498 posts
writer who loves binging kdramas & (mostly as of late) sleeping | reqs are closed atm :)
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corvase · 1 year ago
Some Titling Formats and Examples
The Long-Title Metaphor w/ Imagery - ex. The Knife of Never Letting Go
The Short-Title Metaphor w/ Imagery - ex. Lost Stars
The Second Half of a Sentence - ex. And I Darken
The Possessive - ex. The Savior’s Champion
The Main Character(s) w/o Names - ex. The Book Thief, The Help, The Time Traveler's Wife
The Recurrent Theme(s) - ex. Pride and Prejudice
The Important Place - ex. Room
The Easter Egg Fact - ex. Fahrenheit 451
The In Media Res Action - ex. Still Alice
The Command - ex. Fall on Your Knees
The Introduction - ex. I, the Sun
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corvase · 2 years ago
Being subtle
Here are some prompts for your subtle characters doing little things that are almost unnoticeable, almost.
Tag/mention me if ya'll use it! wanna see what you've done with these dialogues I can equally support!
Standing behind you to shield you from the scorching heat of the sun, you don't notice until later on.
Holding/leaning on the elevator door while waiting for you, and the other people.
Sidewalk rule, They'll subtly walk in front of you to walk on the edge/outside part of the sidewalk, and you'll have no choice but walk beside them.
Holding onto the corner of the table while you bend down to get something that has fallen off.
Closing the blinds/lights or dimming the lights when the other shows sensitivity over the light.
Swatting off those bugs flying over you at night.
Walking behind them in an alley or dark place.
Blocking your behind with their hand/body when you are wearing something short or stained behind.
Holding the door open for you.
Wearing that small trinket you like.
Blocking/Catching anything unsuspecting flying your way while you're distracted.
Pulling you aside from an incoming force preventing you from colliding with said force.
Standing behind you and staring off any onlooking creep in the club.
Pulling you down to avoid bumping your head from the wall/low ceiling.
Steadying you before you trip.
Pulling your shirt down when you're stretching.
Adjusting your socks from sliding down when your legs are over theirs.
Hair ruffling/head pats.
Moving your mug away from the corner because you placed it down without looking at it.
Cleaning up your glasses after they try it on.
Follow me on Twt I post behind-the-scenes stuff and early foreshadowing|| If you want to support me, consider my Ko-Fi
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corvase · 2 years ago
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Feel free to use and reblog!
acknowledging them as soon as they enter the room
soft looks across a long table
getting lost in their eyes during a conversation
brushing a strand of hair behind their ear
grinning when they're being adorable
mutual but enjoyable silence
kisses on the cheek in passing
breathing in their sweet scent
innocent touches when they're close
brushing knuckles softly over their cheek
being distracted by thoughts about them
terms of endearment
holding their hand when they're stressed
good morning kiss when they're still half-asleep
tucking head into the crook of their neck when they're hugging
kisses the crown of their head
exchanging looks in a crowded room
simple shared nightly routines
humming or whistling in their presence
playing with their hair right before falling asleep
pulling them closer when they're cold
communication without words
letting them ramble when they need to let off steam
tea time for just the both of them
being reminded of them by random things around them
scalp massages when they have a headache
defending them in front of others
actions to make them proud
actions to make them happy
actions to make them laugh
developing a new sense of attention to certain things
regular checks on their well-being
caressing their hand during conversation
brushing thumb over their skin while holding hands without noticing it
endless giggles
eyes brimming with adoration
attentive listening
cupping their cheeks with both hands
featherlight kisses over their entire face
bringing them small gifts when having been away
not letting them go when hugging
sweet dreams about them
smiling to lift their spirits
kisses on the tip of their nose
mirroring their actions without noticing it
taking care of them when it's hard for them to do it themself
hugs of comfort
hugs of delight
jokes to lighten the mood
marvelling at their skills
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corvase · 2 years ago
midnight rambling - some late night dialogue for your otp 
prompt list by @novelbear (had to take a mini mental health break haha, posts should be coming back soon <3)
“you’ve been tossing and turning for the last forty minutes. what’s up?”
 “what do you think you’d be doing right now if we never met?” 
 “are you asleep?” “…no.” 
 “do you think we’d still be a couple in an alternate universe?” “go to bed.” “what if we already got married and have five kids.” “go to bed.” 
 “i can’t sleep…” “me either.” 
 “it’s five a.m.” “we talked all night?” 
 “i’m still worried about tomorrow…” “do you want to talk and try to get your mind off of it?”
 “fine, i get your cereal-soup argument, but there’s nothing you can say to convince me that a hot dog is a damn sandwich.” 
 “you know when i was little, i always thought my toys would come alive when i’m not around like they would in Toy Story. i still think they do.” 
 “babe, i love you, but we both need to get up early.”
 “freeze. i know you’re not wearing socks and trying to go to sleep right now.” 
 “i’m cold, can we cuddle?” 
 “what if aliens think we’re the aliens.” “the hell are you talking about-” 
 “sitting here with you like this is nice…” 
 “i’m wondering why i’m freezing and i see you’ve stolen the entire blanket.”
 “do you want to know what [name] told me today?” 
 “so then- oh. you’re asleep.”  
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corvase · 2 years ago
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corvase · 2 years ago
hi miss tinu! it's me again, hopelessly platonically in love! i've stopped by to bring you some flowers as i ramble for a bit 🌻💐🌷
they consider me a friend but god i really wish we can be close friends before they move away— the type that you could invite over to bake cookies with and send stupidly funny videos to just because. we had a team hangout at a park and they taught me how to climb a tree for the first time. they didn't judge me even when i started crying once i got to the top (i got yelled at in the car otw to the park, and i'd been having the worst week ever, so ofc it was the perfect time for a mental breakfown). and i just love little moments of humanity— my one teammate, who takes on a very tough and slightly bitchy persona often, talked me out of the breakdown by telling a funny story about her and her dad, and helped me down from the tree by holding my hand as i jumped off. (1/2)
— 🌺
you are the sweetest person ever. thanks so much for sharing i rally hope everything is still going so great :) whether platonic or not you seem to have found someone important to you and i am so happy for you my heart might burst!
so, thank you for your ‘ramble’, i know i’m not perfect with responding but whenever i get to it i am always so happy to hear from everyone :) thank you for the comment about my work as well, even with the most elaborate dictionary in the world i’m not quite sure i could find the words to express my gratitude and how much they warmed me from the inside out. i’m so happy to be on this platform and every single message from everyone here makes it all worth while.
thank you again love and i hope you’re still well <3
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corvase · 2 years ago
Bat-eared foxes can eat up to 1.15 MILLION termites a year
thanks i hate it😧😔😔❤️
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corvase · 2 years ago
Hi! I hope you have a good day, i want to ask for something with blushing. Situations that would cause it, or reactions to it, just whatever you want with blushing!
some situations that would cause face flushing
because traditional ‘blushing’ is not always visible… feel free to use :)
being called out for something they thought no one saw
being called out for something they didn’t do
being embarrassed
physical touch or intimacy in general
being caught in the act of doing something
being caught thinking something
thinking that they’re caught but they really aren’t
being warm… LOL
being shy due to meeting new people
being shy due to being called out
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corvase · 2 years ago
thank u thank u THANK U for everything u write on here !! literally so helpful i love u sm MWAH <333
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corvase · 2 years ago
reasons to fake date? (i love your account btw!!)
i love you anon, thank you for both your patience and this message :) feel free to use!
some reasons to fake a relationship
their family has been pressuring them
they have a wedding coming up
they want to make someone jealous
financial ailments, like debt or being unable to make payments (careful with this, as it creates a negative power dynamic)
their job requires it, i.e. going undercover or needing people to leave them alone in the workplace
they’re meeting someone from their past and need to appear dating to them
^ bonus if they used to date and for some reason they need to look like they’re still dating
PUBLICITY STUNT!!!!! yes i’m a celebrity yes i just met u woukd u like to date me for two months plz i’m begging ??!?!?!
short term dating reasons, such as:
^ there’s a couples discount and i cannot stand you but i really want these beignets so plz hold my hand and gaze lovingly into my eyes
i need this rando to leave me alone so pretend you’re in love with me
it’s also really fun or beautiful if one is doing it because they have to, and the other just wishes they got out into the dating world more and just want to. then we can see that change throughout the story.
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corvase · 2 years ago
hello! you don't need to do this if it makes you uncomfortable, but can i request otp prompts where one of them is pregnant and they're going through it together or them going through parenthood? you don't necessarily have to do it if you're uncomfortable or you just don't wanna, and please take your time ^v^ !!!! ik u have alot to do and i hope u have a good day/night!!!!
posted :))
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corvase · 2 years ago
wow we’re expecting! romance prompts
yes i am anti ‘oh no we’re pregnant!’ trope so i made these as ‘oh yes we’re pregnant i am so happy and ready to start a family with you :)’ as possible. feel free to use <3
“i hope she looks like you.” “oh God i hope not. i’m hideous.”
healthy marital/partneral (not a word i know) arguments
^ like, yes it may be hard for some people in the relationship to adjust to expecting a baby especially if they aren’t the ones carrying it and don’t know how it would feel to. what matters is that they have those talks and understand each other and both become better.
“do you regret this?” “are you crazy? i would choose you and this family in every single lifetime.”
“you’re my favorite person. i can’t wait to add another to my list.”
^ it would be funny if after the baby is born, they’re like “i lied, i think. you are no longer my favorite person”
“we’re expecting!” and their partner just breaks down
alternatively, “we’re expecting!” and their partner is just like awestruck in silence
“i am so grateful to you for loving me and allowing me to be a part of this family with you.”
“i am so ready for this.”
when the child is finally born and they’re both crying
^ bonus if the man is crying his eyes out even more because he is just so in awe
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corvase · 2 years ago
platonic partners in crime that've known each other since childhood prompts? ^^
posted… sorry for being so late my love :(
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corvase · 2 years ago
platonic partners in crime
feel free to use:)
“i give you ten minutes until you realize i’m literally right.” “i give you two until you stop talking.” “…….. alright.”
“i am just so fond of you.” “i am quite great, aren’t i?” “never mind.”
i just <3333 when they’re verrrry diff ages as well! like a stern elderly woman and a twenty something who get along well
“i failed the test.” “same…” “TWINNN!!?!?”
being apart and thinking of them everywhere
^ like that cute doll reminds me of them, and this food reminds me of them
that late night call just cause they’re bored
one character is literally insane and does the most random and unserious things and the other is just like yeah haha normal day around these parts
“you are the bane of my existence.” “and you love me still.” “….. and i love you still.”
the vows if one of them gets married, and them just both sobbing
^^ also when they’re best friends with their best friends s/o as well… let’s let the “they can’t be just friends trope” go!
being best friends with their best friend’s children… bonus if the child refers to them as “aunty/uncle name”
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corvase · 2 years ago
Hi! I can't click on the 'meet the parents' prompt on the masterlist, is it still up?
wow unfortunately i think it was taken down… i will investigate! thank u sm for telling me
edit: fixed!!! it was not taken down
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corvase · 2 years ago
hii, i have a question: if exes become lovers again is it considered enemies to lovers…? i mean not all exes to lovers end on bad terms but there are those who hates their exes so much,,, but they get to have some Realisations on some things of why things happened the way it happened that they slowly turn to lovers again.
yes! it still is enemies to lovers, just lovers to exes to enemies to lovers!!! i love this trope so much :))
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corvase · 2 years ago
hihi i just wanted to show the Swedish Vallhund i happened to find on pinterest
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i love u
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