller ID displayed San's name, and he wondered why the officer would be calling him at this hour.
He picked up the call, "Hey, San hyung. What's up?"
But before he could even get a response, what he heard on the other end of the line almost made him drop his phone. He didn't waste a second before he started running back to your room. San's urgent voice rang in his ears, "The stalker, he's escaped from his cell. We fear he's going to find her."
Fear gripped his heart as he rushed back to your room.
He was relieved to hear that the police were sending reinforcements to the hospital and that they had contacted Seonghwa. But as he approached your room, his heart sank when he saw the door, which had been previously closed, now left slightly ajar.
He pushed the door open cautiously, adrenaline surging through his veins. As he stepped inside, he noticed that you were no longer in your bed. Panic welled up inside him, and he quickly scanned the room, heart dropping to the deepest pit of his stomach at the sight of blood droplets staining your bed.
Shit, this is all my fault.
His heart pounded in his chest as he followed the trail of bloodstains, his mind racing with a million thoughts.
He blamed himself for being distant and cold when you needed him the most. Guilt gnawed at him, making it hard to focus. He knew he had to find you quickly, but his own self-condemnation threatened to overwhelm him.
As he continued to follow the bloodstains, he thought about the moments you had shared, the connection that had formed between you. It was in these tense moments that he realised just how much he cared about you.
And he couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to you.
Jongho was in turmoil as he followed the trail of blood to the rooftop, his emotions a chaotic whirlwind. He promised himself that if he found you safe and sound, he wouldn't hide his feelings anymore. You deserved to know how much he cared about you, regardless of the circumstances that had brought you together.
He jumped when his phone rang, hands trembling as he accepted the call from San, "Hyung, he's got her. I found a trail of blood from her bed that led to the rooftop."
Sensing his panic, the officer responds, "Alright, breathe, Jongho. Backup is already stationed around the premises of the building. I'm going to need you to go up there and do your best to diffuse the situation, I'll be there with Hongjoong hyung soon."
He nodded, even though San couldn't see him over the phone.
He took a deep breath to steady himself, feeling a rush of determination to find you and protect you at all costs. The rooftop was the last place he wanted to be, filled with danger and uncertainty, but he had no choice.
With swift but cautious steps, he ascended the stairs leading to the rooftop. His heart raced with each passing moment, imagining what kind of confrontation he might face with your stalker. But he couldn't afford to let fear paralyse him. He had a job to do, and that job was to save you.
Deep down, he hoped that he could make amends for his previous behaviour by rescuing you and proving that he would always be there for you when it truly mattered.
As Jongho pushed open the door to the rooftop, his heart pounded in his chest, and his mind raced with fear.
The chilling sight that met his eyes filled him with dread.
There you were, standing helplessly in front of your stalker, a knife pressing dangerously against your neck. Your bodyguard's jaw clenched as he took in the nightmarish scene.
The stalker's deranged words echoed in the eerie silence of the rooftop, "I loved you so much, I dedicated my everything to you," He hissed, his voice filled with twisted devotion, "And yet, this is what you try to do? Lock me away for the rest of my life? I told you, if I can't have you, then no one else can. Today, I'll make sure we stay together forever. We'll jump down here together, alright?"
Your frightened whimper tore at Jongho's heart, and he watched helplessly as the stalker pressed a disgusting kiss against your cheek, his words dripping with sickening affection, "Shh, don't be scared. I'll be here with you every step of the way."
Jongho's fists clenched at his sides, anger and fear warring within him. He knew he had to act fast to save you, even if it meant risking his own life. With a determined step forward, he raised his voice, his words laced with unwavering resolve.
"Enough! Let her go, you bastard!"
Your stalker growled menacingly at your fake husband, "You fool, did you really think you could steal her away from me? No one, and I mean no one loves her more than I do. You think you know her? Well, I bet you don't know her better than I do. You're temporary, Choi Jongho. I'm her forever. Don't worry though, she won't have time to miss you in the afterlife. I'll take good care of her."
The wind whipped around the rooftop, carrying with it the sinister words of your stalker. His grip on the knife was unyielding. Jongho's gaze remained locked on your trembling form, his heart aching at the despair in your eyes.
He couldn't let this madman take you away.
Steeling himself, he retorted, "You're the real fool here. Love isn't about obsession and possession. It's about caring for someone, respecting their choices, and ensuring their happiness. You're incapable of love; you're just a deranged stalker."
The stalker's eyes flickered with rage at his words, and he tightened his grip on the knife, pressing it even closer to your neck, "Don't push me, Choi Jongho. I can end this for both of us right now."
But Jongho refused to back down.
He took a cautious step closer, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins, "You don't have to do this. You can still stop, let her go, and surrender peacefully. There's help for you, too."
The stalker's face contorted with fury, his sanity slipping further away, and he pushed you further towards the edge.
Tears streamed down your face as you stared at your bodyguard, silently begging for help. You knew the chances of survival were slim, but you couldn't give up, not when there were still so many people who cared about you.
With a trembling voice, you whispered, "Jongho, please..."
The stalker's grip tightened, and he pressed the knife closer to your throat. His voice was a chilling hiss, "Say your goodbyes, my love. You'll be with me soon."
It was at that moment that San and Hongjoong burst in through the door to the rooftop.
The stalker's eyes widened in terror at their presence, guns drawn and aimed squarely at him. His fingers trembled, and he took a step back, his grip on you loosening slightly. The officers had the situation under control, and the stalker knew he was trapped.
Cornered and left with no choice, the stalker decided now would be the perfect time to jump, "See you in the afterlife, my love."
As his desperate voice echoed through the rooftop, his manic determination pushed him to the edge. Before anyone could react, he lunged forward, grabbing you and pulling you down with him. Panic surged through you as you plummeted towards the ground, but then you felt a strong grip on your hand.
Jongho acted swiftly, leaping forward to grab you just in time.
Your scream echoed, but your bodyguard's strength was unwavering. He held on with every ounce of determination, his muscles straining as he fought to keep you from falling.
San and Hongjoong rushed forward, their faces etched with urgency, to assist Jongho in pulling you back onto the rooftop. Their combined strength proved enough to counteract the stalker's final attempt to take you with him. With a collective effort, they hoisted you up to safety, setting you down gently on the rooftop.
Seonghwa, who had been watching in sheer terror, let out a shuddering breath as he saw you safe and sound. The danger had passed, and you were once again out of harm's way.
While you were safe on the rooftop, the situation with your stalker unfolded below. His descent had been cushioned by the firefighters' safety air cushion, preventing his immediate demise. But he was not met with a moment of freedom. Instead, he was immediately surrounded by a swarm of law enforcement officers.
Police officers, with guns drawn and handcuffs at the ready, approached him cautiously. This time, they had taken no chances, and the security measures were heightened to ensure he wouldn't escape again.
It was clear that his reign of terror was coming to an end.
As the authorities apprehended him, his eyes darted around in wild desperation, realising that his plan had failed miserably.
He had hoped to take you with him to whatever twisted version of an afterlife he had imagined, but now he was facing the harsh reality of the legal system. His love, which had become an obsession, had led him down a dark path, and he was finally being held accountable for his actions.
On the rooftop, you were overcome with a mixture of relief and emotional exhaustion.
Tears streamed down your face as you clung to Jongho, who held you tightly in his arms. He whispered soothing words and assurances, "Hey, hey, you're safe. I've got you." Your heart still raced from the adrenaline, and you trembled in his embrace. It had been a terrifying ordeal, but you were safe now, and that's all that mattered.
After Hongjoong left to deal with the stalker downstairs, San approached the two of you with a wide grin. He played a crucial role in ensuring your safety, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. Saving a famous celebrity was something he would undoubtedly brag about for the rest of his life.
He chuckled lightly and patted Jongho on the back, "You guys okay?" He asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. You nodded, your voice shaky but filled with gratitude, "Thank you, San. Thank you, all of you. You saved my life."
San waved it off modestly, "It's our job, but I'm just glad you're safe."
The officer later accompanied Jongho and you back to your hospital room, where Seonghwa had been anxiously waiting. When he saw you, his eyes welled up with tears, and he rushed forward, enveloping you in a tight and careful hug. He was mindful of your injuries, especially the small but fresh cut on your neck.
"Oh, thank god, you're alright," He whispered, his voice trembling with relief, "I promised your parents I'd take good care of you."
You smiled warmly into his shoulder, patting him on the back, "And you did, Hwa. You always have."
Jongho watched the two of you, feeling a tiny hint of jealousy bubbling within him. He knew that Seonghwa was like a brother to you, but his newfound feelings for you made it challenging to remain rational and suppress those emotions.
Soon after, the doctor and nurses flooded the room, ready to check on your condition and ensure you were recovering well. It was a whirlwind of emotions and activity, but you were just grateful to be alive and surrounded by people who cared deeply about you.
The two men were asked to leave the ward while the medical team checked on you.
Outside your hospital room, they sat down on a bench, away from the commotion inside. Jongho knew he had to be honest with Seonghwa about his growing feelings for you. He took a deep breath and began, "Hyung, I can't deny it anymore. I... I have feelings for her."
There was a brief silence that made the younger male anxious, fearing that this revelation might cost him his position as your bodyguard. But to his surprise, your manager smiled, "Yeah, I know. I was waiting to see how long it would take for you to finally admit it."
Jongho blinked, taken aback by the response, "You knew? How?"
Seonghwa chuckled, his gaze fixed on the door to your room, "I've known her for a long time, Jongho. I've seen the way she looks at you, even before all this happened. You two have been through a lot together, and feelings like these are bound to happen. Just promise me you'll be patient and take good care of her. She deserves someone who'll protect her heart as well as her safety."
Your bodyguard nodded, a mixture of relief and determination washing over him, "I promise, hyung. I'll do my best for her," Seonghwa patted his shoulder with a knowing smile, "That's all I wanted to hear."
Seonghwa looked at him with a thoughtful expression, "But there is one more thing..." He added, causing the younger male's anxiety to resurface. Jongho swallowed hard, fearing what else your manager might reveal, "What is it, hyung?"
"You do know that we will have to reveal the truth about the fake marriage to the public once the stalker gets properly taken care of by the authorities, right?"
Jongho nodded, the weight of that truth settling on his shoulders, "I'm aware of that. I know I'm only her fake husband, and I will have to work very hard to earn my spot as her actual partner. For now, I just want to do my job as her protector for as long as you'll allow me."
Seonghwa smiled, patting him on the back once again, "I appreciate your honesty, Jongho. And I'm sure she will too. Just remember, love isn't something that can be rushed. Take your time, and who knows what the future holds."
With those words of encouragement, the two men settled into a companionable silence, watching over your room as you continued your recovery. It was a challenging path ahead, but Jongho was now determined not only to protect you but also to win your heart when the time was right.
A week had passed since the night of the rooftop confrontation with your stalker. He had been charged and sentenced to five years in prison, coupled with a hefty fine and a restraining order that would keep him far away from you.
The weight of fear and anxiety that had hung over your life for so long was finally lifting.
The stalker's sentencing brought relief that washed over you as you lay in your hospital bed. Seonghwa was busy cutting up some fruit for you while Jongho sat on your other side. He had resumed his role as your protector, but there was something different in the air now. He seemed more at ease, more like the person who had been by your side during the fake marriage.
As you watched the news report on the TV, you muttered softly, "Oh, thank god," Your manager turned to you with a reassuring smile, "Yes, it's finally over. You can rest easy now."
Jongho nodded in agreement, his gaze briefly meeting yours. It was a small gesture, but it meant the world to you. It felt like things were slowly returning to normal, and you enjoyed the comfortable presence of the man who had once been your fake husband.
You wanted to say something, to ask if you were friends now or something more, but you decided to let things develop naturally.
For now, you were content just to have him by your side, protecting you, and maybe, just maybe, something more would blossom between you in due time.
After your release from the hospital, life slowly began to return to normalcy. Your label had released a statement revealing the truth about Jongho being your bodyguard and fake husband, all in an effort to protect you from the stalker who was now behind bars.
The transparency about the situation surprised you, but you knew it was the right decision to put any misconceptions to rest.
To your surprise, your fans' reactions were overwhelmingly positive.
Most of them had been shipping you and Jongho since the reveal, and they found your fake marriage incredibly cute. They didn't hide their support, and the messages and comments flooded your social media, expressing their hopes that you and your bodyguard would someday end up together for real.
As you scrolled through these messages, your cheeks grew warm, and a smile tugged at your lips. It was heartwarming to see the outpouring of affection from your fans. While you knew that your relationship with Jongho was still complicated and undefined, you felt a glimmer of hope regardless.
Life had returned to its hectic pace after your recovery, with your schedule packed full of work commitments.
You received numerous job offers, and among them, you accepted a female lead role in a highly anticipated drama. You also became an ambassador for a well-known fashion brand. The entertainment industry welcomed you back with open arms, and you relished every moment of it.
Your days were filled with rehearsals, shoots, and public appearances, and you loved every minute of it. The rush of being on set, bringing characters to life, and attending glamorous events made you feel truly alive.
What made it all the better was Jongho's continued presence by your side. To your surprise, he had agreed to stay on as your bodyguard. Despite his initial reservations and the complicated nature of your relationship, he was there for you, offering you his unwavering support and protection.
No matter how busy your work became, knowing that he was there made everything feel more manageable. His watchful presence gave you a sense of security, and you found comfort in his quiet strength.
As your fan meeting event was in full swing, you sat at the centre of the stage, surrounded by adoring fans. Jongho, as always, stood protectively behind you, vigilant and watchful. Your fans were known for their playfulness and ability to tease.
Today was no exception.
Amid the questions and comments from the audience, someone playfully asked your bodyguard if he thought you looked prettier with or without makeup. His cheeks flushed, and he cleared his throat, trying to maintain a composed demeanour.
But you couldn't resist adding to the fun. You pushed the microphone towards him, a mischievous glint in your eye, and he blinked at you.
Realising you weren't going to let him off the hook easily, he sighed and reluctantly took the microphone. His answer was timid, and his voice quivered slightly, "She looks beautiful either way. She's... she's always beautiful, no matter what she does."
His response sent the crowd into a frenzy of excited screams and cheers. Some fans even shouted, "He's in love! He's in love with her, I knew it!" Jongho shook his head, trying to downplay the situation as he passed the microphone back to you.
Seonghwa, watching from the sidelines, shot you a warning glare.
It was a silent reminder not to fuel any rumours or speculation about your relationship with Jongho. While your fans may have shipped the two of you, you both knew that there were lines that needed to be respected, especially in the world of celebrity and personal security.
After the fan event ended, Seonghwa wasted no time in giving you a stern lecture for your reckless actions on stage.
You listened quietly, well aware that your playfulness might have caused trouble for the PR team. You didn't want to worsen the situation by talking back or defending your actions.
Jongho, seeing you being scolded, couldn't bear it.
He stepped in, attempting to take some of the blame upon himself, "Hyung, it's my fault too," He said, "I shouldn't have played along." He meant well, but his choice of words ended up stinging you. You turned to face him, your expression a mix of hurt and confusion.
"Play along?" You asked in a small voice, "So, you didn't mean what you said?"
Your manager, sensing that this was a personal conversation that needed privacy, quietly excused himself from the meeting room, leaving you and Jongho alone to sort out your feelings.
Sheesh, about damn time they addressed the elephant in the room.
Your emotions had reached a breaking point, and you couldn't contain your feelings any longer. You confronted him, your voice laced with frustration and a hint of sadness.
"If you don't feel the same, then just let me know once and for all," You told him, your voice trembling, "So I can finally move on from you. Do you even know how many guys out there would die to date me? And here you are, messing with my feelings. Who do you think you are, Choi Jongho?"
Tears welled up in your eyes despite your attempt to sound tough, and the vulnerability in your voice and the tears in your eyes spoke volumes about how deeply you cared for him and how much his actions had affected you.
Jongho could see the pain in your eyes, and it cut him to the core. He knew he had to be honest with you now, no matter the consequences.
Taking a deep breath, he stepped closer to you and gently cupped your face in his hands, his touch making your heart race.
"I'm so sorry," He began, his eyes locked onto yours, "I never meant to hurt you. The truth is, I do feel something for you, something more than just my duty as a bodyguard. But I've been trying to keep my distance, thinking it was the right thing to do. I didn't want to blur the lines between our professional relationship and something more. But I can't deny my feelings any longer. I care about you a lot."
He let his words hang in the air, the weight of his confession heavy in the room, "I understand if you're angry or hurt, but I needed you to know the truth. I'm here for you, no matter what you decide."
You couldn't contain your frustration any longer as you pushed his chest weakly, a mixture of exasperation and affection in your voice, "Oh, you idiot," His gaze dropped, expecting rejection, but your next words took him completely by surprise, "Why couldn't you have just told me that from the beginning?"
His head shot up, eyes wide with disbelief and hope. And before he could come up with a response, you pressed your lips against his.
There was a moment of hesitation, as if you both couldn't quite believe this was happening. But then, the world seemed to fade away as you both melted into the kiss, and he pulled you closer, his arms wrapping tightly around you.
It was a kiss that spoke of all the unspoken words, all the longing that had been hidden for far too long.
It was a kiss that marked the beginning of something new, something real, and something beautiful between you and the man who had once been just your bodyguard but had now become so much more.
Meanwhile, Seonghwa had been silently listening to your conversation from outside the door. He couldn't help but be curious about what was transpiring between you two, especially after all the secrecy and tension that surrounded your fake marriage.
As he pushed the door open slightly to get a better view, he was not prepared for the scene that greeted him. Seeing you and Jongho locked in a passionate kiss, his eyes widened in surprise.
Clearing his throat loudly to announce his presence, he succeeded in startling both of you. Caught off guard by your manager's sudden appearance, you jumped apart, your cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
But the mischievous grin on Seonghwa's face told you that he was clearly enjoying this moment.
"Oh, your fans are gonna love this." He quipped with a knowing look.
You and Jongho exchanged glances before bursting into laughter, the tension from your confession melting away.
As you found your way back into his arms, he pulled you close and pressed a gentle kiss to your temple, his affectionate gesture drawing a contented smile from you. Whatever challenges lay ahead, you were ready to face them together.
The decision not to announce your relationship to the public was one you both made together, driven by the desire to establish a stable foundation for your love before sharing it with the world.
You understood that public scrutiny and the demands of fame could add complexities to a relationship, and you wanted to ensure that your bond was strong enough to withstand these challenges.
Despite being deeply in love and already a couple in private, you continued to play your respective roles as a celebrity and dedicated bodyguard when in the public eye. To outsiders, nothing had changed, and you maintained the professional distance that your positions required.
This was necessary to avoid any unnecessary complications or misunderstandings.
Only a select few individuals were privy to the truth of your relationship. Seonghwa, being your trusted manager and confidant, was among those who knew. Additionally, a handful of staff members from your label who had been close to you were also aware of your budding romance. These individuals respected your desire for privacy and provided you with the necessary support and discretion.
As days turned into weeks, you and Jongho continued your secret romance, relishing the stolen moments of affection you could share while maintaining your public personas.
Despite the need for secrecy, you exchanged meaningful glances whenever you could. You'd occasionally sneak a quick kiss when you thought nobody was looking, and Jongho, though he warned you about the risks, often found himself giving in to you.
Your days remained busy, with your demanding schedules, but you were both incredibly happy.
The fatigue seemed to fade away with your boyfriend by your side. Jongho was not only devoted to your safety but also your general well-being, making sure you were taken care of in every way possible.
Your relationship grew stronger day by day, and you both knew that when the time was right, you would reveal your love to the world. Until then, you cherished the moments you had together, grateful for the love and support that had blossomed between you.
While your boyfriend agreed to keep your relationship a secret for your sake, there were times when his patience was tested.
And tonight was one of those nights.
The atmosphere in the upscale restaurant was buzzing with excitement as you and the cast and crew of your latest drama celebrated its successful completion. The evening had been filled with laughter, clinking glasses, and heartfelt toasts to commemorate the hard work that had gone into the production.
You, the beloved actress, had basked in the adoration of your colleagues and enjoyed the festivities.
But as the night wore on, and the alcohol flowed freely, the atmosphere began to change. The friendly camaraderie between colleagues started to give way to a few more bold interactions. It was in this slightly inebriated state that one of your co-stars decided to make his move.
The actor, emboldened by liquid courage, slid closer to you as you sipped your soju, offering you a refill with a sly grin. His compliments became more personal, his touches lingering a little too long.
Although you maintained your composure and politeness, you felt incredibly uncomfortable.
Jongho, who had been discreetly watching you from a nearby table, noticed the situation escalating. His eyes narrowed as he saw the co-star's advances becoming increasingly inappropriate.
His protective instincts kicked in, and he struggled with the urge to intervene. He knew that publicly revealing his feelings for you might jeopardise your career, but seeing you in discomfort was something he couldn't bear.
He silently scanned the room for your manager, hoping he could step in, but Seonghwa was occupied elsewhere.
With every passing moment, Jongho's internal battle raged. He clenched his jaw, his fists tightening in frustration. He was torn between his duty as your bodyguard and his desire to protect you from unwanted advances.
He knew you could handle yourself, but the combination of alcohol and the actor's persistence made him uneasy. He decided that he couldn't stand by any longer; he needed to step in and protect you.
With a determined expression, he excused himself from the staff table, leaving behind his unfinished meal and the curious gazes of those who knew him as your bodyguard. He swiftly approached the scene, his imposing figure making an impression as he stood between you and the persistent co-star.
The actor's smug demeanour faltered as he met Jongho's cold, unwavering gaze, "I think she made herself clear. It's time for you to step back."
Your co-star smirked in disbelief, "And who are you? If she didn't want me around her, she would've said so herself. Go back to your staff table and stay out of this."
A hushed murmur spread through the gathered staff and colleagues. Everyone seemed taken aback by the audacity of the co-star's actions and his blatant disregard for boundaries. It was clear that he might have had one too many drinks.
You exchanged a quick glance with Jongho, who had remained stoic in the face of the actor's defiance. Your boyfriend's face was unreadable, but you could sense the simmering anger beneath his composed exterior.
"Who am I? I'm her boyfriend, and you need to back off." Jongho asserted, his voice steady and unwavering.
Seonghwa, who had returned just in time to witness the unfolding confrontation, couldn't believe his ears. He stood frozen, jaw dropped, as he tried to process Jongho's unexpected revelation.
The entire room seemed to hold its breath.
The co-star, clearly inebriated and in disbelief, let out a laugh, "You're delusional, aren't you? Why would she date you, of all people?" He jeered, not taking your boyfriend's claim seriously.
Frowning in frustration, you decided it was time to set the record straight. In a bold move, you moved closer to Jongho, intertwining your fingers with his. It was a clear and unspoken declaration of your relationship, a message to the actor that his advances were neither welcome nor wanted.
"It's true, he is my boyfriend. And I'd appreciate it if you could show him some respect."
The room fell into a stunned silence as the truth settled in. The co-star's expression changed from arrogance to bewilderment, and then a staff member, recognising the situation, quickly stepped in to pull the drunk actor away from the table.
As the co-star was led away, the atmosphere shifted.
The shock was replaced by cheers and applause from the gathered staff and colleagues. Words of excitement and support filled the room as they realised that you and Jongho were finally confirming what they had suspected all along.
"It's about damn time! We've waited too long for this confirmation!" Someone shouted, summing up the sentiment in the room.
You and Jongho exchanged bewildered looks before sharing a hearty laugh at the unexpected turn of events. While you had intended to keep your relationship a secret, sometimes, circumstances had a way of bringing hidden feelings to the surface.
After the incident that eventful night, you and Jongho decided to take the plunge and announce your relationship to the world.
The news sent shockwaves through your fanbase.
Your fans were overjoyed that their dreams of you two being together had finally come true. They flooded your social media accounts with endless congratulations and well-wishes, thanking you for sharing your love story with them.
As for the drunk co-star, he eventually sobered up and realised the gravity of his actions.
Filled with remorse, he mustered the courage to approach both you and your boyfriend to apologise for his shameful behaviour. He admitted his wrongdoing and expressed his sincere regret for his misguided actions that night. You, being the gracious person you were, forgave him without hesitation.
With your relationship out in the open and your fans' overwhelming support, you and Jongho embarked on a new chapter together, excited to see what the future held for you as a couple in the spotlight.
A few months had passed since your relationship was made public.
Your latest fan meeting event was in full swing, and this time, your fans had become bolder with their teasing questions.
Jongho, standing protectively behind you, had a hard time containing his laughter throughout the event. As the questions from your fans flowed, one brave soul finally asked, "Jongho! When will you make her your real wife?"
The question hung in the air, and you felt a sudden wave of tension in the room. You didn't dare look at your boyfriend, fearing what his response might be. After a moment, you heard him move to pick up the microphone from beside you. Your heart raced as he took the stage, his voice steady and sincere.
"I'm always ready to be her real husband," Jongho declared, his words causing a collective gasp and excitement among the crowd, "It's just up to her when she wants to take that step."
The hall erupted into cheers and applause as he leaned down to press a kiss onto your head. Your heart pounded in your chest as you turned to look at him, searching for any hint that he might be joking. His eyes held nothing but sincerity, and it became clear that he meant every word he had just said.
The realisation hit you like a tidal wave, leaving you both surprised and thrilled at the prospect of a future together as more than just a celebrity and her bodyguard.
As you got home that evening, you had been unusually quiet after the event, and Jongho grew concerned. While you were busy removing your makeup, he approached you from behind, his fingers gently playing with your hair.
"Are you alright, baby?" He asked softly.
Your actions halted, and you stood up, turning to face him. With an accusing finger, you pointed at him, "You... were you serious about what you said earlier? Do... do you really mean it?" Vulnerability shone in your eyes, and you needed him to be honest.
His expression softened, and he nodded, his hands moving to grasp your waist and pull you close, "Of course, I was serious. Why would I joke about something like that?" He replied sincerely.
You frowned, playfully slapping him on his chest.
"I don't know! You're an idiot like that sometimes—" He cut you off with a reassuring kiss. His lips on yours spoke volumes, confirming the truth in his words, and the worries that had lingered began to melt away as you shared a passionate moment.
The next day at work, everyone teased you relentlessly after Jongho's sweet words went viral online in a fan-recorded video. You waved them off, your cheeks still pink with embarrassment.
"Oh, there you are! Come with me," Seonghwa said, pulling you away from your gossiping colleagues. You furrowed your brows, "What is it, Hwa?"
He shushed you with a knowing smile, "You'll find out soon."
You wondered what he needed you for as he led you towards the main lobby. Then, you gasped in surprise when you found the whole place decorated with balloons that spelt out 'Will you marry me.' Your heart raced, and your eyes filled with tears as your boyfriend stood in the centre of the room, holding a bouquet of roses.
Seonghwa gave you a gentle push towards Jongho.
Your legs felt shaky as you approached him, and you could barely hold back the tears. He knelt down in front of you, his eyes filled with love and sincerity. This was the moment you'd been longing for, and he finally asked you the question you'd always dreamed of hearing.
"Will you finally allow me to be your real husband?" He said, his voice filled with emotion. Overwhelmed with joy, you nodded vigorously, tears streaming down your cheeks, "I thought you'd never ask."
The room erupted in applause and cheers as he slipped a beautiful engagement ring onto your finger, sealing your love and commitment to each other. You laughed through your happy tears, knowing that your life from now on would be filled with endless love.
As you lay together in bed that night, you refused to succumb to sleep, your eyes trained on your fiancé.
Jongho sighed lightly, peeling open his eyes to look at you, "Oh, will you please go to sleep? You have a long day tomorrow," You grinned, pressing closer to him, "I want to look at you for a bit more."
He chuckled, his fingers gently tracing patterns on your back, "You're so silly. You look at me every day, and still, you want to look at me now," You bit your lip playfully, leaving a kiss on his jaw, "Well, it's different now. You're about to be my real husband soon."
His heart melted at your words as he cupped your cheek, his thumb stroking your skin, "I love you so much, you know that?"
You nodded, your eyes filled with affection, and he finally kissed you on your lips, sealing your love in that sweet moment.
As you wrapped your arms around each other, you both knew that your journey together was just beginning, and the future held endless possibilities and happiness for the two of you.
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This one is for all the Jongho stans out there who are suffering as well. We're in this together! So happy to have Seonghwa assure us that our baby bear is recovering well.
Anyway, hope y'all liked this and as always, leave as many replies as you want to let me know your thoughts! <3
Lastly, feel free to drop a reply or message if you wish to be part of the permanent tag list (or if you wish to be removed, I'd understand).
Tag list: @aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina
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celenawrites · 1 year ago
fake marriage with Ghost on my mind rn...... 'marrying' Simon for a mission or maybe for protection, going undercover with him as you pretend to be his wife and he pretends to be madly in love with you....the domesticity that follows, the way he has his hands on your back as a protective gesture....the way he lends you a jacket when he notices you're cold in your flimsy little dress.....the way he's never had as much fun as he had with you, in a fake marriage of all things.....he cannot help but imagine what it'd be like if he actually was your husband....the fact that you make him wish, yearn to be yours......
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enhaflixer · 3 days ago
lhs - under the covers. TEASER
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"If this is fake, then why are you begging?"
summary: you’ve never liked lee heeseung. he’s cold, unreadable, and way too good at his job—so of course, the captain decides to partner you with him for an undercover op that requires you to be married.
the rules are simple: go undercover. pretend to be in love. don’t actually fall for him.
except now he’s pinning you against a wall, calling you ‘sweetheart’ in that low, amused drawl, and touching you like he means it.
…so, yeah. this might be a problem.
genre: slow burn | enemies to lovers | undercover cops | fake marriage | SUGGESTIVE CONTENT word count: ~around 20K release date: TBA ⚠️ warnings 18+ MDNI: guns, violence, smut, tension, heeseung being annoyingly attractive while pretending not to care, reader being an absolute menace back, dangerous men doing dangerous thingshate sex but it turns into something desperate & messy, heeseung has a gun AND a filthy mouth (both are dangerous), "you need to stay quiet" but he makes it impossible, heeseung likes pushing you against walls (sometimes to protect you, sometimes not), explicit descriptions of tension: prolonged eye contact, teasing touches, and not-so-fake kisses that turn heated way too fast, sex as a distraction? sex as an argument? sex as a mistake? sex as an act? all of the above., one bed trope but make it fully unhinged (heeseung smirking when you wake up wrapped around him), heeseung is smug, teasing, and cocky in the streets but a menace in the sheets, "you said this was just for the mission. so why do you keep touching me when no one’s looking?", breathplay, lets keep it rough, ppl like it that way
This was supposed to be just another mission.
A simple cover-up. Blend in. Get close. Play the part.
Which is why you’re currently pinned against the wall of a dimly lit hotel room, Lee Heeseung’s hand wrapped tight around your throat.
His body is pressed against yours, his breath warm against your cheek, his voice lower than you’ve ever heard it.
"Stay still," he murmurs. Like he actually expects you to listen.
Your heartbeat is pounding, your breath coming out in short, sharp exhales. You hate him. You hate the way he’s looking at you, like he’s studying you, calculating, like he knows exactly what he’s doing to you.
But then his fingers curl—slow, deliberate—and your body betrays you.
You choke back a gasp, your fingers digging into his shirt, and Heeseung—the smug bastard—smirks.
"Thought so," he mutters.
You should stop this. This is just an act.
Except you don’t stop him.
Not when his grip tightens around your throat. Not when he rocks his hips forward, just to hear your breath hitch. Not when he murmurs, "You were running your mouth all night. Where’d all that attitude go, Doll?"
Your nails dig into his wrist. "Fuck you."
"You first."
And then he kisses you.
It’s not gentle. It’s not careful. It’s months of built-up tension, every sharp word and heated stare and unsaid thought spilling out all at once.
Heeseung kisses you like he wants to break you. Like he wants you to feel him everywhere.
Like he’s been waiting for this.
Your back hits the wall harder as his grip on your throat tightens, fingers flexing like he owns you. His knee presses between your thighs, forcing them wider.
"You’re supposed to be my wife." His voice is mocking, teasing. Mean.
Your breath is shaky. "And you’re supposed to be pretending."
His smirk fades.
"You think I’m pretending?"
Your stomach twists.
Because this isn’t pretend anymore.
The way his hands grip your waist, pushing up your dress. The way his breath hitches when your nails rake down his back. The way his mouth trails down your throat, hot and desperate.
Heeseung isn’t faking this.
And neither are you.
But neither of you stop.
Not when he hoists you up against the wall, one arm under your thighs. Not when his voice turns hoarse, needy, against your skin. Not when you whisper, "You hate me," and he exhales a low, broken,
"Not tonight."
TAGLIST: OPEN! reply to be added!
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corvase · 2 years ago
reasons to fake date? (i love your account btw!!)
i love you anon, thank you for both your patience and this message :) feel free to use!
some reasons to fake a relationship
their family has been pressuring them
they have a wedding coming up
they want to make someone jealous
financial ailments, like debt or being unable to make payments (careful with this, as it creates a negative power dynamic)
their job requires it, i.e. going undercover or needing people to leave them alone in the workplace
they’re meeting someone from their past and need to appear dating to them
^ bonus if they used to date and for some reason they need to look like they’re still dating
PUBLICITY STUNT!!!!! yes i’m a celebrity yes i just met u woukd u like to date me for two months plz i’m begging ??!?!?!
short term dating reasons, such as:
^ there’s a couples discount and i cannot stand you but i really want these beignets so plz hold my hand and gaze lovingly into my eyes
i need this rando to leave me alone so pretend you’re in love with me
it’s also really fun or beautiful if one is doing it because they have to, and the other just wishes they got out into the dating world more and just want to. then we can see that change throughout the story.
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celestie0 · 11 months ago
fake marriage yes but make them best friends so they can fake the friends to lovers trope, everyone knew they’d always end up together so now they’re milking that to prove their case but they’re in denial abt their real feelings 🫢
🧍🏻‍♀️…me standing here and seeing this ask after i’ve just written almost 3.4k words of silly enemies to lovers banter between gojo n reader for fake marriage au 🤣🤣🤣
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harrywavycurly · 2 years ago
Fake Husband Eddie Part 2: Meeting Someone?
Part 1: here
Part 3: here
Tag List: @alana4610 @fluentmoviequoter @alicentswife @vivalasv3gan @goth-cowgirl-03 @yujyujj @slowgabinaburninroom @zaddyskye69
TW: Cursing and drinking
A/N: Before you all come for me don’t worry there is a part 3 and it’s the final part of this little trilogy lol also idk why I added in Frank and the Hideout backstory it was just something that was sitting in the back of my mind and it fit. Anywayyyy enjoy!!✨
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You smooth out the front of your shirt as you sit down on one of the worn out barstools at the back of the Hideout. It’s been exactly a week since you met Eddie and it only felt right that the two of you have your first official date at the bar you met at. Over the span of a week you two have gotten to know each other quite well, you learned that Eddie would much rather FaceTime you than text you because he likes to hear your voice, especially your laugh he loves how it sounds even through the phone. You also learned that he loves his job, he works at the garage in town and he’s always got his head under someone’s hood fixing a transmission or tinkering with a stubborn fuel line.
Eddie has learned things about you as well, he knows that you like to read before bed and he doesn’t know why but it shocked him a bit to learn the two of you have a few books in common on your bookshelves. He notices things like how you try to hide your face when you’re smiling and he just assumes that’s something you’ve always done but he’s made a mental note to try to remind you how pretty you are when you smile because it’s really one of his favorite things to see. You go on little rants about things that have bothered you during the day and he loves how passionate you get because your arms go everywhere and you also always end it with “you know what I mean?” and even if he has no clue he can’t help but smile and just nod and reassure you that yes he knows what you mean.
The two of you have grown close over the past several days and you’ve started to develop a rather large crush on the long haired metal head. Luckily for you though Eddie made his feelings known the night he drove you home from the hideout.
“You know what?” You turn your head and look at Eddie who’s smiling at you as he watches you reach for the handle of the passenger side door of his van.
“What?” Eddie leans over his middle console so he can tuck a few stay hairs behind your ear making you blush as you feel his hand brush against your cheek.
“I think I like you.” You raise an eyebrow at him as you playfully glare at him making him laugh.
“You think?” You tease as Eddie reaches for your hand that has his skull ring on it, you smile as you watch him twirl it around your finger since it’s a little too big for you but you like how it feels so you haven’t taken it off.
“Sorry sweetheart.” He looks up at you as you find yourself leaning into him. “I know I like you.” He adds right before he places a kiss to your lips making you smile as he pulls away.
The sound of a glass being set down in front of you jolts you out of your daydream as you blink a few times before looking around to see if Eddie has shown up yet. You look at your phone and see it’s only ten minutes past six, the time you both agreed to meet so you just brush it off to him being a little late and look up to see the bartender cleaning a few glasses in front of you.
“What can I get ya?” Frank the bartender and half owner of the Hideout asks as he gives you a smile. “I make a mean martini.” He jokes as he shoots you a playful wink making you laugh.
“Uh I’ll just have a vodka tonic please.” He nods and starts making your drink. “Have you worked here a while?” You ask trying to make small talk to help the time pass before Eddie shows up and this is only the second time you’ve ever been here so might as well get to know the bartenders.
“You could say that.” Frank answers as he slides your drink in front of you. “I’m Frank and I may not look it but I’m one of the Hideout's original customers.” You just nod your head encouraging him to continue as you take a sip of your drink, Frank is an older gentleman with long gray hair he has tucked into a low pony on the back of his neck and a few tattoos scattered around his forearms that are only visible because he has his flannel rolled up to his elbows. “I helped them name this place because we used to meet here back in the day when it wasn’t actually a bar, to hideout from people we didn’t want to see or nagging wives we were avoiding so when they wanted to turn it into a bar I said why not just call it the Hideout?” Frank explained and you couldn’t help but giggle at the mention of avoiding nagging wives.
“It’s a great name.” You watch him smile as he looks around the bar to see if anyone needs anything.
“Meeting someone?” Frank asks as he glances down at the giant skull ring on your ring finger.
“Uh yeah.” You’re not sure how to answer his question so you just go with your gut. “My husband actually.” Frank just smiles and nods as he goes back to cleaning glasses as you slowly sip on your drink as you anxiously look at your phone again and let out a sigh when you see it’s now six thirty.
Eddie is elbows deep in a minivan’s engine that is just refusing to let him get his fingers in the correct place to install a new part. He lets out a frustrated groan as he takes a step back from the van and places his grease covered hands on his hips and closes his eyes and looks up towards the ceiling of the garage. He wonders for a moment what you’re going to wear on your date with him tonight, he’s had tonight circled on his calendar all week and he’d be lying if he didn’t say he even added little hearts to it and everything.
“Why do all minivans have to be so damn stubborn?” He mumbles as he opens his eyes and takes a step closer to the van. “I’m just trying to help you.” He explains as he uses his wrist to wipe some sweat off his brow, as he drops it back down to his side he feels his whole world begin to move in slow motion when he catches the time on his watch. “Oh fuck fuck fuck.” He drops the wrench in his left hand and heads for the break room of the garage.
“Eddie?” Greg the parts guy asks as Eddie rushes past him so he can grab his stuff from his locker.
“I’m late!” Eddie shouts over his shoulder as he heads for the door. He quickly jumps into his van and starts the engine as he digs around in his bag for his phone. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding.” He groans when he sees his phone is on 10% battery because he forgot to put it on the charger after falling asleep on FaceTime with you last night. He looks at the clock and silently prays to whoever it is that might be listening to let you still be waiting for him even though it’s well after eight at night and he was supposed to meet you at six.
“Shit shit.” He presses your name in his phone and it rings once before his whole screen goes black meaning his phone is dead. “Fuck!” Eddie feels like his heart is in his stomach as he pulls out of the parking lot of his work and heads straight for the Hideout.
He doesn’t look for your car in the bar’s parking lot because he knows you planned to get dropped off so he could just take you home. He not so gently snatches his keys from the ignition after putting it in park and slams his door closed as he exits the van. He ignores the looks he’s getting form the men outside smoking as he rushes into the bar, he’s sure he looks like he’s lost with his work overalls on tied around his waist and his hair in a messy bun and grease stains everywhere. Frank turns when he hears the door open and he raises an eyebrow at Eddie when he lets out a sigh at all the empty seats in the back of the bar, exactly where you told him you’d be so he could meet you.
“Looking for your wife?” Eddie looks at the bartender and nods his head because you’d been jokingly calling yourself his wife all week so of course you’d tell the bartender you were waiting for your husband. Frank tosses something at Eddie and when he catches it and sees what it is he feels his heart break a bit. “Left about an hour ago.” He adds as Eddie stares at the skull ring that’s sitting in the palm of his hand.
“Oh no.” And with that Eddie turns on his heels and runs straight back out to the parking lot towards his van because no way is he letting him being an idiot be the reason you two end things.
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distortionbobble · 2 years ago
Royal Flowers Chapter 4
series masterlist
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pairing: anakin skywalker x fem!reader
series summary: A long, long, time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a certain Jedi by the name of Anakin Skywalker meets you, the current Queen of Naboo and cousin of Padme Amidala, and is tasked with protecting you by pretending to marry you. As a spy, you’ve infiltrated the Separatist ranks and are close to finding out the mastermind behind all of it. The fate of the galaxy is in your hands.
warnings: minors dni! ageless blogs dni! none this chapter but the series will have eventual smut, canon-level violence and just general warnings.
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It’s been a week since you and Anakin last spoke. Or even made eye contact, really. Everytime that your eyes accidentally lock, you both whip your heads the other way, awkwardly remembering the closeness between the two of you. You know it’s wrong— newlyweds shouldn’t be playing bashful lovers, but goodness, his mouth on your skin in such an intimate manner had lingered in your thoughts for far too long. 
You haven’t even trained since that first day, forced to attempt the moves in the shower or the privacy of your dressing room on your own. And though Anakin shares the bed with you, he sneaks in when he thinks you’re asleep and is sure to leave before you wake. 
Fortunately, you’ve been kept totally busy— the Sandtek Corporation has drafted a new agreement to supply Naboo’s military with modified Skyflippers, and as Queen, it’s your responsibility to read all of the agreement conditions before approving it. Unfortunately, it’s all piloting jargon, and it’s all flying over your head. You sit at the desk in the palace library with your head in your hands, groaning at the mess of paperwork before you before thumping your head on the polished wood. Reyna, your body double, is busy attending some publicity event— a celebration for the royalty thrown by the agricultural sector. Since you didn’t need to be doing anything there, it was decided that she’ll go while you look over the policies. You know the Separatists want you to agree to it, but you can’t for the life of you figure out why. After all, their entire mission is to weaken Naboo, bring it on the brink of collapse to sow their own seeds of chaos. There had to be something you were missing— exactly what was it? 
You’re still reading the paperwork hopelessly when the door to the library creaks open, and Anakin slides in, unaware of your presence. When he does finally notice you he freezes, the stiffness detected from the corner of your eyes. He holds his hand up quickly— likely that noise bubble thing he’d mentioned earlier— before he speaks. 
“Sorry for the intrusion, milady,” He says rather awkwardly. Anakin’s metal fingers trails against the books as he searches for something. “Just looking for a book.” You snort almost instinctively in response. 
“I didn’t know you could read,” you quip slyly, fixing your gaze on the papers before you as a smirk creeps across your face. Anakin remains in a stunned silence before a short chuckle escapes him, spreading to a full-bodied laugh as the awkwardness of the past week leaves the two of you. You’re both so desperate for companionship that it just makes sense. 
“Funny, milady,” he says, making his way to the desk. “Might I ask what you’re reading?” 
“Oh, Maker, what a good question, Anakin,” you sigh dramatically. “Something about skycraft.” At this, he perks up. 
“Skycraft? Might I take a look?” When you nod your approval, he comes to stand beside you, leaning over you as he looks at the blueprints for the modifications of the Skyflippers. “No, that’s not right,” he murmurs, grabbing the blueprints in his confusion as you watch him. 
“What is it?”
“These modifications, they’re… all in the wrong place for battle,” Anakin insists. “They’ve gone and reinforced all the parts that don’t need reinforcing, parts that skycraft can return back home with blast holes through them. Meanwhile, the combustive parts of the skycraft are left vulnerable. One well-placed blast and the whole thing goes boom.” Oh. That’s why they wanted you to approve it so badly.
“Shit,” you voice, to which Anakin nods. 
“Shit, indeed.” 
“Okay, how do you know all of this?” you ask, spinning the chair to face him. He smiles down at you cockily, and you almost want to laugh. 
“Well, my queen, if you must know, you’re looking at the best pilot in the entire galaxy,” Anakin says, bowing exaggeratedly when you giggle. 
“Is that so, Anakin Lars?” You tease. He holds a hand to his chest, affronted by the notion that he would lie about such a thing. “Well, then, come help me look over these papers,” you say, getting up from the chair to sit on the desk. Your legs dangle freely and you can’t help the overwhelming feeling of relief. Anakin talking to you again, and this whole mess of skycraft resolved? It’s a rare win, and it’s one that you’re going to relish as long as possible. 
You take the moment of peace to study Anakin, who’s poring over the agreement and leaving inky comments and scratches all over the paperwork. The bright sunlight streaming in from outside is softened by the wooden shelving of the room, bouncing and scattering and you’re reminded once again of how pretty Anakin is. His face is screwed in concentration, his tongue pressed against his teeth in a manner so endearing that you can’t help but smile. It’s nice to have a friend after so many years of loneliness. 
When he’s finished, he looks at you, beaming, and hands you the marked-up blueprint. 
“These modifications should actually help the defense sector,” Anakin confirms. 
“I’ll have to make sure I can submit the modifications without the Separatists realizing that I made the modifications,” you muse out loud. “We should create a new blueprint that seems to match this one, but actually reflects the modifications you made.” Anakin nods, rifling through the desk to produce a piece of paper identical to the blueprints and begins transcribing the design. You remain where you are, grabbing sheets of policy work and reading through it, occasionally plucking the pen from Anakin’s hand to use it for signatures. Anakin’s quick in realizing that he can help you with other work, and you share the work with him happily. 
“Y’know, Anakin,” you say as the two of you wrap up all of your work hours later, “It must get boring with nothing to do in the palace.” He nods in confirmation, stretching and sighing when his joints pop. “I wouldn’t mind it if you wanted to join me for my work,” you say with a slight smile. Anakin’s analytical mind impressed you, and you enjoyed not feeling so lonely. Maybe that was just a lot of words to say that you like having him around. 
You walk out of the library with him, the two of you sharing a smile that feels like a secret. Right now feels like a bubble that you want to put in your pocket to be able to pull out whenever you’re feeling blue. 
It’s a far cry from a friendship but there’s respect and trust, and that makes you feel safe for the first time in a long time. 
Anakin wakes up while you’re still asleep. 
Last night was… nice. The two of you ate your dinner in the grand dining hall, making pleasant casual conversation until your plates were bare, and had then gone to bed rather unceremoniously. But you thought he was smart. It was an incredible feeling, to have earned your respect by virtue of his interest in flying. And Maker, you looked so impressed when he had done all that work with the Skyflippers. It was kind of addicting, the sight of your approving smile. He can’t wait to impress you more and watch your face light up in excitement. Anakin can’t remember the last time he had truly earned someone else’s approval like that— it usually came as a default response to knowing he’s the Chosen One. Anakin thinks he likes this a lot better. 
He knows he should wake you up for training, as it’s been at least a week, but he doesn’t want to right now— for now, he wants to enjoy the quiet. You’re facing him as you sleep, and he’s careful to watch you in case you wake up, but you’re fast asleep, the rise of your chest slow and exhales soft. But he keeps staring, anyway. Anakin’s transfixed by the glow of your skin in the early morning sun, the tranquility of your face, the curve of your nose, the shape of your lips. You’re like artwork, and promises that he’ll only look at you for a moment longer.
Your hand is splayed out between his body and yours, and it almost makes Anakin feel like you’re almost reaching out to him in your dreams. Slowly, carefully, Anakin reaches to you, laying his palm flat on the mattress next to yours. His fingers are curled, but if he straightened them by just a hair, he’d be touching your hand. The thought of it makes his heart race wildly, and Anakin feels genuinely confused. He doesn’t know why that thought makes his face warm, but it does, and with every passing second he just wants to do it more and more. But he’s torn— why does it feel like a betrayal to Padme? His heart belongs to Padme, he knows that. And this is just a friendly gesture. It means nothing, he’s just so starved for touch that the brush of his pinky against yours would satiate him. Anakin breathes in deeply, mustering all his courage before he straightens out his fingers and his body positively hums at the subtle contact. Every doubt in his mind goes silent, all of his thoughts giving way for him to keep his fingers extended just enough to feel your warmth just barely against his. His hand trembles at the effort, but he forces it to stay like that, letting his eyes close as he finally surrenders to you. 
Anakin doesn’t keep track of how long he stays like this, listening to the soft sound of your breathing before you begin to rouse. He hears you but doesn’t move, keeping his breaths measured so that he thinks you’re asleep. He feels you pause when you see your barely-connected hands and his pulse pounds loudly in anticipation— will you rip your hand away? Or will you just move it so that it’s still in his reach but not touching him?
You don’t do either of those things. Instead, you sit up and move the blankets off of your body with your other hand, maintaining the position of your hand. Anakin has to fight to keep the smile off of his face, still pretending to be asleep. Your fingers flex slightly towards his before you move away, presumably to get ready for the day. But that action, subtle as it may have been, exhilarates Anakin. And though he can’t quite figure out why, he allows himself to enjoy the feeling, stretching his arm to brush where you’ve left a warm imprint in the sheets. He’ll get up soon, but he allows himself this luxury. There’s a lingering guilt, something about his feelings for Padme, which forces him to sit up and wrench his hand away. You step out of the bathroom now, the very picture of elegance and grace and it makes him feel even worse when you murmur a polite good morning with a smile tugging at your lips. He thins his lips in response and nods, heart sinking to his stomach when your smile falls and you nod, saying nothing of his distant behavior. He hates himself for pushing you away but his commitment to Padme still eats at him, even if it’s a labor of hopeless devotion. 
He can’t just give up on Padme. She was the love of his life. It would be wrong to treat you in any way that would hint on some sort of reliance— emotionally, all he needs is Padme, but he doesn’t even have that now. He can’t treat you as some sort of stand-in for her; you’ll never be her, and you’re just a companion, anyway. But it’s too soon to think of all of that. He’s still so distraught over her and he can picture her in your place, smiling and leaning against the door with her hair cascading past her shoulders. Padme. His love. His light. He’s so lost in the memory of her that he misses you calling his name repeatedly, forcing you to come over and jolt his shoulder to force him to look at you. 
“Anakin.” Your greeting is colder than how things were yesterday but Anakin doesn’t blame you. It’s better off this way, anyways. “Will you be helping me today with the paperwork?” And though Anakin wants to be cautious of getting too close with you, he nods, too fulfilled by having some sort of task to do to shoot down the opportunity. You smile at him before you turn to leave the chambers, snapping your fingers when you remember something. “Oh, and one more thing, Anakin,” you say. “I’ve been advised by some of the palace staff that it would be a good idea to arrange some sort of public outing, to show our faces to the public and solidify our relationship. I’ve decided to combine that with an advertisement for Sandtek, and since you’re a pilot, I decided to make that outing one where you can fly their Skyflipper. So….” you drawl, watching his face for his reaction. “I guess I’ll see you at noon, then.”
“See you then, milady,” he nods. 
Well, so long for distancing himself. 
The ride to the field is short, and you keep the silence filled with some tunes on the radio. Anakin recognizes it as the Max Rebo band and is surprised to see how much you engage with the music, tapping your feet and humming the parts that you’re familiar with. He finds it endearing, even if he associates the Max Rebo Band with the Hutts. He tries to mimic your carefree enjoyment, watching you from the corner of his eye and trying to nod his head to the beat. He likes how fun you are, and laughs to himself when you start humming the chorus a beat earlier than it starts. 
“You ever heard of the Max Rebo band, Anakin?” You ask, stretching your back against the transporter wall. He has, even heard them live in the Hutt Palace when he was very very young and Gardulla the Hutt held his mother and himself as a slave. But that’s a bit of a mood-downer so he chooses not to divulge that little tidbit. 
“They’re the most popular band in the galaxy. How couldn’t I have heard it?” He says. 
“Oh, y’know. I just kind of assumed that the Jedi don’t do anything fun,” you tease, making him grin. 
“As if you know what fun is,” Anakin scoffs, eagerly anticipating your reaction. The banter between you is fun, friendly. The way it should be between the two of you. He tries to wipe the feelings from this morning from his mind as he watches your face light up in playful offense. 
“Excuse me? I’m way more fun than you!” You proclaim, jabbing your finger at him. He notes that the transport is at its destination so he hops up from the seat, offering his hand for your disembarkment. 
“We’ll see about that,” Anakin grins. The doors of the transport hiss open and you stand with Anakin, hand in hand as you face the eagerly awaiting crowd. For some reason, with all of the eyes on you two, the intimacy of your hand against his is lost, and he wonders if he had just imagined what he’d felt this morning. Amongst the crowd is a gaggle of reporters, videoing the two of you. He realizes it must be Sandtek publicity, using the Queen’s endorsement to convince more people to buy their products or recruit more workers. Either way, effective. 
Anakin’s excitement takes over entirely when he sees the modified skycraft— it’s been so long since he was able to fly, and he can’t wait to show off his skills to you. He pulls you through the crowd, smiling and waving at them before he’s at the ramp of the Skyflipper. His racing heart excites him, makes him bolder and brash, so he turns around to face the reporters and swoops you off of your feet, carrying you bridal style and placing a kiss to your cheek. His strength makes it easy to carry you, and it’s worth it to see the shocked delight on your face. Good for the publicity, right? That’s what he tells himself, but he’s not sure how much he actually believes that. 
“Anakin, put me down!” you giggle once the ramp’s up, and it’s just the two of you. Anakin quirks a brow before he lets go of you completely, using the Force to make you hover just an inch before you would hit the floor. 
“C’mon, princess, your romantic date awaits you!” Anakin hollers as he leaves you there. He’s plenty of fun, and by the end of this date you’ll know that too. 
He makes sure that you’re fully strapped in before he begins your ascent, the familiarity of flying makes him feel at home. Before long, you’re coasting through the clouds in a peaceful silence as Anakin concentrates. You’re humming a tune aimlessly, drumming your fingers on your seat as you watch Naboo fly past from inside the glass paneling. 
“Oh look, it’s a herd of Shaak!” You gasp suddenly, awwing at the gentle beasts as they graze on rolling hills of lush green grass. Anakin thinks of when he’d gone to a place just like this with Padme, the painful memory cutting through his throat and he speeds past the fields. You fly past hundreds of fields, roads and villages, and Anakin can sense the emotions rolling off of you as you survey your domain and the vastness of it all. Your people. 
“This is why I love flying so much,” Anakin says quietly. “All of your problems don’t seem so important.” 
“It all seems so far away,” you sigh, exhaling on the glass and drawing little patterns in it with a light finger. He takes a second to look back at you in the seat— happy, peaceful, and it’s because of him, because of what he’s showing you with his skills. Anakin feels that familiar glow within him, one that he tries to tamp down but can’t stop the smile that he allows himself at the thought of making you happy. 
“Are you all strapped in, milady?” He asks, turning forwards again. Anakin routes the craft back to where your original transport waits; he knows you’ve spent enough time in the skies with him, 
“What tricks have you got up your sleeve?” You ask suspiciously, followed by the telltale click of metal sliding into metal that cues Anakin to speed all the way up. You shriek when the resisting force pulls your body back, watching everything become a blur as Anakin tests just how fast the Skyflipper can go. 
“Maker, Anakin!” You shout, laughing. 
“Oh, I’m not quite done yet,” He responds before making the plane spin upside-down. He flies the Skyflipper in quick, tight circles, laughing at your delighted noises. 
“Okay, maybe you do know how to have fun,” You admit as the skycraft touches down, your clothes in disarray from Anakin’s wild flying. You straighten them out as best you can and smile up at Anakin when he offers you his arm, the two of you walking out together. 
“A successful date, then?” He asks you, bringing his arm around you and kissing your temple sweetly in front of everyone. “A successful date, indeed,” you smile.
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savethelastdan · 8 months ago
Fake Married + Hospital AU please
Kagura rushed through the long, white hallway, ignoring apprehensive looks from patients and nurses alike. Somehow she'd gotten turned around, and ended up in the human side of the hospital. Great.
Naraku was definitely going to catch her this time.
Holding her injured right wrist close to her side, she hustled around a corner. Her hip hit the side of an ultrasound table some idiot had left outside a nondescript doorway; she managed to regain her balance with only a slight stumble. There was no opportunity to slow down. If she slowed down, she was finished.
At the end of the hall, a wave of demonic aura hit her face like an unrestrained slap. Thanks to the cortisol and epinephrine flooding her system (which, in any other being would have meant a pained thudthudthud within her chest but for Kagura simply resulted in an ocean-sound in both ears) she released a clearly terrified gasp, causing the human woman sitting in a chair several feet away to look up.
But after another split second, she registered that it wasn't Naraku's aura. No, this one was some other incredibly powerful demon, who for some inexplicable reason was sitting in the exam room in the human wing of an enormous dual-species hospital.
An aura like that would completely smother her own, rendering her undetectable. Without another thought, Kagura shoved the door open and slipped through.
As soon as the door shut behind her, the scene within the four walls (120 square feet, 10 feet wide - she'd been in enough hospitals in her life that she could probably guess the number of ceiling tiles at this point) imprinted itself on her mind.
The human doctor, perched on a wheeled stool beside a paper-covered exam table, stared at her with surprise. On the other side of the room, in an uncomfortable-looking chair, sat a dog demon in traditional dress, his face the exact midpoint between handsome and pretty. And at the center of it all - a messy-haired little human girl with an enormous stuffed frog in her lap, sitting on the exam table with her legs swinging back and forth like none of this was anything unusual.
Kagura made eye contact with the girl, first. For a moment she saw her own clear terror reflected in the child's eyes. Then, tiny button nose screwing up, the child leaned forward and shouted, "Mama! You found us!"
Kagura froze. The dog demon in the corner flinched. When he turned an inspecting, cold gaze on her, it zeroed in on her injured wrist, then the center of her chest (oh, gods, were her insufferable circumstances really that easy to pick up on?)
"This is your mother?" The doctor said slowly, wheeling herself a bit closer. Her eyeshadow was purple-pink, which for some reason made Kagura want to like her. "Your chart said you're from a single-parent household - "
"They just got married," the child chirped, squeezing her frog toy with one arm while reaching the other out to Kagura. Stiffly, as though she and this stranger had choreographed this, she walked over and took the human's hand. "It was love at first sight."
"Rin," the dog demon hissed. It should have been fearsome, and yet the little girl brushed the admonishment off like it was an errant fly. Kagura couldn't help but be impressed.
"I'm glad you're here, Mama." Rin, as she must have been called, tucked her face against Kagura's arm, squeezing her uninjured hand. Had any human ever gotten this close to her willingly? "Papa says after my test is done, we can get ramen before we go home."
Papa? Kagura glanced over at the dog demon, who was looking at her with a mixture of bemusement and suspicion.
However, he simply said, "Yes." And when the doctor looked up from her chart, his expression smoothed into something more neutral.
He didn't seem keen to point out his daughter(?) was lying. Was this actually happening - they were willing to let her hide out in here, pretend to be part of this family until it was safe for her to leave? Just like that?
Dizziness set upon her, and she leaned heavily against the exam table. She'd never had much of a reason to be hopeful, before.
But with the little girl now shoving the frog toy into her lap, and the dog demon's aura cocooning her own through sheer proximity, Kagura wondered if her crazy problems demanded an even crazier solution.
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enjoythesilentworld · 6 months ago
just if for a minute
chapter 6: worms
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“Oh, no, you don’t!” Wille says, carrying a squirming Simon away from the water’s edge. “Wille!” “Simon!” He sets a pouty Simon down on the sand, putting himself between him and the water, and holds Simon’s face in his hands. His bottom lip is poked out. Wille really wants to kiss him. When Wille looks over his shoulder, he sees the photographer is already there and has her camera poised on them, so he does. Moving slowly so he can gauge Simon’s reaction, he leans forward and presses an innocent kiss to Simon’s lips. The pout fades into surprise, so Wille keeps a goofy grin on his face and mumbles, “They’re already taking pictures of us. Sorry.”
Or, Wille and Simon continue to prepare for the big day. Some glaring truths are hard to face.
read chapter 6 on ao3, or start from the beginning.
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umhuhwellthen · 1 year ago
The duality of woman, or something
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Fake Marriage AU rattling in my brain
I'm playing around with ibispaint brushes and features! Tried to do a shoujo kiss background for the second drawing but it's a bit hit or miss for me :/
Oh well experimenting means rolling with it and figuring out what does and doesn't work along the way
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