#/ but me as an rper
ot3 · 9 months
i dont like the idea that kids these days are doing their fandom rps with ai chatbots. that's how you're supposed to make lifelong friends as a weird really online teen.
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prince-liest · 4 months
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A couple (2) people have expressed interest in the Hazbin Hotel OC I mentioned in the latest chapter of 666, which is exactly all of the encouragement I needed to post about them! They're like 50% OC and 50% sona. This lovely sketch is by @gendermeh!! I got permission to post it even though they are also turning it into a really lovely digital art piece! <3
They are a former seraphim and exorcist that, to steal a phrase from Good Omens, didn't so much fall as saunter vaguely downward. Sera's weird sibling that liked flexing their power a little too much and got sent to the murderous girl scouts to work it out of their system, which backfired tremendously when they liked hell too much and decided to stay.
Nowadays they spend most of their time nesting in the Pride Ring, collecting friends (contracts) to show off for, avoiding Lucifer like the plague while contemplating whether they should maybe reach out, and carousing around whichever part of hell currently feels like it would be the most entertaining to throw their celestial-class weight around in.
Factoids about the creature otherwise known as Tzafael!
7.5 feet tall.
While the halo always hovers above their head, its actual orientation is always such that the center of it faces heaven, like a satellite dish that still receives exorcist communications.
The little feather antennae are fully mobile and rise and fall based on their current expressiveness. If they get particularly spooked or annoyed, most of the feathers in their hair (and wings) start bristling up and out.
The eyes on the wings are fully functional and blink in tandem with the ones on their face. They also don't vanish when they make their wings disappear, instead remaining as a floating halo of eyeballs.
Powers include localized omniscience and minor foresight, good for: being hard to hit in a fight, and being obnoxious by unintentionally interrupting people who are still speaking.
Yes, the umbrella tip is angelic steel.
Just like Sera, they have a birdform, though they rarely use it! They are magpie-shaped.
VERY good grip strength.
They like fish. :) To eat? To keep in an aquarium? Yes.
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spiderwarden · 1 month
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I am fully convinced that if you like Ascended Astarion, or any of the Dead Three, you are not allowed to have negative judgments of ANY sort on Minthara.
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dorianwolfforest · 8 months
if you're wild rp'ing and i see you i WILL treat you like i'm the videographer for a national geographics documentary about feral horses until you either tell me to piss off or ignore me. i am sorry about it.
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razzek · 3 months
Reading Pern fic and realizing that it's always queen riders or future queen rider Mary Sue type characters who here all dragons and I am now desperate for a green rider with the ability. I know in canon it's rare and has to do with bloodlines and is a women only talent that's maybe twice in a generation. We got Lessa and Ariana (? the gal in Renegades who has such a bad time she avoids dragons) and maaaaybe Moreta (it's been a long time since I read that one). But if it's going to crop up in fanfic and RP constantly, I want to see someone that everybody pins all these expectations onto and they end up riding green to the dismay of all but them. (I love greens, second best dragons to me, only topped by blues which seem to be the only dragon an ace person can ride, but the culture around them and the way their riders are treated is fascinating.) If the green rider in question was a trans man maybe no problems there or nothing would change (though that's a story I'd be interested to read in general, a trans man in canon Pern society riding green, which had to have happened at least twice in their 2k year history). But if you had someone who was being brought up and expected to ride gold and she gets a "crappy" green, the political fallout alone would be fascinating.
Man I wish I had the stamina to write longer fics. I have so many ideas for Pern stuff (most of them horrible; I am somewhat disappointed that purity culture in fandom spaces has kept people from exploring and digging down into the real canon implications that were always present in the books; I understand not wanting to do that on a personal level, but it's disappointing that a lot of writers will avoid it solely for fear of purity assholes coming after them). If Anne herself was allowed to write really shitty attempts at confronting some of this stuff (looking at you, Skies of Pern, ugh) why aren't fans allowed to tackle it honestly and better instead of just pretending it doesn't happen? But on the flip side, where's the exploration of queerness in it’s entirety from fan writers? I've seen trans women green riders and of course lots of gay men, but where my ace blue riders and lesbians and trans men and so many others be at? Aaaanyway....
This became a tangent. tleadr: it's been like 60 years of fanfic and I'm bored of the same old runaway rich girl who hears all dragons becoming a queen rider stories. XD Nothing against that sort of self indulgence, everyone gets to write that kind of wish fulfillment. :) I'm just bored and I wanna read something new but don't have the energy to write it, alas.
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ya-bug-boy · 2 months
someone needs to make a subbottom or powerbottom Guzma x Male Reader since they always write him as a top, when He's obviously now nothing but a whiny loser. So, can I request hate sex with Guzma?
Bottom Guzma x Top Male Reader: Hate sex then fluff
One of Guzma's most trademark and notable traits about him is his immense ego and pride. Sometime going from bar to bar, acting like he's a big shot who owns the place, looking for some hot tourist who wants to fuck with an Alolan native. He's got a big dick, it's a waste not to fucking use it!
There's a new bar that opened up in Melemele Island. He's gonna hit the scene, looking for the right kind of trouble.
Turns out it's a LGBT bar. Alright, nothing wrong with that. Maybe there's a bi or pan girl he can find.
Until he fucking runs into you. You're right up his alley, flaunting your exposed chest in a loose buttoned up shirt. Usually it's Guzma buying a drink, dropping the hints, but he wasn't expecting to hear it from another dude! At first, he thinks it's cute that someone is into him like this so hard and heavy right off the bat but it gets annoying when you're the only person in the place talking to him!
At first Guzma brushes you off, thinks you're a bit too on the spot to be asking for sex like this but you bluntly point out that he's the same! You've seen him in other bars doing the same thing you're doing to him. You even make fun of him for the time he drank too much and had to be escorted out right before barfing everywhere. That pisses him off, he can't believe someone remembered that. He gets snappy with you, telling you to beat it.
You just grin and give him one last offer, saying it'd be the best dick of his life if he gave it a try. Before he can get a word in, intense music starts playing as drag queens come from a back room. People start cheering and you join the crowd. Turns out it was some kind of performance night.
Guzma tries to ignore you. Fine. Whatever! He can swindle his way into a girl's pants no problem.
Until he doesn't. The girls at the scene were already partnered up with somebody else. He doesn't remember there being this many lesbians but maybe he just never really noticed until now.
Damn it. Fine. Whatever. I'll just go get another drink, he thinks to himself.
He turns around to walk over to the bar, where he sees you smiling from a distance, sipping on an exaggerated silly straw. You've just been WATCHING HIM FUMBLE THIS WHOLE TIME?
Now he's pissed. Stomps over to you. Asks you what your deal is.
Plain and simple, you want to dick him down. You offer him a night at your place.
At this point, Guzma ain't too sure about he even likes anymore. Yeah he might fuck a guy in the ass every now and then but not the other way around!
But it was getting late and he hasn't made a score yet. It ain't like going back to his Hala's place smelling like booze is gonna win points with the old man.
He reluctantly agrees but demands that HE'S the one in control. You give him that much. So now you go home.
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Guzma pretty much knows how to make people melt in his hands. But he's stiff as a board when you start giving him that kind of attention back.
You start by kissing him, to make him relax. You're back at your place, turns out you moved in here recently.
Clothes are removed eventually, Guzma didn't expect much but he wasn't expecting your dick to be as big as his. He always did kind of wonder in the back of his head what it'd feel like receiving it but he wouldn't necessarily say that out loud to anyone.
You stimulate him first, with a lubed up middle finger as you lazily trace circles on his asshole. His breath hitches and he glares at you when he sees you smile. Tells you to shut up but you haven't even said anything yet. You continue playing with his ass, gradually working your way up to push farther.
He makes a few groans and whines but nothing openly loud just yet. You work your way up to having three fingers in there, thinking that he's had enough.
You lube your dick and line it up to his hole, tapping your member twice on him. Guzma opens his mouth to protest but before he could, you slip inside. The head slips in with relative ease, you take in your time to push far enough to bottom out.
Guzma lets out a shaky breath, having held it, before finally letting out a loud, "FUCK-" when you piston your hips.
You go at a slow pace, this being Guzma's first time, you didn't want to ruin the experience. You're praising him, cooing at how well he's taking you, taunting that he likes this before he just yells at you to just SHUT UP and fuck him. So you give him exactly what he wants.
Slamming your hips against his, you watch Guzma's strained face as he clenches the bed sheets beneath him. He watches you with a hazy glare as his own dick bounces with the way you fuck him.
His own cock is just throbbing hot, it wants attention too, you tease. So you smother your hand with lube too, jacking him off as you fuck him. At this point, Guzma's changing his mind about the ordeal, not that he'd admit to you right now though. But to be fair, there's not a lot of thoughts going on right now when all he can think about is cumming.
When he cums, you don't relent, you drag him by the hips to the edge of the bed, fucking him hard. He finally moans, submitting his body to you until you finish too, pulling your dick out right before it shoots cum all over him.
With Guzma dicked down so nicely, you clean both of your bodies with a clean warm rag. He figures it's after care sex when you offer him a water bottle.
With the two of you laying down next to each other, you tease him if you're allowed to talk now. With a smirk, he says maybe, if there's something good to eat. Because he ain't gonna move outta this bed for the next couple of hours. In a joking tone, you tell his majesty that you'll order a pizza.
Yeah, okay, you were decent. You were alright in his books. But you're gonna get what's coming to ya, with you begging for his dick next time. You ask him if he wanted seconds immediately.
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chillinrpmemes · 1 year
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What if I want to gush about plots that I have in mind but never have the guts or the opportunity to approach them?
If you slip in a little 📃 I will discuss one scenario that had been living in my head rent free
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laidback-thrills · 7 months
The Alpha Male™ urge to have silly little ocs and to make ur silly little ocs kiss other people's silly little ocs...😔
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nytehavyn-circle · 21 days
You know what I don't understand, but actually pisses me off when it happens?
When you start a thread with a new RP partner, and you think everything is going okay, and suddenly they softblock or block you completely, without explanation.
This has happened to me too many times to count.
And yes, I know - nobody owes anybody anything. But, Jesus Christ, Is it really that hard to communicate?
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x-pink-haired-devil-x · 8 months
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weavewilled · 9 months
ya'll, my first rp fandom was the lion king in the wild west internet of like 1999, you wanna talk about cringe
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spiderwarden · 13 days
Astarion rpers save me, fandom and larian treatment is making me hate your boy outside of rp.
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vibinsane · 3 months
i like feeding peoples' delusions, it makes me feel something yk
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wariodemambo · 2 months
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It's my birthday! Which means all my friends have been trying their hardest to be funnier than me. This might take the cake.
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ionozoned · 23 days
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( litle album cover i made for my iono playlist........... work goes faster when i listen to music so im workin on her playlist. im still addin stuff but i like it so far + rly like the lil cover i did rq )
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perdicinae-observer · 1 month
I can't believe pride month killed you, sir.
I'm...very conflicted about whether I should be offended at your mockery of my death or ask if you modern people have a month dedicated to celebrating consumption.
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