#he calls you like “Mrs. Riley” but only as a way to get under your skin
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celenawrites · 1 year ago
fake marriage with Ghost on my mind rn...... 'marrying' Simon for a mission or maybe for protection, going undercover with him as you pretend to be his wife and he pretends to be madly in love with you....the domesticity that follows, the way he has his hands on your back as a protective gesture....the way he lends you a jacket when he notices you're cold in your flimsy little dress.....the way he's never had as much fun as he had with you, in a fake marriage of all things.....he cannot help but imagine what it'd be like if he actually was your husband....the fact that you make him wish, yearn to be yours......
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evilgwrl · 7 months ago
ExHusband!Simon x Reader
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You Want a Divorce? (One)
Note: I'm having the WORST writer's block now so pls excuse my lack of proper writing... I'm currently sitting in front of a beach writing in hopes that ill gain inspo
CW: Angst, mentions of sex, jealous/possessive Simon, PLS DONT LEAVE YOUR KIDS IN THE CAR !!! Or break into someone’s house
Inspired by: Ex!Husband Simon
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Simon stared at you. The shades of his eyes simmering into endless voids of obsidian, blonde lashes moulded against his greased lids, the residue of the perpetual torture his body had succumbed to during deployment.
“You want a divorce?” He spoke, voice deep as he flickered between your shaking heads, sweat soiling into the papers gripped firmly and your swollen face, cheeks feverish with a red hue, eyes even more so.
You held back a rough sob, throat stripped of all moisture evident in your hoarse voice as you spoke, “Yes, Simon. I think it would be best for our family… for us.”
He scoffed. “You think the best thing for our family is to separate?”
“We already pretty much are. You’re away for days, weeks, months at a time. We’re hardly a family and it’s difficult to explain to the children why I’m crying.”
“Ok then.”
That was it. You would admit, it stung. His lacklustre tone felt like a stab in the gut, the blade drenched with anthrax as it reared blistering sores internally, the effects having shown through your putrid complexion. Your skin was dull, practically lifeless, the only living form of you grew day by day through the darkening of eyebags that almost made you look apocalyptic.
It had been 12 months of separation, officially 8 being legally divorced. You kept his last name, the permanent burn of hearing Mrs Riley still searing through you with every syllable, yet you feel it would only hurt you more if they said Ms.
Simon was often away now, and the minimal family time he used to get felt pointless as the shabby apartment he moved into after the sudden interference of your mind-boggling news barely fit the two kids you shared. His body felt more relentless on him, the taunting of his mind fulgurated the inoperative reality that he would come home to you, to his family.
His voice, almost like it dropped an octave had grown richer in aggression, tormenting those he deemed suitable, both with his tongue and with his bruised knuckles, an oil painting of blue and purple hues radiating across the pale flesh as he shrugged it off to his team as “pushing himself and others to do better”.
Couldn’t you realise your mistake? Wouldn’t you prefer crying in his arms about his absence than never having it fulfilled again?
As he looked around the bleak environment, tan stained walls revolting the creaking mattress he had brought someone home to, someone who wasn’t you. It made him feel sick like a viral infection had slunk its way into his bloodstream as he laid next to a woman that failed to make his cock throb, endless images of you sprawled out under him flickering. No wonder he called out your name instead.
You felt the familiar shake of your hands every time your phone dinged; Simon’s dreary tone was evident through his dry “On the way” text. You ushered a day of your children’s life into their cartoon-themed backpacks, innocent smiles adorning their skin, doe-like eyes of brown, far too familiar to Simon’s staring up at you.
The sound of his car scraping into your paved driveway almost made you feel like throwing up, the nerves of seeing him combined with the already present pit of anxiety due to your date later turning you into one big shaky mess as you brushed it off as “too much caffeine”.
The echo of his car door slamming shut rung through your ears, staining you with the reiteration that your ex-husband was now at your door, heavy fists knocking upon the wood. The image you saw of him in your mind morphed back to reality as you stared at him, a blank expression on your face.
“Hi, love.”
“Hi, Simon.”
Your frown was clear, the pet name you were so used to becoming a distant memory in the past few months. It was a hole you were attempting to fill, to clear yourself away from his teasing tongue and faux impression of a healthy relationship. You were divorced for a reason, you knew that, but as you gazed upon the lack of life in his skin, it was almost like he was holding a mirror up to you.
“Daddy!” You watched as your 5-year-old, Ella, practically leapt into his hefty frame, his hands coiling around her like second nature. You could feel his warmth, the heat that would build in your stomach when you felt those same digits touch you.
“Hi sweetheart,” his voice gruff, yet tone lighter as he placed a delicate kiss on the skin of her forehead, “You miss me?”
She nodded, her face buried in the hem of his neck as your other child cooed from the bouncy chair, tubby legs attempting to wheel himself to the door.
“There’s my boy,” Simon practically cooed as he placed Ella down, bounding inside as he lifted the toddler out, grabby arms reaching out to pull at Simon’s locks, gentle tugs causing you to laugh.
Your voice cut through the scene like glass. Why would you want to destroy such a happy moment? Weren’t you supposed to be reuniting? Just say it, tell Simon you want him to come home, that you need him.
“This is Ella’s bag,” you speak, holding up the pink Minnie Mouse bag, “And this is Toby’s.” Your son giggled as he muffled out the words, “Transformers”.
Simon nodded, “Are you doing anything tonight?”
Ella practically screeched, “Mummy’s going on a date!” The thrill of her laughter that followed only seemed to make the situation more awkward.
“A date?” Simon’s voice was deadly, the hair raising on your arms as you shook your head, a tight smile on your suddenly dry lips.
“No, no, nothing like that. Just catching up with an old colleague of mine.”
“But he’s a boy, Mummy,” Ella giggled. Who was raising your daughter to be such a big mouth? Your face formed an annoyed look, eyebrows raising as a line of wrinkles crinkled against your forehead, your pointer fingers massaging your temples.
“An old colleague?” Simon practically gasped. Had he met him at your old work Xmas parties?
“Let’s get you guys in the car.” You fumbled with Toby’s car seat as you strapped him in, your nimble fingers shaking with anxiety before you shut the door, pressing a kiss against the window before wiping away the minimal residue of dirt. Gross.
“Who is he?” His tone was acerbic like he was looking for an argument. How dare you try and replace him? He was your husband, the father of your two kids? Have you seen this random man before? Had he fucked you?
“God, Simon-“
“Who is he?” Simon was relentless, bullying his way into getting the answers as his arms folded across his chest, tattoos practically screaming at you too.
“His name’s Andrew. I ran into him at a coffee shop a few weeks back and he just wanted to catch up. That’s it.”
A loud scoff sounded in the air. “You mean that geezer from that corporate job you hated? The one who didn’t know it was weird to blatantly stare down your dress when you were standing next to your fucking husband?”
“He didn’t stare down my dress! You’re not my husband anymore, Simon. I can see who I want.”
“I don’t want our children to grow up thinking they have multiple dads.”
You’ll admit, that stung.
“Multiple dads? You’re out of your mind. The only reason they would ever believe they have multiple dads is if their real one stopped showing up. And where have you been, Simon? When have you shown up?”
Simon held his tongue, the warmth of the metallic taste gashing through his teeth as he practically snarled past you. “I’ll bring them back tomorrow.”
The dress you wore was practically suffocating you as you tucked your stomach in. Simon never minded the change in your figure after motherhood, he found himself liking it even more. He loved knowing that his seed put you through that, that he made you swell with his children, and he brought out the glow in your cheeks and the delicate stretch marks that laced your hips.
Andrew was nice. His tone was comforting as he walked to your door, ushering you to his car as he insisted you could order whatever you wanted. He was handsome, the salt and pepper hues of his hair settling your insecurity.
“We’ll take the Pinot Noir,” he spoke, looking at you with an almost arrogant sheer in his blue eyes. You only liked white. Simon knew that just like he knew everything about y-
You’re not with Simon anymore. You had to realise that. Maybe that’s why you brought Andrew home, let him shove his cock (that was a lot smaller than what you were used to) inside your heat, as you let out moans you had mimicked from the porn you watched with the actor that resembled far too much of your ex-husband.
Simon's fingers gripped the steering wheel early the next morning, your two children snuggled up in the backseat as he drove back to his old house, your old home. He wasn’t a man who gave up easy, he would show you, prove to you that you made a mistake. You needed each other.
Hold on. You don’t drive a red car?
His car lurched into the entrance of your home, nearly ramming into the garage as he shoved it in park, rolling down the two back windows slightly for air as he dug around in the small side compartment of his car.
The familiar gold key he had stolen from you the night he packed up all his stuff stared back at him, practically egging him on. Go on Simon, march in there. So he did. His hand rattled against the door knob, glancing back to peak into the car for a second before he slammed the door shut.
Your body froze. Were you being robbed? No. It was only Simon. A very angry-looking Simon. You stood, the white sheet barely shielding your naked body as he took in the sight of the man next to you, his hands wrapping around his shoulders as he practically ripped him out of bed, flinging him onto the floor as he grunted, eyes reared with hatred.
“Simon, what the fuck are you doing? WHERE ARE THE KIDS?”
Andrew groaned, on the floor, covering his groin as Simon chucked the masculine clothes at his head, the thin boxers soiled across the man’s scalp as he trembled.
“Our kids are asleep in the car, waiting for their Mummy to come to the zoo with them.” Simon’s words were despicable, laced with an acrimonious tone, small particles of spit seething through his lips as stared at you.
He turned to the man, a giant frame staggering over the top of him. “Get the fuck out, and if you wake up our kids when you go past, I will personally put a bullet straight in the middle of your skull,” he said, pushing a thick digit against his forehead as Andrew rushed out, clothes barely on before you felt the front door shut, a cry of apologises leaving your lips as you tried to assist him but Simon only held you back, a tight grip coiling around your arm.
“What the fuck was that? How’d you get in?” You couldn’t even place the words to say, humiliation roaring through you as you snuggled the sheet closer to you, away from his peering eyes.
“It’s time to be a family again, don’t you think love?”
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void-my-warranty · 9 days ago
Fem reader x Kyle Garrick
If you think third-wheeling is bad, you should try third wheeling for your sister.
Yep, your younger sister, currently outpacing you in margaritas at a booth in Chili’s, while her big scary husband smiles at her over the rim of his glass. He knows how to pace himself — he’s your designated driver, after all — but he seems to be enjoying the freedom of your parents watching their little one for a night out.
Well, aside from habitually making your sister check her phone every five minutes, in case something goes wrong.
“Just give it to him,” you finally suggest with a laugh, eyeing the way he keeps one fingertip on the bedazzled edge of the phone case. “Bad case of the first time parent.”
Simon makes an annoyed grumble, but sure enough the sparkly phone gets pushed to his side of the table.
You do like him. Was he easy to get used to? No. Does his job allow for a lot of support for his family? Also no. But he has a safeness about him that you understand. And damn is he tall.
Your sister appears to be hitting that sweet spot of lowered inhibitions and horniness, because she thinks she’s being way more subtle than she is while flirting with her husband. You pretend you don’t notice, staring absently at the rafters when the conversation lags, burying yourself in another sip of alcohol when eyes get too bedroomy.
It makes you miserable, if you’re being honest.
Not that your sister can’t have herself a very nice, reliable, tree of a man to call her own, it’s just… She made it look so easy. Bat her eyelashes a few times at the scariest guy in the room, and bam, married with kids. Meanwhile you’re lonely enough to be third wheeling on a Friday night, with only your empty bed to look forward to, and the daily choice of situationship or isolation.
“We’ll be right back, need to pee.”
You focus your gaze back on your two companions, their sleep deprived faces unusually glowing with… aww, fuck. They’re gonna go fuck in the bathroom.
Of course they are.
So now, not only are you third wheeling, but you’re getting stood up while third wheeling. Fucking great.
As soon as you’ve lost their backs in the crowd, someone’s phone starts to ring on the other side of the booth divider. You ignore it, glowering into the dregs of your margarita and wishing you’d gotten a lot more drunk a lot faster. You may as well chug the rest of your sister’s while she’s gone, and maybe you’ll make it to the numb phase faster.
As you reach across the table for it, you finally realize what you should have all along, that it’s actually Simon’s phone that’s ringing, because he apparently left it at the table.
You didn’t notice it before because it blended in with the appetizers scattered around, but you curiously pick it up, wondering if it’s something important for his job.
The screen displays a plain, bold: Knobhead #2
That makes you laugh, watching the call die when it goes to voicemail. You go to put it back, but it’s already ringing again, because apparently somebody needs him.
You really shouldn’t.
But you can’t help it. It would be fun, and you really need something to cheer you up.
With a grin, you answer the call and smoothly purr, “Hello, knobhead.”
There’s a beat of silence on the other side of the line, and then a muffled, “What?”
“You heard me. What do you need, Simon’s busy. And before you ask, this is not Mrs. Riley, this is someone who has no business answering his phone.”
There’s a long enough pause this time that you’re able to gulp down some of your sister’s drink. You stretch your legs out under the booth and stare up at the rafters, thinking idly about situationships and isolation.
The male voice on the other end of the line makes a soft, “Mmm, I see,” and it throws you off a little bit because you were expecting someone impatient to reach Simon. “Got any idea where he is?”
“Well Knobhead, he’s currently having a chat with Mrs. Riley in the bathroom stall, I imagine. If you’d like to come down to Chilis, you’ll find me very alone, and very pissed that the two people I came out with tonight have abandoned me to bump uglies for the thousandth time. Can I take a message?”
The man has a pandering note to his voice now that pisses you off. “I… don’t think that would be wise. But fancy calling me Knobhead one more time before I go?”
“Oh, fuck off.”
You go to end the call, but unfortunately fumble around the screen a little, just long enough to hear a warm chuckle on the other side of the line before you punch the red button.
Knobhead is right.
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oceantornadoo · 2 months ago
ch1 something borrowed something blue (mafia!price x simon's sister!reader)
masterlist | next
“Yer gettin’ married next week.”
You scoff at your brother staring at his Scotch whisky like it holds the answers to the universe.
“And you’re the king of Egypt. Funny, Simon.” He doesn’t laugh. Instead, he glances at Johnny, his husband and right-hand man. The two have a silent conversation, a head twitch followed by a pursing of lips. Johnny’s lips are cracked and split, something you can’t imagine your brother is attracted to. Superb mental health does not run in your family.
Johnny rises out of his chair, a wooden thing that creaks with effort, and takes his leave. He ruffles your hair on the way out while you try, for the thirtieth time, to shove his side. You are, yet again, unsuccessful. He’s built like a tank.
“M serious, love. ‘Ve been in negotiations the past month. It’s happenin’ next Saturday, St Etheldreda's Church.” You run through a list of churches in your head. St. Ethledreda’s is not in Manchester. In fact, you’re pretty sure it’s not in your territory. Which means…
“Why’re you naming a church in London?” Simon’s quiet as his eyes bore holes into yours. This is one of his favorite tactics to use on his men - staying silent until they find the answer themselves. You hate when he uses it on you like you’re under his command and not his younger sister. 
“You can’t be serious.”
“We need an alliance an’ they offered.”
“Then write a fuckin’ treaty! Not a marriage certificate.”
“You know it doesn’t work like that.”
“It’s the 21st century.”
“Not in this family.”
That’s something you can’t argue against. Most people outside of your immediate circle don’t even know Simon’s married to Johnny, let alone into men. When he first came to power, you created a sob story for him - early marriage to his (female) childhood sweetheart, then fast-spreading cancer, ending with a man struck by grief. It allowed him a known reason for turning down arranged marriages while making him seem more human than your shared father. No one paid enough attention to you two as children to know the story wasn’t real, and fake certificates of marriage and death are a dime a dozen. Everyone knows he’s close with Johnny, his right-hand man, and that’s that.
“What about my bookstore?” It’s your pride and joy, plus it’s 95% legal. Mostly. 
“There’s bookstores in London.” London. Only 200 miles away, but it’s like another world. Another world where you can’t walk down the street where every single storefront owner knows who you are. Where the cops are on your family’s payroll and don’t blink an eye at the gun strapped to your hip. It doesn’t matter if you were raised away in your formative years, losing your accent and most concepts of slang that baffle you. It doesn’t matter if you only share a father with Simon, that your mother was a Riley employee and not Mrs. Riley. Manchester is your home. 
It doesn’t occur to you that you have a choice, mainly because you know you don’t. The firm, or mafia, gang, or whatever you want to call it, still operates as if women are objects to be traded and bought. Marriages are merely political agreements. Getting to run a bookstore, or cash-cleaning business, as a woman is almost unheard of where you’re from. Others might call you lucky, but it’s more like being a bird in a gilded cage. A glimpse of what a true, normal life might look like. Living in a flat above your store, hosting local book clubs, setting out free cookie samples - all to be ruined when Johnny stumbles through with a gunshot or the newest recruits are sent to grab more bullets from the basement. Every other week, you snap back from your daydream and remember that you’re a mafia princess at the end of the day, though duchess seems more adequate since the Rileys don’t have that big of a territory.
“And who is my husband-to-be in London?”
“John Price.”
“I’d rather marry Nikolai. In fact, I might just go elope.” Simon glares and you glare back. “I’m not marrying John Price.” You clarify, for emphasis. Simon leans forward in his office chair, looming over his desk like a puppet master. You’re in the chair across from him, crossing your legs casually like you’re not discussing your arranged marriage and potential future. “Contract’s done, love. Jus’ waitin’ on yer signature.” Your signature, the one change from the barbaric practices of old England. You could say no, but then Simon would have no choice but to cut you off. It would be a sign of weakness to the other families if he let a delinquent bastard half-sister run his decisions.
“I want to negotiate the contract.” It’s the closest your brother has ever been to rolling his eyes. They twitch with restraint, blonde lashes flickering. “This isn’t a TV show, kid. Yer not negotiatin’ yer bloody contract.” You uncross your legs, hands on your armrest like you’re about to leave. “Fine. Let me go call up the NCA, tell them all about my brother and his scary gang.” He sighs deeply, then pulls out his phone. “Bloody hell. Can’t wait t’ marry you off, fuckin’ arsehole.” You grab the bright pink stress ball on his desk, a stocking stuffer you gave him as a joke, and throw it at him. He doesn’t even bother to look up from his phone, huffing as the ball hits the side of his head. 
“Here.” He tosses you the phone that’s already ringing. There’s no contact name, just initials. JP. “Riley. Got a problem?” A smooth baritone emits from the phone’s tinny speakers. “Hope you’re not busy this weekend, future hubby. I can’t wait to see you.” Simon sighs at the consequences of his own actions. John’s silent on the other end, processing your words. Bit thick, that one.
“An’ why’s that, sweetheart?” It’s a term of endearment but he laces it with vitriol. “We’re having tea on Saturday at my store. Bring your contract and favorite lawyers. See you then!” You hang up before he can answer, tossing the phone back to Simon. He shakes his head at you.
“Smile, Simon. It’ll be nice to bond with your brother-in-law.”
This is going to be a very long marriage.
If you even get down the aisle.
Why does reader hate John? Why is she also a little shit? All will be revealed :)
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mactavishsgfandwife · 1 year ago
Simon "Ghost" Riley and His Poorly Girl 🩹
i have tonsillitis right now and i feel so tired out, i’m purely writing this to make myself feel better
a short one
fluff with 1 sex reference, not proofread
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"Baby…" he mumbled, eyes closed, reaching a chunky arm across the bed towards you - but he doesn’t find you next to him.
Instead, you’re sitting in front of the full-length mirror in your shared bedroom, staring at your reflection defeatedly. Only half awake, a warm blanket is wrapped around your shoulders to keep you comfy.
Quietly, trying not to disturb him, you apply your mascara only to accidentally get it in your eye - you try to fix it up, but with your eyes watering it’s hard to see clearly. Soft ruffling from the bed takes your attention, your wet eyes turning to meet Simon’s.
"Come t’bed…" he grumbles, not quite noticing your downtrodden expression, "need y’, c’mere." Seeing Simon in the mornings is funny - his tone a little needier than he’d like to admit, slight grumpy and clingy, always needing to wrap his arms around you and not so subtly rock his hips against your thigh. He just needs to be near you.
"’ve got work," you turn back to the mirror, voice croaky and quiet. Cool air from outside the window seeps into the room, making all your hairs stand up on end. Your fiancé sits up in bed, ruffling his short blonde hair as he wakes up a little. As he moves, the soft bedsheets fall down to his hips, uncovering his warm chest - he’s strong, really strong, but also big, with a little fat cushioning his abs and his strong biceps. An unfairly tempting sight when it’s 6:30am and you have a job to do. :(
"You alright, love?" he places a broad hand behind his head as he stretches.
"Sick," you sniffle, looking a little pathetic in the corner of the room with a blanket wrapped around you and a cup of Lemsip on the floor.
"What the hell are y’working for?" he chuckles, lifting up the bedsheet to let you climb under it, "come t’me, baby." His voice is softer, empathetic - partly, he’s doing it to convince you to come and cuddle, but he’s also doing it because he can see how sickly you are and just wants to make you feel better.
"Can’t…" you whine, removing that mascara so you can just start over. God, makeup is a pain in the ass.
"Y’look like you’re about t’drop dead, you should call in sick."
"Nooo…" you frown, "I don’t want to get in trouble again."
"Hey, here," he sits on the edge of the bed and pats his lap, wrapping his warm arms around you as you sit down on it.
"Mmph…" you mumble, lamenting how easily you slip into his arms. This is only making things harder than they have to be.
"D’you even like that job?"
"Not really."
"I’m not letting you leave this house. Let me look after you," he pats your hip, nuzzling his face into yours.
"But, but-"
"Get in," he orders, almost commanding. All too easily, you give in, rolling under the sheets with him. The little pout on your face is only a surface-level protest, he knows you’re internally rejoicing.
"Poor girl," he coos, wrapping his arms around you and slowly rubbing up and down you back, all the while listening to your little groans.
"Thank you…" you mumble, nuzzling up to him.
"Shhh, you’ll lose yer voice too," he pats your head. "Stay ‘ere, let me go get a hot water bottle."
You wrap your hand around his arm, tugging him back as he tries to get up. On any usual day he would have just chuckled and pulled away from you - you hands don’t even reach all the way around his bicep - but today he leant back down you your level, letting you keep your tight grasp on him.
"You don’t want one?" he holds on to your hand, slowly caressing your knuckles with his thumb.
"Want you," you pout, "please."
"Little weirdo," he grins, climbing back into bed with you and pulling you onto his chest, "whatever you say, Mrs."
Gratefully, you wrap your arms around him and cuddle as close as you can get. God, he feels so warm. <3
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thanks for reading :3
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cntloup · 1 year ago
RetiredHusband!Simon x Wife!Reader HCs
18+ MDNI fluff, nsfw, pregnancy
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After he retires, he'd settle at home. He does most of the housework when you're at work, but you love the times you spend with him doing mundane stuff, and you'd feel bad if you left all that work to him, so you have a laundry day when you both work together, but it almost always ends with you on the washing machine and him between your legs. Or your elbows on the washing machine and him behind you. 
He's a great cook. He makes some simple but exquisite dishes. In the military, he had to tolerate the bland MREs (idk how they taste but they look awful), so when he was back home, he'd learn to make some tasty meals for himself when he was living alone. And then for you when you came into his life. Your mouth starts to water at the delightful smell the moment you walk into the house. If you mention that you've been gaining some weight because of his delicious food, he'd honestly love it. He'd constantly touch the plush of your hips and belly, lightly squishing them with his hands while kissing you. He's happy that you like his food and you're well-fed and healthy.
Maintenance and repairs. He's excellent with his hands and understanding how things work, so the moment you notice something needs fixing, he’s on it. Most of the time you don’t even notice it cause he’s already done it when you were gone. He wouldn’t let it bother you even a second. If you ever find him working under the sink or in the garage working on his car, you’re in for a show. The way his muscles flex while working with a wrench, or when he manhandles a heavy object, his dirty greasy hands, sweat dripping down his forehead and his shirt sticking to his body, his pecs and abs visible to your hungry eyes, get you drooling and squeezing your thighs together. He gets super cocky if he notices (he always does), even more than usual. 
He makes sure to always have some fresh flowers on display in the living room and your favorites on your vanity table. Sometimes he stands by the door with a flower behind his back to give it to you when you walk in. He even learns how to make flower crowns and how to braid hair with flowers from youtube videos. After a few hours of grunting and groaning in frustration when he messes up, he finally masters the art. Only for his lovely wife.
At the end of the day, if you're both in the mood and not too tired, he makes love to you while holding your hand, your wedding ring glinting in the moonlight, a pillow placed under your hips so you'd feel more comfortable and he'd be able to hit that sweet spot inside you that makes those beautiful moans which he adores tumble through your lips. He praises you throughout the whole session, soft I love you's falling from his lips and calls you "my wife" and "Mrs. Riley" while slowly rolling his hips into yours.
He always cums inside. You love the feel of his thick warm cum inside your womb, and the thought of carrying his child makes you go absolutely feral. He'd love to have a family with you, the image of your belly swollen with his child stuck in his mind as his thrusts get harsher and more erratic, grunting out how he's gonna breed you. Your pussy flutters and tightly clenches down on him as the words leave his mouth.
After you announce your pregnancy, he’s glued to your side. And more handsy. He's always got a hand on the small of your back, your belly, randomly kissing your temple and forehead. He's just so happy to have you. And now you’re having a child?! He's over the moon! He's always by your side when you need him, rubbing your back and holding your hair out of the way when morning sickness kicks in, holding you in his arms when you cry, reassuring you and softly cooing praises into your ear if you’re nervous about giving birth and being a good parent. 
If you still go to work while pregnant, he’s got everything ready for you at home. All the housework is done, your favorite food is ready on the table, bath is also ready with your favorite oils and bath salts. You won’t lift a finger at home. Not on his watch. When you walk through the door, exhausted and body aching, he’s there to carry you to bed for a massage. He'll rub the sore muscles of your feet and gently massage your swollen tummy. If he feels a kick, he’ll grin so wide and rub your belly to feel it again, but he stops if you wince in pain, mumbling “sorry” and kissing you so sweetly. He'll give you a bath, delicately washing your tired body, his hand resting on your belly and placing soft kisses on your lips in between your rants about work and what a tough day you had. He watches you with so much love and adoration evident in his gorgeous eyes while you talk, admiring you. He's just so happy to have a little family of his own :) 
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comments/reblogs are greatly appreciated ♥ 
divider by @saradika-graphics
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sai-int · 3 months ago
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just saw this post by @briarscreek and the worms started dancing in my head >> simon x singlemom!reader, fluff, 700 words
The preschool courtyard buzzed with activity—kids running around, parents chatting, and the occasional wail of a kid who didn’t want to leave yet. As you approached, your eyes landed on him: a towering man standing in the chaos, utterly unbothered. Mr. Riley.
He had one hand resting on his hip, the other casually ruffling the hair of a little boy who was about to leave with his mom. His T-shirt hugged broad shoulders and arms that looked like they could bench-press a car, but what struck you most was his ease with the kids. His voice, low and steady, carried just enough warmth to soothe even the most hyper child as he patiently handed each one off to their waiting parents.
It should’ve been illegal for a man that hot to be this good with kids.
Your heart did a little flip as you spotted your daughter, Lacie, standing right next to him. She was holding his hand like it was the most natural thing in the world, chatting away, her tiny voice rising above the noise. He looked down at her with an expression you could only describe as fond.
And then she spotted you.
“Mommy!” she shrieked, dropping Simon’s hand like a hot potato and barreling toward you at full speed.
You barely had time to crouch before she tackled you, wrapping her little arms around your neck. “Hey, lovebug,” you laughed, smoothing down her messy curls as she buried her face in your shoulder.
When you glanced up, Simon was watching you.
The man looked... startled. His eyes widened slightly as they roamed over you. The hard edge to his jaw softened as if the sight of you had knocked him off balance.
“You’re Lacie's mum?” His deep voice carried a hint of something you couldn’t quite place—surprise, maybe.
“That’s me,” you said, shifting Lacie to your hip. You tried to sound casual, like your pulse wasn’t suddenly racing under his intense gaze. “And you must be Mr. Riley. I’ve heard so much about you.”
He blinked, clearly caught off guard. “Have you now?”
“Oh, yeah. Lace here talks about you constantly. I’m starting to think she likes you better than me.” You said it with a teasing smile, but his eyes flickered with something unreadable, and it sent a shiver down your spine.
“She’s one of my favorites,” he admitted after a beat, his voice softer now as he glanced at your daughter. “Smart, kind... keeps me on my toes.”
Lacie squirmed in your arms, breaking the moment as she tugged on your sleeve. “Mommy, can we go get ice cream now?”
“In a minute, peach,” you said, brushing a stray curl from her face. When you looked back at Simon, he was still watching you, his gaze steady and sharp like he was trying to figure you out.
“She’s lucky to have you,” he said quietly, almost like he didn’t mean for you to hear it.
Heat crept up your neck at the unexpected compliment, and you struggled to keep your voice even. “Thanks. And thanks for taking such good care of her. It’s clear she loves it here.”
For a moment, his stoic mask slipped. Something warm and genuine flickered in his eyes as the corner of his mouth twitched upward. “It’s easy when they have good mum's.”
The way he said it—low, deliberate—sent a spark of electricity down your spine. You tried to ignore the way your stomach flipped.
“Well, we’ll let you get back to it,” you said, forcing a polite smile. “See you tomorrow, Mr. Riley.”
“Simon,” he corrected, almost too quickly. “You can call me Simon.”
“Simon,” you repeated, the name rolling off your tongue like honey. “See you tomorrow.”
As you walked away, Lacie using your arms as her personal jungle gym and chattering about ice cream, you couldn’t resist one last glance over your shoulder.
Simon was still standing there, a hand rubbing the back of his neck, eyes wide as he tried to contemplate what the fuck just happened.
He'd have to fight with Johnny to get Dismissal Duty tomorrow.
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 2 years ago
Blood-Stained Wool Spun At Midnight (I)
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PAIRING: Werewolf!Ghost x F!Tailor!Reader (Set in Van Helsing Era/Aesthetic)
WARNINGS: Blood, intense gore, angst, mutilation, violence, death, being hunted, reference to unwanted attention from a man, 1890s period standards for men/women, religious references, etc.
*I do not give others permission to translate and/or re-publish my works on this or any other platform*
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“Miriam?” Your voice carries over the open street, one of the two small steps leading into your nonexistent front yard firm under your feet. Across the way and one house to the left, your older neighbor, Miriam, readies her horse for you—kept behind the paddock door of her attached single-stall stable. Men and women shuffle past along the cobblestone, clopping hooves and tipping soft caps. Giggles and gloved fingers. 
The city is lively today, and you’ll be glad to be out of it for the better part of the morning.
You brush down the front of your shirtwaist, patting at the pleating along the front before folding your shawl across your shoulders; hiking it farther into your high-collared garment. 
“Miriam!” You call again, shuffling down that last step and trying to shove yourself farther into the crowd. Keeping your black skirt close to you, you sigh long and pray the pouch at your side will stay away from the hands of pickpockets—a tailor gets off well enough, but every penny was worth it. One setback could ruin you.
Which was the reason you were now making your way into the country on your neighbor's horse. 
Miriam glances up from where she fiddles with the bridle strap, her head mixed in with the masses. You smile, raising a hand far above the sea as men sneer down at you, hearing the tinkling bells of her laughter. 
You make it to her and Whistlejacket the Thoroughbred as you huff, rubbing your gloved hands together before the clicking sound of your heeled shoes can catch up to your ears.
“By the Lord, it’s chilly, Love,” Miriam utters, patting the horse as you softly rub the animal's neck. Black ears twitch to you, chestnut eyes soft and pliable. You smile before replying with a chuckle. 
“And the chill won’t stop Mrs. Ida from having my hide for that wool-lined cycling jacket, unfortunately.” 
“Ah,” Miriam scoffs, “Mrs. Ida. I’d tell that one to mind her manners to the fine lady who makes her husband's waistcoats.” 
“She always asks for them a size small,” you hum, rummaging through your satchel to make sure you have the money you need for the wool that’ll go inside the order. “One with more of a brain would say she was trying to say something.” 
Your eyes glimmer as you send your neighbor a glance. Miriam slides you a cheesy look.
“‘More of a brain’, the girl says,” she mutters as you laugh brightly. “A wonder you’ve not found a husband yet.”
You ignore the comment, sliding down Whistlejacket’s side to slip your foot into the stirrup, huffing at the beast’s size before shimmying up with all the grace of a young hooligan. Panting on the saddle, both legs over one side on account of your skirt, you take a breath and happen to glance at the dark house that borders Miriams.
“Miriam?” The words escape you in a moment of curiosity. “Pray tell…is Mr. Riley back from his trip to London yet?”
Mr. Riley—Simon as you know him to be called by only a whispered passing. It was apparent with your little…interest in him. It wasn’t a carnal interest, no, God forbid, it was a hesitant need to understand him. 
You’d never sown nor mended so many clothes than to his own collection. 
Frock coats, waistcoats, shirts, ties, and trousers all—ripped to shreds before being placed on your counter like it didn’t matter a smidge. And those deep brown eyes of his…endless; seemingly incapable of human emotion above the tight layer of silk that the man wears up to his nose. There was something strange going on with Mr. Riley, and you were determined to figure it out, but he was also quite alluring to you in a simpler sense. 
You liked how he spoke to you.
“London?” Miriam asks, putting a hand to her wrinkling chin. “My, was that where he was off to—how do you hear about these things, Girl?”
You clear your throat, putting back on your smile. “Oh, never mind that. I was just curious, see.”
Whistlejacket’s feet shuffle from under you, the tall beast’s strength seen through his broad neck and well-bred attitude. Miriam’s husband had been a carriage driver, and when he died, the widow had taken Whistlejacket into her care as the only living family she had. 
You rub at his neck again, and the horse nods his head up and down, knickering. 
“You’ll take care of the old fellow, then?” The question is layered, anyone going through the forest to the farmer’s fields knows that the shadows grow long. 
Knows what can hunt you. 
You glance at the woman, nodding firmly. “And bring you back your share for taking the lovely creature out.” 
With that you’re out, taking the reins in your hands before easing Whistlejacket into a walk and entering the flow of traffic; waving a hand behind you in goodbye. Miriam calls on the smoggy wind.
“D-don’t stray from the path, Love!” 
A path wouldn’t save you from the Ghost.
It is the year 1897, and beasts live here. 
They roam in the dark corners and the forgotten alleys of every city and street—silent, unseen. Waiting to strike with white fangs or sharp claws; a snarl or a whisper. Vampires, demons, specters lost to time…Werewolves. 
Nowhere was safe, and so, the world had to adapt. 
As Whistlejacket’s hooves meet the slowly depleting cobblestone of the outer city, the clink of the metal bit dances in your ears; your face roves back and forth through the fields, those far in between houses. In your bag, you have more than just money. 
Holy water, a crucifix, and, of course, a knife made of pure silver. When in doubt, silver was always the safest bet.
But the forest…the forest was unpredictable. 
You breathe slowly as it comes into view hours later, those creaking branches and the breeze that speaks to you—in your head, you hear the plea. Or the threat. 
Turn back. 
The both of you stop only a foot from the treeline. Whistlejacket knickers, feet shuffling. Your hand finds his hide, rubbing soothing circles as your lips thin. 
“Easy,” you whisper, but nothing could be farther from easy. Your fingers brush through the horse's hair as he moves his head, hooves taking a step back. “Easy.”
The blackness of this forest is unnatural—the others in the city and town go around it; a four-day trip. You didn’t have four days. Like a moth to a dark altar flame, the oblivion takes you in and the forest expands in your view the longer you stare into it, down that path of overgrown grass and gravel. Rocks and twigs. 
With one hand you grab at your shawl and pull it closer to your neck, holding the reins lightly as your fingers twitch around them with the other. 
“Easy,” you say for a third time, quickly looking away from the path and clearing your throat. 
Clicking your tongue, your boots tap Whistlejacket’s side and after a puff from his large nostrils, the animal ambles forward, far slower than he had before but still moving nonetheless. Your hesitance bleeds into him, and you know the horse's senses are far better than your own.
But you were stubborn—you’d come too far to go back now, and if you wanted to be home by supper you had to buy the wool you needed and leave as quickly as possible. Going through this forest would take up most of that time. 
The trees enshroud you, and in their brimstone grip, they reach with gnarled fingers like a leering phantom. You lean to the side to avoid one branch, feeling it pull at your shaul slightly; trying to grab at you, it seemed. This place would devour you whole, but you were less scared of the general aura and more of the fabled monster that patrols this place. 
The Ghost.
Whistlejacket is unsure of this, despite the journeys you’d both been on. It always worried you how such a large carriage animal could still get so nervous after years of desensitization—the horse didn’t flinch at the yells from the city; or the howl of mutts at midnight. But this brimstone forest made him shiver under you like a child in the cold.
As you speak to him lowly, your hand reaches into your satchel and grasps that tiny silver blade, attaching it to your cinched belt as your skirt sways in a dead breeze. A chilled puff of air falls from your lips, though there is no coldness in these standing sentinels—it is a dead-like atmosphere. Every pound of your heart can be heard. 
“You know, old fellow,” Whistlejacket’s ear twitches back to you, but his eyes do not leave the path. You spare a tense chuckle. “I’ve half the sense to tell Mrs. Ida to shove that wool lining right up her—”
Something sharp echoes far off into the trees and you pull on the reins with a tight breath. 
Whistlejacket squeals, trying to bolt, but you keep a strong hand on him—eyes flashing from one dark void to the next in between the trees as his hooves dance. Your head bobs with every jerk of his legs, yet you barely notice it. 
A twig? You ask, heart hammering. No, no that sounded like an entire tree getting snapped in half.
Eyes glancing over your shoulder, you look back down the road and find the tiny speck of light that signifies the exit of this place, the last glimmer of home. With a heavy look around, you close your eyes and shake your head. 
Mrs. Ida was…something else…but she was one of your best clients for all her abhorrent behaviors—money was tight as of currently, and the woman’s husband was incredibly rich due to his practice as a physician. This wool was needed not only for the jacket but for your shop upkeep and the price of fabrics, needles, and threads. This wool was an investment you couldn’t miss.
“Whistlejacket,” you click your tongue but the animal snorts and shakes his head, backing up. “Whistlejacket!” Your voice carries despite not even being above a hard whisper. 
“I promise you, when we get to the farm I’ll let you eat all of the sugar cubes you want—my treat.” Your hand finds the space between his ears and below his skull, the soft black mane twisting in your fingers. “Nothing’s going to happen.”
Your eyes are half-narrowed. 
That wasn’t a twig.
Monster Hunting was a booming profession—and many took to it out of glory or need for coin. Those hunters had been in and out of this forest for short generations, trying futilely to catch what was rumored to lurk here before they got ripped to shreds like their fathers had. 
The Ghost. 
Some say he stands over nine feet tall; and has fangs that are bigger than a man’s palm—claws like butcher knives. Blackened and dead is his brain, cruel and maniacal. 
The Werewolf’s heart is chained to hell, and his soul to Satan. He is cursed ever to walk like a beast and feast on human flesh while in his wolf-skin and out of it. 
A ghost.
The Ghost.
You close your eyes tightly, trying not to imagine the stench of blood or the injuries you’d seen those hunters bore—being dragged back into the city screaming and wailing in pain. Arms and legs ripped clean off, never to be found. Most never came back at all.
“Please, Whistlejacket,” you plead, bumping your forehead into his neck. Whispering into his skin, you take a deep breath. “We need to go on. Quickly. We can’t stop here.”
Stopping was making a bigger target on your back—letting your scent linger in the stale air. 
With one last whinny, his fast flinching feet, the horse pushes forward as you click your tongue again; faster and more uneasy. But you didn’t slow him, no, if Whistlejacket was going to speed up, you were completely fine with that.
Moving again, you loose a sigh from your lips. 
There were many dark stories living here, some too heavy to tell aloud, even—one specifically was the tale that you’d overheard in your shop while helping Mr. Riley fix a large hole in his waistcoat. 
Riding along the path, you guide your steed down a small indent, blinking at the images your mind conjures up. 
Mr. Riley had been far quieter that day than in the recent past, and you thought perhaps he was beginning to warm to you after a few long months of silence and clipped business talk. That day, though, you had your doubts. 
Mr. Moore and Mr. Hill were coming in to inquire about the state of their overalls, working-class both and eager to have their second pair of articles fixed. Mr. Riley had been there first, and thus, you’d been talking to him for the better part of ten minutes.
“Mr. Riley,” you’d explained, holding his black silk waistcoat in your hands while opening and closing your lips. “I…I really must begin by asking how exactly you manage to do this to your clothes. In good faith, I half-believe you have a habit of getting into bar fights with a knife-wielding fiend in your free time.”
Brown eyes had stared at you above that cloth of his, soft cap on his head protecting blond tendrils of hair. Scars peel at his skin, old and pale. 
You’d never been afraid of him, despite his large frame and his intimidating muscle—the gruff aggressiveness of his tone. It was strange, but you had a feeling he would never do anything nefarious…perhaps his morals shone through far better than his conversational abilities.
“Can you fix it or not?” He grunts in question, hands in his pockets. Eyelids blink at you slowly, long lashes caressing flesh. 
You roll your eyes. “What kind of question is that? Of course, I can.”
In that intermission of silence, you’d heard the words from the men behind Mr. Riley—missing the spark of amusement that had coated those brown orbs as they watched you. 
“Did you ‘ere, then, Mr. Hill?” A sharp, hurried whisper. Your eyes blink at the two as the man ahead of you slightly shifts his shoulders, tilting his head to the side to stare behind him. “There’s been killin' in the East district—they’re callin’ the ‘unters in, see.”
“Hunters?” Mr. Moore huffs. “They’ll not make a smidge of a difference now. I’ve heard about it—they say the Ghost slunk in from the Forest and ripped the man to pieces.”
“Aye! They found pieces of flesh hangin’ off the shop signs. Like he’d been put through a machine, I hear. Half a jaw was left in the street, an eye leading into the trees, and…and…”
“Gentleman,” you call, oblivious to how Mr. Riley is as tense as a rope, eyes small and tight on the two men. He barely breathes. 
The two look to you as if being caught by their mothers. You frown. “Time and place.”
“Sorry, Ma’am.”
“M’sorry, Miss, lost myself.” You smile through a sigh and turn back to Mr. Riley. 
“Well, now then, I…” He quickly walks to the door, boots heavy and knee-length frock coat swishing as he pushes open the barrier and slips through. You gape, confused for a moment. By the time you think about opening your mouth again, you can already see him entering his own house across the street and pulling the door closed firmly.
The curtains close. Black night leaking out around the illumination of the oiled street lamps. It was the news in the morning that called to the true horror that you’d overheard in your shop. 
Mr. Lambert was never your favorite patron, in fact, you’d call him a creep at best—insistent on marriage to you and a hazard, considering that your home was connected to your shop. He knew exactly where you lived and when to use your time in his less-than-pure favor. 
Mr. Riley had been a natural deterrent in recent months, but what really struck you was that the brown-eyed man had managed to show up exactly when you needed him regarding Mr. Lambert. The small silver bell above your door rang his arrival whenever the other was trying to lean over your counter, smiling sweetly at you as if you were a prize to him and his leering eyes. 
Mr. Lambert would instantly straighten, tense, and dart away with a metaphorical tail between his legs while shooting nasty glances. 
But you’d never imagined him to be dead.
You’d never imagined his body to be hung from the trees that border the forest like a trophy—the Ghost had dragged him out of his home, the door busted off its hinges, and the inside all but demolished by fighting bodies. Neighbors said they’d heard howls on the wind; yowling and wet snarls like a rabid dog. 
Mr. Lambert was mutilated. Unrecognizable mass of flesh and hair, bone seen through shredded skin and tongue lulling from a ripped-off jaw. One eye and a branch through his toro to hold him up.
Now halfway through the forest, in the densest bit of trees, you can’t help but imagine becoming just like him.
You hadn’t spoken besides to reassure Whistlejacket, yet the fact was that you couldn't even reassure yourself—like a child, you cling to the animal below you and try to ignore the murmurs. Your shawl had been pulled up and over your head, creating a sound barrier for you that truly did nothing to help. 
Looking slightly to the side at a large and moss-layered boulder beside the path, you shiver not from the cold. 
“Maybe I should have just waited the four days…” Your whisper leaked out, and it seemed a sin to break the silence that had been layered here. 
A shadow filters past the side of your eyes, a silent motion atop the boulder that you think perhaps is a crow. You pull at your shawl to show your face a bit more, turning your head upward. 
Atop the stone is not a bird—it is not an animal of natural birth or of sound mind. It is a beast of ancient rites and white-fanged dreams; left here among the living in a sick game of predator and prey. 
You don’t register that it’s really there, the Ghost, until its blackened form stands to its full height, great shaggy fur under the remains of clothes scraps, and muzzle curled to show off fangs and pink gums. There are his ears, atop that head; they point to the sky before flinching back to staple themselves to its elongated skull. Long hands that scrape the stone below it near the claws that dig into the rock until they make long scratches. 
Like a demon made flesh, this Werewolf was the epitome of nightmares. So strangely human and monster at the same time. 
Eyes like a burial mound. 
You stare in numb horror, gloved hands steadily tightening over the leather reigns until your knuckles pop. Whistlejacket does not yet know the beast is here, glaring into your soul and branding it; taking a large step closer to the edge of the boulder as the moss flakes under his egregious large paw-pads. 
A low rumble is all it takes, those pupils small and beady, from within the breast of the Ghost’s expansive chest. Whistlejacket’s nose sniffs the air, his head turning and already tense. 
The horse screams like a dying banshee, spine curling and legs kicking out. He bucks as the Werewolf snarls through a loud howl, all four limbs connected to the stone and roaring. Your back slams into the ground as you’re tossed off Whistlejacket, your mouth releasing a scream to join the rest of the noises that echo off the foliage. 
Crashing into the path, your neighbor's horse disappears with one last high-pitched squeal into the darkness as you feel your bones rattle at the connection to your spine. Tumbling down a slight hill, you quickly get your skirts in order before scrambling to your feet with pain brimming in your scraped skin. Looking back to the boulder, your pounding heart rampages. 
But the Ghost isn’t even there. 
“Oh, Lord Almighty,” you whisper, backing up multiple steps. “Oh, Lord.” 
The blade is missing from your belt—you don’t know where you’ve dropped it in the fall and that might just be the death of you. Mr. Lambert’s story infects you; the other hunters.
You frantically look at that mighty stone, up and down, while skittering backward. 
Where did it go? 
Panting, you only stop when you hit the firm frame behind you, a large tree trunk of fur, and a hard chest that you sink into. You freeze—eyes wide and unblinking. A thin squeak exits your mouth, and a reverberating call purrs over your vertebra, making you shiver with fear. 
Minutes draw before you gather the courage to delicately turn your head upward.
Those eyes meet yours again, small and coated over with rage; pale fangs so close to your forehead they’re like ivory with dripping saliva. One drop hits your flesh, but you fail to register it. 
Those eyes. 
Up close you’re completely stolen by them, sucked in and whisked away as a bride, this mixture of dark wood and earth. Brown so rich you’d never seen something like it…or…or had you?
Incredibly, in between your panic, something sparks you as being familiar in a way you can’t quite place in this state. 
The Ghost is gargantuanly large, so much so that he bends his spine to lean over your entire body and growl down at you, the sound starting in his gut and expanding up to his throat. The fur around his neck is so thick it’s like the mane of an exotic cat, ironically, as tufts of hair are on the tips of his ears. 
You stare and try to memorize the look in his eyes as clawed hands come up at your sides, horrifyingly human with long fingers; five-pointed except for the fact that the skin is blacked like hide. Sweating, you shake before your lips start talking for you, as they usually do. 
“I do hope I’m not intruding, Kind Ghost.”
The beast halts his slow entrapment, right ear twitching forward at your voice. He doesn’t blink, and his mouth does not close. 
“I…I only wished for safe passage.” Internally you wonder if you’d lost your mind—if it had broken in this moment of hysterics. Your voice is far more steady than it should be. “I must get to the other side of the forest, you see. Urgently. I have business that must be settled. Though,” you add quickly, tone cracking for a moment. “Though, I knew not how to contact you to ask.”
The Werewolf’s heart can be felt on your back, a deep thum of pulsing power and raw death. It watches, its mouth twitching a smidge more closed and lungs rising. Its feral heat leaks through your clothes into your flesh. 
A furred hand connects with your hip and you squawk as you’re shoved to the ground very suddenly, thrown to the side onto the grass with only your palms to catch you. You’re flipped over, those same claws slamming beside your head before you can push back up and try to run. But there could be no running. Like a moth to flame the Ghost would hunt you down until there was nothing left of you but bloodied carnage. 
You throw up your hands in front of your face, the great form splayed over you and a sniffing nose digging into your stomach. There is a low whine of a hungry maw as the shaggy head moves up and around. Like a human, the Werewolf’s hand grabs at your wrist, pinning it down to the ground as the other digs into the earth, dragging it up like a farmer’s plough. 
 “H-hey!” You shout, pushing with your free fingers at the muzzle—in sound mind, you’d never even think to do such a thing. “Get off of me!” 
You should have been terrified, and maybe you were, but you’d gone past the point of knowing it. This beast was leering over you like Mr. Lambert, but far more dangerous and…and…
“Are you smelling me?!” Your angry voice makes his dark eyes snap to yours, and in an instant, you’re staring up his muzzle, body splayed out below him. 
You shutter.
“Eh…Just don't…rip anything, would you?” You were talking to a Werewolf as if he was capable of higher understanding in this form—as if still human. Voice small, you thin your lips and feel sweat run your eyebrow ridge, heart pitter-pattering. 
Why were you still alive?
The snout resumes, running along your shoulder and finally stopping at your neck with a pass of the Ghost’s tongue over his lips. You close your eyes tight.
This was it, you think. Of course, you’d be the one to lose the only blade that could let you actually damage this monster, the silver glinting in your mind as you curse yourself violently. You feel the puff of his vile breath on your neck, his claws peeling at your shirt collar slowly back. 
Your breath hitches, fingers winding through the fur below your grip, but the confusion breeds with the horror. The sensation of his soft fur wasn’t unpleasant—in fact, it was perhaps the finest material you’d ever handled. While it wasn’t the time for this, your occupation was impossible to ignore…this texture was far better than any silk.
But he’s stopped moving entirely. Lids fluttering, you open your eyes slowly, afraid but addled at the inaction. 
Brown side-eyes you closely, fangs dripping next to the meat of your neck and parted to show a lulling tongue. The beast purrs as you stare, looming with enough mass to block the sun and moving that muzzle closer to your pulse. In an act of pure desperation and womanly instinct at the sight, you snap out your leg and, not hesitating a moment longer as the animal’s tongue meets your flesh, you send your shoe straight in between the monster's legs.
A sharp yowl makes your ears ring, but you slip out from under the Ghost as it banks back, snarling and yapping before it rights itself with a shake and rabid hunger. The look from before is gone—but you’re already through the trees by the time the enraged hunting cry makes your neck hairs rise. 
Guttural, savage, and devoid of humanity. 
On the path you find your blade, and you snatch it as you gather your skirt in the opposite hand and dash away. To where, you have to tell yourself, you do not know. But it’s human nature to run, to sprint until your throat tastes like blood and your stomach rolls with bile—all of that can be tolerated if for the simple promise of survival. 
So run you did. 
Faster and harder than you ever had in your life, you sprinted into the brimstone trees and the dead thorns, not looking over your shoulder at the noises of snarls and breaking tree trunks; claws through the earth, and the primal howl of a hunt. Your throat is raw and scraping, clothes thoroughly ruined as you crash through a thorn bush while cutting up your arms and legs in tiny streaks of crimson. 
Droplets make a path behind you, a path, and a scent to tell you by. But with how the Ghost had been smelling you too deeply, you doubted it would be long before he tracked you down to finish the job.
You lose a shoe in the mad dash, lungs heaving and whimpering from the sudden absence of sounds entirely—as if the beast had disappeared into thin air. Still, you don’t brave a glace behind as you take turns and bends in the earth at random, running deeper and deeper into the foliage. 
Bloodied and running out of strength as you hop a small stream, yelping when you slip and bash your wrist into the ground, you had never wished for Whistlejacket more. All you could hope was that the horse was making his way out the other side of this hellscape. 
You never should have come through here.
Tears stain your eyes, blurring the edges as you manage to run into a small clearing, head whipping back and forth from one area to another. Every turn was the same—every tree similar! 
But the house was different. 
No more than a hut, really, it was stone and had a thatched roof, nestled in a field of black flowers and wisps of dead grass. The door was opened, but the ground was torn up by claw marks—spanning up the sides and near a broken widow.
You rush to it without a blink, and just as you make it to the threshold, you grab the thick oak door with your torn gloves. Turning, you find him across the open glade. 
Air is shoved from your lungs as you wheeze, the black shadow in the tree line. Brown eyes burn past flesh and bone—beady. Twitching lips and high-pointed ankles with rising fur. It was like a statue. Not even moving; barely breathing as it…watches. 
What had happened to the snarling—the howling hunt?
Had…had he been behind you the entire time?
You whip the door closed and frantically slam the bolt in place, the blade brought to your side and shaking in your tight hold as you back up quickly. 
“Oh, Miriam, damn you, you’re always right.” You gasp, back hitting the edge of a table. “Curse me for never listening.” 
Your neighbor had expressed worries the day before your departure, but you’d been stubborn as always—wool, you said you needed. Just enough for a coat. It was nothing; nothing that should have led to this. 
You feel like passing out, bile rising into your throat before you swallow it back down and breathe in quick heaves. 
But the door didn’t cave in, and no great monster barreled through to eat you up and pin you into a tree branch. The house settled, the minutes dragged on…
…and nothing happened. 
Your heart slowly goes back to a hesitant normal, like a mouse after being chased by a hawk; a lamb by a wolf. Standing up straighter with blood saturating your clothes, the uneven strides of your shoe-less foot mean little to you as your form slinks to the broken window. You don’t feel the pain in your cuts—the sweat or dirt—before you bend down and hiss at the stretching flesh.
Knees knocking on the floor, you peek above the sill slowly, eyes wide open and tiny pupils quivering. 
“Why didn’t it come into the glade?” You ask yourself, seeing the large shadow in the far-off coverage of the dropping leaves. A steadily dying sun. You weren’t making it back home tonight. “Why is it staying away—it knows I’m in here.”
Surely it wouldn’t let you live? 
Your brows tighten, swearing there are eyes looking back at you through the kaleidoscope reflections of the glass. You duck down, vibrating as your vision runs across the strange hut.
One room, it only held a table, a tiny desk, a trunk, and a bed. A fireplace with no logs. Dust lived in the corners, and candles that were unlit were melted in plates and cups all around your view—score of them as if the dark was something the owner feared vehemently. 
This would be your sanctuary for the night. 
“Do Werewolves not come upon hallow ground?” Your voice bounces off the stone. “Was this a priest's hut?”
If there was a church nearby in this damned place, that would truly be the best scenario. Churches held hunters more often than not. 
Standing, you walk the space, feet aching as the adrenaline wears off and it all sets in. You place your blade into your belt, but your fingers never leave the pommel. First, you go to the desk, picking through letters and thin papers. 
Blinking, you pass them over in favor of the journal, the one next to the hastily thrown down quill—the spilled ink. 
Your hand touches the leather and flips it open, ears peeled for any noise from outside. The drawings come into focus quite quickly. 
Diagrams and intense study fill your brain, images of the Ghost sketched so lifelike that you flinch back and physically recoil until you gather your bearings. 
“I don’t suppose this would be of any help,” you utter with a frown. “Will it tell me how to make silver bullets? Give me a revolver?” 
Shaking your head, you close the journal before the faded name on the cover register—you walk away slowly before you halt. 
"Simon Riley."
Your heart tightens and those brown orbs come back to you. It’s like your mind expands in a millisecond.
Simon Riley and his frequent trips out of the city. Simon Riley and his shredded clothes exactly like the ones that the beast wears. Simon Riley and his silent, black, soul. His secrets.
“No,” you try to convince yourself, chuckling as your panic spikes. Every interaction whizzes past with surety. “No, that’s not possible. I couldn't have been that inept when he was right in front of me.” 
Anger pierces you, and all sense leaves. You know it to be true, know it to be the reality even if you'd just put the pieces together yourself. This was too perfect that God himself must have come down and laid it out for you to find.
In a moment of raw rage, you stomp to the door—hand snapping to the bolt and reaming it back. The outside chill makes you growl, but you exit the hut nonetheless. It was like a spit in your face.
“Simon Riley!” You scream into the air, hand in fists. “Get your arse out here and explain to me why I’ve been fixing your fucking clothes while you’ve been galivanting around the bloody forest!” 
Call you insane, but seeing your work constantly ruined made you more mad than being chased like an animal, especially if this animal had no intention of killing you. He'd had the option, but he hadn't.
That only serves to make you even more angry.
Your finger points into the tree line. “I spend my God-given time to make them perfect for you, and this is how you repay me?” A rustling from the bush to your left. You snarl and turn to find the upright form as it blinks at you, muzzle closed and ears forward. It steps out into the grass with one paw before you brandish your blade at it.
The Werewolf freezes, a low warning growl rumbling in his chest.
“I’m going to rip that damn fur from your body and teach you what it’s like to have your practice insulted, you twat.” Those eyes don’t stray, just like they never had in your shop. 
Yet there was a more primal tint to them—more wild, unrestrained. Aggressive. 
The monster stalks forward with slow and heavy steps, walking up to you until it can once more stare you down. You take down a shaky breath and press your knife into his abdomen as fur encompasses your field of view. 
Your confidence wavers.
“D-don’t you know it’s rude to chase down a lady in her travel shoes?” 
A snarl grinds itself out in cut intervals as if he were trying to speak to you, snapping fangs and tilting head. You have somewhat of an idea of what it means.
“I’m not apologizing for kicking you in the balls, Mr. Riley. You deserved it.” You lower the knife from his abdomen. 
A nose pushes itself into your neck again before you shove him off with a curse. He doesn’t even flinch before he tries once more.
“Would you quit it?!” You yell, scoffing. “What in the devil is wrong with you?” 
It was like he was trying to rub his head all over you—as if nothing but a dog scenting a bone.
Isn’t he? Your lips thinned. It wasn’t foreign to think he wasn’t in the right state like this. Of course, he wasn’t. Mr. Riley would never act like this, even with how often you saw each other.
Lord, you didn’t even know if he liked you that much, but judging by whatever this is, it happened to be quite a bit. You huff and push him back with a scene of finality, slithering backwards into the hut before slamming the door. 
There’s a low grumble from outside, the barrier shaking as a large paw presses on it with immense force. 
“No!” You order, pulse running. “No—you figure yourself out first! I’m not letting you in like that.” 
The sudden enraged roar is so loud the broken window shakes. It makes your veins quiver under your skin. But there's a heavy slam of leaving feet moments later, the sound of screeching trees as branches are bent back. 
You pause and stand straighter after a long minute. Your lungs inhale.
“It listens better than the man,” you breathe, feeling weak. Bravery was tiring. 
Yet, there was still the problem of the dead.
Simon Riley was the Ghost—a Werewolf. He’d killed people, many, many people in these trees. 
You grab at your neck softly, the scent of earth and blood stuck under your fingertips, infecting your very soul. 
“...So why didn’t he kill me?”
You helped yourself to the clothes in Mr. Riley’s trunk, taking what you could find and slipping into it for bed. It was nothing more than a large undershirt and pants, but you wouldn’t be the one complaining. Luck was back on your side, as you also found a small package of bandages and matches. 
Lighting the candles one by one, afterward, you did what you could for your wounds. You weren’t keen on traveling to find water to clean them out, so, for now, a wrapping would have to do. 
The beast patrolled the glade. 
You’d hear him occasionally bend by the door, shadowing along the crack before there was a tapping of claws on stone and a huff of hot breath. He’d always leave you unaccosted, a smacking of gums and licking of chops heard through the cracked window before the dog darts away. 
Where fear had been previously, curiosity starkly remained at the forefront. 
“Simon Riley,” you mutter, sitting on the edge of his bed after that same event that had happened not an hour earlier. And the same an hour before that. Clockwork. 
A wolf stalking his hunting grounds, making sure all is where it’s supposed to be.
He smells you in here. 
“It’s too damn late for this,” you huff, rubbing at your face. Ideally, you’d like a bath and a hot meal, but there was no supper here. No food at all, really. 
You plop down into the feather pillow, face nuzzling into the deep scent that you remember smelling from Mr. Riley as he came into your tailor’s shop. This was demented—unholy action. 
If this were a different woman in this bed, she might be praying to her God for some salvation, an angel to come down and whisk her away. But the thought is like a stake in your heart. 
If there were a different woman in this bed…would she even be breathing as you were?
You shiver and burrow deeper into the covers, pulling them up to your chin. For whatever reason, Simon Riley, the Ghost, had stayed his fangs from your supple flesh; now you weren’t even sure that when he was leaning over you he had any intention to hurt you at all. He had seemed like he was…waiting for something.
Simon Riley, your neighbor. 
Your neighbor the Werewolf. 
You groan and hold yourself in the candle-light, unsure. You’d heard the tales—the murders. Mr. Lambert. Those countless hunters mutilated. Like a child, you pull sparse memories that bring it all to light.
Mr. Riley was quite the gentleman when you happened to catch him. 
There was never a time when you had to carry in your own fabric shipments—he was always outside to grab them before you could get one hand on the carriage compartment; it all seemed like lifting a feather. You’d speak to him about his day and his trips to the bigger cities that he always frequented. 
He’d told you it was because of his business, and you’d refrained from asking what exactly it was that allowed him to purchase such exquisite clothes—or even how they always ended up ruined. 
As your eyes flutter in this bed full of long black hair, you sigh and listen to the howls from far off in the distance; shivering.
“Where do you need ‘em, then?” The accent was aggressive, yes, but the tone was casual. You smile over at Mr. Riley and see the large trunk in his hands as the carriage leaves outside. 
“I don’t know,” you tease, “But I think you look quite dashing being such a ready and willing neighbor, Sir.” 
“That it?” He raises an eyebrow, but no expression slashes his visible face. To even get that was something to celebrate. 
You raise a hand and wave him behind your counter, chuckling. 
“I jest, Mr. Riley. Right back here the same as always.” He wordlessly ambles forward, feet heavy upon your wooden floors. 
You smell the scent of fresh earth as he passes, and your fingers twitch at your sides. Clearing your throat, you ask easily as the man strangely flinches as he brushes your arm, eyes flicking just a smidge wider. 
“Any more travels this month, then? I am a bit curious to hear about where you’ll be off to this time.” 
“London,” is a swift answer. Brown eyes glance at you as the trunk is set down with a puff of breath in the space below the shelves. “Ever been?”
You shrug. 
“No, unfortunately.” Simon stands to his full height, hands finding the insides of his pockets. You should be hesitant of his stature—his great shoulders—but you find it suits him. He tilts his head at you, his cap off today to let his wisps of hair collect at his temple. “You?”
Mr. Riley grunts, feet shifting. 
“Quite a few.” He blinks slowly. “Not missin’ much. Bloody filthy.” 
You laugh and tilt your head down, staring at the floor for a moment as your cheeks heat up. “I’ll have to take your word for it.” 
Simon puffs a sound of amusement, looking you up and down. He stares at your waist before he hums. 
“That a new one?” You look down at your corset above your blouse, putting a hand above the embroidery and nodding earnestly, touched that he’d seen it. Mr. Riley was far more in tune with his surroundings than others. 
“Yes, had a horrible time with the designs—I’m not quite sure I like it yet.” 
“It’s nice.” The man seems just as surprised about his quick outburst as you do, wide eyes meeting each other to connect with bare emotion. 
It’s a long pause that leaves you stuttering, your heart skipping a beat as your flesh burns with brimming affection. Simon grunts tensely and darts his eyes away to stare hard at the counter behind you.
“Well, I…” you tilt your head, beaming through a soft chuckle. “Thank you, Mr. Riley. That’s high praise coming from you.” 
“It’s nothing.” He takes his leave, firmly moving past you and shifting his body to make sure he doesn’t accidentally run into you. “Wear whatever you want, won’t make a difference… You’ll still be lovely.” 
Before you can gape into the expanse of his back at the blunt compliment, he’s already out of the door with a whisper. You watch him cross the street from the window and see him climb his steps, sucking down a shaky breath. 
An embarrassing giggle meets air. 
The man far across the street pauses in front of his door, gloved hand outstretched. He stays there for a hint of a moment, and you swear he turns his head to space you a tiny glance over his shoulder. 
Suddenly feeling as if you’d gotten caught, though you don’t know why, you squeak and hurry away into the back room. 
You wake up to the sound of the door opening. 
Drowsy and fatigued, your ears twitch to the sound of low groans and clipped growls—thick curses that would make any mother go shy that slip in and out of your reality. 
You should be afraid.
Footsteps stumble in, the thick closing and bolting of the door eching. Candles flicker through your eyelids, and you make a low noise in your throat as your face scrunches. 
All sound ceases. 
So quiet that death himself would vacate the area, your brain catches the end of a set of surprised footsteps coming to the bed and a sudden low exclamation of, “Bloody fucking hell.”
It all fades in and out, glimmering and glinting. 
A swift cleaning of the objects in his possession, organization, and fixing—moving papers. Feet stop at every other minute, and eyes burn into your face from above the covers. 
His fingers pull back at fabric, seeing the clothes you wear, the ones that he needs as of currently. 
A deep chuckle encircles you; your sleep deepens. Those same fingers, like a plague of slumber, travel up your bandaged arms and twitch along your shoulder—moving up until they come to the pulse at your neck. They add pressure and a breathless grunt is expelled as you tilt your head farther up. 
That touch is moved to your chin, moving it back down to hide your flesh from that brown gaze before a heavy sigh brushes over you. The covers are all at once pulled farther up along your form. 
The shadow disappears, and with it, it takes the extra blanket from the end of the bed, harshly grunting as the fabric is shuffled around and wrapped. A tiny mutter.
“You have a fuckin’ horrible habit of complicating things.” 
You sleep on, and, if you were conscious enough to realize it, you would have felt the gaze on you for the remainder of the night from the table—watching, barely blinking above the heavy press of eyes. 
Silent, if only for the soft breaths taken and no sooner exhaled on long, even, airways. 
As if not but a dog that watches the moon under starlight; the gentle sight of snow falling outside of the den. 
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@luuvbuzz, @emerald-valkyrie, @anna-banana27, @blueoorchid, @cryingnotcrying, @writeforfandoms, @homicidal-slvt, @jade-jax, @frazie99, @elmoees, @littlemisstrouble, @alpineswinter, @phoenixhalliwell, @idocarealot, @lavalleon, @facelessmemories, @h-leigh, @20forty9, @glitter-anon-asks, @emily-who-killed-a-man, @neelehksttr, @aeneanc, @escapefromrealitysm, @i-d-1-0-t, @pparcxysm, @hawkscanendme, @caramlized, @waves-against-a-cliff, @sanfransolomitatm, @maelstrom007, @jemandderkeinenusernamenfindet, @pheobees, @glitterypirateduck, @uselsshuman, @fan-of-encouragement, @halfmoth-halfman, @ghostlythunderbird, @l-inkage, @pukbadger, @kopatych11, @0nceinabluem00n, @cocrorapop, @knightofsexyness, @abnormalgeil, @smallseastone, @jacegons, @330bpm-whiplash, @simon-rileys-housewife, @4-atsu, @tiredmetalenthusiast
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neoarchipelago · 11 months ago
Haven't properly written in a while... This writer's block is destroying me...
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Simon Riley getting hurt on his bike.
Like he has a mild crash because of a dumbass doing a U-turn and got smashed.
Bike is ruined, arm is bleeding from rubbing the asphalt. He just gets up, groaning because, shit, that bike is too weeks old. Walks like a boss but the old lady has already called 911 and is crying apologizing. Simon feels suddenly bad for his internal 'dumbass' comment. Paramedics tend to his wound, the old cop scolding him for driving in leather pants but in t-shirt.
"What kind of two half ass protection is this son?"
Simon just feels a migraine rushing to him.
He gets a ride home from Soap who he called. Best buddy wouldn't shut up either but he loves his Johnny like his own brother so he lets him ramble.
He walks up to the elevator, saying bye to an over worried Soap who just groans and curses in his own babbling.
The elevator's doors close and silence finally settles. He runs his temple with his left hand through the balaclava, the right one holding his leather gloves and being bandaged.
His right arm stings, but he had much worse. Nothing a bit of bourbon couldn't erase. The pounding of his head needs to shut up too. The doors ding and he groans.
He walks to his apartment's door, fumbling the keys and the sound of a door slowly opening is heard behind him.
He glances back, pretty soft eyes looking in his direction. Ah yes. The neighboor.
"Hello Mr ril-... Oh god... What happened?"
He almost wants to chuckle at the worried expression.
" 'ust a scratch..." He mumbles, the words rumbling with his low tone.
But the footsteps he hears makes him sigh and he turns around looking down at the pretty Princess in front of him.
"Mr Riley! That doesn't look like a scratch... What happened?"
The pleading eyes, the worried expression does it for him, his eyes never leaving yours as he automatically mumbles:
"I crashed the bike."
Your eyes widen in shock again. He feels bad. You look even more worried now. He didn't even know that was possible and it somehow breaks his heart.
"Oh sh-...hum"
Hmm... She curses? He never heard her curse. It's adorable.
"Please tell me you're ok... Are you hurt anywhere else? Why didn't you call me? I mean-"
God that blush is cute. How can you be so cute? He wants to just put you under a glass case and keep you in there. He'd get lots of flowers and moss. You'd be his fairy-
"Mr Riley?"
She tilts her head to the side.
"I'm fine. No broken bones."
That seems enough to make her sigh of relief. But suddenly she grabs his good hand and she tugs softly towards her still open door.
Simon is floored that this is the only thing he manages to say.
"You can't stay on your own! You just got into a crash! You need to be looked after!"
He wants to punch himself now. Don't you know any other words Simon Riley?!
Also, why is he walking behind her like a lost puppy she's softly tugging on the leash of?
Why is he inside her apartment? With the door closed?
How did he end up sitting on the couch? With a cup of tea and cookies.
"What?" He asks again.
She giggles.
"What do you want for dinner? I'll let you decide what you want I'll go prepare the guest's bedroom!" You happily jump to your task after he nods.
Simon looks around, the warmth and cozy space, the plants and the weird cat staring at him from the window sit. He kinda looks at Simon the same way Simon is looking at him. With the same expression that says:
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stargirlrchive · 1 year ago
This is Simon and his daughter when she wants to do dance and has one of those recitals where the child’s parent dances with them. He gladly walks up there with his little princess and does the dance with her. And obviously you would be recording the entire thing to watch over and over.
this made me ascend out of my body !! and i word-vomited a little
like you’re a little hesitant to bring up to simon that there’s a father-daughter dance because you know it would break his heart if he couldn’t make it. and when you do bring it up, he’s so quiet.
you can see the cogs turning in his brain, the turmoil he’s feeling clear as day in his eyes before he’s blinking and it’s gone. giving you a small nod and mumbling something along the lines of ‘i’ll make it work.’
you don’t hear much about it after that. especially because the week practices are starting he gets deployed. you’ve honestly thought he’s forgotten all about it.
so for father-daughter practice you show up, not wanting to let your little girl feel left out.
weeks of practice go on, and you’ve both gotten the steps down. you’re so happy that your little girl doesn’t seem to be too bummed out that simon won’t be able to make it. she understands, even at such a young age, that dad’s got an important job!
but unexpectedly on week three, little riley’s ballet teacher comes up to you beaming. “i’m glad to hear mr. riley was finally able to get the recordings i sent over.”
and you’re so confused because you have no idea what she’s talking about. you hadn’t been able to speak to simon since a few days after he left. but as she explains that simon had asked her to send over a video of the routine so he could practice while away, your heart warms. tears pooling at your waterline as you give her a watery smile and bid your goodbye.
it’s about half an hour later that you’re both home and you get a facetime call from simon. instantly little riley is reaching for the phone and babbling away over all the things she’s done since he’s been gone.
reluctantly passing you the phone when simon asks to speak to mama. your eyes tracing over his masked face, smiling softly as you remember his hidden features. your heart lurching in your chest because you miss him so terribly.
“so, you’ve been practicing.”
the way he scratches at the back of his neck, you know he’s blushing under the mask. a bright smile blooming on your face as he nods.
“ask’d johnny to stand in h’r place to get the movements right.”
and you can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of your throat, “gaz ‘nd capt’n been giving me pointers, but i’ve got most of it down.”
you sigh softly, just hearing him speak makes your heart thrum in pure happiness. but as your eyes flicker over to your daughter, you feel it plummet.
“m’not gonna tell her you’ve been learning the dance. it’ll get her hopes up and i don’t want her to be disappointed if you can’t make it.”
“i will be there.”
the conviction in his voice causes the sadness swirling in your chest to simmer down because you know he will.
but it’s only the day before the recital that simon gets back home. your daughter clinging to him desperately the whole day.
babbling excitedly about how he’s gonna be home to see her and mama perform. you both decided to let her find out it would be simon dancing with her until she was on stage.
which you are then sitting front row, camera ready and already recording as your little girls brows furrow in confusion as she sees you sitting in the seats. but before she can think too much about it, simon is coming out from the side of the stage, dressed in all black, a black tutu and a simple black balaclava.
the smile on your daughter’s face is the brightest you’ve ever seen and you have to force down the tears that are threatening to fall.
before the music starts you see little riley tugging on his arm, and after simon bends down to hear her, he barks out a laugh. your daughter’s giggles filling the room before the music starts and they start dancing.
her eyes shining brighter and brighter because her dad knew the dance. and caught her anytime her slippery shoes slid a little too much on the stage.
when she’s finally able to get back to you, she’s bolting into your arms. her words jumbled and excited over the fact that she got to dance with her dad, just like all her other little friends.
and when she finally calms down, simon is wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you in closer as he presses a kiss to your temple and you can feel how fucking happy he is.
“what did she tell you before the performance started?”
a warbled noise left his mouth, his eyes full of mirth as he tried so hard not to laugh, “she asked me to not step on her cause mommy always does.”
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serialkilluh1996 · 4 months ago
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Bimboish-female-reader
Warnings; none. Just pure foolery.
Simon loved you. He wouldn't admit it, of course, but you were his favorite subordinate. You were kind and generous, like some princess who belonged in a castle, only to have wound up working as his assistant. He wondered how you even got hired at such a tough place. Maybe you'd sprinkled fairy dust on your application.
You made him weak, merely a facade of the stone cold man he used to be. It's like you had dug a hole in his heart, making a soft spot for yourself to burrow in. You made coming to work more bearable for Simon.
He was eager more willing to get up in the morning cause he knew he'd see you not once, not twice, but a plethora of times throughout the day. He'd see your defined smile and your lively eyes and your bubbly enthusiasm. Simon was convinced it was all just a facade you put on at work. There was no way someone could be this....happy all the time.
You walk into his office, a grin on your face so firm that it pulled the skin from your throat. "You called, Mr. Riley?" "It's lieutenant, sweetheart. But, yeah, I did." He didn't seem as chipper to see you today. He never expressed true happiness anyway. He was just more neutral when you were around. Not today, though. His brows were tense, his eyes were squinted, a tight and precise stare glaring you down like a sniper. "Have a seat." He demands, waving his hand in a come hither motion.
You comply, skipping over to the chair before plopping down and spinning in it. "Don't spend in the chair, please. I'm already on HR's ass about replacing these before they give out."
"Right, of course." You kick out your foot, stopping yourself on the desk, eyes landing directly on his. He looked pretty upset about something.
"I got a complaint about you being out with my men last night. Wanna explain what's going on?" He leans forward accusingly, elbows against the desk and hands under his chin. "Well, we were just out for drinks an–" "Oh, you were out for drinksss?" He says sarcastically, slightly more irritated. "And let me guess, you went home with them too?"
"Of course I did." "Oh, christ." He facepalms, leaning back in his chair, making it creak under his weight.
"Let me explain somethin'. You are MY assistant, you got that? That means your work here is exclusive to me and what I ask you to do. You don't take orders from anyone else here. Not even the captain. Therefore, you have no need or reason to be fraternizing with my men." He lectures you, now visibly angry.
You could tell that going home with them was what pushed him other the edge. "I couldn't let them go alone. They were too drunk to drive." You defended. "Sweetheart, these are grown men. They know their limit and they purposely exceeded it. It's not your responsibility to baby them. They can face the consequences of their actions. They are dangerous individuals that you should distance yourself from. You don't know my men."
"Of course I know them, we see eachother everyday." Simon sighs at your statement. "I'd like to believe that too. but at the end of the day, men always have ulterior motives."
"Ulterior motives?" You tilt your head in confusion. He huffs, muttering under his breath. "Alright, let's say Price, for example. You're this cute girl, smaller than most of the people here. And price is this huge caption, some hairy old weirdo pushing 40. And he invites you over his house. What do you think he wants from you?" His brow arches. "Well, I don't really know John enough to know what he wants."
".....god, why...." it took everything in his will power to hold back his emotions. How could you be so dense? He breathes, steadying himself for the next question.
"Well, would you go or not?" "Yes!" "Yes!?" His voice is strained with shock and distress. "Well, how else am I gonna find out what he wants?" You fold your arms, becoming upset yourself. "Did it not even cross your mind to just ask?!"
"Well, what if he lies?" "What if he lies...." Simon repeats, chuckling under the aggravation, holding back how much you were angering him. How could you be this...slow? "And that's your concern.....tell me, sweetheart...how old are you?" "21." You respond, a small pout in your tone.
"Twenty..one... just...take the week off. I want you to come by my office later on tonight..." "for what?" You ask. "Does it matter if I tell you? What if I lie?" He laughs with exhaustion, and you follow suite. You two were gonna have a looong talk.
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You can support me by liking, commenting, reblogging, and/or cashapping me @fundsbrownie. Donations are optional, but much appreciated. Have fun! And remember, take care of yourself.
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1u11ablues · 8 months ago
​❝ good morning. no, don’t get up, it’s raining, let’s stay in bed a little longer… ❞ (Company Boss Simon 'Ghost Riley' x Reader)
Warning: Implied nsfw.
Petrichor scented the room. Outside, the wind lilted, enticing you to ignore the cold air running in from the window. A siren tempting her victim to freeze to death. 
You wouldn’t care, typically, but the rain slanted in a way that aimed straight into the little room you’ve found yourself in.
You got up to gray. As is the typical colour pallette for the English, with their rain and their clouds and their rare sighting of sun. One could get sick of such things, eventually…
Strong arms slithered up around your waist.
Oh, right. You forgot why you were in this unfamiliar room to begin with.
A night out with your colleagues. Mr. Riley, your boss, making a surprise appearance. You, trying your best not to make it too obvious that you were crushing on him. Even going as far as to pick a seating as far away from the head of the table, but-
How were you to know that he likes to sit with his employees more?
Flashes of images greeted you as you remembered. Him never letting you pour your own drinks out. Making sure your water is always refilled. Him eating with one hand because his big arms made it hard for you to fit both of yours on the table to eat comfortably—and he insisted that you used both of yours.
God, maybe he’d noticed you stealing glances at the way his free hand rests on his thighs, how his fingers almost dipped in and pointing down where his trousers seemed to have trouble hiding a gift.
When your mind started heading towards sinful territories, you excused yourself. Said you were coming down with something. You decided to stop by the washroom to cool your overheated skin off before calling for a ride, but when you exited, was greeted by your boss with a first-aid pack that seemed tiny for his hands.
“Need anything from here?”
You should’ve just said no and dashed right out. But the people pleasing tendencies won that night.
“Paracetamol,” you simply said, reaching a palm out, expecting him to pop open two pills and send you home. Well, you didn’t expect him to actually stepped forward and placed the back of his knuckles against your temple, gauging your temperature.
Thank god you were actually feeling a little warm.
“There’s a clinic down the road. Let me,” and before you know it, your purse was in his hands, and he urged you with only his presence on your back.
When the clinic came into view, you finally admitted that you weren’t really that sick.
“We should check, just in case,” he spoke, the sight of your purse trapped underneath his arm and torso the only thing keeping you distracted from total humiliation right then and there.
“It’s fine, sir. A good night’s sleep is all I need,” you assured. Funny how life decided to laugh and throw in a heavy storm as extra.
“We can’t drive home in this weather,” he complained, hair wet from the downpour, and his arms on grand display. What is it with men and their habits of rolling the sleeves of their shirts up?
“There’s a motel right across,” your idiot mouth suggested, thinking it will only be a while to wait the rain out.
Well, now you’re wet and shivering and it’s almost midnight with no signs of the storm passing. In a one bed motel room with its fluffy duvet and warmer sheets than the death fabric clinging to you.
“I think you should get in bed, love,” he suggested when he noticed you looking at it longingly. Also a wet and shivering mess, stood guard, looking outside the window. “Hang your wet clothes to dry and get warm under the blanket. I’ll leave soon as the rain stops.”
Neither of you seemed to be having the best of luck that night.
“Sir, I think you should do the same. It doesn’t seem like it’ll stop soon.”
“Fuck,” he cursed just as his lips began to pale, stripping down hurriedly before jumping into the bed beside you.
It took a while for him to warm up. Perhaps too long for your comfort.
“Are you still cold, sir?”
He nodded with a twitch of his jaw.
Worried, you pull the covers up until his head is covered. Having no other ideas on how to warm up a man that doesn’t involve touching him.
Eventually, you had to put that suggestion forward, anyway. You called down and requested for warm tea to be sent up, and after he’d downed a cup, braced yourself for your question.
“I’m plenty warm, sir. I’d like to share some of it with you, sir.” I’m not trying to take advantage of you, sir.
In hindsight, you should’ve expected the difficulty that comes with cuddling someone you’re attracted to, skin to skin. 
So something twitched. Jerked. Leaked and stained.
By then, the elephant is the room.
“I’m not known to keep a warmed woman wanting,” he joked with his arms under his head, “but there’s always a first time for everything.”
You scoffed.
“You say that as if your dick isn’t trying to lift the covers off me.”
“I never said I’m not. Wanting.”
“What happens in this room stays in this room?”
Neither of you couldn’t believe the words that naturally tumbled out of you. But it was too late to reel in the rampant thoughts that should’ve been spoken with your inside voice.
What happened next was a flash. It took all but seconds before he pulled you into a crashing kiss. Hovered over you as his lips trailed kisses down your body, stopping just before the apex of your thighs.
Foreplay was too intimate when you know this moment was stolen.
“You’re all but ready,” he echoed your thoughts before pushing in. 
That did the trick of stoking the furnace in him right up. He was no longer shivering from the cold, but from the high of his orgasm as it painted your stomach—both of you trying your best to keep the noise to a minimum. Everyone knows how thin motel walls are.
“Thank you,” he mumbled, settling into a sleepy embrace behind you after he’d cleaned you up. 
Fatigue and bliss kept you from overthinking. But now, in the wee hours of the morning—storm still somehow going strong—your worry blossomed.
Thoughts keep you from falling back into comfortable slumber until the arm pulls you up close to the body behind you. An ongoing heater now that he was able to warm himself up.
“Good morning,” a sleepy murmur came out of him.
Your shiver had nothing to do with the cold blasting into the room. You got up to try to close the windows back up, but stopped by his hold.
“No, don’t get up.”
“It’s raining, sir. I need to close the window before the room gets wet.”
He pressed you firm onto the bed. Sat up and jogged straight to the window to shut it close tight.
“Please, call me Simon,” he said, gazing straight into your eyes. “And please, let’s stay in bed a little longer. We’ll think about the consequences of this later.”
When life throws you a storm…
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ysljoon · 2 years ago
simon 'ghost' riley dom headcanons
wc: 884 warnings: fluff, smut, nsfw under the cut, dacryphilia, bondage, pussy slapping, creampies, oral (m receiving), degradation, spanking, overstimulation, creampies, aftercare, mentions of sub drop, dd/lg (?) a/n: trying to dip my toes back into smutty things it's been so long i gotta dust off the cobwebs MINORS DNI (have your age in your bio or you're getting blocked)
Simon Riley is the sweetest dom but don’t tell anybody that shhh
He knows how to make you melt with all the pet names
His favorites are ‘angel’ and ‘sweetheart’ BUT ‘lovie’, ‘sweet girl’, and ‘pretty girl’ are in the mix too
He is such a worry wart about you!!! If you’re at work/uni he’s asking for updates and doing check ins any chance he gets when he’s not deployed out on a mission
When he’s with you he’s always has an arm around your waist and keeping him close by so nobody or anything can get to you 
He’s a firm believer that you’re his princess so you do NO CHORES around the house 
It’s absolutely banned that you lift a finger at home so your only responsibility is to listen to him
He even loves to pick out your outfits (bro is such a cutie patootie)
If the weather permits most outfits entail skirts and thigh highs it’s his favorite combo
If you’ve had a bad day he has you smothered in blankets and just doting on you bringing you snacks and putting on your favorite show/movie and cooking you your favorite meal
He’s not much of a baker so he will probably DoorDash you a sweet treat (also because he can't bear to leave you by yourself when you’re upset)
If he’s having a bad day he just needs snuggles from you
Y'all are glued to the bed with your bodies flush against each other the whole day
He probably won’t say much either besides some grumbling when you get up to use the bathroom
He’s such a softie when you give him lil kisses he likes little pecks on the cheek and nose
He finds it so cute when you ask him to stoop down so you can give him a forehead kiss
He definitely prefers giving kisses to his babygirl instead tho
Mr. Riley is a sucker for giving you hickeys I don’t make the rules
He loves putting them in the places where everyone can see so everyone knows that you’re claimed 
It’s a pain in the ass for you though, sorry
He adores the sight of you in a collar in the bedroom with you on your knees
Seeing you with tears brimming your lower lash line when you’re begging for him to touch you in some way for relief has him painfully hard in his pants
He’ll of course have a leash attached  so he can pull you closer by having you crawl in between his legs
He’s a throat fucker he can’t get enough seeing and hearing you choke on his cock
He loves seeing your spit dribble down your chin and tears running down your flushed cheeks while he’s using your mouth to get off
He doesn’t love the idea of degradation but he will call you the occasional ‘dumb slut’ or ‘cock slut’ it’s just what you are tho :3
Definitely spits on your pussy to lube it up before he fingers you
He isn’t super rough when he fingers you but is ADDICTED to slapping your pussy
He loves seeing it get so puffy the longer he plays with your pussy
Speaking of slapping if you’re bratty his favorite punishment is spankings
When you’re getting spanked he doesn’t let up until you’re squirming and sniffling
Once he believes you’ve learned your lesson and have apologized for your behavior he gives you soothing rubs with cream and kisses on each of your cheeks
Simon likes using restraints of some kinds (handcuffs, ropes, etc) and laughs when he sees you get impatient when he teases you with his tip right at your slit and clit
An avid enjoyer of doggystyle and missionary
He doesn’t mind choking but will only do it for you when you beg and beg hard 
An overstimulation king fr
By the time y'all are both done he’s came at least 2-3 times 
They’re definitely all crempies too (he loves the occasional money shot, and tries his hardest to avoid your eyes)
Lord knows how many times you have tho you’re definitely seeing stars
He has aftercare down to a science!! That man is so gentle you would never believe he kills people for his line of work
You’re somewhat prone to sub drop so Simon takes extra care of you
He’s very tender when he cleans you up and when he runs a bath he bridal style carries you
He’ll wrap you in the fluffiest and softest robe and place fluffy socks on you too to protect your feet from the cold floor
He’ll bring both a bottle of water and juice for you to drink and even has a snack/candy stash in his nightstand drawer
He’ll feed it to you while you’re situated with you sitting in between his legs with your back against his chest 
He usually will play some calming music in the background for you instead of the TV because it can be overstimulating for you
You usually fall asleep in minutes just listening to the low timbre of his voice humming along with the music
He’ll reposition you so you’re the little spoon and will place a loving lil smooch on your temple wishing you goodnight
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blingblong55 · 2 years ago
Are you hurt? - Simon "Ghost" Riley
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Based on a request:
GN!Reader, Doctor!reader, MDNI, 18+, Smut
You have been recently been assigned to a new base, thanks to the recommendations of Kate Laswell. 141 had recently arrived back at base, their assignment was a tough one to complete, unfortunately for Ghost, he found himself injured. He was dragged to the infirmary despite him saying he was more than okay.
It was a known fact he hated medics, never trusted one, ever. Your team of nurses waited for him in a private room.
''Sir, you have to sit down!'' the nurses tried to control him. ''fuck off I don't need the help!''
You walked in after hearing all the commotion. You sent all the nurses away and closed the curtains and door. It was now you and him in the room.
''Mr. Riley, either I help you or you bleed out.''
''Ghost.'' he said in an annoyed tone.
''..right, Ghost, so will you let me help you? or will I have to sedate you?'' You prepared a needle for him, he shook his head.
''no one else can help, you understand?''
''Alright, just sit steady and I'll clean and close your wounds.'' you have him a small kind smile. After you closed the wound by his abdomen, you noticed some blood leaked down from his balaclava. He knew you had noticed it too, he looked away.
''take it off.''
''my mask?''
You shrug and reached for the needle and prepared his arm to be injected. ''I try to be nice and reasonable, but I have a job to do.''
''Fine, but only attend the wound, no wandering.''
You nod and smile. Soon you slowly took the mask off. The way he looked even under the black eye pain and the dead look on his eyes, still made you blush.
His cheek was bleeding, a somewhat deep cut on it. You gently and carefully cleaned and closed the wound. ''that wasn't so bad was it?'' you smiled as you cleaned up the table by you.
He stayed silent and just looked at you.
''I don't recommend you putting that dirty mask on, you'll get an infection.''
And he didn't say a word, he just stared at you. Inspected your every little detail.
''Thanks.'' he got up from the bed and walk towards the door. He turned back to you, in your hands you had two surgical masks.
''Put one on and take the other.'' it was as if you knew he would ask for one. He takes them from your hand and leaves.
For a few days you two pass each other, you smiled at him and he gives you a small nod. At times when he wouldn't see you eat with the other doctors or medics, he would look for you. He would walk around the hallways of the offices or wander around the medical center. One day he hadn't seen or heard from you, so as usual he went looking for you.
You took your gloves off and walked away from a patients room. He carefully trailed behind, you could feel his presence. You stepped into your office and intentionally left the door open.
''might as well come in.'' you said. All he did was stand by the doorway. ''hi.'' was all he could come up with.
''Hey,'' you smiled at him.
''Can I take a seat?''
You nod as he slowly closes the door behind him and takes a seat in front of your desk. You two awkwardly stare at each other.
''are you hurt?''
''no, I just wanted to talk.'' His eyes trailed to your lips, those war plump lips of yours. How they widened more as you smile or talk about something you liked.
''Simon, call me Simon when we are all alone.''
''right..so Simon, what is it that you wanted to talk about?''
His mind went blank. For days since your delicate hands touched his body he had been dreaming about you. He would touch himself at night, dreaming of your body bouncing on his as you two got off each others high. How he would leave marks on your neck each time you moaned his name. He would love to have a taste of you.
And in that moment he looked around to make sure all curtains were closed, he locked the door and approached you.
''can I kiss you, love?''
You didn't say anything but gave him a small nod. His lips brushing against yours. He was hungry for you, his tongue exploring your mouth as yours did the same. His hands roamed your body, having a feeling for what he knew he would soon call his.
He pulled away, a small smile on him. ''let me please you, love.'' and you allowed him to. He slowly bit your neck, leaving small marks around it.
His throbbing cock leaking pre-cum each time he heard your moans. So soft and delicate, it drove him mad.
He unzipped his pants and took his now hardened cock out. "go on love, I know you want to." You mouth slowly reached for his throbbing cock. It was so sensitive and warm, he tasted somewhat sour and sweet, but you not once complained. He moaned as you pumped his cock. He was so needy for you, wanting to push you more in. You gagged and cried as his hands pushed your further down. Whatever you couldn't fit in your mouth you would jerk it off.
His cock twitching as his cum leaked inside of your sweet mouth. He made you look at him, your eyes dazed as if you had just gotten drunk on his sweet cum.
His hands closing your mouth, ''drink it, we don't want to waste this do we?'' you shake your head and slowly swallow his seed. You opened your mouth to show him it was empty, some of his thick sticky cum rolling down your neck.
''Good boy/girl. Did so well for me.'' he kissed you, he wrapped his arms around your waste.
''why don't you meet me at my room after your shift, think you'll like what I planned for both of us.''
A/N: I know this is short, but I had to feed my hungry mask kinked whores <3
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cadotoast · 6 months ago
Kinktober 1st, 2024: Leather
Biker Simon Riley x Female Reader
Content Warnings: leather kink// hair pulling// dom Simon Riley// Simon's a little mean// Bit of a biker kink which is a bit self-indulgent as my fiance is a biker, hehe// Hand kink if you squint// grinding
Summary: Simon catches you in a questionable position with his leather riding gear. Smut ensues.
"Simon? Are you home?" The front door clicks shut behind you, a tad ominously in the dark of the unlit foyer. The house is quieter than you expected, as Simon is usually home by this time of evening.
There's an odd urge to not disturb the silence, so you slip your shoes off at the bench near the door, setting them next to your husband's well-loved riding boots. Well, one of his three current pairs, that is. You take a second to straighten them, a little needlessly. But if you're honest with yourself, you will never pass up a chance to feel up Simon's boots.
It's not a foot thing, you swear; it's the leather.
You yourself don't tend to wear it a whole lot. But Simon? You think Simon would live in leather for the rest of his life if he could.
Some of his leather is functional, like his protective motorcycle gear. His boots and jacket always carry the musk of leather polish and metal.
Other leather items are more... aesthetic. Leather pants that suffocate his thighs and ass. A cuff bracelet that can be turned into leather cuffs for bondage, a "spicy friendship bracelet" as he jokingly called it once.
Regardless of the item, if its leather, you love it.
The house is quiet, and remains so as you soft-foot your way to the bedroom. Warm lamplight fills the room when you flick a switch, revealing a magnificent German Shepherd drooling all over your favorite pillow in his sleep.
"Radar! Get down!" The dog startles at your voice, and is off the bed before he seems fully awake. He then snuffles you affectionately with a yawn. "Hello to you too, Mr. Trouble." You glance at Simon's bedside table, seeing it bare of his personal effects. "I guess its just you and I for a bit."
Radar, thankfully, does not reply back to you in English, but simply nudges your hand before leaving the room. Moments later you hear the sound of his dog bed rustling, and then his earth-shaking sigh. You promptly switch out both pillow and pillowcase for spares in the linen closet. You may love the dog, but you dont exactly love his slobber.
You slip into your nightly routine fairly easily, warming up leftovers for yourself and getting ready for the following day. While organizing the office the two of you share, you come across an unfamiliar jacket lying on Simon's desk. As you approach, you're hit with a very strong smell of leather. The musk startles you, breath hitching in your throat as a warmth burns in your cheeks.
Bemused with your own intense reaction, you settle in Simon's chair and gather the coat to your face. It still has a tag on it, though you don't see a price listed.
Each inhale of the jacket's scent seems to go to your head, a dizzying sensation that has you leaning back in the chair. You close your eyes, focusing on the scent. Imagining the jacket on Simon is not hard to do. A man of his stature would appear the size of a mountain, broad-shouldered and towering over everyone. The dark clothing only serves to make him appear even larger than usual.
The leather is cool under your touch as you press the sleeve against your cheek, biting your lip as you breathe deeply.
Now you're imagining the bar where you and Simon met, one of the sketchy bathrooms with a lock that seems dubious. Simon stands behind you, wearing Kevlar riding gear and the leather jacket, motorcycle helmet still in place. You cant see his expression behind the tinted visor, but the way his hands ghost over your body betray his desire, rough palms gripping your hips and pulling you back into his undoubtedly throbbing erection.
Fuck. Now you're horny, and Simon isn't back yet. You drop the jacket into your lap, trying to get a breath of fresh air. You can feel the burn of a blush creeping down your neck to your chest, a sure sign of your arousal.
"Dammit, pull it together," You grumble to yourself. All the same, when you get up and exit the office, you bring the jacket with you. There in your bedroom, you succumb to your desire, stripping out of your clothes so you can lie on the bed with nothing between you and the jacket you now hold.
Eyes closed, you hold the collar of the jacket to your nose, the scent flooding your brain. The sleeve of the jacket you grasp in your dominant hand, and begin to drag the leather against your heated and sensitive skin.
"H-oh..." The whimper comes unbidden, a breathy sound escaping your parted lips as your skin seems to tingle under the touch of the leather. You press a little harder into the leather's touch, wishing it were Simon's hands on you. His riding gloves have this roughness to them that would make his grip on your heated skin even more exquisite.
You whimper, the noise shrill in the quiet bedroom as you begin to rub the jacket sleeve against your swollen clit, pleasure radiating up your spine and through your limbs.
In your gaze of pleasure, you don't notice the front door opening and closing; you don't hear Radar's woof of greeting, or the heavy thud of boots on the hardwood.
"Well what do we have here?" You tense in shock as a weight presses down on your chest, and your eyes fly open as you shriek. Simon, still in full riding gear, peers down at you through his visor, gaze fixed where his gloved hand is planted on your sternum-right between your breasts.
"Honey!" Your voice sounds unnaturally high and shrill. "I didn't know when you were coming home--"
"Don't. Move."
You freeze, having been previously trying to scooch out from under Simon's hand. Being unable to see his expression, but being on full view to him... It's almost like being blindfolded. You can read his body language sort of, but not his face. The skull printed on his helmet stares down at you.
"Having fun without me, Birdie?" Simon pulls a yelp from you as he tugs on your erect nipple. The abrasiveness of his glove makes you whimper again.
"Only a little..." Simon's hand suddenly skims your body, his gloved thumb pressing into your clit harshly. You can't help the helpless roll of your hips as you seek out pleasure. "Simon, please." You pout adorably up at him, hands reaching for the visor of his helmet.
"Needy," Simon scolds, shaking his head and stepping away from you and out of reach. "Needy little wife."
You pout again, folding your arms over your breasts, squeezing them together on purpose.
"Price gave me that jacket, n'know?" Simon's voice is a rumbling growl. "Kind of you to break it in for me." His loved hand is in your hair then, and you're being pulled from the bed and made to kneel, right on top of Simon's riding boot.
"you're gonna rub that pretty little pussy on my boots, and you're going to polish that leather until it shines, won't you?"
The material is already abrasive against your sensitive clit, but with Simon still holding you on your knees, there's little left to do than obey. With a wanton moan, you succumb to the list, rolling your clit over and over the shoe, the scent of the jacket strong in your nose.
The taste of leather and grime on your tongue makes you grimace as Simon sticks his middle and ingex finger into your mouth. But you suck obediently as the musk quickly joins the intoxicating scent
"good little whore, eh?" Simon chuckles deeply, watching you rut on his show and suckle on his fingers. "Are you going to cum for me?"
You whine, nodding your head as your hips pick up speed. Simon smirks at you, letting you chase your high and indulge. Your climax begins to approach in a rush, and you whimper and moan around the gloved fingers in your mouth. Simon tilts his toe up and pulls back on your hair, a moaning shriek escaping you as your climax washes over you, and you're suddenly no longer gagged.
Your cry echoes through the house as you say against Simon's thigh, his hand now patting your head as you recover shakily.
"I'll tell the cap'n that the missus likes the new jacket."
Author's Note:
If you made it this far thank you, lol. This will be my first attempt at several things, including posting my own naughty shit instead of reblogging other's naughty shit, and beginning my first writing challenge. My goal is to try and post once a day for each day in october. Will it happen? Fuck if i know, but I'm gonna try
Also I don't really like how this one came out. Don't be too harsh with me 🫣
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mehidktbh · 1 year ago
There's A First For Everything
Pairing: Mafia!Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
Summary: You find yourself surprised, shocked and all of the above with the recent discovery of that strange man working under the same business roof as you. But with your supervisor preoccupied, it's the mysterious consultant who steps in. He takes you under his wing, guiding you through the building.
Warning: A small mention of sex and intimacy
A/N: Getting back on that Tumblr grind after months of being off. Sorry about that and I apologise for the sudden drop in posting and this series cliffhanger. Back its back and improved with my more better writing improvement.
Taglist: @captainsbaby, @feedthefandoms995, @kyuupidwrites, @fatedeniedhope, @bangirl134, @blueoorchid, @iimfae, @a1nazzz, @motherofreposts, @emi-flaces, @liliumbosniacum, @whore-for-anime, @zeyzeys-stuff, @greenhornphotography, @ofmenanduhhhwellmen, @simonsslvt, @bunky101, @gisselleherrerposts, @natchayaphorn, @xdarkcreaturex, @theunknownartistsworld, @somelikeitmaat, @mxtokko
▻ Chapter 3 from the It’s Always Been You series ◅
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Your heart pounded in your chest as you faced the reality that the mysterious man from the club was not only part of this enigmatic company but had a role that extended far beyond the dance floor. Mr. Riley, the man who had saved you from the clutches of danger, was deeply entwined with this organization.
Simon acknowledged the introduction with a nod, his expression giving nothing away. Those piercing blue eyes, which had held a hint of amusement when you two first met, his eyes ranked you up and down. He was like a wolf, picking out the things that you felt he could see made you squirm.
"Welcome, Y/N," he said, his tone neutral.
You nodded, struggling to find your voice. "Hello."
Mr. Reynolds, who had been observing the between you two interaction with an unreadable expression, suddenly stoped as he spoke. "I'm sure you have many questions, Y/N. But for now, let's focus on your role here. Mr. Riley will be your point of contact for any inquiries or assistance you may need."
Mr. Riley gave a curt nod, acknowledging his responsibility. "I'll do my best to ensure you settle in smoothly, Y/N."
With that, Mr. Reynolds excused himself, leaving you alone with Mr. Riley in the office. The weight of the situation bore down on you. As you watched Mr. Riley leaned against a nearby desk, studying you with a sudden and new hint of curiosity. "You seem surprised."
You took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing thoughts. "I am. I never expected… any of this."
He gave a wry smile, though there was a glint of something else in his eyes, something you couldn't quite decipher. "Life has a way of surprising us, Y/N."
As the minutes passed, Mr. Riley began to unravel the things of your new role, explaining the tasks and responsibilities that lay ahead. Despite the initial shock, his guidance put you at ease, and you found yourself drawn to his enigmatic presence.
"Sorry, but Mr. Riley-"
"Simon. Call me Simon."
His interruption was gentle, and his eyes held a hint of warmth as he corrected you. A strange mix of emotions bubbled within you - confusion, curiosity, and an unexplainable attraction to this enigmatic man. Simon Riley, the consultant.
You cleared your throat, feeling a nervous chuckle creeping up your throat at the realization that you were getting lost in his gaze. "Simon," you repeated, "I was wondering about my office and, well, where I'll be working."
Simon straightened, his posture commanding and confident. "Of course, Y/N. Follow me."
With that, he led the way out of Mr. Reynolds' office and into the corridor. The building's interior was a stark contrast to its unassuming exterior. Polished marble floors stretched beneath our feet, and the walls were adorned with sleek, modern artwork. As you two walked, Simon explained, "Your office is on the twenty-first floor, and it's ready for you. I've arranged a workspace that should suit your needs. I hope it meets your expectations."
You couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement at the prospect of your own office, yet questions nagged at the edges of your mind. "A workspace?" At previous office jobs those who are new start from the ground up, a bathroom-sized cubicle and an even smaller office for your 'hard-earned' work you did for the business for ten-plus years.
Simon raised an eyebrow, a faint smirk playing on his lips. "Of course, I pulled some strings. I always aim for the best for newcomers like you."
As you and Simon reached the elevator, he pressed the button for the twenty-first floor. The ride-up was silent, but the tension in the confined space. When the elevator doors opened, you stepped out onto the twenty-first floor, and Simon led you down a corridor lined with identical wooden doors. Each door had a nameplate indicating its occupant.
Finally, you and he arrived at a door with your name neatly engraved on a nameplate. Simon opened it to reveal a tastefully decorated office with a large window offering a breathtaking view of the city. A sleek desk, a comfortable chair, and an assortment of office supplies awaited you.
You stepped inside, taking in the space that would soon become your sanctuary within this enigmatic building. "It's… perfect," you admitted, genuinely impressed.
Simon leaned against the doorframe, a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. "I'm glad you like it, Y/N. You'll find everything you need here." His gaze was like a caress, tracing the contours of your figure as you faced the expansive window that overlooked the sprawling city of Manhattan below. You were completely unaware of his secretive admiration of your tight shirt and unmatching heels. It gave him the feeling that you were cute to the picky eye of him.
As his eyes traced the lines of your fitted shirt and the unmatching yet oddly charming heels you wore. It was clear that he found your unconventional style appealing, a departure from the fake and bratty women he must have encountered in his world. The ones that throw themselves at him for a bit of his dick or just praise.
"Good luck on your first day, Y/N," he said, his voice low and intimate. With a faint, enigmatic smile, he closed the door. He was so quick to leave as if he realised he better leave before he did something embarrassing or regrettable. Yet only now do you turn around to drop an unheard "Bye" as he had already disappeared like the mysterious shadow he was down the hall. As you prepared for the new office day ahead.
Little did you know that Simon's fascination with you was growing into something far more powerful—an obsession that would shape the course of everything.
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