#down with stim shaming
everyone should think too deeply about small oc details forever btw. it makes life better
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multiversal-stims · 5 months
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Robertsky Peachman stimboard for my personal challenge!
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fernsensei · 1 year
Could you draw V1 stimming? :]
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maybe i'll do a high quality version of this bc i like to point on v1 and say "thats literally me" but for now please enjoy this silly sketch
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Something I've noticed is whenever I pick up a vocal stim it always is the most annoying possible thing. Pretty song everyone likes? No no no you're just going to repeat the "Hatsune Miku does not talk to british people" audio. A popping or clicking sound? Nope it's just the fucking rats rubber room thing. It's so fucking... crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a roo-💥
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inkdrinkerworld · 3 months
You're little corner of the world seems so cozy! I love your background pic 🫶🏻
If you wouldn't mind, could you write a polymarauders story with an autistic female reader? Where she shows autistic traits but doesn't realize what she's doing until Remus asks her about her autism and she's like "what"? Symptoms shown are stimming and going nonverbal whilst watching a movie at home with the boys.
Thanks love!
You’re wringing your hands to all hell as the movie plays on the tv screen. Your boyfriends had wanted to watch an action horror and while you weren’t opposed to horror, this one had your heart racing.
Remus is in the kitchen getting you more kettle corn, James is laying on the loveseat waiting for his return and Sirius’ head is in your lap.
You’re all a picture of cosiness, the rain outside beating down on the roof while you’ve all opted for long sleeved sweaters and fluffy blankets across your laps. Still, the comfort of both the weight of Sirius, James near you and your blankets isn’t enough to help you not twist and pull at your fingers.
“Doing alright, doll?” Sirius asks, turning in your lap so he can look at you. His question isn’t loud enough to pull James from the macabre scenes on the tv; at least not yet.
“Mhm,” Sirius’ eyes narrow as you push the joint of your thumb.
“Need me to find something else for us to watch?” That would honestly be ideal, but you’ve all been wanting to watch this for weeks.
“No, I think it just needs to get past this part and I’ll be okay.”
Remus comes back just as Sirius sits up, changing his position so you’re laying in his lap instead.
“Everything okay?” James asks as Remus keeps hold of the popcorn bowl.
“Fine, think she’s just overstimulated with the scenes right now.” Sirius says softly, not wanting you to feel bad but also not wanting to hide anything from your boyfriends.
You’re not upset by it; though you do wish James wouldn’t look at you in as much horror as he is now.
James is ready to flick off the tv and find something else for you to look at when you shake your head.
“S’okay Jamie, I’ll be better once this is over.” You sound less sure than you’d like to. James pauses the movie anyhow.
Remus sets the kettle corn down and kneels in front of you, holding onto your ankle.
“Dovey,” his voice quiet but not one you can lie to. It’s hard to lie to any of them, but Remus is even harder to lie to. “If you need us to change the movie it’s no biggie. We can watch it another day.”
You’re thankful Remus doesn’t say ‘on a better day,’ today hasn’t been bad, this was just a sudden shift.
You hold his eyes, Sirius stroking your cheek as James stands, not able to bear the fact that he’s the only one with his hands off you.
“Can we look at something else?” James breathes a relieved sigh, looking through your favourite set of movies.
“Thank you,” you say quietly, not wanting to look at any of them in their eyes. There’s a little bubble of shame, that you can’t sit still for a two hour movie because your mind is whirring and overstimulated.
“Stop it, baby.” James says, opening his arms to you and you rush over. James lets you tuck your head under his chin, his big arms holding you close to him as you relax. Sirius and Remus cuddle up next to the two of you, not even minding that you all hardly fit on the loveseat.
“Legally Blonde okay, poppet?” you nod, stretching to kiss all your boyfriends on their head, cuddling right up between them as Elle Woods braves your screen.
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Imagine feeling comfortable enough to stim around your f/o. Feeling good enough about it to do so without judgment, shame, or the fear of being put down for it. Having them uplift you, encourage you, and support you in the ways you choose to express yourself. The wonderful feeling of acceptance, freedom, and positivity that washes over you as they give you that space to just be.
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xyfanficarchive · 3 months
Laios x Fat Reader HCs (reader of nonspecified gender with boobs and pussy)
18+ 😈
First of all. It's been said but. Fat is totally his type. real and factual and canon 100% i stake my life on it
i mean, he's not that superficial. Laios will fall for someone's personality and not their body. but trust, if he's walking down the street and someone attractive catches his attention so much so that all he can do is think "waow.... theyre really hot......" and stare (and he will stare, unsubtly and without shame, like, he'll turn his head as he passes you by and then trip over his own feet or walk into a lamppost or smth) then that person guaranteed has a lil more fat on their body
if youre uncomfotable with your body..... get comfortable. he's a handsy lover. he wants to touch you and feel you. and he's not shy about loving the way you squish under his hands and in his arms
its not even necessarily an erotic thing much of the time, when he feels you up and pokes and prods you (gently) all over; it's a simple pleasure to his brain to feel the warmth and weight of your breast in his open hand, to press your tummy and pinch the fat on your hips between his thumb and fingers, just to watch the supple flesh deform under his touch and bounce back into place. he'll trace up and down your stretch marks because he likes the way the skin texture feels different there, and touch the pads of his fingers to the dimples of cellulite on your butt and thighs just to feel how your skin embraces his fingertips. he can be pretty mindless about it, his hands drifting across your body as you lie together (yes, he uses you as a stim toy)
of course if you hate this kinda treatment that much, he’ll stop. he won’t torment you. but if, say, you ask him to only touch you in ways and places that dont remind you of your fatness too much, he’ll have an intuition that its because of feelings of insecurity whether you say so or not. and it makes him so so sad because all he wants is to show you how wonderful your body is to him, how delightful it is to touch you in all your softness, how the very presence of you squished up next to him is such a comfort that its all he can do to grab at you and pull you closer and closer to him in crushing embrace- there is no part of you that is so disgusting that Laios wouldnt want to explore.
on the topic of insecurity. if youre feeling bad about the way you look, whether its just a bad image day, or if you find out that you gained some weight and have to get new clothes made from the tailor, he will reassure you. but it will not be a tactful and gentle kind of reassurance, he’s not going “noooo baby but youre still so beautiful tho 🥺.” boy is so so delighted to inform you of all the reasons why its GOOD that youre fat. he has like a whole presentation prepared and he’s talking a mile a minute about how he loves that youre not afraid to eat a full days worth of nutritious meals, and how its good to put on weight to crawl the dungeon, about the energy you expend doing all that walking and fighting and the calories it takes to get revived if you die, talking about how you can go longer in the cold before succumbing to hypothermia and longer without food before youre incapacitated by hunger, how having a thick layer of fat means your vital organs are better protected from slashing and stabbing and blunt force damage alike, getting more passionate as he goes on. and by the time your eyes are glassy and ears are fuzzy from all the knowledge he imparted upon you he grabs you by the shoulders, fingers digging into your deltoids, glowering down at you with a look of such intensity that you shrink away, he finishes his rant with a deathly seriousness: “and….. it makes you really sexy, too..!”
and he does think youre so so fucking sexy; congratulations because it genuinely doesnt happen often! ususally he's too busy thinking about monsters and dungeon ecology and how to make his next incursion below more successful.... if you're reading to this point still somehow thinking that by "fat" i mean "exclusively chubby" then don't worry... i mean, yes he will drool over your cute little tummy pooch and your thick thighs, and he daydreams about sucking your full, round boobs - but he also starts sweating the first time he sees the way your breasts sag under your shift, he wants to taste your skin, he wants to leave bite marks on your back rolls, and side rolls, and he wants to dive in the folds of your belly, and when he sees your luscious pubic mound he gets dizzy and lightheaded because all the blood is going to his cock-
he'd happily die suffocating between your thighs
don't feel anxious about the way you smell around him - you don't, at least no more than anyone else after a long day of walking, but if you did, Laios is a known freak and he's totally into that. you'll never forget the first time you found this out; you were enjoying a simple embrace with him before washing up at the end of the day, your arms thrown around his neck as he leaned down and pressed his forehead into your shoulder, inhaling deep a few relaxed breaths before something changed, his body tense underneath you. you almost pulled away to ask what's wrong but - he grabbed you at the elbow and outright manhandled your arm to stop you from pulling away or pinning your arm to your side, and it's then that you realized to your utter mortefaction that he'd stuck his nose in the crook of your arm and was sniffing your armpit. you almost made a fuss asking him what the hell is he doing?!?! except for the fact that chilchuck was over in the corner organizing his pack and marcille was facing the wall combing out her hair in the mirror and neither of them have seemed to notice anything and you would never, never, never live it down from either of them if you were to draw their attention. but ultimately you couldn't help the way your heart softened to your big weirdo man when he finally pulled his face out of your pit, flushed red to his ears, his irises a thin golden ring around his wide dilated pupils, as he breathed out "I dunno why, but it smells so good..."
when he eats you out, he's literally huffing your pussy scent. he takes his time smelling you as he kisses his way down your thighs. and when he's buried in your folds, sometimes it's almost concerning and you think there's something wrong. is he starved for air, can he breathe down there??? (i did say he'd be happy to die there....) no. thats just how into it he is. one time you ask him what it smells like to him, thinking maybe his perception is significantly different, perhaps because of his hormonal profile or something, and he pauses to think for a moment before elaborating: "it smells like, musky and animalic... a little sweet, and kind of funky, like a little sour and salty almost like sweat, it's so great!" maybe not what you expected, but he only sounded more and more giddy about it as he went on.
he can tell roughly where you are in your cycle based on your smell. this comes far enough into your relationship that nothing can surprise you anymore.
he just loves watching you as he fucks you. the way the shockwave of each thrust ripples throughout your whole body, your tits jiggling back and forth with each gasp of pleasure, and the way it sounds so obscene with your wetness spread out over your plush thighs clicking when his hips make contact and when he pulls away. theres no time or space in your head to be self conscious when you're making those sweet uh uh uh uh sounds every time his cock bottoms out inside you. he loves to pull back and watch it happen, the way his shaft glistens with your slick between your pillowy lips, savouring the stroke of delicious pleasure shooting through his nerves as he glides back in, watching as his pubic bone meets your cushiony mons and the way you shake under it all, your body so completely open to him, he could hardly imagine a more erotic sight or a more beautiful person to share this part of him with
thats all i got for now hope u enjoyed <333
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Could I request headcanons for whb kings (Lucifer, Satan, Leviathan, Beelzebub, and Mammon) reacting to MC asking if they can buy matching half heart necklaces for both of them to wear where each necklace has a half a heart to connect the other half? Only if he's interested! If my description doesn't makes sense, please search "matching half heart necklaces" on Google!
I don't think any of them would mind if you asked, so I'll just write about Mc gifting them the necklace. Also, for everyone's knowledge, I see all your asks. If I don't answer it, it's because I conciously deleted it. There's no need to send it multiple times over.
Mc gifting the kings matching heart necklaces
Satan would get a bit flustered over it. Did you want a necklace like his and this is your way of convaying that? He would take off his necklace and replace it with the one you gave him. Whenever you're together he'd try at least once to click them to form a full heart. He might be the devil, but he's also such a boy failiour when it comes to you.
Mammon would wear it with such pride he'd put Lucifer to shame. Whenever he interacts with someone he'd be like "Do you like my necklace? My master gave it to me." Would have prefered a collar, but anything gifted by you is worth more than the world to him. Happiest devil imaginable.
Leviathan would scoff. Really? You think he would wear such a childish accessory? In his grave... literarly, he would wear it in his coffin and giggle like a school girl. Would ask you if anyone else has recieved a smililar necklace from you and throws a hissy fit if they did. He covers it up with his clothes, but he wears it 24/7.
Beelzebub would be glad to wear it. He never takes it down, so you'll be able to tell which is the og Beelzebub. It becomes his favorite stim toy, constantly fidgeting with it. He would connect the heart with yours all the time and he gets pouty if you don't want to.
Lucifer would just stare at it in confusion. This must be a human cuarting ritual... right? He heard that humans wear jewlery to represent a romantic bond. He could have sworn they were usually rings, but you're a peculiar creature even compered to your bretheren, perhaps you just wanted to be quircky and unique. Such pride comming from a human. He'll accept your gift, wearing it around his neck all the time and he expects you to do the same.
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eustasskidagenda · 1 year
omg hi hi! i adore your writing so much :3! if its alright with you, could i get headcanons for how crocodile, law, kid, and ace would be with an autistic s/o who loves to infodump, but is nervous to do so. theres always this odd bit of shame that accompanies infodumping for me because i get so excited i cant properly articulate myself *lays down* its just a mess of stimming, stuttering, and laughing at my own jokes. i feel embarrassed after, even if its totally an illogical response. im unsure if you write for autistic y/n so feel free to ignore this if you dont. thank you so much <33
☆Crocodile, Law, Kid & Ace with an autistic s/o who loves to info dump 
Hello, dear anon! I'm not used to write autistic y/n, because I don't know enough about this and I wouldn't like to be harmful. However, the situation you're describing is something close to ADHD, which I know well. So I've made some additional researches to be sure and come up with something, I hope you will like it. Thank you for your request, it was a sweet one ♡
CW : g/n reader, slight curses for Kid, fluff 
WC : Around 1,500 words
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Crocodile doesn't talk much, he's always serious and quiet. It's just that he's often thinking about his business and plans. But he's a good observer and would immediately notice if you want to say something but are too nervous to do it. He knows you perfectly, so he would recognize the way you're fidgeting.
He's a man with good manners, so his first reflex would be to lock the door and make sure no one can enter and destabilize you. When it's done, he will point his chair towards you.
"Sit. I'm listening, y/n." 
Actually, he likes hearing you speak during hours. He knows it's a way to express your love and feelings. He's flattered that you want to share your world with him. Go ahead and speak, he will listen. Even if he's just nodding or commenting short sentences in response, he has a good memory and will remember everything you said to him. 
If you're talking too fast and start to get really flustered, he will let you know that you're speaking too fast, like 'y/n, what did you just say?' 
Your hyper-focus and info-dumping are appreciated by Crocodile because he enjoys learning new things and you're a source of knowledge. Maybe he's impassive and struggles to express his feelings, but sometimes you will hear him talk about what he learned with you, so clearly he listened to every single word. 
"Don't be ashamed, it was interesting. Can we talk more about this specific point?" 
If you say something that he is really curious about, he has no shame asking for more. It's a way for him to express his genuine care for you. For him, it's a way to prove to you that even though he's always quiet, he cares.
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Law is similar to Crocodile in his lack of emotional expression and limited speech. He is always busy, struggling with his parasitic thoughts and taking care of his patients. Finding some private time with you is a challenge for him. 
If you run into Law with excitement about your passion or new hyper-focus, he may feel embarrassed because it's not the perfect time for him. Autism is something he knows about, and he is an intelligent and educated man. And, he wants to make you feel safe and comfortable. 
"I'll be yours in a moment, y/n-ya."
He has a complete understanding of you and is an excellent observer. The way you're already blushing, fidgeting, and swallowing nervously. He can even hear your heart racing. So first thing first, he will tell you to take a deep breath. After all, he’s a doctor. 
"What do you wanna talk about?" 
As Crocodile, he's a great listener. When you're full of passion and excitement, he thinks you're cute. He likes the sound of your voice. He loves when you want to find him and talk about your passion, because you're offering him a break from his work. If you weren't there, he would be stuck either in work or in his own head. When he's with you, he can forget about his dream of avenging. You're his safe place, truly. 
He doesn't speak a lot. But he is listening.M and asks questions from time to time.
"Yn-ya, there's been no urge. Take your time." And if you're stuttering a lot, he would just say nothing because it's pointless to make a remark, as long as he can understand what you're saying, he will never say something about your elocution. 
"That's interesting, where did you learn that much?" 
Law is a curious and intelligent man, so he likes to learn more about almost everything. If it can help him with his plans or maybe his patients, it might even be beneficial for him.
During your bedtime together, he would ask you to talk about your passions. The way you talk and laugh is like his own lullaby. When you speak, he can find inner peace because it shuts down all the voices in his head. He might fall asleep sometimes when he feels tired. It's just that you're providing him with some relief. When he wakes up, he would be deeply sorry. "So, yesterday, you stopped at this precise point… what were you trying to say after?"
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Kid is so goddamn loud. And really passionate. He's focused on his goal of becoming the next PK and has loved mechanics and robotics since childhood. He would be aggressively sweet, like frowning when he notices how stressed and nervous you act towards him. "Hey, Y/N, why are you so fucking nervous? Just speak" 
He thinks you're cute with your cheeks all red. On the flip side, he's a bit confused. Why are you nervous? Is it his fault? He knows he's loud, hard to love and rough, but he cares about people he likes. Have you seen how he acts with Killer and his crew? He loves his people. 
And, as a punk, Kid is marginalized. He knows a lot about being different, and if you feel ashamed about it, he can understand. "Come on y/n, let's find a private place" 
Grab your wrist in an aggressive yet sweet way and lead you to his workshop or bedroom. He sits you on the bed with his arms crossed and eyebrows raised. "Now we're alone." 
So, you start talking nervously. It doesn't matter if the topic is interesting to him or not, he will listen. Because as I said, Kid is a passionate. Everything can be made interesting by passionate people. So, yeah, talk about birds, cakes, plushies, or anything stuck in your head. He will like it. And he enjoys the sound of your voice. He’s even flattered to be your special someone, the one you’re looking for when you need to talk. It fuels his ego and pride.
He will deal with your stuttering as he deals with Killer's laugh. He'll shut up and smash all the people making fun of you if there's something you hate about yourself. You're his s/o, no one can laugh at you and continue to live without facing his rage.
"Goddamn, slow down" yes, not the best with kindness, but at least he's paying attention. 
He wouldn't help but think you're really cute, with your eyes shining as you finally manage to relax and express how passionate you are. He understands your excitement because when he talks about robots, music, punk or weapons, he's exactly the same. 
Kid is not the most culturally advanced, it depends on the topic. He enjoys learning new things thanks to you or Killer, it's important for him to be credible, and he hates looking inferior in front of others. 
"See, there was no reason to be that nervous" When you finished speaking.
Just poke your cheek, grin and leave a mark of lipstick on your front-head before returning to his activities and yelling proudly to everyone he knows everything about the subject you just info-dump about.
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The sweetest. Ace's personality is both compassionate and protective. He grew up with Luffy, so passionate and talkative people are something he knows a lot about. As he's proud of his brother, he's proud of you and can listen to everything you say for hours. 
"Y/N, is there something wrong?" 
Yeah, he would immediately notice that you're starting to get nervous. His first reflex is to find a more private place, if that's not already the case. He wants to do everything to make you feel safe and loved. If it's winter or just cold, he would even use his DF to warm the room. As soon as you're all comfortable, he'll run his fingers through your hair. "You know I will always listen." 
Ace doesn't speak a lot about what's on his mind. He's way too stubborn and always struggles with guilt due to the blood running through his veins. So he enjoys having someone like you. Your voice is soothing him, and he loves how passionate and honest you are always. 
For him, it's even amazing and unreal to have someone talk to him. You're treating him like a normal human and not a failure, because he feels like it often: unloved, unwanted and unworthy.
"Sweetie, you don't have to rush, we have the time, I'll always listen" if you start to speak too fast.
Would entwine his fingers with yours when you're stuttering and laugh heartily at your jokes. You remind him of his dear little brother. He feels lucky to have you by his side. 
"I could listen for hours." And he's totally honest.
If someone makes fun of you, he's truly mad. You are as significant to him as his brother or Whitebeard. And if someone makes fun of his loved-one, Ace is merciless and really impulsive.
"Please, say more about this specific point!", "Oh, really, that's so funny?" He wants to make you talk even more. Until you're finally relaxed and able to speak without stuttering, blushing, or anything else. He doesn't mind it, even if it lasts for hours. Once you're done, he has his usual sweet smile on his face. "That was so interesting, why are you so embarrassed?" 
So you explain to him that you feel embarrassed about your info dump because you're afraid to annoy people or talk too fast etc." It's alright, you won't bother me." 
You're his sunshine. He feels loved with you. He feels more than just the son of someone; he's just Ace, and that's the most beautiful thing in the world for him.
Such a sweet boy. ♡
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queer-n-here · 7 months
Hey I was the one who asked for the Sigma and Atsushi fic ur fine 😭 but anyways Atsushi n Sigma who love bite you without realizing that theyre doing it and it leads to smth else 🤫
Hey, thanks for sending it again bro! I'm double posting today cuz I felt kinda guilty for making you send this twice (and also cuz I literally have nothing else to do so...)
I hope you like it, and I hope it's worth the double ask!
Contents: Atsushi bites you in instinct first thing in morning, so you fuck him. Sigma bites you mid-breakdown, so you calm him down then fuck him!
Warnings: Smut, top male reader, biting (reader receiving), marking (Atsushi), nipple play (Atsushi), dubcon (Atsushi), cnc (Atsushi), edging and over stim (both mentioned for Atsushi), comfort (Sigma), gentle sex (Sigma), praise kink (Sigma)
Nakajima Atsushi
I can imagine him biting you. He's a tiger bruhh.
Anyways, on a more serious note
Atsushi who bites you first thing in the morning when you wake up beside him, too sleepy to even processing what he's doing.
Atsushi whose eyes widen when he finally does process it, scrambling away from you and apologizing profusely.
Atsushi who keeps opening and closing drawers to find a medical kit; he drew blood from your shoulder. You have to grab both his hands to stop him from moving.
Atsushi who blushes and shakes his head when you ask him if he's into that.
But you'd be stupid if you listened to him.
So don't.
Push Atsushi onto the bed, rip his clothes to pieces as he struggles beneath you, arguing how it's so early in the morning, that even the sun's not up properly, you can't possibly-
Prove him wrong, show him that you can fuck him that early in the morning, pinning his arms down on either side of his head as you kiss and bite his nipples, making them swell and grow erect at the touch of your lips.
Take both Atsushi's wrists in one hand and spread his legs wide open with the other, his asshole already loose from last night's activities.
He's struggling under you now, but you know for a fact that that's just how he likes it, that perverted little cat. He wants to feel your control of him. He wants to feel helpless under your strong grip.
Slowly, Atsushi's arguments will turn into moans and cries of pleasure as you enter him, your dick swelling at the sight of him beneath you.
Fuck him, pound him till his mind breaks, till he looses all his shame and reason.
Fuck Atsushi till he forgets his denial about biting you, and his teeth clamp down on your shoulder for the second time that morning, making you hiss in pain and speed your thrusts up.
Bully his nipples and mark his collarbone, his pale skin turning red and purple under your insistent lips as he pants and huffs, his back arching under you.
Make Atsushi see stars, edge him till he's begging you for release, hips bucking into yours.
Or over stimulate him till he hasn't got a drop of cum left in his balls, till he's coming up with dry orgasms.
He's all yours to play with, so don't stop till he really can't go on.
When you're done, kiss his forehead and tell him how good he did.
Sigma bites you in the middle of a breakdown, so despite the spark of heat that that sends down to your crotch, you don't react.
He's barely able to breathe, heaving and panting as more tears stream down his already wet face, his hands fisting in the material of your shirt as he tries to remain in control of his mind.
You talk to Sigma, your voice soothing as you murmur sweet nothings into his ear, praising him incessantly, stroking the back of his head as he presses his face into your chest.
You're worried that he will suffocate, and so you try to pull away, but he doesn't let you, muffling his sobs and sniffles in your shoulder and clinging on.
You let him, holding him close to you and rubbing circles into his back to try to get him to calm down. He needs to calm down, and you hold him till he does.
Once Sigma relaxes, the stream of tears finally coming to a halt, you wipe his face gently and kiss his forehead, asking him if he's alright. He nods slowly.
You let him collect his bearings, not wanting to make him uncomfortable in any way. It ends up being him who brings it up.
Sigma notices the bite mark on the side of your neck, wincing at the broken flesh.
"I'm sorry... I really didn't mean to."
He won't stop apologizing easily, so kiss him and slide your hand under his shirt, murmuring that you didn't mind, that he can do it again if he wants.
Flip Sigma over, make him lay on his stomach with his face pressed into a pillow and ass high up in the air. Enter him slowly, gentle as you can.
Kiss his shoulder blades, tell him how pretty he looks; that alone will have his wet hole fluttering around you beautifully.
Fuck Sigma, slow and gentle and just the way he likes it, his pants turning into loud moans as he tries to muffle them in the pillow, failing miserably when one particular thrust makes him arch his back and whine your name.
Hit his prostate again and again and again, each touch of your tip making his eyes blur up.
Be gentle, he likes it when you treat him like he's breakable; or be rough, he doesn't mind when you treat him like the cheap whore he is, either.
He's all yours to play with, so fuck him till you're both satisfied, till his beautiful hair is plastered to his forehead from fatigue, till his cheeks are all red and stained with tears, till his thighs are trembling with fatigue.
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teencopandthesourwolf · 10 months
Stiles slams something down on the coffee table to the left of Derek's (Stiles's) laptop.
Derek is searching online, only a little psychotically, in the hope of finding a store that sells these very specific organic coffee beans he tried in a hipster coffee house recently. Derek isn't a hipster—he isn't—he just likes nice coffee, is all. Really, he should have asked the barista to find out not just the brand name but their supplier's address too because this is driving him insane. Maybe he is insane? More likely just incredibly shit at the internet, but he thinks he'd prefer to plead insanity if challenged.
Derek unknits his eyebrows and looks down at… a green thing. It's sort of feather shaped and has many spindles with bronzed edges.
It's a leaf.
His eyebrows knit themselves back together as he blinks down at the thing a couple of times.
“It's a leaf,” he says, because he doesn't know what else he's supposed to say.
Then he looks up—and back and forth at Stiles who is now pacing the apartment and alternating between clicking his fingers and flicking his thumbs and shaking his arms out at the sides of his body; his stimming can get pretty extra when he's anxious.
Derek's frown deepens with immediate concern. He must've really been deep in it with the infuriating Google searching to not have noticed the smell of Stiles's distress when his mate first arrived home.
“Hey, what's—”
“Yes, Derek, it's a leaf. It is a leaf that I brought all the way home. For you. From the cemetery.”
He's still pacing.
“Okay, well do you want to tell me—“
���It's an Apology Leaf. Obviously.”
“And, Derek, do not laugh, because—"
“I won't but could you just—“
“—this isn't funny. I'm ridiculous, I know, and I know that that's funny. But this? This is decidedly deeply unfunny, alright? This is totally not at all funny, Derek. It's like, a thing without one tiny ounce of humour in it, as in not the slightest bit funny in a gazillion sombre years. Do you hear me?” He inhales deeply, holds the breath, then blows it out harshly via puffed-out cheeks as he clicks and flails some more.
Derek hears Stiles and is of course prepared to wait for him to explain whatever this is, because Derek would wait for Stiles until the end of time, if he had to. Although that's not likely a thing to happen in any reality as this is Stiles who can't go for longer than fifteen seconds without talking. But still, Derek thinks it's the sentiment that counts. 
“You, Derek Hale, are good, and someone as good as you deserves somebody far, far better than a ratbag like me. Hence the leaf,” Stiles now tells him in a rush of even more confusing words, his chemo-signals tinged with shame for some worrying reason Derek is yet to discern.
Stiles glances over anxiously from his place of animated, mysterious penance—and then looks away again just as quickly while still trying to wear footprints into the recently painted varnish on the wooden floor of their new apartment.
Derek is clueless as to the cause of Stiles's meltdown, but neither things are a first. Stiles struggles sometimes—just like Derek does, who has plenty of his own outbursts (albeit more moody than vocal) that Stiles has to Private Dick his way through.
Derek is also trying his best not to worry too much about thinking that this is somehow his fault, so now sets his mind on attempting to marry these seemingly unrelated things in his head.
He thinks about the facts he's been presented with:
What is, at an educated guess, a Pacific Yew leaf.
Stiles's rather unhinged and self-deprecating dig at himself-slash-compliment for Derek.
...Yeah, no, he's not getting better at this game any time soon. 
“Uh,” he says helpfully, and Stiles rolls his eyes in that Do I really have to do everything myself around here? way of his which, rude.
Good job Derek loves the kook.
“It was just sitting there, on top of my mom's gravestone when I got there,” Stiles says quietly, incredulously, gesturing at the innocuous leaf.
Then he's off again with the pacing.
“And I knew, straight away, I knew,” he says, getting louder again and laughing in this accusatory sort of way, pointing somewhere into the ether, eyes manic.
Derek scratches his nose. He hopes he will soon know, too, because honestly, he's kind of blindfolded in the dark here.
“She was obviously telling me what a dipshit I was! What a douche I am! A massive ass-hat! Total loser!”
“I mean, that's mostly fair, but maybe total loser is a little strong.” Derek will often speak Stiles's language when Stiles is freaking out, using humour to try and ground him. 
Stiles carries on as if Derek hadn’t said anything.
“And I was like, Come on, mom, give me a break, will you? and she was like Seriously, Mischief? You really wouldn't let the special person in your life, your special little guy—”
“You can just say boyfriend, Stiles.”
“—come with you to the cemetery to visit me? Like, as if with that leaf she was reminding me that you are the one person who actually gets this shit, which, I do know. Of fucking course I know. And then—get this—I swear to God, Derek, I felt her literally slapping me upside the head! No fucking word of a lie, man. Like, thousands wouldn't believe me. Millions. They'd say that it must have been the wind or my incredibly vivid imagination. But I know, Der. I know that it was her,” Stiles continues with the confession without stopping for breath.
Derek has thought it before and he'll think it again: the kid's lung capacity is seriously impressive.
“And I also know that I totally should've said yes when you asked me if I wanted you to come with me to the cemetery this morning. Because the thing is, I did want you to. I really, really did. But I just… I just…”
Stiles starts slapping himself on the forehead with both his hands and Derek has had enough of that already. He gets up off the sofa and walks over to Stiles, catching those slim wrists in his grip, gentle yet firm.
“Please don't,” Derek says, imploring Stiles to stop. Derek can understand frustration, but can't stand Stiles hurting himself.
Stiles deflates a little. He then takes a step towards Derek and leans in, resting his forehead against Derek's, their noses lining up like penguins.
“I just—I should have said yes to you when you asked because I honestly, truthfully wanted you there. It's just that I've only ever been there with my Dad. And even then, not as many times as you might think. Not even Scotty has been there with me. It's just a place—it's usually something I do alone. You know?” Stiles' front teeth worry at his pretty lip. 
And yes, Derek does know.
So he says, “Because you feel guilt, right? Even though there isn't a thing in this universe or any other that you should feel guilty about.”
Guilt just for being alive. 
Slightly cross-eyed with the proximity and angle, Stiles looks at Derek in a way that says he knows just how much Derek knows about this stuff.
“Yeah. Yes, exactly. And I guess I didn't know how to be that with somebody else around.”
“But Stiles, that's completely—”
“No, Der. It isn't, actually. Because you're not just somebody else. It's you. And I'm in love with you.” Stiles finally takes a breath while Derek's heart is busy swelling to twice it's size. He will never tire of hearing Stiles Stilinski say those words to him. “And I absolutely should've trusted in that. In us.”
It is, of course, completely fine that Stiles went to the cemetery alone to visit his mother, but Derek also gets where the kid is coming from. He too takes a breath, now, a big one, because this kind of stuff doesn't come as easily for him as it does Stiles.
He swallows his nerves and pushes on.
“I love you, Stiles. And it's alright that we're not perfect. Neither of us are. Us—you and me—we're both just… Finding our way.”
After a moment, Stiles adds, “Together.”
They smile at each other like huge dorks.
“Yeah.” Derek breathes, and his heart might just burst.
Derek scents Stiles, and Stiles breathes deeply too, now. “Thanks,” he says, then Derek kisses him, just as deep and for a long while, because it's his favourite thing to do in the whole damn world.
Eventually Derek pulls back, runs a thumb over Stiles's mouth and says, “You know what?”
Stiles's brow lifts inquisitively.
Derek lets go of Stiles's wrist and takes his hand instead, leading him back to the sofa and sitting them both down squarely by the coffee table where he had been sat fruitlessly Googling not so long ago.
“I believe you,” Derek says.
Stiles frowns. “Huh?” It's his turn to be confused.
“Millions wouldn't, but I believe you, Stiles. About your mom.”
He reaches across and picks up the Apology Leaf, cradling it for a brief moment in his palm before nudging at Stiles's hand and urging him to take it, which he does.
Derek then grabs the laptop, side-eyeing his previous Google search—WHO NEAR ME SELLS PHOENIX ROAST ORGANIC COFFEE BEANS THAT TASTE LIKE HOME—and forcing himself not to get instantly sucked back into that particularly vexing nightmare, while also trying his best to angle the screen away from Stiles who, if he saw, would fall off the sofa laughing at Derek's admittedly pathetic research skills.
Not everybody is a… Technophile? Cyberpunk? Derek has no fucking clue about any of this shit.
With Stiles now passing comment on the aesthetic qualities of the Apology Leaf, Derek uses both index fingers to tap out the words of the thing he wants to look up, taking no notice of Stiles who is trying his annoying not-very-best to smirk at Derek's sorry efforts in Derek's periphery. Clicking through a few different links, this time Derek manages to find what he's after without any trouble, amazingly. He then hands the laptop over to Stiles, who carefully places the leaf down on the arm of the sofa beside him before fully taking the computer from Derek. 
Stiles purses those pretty lips of his as he scans the information on screen, squinting a little.
“Uh, well yeah. It's like you said, Der; It's a leaf. From a Yew, according to this.”
Derek rolls his eyes. “Your mother's ghost is infinitely more clever than you.” Stiles's squint deepens further. “Stiles, she is absolutely spot on about this. Just—scroll down the page a bit, dumbass,” and he ducks his head and smiles, seeing as accusing Stiles of Internet-related Dumbassery is really fucking funny because, irony. 
Stiles tuts but does as he's told.
Derek gives him a minute to read the passage on the website he found. It says:
The Yew tree can live for many, many years. It has deep connections with magic and the universe. It was regarded as the protector of the soul by the ancient Greeks. You’ll find this tree planted at many burial sites throughout the world as it’s recognized as a guardian of the dead.
It is believed that Odin (from the Nordic legend) hung himself from the Yew for nine days and nights. It’s symbolic of its everlasting and regenerative properties and is often associated with transformation and change after a difficult time. The Celtic tradition honours the Yew tree for symbolising death and rebirth.
Stiles is smiling this gorgeous, open smile by the time he's finished reading, and Derek makes an unrealistic wish to be able to keep it there forever.
“So, you were right,” Derek says, “when you said that she knew. You were just a little mixed up about what, is all.” Derek takes another deep breath. “What your mom knows is that you got the chance to begin again, Stiles. After all the shit we went through, you actually got to start over. With somebody who will absolutely protect your soul with their life.”
Stiles suddenly blinks furiously, like somebody just threw salt in his eyes.
“And you knew it, that she knew... something,” Derek smiles back, lovingly, before that smile turns a little wry. “It's just that you were kind of—now, how should I put this…?”
“No. Do not do it!” Stiles shouts—instantly catching on because he'd easily be the brightest bulb in any box—and he's pointing again, at Derek this time. “Puns are my stupid thing, you charlatan, and I can and will sue!” he warns, outraged yet smiling again as he wipes at his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt.
“—barking up the wrong tree,” Derek finishes, his smile now positively wolfish.
Stiles shakes his head and narrows his eyes, but he's chuckling, too as he says, “You do remember that it's you who's the canine in this relationship, right, 'wolf? If anybody's going to be making barking sounds, it's you.”
“Speciesist,” Derek quips.
Stiles pokes his tongue out. Then he's quiet for a few seconds (but definitely no more than fifteen).
“You know, I really was wrong when I said you deserve better than me. We actually absolutely deserve each other, Hale. Because it turns out we are both humongous assholes.”
After a moment, Derek grins more.
“Well, I would have answered that with I love my asshole, but you had to go and use the word humongous, and there's no way I would say that about my asshole—even though I would have technically been talking about you when I said it, seeing as it's actually you that is my favourite asshole.” And he pulls a rare, goofy face, just for Stiles, who laps it up. “Also, thinking about it, I would also have to say that loving my actual asshole is, in fact," he points at Stiles, “your job.” 
Stiles dramatically slaps a hand over Derek's mouth.
“Oh my God, Derek, stop! My ghostly mother could be listening in to us right now! Jeez, dude, have a little decorum, won't you?!” And if Stiles saying that isn't ironic, Derek really doesn’t know what is.
“Sorry, mom!” 
Grinning even more, Derek pushes Stiles's hand away from his face.
“Hey, wanna know the coolest thing?” he asks.
“Why in the name of anything sacred did you bother posing that as a question, Der? Like, when would I ever say no to that?”
Derek leans over and kisses Stiles again, soft and languid this time. The boy's lips are dry and warm and he tastes just like autumn.
Stiles hums and smiles into Derek's mouth as if he really, truly does love Derek. 
After another glorious moment, Derek pulls back, looks at Stiles and says, “Yew trees aren't even native to this part of California.”
for @greyhavenisback my beloved <3 sorry i'm a dipshit, douche, massive ass-hat and a total loser, sometimes xp
(i got the info on tree symbolism HERE btw)
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lavenderlacedquill · 1 month
An Autistic reader x Will would be perfect!!
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˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ 𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐦 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ˚ ༘ ⋆。˚
Pairing: Will Graham x AuDHD! Reader
I have AuDHD, so this one will be heavily based off of my own experience on the spectrum :) A headcanon also felt the most appropriate for this one!
You were open with the fact that you live with Autism when you and Will began seeing each other, and he took it seriously from day one. Judgement would be nonexistent with him, and he will make it his mission to learn your quirks and preferences.
As it pertains to sensory issues, he will ask about your most common triggers and help you both come up with systems to avoid them.
Will has many dogs, and their barking can be a huge trigger to auditory sensory issues. If you get home from work before Will everyday, he will make sure to let you know when he is close to the house. This way, you can retreat upstairs before the dogs get excited at his arrival, and have a barrier for the noise. Once they're calm, he'll come upstairs and find you before you begin your nightly routines.
Safe foods for the both of you are always in the kitchen. This way, your newfound hyperfixation meals and your old reliables will always be available if dinner doesn't turn out how you expected.
Will welcomes your stims, as long as they are not harmful to you. He will smile with your verbal stim of the week, will become used to your usually swaying stance, and won't question if you begin walking around while you have a conversation.
If you're into fidget toys, he will have them at the ready.
Strong smells can be a huge sensory struggle, so he will always let you know before he cooks anything that is especially smelly. This way you can spend time outside with the dogs or retreat upstairs and have minimal interaction with it.
He will find ways to make the chores you struggle with the most seem doable. If you need a body double, he's there. If you work better with a partner, he'll be ready to help.
In moments of emotional dysregulation, he will be there to support you. If you need a separate activity to distract your brain, he'll give you something to untangle. If you need to be physically removed from a stressful environment, he'll lead you to a quiet room to help you cool down.
Being on time is important and often a huge stressor for you, and Will shares a similar sentiment. Late is never something you two are.
Will lives for your hyperfixations because he loves seeing you passionate about something. This being said, he will never shame you for your abandoned hobbies. He knows that is part of the deal. But he will welcome the ones that ebb and flow, like his own love of fly fishing.
Bottom line, Will knows you can take care of yourself. He will never infantalize you or make you feel less than because your brain works in different ways. But he will be there to support you in times of struggle, and advocate for you when you are unable to advocate for yourself.
The gif I used is from a set made by @hughdancybabyface. They make the most beautiful gifs I have ever seen. I am very new to using Gifs on Tumblr and crediting their creators, so any advice is welcome :)
My requests are currently open! Leave me all of your Will Graham fantasies, just please look over my guidelines first :)
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scarlet-titan · 9 months
There is a real problem with lateral ableism in the autistic community. Low support needs people are so hard on those with higher support needs. Or to just say autistic people with certain skills are awful to other autistic people without those same skills. I'm not going to use names to avoid sending hate to anyone but recently someone who was diagnosed as a toddler posted a video of them happy stimming while watching Bluey. Many comments were like "I'm autistic and this is faking." "I'm autistic and this is why people call us the r-slur." "I'm autistic and this is why autistic people will continue to be abused for the next 20 years." (General "you" here) Being autistic doesn't erase the ableism from these statements. Our ableist society taught you to be uncomfortable with obvious autistic behavior, it was likely trained out of you. So when you see someone who can't mask or at least can't mask as well as you are uncomfortable. It is still ableism; ableism that was ingrained into you. I've recently seen autistic people shamed for complaining about New Year's Eve fireworks (while wearing ear defenders so it wasn't like they didn't try anything), not using the right "tone" or words coming off wrong because they are literal speakers and it happened from other autistic people. Like you think there be some understanding. But it's like "I overcame that problem so you should too." Ignoring it's a spectrum and yeah it's likely a bigger struggle for them than it was for you. Look at first glance, people aren't going to guess I'm autistic. I somewhat pass for NT and I have a certain amount of privilege there. But I'm not going to tell the person who is incontinent that they are "making autistic people look bad." No, ableists need to stop looking down on needing help for a disability.
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preeningpisces · 6 months
Kenjaku NSFW Headcanons
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Don’t yell at me please, I have extremely questionable taste
Lemme know if you want me to elaborate or write something about any of these ♥️
18+ content below, mdni, implied chubby f!reader, dark content
TW: implied non-con, mention of odd kinks
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ꕥ Definitely the freakiest freak. Bitch has probably tried everything. Wherever your mind went, the answer is yes, he probably tried that too. This dude is old and bored and has too much free time on his hands; a perfect example of why retirement homes are a thing
ꕥ Very detached the whole time which is unnerving, but also sexy in a way. It’s like he’s just conducting an experiment and observing the results
ꕥ Making him lose his composure, no matter how brief, is one of the hottest things you'll see. Trust meee
ꕥ Their libido is greatly affected by the vessel, even their kinks/preferences are affected. Very aware where his tastes end, and the vessels begins, but he’ll entertain them regardless. Hedonistic mfer
ꕥ Loves figuring out how new bodies work. He has very unique insights about sex because of this, and it makes him surprisingly skilled. He knows his way around very well, and how different preferences can be or how differently ppl can experience pleasure
ꕥ Attracted to intellect & humor—goofy bitches rise up. People who interest him in some way are more likely to be kept around than someone with just a pretty face. He isn’t loving tho, he just likes someone he can fuck around with, and pick apart their brain for entertainment (not literally…I think)
ꕥ Likes that your body is so malleable, and submits to his touch. When he squeezes, his fingers dip into your flesh, as if he's an artist and you're clay—oh so poetic
ꕥ On the topic of submitting: I don’t think he’d be want to be submissive. He’s too egotistical and doesn’t trust other ppl enough. Maybe they’d fuck with it occasionally with someone trustworthy enough
ꕥ Yknow when people say things like ‘my ex used to do this thing with their tongue’ and they don’t really know how to describe what they did, or why it felt so good? That’s what having sex with Kenjaku is like. Lots of odd tricks in that squishy lil brain
ꕥ His dirty talk is direct, smooth and cold. Usually condescending. Again, they’ve got that scientist vibe so everything they say is almost like an observation, but somehow he says it in a sexy way. He’s a manipulator, so he’s good with his words. Also bro has 0 shame, they will say the nastiest shit if the mood strikes them
ꕥ Talkative in bed, kind of like when he fights. What a nerd. Someone shove him in a locker for me. It pertains to whatever you’re doing, don’t get me wrong, he isn’t lecturing you about cursed energy while he’s got you bent over. Probably.
ꕥ Not possessive at all, will totally pimp you out. Very cocky when you quickly realize they aren’t as skilled as him
ꕥ Likes to do shocking things in bed just to toy with you and see how you react. Usually pretty cruel and sadistic when they do these things
ꕥ Toy enthusiast, idgaf. Will tape a vibrator to your clit, get a fucking machine, and just leave you there for hours. He’d probably record it to watch later so he can go do his nefarious plotting and deeds while you suffer
ꕥ Medical kink king, he absolutely fucks with a nice speculum. He’ll strap you down to an examination table & crank you open like it’s a car jack. Inject weird shit into you, maybe some erotic e-stim stuff too
ꕥ I consulted Gege, and he said clit enlargement/pump. He’ll get it all puffed up and raw before going to town on it—both hot and horrifying
ꕥ Breeding kink but in the worst way
ꕥ Very very into fluids & mess: I’ll let you decide what that means LMFAO
ꕥ IDK I just get the vibe he's a whacky and unpredictable in the bedroom because he's all about reactions. He's just a curious lil guy, don't be mad at him
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cursingtoji · 1 year
SANDY!!! The way i ran here after seeing your event 🥹 Jiraiya with 46 plsplspls 💕 congrats on 3k sweets <3<3
❛ 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑒𝑠 𝑢𝑠? ❜ ┊ cause he can’t stay away from his pretty girl, not even when she’s in a public hot spring
plus when you have been apart for too long ┊fem!reader x husband!Jiraiya, public sex, pussy eating cause he does that it’s canon, anal stim, creampie ┊ The Clichés ™
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You ask your husband as he starts to kissing you in a way you know where it’s going to end.
Prior to that, you were just returning for an assignment, before leaving the village you were at you sent a letter to him, saying you would stop by this onsen on your way and arrive fully rested in the morning.
Jiraiya, being the impatient man he is, couldn’t wait to see you, specially after being apart for too long.
The idea was to surprise you in your room (laying naked on your bed with a rose in his mouth), but once he saw how empty the place was and peeking at the women onsen — cause old habits never die, although he swears your bare body was the only one he wanted to see — he sneaks in silently until he’s right next to you.
“Hello beautiful” he whispers squatting beside you.
“Jiraiya!” you yelp opening your eyes and looking over your shoulder, “You know this is the women’s area, right?”
But that doesn’t stop the old man from discarding the towel around his waist and entering the hot waters.
“Something about the ‘men are forbidden’ sign at the entrance tipped me off” he kneels holding your waist and getting close enough for you to feel his excitement against your stomach, “Couldn’t wait to see my pretty girl.”
You look at the entrance, afraid someone might catch you two.
“What if someone sees us?”
Jiraiya keeps trailing his kisses down until he wraps his lips around your nipple flicking it with his tongue, he loves how warm your skin is, how soft… in fact he loves everything about you, his closed ones might even say he’s obsessed about you.
“I’m sure we are breaking a law here” you whisper but can’t find yourself doing anything to stop your husband from picking you up and placing you on a rock where your bottom half would be off the water and directly on his mouth’s height as you feel his breath fanning over your folds.
“You’re worth it” he blinks before going fully down on you while holding the back of your thighs. The first thing he notices is how actually hot your pussy is, hotter than normal, just the touch of his chapped lips against your lower lips are enough to make you flinch.
“Jiraiya, wait, I think I’m quite sensitive because of the hot water” you hold on to his white locks.
“Is that so? We should come to places like this more often then” he kisses your inner thigh until your clit carefully minding your sensitiveness. Being apart all this time makes him appreciate your natural scent even more, giving it a long sniff that makes your face heat up at his lack of shame. Even after being together for years his vulgarity still manages to surprise you.
He moves your thighs to his shoulder where he can balance you better and free his hands to play with your tits as he devour your cunt.
“S’ good, love” you mumble with your head throw back, one hand one top of the one pinching your nipple.
Jiraiya sucks your clit working two fingers into your whole as you whine and close your shaky legs around his head.
“Oh sweetheart, you really are sensitive, aren’t you?” he chuckles.
“Y-Yeah, it’s been a long time since we— agh” his thick digits rubs your sweet spot.
“So you missed your old man playin’ with this pussy?” he flattens his tongue on your clit as you rock your hips on his face, “Fuck” he curses retreating one hand that held your hips, “Hold yourself, love” your adjust yourself on the rock so you don’t fall from his shoulders. Jiraiya starts to stroke himself, too aroused by the taste and feeling of your cunt to not do anything.
“Baby” you moan pulling his hair as you feel your orgasm approaching, “Don’t— I wanna cum with you” your whiny tone and teary eyes are everything to him.
“Of course, doll” he maneuvers you down his showers until you wrap your legs around his waist and he holds you by your asscheeks.
“You haven’t even kissed me hello” you pout.
“Haven’t I?” he kisses your cheek, “You sure?” he kisses the other.
“Jiraiya” you call his name in a scolding tone he loves.
“Come to daddy then” he closes his lips on your bottom one, sucking and licking it just like he did earlier to your clit.
The old man guides his cock to your hole and he takes advantage of your gasp getting his tongue inside your mouth, shamelessly making out with his wife so publicly.
He adjusts his grip on you and pulls out just a bit before thrusting again, he felt his own sweat trailing down his body, the humid environment combining with both your sweats generating a loud wet sound of skin slapping skin.
“Jiraiya~ too loud” you moan.
“Afraid someone will hear the sound of my balls hitting your ass?” he bites your neck, “Relax, love” his middle finger moves into the crack of your ass until it reaches your puckered hole, pressing it until it takes his digit, “If someone sees us— ugh” he cuts himself when you tight up around his cock having your asshole stimulated, “I’ll just have to take them down.”
“Fuck—“ he presses his torso against you, hard pecks squeezing your soft breasts, “Too much~” he tries to synchronize the thrusts on your pussy with the pace on your ass.
“You’re taking me so well, sweetheart” his thrusts become sloppier and he’s back at sucking your tongue, “Cummin’ ugh— shit” he groans bullying your insides with his thick cock, turns out he was also more sensitive than usual. The chances of taking you in a hot spring more often become an actual possibility after this.
“Come inside, baby, fill me up” you bite his lip as he curses and increases the speed of his middle finger on your back, the doubled stimulation pushing you through the edge as you moan your husband’s name, “That’s right, princess take it all” he keeps thrusting even after emptying himself inside you, overstimulating himself.
Your head fall on his shoulder, peppering his neck with kisses.
“Baby I wish we could fuck here all night but I don’t wanna be expelled” you kiss his lips sweetly, “Let’s go to my room, yes?”
“You’re no fun” he pulls his soft cock out, carefully placing you down and helping wrap a towel around you.
“If you behave well tonight I might reserve a private spring for us tomorrow morning” you caress his chest, especially the sensitive skin around his scar.
“There’s a private spring here and you didn’t tell me?” he puts his hands on his hips in disbelief.
“Now go, you’re not supposed to be here” you push him away.
“Can’t believe this and i’m the one supposed to behave…” he walks off bare naked and you just hope he doesn’t cross with any lady coming in or she’ll have a 26 centimetres surprise.
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olderthannetfic · 1 month
Honestly my biggest problem with self diagnosis is people deciding that they have something, inserting themselves into the community, and then acting like authorities on that condition and talking over people who actually have it.
I have autism and I'm really active in the communities so I'll use that as an example.
I very frequently see self diagnosed people insisting that being autistic is an amazing, wonderful superpower that causes them no problems whatsoever, and saying that the only reason it's considered a disability is because society is ableist.
They come into the community, see that the rest of us are struggling with our literal disability, and then go "Um, autism isn't a disability, it's amazing! I love being autistic, so if you don't, you just have internalized ableism and you hate yourself :)"
Which is, uh, certainly an interesting take considering the diagnostic criteria in the DSM-V and ICD-11 states that to be diagnosed with autism the symptoms must cause significant impairment.
And like, even if we did live in a magical utopia where autism is 100% accepted and no one is ever ableist (which will not exist in my lifetime, if ever), I would still hate being autistic!
I would still be unable to wear clothes that I want to wear or eat food that I want to eat because the texture makes me want to cry, and I would still have horrible meltdowns that result in me punching and biting myself.
We're also shamed and silenced for wanting actual, effective treatments, which is fucking insane. Why is it okay if I want medication to treat my ADHD, but if I want medication to stop my nervous system from overloading and breaking down over normal stimuli like wearing jeans or hearing a dog bark, I'm an evil ableist eugenicist?
I have no problem with people who take the time to read through the diagnostic criteria, read posts from people in the community, and then go, "Yeah, you know what, I've ruled out everything else it could be, I'm probably autistic."
But if someone's just going to watch a few Tiktoks with vague, cutesy symptoms and go "Omg I tap my fingers, that's stimming! And I really love cartoons, and I'm super shy and awkward sometimes! I'm definitely neurospicy :3" and then come into the community and demand that we sanitize everything and stop talking about our scary, yucky, unpleasant symptoms like incontinence and meltdowns and executive dysfunction, then yeah, get the fuck out.
It's always annoying when someone enters a space that's essentially about providing resources and starts hogging them or blocking others' access.
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