#down to the creating characters and storylines that interact and making memes
freakinflipflop · 2 years
I was wondering why the whole Goncharov thing hit me with so much deja vu and then I remembered.
Penis SMP
(but for people into 70s movies)
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roleplayfinder · 10 months
Hello everyone, and thanks so much for taking the time in reading this!
I’m Ley, 21, and I’m looking forward to roleplaying on Discord! If you’re interested in any of these fandoms and you agree with the following terms, I’d love to be friends and roleplay together! I can roleplay in English and Spanish.
• IT, book and modern movies.
• Harry Potter, only Marauders era.
• Stranger Things.
• Bojack Horseman.
• Rick and Morty.
• Yuri On Ice.
• Detroit Become Human.
• The Breakfast Club.
• Squid Game.
• All Of Us Are Dead.
• My Candy Love.
• Big Mouth.
⇨ Down for chatting OOC - I don’t feel comfortable when I’m writing with someone and we don’t know anything about each other. I’d love to be able to ask friendly how are you doing and having fun when we roleplay!
⇨ I’m NSFW friendly, but I WON’T do this with underaged writers or underaged characters. Also I don’t want it to be the main topic of the roleplay unless we agree to it.
⇨ I need someone who writes semi-lit or literate, I write minimum 3000 characters, usually even more. For this same reason I understand if you need a day, or two, or even a complete week to reply but one, I need your answer to inspire me as much as I make an effort for mine to do the same, and two I also need patience because I love roleplaying, but I have other things to do, too.
⇨ I’m mostly looking for doubling, so on OC x CANON while we double up. But I’m also down for OC x OC between our characters, too—for instance, also would love to play my OC against one of the CANON characters.
⇨ I’d like to see a presentation or a template of your character. Of course I’m not asking for the full story because it’s obvious it’s gonna develop itself as we write, but I want to know how I’m roleplaying and who for.
* This is not a request, but since I’ve seen it SO many times; please don’t make the roleplay only about yourself and your OC if it’s not previously agreed. Even while doubling, I want our characters to interact to each other and to have the same great backstory/storyline, I’m looking for equality and big fun stories.
⇨ I usually write in third person, past tense. I’d love it if you wrote in the same way!
⇨I love keeping track on our story and make it real as possible. For that reason, I love creating aesthetic boards or playlists, or even send memes about our characters. If this doesn’t bother you and you do the same, that would be perfect!
Thanks so much for reading and, once again, if you’re interested, please feel free to reach me out so we can move on to Discord! ♡
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inun4ki · 7 months
Get to Know Me !
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Name: Taro ! I've had many pennames over the years though, oh jesus too many.
Pronouns: They/Them, but I don't really care what you use.
Preference of communication: I use a combination of disco & tumblr IMs. I don't actually have a preference between the two and, as a general rule, I don't particularly like giving out my disco for any reason. I'm a very private person and I don't like the idea of being constantly available to everyone 1000% of the time - this extends to both family and my closest friends. It's not personal by any means, it's just. I know how I am ( very forgetful + problems with ADHD + extremely shy & awkward + also something of a chronic oversharer ), so I figure it's probably best for me to stay in my own lane and not bother too many people - even though there are times I desperately want to talk someone's ear off haha As an aside, I do also roleplay on disco and am usually more than happy to make a server and all that stuff.
Name of muse: Shikabane Kaede
Experience/how long (months/years?): It's been 17-18 years altogether I think for roleplay, but I've been writing in general since kindergarten. For a time, I went to art school ( and college ) for creative writing and got straight A's, which I find hilarious because I have zero technical knowledge. You could ask me what something is for sure and I'll look at you like you have 2 heads, I'm sorry haha That being said, I got my start in the W.arrior cats fandom, was there a couple years before moving onto N.aruto, then D.MC, started to really create my own worlds and such, before I found tumblr. Kind of been here ever since, bouncing around a couple of different fandoms ( chiefly D.MC & M.HA, and now J.JK ! ) as well as fandomless parts of the community.
Best experience: I've met so many wonderful people since I started roleplaying on tumblr ! I met possibly the best friends I'll ever have on hellsite, which is honestly why I keep coming back. I recently came back after a long stint away that I truly believed would be permanent, but I hit a massive wall in my fics and decided to come back, see if that got me back on the horse. It has, just not for fic writing r.i.p. I've been having a good time since I got back, so here's to more good experiences and memories !
RP pet peeves/dealbreakers: I don't have too many, honestly. I'm very flexible and tend to go with the flow on most things. Anything I don't want to see or interact with is automatically filtered out or blacklisted, so I'm cool as a cucumber.
Muse preference (fluff, angst or smut?): I torture Kaede for fun, so as you might expect, I really like angst. In fact, I probably like angst more than romance, but when you throw the two together? Get outta here, gimme all of it ! But more than anything, I like to experiment with different subject matter - sometimes, the darker the better - themes and genres. Kaede is ordinarily a very difficult character to get along with, which ironically makes him very well suited to experimentation ( which is, hilariously, doubly ironic because he's a researcher in his original canon ). That being said, I love writing smut and domestic fluff as well. I love it a lot actually. If you're down, I'm down lowkey
Plots or memes: I enjoy both ! It's easier to interact with me via memes, however, as I like to write drabbles more than anything. That being said, I also love to plot ! I'm a sucker for building worlds and storylines and getting all embarrassingly invested to the point I make playlists and doodle our muses together... Yes, gimme gimme.
Long or short replies: I have a tendency to write more than I really need to for any given reply - very much the person who goes overboard, though it's usually because I let Kaede take the reigns and do what he does. God, even for one-liners, I'll end up typing too damn much. I don't expect anyone to match my length, though. A big part of the reason I write so much is honestly because my writing is very character-driven, so I focus a lot on what Kaede is thinking, feeling, smelling, touching, etc etc.
Best time to write: Mostly when the mood strikes me, which used to be very heavily at night from 10pm - 4am. These days, I wake early as hell, so I'll write throughout the day as inspiration comes to me between housework & work-work.
Are you like your muse: Maybe, to a point. Kaede has a problem communicating his feelings and needs, and I have a similar problem, though that was entirely incidental and I didn't realize it until fairly recently despite having had him as a muse for 8ish years. I am also a dumbass and have a tragic backstory full of Bad Things, but I think that's really where the similarities end haha Well, maybe I can also be something of a brat, but I'm mostly squishy in all aspects of life. I'm baby
tagged by: no one ! stole it from @arrachnes
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cinnamon-bunni · 2 years
tell me all about them. all of your ocs (or just give me a light introduction to your faves/a few pointers to your past posts so i can learn more about the guys!)
uhhh okay but i'll only talk about my monster prom ones for now, because i have a lot of those, and if i talked about my general ones too then this post would be too long (and it's already gonna be too long with just my MP ones lol)
My one and only "proper" OC (which is that they attend Spooky High and interacts with the main cast) is Azzy! He's species is "Demon But Not Really", which is just to say he is a doll that's being animated via blood magic. I had a whole long draft done for a long-ass fic I was gonna write about him, but I ended up deleting it lol He is an amnesiac demon who Damien just kinda found one day. He just sticks to Damien and begs him not to kill him, and Damien pities him enough to keep him around and help him out to find out who he is. Azzy is small (well not physically, he's kinda tall tbh, but he makes himself look small) and meek, which is very odd for a demon, y'know? On an unrelated note, while I have not written a single thing for Azzy, I have made a whole buncha memes about him and his storyline because I have nothing better to do and I would rather do that then write about him. oops? I could go into why he was created, but I'll leave that for another day <3 I don't have much to say about him, because tbh I forgot a lot of things for him, but's a summary of his character. Also here is a playlist I made for him a while back lol And also here's a picrew I made that generally looks like him (best I could do ^^;;)
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omg I actually forgot abotu Lady de Ville. I only remembered her when I was looking for the picew of Azzy. Anyways de Ville is a vampire from way-back-when, back when Liam first became a vampire, and was the leader of what was the Dark Side back then. In all honesty I'm too afraid to talk about her, because while I love to daydream, I get too embarrassed when someone asks; she is apart of the Very Long and Sorta Complicated Past I have given Liam. One day I might write a fic about it, idk. But Lady de Ville is the definition of Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss, and is like pretty shitty and evil tbh. I won't go into her but I will give you a picrew of her! (which is not too accurate but oh well I can only do so much lol)
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And finally, I have the seven OCs that were mainly created because I became obsessed with worldbuilding Hell for the Monster Prom universe ^^; and so I made the rulers for each Circle. I posted about them before, but here they are again because they didn't properly show up in the tags lol (so yeah this is copy-pasted and is the longest so I'm sorry lol) (and also sorry no picrews, but it's hard to make demons in many of them TwT)
The ruler of the First Circle, Limbo, is Baron Levy (who is my favorite MP OC and can talk about him for days)! He is the youngest of the rulers, becoming Baron at age 19 (and is currently 27 or so). He is shy and reserved, keeping mainly only to himself. He is also Damien’s glorified babysitter bodyguard close friend, and the two often hang out if the prince ever decides to visit Limbo.
The next circle, the Second Circle of Lust, is ruled by Lord Asmos. He was actually the first one I made, as he is Azzy’s father! Once ruled with great power, Asmos was demoted down to the Second Circle, and hates it with a passion, as he now has very little power or say in anything. He only wishes death and despair onto the LaVeys, but other than that he’s just kind of…there.
The Third Circle of Hell is run by Earl Cerci. As it is the Circle of Gluttony, it would only be fitting for her to be a glutton as well–but, a glutton for knowledge. It was said thirst for knowledge that made her Fall, that made her to be cast out of Heaven, but she learned to get over it. She is close friends with Lucien, who met her when she first arrived in Hell. The two are probably the only few ones who use the braincell out of all of the rulers.
The fourth ruler is Marquess Marlon! Marlon, too, is a Fallen Angel, and being the dramatic demon he is, cut off his wings (which won some points with Damien, because damn that’s pretty fucking metal!). He spends most of his time with humans rather than in hell, because he finds them all so Interesting and Funny (especially Italians, for some reason. He usually frequents Italy). In general he just likes to hang around and have fun, and is definitely a “party-now-work-later” kind of demon.
Ruler of the Fifth Circle is Duke Gordie. A powerful warrior, but also a very sleepy boi. He doesn’t care too much for his work–many don’t in all honesty–but is a powerful demon on the battlefield. Respect is a big deal for him, and people have to earn his respect–in battle, of course. He’s a bit of an asshole with anger issues (hence the Circle of Anger), and tends to either be pissed off at everyone or everything, or…sleeping.
The ruler of the Sixth Circle, the Circle of Heresy, is Grand Duke Faren. She is stern, ruthless, and unforgiving; she holds a lot of power in Hell, and is not someone to mess with. She isn’t afraid to voice her opinions, and is willing to stand by what she says. She truly does believe that she is stronger, and therefore better, than the kings. She isn’t afraid to go against her kings’ orders, even if it’s heresy. She is willing to die for what she believes in.
The seventh ruler of the Seventh Circle is Archduke Bubzeleon III–or just Archduke Buddi! He runs the Circle of Violence, and is a boisterous and loud demon. He is also childhood friends with Stan, and the two worked together side-by-side during the war in the Eighth Circle (he even got to watch the two fall in love!). He’s also given the highest honor of being considered as Damien’s uncle, which is something he wears as a badge of honor. He just loves violence and danger so much, and loves to get into all kind of situations because of it.
If you made it this far, then thank you, it really does mean a lot <333 I usually don't talk about them, but I really do love these guys so much lol I would have to say, Levy would probably have to be my favorite, seconded by Cerci and Marlon <3 I just like to think about Levy and Damien's relationship a whole lot (edit: made each of the lords' parts shorter because i just realized how long they are and you asked for light intros oops lmao)
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bruiisedpetals-a · 1 year
      ...  𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱  𝔱𝔥𝔢  𝔪𝔲𝔫 ;  𝔱𝔞𝔤  𝔪𝔢𝔪𝔢
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name:  skye
pronouns:  she/they , i fluctuate between the two so idm
preference  of  communication :  tumblr ims , mainly because i’m getting very forgetful on discord but for some thread partners i’ll def offer it
name  of  most  active muse(s) : right now i’m obviously on my aeron targaryen bs as he’s a trial muse and i’m enjoying feeling him out (he’s also completely new as a muse to me) , but generally speaking i’m feeling vik , aeron , lia and vida. i adore all my OCs though , so none are really ever inactive on unloved.
platforms  you’ve  used : don’t @ me okay , it was neopets like 14 centuries ago agfhraf. tbh thats where i learned custom html and page editing with graphics , etc. so i kind of cut my teeth aesthetic and world building-wise there. there was a brief month or so where i discovered that rp was a thing in the game ... but then someone on one of the forums mentioned that i should look into tumblr as a platform. that was probably 13/14 years ago
best  experience :  aside from the wholesomeness of meeting people in this community , honestly i gotta give a nod to the fact that i learned so much and was able to really evolve my creativity skills with likeminded people. i’ve also loved when wholesome collaboration leads to an amazing rp world / group , seeing people love and flourish within a rp group that i made / make and run is a really awesome feeling.
rp  pet  peeves  /  dealbreakers :  it’s always been , for me , muse collecting or fc collecting. like within a group with no muse cap , people who snap up the most Aesthetic fcs and have 8765 of them , barely use them or they’re all the same character seasoned slightly different .. and in the indie world it’s that and when people like ?? duplicate storylines that you worked hard to create with a different muse/mun without even checking? i’ve had so many ideas stolen that way. another one of mine that’s always been an issue is when you put in a lot of effort to establish details and content to give your partner ample things to react and interact with and then they give you back like ... two lines and maybe three syllables of dialogue. and also people fetishising my masc muses and leaving my fem muses to the wind , ick , get ready to catch an unfollow and the dropped threads if i feel that way.
fluff,  angst,  or  smut :  it’s angst , smut and then fluff for me — my muses dont lend themselves to over-softness and fluffiness , i usually have one ( lia flowers rn ) who is a softer character but just happy-life-no-drama-wholesomeness bores me ajkf gimme chaos and something i can delve into and explore the ic reactions , monologues , psychology , etc of it.
plots  or  memes :  i always live in fear of the mistake of over-plotting ... like when you flesh out so many ideas that the concept of writing through the known journey and storyline loses its appeal. i like a good skeleton plot and context and then to let the muses flow as they see fit , i have definitely grown to love the meme threads because i feel like it’s a perfect way to dry-run your muses against another - whether an au or not.
long  or  short  replies :  i am incapable of less that two thicc af paragraphs and i will not apologise ( yes , i will , endlessly, it’s my toxic trait ngl )
best  time  to  write :  late afternoon - evening time for me , which is a dangerous game because when i should be sleeping or getting ready to wind down all my fkn partners are coming online ajkfh.
are  you  like  your  muse(s):  there’s pieces of me in all of them ; vida knows how to live off the land and how to stand through poverty and not having a home , errick channels his anger into physical activities and upped his skills because of it , branden guards himself and his secrets without flinching to protect himself and those he loves , lia looks to achieve praise for her diligent work because she criticises herself endlessly , vik doesn’t want to be tied to family expectations but is too moral to abandon them , and tiathia’s moral compass is modeled after my own.    the intricate details such as personal habits , likes, affinities , etc ; they’re inspired by things that i like , and lbr here .... the Spicy Blog and my muses Spicy Details come from my own brain.
tagged by :  @uncrvwned
tagging :   @gevidana , @dragcnsdaughter , @pertinaxism​ , @blossomhcir​ + anyone who hasn’t been tagged by another
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ladystarlight · 2 years
Hello everyone, and thanks so much for taking the time in reading this! 🤍
I’m Ley, 21, and I’m looking forward to roleplaying on Discord! If you’re interested in any of these fandoms and you agree with the following terms, I’d love to be friends and roleplay together!
• IT, book and modern movies.
• Harry Potter, only Marauders era.
• Stranger Things.
• BoJack Horseman.
• Rick And Morty.
• Yuri On Ice.
• Detroit Become Human.
• The Breakfast Club.
• Squid Game.
• All Of Us Are Dead.
• My Candy Love.
• Big Mouth.
⇨ Down for chatting OOC - I don’t feel comfortable when I’m writing with someone and we don’t know anything about each other. I’d love to be able to ask friendly how are you doing and having fun when we roleplay!
⇨ I’m NSFW friendly, but I WON’T do this with underaged writers or underaged characters. Also I don’t want it to be the main topic of the roleplay unless we agree to it.
⇨ I need someone who writes semi-lit or literate, I write minimum 3000 characters, usually even more. For this same reason I understand if you need a day, or two, or even a complete week to reply but one, I need your answer to inspire me as much as I make an effort for mine to do the same, and two I also need patience because I love roleplaying, but I have other things to do, too.
⇨ I’m mostly looking for doubling, so on OC x CANON while we double up. But I’m also down for OC x OC between our characters, too—for instance, also would love to play my OC against one of the CANON characters.
⇨ I’d like to see a presentation or a template of your character. Of course I’m not asking for the full story because it’s obvious it’s gonna develop itself as we write, but I want to know how I’m roleplaying and who for.
* This is not a request, but since I’ve seen it SO many times; please don’t make the roleplay only about yourself and your OC if it’s not previously agreed. Even while doubling, I want our characters to interact to each other and to have the same great backstory/storyline, I’m looking for equality and big fun stories.
⇨ I usually write in third person, past tense. I’d love it if you wrote in the same way!
⇨I love keeping track on our story and make it real as possible. For that reason, I love creating aesthetic boards or playlists, or even send memes about our characters. If this doesn’t bother you and you do the same, that would be perfect!
Thanks so much for reading and, once again, if you’re interested, please feel free to reach me out so we can move on to Discord!
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[ hello, rae! i still have some time left before the new year begins for me, but i just wanna thank you for making my experience in the rpc a fun, uplifting one. ofc, i know i ended up taking a massive hiatus from kensuke and couldn’t even bring myself to write him long term (since i ended up hyperfixating over other characters and trying to get more interactions on him was like pulling teeth), but it still means a lot you welcomed me back with open arms!
like, i can’t express enough how grateful i am you ended up rolling with my obscure muse choices and just being open minded enough to explore different relationship dynamics with them, whether they be romantic or platonic. HONESTLY, i might not always be around anymore (due to the fact i have work 🥲), but you are seriously one of those few friends i made that make being here worth it; in fact, i ended up initially regaining my love and passion for writing because of you, when previously, i had lost all the spark i had in it following the nasty fall out i had with former partners… and was deeply insecure over my own writing, to the point where for the longest time, i didn’t think i would actually reach a point where tumblr rp would be a hobby i could enjoy again; only, i’m glad i ended up sticking with it, because in the end, i got to reconnect with you and other people i would never have met/written with provided i never stayed.
REGARDLESS, YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN NOTHING BUT KIND AND PATIENT TOWARDS ME, so in 2023, i strive to not only be a good rp partner, but a good friend to you as well (even if i do happen to be significantly younger than you). but yeah, here’s to another year of interactions between our muses! HONESTLY, i look forward to seeing what mischief and shenanigans these blorbos get up to. ]
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Tell me stuff at the end of 2022 or beginning of 2023 because what is time/time is a social construct - Accepting if still want to. Otherwise it's going to be thread replies, shitposts, and starter memes/possibly call for new muns and muses!
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Aww, Livi, you are so kind! Thank you so much for sending this, it brought a smile to my face as I read it. As I've mentioned before: I care far more about roleplaying with you and the joy you have for your muses, no matter who the muses are. Your enthusiasm shines through each and every time (also, each and every time Sonia never fails to pester/be a nuisance to your muses so...that's what you sign up for each time).
And while we all hate work (eff work is a common saying in my house), I hope that no one ever manages to rob you of your passion for writing and roleplaying. I'm so sorry you were hurt by others, but in my opinion, never let anyone else ruin your fun around here. Write because you have stories to tell, because you love to write, because you don't know what you'd do without the creative outlet here.
Let's leave haters behind in 2022! If anything, consider the fact that for all the time muns spend trying to bring you down, they could be writing. Creating dynamics and storylines. Improving their writing skills. Instead of, you know, hating.
You're already a wonderful RP partner and friend, I just suggest keeping it up :D And I'm happy to be the older friend/wine aunt in the RPC. I will forever be telling you to drink water, wear sunscreen, sleep, and life will get better.
Consequently, I will also discuss the good old days if prompted. The days of RP and fandom before tumblr. Before social media. Just make sure I have my comfy chair, my slippers, and a drink. Possibly painkillers: I'm at the age where I can pull something getting out of bed nowadays (though I'm probably just overdue for a new mattress).
tl;dr - dear mutuals, I'm old. I do not tolerate drama or BS in my old age. I do tolerate long-term, feels-packed threads combined with dashcomm shitposting, OOC chatter, and wine/tea/drink whatever you want just stay hydrated please.
And like Sonia: I'm not up to date with popular slang. Or being a cool and hip person. Bear with us, please.
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stingslikeabee · 2 years
The 'how's my portrayal meme' - where do I start? You know I'm going to lowkey be a little bias because you're the ultimate waifu but I want to write this to you regardless.
Thing is, when you first approached me with Mel I remember being a little like ':o' at how structured, neat and well-thought out everything appeared on your blog. It was all so in line and well put together and...professional? Which I remember being so impressive to see and more so INTRIGUED BY, I was like OHHHHHHHHHHHHH ok-
and then when we started plotting and chatting OOC and I met this wonderful person who is down-to-earth, funny, interesting, has an excellent grip of canon / and her own character as well as human interactions & storylines, it was like. Oh my god, this is the perfect roleplayer.
I know you said 'how's my portrayal' - I'll get to that PFFFFFT-
but for real, I hadn't had a roleplay or partner in a while that I could plot in depth with and write something further in depth with and to suddenly have that was awesome. To go from a discussion about secrecy and plots and (maybe) blackmail and all of that between our muses to, oh shit, they're falling for each other! Was so cool and happened so naturally that it felt so fluid and comfortable to write. More-so with you because you're such a special writer. (and this is where I get into portrayal OKAY---)
the way you describe Melissa and her surroundings - her clothes (which I always picture looking so glamorous), the intricacies of the Inn or whatever bar it is she's running, the people and npcs in her life that support her *or even dont*, the little bits and pieces that make up a story and are important. It's like, you have this way of writing that isn't anything different to a novelist / story-book-writer. I read your replies and it's like reading a little chapter in a story, you take the world and create it not just through Mel and what she's doing but also her surroundings and the way that she looks. It's got this almost Ian Fleming quality to it and I'm SO THERE for it, I love it!
As for Melissa; god, what can I say that I haven't already said? I love her. So much. She's this perfect mixture of beautiful, powerful, vulnerable, maternal. She's all of those brilliant traits rolled into one excellent example of a fantastic female character. I think my male muses fall for her so hard because she's got something for each other. That strength, that care, that softness. But then in the same breath, we have those verses - the Killer Queen verse - the obsession that she denies from Kano but laps up from Lautrec. I LOVE that you shape these verses and you don't just say 'oh yeah, she's in The Boys now' instead you create an entire world, an entire REASON for her being there.
God, I've waffled (when don't i lol) but I really do adore you and your girl. I think your writing is some of the best I've encountered on this website and I am so thankful to not only have you as a writing partner but also a friend. You are your girl are special, always remember that.
how's my portrayal? . accepting
You should know that I am smiling like a psycho on this side of the screen because this was so sweet? So cute? Also so obviously fueled by some sort of narcotic because where in the world is my writing in any way similar to the friggin’ CREATOR OF JAMES BOND but your praise has nonetheless left me crying happy tears. ;---;
Gosh Han, thank you so much for this - I believe you were one of the very first mutuals of mine who took a chance on Melissa when I returned to tumblr in early 2020 and not only embraced her, but also me? I met so many lovely people through you or thanks to you too and I don’t think I will never not follow any of your blogs because I LOVE to see what you create, the passion for your muses and just how overall great you are at making these side characters and/or ‘unpopular’ types so full of life and entrancing!
I guess Heid will forever be the first love but also a prime example of how much talent you ALSO possess and how you have been able to single-handedly tackle these villains with such a refreshing and tridimensional approach to them. You’ve made me care for Homelander, you turned me into a Kano stan and I’m here looking at the next thing I’ll be wrecked by because I know it’s just going to be a matter of time. 8)
I will never be able to say ‘thank you’ enough times because it was against Heid that I’ve been able to fully flesh Melissa (and Fred 8D) for the first time in years and I feel I’ve also developed and grown as a writer so fucking much thanks to the entire timeline we plotted for them - and then for all the other boys later, too. :) I love the range we have and the fact we’ll always be here for each other and you are truly a cornerstone of my tumblr experience. <3
I am so fortunate to have met you and TO THIS DAY I appreciate your kindness, your friendship, your sexy accent (aha 8D) and the fact we’ve built all these amazing stories together. I’m sure we’ll build even more heartwarming and heartbreaking things together. :D
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gremlintiny · 6 months
Mika and his bizarre adventures with ATEEZ
Hello there!
This is Mika speaking, or rather, writing. The real one - no, I am the real one - no, shut up, I should be the original *muffled noises* - you shush - okay please just stop, you are only making things more confusing - this whole ordeal is confusing, Mika, don't try to be smarter than us - we are you after all - not me - just stop.
So, in short, this blog is purely for entertainment purposes of a random person who was enough dead inside to create me, Mikaela. I will be presenting you a not so canon ATEEZ lore story, because we don't know all the details of the original one and that person loves fucking with things in stories. Gotta create lovely trauma, right? (Masterlist at the end of the post~)
We will try to keep the known information in its place, but the story will focus on something else, more than the canon lore. Please be aware of this. We will also try to add more things into the storyline to make it more interesting, with random bullshits that person came up with during daydreaming or existing.
For example, it will focus on Mikaela's life in the beginning. The person wondered how commoners live in the ATEEZ lore and that is why Mika is a random man (or not so random, after all?) who tried to live his life until, well... shit went down. And not just in the toilet. (I make bad jokes all the time, blame that person, not me, Mika, thank you.) Of course, he, I mean, me, will meet the group as well even though they are busy rebelling Strictland's 'emperor', but it takes time.
Note: there might be notes and other shits, like shorts (lil stories from the past) that might give a hint of what's going on - or what happened, since the 'dark past' is always a big part of these fever dreams.
Tags: pay attention to them as well - they will give you some guide if that story/short/meme is connected to the main storyline or not. I advise you to get a little bit familiar to the original ATEEZ lore for better understanding.
Recommended tags here: Z, Defender, The previous Defender, soE
Anyway, have a great day and stan *only* ATEEZ!
(The babbling, other thingies blog is here: @existingtiny where that person casually cheats on them, shame on you-)
(note: Mika is an introvert too. But he takes social interactions well on the outside, so don't be afraid to interact with him. He do'n't bite. Most of the time. He is just as scared as you are. Or even more.)
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Summary: Mikaela, a researcher in the main institute caught a strange virus, but fortunately, the technology in Strictland is advanced enough to just brush it off after some days. But something strange remains and he can't figure out what exactly is wrong.
‘You will not get away. We will find you and end this madness. Watch us, however you want - we will still find you.’
Mikaela character sheet
Defender: (the main storyline)
Defender (1)
The previous defender: (events from the past written in short stories - 2 storyline, the simple one and the one marked with 'another')
The previous defender I.
The previous defender II. (another)
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katutsukushii · 3 years
I’ll admit, I’m a little on the fence about dabibaku— do you mind talking about why you like the ship so much? You’ve got me intrigued
Uh, two hot characters who happen to be my comfort characters - I’m kinda bound to like them together.
But before I say anything it’s totally fine if you dislike them, it’s definitely not for everyone, I get that - especially with the age gap, even though I, personally, age Dabi down. 
Anyways, at first I got into them through a smut fic that I read and I got intrigued by the pairing and decided to check out the tag cause I didn’t really see much of the ship before that, they’re not exactly popular. I didn’t really read much of the pairing, didn’t particularly care that much for them cause, honestly, at the time I was a heavy BkDk/TdBk shipper and refused to read anything but those two ships, but then I started reading You’re A Blast and I got really into them, that fic is kind of what got me started thinking about the ship and how they’d work together, how they’d interact, things like that. But even before I really got into that fic I was genuinely interested and was trying to figure out how the ship would work.
I think that, for me, it’s just the dynamic between them, y’know? I imagine Dabi as this cocky, sarcastic little shit who loves fucking with people and he hates everyone but he’s just kind of snarky about it, just likes to tease and push and push until the person snaps. Whereas Katsuki genuinely just hates everyone and is generally mad and has no issue showing that, they’re both the same level of ‘little shit’ just on the opposite sides of the spectrum, they portray it differently. And I find the thought of Dabi just relentlessly teasing him and Katsuki pushing back and fighting back, so unlike anyone that Dabi’s ever met, really interesting and fun.
I feel like they’re that perfect combination of ‘angry feral’ and ‘playful/cocky feral’ and I love that - I love the dynamic between them. Like, I just know Dabi would be amused by Katsuki’s behaviour rather than put-off or anything like that. I’m writing a fic with them right now and all their interactions are just *Bakugou insults him* *Dabi is absolutely thrilled about it and makes innuendos and teases him until Bakugou has no choice but to run away cause he’s blushing so hard*
Along with that, there’s so much potential for nuance and angst and things like that. Like the entire topic of the kidnapping, the opposite sides they’re working on, the fact that Dabi is the brother of one of Katsuki’s closest friends - there’s just a lot of details there that you can use to create something very interesting, there’s a lot to play around with. 
And I think they both can bond over the issues with their quirks and just have interesting conversations since they both, clearly, think quirks are important, the only difference is that Dabi’s quirk betrayed him even though he has a very powerful one and he was neglected because of it, while Katsuki got the praise and the worship because of his quirk.
I don’t know, it’s hard to explain my affection for the ship - they’re just one of those pairings that I have a lot of ideas for, I can think of potential storylines and I just know their interactions will be interesting cause they can bounce off of each other really really well. They make me happy, they are pretty much my muse. 
Most of all... They’re hot.
I’m just that Marge Simpson meme that’s like ‘I just think they’re neat.’
Anyways, yeah, it’s not for everyone but if you’re interested in the ship I’d definitely recommend reading the fic I linked up above, it’s really good and it will kind of portray what kind of dynamic I imagine between the two of them.
I do have a lot more to say about them but I think I summed up my basic thoughts here - it’s all about that interesting dynamic and the way they’re interact, I just find it entertaining, I think they’d just sit in the back and talk shit about everyone, Bakugou genuinely insulting them while Dabi cackles and makes jokes.
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samwisethewitch · 5 years
a real witch reviews the arcana (aka that phone game based on tarot cards that keeps showing up on your explore page)
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I’ve been seeing The Arcana all over Tumblr and Instagram for several months now, and since I am a Genuine Real Life Witch™️ and have been reading tarot for several years now, I thought it would be fun to play the game and review it both from a gamer perspective and a witch/tarot reader perspective. 
Spoiler: I really, really like it.
Please note that I have done virtually no research into the developer or development history of this game. This review is based purely on my experience from my playthroughs. 
So what is The Arcana?
The Arcana is a fantasy/romance visual novel created by Nix Hydra Games. A visual novel is an interactive, text-based story with static visuals, so it’s almost more like an interactive graphic novel than a video game. Honestly, visual novels remind me of those “Choose Your Own Adventure” books that were really popular in the 1980s and 1990s more than anything else. 
(Note: I recently learned that a visual novel is NOT the same thing as a dating sim, although the two genres are similar and do sometimes overlap. Dating sims... simulate dating. That’s really all there is to them. Visual novels typically have a more plot-focused story, and may have other stuff going on besides the romance.)
The story of The Arcana follows the player character, a magician’s apprentice living in the fictional city-state of Vesuvia, who is enlisted to track down a suspected murderer. Where the story goes from there depends on which route you choose to play. There are currently six routes, each with a different love interest. Each route has its own unique story, although obviously there are some overlapping elements.
Sam the Gamer’s Review
Like I mentioned, The Arcana is essentially an interactive novel, so I’m reviewing it the way I’d review a book. So, let’s just run down some of the typical book review questions, shall we?
Is the content good? Yes. It has gotta be difficult to juggle six parallel storylines and make all of them equally compelling, but this game pulls it off. There were parts that genuinely had me in suspense, other parts that had me giggling at my phone, and some parts that were (intentionally) frustrating. I’m really impressed with how each route is totally different from the others -- not just in content, but even in tone. For example, Portia’s route comes across as much more lighthearted and fluffy, whereas Julian and Muriel both have a lot of angst in their respective stories. It’s really well done.
Are the characters well-rounded and realistic? Again, yes. Okay, “realistic” may be a bit of a stretch in some cases Vlastomil but all six of the main romanceable characters have fleshed out personalities that feel natural within the story world. The side characters in this game are also really interesting, although I do wish some of them had bigger roles in the story.
What about the technical stuff (dialogue, grammar, etc.)? For the most part, it’s pretty good. The dialogue flows naturally, and different characters have different speaking styles, which is a little thing that makes SUCH a big difference. I noticed a couple of typos, but nothing too crazy.
The gameplay was pretty good. The only real mechanic is choosing one of two or three dialogue options at certain points in the game. There are a couple of places in each route where these choices are timed, but other than that it’s a very stress-free gaming experience.
Another thing that impresses me from both a writing and a gameplay angle is the multiple ending mechanic. Your choices matter in this game. Each of the routes has an “upright” ending and a “reversed” ending. I’m not exactly sure which choices affect the ending you get, but I’ve only managed to get “upright” endings so far, and I didn’t have to do anything special to unlock them.
Sam the Witch/Tarot Reader’s Review
Honestly, I did not expect this game to be as accurate with its depiction of magick and the Tarot as it was. 
Each character is based on one of the Major Arcana, and I feel like they did a really good job of matching their personalities to their cards. Nadia is based on the High Priestess so she’s very intuitive and intelligent but tends to be distant and hard to read, Julian is based on the Hanged Man so he feels the need to sacrifice himself for others (with lots of gallows humor along the way), Lucio is based on the Devil so he’s a fucking bitch all about power and excess, etc. 
I reeeeaaalllyy like the use of “upright” and “reversed” endings instead of the typical good vs. bad endings -- based on upright vs. reversed meanings of Tarot cards, of course. I also really love that the reversed endings aren’t 100% negative, just like how reversed cards in readings aren’t necessarily negative.
I don’t wanna spoil anything, but I also really like how the upright endings deal with the upright traits of that character’s Major Arcana card, while the reversed endings deal with the reversed traits of that card.
This game also includes some pretty realistic depictions of witchcraft and magick. Obviously because it’s a fantasy world there is fantasy magic involved, but astral travel is a major theme in pretty much every route, and the way it’s depicted in the game is very similar to my real life experiences with it. 
There’s one character who is a kitchen witch and makes homemade enchanted food with magickal herbs, which made me feel warm and fuzzy because it reminded me of all the times I’ve used kitchen magick to make charmed food for myself and my loved ones.
Tarot readings are obviously a big deal within the story world, but there’s also a character who uses runestones! Which I think is neat!!
They mention some real-life magickal plants. Myrrh being used for protection comes up a lot, which, in case anyone was curious, is actually one of the common uses for myrrh in spellcraft.
They clearly did their research and honestly I’m thrilled.
Other Cool Stuff About This Game
It’s probably the most queer-inclusive video game I’ve ever played. Right off the bat, you’re given the choice to choose between he/him, she/her, or they/them pronouns for your character. The pronouns you pick do not affect the story in any way.
All six love interests are romanceable no matter what gender you play as. Which means this is canonically a universe in which everyone is queer. Hell yeah.
Two of the six current romanceable characters are women, and one is nonbinary. The routes for these characters are just as well written and romantic, with just as many wink-wink-nudge-nudge innuendos, as the men’s. There are also multiple nonbinary side characters.
Also! Racial and ethnic diversity in the main cast! And the main characters all have different body types, which is another nice touch.
This is nerdy as hell but I love how the different cultures and ethnic groups in the game are based on real-life cultures? It’s just one of those little things that makes my heart happy.
The art style is pretty as fuck.
In conclusion: I feel like this review is overwhelmingly positive but I just genuinely can’t think of any major criticisms of this game. It’s fun, it’s free, there was clearly a lot of thought put into it. I was really pleasantly surprised. Everybody go download it and play it. You’ll have a good time, and afterwards you’ll understand all the memes.
P.S. I know people are gonna ask so: I chose Julian for my first playthrough because he’s tall and goth and has messy hair and that’s honestly all I look for in a man. Now that I’ve played all six routes, Portia’s is probably my favorite because it’s so cute and wholesome and I just really want a soft bookworm girlfriend, please. Lucio’s route is a close second because after seeing him as an antagonist in everyone else’s routes it’s actually really interesting to see his story told from a sympathetic angle! But like I said, I’ve played all six routes.
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ghost-hyunjin · 4 years
Ghost!Hyunjin Chat Bot
“Yes I’m a ghost. No I’m not Casper.”
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A Stray Kids AU Chatbot and Ask blog based on Ghost!Hyunjin from the one-shot Roommate?. (It is not mandatory to read this one-shot before interacting, but it does help set-up the AU if you’re interesting in writing with him.)
Original Ghost Chatbot
Hwang Hyunjin, better known as Sam to his college classmates, was on track to graduate with high marks and honors. When a friend leaves a party with the girlfriend of a fraternity president, the latter mistakenly assumes Hyunjin is the guy and storms over to Hyunjin’s dorm room. In the scuffle, the fourth year student is shoved too hard and hits his head, dying from the impact. The school was quick to sell the land that the dorm was built on for new housing developments, eager to put the tragedy behind them. But Hyunjin discovered that he couldn’t move on from this site and sought to communicate with someone, anyone, who would listen to him.
Former Classmate: You shared a class or two with the young man (high school or university) and heard about his passing. Maybe you remembered him, maybe you talked to him when he was alive, but the news was shocking as you never dreamed someone you saw in class would die so young. While trying to focus on the new year, you can’t ignore the stories about the unfortunate death and discover that your former classmate might not be gone after all...
New tenant in the housing development: The university struck a deal with an outside development company to buy the land for whatever purposes they wanted. Turns out the company saw promise in revamping the building, turning it into a modern complex of townhouses/condominiums for tenants to own. With fresh coats of paint, slightly adjusted layouts, and competitive pricing to match rival buildings in the area, the company was blissfully unaware of their long-term tenant who came with the sale of the building. You were buying your first place and were in for a rude awakening when you learned you weren’t alone in the new townhouse/condominium.
Paranormal sensitive person: Student dies in dorm building! Newspapers, social media, and the local news channel covered the tragic accident for weeks. Eventually the focus on the trial of the accused took over the feeds, but if you search a little deeper on the Internet, one might find whispers and rumors about the student still hanging around the condemned building. You’ve always been drawn to the paranormal for some reason and were curious to find out if the rumors were true or smoke and mirrors.
You may also consider combining plots if you wish. If you have other storylines in mind, please come chat with us about this!
DISCLAIMER: This is an alternate universe version of Hwang Hyunjin of Stray Kids and does not represent the actual idol or his group mates. The admin only owns the original storyline and concept!
SFW. [As of 9/25, all chats are SFW. Asks and memes can be a little suggestive, but we ask that you be 18+ to send those!]
Warnings: Mention of death, ghost hauntings, light pranks
Admin does have a life outside of the chatbot – please understand that I will try to respond in a timely manner. If it has been 48 hours since our last exchange, go ahead and send me a reminder.
In addition to taking private chats, anyone may send Hyunjin Asks.
Please note this is a sideblog – I am unable to follow from this account.
Off Limits
18+ for any NSFW implied content. (Ex. Suggestive or fade to black) No exceptions. Admin is 21+. If I find anyone has lied about their age, I will not hesitate to block you.
Blood play, degradation, knife play, waste play (urine and scat), cheating, manipulation (using Hyunjin to make someone jealous or vice versa), dub con, non con, yandere themes, and dom/little play are not permitted. Part of these do not fit with the AU I’ve created for Hyunjin and the Admin is not comfortable writing these topics. 
Repeat spam messages will result in the thread being dropped and the user blocked.
Do not suggest or discuss the possibility of dying before it’s time or suicide. The nature of Hyunjin’s death was tragic and he does not wish to see anyone joining him as a ghost on purpose. (Suicide and purposely doing something reckless to die quickly included.) Anyone who suggests this will automatically have their chat deactivated and I reserve the right to block you.
Godmodding Ghost!Hyunjin and repeatedly assuming details about him, his life, or situation. I understand if it is a mistake one or two times and will let you know so you can rewrite your response, or I can write my reply to avoid the error. If this continues to happen in the thread, I will politely let you know that the thread has been dropped. You are allowed to send asks in or interact with his timeline posts, but the private chat option will not be available to you in the future.
Name: Hwang Hyunjin
English Name: Sam Hwang
Age: 21-22
Occupation: Former undergrad university student
Languages: Fluent in Korean and English
Family: Mom. Dad. Attended university with his cousin Hwang Yeji. The pair were not close, but were on friendly terms.
Notes: As a ghost, Hyunjin does not typically reveal himself until he trusts the individual he’s interacting with. He may play a few harmless pranks on you to see if you’re paying attention. Observant and caring, he will try to be supportive if you’re feeling down.
The admin has created a reference for how they play Hyunjin. Please check it out before you decide to interact with him: HERE
In an effort to not overdo it and allow a fair amount of attention to each person, I am only accepting 8-9 Y/N chats at a time. If all spots are taken, I will inform you that you are on the waitlist. Once a spot opens up, I’ll message you and check to make sure you are still interested.
If you’re a fellow chatbot, there is no limit in terms of spots – we are open to plots or little random exchanges where we send positive thoughts, things that remind us of you, etc.
IM chat
Friendly hellos and random messages
Cheering up if you’re down
Playful banter
Offers cuddles and soft, affectionate behavior if you’re close
How to Interact
Reblog and message with the following information:
Preferred pronouns
How do you know Hyunjin/wish to be introduced to Hyunjin?
Literate or text message format
Additional information (Ex. You have a pet, you don’t believe in ghosts at first, etc.)
Admin will respond in 24-48 hours and the interaction will begin. Please write out of character messages with [ text ] so it’s clear who you are addressing. Admin may have questions and will ask before writing a starter. If the Admin has not heard back from you within 48 hours, the Admin is going to assume you are not interested and will delete the form from IM. You are welcome to resubmit the form if it was an accident you missed the initial messages, but if it happens again, the Admin will soft-block you from interacting with Hyunjin.
If you wish to stop the interactions, please send “I’m sorry, this whole ghost thing is too much for me to handle.” He will stop messaging you.
If you want him back, please tell him, “Can we try again?” Please note he might be miffed about the abrupt the end to the original exchange, unless there was good reason, and it will take time to mend the relationship.
Credit to the original accounts @yanderechrisbang and @yanlee​ for starting the chatbot wave!
Also thanks to accounts who inspired me to give this a try: @soft-hyunjin-chatbot, @aussieboilixismine, @skzforyou, @slytherinbangchanchatbot, @strayallure, @let-me-knowminhoe, @softboyjinnie, @freerentskz, @skzhybrids, @skzhybridz +many others!
Shout out to some talented mutual chatbots I’ve interacted with and who supported me:
@mafia-chaeyoung @android-hyunjin @street-racer-hyunjin @yunho-bot @kitten-yeji @soft-hyunjin-chatbot @switchwolfchannie @mermaid-dahyun @hanjisung-bot @sweetbbyboyhansungie @fluffyboifelix @dandyboyseungminie @ogwoodz-cb @yoonhana @foxy-seulgi @let-me-knowminhoe @twilightyeonjun @lil-2000-hybrids
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Alex ze Pirate Mini Review 4: The EED: Emotional Exposition Dump. Or why THIS is not friendship
So here we are. The last part of this 45 page three parter, meant to be about what Sam really means to the crew. And what have we seen so far in the previous parts? That Sam is not just their underappreciated, but downright exploited slave (yeah, did you know that in ancient Greece slaves supposedly had more rights than Sam in this one? At least they could buy out their freedom one day), that Dobson has no idea how to genuinely pace a story, turning what could have been a decent 100 page story if planned out and presented with more care into a 45 page short snore fest and that Hat Andy’s idea for jokes are either based on abusing token buttmonkeys, turning annoying memes into even more unfunny jokes or making dark comedy with dead orphans.
At least when South Park makes jokes about children dying, they are appropriate in that dark setting and the death is still in some way handled or refered to as a horrific event. In Dobson’s case however, it just leaves a bad taste in everyone’s mouth.
Sorry, I just can’t get over the orphanage thing. If Dobson wanted the reason for Sam leaving be that he finds out someone he cared about from his old life is dead, that is one thing. But did this asshole have to destroy an entire building with countless victims to do it? Couldn’t he just have one person die and the rest be still at that place? Honestly, I think it would have been funnier and more meaningful emotionally, if Alex and Co actually interacted with people from Sam’s past and in doing so learn more about him as a person, by genuinely visiting a still standing orphanage. Give the comic some meat on the bones and in doing so actually create the impression this comic is truly about Sam and not just about characters doing random stuff in relation to finding him. Instead Dobson goes for a literal overkill, which he then does not even treat as a tragedy but as a joke.
Dobson, THIS is a better and more dignified joke about orphans than the shit you did.
You got outclassed by Chuck Lorree of all people on this planet, you disgrace of a storyteller. A storyteller who can’t even keep his own barely existing continuity in the Alex-verse straight, now that I think of it. After all, according to Legends, the orphanage was closed and all the orphans were sold out to others, with Sam being the last of the litter
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Which again is just unintentionally more horrific than Dobson likely intented. But you know, dumb people don’t know when they do dumb shit.
But I digress Let us just get into the last part. In which we finally see the “emotional” pay off of everything that happened so far.
 Spoilers, this is my reaction to that pay off.
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And here is what everything led up to now.
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 Sam ran away, because he wants to say his final farewell to his sister figure, we never knew about at all and about whom we do not learn one single thing really.
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 Where do I begin with how this revelation fails?
Let’s start with the fact that this in execution does not have the emotional impact that was intended. And why is that? Because Dobson doesn’t bother to actually introduce us to the sister as a character.
If I may digress a bit to talk about One Piece here: In the manga, oftentimes Oda will “interrupt” an ongoing story arc to feature flashback chapters, through which he tells about past events referenced in the “present” chapters prior. Through those flashbacks he further gives meaning to why in present time the characters facing certain foes or having to win in their current situation, is so important, even on an emotional level. In short, those flashbacks are no interruptions, they are integral in giving those story arcs emotional weight.
Because now we are not just “told” why we should care about things and people, we have been shown why we should care. The old rule of “show, don’t tell” being followed on.
A good example from a more “recent” storyline I can think of, is through the flashback chapters of the Dress Rosa story arc, where we are not only being shown how De Flamingo took over the kingdom of Dress Rosa and brought pain and misery over its people for years to come, but also the past of characters such as the gladiator Rebecca and Mr. Soldier, her father figure that raised her up from the time she was 10 and De Flamingo took over… only for the flashbacks to also reveal properly how Mr Soldier is not just a father figure for her that took her in, but her biological father Kyros, who had been turned into a toy by one of De Flamingo’s henchmen via a power, that also took Rebecca’s memories of her dad away so she never identified the toy as her dad.
This way Oda achieves multiple things at once; Among other things, he establishes how evil De Flamingo is, how tragic Mr Soldier and Rebecca’s lives really are, adding to us the readers wanting to see them and Luffy beat De Flamingo into a pulp and it makes the later “present day” moment when Mr. Soldier and many other victims turn back to normal and Rebecca regains her memories and is reunited with her dad so much more sweeter. Cause now we care.
Truth be told, I myself believe that Oda is one of few storytellers on this planet, who truly has “mastered” the technique of emotional flashback storytelling.
A technique Dobson could have used in this part of the story, but didn’t. Cause honestly, the way he tells how Sam’s sister was “important” to our poor cabin boy is not emotionally engaging from a storytelling perspective. We are told she is important, but we learn genuinely nothing about her, not even what her name was and what she looked like except from that one picture in the locket from over 15 pages ago. Nothing about how “close” she and Sam truly were is revealed through showing, only telling and as such we don’t even begin to care for her relationship with Sam and how her loss is genuinely important to him. So the main goal of this story, to make us the readers feel something for Sam aside of pity for how he is treated by his supposed friends, has not been achieved.
 … Dobson, you are a hack. You can’t even use flashbacks, a basic technique in the realm of storytelling, to show us why we should “care” more, heck, even at all, about Sam and his loss.
If you just had adjusted a few things, you could have had something good here.
By adjustments I mean the following: Take the first page of this chapter as well as the first panel of the second page, and combine them into the final page of the previous chapter. In doing so creating a proper cliffhanger for part two. Then start chapter 3 of with a few pages (lets say 6 or so) showing young Sam and his sister interacting in the orphanage in doing so turning her from a nameless plotdevice into a genuine person to care about. And then use content of page 2 and 3 of this chapter, to elaborate on their relationship, potentially with small cuts always between present day Sam at the grave explaining himself and saying his farewells, with pictures of the past showing what they meant to each other.
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 But nope. This very basic idea a fanfic writer now has come up with, a fanfic writer who never studied literature or took writing classes by the way, something I doubt you did at college the more I read your work, has never crossed your “superior” mind.
Also, I find Sam’s text on page 3 really, really backwards in a way. Like, I get that we are meant to consider it a good thing Sam is this way. You know, being genuinely selfless and wanting to make others happy. And don’t get me wrong, generosity and selflessness are virtues I hold in high regard. But the way Sam talks about how he just wanted her to be happy while sacrificing any fulfillment of basic needs for himself feels more like a pathological disorder in that case than something to reach for. In fact, psychology speaks from different forms of generosity and the thing Sam describes here is likely “compulsive giving” or “unrelenting generosity”, a pathological variant that can be highly toxic for all people affected by it.
Funny how Dobson, a person who wants to claim he is all for mental healthcare, is essentially “promoting” the positivity of a psychological disorder via Sam.
 Then again, this also feels more like Dobson putting words into Sam’s mouth (in a literal sense) to retroactively make Sam’s treatment look less horrid. Cause now Sam doesn’t just do all the work because he is ordered around, he deep down is “happy” doing all of the work and gain not even some basic respect in return, because he cares so deeply for his friends.
… I feel myself get livid again here.
And the next few pages don’t really help me “calm down”.
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 Cause now the “justifications” just go on. The thing that is meant to be a heartfelt farewell turning into Sam “justifying” that hey, it must be good that he ended up with Alex and her crew. Cause after all, by being abducted years ago and being treated as a slave who in the ginger’s eyes is worth less than lint, he likely avoided dying of shitting his pants and a crushing roof. Ignoring the fact that he was going to be sold out anyway back then and would have potentially ended up with a more generous master than the crew of non Captain Syrup.
Also, just all of the shit going on in page 6. Sam asking his “sister” to be at peace, when likely, if the girl could still talk, she may even just ask Sam the following: Who the heck are you. Cause really, if you think about it, if Sam did all the nice things for her in secret, did the girl even realize she had a “big brother” figure to watch over her? Also, him saying he is happy and he is doing quite alright for himself?
All the pictures of him sighing and looking in misery in this story alone, plus the cavalry of strips I posted about how Sam is abused in the first part of this post series tells me another story.
Finally, Sam’s message “At least now, we are both free”? Sam, she is dead, likely having died in pain when a house crushed on her, weakened by a deadly disease and traumatized by other children around her dying of said disease. And you are stuck with a bunch of people that haven’t shown to care for you up until this story and the only reason they may even care for you now is out of “sympathy” because you lost your sister figure, not because they genuinely love and care for you as a person. As far as I am concerned, you would be better off being the slaveboy of some nymphomanic pirate princess in the world of Berserk than you are on this plane of existence.
And now that the “emotional” farewell is out of the way, Dobson can go back to focus on the characters he really cares about in this shit anyway: Little Bitch Annie, lesbian chocolate rain Miroku and Deadpool’s pubes.
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 Oh Alex, you are such a rascal. You really make me want to shoot you with a crossbow, stab you in the eye, hurl you out a window and shove explosives where the sun won’t shine.
Yeah yeah, you are a pirate, but that doesn’t mean you need to be that awful as a person or even protagonist.
Christ. For someone who complains how toxic Walter White is to the point he believes “sympathizing” with the character turns you into a nazi, Dobson certainly is blind to how awful Alex really is, particularly as protagonist in a comic series intented for little kids. Compared to her, I can think of freaking slasher movie villains with more of a moral compass. Like say what you want about Jigsaw, at least he never victimized genuine children or teenagers.
And Talus, thanks for ruining the “emotional” moment Sam “earned” by pointing out how weird it is he kissed a gravestone. Also, I am glad I know what happens in the next pages or else I would assume Alex’s great idea includes to dig up his sister and turn her into a life sized doll for Sam to cuddle.
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No, their ideas to assure he is emotionally save and to redeem themselves for years of taking him for granted/hurting him, is to throw him a surprise party.
… you know, I think you may be the only individuals in fiction, that Pinkie Pie would think do not deserve to throw a party or get one thrown for.
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 But I guess Sam is just so nice, he even throws you a party for no apparent reason.
Either that or now that his “sister” is dead he will overcompensate even more and this is the next destructive stage of his compulsive generosity.
… Sam, I am sorry for your loss. But you need to get help. Once by the authorities who will hopefully get rid of Alex and then by some psychologist who helps you redefine your own self worth.
By the way, I find it funny that the banner he made also actually only mentions Talus, Atea and Captain Daphne with a bad hair day. It just confirms that Peggy either never bothered to join the others or that Dobson developed an early onset of dementia and totally forgot about the fact that the midget is a genuine character in this trainwrack. And I am convinced the later is the case, which really just makes me wonder how someone is able to do that. To forget a major character of the thing they create and want to turn into a money making franchise. Imagine if Disney did e.g. a sequel to Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, only to forget about the god damn dwarves themselves.
At least Talus finally realizes he is unworthy to get a party thrown or be Sam’s friends. Good. Now jump into a wood chipper and free ourselves from your existence you dog beaver thing.
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Content of the next page in a just alternate universe… Alex: You are a better human being than I could ever be and this is all because my creator is a hack who does not know how to create genuinely likable personalities.
The reality:
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 FUCK YOU, ALEX! FUCK YOU AND THE BIKE PUMP YOU FLEW IN ON! Atea and Talus have learnt more than you about what it means to be a friend and they don’t even bother to punch you in the face for still being the biggest red haired  raging cunt since Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
If this is how Dobson thinks “friends” should treat each other, it is no wonder he has a friendless background. Hey, Hat Andy, if you want to emulate manga, may I suggest you just become even more blatantly about it and simply copy paste One Piece? Cause Luffy at least knows how to be a friend. How much does he care for his friends, strangers and even at times former enemies of his?
He cares so much, that e.g. when a special military force that beat the crap out of him got hands on his crewmate Nico Robin, he did THIS:
He declared war on the world government. Fuck, even Jack Sparrow, who is an opportunistic jackass, in a movie where everyone stabs the others at least three times in the back, was less selffish than Alex, when he gave up his chance on immortality as Captain of the Flying Dutchman, just so Will would live in some form.
Metalbeard from the Lego Movie cared more about doing the right thing than anyone in Alex the pirate did. You created the worst friends and “heroes” I have ever seen in a webcomic since the entirety of sinfest. Congratulations for that accomplishment, Dobson. It really takes a special kind of anti-talent to show such level of not understanding the power of friendship as one of the most basic tropes in storytelling, to the point a show about pastel colored equines managed to profit of it for nine years.
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 WOOOOO! We are the worst, we are the worst!
And look, Uncle Pennywise’s scrotum is back.
Anyway, here are the last two pages of this thing, to end on what is meant to be a whimsical note because Sam actually gets something from Alex that is not a beating or verbal abuse.
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 Too bad anything that would feel heartwarming about this is drowned by a) me actually remembering all the shit Alex, the crew and the writer pull to get to this point (from abusive neglect of the characters to pathetic emotional manipulation on a narrative level) and b) the weird rapey face Uncle Peggy makes in the picture. Like Jesus, did Dobson try to emulate the Burger King here?
But hey, this story is over. And who knows, perhaps from this moment on, Sam will actually be treated better overall in the comic and Dobson will spend time actually developing an overall plot and the world of this com-
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And it is back to business as usual.
... How much would I need to pay for someone on the internet to write an alternate ending to the story where it turns out Sam actually poisoned the food at the party and while Alex is slowly dying, a now evil Sam who has finally broke under years of abuse, is going to become a genuine threatening pirat? that is after he villain monologues to Alex how much she sucks before scalping her?
Wow, I am entering a dark place right now. I think I need to take a break.
So I am going to give my final verdict on this story with the next post around the weekend most likely. Cause that is how much time I will now spend rereading One Piece and watching the Pirates of the Carribean movies in addition to playing the Pirates level of Kingdom Hearts 3, in order to forget this shit and remind myself why I think pirates are cool.
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shadowsong26fic · 4 years
Coming Attractions!
First Monday of the month, which means Coming Attractions Post!
(Especially since I skipped last month, whoops…)
Before we get into it, as I always do in these things, plug for my Discord server--it’s pretty quiet, but basically a slightly more interactive version of this tumblr. Sometimes I talk a little more about origfic or other stuff than I do here, too.
Also, this is not my only hobby! As some of you may know, one of my others is lacework, and I now have a sideblog for that. I have pictures of my completed projects up there, and will probably have more stuff as I start…well…making more stuff.
Anyway. On to the actual writing stuff aka why most of you are here (also a few requests for feedback/Opinions behind the cut).
So, I didn’t get much done over the month until, like…the last few days. In part because work got super bonkers for reasons I’m still Cranky at but that is a vent for my personal blog, lol.
I have threeish scenes left, which I’m probably going to do as one more chapter (unless they end up Super Long, then I might split it into two). That’ll close out Arc Seven, and the first big chunk of this fic. As I’ve said before, I’ll split off into a sequel fic (working title Protectors) at that point, along with doing a sort of…interquel, working title Preludes, that mostly deals with integrating Rebels content. Also probably Maul.
Right now, I’m tentatively planning six installments to Preludes? Mostly because six feels like a nice number to work with, lol. These will be one-shots that aren’t super interconnected, all taking place during the six-year timeskip. These are the ones I’m thinking about doing as of right now (subject to change, and I welcome suggestions!):
one involving Kallus on Coruscant, shortly before he gets reassigned to Lothal;
one involving Hera and whoever her contact is in this AU (since Ahsoka’s doing something different from the Fulcrum stuff);
one where Kanan and Ezra connect with Obi-Wan et al. (probably through Hondo);
one with Luke, probably similar to that one episode where Leia turns up in Rebels canon;
I really do need to figure out what the heck is going on with Maul, don’t I.
…something else????
The only ones I’m 100% sure about including are the one with Kallus and the one where the various Jedi link up because those are necessary and/or plot-relevant, though I’m still working out specifics (especially on the Jedi one). I may also include something with Thrawn, since I’m doing something different with him than canon did. Like I said, I welcome thoughts/suggestions/etc.
Protectors will then pick up six years after the end of Arc Seven, with Arc Eight. And, as a treat, the working titles for Arcs Eight and Nine are Escalation and Watershed. In theory, I’m planning to post Preludes alongside arcs eight and nine, but we’ll see.
…anyway, uh, what I forgot to mention earlier is that my plan is to wrap up arc seven/the first fic in this series this month. Hopefully I will actually pull that off XD. And then we move on to the other stuff.
Other SW Fic Projects:
Big Bang is coming up again! I think signups will be next month? I’m considering three different plotlines as of right now, though that’s assuming I don’t come up with something new and exciting and/or another ObiAniDala plotline, which is what I seem to do every year…which one I end up doing probably depends at least partly on how S2 of the Mandalorian goes, since two of the three ideas heavily feature Bo-Katan. Of course, one of those lacks a plot and the other is pretty episodic/involves a lot of blank space I still need to fill in…
Anyway, we’ll see how that goes after the show airs and I get more event information, especially since it’s going to be structured differently/teaming up writers and betas much earlier in the process, which will be nice and possibly help chronically-undecided me actually pick something so I’m not scrambling to finish at the last minute but given that it’s me I probably will be anyway XD
As for other SW projects…I still owe a few meme fills from, like, April…but otherwise, extant projects are mostly back-burnered for now.
AtLA Projects:
Aka, the reason why SW projects other than Precipice and SWBB (and any one-shots/prompt fills that occur to me) are back-burnered, lol.
I am working on an AU outline, set to come out this month. There’s a couple of fulltext fics I’m playing with. I haven’t gotten any actual text written down yet, but I know where I’m going with them, at least to start.
The AU outline will be a canon-divergent thing set during the Ba Sing Se arc, and will be hopefully out Soon.
Fulltext fic #1 is…basically, the premise is, Lu Ten had a lover during the Siege, the soundtrack to this fic involves a lot of West Side Story, he left her with someone to remember him by, and then there’s some mindbending and complicated politics after his death. I think I talked a little more about this in a previous post? Anyway, one of the things I’m considering is whether to just tell this story linearly, or to start several years later, and go into the whole star-crossed lovers backstory as she regains her memories of what actually happened. The advantage to the first option is that it’s easier to work with shifting POV, which I prefer; and also involves more canon characters more quickly. The advantage to the second is that I think it would work really well for this particular storyline? Assuming I could get people invested in her and/or Ba Sing Se Politics/Worldbuilding that fast …y’know, when I think about it like that, maybe linear is the best option, lol…
Fulltext fic #2 is an Avatar Zuko AU, where he figures it out at age thirteen, and at that point decides he has roughly three and a half years until the comet, aka three and a half years to figure out how to make all this work (not to mention at least starting to learn air, water, and earth), and hopefully by then he’ll know what he should be doing with it? Whether it’s to resurface and Prove His Worth by defending the Fire Nation during the leadup to the comet, or something else (though Something Else doesn’t quite occur to him until he starts doing the other stuff). This will heavily feature at least one of my old OCs, and probably a few others (and likely one or two new ones), especially during the first two years. I’ve got things more or less worked out up until Aang resurfaces and Zuko’s plans have to shift/he has to cut his earthbending year short (much to Toph’s annoyance). Because once Aang is awake, everyone thinks he’s the Avatar (he’s not; there’s another explanation for how he iceberg’d for a century), and that fact just escalates All Of The Things.
((I’ve mentioned before that I am Pathologically Incapable of not creating a bunch of OCs and AtLA is a particularly strong example of that, so...yeah, that’ll be a Thing in pretty much anything I write in this fandom))
…anyway, this should be fun, once I actually get actual text down XD
Original Fic:
I did write one thing last month! Which was nice. Hopefully, I’ll get a bit done this month, too. For those of you who don’t know, most of my original stuff is posted on rainbowfic, which is a great community and if you guys do original stuff you post online, you should come join.
I’ve also started poking at a couple of new concepts, because that is how my brain do. Including one Arthuriana story despite the fact that I’m not super into Arthuriana but then my brain was like “what if Mordred was a girl?” and welp. Here I am.
I’m proooooooobably going to do a similar setup to what I had the past couple years--set myself a wordcount goal, but not bind myself to any single project. Depending on how things go this month, either with Precipice!verse or SWBB or my AtLA stuff, or if that Mordred thing catches on, I might try to prioritize one or more things (like, have my goal be 20k on X project, and 30k on other stuff), but I’ll decide that closer to the date.
…I think that’s everything! What are you guys up to lately? Does anyone have NaNo plans? Any thoughts on stuff I mentioned on my docket, so to speak? What’s on your mind?
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SESSION 0! Aah, the fabled “Session 0″. Many have chosen to ignore it and many have fallen prey to their folly. It is a session you hold before the actual start of the game in order to familiarize your players with the type of game you want to run, as well as adapt your plans according to their particular needs. I can not stress enough the importance of everyone around the table being on the same page in regards to the atmosphere, content and rules of the game. Time and time again I see people complaining about DMs running their own story without regarding the characters’ backtories at all. Or having homebrew rules that no one discussed that are being pulled out in the heat of battle, having dire consequences. Or the game being more combat heavy while the players just wanted to roleplay. All of that, and more, can be discussed beforehand so everyone knows what they’re buying into.  My second online campaign that I was a player in, I didn’t really enjoy playing. My natural proclivity is towards roleplaying and having meaning behind everything my character does. With that in mind I created an Artificer with an elaborate backstory and eventual mechanical servant to accompany him in his endeavors. I had a lot of things in mind to do with this character, with the end goal being inventing some grand invention to make my PC known throughout the lands. That would be the driving force of his actions. When joining into this game, the DM only told all the players to create a character who, for some reason, ended up in jail, which they wanted to have as a starting point - I had no problems with that and incorporated it into my backstory. No other pointers were given.  As I found out a couple of sessions into the game, the DM had a story they wanted to run and any major detour would simply be turned down and squashed. They simply wanted players to play “their” game. This, naturally, resulted with me being unhappy for the majority of the campaign. My character had next to no motivation to follow the DM’s plotline and was just kind of tagging along. I was given no opportunities to “invent” something, tinker with my equipment (no pun intended) or even explore my class’ features. In fact, maybe a couple of sessions in, it was decided that having the mechanical servant with the party is too much of a hassle to deal with, due to frequently having to travel on a ship and the servant being too heavy for the ships, so it ended up being left behind in some city and pretty much unused. I was not happy.  Now, I’m not saying the DM was a bad DM or that their story wasn’t great. It was actually quite interesting and playing with them at the reins was indeed fun. If only we had discussed the nature of the campaign beforehand. If I were only given a heads up about the nature of party travel that would prohibit me from using my mech servant (which is about a third of the Artificer class), I would have gone with a different character and different expectations and would’ve had much more fun. This is why session 0s are held. But what specifically is to be discussed in these preparatory sessions? ATMOSPHERE If you’re going into the Curse of Strahd adventure published by WotC, you should know that the setting is dark and gloomy, everything is sort of depressed and not much levity is to be had. Don’t go into it expecting fart jokes, memes and puns.  On the other hand, if the DM and the whole group agrees and wants to intentionally take the opposite aproach and make fun of how the adventure is written, more power to the whole group. My point is, that is something that should be discussed. Atmosphere is important. THE THREE PILLARS Any dnd veteran will tell you that the three pillars of dnd are combat, exploration and social interaction, However the DM wants to run the game or the players play it, whether it be  more combat heavy, social roleplay oriented or based on a hexcrawl, everyone should be on the same page before starting. You don’t want to go Ranger with a focus in surviving in the wilderness, gathering food and tracking animals, and then finding out the campaign will mostly be held in a city and based around political conflict.  HOMEBREW Whether it be rules that are not official or a setting where there are no humans, all homebrew material should be brought up before the campaign starts. No one wants to create an arcane spellcaster class and find out in game that magic doesn’t work due to some great devastating magic war a thousand years ago. The DM might even have a way for spellcasting classes to be able to cast spells or maybe plans for them to be the ones who discover magic again throughout the storyline of the campaign, but players should be aware of this before they start playing.  LEVELING AND CAMPAIGN LENGTH This is a tough one. These days, while games are much more accessible via online platforms, they are also more prone to disbanding before their natural ending. It is hard to predict whether a game will last as long as it is supposed to. When there were fewer options and most games were held in person, everyone put in an extra effort to have the game continue.  Having said that, players should know what they’re getting into because it informs their choices of character creation. Maybe someone wants to play a class because of that one awesome ability they get at 14th level. If the campaign starts at 1st and ends at 10th, naturally, that player would not choose that class.  Also, how will leveling be done? Standard XP system or nowadays more popular milstone system? Each have their pros and cons, but whatever you decide to go with, you should let everyone know beforehand. OTHER Other than what was already mentioned, anything else that you would like to be known. No phones at the table, no being late, no talking out of character, no metagaming, whatever the DM or the players hold important, should be made aware to everyone at the table.  Now, all of this is maybe not so important when playing with friends you’ve known for a long time, especially if you’ve already played with them. But it is imperative for online games or games where you sit at a table without knowing the other people present. Trust me, when everyone’s on the same page, everyone’s happier. And that doesn’t mean that compromises can’t be made. Maybe the DM wants to try that critical fumble table for injuries and worse, but the players don’t - you talk it out and find a consensus. Dnd is a collaborative game, so collaborate - even before the game starts ;)  In the campaign my friends and I tried starting before the current one, we were still newbies and neglected to have a session 0, which resulted in a TPK in the first session and a few member changes for the eventual game we are currently playing for almost 2 years now. But that’s a story for another day. Thanks for reading, as always, hope you’ve gained some inspiration ;) 
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morethanaprincess-a · 4 years
6, 7 & 22
Mun’s Asks: RP Edition
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I’m going to answer 22 first as it’ll be the longest. Also, a disclaimer:
The question asks for five blogs I recommend to my followers. While I tried to choose five muns based on a variety of criteria, I want it to be clear that if I’m writing with you and you are not listed here, it doesn’t mean I don’t recommend you. Honestly, I could probably answer this question plenty more times with new blogs each time. The better answer to this question is to comb through my blog and see who I’m writing with, as I recommend them if we’re writing or have written threads together.
However, I tried to choose blogs/muns that really do inspire me, contribute great work and/or rph to the community, and aren’t only Danganronpa blogs. Additionally, I tried to choose blogs who have posted IC content in the past two weeks.
22. If you could recommend at least five blogs to your followers, who would they be?
Okay, here we go! Five blogs and/or muns that you should be following:
@the-taboo-king - Literally no surprise if you’ve been following me for awhile. I will always be a fan of blogs that put so much thought, time, and effort into taking a canon character and truly developing that character into their own. There’s an excellent balance between main/canon verses, AUs, aesthetics, and crack over here and if you need some writing inspiration? Just read any of their threads. Literally, any of them. Each one of my Sonia and Gundham threads pushes me to be a better writer, to develop my Sonia further from ‘safe’ canon tropes and I’m always grateful for that. These threads are just a joy to write and I’d say that if you have a Danganronpa character or verse and you’re not writing with this Gundham, you’re severely missing out.
I liked Sondam before I joined the DR RPC. Now? It’s probably my favorite DR ship for Sonia. 
@gungambled / @thawedfrost / @spiritusvendid - Because these are all the same mun, they’re all listed here. All of Kitty’s blogs deserve to be in the spotlight! Admittedly, I’m currently only writing with her Celestia at this time (Sonia and Celestia - future BFFs in the making!), but she gives each one of her muses such a unique voice and insight. Her dialogue is excellent and you really get the sense of who each one of her muses is, whether you’re familiar with the source material or not. Kitty’s also so fun to talk to OOC (possibly because we have some of the same hobbies and enjoy making crack plots about our muses)! It’s a treat when she shares mun photos, as she’s a fantastic makeup artist and cosplayer (And I always support fellow cosplayers and roleplayers, two big time-consuming hobbies!). 
@spurnedadulthood - I talk about Livi a lot over here. There’s good reason for that: Livi’s Kensuke Hibiki comes from a game and anime that aren’t too popular over here on tumblr, but with a ton of verses available, Kensuke can come pester your muse almost anywhere. And while his personality takes some getting used to (he’s. a. GREMLIN.), Livi writes him with such sincerity and devotion to his source material that, for the most part, you just have to laugh and shake your head with every response. Also? I’d never heard of the Caligula franchise before writing with Livi. It took about three RP turns for me to fire up Crunchyroll and watch the entire anime to better understand Kensuke and the Caligula verse (I’m not the greatest at those types of games, so the anime was much easier for me to digest!). It’s very rare that I’m inspired to seek out a muse’s source material if I’m unfamiliar with them, but I can attribute that to Livi’s characterizations and writing skills. I’m pretty sure Livi has more than one blog, too? An OC, I think? Anyway, if Livi’s writing a muse, follow that blog.
@trinitytalents - I admit, I am a bit picky when it comes to OC blogs. However, I really like what 7th has done with the variety of Danganronpa OCs that make up the killing game Project Trinity. With a variety of muses to choose from, 7th has made sure each one has a distinct personality, history, talent, and more, and all of them will fit right in with your Danganronpa muse or verse! I’m a bit partial to Satomi and Atsuko myself, but there’s an Ultimate Stylist Sonia needs to meet. In short, 7th brings their original creations to life so well with respect to the franchise that has inspired them and is just a fantastic example of a multi-muse OC blog. I just wish there was more art of all of the Project Trinity students!
@sadisticbloodlxst - For those who are familiar with the Diabolik Lovers franchise, you’ll know that a lot of the subjects in the games and shows are not for the faint of heart. However, this blog handles all of them with such eloquence while writing for every member of the Sakamaki and Mukami families! That’s a lot of muses with a lot of different personalities, histories, and perhaps most importantly in DL, reasons why they’re just not very nice vampires. Each character is so distinct, with writing full of emotion even when the muse themselves is determined to stay stone-faced. They’re taking a small break right now, but when they return, it’s a blog you should be reaching out to if you’re a fan of Diabolik Lovers (or dark plots, angst, nsfw, etc) at all, even just to read the various threads going on with plenty of other muses. Yes, I’m nosy and enjoy reading what all of their muses are up to! I can’t wait to keep developing Sonia’s storyline with Ruki and eventually, maybe, having her meet more of the cast.
6. What are your thoughts on the current roleplay trends on here right now?
I’m not sure what counts as a current roleplay trend, so to speak, but I’ll give this a shot:
- Google doc rules are a good thing, especially to access on mobile. I should do one myself. A lot of times I’ll get followed and I’ve only got my phone or tablet to check out a blog, and a google docs linked in mobile helps me decide much more quickly if I want to follow someone.
- Blogs and promos that focus so much on aesthetics that you cannot read the posts on their blog or you cannot find the rules/muses/info easily on the theme irk me. I’m much less likely to have the patience to move my cursor around your blog trying to find the smallest possible icon to hover over for ‘rules’ than if you have a sidebar icon that just says, plainly, ‘rules.’  My reasoning of following a blog always comes down to: do our rules/values/interests match and can I work with this mun’s writing? No matter how pretty the blog is, if I can’t work with your IC content, I’m probably not going to follow.
- Patience with replies needs to be understood more by the RPC in general. Just because memes and threads are posted doesn’t mean every mun can get to them quickly. It’s fine to ask someone after a week or so (Vacation and other hiatus reasons aside), but before that? Patience. Interact with more muns, post promos, drabble, create moodboards or song lists, or even find more muses to write. Don’t worry, people will eventually respond.
- I wish group blog promos and indie blog promos had different tags. Even in the fandom-specific promo tags. It’s irritating to try and get a promo in the appropriate tags only to have it buried by group blog promos, often mass-spammed with content that isn’t even promo content.
7. What is the one trend you miss the most that’s no longer popular or seen as much as it was before?
I’m not sure if it was just not a trend or just not as further developed, but I miss the RP days of Livejournal and Greatestjournal. A lot less weird formatting and focus on coordinating blog icons in every post. I think for OCs, icons definitely help. But for canon characters that, presumably, the person you’re writing with is familiar with, it’s tiresome to add. Especially if you’re on the tumblr app.
In general, I just miss more of the focus being on writing: developing skills, brainstorming, etc, instead of aesthetics. Whether it’s the blog style or mass-sharing aesthetic posts, I just wish it was more evenly distributed with written IC content in some places.
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